Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 16, 1869, Image 1

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NEW ERA. BARD. ATLANTA, GE011GU, THURSDAY VfpHNINU, SEPTEMBER 16, 1869. VOL, Y.—NO. 1273. [omoiAU) 0 STATES LAWS, Ur lint or I he Forty* te tint On»ru». [Pmuc^Mo. i»| roortations for th* current and _ or tli* Indian department. and - treaty atipulatfoua with various Indian -Jjer ending Jaw*- thirtaawti.. eighteen CHEYKMNKH AND NORTHERN AUA- 1'AIlOKH. eighteen Uttt (!■• <1 aud alxtydlglu. for “un Juum thtiU. construction of wbnol tiy May bulb. Gghtii “re thousand dollar#. K telmeute, t«W »xp*u«l<d 1>y th«- •rrtor, ,teu dollai # fur oat h Indian rad and aixty auuls,i iu the pur- _ aa from tiaxs to time th# com Ur* <4 th* Indiana may Indfoato to article treaty May teutli, eighteen -oilfbt. for tha ftecti year ending i huudred and MVtuity, dollars intent* to fUroUh Mid Indians , r sixth artiria treaty May tenth, t slaty nigfcl, tin- Ilia IlMtl year . eighteen liandrad and advent iva hundred and aavewty-utz d- aud fifty-fear. and third artiele tree* May aiyiliiU? eighteen hundred and aUty-fowr, thraa hundred and thirty-three dollara and thirty-three oeufe i For nnoeDlh o< twenty iuataJmaate of aowuHy lit money, per tkted artiele treaty Iwatoy aoooud Fab »a- ry.aUhtoon hundred aud Inf-Da iwoiy Uonaand sevou, niu) (IivMiMUid dollars. For around of ten InaUlutente foe Uw aujiport nf school or schools upon raid roaervatlou, iuaoeerd*u< • ... . ... * March urn* toutiUi, eighteen xmd of tou tiutaliuoute to bo oxpeudod iu l>roiuwU»K U»a ;»rogro«a of ib« |>«opia iu agriculture sud aaataunir tiirm to Udroiuo **1f-*iistaliifng. iu accor dance with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, •-tgntcm Unndrrd and atx«y*tev«.n, atx thousand del. danl, par fifth article treaty February fourteenth, eigh twenty. tfiSSu'dS£2: "*** For ednoatfoii,'during the pleasure of UiePraaldeaW ner fifth arUete topi» February fourteenth. eighteen hundred and Uilrty-tfiree. aud fifth artlole traaty Au- guatseventh, right** hundred and flfty-aJ*. one thou* For five per oeutnaa lntereat on two hundred thoua- aml doUara for purpose* of ed ovation. per tixth article ftes«£MieventbJuigu*t, eighteen hundred sud fifty ■lx. UauepnrtaUoti of suoh artistes aa may be pur* 1 far ana Creak nation, under treaty of June until, tighten hundred and Maty-nix, two thou- ►nu-i dollara. For interest ou seven hundred and aaeenty-flre iouaand one hundred and sixty-rig tit dollara, at the rale of fire per centum, to be expended under the dl- For xecond of ten Instalments for Uie support of physician, lu aoconlanro with third article treaty <»f March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and slxty-aov- on, one thoiiHaud in o lmudred dollara. For sucond of fen Instalments for the imr. Has* of uoceaaary modu-liaw, Iu accordance wltli inlrd article of treaty March iitnetoebth, elfhtaan hundred and alxty-aeveu, three hundred dollar*. For luaurauen, tr^najHirtation. and uecraaary coat of delivery of annultiea aud provlaloua for Chippewaa •even, fire thonaand dollara. CUIPFBWAS, WI.r.AORIt. AXD LARK WIMN1H\- huudred aud atxty-ilx dollara and alxty-six cent*. For tltteeuth of thirty inatahueuta of annuity lu Rooda, per third at tide treaty twenty-accond Februa ry. eighteen hundred and fifty-live, eight tbouaand wenty dollara, per aeTenth article ateen hundred and alxty-elgkt, -ing Jane thirtieth, eighteen bun- five tbouaand elf lit hundred and hundred aud seventy, four AND tiDACKAMAd IN- 'ETTE VALLEY, enta of the third aerlea of an- , per second article treaty , eighteen lmudred and filty- undred dollara. AND ABAPABOLB. f instahnenta provided to lie ‘a of the treaty of Octo- For fifteenth of twenty Inatalmentafor purpoaea of l hundred dollara. PEWA INDIANS IN MlNNEStiTA. two huudred grubbing hoes, ten ploughs, May WVOUth, elgliteeu hundred and alxty-foui. thousand five huudred dollars. For employiucut off two carpenters, one thousai Lodge Creek, in Kauaaa, twenty thousand four hundred dollars; thousand two hundred dollars, and medicine lor the sick, five hundred dollars, per fifth article treaty May ‘‘thing, per tenth article of the •eighth, eighteen Lundred and usand five hundred dollars, of five buildings for carpenter, seventh, eighteen huudred aud sixty-four, seven thou sand sevun hundred dollars. - . - —. For tlda amount to be applied toward the support of an? engineer, two thonaand a saw-mill to be built for the common use of tho Chip ~ ‘ pewas of Miaalssippl, and the lted X.ako and Poinbina bsuMla of Chlppeaas, so long as the President may deem it necessary, per sixth article treaty May sev enth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, one thonaand doUara. 2 circular saw-mill, with s attached, per fourth ar- ty-eighth, eighteen hundred ou hundred aud fifty eight dollara aud forty eantfi. For this amount required to pay the espouses of taking a censua and investigating the claims of loyal refugee Indiana sad frardineo. per fourth article trea ty June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and slxty-aix fifteen hundred dollara. CEOWH. For first of thirty luatalmeuta to aujiply male per sons over fourteen years of age with a suit of good •ubatautlal woolen clothiug, consisting of coat, hat, panUioous, Manuel ahlrU, and woolen socks, per ninth roaty Mag seventh, eighteen huudred and six , for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, sigh goods . hone, twelve yards of calico, aud twelve yards cotton doun atlc, per ninth article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, for the fiacal year endiug June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, five thousand doUara. For first of thirty instalments to iu]>plg the hoys aud girM under the agea named auch ftauuai and out- tou g< ods aa may be needed to make each a suit aa aforea Id, together with a pair of woolen hose for each per ninth article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hun and five hundred dollars. of leu dollars for each Indian roaming, (one thousand nine huudred and fifty-three souls), per ninth article treaty of May savanlh, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, for tho fiscal year anding June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seveuty, nineteen thousand hundred and thirty dollars. For the construction ol a school house or mission building, per third article treaty of May seventh, cigh- Am hundred and sixty-eight, two thousand fire liun- , eighteen hundred and sixty- days' servico, at five di three lmudred miles travel, at t< n cents i e - — , huudred and eighty dollara. eighteen hundred aud sixty- For pay of female teachers employed on “ ' us to instruct Indian girls in douicetii o thousand dollars. CniPPllWAB OH RED LAKE ANI) PEMBINA TltlBK OF CHIPl’EWAB. For tlila aiiioiintas annuity to be paid per espita to te Red I^ike hand of Chippewaa during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty second Octo- Instalment, lo bo exponded iu • of said tribe who, iay grow tha moat valuable year, per fourteenth article hth, eighteen hundre«l aud dollars. goods, and ao forth, to “ j thousand four h . AND UMPQUA INDIANS, instalmunts of annuity, to tha President. i*ar third arti- j^iber, nglitceo hundrt a for the pay of a farm- elghteentli November, cigh- sn hundred aud fifty hundred aud sixty-four, 1 Khecling, Itaunelr, provi*eons, farming 1 per third article Hiipploi <>i\ for their best i roaty of twelftli April, ber, sighb-i-n hundred and two hundred dollara. NAW. SWAN CREEK. AND CK RIVER. placed to credit of education- of Saginaw. Swan creek, and article treaty eighteenth Onto- md sixty-four, twenty tlions- LAKE HUPEKIOR. instalments In coin, per eth September, elghteon eighteen huudred and sixty-four, eight tlmi \ the nixtli of fifteen Instalments for same ohjecta for Pembina band of Chippcwas, per same treaty, four thousand dollara. For sixth of flftecu instalments for pay ol one black- mitb. one physician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, one miller, and one fanner, per fourth articlo >1 same treaty, three thousand five hundred dollara. For sixth <>f filUM'ii instalm- nlH for the purchase of