Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 14, 1869, Image 4

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GQLUI1N DR. JOHN 'BULL’S 8TKW- Six {Great R c Thu Rest in thh World I Ovor 10,000 in TXmol SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, Hurley’i "• Ar«ta| r< lNTA and AUGUSTA, receipt of prlfia. ml euniar hgyo mSr'nna,« SSS«*d F«vec bar of abort of fougstendiog. He rdfera to lb# Allies.*, to new •utMorlbera on very iavorotte tome, lan vlt CO ft! c» wltli circular*, eent frea to any address. M perTvuun. 8IDNIV Z. MOM*. JBj, 400., tT Fax* Row, Ifftw Yuan. THE CHURCHMAN. TUE BEET rad I 4 BUTUT WntlT fc.«W»' per, with (be MjJk M circulation la IS* Protestant Episcopal Chunk. Bent rjilCie lor one month lor examination, and tUI January 1, 1870, to n*w subscriber* for tbrt year. Ida yaw, la ad vance. M. U. MALLORY 4 GO.. Hartford, Ct. Gents’ WORTHY or ATTS.v ToDr. 1 homes A. Htuiey ( m, Baltimore, Ladles' to beep (ha bowel# to nt howavor rtqulra a ca ff taken three or four do# i af WJLI/B rWKTAULX Misses’ and No, 40 Fifth Cron Street,. IjoxiiovlUe. Kontuolijr Childrens’ iron MARIA* CLOTH IN U, BTC, “Mora convenient than Ink."—dm. Agricultural. • Invaluable to lionaekeepera. "—Oodey's Lady’s Book. “A very useful article.**— Am Institute Report, 1867. 8olk Aoimt, K. Faker, 133 Wllllasi at., N. Y. Mold by BtaLlonora sod Dealers everywhere. Boots and CoiigreitM Gaiters, THE ERA OFFICE A. W. FABER’S LEAD PENCILS. Grand Oold Medal and Ormto/ the Legion of Honor at the Exhibition in i’mi, 1SC7. A. W. Fabtr’a Haw Pencils of Siberian Lend iu 10 grade* are superior to any pencils evw made. A. W. Fabcr’a Mtenographle, being hard and durable, writing smooth, black and elcan, la the beat pencil for ArcMiUcls, Engineers and Account- 1C. Faber, 133 William at., N. Y., Sons Auent of an A. W. Fabsb's Psmoua OMatoss, Hiatm, etc. Mold by Stationers and Dealers everywhere. For Retail, Jut Received. c. H. a A. Vfcrofrcjk Whitehall Iteeet, AUant*. O*. t—c »ov 1 ’ Wly lioh wo compile the following QUICK TIME and 8UKK COMMKCTIONN, TU aJorilh Rkllroad. Bum KuorOmui Al»«e» H. T«W~ Commanding Department of the South, raaoxu. itm. Brant Lieutenant Colonel A W. Smith, Captain U. & Army. Aid-de-Camp. Brent Captain J. O. Telford, let Lieuten ant U. S. Amy. Aid-de-Catap. cehbtiuwt Harr. , I Brent Colonel J. H. Taylor, Aeei.tant Ad-' jatant General, U. 8. Army, Amistant Ad- latent General. . Brevet Major Robert P. Hughe*. Cap lain U. 8. Army, Acting AasUtant Adjutant Gen- dAiaJKjKT tor GcneraL CspUin C. W. HoUenpillei. U. 8. Army, on daty in oflice of Acting Assistant Inspeo- Mnjor Henry Goodfellow, Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Copt. John T. Mackey, U. 8. Army, Assistant to Judge Advocate Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Oommiaaary of Subsistence U. 8. Army, Chief Commissary. Brevet Colonel A. H. Eddy, Mejor tand Quar termaster U. 8. Army. Chief Quartermaster, let Lieutenant Engene B. Gibbs, U. 8. Army, on daty in office of Chief Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, 8urgeou U. 8. Armj, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhau, Sur geon U. 8. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. 8. Army. Chief Paymaster, of- ftoe at CharleetoA, South Carolina. Major T. 8. Allison, Paymaster U. S. Army, lat L»eat»-nant William M. Wallace, U. S. Amy, Acting Signal Officer. “IJOW HIIALL we PAIRToar HOl/AKR” XI By J. W. Masuxt. 01.. MO p., f 1 60. Free by mall on receipt of price. Masost k Wmitom, New York. WATBR.M’ NEW SCALE PIANOS. IFtfA Iron Frame, Overstrung Brass and Agraffe Bridge. Melodcone nntt Cabinet Organs. The best manufactured. Warranted for A years. Pianos, Aleiodeons and Organs—I*riees greatly reduced for Cash. How 7-octev* Pianos $276 and upward. New Cabinet Organs $46 and upward.