Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 23, 1869, Image 3

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iuTMOBNlHG. ELY NEW EIIA. OTTY. Yesterday fM hot, dry aud rUfta littl® ox no sign oi min. Cuban Patmow.—Etawn excited r«ho were off for Cube by the find gun tin the head* of the United BUUs ee, end will have their c.\ao iuvoattga- week. *—We had the pleaeoro yesterday ; Rev. It. Q. Mallard, formerly id Central l’reabyterian church iu Ve never saw him looking in better Li more robust than at present. » Paatx. —A calico party ie aunounoed offal the City Hall to-night. The »ol invitation omuprison Mrs. lthcdo . Col Magill, Mm. Judge Clayton ~r Lawshe. oacn. —The ucw CbriatUu Ohapol, | street, U now under an eiegaut tin gill soon be ready for consecration, [neat building aud amply largeM pte the congregation. _ Again.—The uieu who. we (of doors by tho recent tire, are f themselves rapidly in other quar- jjlv. We find Mr. U. Hermann, falegAtilly Axed up iu Pemberton, ay lor'a drag store. His goods ably damaged by tho Are f closing out very cheap and will l a new stock. Tax&u. —The city collector is j taxes, aud will continue to do omont arrives for advertising the (wes for November sales. Those l pay before that time, will save citizens lend a helping hand energetic Council, who have ated the credit of our city above other in the South, aud who > to make it equal to any Clam sou* served at the National Hotel Uestsurant at 11 o’clock to-day. Foustssm Building Lorn—Colonel Q. W. Adair will sail a number of valuable building lots at 4 o’clock to-day, and have conveyances. See advertisement. Wanted, good stick Candy Makers-j^wd ways* paid, by G. W. Jack, •eptlA-lGd. Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oa. Up in a Balloon—Happy as a Bio Sun Flowkh. - Editors, Reporters, Expreasmep, and others aro using the memoranda aud all are pleased with them. Fresh paper easily adjusted when necessary. A greenback size for ladies - lurgo enough to carry funds when shopping—good thing to keep wash list. Name only lor *1. Write it plain. Address, W. R. Hahlmtwi, Book-Binder, Ac., Ac. | Count-Uonojuble John . -The ,quo warranto case of r was submitted to the jnry ck yesterday. Up to a late ’ening there had been no ver- and Anna, his wife, having ere found guilty of simple lai • •was not pronouuced. i were discharged until nine r morning. s— 1 The scaffolding having n James’ new building on itehftll and Hunter streets, a fair view of the first ig ever erected in Atluuta. y plain one, destitute of ere but a small area of resembles an overgrown to the squatty-lookiug The two first stairs will P the dry goods establishment DeSaulles A Co. [ thanks are due for a copy, , of the "Substance of the Col. E. Hulbert. Snperin- £ tern And Atlantic Railroad, the Press Association 1 cn board the 8tenmer River, Saturday night, i the occasion of the i£x- neral regions ot Northwest Sennessee and Eastern Ala- Atlanta August 25th, 18G9, I under the personal direction ut. Reported as deliver- by request.” The pain - 'ttt deal of railroad sense. Distric t Court kor thk 3T of Gkorou, Honorable Presiding.—Certificates of nkraptcy were granted on \ W. Prnitt, Reuben Jordan, and James M. McDonald, and Wm. Ilammett re- tttificales. United States ts. David submitted, but up to a late 1 the jury bad not been i verdict. is, (col’d) who a day or ty to the charge of illicit judged and sen?enca*i »n ollars fine aud tho cost of i be imprisoned in some ja 1 P the term of six months. —On tho 28th day of July i mailed from the Treasn- t Washington to a gentleman J letter coutained a check for money, together with so/ue was never received here, r picked up iu the streets of ) the gentleman for whom it with his name forged on 0 money enclosed in the t been heard from. There Irectfroni Washington to this i being the case, can any one ktisfaction of tho gentleman got to Macon? There is a (which puzzles all the detec- nmand, and we confess that f maze of wonderment in en- 1 snch a postal irregulari- ) havo some light npou the STE01AL NOTICES. Ueorgla Sun Lottery, for the NtaeM tho Orphans' Home and Free Hchool. Combination Glass, No. 481. The following were the drawn nun hers September 2*. 