Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 18, 1869, Image 3

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CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Greenbacks •W OFLTH SAVIN G4, U you Ifcluk M, UiUt look to your «*M, m -3 WUA COAX. CREEK COAX, thereby taring M to 100 per oaat 1,000 T#«i on hand m»d U ;«rrlv« fn th* next 10 day*. Boot Lump Goal 26 ot«. For Biik$l of 80 Ponaii ky tko Off* L#ffJ, oiiSOeto. at tt$ Y$rl,« mu.n azj*i»Kr, wni»nT <*> oAxtn’*. ORDERS PROMPTLY IFlLLED. BORN, JR., A CO. Y NEW ERA. V~MOMNIMa. &RPT. la. i*». El OITY- x—W« undereUad Uiai Uiur# is a ugly who ban it tfe* oily. i i* to bo pit ted. mm. —Yesterday wee warmer lh«n na day*. There vm more of u in the Atmosphere then we •owe.time. .-Judge J. E. Parrott, ot Certurv- tliu city yeeierdey. We bed also of meeting Mr. H. C. Bingham, -art of the Talladega, Ala., Knu, •The interest of his paper. WilL F. Clark Ims ditcrinin- entire attention to uiuaic, and giro instructions on the violin, Zjm. He iseu oxoellent utuaioiau ent inutruotor, end besides he is Instnons. Success to him. Exciuncik Rooms, A tlaiiLi, Sept 17, -int the follow Ui# named gon- R. P. Uleuu nud A K. Seago, imrt of the Atlanta Mor- to the Commercial Oouven- lie, Ky., on the Aieesrs. U. r, Wyley and Lowi<y, Frost. ' aula Merc,hunts’ Exchange. ia—In taking our mails from yesterday afternoon, we ob- wr.ippera were torn off of ere. This must have been U FoslolUoo, hut why ? Wo d the movmmuii at all. Such r occurred before in all our epapura urn usually allowed free of poetage. The law so r friend Duuuiug means to wu hope he will Ictus know card iu tho Couatslution. It yesterday to get what mail was not until late iu the af- *Asteru mail wai entirely dia- this thus? we ask of our uud hope he will answer nleas we can get our the day they are of no aer- would A great deal rather *rs ourselves, thus saving Unary amount of labor. m v utimiiw. Irish 8u*Wved at Ibo JfcUonu! Hotel ****** M U o’flouk lo-day. Tun Hat Empobium.—John M. Holbrook has jnat return ad from Hew York with one of the moat auperb stocks of bate ever offered in Atlanta. Special atlention. is oaUed to Um styles of bat known ss “Ido Lewis," “American Girl" and “Siubad." All of these are attram the and novel. Besides hii stock of hsts, he has an exoollant stoek of umbrellas, trunks and canes. Call and see him. sep^-dt. Wanted, good stick Candy Makers—good wages paid, by G. W. Jack, icptlC-15d. Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. Ur in a Balloon—Haiti ah a Bio Sun Fi«owsh. —Editors, Reporters. Expressmen, and others arc using tbo memoranda casus, nnd all arc pleased with them. Fresh paper easily adjusted when necessary. A green back nikc for Indies large enough to carry funds when shopping—good thing to keep wash list. Nstuo only for fl. Write it plain. Address, W. It. llANUCITEil, llook-Bindor, Ac., Ac. MONETARY AND COM! oorroK, 1 I » f 1 1 Middling » Od. Low miadUtur. U “ Got a ordinary M *' SPECIAL NOTICES. Georgia HtsU Lottery, for the llrscfll of tho Orphans' Homo amt Free School. Combination Class, No. *46. TL* following were the drawn nut hera September 17, 180111 Sl-eo- 33 -40 7C-60 -^2 -76-60-0-47-11 ■ep 18 .lit HOWARD k GO., Managers n Indicators. —These reccutly placed on the Georgia ltoad, the “d the West Point Roads, fly completed, and will the roads of Georgia and ngtoimprovemehts per- two mouths, they now i an ordinary watch on ^relied upon, for twenty- minute. The on-1 ’cuts of all the