— Seooud-haud instrument* $40 and upward. Monthly Instalments received. Ware Booms, 481 Broadway, s. Y. Bosks Watsbs. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. All Descriptions of Job Printing I Baggage Checked Through iprlM .11 Ik. talwt tmprov.m«U| In TO theinorth and east, -11k- Loulsvllle, Memphis, St. Louis, Cincinnati or Indianapolis. WITH IODiDg OF Bull’s Worm Destroyer. Ol We rent Houles via Augnstaff •.andWilmington; via Colombia, Char- I Raleigh; via Colombia, Lanvin* and :famond; via Atlanta, Adnata. Wilmington and Bay Line. Affections of the Bones iuw>, ness. Debility, iMseaset »F»P«Psla, Indigestion, Plies, nary. DUeaeca, fitmte ia.Mr Ktajfs Nypknt*.* To my United Seales and World Wide Headers. 1 have received many testimonials from professional men. as my almanacs and various public cattona have shown, all of which ar# genuine. The following lottav Isom a highly eduoeted and popular physician 1b Georgia. la oartalmly one of the most sen- aibl* communications I have aver received. Dr. Clem ent knows exactly what ha sneaks of, and his testimo ny deserves Is be written la Utters of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER: Villa bow. Walker Co., Qa., Jnns 79,18. Da. Jobe Bull—Dear Sir: I have recently given your ••Worm Destroyer" several trials. Mid And it won derfully sAteadooe. It baa not lallad In a single iu stanoa to have the wtshed-for effect. I am doing a pretty Urge country practice, and have dally nso for soma article of the kind. I am free to oonfesa that I know of bo remedy reoaanmended by the aW«»i authors that U so eertain and speedy In Its effects. On the contrary, they are nncertain In the extreme. My ob ject In writing yon Into flBd out upon what terms I oanget the medicine direct from you. If loan get it upon easy terms, I shall us* a great deal of It I am aware that the nee of each articles la contrary to the teachings and practice of a great majority of the regu Ur Mn* M. D’s, but I aaa no Just cause or good sense Id llscarding s remedy which we know to be efficient simply because we may belgtorant pf Its combination, F.»r my part, I shall make It a role to use all and any means to aisviato suffering humanity which I may be able to command—not hesitating because some one more Ingeaiou# than myself may hevs learned Us «*f fecta first, and secured the. eoU right to secure that knowledge. However, I ass by no means an advocate THE BK8T TYPB, CABINETS, IMIKNHKH sad PilINTKKR’ MATERIAL*, Made and furnished by VANDF.RBURUH, WELLS k 00 , N»W York. Good Second Hand Cylinders for sale. TNG a MAMMOTH POSTER ! TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES FARE AS LOW BY AUGUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wathinslon. A8u Paasengere holding Ucketa by this roots to Maw Turk, Philadelphia or Baltimore, can visit Washington without extra charge. GREAT ATLANTIC and PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, MU. 8 CHURCH STREET. I*. O. Box 5506, - - Haw York City. An organisation of capitalists for tho purpose of Im porting Teas and distributing them ta merchants throughout the country at Importer's prices. Kstab- PULLMAN'S PILAOI SLSBPING CABS oiriLi. c NIGHT TRAINS LEAVING ATLANTA V BY THIS ROUTE. Lotnsvnu, Ai Hurley'» Saraapsrilk is whxt It is m I believe H the most wonirfi iauC public. Nothing under the bssvsSsS to my so without proof of tbs kind; therefore 1 speak willinglt tadS subject. “ ay daughter has bees sflktk «o , tbe lor ssvwff n ployed the principal physidaw sf tka A oould not cure her. 1 gave hir roer to expecting it would do mnrh rood* bettoi tonlahment she rapidly got iS/sodSl tlnues so. Had she been t»Him m ^jl not give this certificate; bat tout flm only remedy omuloyed, Issvssiodtaki j cal quAlltlos, and tlixt It atom caret b«. (Signed.) LOUU Any person requiring the truth and hu stateroeiit, will find me at toy rwUmst« and Waluut streets, IajqUtiUa FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES FARE SAME AS VIA KNOXVILLE OR AUGU8TA. Passengers wishing to go North by Sea will And splendid Hue of STKAIiSHiPH from Charleston, H. C to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. On and after August 15, 18K9, T RAISA LCAYI ATLANTA Daily at N.15 a.n>. and 7.