Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 21, 1869, Image 3

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u-B... Jmm Boring, D. D.. 1 ni 10| o'clock I at 7 ru> —« Il HO to » owgho lSSV. m ;bborlng comity In ' rib market. He L~Y»«tH4aj wo.tlia "coldeet " the wind blew ut- r charming. L—Tbe management of the Verie- lee a eaneetion of dnaecmwa In the niMDthne thay bam r of olerer rnriety performer., ' ilDg large crowd. crery emp- i henoe we f grounds lea of on- fJESfc* I will U tum in two dgy’i notice. ux>mt tou-J. e.; National Hotel, hae a a and miaaea’ fure. Railroad Da- 1 blind. Iliad no.Sl-St i, oppcaite the »k of tadle.’ Xs> Hum 9iu or Baas ttiT.T *T ful-?a» Oats Orr* Bsa*s».--In SwaBSiflesafSEfl Ball played at tbe State Fair. ‘‘Fromin graphic dispatch wo bam learned thal inatob gacee of baee ball was pkjred e» llseon follow Bees Ball played at the State Felr. “Fromistele- dispatch wo baee learned that the me of bees ball wee played TMtottUy between the 'VAT Banting tha Sneanne* Baaa Ball (MX andtba nina of the "Gate City" Club of Atlanta, who bam heretofora ehthnad the obampkmahip of the Booth. The following Is the eoors of the geaoe: •4T1KHAH* A dispatch from Macon Maura. I&ehter A Mercer, of -Brewery, took tha pwmiani | at the State Fair. Thut ia r * f expected who ever drauk ix.—Tbi* noted Method- {attend the North Georgia Con meets at Rome on tbe 5th ot 1 it ia probable that he will be ‘; Atlanta before he leavee the -The traiDN on the Mnoou l were greatly behind again 1 for the want of water. It ia toying to have thing* ao, e«j w ^»te to depend a poo. then 1 \ regard to the Fair. x —Thera wiU be a meet ing i and pew holdera of the Cen- t Church to-day. immediately |f servico, to receive iba report 9 mi Pastoral Call, and other with the iatereata of the I attendance ia solicited. l—TheCoiyUitation of yes- i: “We learn that the Fair i during next week. All par- at there this week have come the ioeOeleaaf of tho B«c- Agric-iitnral Society, and f the Fair.” ► haven’t **toent." NeldUnger... Buddeodorf.. ■aally Bailey OAT* CITY. niM Fite* Buna. Onto. Caught. >1 luted. Fonts. 9. Tout. Collier Greg* » Wright 9 Blggere l Clayton, T a Job neon Angler. 9 9Gtux.nft In each inlnga the rune were as follows: I. A A 4. -6, A f. Savannahs.,.. ...5 1 9 4 1 f 9 Gate City I 4 a 0 0 10 4 Umpire—Wm. Carna, of the Olympio Club of Macon. Scorers—W. J. Magiil, Gate City Rase Ball Club; W. U. Turner, Savannah Rase Ball Club. T It was a very good game, and splendid play ing on both sides, bnt the Savannah boya kuew what they were about All played well, and a large crowd witnessed the game. The Savannahs are now the champions of the South, excepting New Orleans, as the Gate City claimed the championship of all the South, and we have takouit away from them." We have no comments to offer. OxvTxa*.—There is n<Rfcio$ noro delicious than the celebrated Lyuhaven stew that Thompson servee up at his restaurant Fhilups A Flakdus havs just rsosived « baaatiful assortment of Poplins, Striped Shawls and Arabs, to whiob they oall the atten tion oi the ladies. oovfll-51 Uoa Cablos.—This freat sensation oan be found in perfeotion at J. 0. Holbrook's hat store, opposite National Hotel. H Thu Finest.—J. O..Holbrook, opposite the Nationfl Hotel, bss a fine stock of the finest hats on the market. Ladies, when you are out shopping don’t fall to call at Phillips A Flanders, and sac the new goods they have just received. nov21-5t Vahuti, by Augusta Evans, the most salea ble book of the season. Price, $2, at Phil lips A Crew. of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, I whloh they have jest Attala baaatiful aesertoaeat FopUna, Lalauee, Shawl*, Arete. Ao.. Ac, not n* » t U»wgs State ti# BoeUt •« tho Orphan** Homo and Free SahooL CoabteaUoa 0laaa.Mo.MS. Tho following ware tha drawn num- bora November 90, IMS i 68—46—IT—<27—16—-48—IF—14--41—86—66—48 ov 91411 ROW A ID A 00 w BE HSAVTIPVL^ir