Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 21, 1869, Image 4

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BEADFJ WATCHES ANd »n.v* •** Sllrtr-FUUd *T*» Brought to 4 Hurley’*- Ague Tonic; NET CASH Pn I( North, honth, Kill UtDTO WANT1D-K*r How lo Hobo Fruit Cultariet. By this book yaarly profti doubled. Wed tneraaaed in v*lue,-poot BM i and honest labor rewarded. English and < Everybody buys U. 800 hundred Bold la a ahJM. Hundreds In a aingl* tranship. J And no bettor work during the Fail afd Farmer* and their son* ean each make raontb. Send for circular. Addreaa ZIIO ycZ ord,T*X.ctT or glrayou the name of the osar- •*4 deeUr who keepa ear Ax**. . LIPPiliCOTT BBlFEWILl-, PltUkanb, Pa. Sol* owner* of Cotbura a and Bed Jacket Patent*. UOOK. AMD JOB PRINTING QfiflGfi! We have better belli tie a tor the j AOKRTI—Ol’H MUW Plotorial Family IJIlfle, The Moat Contain* more than 1,10) Urge tad an- Popular iheoilc Illustrations; M.000 rafarence*. a ad directions for tlia profitable reading of Prottiable thoHrrtptinea. chronological and ganea- of all logical table*, Ublea of meaaurea. Hooka, weights. oolue. ete . a beeutltul faintly record and family album, ate., etc. It le pronounced by oomptent judgas to bo au port or to all Other edt- Uona of lha Holy Bible, for the uae of leaiilleo. mlnla- tera, etadeut* and others. Oar agante era having •*» unprecedented harveet. For circulars and particular*, address J4IIIN K. FOTTICH * I U„ Pwbllak- • ra, 614 A 617 Kaataw itmt, I'hlladel- Than eiiy other Boom South If poaaihle. whan my medical attendant ordarod qute- lae la targe fioaon-fiwquontty ae high aa g* grain* per day. aad which moot have eoai me nearly $ft». 1 con sulted Dr. Smith, of LoalevlUa. and found ho pro- aerlbed qulnlnaand arsenic combined. whlth I refuaed to take, preferring to let the dianea* take ita oourae.— 1 wae aieaeat Uoedieee, extremely aakaaeted. and pro- no unoed with enlarged liver and spleen. Al>out thia time, tha advartleamant of Hurley r a Ague Toulo ap- peered la a city parar. and I determined te give It a trial 1 did ae, eodkeee no raeaow to regret One bottle motored me completely, and ainc* that time I have eeea nearly a hundred caeee In which It acted with equally happy reeulta, end would oartetuly re- commend It ae preferable to any other toate before the public. JAMES BAUTIN, Engineer. Louiavtlle, If., Juna 18, IMS. °w °*'r Nfwwms 1 TWEtiiY^om r E Iu tb. J.i lrjr A , ta lure trMM wSt,"* Old EBtabliihment of Er W« BATE BETTER THAN ANY HWJBE B U Auil mm BodI< os Variety of THE ERA orriCE of twenty year* by many of the raoet exporteooad and W* ref eat that DU. J. bEaDFIELD‘8 FEMALE KEGULATOKi* prepamd for WOMEN and to be need hgr Women enly. A trial la all wa aa*. Prepared and aold In any quantity by wioiJUMDsSJrftT. AUaaU. Ueorela Price $1 50 per Bottle. •#* Sold kg Drgggtatai generally. ) ATLMtTA, Ga., Deoamber ». latt. Dr. J. BaanruLn. Dear Str: I take pleaeur* In ■fating that eome time previous to the late war. I ueed, with tha almost enooeee, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR. prepared then at BradOald's Drug Sima. West Point. Ga. She had been suffering aevareiy from aappraaaad manatrucUon, and till* Mad- »f Jab Type to ear already Mamn Dimctort. - Geo. W. J. Sloan had oar thank* for a oopy of the Uoster of Tieopi serving lit tha Department of the Sooth, from which wo compile the following Directory: Bumr If AJOE-OENEdAL A LEBED H- TfiURT— Oonumaoding Department of the South. PERSONAL STAFF. Brevet Lieutenant Colooai E W. Smith, Captain U. 8- Army. Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Captain J. O. Telford, let Lieuten ant U. H. Army. Ai<U)e-Oamp. brnuMurr staff. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Awtietuut Ad jutant General, C H. Army, AaMialaat Ad- Repairing Watoheg ui octifi—dim UWiBiii THOMAS 0.nsndt OOc •> HMfUlolbln, IRIOM , Nothin* aeotloxua, Nothin* acotarian THE LITTLE”CORPORAL. Entirely Original and First-Claw. All new aubecribora for TUB LITTLE COBPOBAL for tha new year, whose namae aad money are sent in before the last of November, will receive the November and December No*, of last FREE. THE LITTLE CORPORAL ha* a larger cirCukHon than any other Juvenile Magazine In tha world, and is iwtter worth the price than any other magaalno pub lished. Because of Its lntmcuae circulation, we are enabled to fumiah it at the low prioe of ONB DOLLAR a year; ■ingle number 17 oenu; or free to aay one who will try to ralee a club. Heutifu! premiums for dube. Sub- nerfba NOW. Beck number* can always be sent Ad dress ALFRED L. SEWELL k CO.. EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE 1 Gents’ All Descriptions of Job Printing j itlgaU, lUMre*. Ladies’ •elected by an Eiperlenood Printer, and oomprlae all tha latest lmpfovamaata| In Brevet Major Robert P. HugtiM, (’aptaln U. 8. Army, Aetiog Awietant Adjutant Gen eral. Brawl Lieutenant Colonel £. McK. Hudson, Major IT. 8. Army, Acting Assistant Iuapec- Captain C. W. HoUeupilim. IT. 8. Army, on duty in office of Acting Amiatant Inapec tor General Major Henry Goodtellow, Judge Advocate U. 8. Army, Judge Advocate. Capt. John T. Mackey, U. 8. Army, Assistant to Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Commissary of Subsistence U. 8. Army, Chief Commissary. % fgvgi - * * Eddy. Major and Qaar- Childrens’ dtu°J3J! l L7SiSI ,,,Uj W,U * “ y Prlnt, *« Wslabltaknaeat In the goatb. AWcctloaa of tha Mease, Habitual Costlv nees. Debility, Diseases of tbe Kidneys, Dyspepsia, iCryalprll*, Wemale Ir- rrgularltico, Ffilnla, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Imllgeatloa. Files, Pitlao- nary. Diseases, Strofu* la. or Klng’i Kvll, ay partis.: Kotrfn* J^thR, riRWa, |M| right Drill., MarhlRbU’l Boots aiul Con a; row# CaiteiM. From a VISITING CARD,ton MAMMOTH POSTER ! For Retail, Just Received. C. M. a A. W. FO E C£, t Whitehall Btreet, Atlanta. Oa. A—c w»i »»y ’OMEN of New York ; or TIIK t'KDKILWOHI.O Og THE (>fll£AT CITY.—The aiua of every class of society exposed. Avoid the Ball, oad to ruin. Signals o( danger are up. Mora money la It lor live agents than any other hook. Takes three praaaea all th* time lo print fast enough. One agent took 178 orders in 10 day*. 740 pages, 48 illustra tions. Price, $3 SO. Agents want. c4. is N. Y. BOOK 00., US Naaeiu street, N. Y. np and In running order FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! I believe 11 the moat wonderful medicine belorv the public. Nothing under Ihn heavens could induce me to aay ee without proof of tha strongest aud surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on the 1869. Sl'MAIKK ARM ANUBMKMT. Jo 19-41 Brevet Colonel ,— term aster U. 8. Army, Chief Quarterma«ter. let lieutenant Eugene B. Gibbs. U. S. Army, on duty in office of Chief Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Hnrgeon U. 8 Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milkau, Sur geon 0. 8 Army, Attending Sargeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Ta gurt, PaymaaterU. 8 Army. Chief Paymaster, of- fios at Charleston, South Carolina. Major T, 8. Allison. Paymaster U. 8. Army. 1st Lienten&nt William M. Wallace, U. 8 MU ■■■■■«■« BJO JIIUB |W MINK jwmru. 1 played lbs prtmcf pal pb^istene of U>a city and tho> could not cure her. 1 gave her your rtarsaperllla not expecting it would do much good, but to my great sa lon lahmant she rapidly got well, and thank Ood con tinues so. Had »h« been taking any medicine I would not give this eortiflonte; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt ol its medi cal quail tie*, and that it alone curod bi-r. (Higuod.) LUKE REYNOLDS- 1H \ MAMMOTH UOK ( Vl.lMU.K 1MIV.NH. Huge Pteo* of Machlnarjr, the largest of the klud over brought lo Atlanta This Proas J|* t*» Pino Book. Printing; Md Iiargo Poaton TD theinorth:and east, —VIA— Louisville, Memphis, St- Louis, Cincinnati or Indianapolis. S OKRTIIINO IN TnE STAR FOB KVERBODY. Star li * '— ■alibi family Edited by He.. 60 p«ir year in advance. bers. Send for specimen. CANTWELL, Cincinnati, Ohio. eat, 1870. An t-pag* Uulver ( ivlng current secular uewa— Hlamaou and J. A Cantwell, l Premium to new aubecri- Addrea* WILLIAMSON k Army. Acting Kigoal Office Debility, Llvort In hIho u Hoc Cylinder Preas, Paasengero by thia Row to hava Oboto* sf TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES Positively th* bast PiB ta tte «a Thousands of B*xt* nov tad. AU Druggist in ATLANTA alti -lliat Cough will kill yoa," ft Try “Co*tar , i M C*agk “Colds and Uoarseneaa laad to d*atk," Try “<'e*tar V Owayk | Railroads. HURLEY’S Chaage of Krhtdule am tit* Oeorgl > Kail- road. Qkriroi* Rau.boad. Aoocst*. April 0, 1M0. On and after Hunday. April 11.18SD. and until fhrtlier WANTED-AGENTS-S280 per month t<> soil the only GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMI LY SEWING MACHINE. Prlee only $18. Great inducements to ag*Dt>. Thia la the most popular Sew ing Machine of the day—makes tha famous “Elastic Lock 0timh“—will do any kind of work that can be done on any machine— UKJ ,OOU sold and the demand constantly increasing. Now la tha time to take an agency. Bend for circulars. g^Beware of infrtn- geri.-b* Add re* 8ECOM13 k IX)., Boston, Mur.. Pittsburgh. Pa., or 8L Louis, Mo. ATLANTA, CEORCIA, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wathiaiton. WOu P*M*ng*r* lieUlag ttekJt* by thia route to Naw York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, can visit Washington without extra charge. FARE SAME AS VIA KNOXVILLE OR AUGUST A. la still mausfhctpriutf all of kla celebrated “ C 0 ST HI’ Standard PreparaH itQTAR IPAXOLKU kANNKH”-If still 1} wares, better than ever. Kick, Rare, and Racy, ledger Mae. 4ft ednmna. Wit, Humor, Full, Hum bug* exposed. Elegant $3 stael plate “Evangeline" gratia t» every subscriber. Ouly 78 cant* for a whole year—aterl plate FREE. Specimens 6 ewafta. Ad dress BANNER. Hinsdale, V. U. Lsov* Atlanta. Arrive at August*.. Arrive at Atlanta... FAMILY MEDICINES 1 On and after Auciiri 15, I860, TttAISS UUVS ATLANTA Daily at 8.15 a.iu. and 7.35 p.m. After arrival of all Sontharu trains and make close For PrluMu, 01HLUIAJU. Um> BEADS. DILL HEA1W. *c„.nd i^of p»ry .n[»rior;qn.l;t 7 , HURLEY’S CONSISTING OF HIS Arrive at Berzolla-. STEWART COOK STOYE ara tor MtllbdguviUe. Waali iogton add Athens, take day Paaaengrr Train from Augusta and era for West Point, Montgomery, Seliua, Mo- New Orleans ate leave AqgtwU on night Train, to make do** connections. BUCKTHORN 8AI The BoMt In tlio World Over 10,000 In 17«el Will iltt marc work with tkieaanae smonni of fuel Ilian any other Stove ewer made. FULLER. WARREN & CO., EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS, TllOY, a. Y-, g^Peecripllve pamphlet Seat free. STOMACH HITTERS, to Louisville, and it will bo re ton on trains of Lowlavtlle and fore arrival at Lon la Title. I* a model of Beauty, bad turae a«t*«rk with accurst* *ty»*. r,' “Coetar’s” Bed Bog Kiumtaa “Caatar’s” (only pore) laaaairaS Address ••CoaTAm,” No. Ik MM Or JowkF. Hnmr (Baeeaara _ Demaa Barnes kOa.,Uhdl* •9-Tor fUt bj J. A TIILOAL l and other Dniggiats in ATLANTA 1KDWIXE k FOX agsakAMk* bStho MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample Time for Meals at Good Hotels. A8I FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. UENI'KAL T1CXET OFFICE, ATLANTA. B. w. WHIH, Omni Tlo»« wALKKU, HumrTnupMUon B. I1DI.BBRT, Bap. W. A A. R. K Debility, Iaoss of Appetli ANTI-HILLIOUH 1-1I.I.M, 7/iere art no bitters that can compare teith these ta remertag these dletraaatof eomplalnU. For oala or naa be had at any draw store in the United Bute*. JAMES RUDDLE k CO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. KMT—KNIT-KNIT. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, AGENTS WANTED svaryWhere to eel! (he AMERI CAN KNITONO MACHINE, the only practical FaniUy A*n MONTOOMUT, ALA. Omc* or Kum or Transi-ostatioh, 1 Csarvaai. Raiuuiau, Bavawxuu. Aug. 14,11S9. ) On and after Sunday, 16th Inst. Passenger Trains u the Georgia Central Railroad will run aa follow*: UT DAT TKAIN. Savannah S;QO a. m. m ever la vented. Price ITS. Will kutt *er minute. Address AMERICAN KNIT- IE 00., Boeton, Mae*.,or St Louie. Mo. foJas. Huddle k Co., Loniavllle, Ky.: Gentlemen Thte le to certfly that I bars been lor years a sufferer *Med alith* traiea I hare heard of or seen ad ter Used, with Uttla or no relief from any of them 1 ttri^/ttifiWehtehlytFoHn of. and tried a bottle, with little faith In It befote I ootnmenced, and to my surprise aad joy. bafor* I flblghed on* botUe, I felt a great deal better and firmly bolter* that on* or two ecoaator a It was tbe means of saving aad proteng- iug my IBc I oouauten Uuoely reoommeadad tliatn In all aufferers aa the beet Bitters knows, and advise th«m always to ask Iot Dr. T. A. Hurley's aud ham <to« •#* thu aa you think proper, if it will beateM others. Yours truly, *Ux, r i m w JOS?! W. DIXSON. W* have no healtetion In saying to the public th of Cincinnati, end ork as rapidly as l*y**Htrry ( t'emtUr Tonic FINE TABLE CUTLERY! COMPETrrfON SILVER-PLATED WARE! t Aa hetatebwe, ami wtU attend to sll_bnrinea* la hi* nc that come* to his office. Will prescribe tor patient* when consulted, and ef- luine any that con>* to hia office at any time, (8na- NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DBCOBATBU 1>1 IN TV 1 1* AND Hll treat secret dlsraaea of all kinds. Special atten- m.SZABBOOK’S LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, A& TlioPuroS',BMti Both aente and] chronic, etc., eta. F. M. Train trom Savannah connect* with through Mall Train on South Carolina R. R., and P. M. Train from Savannah aad Augusta with Train* on frmht- waster» aad Moaeogea Railroad*. (■ftoOd) WILLIAM kXOTN, cup* Util* apace, are (not requiring tui.lng' twenty times), are >e learn to play u)Mm Ui*i -.ok*"; SST* *»*>«—.■* BBABBTOA’B, . omnhln.MuC tniu a, - ilk tti. klnniaMl of .hr k(0. Plml tn “ lu Klka, Bbtm ,nO r.ll.M. hi all earn*. In valuable In the following dteeaeee: Sommer Complaint. Irregularities of tb* b»w*|*. B**ttT*n*M, Teething, |te. lot lUhte to get out of order, nc*. where a pUnoforto t* tuned T ffiteabla, and more «aay to tok.aKin^r aelling FOUR DO- M) each; FIVE OCTAVE OU ilh two act* of VIURATUKS for at p’-op'-rtemaU rat**. ■uutMerlty of their organ*, ih* » Co. respect full) refer hi the ————- !--■«»■« »—»orally; a majority of tha moot C imim nt mufticane lu the country, with many of cm- nee iu kurop* having given pnbl.«. testimony that me Mason k Hamlin Organ* txcel all others. A circular containing this teatlmouy in lull will bo aent free to any one desiring it, also a dew rtnttvo clr- cnlar. ron'ainhig fall particular* respecting these in- -tnimente. with eorrrat drawing* of the diltorent styles and lowest prloes, which ara fixed and Invariable. Ad- dram THE MAHON k HAMLIN OBOAN CO.. 806 Broadway, N. Y.; 164 Trvraent m , Boeton. Pnanpt'AttentieDlQivan to ajl Orders. Bj’I L HEAD. . MACON & WESTERN IIAILItOADJ LFTTEH Hif 1 s BDS1NFS8 CASTS WECDINO CARDS, V1R1TIN0 CARDS, A PURE WHITECARBOIVOIL ViroTwtl75atoieo« ViopklU*,Liver Ucai.inr* A. ERGENZI- r puotsTBS And Ow.lar In V» MANUFACTURE* < Houtor >U*e »"* 4 **‘' ATLANTA LABELS OF ALL1KINDP. i > It not kiu nn.u« for uUUrau. moot yobqat. Thera 1* no troiihl*« Dii. HEAUJIOOK’S WnWl-TB^^DoCo, o, V.dkiuu. TOILET 8ETS,VA8E8,fiC. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTH, CITY BHEf FECHTER * -p^-opri*** EHldr of Pyropbogphate of Iron and Oahmya. ASTRAL OIL Mf (Ui ud KononM, Barn lo pror, IMf. ,1 un, ■■ojjannmSu Tiu uiic, >0. IU Ukluntou A»a, Mm, Im-A . Eroin h Ticket to a Ledger. premium l SEND IH Y * NO COMFETIflO* IN COLORS, James Muddle & Co, liver and Digwtive Power* M hrlriH* 1 •js&SS ADMINISTRATOR’S HAMS. a’ul B;j3L uud vi.oapoat Laboratory .To. 4), U,tint I Street S. PROPHITT. Loaisville, Ky, SAMUEL BAUD, SOI,D BV AM. UKOTKRs. A«f/