Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 30, 1869, Image 3

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SEW ERA. dbkinoTnov. so. into. ■ J, CO.-WllolM»l« B«*'- > Boots Hus the Dswxamc loMtss a*ra k »l».y. "(wo «Mm ■ dk- •» 433fflIH£ L iniporUut change 13 jSssAttfi s Xr»»#liug public U ioUr- [—SuoiUj .nil jtmImiUjt »«• L oool enough to rank* Area [dre.pi of rain la filming the we expect moiat weather a hate put temtel * oooke epoii t an to the hate got Ueaan. Ball A Alexun. t about the tret of Daeem. > at Thomnetou, IT peon ■tiaatioa of a weekly paper ' ■ Dirralcr Coun poa TH. « or asoaou. Hoeoiuata .iiwa. Tb. united Staler meet in thie city on the aoth day. Of December, ao notice amt govern them [- Hymenialiau ie the orih it ragee inuoh longer there hgh young jieople left in the anomie next anriag. A grewl J been married, a great many flnpia, autl the halauce of the , negotiating alliauoca. -While Stone A llorray'a i paeaing the corner of llroad proots yeeterday. a negro boy, go of the absence of tho pro- into Jrnuon'a har-roour and ncmejr drawer, and broth." Ho?«v*r .or Demooratlo oandidatea are hating kta of ran all to thamaelvaa. They wantod a Uveljpolltloal tinge J — *- **- prreent municipal campaign. 1 the family way. and It k imporalble to taUjwt saw what will ha the Wo naver !W«* aaw the Demooratio cat-o’-niua^alla kid ao heerily on Demooratio back*. lnere w » mutiny no ebip-board. A dreadful amount of whippfng-U aeama to ho naoaaaary. hut the expcnmant kiln. The more whipping Ihere k tho wider grow* the breach. The whole thing remind* o* of l *° engiuea tying to ran upon the aniu* track wlong aide of each other. The thing he done well i but netimea, there U loie of fan in trying, bo >re is in thiroaso, and we are waiting patiently to aee which will atiok to the rail until the end of tho race They make a goodly amount of clatter, and (bore is Home apprehensione of a collision. We hopo no such a oatastrophe will occur. Both engines are clever machines. We wouW hate to *«*« either smashed, flowew, wa suppose they are gettiug in train for the next Presidential campaign and ore getting their hands in by a little targebaheoUug by equadn. They Aud none of the enemy to shoot at, ao they make targets of each other. It is good sport, but poor game. Skirmishing on one’s own plan tation; destroys one's own crop awfully and ruins the fence* mightily. It's oouragtouH, bat shows miserably poor judgment. eutsof thf king his «Hcapo. l.-~Tbe Watchmaker A Jeweler i new monthly, publication of jeeo commenced by Messrs. E. \ Nassau street, New York. Ah , it is devoted to the inter- „j and jeweler*, and promi- industrial class with a vul- f oommunicstiou and informa- Altercation occurred on yester- _ ougb, Clayton county, be k Waldropo and a negro, iu nm kilted. Mr. Waldrop*, , was Hdtng along the road t negro man. A difficulty cause, and the negro en- k with a knife, when Wal- l with a pistol. Wo give from a oouduator I Railroad. IVe are paiued to learn that n unseen lands” has en r friends Mr. and Mrs. C * thenco a little jewel, “n I,” in the person of their in- e Annie, ller funeral will noon. 1’Uo procession will i Forsyth street noar _hurch, nnd proceed to St irhero the funeral services which the little sleeper c the city cemetery to rest WMa r and Trust Courier. — Miles G. Dobbins is hed iu its new . on Alabama street, r v.ex OmoL It > moat comfortable and pk offices in city, ; with all appliance |lt of a large banking tits are very hand* eted and lurnished T counters in tho city. , at having such an for' a very near Got Hi* Foot Mashkd. — Alteu Augier, sou of Dr. N. L. Angler, State Treasurer, got bis foot badly crushed Saturday evening. He waa crooning tho railroad track between two cars when his foot got caught between tho ‘bumpers.” He was lucky to escape with so slight un injury. Hook amp Laddeil—-We regret that we were utterly unable to attend Hook and Ladder's anniversary on Saturday night, especially, since we have been assurod that a most de lightful evening was spent by all present. Toe Varieties.