Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 24, 1869, Image 4

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L E BEADFIELM OOLUMH ! J W9[® FAMlMIttRAWDHAXL HfiB «¥A JJdtoJ ^0‘’tJ '%*>& faS WATCHES AND j r PlX.v*^ «a4 Nflrtr-PUfed w*n *TBt Broutht t 0 lul li.viu« purdiHMI UlutCT [ ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, ,113 R *d iWHAH .M J CHARLESTON. COLOMBIA, • oiwaAotto, n»Joi«fc, WIJ.MIKUTON, WKr.IWl*, MUHS0.1B, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York. NET CASH tt&fr p££;, iff. to erery Turner, Stock lUIior, lt»rdon»r .off jHOuMcr^r. attkl.tovk *m)t jrwM* mm b. ICMMd la T«lil* t«>or woo £»J« flol ESSrSI^SHK Hundred* la • single loft**. AMfito •« flniduo bettor way* during the fall *u4 Farmers and thsto sons am each Jtiakn'f***B* uioatb. Baud tor ototuUc. Addrre# ZEIOLKE, Me .but vary lit- jg. Tba com* sort of groan- Agtte'*>«*• Thar* have Been to*Wsods o«M by (Mlk^ It wl»o bare triad tba usual rented!mi without cswrr WORTHY CfF ATTENTION. To tor. Tboiuaa A. Harley: North, Month, ol Colburn’* and Sod I ZEICILEB, 3»tli. Baud tor Gaculet. Addreaa ZE JRPY Ac OO.', Philadelphia, Pa., Otncim .Louie, Mo. — - -/»> • WINTER Usually be fully da* Aiifcrtrt oim **w ! Pictorial' Fatnlty BIWe, state.!**!* Peimlnr thaatlc illustrations, on,two rewnsai, aail dtreottMi* lea tba profitable reading gf I’rettiatelc tbaB*rl|>turea, ohionologicol an* genet af all logical tables, tables of measure#, Hooks, weights, coins, etc., a beautilnl fsanlly recard and family album, etc., etc. It la nr—uncsd by aompatent judges u be anv*rkw to all other edl- turns ol the llsly Bible, for the use of lamillos, mini*, tera, stndont* and others. Our agents era haring as era. «14 & BIT Ransom street, Phlladtl. horns tbs CUeesa returned In a worsa ty p< low ible, whan my medical attendant ordered quit I ill large doses—frequently as high as BO grains pt |, and which must have ooet me nearly f 100. I mi led Dr. Hmitb, of LouleviUe, and found he fir< tbrd quinine end arseulo oombined, whlth I refuse lake, preferring to let the disease take Its course. (aMhmost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pri f the heart, imurn or tin ran. legs and ad occasional spitting of blood. Tba slightest .usee iiuKJUKii M«AT*mo, almost svrroca. rhe akin la flabby and a "doughy feel." This picture, bat It U the condition of thousands tan between the ages of fifteen and forty-fly* , brought to the verg# of tba gray# by toner BOOTS '10NKS0TIOM by UiU bn. ar. sort cartel, ml No, 40 Fifth Crow Str»«t,J mUvillo. Kontuoliy THKIATUIOJHeOnUMtkteMli. kuwbMi lUoc ougbly overhauled and refitted. Ample time Is given meals, and at regular hours. INDUCTORS on this line are affable and courts ith equally >mun ml it i THE ERA OFFICE brppy TWO MONTH* NO CHASCE OF C A R 8 UWWJ4*!, |, , West Point, On., and Wilwinirttm, It. public. JltfMl Louisville, Ky., June IS, 1866. Nothin* Hootlonnl, Nothin* ecotarlan ■ THE LITTLlfcORPORAL. Entirely Original and Firit-Claaa. All new snbacrlbera for THE LIYTLB CORPORAL LEDRU0G18T, Atlanta, Georgia. QUICK TIME and 8UIIK COJiNKCTIOSS, THOMAS Gents’ Office U the BOloUilny [Kb,re of f Brawl Tj.ntan.nt Colon.) X W. Smith, CnpUin U. a Aim;, Aid d^Camp- Bnaat Captain J. O. Tallord, l»t Liont.a- ant C. a Army, Aid-dff-Oamp. Daraaruairr tnarr. Brerrt Colonel J. H. Taylor, AaaUUnt Ad jutant General, C. a Army, Aaaiatant Ad jutant General. Brevet Mejor Robert P. Bnghee, Captain U. a Army, Anting Aaeietant Adjutant Gen- uraJL Brevet Lieutenant Colonel E. McJL Hndfcfn, Major U. 8. Army, Acting Asaiatant Iugpec- tor Goner*!. Captain 0. W. HoUeupilim. U. 8. Army, on daty in office of Aeting Assistant Iuspec tor General. Major Henry Ooedfetlow, Jadga Ad voce ie l). 