Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 20, 1869, Image 3

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BEHOLD ! WE COME !! lofnoTBw- nTdliulMW. Atlunto. <>«■ THE LIVE DRUGS S TIO R E on ike Hiocrn Mt I <U BO IWU, lllltUET, he nHirHrt't-if r>* butntj no .tao.ld H^noUt Bala, n «tw« • «rfL wBmO. ■•Bo-lilt* tartar. to tbe oom- 8tiil on the traoklwith renewed speed, and the largest stook of goods! before arrived. Boone Bbotb oomd ot tho.Notloool HoUl lUaUortBt ot U o'clock to-duy. Notlee. Mr. Nutlua B. Millar hu bo (ortho bnd- Btu oobbooUob «Uh thi* Ofto*. We pert with Mr. Millor with regret, odd wM him ■uooow Provident* ui»y out hto lot. Do. 1. f. Unit hu removed hie ruuMenoe to MoDoooogh etreet, oeor the City Hull, end hie offloe to Whilehell etreet, immediately op- B. M. Clarke’* building. bov 18-8t IlM Wa»0Bu, liuim, tu.—t ha.vbta/* WuteroiWldUaot ■nor eleven. The de- bern, ub. he., *04 add« »0»J. of jowly bloom 111 the ptatMttetan.. It brtaje the bloom ol juuih to the hdlooeheek end ebengee thematic oonatrr girl Into e hehloaeble dty belle. Je the tin or the Ibenolie Balm Ilea the tree aeeret at beentr. Ho lady need oomplaln of her complexion who will tercet Tl eeete la this lellgMSa article. ton.—The workingmen of rid e mooting ou Thuratho> ited Dr. D.O. O'Keefe and to represent that Ward In OPTICIAN Imp Aired Digestion.—All the «r|MI of !»• body ere, so to spook, the pemtionera of the stoar ch. I* that living laboratory la prepared the nourish- Lent required to sustain them, and by the vassal* and Bate eooneotod with the digestive apparatus, that nourishment is oonveyedto every port of the system. Upon the quality end qUaotUgr of this element of life, end upon the manner in which it la distributed end ap portioned, physical health mainly depends, and as the mind inevitably sympathises with the body, the vigor of tho one is absolutely necessary to the urell-betng of •pedal attention to their UJB3AVY aupply of WHITE LEADS of all grades. Our stock o' i in yteUrday mornioi moot without loUruii Bstnaiugly alopny. he at the Fair. Wean Vo onr money to go b FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS toen months. So far they have given elegant •stiafnetiou as a Railroad Watch. I will eell them from this date M ihe^fbllow-' ing prices, with the aatno guarantee that any one else will give: let Name B. W. Raymond, fall jew eled, Expansion Balance $50 00 $d. Name Culver, full jeweled, Stool Balance A ifk* 30 00 Sd. Name H. Z. Culver, full jeweled, Expansion Balance 35 00 4th. SainwJ. T. J4y4*$oo, seven jewels Steel Balance 15 00 6th. Name Q, M. Wheeler, eleven jew els, Expansion Balance *... .$2 60 Cth. Name Mat Laflen, iwven jewels, Expansion Balance 20 00 18 Kt. Gold Hunting Coses, elegantly engraved, from. ""■H Is Unoqutiled in the Month. •The management of the announce that ou Uuuday Gibbons, the champion clog her first appearance. Tho It Is becauao HOSTS ITRB’S STOMACH BITTERS accomplishes this doable object that It enjoys a repu tation as s preventive aad curative never heretofore attained by any medicinal preparti on. Bat its direct LeneAdal, operation open the weak or disordered stomach is not Its sole recommendation. It is tho most comprehensive oi all known remedies. It toqos, strengthens and regulates the discharging ns well as the —simulating organs; gently moving the bowels, promoting healthful evaporation through the pores, rousing the inert liver from its torpor, and in ducing harmonious and jiatursi action in the whole an imal machinery. This benign result |« not produced by any of the reactionary drags which sre used so lav ishly in the old school practice, founded by Peraeelus; bet by mild, safe sod agreeable vegetable agents in terallied with a pure and mellow stimulant which diiAues tfrtor induenoe through the system and ren ders their sanitary properties active and effective, nev lT-lw