roads iu -roliua bus been obtain- «, and they have met tho epublic. In Charleston, y that has been canvassed, ies, representing every advertised iu them. — now uo louger an experi- ■ success, aud the neces- roads obtained, Geu. J an active canvass. We I i throughout the State prise of so much useful- Aud which has tho ern invention. —We find iu ibe Macon a careful synopsis of i laws, winch we publish 1 do our people: rm, company or corpora- j trade, business or pro-1 iul tax is imposed byj th tbo Assistant Assessor “trict and division—first, style, and in cuao of a e Lames of the several such firm or coiupany lidence; uud secoud, the ofessiou, mid the place Riness or profession is to irciso or carry on any siou, or do any act I for Iho exercising, of which a special tax is >nt first registering with Hagan's Magnolia Ualm —Dlls article la the true secret of boaaty. It Is what Fashionable Ladies, Actresses, aud Opera Siugi-r* nse to pioduce that oultlvated, datinyue appearance ao much ad mired in the circles of fashion. It removes all unsightly Blotches, Keducss, Frsckles, Tan, Hunburu, aaU effects of Spring Wiuds, and givea to th* complexion a Bloonffng Purity of transparent delicacy and power. No laly who values plexion can do without tho Magnolia Balm. Seventy- five cents will buy it of any of oar respectable dealers. Lyou’s Kathairon is i lng. MASONIC—Atlanta Lodge, No. 30, inerts i every Second aud Fourth Thursday night in each month. Fulton Lodge, No. 210, moots every Firat aud Third Thursday night in each month. Mt. Zion Royal Arch Chapter, No. 10, meets every Second Monday in oach mouth. W. U. TULLE It, II. P. A. UosKMrKLO), Secretary. Bwwu — , — hauge in our looal markets. The quotations givon in our table are correct. Louisville Fivvblsa Market. The Courier-Journal of the ICth says: The market to-day was reported quiet bat steady. The consumptive demaud is about up to the estimates of dealers, and there is an entire ab sence of a speculative demand. Stocks ore light, but as yet orders are promptly filled, excopt for hams, of which tbo stocks are reduced to a low point Mess Ton*-—Tlicro Is a demand uud prices ireqootodat $33 to 33 GO. Rump pork Is held at $28 to 28 GO, with small sales. Bacon—Bales reported to-day were light and included 11 oasks clear sides at 19(4; 21 Hhks clear rib sides at 10io. Shoulders are teudy at 10c. Hams—Stocks arc light aud we note sales of 8tcs fancy sugar cured at 23io; plain and family sugar cured are held at 21 to 22lo. Laud—Is quiet and nnehanged, and light Hales of prime tierce at 20c; 8 kegs at 211 to 22c. Clnelnnattl Grain Market. Who quote from the Commoroial of the lGlh The market was dall under only a limited lo oal demand, and prices are lower. Wo quote winter red at $1 18 to 1 23 for lots in the ele vator, with sales of lota by samplo at $1 15 to 1 20. Hill was offered at $1 30, but was hard ly salable at 2 to 3o lower. WhKe was offered at $ 1 30 to 1 40 for fair to prime, but tho in quiry was limited. 