8. Army, Jndge Advocate. Capt. John T. Mackey, U. 8. Army, Assistant to Jndee Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T, J. Hainee, Commissary of Snbaistenee U. B. Army, Chief Oommiaaary. Brevet Colonel A. U. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. 1st Lieutenant Eugene B. Gibba, U. S. Army, on duty in office of Chief Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. 8- Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Miihau, Bur geon U. 8. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Ta/gart, Paymaster U. 8. Army. Chief Paymaster, of fice at Charleston, South Carolina. Major T. 8. Allieou, Paymaster U. 8. Army. 1st Lieutenant William M. Wallace, U. S. Army, Aotinf Signal Officer. for the aesr yaar, wlmaa names aad money are sent in iafore the last of Novamber, will racelva the November Leer eterabitton THE LITTLE 'OORPORAL hie a larger dimlatlon than any ethaia Juvenile Magaxipe in the world, and la better worth the price than any other magaslno pub lished, , Because of fts ltntneuse etrcnlaHon, we are enabled lo furnish It at the low prlo* of ONE DOLLAR a year; 'ingle number 18 oeaU; or free to any one who will try to raise a dab. Deutlful premiums for clubs. Sub scribe NOW. Back numbers sen always he sent. Art- dreps ALFRED L. SEWELL A CO., FabUsbers, Cbctsgo, Bllnols. Atlinli, ItiMitb, hthe utmost snooess, on a servant girl, your TE LE REGULATOR, prepared then at Bradfleld’s ig State, West Point, Oa. She had bean suffering wrdy from suppressed menstruotioa, and this Med ia aoon restored her to health. She is, to-day, Uv- in Atlanta, sound and well. Ladies’ Baggage Checked Through From Ha# Oihl#, Mobile. Moritgamoty, Columbus and Atlanta, to Richmond, Baltimore, Wash ington, Philadelphia, and New York, By Four Different Routes via Augusta, VI. Wtftal.gton; Tte Obfutebte, Chat lotte, end Raleigh; via Columbia, Danville and ££*•. loe. Misses’ and .Morcmrr Bull’s Worm Destroyer, Wide RctSen. She was a bouse servant, and seemed eared up to the time of "freedom." I do not hesitate to Indorse yonr preparation for the purposes for which yon recom mend It. Yonrs truly, JNO. 0. WHITNEB. STATE OF GEORGIA, T#oojr Opunvx. This Is to certify that I have examined the receipt of Dr. Joseph cf tbi= —* v leal man pronotnea It to he ».combi clnea of great merit In the treatment i berlirflMaT 1 M&VKTVH.I.X, 1868 Da. J. RaanwaLD—Dear 81r; 1 have much pleaauii Childrens 3 t iled Scales and To my Uni l have received many testimonials from professional aid medical man. as my > tone mm and various public cations have shown, all of which ate genuine. The following letter from a highly educated and popular -l l-U- 1- 11 I. I. ... il.. mum- HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR 1870. lOIfTAHtWO a Fairy Story for Christmas, Plays, -"Tottor*. i« large pages, Ulnatratsd. .pi of 2-oent stamp for postage.— froCihfleia street, Boston, Maaa. Engine Lath*, Pluirn, Cittm right ItrlllH, Xiidtiiiidi’TNli* all IK-Tcriptiynt, ingtbn and Bay Boots and Congress Balters, BentFREBon ADAM8 A CO., FAKE AS lsOVY JJY AUGUST A AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. Bradfleld, of this oounty, and as a med- of Medt- w.