Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 03, 1869, Image 2

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FUIDAY UOKKIMQ. X>%0- s. Tit PILOT w«0 OU) Md>WnJ.OMP» KB Bair of RTiti oiFZLt ==SB STATE NEWS. Tension hu Urn ptajin* 1“ * t *^* - **" Tho on* Uw lyiUin <w« *• firtJIIi!!?! lUilmd tutobo oonttnood Ull An* Th. S***nu*b *.«.*■«?at"JSS n orrlrel thWO Of » CM *° lb* orrirel litre* from Bto d* Jwieuo. w * aft Lr^^v^o. fcvon. iMistognWJJT^jy* quantityof sES&SSS^gBgg To »bodt thro* tbouooiid dollom. *• wbif. two IhouMUtl doll«* worth of cotton Mongiog to other prettre w«« eonrumed. RCW« tkl« Moratu*. OMMl Hb«rid»n i-r*pi<My recovering hie heilth, Th* bill reducing But* uiw «fty por emit, him p*M*d tho TounoMc* 8*n»t«. A German named Cornoliuo BUbl »“ ™“ r doml at Newark. Now Jeracy. on th* *>th ultimo. Sow and remarkably well Ml ten dollar Treamiry uotoa h.y* app**r«d iu boeton u Th. Catholic Chord, atWeymoutAltaJJ- Chuaetta. wo. dftroydd by Are on hatorday last. It **» nuiuaarcd. Wyoming coal U arriving inOmaha iu >“*“ quautilica by the Union l'uolfle Ro»«l. » n< * impplanting Eastern cool. Hold touched th* lowret fi g,“ r0 aJL l tart- ain« the war. in Wall •ilk. It sntocqacntly advanced to 2i4. olo*l*g *' r iatcUIsM** from Cheyenne is to the effect .hat arc HU .u pnr-uit o. Ore In- diana who were annoying ilia wood choppers recently. . _ n Adam 8. Barnter, of the firm of Tree, Barn- ter A McMnrray, draw goods dealers. Chios go, tell dssd in his store s few days sgo, from heart disease. Ft-Sens tor T. A. E. Nelson, of Teunesiwo, dccHues to he n candidate lor the Constllu- tional Convention recently authorised by th Tonneasee Legislatnra. Joe Coburn challenges Tom Allen to fight for auv sum not less than *’i,50t> or more then *10 OOO aside. He will pay Allen a travehug erpenscs to California. Nathaniel Lord, a well-known eiliren of Peabodv Massachusetts, was knocked down rt^thsslreet and rebbed. It is feared h* was fatally injured. The boiler in Josoph Curtia _ shoe factory at Woburn, Massachusetts, explodod, dsngsr- onsly scalding Mr. Barnoa. the engineer, and iniming two other employees. The Spanish Minister, on tho lifith ult, m- formed Secretary Kobeson that the Spanish war vessels which had designed going to New York to refit would go to PhtldelpkiB instead. The pastors and oldere of the Presbyterian rhnrehM of St. Louis have made arrange- ,nets for celebrating, on the ltjth the noiou of the two brunches of that denom- i nation. Assistant Treasurer Fidget has aunomiced the intention of th* Government to sell cleven millions of gold and pnrehase thirteen nul lions of bonds daring December. The insurgents of remliina are preparing to hold a representative council to consider the si nation. Ei-Governor McLarisk is sill very sick, and Governor McDongall is still at Pern- bina. The* Ways and Means Committee met Washington on the 29th nit. A quorum be ing present, they proceeded to basiness.— The order of Congress requires a report from the committee within two weeks. \y. G. Marcv, paymaster at Mare Island Navy-yard. Cali oruia, who is said to be a de- . 3 J . .1 ..r Clin non hu turned bat night, by Dr. HarrUou Wa are (awful Out th* fatal. D>. Bad wins is one of the moat aooom- pliahod odd popolar ftltildM ol AUanU. Wt deeply regret th* atrennuUno*. sad dofoolly hop* that Ire may rewvw. This red ooonr- awl** out s gloom over th* entire otty. fanlter to Iheamonnt of $140,000, hu turned over his properly to the Government It is not sufficient to cover llic deficit in his are connt. Henry M. Dunn, of Albany, New York, died on the 29th ult, of hydrophobia. He was biltcu in August last. Alex. McConnell, of the Ram*' place, di'*d from the effects of s kick iu tho abdomen from Lorenzo Murphy A young man named Joseph Williams, was knocked down in St Louis while going from the depot to a hotel, and robbed of f16,000, the proceeds from the sale of his father s es- tote, which ho « r — worth. Jerry Fry, a deacon iu a negro church at Louisville, attempted to eject a negro boy named Henry Mitchell from the church for misbehavior, when the latter stabbed hiih with a bowe-knife, inflicting a mortal The President is guarding his message with jealous care. No ono will be allowed to Keo it until it is road at the last Cabinet meeting preceding its transmission to Congress, and no copy will be mailed until the night pre vious to soch transmission. An Omaha special states that the North and Southwestern Kailroad Companies haveeffet- cd final organizations, and decided on build ing ten miles of each road by the middle of February. The iron for tho Southwestern has been sent for. Tho French Government, having relused to enter into a treaty for new postal arrange ments with the United States, asks that the present treaty, which expire# on the 1st of February, be ooiitinnod one year. This re quest our Government positively refuses to comply with, A young divinity stndent, named J. R. Bee ler, at Lebanon, Illinois, was arrested at that place for stealing #2,200 in bonds from i tho Professors of McKcndreo College, confessed his guilt, and subsequently effected his escape from custody. A set of sharpers doing business at New York tinder tbo name of Tatten A Co., suc ceeded in duping some 750 laborers into ad vancing five dollars each for transportation to a point where they would he furnished em ployment at $3 75 per day. On the day fixed for sailing Tatten A Co. were non eat. A new phaso in tho drawback frauds has been developed. In those newly discovered frauds the officials are hold blameless, the goods having ostensibly been shipped; bnt, ms now appears, bogns p toHsges were submitted for real, us water for oil, whisky. Ac. No ar rests bavo y»*t beenjnade. President Barns, of the Nashvillo and Northwestern Railroad, proposed to a meeting of merchants of Nashville, to rnn tho road if they would advance him $20,000. This tho merchants declined to do, adopting instead “ resolution asking the Legislature tofeonfori the lease of the road to tho Nashville and Chattanooga liuilroad Company. p9* A weekly paper, calling itself the Fed oral