yaa dealre teaaly you ahould uaa Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. It givaa a aoft. raflned, oatln-like texture to tha com plexion, remove# roughness, redness. blotches, burn, tan, ho., and adds a tonga ol pearly bloom to the plain eat feature*, it brtnfa tha bloom of youth to the Into Ia the use of the MafnoUe Balm lias the true secret of beauty. Mo lady need complain of her oomplaxton who will invaat T0 oenta In tbia delightful article. Lyon’a Kathalron ia the beat hair drcaaing in u*<s F. M. JACK & c • m n f • X'XX S T I ALL apeotal attention to their 3 " supply of WHITE LEADS of all grades. 0«r stock of L—A fall review of the Stute the Eba of Tuesday, in to state Home tacts that agreeable to the people cvertheless trap. Whnt- have to offer will be rapturing up the Atlanta cess of the Fair which l>mr. -M. E. Kenny, of this from tbe State Fair, r creditor entering with the fiat was on exhibition. He r'uew “Chicago Ale*’ wagon, 'k! span of ponies, in mag- nd want around. the track He ought to have a premium, gift! to learn that Va., has Btral Presbyterian f will at an early day j; pastor. Wa con- ppoh rceoiviag the fentloman of such ftation. The name kite to his new field, favor with all wo colored Knights ot *1 difficulty near the Forsyth Streets yester- hem tested the respec- »between a brick and Tbe result was a verely bruised wounded man , ho was just be- d life. He was n, where he had 1 tkC man who f customary cour^ NowL Holland ex Schools.—For •re was no quorum the City Council on McCamy, Sisson, icrtoa were absent— dttee on firee schools Dted. The committee was | ready, and quite a num- l a deep interest in the ‘ i were also present, t could not be read. , Sisson were too unwell \ the others we have not owever, that there was no , t of dodging the impor- A special meetiug of the 1 on Monday night, when beard and action taken on itters. The school commit- nt *—FHjjs sluggish days r wlow letogth along” and (putious “in a day or so,” I pf time, that indefiuite l^notptertled the inhab- b upheaval of nuy tre- tat. We tiuu of ouf ^'gushing” d; bat, plack, ha seems r another flagstone to the rus dowri below Averuus." fill his wiring »u and wir- into a knot tkat is too Ibkttto untangle, And tbe I. fee Will be trammeled in i of the knot that he has In the present embarrww- ustances, it Is ab- to be “a looker-on in > perfectly ready to pat tho L -»t dog in tha fight.” w—Kxveiwe Omomis ln- ^ pains us to have to chron- »•« on the part of any por- f Georgia; bnt when it bo- *' *°. we do it n* far as we ; facts, confident that no ~u by the truths wa pul oomoa to us upon good beard with grant relnc- to sredit because of the brought to our notice. - is assistant assessor for the Augusta Dmtrfot of riutf the count it*. Ou tUeuigUtol tho c« at Washington, Wilke, into, hi. book, and paper. . and a not. left on his leave never to roiurn. O! lett kirn bm to depart, ns ho ' that his lift) was not safe who were lawless ennagh and papers. W. «ndor- ilt bo sent to this county to losra in tbs discharge of rtf the people complain at ■wartsrod among them they lat they alono ore roaponsf. ‘nsibla Isw-bteskers and M.t in their violent acts of hole community will hnvo Jbw'i” l l h *' ,,,! " m * lori ' J ' I Tutm-Tn CmmiAs “—To-morrow night Pryor 1 be opened under very bril moo the war our people •eoially favored with public ‘ * 7°XJ elevated character. ^.r.;o„%t& on, and one of tb« pi, simply beoatn. h« omuloy. kod talent, control, the company •j a.aatia BaaaSsa The ZrrTin-S & roiuw Udta. ot th, itanding, fail at I rated .toga talojt, .m) R, 1 ***'»•«*« tbs [ Dailad HtaUt. Ia B*lu«ors 1 amount* almost to a asnaa- drsw CITY m iUilVV Atlaitta, Ga,, November 20, 1809. 