Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 06, 1869, Image 3

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kdr.rttown.nt. and him to our fiiauda from reading Ui« In i’ baa quit flooding. ■a Pupa baa adjoum- Nfca. R will moot b. iaat. Florida, will proaob ", Church tbia (Wod- t of taarlug down buildiug was _nuol A. Echols tie to tho Ijouia- , vice Martin U. CITY HVftGET. Fu Chowdib Mnred fit the Natiouhl Hotel Restaurant at 11 o'clock lo-dey. TAKE NOTICE EVERYBODY. We have now in atore the lergeet stock of HUf neat clothing for Fell tad Winter mi offerod in this market. Cell and examine onr •took before making yonr pnrohaee<\ as wo are deteimined not to bo under sold. M. J. Hiaecu, 77 WhiftehoU street. Atlanta, Os. ootfllw lulbert, .Suporin- LtUutio lUilroad, mt of several iluytt, W. Lewis, Bocte- |riculturul Society, —The Angoata arduy nays : “Our !by, of the Atlanta handsome, genial iy. Brother Whit) ►tout and versatile -e glad to know that dug under the joint «n. Whidby.” —MoHsra. Walker, leatou, 8. C., have cation of the Rural lotcd to the iutor* to the cultiva- and well 11- amount of val- is no reason beoanae the than ever in- agriculture and which teaches possible crop The Maga- we doubt not Honorable coko against having and as resumed 1,000 Bags white and yellow corn for sale cheap, at Depot, in order to save storage. Ap ply to A. K. Beago. ootd 3t FRESH ARRIVAL. Phillips A Flandeia are now receiving a largo aud woll selected stock of Full and Winter goods, Boots, Shoes and all goods usually kept iu a flrst-class house. Call aud oxamiuo our stock boforo making your purchases. Wo oonaider it no troublo to show goods oct2-6t KOKETABY AN900UMEB0IAL Middling M to 21* cento B9B Puilliph A Flandjcrh are reoeiving a largo and well selected slock of Dry Goods, Poplins, Delanos, Ac., to which they call the attention of tho ladios. oot2-5t. Holbrooks Hat Emporium.- John M. Hoi- brookft, at hia Emporium, on Whitehall stroet, has a superb stock of Gents’ Hats aud Ladioa’ and Misses’ Furs. He is fully prepar ed for the Fall and Winter Trade, and has the best stock ho ever had. No mistake about this, but go around and see, and bo satisfied to bay cheap. cot3-3t. Up ii a Balloon—Happy as a Bio Sum Flower.—Editors, Reporters, Expressmen, and others nro usiug tbo memoranda cases, aud all are pleased with them. Fresh paper joasily adjusted when necessary. A greenback size for ladies -large enough to carry funds when shopping—good thing to keep wash list. Nawo only for $1. Write it plain. Address, W. R. Hanixiter, Book-Binder, Ac., Ac. SPECIAL NOTICES. rith ability of the |Government in ■■■R was sus- • excluded.— nent must be d, when the at by its tenor. I signed by the pi for the Gov I in custody to i by the Grand 111 cases, which oorrespou- test, against A gentle- complaints rinks is equally b justice of the pur oorrespon- f tho occupants complained t inclined to »hint. a lady, else thoso ihiugs -a baa in ess wish to oall tlo inadver- iras tronble- mt his buRi- I the ladies tbo sidewalk, man, m or- to tho street, (specially as i hurry, and would bo a .iud a bovy innocent and new i about tho , but I hope matter, uade the leaving at r the men. Grunteb. ary Lewis ' interest ig sped \ forthcoming CIKTY, I Ororfis State Lottery, for the Benefit of the Orphani’ Home and Free School. Combination Class, No. 476. Ths following were tho drawn num bers October 5, 1809 : 37-81—23—87—13—48 -21-77-11-71—7- 43 •ct 6-dlt HOW A HD 4( CO., Managers Buautms —Trade oontinuM quiet, though by mo MOM dolL Wo And moot of oar moi- ohonto doing a good ordot bartnooo, whil. orboleomlo gayoro ore pretty thl«k in tbo city. CocoTOt Foomooo—There to o oooralty of nlmoot .wry kind of ooaatry prodaoo in the oity. Gverythieg it in dnnond, and com mando good prices. Ai ploh—(irsen apples ora plenty at $1 25 to 1 SO per bubal. Dried ore worth G ceuta per lb. Buttsu—Good hotter Is hitfd to get. It readily nommaoda 40 unto. Guldens—Bring 46 cents. Eon.