—M’lle Henrietta, the chum- >ion jig and song-and-dauce lady, has arri ved u the city, and will appear at the Varied ok Theater on Thursday evening. Prof. Billy Emerson, the noted violinist, will appear nt the same time. CITY HITMattT. £Five Hundred barrels of flour, in barrels, tacks and half sacks, Tennessee, Kentucky and Georgia, six different grades. Ton thous and fresh Florida Swoet Oranges; must nml will bo sold cheap, to dose consignment. S. R. McCamy & Ron, Commission Morohftnts, nov30-2t No. 20, Alabama 8t. -W-W-p. Cod. G. W. Adair’s Salks To-day. —At tbo corner of Fair and Terry streets at four •’clock, ouo house and lot and one vacant lot. Will Close. —Dr. M. Bernhardt, the cele brated Optician, will positively oloso his office the Uuitod States Hotel Saturday, Decern- ‘Now is tho accepted time.” Give Doctor Bernhardt a call beforo it is too late. FRICAIDS OF J. E. WILLIAMS, RALLY! 1 Let over, „ mn ,j G hi* duty at tho ballot-box to-morrow (Wta nea <jay) and success is Office of National Watch Oo. ,) 16DA101. Lam8t*rbt, Chicago, Oot HI. Jktfl Messrs. Lamshe <fc i/jpnc#, AtUvda, CM.: Your Idler ot October 8tb, to Mr. P. 8. Birtlett, General Traveling Agent of this Com- pauy, -whereiu yon mention tliateertahi Mate* mtula have been made In your oity, detrimeif tol to the eharaoter of the Elgin Watches, for Finish and Durability, has bees referred to me, and I djpir* to note briefly to reply as follows; First, as regards'Ike flnieh of our movements. Upon this polni your own dpinlon, trtlh the published testimonials of the most praetioel and experienced watch-makers in the coqoUy, and tho midalt and diplomas that beve beeu awarded to them for ** per feet oouetruotien and yin* finish ” at einU Afferent Stats Fblrs, within the post two years, should be ooaelu- •ive to your oustomera. Beoond, as regards Durability. The only possible criUoism upon this point is “that the watches have been but e short timo iu market, and although without doubt they could not have gained the repnta- tiou they hav*, without being more than ordi> narity correct time keepers, and of handsome appearanoe, it eonuot bo known whether they will last" In reply to this, I have to hay: First—That the watebos sold by u« two and a half yours ago are in as good condition to-day, where they have had proper usage, as upon the day of their pnrehuse. Second—That the use ot maohinery in the oonstruolion ot our move ments, and that of a superior biud, enables us to use a harder metal for pinions and wheel* than cau bs found iu other watches not constructed in{a similar manner, and se cures less friotion in the watch train by the greater exactness and uniformity of machine hand Tabor, and we know, and every mechanic knows, that watches made upon our American principle are superior to, and will outlast twice over all others. GREAT BARGAIN IN, A KLAHYATlOft. U-JLLffiJjB . w. r. CHISOLM. JACK A GO., r ^sE^: For puXIoulM., .pply property Is Or. eitjr of K •ide WbilahaU • ‘ O. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. mnaiet aucum X wffitakeplaoe On Tbnndi,, id December, at 10 O’cleck. T 0 Y S BEHOLD ! WE COHE !! ft 11 11 f A O t • r a of HERE THEY ARE. m«rleu Kot »od chopp.1 Clothe. Usm, Flo trie 1'oU, Bio. Ur 100,000 Strawberry Plants. Call and got what 70a want MARK W. JOHNSON, Dealar in Ouano, 8eeda, Ac., Uroad aUweL oet -cM jj 15-ly A.1STD Third -To «eUle this point definitely, you. Kweilin F ‘ e authorized to say to your customers that koate, barn, itablea, amoka-honae, Ac., and f »your if any watch bearing our trade mark shall, with proper usage, within ten years from date of purchase, wear out, so as to become useless to the owner, we will give movement of the same grade therefor. Hoping this will meet all objections and enable you to add to the large sales you have already made of Elgin Watches, 1 am yours truly, T. M. Avert, Prcst. National Watch Co. oct24-eodGw Mrs. POWERS’ LANDS AT AUCTION. 0. 