360 bush. Hill sold, ut the Indianapolis and Cincinnati depot, at $1 Rye was in fair demand and the market was firmer. Sales of No. 1 wore made at 08 to 00c, and No. 2 at 03c. Corn continues firm. There woh a fair demand to-day, and sales were inado At $1 for sound ear. Shelled is quoted at the name rate, though holders, iu somo instances, ask 2 to 3o higher for ohoice while Hhelled. Oats continue dull, with only a limited local demand. Prices romain with out change. We quote white at 56 to 57c for No. 1. Mixed sold at 53 to 64c for No. 1, and 50 to 51c for No. 2 do. Rejected sold at 47 to 48o. Barley was quiet but firm, under light offerings, and a continnod good demand. Wo quote No. 1 fall at $1 65, aud No. 1 spring at $1 35. St. Lon In Corn Market. The Democrat of the 158h, says : The of ferings of white were of better quality, and in some instauces higher rates were realized, but we quote the market moderate active and firm. Sales; In bulk-10 oars mixed p. t. 1 do white, del 88c; 2 do ear, on track, 76c. Iq new gunnies—1,260 ska mixed and yellow and 123 Hks mixed whito at 90c; 810 white, at L E BRADFEELD’f? COLUMN. DR. JOHN BULL’S Great Remedies. IT 8 W DR. JOHN BULL Hi MB Celebrated SMITH’S TUNIC SYRUP, FOl THE ODBE OF ’ AGUE AND FEVEU, —Ok— C1ULLH AK1I FEVEU. The proprietor el this oelabrsAed mMlctoo jusUy 1*1 in« for ft a superiority over all rewedlee ever offer- A to the public for the safe, certain, speedy and per wanent cure of Ague and Fever, or CbW» and Fever whether of short or long standing. Be raters to lls entire Western aud South* testimony itern country to bear him the truth of th* aaeerUon that In no case whatever will It fall to cure, if the direcUona are ttrict- |r foUowed and carried out In a great many caaca a aingle iuae has batn raActoot for a cure, and whote families have been cured by a single bottle, with s per- feet restoration of the general health. It Is, however, prudent, and In every oase more certain to cure, if ita use Is continued In smaller dosea for a week or two af ter the dieeaao has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-atauding cases. Usually this medi cine wifi not require any aid to keep tho bowels In good order; should the patient however require a ca thartic medicine, after having taken three or four dos ea of the Tonic, a single doee of BULL'S ' r,, GETAllLE FAMILY FILLS will bo sufficient. J>r. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office: No, 4(1 Fifth Crofti Streets Xoulssvillo. Hloutuolxy NEW STORE ! NEW GOOTiB ! NEW SYSTEM ! Meador k Bros., Whitehall atroe •treat, where we lutend 1 f Atlau' —upled b] 0 keep permanently R1X/JAN of the largest sleeks of READY-MADE CLOTHING, HAT, mart GENTS’ rTTHNISIIING GOODS KVElt BROUGHT TO THIS MAUKJST. continued connection fur the post thirty years with the manufacture J^f clothing^especially ~~ J'prtaSlJBSte good s at ■hall have hi fair dealing to ull. S' fSt-pniOE und will be 1 our goods for CASH ONLY. Thia will Insure l'loase call and uxsiolgo our goods beforepurehamug eiagwhers ring nnd SOU King Sires L - b’/t-.L F. M. JACK. W. P. CHISOLM. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. K. H. Marshall, Street, over Lawsho’s Jen July 31 Dentist, WhllcUall airy Store. [July 1—3m LOtllRtNE A CLAKK, AUoincys.-Uf- flee on Broad stroot, over Echols' Seed Storo. Practice anywhere In the State, United States Supreme Court, and Superior Courts. Jy 25-dly rut Insurance Agent, itl the (livis bi’<iiit*H lieiug liable to X, ho subject to a peuul- , nml imprisonment for two years, or n liue not ^<1 dollars, or both, mid distributed betwoeU tlio l e informer. ■ brokors, corporutioiiK, ar innkcrs, etc., quar- factures etc., must be Asaewtor, on or before mouth. In default of the Assistant Assessor jb upon tho best infor- kef add penalties for “oad.