Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 27, 1869, Image 4

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DOUBT 1? Ar,u htJii AfUlK lilHlTU lliedie8 - Woman’s Best Friend. W « >«h«h WATCHES AND j E * ®II<Vah uti Mllvrr-l’lited W«r,, Boat Broucht to ana i.«bg »«rciu»«i liuho, ^ im&m SYRUP, Hurie; FREE TO BOOK<ACENT«. We Will Mud » handsomeprospectus of onr BBW liLVaTKATKl) VAH1LY 11IBLK to to; mjU Meat, ix— el charge. Address NATIONAL Pu£ [SUING CO , Philadelphia, Pa., AtlioU, Qa., or Ml. AUGUSTA ATLANTA anil »«im tb. land, /tertA- Mattel la «M m tat tar Ite AM «n* 0* Uu cot- ’vffA.Wttt. tteute. tabor will do ooathl'd toot. XTiTwl^rute Jtent GT ^ht»« kJl oar gooSrwe Will gladly aoevot inquiries or fill JJI? JJdJKdlrcct. or giro yo« Urn name of the near- ct «leab-r BAKIWKLI, net cash IV® arc Ahl®, WIIIIm, T® mU m ow u any person, oltbur In utmu, v i Norlli, Hon tit, | A CtKNTI WABTBIKPer How te Malt® A. IU« Karin Pay—A ear®, asfo end practical Guide to er®ry Farmer. Stock HaUer, Uardcuer and Fruit Cnltarlet »; thle book yearly profit* may be doubted, land lucreased 1q value, poor Oreo made rteb. ami honest labor rewarded. NnjelUh and Germs*.— Everybody boy a It. COO hundred sold in a low tow®, ships. Hundreds In a alngle township. Agents can flndno better work daring the Fall and WUttr- Parmere and their aone can eaeb Biaka IIW per month Bend for circular. Addrea* ZEIOLKR. U* CURDY * OO., Philadelphia, Pa., Otnotnuatl, Oblo, or p of the WO* Fiber* he no ear. Tbare >nt wry Ut- WILMINUTON, WELDON, RICHMOND, b or without whites, palpitation® of lb® heart, pal- , exhaustion, indigestion, weariness, languor, aob* [across tbaloins, loaa of appetite, pain In bftiweaat, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York ROSADALIS iWhbWfrite Hoo»1n YlJkfom*. Mias., and WBad aeverai popular medicines with but temporary relief. On reaching borne the dieease returned in a woraa type, if poe**bfo, when my medical attendant ordered quin ine in large doeee—frsqueutly aa high, as NO grain* pat day, aud which muatbava ooet me nearly $110. I uon-. suited Dr. Smith, of Louisville, and found be pre- acribed quiuiueaad araeuio combined, wbitb I radioed to take, prefarrtug to let the diaaaaa taka Ita Mm.- 1 wi aimoMt bloodfewf, extrem^v axbayt«d. «pd pro- memory, diminishing aanaiUSty, bios btomauk, dya pepaia. no rallab for rood, loaa of flesh, lncraaaad But taring of tha heart, swkluim or van nun, leg® and body, and occasional apltting of blood. The aflghtesi effort causae uuaxirn bbbatbimo, almost sarroex- tiok. The skin la flabby and a "doughy feel." This la a aad picture, but it la tha oondltlon of thousands of woman between the ages of Aftaonaml forty-* w who are brought to tha verge of thfj|ttAy ** nor TDK JGRXAT (ONNECflloNH by thle line are must certain and Our only rHer*^ T1VEN7Y~0N£i In tbo Jwelry Business in nu^. , BLOOD PURIFIER TOE EATING HOUSES« Ouree Scrofula in all Ha various foima, such Old Establishment of ft THE SKA Ofe'STCK ■ n ni BUCK MOIUUMU OM ALU1MA HUIT Oonsumptlon In its oarlir ivaly used for upwards NO CHANCE OF CARS BrrwBKN Went Point, (in., tad Wilmington, N. ['. 8YPHILIS IN ALL ITS F0RM& Repairing Watch octSC—d2m 1,41 Nottalns Sootlonol, Nothlnc Meot»rlau. THE LITTLEJCORPORAL. Entirely Original and First-Glass. AH new subscribers for THE LITTLE COBPOBAL for the new year, whose names and money are sent in before the last of November, will receive the November and December Nos. of J86H FREE. THE LITTLE COBPOBAL has a larger circulation than any other Juvenile Magazine In the world, and la better worth the price than any other magazine pub lished, Because of Its Immense circulation, we are enabled to furnish it at the low price of ONE DOLLAB a year; alngle number IS cents; or free