ron and steel and other articles for hlacksmllhing purpoaea, per same treaty aa above, one thonaand C hundred dollars. Zdxlh of fifli-e-n instalmei carpantaring aud other imrpoa ad dollar*. For aixth of fifteen Instalments, to defray expenses if aboard of visitors, to’'consist of not more than three persona, to attend the aunuity payments pf the lu ff) HICK AS AW8. permanent annuity In goods, per act twenty- '•bruary, Hovuuteou htmdrnd and ninety-nlue, » fiscal vear ending June thirtieth, eighteen bun- md sixty-nine, and bit the fiscal year ending thirtletli, eighteen liUiulrod and seventy, six Instalments fot “*'“ntera‘ and ourth article treaty thir- hundred and flfty-fo'ir, instalmentM tor moral i : hundred dollara of which band yearly, to ena- I at their village, tier eth September, eighteen houaaod dollars, ximunta for alx smith* and filth art!cl«a treaty thlr- i for tlie support and fifth articles hundred and twenty dol- g j x th article treaty eighteenth October, (ighteen hundred and twenty, niuth article treaty January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred aud filty-five, six hundred dollars. For periuaucnt anutiity for education, per second article treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and Uhrt-enth article treaty twenty- second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six thou- and uuginoer, per tenth article treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand Mm hundred dollara. For construction of a wsruliouae or etore-roon of tbs agent in storing goods belonging to tl five hundred dollars. For the construction of an agency building, per same article of same treaty, two thousand dollars. For the building ot a residence for a physician to farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engiueer, hundred dollars each, per same article of .seven thousand five huudred dollars. DELAWARES. life annuity to chlof, per private article to sup night. 2nd filth atUcle treaty of May aixth. cightaeo 1 “ Mumsand three hundred D'WAMLSli AND OTHER ALLIED TRIBES IN WASH- eighteen hundred and fifty five, seven thousand iiv,- hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the establish- t aud support ol ou agricultural and industrial school, and to provide said school with ■tractor or instructors, per fourteenth Uty-aoeoiul January, eighteen lmudred and filly- suitable i fi le treai y fiva, three tlmusaud dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments f<«r the establish- no nt and support of a aiuitb and carpenter shop, and ric, ec.iud January, eighteen liun- ree thoasand six hundred dol- FLATHEADS AND OTHER OONFEDKHATED TRIBES- F« r the first ot five luatalmenU on one huudred and wi-uiy t lion huh <1 dollara, being the third series, for M-nefietal olijerts, at the diw-retion of tlie President, .ier fourth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hun dred and finy-Qve, four thonaand dollara. ith of twenty instalments for the support of Ido treaty sixteenth tecntii July, eiglitoen hundred aud fifty-five, one thou sand sight hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for keeping In re pair blacksmiths’, tin and gunsmiths', carpenters', and wagon and plough-maker*' shops, aud providing ueeesaary tools therefor, tier fifth article] treaty six teenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five huu- i farmers, two miller*, one blacksmith, nuer, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon ul plough-maker, per filth article treaty sixteenth of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and physidin. who shall furuiih —<M<— for Ihs sick, pm *\o w-uth artlola treaty thirty-first January, slgklevu hundred and fifty-five, throe thonaand six lmudred dollair MKNOMONKEH. For fotirtecnUi of flftecn Instalments (ur pay uf ler, imr third article treaty twelfth May, eighteen I aSlid fitu-fi.ui, six hundred dollars. For fourth of fifteen luatalmenU of annuity upon two Lnndrt4and forty-two thousand alx hundred and eighty-six dellars, for cession of lands, per foortii ar ticle treaty May twelfth, eighteen handrail ami «ty- four, and Heuate amendment thereto, sixUi u thous and dun huudred and soveuty-niue dollara aud six cants. MIAMUWOF JLANMAH. ty aixth October, eighteen huudred aud eighteen, sod lourtli ai Ucle treaty Jane fifth, eighteen hundred and MAy lour, nine hundred sad forty dollara. For pot uiauent provision for miller, iu lieu of nuu- smitb, per fifth article treaty sixth ()ctober, eighteen btiudrs*! and eighteen, fifth articlo treaty twenty third October, elghteon hundred aud tbirty-funr, aud fourth article treaty fifth Juuc, eighteen hundred and fifty- four, alt hundred dollars. For tuterest on fifty thousand dollars, at five per centum, for eJncatloual purposes, per tliird arth-le treaty fifth June, elgbU-eu huudred and llftyr ‘ thom “ kmi fourth boptumbor, eighteen hundred aud AAjmwvau, thirty thonaand dollars. For support of two manual labor schools, during the Dissave of the President, per third article treaty r twenty-fbarth, eighteen hundred and filty- ... Moil—. For pay of two blacksmiths, one ol whom shall be a gunsmith and tinsmith, per same trusty, twelve hiui- drwd dollars. For pay of two strikers or appr*nti«'4<s in black- aunth'e shop, per sums treaty, four huudred aud eigh ty dollars. For tho purchase of forming utensils and slock, dur- iug the pleasure of tho Praadont. jic-r same treaty, dollars. pay of miller, at thodlicretlon c treaty, alx hundred dollara. fllie tut. i upon two hundred per third artlc aud flftv-four. hundred dollars. MIAMlENOr INDIANA, on two hundred and twenty-one Hums * eighty ndmeut to fourth article treaty fifth June, eights en lmudred and fifty-four, eleven thonaand aud iixt) -two doUara and eighty-nine cents. M1AMIKH- EEL RIVER. For iiernianotit annuity in goods fourth article treaty third August, i :en hundred Hi^H^^I^P^^^HaQMrwisr, per artlidci treaty twent> -first August, eight.. n hundred aud five, two huudksd aud fifty dollars. For ]»ermaneiit annuity lu goods or otherwise, per tliird and separate article to treaty thirtletli fN-pti-nilter, ilghteou hundred and uluo, three hundred and fifty MOLEL INDIANS. For last of ten instalments for keeping In repair saw and flouring mills, and for the pay ot necessary employees, the benefits of which to bo shared alike by all the confederated ba\d«. per second artido treaty uty-flrat Deoeinbcr, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, one thousand five hundred dollars. For lust ol tan instalments for pay of a carpenter and joiner to aid in erecting buildings and making furniture for said Indiana, aud to furnish to -ls iu ta •aid service, per seooud article treaty twenty-first Do mber, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, mie thousand dollar*. linquiibment of title to laud*, to bo applied to ben- »Octal objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thou treaty tweuty-sixth December, eighteen huudred and fifty four, five thousand doUara. For fifteenth of twenty instalments for the support ofeu agricultural and industrial school, and support of ami tli and cari>ontur shop, and providing the neces sary tools there!) r, m conformity with tenth article of eaty December twenty-sixth, eighteen huudred aud rty-four, fifteen hundred dollara. NAVAJOES. For such articles of clothing, or raw materiaia In Ueu thereof, for eight thousand Navajoo Indians, exceeding five dollars each Indian, in conformity with For seeds, farming Implements, work catUe, other stock for fourteen hundred families, in conform ity with seventh article of above-nam< d treaty, cue Lundred aud forty thousand doUara. For survey of the Nsvsjoo Indian reservation, hi onformity with fifth article treaty of June first eigh teen hundred and sixty-eight tbirty-Bix thousand two hundred and twenty dollara. For insurance and transportation- or the fiscal yaar ndlng June thirtieth, eighteen hundred, and seventy, deficiency expended in subsisting tho Navsjocs Bosque Redondo, according to the contract made by Theodore II. Dodd, from tho twenty-second of May, eightesu huudred and sixty-ulpht, until their removal their old homes, one thousand ouo hundred aud fifty-five dollara and ninety