OUR ESPECIAL IMPOBfATION of Tooth Bmoln*. Combs, H i Brush os, Tuilot Ooods. j Perfumeries. Ac., surpass any ever offered In this markol. MOITm We aro offuriug^iduee ; ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR I88RBV DA.M.BERNHARDT. IN THEOLERK0 Office OFTMC P»»TR| ct COURT OFTHE UNITED STATES Of THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. AND K amd Hom*. —Messrs. Phil- recoived no installment of mt the Southern Form and Ad Latwloow* agfhoalMirni M by Messrs. J. W. Bdrkh examination of oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. COKNKU OF A UAH AM A AMI) WHITRHAU, STREETS, REDWINE & FOX, f(l aviawaawta. Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. • merciless set of fellows, seise «pou noy and tvsry ad- ton t there is a good supply of Dd wo hope our oonl men will up. t—Ths Constitution, fearing > of one day for thanksgiving ^growing sacceas,” appeared I morning. It prwentad its ATLANTA SECAR MANUFACTORY ! T.A. CHASTAIN. $00 to 100 00 10 Kt. Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly engraved, from $50 to 85 00 14 Kt. Gold Hantiug Cases, elegantly •ngraved, from $45 to 70 00 10 Kt. Gold Hunting Coses, elegantly engraved, from $38 to 50 00 Stirling Silver Hunting Cases, from $9 to 16 00 These are the manu/aefurer’s prices. I will sell any of ths above named Watches at these prices. Gkoboh Sharpe, Jr. nov7-d30 Live Jewelry Store, Atlanta. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE MARK. GLASS SPECTACLES, Superior to any other la use—constructed la accor dance with the science and philosophy of nature, in The Dcsuiad Tells the Mtery.-Frem all directions orders for Phaloa’s Vital! a or salvation for the hair come pouring in. All tho noxious dyes, ho., go down before it A year henoe they will bo unmark etable. The ladles ssy it Is as pleasant to one as s perfumed toilet water, and it Is as transparent aa crys tal. Nothing else reproduces so perfectly the original hae of the hair. nov IS oodSt graphic news, however, as he Associated Press was for thanksgiving. Phxatxil—Elseweere will Bucement of the play in baprnan Slaters will make | Pryor Street Theater on [next. A moat delightful ■ our people, which they making haste to enjoy.— boson of genteel mirth os [Atlanta in some time. LUt;iUtANB A CLARK, AUerneya-Oa flee on Broad (treat, over Echols’ Seed Store. Practloe anywhere in the State, United States Supreme Court, and Superior Courts. Jy 90-dly Of nos by National Watch Co., 159 & 161, Lame Street, Chicago, Oct 12, 1869. Messrs. Lmshs A Uqynes, Atlanta, Go.: BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Your letter of October 6th, to Mr. P. 8. Bartlett, General Traveling Agent ot Ihia Com pany, wherein you mention that certain state- meuts have been made in your city, detrimen tal to the character of the Elgin Watches, for Finish and Durability, Lae been referred to me, and I desire to note briefly in reply os follows; First, os regardn the finish of our movements. Upon this point your own opinion, with the published testimonials of the most practical and experienced watch-makers in the country, and the medals and diplomas that have been awarded to them for “perfect construction and fine finish ” at eight different Stats Fairs, within the past two years, should be conclu sive to your customers. Second, &s regards Durability. The only possible criticism upon this point is “that the watches have been but a short time iu market, and although without doubt they could not have gained the reputa tion they have, without being more than ordi narily correct time keepers, and of hundsome appearance, it cannot be laioion whether they will last” Iu reply (0 this, I have to say: First—That the watches sold by us two and a half years ago are iu oa good condition to-day, where they have had proper usage, as upon the day of their purchase. Second—That the use of machinery