Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 14, 1869, Image 2

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fti» here. tat tlMtwiu- Aliee V»ac, Clara Witenaa, Isabel Vane. TT. '***■• W«1«* LITTLE BAREFOOT! Jtoeal Senaattoua by the Mir. MAY TEMPLETON. loadral.t s oo t so 4 as 4 00 3 78 3 40 do, family do, Fulton XXXX family, do, auporfine ........... BanUMMteattr receive weB-eeUetert s&liuen* to u.1. Mock, raitle.1.. ... the following aaaeed good#, which sreHKIVASIK AR1.V rHraPi ' * u ™ Black and Brown (Kagllih) Waterproof Cloth a. All Colon la LadUa* CioUta (all wool.) Fiery Color in “Gilbert’*” Opera Flannel*. 10-4 Blanket*, Beantlfnl ({aallly, < Lanra*lrr and MartelUr* * ouorot lot or Irish Linens, Diapers, Towels, Tabli Napkins, A large lot of Ureas Goods, 50 cents a , vo oo, superaue ............ , Do do, Georgia XXXX family Snpeiflno. i bavo had t*or. ly-aa bravely ran.. Family. OPTICIAN Bacon—Stock light. Market Arm. good neighborhood, frtoutWbip, the pride of au uncouquerabio nationality, ituti respect for each other, ere fast returning. I know of no occasion where these feelings would or eouid be better promoted then euoh en thin. Cltt- »un« of rerione States will meet thero ue brother**. They wiU disown the Taut end vn- rU*d rrHoureeu of thin their common country; ther will show to one another how necemery each of its part* in to ell the others, and how great, powerfull end glorious must be the whole when the several parts net bnrmonions- ly together, sympathising with each other, sustaining each otlfar. It soema to me the true, prnctioni philosophy of the boor is, to forget the war, scoept iU inevitable results, end to reuew the emulation, if it in to renewed in euy form, in the hold of end see who oau give the bojt and strongest impulse to American civilisation, American power und Clear sides Rib sides Shoulders »\ . Hams, eanv. H. O. Plain canvassed.. Country Fair. kind, and we have abundant reason to hope that tboae of onr merchants and dealers, who seek to do only n legitimate busbies*, will lend encouragement lo any scheme looking to a reform so much needed. In all new places, especially in cities which have sprang into oommtrcial importance as rapidly as Atlanta, them is always more or less ot irregular trode. The marvelous rapidity of the growth of oar city, since the wsr, ha* culled to our business marts men from all pert* of the world. Their Laud—Iu tierces In kegs and oans. Oats—Nominal Corns—Rio Huoab—Refined A Vow, fries<!«, relaUsas, end cousins, Whs* a carious world this is we fiv# In, When we work, sweat anl tog ior Ute good tl.iu««. They willeaH as old monied take in. Let as take all kite turnips to market. Cutthe tope off sod boll op for grecus. Fat rocks la the kettle for soap bonce, And the girts—«0b; Lord, alu’t be mean?" Let u grab, scratch, hoe, end il|g potatoes, Slum charooel la the Lot month of June, Do ell that is honestly aobto, And they will say: “what a stingy old fool.*' Bat heat up yoor face, burn yosr fingers, In broiling e steak like Pease, Let it oome on the table all smiling— Mine times oat of ten It wtUl please. Then let them make fries like tho''Golden,'' Ones Med by Pease A His Wife, That resemble the orange of Cuba; Or ourgold when the negro wont whits. Let them 80 to 85. 244 to 25 18 to 164 174 to 18 1C* to 17 16 to 164 13 to 15 5 to 8 175 to 2 CO sr lb. 0 5 to 7 and doz. $7 00 to 12 00 1 60 to 2 00 3 00 to 4 00 3 00 19.4 00 Gin, Holland.., 4 00 O 00 American 1 60 lo 2 00 Rum, Jamaica 4 00 to 6 00 American 1 GO to 2 00 Whisky-Corn per gal 1 26 to 1 60 Rectified, do 1 00 to 1 20 Rye, do 1 25 to 5 00 Robertson, do 2 00 to 4 l0 Bourbon, do 1 25 to 6 00 Wino per do*—Maderia $2 50 6 00 Sherry - $2 60 to 6 00 Port $2 60 to G 00 EXTRACTS FKOlf NEW TOSS AND TON WEST. The pork packing reason in Louisville drags •lowly. Receipts of hogs are light. Prices, 9| to 10c gross, for heavy hogs. There have been slaughtered to date 12,000, against 1,176 Balmoral Skirts $1 25 to $1 50, Excellent Quality, Checked and Figured Flannels, in Great Van, A Well-Assorted Stock of Gain IN SHOUT, everything required to constitute a complete, end wtU-aaaortsd sick —. earnestly desired. woawr'*!