Union, printed, w« lielieve, in or near Millcdgevillo, is after tho Era, but the attack is a little too weakly; we wonld therefore ad vise it to spit out its nouaenae in some other direction. Our time is occupied with matters of moment, therefore the Federal Union mm»t stand back, at least, till ws have disposed of its superiors. Govemwr Mtosk aai *n**—e. Thar* I* aore* l»*lrere*re la Q*or,l»-nol w mush re tore* ct*d«lou* an reppore, but ■ore tbaa oqour* iu th* ordinary current affaire. I* iu wont form*, It «Wi In uuly » law aountire *h*ra leading »#u, actuated by political opita, either «nouuref* or oonolve at Ik Tri*d by the rule* ol morale, or tbo rule* of petrlotlem, or lb* rule* of ffood neighbor hood, three men are lagreot offender*. The cry which innooeut blood raleee egelnet them in (welled by lb* voire of th* country ntteriog it* longing* for poooo—poweo which but for them wonld before thie bavo telly i»*ie****<> the land. It is gratifying to bob some sigu, however slight, that shame is not wholly extinct in the breasts of these men. A sort of apology for their crimes has been put forth, and it is this: That Govsrnor Bollock’s lavish uss of the pardoning power has removed from bed men all dread of the law, and therefore it is excus able to punish the guilty by irregular modes. Buch flimsy logic hardly deserves an answer, but we will notice it so for as to say, First, that their victims are geneially not the guihy bat the innocent Second, That it is s desperate folly to at tempt to correct one crime by nnother^^ Third, that the whole assumption on which the apology rests is groundless. Those pie people who have been made to believe that the Governor pardons moet of the criminals in the State, will be surprised to learn that tho Governor has pardoned a very small per centage of our criminals, and that in a large majority of cases his pardons have been proper. Yet such is tho fact. Most of his pardons have been bestowed on the uneduca ted. And who denies that ignorance, to some extent, mitigates criminality ? No beliover in that Book which teaches that where the in structed should snffer many stripes, the nnin- stracted should suffer but few. While it is probablo that, like all former Governors, he has sometimes been imposed upon and pardoned tho unworthy, yet we hove heard of very few snch cases. But how large a proportion of criminals has ho pardoned ? A friend who has ascertained the facts informs us that ont of five hundred and twenty-one. convicts in the penitentiary since the first of Janaary last, the number pardoned is twelve! The same proportion would doubtless hold good in crimes not pun ishable in the penitentiary. Twelve out of fivo hundred and twenty-one;ono ont of forty- three; two and one-third per centum! To these pitiful dimensions does this grand accusation shrink when subjected to the unerring test of figures. A criminal has forty-three chances of suffering the penalty, to one of receiving a pardon. Gentlemen of tho Democratic press, if you have any regard for truth, retract your exag* gerations on this subject. result would be praotioelly Um rea* whteEli we r—pret ooreelvea on* _ _ inbuilt to the notiuu of Ooagrffrej n wbetlpr, FTfiSE iu euUcipeUou of tb* action, we abandon, is < I tt0, * l ' t spirit of relf-abasement, «ewy prtnetpl* for which tbe party ho* contended for th. la.i Hire* jaare. There la a principle involved Is gwg-Ja Iha decision of Ibis matter, which will forever OrerSTf prevent auy tin* Dampen* from no tb* latter alternative. Thtureday BfiSdKS a°2£. SSMtU lively. * of good* of all OCVTCTAL. ADVEHTIBEMCNTB A PROCLAMATION. UUOHftlA. By Hale. V. Balteek, ttanreir of said yaatarday’s la tk* Foepteef terergia i gR3. JUNES A UTIV BUBLB84)U1 A*D 0PKBATIC TROUPE. ■ICHTICN STAN ARTISTS. ptr The Georgia Clipper don’t aeei like the Era. It being a harmless sort of a concern, its likes or dislikes are not of suffi cient moment to attract any serious attention in these columns. Clip, ahead Mr. “Clipper," yonr epithets do not disturb ns in the least. ptr A. L. Grant, Esq., of this city, has bean appointed agent for the Georgia Masonic Mutual Life Insurance Company. Mr. Grant is a most worthy, competent aud popular gen tleman, and we congratulate the Directors upon their good sens# in securing his valua ble service*. General Terry. Wa rograi to announce that Major General Terry i* yet confined to hie room. He has an abscess on his left foot, and suffer* intensely. Wa hope aeon to be able to announce his re- A Ku-Klux Kill tor. A Ku-Klux editor calls us a liar, but bavo not Rufflcieut confidence in his word to believe him. AXMOOUTMi) rUMJM DM PA TOMBS. NOON DISPATCHER. Mkmpuis, December 1.— Nothiug definite from Mississippi. R is geuergUy thought that Dent will bo fleeted by a small majority. Colombia, Daoemb**r 1,~Both Bouses to day adopted raaoin lions express! ug sympathy for Cuba, and requesting recognition by the United States, uucl pledging their last dollar and iuau to aid the Government is war. Grrnada, December 1.—Elections quiet Yullabnsha county gives Dent uearly 2,000 majority. N*w You, Dfcsiuher 2. - Richardson died at five thie morning. CiRTRiaAwn, December 2—The Commercial Elevator and fifty or sixty thousand bushels of grain burned. San Francisco, December 51.— Gov. Flan ders, of Washington Territory, vetoed ever one hundred sets. l'ho steamer Japan oarries seven thousand barrels of Flour to Hong Kong. NIGHT DISPATCHES. New Orleans, December 2.—Wo have the following from the Mississippi elsotion : The veto, ns far as heard from gives the following majorities for Alcorn : Wilkinsou 2,000; Nox ubee 2,757; Jefferson 1,513; Yazoo 2,000; Monroo 2,000; Adams 2.475; Warren 3,763; Copiah 366; Claiborne 1,650; Marshall 600; Hinds 1,500; Lowndes 3,500; Lauderdale 572; Clark 400—a gain iu 13 oonuties of over 13,- 000 on last year’s Radical vote. Yallabnsha gives Dent 700 majority—a loss of 300. No report a* to how the Legislature stands, bat it is conceded lo be Radical. Montgomery, December 2.