Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 05, 1869, Image 2

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l 1 ** PlU»T WJW OH AWDWU>« ttio or 8nn u»m f MiiIiim W. do B«* ooo out .mpfoy** Uur.for, win not ratol" o»y «•» ***‘*7 th«BiIn «* dM ****“*. ^ p— h ‘* *» ri * h ‘ 10 norm. or Oita popor. stath'wbw* TWi Miliuuiou 1‘W-'* 1 «ointtoo.r L»(Jiw>8« l« osjonUtlnp * I*** * BulUMuf Tfa# j»«l«tBK>ni»l f»»» fa»* boo°“>* “ BoBtt-wyiora Bulliqwi UQite ■* No Vigor U«nry *3 ***JT*“, °^ cili»n of CohunbRS. fflod o« Tb«»ud»J •»••• RM.T W. IX AtWauoe. thu lorowt jyrtor, smtns:x.s^vss i«*>«*J «n«nt «o oooop* *• «H Tho OWol Bofinoor of Ui# B#l#l#. Rome ft 0uM»« fttilrwld. #Umu l» » «***»».”»***• that tha point on tha OrargU a»d Xlabamc BtaU lino, what* fis mud cnonoa *X i* *” foot above tha lido of the boo at Panaaooia, that Bono ia 025 feat above the tide, and Ballon WO fact. Head and Think. Wo print in la-daj'o Kna a loading artiole from the Non York Timee, a mcdenb Bra pihli-T- paper, headed "Tar Qaoaata In- noouo." Wo apeoiaUf oornmend thi» aril- ole to the Moh-aaanv mdnbon of the Domo- la prune, aa will aa to all other, abo Bat ter themselves that Congreai will paae Ooorfia affaire by in silenoe. We have faithfully | formed oar doty-iu warning the people breaker, ahead, and if they will persist in being Winded by a ruckles* Democratic presa, they moat lake U» consequence., let them be whet they may. Tbe ein of oppoe- iug tho plans of Congress does not rest upon onr shoulders. We piped uuto the people, bat they would not denoo. It has been e metier of pride with ns to save Georgia from faither Congreoeional legislation, but it reams th»t the people will foDow the advice of e wild Democratic press, and wo are utmost ready to exclaim that wa can do no more to set lack the oswann tide to last and surely approaching aa. When tfa# Kew York limes talks ns it does, look out for squalls. “ The day is for spent, nr iso - let ns go hence," The Rome Dally This sprightly and well conducted Demo cratic paper sets op a conrteoua and atroag argument against the reconstruction policy of the Esa. The argoment Is over a column in length, and its temper so well balanced that we shall take great pleasure in studying its pecnliar feature. Xs a general rule, we pay bot little attention lo the snyiuRs of Democratic editors in Georgia, owing to a too free use of Blllings- gaie on lb. ir port; but the Komo Daily ia an exc- piion to this rule, and we shall taka pleasure in noticing Its argument adverse to our position at the earliest date poasiblo. In the meantime We commend the Borne Daily to onr Democratic brethren as a model of repeatability, dignity and fairneeu, aud we hope that in future they may be induced to follow its example. City Reference Reqwlrevl Ae wa art not advised of the entire respec tability of s great number of the papers thst are at present "pitching > nt0 " th° I*'**’ we will be obliged to demsml good “city refer ence" of esch before we take any more of their esses in band. Can’t Read It. The (Jrenny Thompson, of the Savannah News, hssa two coluniu leader on Governor Bcllook. If he bad given it in abont ten installments, we and the pnblie would poaai bly have tried to read it pa~ One Ur. H. H. Jonee who scribbles for the Outhbert Appeal, reeda ae en im porfual lecture, all of which is couched in v«y bad English. Mr. Jones strikes os as a small concern, and we can't sfford to advertise him and bis sheet for a loss snm tbsn ono dollsr per sqosre. Ur. Jones will please aee tonne on fourth pegs. Where le the Money 1 We learn from reliable authority that noth- ing has -been paid into tbo 8tate Treasury from the Stale Hoed for rhe month, of October and November. The other Beilronda in tbo State bavo been doing n very large bnsineea—larger we learn than for montLa and year, past, yat it woald seem that the titate road has not been making more than tta neceuaary expeneeu. wm tho Intelllgouoer pleaee inform oe why the Bond does no’, now make money, or if It dpea, where the money goes?—CkroiMc A Sentinel The Intelligencer not being a medler in other men’, matters, we presume it will xe- qnect (ss it should do) the Ohrooiele A Senti nel hi attend to its own business. Governor Wright la much hotter at asking question* than answering them. 1MI, that may do very well for a lawyer, like our friend Governor Wright. The Usargla Imbroglio. There can bu no donbt that tho statue of Georgia will he - aa our Washington eorrea pendent has intimated -“one of the Brat mat- tars to receive the attention of Gongreaa." Not ia there much ’oora for doubt aa to the result, the titate is, in a certain sense. In eonBiet with the Federal Government, end with the principles end policy on which slon* reeonetruotion can be declared ennsnmmated. The spectacle now pmaevtod Is that of a State professing to be rceon-tfuetsd end claiming the privileges which reconstruction Involves, yet disregarding one of Ue essential oondi- tione and defying lb* authority at whoa, hands tbs fullest liberty In rsepeet to Federal representation Is sought. Tbs anomaly ia ton Bsgrant to vHeaps correction. Certainly Congrats cannot be secured of precipitancy in any decisive action which may sow bo taken. It has waited patiently in tha hop# that the common Sanaa of tho people of Georgia would oompoi the Deaieetatk mem. bare of-their Legislature to undo the mischief which wee deliberately perpetrated. Au ap peal having bach b*d to the Hupranin Omfl of the State, 10 determine the eligibility of colored dtisena lo office and to seats iu tbs Legislature, both Congress ami the people’ ware willing to await tbs dloision. Tha ab. surdity aad iajneU-s of tha expulsion.of ths colored members by tha Democratic