■* nor 14—am .^mrm.r WAllehall entered according TO AOT OF CONORS®* IN THE YEAR IBBBBY DR.M. BERNHARDT. IN ^anwsstKV PENNSYLVANIA. AND Appi.Ui—Per bta V dried, IsiQVOBa—Per gi Brandy, Fr American Peach American gloiV- Very truly yours, J. M. Howaud. T. P. Kobb, Esq , Savannah, Go. Wahbinqton, October 29, 1869. My Ikar Sir: Please aocept many thanks for yoor kind invitation eoutoined in your favor of reoeut date, inviting me to attend the Georgia State Fair, to be hold at Macon on the 19th proximo. I regret that it Is not in my power to accept NOTICE TO Railroad Contractor*. rNAUGHT, oSoJrj IMPOBTmw hardware and cun IRON AND UTEjj dkalew b Guns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes,Gh« menu kt 0. «, „ varied .took, embrmln,, liTEg**! complete eerortment ot KK dmolc' Tool., An rile, VlmTSL ** 8hoe., Cotton and Wool IAr,UCW?2 heather end Bnbber Bellini luTS •lonm. Hollow Wire, Bony materiel of >11 kind. e,S’ relloe. ud Bhefte, Elm «nd Lori! n2*! Bprln, Her., when they ire tired end hungry; Oroeaand 111 with the world end It, weye, And row k Bit Wife will hm Mouthing To ohnrrn og the 111 oi eech dry. nevli-U boniu'i Omen. a*, a. 1* B. R., I AUents, On., BorembwrUtb. Idd*. I O H or before December lgt, UN, propoe.1. will be received at this office for the Graduation, Bridg ing and Maaonry of tho second division (St Tniles) of this road. All nscoasary information can be had by application to this office- B. I. SAGE, uov 11-tildecl Chief Engineer. 1 leave fur the West next week and shall not be able to return in time to reach Macon by at fearful oost to oreditorsl This of oourse cripples the legitimate merchant who patiently awaits the winding up of the career of one ad venturer, only lo eee his plooe taken by a suc cessor of fresh importation. Thus it is that a sort of cut-throat business is inaugurated and kept up, 4o the manifest detriment of (ho first interests of the city. We most not bt misunderstood on this point We do nof mean to insinuate that the merchants of Atlanta are, as a class, inferior to those of other oities. On the contrary, it is 1 not assuming too much to say that there is , perhaps more real commercial and businesi talent, auti more persistent energy manifested otnoog the merchants of Atlanta, than is found in any other city in the Southern States. Indeed, it has been conceded by prom inent business men of Cincinnati and Chicago, that, in preportion to numbsn, A tlanta stands equal to the most pretentions Northern and Western cities in the degree and quan tum of business talent But whilst this is so, all must acknowledge the com- 1 pant lively erode and unsettled state of the i commercial interests of our astonishing city. This is not unnatural. It is an ordeal through L which all new oities must pass. Bot the f sooner it is subjected to discipline the better | Business should be made to accord with Sys- > tem; and every merchant and trader who ex- ^ pects to prosecute a legitimate trade, ahould 1 interest himself personally in the eetablish- , ment and maintenance of a high standard of commercial etiquette. In this great work, the Rea proposes to be- r oome an earnest co-worker. Our quotations the 19th. Again thanking you for your kind remem brance, I am, very truly yours, E. C. Inoebsolt.. T. F. Robb, Esq., Savannah, Go. Lawrenok, Kansas, November 1, 18G9. T. P. Robb, Esq., Savannah, Ga., Dtar Sir: Your favor of October 0, second ing the invitation of tbo Executive Committee of the Georgia State Agricultural Society was duly received, and I have delayed responding, in the hope that I might be able to be preeent Assignee’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, io the town of Monroe, Wskoc county, within the legal hours