Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 30, 1869, Image 2

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, w. undertook, » taw day, ulnoa, to Tin Piurr rw cut .*• «»omoi tub Hair or St.ti umi nuoooa etut Stout tlu UUIUIWWI udiu PIWUOUW. Th. IutoUlgonoor ttfll «Kd<ta o* tt« teod of 1U column# "th. Lurgnt ottjr, ouaaljf “" J ***“ oironl»tton," which wo b»t»4o#*^ ***° P reT ®‘ Wo now offer tho »noot hot to Sothrook'o •tore, or the flnoU onothot con turod, tor tho proof of tho ooooiOkm. Whot doe* the IntelllRoncor myk-NWt. In odditton to th# oboro wo will giro Boost suit of clothe* in Atlonto tor proof. — IbwfitoMtw- And agoln, in »ddition. w« will giro tho pair of boot# that c«u lie mods in Atl*ul», half o dooen •birto— Bra. end STATE NEWS. A $2,500 Bro cnnie off la Rome on Thnni doy. The Courier oof*: America* i« ottH grow- Thoro won ioo in Columbu. Wodueodoy morning. Tho Gon.titatioii.lUt report# the ouddon death of Oen. Frank Taylor, of eongeMiv* chill. On next Saturday aflornoou, tho 30th slant, the regular semiannual parade of Augoate Pit. ltopartment will take place The Athens Watchman reports that a imstofflco hss been established about mi miles , .. . I. with II, Mathan la Collins the }«m that place, with Ur. Nathan U ttollin. a# FoetmasU-r It is dubbed ‘•rtadicsL Mr. Henry Slevens has presented the edi tor of the Mscon Telegraph a stalk of ribbon cano eight feet long to show that the pine woods of Baldwin could do something besides raising salamanders. The Columbus Enquirer says : We loorn (I,at on Monday a negro employee on the new Eagle and Pbenix Factory fell from the third story to the ground, by which ho was ODly slightly injured. Tho annnal conference of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will meet in Rome .... si... id»K nAcninlifir iifixt. Thd Courier u IsUlSCUpu VUUlk Ui «W«S*U| " ••• — on the 8th of December next The Courier celling loudly lor it* country friende to supply tUo essential chickens, eggs and bntter. The SavuuuaU Advertiser of Thursday says: This well and favorably known steamship, under the command of Capt Joshua Atkins, from New York, made her appearauue m oor river yesterday morning on her first trip since her disaster.} The Rome Courier of Thursday says : Capt W, M. Gauimon, aud R. J. Gwalney, on lost Tuesday, killed. near this city, 86 partridges-- every one on the wiug, aud all a single bird to the shot. If any one can beat this, we would liko to hear from him. The Columbus Suu is informed that tho Israelites of that city propose to erect a new synagogue. If sufficient funds eau be ob tained,they intend selling their present lot and buying tho one just east of tho edifico used by the Female Department of the Public Schools. It is hoped to raise $8,000. There is said to bo a good deal of counter feit money afloat in this section, says the Co lumbus Suu, the principal bills being $2, $6 and $10. A letter shown ns from a New York house that deal9 in such articles aays tho one dollar bills will not bo ready beforo the last of this month. The Marietta Journal says: Mr. Joseph Babb on leaving for bis home on Monday eve ning lute, was fired into by some negroes.— Shot passed thick and fast uround, some striking him, and a boy with him was pros trated owiug to tho close proximity of those shooting. The only excuse these darkies could render was, they was just shooting off their gun, a fact very obvious aud palpable to Mr, Babb and his young companion. On Saturday lust Capt. Heudricks, of Charleston, received a dispatch from a lady in Albany, N. Y., requesting him to take posses sion of her son, George Hunter, a lad travel H1UU Ol net Bull, \_»v-OrgL ..—, — —— — ingwith Skill’* Gaylord’s Minstrels, and col lect his salary. Captain Hendricks immedi ately took possession of the lad, bnt tho Man agers avowed that they had paid him all his salary to date. The boy knows nothing of the salary; says he left homo with the consent of his mother' who was to receive his salary, but that he was not well treated by the troupe. He seems to be glad to get home. He will be scut to New York to day by the steamer. He was taken care of by the Chief of Police. The Savannah News, of Thursday, says:— Chief detective Wray yesterday arrested a man who has been in the city • for some days and passing under the namb of Capt. Erwin. From information received from Ocala, Fla., de scribing the individual, Lieut. Wray proceeded to work up the case, and as above stated, ar rested a gentleman bearing the description who had passed under the name of Capt. Er- wiu After the arrest had been made the offi cer, not exactly satisfied ns to tho person, asked to see his papers, and the prisoner handed a number of letters, which gave him the above designation. Ouo envelop, however, which the Captaiu hesitated to deliver, was 1 UB UIU3D nil uiniV/iitiuii, dressed to his father, J. J. Stroble, of Ocala, Fla. The keen eyes of tho officer saw in this his man, who being evidently taken at a dis advantage, made a clean breast and acknowl edged that he was E. W. Stroble, who, on the 29th December last, killed in self-defense a mau