maturity was apparent Item the outset But tha Inter- (eranea which that act might have seanisd, oa ths instant, toj phenes with tha expressed wish that ths la- *®Th« Gwrght Coart. having reviewed (anas of lbs n.w Constitution and lu bearing apoo th# old aiava soda, togstlwr with the ■cope aad purpose of Iks Fourteenth Amend- to Iks noimltialso Ami tbs sslorad man Isdtgibt* to oBUa, and is entttad ■Ia nnAlnh 1m ika V ahidlatnn it^lfiafol Itiai vOw j*h3”*|ivu a as IBv diAQ *»lw*’v■ " wlW by the sisstoia, Irnl dsniedfUm by Mrs Dsatoo racy. The judgment thus yvndvrsd dissst ad ths expulsion of He only pretence of legal By, agd afforded an ooeariou for ramsdfiag tha wreag by whiah nay party not heat a poo miaahitf woaid gladly has# ptotlad- Bui Uis wrong 1* poralrted lu instead of dag atoned for. Pndsat oonnasUors in the (kata have bars ami thsrs urged up«m the partiaa to tha oxpnlslou ths expediency of yielding to ths law, and fisiBUicg is good faith ths pledges given to ths Nsliontil Gov. srnment. Tbs advjoe bos not licou h udsd. On ths soatnry, tha Democratic ptsss and IsadaA hare grown man aad moya dadaot They will not rassda from the ground they bar* assumed They will not restore tlu members expelled because uf the color of their skin, aar disavow the protection ths sxpaiskM rested. " At ths expense til future mortldoutiou to Oongraax, at th« «** pease of keeptag out of a sharu Union '—aa one ot their journals doalaves-they propane to aloud where they er*. Oongteaa may ancouaib if it will—the oonnlry may uesuutte the violsilon uf s fundamental condition of rra anaatrooUon if it no determine; bat oa lor tbs Legislature sad Demooraoy of Georgia, they are raaaivtd to maintain the deBant attitude they hare annulled. Happen what may, they will at least try lo ha master of tha situation. This condition of things esunot be acquies ced ia quietly foraser. The iaana rorawl amt be disposed of sooner or later- and tlia noon- er tha batter for *11. It is not enough that the Stale is denied rspressutstion at Wash ington. Its non recognition there comparts with the hypothesis tbet its reooostroetiou ia Incomplete. Bat the time bee coma when Congress must go forward or buokward ] it rnuat declare that Georgia may abrogate the conditions of reoonatraetion and disregard tbe provisions of the local organic law with hnpn nity, or it must decide that what has been sup posed to be the rccohstraetiou of tbo State is a farce and a fraud -rendering necessary revival of military government and the renew al of the process which bail faith hue for the lithe annulled. The remedy is hank, aud uoue cun concern plate it without legret. Bnt the evil to be cured is deep-seated aud apparently otherwise irremediable. We arc required to choose be tween ths oontinnanee of what is virtually a confliot, with a State uouiiuolly roooustrncted playing Ihe part of nullifter, and the enforce ment of mtaauree which ahull vindiouio the authority of the General Government and compel Georgia to adapt the require ments which alone oun render reconstruction just and enduring. The alternative is not ploaoant, but it is forosd upon the oonntry by those who will probably soon begin to realize its consequence** —Y. Times, Dec. HA. Month Artiole of amendment to tha Constitu tion of tha United Blstsu. tad that then and llismaftat Us State shall ba admitted lo mp- jtmm) tattoo iit tombed. That w* liar* fol) confidence in Ihe ability and patrioiiain of tha Preaidant of the United States and hia Cabinet, and that tbe Nations! Administration has been marked IV devotion to tha great Republican prlnoj- itca ol oiu party* and has given awuraae* la be soaotey that tha will of Ue people ahull at all ttmas be raoogalxed aad euforeed. Rcnloei, Thai the Forty-First Congress of the United Htetcs, by U« wiss legislation, the acknowledged sUtesuieuabip oflta main here, end its soyietding devotioa lo tbo publle good, merits onr hearty oommendatiou, and cnootiragoa tbo hope thot itsfotoro action will he such as to plana Us late mballlooa Htates iu tuuipoaioua and loyal relations to ths Uuioo of onr Mhm f, Thu* tbe flriu, wine and patriotic onnrae pursued by Oaneral Alfred ii. 'JV h*H afforded lo tbe loyal m«a nf tbit fitata tbo protection oud relief possible under eaant aaomalooa ooadition. * ■ Rf sol red. That the courno of Ooreruor Bul lock, Ia adhering to Ui© great priueiplew wbiob wars aadoread by bia aktotkm, nnaaoved by the i>enmaeion, TillfloatiOB and threata or our oppodonrs, challenges our admiration end meets tbe unqualified approval of tbe loyal umu qf thw 8tat*, and we ootnmend him aud hla rooominendatloBR to the fhrornhle consid eration of Oon^i Hon. Madiaon Daria ofivred tbo following preamble and resolution, which waa auani* luoauly adopted; Wukkxas, A weekly paper in Georgia, claiming to be Republican, has taken occasion of late to alauder and abuse the Chairman of oar Committee and to wge bit resignation on the gronnd of his persecution and pvoaeeation by the most bitter end malignant rebels of oar BUte; bo it iZtfso^nsd, That we hare now, aa we bare ab ways had, the moat nnbounded confidence in the honor and integrity of Hon. Foeter Blod gett; that we esteem him es a Republican true end tried, who has stood undaunted and an yielding amid tbe most violent storms of rita- C tiou and abase, and whose political oareei been such ae to dietingnish him as one of the inflaentia! and gallnor leaders of tbe Re publican party. Hr. —— offered tbe following resolution whioh wee adopted: That the Secretary be instructed to trannmit a copy of these resolutions to the President and Vice-Prosident of tho United Htates, to each member of the Cabinet, to the Speaker of tho Hourie of Representatives, to the Chair man of the