—The time of Ihe Senate was consumed iu tho discussion of bill to give negroes equal privileges on rail roads, Ac., Ac. Mr. Worthy, Democrat, advocated an amend ment to the bill, providing that the oommon carriers be forced to provide equally oomfort- able but separate apartments for the race, and uot be compelled to carry black and white mixed in the same boat, cabin or oar. The Senate adjourned the pending discus sion. In the House the Committee ou Elections reported in favor of ousting Mr. Brown, Democrat, from Chambers, and in favor of Lawrence, ltepublioan, from Marion They also reported against the right of Alexander, negro, to Praska's seat, from Mobile. Alexan der was allowed to make a two hours’ speech, iu which he fiercely abased the Democrats. Washington, December 2.—Revenue to-day over half a million. The Mexican Claim Commission meets here on Monday, the 6th. The docket contains 430 American aud 130 Mexican claims. Clark, third Auditor of the Treasury, has resigned, and was appointed Supervisor ot the Soatheru (District of Ohio. The new third Auditor is unkuown. J. Cabell Braokiuridgo, son of Gen. Breck inridge, was married to Hallie F., daughter of Hon. K. W. Johnson, of Arkansas. Customs for the week ending the 27th, two and threo-quarter millions. Apothecaries mast pay a license additional to the license ah liquor dealers. The Star ooncludes a paragraph on Judge Buslecd, as follows: “It seams to be pretty generally understood, however, that he is re garded by a majority of tbe committee as a marvelously fit and proper man not to be Uuited States Jadgo. It is stated, we may add, that Jadge B. has adjourned his Court till some time next summer* and is now on his way to Washington to look after things.” News bos been received via Key West, Fla. that Cienluegos has been surprised by the in- surgeuts, who seized a large quantity of med iciues, clothing and provisions, and retired iu good order. Wilxesoaiibe, Pa., December 2. The Em pire coal mino exploded. Seveu were hurt, some fatally. Genoa, December 2.—The ship Oottswood, from New Orleans August 21at, supposed lost, has arrived. Oor readers will find the Era newsy this morning. Tbe Intelligencer. As tho political status of this paper has been called into question, wo copy tho follow ing article from its issue of yesterday, which effectually controverts any doubts that may have arisen iu regard to tho matter: THE GEOHOIA LEGISLATURE AND COLORED MEM BERS -SINGULAR RUMOR. Rumors have been curreut of late to the ef fect that Hon. Nelson Tift—Democratic Rep resentative elect to Congress from tho II Dis trict—has pledged certain parties at Washing ton, that if Congress will not further interfere with the issues growing out of reconstruction in Georgia, tho legislature will, at its ensuing session, restore the oolored members to seats, and ratify tho 15th Amendment Now, we know not upon what authority this rumor is supported; and, owing to the very traordinary character of the intelligence, would be glad to know, beyond all dispato, that it is wholly wanting in truth. individual gentleman, Mr. Tift is clearly ontitled to his own views of public policy, upon that and all others questions of moment. Nor do we question his right, as an individual -not as a Democratic Repreaen- tive—to pledge his own personal influence to the proposition named. Bat, when he under takes to pledge the action of a Democratic Legislature, and through that, the action of the Georgia Democracy, wo must be allowed to respeoUnlly suggest that he is acting wholly without authority, and hence that his pledges” (if made) simply amount to noth ing more than an individnnl promise. Il this rumor be true, who authorised Mr. Tift to remodel tho Democratic platform for Georgia? Whut Democratic Committee, or Democratic Meeting, or Democratic Conven tion, county or State, authorized iuiy snch action ou the part of any oue? Has there been any authorised expression of opiuion of Ihe party that would war rant the action of any ono man in pledging the parly to the support of either tho XVtb Atncndm nt or the proposition to reseat the negroes ? If so, ws have failed to observe it. And we venture, further, that uot a single member of any subordinate Democratic Com mittee, much less of the BUte Central Execu tive Committee, has ever been notified officially or otherwise of any such authority as that which minor accredits to Mr. Tift. As oue of the oldest Democratic jour unis in the Bute, whose Proprietor is himself one of the BUU Central Democratic Committee,. wo undertake to say that no such authority bite •ver been delcgetod, either to Mr. Tift or suy one else ; and that his proposition (if really made) will never be ratified by tho Deuioorats of Georgia. As autsd in these columns a few days since, the Democracy of Georgia are not prepared to •nmnder principle, organization, everything, and ignominionsly go busk upon their record in Ibis matter ; nor will the Legislators stnl tify itself bsfore Uts world by wantonly nulli tying its own decisions, end re-opening ques tions t If going to force the State, noUne solens, to ac knowledge the right of negroes to seals in the Cotton*—Receipts to-day were light—about 100 bales. Market opened strong at 22$ U 21|c., and closed quiet at 22|o. Anjriee*—An advenes in apples. We quote at $4 60 to 0 00 per barrel, and Western as “ fh as $7 00. eld Dust.—Buying at $1 00 to 112 perdwt _ e prices vary according to tbe mines from which It is taken. Villa Rica is worth 91 16 per dwt, and Lumpkin oonnty mlnee vary from 91 00 to 1 10 per dwt Buckwheat Flour—In boxes-six six pound socks to the box. 92 75 to 3 00. Butter—Little done in Goshen aud Wes tern Reserve. Teuncssee and Virginia quoted at 33 to 40c per lb. Tbe quality varies greatly. Good ooantry batter sells readily at 25 to 35o. Bacon-Not muoh doing in baoon. We quote o. tides st214o;e. r. sides and shoul ders. 20j to 21o. Bulk Meats—The market is well supplied with bulk meats, and the demand is good. 0. Aides are quoted et 181c; o. r sides i94sl8$o, and vhoulders at 184 to 154c. Bagging—Stock equal to the demand.