Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 07, 1869, Image 2

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lerowdaof paoplal “ hut of1 (« >4 «o q'ctwMm & *W<* 1 hot. oo?* ^^SJi^nrw ,h ^5sJ2d ins s55c-^“a^»“r.-ra jftssiSS pei aharo. Tbt .lock in Of the Th^m,TwnAb Hr pallium oaf* ; "She Tel egraph aeya tee b«T»uuoh Book and Trwal ssrx ruTt&sra L*s bntobrrrd grammar terribly. The Unfit! Star. of Frida). «)t. About twouly poulioOUary aonnete wm^ da>, >od will iHKxwwd to work immrdBUif on thr Saw.'.nook, Ot«» 4 North Alsbom. Boll- rood. We uudi.ti.Uud that about 100 mom will am re hoio to-aorrow. Jawee U. Hood dual in Chattanooga lart work. of ooMuiaptioo. U* lornjoriy edttwt tka Chattanooga Uteelta, and lor ana term waa a member of the Tannoaaaa Boom ot UapraauntoUraa. The •ltcwaed raided in Auguatalora lonwtb of time, and » aa editor of the national Re|>sl>lioan. Albany uuiat bo a Htely place. Tha News mu up ae follows : All <|Uiot; trade brisk, ty goods and grocery aaerction gfmd money; hotels crowded; ball aeaaoi and other general toil and turmoil par ed lotion. of Itl Had. the Felr for t ooonlry ie n eneoeee, All tl •o to ifihki it s without them, It would b« dull »• ft fourth of July dr; goods %ud grooery Rtorobanla nuking money; hotels crowded; bftii eesaon opened; KuightH, for the Tooroftaeot, in full tnuniog; Udivft ftU tweet o&d bftftuUful; schools ftU foil, ftod uore pretty ftrU ooming oa; married k die* growing jouug again, and the old men ere dy<*)mg. Young men oil on floe homed usdogwineit Tot* Advertiser save tee lumber trade oi 8av«uxu*h tUft inoreeeed «o much that it may now be elassed ae the principal shipping fle- tUfl AtUnC i'lade has been carried oa with ooftfttwiae porta daring the pent year to a large extent, and at the present time our port ia daily en liveuod by th« arrival of floats of sail tesaals, the greater portion of them obartured for the oonreyauoe of building material lor th* vari ous Northern oar koto. The HawkinsTilla Dispatch says : We re gret to l«arn that the gin-houao of Mr. Ji Bohannon, who iivee in this county, soma six uul«M from town, waa entirely consumed on the 23d all. The fire occurred in the day time, and is supposed to hare been oeased by the oar**l«eaneaa of a negro woman who went into ths house smoking a pipe; as a few min utes afterwards, the alarm was given. Twelve bales ot cotton were also destroyed. Mr. B. says that $3,000 will hardly cover his lom Speaking of the dedication of the First Bap tist Church in this city, which takes plan morrow, the Griffin Star says: We feel pi to kuov that the choir of the Y.tst Baptist Choroh of our city has received a preaaim vitauon to assist in the musical pert of dedioation services. We are advised that the invitation was accepted, and said choir will go op to Atlanta on Saturday next, taking with them all of its old and now members. Prof. Schoeller will aooompany them as or ganist. doing under auoh auspice*, we feel assured that the so richly deserved reputation of the oboir will be sustained on this impor tant oocasion. — On Monday night, says the Covington En terprise, November 1st, some disguised par ties visited the plantation of Mrs. M. H. Wright, three iniiea Booth of Covington, and broke into the hour*e of one of the negroes employed there, and after abusing, him and throwing oat bk eogar and coffee, carried off a uew coat which he had just bought. The negro could not identity the r libera, whioh is very much regretted by all good oilmens, as it is for th interest of both the white and black d Sm *>rs of the community that all such oi b»> should be summarily punished.— Some aiuiiiar outrages have been reported from the Southern and Eastern portions of the county, but unfortunately the same diffi culty exists in identifying the parties engag< in committing the depredations. Doubtless ' the same gang have perpetrated all the crimes reported, and it is to be hoped that the vigi- lauce of our civil authorities may soon result in their arrest, in which event the unanimous voice of the county would visit upon them the extreme penulty of the law. A difficulty occurred on the Lu Grange road, ■ays the Xewnan Herald of Friday, about on« and a half miles from the court house, on Sunday morning last, between Mr. Sterling Thomas, lately of Carroll county, and Fletcher Madunes, in which Thomas was killed under the following circumstances, as we have boen informed: Mr. Thomas became enraged at Mr. Mada ties for some cause unknown to oa, and used biit*r and insulting words towards him. and finally got his nfla gun and began prepara tion* to load and did so, and hunted for Mr. Madurii-i*, who had gone to town after Mi. Hackney, Sheriff of the county and Marshal of the city. Mr. Ha^kuev promised to go and arrtsi lboinaf. 