cents. K1S81T0N AND WAUFETON. y of reservation for the Sissitou aud War- ' “ ‘ H Indians, a* per thinl, - ‘ witli said Indi- adrrvland Bitty- fourth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen In dred stul fifty-five, eight thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty lns'alment* for the support of ro schools, one of which schools to be an agricultural id industrial school, keeping in repair school build ing*. aud for providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eigh teen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth ol twenty Instalment* for the employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dnl- For pay uf aa cugiuocr, at the discretion of tho President, p. r same treaty, twelve hundred dollar*- pay of apprentices to assist iu working Uie mill, me treaty, five hundred d«Uai*. keeping in rr|wdr the grist ami aaw mills, per same In sty. three hundred dollars. PONCAR- For tho sixth often instalment* of the second series, )o be paid to them or expended for their benefit,” . <r second article treaty twelfth March, eighteen hun dred and filty eight, ten thousand dollars. F<*r this amount, to bo nxpeudsd during the pleasure of tlie Presidi'tit in furnishing ailch aid and aaslatanoe In agricultural and mechanical pursuits provided for in tho first part of the second si tide of treaty of March twelfth, eighteen huudred aud fifty-eight, as the ttei-retary of the Interior may consider advantagC- soary, seven thousand five lii^drod dol- Pr sold ant, per fourth article treaty twcutlath July, lent. POTTO WATA MIES. alnini keeping i 'leventh Jane, eighteen hundred and Afty-fi five hundred dollars. cuth of t'vsnty instalment* for tho employment inpertnUndent of forming, aud two fanners, lb rs, two blacksniiths, one tinner, one gun- uith, one car|ieni and plongh-ma- ^arneiM treaty eleventh June, eighteen il fifiy-five, aight thousand five hundred on. and necessary c visions for Chippewaa of d seven hundred and six th and shop, during the per twelfth articlo treaty ~n hundred and fifty-four, 1 seventh, eighteen bun- ndred dollara. formers, during the pleasure article treaty September and flity-four, aud tliird , eighteen hundred aud six hundred dollars. DOF CUIPPEWAS. •nta, for the support of t, and for tools. Iron aud nd »nd Jane, eighteen lmudred and fifty-five, three'hun dred and twenty dollars. For Interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred aud fifty-seven dollara and ninety-two cent*, at five per centum per annum, tor odncatlon, support of the government, and other beneficial jmr- the duty of the Secretary of tho Interior to sell a anffi- i thousand five hun- s for the support of necessary hooka and sta- - treaty of April seventh, . ty-flx, eight hundred dol “•nta for the instruction and purchase of seeds, rd article treaty of April and alxty-six. eight hun- I and sixty-six, thrr dred and sixty six, hundred add ►txty-six, TBS MltiUfitfirPI. the amount of the awards heretofore approved by him In favor of Joseph O. lfoald and Reuben Wright un der the provisions of tlio fiftieth article of tha treaty concluded with the Choctaw and Chickasaw In.bans ou the twenty-eighth day of April, eighteen hundred and slxty-aix. CONFEDERATED TRIBES AND BANDS OF IN DIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. For last of five instalment*, second aeries, for bene ficial olijecta, at tho discretion of the President, per second article treaty twenty-fifth Jnue, ulghtuon hun dred and fifty-five, nix thousand dollara. For truth of fifteen Instalments for pay »nd subsis tence of one former, one blacksmith, aud one wagon and plough maker, nor fourth article treaty twenty- fltth June, eighteen lmudred ami fifty-five, tlirco thou sand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for pay and subsis tence of one physician, one sawyer, ouo ulllur, one upcrinlcndent ol farming operations, and one school each or, per fourth artlola treaty twenty-fifth June, ighteen lmudred and fifty-five, five thousand alx hun dred dollars. r tenth of twenty Instalments for salary of tho head chief of *aid confederated bands, per fourth arti ■eoty twenty- r, five build , and eighth article treaty t hundred and fifty-four, May, eighteen hnn- 1 OOtt baud red and dollar*. hundred dollar*. For permanent snnnlty In money, per fonrth arti- lo treaty seventh August, seventeen hundred and ninety, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eigh teen I in ixd rad end ifly-slx, ear thousand five hundred •4 the second series for teta, psr fourth article teen hundred aud forty- treaty thlnlcth September, fifty-four, and third article hnndreil and rlxty fm Sindatghtk article treaty : hundred aud fifty-four, — Mhy, etghtean hun- thousand five hundred dol- second series for fourth article treaty and forty-two, and eighth sixty-four, alx hundred hod ~ >n cents. i of Second series, for Md tebaeeo. per fourth er . atehlarn hundred and for- Wsnly thirtieth September. , and third artiste of hundrudand si tty-four, dollara and sixty-seven ^►nta of the second series for gayiMtojUugthapgyof and furnishing iron and SwStiS. h May. sigh tees hun- For imrm.n-nt mDuUy in tuouoy, )mr woond »rll Jnn*. elK>ite-n hundred w,d two, .nd fifth .rticln treaty .cv«nth Augu.t, .lulitoou liiiu •>*od .nd flftywfx. thr*. thonmid dottan, ror p.nnwn.1 «multy in an noy, nor fourth arthdr trooly tw-nty-fourth Junrtry, rtfihtoin hundrod md twmty.rti, uid fifth arurto troaty .ornilh Attpirt, jUjddMii hundred u,d fifty .1,, twmty thootrt - " ’ . F .° r «w Nmtuirtth md Nil. taut, uhd for rtiopand tort, par alohth .rtlolo troaty twuty-fourth Jmtwy, -t«hI. .1, bnndfrtl mdtw.nty .It, .Iidfifthurma. trtrtty «,„„th Aouu.t, rtffhlom huudrod find Aflywit, olfiM hnudrM and forty dol Kor ju-ruMuout muulty for Iron urd rtool for .hop, Kts&ittfsajaniariv •sanss •evsnlh August, eighteen huudr.xl and fiftrTii hufidMd sm aovegty doUara. iKy for the pay of a wheelwright, Mf eighth article trusty twenty-lourth January, stgh- tean huudratl aud twMuty-aix.and fifth artlola treaty Mvwtt^An^wK. alghtesu huudrod aud fifty-six, Ms — r kfaleteut and for ahop aud tools, during the pleasure ol the FaaaUaufi yr fifth artiste treaty fourteenth Fabruarv, eighteen hundred ami thlrty-tiirae. sod fifth artlola treaty seventh August, sMfteBn^nndrati and fifty-six, eight hundrodaud for- 1^.5^33.13? Sjsjxvt rumy. -fdhlm. hondrrtl md IMrtydkM. ftftk >r !** *?“.'* ln «***' •'fifit—o hwmrm md «I ty dz.thr*. hfiudrrd md MTiwty dulkm. i<», dwrtn, Ui. ptouum of tb. Pram. July, oinhu-on huudrod and, a pair saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the pair the hospital and providing the necessary medi cines ami furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty ilxtcenth July, vighteeu huudrod and fifty-five, three bundled dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for pay of a phyaL lan, per fifth artiele treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundrod and fifty-five, ouo thousand four huudred ’ollara. For tenth of tweuty Instalments for keeping in re pair tho buildings required for tho various employee* Oil furnishing uccessary-furulturc therefor, pat fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, Ui ree hundred dollars. For teutli of twenty instalments for the pay of each of the lioad chiefs of tlie Flathead, Kootenay, and Up per l’end d’Oreilloa triboa, per fifth article treaty six teenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, fifteen - intercut in lieu of Investment on fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, balance of one hundred ami fifty-seven thousand five huudred dollars, to the thousand dollars. KIOKAFOOS. ilxtcutilh Instalment of interest, at flvo per cen- n one hundred thousand doUara for educational and other beneficial purposes, as per second article —■ JJ ’ Mfigj— 'mired and fifty-four, cuth of twenty instalment* for keeping in repair the hospital, and providing tho necessary medicines and furniture therefor, per tilth article treaty eleventh Juuc, elghteon hundred and fifty-five, three hundred For tenth of twenty instalments for i»ay of a physi cian, p«r fifth artie'e treaty eleventh June, oightceu hundred and