0. HAMMOCK, Auctioneer. W ILL irtU at the Oity 11.11, AtluU, at 11 o’clock, on ft ret Tueeday. the 7th day of December, 18*9, tho mein Campbell metto. Farm No. 1, l'JO acres, partly fenced, .mail Ham Ho. carriage l five a section of My Fall and Winter Stock, selected by my self is now complete, and I invite all my lady friend* and others to call and iuspeot my goods. They will find the Iatost styles at unusually low pricoe. Mrs. Frank, Decatur street, Opposite City Park. nov7-3m A Murray's justly f exhibitions boro yester- evening beforo over- The large pava- nmed with spec- I one of the finest The riding, tiling were all of The stock Was was newly and everything was | exhibition brilliant male and female - best we ever saw in dogs were also an i exhibition. We r r an unnsual feature of a was exceedingly good, 'wo more exhibitions to- 1 go to delight the peo- I of the State. il.— Mr. Thompson, an en- ntleman, is now in the city, ist of the Cotton Factory, Fof which is contemplated by Wo hepo to see this fsucceed, for it will bo of f especially to the working j other enterprise that we can Hi give steady and profitable women, boys and girls, kip to the entire city, adding to p well as to itageneral revenue. i of Mr. Markham's splendid Nested in such a factory, the rely estimate the good that will rom. It will be but a con- fforts to build up Atlanta and prosperity and wealth, and be css commensurate with his Whatever he con- owth of the city is solid and to its wealth, and gives it or lance abroad. ! Opksa Troupe, whose success [has been discussed, propose Ithern tour during the ooming [the auspices of Mr. Jno. T ^olliday Street Theater, ltalti npauy itself is eomposed of the trial. Miss Susan Galton is ious for elaborate comment, a genius and voioo of the Pyne tgs with extreme oare and An- lob, pretty, pleasing, and at id acta as if inspired. Her Hlton, is very much like Miss -the same figure, and the e, except that Mrs. Galton’s |jht. Her sister, Mrs. Whiffln, ; a most conscientious singer Onghbred actress. As to Mr. > almost afraid to say what is His voioe is not strong, but t, admirably disciplined, and Mr. Kelleher, the other tenor is very pleasing, a highly Ian, and sustains Miss Galton worthy manner. Mr. Clark, noble voice, deep and fnll ns a t excellent company will visit tbs month of February, aud ly rest assured that the wido ith manager and company will Incd. ‘office. The work of fitting »for the PoHtofflc* In the Kirn- mse, goes ahead rapidly, and sd, will be entirely comnicnsu- tins the Messrs. Kimball have for TWing up. It in well known HI the removal of tho Postofficc. wever, not because wo had any wrenco for the present situation, IVT™ i» too far re- fmJinW | 0 Il P *°P la from ’’h 0 ' 11 ► mainly .lerivM it, .apport, Bat J ll "» th« office *# ,h ?. 0 Pf n ‘ Boute, wo have iord of objMUon to odor, wd k i r *? O,0<i ' ** * re KmUfied to □ nanoaomo and convenient ar Itreboingmadofor it. reception. Hi t “° “'’J 1 ' offio8 ' in boxoa and P bo over three time, tbo old ono. -e twclM hundred, and, po-mblr, idrod look boxen, bo,Ide, » |,nu- *\uf4nw,n. There win i„ „ Mivery window for Iodic „d grn . a aoparato Win,Iowa, aim, tot th. [mono, Olerk,. On tho tiaht ol a Ureot entrance a B r»t, pri v»l,- k«rfl7£Tn ,or ,V** l’M»mA.tcr.- ( bo d.liv«od Into tho Pootoffice AiSSt? 1 ' ^h ■ , wi “ U ? *”• to » oor Arranged to V"* *»■ Into tho office «on. The entire programme is os il? V* ^1? i"’*'*®” “woUeato Iff*' from tho general dr- omco will bo raftdj by th* Ant of tain. it Notice to the Judoes of Uoo D Putter.