1 at found that the scene ot the difficulty was outside of the corporate] its of Newnari, and did not go. Madsries re turned. however, aud in about olo half a hour after* ards, tbrn about 3 o’clock, P. M., was conversing with some friends, when Thomas approached the party with a large rock in his bosom, and when about five step* from Madarios, drew it and threw at him with all his power, without sayiug a word or giving say warning, Madsries thinking before that he had become satisfied. Thomas, after throwing the rook, made for another, and while attempting to get it, Madariea shot at him twice with a pistol, and before Mr. T. could throw, Madariea shot the tnird time. The first shot missed, the sectm 1 entered near the back-bone and came out just above the left groin, and the third entered and ranged down his right arm to the elbow. Thomas was removed by bis request about 10 or 11 o'clock at night to Mi. Allen’s in town, by Madariea, aud died about 6 o’clock P. Monday. No warrant has been issued for the arrest of Madaiies, who has never made any effort to escape, claiming full justification for the act. P. 6. —Since tne foregoing was in type, Med- sriee was arreatod on a Coroner’* warrant, and investigation waa commenced yesterday. Fashion (Votes. Beal thread laoe veils are coming in fash ion again. Loose mantles will be more in vogue for this season than the saeqaes or closely-fitting basque. The Foreign Ministers nt Washington have commenced their series of fortnightly dinner parties. Imperial photographs, with illuminated monograms stamped ou the back, are now all the rage in society. Blue fl-inoel jackets trimmed with large bras* buttons are worn in the street by very brassy young ladies. Walking suits of b .... are very faabionable aud already are exten sively seen on Fifth avenue, New York. All sensibia ladiee are going to give small receptions and social little tea parties this winter in place of Urge and expensive Gei I maos. Some ladies wear their bonnets so high in front that at a distance they have the appear ance of -i drum-uiu|or of a baud. Masculine gaunente are much in vogue at S return among the fair sex, especially tic gold- raided walking ooai—a la nuUtair* Strings to new fashioned bonnets are tied under the chin, so the ladies era wo longer to go about with their beada in haraees. The latest fesbioqs for woddiugs is to bave ceremony performed at VHoe, to he fol- *»U eud qi Borne is crowded* The hotels are crowded. Private houses art crowded. Stmts acd stem ate otowded. The Fair la crowded. Ic feet everything appear* to be had died to gether 1$ a perfect jam. The deal ic abso lutely fearful. The current which pours down Alabama street on a breeay day ia hard ly a efreumatanoe to it. But the people of have ao apologies to ofltr for it They aay they are busy and can't be busy withoot kiokiag up a dual. So we, who are not used to U, have to smile and bear it **>d declare everything to be lovely. have sold the Fair ia a success. It u.— The stock, maehlnery, agriou 1 to r*l I m plorn en ts, farm and garden products, fruits and flowers, mesehandlee, fancy articlse "and other things too numerous to mention,'* which are on ex hibition are very floe aud attract greet atten tion from all present In this eesential the Fair Is a success. I And bare, number* of people from every section of this State, and Cherokee, Alabama; also from other Staten- All come to see the Fair or to plaee articles on exhibition, and all ore aa busy seeing and Showing aa thongh the general financial sta bility of the aetion were dependent upon il ia tide Mwcutial the Fair is alto a suoceae, and aa no other essentials are needed to make it to, I feel safe in pronouncing it generally and particularly a suoceae. The women, God hleae them, are oat, and they are always a suc cess. On yesterday twenty-three hundred dollars were taken in at the gate, independent of season tickets—of which many were sold- henoe the Fair must be a financial success, which is bat a grand culmination of all the other successes, great and minute, and a grat ifying one to the Association whioh projected the Fair. The first man I saw, upon entering the east door, was oar young friend 8. L. McBride, who represents the house of McBride A Go., of Atlanta, with a moat brilliant and luxurious display of silver plated and fine out Bohemian glees wan. Ha had unquestionably the Aneat dkplajr on the ground, and it was the cyno sure of admiring eyes. The ladies hung around it aa if they were undeoided which to admire most, ths fine exhibition of goods or the pleasant young gentleman who exhibited them. In fast, it and he attracted a full share of attention. Ed- Mercer, our excellent young Oeltio friend, of the firm of Feohter A Mercer, of the City Brewery, is also here, with samples of bis foaming lager, and I noticed, this af ternoon, that ha was decorated with the blue ribbon, which was a testimonial that his beer *:is the best on the ground. Messrs. Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor A Go. are represented by Dr. J. A. Taylor. They bave on exhibition quite a large number of articles of their own manufacture, illustrating a new and interesting branch of Georgia en terprise and industry. The perfumes which they prepare aro particularly enchanting to the ladies. Dr. Taylor makes himself at home, and is making a host of friends. I have met "King Hsus" Grady, of the Courier, and had the pleasure of being driven to the Fair Ground in his superb pony turn out. He is a genial good fellow, but acted inhospitably in not introducing me to bis "six obiidren.