fifty-five, one thousand two huudred dol lars. ► For tenth of twenty Instalments for keeping in re pair ths buildings for the various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture Uierelor, per fifth ar- ticla treaty eleventh June, eightet u hundred and fiity- ive, two hundred dollara. For tenth of tweuty Instalments fur the salary »of auch person aa the tribe may select to be their head chief, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eigbU'iu hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For last of four instalments to enable the Indian* te remove and locate upon tlie reservation, to be expend ed in ploughing laud and feucing lots, aa per tir»t clause fourth article treaty June ninth, eighteen hun dred andaixty-thrre, fifteen thousand doUara. For fourth of the sixteen instalments for boarding aud clothing tbe children who shall attend the schools, providing the schools ami boarding-houses with neces sary fhmiture, tho purchase of necessary wagons, team*, agricultural implements, tools, aud ao forth, and for Isiirtug of such lands a* may b« needed for gardening and farming purposes for tho schools, aa per fourth clause fourth article treaty of Jnne nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-throe, three thousand dol lara. For salary of two subordinate chief*, aa por fifth ar ticle frosty of June nine, eighteen huudred and sixty- three, five hundred dollars each. For third of fifteen instalments to keep tho black smiths’ ahopa In repair and stocked with the necessary tools and materials, per filth article treaty Jane ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, five hundred dol- four, eight thousand dollars. i*w J pair oua *aw-ntill, one flouring mill, Imlldlngii for the hteekoifllth. carpenter, and wagon and plough-maker, ths manual labor school, and hospital, aa per fourth ertlote treaty of Oosober fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For fourth of twenty Instalments for the purchase of tonka Md materials for aaw and flour mills, carpen ter. hlacksutltb, wagon and plough-makers’ shop*, and hooka and stationery tor the manual labor •rhooteaa per fourth article treaty of O trontii, eighteen hundred and *1xty-fonr, ^orTJfiMh^Tflfteen instalments for pay and sub sistence of on* superintendent of forming, one former, one blacksmith, ops sawyer, one oarpeuur, and ope wagon an«l plough-maker, aa per fifth artido traaty of OcWber fourteenth, eighteen hundred and aixty-four, six thousand dollars. Fur fourth >4 twenty inatalmanU to pay salary subsistence of on# physician, ono miller, and EH school teacher*, a* par RfH» article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thousand six bund rad doUara- MAKAR TRIBE. For last of four lnktalments ot thlrte thousand dol lars, (being the fourth aeries!, under direction, of the President, aa per fifth article of frenhr of JWnary thirty-firat, eighteen hundred *ad fifty-five, ontthoua and five hundred dollara. Tnt Mnth of twenty hntalnteute for aupport of a ^Btssssrffs^xsSSSS first January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, fire nun- thousand dollars. For salary teiarding *^nools, t matrons to take charge o| o assistant teacher*, one far miller#, ^s per fifth article ■even thousand alx hundred doUara. fourth article treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four, twenty thousand doUara. fourth of ten instalment* for keeping iu roptir For |>crmau*nt annuity lu ailver, per fourth article treaty third August, seventeen hundred aud niuoty five, seven hundrod and twenty-four dollars aud euty-seven route. For permanent annuity In silver, pi r third article treaty thirtieth H«>tember, eighteen hundred aud nine, three hundred aud sixty-two dollar* an.I tbirty- ninaoenta. For j>ermaiK-nt annuity iu ailver, |«er Utiid article treaty second October, eighteen hundred aud eigh- ‘ ' e thousand eight hundred and eleven dollars oucy. jx-r second arti- nine dollars and fifty-four cents. For perniim-ut annuity In apfletaL p<*r MMd articlo treaty tweuty niuth July, eighteen hundred aud twen ty-nine, eleven thousand five hundred aud ulnety-i' dollara and thirty-tiiree cents. For life amuRy to chief, per third articlo treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundrod and thirty-' two hundred dollars. For life senility to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth iteptembar, eighteen huudred aud thirty Ion, duriag tha pleasure of Congress, pe: hundred and ihlrty-two, five thousand dollars. For permanent provision for the payment of money i lion of tolncoo, iron, and steel, per second article -eaty twentieth September, eighteen huudred aud twenty-eight, and tenth article of tlio treaty of the fifth aud seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two hundred aud soveuUau dollara and for ty-three cents. For permanent provision for threo blacksmith* sod aaaikUnt*, aiu! for iron and steel for shops, per third arti* lo treaty sixteenth October, < Ightecu hundred and twenty-eight second articlo treaty twentieth Heptciuber, eighteen numired aud twenty-eight, and second arti cle treaty twooty-nlnth July, eighteen hundred aud twcuty-ninu, two tbouaand forty-two dollara and nine ty-four cents. teen hundred and twenty-nine, throe hundred and * eutec-u dollars snd nine cents. For InbrcHtou four huudml aud sixty-six thous and and twenty seven dollars aud forty -eight cents, at five per ceutuu. In conformity with seventh article treaty of June fifth end seventeenth, eighteen hun dred nud forty-six, twenfr-three thousand three huu dred and one dollars andthirty-eeven cent*. To eusblo ths Pre»i lent to carry oat tlie provisions of the third article of the treaty ol November fifteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, with tho Pottowato- n\ie Indian*, a* modified by the treaty of March tw«u- ilno, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, by j laying to icmbe Uie I the cash value of the Pottowatomio itu * to which they may Ini entitled, the autu of two ndred mul thirty-throe thousand ono huudred aud ty-three dollars and eighty rent*, to currency, and •sum of one hundred and twenty-three thoinumd hundred and ninety-nine dollar* and *evp«ty-tbree it*, in gold, to be paid out uf tbs funds itelouging said tr ilio of Indians, or so much of said sum as ty be ne cessary to pay the members of said tribe who have actually withdrawn from tlietr tribel rola- ia, and under said treaties beve become citisens of United lie, anti the same are hereby, appro- ited: Provided, That no part of said money duo or ingiiif' to minor children shall l>o paid to them, or ny jkmiioii for them, until such children shall have ined the age of twenty one years: - And providml •sty ofa eon tii November, " r ;yT"’’lollan». tilth hundred QUAPAW8. i, during the plosanre of the President, treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hun- Utree. ono thonaand dollars. liaiant, and tools, and iron tele of saint- treaty, three thous and dollars. UMPqUAH AND CALAPOOIA8, OF UMPQUA VAL LEY, OREGON. For last of live instalments of the thinl aeries of an nuity for beneficial objects, to be expend.-d as directed ' y the President, per third article trusty twenty-ninth ovember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thou- uul seven hundred dollara. For last of fifteen Instalment# lor the pay of a physi- an and purchase of medicines, per sixth article trea ty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hnndr«daud fif ty-four. one thonaand five hundred dollars. For tbe fifteenth of tweuty instalmcnta for tho i>ay a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per xtli article treaty twenty ninth November, eighteen huudred aud fifty-four, ono thonaand four hundred and fifty dollara. UMPQUA?, (COW CREEK BAND.) sixteenth of twenty instalments in blanket*, clothing, provisions, and stock, per third nrticle treaty ■eteouth Ihptenibsr, eighteen hundred and fifty- three, five hundred and filly dollar*. WALLA-WALLA, CAYl’SK, AND UMATILLA TR1UEM. For last ol live instalments of seeond aerie*, to he ipended under the direction of tho President, per 'oond artiele treaty ninth June, eighteen huiuired ad fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments fur tbe purchase of all necoMiary mill lixturce and mechanical tools, mod- ine* sml hospital stores, books and atatiouery for ■hoola. and furniture for the employee.