180® : If—77—43 -57—27— 01—45—08—20—33 -62-09-20 erp 23-dIt HOWARD A 00., Manager* Hagan's Mugnolla Balm —This article U the true secret of beauty. It t» wbat Fashionable Ladies, Actresses. aud Opera 8ingora use to produce that cultivated, diitingu« appearauco eo much ad mired lu tho circles of faahlou. It removes all unsightly blotches, Iteduoas, I-'recklea, Tan, Hunt urn, aud effects of 8prlng Winds, and gives to th# oompleiiou a blooming Purity of transparent delicacy and power. No lady who values a One plexion can do without the Magnolia balm. Seventy- five cents will buy it of any of our respectable dealers. Lyou's Kathalron is ; very delightful^ hair dress. i*ep 11-lm lug. MASOVit’.—Allantu Lodge, No. 3V, meets on every Sooond and Fourth Thursday night In each mouth. Fulton Lodge, No. 216, meats every First and Third Thursday night In each month. Mt. Zion lloyal Arch Chapter, No. 10, meets evei Second Monday in each month. W. H. TULLKH. H. P. A. Boanxriu.D, Secretary. K. II. Marshall, Dentist, Whitehall Street, over Lawshe'* Jewelry Store. July ljuly 1—3m 1.0(11 it AN K CI.AKK, Attorneys.—Of- icon Broad street, over Echols’ Sexl Store. Prsctice anywhere in tho State, United States Supreme Court, aud Superior Courts. jy 26-dly rat Insurance Agent, L. U. Davis, Agent Grover A linker Sew ing Machines. uovl&dy WM. WOOD & CO., Wnlnuhr Erautaf. grot. 21, :-±:4.::±Sri oorrwi, Middling w.a*. .i-~> Now Low middling 0 " Good ordinary M •'* ATLANTA WHOL*8Al5 PRIONS UDARENT. iObwn4....IMN SK:::r35 1.0. N. 0*1 I ftTJtf p “aSSS:.!.?*: 05MO India 9843* ttaU Hops—* lb Machine-made.. 10® 10* ‘ 808 200*0 20410 Caudles—ft lb. Star 17017 % Pareflne 3044* Cottan Yarns—H • lb. ot ton Carth Whittemor* CowPeaa*bu. a$l,0u Drugs and Dyes* ~ Alum V lb 8410 Bluestone ft 1b.. 10420 Brimstone lb lb... 8010 Copperas V lb 3*05 Camphor y tbf 1 2001.40 Castor Oil, qt*. 0.0040.60 do pts.3 0043 75 do gal.3 7604 00 Ep. Halts ft lb. 0*08 Indigo y lb. f 1 2041 00 Madder y lb. 23420 Pot. hyd. V lb. $0 *4 (Julntue V os. Saltpetre %t lb. Hwoet Oil y doxl.6O40.OO do. gal31.4508.6O do. pts. dosfS.OO Dry Moods—y yd. Br. Sh. 7-8 18414 br. Sh. 4-4 1*416. Bl’d Sh. 3-4.... 9018 Bl'd Sh. 7-8.... 12018 bl'd Sh. 4-4.. ..13*030 Country Note,,.. 33436 Oomrtry Upper.. 3Q$66 Tenn. Upper.... 00045 Northern |» do*. 342 00 Fr.of. II doa.. .,340060* doa... Dorn. * doa Bridle Leo ft do* . Harness Lea ft lb. 40 Bro. Drill., 10&22 « drk 12 •• Merrimac.. 13013* American.. 13013 * Warnsutta. 0 V* Ductless B. 10016 Arnold's... 10* Feathers—now, 75080 Flour— Atlanta Mills, fancy ft hun dred 36 00 Do do, ex. family 4 00 Dodo, family 4 25 Dodo, Fulton XXXX family I Dodo, superfine 8 70 Do do, Georgia XXXX family 3 40 Do do, ship stuff 1 25 Dodo, brau 1 00 jFrult-ft lb and bbL Apples ft bu 1.7502.26 Apples dried 50C Peaches, pTd 12015 do unp’d— 606 DR. JOHN BULL’S Great Remedies. DR. JOHN BULL HuuMuk mi Vmtm 1 «M OiUnM SMITH’S TONIC 8YBUP, FOB THE CURE OF AGUE AND FEVER, —OB— C111LLH AMU FEVRH. The proprlstor at this estohrpUd medicine Just.y olalms tor ft * superiority over all remedies ever offer- ths public for the safe, oertaln, spsedy and per >nt ours of Ague and Fsvar, or CblUs and Fever whether of short or long standing. He refers to ths entire Western and Southwestern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in