of sate, on tho First Tuesday in December neit, a traot of laud usually known as the Brown plsoo, con- tainlng eighty-seven acres, more or Uss, adjoining leads of McCullough, Novell, Gresham, Herrin, and others. Bald land sold as the property of 0. G. Nowell k Oo., for the purpose of a settlement, la acc<wda»oe with an order of Hon. Garnett Andrews, Register In Bankruptcy. November ftth, ISOS, nor U-tds D. H. WALKitb. Assignee. fpHX members of FLORAL LODGE, NO. a. I. O. G. T. X will meet in their new Hail, ooruor Whitehall and Hunter streets, Tuesday evening next, November 10th. A full attendance Is earnestly desired. All Good Tem plars cordially invited. O. B. CRENSHAW, nor 14-11 Secretary. G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Tb* DAMaaah Nam of Frida; nay,: It will b* MU by the ■tatsaient thic morning tbnt !h« ri ontpt, ud export* »t this port hare been larger than those of any preview wejk this wesson. Thu receipts amount to 20,933 bales, and (he exports 19,493 bales. The re ceipts up to date ere 143,884 bales. The ship ment* from thia port, thus far, ore far ahead of those up to the aamotim* last year, being for 1968,55,869 belee; lor 1869105,440 bale* The stock on hand and shipboard yesterday won 38,757. This speaks well for Savannah. We are also gratified to see that the proportion at the Society's Fair on the 19th inst. I find, however, as the time approoohee for the bold ing of ihn Fair, that it will be impossible for me to comply with yonr kind request I shall feel none the less interest, however, in the of the enterprise, as it will, I trust, be the beginning of a new ere in the agricultural history of your 6tate. Please give my regrets and kindest wishes for suooess to the gentlemen of the Sooiety. Very respectfully, yours Ac., E. G. Rose. House and Lot Corner Fnlr nnd Terry St*. O N Tuesday neit, the ICth last, at 4 o’clock, r. * 1 will sell on the premises, a lot fronting 68 fs on Fair street, at the corner of Terry, has a fine we and a bouse of three rooms on It—will rent well-ne the CUty Hall. Will be sold with good titles, wltho reserve, for oaeb. G. W. ADAIR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Alabama street, next door to tbs Express Office, aov 14-M HERE THEY ARE. P IE American Meat and Vegetable Chopper, White Wire Clothes Lines, Flowsr Pots, Blue Uraes, 100,000 Strawberry Plants. Call and get what you want THE ADVANTAGES o! there SpecUelo. over *U others are: 1. They cun be worn with perfect ease for any length of time at one sitting, giving astonish ing cleamoss of vision, by candle or any other artifi cial light, comfort to tho apeclacla-wearer hitherto un known. 9. How to select Glasses. It requires MARK W. JOHNSON, Dealer In Guano, Beeda, he.. Broad street. jJ IWl BY TELEGRAPH In Bankruptcy. UNITED STATE* MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 1 PHiENIX LUMBER YARD ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. T HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That on the Sd day of February, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the estate of OLIVER C. WYLY, of , in the county of Franklin, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition; that the Payment of any Debts and the De livery of any Property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for hie use, and the Transfer of any Prop erty by him are forbidden by Law; that a Meeting ®f the Creditors of the sold Bankrupt to prove their Debts and to Choose one or more Assignees of hie Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Register's offloe, in the city of Madison, county of Morgan, State ot Georgia, before Albert O. Foster, Register, on the 4th day of December, 180®, at 1® o’clock, u. WM. H. SMYTH, nov 14-lt U. 8. Marshal as Messenger. The South and % PHILADELPHIA, WA8HIR Washington, November 13.