Judiciary Committee of the Sen ate, to the Chairman of tho Reconstruction Committee, to General Alfred II. Terry, com manding, and to hin Excellency Rufus Jt. Bollock, Governor of Georgia. Fowran BiioiK»«rr, Chairman. It. W. Johnston, Secretary. W|e., and olosed quHt si 82Jc. u advsnoe in sppl* . _ 00 par barrel, and Weateru aa high as |7 Oa tfdd D««t*—Buying at fil 00 to 1 It i«rdwt Tbe prioas vary aoeordiog to ths rniucn from which it is Uken. VilU Itiea is worth 91 1ft per dwt.. and mine* very i rom $1 00 to 1 10 per dwt Murk wheat Flonr—Ia boxes—six six pouud cks to tbe box, 92 76 to 8 00. Ilutter-Little done in Goshen aud Wts> tern ReneurSs Tennessee and Virginia quoted at 25 to 36a pet lb. Tb*quality tariee greatly. Good oountry butter seMs readily at 30 to 36fl. Bacon -Not much doing in baeou. We quote o. sides at 214c; c. a aides and shoo! ders, 204 to 21c. Bulk Mentc^Tb# market is well suppiie<! with bulk meats, and the demand fs good. 0. quoted at 19c; c. r sides IWalS*. making effective tho policy of equal justice be- i of the 8ti\U, preventing raooumJUNros OS A UKBTINOS OF TBB STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE UNION REPUBLICAN PARTY OP 8B0R0IA, nKt<D AT ATLANTA, Wednesday, Nov ember 24,1869. Rooms ow the Htate Cbwtral CoMMrrrar, Union Republican Pabtx of Gjcoboia, Atlanta, Ga., November 24. 1809. PnrHuanttothe call of Hon. Foster Blodgett, Chairman, dated November 6th, 1869, a meet ing of the Htate Central Committee wua held at the CApitol this 24th day of November. Twenty-two out of tha thirty members wero present, representing every Distnct in Ihe State. Tbe following is an extract from ihe min utes. The Committee on Resolutions reported tbe following, which were adopted: WhbiiKAS, In consi qnenee of person* ineli gible to olfler under the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of tbo United States having been unlawfully permitted to obtain auata in the Legislature ol Ibis State, elected under and by virtue of the authority of the Reconstruction Acts of CoBgre**, the legislative power in this Htate ba* unlawfully and wiougfuily fallen under tbe control of per son* and of a party hostile to tho policy of CongrcsH and to the Htate government* c*tab- lisbed thereunder; and Whkkkas, This unlawfully acquired power ba* been exerci«ed by tbe said persons and party iu a revolutionary manner, by oxpelling from tbe organization a large number of regu larly elected loyal members and seating in their stead, without *neleetion, sn oqual num ber of persons opposed to the policy and gov ernment established by Gougress, thereby de priving a majority of the people of this Htate of their proper representation and preventing the enactment of law* for carrying making effective tho ] tween nil the citizens tbe ounctuieut of lawi .. . for tbe free and universal eduoat children of the Htate in direct violation of the Constitution adopted by tho vote of a large majority of the people, and the law* authoriz ing aud Empowering proper offioer* to guaran tee protection to tho person and properly of all of our citizen*, irrespective of color or previou* condition, and in this wise aud gen erally nullifying and defeating the repub lican form of goverumant intended to have been established iu tbi* Htate; and WintmzAs. The Henate of the United Htote*. through its Judiciary Committee, has under consideration the evil* of which wo cojnplaio, and after careful examination has reported "thatthe Legislature vlolited tho conditions upon which it wag allowed to organize, by pcrniitliug disloyal person* to poriicipats in the proceeding*,* aud for this aud other reasons'fet forth in the report has retailed to admit the Htate lo rtprrAuntulion ; and Whereas; The Reoonstruotion Committee of tlie llonso of Reproftcntativo* having had .he sttDJM subject under consideration, has, with greet unanimity, arrived iti similar conclusions; and Wkxreau, It is the earnest desire of the loyal men of this Htate, and of this Commit tee, that this State l>« restored to her proper rotation* wuh and under tho government of the United Htate* in aeoordanoe with-tho set* of Congroae for that purpose, and in harmony With tho letter and spirit of the Constitution of the Ht*to adopted by the people ; aud WniRUs, We the msmbern of tbe Htate Central Coumitue of tbo Republican party, this day aMsemblcd ut tbe Capitol, having had auiplo notice ol the meeiiug to be Ibi* day held, end having consulted freely and fully with the frionds of the government in ottr several District*, feel aseuied that in our ac. tioi; we represent tbe unantmon* voice of th* party in this Hute : now, therefor** be u heiotred, That we, ns a cnruinittee, for oursotvee and for the loyal people whom we ropreeeut, deeply deplore the pieeent c«.mil lion of our Stete, outlying, as it were, from tho Union, and it fs onr iomcMt deair* ai.d prayer that tbe Congrea* of th* Untied Histes will withent delay take such notion ns may be neoosoary to onforce the rr construct ion acts, and thereby restore Georgia to her proper pi Vo, along side of our sister Htate*, iu full Irijlowotjip with tho Union swirr a “•rpabh- .. of nov. romfut." Uts.h+ti, That it Is tar opinion, and the opinion of thoue whom we represent, that the cause of ths trooMes, rohdortuhe end 9j>- pre**iou nnder which ws now snffwr, m di- rectiyt ratable to ihe fact tlrnt the Irghdativ* branch of the government, attomjficd to Ih« estobltshed here, has been * usurped by thd repreeontalivHi of the rebel eLmmit who were allowed to take sente in oer L* giakiture, in diroet violation rf the tows of the fatted Htate* which were tut*od*d U* vxcUd* them. “ • Legt ilatore^ lawful teafrort - at RY TELEGRAPH ASSOCIATED I'RMSS DISPATCHES. NOON DISPATCHES. Washington, December 4.