in the conatruction of our move ments, and that of a superior kind, enables ns to use a harder metnl for pinions and wheels than oau be found .in other watches not constructed in|a similar manner, and se cures less friotion in the watch train by the greater exactness and uniformity of machine over hand labor, and we know, and every mechanio knows, that watches made npon our American principle, are superior to, and will outlast twice over all others. > Third—To settle this point definitely, you are authorized to say to yonr customers that if any watch hearing onr trade-mark shall, with proper usage, within ten years from date of purchase, wear out, so as to become useless to the owner, we will give a nww movement of the same grade therefor. Hoping tbis will meet mil objections and enable you to add to the large sales you have already made of Elgin Watches, I am yours W. G. IRWIN, AIM Loalirano A Clark's. Phillips k Oiew have just voice of Miss Augusts J. 'Vashti, or Until Death Do pok has been looked for pj all classes of readers— bows how popular Miss ,er literary labors are sp- »k is handsomely printed ft elegant form for lending to say ot it after, we shall r E have now in stove the best assorted stock of .Furniture in tho oity, which wo offer at nrioesl'that fde/y competition, consisting of Parlor, Bedroom, and OIUco Furniture In suites or stage. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Fulton Lodge, Ho. Tie, meets every STret and Third Thursday night lu each month. Mt. Zion Royal Arch Chapter, No. 16, meets every Second Monday in esoh month. W. H. TULLEB, H. P. A. BoesiirXLD, Secretary. Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, L They can he worm with psrfmt om— for any length of time at one sitting, giving astonish- ing clearness of vision, by candle or any other artifi cial light, comfort to the speotade-wearm hitherto un known. 9, How t* select Glasses- It rcqultM professional guidance wren When e good article is of fered. Dr. Bernhardt not only has the bast Glasses that can be found in the market, but carefully exam ines the eyes, aad give* indispensable advice as to the proper selection of them. 3. When the eyes ache or pain through the eetlon of s bright light, such as if refiected from the snow, tunny weather, white paper, end In reading, writing or sewing, or vivid colored bodlos; thoso lenses, by softening the rays, effect e most agreeable sensation and give great relief. 4. These Spectacles are scientifically ad. Justed to every case of defactive sight with unerring accuracy, w&ether arising from age, strain, over work, or premeture decay, by Morris Bernhardt on a new and exact principle, eatlraly kisovrn, which kas seldom failed to bs correct. 5. After several years ofpnblla praetlce, Book-Cases, Wardrobes, —Prof King, the noted with a mammoth bal jjaygyniii are held out jLiWU ig one of th# Boh of busfuew, having hflrf fmj times without ■HBct. We hope he MBEftom this city, as it HHftion, and ono that ■Mtoportnuity of wit- Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, v ar all tHo 'nirpate* of a Laxatavw MsdMno. #k, rorhaps no one incvll- AP* cine is ho universally re- AT iptirm! by everybody as jm a nathaitle, nor wua ever ill*v Piuforo ho uuivorsHl- Hat Kaoks, Washstands, Etc., Plain and Marble Top. TfecfLtfgestfLot^of CbalrW.U*at|wa*(cvw in too cily at one time, all of which wo offer'at J Wholesale Factory Prices in Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. Now is your time to bt Consisting of 200,000 Sugars, price #22 00 to $80 00 per Thousand, Tobacco Panrokc Rolls, Bright Narj, Stonewall Twist, W. Brown's Bright 1'ound, 150 dozen ripen, froiu $1 per hundred to $4 apiece. \ He t .Sltekoit va^itoive V '3' I*H/. Tho obvious rca- Vn...- trf .JT/ sou is, that it is u uuuv ro- ; liabli' and far more ofl'e..