— In accordance with the resolution passed at the Loniaville Convention, Fillmore appointed Blanton Dun can, of Kentucky, and Robt E. Sanders, of Tennessee, Commissioner* to the Russian Exposition in 1870. Ames’ resolution odds Fillmore to the Commissioners. Grant a ill appoint the remaining two. Offices closed iu honor of Walker. Boutwell has gone to Bostou. Heavy storm and auowing—telegraph is alow. Grant was sick from Walker’s funeral. London, November 13.—Advices from Alex andria state tliAt a great bed of rook at Ismio- la, interferes with the dredging of the Suez. Canal. It wiU be blasted out. The convoy at the opening will consist of eight ships. Nothwithstanding this favorable report, tne Underwriters of this city mostly decline to in- suro vessels bound t hrough the canal. Feabody’s funeral was very imposing. Pabis, November 13.—It was an English, instead of an American steamer, destroyed in Port Oran. • Loadru Rollin refuses to return to Paris, though he continues to be a candidate for the corps Legishiiiff. Louis Blano is a cauditate for the snme dis trict. Rollin has issued an address to the electors, which is ridiculed by all the Paris papers. Havana, November 13.—Dettodas' retnrn is expected on Monday. The city has been per fectly tranquil during his absence. Opposite Georgia Railroad Depot, FRAMING LUMBLR, Dressed and Matched Flooring and Otiling, ALL VARIETIES OF DRV LUMBER, the streets. We saw one man buy 18 head of mulos and sell them sgn n in a f* v minutes at a profit of $12 50 on the head. In referring to the dry goods market the New York Bulletin says: Prioes aro still quite weak, and the light in quiry does not tend to a better state of affairs; probably this will continue until the opening of the spring trade, and the consequent in crease in demand. The recent failures are eiMiing mu«lt oomuiral in tho mnrkot, ow«l a slight feeling of distrust is discernible. The VIRGINIA & TES1 RAILWAYS, 4. These Npectaclea are selemUflcally ad justed to every oaae of defeotive Right with unerring accuracy, whether arising from age, strain, over work, or premature decay, by Morria Bernhardt on a new and exact principle, entirely hie own, which haa seldom failed to be correct. 5. After scvrrel ycarj of public practice, adjusting spectacles to patients under every aspect of defeotive vision, as well as experience in an extensive, long-established business In his Optical btores, both here and In Europe, M. Bernhardt considers it a suffi cient guarantee of bis ability to supply such glasses as are best calculated for the assistance of imperfect eight. O. M. Derahardt, to signalise himself from the host of pretenders in his profession, with pride submits for inspection, oopios of testimonials he baa received from medical gentlemen of the most un questionable respectability and talent In America; also, a number of certifA ties from well known gentle- men of distinction who have used him spectacles—the originals of sll which ho Mill be happy to abow to these who may request It. The uso of any of the fol lowing names or certificates herenuto affixed, without en actual possession of the ^ame, would be a forgery, aoapltal offence, punishable by State imprisonment Testimony off recommendation* from Medical gentlemen, Professors of the highest OptheL mio talent In Atlanta, Ga., and in the Dnlon: Atlanta, Ga., November 2ld, 1860. I have examined carefully,nd with much interest, a collection ot glasses for the r lief of Impaired vision, submitted to me by Prof. Be: iardt, an Optician. In adaptation to the ondpr j osed, as well as In els gaut workmanship, they are -ry superior and de> serving the patronage of who? oever may unfortu nately require their use. ll.V.M. IlLLElt, M. D. We full) couour in the above r pinion of Dr. Miller JOHN M JOliNhON, id. D. OBt much better than w«sj antieipated, and in the mountain counties there is an unusually heavy “uwks." which will save largely in the fattening of hogs, lo some counties there will be corn to spare, while nearly all of Ihem will make a surplus of pork, and large num bers of beef