—The effectivo strength of the Federal ermy in 34,000, though tho paper force in 62,000. Sherman submit* a plan for enlisting 42,000 of whom two-third* are in actual service, be low which Sherman thinks a redaction to be nmwife, Belknap’s report says: "The Railway Coni' panics to which Llio Military Railroad materi- ul of th* Qnftrtermnstar’s Dapartmcnt wai sold on a credit at tbe end of the war, incur red a debt, originally, of 97,591.406 interest has increased this amount to 99,000,000, about one-half of whioh has been paid; but some railroads being iu default, uml showing no disposition to meet their obliga tion, salt has been lately ordered to bo brought against them. Breckinridge and Sherman had a social in terview, yesterday. Senator Lewis, of Virgiuin, visited tbe Pres ident. The reported disaster to tbo iron clad Die tator is untrue. .She left Tybee for Key-West, Jay. aft Savannah New Yobk, Dooetnber4. -Rt Mathow’hEpls oopal Chnrch, the oldest in Jaroey City, wes burned by a destructive floe. Nashville, December 4.—A bill reducing taxes from four to two millions, with no ex- eruptions, passed. A bill removing disfran chisement* of tha Fourteenth Amendment, meed to the third re London, December suraed their full time. Paris, Deoember 4.—Rochefort has created intense excitement in the Oorps by tbe de mand that tha national guard be ordered to guard the hall for the protection of depmies NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, December 4—Revenue to-day over 9760,000,000. Durant positively declines the Ciroait Judge- ship. The contest is now between Judge Er- skine, of Georgia, and Judge Wood, of Ala bama. The chanoes favor Erekinc. The usual theft and premature publications of reports occur. Tbe Preeidonl’s message will be read from the manuscript. Tbe friend* of Amos T. Akerman assert that bis chanoes are liast for the Circuit Judgeship of tbe Fifth District. A delegation of Virginia Grant Republi' cons, representing the Bolters from tha re cent Republican State Convention, thirty strong are hero. They have met with great enoourageiptat from lending Republican mem bers of Congress, and fool sanguine of Vir ginia's ohHy ndmi-iMou. Gentlemen interested in the full restore tion of the Sontlwrn .States, report the fueling of Oougress quite favorable. They side* are < ‘ * ‘ iu* JfijJMIPBHPHHV equal to ths demand.- Quoted at*26 lo 33c. Bdc Ruw-QooIb.) ul 8 to 9o. Curu -The supply of icon, ia light Demand good. Prices firm. \Y« quote prime white $1 as to 1 40, netr »1 W lo 1 35. ^ Cura Seal—There i* a Rood oooeumi demand for moal. We quota it Arm at II 49. Cheese—Btook fair. Demand good. Quo ted at 21 to 23jo. Celfoe -Demand good and market well enp- S lied. We quote Java 35 to 37jo; IUo 20 to Ho, aoeordiog to quality, t'ottnn Yurae—Demand tuir—stock equal to demand. Quoted at $2 00 to > 16. Dried Fruit—teaches, rough 5 to 51°- Pealed 12 to ISo. Errs—Boaree and high. We quote at 35 40c per doz. Wow —Tbo Htpok of flour is very fine and embraces a great variety of grades and prices. Demand small. We qnnte super 9ft 09 to 6 60 per bbl. Extra 97 00. Family 97 25 to 8 00, aud Fancy 28 00 to 8 76. No i rial change. Hog*--The market for hogs has fairly open* ed, and the paoking buaineao commenoed. We quote al 104 gross and 13 to 13| net Hay—A fair demand and average stock. It is quoted at 935 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim- in owtota partio&t ef th* sut*. I pnrpos« oa Uia part ol aaid ov«aalsAto»M to **mUUn (tofytag ths dvtl Uw. It thorotoro tohserop tks good ptopi* of this tftoto to sm to U tost tho Oodtaotiwoolto to not farther ia- 1®aad dofkmad by tho aoU of penoas who, it U UoUovod, srs wholly without lutorsot In, or rojtsrd tor, tho woltoro of ths *toto. it Is tho doty of wrery oputoy, town, or muuldpal oorporsto sathototy to lsssrs psrfoot protection tor Ntoasa property to every resident within their bor ders; Aad whores* in many cases, th* local offldsU toil to oxsrcVse eOstoat ssesns to moor* this rwuK, the food dtlssas wlthte such Uutts—atoee hiving s mstoMffl Interest at stake or ltd best tntoroet of *he 0Ute at heart—choald see to It that prompt ■■■R are at onoe taken vodsr the civil law to arrest and bring to punishment the mombore of these orgsulxa- Uous of secret robbers and setiseeUis Under the etat- utos st preeent In force, tbo Exeontlve If proton tod todra taking active meeaures tor the auppooeelun of civil disorders, aad li Is therefore all tbe tent that every good dtlxen should feel It bis ludlvldu- al do^y to booomo s pasoo ofloer, and to aid lu scour ing to every lnhabtoast that perfeet pfOteeUon guaran teed by the CunstiqiUon and without which we can never enjoy either elvU or materiel prosperity, ■ Outrages, such ee have heretofore, attd. are •gala disgracing <mr BtaU, cannot ba tolerated or as- cosed without Involving the whole comma .lty. The time has arrived when theye Outrages must cease or the good fieople of the whole Htate will be held responsible tor their contli To th* end, that uo motive may be wanting to stim ulate tho people to aetkw la btinging to puulsktnont the vlolatora ol ths l*w, I hereby offer a reward of five Thousand Dollars eeoh |»r the arrest (with evtdenee to oonviet), of the person or persons engaged la the murder of Hon. Joeeph Adkins (white), a Republican Senator from the 10th District. And of the person or persona engsged in the murder of Dr. Benjamin Ajar (white), a Republican tatlve from the aad WaUms sdreets, fit private sale, X now ot»r tha Klx Store, ICuowu u the Kxuulr, Ulock. m WUIahaU ateHt, Ud Out ratu.Wc uuSnpnnol ■ -’A«ani«TOH hsu ttlapmd of, J wiu on. I mean buelneas. flap- G. W. ADAIR, STURT TfElfll MU. JAMES *. BCKLVHtJUE AND