by tho name of M. A. White, at Lees burg, Fla. The Mews. Earl Derby, ono of the greatest of modern English statesmen, died on Saturday, aged seventy. General Butterfield, Assistant Treasurer in Tho forthcoming report of theg Secretary of War will show a marked decrease iu expenses in nearly every branch of his department It will require $25,810,000 in coin to pav the semi-annual interest on the 5-20 bonds on the 1st of November. It iu said there is now in circulation four millions more small currency than at any time since tho currency was issued. With tho exception of Kecrotanr Fish and Attorney General Hear, President Grant’s Cabinet is ^aid to be iu Invor of the immedi ate recognition ot Cuba. A colored woman confined in jail iu Savan nah, Ga., tho other day gave birth to twins— a son and a daughter. Tho daughter is black and the son white. % The stuttmeut prepared at tho Ticasury Department shows the unionut of coupon bonds outstanding for Kept ember 30, 1869, was $1,332,440,000. Registered bonds out standing at same date $775,469,200. It is rumored that the house of Lockwood * Co. will be placed iu n position to resume business, hm u settlement with the Lake Hhor© aud Michgnn Rout hern Hoad is about to bo consummated. The Western members ol Congress, it is stated, arc generally favorable to tho removal of the capital out West. A test vote is ex pectcd to tako place on a proposition for an Appropriation to erect new buildings for the State and Wur Department*. The attention of the Htato Department has l>een called to the fuct, by M. DeCahocazy, Minister of Uu*»iH, that certain parties are bo ginning to put into circulation at the New York Exchange, bonds of the Ortd'd Fancier of Poland, which wore stolen from the Bank of Warsaw during the late insurrectionary move ment iu the Polish provinces. He disclaims, on behalf of the Government of Russia, all re sponsibility for any losses which may occur to citizens of the United States from th< chose of the bond* referred to. Mr. Caleb Cushing in regard to o--rtain fea tures of their counte, be sent the following at his main objections to their policy: First, their constitutions were manufactured in this country. Second, when they could legally have purchased arms hire, and while men have purchased arms lure, nnu while men could nave quietly passed on unarmed to Cu ba, they had persistently attempted to fit out armed expeditious. Third, this coursa gave the impraasiou to our Government that they were seeking opportunities to involve us in trouble with Bpaiu, slid greatly prejudiced the Cuban cause. ptF Oliva Logan is sick. She has been reading her new book. thOAoor old Thompson (oet< the Savannah News), on a point of with which It seemed a charity he ■bould be mode acquainted, we oertainly did not mean to rifle hie tamper, or foroe make threats so foreign to hit pacific nature! Bat M tame owl flat wa did hath; and the aaparaajuuated old Bam Jug hoe threatened us with vengeacoe dirt, In default of more Ion icucy for the future! In foot, the old thing is mod—furious —frenzied —end belliooae to a degree that ie frightful to witneee I He abate* oe like a fish woman, deooeada to the moat approved vocabulary tf the Ka Klax night owl, hags pardon for having noticed us at all, and then ridea out of the Mephitic mists and ^ of his fertilo fancy upon the staid old hobby of We, of course, hasten to beg pardon! We would not harm a single hair on hi* poor old head (that i* if he has any hair left!); and would explaio, further, that bad the "Arkan sas Doctor" extended his peregrinations a little northward of his own Jersey, dismissed for a brief season his "factory gal" associations, gone to Westchester county, und there sought the society of gentlemen, his ludicrously stu pid essay on Sing Ringers had never exposed him to merciless ridicule in hU deolioiug oompartmeuts, almost fire proof. The con tractor is to finish the grand hotel by the 1st 4 of Juno next T «r* It oru to correct, if possible, this total.. A m ^ ctily of ^ Uhluuu wom8a wbo now defect in his early education and associations, as well os to sporo him the mortification of seeing his "piece” pass nu noticed, and not for the purpose of stirring up the bile on the old man's stomach, that wo voluntoered to ao- quaint him, somewhat, with a subject of which he evidently knew nothing! Whnt was oar surprise aud mortifioaliou, therefore, to learn that oar motives were wholly misinterpreted, that our kind offices have all been spent in vain, and that we are the victim of a genius not even yet wholly obscured by "spirits' moro ardent than his own? This Thompson, that is to say, the Thomp son ; that is to say, this antediluvian genius well saturated and preserved by liquid ex tracts ; that is to say, this walking, dribbling, typical hyperpolo for Rum Jug "respectabili ty," makes one charge against the Eiu aud its editor, which we beg him in mercy to modify, recant, mollify, or in some manner explain. He says wo abuse the people of Georgia! We ask when, where, hoW ? We abase nobody and if we do sometimes undertake to strip certain assenine editors (of the