-45 |t.nt. After arrival of all Southern (rains and make nkoM connections to above named cities. Tlu i’urusc. Bust and Cheapest \H A UAW«(VYR|| HOE I VIAXUHH PRESN. And is a Huge Piece of Meckiuery, the largest of tho kind ever brought to Ai adapted to JS*ixXO Book. Printing; and T vgi THE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS offer every In ducement to passengers, with tables supplied with every luxury the Northern and Charleston markets oan afford, and for Safely, Speed, and t'omfort, ARE UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST. Check baggage to Louisville, and it will be re checked to destination on trains of Louisville and Nashville Railroad before arrival at Louisville. HOLD RY Al.l, GROCERS. Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS HURLEY’S 1IIE M.1UIC COMB will change any colored hair or beard to permanent Black or Brown. One mb aent by mall for $1. For sale by Merchants and uggists generally. Address Magic Coni Company, ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample Time for Meals at Good Hotels. ASK FOR TICKETS VI4 Change of fik-bedtale os tke Oiorgl Kall- rosl. (Ixobgxa Railroad, Augusta, April 9, WC9. Oo and alter Sunday, April 11, 'B», and uutil forther notice, the Passenger Train* wiii run as follows: DAT TBAT*. (SBBd *JT* eiCepfod.) Leave Auguste 7.-00 a. in. Leave AUanta. * : <5 *• *»■_ Arrive at Anfuete. »=**»■ T Arrive at Attests 6:30 p. in. Springfirld, JJati. WANTED- - - EVERYWHERE Good Agents tor our new work, “HOME BOOK OF WONDERS:” X1m», for tb© “COTTAGE BIBLE,* Containing Notes, Indexes, Maps, Engravings, Die tlonary, Ac , Ac. Best term> given. Over 300,OOC copies sold In the United Mates and Canadas, sne agents reporting from 10 to 60 names per week. Fo: circulars and torius, addresi A. BRAINA&D, Hartford, Oonn., Me*ari. James Ruddle k Oo.-Omtm me great pleaeur* to say, ate oahg i worm remedies known to me. vhh kip to my children, I was advised Is iff T. and since using it my child** ten I well and healthy. The chlldres vmU c time. It is one of the beat, taltst raw and as such, recommend It U> oas add ill Louisville, June 13,1W& GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, ATLANTA. B. W . WRKII1V. General Ticket Agent. R. B. WALK Kit, Master Transportation. R. HULBEKf, finpt. W. k A. B. R. 8. K. JOHNSON, But O. T. AMI ecp 11-3m For fkef rapid and nest execaloo of JOB judges the finest press in the State. D RAIN PIFKAIVDTLK oftho best quality for blreet Sewers, t mss and Stable drains, Chimney and Green House FI »ss for conveying water from Springs; for supplying c Houses, Stables, Fish Ponds; for thorough uderdratralug of Land. Can b6 sent safely si dlatsnoo. Heiid for circular to 0. W BOYNTON 4 CO., Woodbridge, N. J. For rrtniln, CIRCCLARS, LJTTRR HRADB. BILL BEABB. Ar.,uid !._•( ,Tei7 aup«rl.<. ^o.llt,. TABLE CUTLERY! HURLEY’S r l have on hand, i general stock of r—ingrrs for MID edge rille, Washington and Athens, Ga. must take day Passenger Train from Auguste and Paasengere for Wart Towt, Montgomery. Selma, Mo bile ttdSew Orleans most teavo Auguste on night Passenger Train, fo make close couuectlous. Passengers for NaebvtUe. Ooriiith. Grand Junction Memphis, Loniavllle and 8t. Louis can take either train and make does —mr iWfons. I l l i Through Ticket- and Baggage checked tkeoagh fo ^P^miuj^Sacs Bleeping Cara on all night Paascu •••■r TYsftaa. No changu of csra on night Passenger and .