OPERATIC TROUPE. ARTISTS. SIX NIGHT* ONLY. Monday Evening, Deoember 6,1869. —r The Raid of the Oloth of floH, Han. JAW* A. 0AI» ** *ua pnufMtr. lawaAaria, oowBBM<od>A»m am* IMI'KHIAL JAPtWAP*. «*itid rinet, hi! door lo JOHN HENDERSON, MA1.KB 11, AW. xmDe or ‘ TOYS, CONPECTIONERICS, FIRE-WORKS, Aad Wbalaul. aud BotaU CONFECTIONER. price. CALL JK.JNJ . . *0.11 PEACHTREE BTREBT, NATIONAL HOTEL otiuf. Mol *xm and Syrup*—Htocks equal to tnalities Very various. We qc the quote demand. Qualities very IU figures ranging from GOo to 91 60. Oett-A good demand for oats exist*, aud the supply keeps up well. They are quoted gt 80 to 85c. Arrivals light Onions—Onion* readily bring from 94 50 to 6 00 per bbl. Offitl—Bran ia worth 91 00; ship stuff $1 75 to 2 00. It ir iu good demaud. FotteisSB- Good Irish potatoes are iu de mand at $3 00 to 3 60 Rye—Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo ted at 91 40 to 1 50. Sugar—Brings from 13 to 19o according to quality. We quote refined A18 to 18i; do. B 174 to 18; do. O 164 to 17; yellow 16 to 164 Wheat—We fiud a wide range in wheat. We quote it at 91 45 to 1 70 for prime red to prime white. Stock light. Smell demand.— Prime white seHa readily at $1 60. Tobaccs—Unsound pound*... .M Common sound pouud* 60 to 65c Medinm pound* 70 to 75o Fine pouud* 80 to $1 Extra fine pound* 91 25 Liquors- Dealer* are selling largely and some nre hardly able to fill their order*. Braudy, Fr $7 00 to 12 00 Americau 150to 200 Peaoh 3 00 to 4 00 Apple 3 00 to 4 00 Gm, Holland 4 00 to 6 00 American 1 50 to 2 00 Rom, Jamaica 4 00 to 8 00 American . 1 50 to % 00 Whisky-Corn—Country 1 75 to 2 50 Rectified, do 1 00 to 1 40 Rye, do 1 25 to 6 00 Robertson, do 2 00 to 4 Bourbon, do 1 25 to 5 00 Wine-Maderia 2 75 to 4 50 Sherry 9 60 to 6 00 Port 2 50 to 6 00 N. E. Rum 175 to 2 25 DryUoods. —The market is active with but little change in tbe price* of lending article*. Telegraphic Market Reports. New Yobk, December 4.—Cotton heavy and declining; sale* 2,700 bale* at 25c. Flour heavy and declining; superfine Htato $4 75 to 4 96. Wheat quiet aud very firm; winter red and amber western $1 35 to 1 37|. Corn unchanged. WMaky $1 0i| to 1 05|. Beef quiet. Pork .heavy and lower; old 933 to 33 25. Lord, kettle 19 i to 19|o; naval stores quiet; groceries quiet; freight* unchanged. Gold $1222- Government securities havo been active aud bnoyaut under large pur- fif’s 144 to And of tho person or person* engaged in th* ont- ragaooaamitted upon the person of Willhun Hardiman (white), of the county of Oglethorpe when, on or about the 81st day of October last, he was Usd to a trs* and brutally whipped, the outrage having been committed body of disguised msn tor no etbsr reason, aa Is alleged, than that Hardiman was ohargad with being a radical. And of the person or parson* engaged in ths outrage committed upon the person of Hon. Abraham Oolby (colored), Representative from the county of Oroecs, ho, on or abont the »0th day of Oetober last, was taken from his bad at night and cruelly beaten, the outrage having been oommitted by a body ol twenty- Are or thirty disguised men for the reasons, aa i* ah laged, that he, ths said Oolby visited Atlanta and re quested of the military authorities protection lor tho freedmen** school located in th* town of Orerasboro’, in tho connty of Oreone. And of the person or person* engaged in the depcv AaUou upon th* otoos of tho Assessor of Internal Rev enue for the United States Oovernmont in the town of Washington, oouuty of Wilkes, on or about the night of tha 13th inatant, when, aa is alleged, the office was broken open and books, papers, Ac., scattered and de stroyed, and notions I«ft warning tha Assoasor to loav* tho District. And of the person or person* engaged In the assault upon the house of ths Hon. 101 Barnet (colored), Re publican Representative from the connty of Haoeock, when, aa is alleged, a body of masked men at or about the hour of one o’clock on the night of the 10th insk, surrounded his residence, sod by threats of personal violence forced him to leave the county. And of the person or persoaa who, at or hour of ten o’clock, on «h« night of the 16th inat, fired ten or twelve gunshot* into * camp of colored laborers on the line of the Hacon A Brunswick Rail road, in the county of Telfair, whereby one man kllle4l aud another severely wounded. And uf the person or persona who, on Thursday night of court weak, October Term, about midnight, said to be a body of sixty men in disguise, surrounded the residence of the Sheriff of the county of Hancock, demanded and obtained from him the keya of the jail and released from the Jail one James Oxford (white), a notorious outlaw awaiting his trial for the murder of John Taylor, a respectable citizen of said oouuty. Given under my hand and the great seal of the Stats at the Capitol, in the ally of Atlanta, this twenty- ninth day of November, in tbe year of Lord One Thousand Eight Hundted aud Sixty-Nine, and of tho independence of the United Slates of America, tho Ninety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: David G. Corn no. Secretary of State. nov 30-dUtwAw for European accounts; 62’* ill at 84 to 8g. NQspe.usia good*;an lag bom i* unfavo •ml a qm IlAVANi will i*«0fl ditional I lnformi do Cabo, inotndiug dry dri* and a large eloth- ati. Bank stateinont rs a low* of a million >1 reoerre. -The Spanish Bank carteuoy a* mu h<1- »rnmant. here from Santiago report* tire lauding of a flllibimtoring expedition from tbo Oaban privateor groat qua: tertor m On tho insurgent Tho altar tpo Bay, and that* ’ Hloro* roadbed tbo to- ntiard* attacked the reunited at Mugute. — by shelling and tudsd by a bayonet charge in whioh tho Spaniard* wera reunified with great loss, many