- rlMHHKfr tuul reinody than auy 1 other. Those who have triad It, know It cured them: Uio#e who have not, know that it cures Utoir nciglibora and friouds, and all kui>\v Unit what it tloes unco it does always — that it uevor fiuU through any fault or negloctof it.i i-oiui»osiUon. \V« luvo thousands upon thou- f 111.14 or certiflc;iu?s of tlieii rcmai'kubie cures of tho following complaints, but such curc9 arc known in ••Tory neighborhood, and we need not ptihlish them. Adapted to all agus and conditions iu all climates; •'ontaiiiiug nolthcr calomel or any deleterious drug, Uiuv may he taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vcgotablo no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on tho Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of tho rtomneb, bowels, liver, and other organa of tho body, restoring their irregular action to health, aud by correcting, wherever they exist, such dernuge- nicnU ip* are-tlis first origin of disease. Minftw directions aro given in the wrapper ou the box, for tho following complaints, which these JS'ff* rapidly cure For Iftjape|Miia or Jladigeatloa, Listless- ness. l.ungNor and Loss of Appetite, they should ho taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Cpmulatat and Us various symp toms, Um»u» 1* eadarhe. hick lleadache, JauMilice or ftirves Wcksesi, Bilious Colic mul Billons Fevers, they should be ju diciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remoro the obstructions which enuse it. For Iftyseutery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose Isgone rally required. For Bkmaiaatlmu, Goat, Oravel, Dalpl- tatloa of the Heart, Bala in the ante, Back ami Lolas, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change tho diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropalcal ftwelllspi they should be taken in largo and frequent doses to pro duce Uic effect of a drastic purge. For A oppression a large doss should be token as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As » Dinner PiU, take ono or two ptffs to pro mote digestion and relieve too stomach. lanced that “the Ith, which Prof. L his been so long ll bo issued next of. James Wood an to get up sacb cbesp and good bargains. Wo sre determined to sell j^oods lower than can be 3 well lo examine our stock bnforo going North, as they will ssvo cost of transpor- 9 invited to call and oxamluo tbis stock. Don’t forget (he placo. Gall soon, oryow wilt loses ton*Mu. AH cosh (wderr promptly attended to by JOHN FICKEN« No. 11 Peachtree Street, opposite National Hotel. ation rilhei We shall be TESTIMONIAL. Jtetrt of the hu- Hnlod more earefnl Kfonstructed optical HU all the delights forsr, of minule dia- Etafol research, but pMd in supplying the h visual organ until MooIm have been in B most instances they Ms for real eyes. It is Bernhardt, tbe re- hover and introduce Datralian Crystal glass •etacles, which ens- the aged to see with ipUon of tho eagle eye »consalted daily at his ntes Hotel. 8. M. Oershsrdt, to signalise himself from tbs host of pretenders In his profession, with pride submits for inspection, copies of testimonials he bas received from medical gentlemen of tbe moat nn questionable respectability and talent In Amerlot; also, a number of oertifiostee from known gentle- men of di.ttnotie* whe bar* Used iA a^ettotea -toe originals of all which he will bt happy to show to those who may request It. The use of any of tbe fol lowing names or certitomtes heredato sflxtd, without an actual poesesaion of tbe site, wosld be e forgery, e oepltel offence, pnmabable by Steto imprisonment Testimony of reoo mas sad a Hogs from Mediae! gentlemen. Professors of tbs highest OpthaL mic talent In Atlanta, Qa., and In the Union: Atlanta, On., November Ed, 1869. I have exaaalaed carefully, sad with mweh interest, s collection ol glasses for tbe relief of impaired vision, submitted te sen by Prof. Bernhardt, an Optician. In adaptation te the end