cattle have already been sold. We were pleased to observe that the quantity of l< 1— i. in Lumber sawed to order upon short notice. ORDERS FILLED FOR of-—in the oeunty of Franklin, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his oem petition, and that the payment of any Debts, and dotiyery of any Property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any Proper- tybyhlm, are forbidden by Law; that a Meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, aud to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, a 111 be held at a Court Of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office, In the dty of Madison, county of Morgan, and State of Georgia, before Albert G. Foster, o'o?oclT r M 0n Ul ® 4th of December, 1809, at 12 WM. H. SMYTH, nov 15-11 U. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. Hash, Doors, Leave Bristol. the fields, is much larger than usual. It is to the manifest interest of farmers, now that la bor is scarce and unreliable, to increase large ly their small grain crops, and commence the growing of olover and the greases. An old man some fifty-five or sixty years o: age, gays the Columbus Euqnirer, nameu Kmonuel E. Panl, was killed at tb<- Striped Houee, in Utah, just outside the ci limits, near the Hamilton road, on Wt in reday night about 9 o'clock, by Iv* -tep fob, Sharpe Johnson From the cor r’« investigation, held by Justice MeCah-y, th* following facts were elicited: Paul on. home about half past 8 o’clock, mtoxic'tied, nnd commenced Leave Lynchburg. Loave Alexandria. Slate Fair. We diroot attention to a oorrenpondence be tween Ool. T. P. Robb, of Savannah, und other gentlemen, regarding the State Fair, to oommsnoe f Leave Washington. iu those of general merchandizo ; tho total be ing nearly four and half million dollars in for eign gold value: FORUON IMPORTS AT NEW XOBK.| 11807. IMS. 1869. .$1,381907 $1,187,881 1.23U.1M . 8,720,756 2,725,930 3,189,297 Tot for the week,.... $6,102,722 $3,803,311 $4,428,463 Previously reported 209,724,158 214,067,434 252.532.80C Since Jan. 1 $214,820,880 210,580 745 256,961,253 CRAPE VINES. R aspberry and blackberry plants, for ■ale at LOW FIGURES, by MARK W. JOHNSON. «r Samples at my offioe. oct 26 a jy lMj SOUTH. Macon to-morrow. Dry Goods. Gru. mdz.. Leave Lynchbnrg. SALE OF THE Confederate States Laboratory lluiMlug, NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, November 13.-—The Tribune Hays, editorially, that the evidence implicating a prominent Washington Treasury official in the New York Custom House frunds is com plete. He shared in the proceeds. The Tri bune withuoldn tho nume. Graut approves Ames' regulations for the Mississippi election. The\Rccount8 ol Butterfield retiring on As sistant Treasurer at New York are correct. Delinquent Patent Agents mast settle be fore doing farther business with the Bureau. New Orleans) November 13.—Col. Alexan der, formerly Quartermaster under Butler, ar- rtsted here recently as n bogus Treasury Agent, ebonpod, leaving a large number of letters from prominent parties relating to the Custom Hoase and Bonded Warehouse ring business. They will bo sent to Washington. Troy, November 13.—At Wool's funeral there was a military procession half * mile long and fifty thousand people in the streets. The houses were draped. Han an a, November Id.—The Diario news paper this morning has an editorial article wherein it says tne existence of any anti-Span ish element in Cuba is abnormal and transi tory. The enemies of Spaiu could not reinaiu here. There are but two elements of popula tion-Spaniards nnd foreigners. The Diario dosses the Cubaus who favor the Spanish cause as Spaniards. London, November 13.—The political news unimportant. Madrid, November 13.