of the wonudod being taken by th* vtotor*. Tofkxa, December 4. — A fire dwotroyod tbo records of tho land offioe and journal* of the Hoiwo of ReproHeatotivoz At Madrid. Madrid, Deoember 4. —The Constitutional guarani Aon recertify suspended ore restored New York Doeembor 4 - Florence Hcuim l, recently wqumlcd in a political roqr i* dead. Kievou oattle tbievo* were haoced on the Rio Groodu tho other day, i&d tho husiawH* i*. in consequence, temporanly quiet IMoV took tip s eoongb n viot nude Th# In whites au citizen* c tbe tapor ftOWR. If Lynchburg lately ilsslpni between tho to b* tuoreoNiDg. Th* are in great otarm at negroes to bum tbe A MArltms rioi ooogvrcd ot Winona, on Central voBrood, in whioh tat fifty shot* wove fired hpt no ono hurl. 1 ftuht hotwoen the two roo«« in ia ^*091- A reported fight between Hutifl'iwer connty, ocveral firmed. Thirteen of the oondeo, end 444- Sterling doll N»w OZuun*, December 4.— Cotton easier at 23ic; sale* 3,600 bales; receipt* 6,045. Ex port* 2,703. Corn higher; white 51 20. Hay 924- Other groceries unchanged. Gold 129j. Sterling 83J. New York sight 4 to 4 percent premium. Balttmobr, December 4.—Cotton qaiet and steady; low middling 24 to 244o. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat steady. Corn active; S rime white 85 to 92o; yellow 90 to 93a. Oats uli at 68o. Rye dull at $1. Provisions qui et. Lard 19c. Whisky 91 04 to 1 05. Charleston, December A—Cotton dull and nominal; sole* 100 bales, middling* 24; re ceipts for two day* 2,346 bales; exports to Great Britain 2,213 bale*; Lo the Contioeut 1,188; ooastwise 1,609 bales. Mobile, December 4 —Cottou in good and general demand, oloeing firmer; sales 2,500 middling 23fc; receipts 3,817; export* 1,258 bates Cincinnati, December 4.—Cora dooliuing new 78 to 80o; old 93 to 95; little offering.— Whisky duii. Pork dull at 930 60. llaoon dull and lower. 8boulder* 15c; side* 174c to 18jc. Lard held at 18 to 181# Liverpool, December A—Cotton cloned dull; upbinds 12d; Orleans 121; sale* 2.000; speculative Acousta, dull and lower; sales 560 bale*; receipt* 990 bales; middlings 23o. Savannah, Deoember 4. -Cotton 23|c market dull; receipt* 3,109 bale*. Export* 4,>:5. Wiluinoton, December 4.— Cotton 23 to The New York Jonrnal of Commerce of De cember let, say* : “Th* autnam mouths close on low prices for gold aud most de scriptions of prodaoe, and upou a generally dull and profitless market for most kind* of busine*8. Some think thnt Congress will do something to relieve trade and reetore com mercial, aotivity, aud this may be uffooted, although we are at a loss to see what course ia likely to be token to secure that result. Some piopoee that more bank note* shall be ietu*d, while an equal amount of greenback* »h»U be withdrawn ; bat os the former are redeemable in tho latter, any movement whioh niakee the greenback more desirable or nenroor than tbo note* based on it would lead at ouce to panic aud to a financial crisia, Wa sc* uo way of ultimate relief exoept by a repeal or setting aside of the legal ten der act. Congress appears to bo afraid lo do this lest it should not be popular, and the Supreme Court, if it really bo* corn* to this conclusion, ia influenced iu lb» Name direction to withhold it* decision. >- We hco uo way therefore bat to djift along on tbi* n mettled tide uulil the cutting of tbo knot by tho court or a legislative repeal will be treated tore relief from intolerable snipcnae. Those who believe that the debtor class will ever be reedy of their own volition to return to iiiecio payment* by a proceta that will require th« m to pay ell ti.ejr debt* in gold, most have a faith akin to the msn who waited for the river Ui rnn dry, and argued that it most be- canthe .water* potired so *wift!y. The boat way to go Wk to h sound currency ia to out (ooae Irom all po«t entanglements, leaving the ito*d to bury it* dead, am) lo begin a new oa- rear on a speaic hoof* A bill bo* been iff trod oped in the South _jrolir.&L< interest of I bo* bean introdoosd fa tho- Carolina LeaUIntnre to pay tha principal and interest of State bonds and stock* in coin. A resolution has been introdaoed favoring tha “ ‘ * “ eld of recouuiUonnf Cuba, and pledging the State in com of War with Spain. The May TJZL TU.M.« ( M.rf«nTo5»M*» faH no Uirahri p.y rail in 5 * G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. House and Lot, and Two Unimproved Lots in South End, O N Thursday, ths Utfc Instant, at 4 o’clock, X well sell on the premises. In South Bud, A 8IX-ACRE BLOCK, VARIETIES THEATER, (Decatur ML, near corner Peachtree.) OPEN EVERY" NIGHT. Aclna 1 —Ion £30 Ota. nor 4-lin M NAUGHT, ORMOND & CO. iMPoR-riRa or HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IRON AND NTEEI. DKAUB8 ZM Guns, Rifles, Aies, Hoes, Chains, &c. Alu Ipnti fur Ik. Ml. ot Hilnlj’, Unlrrrsal Planthr, F«lrbank«’ Standard Srated. Du Font’s Ulflo and Blastlnir Powder, Old Do minion Nails, R KSPKOTf 0LLY rail th. .ttantioa ol Ibo oom.t trad., ui Ui. public ,en,r#llr, b> Iwk« u varied stock, embracing, in addition to ths above, _ complsts ssaortmsnt of BoUdsrs' Hardware, Me chanic*’ Tools, Anvils, Vies*. Bellows, Horse sod Mali Shoes, Cotton sod Wool Curds, Circular aud Mill Baw*. Leather and Rubber Bolting, Nova Scotia Grind atones, Hollow Ware, — ~ ‘ " ~ Hub*, Poles, Iron Axles, Enaio *ied [oliow Ware. Boggy, Carrlags and Wagon of all klpds, such aa Hickory Spokes. Hi Shafts, Elm and Locust Hub*, Poles, (teste, ttd* Bering*. I meted Leather, ka material Fslloss and Shaft*. Bpring Bars, KlipUc and Bide Clip*, Bolt*, Patent and Bssmeted Cloths, OU vlarpet, Ac., Ac., AU of which they offer at tha lowest market ratos, UU*s to salt purchasers, at their old stand. Street, Atlanta, Ga. CRAPE VINES. U