* Perhaps they were not at home. Mostly, oi the Doily, was everywhere, and "os busy as a bee.” He is getting out a cred itable paper, aud already it begins to show signs of business prosperity. Nevin, of the Southerner A Commercial, is also "so as to be about,” and lias greatly im proved his paper recently. There is some life in him yet. I have partaken of the hospitality of Cole man’s restaurant. He has "everything the country affords," done np in a good kitchen logic and served in a clever style. Being detained at Kingston, I had the pleas ure of teaing with Mr. 0. A. Smith, Express Agent at that place, And his excellent lady. W* had a most generous and hospitable tertainment, aud a pleasant interlude between trains. The will end to-morrow. Many leave to-night in order to get homo before Sunday; bat the greater portion of the people will "see it out Bkk Bee. v wild sob ; i the Marts lu which he is oaskrluod. n. Twas but shut Mai tax* t*fc*w. And lei Iks world was bankrupt; mm A Uttte spate for dots* V*°d; fe» rsastado* from Messmate dad okspod Iks world la sa eabrees Tka world Me bars!j MfsiiliM j '■ * Ck>* •. b *V * * £ Tke Bspsrdwwosd of waoMk M draw Ppoettfc’s fliful hettie-MM 'OalASt Went sad Wo; M saw tkeu yields His stock head Um dragons slow, Enamored of his shlalac shield, v. Our world’s sun ahinoe loos bright to-day- Boos use It lights no dead of Ms; Bat. blest, he knows whet goodness Is For off among the »Un, whioh play Along the radiant odga of bliss. VI. 'Twould tire the tongas of praise to nemo The perfect measure of his good. Hta was s flow of royal blood Dora In his veins;—not that which name Abaft the binds which hooked and hewed V*r. A frontage for Its line on heeds Of weaker msa. He emus to build Upon the scree Christ had ftUM. Great garners for God’s truth, whioh sheds Its winnowed gieia in generous yield. TO. Wan widows wearing wefol weeds. Tour grief Is greater slnoe hlo death I Pole child of went, your hungry breath Drews herd since you have lost hie deeds Who dulled the thorns along your path. XX. Aye, you may weep your Minding tears, Poor, piteous, ploedlng child of oar* I For grievous le the cross you beer. Perhaps, within e thousand years Another may hie mantle wear. of tits Union will be hold nt All ber 24, 1369. M ■ of fw»* I will eau be/ore tks mMtlcg, the •ttond»uc« afwwjr »*dibMr i» atg*uUy wllolUd. Bj order of Foma Bunxurn, Oh»irm*tt Stmte Ootmt OornmlttM. •T. B. V. JoBWton, Ba'x, pro ttm. nordtd BY TELEGRAPH jsoccur mb mm* DimrATca** NIGHT DISPATCHES. npHHBj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' OONOORDIA HALL nssr TUa TOM ttUOW Of T«* STRANGER Niw You. No vein Ww fi.—HoStdM), an- wiring tlio qoHtlon, what the Domoorat, In- > do with th»ir victory, aaid th, Dam- h) la ’ lowdd by h «ui,U nud qulei ror.pttou with no duoiog. It an ondittUbla fact that dlatnonda ere goiLg oot ot favtilon ahil are only worn by •bodyiun. fvarla are uwid aa •uk.UUitan and are q«Ma aa mlnabla tad toatly. A. lady JM attorned from Korop* boaalad tha othar tr.nlug of having amngglad ali E ld hair a do Mom Huuao. dor™ pair* of hid glo Bom an Karin tlirongh I Tha lataat Franch gilt ^wtlrw la a lttile white gunofr-pig in • gilt cage, mao umbra). lea, preaetviag kattU*. ami bunnhaa of koya, all dooo np in gill aud intended to dangle from luiiicbody'. pretty ear. At th* opwtiiug of the It 1* sold Napoleon will i Literary. Guizot has five volumes in press. Goethe detested smoking and smokers, s Emile Ollivier is likely to become blind. Nepoieon announces a cheap editioa of his "Cmsar.” Five publishers of Paris propose to repro duce Wilkie Collins' new novel. A Hartford firm has in press "Henry J. Raymoud and the New York Press for Thirty Years,” by Augustus Maverick. Examination of Humboldt's papers reveals the fact that even if they are authentio manu scripts their value is alight. Franklin’s autobiography, in an Italian translation, has appeared in Florence, and is to bFfollowed by his essay and a selection from his letters. Mr. John Bwinton, for many years l rial writer for the New York Times, is writing a work entitled "Ten Years of Journalism, which is likely to be very interesting. Mr. Swinbmn has returned from France. It is sold that he baa made much progress with his "Bothwell" the second trilogy, of which "Chastelard” wae the firtvt. The Boston Transcript thinks that "Eugene Benaoa would not write in Appleton’s Journal that ‘Conversation vras a Lott Art’ If hr w*a accustomed to the best literary soi ielj in England.'' Next month, a new serial story by Wilkie Collins, with original illustrations, will be published as a serial in Harper’s Weekly, will run through several months. Wo have not learned what the title is, nor whether thin is the serial story which the AthsnsBum lately stated Mr. Collins was writing for Casswell’s Magazine. Thu Loudon AthensBum says: "Lord By ron’s complete works for ninepence, are sell- ing at the bookstalls like herrings in a plenti ful season. Another consequence of the de batable scandal whioh has introduced the subject of Incest to the attention of young P»isod* is a forthcoming cheap edition of the Lvuotes* Guicoioli's 'Recollection* of the Poet' It will be a six-ekilling volume. The lady's recolleotiona of ber late eooentrio hus band, M. do Boissy, would not be a bad book. He was a frank man, and used to introduce his wife aa ‘La Marquise de Boisey me femme aucienne traitress© de Byron.”’ The evil effects of too great indulgence in strong drink was mstrifested at Okalona, Mis*., where Lemuel Shepherd shot his lather, Ma jor Shepherd, Collector of Internal Revenue, through the heart, while lying in bed, pros trated by paralysis. Mrs. Shepherd, hearint the report of tne goo, went to the room, and, surprised at the report having no effect on her husband, went to Ibe bed and discovered that ha had bean shot through the heart— Young Shepherd, after committing the deed, fled to tha woods, wo* pursued by ths citizens, who hAd learned of the affair, arrested and brought baok. By this time the excitement waa so great that it was with difficulty the ait- Mena ware restrained from inftiotinganmmary punish meat upon tha paricide. He hi still under srreat, awaiting trial. Young Shepherd i* twenty-eight years of age. *' Adown hii beauteous life there ran A splendor that wae all his own. To glorify hit reoe. He shone In the great universe of men Its central orb—Its only Bon. xx. Two nations kueot boride his bier. With hetvj hearts and weeping eye*, Appalled and frightened;—let them rise; For he who wore no purple here N Wean purple now bayoud the sktea Atlanta, Oa., Nov. Mi, 1999. The New*. Cicero, California, was destroyed by Are oa the 1st inst The Legislature of Louisiana .will not be oalled in extra session. Gen. John E. Wool ia seriously HI. at his residence in Troy, N. Y. TheYn >ond pilot of the Stonewall, Frank Murray, who was reported lost, is alive and well. Governor Clayton, of Arkansas, has desig nated the 18th instant as a day of thanksgiv ing. An old soldier of tho war of 1812, nan Wm. Montz, aged 83, died at Louisville, 1 •n the 2d inst Parties from New York and Chioago have recently made important purchases of mines in the White Pine District of California. When the City of Paris was four days out from New York, Dr. W. W. Alfort, ot Chicago, fell down the hatchway, and was seriously in jured. A Now York dispatch states that Hon. Cnarles J. Folger has been offered the posi tion made vacant by the resignation of Gener al Butterfield. A destructive fire occurred in the city of Greenville, Ala., on Tuesday last, totally de stroying seventeen business houses. The loss is more than $150,000. At Belfast, Maine, the deaf mute, against the Kennebec A Port land Railroad Company, a verdict of $5,000 for plaintiff was rendered. The scheme of the Canada Pacific Railroad his been published. The length of the line is two thousand five hundred miles, and (he amount of capital £20,000,000. The Tenuessee House of Representatives has tabled the resolution providing for the election of a United States Senator, on the alleged ground of Judge Cooper's ineligibility. The Cappina family, of SL Louis, who are supposed to have circulated a quarter of a million dollars in counterfeit money, have all been sentenced to terms in the penitentiary. The fifty-seven bodies which have been taken out of the water at the wreck of the Stonewall, were all found within a space of fifty teet square, aud fifteen of them were taken from one spot Hon. Charles A Wickliffe, ex-Governor of Kentucky, and ex-Poetmazter General under President Tyler, died in Harvard oounty, Ma ryland, at the residence of his son-in-law, on Sunday evening last j James Rourke, a brakeman, was roasted to death, and fousteen cars, loaded with coal oil, tobacco and ootton, entirely consumed, by a railroad accident 26 miles from Port Jervis, New York, on (he 2d instant A young man named John A. Barkley, aged 17, employed on the Steobenville Railroad, was caught between the hampers, while coup ling cars, and so much injured that he died. J. H. Beadle, editor of the Utah Reporter, while attending Probate Court at Brigham City, wae set upon and beaten nearly to death. The oaase of the sttaok is claimed to be his writings against polygamy. Hostile Indians are preparing to drive the whites from Moutaoa Territory, and General Hancock is asked to afford protection to the people, by increasing the number of mounted troops, and giving authority to raise volun teers. The Judj "not sustai Kennedy against Col. Rankle, agent Freedmen’e Bureau in Kentucky. Drunken ness was the offense alleged to have been committed. A proposed making tho legislature hon- nd use it for promoting the intereaU of mass of tho people, which th* Radicals have not done. We propose to abolish snob laws as infringe upon tho rights of localities, and secure them tne right to govern them- selvea. The pew legislation will not be Rad ical. It is propoeed to ahbw to the State and oonntry that Democracy can be as moderate in viotory aa patient und< r defeat. WAaniflOTOtf, November 6.—Commodore Higgins and his officer* have arrived. Their statements disprove the allegatloQt of treach ery on their part Two polioemen wane serlooaiy injured in attempting to restrain a party of niggers who rare disturbing the colored Baptist congrega- Maduid, November 4.— Senor Orcnse is re leased Horn prison. Havana, November 0.—The expedition by ea »nd land against the rebels at Oienga de Zapata failed. The rebels were fully posted regarding the movement, and withdrew. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washiuotoh, November 6.