7o (he Daily New Bra : Having received a petition with over one hundred names of the prominent citizens of Atlanta, representing almost every interest in said city, petitioning me to saffer my name used as a candidate for Mayor at the approach ing eleotiou, a copy of which petition is hereto annexed, after an expression of my sr&titude for the kindness and consideration therein ex- preened, cheerfully consent, and will, to the best of my ability, perform the duties of said office if elected. D. F. Hammond. ( j PETITION. Atlanta, Ga., November 20, 1869. To the Honorable D. S'. Hammond: We, the undersigned citizens, ot the city of Atlanta, irrespective of party influence or bias, feeling the great necessity of h&viDg for the ensuing year, a Mayor to preside over the city of acknowledged administrative ability, and of characteristic integrity and impartiali ty, and deeply deploring the dissension that already exists, as well among the aspirants for that office as the citizens of our city, and be lieving that, if you will consent to allow your name to bo u»ed it will tend to harmonize all differences as well as accomplish the object of tbe highest ambition of our citizens, earnestly solicit the use of your name for that office, pledging ourselves to your support, and our earnest influence in securing your election if you should comply. We subscribe ourselves, respectfully, yours. Eloin Watches, Euiur, III —I have been aeliing this make of watch for the lost four* teen months. Ho far they hove given elegant satisfaction as a Railroad Watch. I will sell them from this date at the follow ing prices, with tho same gnamutea that any one else will give: 1st Name R. W. Raymond, full jew- B eled. Expansion Balance $50 00 2d. Name Culver, fqll jeweled, Steel Balance. 30 00 3d. Name H. Z. Culver, full jeweled, Expansion Balance 35 00 4th. Name i. T. Uyersoo, seven jewels Steel Balance .15 00 5th. Name G. M. Wheeler, eleven jew els, Expansion Balance 22 50 6th. Name Mat Laflen, seven jewels, Expansion Balance. 20 00 18 Kt Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly engraved, from $60 to 100 00 16 Kt Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly oograved, from $50 to 85 00 14 Kt Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly engraved, from $45 to 70 00 10 Kt Gold Honting Oases, elegantly angravod, from... $38 to 50 00 BtirlingBilrer Hunting Cases, from $9 to 15 00 These aro the manufacturer'a prices. I will sell any of the above named Watches at these prices. Geobob Shabpe, Jb. nov7-d30 Live Jewelry Storo, Atlanta. EVERYBODY READ. Thera will be exhibited in my window, on Monday, the largest stook of watches ever seen in this plaoe. These watches are to be sold in the next thirty days, at prices to suit the purchaser. Come one, come all, buy a watch at your own price. They are sent to me to sell, regardless of value. Geoboe Shabp, Jb., novl4 6t Live Jeweler, Atlanta, Ga. Impaired Dlgesttoa.—All On organa ot ike body are. *o to apeek, tke paortoner* ol Ike atom. *ch. In that living laboratory la prepared tbe nonri*L- muut required to soatein them, and by the vernal* and duets connected with Ike digestive apparatoa, thav nourishment is conveyed to every part of the *y Upon tbe quality and quantity ot tide element si life, and upon Ike manuer in which tt Is distrtbated sad ap portioned, physical health mainly depends, and si the mind Inevitably sympathise* with the body, tbs vigor of tbe om is absolutely neoeasary to tke well-being of tbe other. It is because HOBTKTTJUt‘8 STOMACH BITTERb accomplishes this doable object that it enjoys a repu tation as a prevenUvs and curative never heretofore attained by any medicinal prepartlon. But its direst beneficial operation upon tbe weak or disordered ateaaaoh is net Its sol# recommendation. It if the most oomprekenahre of tA known wmefiU*. It tones, strengthens and regulates tbe discharging as wall aa tbe stimulating organa; gently moving tbe bowels, promoting healthful evaporation through tbe pores, rousing the inert liver from its torpor, and In ducing harmonious and natural action in the whole an imal machinery. This benign result