— „ — t of all the diseases of females for which he recommends it. This Decern- WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. ‘OMEN of New York ; or TIIK rNDEH-WORLD OP THE ORKATUTY .—The sins of every class of society exposed. Avoid the Belli oad to ruin. Signals ol danger are up. More money in it for llvo agents than any other bobk. Takes throe presses ail the time to print fast enough. One agent took 118 For Retail, Just Reoeivei C. H. a A. W-F^CE Whitehall BUeet, Atlanta A MO, manufactnre and sell WooAsi ry of every description, and Rah able Engines and Boilers, Patent coli Leather and Rubber Belting, and in In maehlne or railroad repair abops. Office 116 and 128 Clumbers it, In GFXJRQE PUCI JOHN H. CHU Jel& tf CHA8. F. HA12 the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER: TnxAWow, Walker Co., Ga., June 29,18. Da. Joaw Bvu.—Dear Sir: I have recently given yonr “Worm Destroyer** several trials, and find It wfen- PULUUK’t PALi.CE SLISPINfl XjoDIaviluc, April 4, 1866. » Hurley's Sarsaparilla Is what It la represented, and I believe it the most wonderful medicine before the pgblio. Nothing under the heavens oould Induce me to say so without proof of the strongest and surest la saying 1 have wituessad the moa. decided and hap py effects of your Female Regulator iff this neighbor- Mod. WM. H- FINCHEN. MoirnTTiixs, 1 68. Dn. J. htutmei.d— Dear Sir: I have fopedtedly used In my family, yonr Female Regulator, and hare in av- ary ease, taet wMh completeanocess. O. L. DAVIS. K1UIIT TRAINS LEAVING BY THIS ROUTE. ATLANTA .tence to b«v« th. »i.hM-for affect I la dotn, . Ur» ooantry pnettoe, pad b..« itetl, um (or Km. .rticl. of th. kind. In M. to eonten tint 1 know of no remedy reoemmeudadhy th* ablest author* that 1s so certain and speedy in its effects. On the oontrary, they are uncertain in the extreme. My ob ject In writing you is to find out upon what terms 1 oan get the medicine direct from you. If I can get It upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. 1 am aware that the use of each articles is contrary to the teachings and practice of a great majority of the regn lsr line M. D’s, but I see no just cause or good sense in flacardlng a remedy which we know to be efficient simply because we may be Ignorant of its combination, F »r my part, 1 shall make it a rale to nae all and any SUMMER AHKANGKMEXT FMsenaertvfiahhig 1* go Worth bV Sea will find i splendid line of STEAMSHIPS from Charleston, 8. G» to Baltimore. Philadelphia, Boston, and Naw York. MtT I also prfl|*re and have for sale a YEAST POW DER, equal to the best, and for much leas price. jgjy* 1 also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many of the best housekeepers in the city, aud pro nounced by them to be very superior. L. H. BKAOEIEI.D, Dvug([l8t, Atlantu, Gu. Sol. Ap.nt (or Ooo. M. III}’. Sure Cure for Intemperance. marl I sadly THECHikLEfftSM BTKAM8UIP8 offer every ddeeneut to pasaongers, with tables supplied t every luxary tbs NwrtUeru and Chari catou mar can afford, and for Safely, Speed, and Comfort, 8 UMKTIIIM. IS THE STAB FOB EVEBBODV. Star In the West, 1870. An 8-page Unlver- saliat family weekly, giving current accular news.