to any one who will try to raise aclnb. lieutiful premiums for olnba. Sub scribe NOW. Back numbers can always be sent. Ad- QUICK TIME and SURE CONNECTIONS, THOMAS of the South. Office at the {Clothing |JUore of Liver Loaa af Appetite, Stela Headache, ( outplaint, Pain In the Back, la l.ifr (IraTfi. PamugerE cau purchase THROUGH TICKETS and Ouiarsl bte hmltfc. teff.ll Item of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, It I* a perfect renovator. Baggage Checked Through From New Orlocns, Mobile. Montgomery, Columbus, and Atlanta, to ltichinoad, Baltimore, Wash ington, Philadelphia, and Naw York, By Fonr Different Routes via Augusta, Via Kingsville, and Wilmington; via Columbia, Char lotte, and BaJeigh;vja Columbia, Eauvllle and Richmond] via Atlanta, Augusta. Wilmington aud Bay Line. WITH IODIDE OF PPTASM. jotaot (facer*!. Bull’s Worm Jiestroybr U I I wTJf U 11 kUnufiu-hirer* of Affections of the Bones, Habitual Costlv ness, Debllltyr, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepela, Kryelnells, Female Ir- regularlttee, Flaenla, nil Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofa- Brevet Lieutenant Colonel E. McK. Hudson, Major U. 8. Army, Acting Assistant Inspec tor General. Oaptain C. W. Hotsenpillei. U. 8. Army, on doty in office of Aoting Assistant Inspeo- To my United Seale* and World Wide Readers. 1 ha«a received many testimonials from professions! and medical mao. aa my almanacs and various public cations bavs ah own, all of whkh^m^^r^^i^.^The ent knows exactly what ha speaks of, and hia testimo ny deserves to be written in letters of gold. Hear what the Doctor saya of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER: Villa wow, Walker Co., Qa., June 39, If. Da. J«>n* Boll Dear Bir: I have reofrutly given your "Worm peatroyer" aeverai trials, and won derfully efficacious. f * r ’ n * IUUS to * ><•»!« In stance to have the fnity Urge oouten some article of the Engine Ltihs, IManers, Bult !> right Brills, MiirliinUta’Taaktf all Ihwriptleni. STATE OF OEOBGIA, Tnoor Coowtt. This k t® oerilfy that I have egamiasd toe receipt of Dr. Joseph Bradfleld, of this oounty, and as a med ical man pronounce It to be a combination of Medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases of females for which he reoommends it This Decem ber 31, IMS. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. Movmttjllk, 1908 FAKE AS L.OVV BY AUGUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. 8. Army, Judge Advocate. It is not a aectet Quack Remedy. The articles which it la made are published around each bottle. 'OMEN of New York; or to Jndgo Advoct*. Brevet Brigadier Geetjral T. J. Heine®, Commfiteary Of Spbaietesce V. 8. Anaj, Chief Commieaary. Brevet Colonel A. H. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. H Army, Chief Quartermaster. lit Lieutenant Eugene’B. Gibbs, C. 8. Army, on duty in office of Chief Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloau, Surgeon PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING OARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS LEAVING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. Recommended by the Medical Faieullj and many thousands of onr best ritlm-nx. ILouwtm April 4, lWO. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is what it is represented, and I believo it the moat wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing under the heavens could induce me to say so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on the subject. My daughter has been afflicted with akin disease and stiffuess of the Joints for several years. I em* ployed the principal physicians of the city aad they could not core her. i gavo her your sareapariila not expecting it would do much good, but to my great as tonishment she rapidly got well, and thank God con tinues so. Had she been taking any medicine I would not give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employ* d, leaves no doubt ol its medi cal qualities, and that it alone cured her. (Signed,) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any per-nn requiring the ti-nth and honesty of the statepnei. .vil! flLd mi at my residence, corner Ninth and Walnut streets, Louisville. Da. J. BaxDVnei.D—Dear Sir: I have much pleasure In saying I have witnessed the most decided and hap py affects of your Jamal* Regulator in this neighbor nood. WM. H. FINCHi£IS. Mountvu.i.e, l 68. Da. J. B*ADri«.LD—Dear Sir: I have repeatedly used In my family, your Female Regulator, and have in ev ery aaae, met with complete success. G. L. DAVIS-. fV I also prepare and have for sale a YEAST POW DER, equal to the beet, and for much leas price. tar 1 also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many of the bast housekeepers in the city, and pro nounced by them to be t — ‘—— — — h machine or railroad repair ahopi. ™ Office 1*26 and VW Chambers at. Be* l«t 3 GEORGE PUCK, hogM. JOHN H. CHKEVi* So Jol9-tt CHA8. F. UAKUWia.fec'j at failed in a aieglc in r effect. 1 am doing a and have daily i*e for _ _m free to confeaa that I .o remedy recommended by the ablest authors certain and speedy in its effocts. On the they mo aooertaia in the extreme. My ob- , rrftiag yott is to And out upon what terms I" can get the modlctne direct from you. If I can get It upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. I am aware that the uae of such articles Is contrary! to the tasnhlnrr anl practice of a great majority of thp regu Ur line M. D’e, but I aee no Just cause or good tense In tifcardlng a remedy which we know to be efficient simply because we may be ignorant of its combination, F ir my part, I shall make It a rule to nse all slid any means to alevlatc suffering humanity which I may be able to command—not hesitating because sofee one more ingenious than myself may have learned 1 its ef frets flr«', aud secured the sole right to secure that knowle '^e. However, 1 am by no means an advocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrums that flood the counry, that purport to r it*, afl man ner of disease to wnich human fleah is heir. Please reply soon, aud iuforiu me of yonr beat t irms. I am, air, moat reapectfnlly, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. orders tn 10 days. 740 pages, 46 illustra tions. Price, $3 50. Ageali want ed . Address N. Y. BOOK CO.. 145 Nsmiu street, N. Y. 4 W For testimonials of remarkable cures, •< «• "Bo sadalis Almanac" for this j ear. * Prepared only by Dra. Clements, Rivas k Co., Man nfacturiug Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence k Co. Baltimore, Md For salo by Druggists everywhere. Passengers wishing to go North by 8ea will And splendid lino of BTKAM8HIP8 from Charleatou, 8. C to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. UtTUSITBR’K GUIDK.”—The REAL "origi- 11 nal." 23,000 sold. TeUs how to hunt, trap, and CATCH ALL animals from mink to bear. $10 Unnlng secrets. 64 pages, well bonnd.— Every boy needs It. IT WILL PAY. Money refunded if not ratisfied. Only 26 cents, post-paid. Ad dress HUNTER k CO., Publishers, Hinsdale, N. H. Not ‘Brandrsth’s—not Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Tb’RA; Paymaster U. 8- Army. Chief Paymastef, < floe at Charleston, Sooth Carolina. Major T. 8. Allison, Paymaster U. 8. Army. let LiMHwteife Will:.