Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 24, 1869, Image 2

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STATBWBWtL i’Ljr^aCCu'teilUnmiwi Uatilota, vrir«d heiebsl ntaht oa Un Uw CWntral train feOtt Muon, nnJnre •*•«*»€ •» *» »*mtm Hoau. Tkora »»!!•«>»« wore l.ritaS (Orel, it th. Slat. Fair, tod are .rtondlttt Ihtortrtp of obwnUo. to oar rattiM nf tko Stata.- Thay on nUtuin ot okooMtor, wl will re. ooio. tko couKOora hoopitnhtire of oof «MI> Tho following ia tbo oondtttea ottbo Oooo. uia Nation! Banto, %% r*pnrW4 to tha Comp liuUor of ihoTMMtuji on (bo ttbinal: United f, Du fNra fannkn. Unkora, An BUtaofl ‘ » oondtuon prooodont to tha oompUt. reatora V-*L IMA Hfin t*?—tfn *m ha rtshti mil iurlillasm ■ ‘ Union. %*f» V«* « *f tha Bowntanctioo Aou oflMTi ooolno In IkoAoi. HffkMM tUorota. pound «me flow Booth. UtoNoftar, nod in tho Legal Under*. Pr^u.....T; .r.: : Honk note* onUUncUng 1,141 Deposit* Doe in benfai Wfev* .* Piw»i>*|» off ih« A|rf««ltw*l inWr niUUOienbjp the L**kklwr* of i ied XVlfc Amendmml, U cot, m 3 Society called border bjr the PreeMeol On cell Ur bmitrom there tn eon* debete ou minor paint*, when CoL Hood totrodooed the following reeoUtioMb whtth were ~ A‘erfJ*ff - Th*t the President end Vice idenU of the State Agriculture! SoeUty shell be ewe <#cio member* of the KxecuUr.e Com- mill**. • RemoluetL That the Executive CommUUe •hell coaint of three members from eeeh Own- grees onal District who ehall be ohtaen by the Prtwideut end Vice Presidents. Serna, it each Oongremionei DUtriet in npmiiU •heU constitnU e quorum ; end dm*, M the district* are not repreoanud, .. . Resohsd, That it shell be the duty of ell the membem of the Executive Committee to meet et least eeren days before the opening of the State Fair, to nperintend end direct the ar- rangemeats; end in case any member of the Committee shall be absent without written ex cuse, he shall be considered to have vacated his office, and it shall be the duty of the mem bers to appoint sod fill the vacancy. Resolved, That the som of four dollars per diem be paid to each member of the Eieon- tive Committee, to defray his expenses while iu attendance on the duties of his office. Resolved further. That no seen shell be ap pointed a member of this committee who it not a member of the County Society, provided there be no one in the county in whioh he re sides at the time of hie aptx The next business in order wee the etoetton of officer*. Col. Yenoey was nominated for President Also CoL Locket Some gentle man announced that CoL Locket had author ized him to withdraw hia name if brought be fore the Society. On the ballot UoL Yenoey was elected President. The following gentlemen were elected Vice Presidents by acclamation: 1st Congressional District—Wm. Scsronr. 2d Congressional District-Bjbu. Ijocxbt. 3d Congressional District Felton. 4th Congressional Diatriot—Humt IK Ca ns*. 5th Congressional District—Jbxi, Billot*. Oth t'/ongresaional District—David C. Bau son. • 7th Congressional District—C. W. Howasd. Col. David W. Lewis was then nominated for Secretary and unanimously sleeted. Wil liam Iiaxelhurat, of Maoon, was unanimously clooted Treasurer. The report of tho Secretary, who acted as Treasurer during the past year, was then read and referred to an auditing committee, com posed of Messrs. Obcar, Nutting and Browne, of ifaedn. Moved bv General Wright that a committee of three be appointed to revise and amend the Constitution and By-laws, and to report at the next meeting of the Society. Passed. Committee, A. K. Wright, Channan, C. W. Howard, Arthur Hood. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas, We are informed that the mer cantile interests of Savannah are desirous of sending the Hon. Ed. G. Anderson to the cot ton marts of Western Europe as a special agent to encourage direct trade with Hamnnab, and the investment of foreign capital throughout the State of Georgia; therefore. Resolved, That the Georgia State Agricul tural Society hails this move with great grati fication, and asks for the Hon. Mr. Anderson the courtesies of the Agricultural Societies and Cotton Supply Associations of all ooon- tries that be may visit. Resolved, That the Hon. Mr. Anderson be requested by the President of this Sooiety to report to him, for the use of the Society, all information that he may deem beneficial to the Agricultural and Manufacturing interests of this bUte, and that the President furnish him with any information concerning the re- hources of the State of Georgia, and the in ducements of foreign capital to locate here. At the conclusion of the reading of tbs res olution introduced by Mr. Howard, with re spect to Mr. Anderson’s visit to Europe, some one asked if Mr. Anderson was not a Direc tor in the Central Railroad, and if so, be.would like to have the fact stated before the vote on it wee taken. Resolution of General Wm. M. Browno : It'solved, That a committee of three mem bers of lhe Society be appointed to visit the Legislature of Georgia, and use their influence to obtain un appropriation for the Society, and in all respects protrot the interests of agricul ture. Gen. W. If. Browne, Hon. Wm. Schley, Major Hulsey, of Atlanta, were appointed that committee. Resolved, That the Secretary be required an nually to submit