whatever will It fall to our*. If the directions are strict ly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single doss has been snfllclent for a cure, and whole fkm tiles have been cured by a single bottle, with a per- Mees Pork— fi bbl. Molassess- - New Orleaus Florida I •ugar House 31.OOftTss >»U*-f» keg 3d 500 68 Tollow.... Oats Ginseng.. UNDERTAKERS AND UPHOLSTERS, K m tend to Funeral: , class Hoarse furnished or for bin . be furnlelicd. All kind-i of Upliolsttry work done. hand all qualities of Fisk's Motalic burial Caaes; alto, all kinds of Wood Oottine. Will at- any hour, with a beautiful flrst- * * * Carriage, etc., will Furniture repaired, varnished, etc Office In new building on broad street in rear of New orders will be promptly attended to. Ill STM mills iU Ij tnVT33I3 n YARD J. C. PECK & CO., Hash of all sizes constantly on hand. Wo have now on hand, and are daily receiving, the largest and best assortment of lumber ever brought to have taken a look at ( »he 3 aro in receipt of n circular l Col. J. A. Stewart, of forth the fact that he “has cation a correspondence of himself aud Mr. Stephens, in reference to tho nature government of the Uui- olicy of Becemion, aud the tion ; together with other designed to farther elnci- •oduood, aud to lift tho dark d partisan hate, which, for it ont from viow the light ly in reference to our polit contain reasons which in tional Union men in opposl id withholding their nsaunL :nd seceded. reasons why 'higher law’ l be forever abandoned and itored as nearly as possible unbiased and unpre- pliticol evils, as developed “t years, and poiut out the HAT :DO i your frlMtula well. OU r money -aud iu uo way < ANT? • <—. o. U • iowm pnM, Hub •• T. BANKS, W. o. OHAMLING. FOR SEED, 200 bushels Oats, 100 Bushels barley, 100 Bushels Iiye, 100 Bushels llod Clover 75 bushels Rod Top or Hoard's Grass, 75 Bushels Orchard Grass, 50 bushels Timothy, 50 bushels Blue Grass; Also, Hungarian Grass. Lucorne and White Clover, for sale by p. W. J. ECHOLS. Jy 10—tUeepSO aug 28- FORE ST^Q U E E N It Is the only preparation yet discovered that Bill produce hair on the l>ald head. It was discovered in Atlanta. It has been tested Id Atlanta. Its references are in Atlanta. It has produced heir aud whiskers on a gentleman “* years of age. scurfs, and dandruff from the in Atlanta It removes It removes all Itching aud heat of the scalp. It koeps the scalp clean and hoalthy. It immediately stops the hair from falliug out. It forces hair, whiskers aud eye brows to grow luxu riantly. It keeps tho hair from changing color from ago. It produces s full set of whiskers and mustache ly man of mature age. Prepared only by DR. R. S. POMEROY, lo. 17 Alabama Street, Up Stuir ATLAINTTA, O-A. NOTICE, consent that ray wife, Mrs. Jnlle ltauahenberi CHRISTIAN BAUB1IKNBIRO. Ulass—> box. $3.5007 Gunpowder $kcg.$7 Kitlohf. keg |4.00 Rifle qr. keg 2 25 blasting keg 06.25 titty—y ton $38040 Hides- V It. Green . 9@10 Dry Halted.... 18020 Dry Flint 20022 ron-V It- Sweedes I American bar Coal Oil 434 „ Lubr. OU 1.1603.00 Usnaburgs — ft yd 20028 Potash—V case. Babbit* 314.00 Putty—y ib... . 8040 nice—y lb 11012 Salt—y sack. Liverpool 33.26 Virginia 2.30 ,.25a27 Buck. Soup—fl ft. Turpentine... Steel—y ft. Plow Cast German Sugar—H to. N. O 16@15X Demarara 17018 Refined A 18018* Refined b.... 17*018 Refined C 16*017 YcUow Coffee. 10016* 15016 Toksoco-'f lb. Unsound 25055 Sound 60090 Extra fine... 1.0001.30 Smoking.... 