— Quoted at2C to 38c. Balt Ropd—Quoted at 8 to 9o. Corn—The supply of oorn is light. Demand good. Prices Arm. We quote prime white 21 35 to 1 40, new 9125 to 1 35. Com Meal—There is a good consumptive demand for meal. We quote it firm at 91 40. Cheeoe—stook fair. Demand good. Quo ted at 21 to 23$o. Coflho—Demand good and market well sup plied. We quote Java 35 to 37$o; Rio 20 to 251c, according to quality. Cotton Yarns—Demand fair—stock equal to demand. Qaoted at 92 00 to 2 06. Dried Frtrit—Peaches, rough 5 tQ 51c. Pealed 12 to 15c. Eggs—Scarce and high. We quote at 36 to 4w per doz. Flour—The Stock of flour is very flue and embraces a great variety of grades and prioes. Demand small. We quote sopor 96 00 to 6 50 por bbl. Extra $7 00. Family $7 50 to 8 00, and Fancy 28 50 to 9 00. No mate rial change. Hogu—The market for hogs has fairly open ed, and the packing business commenced. We quote at 101 groes and 13 to 134 net Hay—A fair demand and average stook. It is quoted at $38 00 to 40 00 per ton fbr Tim- Molasses and Syrups—Blocks equal to the demand. Qualities very various. We quote its figures ranging from 00c to $1 50. Oat«—A good demand for oats exists, and the supply keeps up well. They are quoted at 80 to 85o. Arrivals light. Onions—Onions readily bring from $4 50 to 5 00 per bbL Offal—Brau is worth $1 50; ship stuff $1 75 to 2 00. It it iu good demand. Potatoes—Good Irish potatoes are in de mand at $3 00 to 3 50. Rye—Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo- Ud at $1 40 to 1 60. • Sugar—Brings trom 13 to 19c according to quality. We quote refined A 18 to 184; do. B 174 to 18; do. C 164 to 17; yellow 16 to 164. Wheat—We find a wide range in wheat. We quote it at $1 45 to 1 70 for prime red to prime white. Stock light. Small demand.— t»rime white sells readily at 91 60. Tobacco - Unsound pounds 55c Common Bound pounds 60 to 65o Medium pounds 70 to 75o Fine pounds 80 to 91 Extra fine pounds $1 25 Liquors—Dealers are selling largely and some are hardly able to fill their orders. Supply not equal to the demand. Per gal. anA doz. Brandy, Fr 97 00 to 12 00 American 1 60 to 2 00 Peach 3 00 to 4 00 Apple.... 3 00 to 4 00 Gin, Hollaud 4 00 to 0 00 porooa aad froyori# ot setorsd otttsatissiWI white Bo- pubiloans, bjr tha orgsnlsad bend* of seers* uassstns, lnoeriela portions of tka Bute, Moms to indioata s concert of oetlon sad a purpose on tbs port ol sold irgaalssUons to penis* la defjla* Um civil lew. It theraforo behooves the good people of this State to see to It that the Commonwealth be not further in jured and defamed by the oote ot persons who, It le believed, are wholly without Interest In, or regard for, the welfare of the State, Ilia iha duty of errary oounty, town, or municipal oorporoie authority to ioeure perfect protection for life and property to every resident within their bor ders: And whereas. In many caeee, the local o&clole fail to eaerotae ettotent means to secure this result, the good etUsens within each limits—thoea having a material lntoreet at stake or the beet Interest of the Stale at heart—ahonld see to It that prompt measi are at onoe taken under the civil law to arrest and bring to puuishment the members of these organiza tion* of eooret robbers and neaoaaln*. Under the stat ute# at preaout in force, the executive Is prevented from taking active measure# Por the tappreaalon of dvU disorders, and It Is therefore all the more Impor tant that every good citizen should feel It hie Individu al duty to beooms a peooe offioer, end to aid In lug to every inhabitant that perfect protection guaran teed by the Constitution and without which ever enjoy either civil or materUl prosperity. Outrages, eoeh ss have heretofore, and, are now again disgracing our Btate, cannot be tolerated cased without involving the whole community. The time has arrived when these outrages must mm er the good people of the whole State will be held responsible for their oontlnaanoe. To the end, that no motive may be wanting to stim ulate the people to action In bringing to punishment the violators ol tho law, I hereby offer a reward of Five Thousand Dollars each for the arrest (with evidence to convict), of the person or persona engaged in the murder of Hon. Joseph Adkins (white), * Republican Senator from the 10th District. ms TiSlimiif FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Monday Evening, Deoember 8,1869, The area! JExlrsvsgonx* Burlesque, The Field of the Oloth of Gold, MBS. J AMI* A. GATES A6 BA UL DARVBLT, Introducing * RNANDEZ The Wonderful Guitarist. ONLY 997 00. SPUPI morris sernhasst CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. drum Mawtssof Tbaimpmcaxisn, 1 Wasrsss asd Aruimo Bail Bo ad, j kVLkwtk, Oi., November XT, ISM. J Mo ll (*«*rei«* »«, ^DSflOte MaatarTrerepartaUoo. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. oe> wmaiiiiOCHAwe IMPERIAL JAPIMAPS. Umlaalo* $1 00; OaUar, T( rente; »*m*l aaaU 10 rente,ter*. For tel* ol VMlUja * Orow'a Book tear*iron0a. m, tell n.on* Croat 1 to4 ».«. W. B. HATDKK, G. W. ADAIR, AUCTIONEER. Administrator’* and Other Sales, ON FIBST TUESDAY IN DECBMBU, at the citv hall. 1, tha Central Pare, adjoining t property, in 300 feet of the Poeeei And of the person or persons engaged in the murder of Dr. Benjamin Ayer (white), a Republican Represen tative from the oosnty of Jefferson. And of the person or persons engaged in th* out rage committed upon the person of William Hardlman (whits), of the oounty of Oglethorpe when, on or about the list day of October last, he was tied .to a tree and brutally whipped, tbe outrage having been committed by a body of disguised men for no other reason, as is alleged, than that Hardlman was charged with being a _ . Washington Hall Passenger Depot. Plat at j office. Terms cash. 2 THE DON LIN ESTATE, on Marietta and Foundry • streets and the Btate Railroad. Terms cash. 4 BIX ACRES OF LAND on east sldo of Peso! • rood, Just outside of the incorporation line.— Plats at my office. Terms )• cosh—balance 3 and 4 months, with interest. 5 TWO HUNDRED TWO AND A HALF ACRES— # Lot No. 109, 11th district of Marion oounty, thirty n»H— east of Columbus and sevtn miles south of Ge neva. Terms caah. Titles perfect. G. W. ADAIR, geo 2 31 No. 88 Alabama street. Application for Exemption. G EORGIA, DAWSON OOUNTY.