—Topete was elected Vice-Presnlent of the Constituent Cortes. It is reported that the Spanish government has received a diepatoh from Florenc* that the entire cabinet approve tho candidature of the Time Between Atlanta and it 58 Hours 15 Minot*; COMIC OPERA AND COMEDY! Monday Evening, November 22d I pm- The a heat mail w*» arul Nm York it eurrad aMAlT Stopiag CoscJips os IK Nttf' 1 T“*S°”WM«noUdof tk,lM*t prwiod X brick, and ia to* moot substantial manusr, bv tbs to bs used m * Laboratory. ^The main portion of this building Is two atortsa kms <»»->■ wtiMialoti At rauh end oo* story high, and raoh 200 by 3$ fast. It Is loosted shout ons mils and s hall ITOm thS Vsaam mm.A .. track of th« -.^mm , This building beii or; $1 05 to 1 0G. Beef steady. Pork firmer at $30 60. Lard a shade firmer. Groceries dull and lower. Governments strong, '62s 1 153 to 1154- Southerns steady. Stocks quiet but unsettled. Bank statement more favorable than expected; loans, decrease over one million And n half; specie increase of over one million and a halt; circulation increase nearly quarter of a mil lion; deposits, increase of over three-fourths of a million; legal tenders, increase of over oue million dollars. Sterling a shade firmer. Money oasy at 5 to 7 per cent Gold 264 to 26j. Export gold, one hundred and twenty- three thousand dollars. New Orleans, November 13.—Cotton firmer at 234 to 232c; sales 3,050 bales; re ceipts 3,459 bales; exports 4,688 bales. Flour firm at $5 25, 5 75 to 6 25. Pork firmer and held at $31 50. Lard dull at 174 to 19|c; others unchanged. Gold $i 26*. Sterling 374; right 40 discount Cincinnati, November 13.—Corn, winter scarce, ear 88. Whisky firm, $1. Pork held at $21. Lard in fair demand ; Kettle 17. Louisville, November 13 —Corn steady, 85. Provisious quiet. Pork $30. Shoulders 164; clear Bides 20. Lard 174- Whisky 97. Mobile, November 13*—Cotton—Demand frir; stock on hand light ; closed quiet at in side rates ; sales 500 ; Middlings 234 to 23| ; receipts 1,358 ; exports 4,462. Augusta, November 13.—Market quiet but A.*ha, . iCA • ....ini. DiA. if: 3 II' .in the national wealth and greatness. These ob jects aro worthy and beyond all oriticiam, and we are glad to know that * very large repre sentation from the Northern States will re spond to the invitation, and beoome our guests on the interesting oocasion. Beyond (he pleasure of the presence of those CHAPMAN SISTERS’ COMIC OPERA COMPANY And the Famous Corned tan, MV. Chnrloa U. Ttinliop. be d d if I stand it.” He then loaded bis gun, went to the room where the qaarrelHag was going on, and remonstrated with the old man. The old man went out of tho door next the Common, and when out the old woman shut the door, snd in a minute afterwards, while deceased was supposed to be sitting on the steps, Johnson fired the oontente of s sin gle-barrel shot gun into the pit of his stomach, L H to located about oaa rail* and a hail '■»“* ““ In U» «w tar of tU oot- Af region ot Georgia, and exi * * t machinery, th« sale offers ———. *” capitalists and manufacturers, lor whom Owstoiioor * flno fl.ld for nmnnonllTo In- By virtue of wrlto of veadltiooi oiponoo. luaod frptn tlu United Stotoe District Court forth. Souther, District of Georgia. 1 will sell the tier, pronortito! ori w t tF, ut sen* of Usd upon which lUjTwtitod et public suctloD before the Court House door in the omr or MA.00N, between the towfnl houn of tule, on the First Tuesday in December Next poueMent. ° iSB - “* SVgSS&J-*- „ U. fa M«ra>..l Savanaaii. Ga„ OotoUr 18th, ISM. oct 10—dtita. GOOD UNTIL l AND Baggage Checked TO ALL IMPORTANT? B. XV. WBKNV.ta lfi. Bo WALKKit, MmWI Km HULBKRT, Sapte W. A A. I Ml* W-Sai tpreaely arranged i special induos- pleasnre to know thut they all, so far as we are Informed, breathe a kindly eeutiment to wards Georgia and the Sooth, aud express a lively intereat in our progresa and welfare. Iu this work ofiuvitation the committeoat Macon have been Assisted by the voluntary aid of a number of prominent gentlemen uow resident in the State, and by none more effectively than oar own worthy Coileotov at Seveunab, Colonel T. P. Robb. That gentleman haa al ways manifested a praiseworthy