— Edited by Rev. Dr. Williamson aud J. 8. CaulwclL f j 60 pur year bi advance. Premium to new subscri- bern. Send for specimen. Address WILLIAMSON A TO THEINORT^ND EAST, —VTA— Louisville, Memphis, St.'Louis, Cincinnati or Indianapolis. "WMeh la bound to take the place of aOatbwre; in Lr vegetable Pttll (engar coated) and <4 ntoo£ efficacy for Oosiivemwa, Indigestion, DytMtoaBi aches, Nervous Debility, Liver CoapUiat, it" M PiHlattoVwU Thooaanda of Boxes so* sted. d All Druggist in ATLANTA nil thee, ‘ “That Cough will kill you,” "Cold, .nil Hoi!n.eneMi!ld to'ilHtV*’ Try "Castar's" Coach Ii«| "For Croups—Whooping Conghs, ke.. Try ‘•CostarV’ Caagh Raag "Oostar says it is the beet in the v!4« vwfi-ff He says so—ifsTnie -ifaTrue-ifsTnu;*!® Try it-Try It—Try IL” (Jfomisi Pt/tr, 4fi1 All Druggists in ATLANTA sell It ONaiVALLED ON THE COAST. DR. 0. S. PROPHin, Through Ticket* on Bale at Montgomery, West Point, nnrt Atlanti Paasengors by Ibis Route luva Choice at TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES WANTfcD—AGENTS—tWO per month ho soil the uly OKNU1NE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMI LY SEWINO MACHINE. Price only fl«. Great iducementa to agenls. This ie the moat popular Sew- vg Machine of the day—makes the famous "Elastic ock Stitch”—will do any kind of work that can be one on any machine—100,000 sold and the demand distantly increasing. Now la the time to take an gency. Send for circular*, fi,^ - Beware of lnfrin- oks't* Addres- BECOME k CO., Boston, Mass., iitkburgh, Pa, or St. Louis, mo. Gboooia Rjulboao, Augusta, April 9,1889. On and after Sanday, April 11.1869. and until further HEW YORK VIA CHARLESTON STEAMSIIITS. J. A. ROBERT, General Ticket Agent, Georgia Rallro.ul. 8. K. JOHNSON, Hnpcriatendent, Augusta. «. T. A9DKR80W, Agent, AtlanU notice, the Passenger Trains will ran as follows: hat toaiw, (Sundays exoepted.) Leave Augusta 7 .-00 a m. ATLANTA, GEORCIA, Messrs. Jarues Rnddln A Co.— Gentlanien—It givoa mo great ptoaaura to eay, after using all the othor worm remedies known to we. with but partial enocees to my abttdran, Ivraa advlwd to try T. A. Harley'', and stnee wefeg H my childran hara become quite well aud healthy. The children would eat It all the time. IfTs Ohs'*&Tthe beat, aifeat rAmadfee known, bin, Baltimore and Waslkington. rs holding tickets by this route to New bis or Baltimore, can visit Washington Arrive at Arrive at At la atlll manufacturing all of bis celebrated THE POPULAR PASSENGER ROUTE “ C 0 STAR’S Standard Preparat ARK HI8 BE AUTIFIEI THK BUCKTHORN 8AL1 UnTAR kFANOLKD BANNER. waves, hotter than ever. Rioh, Rare Lodger slzo, 40 columns. Wit, Humor. ] bogs exposed. Elegaut S3 steel plats "i gratln U every subscHber. Duly 7o cents year—etetl r'ate FREE. Specimens 6 « dress BANNER. Hinsdale, N. H. Arrive at Augusta.. Arrive at Atlanta.. FAMILY MEDICINES* Louisville, Jane 13, 1868. FARE 8AMK AS VIA KNOXVILLE OR AUGUSTA. HURLEY’S TUB CKI.EBRATRD STEWART COOK STOVE ! Oil uud after August 15, 1H09, TBAIH3 LKAVK ATLANTA CONSIATINQ OF HIrt nilLADEM’lllA, WASHINGTON, Tlio Hoist in tlio World O-tror 10,000 in TTao Will donter* werh with the same amnnn of fuel than any othea* Stove ever uaadc, FULLER, WARREN Be CO., EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS, TROY, H. Y. t gy Degcriptive pamphlet sent free. STOMACH DIITEKS, Daily at 8.15 n.m. anil 7.25 p. After arrival of all Southern trains and make < ooonoclions to above named aitlea. “Coatar’a” Hat, Roach, Ac., Kiuralsi “Coetmr’s” Bed Bag Extormlaalim "Caetar’s” (only pore) IoseetPewdw. Address "Costa*,” No. 10, Crosby Or Johr F. Hnr*T (Huoces^to) - Demit Barnes AOo.,!lP»dUv.fil g9*For 8ale by J. A. TAYLOR, L and other Druggists in ATLANTA, #* RKDWINE A FOX, agents, Atltth. fla