—Revenue near ly half a million dollars. John A. Freeman has been appointed Post master at Lexington, Va. Commissioner Cap- ron expresses gratification at his reception at the Virginia State Fair. Grant don’t meet the Army of the Tennes see at Louisville, Ky. + Mr. Corcoran bos a dispatch regarding Pea body’s death. It was caused by congestion of tile lungs. He died without suffering. Naw Yokk, November 0.—The Alaska has arrived with Atpinwall dates to the 29th nit. The Panama Legislature unanimously adopt ed a resolution in favor of the Isthmus canal. Sx. Louis, November 6.—The UHnoie Con stitutional Convention stands: Bepublioans, 42; Democrats, 40; Conservatives, 2; Inde- - pendent, 1. London, November 6.—Peabody’s death is universally regretted. The News says: "Pea body was not a man of impulsive or emc benevolence, bat a man of rather a judicious, widely spread benevolenoa. He gave from his own substance. He did not surrender what death wrested from him. His services, both to his native land and adopted oountry, were fittingly and graoiouslv recognized in Royal letters and the thanks of Congress. Merchants in passing bis statue daily don't need to leArn from the consummate man of business how to gain money. His eareer may] teach them how ft may be wisely spent Telegraphic Market Reports. Njkw Yoke, November 6. —Cotton heavy and Ic lower; sales 2,000 bales at 25Io. Flc superfine State $5 15 to 6 30; choice State g5 70 to 6 80; fancy Western $6 90 to 6 10. Wheat; winter red and amber Western $1 38 to 1 40. Com onehanged. Whisky lower; $1 10 to 110i Pork heavy at $30. Beef quiet Lard a shade firmer; kettle 17| to 18fcc. Pro visions qniet. Money easy at from 4 to C per. oent. Sterling quiet at 81 to 8|c. Gold 26J to 26J. Governments firmer. State bonds doll but firmer. North Carolina Special Tax Bonds alone active. The bank statement is remarkable. The legal tender reserve is lower than for along time. Loans of one million and three-quar ters; specie inorease of three-quarters of a mil lion; circulation increase of flftv-two thousand; deposits increase qpex two millions; lei dor decrease two afid quarter millions. Nkw Obleans, November 6.—Cotton dull and lower; middling 24$o; sales 2,250 bales; receipts 4,615. Exports foreign 3,150. Coast wise 3,303. Hour firm; superfine $5 25; double $5 62j to 5 75; treble $6 to 6 26. Corn--wh2te $115. Oats 53 to 54o. Bran $1 10. Hay scarce at $27 50. Pork $31 50. Bacon X7| to 20|c. Hams—sngar-cured 30c. Lard 18 to 20o. Sugur—prime 13jc. Mo lasses 83 to 85o. Whisky $1 20. Coffee- prime lGj to 17o. Gold 127. Sterling 374. New York sight at par. Mobile, November 6.—Ootton in fair do- mand throughout the day; middling 24 to 24jo; sales 1,600 bales; receipts 1,432. Ex ports 215. Baltimore, November 6.—Cotton quiet. Flour weak. Wheat dull. Corn aotive; whito 75 to 90c. Oats doll at 63 to 67c. Rye dull at 86o to $1. Pork $32 60 to 33. Shoul ders 16c. Lard 18 to 184o. Whisky $1 8 to X ioo. Charleston, November 6.—Cotton some what active with an easier tendency. Sales 700 bales. Middling 24*. Receipts 1499. Exports coastwise 1136. Liverpool, November 6.—Cotton closed dull; uplands 12d; Orleans 12j to 12jo; sales 10,000 bales: export speculation 3,000. Augusta, November 6.—Cotton market dull and nominal; sales 411 bales; reoeipta 827 boles; middling closed at 23jo. Savannah November 6.—Cotton firmer at 24ic; sales 1,100 bales; exports 3,423 bales; ro- oeipts 4,000. X*t*1 KEeotc, GorftMii UmIumh JUW* Good Onute of Oharuoton. Wednesday, November 10th, I860, Will bi presented Kotzebue’* Great Flve-Aot PUy Bn tilted th* STRAN O-IEDIFl.; OB Misanthropy and Bepentanoe. N ooas*qu*no* of (to treat length of UU* play, there will to no dlMptoM. Icket* can b* h*d *t (to *tor** ot Mewn. Bowau $ Kuhrt, fttriahrimw Drottor*. H. k J. Him*. Klaa- man k Drottor, tad a* tha deer. Doors op*n at f o’riasfc, paritananoa to togla at 8 ’clock, precisely. nov T-8t GREAT BARGAINS UNltl Va*tuf ■ |omofo MORRIS aBlNHARDT. OPTICIAN, TXBO£NTLYofN#wYoA0ff«tho*awtoa»* aut- Al, taring from wank and dafoctive right, Ms FURNITURE! FURNITURE! FURNITURE 1 wRKQR ogaatmlir, that I have Juat received e largeat and most elegant stock of FOBNITUBK ever before offered In tbs loath, consisting of PARLOE, BED-ROOM, AMD DINING-ROOM SETS. And everything pertaining to the Furniture Trade; and haring bought them directly of the Manufacturers, at NET CASH PRICES, I am determined to sell them Lower than Any House in the South. I have always on hand a very floe assortment of PARLOR MIRRORS! Call and examin* mj stock. No. 68 Whitehall street, 3d door below J. H. James' New Building. Remem ber the place—G8 Whitehall street. FISH, FISH, CUTLERY. Sana, Biflea, Axes, Hoe», Chains, Ao. «la of Leather USSdoTin t Felloea and Shafts, and in qaantlttes io suit purchasers, at their old stand! Locust Hubs, ■ »!5SSSr, 1 '** <Silt"»i5» Inn* wrt»l MtM. V...— ‘^*' AtlaiiU, Ga. THE CLERKS OfFICE Of THE H. C. FISH, BELL'S, CITY BREWERY. FEOHTER & MERCER, Proprietors. PREMIUM LAGER BEER. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & 00., C ALL special attention to their new wholesale de partment, the room formerly occupied by I. T Banks as a shoe store. Their stock in the Wholesale Department is full and complete. Ths retail atook la superior to any ever offered in the city. They have Black and Colored Mike, Irish Popliua, Delaines, Marlnoa. Al- paocas, Aa. Ac., of all grades and colors. Their Linen Department Is larg* sod fuIL Cloth and Oaarimeres ~* ‘ illk * ~ Ines ent r seen In ths market, i special attention to o G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Peaohtree Street Business Lot. 0 I, _J?' >r « Ur =«il. th. 11th In.t, u 4 o'clock, I Till Mil oo Uw prataiM, TMt aide of PmcMtm Thl. u'iouiUTl No. 1 lot, having pud front, two main .treat, with unpl, d.pth. Hil. atnolate. with noquMtlonad title,, Twin,: Half cuh; remainder In efz month,, with <i. W. ADAIR, NmI RW.M ltd Imonmoe Agent, . a*, 1 ***— next door to Knpreee Offloe. Georgia Teachers* Association. ipeoial meeting of this Association will id in the C‘ ~ * ** day, November The < be held in the Oity Hall, Maoon, on Wednes- ri ■ * • 17th. dge Advocate General has reportsd •lined” the charges made by Capt against Col. Runkle, agent of the A German passenger, one of the survivors of the Stonewall disaster, committed suicide by jumping from the Great Republic, at Island No. 25. II is supposed the effects of the Stone wall disaster crazed him, and he suicided while in that state of mind. Intelligence has been received at Dayton, Ohio, from Camp Brown, Arizona Territory, of the killing of Col. Utone and six soldiers of the Thirty-second U. 8. Infantry, by Indians, near Apache Pass, on the 4th ult. A squad of the First U. 8. Cavalry pursued, and suc ceeded in killing twenty of the red fiends A special from Zauzibar brings Iat«r intelli gence from Dr. Livingstone. He was in good health, and requested that a supply of nauti cal instrument! aud slmanacA of I860 and 1870 be sent him, thus indicating a purpose to remain in the interior some time longer.— He olaims to have discovered the true eouroe of the Nile. A train on the Allnny A Boston Railroad ran into tha locomotive house at Chatham Four Corners, by the misplacement of a switch. The locomotive of fthe train passed through the building, completely demolish mg one-half of it, and driving the locomotive Virginia, standing iu tho building, through one end of it Both engines Were badly dam aged. The remaiok of a man. supposed to have been a United fitotee soldier, were found in the river above Memphis, Tenn., on Mondr object of this meeting is to consider the report of the committee appointed at the an nual meeting, on the "best plan for providing instrnction tor the children of our State, white and colored." This oommittee have agreed npon the main features of a system ef publio instruction for the State, and will report such plan in detail at the approaching meeting. The action of the Association will be laid be fore the Legislature of the Stale, and will serve to assist, and, perhaps, to guide them in their legislation on this important subject. The Association will assemble st 9 o’clock, u. At 9i o’clock an address will be deliv ered by Hon. Henry Barnard, LL. D., Com missioner of Education, Washington, D. C. At 10i o'clock the report of the committee i a system of publio instruction for the Htate, will be received and discussed. In tho evening there will be a publio meet ing of the frieuda of education, commencing at 7 o’olock. Addresses on the subject of the report may be expected from the following VARIETIES THEATER, (DeetalrSt., ««ur eomer PMclttree.) OPEN EVERY NIGHT. 00 °*»- A CRA N DBA LL AND SUPPER WILL BC GIVEN BY ATLANTA FfRE C0. f NO. 1, On Tuesday Next, November 9th, AX THE CITY HALL. TRADE MARK. GLASS SPECTACLES, Supsi lor to sny other In use-constructed in socor- (Unco wltli the science and philosophy of nature, tn the peculiar form of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIP8I8, stir lynatt tidal t only b MORRIS BERNHARDT, Spectacle ds Optical Manufacturer. THE ADVANTAGES of the.. BpectulM m W1 otharWare: 1. They can be worm with perfect ernes for any length of time at one Bitting, tiring arioalsh- lug clearaesa of vision, by candle or any other artifi cial light, comfort to the speotsole-wsersr hitherto un it* own. S. How to select Glasses. It reqmlres professional guidono* even when a good article Is ot fered. Dr. Bornhardt not only has the best Glasses that oan be found in the market, but carefully exam ines the eyes, and gives indispensable advice as to the proper selection oi them. 3. When the eyes aeht or pain throagh the sotion of e bright light, suoh os is reflected from the snow, sunny weather, white paper, and in reeding, writing or sewing, or virid colored bodies] these leases, by softening the rays, effect a most agreeable sensation and give great relief. 4. These Spectacle* are sclemtUleally ad. Justed to eve^ esse of defective right with unerring accuracy, whether arising from age, strain, peer work, or prematura decay, by Morris Bernhardt oi and exact principle, entirely his own, which has seldom failed to be correct. 5. After aeweral years of public practice, adjusting spectooles to patients under every aspect oi defective vision, as well as experience in an extenelve, long-eatabllshed business in his Optical fctorea, both here and In Europe, 1C. Bernhardt considers it a suffi cient guarantee of his ability to supply suoh glasses as ore best calculated tor the otslstence of imperfect sight. 