* U. Wallace, TT. Army, Acting R'.nal Officer. THBOUMIU&CON STUMUHlPa offer every lie ducement to passengers, with tables supplied witt every luxury the Northern and Charleston iusrkoti can afford, and for daftly, Spent, and Coni/arl, ARE UNRTVAIT.RD ON THE COAST « very superior. L. H. RRAUKIKLI), Druggiiit, Atlanta, Gin. Sol. Aftet lor Oh. M. H.j', Sure Cure for Intemperance. marl4-eodlj SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. "Which la bound to take the place of iUv&m; ly vegetable Pitll (sugar coated) ud d trine efficacy for Costivencea, Indlgeetko, hrmpk, aches, Nervous Debility, Liver CoapmaCm* {VtdirtlJmulh Positively the best PHI a the World Thousands of Boxes bpv INL All Druggist In ATLANTA Mil ihsu, “That Cough will kill yon,’’ . ’T 1 Try ‘‘Coatar's** Csaf h Ms "Colds and Hoarseness lead to dsath, ,r W Try "testa r’s" Uul fla "For CroiipK—UTtoiopln* Coasha, kt," Try ••Costards” < seghBa "Costar says It is the best in Ife *ik He says so—H’aTru*-lt'sTroe-it , '!Tnu;*l Try it -Try it—Try it” PtfeJ All Druggists in ATLANTA Nil U, , HAIIiROADS. TO THEINORTHBAND EAST, Through Tickets on Rale at Montgomery, West Point, and Altai WANTED-AGENTS-$260 per month to sell the only GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMI LY SEWING MACHINE. Price only $18. Groat inducements to agent*. Thia ia the moat popular Sew ing Machine of the day—makes the famoua "Elastic Lock Stitch”—will do any kind of work that can be done on any machine—100,000 sold and the demand couatantly increasing. Now is the time to take an agency. Send for circulars. 8STBeware of infrin- gers.~fct Addrea HECOMB & CO., Boston, Maas., Pittsburgh, Pa., or 84. Louie, Mo. Louisville, Memphis, St. Louis, Cinoinnati or Indianapolis. KKW TORE VI* CHARLESTON BTHAMSHITS. J. A. ROBERT, General Ttckct Agent, Georgia Railroad. H. K. JOIIIHSON, Superintendent, Auuusta. O. T. ANbKKSOV Agent, Atlanta sep 11-drn ATLANTA, CEORCIA, Passengers by this Route have Choice of TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES Messrs. James Buddlo k Oo.—Gentlemen—It fives me great pleasure to aay, after uMcg all the other worm remedies known to we. with but partial success tomy children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley’s, J&d SurVuS tha". It fe <meot the best, safest remedies kuown, and as such, recommend it to one and all. JA8. W. TBAVT8. Loulsvillo, June 13, 18418. Arrive at At Is still manufacturing all of bis celebrated POPULAR PASSENGER ROUTE “ C 0 STAR’S Standard Prepare! ARK HIS B E A U TIFIEI THE BUCKTHORN SAL! »»mTAK 8PANOLEU BANi>iBit,"—It still O waves, better than ever. IU.-b, Bare, and Racy. Ledger size, 40 columi*a. Wit, Humor, Fun, Hum bugs exposed. Elegant $3 steel plat® "Evangeline" gratia t > every subscriber. Only 76 cents for a whole year—steel plate FRKE. Specimens 6 cents. Ad dress BANNER, Hinsdale, N. B. Armtsl k‘lii'jft FAMILY MEDICINES’ Plailntlelpbia, Baltimore and WasliinKluvi- Passengers holding tickets by this route to New YorlhPhiladeTphia or Baltimore, can visit Washington BETWEEN Leave Augusta.. Leave Berxelia.. HURLEY’S Arrive at Auguata. STEWART COOK STOVE ! ;CONSISTING OF HIS PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, FARE SAME AS VIA KNOXVILLE OR AUGU8TA. STOMACH LITTERS, The Host in tlie World Over 10,000 la TTme! Will (lo uaorc work with the same aniouin of fnrl than any other Stove bile aad Maw Qrleaas unat leave Amasta on night Pinasngsk Train, to tnaha close connections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville and 8t. Louis can take either train and make close connections. Thr«U* SB em* W* Baggage akseked tteough to the aMVe places. Pullman’s Palace Sleeping Cars on all night Pasaen- gST Trains. No change of cart on night Paasenger and Mall Trains between Auguata and Ws*t Paint * | H. K. JGIINION. Assistant Superintendent. Ou and after Augutt 15, 1GG9, TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA Daily at 8.15 and 7.25 After arrival of all Southern trains and make close connections to above named cities. "Costar’s” (only pure) faseel Pewo*r. ^ "Oostas,” N® 10, Or Jon* F. Hknhi (Suocs^orto 1 .4 Demis Barnes k Co.,B PlitW*.