a report of his actings and do- iugrt, and such recommendations ana sugges tions as be may deem (be interests of the So ciety require. Resowed, That the Secretary be requested to see and negotiate with the Presidents and Railroad Superintendents of this State, and procure from them, if possible, free ticket for three members of each County Agricultural Society to two Agricultural Conventions to be held each year at such point* ss the Executive Committee, or a Convention may determine. Mr. Obear, of Macon, introduced the follow ing resolution: Resolved, That the salary of tho Secretary bo increased to three thousand dollars, and that he be retyped to employ a Recording Secretory at each salary as he may agree upon. No further business, the Sceiety adjourned, ■nbjeet to the call of the President. wig!* Aet” of July, IML ft* the rtoUtoetion «f to. XYth AnerntBuot t, WSfa TUrjtok. Tmm, tooopUX tha iwmi ifcm taped; tod ■■Ilk. tboM Hialre, vu cot oubJouM *BO Ift __ raoopted th« AttM. Gm*U«U«m1 kmcndaunt. Oeknd W«N Unrated wllh lb. right, of dUun- •Mp. TWy putatoMI is om But* *»«• Th»7 at m MnhWtoB bwi of Ik* Coudiuttoud Convention. «*■*)( * oo,*tit#.ocjr of anlj euftvnklMrt otelMM. Tk»y won oUotod notion mod Um IrfgkUtun which M- MWlMte Mttority Ot tki. u.« GmMI- laUofr—OaMitation vkiok U.y k.d Udp«d k> rnm*, rad «klch nlnvty tfcotntod adored vM.r. hdrad to ratify t Th.y |MHtol|ratod in the rati&toUou Of the FomUenth A.tiole, rad in other prlm.ry logMktkm Beoemry to n- oomltiMliBn Bator Um OoB,rawiOB»l oaool raratv. They trail puUctptted la the deo- ttou at Uaitod MlMeeMeo^on; and it wu Dot until tin ell eoudition. bod Ueu performed, rad Ike unitary Government iraa withdrawn, flint the rBbrt wu and. to upel them u inel tg!M. Buahnrs! Thin m t rad, n fii.l mutak* of thn De- uaanoy. Oorknn.tont and ii.ptom.UUvm kndnat, umyet. inaa mluiltad to Uwtt tonU in CoDgreM. Con»cr(uentlj, the State wat not. by Ika vaqr tarau of tiu ltaeoawraviion Act.,»d to bar eonatiinttoual riftht* and privileges in th. Union. UeoonHtrnotion wm thtrafon mil lin nimynnon And thus the Code eland, to-day I Georgia oomplied with Ike terms, a,sept perhaps in u far m the Leglalslure failed to purge itself of ben obnoxioa. tn tbe XIVth Ariiele; but, u if ragrattiug her ucUoo, eh. praetioully un- dsu Um work belbra Coogreaa bad yet had time to admit bar Seoatom and BepreasnU- Uvm, and tberaky complete Uia rooouatruotion of the State! Unties theae oireumetanoee. it ia qneationa. ble even whether neeating the colored mem ber, and tha ratilcation of theXVtb Amend ment, would fully meet the eaae. Tbe oaiion of another Constitutional Amendment will uot, in ileelf, atone (ot the open violetion of Um provision* of anothey, previoualji rati- 8ed! The only ehr* plan to, lo enforoe tha XIVth Article Ant, and theatbaoouaideration of tbe XVth will bo In order. If there are nseuibeve in tha Legtotatan wbo are obnoxious to tbe XIVth Article, theyuhouldbeexcladed; and einoe the expulsion of the onioned mem bare wm illegal and revolutionary, lUat wrong akoold be apeedily repaired by promptly re seating tbeeo. Then, but not before, k may be tn oar favor to raUfy tbe XVlli Amendment That to a measnre which baa eeaaed to eerione- ty agitato the pabtio mind South, aince negro enffrage ia a fixed faot bare already. Our first oOnoeni should be to comply with tho law of Oongreai, to undo tho error, of the put, and thereby seek to restore the State 60 her proper relatione to the Union. We may then consider Um expediency of making negro suffrage com mon throughout the whole country aa it ia now throughout the Southern States. Au altercation occurred at Memphis last week, during which Gen. Berry, formerly of tho Freedman*. Bureau, wu ehot by Almon Stewart, a hotel keeper. A dreadful crime wm perpetrated el Pleas ant Grove, near Huntington, Penu. Tbo men enisled the dwelling of John Perghtale, and iliot him dead, and literally split his wifs’s skull open with an axe. They aleo shot deed a tad named Gudoer. Tbo orimo wae committed as the family wen eeated at cap. per, between all and .even o’oloek. Suspi cion rests on two men who were oburved loitering abonl lhe piece for km time peot. ■ Lieut. W. W. Dougherty, of (be regular aa visiting his permit* at army, on furlough ana Van Horn, M the Khaiwtan Hones It ie alleged that Van Horn circulated slander ous reports about Dougherty's sisters, and on Dougherty muting Van Horn he requested him to recall his meeilia. He rcpramUy rv- fused, end not denying the report, Dougherty fired fin shots et him, thru of then taking effect. Veil Horn died almost instantly. Dougherty wm immediately arrested, and it now in Jail. A young man and hia intended presented. Ihemeeiru before the Oil/ Clerk of Daren- port, lows, tho other fiay, for marriage lleeeee. It wm ii wm coder age, sad lied guardian. In order to the lady nor thSfShTh^K ■ At she au A new Oatboiie Church, to ooet $100,000, ia to bo erected et Ottawa, III. "Conservative Views*'—Mrs J. A. Stewart. Mr. J. A. Stewart, of Rome, has published * pamphlet of uinety-two pages octavo, where in appears a number of his letters to Hon H. Stephen* (sud Mr. Stephens’ replies (here to) “elioitiug views touching the ‘nature and character of the (U. 8.) Government, the im policj of secession, the