is not produced by any of the reactionary drugs which are used ao lav ishly in the old ashool practice, founded by BsraceJus; bnt by mild, safe and agreeable vegetable agents in termixed with a pure and mellow stimulant whloh diffuses their influence through the system and dera their sanitary properties active aad effective. nov 17-lw AND Crackers WHOLESALE,* 8 CENT8 PER POUND. CORN Kit OK ALABAMA AND WHITEHALL 8TKEKT8, ATLANTA. GEOKOIA, JOHN KEELT, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYGOODS. c _ _ FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS In TJnequaled; in tho South. OUR K8PBOIAL IMPORTATION of Tooth Brushes, Combi, Hair Brushes, Toilet Goods, (Perfumeries, Ac.. surpass any ever offered in this market. Wa are offer!ngjlnflnoaroante to dealers, lu our BOZillCAZjai DB PAHTMBN TV/ and aak an examination of oar stook before purchasing elsewhere. REDWINE & FOX, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Street*, Atlanta, Georgia. LOCHRARB A CLARK, Attorneys-Of- se on Broad street, ovar Echols' Bead Store. Pssotlee anywhere in tbe gtata. United Htatee Bupreme Court, and Superior Courts. Jy 90>dly MASONIC.—Atlnwtst Lodge, No. 59, meets a every Seoosd and Pourth Thursday night in each month. Fulton Lodge, No. 216, meets every First and Third Thursday night in each month. Mt Zion Royal Arab Chapter, No. 18, meets every Second Monday in each month. W. H. TULLES, H. P. A BoennrnLD, Secretary. CHANCED SIDES, Mx Fall and Winter Stook, selected by my self is now complete, and I invite nil my lady frienda nod others to call and inspeot my goods. They will find the latent styles at nnnnaally low prices. Mbs. Fbank, Decatur stroet, Opposite City Park. nov7-3m Funs.—A large assortment of Lady’s and Misses Fms at prices to suit every one, at nov7-3m • Mbs. Franks’. Memoranda Casks, with name, $1 00. A kinds Ruling and Binding. Wm. R. Hanlkitrh, oct 28-tf Granite Block, Broad Street. Go to Sharp’s Live Jewelry Store Monday, and see Watohes from $7 50 to $300—more of them than was ever seen hero before. nov!4-6t. A ND by bo doing, I have obtained a store room in Thrasher’* new building, convenient and attrac tive, on the ple**ante*t vide of Whitehall street, at No. Inge, of the beet quality. I hope, by this removal. TO BENEFIT We direct attention to Mr. D. F. Ham mond’s card as published in tbe Budget col umn of to-day’s Eba. Santa Klaus’ Headquarters. —Wo paid a brief viait to the stqre of G. W. Jack yester day evening, and found him literally over whelmed with Christmas doings. He is pre paring to put all the children iff Georgia into a perfect rhapsody of delight Such toys, such dolls, such fireworks, Bnch confection eries, such fruits were never before offered in Atlanta. His stock of fireworks absolutely sorpasses anything ever before offered in the Slate. He has every variety known to the trade, of ell sizes, and calculated to pl< every taste He has tiny dolls aud great dolls, china dolls and wax dolls, white dolls, black dolls, and if theie aro any other kind of dolls, he has them too. He has candy pnt up in every conceivable shape that the ingenuity of man coaid suggest Bon bons be has in endlees variety. Toys, representing every thing upon earth, and almost everything un der the sea. In fact, anything and everything to be found in a first class establishment, he hae in endless quantities, and will sett lhe$n as low as they can be bought in New York. Go to Sharp’s and see the large stock of Watches. _ novI4-6t Call and see those beautiful Scotch Plaids and Arabs, at Mrs. Frank’s nov7-3m All parties as well as myself. It is noedlees to tell yon what are my intentions—just coino and buy. I prom ise you the lowest price. Subscribe for Hanleiter’s Atlanta Directory now, and havo yoar'n&me in bold type. novlitt Magazines, Music, Law Books, Blank Books, etc., bound or re bound by HanleU >r. novl4 tf. .i.LVyi T.nLuLirs. FELLOW CITIZENS i-Tliere be lag m