6001.00 Varnish—fl gal. Copal 3.6044.00 Japan $3.000350 Coaoh 6 00 White. Plili- y half bbl.. $10011 ^ PFiATI S ASTRAL OIL TOR FUHIA *0sy SO ‘ (lAN'CtE OF I .AMPS vi , rti-cli-/*t ; j;6< Ilioiumeting Oil—Strictly Mixisin, t.i.' :»T mil ,i!.. Wfllaot Krplode - ■’ire u-i 14 . dogroes (be • : *Jc : ;itc4 higlusr (ban id eqnjri-d liy i. .. U^vjuiilled lac Bril- lUram Crane, deceased, represents to the Court in hts petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Hiram Crane's estate; this Is, there fore, to dU all persons concerned to show causa, If any they can, why said administrator should not he discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dlsmtsalon on the first Monday Jn December, 1809. This August the 2d, 1869. DANIEL FOWLER, ■ugl7-tn6m pr*fee$0 Ordinary. / S BORGIA, DAWSON OOUNTT.-By virtue of an VA order from the Court of Ordluary of Dawson tT i ^ 1U J^ ,old on first Tuesday in October, ,* «the Co,jrt House door, in said county, between h0nr "' ot Un<5 ' Vo - W. ,n «»• “r t ‘ on * of Lumpkin county. Sold for the htlr * and c «^‘tors of William Anderson, deceased. Terms cash. September «th. 1809. JOHN FOUTS, JOURDAN ANDERSON, Administrators. AYER’S A.G- U.E C UKE, FOR T1IR STUDY OtTUR Of Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, ltenilttent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, Indeed for the whole class of diseases originat ing In biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic countries. No one remedy Is louder called for by the necessi ties of the American peoplo than a sure and safe euro for Fever and Ague. Such we arc now enabled to of fer. with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this disorder must be of immenso service in the communities where it prevails. J x revention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the ilak which he must r the system and prevents the development of the dis ease, If taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. Tho large quantity wo supply for a dollar brings It within the reach of everybody: and In bilious districts, where Frvkr and Aoox prevails, everybody should have it aud use It freely both foe euro and pro teetton. It Is hoped this price will place It within the reach of all—tho poor as well as the rich. A great su periority of this remedy over any other ever discov ered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent* Is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequent ly It produces no qunism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by It from Its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheu matism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Ear ache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of tMs Spleen, Hysterica, Pain iu the Bowels, Ooltc. Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the In termittent type, or become periodical. This ••Core” expels tho poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons traveling or temporarily re siding in the malarious districts. If taken occasional ly or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate In sufficient quantity to ripen Into disease. Hence it selves of the protection this remedy affords. PREPARE® BY DR. J. 0. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Sold by Redwlne h Fox, J. 8. Willson, and all tba Druggists In Maoon. Also, by all Druggists and Deal ers everywhere. Jyl-deod&w-Sm U. S. Mttrshal’s Sale. TTNDEll and by virtue of a writ of flora facias. Issued U ont of the Honorable, the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, Charles P. Crosby, In the follow ingcaaa, to-wit: Charles P, Crosby vs. Urrskana C. Rogers. I have levied upon an the property of Goraham C. RoTers, all those City Lots lying and being on Me- Douough street and Mobb’s alley, In the city of At- lanty, county of Fulton, originally Henry, Stats of Georgia, known as City Lota Nos. 15, 20, 27, 28, and 29, which constitutes Block No. 7, In land lot 03, in the 14th District« said county, containing 0 acres, more difficult and long-standing cases. Usually this medi cine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order; should ths patient however require a ca thartic medicine, after having taken three or four doa ea of the Tonic, s single dose of BULL'S v V X1ETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be sufficient Dr. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office: No. 40' b'iftIt Cross Street, Ijouloville, XCeutuolry CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! NEW SYSTEM ! triHE utdwtlfiud licxive lu lulkrmlur »h. otttuul of AU»t*. “*»*»• U»J X have opened in the large and commodious store, formerly occupied by J. H. White k Co., next door to Muador A Bros., Whitehall street, where we intend to keep permanently one of the largest stocks of ■§ READY-MADE CLOTHING, ECA.TB nud GMNTB' FURNIBHIP<TO OOODB EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. From our continued connection for the past thirty years with the manufacture of clothing, a gag 38® "wTlSIlf M.e'iut r»TBTB T»Tl Tnul awl »iU M l our good, for CASH ONLY. TLU will Ill-ore fair dealing to all. * Pleaaa call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. mtk » ’ £0 Manufactory 44 Murray gt., N. Y„ in Kavaaaab, Ga., No, 140 ConfrmBL, aad Oft St. Julian It., Store In Charlestoi * " sep 12-8m Where, II kinds ng and 3U3Hing aireoi. r. M. JACK. W. P. CHI80LM. Bull’s Worm Destroyer, I’o my United Scales and World Wide Readers. I have motived many testimonials from professions and medical men. aa my almanacs and various public cations have shown, all of which are genuine. The following letter from a highly educated and popular physician In Georgia, is certainly one of the mo«' slble communications I havo ever received. Dr. TBOYXB: Villahow. Walker Co., Ga., June 29,18. Dr. Johk Bull—Dear Sir: I have recently given your "Worm Destroyer" several trials, and find it won derfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single in stance to have the wished-for effect I am doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily ubo for some article of the kind. I am free to confess that I know of no remedy recommended by tbe ablest authors Ject in writing you Is to find out upon what terms I can get the medicine direct from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, 1 shall use s great deal of 1L ' aware that the use of such articles is teachings and practice of a great majority lar line M. D’s, but I see no just cause or good iiscarding s remedy which we know to bo efficient simply because we may belguorant of its combination, F »r my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and sny means to alevlate suffering hnmanity which I may l>e y^ft^e n regu- able to command—not hesitating because iugeuious than myself may have learned Us of fects first, and secured tho sole right to secure that knowledge. However, I am by no moans an advocate rter of the tno 1 tho country, that purport t JULIUS P. CLEMENT. M. D. c A K D y F. M. JACK & CO., T 0 Y 8 GREENBACKS -W O HR. T H SAVIN G-, If you think so, then look to your interest, and uss COAL CREEK COAL, thereby 'saving 60 to 100 per cent 1,000 Toas oa band and to (nrrlve j u ths next 80 dtjjr. Bnt Loop OmJ Met*. FwBukS tf $0 Pouiikj tk. Ctr Uti, u.SOefc. at th, Yari.ljk IN ROAR OIjBNN, IWRIOHT CARR'S. orders promptly ifilled. .J. M. BORN, JR., & CO. DAVID HUESTIS. FRED. H(5Pe Gsn be mad* by buying the best a n u f a o t r e r mi o £ WHOLESALE, 20 CENTS PER POUND. A.1STD Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CENTS PER POUND. COHNKH OF AMIUSU ANI> WHITEHALL STRKKTK ATLANTA GKOttGI A. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Henson for the Captain’s Faith. READ TBE CAPTAIN'S LETTER AND THE LKTTEB PNOM HIS MOTHER. Bikto, Bauuce's, Mo., April 30,18M.3 Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency [>10-td G ® 0 *? 