b»-« fiW- Check baggage to Louisville, and it will be cheeked to destination on trains of LouistllU i Nashville Railroad before arrival at Louisville. D« Ulitiy, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, li digestion, or I>j apepsla. Want of action of the Liver nrDInnlertd Htontac Trains. No change of cars on night Passenger il Trains between Augusta and West Point t 8. K. JOHNSON. VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. A ClaoS Heatoulfor the Captain'i Faitli. BEAD THE CAPTAIN’S LITTER AND THE LLT1EN PROM HI8 MOTHEB. Dnrroit Biuicr’a Mo., April ::0, i««. Dm. Jom Bull-Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency •f four Sarsaparilla and the bealing and beneficial qwaliUae it posseMfo. I fond yon the follkwtng atote- ment of my ease: I was wounded two year* ago—was token prisoner, and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so of ten, my wounds bare not healed yet. l i ne not sit up a morat nt aince I was wonndad. I am shot through the hips My general health is impaired, aud I need aoaaeibUig to assist nature. I have more faith in yonr Sarsaparilla (ban in anything else. I wish thst that is genuine. Please express me half a dozen bottle*, and oblige. Capt 0. P. JOHNSON, -6 81. Louis, Mo. P. The following was wrlttea April 30. 1866, by Mra. Jennie Jehnsop, mother of Captain JohnMi: Dm. Bru.-Dear Sir j My hualleari, Dr. (X S.Tjchn- son, was a skillful surgeon and phyaiclan in Central New York, where h* died leaving the above 0. P. John son to my care. At thirteen years of age, be had a chronic diarrhoea and aorofnla, for which I gave him yonr Sarsaparilla. It cumkd rim. I have for too years recommended U to many in New Tart, Ohio and Iowa, for Scrofula, fever sores, and general debility. Perfect success has at- I adod Ik The cures effect ad in some case s of ■orofola and fever tores were almost miraculous. I am vary anxious for m> son to again have recourse to yonr Sarsaparilla. H* to fearful of getting a 'purloin article, 7 ho t are no billers that can in removing these ilinti i|— Rm o or con be had at any drug store k • ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample Time for Mealt at Good Hotelg. A8K FOR TICKETS VIA AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the AMERI CAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Marina ever invented. Price 136. Will knit 3,000 stitches per minute. Address AMERICAN KNIT TING MACHINE OO., Boston, Maas.,or 8t Louis, Mo. ToJas. Ruddle k Co., Louisville, X*.: (tomtit iOtiu. uuuoir s tu., lxnue Thts to to cerlfly that I have be and tried all the tonics I have h Used, with little or no relief fr heard Hurley TIME TABLE, AUGUST IBlU, 180V. NORTH: . 7 26 ? M .2 80am .11 16 AM . 7 38 PM . 900AM . 646PM .8 80PM . 600 a M GENERAL TICKET QFPICE, ATLANTA. B. W. W REN If, Ganaral Ticket Affank K. B. WlBKKM, Master Transportation. H. Hl'LBEHf, 8upt. W. H. K. H sep 26-3 in MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. WINNERS OF THE PARIS EXPOSITION MEDAL WHO HAVE UNIFORMLY BEEN awarded highest honors, AT INDUSTRIAL KXHIBITIOWS IN THIS COUNTRY, So that their work la the aeknovrlcdf 041 stan dard of excellence in its department, resweotfnlly announce that, with extended and perfect facilities, and With the exehialve nae of recant improvements, they are now producing yet more perfect organs than ever boftore, in great variuty as toatyie and price, adapted tp all public and private osea, for Draw- Laavw AUauta. _ Bitters highly a bottle, with little faith In it bed to my snrpris* and Joy, before of, and tried a commenced, and bed one bottle. Arrive at Mifledgeville 8:88 Arrive at Eatooton 11 .