6. M. Bernhardt, to signalise himself from th* host of prstendsrs in his profession, with pride submits fox inspection, oopita of teetimontels be has received from medical gentlemen of the most un questionable respectability and talent In America; also, a number of certificates from well known gentle men of distinction who have need his spec tools*—the original* of all which h* will be happy to show to those who may request it. The use *4 any of the fol lowing same* or certificate* hereunto affixed, without an actual poasearion of the tame, would be a forgery, a capital offence, punishable by State imprisonment. Testimony of recommejadatloas from Medical ga*Games, Profeaeors of ths highest Opthal. mio talent in Atlanta, Ga. and in the tJnton: Atlanta, «*., November Sri, 1*60. I have examined carefully, aud with much interest, a collection of glasses for the relief of impaired vision, submitted to m* by Prof. Bernhardt, an Optician. I* adaptation to ths end proposed, as wall os in els gant workmanship, they are very superior end de serving ths patronage of whomsoever may unfortu nately require their use. H. V.M. JHILLBR, M, D. W* full} oonour in the above opinion of Dr. Miller. JOHN M. JOHNSON, 11. D. JAS. F. ALRXAMDBR, M. D, Atlanta, Ga., November 34, lflfl»* It affords m* pleasure to state that I have carefully examined Prof Bernhardt’* collection of gloses* for ths eye, end from his explanation of th* manner in which he adapts them to imperfect eyes, I am fully ■atiaflsd that h* thoroughly ooauprsheads the science of Optioe, and that be ts practically eminently skillful WHITEHALL STREET. FREE CONCERT 8AL00N A1*D hhootino gallery OPEN EVERY NICHT. Xmnoh BIvcry Moraine Tb. bMiof Wines, Llqnots, Farter, Ale, amri Lags' Beer on Hand. aug 7-8m J. X. BTTOHAB, Proprietor. THE POPULAR PA88ENGER ROUTE BETWEEN The South and New York PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, AND OT*** EASTERN CITIES VIA Wenterxi rite AtUmtio AND VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ALL RAIL ROUTE. THUS TABLN, AUGUST 1BTI1, lflfll NORTH: Leave Atlanta T2»» toave Dalton Leave Inoxrilte Hii a Leave Bristol IS X n Leave Ifaohbnrg t»AH Leave Alexandria 9i6ru Leave Waehlagto* flKiru Arrive at New York SOtAM SOUTH. Leave ft-istol. • it A ti Leave Xnoxrille T 14 T u Leave Bolton 8 40*M Arrive at Atlanta S li A M Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hours 15 Minutes. pm- The OREAT MAIL between Atlanta and Nt u> York it oarriMl exciueitaly by this line. Sleepinr Coaches on til Night Trains. Through Tickets GOOD UNTIL USED, AND Baggage Checked Through TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. II. AV. AVltKNN, General Ticket Agent. B. B. WALKER, Master Transportation B. HULBER1, 8upt. W. k A. B. K. ssp fifi-Sm Ml R O TJ ru - • ATLANTA anfl ^ »0 CHARLESTON. cauniotto, | WILMIXGTOK, WStno, : Waahington, Philadelphia and] TH* I1TCKO noC81,~ ^ i CXJNDUOTOBJi on this kaa Mo — oua to posssngera. NO CHANCE Or ts B*i.r*r *■ We»t Point, «»., ni i QUICK TIME ud 8CU | TU ° ,or|U *U*Ur. 4 Jy-ngr.-.pun^TMow,, Baggage Checked 1 From New Orieons, MobUa. and Atlanta, to ffigtoR. PhlWtiphtiTtadl By Fwwr Different Ro*t«a r Via Kingsville, and Wi lotto, and Balririk; Blchaaond; via AUoata Wilmington and Bay jJJJ" FAKE AS LOW BT it AS ANY OTHER R0 PULLMAH’S PALAOS cm a. RIGHT TRAINS LEATH8 BY THIS ROUTE Passengers wishing to go Norte to splendid Tin* of BTXAM8HIPI {rea d to Baltimore, Philadelphia, I PH<ENIX LUMBER YARD ant fluids are used— hm to w I, VhiftM |W« Machines of this patent may U1 and capaoity; oad can be ru* by tesi h or steam power. Samples of ths Gate City 1 on exhibition at the ooming Addreas me st Atlanta, Ga. I oot M—dkwti . LL arrangements have been made to make L one of the grandest affairs of tha season rickets can be bought at the Hotels, Book Stores, and from th* following members of th* Committee of L. H. ALEXANDER, lid, D. D.; Hev. B. 8e»rs, D. D., sgent of the Fesbody Fund. Tetobors and friends of education are in vited to attend and help forward tho work of edaoatioh in onr 8tate. The Secretary wijl furnish return rickets to members of the Association. H. H. Tucker, D. D., President. B. Mallow, Secretary. Papers throughout the BiaUfriendly to (he oa«w of aduoatiott wiH pieaae corny. locomotive Savaanoh, November 4th, 1809. Committee of Invitutlon: J. W. Coluxb, l E. Mams, W. H. Prrtnaoa. W L a LuOTis,ja., M. Etas. Yf- <*. X«ox. HERE THEY ARE. T HI Am.ricw K-lut V. H flkoppw, WUU Wl« OloihM Unm, fl.w« Pou. BIuJ Uni< 100,000 Strawberry Plants. Call and got what yOft want marx w. Johnson. Dealer In Guano, toed*, he., without on operation. 1 am ooaflnnsd In xny own opinion, of ths Profes sor's merit by the testimony of ths most reliable end prominent medloai men in various cities in the United I most cheerfully commend him to all with whom my opinion may have any weight. J.P. LOGAd, M. D. Atlanta, Oa., Novemaber 3d, 1800. W* have examined Prof, Bernhardt’s beautiful and extensive eolteotion of glasses for the relief of Im paired vision, and believe them the beet adapted to the * w, ~‘* "•“* ore Intended, than any we have .. . , ^ *r beiieve that the Professor la a accomplished Optician. D. C. O'KREFE, M. D. JAR. M. UAUB1CK, 111. D. Atlanta, Oa.. floweraber 3d, 18fl®. Pi of. M. Bernhardt has furnished ms with e pair f Concave Lena which suits my ooae exactly. From .tersonal experience 1 can cordially advise all persons whose natural vision requires the