evils of disunion and the meaua of restoration.” Mr. Stewart was a oonnUtout Union man during tbo war. Ho denied belli the right and the expediency of aecaaaion. And though he disclaim* it, be foila, otherwise, to make it appear that he as not n HamiUoniau Federalist. Hi* past-bsllum political creed is such a compound ot the autugoutwins of the Jefferaon and Hamilton School as that we less some difficulty iu determining whether he i* a Cousolidfttionist or a State Right* Demo crat! Ho holds that the Constitution of the United Bute* was formed, not by State* for Stetco, aa Mr. Stephen* maintains; but that it wo* formed by the people of tbe whole terri tory comprising the *then thirteen State*, for the peoplo of the whole country, other words, it we* the aet of the people in tnoir aggregate capacity, not of tbo Stoics in their capacity of political corporations. Hence ReceawioB was revolution—on act ot rebellion against the Government And yet, wtrango to aay, our friend Stewart, in the face of these propositions, denies the Oonatitntional author ity of the United State* Government to impose the conditions of re-onion with tho insurrec tionary States! He opposed the restoration of Georgia under the plan proposed by Con gress. Government, be says, implies power; and jrtt he denies the power of a Government to institute measures for its fatare protection! The gi»t of the whole matter is ubout this: Mr. Stewart believes in the sovereignty, not ot the States, but of the people of the United State*. But by “people,” he mean* white people only! Hence tbtf is “A white mao'* Government." Bo far, then, ie he orthodox in the light of t-he so-called Georgia “Democ racy." But presto, Mr. Btewart believes se- oessioh was rebellion; per consequence, that “rebels" have no Constitutional rights. Hence be represents the Radical issues of both parties! We hold Mr. Stewart, per*oually, iu very high regard, aud we must say that we like him much better than we do his political tenets a* set forth in the pamphlet before us. Col. Mslbert. Col. Hnlbert ha* oar thank* tor a copy of tbe Report ot the Rev. C. W. Howard, on the OoaL Lou and Oil formations of North-west Georgia We will review tbe Report at the earliest date possible. Those Klih. Mr. F. A. Crawford, the polite conductor on the Rome Raflroed, he* our (hanks for a bunch of delioious fish. Mr. Crawford was formally on the Western A Atlantjc Railroad, and fish or no flab, would rank as a first class sou doctor on any rood. . Personal. Mrs. General Oustar accompanies her bns- ftsnd on hi* hunts after the Indians, nod is said to he a good shot with a rifle. Daniel N. Tompkins has been appointed Deputy Collector of the New York Custom House, vise 8$ T. BUtchford, resigned. Mr. He ward left Quorate*, Mexico, m the loth. And expected to b* to tho city of Mexico en the 14th of NovembAr* oratory Boat well is a hiUisrdlst, sod aiM-ods two or three boots a day *4 the gases. He has a cue of hi* own, wbleh he brings with him to the saloon, and carries home with him whan ha finisher playing. John O. Saxe, At a hotel at tbe West the other day, undertook to'earvu a piece of beef which waa so tough that the oarring knife B*a. little iraprcMton upon it. The poet told down knife end fork, gUnced iuoitu.1 end spoke. - Gentlemen." snfci he, -tket’e an tat- fringement on GoodjeBJ-’e peteott" The Boeletr of tbe Arm/ of the Tern eeMubled at Looieville Wednesdej Afternoon. Addressee were mede br Generalv Sheridra, Wilson, Hasan, Cores end Meredith, endpov. Brant lette. AUOCUTAO .-MAIM iUSFATCBMA. WosKneoTOM, Novambrr Sfi- II to hr com me; eCeuni toko* resided see oom- . . ms, el LMdeB, IeeprerenMot* mult be nmde before the carat will .newer the ♦Wirt The resignation of Ooneul General Planb kaa been eeoepted. Consul Hail, et Matea- ■u, lakes oharge of the Oanealale. Th Mapreaw Goart of ***' ly legvdwre the action of the PreebjrteHra General Auentbly, in 1866, ud affirm lie or der dieeol viug Mveral b/uotto end Preeh/Uriee, end adhering to the declaration and testimony The Boll of tho Hones to made ap, etadrs Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Miasto- •Ippi, line, end Louisiana. Bbtidon, from Louiuiaun, bne been excepted. linrvey, MinUter to Portugal, whose tudery hM been withheld, by Oeagvaea, gels twenty- Outi Ikon Mini dottare fa gold from tbe Trees, •rp* J' .NIGHT UIHPATCUXa. Wtemno roN, November M. —Tbe Spanish Hiuiater makes ho objections to legal proceed ings regarding Ibe Spanish gunbttaU- It to a mere question betsfMn lhe Government end contractor*, neoiflfoaqf whiohi»desired by Ibe Bpaniab nuthorttiee. Peenideut Gnat will urge nn early inure- •ot for n abip canal over Darien. A. Henderson, with other* Of Cincinnati, were indicted for tobacco frauds fOXETABIAHOCOl Tuesday Bventna. ■ BoervMe -Ia eympetby wtth the weather. other grain i« about equal (Rock of flour ia fi»s, and toe quality of higher gtadto i* also Mas. Cotton—Qotton is quiet at M to 22io. IU- Sold—Very Utile gold ohangod hands.