\lall Trains between Augusta and West Point 8. K. JOHN80N. Assistant Superintendent. STOMACH Fil' WATCHES AND JEWELRY, sitjvun auil Sllver-rUIt-U Warp, UarkH, 4c., EVER ‘ Brouflil to Atl/uita. And having pnrehasud DIRECT faom Manufacturer) SILVER-PLATED WARE! IhB A-I’ PAlS'WSO. ear work with a rapidity that la astonishing; and, yet,|ln th« nesles Drhllliy, f.ossul Appedte, 1< tllgeatlon, or DysjKpsia, \ •ctloM of the LlvrrtrUlorsn With these eateusive Cocilatle •Attention, Attention, Every Jttan Who has a House to Point. RoadyMtede Colors. Known ae‘•Rollrood” Colors. Guaranteed to be more economical, move durable, and more convenient than any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled ‘Plain Talk with Practical Paiuters," with samples, aent free by mall on application. MA8UBY 4 WHITOM. Globe White Lead and Color Works, ^ 111 Fulton HL. New York, Beware of imitations. Established 1836. A Good Henson for (ho ( aptuiu’s Faith. READ THE GAFT AIN’S LETTER AND THE LETTER CHA.UK OP ICHRDVLE. NET,/: We are Able, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, AO. Omen or Maim or Tsampobtatior, » CnmuL Raiumad, (Uvahnan, Aug. 14,1808. | On and after Sunday, 16th Inst, Passenger Train* ft the Gecegte Central Sallroad will mr cm follow*: OT DAT TWAIN. Leave Savannah .8:00 a. m. Arrive at Macon .f*.4S p. m. To Mil M “t »-’ North, South, East or Wot. Hew I mad* 18 la six rac cret and sample mailed free. IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY" COMPETITION We have better facilities for the purchase and sale of curtain classes of n»s WAT OHS8 Than any other House South has, or can get, and wa will give our customer* the benefit of the advantage -33 new articles for agents. Samples H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. FiroTe»tl76otolOO. ■” rto - n " n " t Our o.ty .mAuVR'c li TWENTY-ONE YEARS In Um, Du—dm in All.uU. uni to Iboi. 1 Agents ! Read This ! ire win p.rAi'ut. . ..i. r) or , ’ ,,’“ k ““ nronu., .r .tlow . UiR.oonmilu<< aril onr new and wonderful inventions. Addn NOTICE TO hit, piTpiued lo prim Old Establishment of £r Lawshe. WHITE CHINA! TOILET 8ETS, VA8E8, AC. THE LARGEST STOCK L\ THE SOOTH, INFANTS 18001 iflRnn J Onaranteed to Agents. MtlOUU dross J. A. Hxarm, 6 P. O. Ave , Bal. wirppnLs, TOM Repairing Watches and Jewelry. "“M*> WWW* * HAINJCA. A OUSTS WANTED t. gJWu „, r «.«.<». to „tl th, ortElo.1 utd ImproTM C yon hatie Family Sewing klmhine. ah oomplste for •13. It will hem, foil, stitch, bind, braid and em broider in a moat superior manner, making th* oete- bra ted "Look Stitch.” <'»milom. v Do not buy Ma- 0 nn<1or t,,e name as ours from any one ex- orpt thoee Ivaving certificate of Agency, signed by nl IffJS* •» <*• bowers a oo. Ronlil- MACON & WESTERN RAfLROAD.I I.P'iTt H HI ADfi iD. lNiSS OARDS WLDDINQ OARDS, VISITING CARDS, WE ARE COMING. NAteVBAA* Jas. Ruddle4OfoWjjg’J other ramedy 1 It is the bast one dosen by •VJJ*- ^ grt I WHU ■« T HRORBAT OIKI.l \ A1. IXII.I.AItKALK or DRY .nS FANOY GOODS, an.l will nnwont to * C,,,K • w ‘" h ’ A ‘ Jl xx.SU] OF COST. Send for Oatalogue of goods and aamtUa - delivered to any addreaa free. J. ff. IUu kmA to” ” 1 W2 Borton. uZy »c. N. B.—4a*pie* given on application for Oatalogua. LABELS OF ALI. KINDS* 'L wmrrwn., w,n. eur ^ . ropoutioo, lr.u..ii ) . VRaME lnpoloncr, Ac it,. II of Mil—ah. Brad two Bom for Mlcd turn AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. JRKJAXIS SSKjSHU f'fto.lf. TtAhUaiMj of Medical Mon. Sum .1 eat, WMti Oo., AA., ^ jr, uSS^Sgfga.'.’Sfr SSissM*- admifoa Mttera, and akm found his general hralth Elixir of Pyrephonte*' jFrom n Ticket to n t'OLBVUN’R PATENT RED JACKET AXE , Beat and Oheapeat FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS, James thaa by buying 'h bUlif Ih.n oMr iwruUr ,LA|wd Au«'r,w U.'* ral loo t BARD. 1 wjat^ti. stMEKf, iTum,