— Tom Nnnan, opposite the Nnliou,) Flotel, is willing to test his Tennessee Butter against the choice of tho city. uov28-?.». Fellow-Citizens : As I have heretofore an nounced to you. I am a candidate for Mayor. I expect to remain a candidate nntil the mat ter is settled at the ballot-box. When I first became a candidate, I determined to snbmit my name nt the ballot-box, to tho people, and hence I have kept clear of tho various nomi nating meetings that have been held. I have been no party to this strife. The people do the votiDg, aud it is their right to select from tho community at large without being oonfiued by meetings or conventions to ono or two namos. I have served you as Mayor threo years when peculiar difficulties surrounded us I endeavored to do my doty. If honored with your votes it will bo my pjirposo to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and efficient ly. James E. Williams. nov-28 3t pm- JEWELRY Jus reoeived fifty sets of the most beautiful jewelry I have ever had iu this market—all new styles—to be sold at short profit nov23-tf Geo. Sharp, Jr. BR BEAUTIFUL.—If yon «le«lre l>e*u<y you should use Hageu’a Magnolia Balm. It give* a soft, refined, satin-Uke texture to the com plexion, removes roughneea, redneaa, blotches, nun- burn, tan, Ac., and adds a tinge of poarly bloom to the plalneat features. It briugo the bloom of yonth to the fading cheek and changes tho rustio oouutry girl into fashiouablo city belle. In the uso of the Magnolia Balm Ilea the true secret of beauty. No lady need complain of her complexion who will Invest 75 oents in this delightful article. 160 ^ One Hundred and Fifty Watches of all grades, from Eight Dollars up to Three Hun dred, just received at Sharp's Livo Jewelry Store. Geo. Sharp, Jr. nov23-tf LOCH RANK A CLARK, Attorney a.—Of- jo on Broad street, over Echols' Seed 8tore. Practice anywhere in the State, United States Supreme Court, and Superior Courts. )y 35-dly The Largest and cheapest lot of furs ever offered in Atlanta, has just been received by John M. Holbrook, Whitehall street. nov23-tf pm- WEDDING PRESENTS -m* The largest stock over exhibited in this city. Over two hundred presents—no two alike— jnet received DIRECT from tho faotory, and will be sold less than New York prices. Gome early and get a selection. nov23-tf Geo. Shaep, Jb. Maoazines, Music, Law Books, Blank Books, ktg., bound or re-bonnd by Hanlei- novl4-tf. Elgin Watcher, Eloin, III.—I have been selling this make of watch for tho last four- tocn months. Bo far they have given elegant satisfaction as a Railroad Watch. I will sell them from Ibis dato at the follow ing prices, with the Aiu* guarantee that any ono clso will give: 1st. Name B. W. Raymond, full jew eled, Expansion Balance $50 00 2d. Name Culvor, full juwcled, Steel Balance 30 00 3d. Name H. Z. Culver, full jeweled, Expansion Balance 35 00 4th. Name J. T. Ryerson, seven jewels Steel Balance 15 00 5th. Name G. M. Whoelor, eleven jew els, Expansion Balance 22 50 flth. Name Mat Laflen, seven jewels. Expansion Balance, 20 00 18 Kt. Gold Hanling Cases, elegantly engraved, from $80 to 100 00 10 Kl Gold Hunting Canes, elegantly engraved, from $50 to 85 00 14 Kt. Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly engraved, from $4$ to 70 00 10 Kt. Gold Hunting Oases, elegantly migrated, from i.ii $38 to 60 00 Stirling Silver Hunting Oases, from $8 to 16 00 Those are (Ue manufacturer'a price*. I will •«dl any n( the above named Watohec at them* prices. George Sharps, Jr. nov7-d30 Lite Jewelry Store, Atlanta. Vasrti. by Misa Evans, one or one hundred copies for sale by PJiillipaX. Crew. nov251w. Bttdhouiee for Hftnleiter's Atlanta Directory now, and have your name in bold ttpb. no? 14-if. Funs.—A large assortment of Lady’s and Misses Fats at prices to snit every one, i nov7-3m Mns. Franks’. Memoranda Cases, with name, $1 00. A kinds Haling and Binding. Wm. R. Hanlkitkb, oct 28-tf Granite Blook, Broad Street. vily t fbrms are ■ltuated in a delightful Georgia—excellent neighborhood-good schools and churches, healthy, and adapted to the cultl ration of fruits, cereals, and cotton. The owner has purchased property In Atlanta, and these farms must absolutely be sold, under order of court, to pay for the same. Torma: Half oaah; balance In 90 days. Capitalists, tanners, and speculators generally, will do well to at tend this sale, m these lands are valuable for perma- * ir speculative investments. BELL A HAMMOCK, Beal Estate Agents. Office fiat floor, next door to Jamea' Bank, 21 -d3tnovftl-27Adec7 Whitehall street. Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CERTS PER POURD. CORN Kit OF ALABAMA AND VVH1TBH ALL STREETS, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. VARIETIES THEATER, (Decatur St., near corner Peachtree.) OPEN EVERY NIGHT. Adml—lon OO Ota. JOHN KEELY, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DEY GOODS. , which ha* bean purchased sinoe the reoestt decline, r on hand, a well selected stock, Call aud see those beautiful Scotch Plaids and Arabs, at Mrs. Frank’s. nov7-3m SPECIAL NOTICES. Faacral.<-Tke friends and acquain 1 tances of Mrs. A. M. Lla and Charles B. Lin, are re spectfully invited to attond the funeral of the former at her reaidenco, on Decatur street at 3 r. u. to-day. nov SO-lt Tlae Hair Coloring Preparations Doom. ed.—Beware of bottled dyes In tho shape of sUver hair dyca and sediment fluid*. They are all pestiferous and dangerous. Phalon's Vitalia or Salvation for the a perfectly pure, transpaient, harmless and agreeable ^reparation. Is tho only sgent that will change grey Dm. to its natural color without risk or any disgusting eo.- AQUencei . nov 30-eod3t Uturgla Slate Lottery, for tR c Benefit ot the Orphans* Home and Free School. Combination Class, No. 670. The following were the drawn num bers November 29, 1869: 65— 21—43 —34 —63 —20 — 76—78 -9—27-28-49 >v 30-dlt HOWARD A OO., Managers DR. HUNTED „ , stricture, Ac.,1 pletely eradicated. That numerous class of eaa J Iting from self-abuse, producing unman’.ineea, ner- standing constitutional complaint* a to caU for consultation, which oosts nouiing. japen ance, the beat of teachers, has snabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, permanent, aud which ‘ most cases can be used without hindrance to busi es. Medicines prepared in tho establishment, a hich embraces office, reception aud waitiug rooms, also, boarding and aleoping apartments for patients requir- . .... , r , ona j attention, and vapor and chemical oonoentraling the famed mineral springs. ng from lndiscre- exposure, may apply and be tonally or by mail. Office, No. 183 Third Street,* be tween Green and Walnut, near the Poatoffice, Ixrals ville, Ky. Office hours I A. M. ,to 7 p if.; Bunds; We Lire In Three Climates.—In this country, we have, at different seasons of the year, the temperature of three climates. Our springs and Au tumns have a softness and mildness that belong only the temperate Zonos; our Mid-summers are torrid, d our Mid-winters almost arctic In their frigidity.— These changes, Involving a variation of from ninety e hundred degrees of Fahrenheit during the year, are upon the whole conducive to health and long life, but they tend to entail upon na some distressing complaints which can only be escaped by the exercise of due oare and the ose of proper antidote when the system Is pre-dlspoeed to contract them. The ohlcf and most annoying of these disorders is dyspepsia, supposed to be incurable, but which, since the introduction of H08TETTER*8 STOMACH BITTERS, now about twenty years sgo, has proved to be a per fectly manageable disease. In the Spring and Fall, but more especially in the Fall, tho symptoms of dyspepsia aro generally aggra vated. The profuse expenditure of the animal fluids under the burning sun of summer, is apt to leave the stomach weak and indolent and lnoompetent to the task of perfect digestion. It requires a tonic which ^^^ouse it from its lethargy and brace and invigor ate without irritating or Inflaming It. Thta tonic has been provtdod in the wonderful vegetable preparation which has replaced, la a greet measure, ail the old palliatives formerly prescribed by physiol ana, under the false Ideethei the disorder could not be radically cured. The—eases of BOSTBfTBR-fl BITTERS In all tho vailrtfee of dyspepsia, acute or chronic, has ef fectually exploded this fallacy, end It la now recoin- mendod as a specific for Indigestion by some of the moat eminent members of the medical profession, nov 23-1 w