*. «• \ gta^For 8ale by J. A. TAYLOE.L i. ■*** ted cite, Dru«ltel. ATLANW(8|i RED WIN F. k FOX. agents, Athats, fla . j b30-c Auodine Pain Kill Vt^ Debility, Loagof Appetite, Wsakaws. Ia- (llgeslIon, or Dyspepsia, Waatof action of the Liver or Disordered Stomach- BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. FULLER, WARREN* CO EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS, TROY, N. Y., A»'l>i s( rii>liv«> pamphlet sent free. VIRGINIA & TENNESSE: RAILWAYS, Vi ere are no< In removing tb or can be had a A (atkoil Keason|for (lit* ( aptaii Faith. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell tho AMERI CAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Marine ever Invented. Price $25. Will knit 2,000 stitches per minute. Add roes AMERICAN KNIT TING MACHINE CO., Boston, Maas.,or 8t Louis, Mo. READ THE CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND THE LETTER FBOM HIS MOTHER. CHAXOE OF CAM BXTWKKS BAVANWAR, ATOUWTA ANI) WONTGOMWnX, ALA. v Omci or Mast** of TRANarowTAnow, 1 Qmcru* KA|baoAa.#AVgagAa^«ig. U» 18^ >; / Oa and OTtar NhnJay. 18Bi inat, VsaiAger Tra: n the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows: Bkwton Sassage's, Mo., April 30,1886. t a- JogN Dtix-telfear Sift Kg owing the efficiency oryour Sarsaparilla and the healing and beaefleiai qualities it possesses, I send yon the following state ment of my case: I baa wounded tbo years ago—was taken prisoner, and confined for sixteen months. Being moved ao of ten, my wounda have not healed yet. I have not alt up something to aaeiet nature. I have more faith ip yonr Sarsaparilla than in anything else. I wish that that is genuine. Hesse express me half a dozen botUoa, and oblige, Capt O. P. JOHNBON, MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample Time for Metis at Good Hotels. ASK FOB TICKET8 VIA To Jas. KuddUACo.. Louisville, Ej.i Gentlemen This is to certny that I bare been for years a sufferer and tried all thstrnleaX have heard of or seen adrer Used, with little or no v$Hef from any of them I heard Hurley’s BitOlbllghlF spoken of, and triad a bottle, with little faith in It before I commenced, and to my surprise and Joy, before I finished one bottle, 1 lel| a great deal belter aad firmly behave that on® or two ocoaslor.a it was the means of saving and prolong ing ray Hie. I conscientiously recommended them to TIM K TAIILK, AUGUST 15111, 1SGV. NORTH: Leave Atlanta 7 36 r M Dytmitry Cordial, female Topic Leave Dalton. b Arrive at Macon. Leave Knoxville... Leave Bristol Leave Lygufohurg... Leave Alexggriria.,. Leave WsahMgton.. Arrive at New York. THE PARIS EXPOSITION MEDAL, WHO HAVE UNIFORMLY BEEN AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS, AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS IN THIS COUNTRY, So that their work la tho acknowledged stan dard of excellence in its department, respectfully announce that, with extended aad perfect fecilltu s, and with the exclusive use of rocent impr<mmenta, they are now producing yet more perfectorgans t nan ever before, In great variety m to style 4$ul price, adapted to all public and private uses, for Draw ing Rooms, Libraries, Musio Hocus, Concert Halls, Lodges, Churches. Schools, Ac., in plain and elegant cast s, ill of which thoy are enabled by their uuequaled facilities for nainutactare is sell at pikes of Inferior work. The recent Improvements in these organa have so increased their usefulness and popularity that they are unquestionably the moat desirable instruments ob tainable for family use, as well as Churches, Schools, kc., while the prices at which they can be afforded ( $68 to $1,00» each), adapt thorn to lbs meant and re- qirtrtmente of all clas«ca. They are equally adapted to secular and mcred music, are elegant as furniture, oc cupy little apace, are not liable to get out of order, (aot requiring tuning ones, where epUnaforfe fas tuned twenty times), are very durable, and more easy to foam to play upon than tb® pianoforte. The M. A H. Organ Oo., are now aellfog FOUR OC TAVE ORGANS for $50 each; FIVE OCTAVE OR- OAN8 FIVE STOPS, with two sets of VIBRATORS for $1*15, and other ot> las at proportionate rates. For testimony to the superiority of their organa, the Mason A Hamlin Organ Co. respectfully refer to the mnaioal profeaaiop generally; a majority of the moat f iromineut musicane in the country, with many of em- uehca ia Vurope, having given public testimony that the Mason A Hamlin Organs txeel all others. A clrcufer containing this testimony in full will be sent free to anv oa® dealring it, also a descriptive cir cular, containing full particulars respecting these ln- Arrtve at Fatonton II :00 .Connecting with train that leave* Augusta at 8m down tut YUaiV. ' Leave Macon 7:00 Arrive at Savannah j6 :k) GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, ATLANTA. B. W. WHEN N, General Ticket Agent K. U. WA1.KKK, Master Transportation. «. HULBERT, Supt. iy. A A. R. R. sep 26-3m will benefit others. Yours truly, eto. job; Louisville, Ky., December 10, 1888. SOUTH. that'feKdV Leave New York.. 8 48 pm Leave Alexandria 7 8 4 M Leave Lynchburg 4 41 . m Lear# Bristol 6 87 am Leave Knoxville 114pm Leave Dafoen 800 pm Arrive a* Atlanta 316 a m Time Between Manta sad New York 58 Hours 15 MintiW The UliEAT MAIL between Atlanta ami New York ie oarried exclusively by this Line. Da. Btnx—Dear Mr: My husband, Dr. 0. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon and physician in OeutraJ New York, where ho died leaving the above 0. P. John* son to my care. At thirteen years of age, he had a chronic diarrheas and scrofula, for which I gave him yotr HarsapaoMa. IT cubed , him. I have for ten years recommended it to many In New York, Ohio and Iowa, for ecrofula, fever aores *nrt general debility. Perfect success has at- I nded it. The oures effected ix tome case a of scrofula and fever aorea were aimo*t miraculous. I am very anxious for my son to again have recourse fo your flgrtfparlttx. Ho 1$ fftarfal rtf getting a sptirforik article, baade hia writing fo '«■ *■ l,i - — *— rlble, mu I believe I Respectfully, Leave Savannah.. Arrive at Macon .. Arrive at Augusta. NOTICE IX) MOTHERS. R AS heretofore, and will attend te all.buainpas In Ills ie that comes to hia office. Will prescribe for patients when consulted, and ex amine any that oome to his office at any time, (Sun days excepted.) Will treat secret diseases of all kinds. Ppcclal atten- tion gives to r»mi ;ni Know i" ii «" •• ■■ -r«aosw - it never r.ul.Uiyee II. .Uinumllion. ■ iiJ,nFeorUllcatoseflM»3*£Si»» r .l.iumi cmn]il linl*, lrli in'ij nrijtl>i'ffi>.><l, mill •Jff.i.S d ■•.iiil iIimo* neftlier m ei! llwv III.IV te token wnh .11 roallne |in'yr'«iltee"*n, < ii iilemenk te t*ki, tee in. linriu cm trip «rra» ‘X ltofS Tliey eueutn by «“V fi!3Si«SS bitormil vliwere to iiitolu*alchva :lio» —reotore f #f -g abxnauh, bgwpfo. | iv f r » “?C aet j ci |Ml body, restoring U«oIr Injfj* JSt»s* hr .•, wberev^ menu as are Ui<* for ffl noil Anil itetoiei(U iu nto Jzs^sss&SSsh , fur lly.r »•<■<■/ " r *5 j. DR. SEABROOK'S JENNIE JOHNSON. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS NO COMPETITION NOW-IW» Settled. Slopping: Cnnrlios ou *11 Nlfht Tniliis. kUso iu the fit tors oafefoiEA BROOK'S, a combination site up with the advaaoeotootof theage. Pleasant to ike, ll *^J^J^t^sctk)m^e^lcntandjr«Hable in ai) Rummer Couipfoiut. ^IrragulariUga of the bowels, Gives health to the child and rttl lo Ike moMer. Prompt AttMrtion.GiTen to all Orders (toon UNTIL C8ED, AND Baggage Cheeked Through TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS, n. XV. WliKNN, General Ticket Agent. K. K. WAl.KKK, Master Trun«p.»rUtlon K. I1CI.BMRT, 8upt. W. A A. R. R. MACON 6c WESTERN 11 ,Y ' railroad.i Jaa. Ituddie A Co., IxjnlaviUe, Ky.—When living In your city I used several bottles of Dr. Beabrook’a In fant Mouthing Syrup, and found fo to do my MOM more good and It would rest batter after uetnff it than any other remedy I aver tried. I can say wfok ®*afelgneoy It ia the beat medium* for abvldran at preaent kaowu. I wish yon would get the druggh ta hag® to k<*¥ it. M any one does, pioaaa lat me know; it not send roe oa* dozen by etpreas, and I will pay for It at the office here. Writ* rae when yon tend it, and oblige MRS. BARAli L. RANDOLPH. 1Propbttl'*yiit\er llrAtcliir' itruBieuta. with oorroct drawings of i 1 different styles Has the advantage of almost any 6ther proparation ef medtclae that acta upon th® liver. It fo in th® form af a Fluid Extract— ready for nae at all Uuu*, day or night, and oan bo carried to any locality in America, wlute* or summer, as It will neither sour or tries* at any temperature that a human being can occupy with aafetV. y knot too strong for children, or too weak for tho moat robust. There Is no tronblo about taking it, only and lowest, GREAT BARGAINS dress THE MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN 00.. 608 Broadway, N. Y.; 164 Treason! bt, Beaton. DR. SEABROOK’S Bill’S CE9RDI BiTTERS W ITHOUT Bp«ctod«a, Doctor or Mediums. pool-paid, on receipt of 10 cants. Addrc K. R. FOOTE, (author of Uedloal Common Scni 120 Laxington Ave., corner East 38th at., AY Elixir of Pyrophosphate af Iron and Oalisaya. .PlteTJ 'jASIHAL OIL CILkMia OF AtJTUKWTIC DOCITMRNT1B. WAY with uncomfortable TltUAftBS. ( OMTOBT find OlTBE fur ttu RUPTURED. Sent t paid on receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. JK B. and d(lnk It whenever you may want it. It has gained a very high reputation in every locality it has had a fair aad honorable chance to prove itself, at any point . Tjj /•*. AMO* sorted Ix>ulsvilla purchasing Drugs, and I got some *WflS4NMNSL » a in the et No On This elegant coml!nation possasasa aU tha tomio properties of Peruvia i Bark and Iron, without the dls- agn-obl* taete and bad effects of ailher, separately or In other preparuAlona, of these valuable medicines. It should W -ken in all oases wheu a gentle toolc In* raisfiiSto, viz larttles peculiar to females. No female should be wlthl eut It, If liable to aitch disoaaea, for nothing can waL I H| WOULD respectlully Inform the citizen* of Ailanta and the public generally, that I have Just rcO*tve< the largest and moat elegant stock of FOBNlTURl etcr before effnrad in the South, connlsting of mHKMAUIC COIMM wiU change any cofeiwd JL balr or beard to parmanaut Black or Brown. One tfcoib amt by mall for $1. For sale by Merchants and Drttgyyauwrally. Address Magic Comb (hmpany, A. EROENZINGER PARLOR, BED-ROOM And Dealer in ITumiturm and per month paid to si“T!W Liver and Digestive Powers at all plaoea yet triad. DINING-ROOM SETS. Jrimes Ruddle Huntsr street, three doors from Whitehall, LANTA GEORGIA. srtalutpg to the Furniture Trad*; FBonrrarroite, A DMIfttSTAATWOS SALK. Assignee's Sale. IITIIXte»M tetor. tte Ooeri 8—«^ffooe. Ila W to»« o< Swm, W«]too oeoetr, -lttila Ite k®! rare nr Bale, ft* Ou first Tuesday in December next, The PvanefC, Beet audChoai Traveling parties, North and 1 the happy effects of it iu a ■feed medicines prepared only Lower than Any House in the Sontlh I have always on haml a vary floe assortment of PARLOR MIRRORS! O. S. PROPHITT, Louisville, Ky,