Ku-KIax "per suasion") of the lion’s skin, and give the pub lic faint glimpses of tho aises os they appear, in tneir owu proprium, it is always uuder the oonvictiou that such " specimens of humauity" are not "the people of Georgia!" We have heard of men, whilst in certain nameless con dition*. which do somotimes follow excessive bachannlian hilarities, who imagined them selves to be tea kottles, night glasses, gli bottles, Emperors, statesmen, scholars, fairies, friars, monks and demons ; bat we have never read of an instance where the unfortuuate creature imagined himself to embody ihe "people ” of a whole State ! In conclasion, let us hope th6 Thompson ian practice, as applied in journalism, of call ing all men penitentiary convicts who differ with that craft in political opinion, will, in time, give place to a higher standard of pro fessional etiquette ; and that tho fato of this particular Thompson may not be that of Dick ens’ ChAnoellor, the memory of whose tragic ad vent into the spirit world should bo a solemn warning to all those who are the medium of spirits more ardent than their own Attomlshlng. Bard, of tho Era, in replying to Borne poiuted remarks of tho Savannah News, claims ius respectability, from the fact that Governor Hoffman and other respectable parties lived in the vicinity of Sihg Sing. Judos Iscariot was also Associated with Jesus Christ. — Greensboro ( Ga.) Herald. This is the first intimation we over bad that tho editor of the Herald knew anything ol "Jesns Christ." Asa general thing Demo cratic Ka-Klax editors know little or nothing of characters bo puro and blameless. Little Mr. Burns ought to eat molasses candy and swing upon tho gates, for we know of noth- iug higher that would suit his capacity. We like you, Mr. Barns, and will express you all the candy necessary to keep you swinging— but look out you don’t mistake a gate for something else. The Municipal Election*. In tho municipal campaign that is just open ing, tho Era will give its support to no polit ical nominations os such for Mayor and Alder men. We will support the candidates who will do most for the present and futare of At lanta, regardless of party affiliations. In this issue, Atlanta is our watchword, and ovory thing must bend to her interests. We want the very best men and, if possible, wo mean to have them. We want general improve ments, plenty of water, and less whisky, less gambling, fewer bagnios, and reform general ly. These are our sentiments, aud wo believe that nine-tenths of the people of Atlanta will sustain them. • Col. E. Halbert. We state npon high authority that this gen- tel man has not been offered the Presidency of the Alabama & Chattanooga Railroad, and that he will continue in his present important position. We state further, npon what we doom to be good authority, that the Colonel does not wish to ubandon his present labori ou* aud useful position for any other field of duty. Wo also learn—rumor to the contrary notwithstanding—that the Colonel is on tho best of terms with his Excellency, the Gover nor, and that no rapture ever existed between them. It is said that Mrs. Stowe will be snort for libel. Robert Lincoln it doing a good law busi ne*8 iu Chicago. Carlyle has about £30,0 0, all of which ho made by his pen. Boyd * Mosby have discretely adjourned their duel to the newspaper. One half of Marshal Nail’s will cni.gists of moral refleotions. Father Hyacinth© visited tho Herald office Tuesday last, if that journal may bo believed. ••Lord Ainsley’s" bride rccoived $10,000 n> wedding gift from her father. Prentice call* George Francis Train "A cipher bunting a figure to pass for toino- thli ng- Mr. Thomas Watts, a librarian in the Brit ish nttiHoutn, who know fifty languages, and the titles of half a million books, (s dead. Wendell Pbillto*, in his “Lost Arts,” nyt the ancients 3,000 years ago knew how to make ■berry oobklera. The New York Herald says that William B. Astor during the last twenty years Inis bo man aged a fortune or twenty millions as to roll it up to aixty millions. Mr. Jordan, in his specoh in tho New York gold room, said h« was “ too damned mad to choose his words.” A few nights since, as the night express ou the New York Central Road was near Amster dam, a baby, who was looking out of an open window, gave a spring, and in an instant fell from its mother’s arms to the ground. The affrighted mother, without a thought of the danger, rushed to the door, and leaped from the tram. As soon ae possible the oars were stopped, and backed to the spot where every one expected to leern of the fatal injury of both mother and obild. Bat, at range to say, neither was bolt, except that the baby had a - wi ~ M a Bevenlaen year tent of ttffrtf* for her NS. villa, Wiaoo train, claims to have the moat artntoointio city la the Natthweet I» exporting living plants, the Japaneae tie roots in a mixture of earth and carrots ground together. A small blaok spider, or millions of thorn, have appeared iu Californio, and a bite lays • man up a week. A Wisconsin paper alleges that the secret of tho aaeoass of Chicago newspapers lies in the fa t that