— Little in the market. Prices|ramaiu unchang ed. Gold Durr—Buying at $1 05 to l 15 per dwt The prioes varies according to the mince from whioh it is taken. Villa Rica is worth U M fromwl fio per dwt, aud Lumpkin county mines The Haprome Court adjourns from Thursday to Monday. The President proclaims, alter date, tho discontinuance of tha discriminating duties heretofore levied upon tnerehaodise imported into tho United Bute*, in French vessels, either from tbe oountrie* of its prigin or from other countries. One of (he charges of the District Attorney •against the Spanish gauboats, is thnt tbe sels are intended for hostilities against the people of Cuba, with whom the United States are at peace. Dispatches from Gee pedes to the New York Junta States that the Gabon* Oaptared a tort at Potrexillo on the 8th. He says 12,000 men have enlisted in the Cuban army sinoe the &th of July; that greater confidence is felt success of the cause. The policy of destroying the cane-fields will be continued. One hundred and twenty-two native Cabans Were shot near the Gicnoga by order of Volina- soda Richmond, November 23. — Arrangements were closed yesterday in New York with sev- 4? be completed at bfico. Among tho cnpatalista are W. H. As- pinwall, A. A. Low, P. Huntington, Fisk, and others. The city authorities here ore making active arrangements for entertaining tbe National Board of Trad* which meets here December lot. Steamers for on excursion, publio din ners, bolls, and so forth, are on the pro gramme. The State Republican Convention meets here to-morrow. Maoon, November 23.—Among the premi ums awarded to-day, Wm. Ku*d>e, of BalU- more, received the first premium lor the best grand and square pianos, and Miss Ida FeutchwtAnger, offMacon, aged 11 years, the first pwpiium for skill as performer on the piano. W. 8. Brantley, of Macon, for the best upland ootton. Ths American Safety Lamp Go., of New York, received a medal diploma for the best lamps. Murfee A Go., cf Rich mond, \ r a., fr> r sub-soil lifter; Rook Island Manufacturing Go., of Ohorlotte, N. G., pre mium aud diploma for tbe best woolen goods. Montodmxbt, November 23.—Tbe citv bells were tolled to-day during the funeral services of Gov. Fitzpatrick. His body lay in state for two hours ttl tbe Capitol. The funeral ser vices were conducted at the Episcopal Church. A large procession followed hM remains to the cemetery. An immense crowd is in the city to attend the State Fair. Owing to the heavy rain a great many were deterred from going to the grounds. To-morrow tbe indications are fair for several thousand visitors. The entries are numerous from many States. Nkw Orleans, November 23.—The fall meeting over tbe Metairie, commencing Sat urday, promises to be the moet brilliant ever held here. The stable room is all occupied, and more horses are coming. Philadelphia, November 23.— Rev. John P. Dann, pastor of 8t. John's Oatbolio Chnrcb, Ik dead. Lexington, Ky., November 23. -Tbe floor r o quote super $6 60 $7 00. Family $7 60 of a colored Baptist church, densely peaked, !■—~ id man] wounded. gave way. Three were killed and many London, November 23.—A communication has been received from Dr. Livingstone, dated Uejeji, May 13, 1869, stating tbat good health prevail*, and he ia treated well everywhere. Madrid, November 23.—The Bishop* of Havana were brought here under guard. Liverpool, November 23.—Many failures of Liverpool grain dealers, including several firms with extensive American connections. Th* ship Spendthrift, from Shanghai with tea, was wrecked only forty miles from her homo port Paris, November 22.—Ministers Boorbean and Leroux were re-elected to the Legislotiff. Rome, November 23.—One hundred and fifty Bishops have arrivod— many from Amer Mlecellai Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly in Now York. Religious servioes were held and ser mons preached in nearly all of the churches in the oity. Part of the Central railroad track Niagara Falls branch, near the breakwater, WM tom up by the gale last week. “Interpretrix" is tbe latest word ooitted by the English theatrical journals. It means a female representative of a dramatic or operatio character. British Columbia, not to be behind in agri cultural productions, mentions os an ordinary achievement pens weighing a pound and three-quarters apiece. Judge Barnard, of New York, has granted an extra allowance of $20,000 in the three suits of Champlain Brown against Nelson OhMe, involving the estate of Madame Jumel. Wayue couuty, New York, has had an un precedented fell of snow ior ibis season ot the ▼ear. In some places the roads were blocked by drifts seven or eight feet deep. The Society of the Army of the Tenfaessee, in session at Louisville, Ky., elected General Sherman President, and adjourned nntil Octo ber next, when they will meet in Cincinnati. Christina Steingother, wife of Alexander Hteingother, a respectable German womau bung herself in the attio of her residence, in New York, during a fit of temporary fosaufty. ■ A secret organization, known as tho * I. 8 . R. L.," which is said to signify the “In dependent Society Municipal Reform League,” numbering upward of a Ihoasand wembors, has been formed in Providenoa, R. I. The express train on the Grand Trunk Rail road going cast, ran into a mixed train at Ool- tins Bay near Kingston, Canada, yesterday morning. The engineer and driver of the ex- ress train were hilled. No pasacogers were ijured. It 1m staled that there is no (rath in the re port fmm Washington, that tbe Government of the Ddmtnion hod threaten' d retaliatory