*, per fourth rticle treaty nintii June, eighteen hundred sml fifty- so, two thousand dollar*. For teutli of twenty instaln)enta for tlio pay and subsistence of ono superintendent of forming opera- , one fanner, two millers, one "blacksmith, one n and plough-maker, ono carpenter and joiner, . hyafeian, and two teachers, per fourth article treaty ninth Jutte, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thotiRaiiil four huudred and fifty dollars. tenth of twenty instalments for the pay t>! each of Uie head chiefs of the Walla-Walla, Cayttse, and Uiiulilla baud*, the sum of fivo hundred dollars per aanitm, i>er fifth ariids treaty ninth Juuo, eighteen huudred and fifty-five, fifteen hundred dollar*. th of tweuty instalment* for salary for tho sou of Pio-plo-mox-ntox, per fifth artiele tr«<aty ninth id steel for shop during tho pleasure of ,the Presl- mt, i*er tliird article treaty thirteenth of May, eigh- en hundred and thirty-three, one thousand and six ty dollars. For farmer, during tlie ploasnro of the President per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hun- dred and thirty-throe, six hundrod dollars. QUI-NA1-ELT AND QUIL-LEH-UTE INDIANS, or last of four lnstalniMUte on tweuty-flvo thousand dollars (being the fourth series) for bcuoflclal objects, under the direction of the President, per fourth arti cle treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, agricultural and industrial school, and pay of suita ble instructors, per tenth articlo treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five carpenter shop, and to provide tho necessary tools therefoi. per tenth article treaty first July, eighteen huudred snd filty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of tweuty Instalments for tho employ- out of a blacksmith, carpenter, aud formor, aud a lyslcian, who shall furnish modiclne.a for the sick, . -r tenth article treaty first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand alx hundrod dollars. ROGUE RIVERS. last of sixteen instalments In blanket*, clothing, farming utensil*, and stock, per third article treaty tenth Kcptembt-r, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, ‘ ro thousand five hundred dollars. SACS AND FOXES OF MIHSI88I1TI. For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per third article treaty third November, eighteen hundred and tour, one thousand dollars. ) huudred thousand dollars, at second article treaty twciily-flrst October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, ten thou Baud dollars. For interest on eight hundred thousand dollara, at re i»er centum, per second article treaty eluvuuth Oc her, eighteen hundred aud forty-two, forty thons- id doUara. 8AC8 AND FOXES OF M880UR!. For interest on ono hundrod and fifty-seven thous and four hundred dollars, at fire per centum, under tho direction of the President, par second articlo tree ty twvnty-first October, eighteen hundred sud thirty- acveu, seven thousand eight huudred and seventy dol lar*. 8EMIN0I.EA. ad aupport ot blacksiniili i doUara. For pay of one engineer, twelve hundred dollars. For fourth of ten Instalments for pay of one milter, per some treaties, seven hundred snd fifty dollara. 08 AGES. For Interest on ^aixty-nlne thousand ona hundred aud twenty doUara, at flvo per centum per annum, be ing value of fifty-four aectlona of land ast apart bv •aid treaty for educational purposes, three thousand four hundred and Afty-aU dollars. For Irterea* on three hundred thonaand dcllara at five par oentum per annum, to be paid aemi-annuaMy, fifty article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-*ix, twelve thoiiaaud flvo hundred dollars. interest on two huudred and fifty thousaud dnl- t five per centum, to be paid as annuity, (they having joined their brethren weat), per eighth article treaty acvenlli August, eighteen hundred and fitty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollara. For interest on fifty thonaand dcllara. at thu rate of five per centum per annum, “to 1>« paid annually for of live per centum per annum, “to be paid annually," for Uie aupport of tim Heralnole government, os per third article treaty of March tweuty-flrat, elgbteeu hundred and sixty-aix, one thonoaud dnlteri For this amount, being the lntereat ou fiftv thous and dollars from August sixteenth, eighteen hundred 1 sixty-six, Uie date of the ratification of tho treaty do with the eeuiluotea, March twenty-oun, eighteen hundred aud aixty -alx, to November twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, the date when tlih payment of said miii commenced, two yeses, two months, and twenty-six days, aa per third article of treaty rf March twetty-ore, eighteen hundred and sixty-aix, five thou ■and five hundred and ninely-aeven dollars and twen ty-one cent*. SENECAS. In money or auch articles as th* Heoretary of the In lertor may direct, aa per first article treaty of fteptem- ber twenty nine, eighteen hundred and ality-flve, fif teen thousand dollara. For transportation of goods, provisions, and ao forth, purchased for the Great and Little Osage Indi ana, or so much thereof aa may be necessary, three thousand five hundred dollara. OTTOWAfi AND CBIPPXWAS OF MICUIGAN. For aaoond of four equal annual Instalment* In coin of the sum of two hundred and mix thousand dollara, being tbs unpaid part of the principal aua of throe hundred aud alx thouaaud doUara. lo be distributed par capita, iu tha usual manner of paying annuities, par total article of the treaty of tolrty-Arat July, eigh teen hundred and fifty-five, fifty-one thonaand tin hundrod dollara. For Interest on ona hundred and three thonaand •toll&ra, a* five par aantum, being tha belaaoo of two hundred and six thousand doUara for the Aaoal year ending Jun* thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy, five thousand Me hundred and fifty dollars. OTTOE8 AND KUSOUIUAR. For seeond of fifteen laaUlaaauta. being toe toted aeries, In money ar otherwise, per fourth arti. te traaty fifteenth March, alghtesu hundred aud Ot+jumr. nift* thousand doUara. PAWVRX8. Tea perpetoal hknotty. at least one-hall which to to Ip goods and atach srttelea aa may be dremad »«- oaaaary for them, per aseond article traaty twenty 8HAWNEE8. For permanent annuity fur cdooatioual purpoaea, per fourth article treaty third August, aHVeuto«ii huu dred and ninety-five, and tliird artlola treaty teutli ■gv^ghteto hundred end fifty four, one thouaaud For parmstN id aunuity, in apmdo, for educational purpoaea. par fourth article treaty tweuty-uiuth Hop te miter, eighteen huudrod aud aoveutisn. and third article traaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty four, two thouaaud dollara. For interest, at five per oentum, on forty to dollara, for oilucafioiiil puri»..a»* treaty tenth May. eighteen two thousand dollars. RII08110NKH. d.-r the auch ai either aa hunt treaty October first, eighteen biiudree five thousand dollar*. KMirauN qxmu>. For aixth of twenty insluliiiciits, I on.sand duilara. MOirruwMriKnN iukim. For aixth of tweuty inatelmeute, to be expended. three, live thouaaud dollara. (10*111 P HAKIM. For aixlb of twenty Inatelmeute, to In- expended, under tlie direction of tha President, In the purchase of auch article*, Including cattle for herding or oilier purpose*, aa he shall deem aultablo for toafr wants and condition, either an huntsmen or herdsmen, per seventh article treaty October twelfth, eighWn hun dred and aixty-throe, one thouaaud dollarK. neeaa and Hbawneea, and Qaapawa, and make careful tuvMUgationa of their elalma fur Iomns, per twelfth articlo treaty February twenty-throe, eighteen hun dred aud Mity-rixty-eeven, four thousand dollara. wrauborxtBja. To pay for tho services of three persons, to be ap pointed by tlio Heoretary of tho Interior, to ascertain and report tint amount ol money, if any, doe by the United 8tales to paid Indiana under existing treaties, aud ao forth, per thirteenth article treaty February twenty-three, eight* «u hundred and alxty-aeveu. three thousand dollar*. orxowaa. To I‘»J U»« claim of J. T. Join-*, being for d.