ovary man and woman in the town takes every paper, for fear a divoroe no tice in which thoy are interested may be pub lished and they not find It out Near Indian Ford, Rook county, Wlspon- aln, is aald to be a oave which is filled con stantly with corbonio aoid, so dense and pois onous as to render life In the near neighbor hood of it impossible. Among the features in (oahionable life, the will Ka K m. Vfuut coming season, will be brides’ breakfast parties—entertainments given two days in ad vance of the wodding, to dieplay the bridal gifts. Witbiu 100 miles of Janesville, Wisconsin, popular rumor locates a lake iu a forest, but It is a traditiou that no man has ever been able to retch it. When tho new Union.Hotel of the Ireland Brothers in Saratoga is completed, it will be the large*! hotel in tho world. It will have a frontage of 1,050, foot, five stories high. It is to be built of brick, aud divided into nine arrive at Han Fracisoo are the wives of men already established in the State, and bring with thorn their children and household goods, and settle down with their husbands to lead an honest life. It is estimated that the Paraguayan war has coat Brazil and her allies a total of $66,888, 000, and 189,810 men. Three fourths of the sum falls upon Brazil. Her net gains are an efficient navy and on experience in warfare that may be serviceable to her hereafter, aud the satisfaction which follows suocesa. Them is a horse iu Marshall, Missouri, which bus an unpleasant habit of going crazy at intervals. Its insanity takes the form of a desire to visit the abodes of men aud smash their furniture. Its lost freak was to enter a bed-room aud repose for a night ou immacu late sheets. When the Corporation of Montreal assem bled to deliberate upon the reception to be given to the Prince, a majority of the members plainly intimated that they considered $1,500 too much to expend in decorating the streets, aud that they agreed to vote for tmoh ac amount because they considered in all proba bility it was the last occasion of the kind that would occur in the Dominion. A sub-committee of a School Board not a thousand miles from Lyun were examining a class in a primary school. One of the com mittee undertook to sharpen up their wits by propounding the following question: "If I had a mince pie, and should give two-twelfths to John, and two-twelfths to Isaac, two- twuliths to Harry, uud should keep half of the pie myself, what should there be left?" There was a profound study among the scholars but fiually one held up his huud as a signal that he was ready to answer. "Well, sir, what would there be left? Speak up loud, that all Can hear," said tho committeeman.— "The plate!" shouted tho little fellow. Tho committeeman turned red iu tho face, while the other members roared aloud. That boy was excused from answering any more ques tions. Tlt-Blt*. A young lady being asked whether she would wear a wig when her hair turned gray, replied with great earnestness, "Oh, no ! I’ll dye first “* The principal occupation of the "girl of the tend period" is said to be to sit at the wiudo watch for the "coming man.” A westward-bound passenger was lately sur prised by the following Announcement of the conductor: "Chicago—fifteen minutes for di vorces. " "My dear," asked a husband, on observing new striped hose on his only heir, "why have you mado a barber’s polesfof our Earnest’s legs ?" "Because he’s a little shaver," reply. An Irishman leaning ugainst a lamp-post, as a funeral procession was passing by, was asked who was dead. "I can’t exactly say, sur," said be. "but I presume it’s the jintleman in the coffin." A kind physician, wishing to smooth the last hour* of a poor woman, naked her if there wi anything ho could do for her. Looking n she replied: "Doctor, I have always thongl that I would like to have a glass butter-dish before I diod 1 ’’ Josh Billings defines a "thurror bread biz ness man” as "wun that knows enuff about steelin’ so’t there kant ennybody steel from him, and enuff about law so that he can do his own steelin’ legally." ‘•Julius, s’pose dero are six chickens iu a coop, and the mau sells tree, how many aro dore left ?’’ "What time ob day was it?" "What time ob day was it? Why what de debbll hab dat got to do wid do case?" "A good deal, honey. If it war arter dark dere would be none left; dat is, if you happoned to como along dat way." "Look here, niggah, jest you stop them per sonalities." aration for the (Ecumenical Council. The ordered from his architect certain embellish ments, the plan of which was brought for his inspection by that gentleman's little boy. Charmed by the plan, the Pope opened a drawer full of gold, aud said to the child: * "Take a handful as a reward for the beauty of your father’s work." "Holy Father,” replied the child, "take it out for me; your hand is bigger than mine. Pina IX. could not help smiling, and obeyed the child. An English clergyman thus accosted a Lon don street Arab, whom he found playing mar- to little boys who play marbles on Sunday?" 'They must either win or lose," said the boy. 