maasftscn if the present restriction of aorouier- eial intercourse was continued by tne United Mates A remittitur yoraing county, N. Y., has been filed in the Supreme Court. He was resentenoed to be hanged on the 24th December. Those individuals on the shedy side of forty, who have not succeeded to making fortunes, wHV find consolation to the tost that Mr F*a- body accumuhtteU the balk ff hi* wealth du ring the last twenty-five years of his lifo. At fifty yuan hu waa wovth little mom then $60,- emittilur affirming theoonviction ot B«n- i Teachoct for the murder of hie wife iu 6toU*d neeeee Governi rnooiL William s official return* of ths 1st* Massachusetts ehofir the toi, . or, whole number of votof, It Jlsm Claflin received 74.106; John Quinoy Adams, 60,736: Edwin M. Chamberlin, 13,667. Governor OlafiU'i plurality over Adorns, 23,- 37L pel**—Apples are scarce with on advanc iu^tetidoucy. They ore quoted at $3 60 to Buckwheat Flour—In boxes—six six pound saoks to the box, $2 76 to 3 00. Butter—Little done in Goshen and Wes tern Reserve. Tennessee and Virginia quoted at 33 to 40o per lb. The quality varies greatly. Raoom—Not much doing in bacon, and vary little on the market. We quote o. aides at Sulc; c. r. aides and shoulders, none in star- Bulk Meats—The market is well supplied with pulk meats, and the demand is good. C. rides ora quoted at 19 to l$io; o. r. aids* 18*o, and shoulders at 10fi to 16c. Rauoino—Stock equal fo tbo demand.— Quoted at 26 to 33o. Bale Rope—Quoted at 8 to 9o. Coen—Tho supply of corn iu light Demand good. Prioes firm- We quote old at $1 40, and now at $1 20 to 1 30. Coen Meal—There is a good consumptive demand for meal. We quote it ftrifi at $1 40. Cheese—Stook fair. Demand good. Qao ted at 20 to 23o. Cotton Yarns—Demand fair—stock equal to demand. Quoted at $2 00 to 2 05. Dried Fbott—Peaches, rough 5 to 54c. Pealed 12 to ISo. Euos—Scarce and high. Producers are be ginning to hold for Christmas. Flour—The Stook of flour is very fine and embraces a great variety of grades and prioes. Demand is good. Wo “ " * A to 6 76 per to 8 00, and Fancy $8 60 to 0 00. Hoos—The market for hogs has fairly open ud, and the pocking business commenced. We quote at 104e grots and 13 to 131 net. Hat—A fair demand and average stook. It is quoted at $38 00 to 40 00 per ton for Tim olhv. Molasses and Stbups—Stooks equal to the demand. Qualities very various. We quote its figures ranging from 75e to $1 50. Oara—A good demand for oats exists, but ths supply keeps np well. They are quoted at 80 to 86c. Onions—Onions readily bring from $4 50 to 5 00 per bbL Otfal—Bran is worth $1 60: ship staff $175 to 2 00. It ie in good demand. Potatoes—Good Irish potatoes are in de mand at $3 00 to 3 60. Bye—Demand fair. Stook moderate. Quo ted at $1 40 to 1 60. Suqak-Bring from 13 to 19o according to quality. Stook good. Wheat—We find a wide range in wheat. We quote it at $1 46 to 1 70 for prime red to prime white. Stook not large. Demand good. Telegraphic Jftarkel Heports. New Yoke, November 23.—Cotton heavy and Jo lower; sales 2,300 bales at 25o. Flour heavy and favoring buyers, with rather more doing; superfine State $4 50 to 4 95; common fair extra Southern $5 25 to 6 00. Wheat 1 to 2o better; more doing in winter red Western at $1 30 to 1 34; white Michigan $1 60. Corn closed dull. Pork $33 75. Lard firm; kettle 19 to 19J. Whisky $1 06| to 1 07A Groce ries quiet. Money mouderately active at 6 to 7 per cent. exceptions at 5 per cent. Sterling dull. Gold oloee 264- Government* closed ’62s 1 15i. Southern* dal!. New Orleans, November 23.—Ootton ac tive at 24o; sales 7,000 bales; receipts 3,768. exports to Liverpool 3,120; to the Continent 4.485. Flour dull at $4 90, 6 00, 5 76 to 6 25. Mess pork advancing at $33 50. Baoon bams ■caroe; new 26c; old 30o. Molasses higher prime 62 to 67o; all others unchanged. Gold 126f. Sterling 371- Neja York Sight 4o discount Baltimore, November 23.—Ootton dull bat firm at 24jo. Flour quiet and ste&py. Wheat dull and lower; prime to choice red $1 30 to 1 32. Corn firm; prime new 93 to 96; old $1 to 1 05. Pork firm $33. Baoon steady. — Lard 19o. Whisky fair. Cincinnati, November 23.—Corn scarce and advancing; old 98o to $1; now 84 to 85o; sup ply not equal to tbe demand. Whisky dull at $1 01 to 1 02. Pork quiet at $32. Lard in good demand; kettle 17| to 174- Louisville, November 23.— Corn firm 85. Provisions quiet; Lard 18c. Whisky dull $1 02. Mobile, November 23.— Cotton closet and in moderate demand; sales 850; mil 23to; receipts 1,704; exports 661 bales. St. Louis, November 23.—Flour heavy; fall superfine $3 85 to 4 25. Corn firm;new white talk 72 to 77o; prime white $1 05. Whisky steady at $1 06. Mess pork quiet $30 60 to 3100. Bacon exhausted. Lard—nothing do- ing. Liverpool, November 23.—Cotton steady Uplands llfiri; Orleans llgd; sales 8,000bales, of which 1,500 boles were for speculation and export Savannah. November 23.—Rcoeipts of cot ton 2,876 bales; exports 2,596; sales 600. Mid dling 23 jc. Market weak. Augusta, November 23.—Market easier sales 570 bales; receipts 747; middlings 23 to 23 to Charleston, November 23.