-00 Connecting with train that leaves Augusta at 8: SOUTH. FEOHTEll & MERCER, Arrive at Augusta. 6:88 p. ra. Connecting with train that leaves Augusta at 8:U a. m. or wioirr r*Ais. Leave Savannah 7:90 p. m. Arrive at Macon 8:66 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 8:18 a hi. Connecting with train that leaves Augusta at 9:83 p. m DOW* SIGHT TSAIS. Leave Maooa 6:96 p. m. Arrive at Sarasnoh 5.16 a m. Arrive at Angoata 8:18 a m. Leave Miiledgerille 4:30 p. m. Leave Eatontoa 2:40 p. m. Oonaectftiig with trains that leave Augusts at W:» p. m. A. M. Train* from Savannah and Augusta, and 1>. M. Trains from Macon, connect with MilledgevUle Train at Gordon dally, Sundays excepted. P. M. Train from Savannah connect* with through Mail Train on Sooth Carolina n. B., and P. M. Trail) from Savannah sad Augusta with Trains on Souat- waatern and Mnaaagae Railroads. IHfgnedJ WILLIAM ROGERS, If Aa hgrt-tofprc, gud will atlflid io all buaipesa in his lino that conics to his office. Will prescribe lor pstienuvton coitsolUd, and e<- amino any that como to his office at uuy time, (Sun- days excepted.) Will tieat secict diseases of all kinde. Special atten tion given to NOTICE TO MOTHERS. Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hours 16 Minutes- SEND IN YOUR ORDERS NO COMPETITION NOW—JW. Settled. nor 7-lin :dk„seabrook’s FEM A LE DIHKA NENi.J fiUQr* Ths GREAT MAIL beluseen Atlanta and Jfew Vork is carried erdnsitelg by this Lint. Cl TATE OF GEORGIA—DAWSON OOUNTY—Where- O aa, Thomas Kalaud, admlnlntrator of the estate of Hiram Crape, deceased, represents to th* Court In hit S Ution, duly filed sad entered on raeotd, that ha las Uy administered Hiram Crane’s estato; this la, tl>#re- fora, to dto all persona concerned to show cause, If any they can, why said adm’nUtratur aheuld act be discharged from hi* adminiatration, and racelva lr tiers of dismission on the first Monday In December, 1889. This August the 3d, 1869. DANIEL FOWLER, aagl7-ra6m prafeef Ordinary. Slfffpliijf CffarhoH on ill M*ht Tinlna. i eflr*M cement of the age. Pleasant to It* aotiou, officiant and rohable in all And Dealer in 3 MANUFACTURER Hunter street, three do ATLANTA sap Ifi-dui Through Tickets GOOD UNTIL USED, AND Baggage Checked Through TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. B .VI. WHICH If, General Ticket Agent. 1C. H. WALKER, Master Transportation E. IltTLBBllT, 8upt. W. k A. R. R. aep 36-3IU Fronipt'Attention.Given to all Orders. In thn following diseases: Rcstlvensss, Tacthlgg, Ac. Givot beallli to tlie child and rut to the mM/t. MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD.I Applicfition fn* Dismission. /GEORGIA, HARALSON COUNTY.-Where*a, VX Grave* Evra, administrator of th* estate of Uy- nam Hall, represents to the Court, In his petilion duly (Had and entered on record, that be has folly adminis tered the Hall aetata This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin •tred and creditors, to show cause, it any they can Why arid administrator should not b* discharged from hisadminhtratlon, and reoeive letters of dlaroinfon on the IratMuadsy ia January, 1970. This Ootobe 4th, 1869. A. D. WOODS, out 12—milmprafeett M ' * Ordinary. Naswillb, T*NM., F«b. it, IttfM. Ja*. Kuddlo A Go.. Louisvilte, Ky.