—Are in good demand at 36 cents, and rery scaroe. Potatoes—Irish potatoes ora plenty in mark et at $3 60 per bbl. Sweet potatoee continue scaroe. They are quoted at gl 60 per bash. Pmaoum—Dried peaches, pealed 121 cents, annealed 8 oonts. Onion.—(1 60 per bushel Meat.—Corn meal is active at tl GO per bnshoL RED WINE * FOr 00LU11N THU ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. n *1*22 21 HOW L...2l*®21* Hasan's Magnolia Halm.—This article Is the true secret of beauty. It Is what Fashionable Ladies, Actresses, and Opera Singers uso to produce that cultivated, distingue appoaranco so much ad mired In the circles of fashion. It removes all unsightly Blotches, Hodnc-sa, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, aud effects of Spring Winds, and gives to the comploxion s Blooming Purity of transparent dellcaoy and power. No lady who valuos a flno com plexion can do without the Magnolia Balm. Seventy- five cents will buy kt of auy of our rospectable dealers. Lyon’s Kathalron I lng. MASOVK.—Atl > every Socond and 1 mouth. Fulton Lodge, No. 316, meets every First sud Third Thursday night in each month. Mt. Zion Royal Arch Chapter, No. 10, meets every Second Monday in each month. W. II. TULLKIt. U. P. A. Hosknfki.d, Secretary. iliaillANK JU CLAIIK, Attorney*.—Or- on Broad stroet, over Echols* Store. Practice anywhere In tho State, United States Supreme Court, and Superior Courts. Jy 26 dly WM. WOOD & CO., Ull tunity for all other fairness vate sales, the Secro- »r’s receipt and will t articles in- libition, cx- i the result Extra at- aro always texture aud i wish to ex- c&nnot i or express 1 Society.— 1 exhibited, !■ for the mt they e Secretary. , in all oases, and return re-dolivered must be ention. pany article, ue person, ntitlos the privileges of further UNDERTAKERS AND UPHOLSTERS, MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. DAT FASSENOKm. Leaves Atlanta 7:68 a. u. Arrivoa at Macon 1:40 r. u. Leaves Macon 7:65 a. v. Arrivoa at Atlanta 1:10 r. m. NIGHT FASSINOKB. Leaves Atlanta 7:18 p. u. Arrives st Macon 3:23 a. u. Leaves Macon 8:60 p. m. Arrives st Atlanta 4:48 a. M. October 3d. 1888. eretary. all dwelling, 1 the Poor _ Peachtree Sll Haturday ‘ Iflcattona I required for I according to l the right IEET. MOON 1CHT. . and Lager , Proprietor. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Btrka Street'-, Philadelphia. 1 Beam Engine, 22-tuch cylinder, four foot stroke, made by 8u" “ 1 “'" k " * 48 feet long 40 Roller Looms, 42 Inch, 0, • and 10 troadle*, 1, 2, 3 and 4 shuttles. 25 Crompton Looms, 42 and 46-lnch, 12 and 24 Har ness, 3 and 3 boxes, pick and pick, and also 4 boxes. ^ „ , 68x48 lstbroakor,) Mule 48x48 2d *’ J 420 spindles lx iStf 240 splndica l\-ln.g’s«e Mules I 432 spindles ^ Wng’age l^Hargent’s Burr Pteker, large sixS, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 WlUow, Hodson’s make, large slxe, iiwedor 38-inch. 1 Bet woolen cards. 40x42 Condenser. J 40x42 1st breaker,) 86x42 2d ” ] 30x42 Condenser. ) 80x48 1st breakor,) ,48x48 2d 48x48 Oondfll wTTjomns... $16*16 Immmmr-V lb Hams, cauv. B.C.. .24^26 Plain Oauvssed .. .22* 23 Country Bides, clear. Sldea O. B Bhotuders 18*18* India.... ■ale Hope v lb Machine-made.. 9**10 lland-made....8*8* Battlr-yi ft Goshen nominal Country 20@30 Tenneasco.... 