-alruc- tlou by fire of hla dwelling and Oihur property by wbltea iu eigbleen hundred aud fifty »lx, per ti cuth articlo treaty February twenly-threa, eighteen hundred aud sixty-seven, mix tbouaand atvou bundled dollara. for said JndhuiH, por act eighteen bundretl and aixl. ... | Jclo treaty February twenty-three, eighteen huudred uid alxty-aeveu, twenty-five thousand dollars. For tbiM amount, to be takeu from the invested fund ■i raid Indiana, nod to M paid to tim tribe, par l*|aia, p- - *- - - - their lie ruary twenty-three, eighteen hundriHl and a thirty thousand dollara. For tbl*amount, belug the balance of Interest, at five per ceutuiu per month, on thirty-nine thouaaud nine hundred and fifty dollars held by the United mate* from July, eighteen huudred and fifty-at vui, till vested in Kansas iNHida lu December, eighteen bundretl and aixty-one, |n.-i twenty -fourth aiticl* treaty February tweuty-tiirra, eigliteiti hundred and xlxty- aeveu, three thouHxnd seven hundred dcllara. For first *f alx inataluieuta for pay of blacki-inlth, and for ueer-Haory iron aud steel aud tools, per twau- agent, ona pliyalrtan, and two teaeliMra f ir the MUafon Indiana of California, twenty-two thouaaud dollara. For this amount, pr so much Uicmof as may l>e esc- aasary to supply th« defleiency in tha appropriaiion for removing the Indians from Smith's River reservation to Moopa Valley and Round Valley reservation* iu C*l lfornla, two thousand flvo hundred dollar*. For defraying the rxi»ea*e of removal and subs) teaice of ludhuia i» (»«-gou not parti a to any treaty. aad for pay of necessary employee*, twrnty Ui<nihxu<i dollar*. For do/raying th- expense of reiuovai and aubais teiu« of Indiana in Washington Territory not parties to any troaty, and for pay of necessary employ era, Uf. teen thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to take charge of certain stray bands of Pottawatomie and ti it i the * i of Wisconsin, five thouaai . dollar*. For salary of a special agent to take c-haigo ot Win in-bogo and ItitUwatorulo liMliana now la the btato of Wloconaiu, one then sand five hundred doUara. For paynnnt of lute-real on one tuUlfoa two buudu «l |e thonaand tiiree hundred dollars, non- li- ld b> the Hei-ratary of the Interior 11• Indian tribes, up lo and including Un- pay lug t payable July first, eight, hundred and i ■t alx per centum ty-aix thotiHaml fight hundred dollar#. Virginia stock, for tin iiieut of which provteion has been made, alxty flx. thousand alx liuudre-l and eighteen dollara and AH) -v. " , # ‘ may be neceaaar) I ora, abalraetod L hundred aud aixty-i J bund*, fur Um- fiscal yet ollara, abNt nu«9 UxlrU. Ih, Mlgbtern liuHdriNt and alaty.n herokeo naifon:d fund, four tooiiHsnd and (igbly < ty-seventh article treaty Feliruary, eigbte« u hundred id aixty-aeveu, liften u huudred dollara. KAO AND FOX INDIANS OF TUP. MISKIKHim. For amount necessary to pay to tbe Hac and Fox In an#, partit a to thU treaty, at the rate of ono dollar hundred and forty-i and five huudred dollai a. K’KLALLAMS. For last of four instalment* on *lxty-Uiou. lira, (being fourth series), under the dlreclic dollara. For tenth of twenty instalment* for the support of an agricultural and iuduatrial school, and for puy for suitable teachers, per eleventh article treaty tweuty- aixth October, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thouaaud five hundred dollara. tenth of twenty Instalment a for tli of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, aud a physician, who shall famish medicines for the sick, per sloven th artlrie treaty twenty-sixth October, eighteen hundred and filty-fivu, three thousand five hundred dollar*. TABEGUACUE BAND OF UTAH INDIANS. For sixth of ten Instalments for the purchase of goods, under tho direction of tho Becretury of the In terior, per eighth article treaty of October seventh, to amend- alxty-four, t thousand dollai». ty, for the purchase of provision#, r of the Secretary ol the Interior, I ighth artido tr» niter the direct!' thooaud dollars. For the purchase of iron, ateel and uccoaaarv for blacksmith's ahop, oa per tenth article of said ty. t renty dollars. surauce, transportation, a lmudred and fifty-five, dred and forty-aix, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollar*. WALL-PA1I-FE TRIBE OF SNAKE INDIANS. For third of five inatslmoira, to be expended under the direction of tho President, aa per seventh article treaty of August twelfth, eigUcou hundred aud aixty- five, two thousand dollars. YAK AM A NATION. For last of five instalment* of second aerie* for ben- eficlal ohjecta, at tlie discretion of tho President, per fourth artlola traaty ninth Juuc, eighteen huudrod il flAy-flve, eight thousand dollar*. Por tenth of twenty instalments for tlio support of two schools, one of which la to bo ar. agricultural and iuduatrial school; keeping iu repair Behind buildings, and for providing suitably furniture, book#, and sta tionery, per fifth article troaty ninth June, eighteen huudred and filty-liva, five huudred dollara th of twenty icatoliuents for tho employment ofo -- * *— ‘ " — superintendent of teaching and two teathei per filth article treaty ninth Jnne, eighteen huudred il fifty-five, threo thousand two hundred dollars. •’or tenth of twenty instalments for tho employment cue superintendent of fanning and two farmer#, o millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, oua gun- iiuith, oua caipc-ute-r, and one wagon and plough-ma ker, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, eight thousand five hundrod dol lars. For tenth of tweuty instalments for keeping iu rc- pair *aw aud flouring mills, and rurntihiug tho neces sary tools and fixture*, per fifth article treaty ninth eightoou lundred and fifty-five, five huudred pair the hospital, and providing the necessary inedl- dollars. Tor tenth ot tweutjr Instalments for keapiug in re pair blacksmith*', tluaiuiths', gunsmith#', carpenter#', aud wagon aud plough-makers'* ahop*. and for pro viding necessary tool* therefor, per fifth artido treaty Juuc ninth eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hun dred dollara. For tenth of tweuty Instalment* for tlio pay of a physician, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen lmudred aud fifty fivo, ouo thonaand four hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalment* tor keeping in re pair the butldtnga required for tho virion* employe** aud for providing the ueccsury furniture thcrnfoi, per fifth article troaty uiuth June, cighteeu hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollar*. huudred and fifty-acvou tfo u- tud acre* cedid to the United States, alter deducting the amount of land act apart for individuals), fr-r third article treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and alsty-iu-ven, one hundred and forty-eevt-u thourand three hundred and ninety-three dollara sml thirty-two cent*. For erection of a dw elling house for the agent of •aid tribe, a bouse and shop for a blecknuiitb, and dwelling Uou*o for * physician, per seventh article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and alx- seven, six thou.laud doUara. For first of five instalment# for the support of a physician aud purcliMe of mediciuea, per tenth articlo treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and aixty- with tobacco aud aaU, nor tenth arti. lc treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, three hundred and fifty dollar*. To pay the claim of the Hac* and Foxe* against tlie United Htatos lor stealing of stock, per fifteenth article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred aud aixty- Bvcu. sixteen thouaaud four hundred dollara. For amouut necessary to pay the expenuw of nego tiating this treaty, per nineteenth article troaty Feb- TAUEQUACHE, MUACIIB. CAPOTE, WKKMINUCUE. TAMPA. GRAND RIVER, AND UINTAH 11AND8 OF UTE. For construction of a warehouse or afore-room at each of the aipncloa, for tho uae ol the agent iu stor ing good* belonging to the Indians, fifteen huudred doUara each, per fourth article treaty March two. eigh teen hundrod and sixty-eight, threo thousand