proposed, aa wanes in ale 8OLE1 (LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS, &C. EMPIREJBLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my stook, as it is am iiXotud nlWl,” the Atlnuta irouiole k Bentioel, is than oar “gushiug" toreB, ol tbe Ooastita- I *11 ike while that rending flSeaa^JHTely” oot24-ooJ6w We arejtho solo'Agents in]AtIanU for '1Tho National Stove Works," and koep consantly on hood a oom- ptete assortment of thtdr EVERYBODY READ. Tb.r. »m b. exhibited in my window, Mon.Uy, tbe largMt .took of w.iobu erer aeon in thi. placo. These watobon ore to be sold in tbe next thirty days, at price, to salt tbe parabMO,. Come one, eone »H. bpy a WITH ORBAT OARB, And purchased exclusively for CASH, From the Best Manufacturers. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, We’fuHj WHICH WE SELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,| o pajfigfiophs of htsmk jBft»ntcla A Sentinel of like tho General that longer hare reason to watch at yonr own price. They are sent to me to sell, regardless of rslae. Giosoe 8nAjtr, iu., nov!4-6t Live Jeweler, Atlanta, Go. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. M. O. MARKHAM. And also a fuil.stock of Honso Furnishing Goods. J -The Constitution, of article os the “Mayot- e is growing abort.— i. We bare given am- ■peedv cettlemant be t one alternative. Party >t. Where all are equally loverna all party mutters } °*ee more urge a re- fur so, it will become rtke party eaoon, even rwaU-a thing that aU topbx* “U a day or M onrioeitj | What ter- ikaie ''In a day or *>?" oaltkVP forthT le the Mx Fall and Winter Stock, selootod by my- ■elf i« u#W complete, aad I invite all my I4dy friends and others to call and iuspeot my goods. They will find the latest styles at nnuaoally low prioee. Mel Foams, Decutur street, Opposite City Park. nov7-3in W ILL be sold before the Oonrt House door, in the town of Monroe, Walton county, within the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in December next, a tract of land usually known as the Brown plooe, con- taintng eighty-seven sores, more or leas, adjoining lands of McCullough, No well, Gresham. Harrln, and others. Said land sold as the property of C. G. Nowell k Co., for the putyoee of a settlement. In aecordonce with on order of Hon. Garnett Andrews, Register In Bankruptcy. November ftth, 1M9. FIUESTIS & HOPE. Markham’s Empire Block, Whitehall Street, {Atlanta. Ga. my optn Ion may have soy weigh A J.P. LOGAIT.M.O. Atlanta, Ga., November 3d, 1869. We have examined Prof. Bernhardt’s beaoUfnl and •xtenaivs collection of glasses for the relief of im paired vision, and behave them the beat adapted to tbe unde for wbioh they are intended, than any we have ever seen; and fnrthar believe that the Professor is an aceocnyUahed Optician. U. C. O'KEEFE. Bf. D. JAB. M. BAKBKH, M. D. Atlanta, Ga., Novel CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! DAVID UITE8T18. FRED HOPE. Furl—k large axaertinent of Lady’a and [Misatoi Fats at price* to tail everyone, at nov7-3m Mrs. Franks'. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS I NEW SYSTEM 1 NTNAUGHT, ORMOND ft CO., UUORTXBSOr HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IRON AND 8TGBL. DUXLRR8 IU Clung, Kiflea, Axes, Hoes, Chains, &o. Also ,Wf te Ihc Ml. of ltrinlj’s Universal Plough KlaaSarS Neales, Du Poi and Iltaatlug Powder, minion Kalb, TttupkrrtctArcjttaitteiUMi or ik. mmoiit 11 trade, and tm pdffflb geherally, to their large and varied stock, embmeUg, in addition to the above, a eotaSeto aeeeriment of Buihtere’ Hardware, Me- chaidoa’ Tools, Anvils, Vices. IMIS vs. Morse and Mule Shorn, Cotton and Wool Cards, Obwelor aad Mill daws. Leather and Rubber Betang. Nova Beotia Orlnd- stonea. Hollow Wftre, Bsgiy, Oteltows and Wagon material of aU kinds, sash aa Mlokory Bpokea, Fellas and Bhaite. Ilo and Locast Hubs, Potes, Baste. HprirtR Bara, BUptte