1 ™’ COUNTY.-Whsrssa, Jo- sepb II. Brown, administrator of J. M. King spressnts to the court In hie petition, duly filed end fleeted ^on^rscord, that be has fully administered This is therefore to cits all person’s concerned, klu- A. D. WOODS, Ordinary. Printer’s fb# 34 60 NOTICE, DEBTORS ami CREDITORS. pEOBOIA, FULTON COUNTY.-Notice is hereby IJ given to all persona having demands against John Me luster, Senior, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. • their character aad amount, and all i immediate payment to M. McMAHTElt. State of Georg.a, ou the First Tuesday 1m Orteber, Neat, GEO. B. CHAMBERLIN, A. Perryman, represents to the oonrt In her peti tion, duly filed aud’ entered on record, that ahe has fully administered Perrymau's estate : This la therefore to cite all persons conesrned, kin dred and creditors, to shew causa If ear they one, why said administratrix should not be discharged from her administration, aad roostae letters ef dismission on the flret Monday in Ootober. 184. This Ith day of July, 1833. A. D. WOODS, Oadlnary. }uly«Mn«m Printer* fee 34 SO G EPHOIA. HARALSON COUNTY.-Two month* altar date epplionfloo be made to the Ordi nal/ of Beretoon oounty, G >onla, tar leave to anU the andi betonttag to the estate of Beubeo Itotd. do- artsuf w " ca ' of ^ rnssr rf AAnlnlitnlnr ment of my oene: I was wounded two years ago—was taken prisoner, and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so of ten, my wounds have not bealed yet. I have not Bit up s moment elnce I was wounded. I am shot through the hip*. My general health la impaired, and I need something to assist nature. I have more faith In your Sarsaparilla than In anything olae. I with that that is genuine. Please express me half a dozen bottles, and oblige, CapL C. P. JOHNSON, St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—The following was written April 30, 1865, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Db. Bull—DesrSlr: My husband, Dr. 0. 8. Jchn- >n, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Central New^York, where lm died leaving the above C. P. John- chronic T‘‘ Sarsaparilla. It cubed fer ton vears recommended it to many In New , Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fever eoree general debility. Perfect suoceaa has at ed iL Tho cures effected In some cases of scrofula and fever eoree were almost miraculous. I am very anxious for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. He Is fearful of getting a epuriou e article, rlblo. hence hie writing to you for It. His wounds were ter- mil CEQfiOl HITTERS. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. .1HH.1.VS.1S fttUtHit FRO.Tf. TMtlmony of Medical Sen. Storet Poikt, White Co., Ark., May 23, I860 Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Last February I was lr. Louisville purchasing Drugs, and I got some of your Sarsaparilla and Codron Bitters. Mv son-in-law who was with me in the store, has been down with rheumatism for some time, commenc ed ou tbe Bitters, and soon found his general health improved. Dr. Gist, who has been In bad health, tried them and he also improved. Dr. Ooffee, who ha* been in bad health for several yean—stomach and liver affected-he Improved vary ranch by the nee of your Bitter*. Indeed, the Oedron Bitters has given you great popularity in this settle- ment I think I could sell s great quantity of your medialnaa this fall, especially of your Oedron Bitten andjHaraaparilla. Ship me via. Memphis, oara Bickett a a. waun. All tba above letoedieetor sale by L. H. BRADFIELD, DRUQGIHT, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, HA arcU*odI, ’ fpHIB ie particularly a fact in buying a STOVE. Tbe boat Stoves lu tbe country aro made by * ' ‘THE NTATIQMAT. STOVE WORKS,’ OF NEW YOBK. THEY MAKE THE “MTTTLTAK FRIEND” “Live Oak,” “Good Will,” “Confidence,” “Southern States," and “Diiie" COOKING STOVES. Aud • ooiuplet, uuorlni.ul of PA11LOB, afTOKE aud OPFICE HKATIN0 8TOVE8. AUo, tue Clobr»Ud Mid tlnriv.l,.d 8anf or( i' a “MAMMOTH" or "GLOBE" Heaters. These ire th. MOST POWERFUL Heating Stoves i v- r .