MASONl(\—Atlanta Lodge, No. 09, meet* i every Second end Fourth Thursday night In each mouth. Fulton Lodge, No. 216, meets every First sad Third Thursday night in each month. ML Zion Royal Arch OhepUr, No. 16, meets eve flocoud Monday in tacli month. W. M. TULLER, H P. jtx'jro ujvcejrEjrTs. We are aatharlsed U aaaowaee Dr. D. O. O'Keefe as e candidate for Oouncil from the First Ward. MART CITIZENS, not 27-41 . WtanadtkeriMd a ad requested to at nouaoe the mama of J. ML Williams as a candidate fcr U..o«M rflfcpft M (ft. KumUt aMlon-MUMi to tk. ,«U0U ot Hi, voU. rt Ik. MM box. KT NAUGHT, ORMOND ft CO IUFOBTEB8 OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IRON AND STEEL. DEALERS IK Guns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes, Chains, Ao. Also sgenta for the sale of Drinlj’g Universal Ploujrlu, Fairbanks’ standard Scales, Dn Font’s Klfle and Blastln* Powder, Old Do- , million Nails, E8PECTFULLY call the attention of the country trade, and the public generally, to their large and varied stock, embracing, in addition to the above, a complete assortment of Builders’ Hardware, Me chanics’ Tool*, Anvila, Vices, Bellows, Horae and Mule Shoes, Cotton and Wool Card*. Circular and Mill Saws, Leather and Rubber Belting, Nova Scotia Grind stones, Hollow Ware, Boggy, Carriage and Wagon material of aU kinds, such as Hickory Spokes, Felloes and Shafts, Elm and Locust Hubs, Poles, Beats, Spring Bars, UUptio and Bide Bpriugs, Iron Axles, Clips, Bolts, Patent and Enameled Leather, Enameled Cloths, Oil Carpet, Ao., Ac., Ac. All of which they offer at the lowest market rates, and In quantities to suit purchasers, at tlicir old stand, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. >ct 24—dSm Sundays 1 iji-dhr PREMIUM NICKEL SILVER WARE. FINE TABLE CUTLERY. LAMP GOODS. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, AND OIL, Brought to the Oity, McBride & Co.’s CHINA nov 2i-« EMPORIUM. oct l-3m AnJ SCHOOL NOTICE N English, Classical and Mathematical School will ' opowed, by the undersigned, on the first of _ , In the basement of the Presbyterian Church, on Marietta street Terms: |S if per month, payable In advance. French taught tf deetred. U M0CANDLK88. Parents wishing to send to this school, are reeuee d to leave their names at this offloe, or at the Allan L (atiunal Bank, with Mr, Romare, on or before the 1 I WM. WOOD UNDEBTAXnS AMD UPHOLSTERS, | SS5S»5aSg351 l— fumUMd. «H klnft. r< Ku aftM. AH mUn will b. p^wnptl, nlli. nL AND WILL BE OFFERED EXCEEDINGLY LOW. Black and Brown (Engllsk) Waterproof Clotha. AU Colors In Ladies’ Clotha (all wool.) Every Color In “Hilbert’s” Opera Flannel.. 10-4 Blankets, Beanlifnl tyullty, (exceedingly rheap.) Lancaster and Haraelllea QnlUs. a OHOIOE LOT OF Diapers. Table Linens, D’Oylies, Etc., Etc. Irish Linens, Towele, Napkins, A large lot of Dress Goods, 50 cents a yard—worth 90. Balmoral Skirts $1 25 to $1 50, Excellent Quality, Checked and Figured Flannels, in Great Variety, A Well-Assorted Stock of Cassimeres, Etc. IN 8IIURT, everything required to constitute s complete, and well-assorted stock, »i» inspeotfom of which i letUy desired. JOHN ILBBIjY, or 14—3m „ Corner Whitehall and Hmnter Itreets. Hat Backs, Washstands, Etc., Plain and Marble Top. The Largest Lot of Chairs thet was ever In the city st one lime, ell of which we offer>t Wholesale Factory Prices 111 Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. ATLANTA SECAR MANUFACTORY ! rpHK SUBSCRIBER most respectfully informs the ottUens of Atlanta, and surrounding oouutry, that he will, FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, Sell out hie satire stock at a reduced prioe, by .the WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, 200,000 Negara, price $22 00 to #80 00 per Thousand, Tobacco Pamwkc Rolls, Bright Navj, Stonewall Twlat, W. Brown’a Bright Ponnd, 150 doien Plpca, from $1 per hundred to $4 a piece. Call aoon, or you will lose e bargain. AU oaah orders promptly attended to by JOHN FICKEN. st 28-d2m No. 11 Peachtree Street, opposite National Hotel. IPLEASE READ THE NAMES ATTACHED TO THIS TESTIMONIAL. ATLANTA. GAj September let, 1800. recommend them te all who daaire to yurohaaa a first class article: OMR. A. H. COLQUITT, Vloe Preddaot SooUuru Ufa Ia«uraaea Comtanv MtJ. J. B. MORGAN. Special Ageot flUna lnanraooe Coapaiiy. 