—Cotton dull and easier; sales 260 bales; middlings 24jc reoeipts 1,629 bales; « “ ‘ * 2,674 bales; coastwise ? Noathrra Items. A Macon paper calls New York society queer kettle of fish. An orange, weighing 19 ounces, bos been raised at Tampa, Florida. A Memphis jury acquitted a traveler who •hot and killed a backman for overcharging A proposition has been made to moke Gen. Hardee President of the University of Ala beam. A citizen of Norfolk, Vo., proposes to plant the street* of that city in peanut* to pay off the debt Tbe Southern sugar-growing States and Cu ba ore having a formidable rival in the Sand- witch Islands. There is $60,000 reward offered in various sums for the arrest of sandry murderers in Florida. Large shipments of Texas oattlo are being made from tbe month of the Red River into tbe West, ittie-etoaling is not so o Rio Grande as it has boon. A company of oattle owners under the command of Mr. King, of King's ranch, hang eleven thieves to one se. TheTaskegee, Ala., News says wagons, containing emgirants to Texas, have passed through that place since tbo 1st of September last. Most of these movers hail from Georgia and the Carolina*. A few days ago a man bought a piece of property in Davidson county, Tenn., and af terward sold it at a loss of $125. The pi or re-sold it the following day, making $2,000 by the trade. fippUctttEB for DbuftiMfen. G ROBOIA. UARALJBON COUNTY. -fliiMH, OnvM Eves, oAwluMrator of tbe Mteta of Hj. MsU, r<H>r«MoU to th* Comt, in hl« mutton duly ant •nUr*d on record, that he hM fully sdmiuie- tttofilhs EBB Sttthk J — ThM 1* there/ore, io cite all person* concerned, h dred and arediUirt, to shoe; oauae, if any they c why Mid edaiiuletrator »honld not be dlsoharfed tn idmlalalntl ^ r *" as=a he ft ret Moo .T- <mpr*roe|4 A from ■■■■■■ . and reeetv* letters of dtattte ‘ on the Sret Monday la January, 1870. This OcV 4. D. WOODS, why eeld administrator ahould not be . _ “ administration, and reeetv* letter* of dismtaeteo, This ME 4*y n WHITE. of October, laffc oot It Mtephtwt do rtriellWafui Btaut* TmJ, arartfc—■«. u CHAPMAN SISTBBS, i»d the iraeeMOeeedtaB, Mr. Oharlea B. Bltahop. Wednesday Evening, November 24tL Th. IioiUjKoIj Stueereue fBudMqne from the X"L ID JD I 1ST ; Or, ta* Wonderful heeeep. tleUI. (the wonderteleoemp) Mice ■h* WfrilK. The MV PREMOkTBETSY. THtJBgDXT TTMIHO, WRA DZATOleO, raw Wanted—1,000 Young MiUiun. S6C- Seat* eon be secured at Hum. Phillip* k Orew's Book Store for any ermtng Aarinf the week, r 34-11 WALTON FARM AT AUCTION. 0. 0. HAMMOCK, Auctioneer. ITT ILL eel], a* the Oity Hail. In Atlanta, on tha drat TV Tuceday, 7th day of December, at eleven o'clock u M., THE WALTON FAItM, ■ei rare Ah orejnirfll he erweph, Mtatata w. taWMW VARIETIES THEATER, IDtoetarfi., uer corner Jwhtrae.) OPEN EVERY NIGHT, A gmlwloxx a .erra Wood Xinucl. I ("OXK AMU UIOKOHX.”) SB" Thia fhrm 1* 5 .'4 mile* from tho I'aeaenger I)e- THK HES1DENCK comfortable iq-atory dwelling, aarrounded with shade trees, with usual out-bolldinga, Garden, Or- ohard, he., attached. This form is well watered, and tha soil considerably otter than th* average In this section. Tenn*: Half cash jbalaaoe In 00 day*. BELLE HAMMOCK, Beal Mato Agent*, Ofoce ftrei door, next door to James’ Bank, nov M-M-tdkdso 7 j Whitehall street. LOOK OUT, TAX-PAYERS. BrMr. Oavr- WHxnBAS, The second aeotton ot th* shatter ot the dty at Atlanta provide* that no persons shall vote ia the election for Mayor and Council, who have failed te pay all legal taxes required of them, or which they nave had as opportunity to pay j be it Remind, That said provision of tha charter o dty be strlotly enforced at the ensuing electioi Mayor and members ot the City Council. Remind further. That to enable aU persona to exerotee the privilege of voting at mid election, the Marshal be authorised to receive single tax from all delin quent* np to the day of election, and on that day; and that these resolutions be published in the city papers until the day of election. Passed in OooooU November 23d, 1002. nov 24-tde 8. B. LOVE, Clerk. SALE or THS Crated errt* RUW, nbortkr; BnUdlnir, New temporarily aeeapled BY THE GEORGIA STATE FAIR. to os usea ee m Mooimije ■ bnlldteg te two stories high, (each t long by 80 and SO feet wide, with nd one dory high, and each 200 _ brtek, and ia tb« moet aubatonttal manner, by the Coo federate States, to fee need aa a Laboratory, main portion of this' '"* 20 feet), and 200 feet extension at each and by 2* fast It te located about from the dty of Maoou, and immediately upon tha track of tha Macon A Western Railroad. This building being situated in the center of the cot- ♦ou-growing region of Georgia, and expressly arranged to support mack leery, th* sale offers special induce ments to capitalists and manufacturers, for whoso Georgia now opens a An* held for remunerative la- By virtue of write of venditioni exponas, issued frtna th* United States District Court for the Souther* District of Georgia, I win mil tha above property, * gether with 145 sore* of land upon whioh it ia dtua at public auction before tho Court House door in the OITY OF MAOON, between the lawful hours of sate, oath* First Tuesday in Deoember Next. Savannah, Ga., October ltlh. 1S50. REIGNING 8EN8ATI0NI ftTilM & HURRAYS vlfwt WWwtlllf ® Which hee require, e IcilOUl Berrtelhm of tataf Hv.r Skwn, viu. KxniBn u uuni Monday and Tuesday, November 29th and 30th, 1868. PERFORMANCES AFTERNOON AND EfEMINO. Comine Ad ng at % sad 1% o'clock. Admission THete. Cblidrvw uader 16 yean, *0 et*. 