- oduced in this or any other market. They are admirably adapted to RAILROAD DEPOTS, FAOTOhl- . STORES, PUBLIC ROOMS, or any place where extensive heat is requir- ed—very durable and economical. Their immeuse success bas brought out numerous imitations all of which are greatly inferior. I the TH'ivm i, st.i.viis t.vm 1\1 t.t.n • THE "MUTUAL FRIEND” HAS NO EQUAL! We also keep constantly on hand, a complete assortment of HOUSE FUHmSHirja aOODS 2 Fancy and Market BASKETS, WOOD-WAR*; SILVER-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, Ac. HUESTIS & HOPE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, THE MOST POWERFUL AND INFALLIBLE VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE KX0WN. WARRANTED A CERTAIN CURE FOll All scrofulous diseases, ulcers, chronic rheumatism, mercurial and syphilitic diseases In all stages, aud all skin disease*. It quickly removes virus from the constitution and blood, and restores the patient to perfect health and purity. Try it and It convinced. Prepared in the Laboratory of PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, & CO., Wholesale l)rn if (fists, Atlanta, Georgia. fob. gAi.m .A.T X.OW rmcES : lO.OGO Pounds Pure Lead, 100 Kegs English Bicarb Sod*. 500 Oz. Sulph. Quinine, 100 Pounds Balsam Gopaiva, 200 Gallons Alcohol, 200 Pounds Gum Camphor, _ 0 Oz. Hulph. Morphine, 100 Pounds Bine Maes. .200 Oil*. Rplrlts Turpentine, riwO Pounds Putty, 100 Pounds Calomel, 200 Pounds 8plrlta Nitre, 100 Pounds Refined Borax, — »—, B0 Pounds Iodide Pol Large stocks of pure drugs, medicines, chemicals, instruments. . . . patent medicines, photographic chemicau, stock,I Ac., On hand, and for sale, at tho lowest possible prices. Call and examine stock and prices. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, &CO., aug 20—3m Atlanta, Georgia. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, -DEALERS IN- BOOTS AND SHOES, 'I SIGN OF THE BIG IRON BOOT, _ WHITEHALL STREET, - - - • Ugll-0 7 GEORGIA. septSO '68-ly M. O. M.ARKHAM, BOOTS -A. 1ST ID S H O B S SOLE LEATHER, CALF' SKINS, SHOE FINDINCS, &C., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA- GEORGIA. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my stock, as it is SR XiB OT.Srn WITH GHTHA.T o And (lari'liasi'd Yxrliislvol) for ( AMI, From tj*e Manufacturers. .33, Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a 1 . 1A a. 1 Specialty. M. O. MARKHAM. REDWINE & FOX ATLANTA, GA., "W HOLESALE And Dealers iu REED, CARNUICU k ANDRUS’ Standard. Cliemical Preparations, A Pure Article of Sperm Oil, A Fine quality of Wool OH, The Beat Braude of Lard Oil, Strictly Pure Strait’s Oil. COMBINATION SPINDLE OIL, FOR MACHINERY. REDWINE & FOX, MEADOR & BROS, TOBACCO : C O M M I S S I'O.N MERCHANTS M a n u fa cturers of Cigars WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. 3,000 Boxes Various Brands, Styles and qualities of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, MANUFACTURER’S PRICES 1 We make Cigars of tho Best Material, and Guaranteejthe Smoking Quali ties and Workmanship as Good as any made in the United States. Solo n*onts for i . T. I'llklnlon'a Brand, of Chcwlntr and Smoking Tobacco., FRUITS AND FLOWERS.! COMMONWEALTH, AC. SUg 1 <J3m JORDAN, HOWARD A HARRALSON TOBACCO COMMISSION MKHCHANTS, WHOLRSALK DEALF.R8 IN LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c. WM.n<Wr m. t-Y - •THJDDT, ATLANTA CEORCIA. re *u k . Jq1/ 2—3m