1 W. T. PHILLIPS. Phlilipe ft Crew. CAPT. J. MORRISON. MeNaaght. Or moot A Oo. J. O. BRUOKRKR, AtUate. Ga. MRS. R. S. OVERBY. At'aata, Ga. OOL. R. P. MADDOX. Tobacco Marehaat, Allan!». Ga. J. M. BORN. JR., Coal Merchant, Atlanta. Oo. JOHN H. FI.YNN, HUfte R. K. Shop, Atlanta Gm. NELSON J. DOOLITTLR, Oondoetor State R. It. JOHN A. DOANE, Atlanta, Oa. tt. J. DAWSON, Atlanta, Go. REV. JULIUS T. CURTISS. Atlanta, Ga. J. H. GOLDSMITH. Atlanta InteDigenoar. "tweptef \hf? U ,0 AU ‘ aU for "?* WfcUm,lU *k>ve Worke, M an 1 keap oon-antlg oa a ooa COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, which wx am, wholbuu aas uaTxit. AT PAOTOBY i> B;I O E M,! aw «Im> tall MMk il,Hn.«. FmMUa, nw.| HUESTIS & HOPE. Markham's Empire Hook 'Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ga. I i THE LIVE DRUG STORE Still on the trad with renewed tpeed, and the 1 argent stock of good* ever beforeamred REDWINE & FOX ■apply of warn LlAD^of aU gradaaSOar stock] of QALL speelel oUentlou te theft ] FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Is Unequal©d in the South. iaazjB sapaRTKawT, «wl uk ui .zamlnxlion of onr it<Mk tMftm parehMiaa llnvbw REDWINE fie FOX, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. T.A. CHASTAIN. CHASTAIN & FOX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS, ’NO. 4, GRANITE BLOOK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. W\ competition, conaictlng of Parlor, Bedroom, and OAoa Furniture i , whioh we otter at prloeaOtLal {defy Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oasei, Wardrobes, Mow la yonr time ( • here. Dealer*' Lad lea especially i r cheap and good bar gain a. We are determined to aell gooda lower than xamlne our stock before going North, oa they will save *' *~ o cell and examine this atock. Don’t forget the plaoe. M. O. MARKHAM. BOOTS AND SHOES SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINC8, *C., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA- GEORGIA. COUNTRY MEROHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my itook, as it is mxjmoTaix) with anmAT oahi Lad parebantd exalutvelj (hr CASH, From the Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. M. O. MARKHAM. I. L. FALK & CO. CLOTHING.! CLOTHING!! NEW STORE I NEW GOODS I NEW SYSTEM I fflHI aaderstgmed taka greet pieoenre in informing UoeelUaene of Atlanta, and eurronndlng oooatry, that they . l have opened in the large and commodious itora, formerly oeeapted by J. H. White ft Oo., next door to Meador ft Bros., Whitehall etewet, where we Intend to keep permanently one of the largest steoks of READY-MADE CLOTHING, ir continued connection for the pest thirty years with the menafeeture of olothlng, especially adapted for tea temtherft mark*, and the many modules end advantage* we enjoy in New York etty. where, exoteaively, we manufacture our good*, we ore enabled to offer yoa our entire efook, whioh oornprime ail klade mpeiior goo*a at very lew arleea. W* shall have baft ONE FRIOH and will eel oar goods for CASH ONLY. This will laaare fair dealing to alL Ptaasa call and examine oar gooda before purchasing alas where. rrny Rt., N. Y., Iter* In ■nvnaaak, 9n.,Ne, 146 Up ■•roes It., nnd nllng and ,IW mag «r* tow PETRO OIL JOHN KEROSENE OIL. T. HAGAN DAVID HURffl IB. IB.NOW PRIPARRD.TO OFFER TO TBI TBADI AMY QUANTITY OF TU CELEBRATED PETRO OIL (and tee beet quality of J. i- JOSM* *«teCotted” NON-EXPL08IVE KER08ENE OIL. I DEFT OOMmmoHra EUCPOIUMMrarara,ii. MiM of|Mlnn' I •fra kray ■ ,ool rtoefe id Lamp*, Burners, Obimneys, Wioks, Shades, in foot everythinglpertaininp to w I m. .id.... wra. I. <U> «tj tot Or. DanFl Vrato 1 MraVmMMinMCrato.iliftrtili.rara. •r ..j HiMft ra lira imp Um, brauM .hmim mm rkM)7.ranCkft,M* <ra-ac m mum.