—Sarah William* has applied for exemption of personalty, and setting sport and valuation ol homestead, and I will past upon the same at 13 o’olock, if., on the 8th of Deoember, 1889. at my offioe im Daweoovllle, Go, American 1 50 to 2 00 Rum, Jamaica 4 00 to 8 00 American 1 60to 2 00 Whisky—Corn—Country 1 76 to 2 60 Rectified, do 1 00 to 1 40 Rye, do 1 25 to 6 00 Robertson, do 2 00to4t0 Bourbon, do 1 25 to 6 00 Wine—Maderia 2 75 to 4 60 Hherry * 2 60 to 6 00 Port 2 60 to 6 00 N. E. Ram 1 75 to 2 25 Dry Goods.—The market is active with but Ijttlo change in the prices of leading articles. Telegraphic JVarket Heporta. Personal. Kate Denin is playing at tho Skit Lako City Theater. A second series of Tennyson's “Idylls of the King” will be published about New Year; The eelebrated case of Kimberly against General Bntler is set for trial in Baltimore on next Tuesday. Robert Buchanan, the poet, is suffering from an affection of tbe brain. It was not his poetry that did il Charlotte Thompson is playing at the Cali fornia theater in San Francisoo, supported by- John McCullough. B. R. Cowan, late Adjutant General, is am bitions to fill the old shoes of Supervisor Young, when the latter vacates them. Emma Webb, oue of the well known Webb Sisters, was privately married to a French man uAmed Navarre, not long ago. 8he sail ed for California last week. Mr. John Bissell and wife, of West Con- cord, New Hampshire, celebrated their “pearl wedding" last week. They have lived happi ly together for ieventy years. Annie Lockhart, whose fnnsral iu Balt Lake has been mentioned, was the wife of Harry Jackson, now stago manager of tbe Purepa- ltosa Opera Company. Sir Charles Trevolyan, ex Governor of Mad ras, and an eminent Orientalist, proposes the substitution of Roman for Arabic letters in Turkish and Egyptian countries. Tbe Dayton Jonrnal learns that William Beckett, Esq., of Hamilton, late competitor of Hon. L. D. Campbell for State Senate, has been compelled to make an aasignment in bankruptcy. Paul Gorard, the attaohe of the Frenob Le gation, who disgusted hi* friends by appear- ihg in public not long ago with n mulatto wo man, is going to marry his yellow-coverod en chantress. “Griffith Gaunt" is having u rnn at tho theater in Halt Lake City. One of the literary saints bus reconstructed tbe higninistie iea- ture so that the infatuated Gaunt is the has- band of fifteen innkeepers' daughters. The Maine papers accuse Patti of “Hinging at the top of her voice in Boston and New York, aud coming down hero uud attempting to stick us a dollar and a half for second-hand songs” -which, they say, they won’t staud. Miss Carlyle, who has met with a fair mea sure of snecess at the Lyceum Theater, Lon don, os Juliet, made her first nppearauoe on any Kings ns an amateur only six months ago. She is now leading lady in a prominent Lon don theater. Garibaldi, thongb suffering severely from rheumatism, will make An effort fcp attend the Council of Free Thinkers at Naples, on De cember 8. and will probably veutilate some of his peenhar opinions on ecclesiastical despot ism aud kindled subjects. Harrison Gray Otis, while Mayor of Boston, in 1831, in answering su appeal from the May or of Baltimore, requesting him to suppress Garrison's paper, the Liberator, wrote that his “officers bail ferreted out the paper aud its editor, whose offioe was an obscure hole, his only visible auxiliary s negro boy, bis sup porters e few insignificant persons of ull oolors.” Dr. George Collins, of Mount Washington, Bullitt county, who killed a peddler on (he Bsrdstown pike, about eight miles trom Louis ville, a year or so sgo, aud olesrsd ou soma technical point, was shot in Mount Washing ton on Wednesday of last week, by James Ridgway, whose wife he had insulted. H« was shot in tne thigh—it is leered be will loss bis life. Napoleon has so far recovered ss to be able to attend a review of tbe troops alOompiague. Tbs Emperor, on horseback, accompanied by the Prince Imperial, rode along the lines of the aousveo and carbineers of the guard. Hie Majeety afterward distributed some evoesee and military medals, and the filing past took place amid cries of "Yive 'lEmperear f and “Vive le Prince Imperial!" New Yobk, December 2.—Cotton dull and |o lower; sales 1,600 bales at 254c. Flour in moderate demand—mostly for oxport—and prioes unchanged. Wheat a shade firmer and moderately active. Corn scarcely so firm mixed western 21 11 to 1 13. Mess pork firm new $32 25 to 32 75. Lard firmer; kettle 194 to 20c. Whisky firmer at $1 04. Groceries quiet and steady. Freights steady; cotton by steamer, 4& Money closed easier at 6 to 7 per cent Ster ling doll at 9 to 94- Gold dosed dull at 1224. Governments closed dull; of 1862,12]; South eras duii and weak. Stocks dosed firm. Savannah, Deoember 2. — Cotton—re ceipts 8,206 bales; exports 1,690 bales; mid dlings 244c; market quiet; sales 200 bales. Baltiicobs Deoember 2.—Cotton quiet, middling 24|c. Flour and wheat dall and unehanged. Corn lower; prime to choice white 00 to 92o; yellow 90c. Provision* slightly improved. Whisky 91 05. Virgin ias—old 44; 66’s 54; 67’s 49. Coupons—new 53 bid. Louisville, December 2.—Corn 85. Pro visions quiet. Pork $31 50. Shoulders 164c dear sides 194o. Whisky 21. Charleston, Deoember 2.—Cotton active aud fitm; sales 530 bales; middling 244c. Re ceipts 1,843. Exports 1,016. Wilminoton, Deoember 2.—Cotton steady at 234 to 234c. Mobile, December 2.—Cotton closed with a limited demand; sales 700 bales; mid dling 23|o; receipts 1,799 bales; exports 202 bales. St. Louis, Deoember 2.—Cojn dull. Pork quiet at 929 60 to 30 00. Bacon quiet; dear sides 194 to 19|e. Keg lard 194c. Liverpool, December 2.—Cotton firm; up land 124d; Orleans 12id; sales 16,000 balos speculative exports 5,000. London, December 2.—Bullion decreased 38,000. Augusta, December 2.—Cotton eauier; sales 638 bales; rccicpts 1,286 bales; middlings 234 to 23 4c. Cincinnati, December 2.