'No, my little man, that's not nil; the devil comes and carries them away." "Oh, but," said the boy, "the Scriptures says that he i* chained op." "Yes bnt his ehains reach all lover the world," said tho clergyman. Quick as lightening came the answer, "Why if that’i the case, the begger might as well b« loose." A Sunday School teacher was giving a les son on Ruth. She wanted to bring out the kindness of Boaz in commanding the reapers to drop larger haudsful of wheat. "Now, children," said she, "Boaz did another very nice thing for Ruth; cau you tell me what it was?" "Married bor!" said one of the boys. What’s that?" asked Mr*. Partington, looking up ut the column of the Place Yen- |domo, during her late visit to Paris. ^■Tbo pillar of Napoleon," she was an swered. ■ ■ Wi ll, I never did," she exclaimed; "and {that's his pillow—he was a great man to use that! But it's more like a bolster. And it' made of iron, I do bclievo. Ah, Isaac, 6eo what it is to be great! How hatd his head must havo rested on his ironical pillow!" Washington Fact and Go**lp. Measures nro at once to bo taken by tho Government for the leleaso of tho six Ameri can citizens confined in British prisons, for complicity in the Fenian movement. It is be lieved that Gladstone only hesitates to set the Iriah-Americaus at liberty from fear that such an act would give strength to his politi cal opponents. uro of the privateer Cuba at Wilmington, be ing determined to stand up stHotly to the let ter and spirit of the laws. The trial of the case, however, will go on m if such seizure bad not takon place. The Cubans iu Wash ington do not regard the action of our gov ernment as effecting a change in their status at all. Frauds aro reported to tho anount of $32,- 000,000 iu tho mime of laudscrip to the half- breed Chippewa Indians, and interesting de velopments are expected shortly. The new Secretary of War is expected in Washington next week, but a* General Nhemmn is busy at the Department report, the portfolio will not chango hands until the first of November. slight bruise on the side of the heal The mother stated that, as aha aaw the child go out of the window, her only thought was that she "wanted the baby." Treasurer Hpinner’s annual report will •how, it i« said, that the Administration of President Grant, in its first six months, has iucieuHcd itu oolleotion of Government reven- urn, and diminished tho Government expen- lo ihe amount of fifty-six million dollars. Of course the Democratlo organs will feel terrible over this statement; but flaots oannot be blinked in order to pleeee them. WAsantoTOM, Ootober 19.—Tho agricultural report regarding ootton. states that fertilizers have bean liberally used in the Atlantic States. ICneh money has bean Invested in Improved implements. These agenoies forcer! the crop to early maturity. The late 'pfefctaff ♦111 be comparatively light The drouth In the Caro - linos aud Georgia, oauaed the early bolls to drop on the upland*. The ravages of eatter- pillera and boll worm, though sectionally se vere, were by no means general. Pioking will be ovar unusually early, exoept on plantations short of labor. The report concludes: Detailed and oom plete estimates of the aggregate yield have not yet been calculated. There is no reason to believe, from an examination of the Ooto ber reporta, that tha preliminary and eondi- tional estimate heretofore made of 2,750,000 bales—the only mode this season, newspaper reports to the contrary notwithstanding—can be exceeded. von a detailed In tha next report will bo gi summary of the yield after final reports are rccoived aud carefully examined. Upon the assembling of Congress a move ment will be inaugurated modifying the pow ers of the Supreme Court to the ‘ extent of subjecting all decisioua affecting reconstruc tion to the reviBion of a special joint Judiciary Committee of Congress. The policy of the government iu the Yorger case seems to be to postpone the is* ue. h ■ NIGHT DISPATCHER. UratsfoIfortaeftackwsgoNaeMoftatareat Ots- nrvowfesiM m its during OtcsataM now sbtiaf with tae eathsiiaf of frutanl srops Mr tae Hastoad. i with aasple sewards tor the Merchant sad th* Artisan; and with health wmlim* anoagsU ear in habitant*. let sU th* people of this State, etafly or la mbly, tajtaf aU boelnee* seide, devote TBUBS- DAT, TBS XlOHnUarTB DAT 09 HOV1MBX» NEXT, to Theahagivtac end Praia* to Almighty Ood tor the greet mercies and bleating* which we have en joyed; sad unite in prayer, that we meg he worthy of eeoottMaaeeof Bl* goa*s—. Given under my bend end the teal of the XzeouMv* Department, at the Capitol, In tho city of A Meat*, thta twenty-toth day of Ootober, lathe year of ~ Lord One Thouaewd Kiffct Bandied end Sixty-Wine, ant) of the Independence of the United State* of Amsrloa, the Ninety-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor t K. Pstn. Lam*. Secretary KxwuUve Department. oct Sd-St NEW ADVERTISEMENT*. Mt*ol4.H# Wi .WllM bW «w> IHff •#* |jl£oU»J. tuy b. m»4. ol U]r__lta. i tuy b. vM. ol w ““ . rill b, h.iu), borM. Mbi, T «uhIw?Sw(M.OUtWhU«| MmUb. will b, m.ihlhlttn# rt lb. aimla# Mak tor,# Mmou, a*. uiiwwiuiiuM. a. a. watkbh, IF YOU DOUBT