nomination of tho Demooretio party fbr the position of the Mayoralty, I further announce myself a Demo cratic candidate for that position. Respectfully, November4th, 1889. RJ. Boaotl nov 8-tde THE PEOPLE BUT FOB SOMETHING LMSS THAN A FORTUNE. I. T. BANKS, te 80 W bite ball lire**. We arc aatborltei as4 request<xi to ni nounce the name Of J. K. Williams as a candidate for the office of Mayor, at the ensuing election—subject to the decision of the votes at the ballot box. oct 26-tde ^ We an authorised to annosnee Horn. William Eczard a« a candidate for Mayor at tha ap proaching election. oct XMde for rant. zjziAtta ox* •axjb, Y FARM on Peachtree Greek, oontatalag alxmt one hundred creek bottom. 8-ltt RESOLUTION# Of Floral Lodge 2 r o. 2, 1. 0. (J. T., on the death of their lale brother, J. D. Perdue. Whereas, God, in His wisdom, bos' seen best to call from onr companionship and to Hia presence oar late beloved brother, J. D. Perdue. Wrkkkah, By the suddenness of his death we are reminded of the uncertainty of life and thw ueoesaity of thorough preparation whon cnllod upon to sever the goldeu cord that binds ns to sarth. Therefore resolved, That wp, tbo officers find leathers of Floral Lodge No. 2, I. O. G. T., in meeting assembled, while being humbly Hubmtttive to Him who doeth nil things well for the good of all; still we feel the void caused by tbe death of our brother, and do cborieh his memary os one who, during bia jouru among us, proved kimself to be a Good Templar fn fact as well as in name, and also one who has merited our warmest es teem and in this onr sinesrest tribnto. While oannot bat deplore tlmt his death came while be was yet in tho jpomiog of life, we feel and are ateurodlhat be hM gone to illomo a better and nobler sphere, (o represent us in the Grand Lodge *bovo v HSsolti4da That We do most cordinlly sym pathizo with the wifo and other relations of our Joceosod brother in this hour of offlieUof, and that while We know that to them the prob ent ia a time of tronble, to the brother who hae departed, it is a season of unalloyed and cndloe* b»ppiiu**. Jtoaoflted/ Thut i a oopy of these resolutions bo presented to the wilt of our late brother, and also that they be published in each of tbe o»ty papers. J. O. Tiiecwrr, 1 J. K. Xsbovu, \ Ooau»ittee.«. J. M. tews. ) Thomfsomo Bmstaurant.—The maebinory of ibis fine salon is now in excellent working order, and we know of ao better place to go 80 to get good board or a “fcqaare meal.” Every thin* about the establishment is genteel, and Thom peon Is always on bond to dothoagrnea- FOll MAYOR.—We are authorised to announce JOSEPH WIN SHIP, Esq., m a candidate for Mayor of tha city ot Atlanta. oct IT-tda WM. WOOD & CO., UNDEBTAKEKS AND UPHOLSTERS, A FORTUNE FOR SOMEBODY. T WILL part vitk aa interest In my lately invented 1 Washing Machine, known aa the Gale City Wash ing Machine, patented by me, for • period of SEVEN TEEN TEARS, Horn 41th May, 18te. to an active, Intel- 11 —t, enterprising, young hr middle-aged man, with 01 cash capita], for the purpose of bringing my said Invention before the public. Among tha many washing machines heretofora pat ented and presented to the publio, this la tbe only one which operates upon ecteutlOo principles solely; and which, while It elcsieac etethee in mm in the least, injur* 01 cate th*ir fabric. It not by rubbing sat fluids ar* a thoroughly, doe* not, n, however An* or dell- ’ pressure alone, and rfc^fips Machines of this patent may be made of any else and capacity; and can baenn by band, horse, water, ir steam power, Ramples of tha Gat* City Washing Maohine witt be in exhibition at the coming Mate /air. at Macon. Aa. Address me at Atlanta. Ga. H. 1L WATERS, oct 96 tend to Funeral* at any hoar, with a beautiful Arat class Hearao furnished or for hire. Carriage, etc., will be furnished. All kinds of Upholstery work done. Furniture repaired, varntelied, vto. Office in new building on