—While we of At- terested in the progress ad, it is encouraging to and seo that tho people tercstod in tho groat eu- i article from the heater, S. C., Reporter, n which that lively little nnky” to say the least d concerning this pro- -n commenced and will ie lime this coming reachiug that river i considerations, selecting its route be governed entirely by out to it by the npper -rtanburg, Groenville, I against ns. They are secure the passage of limits iu somo way or nnot tho people of Au ester, offer superior im nk so. Anderson, it it expect the road to paws t Union and Chowter will oh a oonsommation.— ey must, the advantages he passage of the road it say, if Spartau- ld York subscribe s, we will subscribe a will outbid them, ’vautagos arising from ion from Andorson to are interested in tho *llect the advantages -d? If the Air Line more Northern conn- 6 Charlotte road, of the through travel » lu other words its }« small dividends. ^•afo in saying that no determined upon, and to whom tho pvoplo fitted tho managetnrnt ir themselves, au<l see done toward carrying they were appointed." . IC«al Katate Agent « WM. WOOD *fe CO., UNIH’UTAKKUS ANII I1MIOLSTKKS, K EEP »n hatnl «U (iiialitiM <»r Ftek'a MhUMc Burial (!m"h; aUo, all kiml* of O-ffin*. Will at- tuna to Funurala at any hour, with a beautiful firat- olasa Hear-*** fnnitahiMl or for hir*. Carriage, etc . will bn furntalkml. oil kfmla of Upholsft*ry work done. Foruiture repaired, varnialied, i-te. Olline in now hiilkliug on llroatt alroetili rearofNKW PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL -NO CHANGE OF IjLMPS Mllfi* lUnniinnling t'HI—Strictly . 'ilia.23 on Va i <Ih do: Wuitt.'inor.* 47 40 CowPeaiybu. a$W» FORES T__Q U E E N i Atlanta. It haa bnen tented in Atlanta. Ita references arc in Atlanta. It has produced hair and whinkor* < ~0 years of ago. It removes all itching and heat of the scalp. It ke*p«i the acalp clean and healthy. It iminodlately stops tho hair front falling oat. It forco* hair, wliittkor* and eye browa to grow luxu riantly. Duchcaa li. UK® 16 Arnold's... 10)4 Feather*—new, 73(g)s0 Flour 4 60 * Do do, k*ulton XXXX family 4 00 Dodo, auperffne 3 76 Do do, Georgia XXXX family 3 40 Do do, ahip stuff 1 26 Do do, bran 1 0U Fruit—V lb and bbl. Apples V bu....l.T6#2.26 i of mature i t of whiskers and mustaobo < ;hiff SALKS. Tn*«daj in October next, c (toor, In the town of county, within the 1< gal property to-wlt: Lot of j seventy -tour (S74), lying or the Firat (Ut) Section of U-®. M.. In flavor ol John Holoombe. Property '^<1 levied ou aa hla property. ‘ with notice. Levy mad* ed to me. Term*cash Au- B. M. MABBETT, N COUNTY.—Two moutha i will be made to the Ordl- . Georgia, for leav* to a. 11 the Printer's tee |6 NEK’S SAKE, sell befer* the Court Hone* Marietta, on Wedneedar, Um 6th M II o’oeloek. >. OBy Lota the improrainedte thereeo. free *r^sc*a, aad eold ae the prop- ' of IMUerd M. Young, beak- . sad within one hundred Prepared only by DR. R. S. POMEROY, No. 17 Alt\T»:tm:i Street, Up Htali’n ATL.ANTA, GrA. mar 7 Uldcc25 EMPIRE STEAM W MILL LUMDB n J. C. PECK & CO., | JITILDEBS, MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in 1> Lumber, Doors, Saab, Blinds, Mouldings, he., he. l a 4«h ef all aixas constantly on hand. Wc have now on hand, and ar* dally receiving, the target and heat assortment of lumber over brought to Atlanta. Joiet of all length* and elzos, and seasoned lumber of every variety. Don’t say U is not in town until you have taken a look at our pllna. . J* C. PBOX, w. o. uramling, T)R. HUNTER pletely eradicated. That numerous eiaas of ease Wtt» fnipuon., uniln.l .iul.. S22^ter r JS P r,"‘*. P-fra.n.nllr