—Corn unchanged. Whisky dull at $1 00; short cash 08c. Mphi pork dull at 314c. Baoon inactive at 16o dear tides 184c. Packed lard 194c. Sugar cured hams 21 to 22o. A correspondent of the Allgemeine Zeilung status Uiat Count Bismarck suffers greatly from Bieeplea-tness, which has so shattered his nervous system that the slightest exoitPtnent produces an effusion of bile. “Though the physicians do not fear any immediate danger to (he Count’s life, yet they consider it their duty to oppose, in the most decided mannor, his return to Berlin.” R A I L W aSt . And of the person or persona engaged in the outrage committed upon the peraon of Hon. Abraham Colby (oolored), Bepreeentotlre from ihe county of Greene, who, on or about the 30th day of October lzat, was taken from his bed at night and cruelly beaten, the outrage haring been committed by a body of twenty- thirty disguized men for the reaeons, aa is al leged, that he, the said Colby visited Atlanta and quested ot the military authorities protection tor the freedmeu’s echool located in the town of Greensboro', in the county of Greene. And of the person or persons engaged in the depre dation upon the office of th* Assessor of Internal Rev enue for the United flutes Government in the town of Washington, oounty of Wilkes, on or abont the night of the ISth instant, when, as Is alleged, the office broken open and books, papers, Ac., scattered and de stroyed, and notions laft warning the Asaessor to leave the District. And of the peraen or persons engaged in the assault upon the house of the Hon. Eli Barnes (oolored), Re publican Representative from the county of Hanoock, when, as is alleged, a body of masked men at or abont the hour of one o’clock on tbe night of the 10th Inst., surrounded hiareMdence, and by threats of personal violence forced him to leave the county. And of the person or persons who, at or near the honr of ten o’clock, on the night of the lftth Inst, A red ten or twelve gunshots Into a camp of colored laborers on the lino of the Macon k Brunswick Rail road, in the county of Telfair, whereby ono man was killed and another severely wounded. And of the person or persons who, on Thursday night of oonrt week, October Term, abont midnight, said to be a body of sixty men in disguise, surrounded the residence of the Sheriff of the county of Hanoock, demanded and obtained from him the keys of the Jail and released from the jail one James Oxford (white), a notorious outlaw awaiting hla trial for the murder of John Taylor, a respectable citizen of said oounty. Given uniter my band and the great seal of the fltata at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this twenty- ninth day of November, in the year of out Lord One Thousand Eight Hundted and Sixty-Nine, and of the independence of tho United States of America, the Ninety-Fourth. RUFU8 B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: David G. Oottiko. Secretary of State. nov 30-dl4tw4w Administrator’s Sale. LL be sold on the Arst Tuesday in January next . . bsfore the Court House door, in Hiawassee, Towns oonnty, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property to-wit: Two fractional lota of land No. 171 and 173. Sold aa the property of Dyson J Deyton, deoaaed, for the beneAt of the hel ra and ered, • - - - ■ * *- — thl v 16-40dpr*fee$fl 35 The Old Reliable Passenger Routo TO ILL Northern, EUteri, and Western title*, OiBRltmO QHIAT HOUTHKRN IinUH THE ONLY ROUTE from ATLANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAIN, Preventing a possibility of twenty-four (34) hours’ do- lay, incident to line* having but one dally trait)- Iffit USITKD 8TATK8 MAIL Between Atlanta and New York I. rented .xoliulTdr by thl. Il** Through Pouenger Train* Le»re Atlanta tt',15 A. a*.—5:50 1*. M. Making dose connection* at Kingston for Rome, Selma, Meridian; and New Orleans. At ChalUnoore. with th. bat Twinerere * Ororfte Railroad for all points North & East by Lynchburg. The Memphis k Charleston, for Canton, Memphis & New Orleans, AND POINTS WEST. The Nashville k Chattanooga, for Itai hrlllo and all Points North, Hast and Wc*t rla Loutwille. Application for Letter*of Administration, p EOBGIA, TOWNS COUNTY,—To all whom it maj VT concern.—John W. Holmes having, in propel form, applied to me for permanent letters of adminis tration on the eHtate of L. D. Rogers, late of said ooun ty. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of L. D. Rogers, to be and appear at my offioe, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they oan, why permanent administration should not be granted to J. W. Holmes on L. D. Rogers’ ee- tata dec l-30dprafoe$3 00 NEW ADVERT1HEMENTS. A GENTLEMAN AND LADY, O F long experience In teaching, wish to obtain a situation aa principals of somo large Female Acad emy, or to hear of a gooff location for building up a large Female Institute, where tho Latin, Greek, Frenc' and English branches, together with music, will l thoroughly taught Address REY. JOSEPH CARR, dec S-tlldec9 Lock Box 80, Atlanta, Oa. BACK-BONES, SPARE-RIBS And 8»uawfo Meat. 'llfE have oommeuoed PACKING PORK, and fami< Vv lies and hotels oan be supplied in any quantity with BACK-BONES, SPARE-RIBS and HAU8AGB MEAT, at reasonable prices. J. J. WILLIAMS k OO., dec 3-til deed Warehouse Glenn, Wright k Carr. LARGE BRICK HOUSE ON COLLINS STREET FOR 8ALE. I WILL sell a bargain in a two-story, seven-room, brick rosidenoe, and two-room brick kitchen, < west side of OoUlna street, near John H. Flyun’s T1 owner is now in the oily, and wishes it sold within week. Call aad see me. G. W. ADAIR, deo 3 It CRAPE VINES. R aspberry and blackberry plants, for sale at LOW FIGURED, h; Mgr Samples at my office. luBK W. JOHNSON, oct 26-c Jy 16-ly DAWSON SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In December next, before the Court House door, in the town of Daw- tonvllle, the following property to-wit: Lot of land No. MT, in the 4th district, 1st section, oi said connty, containing forty acres, more or lees, known ss the Van Howard Lot Levied upon aa the property of John Holcombe, who is in possession by order ef court, by virtue of a Notary Public Court il fs in favor of James M. Bishop, and against said John Holcombe. Property pointed out by James M. Bishop. Defendant served