and Bide Hprings, frea Axles, CUps, Bolts, Patent and Enamel ad Leather, Rnamelad Cloths, OU Carpel, ho., he^ Be. All <<f which they offer at the lowest market rates, and to quantities to suit purchasers, at their old stand, Uto Upon of kinds Holing aud Biodiog. “ T .iAVJTJv Wm. R. Hlmabitbb, oct ‘28-if Grauite Block, Broad Street. TsWiLry Store Monday, kber 3d, 1869. Piof. M. Bernhardt has iurnlahed me with a pair of Cencave Lena which suits mv ossa exactly. From pseaonol experience I can cordially advise all persona whose natural vision requires the supplements of art to avail themselves of the Professor 1 * skill. He has exhibited to me recommendations from eminent physi cians and ministers, with many or whom I am per sonally acquainted. He is evidently an Optician who understands his business. W. T. BRANTLEY, Minister ltd Baptist Cbureh. 1 moat cordially concur In the numerous leatimo- olols I have seen teaching the excellency oNDr. Bern hardt aa an Optician, and moat freely commend those who are in need of aid in his line, to apply to him.— I do tola lu same measure from ms own mi>e«eo4e. pun wbioh brought forth a iftve boon more harassing to k Uim» annoanoeiiieot has Ptoihd hu oonjfirbct up all ■ and manly deeds" that were b the ■•llvbljr'* Nwronlrii, and Rlod oaoh day to look upon Mton, that nwlul, ghastly, I a DouiocraUg ttok«t whvok fd of tho Uon*ritn£Too, aud few that aomsthing thAt woe p* “in a day or »o" has in- IIU- Won't our *• gush ing” Pe our suopeoae ? Wf cl.rk, and laborer. K holi- F r *‘ llcii “long in ita old *i° o( ih. p tbo day had boon set apart br^d noUrjog iu U>. «S m \ “* I^U’lUg Mlli. ,11 a high officM—re»p«ct (or th. I6B whteh we llvsk ought to Wwu Mgura (of th. d,y. Bat [» tW it. It i. *1.0 « mM- I «U oor city pMton did not letr congregation* an Ouporto- 3WEKr«! TkXt&RXSZ ; unde reigned take greeipUa«uce iu taforpting ttvapttteom of Atlanta, an l surrounding country, tl ivd opened fn toe large ah.f (toramoRotik storey forfoofly occupied by J. II. Whito A Oo., noxt r * Bros., Whitehall street, where we iutoud to keep permanently ono of tho largost stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING Go to 8toarp*8 Lfv* MRl see Watches from $7 50 to $300 -more of them than was ever *e«tt hero before. novli-Gt. Go to Sharp’s and nee the large stock of ffttebes. dov14 Gt. Cam. aad sea those beaaVful Bcotah PfkiHa ad Arabs, at Mrs. Frank's. Fiitrbaukg’ *8 HIBc JOHNS. WILSON, 1). PMtorUtPmbr^C^V^ l ) a. Go., November 3d, 1800. flp ' co ueo* in thstopBBda al Bftr. y,W4fftsJht #i ' i# above osrtlficate. ■tor Trinity M. •c’hawiMfc. lanleiter’a Atlanta Directory KuftsliitfiK 1 note, and havo your name in bold ttpb. povlA-tfi Maoazini TBO OIL KEROSEBE OIL. JOHN T. HAGAN Udmo, Lxw Books, Buhk Book*, Me., bound dr n-bound by Hunlel- be. . | . novM-tf. Putor l.t B.piljt Miuu. Kovwtte Mk. 1M. KuStUI*. Kuril UTtk, lBUt. n. Ullteuc. brtwMB Bf. BMUllMit Ul UWit O Uduaik MoordUfU rtterfiUlou. UiM tuy pnteid to nnte tkuy tan, V Mom mo THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER, . nt..eW!t«^Sl'to'eMr>%LMiT4NSS. W4 j WARHANTRI) A CURTAIN CURB FOR AH acrofulous die as ass, uloera, chronic rheum aUsm. mercurial and syphlMtio dlaesoas hi ail —-g— and stokts r dlaeaaea. Jt quickly removes virus from tbe oonstitution and blood, sad raaftstte toe f patient to perfect health aud purity. 'Try UmUh* —ton—*. 1 jMMurod lu the LuboraUry .( PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TATLOS, A OO., ffhtlr—It ' n——. tl...,. li—rvI. touou, HXRXLUOK OOCKTT—WKtatata, mn ’ k^b SaMnuti uAmlutWrutfl, nf th* ufate rJ DVT OOSmtTlOU la V.XMP OILS btan* m te, op ehMptar tbu uuy kow, mlb ot Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, Shades, in foot everything pertaining to Drogifist., AUuiiU, tfoorgiu. Aitoinistrator’i Sale. i ed tete es^phoiyi ind iiselna ^*«h mJ mum ILLSON. TArtOW, SCO. QU3EDNS DELIGHT