zeal in the couoemsof onr city and State, and, though a Republican in politios.thas, by bis public spirit ana efficiency as an officer of the government, entitled himself to the respect and considera tion of the commnnity. He has shown to us a number of letters from dfatiogiiished men oi the North responsive to others addressed to them urging an acceptance of the Committee’s invitati- u. They are interesting as Allowing the temper of leading men towards our peo ple, and we have thought it not amiss, by Col onel Robb’s permission, to give a few shorter EXTRACT Fromanottoeof the Chspmsu Staten.’ Comlo Opora OotMaiy, Whito at the Bar’s Opera House. St. Louis, ln ^ Loul * Itopubltoan of ths 18th of August: • Their rare personal besuty is heighten'd by a craoe of manner, a finish of stylo, which blends together with sn sttraotivsesM that sens can resist, it is plena- ant to notion that even in tho maddest freak of this extravaganza, these ladles never forget the mod- eety of deportment, which is the brightest ornament of womanhood. Their fan never dogenerates into vulgarity—the wine of their humor haa no sediment to poison. The Misuse Chapman may be proud of their reception heru; but they rtohly deserve it. V 1 ’** .*' W* pert lo £££?“; p6;.i!>£r * * p,,m ’ '* Tor,t * The performnnoe will be chnnged eeoh eveuln,. Manwger „ r . Johll T . roMl _ Of Hollhtay Street The*ter, Bultlmore. from the effects of which he died in une twenty or thirty minute.. The Mews. Michigan bad a wife murder on Sunday lost. Oen. Grant don’t care to repeal the bitu- minioaa coal tariff. Xho Brie strike •till continue*, but no one A FORTUNE FOR fa mind it. > gold gambler* have escaped tho Grand my opln leu may havo any weight. -J. P. LOGAN, M. D. Atlanta, Ga., November 8d, 1869. We have examined Prof. Bernhardt’s beautiful ai extensive collection of glasses for the roltef of it paired vision, and boilers them the best adapted to fl ends for which they aro Intended, than any we hai th " ibc >• ■ D. C. O’KEKFK, M. D. JA*. n. BARBEH, K|. D. Atlanta, Ga . Ifos •torm extended nil over the oonn- i generally pretty severe. • will icon be commented ou the lergronnd railway in New Xglk. College wan:.i £. H. Fabrohiid bat he repHea he’ll be d—d if he AT AUCTION not by rukblag or friction, wbjki ent fluids are used-nothing fa* Machines of this patent may* and capacity; and can be rut ■ or steam power. ... 8amples of the date City Wsm« ou exhibition at thacomUui' Address me st Atlanta, 0* oct M-dhwtf utle* recently arrested waa unconditionally re leased, and ban gone lo Franca It is said the government contemplates releasing all the po litical prisoners not uccused of orlmlnal acta. Paris, November 13.—The oily garrison has been increased by two cavalry regiments.— There was another monster demonstration ift the streets in favor of Rochefort. It was nu- iber 3d, 18AO. .Piof. M. Bernhardt has tarnished ms with a paii of Concave Lens which suits my ossa exactly. From personal experience I can cordially advise all personi whose natural vision requires the supplements of art to avail themselves of tho Professor’s ski.L Ho has exhibited to me recommendations from eminent nbvti. ctans and ministers with many of whom 1 an» uer- sonaUy acquainted, lie Is rvrtcntiy an Optician who understands his business. W. T. BR4VTLRT, Minister !M Baptist ( birth. cordially concur In the unmerous testimo nials I have seen touching the excellency of Dr. Bern- hsrdt as an Optician, and most freely commend those who are in ne«d of aid In Me line, to apply to him.— I do this in some measure from my own experience I regard Dr. Bernhardt as an accom^HahedOptictan and a gentleman deserving patronage. JOHN 0. WIMOII, D. D.. # GA.