supplement* of art to avail themselves of th* Professor's skill He has Mblted to me reccmmendationsfroni eminent physi* rtk! ministers with many of whom I am per- lly a qualnted. lisle evidently an Optician wh understands his business. W. T. BRIFTLEY, Minister 3d Baptist Ukurch. S I woont in Hi. xou.nxu (Mtinw- tou. hiE, Ik, r" fu, and Boat mm <* .ia in Malt I do UU. la K>ni* awan from uj om .ximcImc. IDr. BarsluMt u >n MampUiludQfiUclui ....... ... .. . U.OM, IX Um Pa.tor 1.1 r ra.byt ertnn Charcn, Atlanta, tin. [ouaay HflNPSj anppowd to bare been mntdeted. The dlt- oorery of tbti body, ooaplej with tha aadUan iny.tericu. diupiMarauM of wraral panoot, recently, matm «om« alarm, a* all Mtforla of the police to tnd tha atlghteat trace of the mincing peraona haa proved fruitier Tha aaw Scarctarr of War, Q«n. Belknap, wan called npon at his realdaaoa on Tnaaday areain't laat, by oiliaana of Iowa, aod ad. drauad by Aaaooiata dnatica Millar, of that Stata, who npre^d gratification at hi* ap pointment aa Secretary of War, and oompli- maniiog him on hia diaiinguialied aer-leae daring tha war. Oan. Belknap replied, ax preanog kia gratitado for lha aoamUmaai aologiring tke State of Iowa TOlqpmeait, and lta anpport of tha Union pladglv hlmealf to ao adminiaUi 'thtM JiSS!SlKSl-£— Fsrnur*' AUsklsai. foah Biltinga line put prepared a bnrlaaque T >a the old-foahionad r arm era' Almana-, foil weather proguoellcatlona, fkmlly reoeipta, and moral edrioe to farmm. Owlaton, of Naw York, of courae, ia tha publisher. We make lha following extract, from thl, work for 1870, which ia aimed to be "taw yean people left Orate Brittain to taka care or herself, and alerted a mug Uttla btxaineae or their own, which! am loalrokted taw atate, ia pay In wall. Containing all that Ax ntoeoery for an Allminex, and a good deal beeldee." ,. Whaa • roomer crow, he crowa all over. A no milk cow Ax atepuotber tew ercry man', baby. Voola are lha what aid Da ov aootaty, If a man balnt got a watt balanced head. I “ttKl.'SS.'SrJ&VS,£S,t —noi iwalUred. Than ia ho|p ana gawd for tha th* a n - 1 P0M118TS JIB RESTORER FOREST QUEEN. SffSS jn Atlanta. telranl wklakar. en a (ealleuaa Atlanta, Be.. Ko.embar id, 1M*. 1 (all. eeaeor la tka opinion of Hot. A. A WUeOd. D, O . In th. obo.o certlAcolo. , , w. n. CHIIMLV, 1'o.lor Trinity M. K Okmnk xoaah. AUuU.KotobImcM.IM*. To Iko oboT. teotlmoniala lakoorfau, oAdBT BUM. Paator lot Bo,tut thmnk, AUoula, MevoBbor Ilk. UC*. Atlooio, Opposite Georgia Railroad Dspot, ATLANTA, GEOBGIA. FRAMING LUMBLR, Dratted and Hatched Fleering and Oailing, ALL VARIETIES OF DRV LUMBER, ■hluclea cartel Xiathin. Lumbar sawed to order upon short notice. ORDERS FILLED FOE Sash, Itoors, and Blinds. A LANDSBERC A CO., jnor^M-aatt-dly Proprietor., CRAPE VINES. R aspberry »na blackberry plants, for BAl. At LOW FIODBEB, by , _ KABE W. dOBKSOK. XW SAinpIe. «tmj office. odK. Jy 15-ly SALE OF THE Confederate Slxtee LabaraUry Bnildlng, Now temporarily •*««pled •• a BY THE . GEORGIA STATE FAIR. woo orouod ot tho boat pretend A krlok, and lntk. moot .otetooUolBAnnor, by tho Confederet. RtaU., to be iM oa o Loboratory. The mtai portion of thl. bundle, la two Worloe blab, (eoch 50 fretl, and MO feet long by M ana M foot wide, with oxUMion at each end one .tor. hi«h, and each 500 by 50 feet. It t. located About one milt and a ball from the city of Macon, and Immediately upon tb# track ot th. M.con X YnW> RollrooA Tbl. building tetna eftnotad in tb. oentor of th. oot- in-growing ration of 0*ot|ls and axprearir arranged • support machinery, the tale offers special lnduns lento to capitalist* and manufacturers, for whom Georgia now opens s fine field for rsmunsrativ* to vestment*. SeC&S&fiSffS&ffSUBS Old Ertabliriuneut of & Dfstrtct of Georgia. I wtM sell tke above properly, to- gethsr with 146 ocrae Of land upon which It le situated, at publio auction before th* Court House door In th* THE OHiBLttTOH BYlANBUn 9 dacemsnt to pssse&gsn, with ta every luxury ths Northern and ( oan aflbrd, and for Safttp, Speed, and I UNRIVALLED ON TH* I Through Tie to. uhlan Me*tge»sry, West Pelat, TO NBW YORK VIA CHABUROI I J. A, R0I General Ticket Aftat.3 'IlkSON, SuperieModte.. o. To AHDEHlOfl, A sep 11-Sm A FORTUNE FOBS I WILL pert with on interest Is Washing Machine, know* si toil Ing Machine, patented by m*. foreya TXKN YXAR8. from life May. INI tend 11 gent, enterprising, young or ■MUM a small cash capital, for the pUrpsii a •aid lavesUan before the yaMta 4mo*g the many washing a IF YOU D0UBTII COME AND general stock of WATCHES ANP ■IXiVSH; and Sllrer-PUtcd Win, 1 ■TB Brought to « And having purchased DlHlCt* AT NET CASH Wo are A Wo, WtlltagiA* To MU u low.00 U1J North, 6outh, f** Wo h0T0 bolter frotlilite ftrtm* otetelatote- 1 riNID WA* Tbju. on. oth.r Honte i—** ***J*^t win fir. onr enitomM. lb. TWENTY-OKB1 OITV 0*» MAOON, between the lawful town of tale, on the First Tuesday in December Next. ponsjnent. a.T*nn,h. Oo., October lath, IMO. '’ oSi TO TEACHER*!/ The National Series of School Books. 00MPRI8IS0 UrJS^jSlna,. non ef mature Hr*. L tn^»W* l f b T i >. ■ -* DR. R, S. POMEROY, No, 17 Alabante Stvwt, Up Stairs, WB HAYI BflTTH i THAN ANT HOUSE W > I0» Repairing Watch** LAWa**' GOLDEN oAAraootb«r.tek«aM ■aijaggaffl ESktss* aU dtteote Irote tt.r "Dr b nffi« 0os»» aE P.iKStSaSWM—