26*38 Oofles-fk ft. lUo Prime 24*^38 Good 22**23* Ordinary.. 21*22 Java 38*40 Candles—It ft. Star 17*17* Pan fine 40*48 Cottoa Yarae—V 6 ft. Noe. 8 aud 10 $2 00*2 06 Noe. 8,10.12 . 2 00*2 05 Cottoa Cards—■ do*. Wiilttemore $7 60 CowPeaaVbn. afl.CO ikrngs and Oyestaffs Alum V ft P~ ,n Bluestons V ft..II Brimstone ft lb... Copperas V ft 3**5 Camphor V ft$1.2"'"* Oastor OU, qts. 6.0 do gal. 3 71 Ep. Balts fi ft. Indigo V ft. $1 2( Madder ft ft. Pot. byd. V ft. $« 28 quinine V oi, $2 76 Saltpetre V ft. 12*20 Sweet 011 V d0x1.80*6.00 do. gal$1.45*3,r do. pts. doz$3.l Dry Ooode—V yd. Br. 8h. 7-8 13*14 lir. 8h. 4-4 15©15* Bl’d Bh. 3-4.... 9*18 Bl’d Sh. 7-8.... 12*18 Bl’d Sli. 4-4....13*@30 Bro. Drill lftfM Bl’d. Drill 13*22* Ticking 12**45 Nail Rod 11*12* fitfg 7**9 Kegs and Cans 28* Lead-* ft. LeatMer-* ft. Oak Hole.. Mcrrimac.. American.. Wainsutta. Ight 12* drk 14 13*14 13*13* @ 9* Brandy Fr.. $7.00*12.00 Gin, Holland $4.i _ American... $1.60*2.00 Bum, Jamaica 4.00@8. oo American ..$ 1.69* 2.00 Whisky— H asAtsiaa Bye do $1.26* Robertson do $X00* Bourbon do$1.26* do $»dox... Neotar do Bootch do do qi gal... Wine V dox. Maderla... $2.60*6.00 Sherry $2.60*6.00 Port $2.60*8.00 Champalgne.. lackerel— No. 2. * bbl. $18 00 •’ 2 do Kits $2.60*3.00 Meal—W bo.$1.66*L60 Mess Pork—fk bbl. Molassese— Now Orleans Florids 75AI Bngar House $1.00*1.25 Cubs 60* 68 9 kg 3d fine $9 00 Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic No Arsenic—No Merc ary. PERFECTLY The only remedy for Chills and fever, or Ague and Fever, that Is or can be dopended upon la Hurley’i Ague Tonic. There have been thousands cured by nslng It who have tried tho usual remedies without benefit. WORTHY OF ATTENTION. To Dr. Thomas A. Hurley: On reaching home the disease returned In a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered Quin ine in large dosee—frequently sa blgb as 60 grains dav, and which must have cost me nearly $100. 11 suited Dr. Smith, of Louisville, and found he preecrib- ed quinine and arsenic oomblned, which 1 refused to take, preferring to let the disease take its course. I was almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pronounc- sd with enlarged Liver and Bpleeu. About this thus, the advertisement of Hurley's Ague Tonic appeared in s city naper, and I determined to give It a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret It. One bottle restored mo completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred cases In which it acted with equaiiy happy results, and would oertalnly recommend it ss prefera ble U> any other tonic before the bnblic. JAMKH MARTIN, Engtuoer. Louisville, Ky., Juno 16, 1888. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. 3d.. 4dto40 6 00; Olls-V gal... Lard Oil $1.7B( Oissbargs — ft yd 20*23 _ Potssh-V esse. PcutHcrs—uew, 76*s0l Babbits $14.00 Flour— Putty—ft ft... . 8*40 Atlanta Mills, fancy ft bun-|Rlce—ft ft 11@12 dred $5 OOjSult—ft sack. Do do, ex. family 4 60, Liverpool $3.26 Dodo, family 4 26 Virginia 2.30 Dodo, Fulton XXXX Shot-ft bag. family 4 00 Patent $3.40 Dodo, superfine 3 75| Buck Do do, Georgia XXXX Soap y lh. Dcmamra 17*18 Appli Appli Peaches, p’l’d 12*16| do unp’d... Cura in—y bu. Corn, White. .. 1 45*1 40 Refined A 18*18* Yellow.... 1 40-a . Refined B... .17**18 OaU 73*1*81 ltcflned O 16**17 Ginseng Cfi@72 Yellow Coffoo. 10*16* (■lass—y box.$3.60*7.00,Soda—Eng. yib8*8* Gunpowder yk«-fi.$7 25 S(arch-y lb...11*1205 Rifle hf. keg $4.00|Tol»acco-y ft. lUfloqr. kog 2 26 j Unsound 26*55 Blasting keg *5.25 Round 60*90 lay— y ton $38*40 Extra fine.. .1.00*1.86 tides-y lb. Smoking.... 