IT, COME AND toEE. general etoek of WATCHES AND THE IMPROVED HOWE FAMILY SEWING MACHDff JEWELRY, AT AUOTION. Washington, October 29. —Rovenuo to-day $690,000. The Committee on Foreign Relations moot next week. It is hoped their action will push the Cuban interests. Boutwell has issued a circular to the revonue officers directing them to ouforoe the law re garding safety valves on vessels carrying pas sengers. Supremo Court—No. 21, original—the Bt&te of Texas va. George Peabody etal Judg< Paschal to-day obtained writs of subpoona n this cause returnable the 1st Monday in De cember next, and the flnt Friday in Febru ary was fixed for the hearing of the motion for a preliminary injunction. It is apprehended that Col. Casey, Collector of customs ot New Orleans, with his family, were aboard tho Stonewall. Mrs. Agnes Paschal, aged 94, one of the last widowed pensioners of the revolution, died recently in Georgia. The following item is furnished from a truthful source: General Clark and other Texans, and some Misaissippians, have ap plied to the President to have the elections in those States indefinitely postponed. They in sist that the decision in the Yerger case, and the cortainty that Hamilton and Dent will carry the elections, render this necessary.— It is not probable that tuey will suooeed. Macon, October 29.—lartie* wishing steam power to run machinery ut the Georgia State Agricultural Fair at Macon, lGih November, will please immediately telegraph to tbe Sec retary the speed they require. Geueral Sherman, on an application ap proved by General Terry, bus ordered a large, number of army tents to be placed at the ser vice of the State Agricultural Society for coun ty Agricultural Societies, Colleges aud school* camping on the ground. The railroads ou the line from Alexandria, Va., through Lynchburg, Cleveland, Dalton, Atlanta, and tho roads oa the Hue from Cim cinnati, through Louisville, Nashville, Chat tanooga, Atlanta; the roads from SL Louis; by boat to Hiokman, through Nashville, Chatta nooga and Atlanta; the roads from Memphis, through Chattanooga; the roads from Jackson, Miss., through Selma, Rome, and Atlanta; from Montgomery, Ala., through Columbus, Ga.; the Florida roads connecting with Geor gia roads; the Petersburg & Weldon road Wilmiogton & Weldon, Wilmington & Man Chester; Sooth Carolina roads; the road from Philadelphia to Baltimore; from SL Paul to Milwaukee, have consented to bring and re turn passengers for ono fare—articles for ex hibition halt rates. St. Louis, October 29.—The steamer Rub> con has arrived from the wreck, bringing but two more survivors. One thousand dollars were subscribed ’Change for the committee to visit the wreck and bury the dead. Other subscriptions will bo made for the destitute families: Wu.MiNGTON, OcL 29.—Argument in tho case of the officers of the Cuba closed to-day. Tho decision of the Court will bo rendered to morrow at 12 o’clock. Constantinopi.b, Ootober 29.—The shipping was deoorated, the city illuminated and much enthusiarm when the Grand Turk received tho Kaiser. Madrid, October 29.—Seven batallions of volunteers will soon depart for Cuba. Enlist ments continue. Dissections among the Cab inet and people, touching a monarch, are abated. There are dissentions among the opposition. The final election of the Duko of Genoa is probable. London, October 29.—A bottle was found containing a memorandum of the foundering of the emigrant vessel Weser, on tho 1st of July, with three hundred and forty- aboard. The weather is unusually cold, and from all parts of the Kingdom como advices of frost. ■treeta, th* following public property: Sixteen (16) Mulesi more or less; AUK), Qu«rt«rniMter’a Mores, from McPherson Barracks. These mole* ore not sold because of any defoot bat being in ezoee* of tbe number required at tbl* Poet.— They may be seen on application to th* Superinten dent of tbe Stable, at any tlm* prior to tbe rale. By order Brevet Colonel A. U. Eddy, Chief Quarter- mooter Department of tbe South. X. B. GiBBH, let Lieut. U. A A., A. A. Q. M.. OCt 3J-0t and Disbursing Quartermaster, Iii Bankruptcy. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 1 Atlanta, 0a., October 99tb, IMS, / T HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on the 11th day of October. A. D. 1869, a Warrant in Bankruptcy waa Issued against the estate of GEOB0E W. AARON, In tbe county of Madison, and 8tate of 1 hi* titlon; that tbe Payment of any Debt* and the De livery of any Property belonging to sneb Bankrupt to him or for bis u*e, and the Transfer of any Prop erty by him are f rbldden by Law; that a Meeting of the Creditor* of the aald Bankrupt to prove their Debts aud to Choose one or more Assignee! of his f*t*ta. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, holdeu at the Register's otttoe, In the City of Madison, ooualy of Morgan, State ot Georgia, before Albert G. Foster, Register, on tbs 10th day of November, 1869. GKO. B. CHAMBERLIN, oct 30-lt U. 8. Dep. Marshal, as Messenger. CRAPE VINES. ico and snow. Telegraphic Jftarket Reports. New York, Oclober 29.