AHI’BKRRY and BLACKBERRY PLANT8. Tor sale at LOW FIGURK8, by >f ARK W. JOHNSON. * Bamplea at my offioe. oct M o FOR RENT, NRW LOCATION rlodloal*, and *▼*._ — rtrst-Claaa New* Bland. To riodleala, aud every other thing usually sold at r*—«r ■——-« - - s who has ths |M|>era, Pa id at a capital conduct thin bu aloes* iu s rub lie addraaa hi writing, with real name, P. O. Bax Isnta, for two days for verms# Ac, None but need apply# tor yon will not receive attention. r. rs. A GENTLEMAN AND LADY, O F long experience in teaching, wteh to obtafi situation as principals of somsUgg* Fsmsl* Ac cosy, or to hssr of a good loci Bon for building ut lArg* Female Institute, where ths Latin, G> sek, Froi and English branches, together with marie, will be oughly taught. Address Look Box 86. Atlanta, C BACK-BONES, SPARE-RIB* And S«uti«cri Mo#t. r* bsv* outmnsnosd PACK W' Ho* and hotels <_ will, BAOR BONZH, HPARK l MEAT,atrcssooatols pries*, j. J. J. WILLIAMS A 00., dssS-tl! dec* Warehouse Glenn, Wright A Oerr. A FORTUNE FOR SOMEBODY I Will part with aa Interest In my lately toventsd Washing Machine, known as the data City Waeh- lag Mashlna, patented by me. for a period of BBYKN TEEN TEahh. from nth May, 1801. than aottva, mui- divided into three lots. No. 1 contain* near 8 acres, having on It s 6-room house aad ont-bulldings. Nos. ‘J and 3 have acres each. It la all enclosed, has a good Orchard, Garden Bpots, Flower Yard, unsur passed water, beautiful situation, commanding a fins view of tbs whole city, in ft superior neighborhood, just eoatb of Col. Grant's mansion, and near Col. Dab ney. Titles perfect. Bale absolute. Terms % cash; remainder in one sod two months. Conveyances leave my offioe at 3% o’clock. G. W. ADAIR, : 5-2t No. 38 Alabama Street MOI OPTIl Admlralon 11 00; Otitar,«< VOSknla. Zor ral. M tjl itwra item io rt «,##< »i Hoc 3-4! SUBSTANTIAL FUN 1 ALABAMA STREET THEATER! OPEN EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! Messrs. Soyer and Hebeg, Lessees and Managers. O N MONDAY, th. OMNINO DAY. .rim* praauM tha htglif, nMMUq Dram# >#tUM> S BETSY O, The Hard-Shall Baptist of tha Goya, by the Entire Company, in One Act Selcctlvn—Flnt Scene-Whltotall Street. KMTMBt STMAMOEB THOU MAOOM—’’Whr. t-ara Tom, how sre you, old tetlow; Its tramped this town of vours for the last f? 1 *°¥S^ r A S& w3. r ?«TSe ra see you; it Is ^ust my dinner hour* where do you pro- ’■SEffifok- “Umph, don't know-mighty hungry ^TO^—‘ Ah, then ooms with ms to PEASE'S; ha's rwnid. 4«>Ht DltiTRIO PENNS’ trade mark. GLASS SPECTA hwralar lo my otbv I, . d##o< with tho totooa. ‘ “ Ifao poi#H#r fbmot A CONCAVE COS Admirably adapted to the om*a <4 ly natural to tha eye, affordinsti wtint help to the human vUtou ( only by MORRIS BERNHA Spectacle & Optiosl 1 Marshal’s Notice of Seiznra The United States m. Three Barrels of Whisky, Three Lots of Laud Nos. 100. 306 and 907, In the 14th District of Cherokee, and Fourteen boxes of Began. Whereas, On ths 13th day of September, 1809, three Informations were fl ed in the District Court of th# United States for tits Northern District of Georgia, by John Milledge, Eeq., attorney of the United Htate* for said District, In be hall of ths said United Statss, one of said Informations being against Fourteen Boxes of Began, found In the possession of A. L. Fowler; anoth er against Three Barrels of Whisky marked "Recti fied, “From Harris, Gaines A Co., New York,” "J, H. J., Atlanta, Ga." and another against Three Lots of Land, in th* 14th Distrlotof tbe 3d Section of Chero kee county, State of Georgia, tbe same constituting a single tract and known as numbers one hundred and failed to ths Informations alleged. And whereas, th* said Court has Issued its warrant* of arrest commanding me to seize said property: And whereas I have executed said warrants. AU peraons interested therein are hereby notified that arid prop erty has been seixed in pursuance of arid warrants monitions of Mid Cour£ and that if they have claim or know, or have anything to say why ths i should sot be condemned M forfeited, and the pro ceeds thereof be distributed aocordlng to the prayer of the said Informations, they will be and appear before tbs Mid Court, to be held in and for the *rid District, on the 3d Monday In Deoember next, st 10 o’olock in the forenoon of that day, if th* same should l>e a day of jurisdiction, otherwise, on the next day of jurisdio- tiou thereafter, then and there to Interpose a claim for tho same, and make (heir allegations in-that behalf. WM. II. SMYTH, dec 8— U. 8. Marshal. United BTatb* Inteknat. Revenue, ) Collector's Office, 4th Dlst. of Os , S Atlanta, Ga., December 4, 1601.) W ILL be sold at the Georgia Loan and Trust Co pany. on the 33d Instant, at 10 o’clock, the following articles: of P. M. Trimble. Seized and 47, act July 90th, 1868 One keg whisky, gallons. Belted August 19th, I860, of James Hunter, Decatur, Ga.. for same cause. Two kegs whisky. Seized August ldtb, 1869, Tho man Akins, Decatur, Ga., for same cause. Fourteen gallons whisky. Seized October 2d, 1: of J. R. Russel, Stone Mountain, Ga., for same cm On# barrel brandy, two barrels whisky. Seized June 23d, 1869, of Henry Korwlscb, for umt cause. Four gallons whisky. Belzsd Ootober 16th, 1889, of Gua Johnson, for same cans*, mhhmhm iobert Widows, for violation seotion 61, act July 20th, 1868. Fourteen boxes cigars (1,000 each.) Bailed July 18th, 1809, Of A. L. Fowler, for violation of seotion 87, of soma act Twelve barrels whisky. Srixod June 28th, 1809, ot Jscksou h Co., for violation of section 16, of earns set. Two copper stills, caps and worms. 