60*1.00 Q -een 0*10 Varnish -ft gal. 18*20 Copal 3.50@4.00 20<>v22 Japan $3.lNK<u350 Dry Salted . Dry Flint .. -y lb. *0 y half bbl.. $9 60*10 Ayer’s Cathartic arr- ,, riltl -V AH.I |l 0V*| tried it, know mi a .. • not, know tli-Jt it cuilm mid all know that wli tl — tliat it never tin iU comnosilion. Wo saml* of certi ilcate* of liiui^HIMMM lolliiwing complainU, blit such cures art' known In every noighlmrliood, and wo need unt publLli them, Ad;i|ito«l to nil sgi'ri and nonditioni-in all climate»; containing neither calomel or any ilelotcriouajlriis, they may Imi Likou with snl’cly by anybody. Tlieir sugar coating prusorves them ever IVc a aad makes them ploasnnt to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can nri-c fiom tiieir u.-e in any quantity. They operate by their powerful hiilueiirc on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action — remove the obstructions of tho stomach, ImrvoIs, liver, and other organs of tho body, ludaring tlieir irregular action to hoalth, and by eorrecdng, wherever they exist, such derange ments as nro the first origin of disease. Minute directions arc given In the wrapper on the box, for tbo following complaints, which these 1‘UIu rapidly cure:- For Dyi|n-|Mla or luiligfstlou, JListlvss* arm, Lasiiior and I.i«« of %|»prtllc, they should he taken moderately to stimulate Uic stom ach and restore its healthy to no and action. For Liver Complaint and Its various Fymp- toms, 111 I ions llcailarliF, Nick llradutbc, JuuniILo or Grccs Sickness, Billions Colic ami Dlllous Fevers, they should bo Ju diciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions which cnu«c lr. For Dysentery or Iklnrt hara, but oue mild doso Is generally required. For Rheumatism, fsout. Gravel, Palpi tation of the llrwrt, Pain In the Mltle, Hack and loolns, they should bo continuously taken, ns required, to chango tho diseased action of the system. With such chango those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Awellings they should be taken in large and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For Nappressloii n lnr*<- dose should he taken as it produces the desired eiTcrt by sympathy. As a Dinner rill, kike oue or two l*f{/* to pro mote digestion and relieve tho stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, u 0 |& n wl . and invigorates tho system. Henri* i van lagoons where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of those PIIU makes him fool decidedly better, from their cleansing nod renovating efcct on the diges tive apparatus. « ' DB. J. C. AYER A CO., Practical Chemists, LOJVELTe. MASS., U. S. A. Sold by Rodwlne k Fox, J. 8. Willson, and all thi Druggists In Maooo. Also, by all Druyists and Deal. ER8. trams, six oollsrs. 1 Oondsnasr, feeder, 24 deliveries. 8 Hplnnlng Frames, 2-tnch rings, 188 spindles each. 1 ” " l*-ineh “ 180 * a " Yflth shafting, belting, Ac., fkc., complete to ran tin cotton machinery. W-Pt«MI Mills by hand and power. Will IU. part CUTnm In irMi. THOMAS G. SIMMS, Agent, Offlco at ,the Clothing .Store of W. B. Lowe k Co., Ja KENNY'S CHICAGO ALU DEPOT. FSSOftS " p ~“‘ u “" ita ** "*’«■- OLD WICICLIFFE WHISKY on band. Imported Ales, and Porter, aad Foreign and Dorasatic Wlusa, now offerwl at reduced prices, for ths Fall Trade. Orders may be left at my offioe la BELLI MAKULB BUILDING, oil Broad street. Depot same as heretofore—on Ala bama street M. K. KENNY. NOTICE. I 1JKRKBY give my eoaeent that my wife, MUUk Ifii 18)RA A. I’URRBR, may. from this dais beooms free trader. T. J. TURN MIL esp U.w4w* Atlanta, 1IEV YORK STEAM EI&IIE CO. WITH IODIDE OF FOT.VBII. ncu, ucuimy, uurairi ox in« tvianryi, Dyspepsia, BrysipslU, Female Ir> rraularltles, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofu la, or King’s Kvll, Syphilis." Lottutill*, April 4, 1866. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla Is whst it is reproseutod, and I believe It the most wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing under the heavens oould induce me to say so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on tho “lbjoct My daughter has been afflicted with skin disease and stiffness of the Joints for several years. 1 om- —•* H llgr physicians «f the city and they 1 gave her your HarsapariUa not - much good, bat to my gre touishmont she rapidly got well, and thank Gk>d tinuea so. Had she been taking any medicine I would not give thta certificate; but yonr Sarsaparilla, tho only remody employed, leaves no donbt of Us medi cal qualities, anu that It alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring tho truth and honesty of the --■— B m y rosldcuco, corner Ninth NEW STOKE! NEW GOODS ! NEW SYSTEM ! READY - MA'DE OLOTHINC, HATH and OraNTS’ nmUIBHINO GOODH EVKU BBODQBT TO THIS MAIiKET. From oar eontlnaed conn^Uon for the put thirty y«r« with the mutnfhetar, of cl othlog, MpecUlly uUpted tor the Bmithern mirket, .ltd the m.ny feclUtlM md idrenUjoe we —«— vnr, > where, exclusively, we manufacture our goods, '' ‘ which comprises all kinds tK, botC>2£r2D PRICE and will sefi oar foods for 0ACH ONLY. Thla wflllfisnr. fair desMag to all. Please oall and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Manufactory 41 Murray St., N. Y„ Store In Savannah, Ua.,No, Congress St.•»»«! 69 St. Julian St., Store In Charleston, I.O., m Meeila* aad S03 Kla* Streat. F. M. JACK. W. P. CHISOLM. c A N D Y F. M. JACK A CO., T 0 s 3VT anufaoturor* o f yVlSTX) Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CENTS PER POUND. COIIMKK OP ALABAMA ANU WHITEHALL STREETS, ATLAN TA GEOHGIA. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Co.—Uontloiiifn—It gives ifter using all the other worm remedies known to uie. with but partial success niy children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley’s, e using It my childnm have become quite lid os s Louisville, June 13, 1868. JAB. W. TBAV18. HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. action oflhr Ltv r Disordered Stomach* To Jss. Ruddle k Co., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen This Is to certfly that I have been for years s suffers r end tried sll the tonics I have beard of or seen sdTe r tided, with little or no relief from any of them, I beard Hurley’s Bitters highly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in It before 1 commenced, and to my surprise and Joy, before 1 finished one bottle, " H a groat deal better and firmly believe that one or erosions it was the moons of saving and prolong ing my life. I conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers as the beet Bitters known, and advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley's and have no other. You can use this as you think proper, If it will benefit others. Yours truly, etc., JOHN W. DIXfiON. Louisville, Ky., December 10,1868. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. m seabbook’s : INFANT 800THING SYRUP. take, harmless In Its action, efficient and rellablo in all Lies. Invaluable In the following diseases*. Bummer Complaint, Irregularities of the bowels, Roetlvcnsss, Toothing, Ac. Givos health to the child and rest to tAe mother. Nashville, Tun., Feb. 12,18 Jas. Huddle A Co., Loulsvillo, Ky.