—^lu n living iu your city I used several bottles of Dr. Hcahrook’a In- lent Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good audit would rest bettor after ualng it than any other remady I ever tried. I can say with confidence, it to I lie lost msdkaie for children at prossnt known. I 1 raptiitVttflilTcr McAieine* S ONTXNUKS to traataUg" all forma gonorrbraa aly eradicated. Tb«tP»^ suiting from rous debility, irrltablMV* •ions, and nice, the bd*l of remedies at once \tiiklS in moat cares can beware , ness. Medicines embrace- officj^rsrepjfoj^, lias the advantage of almost nuy other preparation of medicine that art# upoa th* Uver. It to In the form of a Fluid Extract—ready for vm at all times, day ar night* and can be oarrted 6o any locally in America, wfliter or summer, a* it will neither eonr or fnoxe at any temperature that a human being can occupy wltli safety. . il nut too strong for children, or too weak for the t rohnat. There la no trouble abonttakiag it, only to nurtor GREAT BARGAINS Wish you would get tbs di ny diiu does, please let me by express, and lere. Write me when you Applicfitifi.i for fdtterfi of Aduilnlstrat^en. /YROBGIA, DAWSON COUNTY -To all whom it may VI coacean.—A. J. Kalley having filed bta petition in proper form to me, prajtog for lsttirr of admlulstra lion, wltb the will anprxyd, on the estate of Jobnsou This M to.rite aU legally Interested in iho execution of this appUoetiuu, creditors, legatee*, and tba next 11 kin, to be ahd appear at the next December Term of the Court of Ordinary of aa*d county, and show cause, If any they nae. why letters of administration, with thewdii annased, should not be granted lo aald A. J. Given uutter mr hand and official oignsture, this ths 1 sFlay of NoromW, 1888. DANIEL FOWLER, mu* K*,..VSS.M.. I)H. >SE.\BIIOOK’8 iliiOUT Spectacles, Doctor or Medicine, post-paid. '»n recolut of 10 cents. Addro Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisayo. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. ASTRAL OIL -1.0 i KANOS or LAlfPB ll!.»»utef oa-snkff, A'ffWU(.^*hr BtVnS 15^ £2i P^ApJTd on receipt WlOnenU fiddMas Dr. V, R. FOOTE, No. l» Lexington Atfi, New York. aud drink it whenever you may want It. It has gained a very high reputation in every locality H has had a fair aud honorable cliancc to prove itself, at any point of Atlanti IIIF. MAGIC COMB will change any cota hair or beard to permanent Black or Brown. ( mb tent by mail for 8 L For sale bf Mlrehants i Aptflicatien for DtufiiMteu. G UOnoiA. TOWN* OOUNTY. -Wharaas, B. H.Rilor. administrator of Laacofovd Oantral. rapr—sstis to ths Oonrt, in ktwpntiticw fiwtw fited and antsrad on raeesd- thathehaafoUff ilmielatirafi LagcefonlCae This to, Iberafore, to GU aU prewons esaearwri. km- dred and cwdltora, to show eause, if any they can. Why arid administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and fWsiw totters of dlamisalon. rAULOlt, HKO-KtMIH. Itdaon Rivet Wire Works, 76 WIHfa» and It baa boan used in every State south of Mali and ta alike applicable to disorder* of th* Liver and Digestive lowers DININ G-RO OM SETS. Tames Ruddle & Oo., l’ROrRIETOIW, ADMINISTRATOR’S SAUL at all places yet tried. Traveling parties, North and South, carry it, and find the happy affects of It la a climates. Tba above named madiotne# prepared only * - >. I IA harms' tkre Any Home in the South. 1 Si fund . -AY«M> ff.MlM.nt el lxuiiKvllle, Ky, *U ui. .bo,« good, fur Ml. b, BKUV pi It * VOX ATT.ANTH * tfA* r»- . . w »■« «*»»■♦