with notice. Also, at tho same timo and place, will be sold, lot of! land, No. 864, in the 6th district, 1st section, of ssld connty. Levied upon as the property of B. A. Holt, by virto# of a Notary Public Coart 0 fa in tlaror ot J. A. Paxaon, against said Holt. Pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney, and sold to Ellas Dsrnell on tho first Tuesday in September last, who tailed to comply with tho terms of the sale. Also, st the same time and plaoe, lot of land. Mo 863. In the 4th district, 1st section, of said oonnty, aa the property of William J. Croy. Levied upon by vir tue of s Notary Publlo Court ft fs against said Croy, in favor of Marlon Boring. Pointed out by aal.l Bering. *• # 1 upon said Croy, who is in jfoa- on by a Constable and returned to of all the above lota, caah. This fotober 19th, i860. BOBER! set 27-tdsprafee f3 60 per levy. A plackv yoang girl is Nettie Gilbert, of Madiaon, Lake County, O. On Thanksgiving- day Mr. Oowlee, of Madison, and family stsri- ©d for church, leaving the house in chargs of Miw Gilbert. A burglar made hi* appear ance in the bed-room, where Mr. Cowles kept hi* pocket-book. Tho yoang lady did not faint or indulge in any noneeuse, bat imme diately “went for him" in the moat approved mannor. She first took s kettle of boiling potatoes, threw them at him, then olinebed, end after a time drove him sway. The rascal only succeeded in getting sway with about two dollar* In scrip aud an old soarf. Il is reported in1)?bfin that the English Government purpose* sending large military reinforcements over to Ireland. GORDON, WILLI8 k CO., BANKER# (lid (_OL.LATP.RAL BROKERS, COTTON FACTOHH iro REAL ESTATE AGENTS. T CANS Negotiated, Interest Allowed on Deposits.- * ' • attaatton ffiven to OiDseMens. Offiee Broad street, Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia National Bank, Georgia Loan and Trust C Application for Dlsmfsalon. G eorgia, towns county.-whereas, r administrator of Laneefbrd Central, repi the Court, la his petition duly filed and entered on record, that ho has tally administered Lancetord Cen tral’* estate. This Is, therefore, to rite all persons concerned, kin- dmd end creditors, to show canoe, It any they can, why said adaslotatrstor should not be discharged from his admialetrotlee, sad reeetve letter* of dismission, an the first Monday in January next. This 4th day of Oetober, 1868. JAMBS WHITE, oot 19-m6mpr*fee$ M Ordinary. W Assignee’* Bale. ILL b* sold baton tbo Court House door, In the tosaoT' hours of sale, town of Monroo, Walton oonnty, within tha legal First Tuesday in December neit, racket land usually known aa the Brown place, cc tatnlng etghtpoevsn sores, mere or Use, adjoint lands of MoftaBosgh. Nowell. Gresham, Herrin, a others. Raid land sold as the property of 0. G. How A Op., tor the purpose of a sett lessest. tn aoeordanoe with as order of mm. Garnett Andrews, Register In Baskrsptoy. Movsmher fith, 1MB nov lUAs IX H. VALUE, feign so. HARALSON SHERIFF NALKJt. yptfrh»n^bstof tljsOonrtHotmsdty, fe the First Tuesday in December moat, thejdUowlng property. to-wt|i Lot of Uud. No. TTl, tntUTth district sforlgineUy Carroll now Harris, ouahtr- UvtodoumtSetntosrqrof A. I. Buttmi tosedefya Ufa leaned from OsrroBBupericr Court ft «tan a suse of Ira Jackson vs. said Bsttrsm. V ▼ember 1st, IMS. J. M. WALDROP*, nov 0-tdsprstoeyi M Coroner and acting M’ff. IF YOU DOUBT IT, COME AND taEE. W E have on hand, and are reoelvtng, the largest general stook of WATCHES AND JEWELRY, and SUrer-Plsted Ware, Clock*, Ac., ETER Broixglit to And having purchased DIRECT faom Manufacturers AT NET CASH PRIOES, We are Able, Willing and Determined North, South, Eaat or Wut. MS PCNNBYUMUaT AID CRYSTAL trade mark. GLASS SPECTACLES Bupta lor to any other * danoe with the odenos the peculiar form of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELUHU, MORRIS BERNHARDT, Spectacle & Optical Mann PASSENGERS HAVE CHOICE OP TYTENTY-SIX DIFFERENT ROUTES FROM ATLANTA TOJEW YORK. Pullman's Traveling Palaces ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Th* Best Eatlnff Honse* in the Ceuntry, No Midnight Changes Finely Finished Oars Well Heated and Ventilated, QUICK TIME AND SURE CONNECTIONS. Tickets for sale at all Ticket Offices for all poiats reached bj this line. FARE SAME as by OTHER ROUTES Baggage Checked Through We do not advertise our Conductor*. Their de portment and attention do that B. W. WRENS, General Ticket Agent. K. B. WALKER, Master Transportation. E. HULBKRT, Supt. W. A A. 1. R. nov 28-Sm We have better facilities for the pnrehase and sale of oertain classes of PINB WATCSBS Than any other Honse Bouth hu, or oan get, and Onr only reference fs TWENTY-ONE YEARS In the Jwelry Business in Atlanta, and to thoae who hsvs traded with the Old Establishment of Er Lawshe. WI HATE BETTER ARRASOEUEBTS THAN ANT HOUSE IN ATLANTA, FOB Repairing Watohes and Jewelry. 00t36—dim LAWIIIK A HAYNES. THOMAS G. SIMMS, Agent, Office st the (Clothing Htore of W. B. LoweS* 70o, Atlanta, ICeerjia, FOR IEW YORI STEAM EIKIIK CD. ManmfcctarsrSof, Engine Laths, Planer*, Bolt Cutters, Up right Drills, Machlni*!*’ Tools of) ill Dmerlptlon*. A LSO, manufacture and sell Wood-working Machine ry of every dezoripUon, and Stationary aad Port able Engines and Rollers, Patent ooid-reUed Shaft!ag. Leather and Robber Belting, and all articles needful tn machine or railroad repair ehopa. Office 136 and 136 Chamber* it, New York. GEORGE PLACE, President. JOHN H. OHEEYKR, See’y. * CHAR. F. HARDWICK. Reo’y GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE!. FURNITURE! {FURNITURE! T WonLD ronrecUul], Inform th. tetlimii of Altenta, I wa th. pnMte (remit;, thu I hare fort nrelrad teterelMma* -1-wret Mrek of rCRSITO** •rer b*for. -tforoj In th. gonth. con»IMln( of PARLOR, RED-ROOM, AND DINING-ROOM SETS. r “ nto ( t» U>. rnrnltnre Tmfel Lower tha* Any Home in the South. I hn. dmre oa hrel n .«* (re retMrenre te PARLOR MIRRORS ! her theptane—aa Whitehall street £HAItLKt BOHNEFELDo A FORTUNE FOR SOMEBODY. 