—When living in our city I used several bottles of Dr. 8csbrook’« In- tnt Soothing Hvrup, and found it to do my child mor« good and It would rost better after using It than any other remody I ever tried. I can say with confidence, it la the best medicine for children at present known. 1 wish you would get tho druggists hare to keep it. li any one does, please let me now; If not send m« one dozen by express, and I will pay for it at the office Write mo when you send it, and obllgo MRS. HARM! L. RANDOLPH. Manufecturers of Engine LtoUl*, Pbuiere, Belt Cutler*, Up right Drill*, Mnehlnbta’ Tool, of oil Dencriptioiu. i-working Machine- 1 Stationary and Port- it COkhroiled aborting, j, aad oQ artSdes needful • or railroad repair shops. • Chamber* st, New York. jal$-M rmO WAt<T 3ofi~ Work , TF YOU WANf JOB done up in tbs floMt 1 style a< ths art, sad at ttvtag prtoss. bring ft to the NEW KRA JOB ornc*. DR. SEABROOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisaya. This elegant combination possesses sll tho toxic properties of Peruvian Dork and Iron, without the dls- atf reside tarts and bad affects of either, separately or in oilier preparations, of these valuable medicine*. It should ba token In all oaaea whoa a geatU Ionic lot presston la required after oocvalssceaos from rsva L or debUltotlag dUeasea, or In those distressing Irregn- laritlas peculiar to fanxaUs. Mo female should be with! eut It, if llahla to such diseases, ter nothlag can take Its place. James Ruddle & Co., rOOFBIETOIlS, iMhorniory .Vo. 41, Bullitt Mrett Louisville, Ky, s obovs goods for sols by UDWIMJI A FOX ATLANTA, GA ^ FLEASK RE AD..THE (NAMES ATTACHED1TOHTHISI TESTIMONIAL. ATLANTA. OAjeo I >ln,nber.l«t.|leo»- TITK the usdereigned, ore using the ” MUTUAL FRIEND ’’ Cooking Stove, monufoeiured by the "TIi YY Notional Move Works,' of New York, and believing It te be the beet Cooking Stove In the market, cordlall recommend them to all who desire to fare hose a first dess article: GO. A. H. COLQUITT. Vice President Southern Life Insurance Company. MAJ. J. R. MORGAN, Special Agent lUua Insurance Company.] W. T. PHILLIPS, Phuhi* A Crew. 1 CAPT. J. MORRISON. MoNeught, Ormond A Co. J. O. BRUCKNER, Atlanta, Go. MRS. K. S. OTKRBY, At'onte. Go. COL. R. F. MADDOX, Tobacco Merchant, AUsnU, Gs.] J. M. BORN. JR., Ooel Merchant, AUanU, Gs. JOHN H. FLYNN, Stats R. R. Shop, Atlsnte Ga. NELSON J. DOOLITTLE, Conductor HUte R. B. f JOHN A. DOANE, Atlanta, Gs. It. J. DAWfKTN. Atlanta, Go. REV. JULIUS T. CURTISS, AtlsnU, Gs. J. U. GOLDSMITH, AUsats lnteUigriic«r.| «t * " r ** ir *■ ol ® Agents Jin AUsnU for “Tbo Nation, l stove Works,’’ and keep consautly on hand »c piste usorimeut of their 4 COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, WHICH WE SELL, WHOLESALE AND UETAI[,| AT I’ACTOHY PBIUKS, And eleo i full .nick of Hone. Eurnlnliinfr Ooode. J, HUESTIS & HOPE. Markham’s Empire Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. DAVID HDK8X1B. C REENBACKS ■W O T II SAVING- If you think so, then look to your Interest, and uso COAL CHEEK COAL, tboreby jewing so to 100 per cent. 1,000 But Lump OoaI 26 eta. Per Buihel of i 'one on hand and to nrrtve in the next 30 dare. I Pound* by tbo Cur Loud, ud 30 oti. at the Turd, in ru3A.n olhnn, wmoxxT no icARri'tH. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. 