Broad street In rear of Nsw Eba office. All orders will be promptly attended to. July9-dhy Assignee’s Sale. W ILL be sold before Ut* Court House door, in the town of Monroe, Walton county, within the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in December neit, a tract of land usually known aa tbe Brown place, eon- tatelng WgMy-aavau acres, more ov Was, adjototeg other*. BMfi Mud *<4J as Mt* property of O. G. Nowell kOo.,fu* ftkeparpoae of a sefllaaaeut, lu accordance with an order of Hon. Garnett Andrew*, Register I Bankruptcy. November 6Ui, 1809. nov 11-tda D. H. WALTER, Assignee. M'NAUGHT, ORMOND ft CO., or HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. TirolIV AND STEEL. DIAT.SRt IK Guns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes, Chains, Ao. Also agent* for tke isle of Hrlnl)’« UnlrtnuU Plondu, Fairbaakt’ HUndarA Scale*, DoPaaft Kl*a aad Wa«Ua«Fawdar, Old Oa- atlnioo Nana, t, k*wtrrrnixTmo it.uuntion ot ia.<oo«mr Jtv trade, end the publio generally, to their latge ah varied stock, embracing, in addition to the above, plate assortment of Builder*' Hardware, Jf« ' “ * — TeUow*, Bora* end Mol Circular aud Mill Sawi GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURES FURNITURE!! FURNITURE! I’aiujmt Fum>m an ctbrlDg gtaatia- dacaiaala la Ladlaa' Draaa Oooda. aoiil-SL BSSgBL I WOULD rcepectfblly Inform tha citixeu* at gUanta, and tke publio generally, thsb I have Joet received tho largest and mho* elegant stock of FURNITURE ir before offered tn the South, consisting of PARLOR, BED-ROOM, - AM *J DINING-ROOM SETS. And eventhing pvrtatetug to tke Furukura Trade; and having bought tk«ro directly of Iks Manats sturma. at NET OAffH WOGEE, I mb IlliinMs I Is sett the* Lower than Any House in tkeSmtk h»< ^w.,. on lum< . nrr la. umtarat PARLOR MIRRORS! Oall and examine my stock. No. « Whitehall street, M door below J. H. Junes' New Building. Kernel* bar tk* place—A* Whitehall atrast. , noT CHARLES BOHNEFELD. VARIETIES THEATER^ msrkat rotas, their oM stand, (DuqlroP* .lltellffitM OPEN EVERY NIGHT. 1 which bu bean purchased nine* the recent decline, a hand, a wall saleeted atock. AND WILL BE OFFEWED EXCEEDINGLY LOW. Black and Brawn (English) Waterproof Cloth*. All Colon In Ladles’ Cloths (all wool.) Ererj Color 1* “Hilbert's” Opera Flannels. 10-4 Blanket*, Beautiful ({ualitj, (exceedingly cheap.) Lancaster and Maraeilles Quill*. a cuoiok lot or Irish Linens, Towels, Napkins, Diapers, Table Linens, D’Oylies, Eta, Eta A large lot of Dress Goods, 50 cents a yard—^worth 90. Balmoral Skirts $1 25 to $1 50, Eioellent Quality, Checked and Figured Flannels, in Great Variety, A Well-Assorted Stook of Cassimeres, Etc. constitute s complete, end welj-ssaorted stock, »nJn*|>ecUoi> of which 1 Corner Whitehall »»«* Hunter Streets. ATLANTA SECAR MANUFACTORY ! “THE LIVE DRUGISTIORE Still mi tke track with renewed sp*ed, and the largest stook of goods] ever before arrived. REDWINE & FOX T.A. CHASTAIN. W. K. FOX CHASTAIN & FOX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS, NO. 4, GRANITE BLOCK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. W E have now in store the best assorted stock of Furniture In the citv, which we offer at prlce«£tLat |<Iefy competition, consisting of Parlor, Bedroom, and Ottos Furniture in. suite* or sing!*. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oases, Wardrobes, Hat Books, Washstands, Eta , Plain and Marble Top. 1 he{Largf et^LoLol Cbairarth*tgwa*|ever in the city at one time, oil of which wo offor^at. Wholesale Factory Prices in Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. Now is your time lo buy cheap and good bargain*. Wo are determined to sell good* lower than can bo bonghtbere. Dealer* will do well to examine our stock beforo going North, a* they will save cost of tran*i>or- tation. Ladies **p*«U!ly are invited to call and examine thia stock. Don’t forget the place. GFZULUXT3D BLOCK, IJ1HF. SUBSCRIBER most