enrej— I eraons afflicted with delicate, Intricate, and long- standing constitutional complaints are politely InvltMt te call for coneuttatlon, which coats nothing. IStlri. enoe, tho beat of teachers, haa enabled him to pJoTect remedies at once efficient, eafe, permanent, and which In moat eaere can be need without hindrance to huai- ness. Medicine* prepared m the oetabllahmaoLahicii embraces office, reception and waiting rooma. also boarding and aleeplng apartmenta for paUeata reqnfr! lug dally poreonal attention, and vapor and che bathe, thu* concentrating tho famed mineral ep. Both sexes, married or aingla. suffering from Indiana. Uona, Indulgenctea, or exposure, may apply and h« cured. No matter wlio have tolled, state your caae.- Kead what he aaya In hla bam bh let, sent to any a 1. dress free. Thousand* of cases treated aunually at ot flos and altureer the country, Oonaultatlon free, per sonally or by mail. Offica, No. 163 Third Btraet, b*. ,, lot ». m.; Sundays] Jy i-4iy T HE ERA OFFIOE is now prepared to do Book aad Job Work In tho beat style of tha art aad a as low prioas as any Printing establishment In the Southern States. Olvs u* a trial. choice ilo., (part St. Charfes) aud 500 do, be low, 05c; 150 do, 05c; 150 faucy do, (St. Charles) 07c. ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. American b’ud 7(^)8 American Uoopll<&12){ Nall Bod 11®12X Castings 7fc&2 Lard-H Ih. Titroea Abla.22^ Kege and Oana | Lend—ft lb. V^IO heather-y lb. U. W. Coffins.. .$15^16 ;»ton—> tb Hama, canv. 8.C 24 Plain Oanvaaed... .22®23 Country 1U($20 Hides, clear £}2I ‘ 4 Hidoa. C. R (9)21 HUouldcrs, 17X017* yd. Kentucky 2 Machine-inado.. lUr<aH»i It utter—%l lb U 6(H-y25 ■omluai 2IH&30 tie lb lb... Sfe.ll., N |4 lb ilk M* 1 r > lb»l 20 ( wl.4U i \s th. f r >1 lb. yd. >4 lb •JMftl ‘J* 1 33(u.26 fti 26 Country Solo.... 33<*»36 Uarm ea Lea II lb. 46 .Iquora—‘p gal and dos Brainlf Vr. f 7.(N>tJ12.00 Gin, liollnud f 4.00MtH.(Ki Aiu«rhun...<l 60^9X00 ltum, J.nuaica4 our.^6.a< do $1.26^6.0 Itobortaoti do $2.00(04.01 Bourbon do$1.26(<i*6.0i do V dox... Nectar do .. Scotch do do ~|4 gal.. IVine ft dot Madvris... $2.60^oC.O L60««<L0i !..'*( Ki6<..0i Port. Champaign urk.irl No 2. t bbl. fix INI •• 3. do 16 INI •* 1 V \ bbl. 2 60 •• 2 do Kits $2.60(0*3.00 16^15‘, New Orleann Florida Sugar House * Cuba Nulla—V keg Bl'd 8h. 7-8.... 12(g*l8 Bl'd Hh. 4-4....13>,@30 Bro. Drill 10vSj22 Bl’d. Drill 18(022* Ticking 12H»46 Print*— W Olla—Bga). drk 12 Mcrrimac... 13(<$13!, American.. 13(y>13>, WaiusutU. kb Lard LlnneedOil.. 1.30(*i*1.35 Coal Oil 460 Patent Buck Soup—V lb. Turpentine.. Steel—V «>. Plow Cast Gorman 6 ■ rain-)) btl. Corn, White.... 1 40@1 42 Yellow.... I40:« Oats 75«t85 Ginscug 66^72 Hues—'«! box.$3.60(3)7.00 iunpowilrr (|*kig.$7 26 lliflo hf. keg $4.00 Ride qr. keg 2 25 Blastimi keu c-i.6.25 . $ 38(g) 40 v&lo I Idea- If lb. Green Dry Salted . American bar Deraarara 17^18 Refined A 1*318), Refined B... .17)4(0)18 Refined C... .16>,($17 Yellow Coffee. HkfulflJ, Sodu—Eng. $|bMH)( Unsound 26® 66 Sound MN Varnl.h | gal. Copal 3.60^4.00 Japan $3.00^360 Coach 6 @0 White Fish— * half bbl.. flu® 11 To my United States and World Wide Readers. I have received many testimonials from professional and medical men. as my almanacs and various public cations have shown, all of which are genuine. The following letter from a highly educated and popular physician In Georgia, la certs' ' - - — * - siblo communications I have :tly what h< be written In letters of gold. 1 the Doctoruys of BULL’B WORM DESTROYER: Yiixamow, Walker Go., Ga., Jane 29,18. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: I have recently given your "Worm Deatroyer” several trials, and find it won derfully effloacloua. It haa not failed in a single in stance to have the wiahed-for effect. I am doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for some article of the kind. I am free to confess that J know ol no remedy recommended by the ablest authors that is so certain and apeedy in its effects. On the oontrary, they are uncertain in the extreme. My ob ject in writing you la to find out upon what terms I can get the medicine direct from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it I am aware that the use of such articles is contrary to the teaching* and practice of a great majority of the regu. lar line M. D'e, but I aee no Just cam e or good sense In iiecardlng a remedy which we know to be efficient simply because we may belguorant of its combination, F >r my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and any means to alevlato suffering humanity which I may be able to oommand—uot hesitating because some one more ingenlone than myself may have learned its ef fecta first, and secured the sole right to eecure thal knowledge. However, I am by no means an advocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrums that flood the country, that pnrpc c A N I) Y F. M. JACK & CO., T 0 Y S DAVID HUESTIS. FEED. HOPE. Can be mad* by baying the best. 2VE axxufaotur r m o f rjlHIS is parlteutarly a (Act in baying a STOVE. The beat Stoves in the country ar* mads by ‘TUB NATIONAL STOVE WORK! of disi .-ply s Ich hm »y° l'ieasi 1 am JULIUS P. CLKMFNT, M l». BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Reason for tlie Captain’s Faith. READ THE CAPTAIN'S LETTER AND THE LETTER FROM HIS MOTHER. Bmmur Bamucx’s, Mo., April 30,1806. J Da. Johh Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency yoar Sarsaparilla and the healing and beneficial qualities It possesses, I tend you the following state ment of my case I was wounded two years ago—waa taken prisoner, and oonfined for sixteen months. Being moved so of ten, my wounds have not healed yet. I have not sit up a moment aince I waa wounded. I am shot through the hip*. My general health Is Impaired, and I need something to assist nature. I have more frith In your Sarsaparilla than in anything else. I wish that that Is genuine. Please express me half a doxen bottles, and oblige, Capt O. P. JOHNSON, 8t. Louis, Mo. P. 8.—The following waa writtc* April 80, 1865, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Du. Bull—Dear 8ir: My husband, Dr. C. S. John son, waa a skillful surgeon and phyaiclau In Central New York, where ho died leaving the above C. P. John son to my care. At thirteen years of age, he had a chronic diarrhoea and scrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. It cuuid him. I have for ten years recommended It to many in Now York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fever sores 1 general debility. Perfect success haa »t- ided it. The cures effected In some esses of scrofula aud fever aorea were almost miraculous. I am very anxious tor mj aon to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. Ha ia fearful of getting a spurious article, hence hit writing to you for it His wounds were ter- AYER’S AGUE CURE, VOB TH* HPXXDY CUB* OF ntcrinlttcnt Fever, or Fever ami Aj;u. , Kriulttent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, I'erioilleal