\ r 8 8 lbs. <i» OFFICE CHIEF gUARTKRMAl DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTl Atlawta., Ga., November 9,1 r WILL sail at pnbiio auction, on 8*turds . Deoembcr, 2*69. commencing at 10 o’do the Government Htabto, corner Pryor r«*U th* Inllntriiiir ki.KIIa . C etiUon fa Cougrnae for female fating for fiignatdres. Inary hi educating wlesions- sent fa tbs Germans in America, dmiral Bfawart, on aotor in the Eng ad the rebellion, died at Borden- J., on Sunday last. A} Fltk Lad another action opened (ONTINUF8 to treat all / ail forms gonorrheas, g Italy eradicated. Thatai ting from sslfabsra pr« Sixteen Uo; Mules, more or less; UK, qa*rt*riuuter<a SUrni and SUraa from XePhenon Barrack*. Tbe.te mule, are net *old beeeuee of »nj defer! Iral being la excess of tbs nuts birr required st this Post,-. Thsx may bs seen on application to ths Snperintiu d«t*f ths Stable, stray Urns prior to the sate; ^Rjnardsr Biyel Ortonsl A. R. Eddy, Chief QuarU«r- B. D. Q.BB8. let Lieut. U. fa A, A. A. al, aov 10-fit rad Disbursing Qaartormaetor. his property attached for ortnod wm reught at Com-! (TSAOB MARX.] mUE totter F. PF, sad PPP, as s mark to dtstin- A ffwtoh various grades uf flour, was first Introduced by J. A. STEWART In the city of Atlanta In 1859 This brand haa been known as ■ tewart’a Flour. u< be* *lw*j, been popotar. oth*r miller, *re „ ow Mill, the r,. Dewier, will know the (eaulne Rtewtrt dour *; the ebore 1HAD1 Hi* a. For eel. by F. fe O. T. DODD 4 OO. act W- people of tho different portion, of the He pub: llo together ee muoh ee poeeible, no >, to pro- dace barmnnjr *nd unity of eeutiment, en diet (he meterlel iutereet* of the people mey be benefit ted by etimuleling induatry, oncourag- mg euterprieo and (be general deeelopmenl of the reeouroee of Uteeoantrr." Hon. 0. O. Weebbume, from LoCrone. Oo- tober 16th, write*: " * * * I hope you will have e pleanot time, end that many Northern men mey be there, A little more mingling logelh- er will do mueh to heal up old difference*.*, Ohio, Oel. 36th, 1860 Dear Xir:-l bare been poetponlug for a long time an * newer to yoor inrinieiiou to *1. tend tbo Oeorsia State Fair, *t Macon, on the 16th of Norember nett, with tbe eincere Lope that I might be able to aooept it, but it it now manifeet that I will oot be able to leere here ia time to fin eo. I deelre very nioeh to rlatt not only yonr Stale, but ell tbe Onlf and cot ton Statue, to lean by actual obeerretion tke greet rraoanee of that eery Important Motion ton, Vt , J. D. Fisk tree killed and nine oth er men aererely injured by a falling wall. Loe* $70,000. It ia said that the wild man who has of Ute been alarming tbe citisem of Htouben county bee released tbe community from its lerrora. He climbed a Urge ayasmore tree, palled it np after him end disappeared. A colored woman in, IHInoia has recorared $900 damage* from tbe Ohinsgo and North- Dames te Buffalo, baa U rn presented to Edwin Format requesting him to play “Hamlet" to whleb be bee aieented, Capt. Higgins, Oaptain or the captured Unban oreiser, say* that bit reeerl was a regu lar man-of-war, and that he wee forced lirto Wilmington became of bad coal. Paper gran I* being utenairely caltirated in England. Ooo ton ol this eahalance makes nearly half a ton of paper of e loogb, durable quality, acaiccly inferior (0 (bat made from mgs. Tbe young ladle* of New Haven are laid to attach email pink bullocut to tbe neck of their poodle*, with tbe name* of (he animal* In- aeribed thereon. A etoubfirtod aud by uo mesa* seraph- vetoed Irish woman insisted long end vigor- qu«W on voting for “Hon Uraly end be d inn ed to yea," *1 one of the Eighth ward polle. Vanderbilt talks of converting Bing Blag PriwM into a railroad depot A good many NOTICE.I Anaer'a Omoa. if. a w. u. a. Co.. I a tun la. Oa.ltemmw n-tata) \AT FABSEMUER TBAUfa on the Uaeon a Weel- ^3J^KSiu.'«^TSb tSr tt ** M ’ au “ u ' ^ VVi^u. *rSn??&lS88B!SJ X,a,OA '* iOUtUtiL end m*r announces that out of for divorce, thirteen of the pe- wtte* snd four the husbands. Mae* , on election day, there • the polls, dlstribotiug labor UKO. H. THOMAS, •Attprnwy t Hi i, 'i'i..urj, at. ew Ofllae, dreed *S._Dev. Brown's Bnlldliw. UNWKHTAKKJW AK» aevlfaly