respectfully inform* the citizen* of Atlanta, and rurroanding country, that bo will, FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, # Sell out hi* entire stock at a reduced prico, by .the WHOLESALE OB RETAIL, j t Consisting of 200.000 S*K*r«, price *22 00 to *S0 00 per Thouuud, Tobacco Pancake Holla, Bright Nary, Stonewall Twist, W. Brown’a Bright Pound, ISOdoien Ptpea, from It per hundred to94 apiece. Oall soon, or you will lose a bargain. All cash order*promptly attended to by JOHN FICKEN, ct 38-d'lm No. 11 Peachtree Street, opposite Natlomal Hotel. PLEASE READ THE NAMES ATTACHED TO THIS TESTIMONIAL. ATLANTA, GAj Hoptembor lat. \| T E, the ustleraigned, aro using tha •• MUTUAL Fit I END” Cooking Stove, manufactured by the “The W National Stove Works, *' or New York, and believing It to bathe beet Cooking Stove in the market, cordially recommend them to all who deaf re to f urchooc * first class article: URN. A. H. OOLQUITT, Vico Proaldent Southern Life Insurance Company. MAJ. J. B. MO EGAN, Special Agent .Kins Insuroao* Company. W. T. PHILLIPS, PhiB * “ a APT. J. MORRISON, -u i. O. RRDORNKR, Atlanta, Go. MRS. R. H. OVERBY, At'onU. Go. COL. R. F. MADDOX. Tobaoco MerchanL Atlanta, Ga. J. U. BOHN. JR., Coal Merclunt, AtlauU, Go. JOHN H. FLYNN. State R. R. Shop, Atlanta Oa. NRLSON J. DOOLITTLE, Conductor State tt. K JOHN A. DOANE. Atlanta, Ga. R. J. DAWSON. Atlanta, Ga. REV. JULIUS T. CURTISS, Atlanta, Go.' J. H. GOLDSMITH, Atlanta Intelligeooer. W.< trahho *ol* AgenU la Atlanta for “fTh* Notional Htov* Works.” and keep oonaautly <m ks ate omoitment of tkadr COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, .3R0J63 Ml HO MiA.H aHfTHIHH V Q£ wuioo wa aai.u WHOLcaiLR.ixb Rrr.ii, A.1 FACTOHY PUIOBN, ut'Ur • nul.,took <a Ho. 1 Hteffris &i ribj^. .Marlcham’* Empire hook, Whitehall Street, |AUau»t*. Or. 18 J3UAUAG M. O. MARKHAM. DBALERIN BOOTS JX 1ST ID SHOBJS SOLEilLEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINCS, AC., EMPIREIBLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. GEORGIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my stook, as it ia ISXiSOTSD WITH GHBAT O A. R13. And purchased exclualreljr for CASH, From the Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. xui*” M. O. MARKHAM. I. L. I^ALK & CO. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! NEW SYSTEM ! rriHX undsrsigned take greet pleasure in Informing Hie citizens of AtknU, and surrounding country, that thoy X hare opened In the large and oommodioua store, formerly oooupiod by J. H. White k Oo.. next door i.> Meador k Bros., Whitehall street, where we intend to keep permanently ouo of tho largest i READY-MADE CLOTHING* BCA.T* and GH1NT8’ JPUBNISBIKTa GOOD*I EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. From ear continued connection for tha part thirty yeara with tha raanufactur* of do thing, espanially adopted for the Southern market, and tke many fociim** and advantages we enjoy in New York ofty, wbem, ecetastvely, w# mannfoetur* OUT food*, we are enabled to offer you our entire stock, which comprise* all kihd» >°d win Mil OUT good, for CASH OKLY. Thia will Innro fair dealing to all. Pteaa* oaR and exnsahM our gooda betor* purchasing elsewhere. Massfiictery 44 ■array It., X. Y., ffterw In Rsvtssah, Oa.,X*. 144 Congress It., nmt 46 It. Jnllnn It., Store tn UKnrleston, S. ©., 167 Meeting and 303 King Rtreel. u, 1M . •^» r X L 'AgR U u PETRO OIL. KEROSENE OIL. JOHN T. HAGAN rapiow orm to thi tbad* aVf qoaxriTT or TH1 CELEBRATED PETRO Oil, ’and Um Dm. qmllt? of J. A MW -e^WUd- NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL.. I DEFY OOMPET1TION in LAMP OHM being os aheap or ekeegor than any bowro aowtti of BaUlroore. j also keep a good stock of Lamp*, Burner*, Chimney*, Wicks, Shades, in foot everything pertaining to no* on. ajwd r.Awra KwxmnM . a>- um ^ Dr. ■ nMW ri.wwf)W*M U *»,«. lun» lino, WnnklofM, an**, wm Wat (Ma« atUfwUo^ wm o, Wn bMk ■roftai