dollara. For oracling an agency building lor the residence ol the agent at each of the agencies, fifteen hundred dol lara each, per fourth article treaty March two, eighteen hundred aud sixty-eight, three thousand dollara. For the construction of two school-houses, aa per fourth article treaty of March two, eight hundred and aixty-cight, six tbouaand dollara. For construction of four buildings, for carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, and miller, at each of the agen cies, fifteen hundred dollara c.ach, per fourth article treaty March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, twelve thouMnd dollara. For the erection on said reservation, near each agency, a good water-power saw-mill, with grist mill and a shingle machine attached, sm per fourth article treaty of March two, eight ’ " * sixteen thousand dollar*, < be necaaaary. For pay of two carpenters, two miller*, two fanners, aud one blacksmith, per fourth and fifteenth articles treaty March two, eighteen hundred and aixty-cight, five thousand two hundred and fifty dollara. For purchase of iron and atoel, and the necessary tooia for thu blacksmith shop, per niuth article troaty March two, eighteen hundred and Hixty-eight, two hundred aud twenty dollars. For first of thirty instalment*, to be expended under tlm direction of tho Secretary of tho Interior, for clothe*, blankets, and auch other article* a* he may think proper and necessary, per eleventh article treaty March two, eighteen hundred anil sixty-eight, thirty thousand dollara. and sixty-right. thirty tlmm-and dollars. Far this amount, to be expended under too direction of tlio Secretary of Uio Iuterinr, iu providing each lodge or head of a family in said confederated hands with one gentle American cow, aa distinguished from ordinary Mexican or Texas breed, aud five head of sheep. |ior thirteenth articlo treaty March two, eigh teen hundred and aixty-ctght, forty-five thousand dol lar*. GENERAL IN , preset it* of goods, agricultural implement*, and other useful articles, and locate in permanent abodco, and sus tain themselves by the pursuits of civilised Ufo, »<t lie nded under tho direction of the Secretary of toe rior, seventy thousand dollai*. CALirOHHU. r tho general incidental expenses of the huliait ice in California, including travelling ixpemica of superintending agents, five thousand dollara. COLORADO TKRUITOUT. the general incidental expense* of the Indian o in Colorado Territory, present* of good*, agri cultural implement#, snd other useful articles, sud to locate in permanent*, and *u*ta1u themselves by the pursuits of civilised life, to bo ex pended under tli* direction of the Secretary of tho In- transportation, pnioea of tlio dotiVAiy o the ludiau tribes in MlunesoL thouaaud dollara. For Insurance, UauaporUtfoi peuaeaof the delivery pi the !‘sw M. F.M a. and Yai u 8foux Indiana of i , eight thousand dollar# For actual uocAoaary expenses incurred, and tint may lioreafte-r bo iucum-d. by oflicer* of the ludiau df-iisiment In the reacue of pria- ner# from ludiau tribes aud returning them lo their home*, ami f«»r ex- incident to the arrest and confli.t menl within tin* territory of tha United Mates, by order of such ol- harg.-d With crimes a ; :aiii#t ibe In- ■olina Cberakuo I tboi f North dred dollar*. For tbl# amount, or #o ceasary to rc-eaUblisli tl; other a trolling bonds uf ledi. ■ liun of Idaho Territory, and aoutheaati • h thereof a# may l>e nu- >iii«, liaimocka, and u the aoutheru jK>r- Oregon, on tho Fort Hall res* rvatim Idaho Territory, or on tho hiletzor Klamath reaerva- Uou in Oregon, aa the Secretary of the Interior ma\ determine including lh« transportation of all neceaaa- r emploje For this a ceoaary, to aid in auhali-tJUg sold Indiana for *the flri year after their settlement ou said reservation or rc he expended until oah be applied pr terior, nty-flv( land doUara. DAKOTA TERRITORY. For the general Incidental expen*ea of the Indian _crvice in Dakota Territory, presents of goods, agri cultural implements, and other useful articles, and to aa*i#t them to locate lu permanent abodes, aud aua- themselves by tlio pursuit# of civilised life, to he mdod under tho direction of the Secretary of tho Interior, fifteen thousand doUara. IDAHO TSRRITOHY. For the general incidental cxpcnaca of tho ludiau service In Idaho Territory, presents of goods, agricul tural implements, and other useful articles, sml to as sist them to locate in permanent abode*, aud sustain themvelve* by the imrsuits ol civilized life, to be ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of thu In terior, fifteceu thouMnd dollars. For this amount to pay the balance duo on certain contracts mode by D. W. Da Hard, governor aud ex-ol- ftclo *ii]>erliitendeiit of Indian affairs for Idaho Terri tory, in July, eghteen hundred aud sixty-aeveu, for subsistence, and so forth, for Indiana In that Territo ry, eight thouMnd aud forty-four dollara and seventy Montana tkrritouy. cultural implements, aud other useful a*#iat them to locate in permanent abodes, *ud to sus tain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifteen thouaaud dollars. XKVADA. For the general Incidental expense* ol the Indian service in Nevada, presents of ginida, agricultural Du ty tho purMiats of civilized life, to bo expended u the direction of the ton-rotary of the Interior, h toouMaml dollara. •foment*, aud other useful articles, and ment sliodes, and sustain tbem- iieraou oa the said confederated tribe* and bands I selves by the pursuits of civilised life, t. be expended of Indiana may select to be their head chief, p» r fifth under tho direction of the Mecretary of too Interior, irtlcle traaty ninth June, eighteen hundred aud fifty- j forty thousand dollar*. flvo, five huudred dollars. on soon and w*#iiiN«»roN tauui n.i.r. YANGTON TRIOR OF 8I0UX. For the general Incidental expenses of the Indian first of ton instalment* (second series), to lie I service In Oregon and Washington Territory, iiiclud- liaid to them or cxpauderl for their benefit, cooiuieac- ; mg inauranee and trausportatlon of with tlio year in which they shall remove to and scttl. and reside upon their reservation, per fourth article treaty nineteenth April, eighteen hundred aud fifty- eight. forty thousand dollars: lTnvidcti, That no |>srt money# appropriated to pay auuultlea duo the at tribes or hands of Indiana named in this act shall \» expended for any other article* of tood, clotii- lug, agricultural or mechanical Implements that such as shall hr agreed upon by Uie chiefs ana headmen of M tribe, in a general cornu 11 held for this purpooe, i some to lie esti mated for by the local agent and certifod by Uio auperlnteudciit of Indian inly, provided by treaty stipulation. 8ENETA8, MIXED 8ENBCAB AND 811 AWN EES, ^ 9 UAPAW8, ffXlNFKDKRATBD] PEORIA8, KAS- mtendency iNEiiu imi and pi (vvi'-iiitivri nrmvn L ... presents, (where no special provision therefor is made by treat!' «). and office and travelling expenses n( the ■uperinteiidout, agotita, and sub-agents, Uilrty-flve thouaaud five hundred dollars. For the general incidental «-x\H>n*«s of tho Indian ■rvio* lu Utah TtrrUory. praa« nts of goods, agricul- ural implement*, and other useful article*, and to aa- ial them to locate In |N«rR)su«-nt alNVlea, and sustain Jicmaelvta by the puriMilU of civllixed life, to be ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of tho In- •rvationa, Indiana shall lie so established, and t aa Mid settlement shall be made, twenty-five i*and dollars: 1 rovi.lod. That none of tlie pay ta provided for iu this act shall bo made uiiIcsh the HecraUry of the Inte rior Khali be aatihfh d that tho Individuals named have observed the Lich eucii payn tribe* bind#, tn sty Nlipulsti ie due, and alao the |i ivisioi tie* with the government to which they may bo par ties; or in case portions of raid tribes or band# have observed all of said obligations, payments eliall lu- made to them pro rata. To pay the expouaea of two comniiaaiouvrs, uuder mica, two thouaaud five hundred ilolla... For this amouut to pay for aub*i*tence fumiahot to the Tone* Indian#, by direction of too Indian ptwei commission, under a contract made with