'lokete are now for neie at Phillips k Orew’s Book Store. THE TROUPE THIS SEASON, Entirely of First-Olasa Artiete, who have aorival* in their astounding specialties, and and OVERFLOWING AUDIENCES, teak tenable critical, attest with rapturous applause, and other manifestations of popular delight, the thor elation of THE PROLIFIC TALENT* ol th, M, chic, OlUttar of Arttat, of th. LEADING CIRCUS of the WORLD UNITED *TATte MORRIS »ERNHaj, 0t OPTICi SCHOOL NOTICE. N EngUah, Classical and Mathematical School will be opened, by the undersigned, on the first of MAMstte t ^^** meDt 01 Fw«t»yt«rt*n Church, Terms: 26 00 per month, payable in advance. French taught if desired. L. McCANDLESS. Parents wishing to send to this school, are request ed to leave their names at this office, or at tbe Atlanta National Bank, with Mr. Bomare, on or before the 15th December. nor 2t-0t G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. will taka pl»ce On, 2d December, at 10 O’ehtefc, Examine th* stores before the sale, nov 22-tt Q. W. ADAIR. A FREE EXHIBITION. marrow, at the store of l street, Markham’s Block. We shall baha, roast, broil, foe. The 8TFWABT 8TOVX will burn ths smoke. The STEWART STOVE will broil without smoke. Come and see this exhibition and get a cup of tea. You will be pleased aud entertained. This exnlbitlon will be ojnducted by Mf. H. L. Palmer. Genoral Agent, assisted by Mr. John Ai 8am, Hong Kong, China. nov ‘J3-2t NO TI CE Atlanta, Ga., November 24, 1869.) TO for one fore over this road _ -ra-w — - re—, ~ M« held in Selina, Ala., 80th instant, oas be had of the General Ticket Agent, J. H. Porter, Atlanta. E. B. WALKER, nor 2 l-dt Matter Transportation, CHANCED SIDES, . Thrasher’s new building, convenient and attrac- TO BENEFIT AU parties as well as myself. It is needless ffftell yon what are my intentions—jest oome and buy. I p tea you the lowest price. THE PEOPLE Are finding out that a good Boot or Shoo Ie the cheap est, and that suoh are sold at my house for oaeh only; BUT FOR SOMETHING LEH8 THAN A T r FOR SOMETHING LE8B I. T. BANKS, »«. SSWklt.kall street. DAWSON HHEKirr DALES. W ILLb. MM, la rad oaaatjr, within th. tanl hear, of era, on the find Tread., In I»oraW “*»*• rare, la lh« town of D.w- rarrllto, U. MJowla« taaptotF tawtli ra 1 tod ho. Ml. la the Uh dtotrtot, l.l reoltoa. mdoreatacretotatajM, SiTiore ran h tha Tra >awtad Lot Lneied area aa th^ (iroport. of /ohn HolootalM, who U la rereraloa b, . ttoo.rtth.raa«tl«i.aad|tlaw,wl»barad, lot of lnnd. No. ett. 1. th. Mh dtawtoi, lto .ream, of rad oooirtj. Lretrearew M taraiat, of B. A. Holt, by elrto. of . HOtarx PahHo (rand th la tore, of J. A. Potato, HUM rad noil Petatod eta by ptota- tjff. reoreey. red add to Pto. Paratal oa 4. drat Tureday la taptaabl. tota. afra tolled to amply with the Ural, of th. tata " .too, to th. anre tree, red ptofa. tat ef lead, Ho MAtatbaMldMMta. lMraeraTtarad ooaata, re UtopreprarafWHHra J. orey. Urad area by Mr- to. of . Notary Pabllo Ooait 1 fc .raata rad broy, Mrs. POWERS’ LANDS AT AUCTION. 0. 0. HAMMOCK, Anotioneer. ViriLL Mil at the Oity H.11, AUanta, at 11 o’clock, TV on first Tuesday, the 7th day of Deoember, 1869, Mr*. Powers’ Land#—THREE FARME-690 acres. These well known Farms, exiled the “PETERS BURG PLACE,’’ (in Campbell county, Ga..) are situat ed on th* main Campbeliton road, i!£ mile* from Pal metto. Farm No. 1, 125 acres, partly fenced, small improvements, 12 acres fine bottom land. Farm No. 2,162 >4 acre#, well improved, framo dwelling, carriage bouse, barn, stables, smoke-house, fee., and five acre* exoellsnt bearing orchard. Farm No. 3, 202M acres, "unbered.—- section of iff court, to Terms: Half cash; balance in ‘ tanners, * y for the same. : Half cash; balance in 90 dare. Capitalists, and speculators generally, wUl do wall to at- i sate, as those lands are valuable for perma- OELI. fo HAMMOCK, Real Estate Agents. Office first floor, next door to James’ Bank, nov 21-d3tnov21-27fodcc7 Whitehall street BON TON CANDY SURPRISE BOXES. Something; New and Very Saleable, E ACH uoxp, filled with a new and assorted fla vored candy, and every box will give you A HURPRIIE. Gold and Silver Watches, Watch Chains, Ladles’ and Gents’ Breast Pins, Sleeve Duttons, fltuds, Ear Rings, Charms, *c., fee. THEY RETAIL AT 25 CENTS. MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE MILLER ft SON, 110 MARKET ST., PHIUKLPHIR, PR . And sold by Coafoctiouers and Storekeepers every where. The demand for this new confectionery ia so great that the trade are desired to forward their orders at once. We caution our friends to beware of worthies* imitations, the Bon Ton being the original box, the standard of which ehall always be maintained, nov 21-Ct PREMIUM NICKEL SILVER WARE. FINE TABLE CUTLERY. LAMP GOODS. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, AND OIL, Brought to the City, McBride & Co.’s total aptoador Utot hre always oharaotortaa* tha *B- tarlamnutotaof STONE A MUBBAY, and thay are warrant,d to be tha moat Refined end Attractive ironic Performance! crer offered to the PnMle. LOOK at this SUPERB CATALOGUE: K’llc. EMU.IE HENRIETTA COOKE, The Premier Equeetrienn* of tbe World. The Great JOllV HV.MVY COOKE, The Champion Rider ol the Universe. CHINA •ov 21-c EMPORIUM. o«t l-3m 'IOLDEN BEDDCmGS. o0 “’ , * ka,U1 *’• Dr Rjohac’s Goiaoxx Balsam No. 1 cutm itibbp. SJgSSaSiftSisB Sd^SX rOB w . Ooun Bauat. Ro. 1 omrre Manmrlal ABrettooa. BhomaUam. t» au it. forau, whathar from EryL*** oanrat .lyre lmraadlata reltoflaaU S^Srepre^H. n ^„ u l ZZXZZX't; BToTSToreSSa^ 1 " « LE JEUNE BURTE, Tho Champion Bare-Back Hurdle Rider. M’lle. Jeanette Ellsler, The Daring and Beautiful Tight-Rope Danseuse. THE TALLEEN BROTHERS, The A maxing Gymnast*, from the Hippodrome, Parte, their Ant season la America. MURRAY AND HUTCHINSON, The Peerless AcrobaA. Mifoti EMIIiY OOOKB, The Dashing English Manege Equestrienne. THE. WHttTHItUH The Uneqnaled Postorer* and Equilibrist*. fillffi. OOLUMBUB, The Inimitable Italian Contortionist, (hi* first tneiti In AmeHoa.) ’ MR. DEN. STONE, The Popular Amortoan Clown. re-.-reJ the World. MR. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, the Champion Somer- sanlt Rider. ^MjjWHXUM KENNEDY, the “Merry Monarch’’ of MASTER GEORGE COOKE, the Arti.No Protean Equestrian. HEBB DREXEL, tha HoSara Hcrculre. Mr. H. LOOK WOOD, the Amaaiog Paccratlat. ULLRIG DANZEFF. the Russian Athlete. LUDORFF and &KMTZ, the Electrifying Funembu MR. BURT LEE, tho Champion Leaper and Teal- ENTERED ACCOOfimi TOAOTOFCOwSmtS INTMEYCARliSS DR M.BERNHAiSr re! u si»iffaSEr PENNS YLVaSaT J aKD && CRYSTAL TRADE MARK. >1 GLASS SPECTACLE^ i Supmlor to any other in we-corntreofeTa 11 A CONCAVE CONVEX EUJnk Admirably adapted to the organa of Mg* ly natural to tbe eye, affording ahoretteMtelH ficial help to the human vialon only by MORRIS BERNHARDT, | Spectacle & Optical" 1. They cam be worn with ptrtM«gi for any length of time at one alUfoi, skiI ing otearneas of vision, by candle or uj ofer eg dal light, comfort to the ipedicle-vwprMtaiMi known. 9. How to select Glasses. Ii mpkt profeeaional guidance even whan a pod arOaia *4 fered. Dr. Bernhardt not only baa tha hoi ip that oan be found In the markat, but mnkRtm inee th* eyes, and gives IndiapanaablaaMaaMj proper selection of them. It II rtiiKMM hodtei. Ml t a mo* gnM the action of a bright light, sack i the *now. sunny weather, white paper, u writing or sewing, or vivid colored 1 lenses, by softening tho rays, effect a sensation and give great relict 4. These Sptciaeltisrt NiMtllNl!fJ justed to every case of defective eight wub aadj accuracy, whether arising from ags, vtraia.jirsft or premature decay, by Morrii Bernhard! a»m and exact principle, entirely hia ora, vhickbMBq felted to be correct. (2. After sereral years ef pakiUprMfe adjusting spectacles to patients under every fepffi defective vision, aa well aa eiperiaBoelaacMHi long-established business in hia Optical tentW her# and In Europe, M. Bernhardt «miidte*ll$ dent guarantee of hte ability to aapplj asfo^fid aro beat calculated for the acateteno* at iofftffi tight. 1 0. M. Bernhardt, to aif*aUss I from the bout of pretender* in hia pnfea pride submits for inspection, copbaoffeds ha* received from medical gentlm* Rkt questionable respecUbility sad tafeMIs also, a number of certificate* from tall km men of distinction who htT* uaad hia gw* original# of all which he will b* bapff fe — those who may request iL Tha a**ofnyrf8*| lowing name* or oertifloates haranolo afiM rij on actual possession of tha *a^ a capital offence, puniahable by 81 Testimony Medical gentlemen, Professor# of thafetWfl mic talent tn AUante, Ga, and Ii foi VS0 Atlanta, Ga., 1 have examined carefully, *nd Vfo**fiM collection ot glasses for the rdtef ■ telJW submiUed to me by Prof. Bernhard MPJ In adaptation to the end propped, .ant workmanship, they are rwj serving the patronags of whon nately require thsir use. WalfriUy < H.V.*. *‘U scar in the above M JOHN M.JO JA». F. AL ter. BARRV and REEVJBS. the Gomique Pantomfmists. Th* above Artists will be aided by a complete force of Auxiliary Talent, super-added to Hutchinson’s Acting Dogs, Murray’s Trained Horses, Den. Stone’s Oomio Mules, Atlanta, It affords me pleasure to state that! examined Prof Bernhard t ’• coflrcoa ■ r the eye, and from his explanation ■ P JI whioh he adapt* C— *' 1 —““ satisfied that ha th ot Opttofo and that he in th* adoption of instrument# g forme of imperfeot vision withte *• without an operation. I aaa oenArmed In nay own or** sor’s merit by tha testimony of te* gromteent medical man in vanoaH I moat cheerfully commendUm ** * my opia Ion may havo any Atlaanta, Oa., W# bar* examined Prof. extensiveooUeoUonof gt%mn tx- paired vision, and believe them «• ends for which they are svsr seen; and further Mkn accomplishe<l OpUcten. «.C. 2V0m $5,00 per bot- JAB. I Atlanta, Oa., ffovem^* PieL M. BsrnbartH bss terteteri of Goacave Lens which personal experience I ^ whose natural vtslo* reqmwem^TS^i I to avail thsmeelre* of the f exhibited to me « exhibited to me f ^ clans snd ministers wUl * m ^Lra, a sooally acqosinted. He i* trimmu Inndsrstsiuta hia buaisoa^- ^ cordially comm “ “13 nl.l, I barearen tonctoreita hardl re a. orada., a»J w0ll wbo are In nred of •> d ‘” “ —ta, UB I do IU, In “'"“I’.?: I repwd or. Baretordre. • Pa.tor tta rrre»r“"JS3ll AIM. <ta. Borembor » A SMlSSSU-fra amd nm Ku-Klux Pantomorphs. rare. Mtn*»d *■ (ttreu wID nhiw: in Washington, l ife—*. Movsrabsv fifilfo; Oreenefeeco*, I Employ OOVfolM