—Cotton heavy and lower; Bales 1,500 boles at 26o. Flour dull and declining; superfine $5 30 to 6 50; oom tnon to fair extra Southern $6 20 to 6 75.— Wheat heavy, dosing steadier. Corn less ao tive. Pork a shade lower at $31. Lard un changed. Whisky heavy at $1 21 to 1 211.— Rice easier; Carolina 8 to 9c. Naval stores quiet. Freights heavy and lower. Money easy and lair at 7; sterling 8£; gold 23|. Government securities lower; 62’s 19|. Stocks unsettled but all Btrong. New Orleans, October 29.—Cotton lower at 24| to 244; sales 2,450 bales; sales of the week 18,350 bales. Flour $5 25, 5 50 aud 5 60. Corn firm; old mixed $1 10; white mixed $1 124; white $1 15. Oats firmer at 03 to 64c. Bran $1 05. Hay $27. Pork $32 Bacon retailing at 17i, 20 and 20|o. Lard, Su gar Molasses uud coffee are unchanged. Whis ky $1 25. Cotton receipts to-day 4,900 bales; week, to Liverpool 9,968 bales; to tho Continent 14, 031; coastwise 3,864 bales; to-day 10,186 bales; stook on hand 65,439 bales. Baltimore, Ootober 29.—Cotton dull and nominal for high grades. Flour deolined Jo. Wheat and oorn dull. Provisions quiet.— Whisky inactive at $1 21. exports coastwise 404 kales. Savannah, October 29.—Cotton closed at 24jc; for middlings; sales 400 bales; receipts 2,476 bales; exports 760 bales. Charleston, Ootober 29.— Cottou dull and unsettled; middling 25c; receipts 2,067 bales; Mobile, October 29.—Cotton rectapi* for the weok 7,421 bales; exports to Great Britain 4,251 bales; other foreign ports 448 bales; coastwise 1,772 bales; stock on band 20,083 bales; sales for the week 5,500 kales; sales to day 300 bales and tho market closed dull and weak; middling 24 to 24Jc; receipts to-day 1,014 bales; exports to-day 136 bales. Auousta, Oot. 29.—Cotton market weak and easier; sales 540 bales; receipts 972 bales; middling 23| to 24c; sales for the week 4,430 boles; rooeiptsfor the week 5,400 bAlec; stock on hand 6,717 balos. Liverpool, October 29.—Cotton steady; sales 12,000 bales at 12 to 12Jd. Receipts of the week 56,000 balsa. Amerioau 7,000; Hales of the week 67,000; sales for export 9,000: salt** to speculators 8,000. 8tock of cotton of all classes at Liverpool is 428,000. Stock of Amerioan ootton at Liverpool 29,000. The stock of cotton of all classes afloat for Liver pool 323,000. Tbe stook of American cotton ■float for Liverpool is 49,000. Crimes. McKlinglo, tho St. Louis boy murderer, who ■hot his undo two years ago, has been sen veo* tenoed to be hung December 16th. Joseph P. Wood, a ship carpenter ot Rond- killed his wife with an axe, and then cut hie own throat with a razor. Cause, jealousy rum. Proceedings have been instituted against 8inallwood, late Postmaster at New Orleans, end his sureties, for an alleged defalcation of over $1,000. H. B. Hayward, lately connected with a Jet- 7 City insurance company, has decamped ith about $30,000. One ox tbe sufferer* 1* a widow lady who loaea soma $16,000. Roche and Bannaaoha, two of th* men ar rested tor circulating counterfeit tobaooo ■tamps, in Richmond, ware committed in de fault of bail. Efforts ore being made to g*t them out on habeas corpus, on tho ground ot exetasive boil being required. 1 sole at LOW FIQUUK8, b; KW Samples at my office. ’iiitK W. JOHNSON, oct 36-c Jy 16-ly FALL AND WINTER BOOTS, SHOES, AND TRUNKS, WHOLESALE. Gents’, Ladies’, Misses’ and Childrens’ Boots and Congress Gaiters, For Retail, Just Beoeived. e. H. a A. v*. FORC^ Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. nov * '681y and 8llT«r.mtcd Warp, Clock*, Ac,, ayrna Broufbt to Atlanta. And h.Tl>( pnrdUMd DIBIOT fun MnutMturai. AT NET CASH PRICES, w. an AM., Wlllll, #ad O.l.rmlord wn, city or rills*#, NorlU, South, Ka.t Ws Lavs bettor facilities for tbs perdu** and sale of HE celebrated for woridng equally well on nay and ail kinds of fabrics, using *o> L TWWT, LINEN and OOTTON THREAD, nuking tbe LOCK STITCH, ** *■* FIIWT INVENTED BY ELIAS Which L th. mort popul»r ud donbl.. All ltochln.. or. «ob)eo» to th. prlnciplM 1,^,. ’ latest Improvements _ _ _ ^■*•1 GIVEN For Heuainr, Felilnie, Braldta*, Tupkln*, (JallUor, Etc., 1 - — - No lrouble to »how MuchlDM. whether jou parchPM or not. Fenou. ailu, tlu Boa sire to trade them AWAY MNH WATCHES Than any other House South hu, o Our only reference to TWENTY-ONE YEARS In the Jwalry Buslnst Old Establishment of Er Lawshe. WK HAVIBITTEB ABBAXOKHBKTS THAN ANY HOUSE IN ATLANTA, Repairing Watohes and Jewelry. oct ae—d Jm I.AWSIIF. dt HAYNES. SALE OF THE Cotifrtli'rAtp Slates l.nltoruUry itiiileliiifr, Now temporarily c GEORGIA STATE FAIR. ao foot), end 100 feet long by M and 80 feet extension at each end one story high, aud eaoh 200 by 28 feet. It I* located about one mile and a half from the city of Macon, and immediately upon the track of the Macon A Western Railroad. This bnilding being situated in the center of the oot- gionofC sole offers special induce ments to capitalists and manufacturers, for whom Georgia now opens a fine field for remunerative in- ITT OF MACON, between the lawful hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in December Neit. Savannah. Ga., October 18th, 1889. WHAT IV* Don’t fall to see the Howe Machine before purchasing any other. 