J. W. Boh- ler, eleven thousaud nine hundred dollara aud twentv alx cents. For cxpcnxoK inc State# agent for tin Mamlan ludiaii#, iu IN-ace coinmiaaiou, to mako sible, seSf-HUKtolning, twenty-eight thonaand two hi dred and acventy-alx dollars aud forty-seven cent*. ^ . , UJ ply a deficiency in the appuin •U by M. Wilkinson. United rickarrca, Oms Vcutrrs, and the Indian d Indians, aa far os i>oa- nropristiou for jmy c by Uie Fi-ealdeut, os cleat. per f -i-nty-i iglitli, eight ■Iglit dollara aud forty-* dollars. For this a viuiluiraed from the 1 Lillie Osago Initial may be ', fumial ing utensils, rattle, and furnishing food i tat ion for bands of Indiana wltli which tresti* h Caw boon made by the Indian peace commission, under tho aiijHirvlaion of Brevet Major General W. H. liar ney, Incurred since October first, eighteen lmudred and sixty-eight, four hundred end elglity-fivo tliou#- aud seven hundred and eighty-four dollars aud twen ty-ouc cents. For the pay iik ut of [auch] damage# sustained by the citizens of NlnVrara township, Nebraska, by the action of the govoruiueut iu moving the Santee Sioux upon their lands in tho year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, ss shall, (bo found due.) after proper Invest. Ration under Uie direction of tho HeereUry of tho In terior, who ai all appoint * commission to ascertain and report tbe amount of tlie damages ausUinod, not ceding fifteen thousand dollars, to he divided pro a In payment ol the claims to be found duo, which dl Ini a final settlement of said i Uinta. \» supply deficiency of appropriation to pay for d. dot Iona committed by Indiana in nnrthweatern ra in the year eighteen hundred and Afty-seveu, ten UK*iid nine hundrod and six dollars and thirty-four kc, i. And be it farther enacted, That all goods l merchandise furnished any tribe or band ot In diana un Ser tho proviaionaof any act shall ho tu ned by the agent or superintendent of such tribe or band to the chief* of the tribe or band In bulk aud in the original package, na nearly as practicable, and in r troaty obligations with tlie enacted, That tho aa the cblrt* mav of the ag.-nt ur *ii|n>i hi.-f# have observed overuni'-nt a# lu-rcii Hu.;. 3. And ho ft fi pended balance now tribe of Indians < partnieiil, approprialHH educational purpnaao, may be na« .1 under the dire, i of the superintendent ' f Indian affair* for the tr*l snperiutendHuey iu the purchase of such aril- i of looa and clothing a# may in hla discretion be thought nec. -wary lo relieve Uie most |>re*aing W I of Mid Indiana, they being iu u (Icatitui condition. d for or belongiug i Uiei Bmj. 4. And Iki it further enacted, That there he a^ propnatwl thu further sum of two milbous of dollar*, or *•> much thereof s* may be necussary, to enable the President to maintain tho peace among aud with tin* various tribes, bands, and parties of Indians, a ong said Indian*, bring tliei promote rtvillzstioi „ f Where practicable, uih>u i-enervations, relievo tliolr tit-- casflltles, Slid encomage tb« irrffbrU at self support; a report of all expenditures under this appropriation to be inadt iu detail to Uongrcas In December next; and for tha purposs of enabling the President to execute tho powers conferred by this act he la hereby, author ized, nt hla discretion, to organize a board of comiub- ■toner*, to consist of not more than teu person*, to be by him from men eminent for their intelli gence and philanthropy, to serve without i>ecuniary hla dlrec cr tary of tho Interior . • propriation* madehy th a ami to iMiy the noc aubatab-iice, and clerk hire of *old coiniiiiaeioiiera while actually engaged In said service toero la hert bx y in the treasury not in of twent.v-ti e tin•us- nd dollars, or so mnoh thereof as may be ncccBMry. Hkc. 5. An l lie li furili r enacted. That nothing In lu* act oontamed, or in any ol the provisions thereof. ratify or ap|irov< ■hall be so email ty mad* with any since the tsrentn th day of July, eigh Itsrtics of lud ndred and e«l, lliat the appro Skc. o. And b.- it furthe nristlon of one hundr. d a; isra made to the Htaic of Miniie#nU. July second ■ . ‘ ' * ■ ’ * nl -dxty-fou.-, 1.) *uiq.|y a deflcl terior, Aftesu thousand dollars. For the transportation snd |mhti| exp. uses of delivery of provision* to the Indians within the Utah seventeen, five hundn-d dollars. For permanent annuity In specie, p treaty seventeenth September, cigUti eighteen, five hundretl dollars. For blaokamitb and aaslatant, shop and tools, iron or [andj ateel, during the pleasure ol the Ifrnaldant, a* per fourth article treaty of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, one thonaand and sixty dollars. For miller, during flic pleasure of the President, six hundred dollara. SENACA8 OF NRW YORK. For permanant annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, par set of nineteenth February, eighteen hundr.d and i and fifty-two dollars and fifty 4 8ENT0A1I AND 8HAWNRE8. r parmoooat annuity, la opeeia, par fourth article • “hieptotaber, etghtean hundred thouaaud dollara. oust to rarry out the action content plat- ■f Congress, approved May fifth, eighteen sever, tweuty tliouaand dollars. To pay tor thirty thouMnd acres of land coded lo the government by the Ssneco*. per second articlo treaty February twenty-three, eighteen hundred and slxty-aeven. twenty-four thouMnd dollirs. snAWRxsa. to bo advanced to the Hhawncea to l»o used lu establishing their homos, per eighth article frrsty February twenty-three, eighteen hundred snd xty seven, two thousand dollars. For first of five luatalmeuta for blacksmith and ts- ■lstant, ahop and tools, and Iron sad steal for ahop, pat eighth article treaty February twenty-three, eigh- ts*n hundred aud alxty-sevru, flva huudred dollars, j qomva tha Quapawa to asst at five thousand dollara. CLAIM# FOR Loans BT TUB WAB. Tb pay a ceuanitariem, not to exoaed two persona, lo ha appointed by tha 8e< reUry of tha Interior, who •hdl proceed to the ea#uf*y of tha ifonecos, mixed Ha edbyoctofO „ ... .. I. nud red aud alxty-four, entitled, “An art to aril the present Indian reservations in Utah Territory, and to sattfe said Indians in Ulutali Valley,” five thou sand dollar*. MD'CFwLANLOUH, For tha expanaaa of colonising, supporting. *»d lur- ulshlng agricultural implements and stock, pay of ne- ceaMry employee*., purchasing clothiug. Btedtrina, Iron aud steel, malntonancaof aohoola for lud tea* late ly residing iu Texas, but now residing oa the Choctaw leasehold, to b* expended uuder the direction of the Hocretory of the Interior, sUvau thosaand dollar*. roa THE WICHITA* AHD OTHBB AjmLUTBD BAKU*. For the expanse* of colonizing, supporting, aud fur nishing said hands with agricultural Implements and stock, pay of necessary employees, purchase of cloth- lag. Mediator*, tarn Mas!, aud mainteuaaca of ■ohoata, to be eopaodad under th* direction ot the Secretary of th* Interior, fifteen thousand dollara. CAUB0RV1A. Tor th* purchase of eattla tor besf aud milk, tageth- «With clothing and food, teams sad forming tool* for Indiana in California, sixty thonaand doUara. Tor pay of owe phy. Irian, one blacksmith, ou* **- mot*teachrr upon iwriTof th# thra^ae^rattonTof Cal lfornla, and o«. miller at the Bound Volley, aud one upon he Hoop* Volley reaevVatfoos. aud oua special the amount right dollars and four o much of such expense* liundnd and sixty-three, l thouraml four tnindn d an rente: Provided, That only lull IK! laid tin. .tale Of Miimi-aoU u ■lull b« .1- lowed by Mis proper accounting i llkere under tlie act making appropr A proved, April lu, In.'j United Stides Mull Stag- ATLANTA TO DAHLONECA I Kill DAYS, at T o'clock A. m. Htoge office In Allan to accommodate. *(>qq>n,g at other hotels are re- „ ter their names for a seat by • o'clock i . of mad .lays, and they will be furnished a ticket ’"STm ' I STJSS" -io« ‘ AIN, Ja., Proprietor. Atlanta. January,30U, )M». P. 8.-lxprees packages taken to aud from tha oAe*. All other packages dsatradto be sent by tha Hack will be received aud delivered at tha Stoga ofRoaaad at Me- Afae. Kellogg A Oo*a store, OB Paachtrea street. 1 wtib ateo. act as Agent la reference lo any land lote ta Forsyth county. Addraaa me at Oummlag, Oa. For Uuih off