1 Wash- „ „ „ BBYKN- 1 May, 1860, to an active, intel ligent, enterprlaing, young or ralddlaeeed a small caah capital, for the purpose of bri said invention before the publlo. Among the many washing machine* heretofore pat ented and presented to the publlo, this it th* only on* which operates upon scientific principle* solely; and which, while it cleanse* clothes thoroughly, does not, ‘ “ * * *-• * am, however fins or dell- a pressure alone, and . . . cate their fsl not by rubbing or friction, whli ont fluids are need—nothing bat common and capacity; and can be r oot 36—dlkwtf ’ hand, horse, water, WM. WOOD & CO. K UNDERTAKERS 1ND UPHOLSTERS, EEP on hand all aualltlea of Fisk's Metallo Burial Oases; also, all kinds of Wood Ooffins. Will ot to Funerals at any hoar, with a beautiful first- ouwe Hearse tarnished or for hire. Carriage, eta., will be furnished. All kind* of Upholstery work done. Furniture repaired, varnished, eta. Offioe In new bnlldlng on Broad street in rear of Nnw Boa office. All order* will be promptly attended to. julyfi-dlr Dawson Sheriff Sales. W ILL bo *old before the Oonrt House door, ii town of DawsonvlUo, Dawson county, o first Tuesday in January, eighteeu hundred and a tv, between the legal hour* of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Lot of lax in the 4th District and 1st Section • .. . the property of James Kelley, to satisfy a JosUo« Court 11 to in tavorof John O. Richardson vs. mid Kei and 37, in tha Southeast d sonville, as the proparty c cost fl to in favor or the officer* of the Superior Court of arid oounty v*. said Findley. No person in ■ion. Also, the farm aad Improvements occupied Anderson, No*, not known, la arid oounty, to f _ Superior Oonrt fl fa In flavor of the offioer* of Court vs. W. H. Lyon. Pointed out by D. P. Monroe, ex-derk Superior Oonrt. Also, lota Noe. 801 and 803, In the 4th Dtotriet and 1st Section of said oonnty, to satisfy a tax fl to vs. W. W. Dudley. Also, si the same Ume and place, the farm and Ipa- proveeaenta whereon 44. M. Edwards now live*, In arid oeunta, known as the food place, end more re cently a* the MeFOrtan piece. Itoufted ont by aeld Edwards as his property to satisfy a fl to In tavor ef Zion Sprigrs vs. said Xdwarda, defendant being poeeeaafon. November S3. MM. H. TATUM, dee 1-tdepnfeeta <0 per levy Depnty Sheriff. 1. They can be worn with perfect for any length of time at ono aitUnf, giving :: tees of vlaion, by candle or ny etka clal light, comfort to tbe ipocUcle-vearw Uh known. 3. How to select Glasses. It re professional guidance even whan s good rikh b fared. Dr. Bernhardt not only ha* the bai “ that oan be found in the market, but e Inez the eyes, and gives indlaponubb sMm v proper selection of them. 3. When tbe eye* ache or pain* the action of a bright light, aueh u is ; r, sunny weather, whit* papar, aadh writing or sewing, or vivid colorei \ lenten, by softening the rays, effect 1 aonsatiou and give great relief. 4. These Spectacles are Justed to every cue of defective 1 accuracy, whether arising Won age.nnla, or prematura decay, by Morris Bernhardt * and exact principle, entirely hia ova, which failed to be correct 5. After several years ef pnhlls f adjusting spectacles to patients nedsr srwy defective vision, aa well u experieaoe in u long-established business In bis Opttcsl I here aad in Europe, M. Bernhardt earnMl cisnt guarantee of his ability to supply mb are best calculated for tbe 1 right «. M. Bernhardt, to signal!!* from the host of pretenders in hi* prifin pride submits for inspection, oopinof has received from medical gentiaaea cf the questionable respectability and taint b also, a number of certificates from wsB men of distinction who have used hta n originals of all whlcb bt will be hippy ta d those who may request it Tbs mi of ny d *»■ lowing names or oertifiost** hwsuzb lint an actual possession of th* asms, wosldbe» a capital offence, punishable by beta 1 Testimony of recomm Uedloelgeatleznen, Protemcn ft thshl|bri mio talent in AUanU. Ga, and ta M Wta Atlanta, Cs., NovemberM. I have examined carefully, u collection oi glasses for the relief** Y. _ submitted to ms by Prof. Bernhuri, In adaptation to the eud proposed, m rmmm gant workmanship, they art nej wHfoiu JAM. F. ALlIilN"* Atlanta, Ga., Nevsn**# It affords me pleasure to stata*^?J, examined Prof Bernhardt's tbe eye, and from hta sxjl*«g« ■ ipta hel Sr K* in a ro usrxite.-5 forms of imperfect virion wllhta without an operation. ■ I am confirmed in say own of«"T sor’s merit by the testimony oflM^ prominent medical men In Iw»l (drerfallj cammtedJJ » - * my opinion may h.r. re, MFHMIM TO THE WOEEIHO OIJKE. -W« reo nov proporod toforoUh nil fterere with ooniteul unploymret ot »hote«u»Ute«of toftteipreoBOterete. rev 1 mi mi vno ore uu t-.imro nuur or. rear »U- (nreoMIrettko buteore, wo mote tkte nnporol- teted oter: TV auk re ore not von retteM, wo wUl oon( (t to poy for teoteovhfc o, vrtttn,. Full por- Uouloro, 0 Toteohlo ooteplo. wtedl vtB do to ooremonoo work re. aad ooooyot "TO. Poopin’ Utorory Oom- ponten"—ooo o, (no tetfoot and bote Meaty novopo- ten pobMteod—dtt toot fro* by soil, inter, tt ynj wont ptronn ret. Vrottobte wort. oddronE. ft AUJOt OOP., QngBMs Molno. Application tar DUtelulon. /•lEoaau, earalooo oon«m. — wo.root, VT Qww Am. oteoteltewow of tho ortote <*■£ non Kotl, nijwnoto to tko Ooort. tn Of ptelKoo dvly (tedogd W0n»d on loonrd. tore 0. Ore fully odteOrtO- TOutetOrrtelii. wo>t» oil porno oforefd, Hn MoSteSSretaTSTSro tetter, re tefftew oxtreolr. oollootioa of U 1 *—— poind rlolon, ond redo for wOteO ter, .r. In otete. ^ orer iron j red fortere tolten — Ite ~i OpUdre. foot If. Borohredt hte .- of Ooocoro Leu which poroonol I ton oort““, whom noturol ndon requite* ? son all y acquainted. H* ta * understands hia bnsinsm. r ^ M,.l.t«J< »*'“•' I nimt ooreimi, oorere >J, “iSS bardt aa an OpU«sn, «ua _ ^ who on in nnd of oUteWJ^.. I do tell U ooino I report Dr. BreohordtteJ- jgSnf5 Paster 1st Freshf OUonto. OO..EorombteM.** I ten, tetter to to* rete— D„ I* th. .bon rortlhtete *_i temtor, Otool to. EoTOmbor K lire To tho oboro tntiteo Footer Ite 1 OUonUk, Eorteobor OO. 11 * OooOrllte.' oi. do warn or of ^'’S'^'igga *3ss§irS*- I Kmpl°y " n (-in [co«*o rdprei'