Headache, or lllllons Headache, and lllllou* Fevers, Indeed for the whole class of diseases originat ing In biliary derangement, caused hy (he Malaria of mlaautaClccounCrlcs. No one remedy is louder called for by the necessi ties of the American people than a sure and safe cure for Fever and Ague. Much we are now enabled to of fer, with a perfect certainty thal it will eradicate the ‘leoaae, and with assurance, founded on proof, that a harm can arise from Ita use In any quantity. That which protects from or prevent* this disorder lust bo of lmmenso aervire in the communities where It prevsils. Prevention Is better than cure, for the patient escapea the i lak which he the system and prevents tho development of the dis- If taken on the first approach of IU premonitory symptoms. It is not only I ' * * t beat : discovered for this cWas of complaiuta, but also the cheapest. The large quantity wo supply tor a dollar • ‘ t it within ibe roach of everybody: sod In bilious ita, where Fxrxa and A ou* prevails, orerybsdy should have it and use it freely both for cure aud pro taction. It la hoped thia prtoe will place It within the reach of all—tho poor as well aa th* rich. A great au- - ” ^any other ever diaoov- o cure of Interulttenta rred for tho speed; is, that It oontelna hr it produce# no qnniem * l the constitution. i nose cured oy it thy as If they bad never had the disease. Kavur and Ague ta not alone th* eonaaqueoce of the mlaamaUcpoteon. A great variety of disorders arise - -- v — Neuralgia, Rhea- _ . Toothache, Bari acho, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Afffeettoo of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain In the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of tho Stomach, all of SSS. Ju <■>*“•«-.»»«- *» ^ tcrmlttent type, or become periodical. This "Cu*a" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cure* them all alike. It la an invaluable protection te txavaRog or taai>orarlly re latricts. IfUkuu occasional ly or dally white exposed to the infection, that will be even mors valuable tor protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intermittent*, It they avail them salve* ot the protection this remedy affords. PREPARED BY DR. J. O. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Bold h, lUd-iM , r u «, J. 8 Mm. Md .11 th DrnoM, In Hmok.>.. «.THTWhora. jfl-UodAwJtt BULL'S CIISOI HITTERS, AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. .fftfa.f.r.Sdf.V IffJ.fflD Tttetimony of Nodical Mon. Stombt Point, White Oo., Ark., May 23, ISM Da. Johh Bull—Dear Sir: LaatFebrnary I was in Louisville purchasing Drugs, and I got somo of your Sarsaparilla and Cedvtm Bitter* My aon-ln-law who wae with me In the store, haa been down with rbenmatiem for some time, commenc- a the Bitter*, and soon found hi* general health roved. \ Gtet, who ha* been In bad health, tried thorn and he also improved. Dr. Ooflre, who haa been In bad health for several . -are -stomach and hear effects*—he improved very much by the see of your Ritters. Iodeed, the Oedrou Bitters haa given you great popularity la this settle- meat I think I could sell a great quantity of your -t*, oedron Bitten nphia. care Rlckett 0. B. WALKER. and Sarsaparilla. Ship n L. H. BRADFIELD, DHUCJOWT, WHOLESALE, 20 CENTS PER POUND. AJSTD Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CENTS PER POUND. OF NEW YORK. THEY MAKE THE “MUTUAL FRIEND,” "Live Oak,” "Good Will,” “Confidence,” “Southern States,” and "Diiie” OOOKINO STOVES- And a complete assortment of PARLOR, STORE and Of FIOE HEATING STOVER. AUo, the Celebrated and H “MAMMOTH’’ or "OLOBE’’ Heaters. These are tha MOST «V,, dtovoe ever Introduced In thi* or any other market. They are admirably adapted to RAILROAD DEPOTS, FACTORIES, STORKS, PUBLIC ROOMS, or any place where extensive heat la requlr- ed—very durable and economical. Their immense success has brought out numerous imitations all of which are greatly Inferior. TUB . '.IM.H.IIOTII” STII. I. STAJTDS l.l'K/l'.**.* f» I THE “MUTUAL FRIEND” HAS NO EQUAL! COItNKIl OK VI.VIIAMV AND WHITEN A l.l. STItKKTS, AXJLA-N TA GGOBGIA. W« ,1m k«ep oobabuiU/ on ..nil, . complete uK>rtm<nt .1 HOUSE PUMflBHIKTO GOODS ! PMiCj .ml U.rket IUSKrra, WOOD-WAKS, S1LVEB-PI.ATJSD WARE, CUTLERY. Ac. HUESTIS & HOPE, MARKHAM'S EMflRE BLOCK. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, TllK MOST POWERFUL AND INFALLIBLE VEUETABLE ALTERATIVE KNOWN. WARRANTED A CERTAIN CUKE FOR All acrotalona iBhcrscr, ulcers, chronic rhcumatiiwn, mercurial and syphilitic diHcsace In all Btagea, and all skin •lieesROR. It quickly removes virus from the conRtitntion and blood, and restores tho patient to perfect health and purity. Try U and be convinced. Proiiareil In the Laboratory of I’EMRERTON, WILLSON, TAYL0B, A CO., Wholromle Driifr^i.lo, Atlnnta, Goorrin. FOR SAXiU AT DOW PIIICES: 10,000 Pounds Pure Lead, 100 Kegs Euglisli Bicarb Sod*. 500 Oz. Sulph. Quinine, 100 Pounds Balaam Copaiva, 500 Gallons Linseed Oil, 600 Boxes Window Glare, 50 Oz. Sulph. Morphine, 100 Pounds Refined Borax, Larcc stocks of pure drugs, medium Ou hand, and for Bale, at the loweat p e loweat poBMble prices. Call and examine stock and price*. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, &CO., Atlanta, Georgia. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, —DEALERS IN— BOOTS AND SHOES, SIGN OF THE BIG IRON b5(5t, WHITEHALL STREET, -A-TX-i-A-InTT^A., - ugli-e GEORGIA. ae]tl30 '68-ly M. O. MARKHAM, DEALER IN BOOTS AA 1ST ID SHOES, SOLE LEATHER, CALF! SKINS, SHOE FINDINCS, *C., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA OE( >HOIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS Fit ‘ ^Jr I 7 f HI v f Will find it to their advantage to examine my stook, as it is BRDBOTXIS W X T XX GHBAT CAHB, AikI purcliitHi'd cxt^iisivi'ly Tor CASH, From ijie Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a an ah .jaumftw® 1 ® 11 *- ,ug 1-6™ M. O. MARKHAM. REDWINE & FOX ATLANTA, GA., W HOLESALE And Dealers In EKED, CAltNUICH k ANDRUS' Standard Chemical Preparations, A Purr Article of Mficrin Oil, A Fine Quality of Wool Oil, The Best* of Lard Oil, Strictly Parc Strait's Oil* COMBINATION SPINDLE OIL, FOR MACHINERY. REDWINE & FOX, Jan. T 1M 1IEAD0R & BROS, TOBACCOI C O M M I S S I O.N MjE RC'HANTS Manufacturers of Cigarls, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, QA. 3,000 Boxes Various Brands, Styles mid Qualities of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, MANUFACTURER’S PRICES 2 We make Cigars oi the Best Material, and Guarantee the Smoking Qu&li- ■fftties and Workmanship as Good as any made in the United States. Sol.* mwnls Tor tjT. l'l Ik In ton's Brads of Chowlng and Smoking Tobaeooo, FRUITS AND FLOWERS, COMMONWEALTH, *C. JORDAN, HOWARD A HARRAL8QN, TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IH LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c., ATLANTA .j.v' •• GEORGIA. TOBACCO at Manutocturera* priest, FlMOt LiqUORI of all gredaa.