8B WgXT MIX API. *T., ATIiAN j^ HIT iT i db Goad Ageuta Wanted lu Every County in oct 2Mt the. ATLANTA SEGAR MANUFACTojj IHE SUBSCRIBER moat respectfully Informs the citizens of Atlanta, and surroundlm tumbjM* FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, Bell out his entire stook at a rednoed price, by the WHOLESALE OR RET 1 200,000 Segars, prloc 822 00 to $80 00 per Thousand, Tobacco Pancake Rolls, Bright Narjr, Stonewall Twist, W. Brown’s Bright Pound, 150 dozen Pipes, from $1 per hwdndbta 0*11 soon, or yon will lose a bargain. All cash orders promptly attended Hi to by JOHN FH No. 11 Peachtree Street, opposite lot s.,.pen..,-o-gj-f-., rNAUGHT, ORMOND & CO. IMroBTERS OP HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, IKON AND STEEL. GREAT SOUTHfi rsit * uico home when you get old T DO Is it the ability to entertain your friends • wellJfor to help the charities of the world ? iiri stem mine hill AND Iiumbuh J. C. PECK & CO., T1U1LDRM, MANUFACTURERS and DKALBRS in J_> Lumber, Doora, Saab. Blinds, Mouldings, ho., he. Sash of all sisee constantly on hand largest and Atlanta. Jolrt ol .11 l.o,th. .0.1 alM. ud MUonad lnmbor hl’Jukeo’l'rSk ,f°“ * 11 a* la town until j<m 1869. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TO THE NORTH AND EA8T, -VIA- Louiavtlle, Memphis, St. Louis, Cincinnati or Indianapolis. PuMhgu. bp till. Boat. hu. Oholo. of TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington. iltlaore, eon visit Washington »AHH SilfI AS VIA KMOIVir-LB OB AOOUUT1. On aud after Augmt 15, 1800, TRAINS LBAVB ATLAKTA Dally at 8.15 a.m. and 7.35 AfWr urtY.1 of .11 Southern,. m n#i rtou connect Iona to abora ■ *V Chsok baggage to LonlavUla, and it will be re- teckad to destination on trains of LonisvtUa and Noshvtll# Railroad before arrival at Loais villa. YOU If so. save your monsy—and in no way oan joabe- |jn to do thla better than by buying good ’Boots * WANT? *o p.r«on ull. bailor ono, or »t . low.r pnc. th , I. T. BANKS, Rswson Bnilding, Cor. Whitehall and Hunter sta. FINE TABLE CUTLERY! SILVER-PLATED WARE! DECOHAT El) DINNER AND T K A. SETS! DEALERS IN duns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes, Chains, dec. Also agents for the sola of Brinlj’s Universal Ploughs, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Du Font’s HI do and Blasttni asting Powder, Old Do* minion Nails, , trade, and the public generally, to their Urge and varied stock, embracing, in addition to the above, oomplete assortment of Builders’ Hardware, Mo- chanioa’ Tool*. Anvils, Vices. Bellows, Horae and Mule Shoes, Cotton and Wool Cards, Circular and MiU Saws, Leather and Rubber Belting, Nova Scotia Grind- ” “ “ and Wagon tory Spokes, PASSENGER AID 111 ROUT ATLANTA and AUffl i, Bolts, Patent and Enameled Cloths, Oil Oarpet, Ac., Ao., Ac. All of which tbr •* All of which they offer at the lowest market rates, and in quantities to suit purchasers, at their old stand 90 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, G*. oct 24—dSiu THE POPULAR PASSENGER ROUTE The South and New York PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, sun omn EAWTEllN CITIEN tia Western «b Atlstntio AMD VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. CHARLESTON, COU Clin rlotto, WILMINGTON, WELDW, I Washington, Baltta] Philadelphia and NewR ' sure at all ooaaons. THX SATING HOUSES on oughly overhauled and rsflttsd. for meals, and at regular hoars NO ALL RAIL ROUTE. 10X11, 180U. K TADIaK. AUGUST NORTH: Leave Atlanta Leave Dalton a so Leave tooxvill* ll is Leave Bristol 1 Wtu ttsasSS:::::::::; 800i “ 7 24 m 6 46m Arrive a 6 00a Leave Lynchburg..., CHANCE Of 1 BXTWI0 Went Point, Ga., t*4 ({HICK TIME and SCU I YU Or oor*i A H*^ r ■ oon purchase thiocoh t Passengers c have thtar Baggage Checked 1 From K.w Orteua, Mobil.. UM uid Atlanta, to iuoh»o.4, , ington, Philadelphia 1 Iljr Po#r Dlir.ra.t «•««••* , Via Kingsville, and Wllmlu ntrflWlto* ..^llAB Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hours 15 Minutes. W Th. ORKAT MAIL Irtumit Atlanta and Xtu York is carried nehtsivebj t>y this Lint. FARE AS LOW BT_*] AS ANY OTHER ROUTE i MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS (W AH MMHT TOAUII. Ampla Tima far Maati at Good, Aiatoa noun via LOUISVILLE. GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, ATLAITA. B. W. WRIK8, GeneralTtafcot Agent. apurewhxte carbow oil ZiroTehtX76otol#0. 0,1 "" ** 4 *- **"” Q-OLID 13 .A. 1ST ID WHITE CHINA! TOILET BETS, VISES, 4C. T8E LARGEST STOCK IK TBE SOUTH, ••.■■IDS A, CO’i. Sleeplag Coachea on all Night Train#. Through Tickets MOOD UNTIL USED, AMD Boggago Cheeked Through TO ALL IMPORTANT rOIMTH. _ Ttaket Ageat. WAlfflfi, MMtar Traaaportattou . HULiXll , Supt. W. k A. B. B. NCR* THEY ARE. F Pot., I 100,000 Strawberry Plants. <M m4 art Mat IBM «wt DJ5TO.i°». wtsa. *"**jru PULLMAN’S PAUOI on ALL NltlHT TRAINS LXAYW BY THIS ROIITf- lit Halllnmr.. Philadelphia, BO*** NorffiJ 3Ti3£^»S£<rhto.« snutos'S,* THBOnUtLBTOS duoamoutto T*’ every luxary the Norther* oaa afford, and for Safely, Speed, •** UNIUVAIXED ON th* ItrowH N..t|«B,rr. W«‘ 1 XIW xou vu j. a* i.a.»M»w» 11-