7jwto J. Ml. BORN, JR., & CO. 27-deow2m SS.3THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, THE MOST POWERFUL AND INFALLIBLE VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE,[KNOWN. AVARUANTED A CBIITA1N CURE FOll All scrofulous diseases, ulcers, chronic rheumaUaro, mercarlsl and syiihlllUc disoasos In all stagos, and all,skln disoascs. It quickly romovos virus from tho constitution and blood, and restores tho pstiont to porfect health and purity. Try it and be convinced. Freimreil In tho I.nlKmitorj- of I’EMBEUTON, WILLSON, TAYLOH, & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Atlanta, Georgia. ,FOR SAX. 33 A.T LOW PRICES: 10,000 Pounds Pure Lead, 100 Kegs English Bicarb Boda. 600 Oz. Bulph. Quinine, 600 Gallons Linseed Oil, 600 Boxes Window Glass, _ _ ^ | 60 Oz. Bnlph. Morphine, 100 Ponnds Balsam Copal vs, 100 Pounds Blue Mass. 200 Gallons Alcohol, 500Gallons Varnishs, fall sc 2C0 Pounds Gum Csmpbor, 60 Pounds Iodide Potasslu Large stocks of puro drugs, medicines, chemicals, Instruments. 100 Pounds Calomel, 200 Pounds Spirits Nitre, 100 Founds Refined Borax, ho lowest possible prices. Call and examine stock and prices. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, &CO., Atlanta, Georgia. M. O. YAIRKHAM, BOOTS .A. 1ST ID SHOES, SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINCS, &C., EXPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA- COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my stook, as it is BBIjBOTXID W I TII GREAT O AH 13, And tmrriioMd ovclnslvolj for CASH, From tho Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS Specialty. wniGm M. O. MARKHAM. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, —DEALERS IN- BOOTS AND SHOES SIGN OF THE BIG IRON BOOT, WHITEHALL 8TREET, FOX And Dealers In RF.ED, CARNRICH k ANDRUS’ Standard Chemical Preparations, A Pare Article of Sperm Oil, A Fine Quality of Wool Oil, The nest lirnnilsof Lard Oil, Strictly Pare Blrall'i Oil. COMBINATION SPINDLE OIL, FOR MACHINERY. Tbo BEST Non-explosive COAL OIL. PURE WHITE LEAD. (Also cheaper grodoo.) LINSEED OIL. TUBPEN. TINE, and overy variety of PAINTERS’ MATERIALS. All sold at tho LOWEST MARKET PRICE. REDWINE & FOX, June 7 186 MEADOR & BROS, T 0,VB A. C C O COMMISSION MERCHANTS M anlu f alcBt urers o*f Cigars — WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, IGA. 3,000 Boxes ,Various Brands, Styles and Qualities of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, MANUFACTURER’S PRICES! Wo mako Cigars of the Best Material/’and Guarantee tho Smoking Quali ties and Workmanship as Good .as any made in the United States. Solo ngontx for I •. T. t'llklnton’a Brand, of Chewing and {Smoking Taluirco*, FRUITS: AND FLO WERS.SCO M MON WEALTH, AC. FOREST QUEEN It la the only preparation yet produce hair on the bald head. It wm dlAoovered in Atlanta. It has beeaterted In Atlanta. Its refereaoes are In Atlanta. It has produced hair and whiskers on s gentleman in Atlanta over to yean oI age. . . It removes scabs, ecurfe, and dandruff from tho It^romovea all Itching and beat o4 the scalp. It keeps ths ‘ "TZ. the iaUp riMn ■ ItoW, Uu Ulr f— bUliig <mt. TEr/wblii*. * ,-J^u ud bMUbr. • Mr tnm 0 aad eye brows to grow luxu- iy mm at uriirs age. Vnpared oaly by DR. II. •. POMEROY, No. 17 Alabama Rtreet, Up Blaira, CITY BREWERY, FEOHTER & MERCER. Propriotore. /XFFICEln tbo old Pootofflce Building, Whitehall rtreet, next door to Gate City Bar. Orders solicit. IMPIUE STEAM FUIUG IIU J.C. PECK & CO., UbiLDUg MANrrACTuarim ud diauou in lj Lo«b«r. Doan. W BU.dK UtmiUau, kc.. he. fertofan—.0.0—Urcbud. W» km now on bud. ud wo d»Uj rooMrlo.. lb. luiwtud hoot — <rf boukw onr bro<3W to Jo4ot I,f u UofUu ud dw, ud owooood lamkw ofororr rorlofjr. Doo’lwf U 1. oot In ton oMllroo kOTO uhu o bx>k *> OU pliu. 1.0. net W. o. OBAMIOW.