8elxed iu Hen ry county, August 90th, 1869, of William Unchurch, for violatlou seotion 23, act July 13th, 1866. One still, one oap, one worm. Seized of Bnujamln Moeely, Henry oounty, on August 90th. I860, for Two still*, twe oap*. two worm*. Belied April 19th. 869, of Pool A Colbert, for same canse. On# still, one oap, en# worm. 8el*ed in Hall oouuty May 17th, I860, of Aaron O. Bandera, for cams cause. One bavrel whisky# marked J. Felksr, on* still, one oap and one worm, no mark. Seised near RisggoU, G*., by W. B. Whitmore, deputy collector. Name of owner aud date of leisure unknown. , JAMES ATKINS, Ute S-»1w Collratof. Dtetrtnt of Oeorglt In tho mttt.r of ■8#. BOYNTON, bankrupt. No. 906—AU M IntM Mtnd »rr notlllrtl to Sow ram. IMUra Bra !•*" Mirra, »t Oriffln, Owivt#. on tho 90th of Dmob b«,, me. M 1# o'clock, n, why raM brakrapt Hhould not be dlaohoru—1 Ikon #11 Li# d#M# Th# #ec- ond ##d thmi mratlD, of creditor, will be hrtd #t th, *»!»« Unto ,nd plMc. 4th December, law. 8*= W. a SMITH, Clerk. U. H. MarslialH Kale. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFIOk atlazt*, Ba„ Peceabn- tth, man. U NDSUudb, rtrtueof « writ of fieri uoira im •Md out of the Honorable, the DKlrtot oourt of the Uultod State, for tbe Northern Dlatrtot of Ooorat# In Mrar of th. plotuttE, Clutrlra H. Hrutaby, tu th. foliowln, eara. to-wlt : ChariraR Brumby t>. T. H. Wllaon k Bro„ Robert Y«by, KVarett Yartty, .ud *H#,r I„ Newtf.u, Hwu- auwww mm ( |ie j.rcpnrty of HitUT L. Nswtoo, a certain lot or psicsl or Uud lyiug and beiua WUhlu tho corporate limb* of the toin of Athsn? county of Clarks, and State of Oeotgla, couUiniwg fifty (60) acres, suh or tees, together with all Improve- msuts thsreon, bring the plsco where the said ttnmw L. NswtuU now resldrs. And will sell ths same at publlo suction at the Court surof'5Xt’u#1hi u ‘’"' ooaM ' ■ C1 “ k ’’ “ ,J Mr#, TatuUy fa January, Srtwa.ii tha lawful hour, ol .ate. Tram, cart. Yinperty pointed out by malitUTa Attorney. . . W. H. SMYTH, *"*“• D. 8. Marahal tn llankrtiptcy. IU Uio luatrfet Oourt ot tho Catted Sutra lor ttu Southern DUMet of aaoryta. In Rankruptcy—No. UL NOTICE. a edU, sn an joslatthSTard I bushel tor cash only. Blaokmatfi Cos oudiel. Order, not “h -m churned w rank# RDWARD PARSONS^ ONLY $37 00. _ Upa k CWsw's Book Store, makes the fy»ck Blltch, and dose all work that any Family Sewing Machine purchased at the low price of $87 Ou. T. V. WHEELER, Agent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Orncn Mssnutov HmuHNUshai,) WEirrEftN and Atlantic Hail Road, \ Azlajita. Ga., November 27, 1888.) O N and after 2Bth instant. No. 1 Night Passenger loaves Atlanta. 6:60, r. M. No. 12 Accommodation arrive# in Atlanta at 9:68, r 30-Ct WINTER ARRANGEMENT. R A I L W A Y The Old Reliable Passenger Route TO ALL Northern, Eastern nod Western Cities, CARRKINO QRRAT SOUTHERN EXPRESS. THE ONLY ROUTE from ATLANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY TIIK0UWH TRAIN. Preventing s possibility of twenty-four (94) hours* de lay, incident to lines having but one drily train. THE UNITED STATES MAIL Between Atlanta and New York Is carried exriurively by this line. Thiauzli I’sssciigsr Trains Lento Atlanta *•.15 A. M.—5.50 P. U Making dose connections at Kingston for Rome, Selma, Meridian, and New Orleana At Chattanooga, with lh* tout Tennessee k Georgia Railroad tor all paints North & East by Lynchburg. Th* Memphis A Charleston, far. Canton, Memphis A New Orleans, AND POINTS WEST. The Nashville k Chattanooga, for NaslirlUe mid all Points North, East and West Yla LonlsYille. 1. They eai b* warn with | lor any teagtk of time st one sitting, c i«f vision, by caadhw ssf i rial light, comfort to tbe u, known. ». How to select Glamt. It i professional guidance e?u when t|eria fared. Dr. Bernhardt not oslj Iwthl that can be found lu foe rant*, M e turn the eye*, and gives lndlspsnwkbri proper selsotion of then. 3. When the eyes achear y ths action of s bright light, nek as* the snow, sunny weather, white writing or sewing, or vivid i louse*, by softening Ihe rayi, effect • sensation and give greet relief. 4. Thasc ffpcctaclctsrsM justed to every esse of dofecllv# « accuracy, whether arising from *f*,ti or premature decay, by Morris Per and exact principle, entirely hi* own, vtak hi failed to be correct. 5. After BCYoral yeansfp adjusting spectacle* to patient* nod defective vision, m well u aperient iong-Mtablishtd busioew in hi* Op hors and in Europe, M. Recnhsidt c cleat guarantee of his ability t? npply a srs best calculated for ths i right A. M. Bernhardt, t from the host of pretender* is kh | pride submits for inspodhm, coptatiM has received from medical g questionable reapectabilily I also, s number of certlflcste* irimtalk men of dletiuction who hsvs mri originals of all which be wtU b* 1 those who m»y request It Ttotisff lowing nsmsi or oertiflcitss hwsstisrf sn actual possession of th* *■* » a capital offence, pnnUhible by titoti Testimony Medical gentlemen, PrcJssmrt s* tfofij mlc talent in AUtnU, 0s., sal lit— Atlanta, On., * I havo examined carefoBj, ooUsction si glssse* for ths submitted to ms by Prof. 1 In adaptation to the « gout workmanship, they i It affords ms pleasure to it PASSENGERS DATE CHOICE QF TWENTY-SIX DIFFER!. KT ROUTES FROM ATLANTA TO NEW YORK. Pullman'a Traveling Palace* ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. The Best ErUrr Humus Ir (We <’i iralrj. No Midnight Change*. Finely Finished Oars Well Heated and Ventilated. QUICKTIME AMD SURE CONNECTIONS. TlckfU for k#ln st *11 TIeknt Offices for all points reached bj this lies. FARE SAME an by OTHER ROUTES. whioh he adapts ti •atisfled Ih-bt he tt of Optics, and that be lap in tks adoption of ins'- forms of Imperfect vita without a* operation. I am confirmed In my ova 6 sor's merit by th# testimony;« prominent medical men In \ most cheerfully my opto Ion may bsv# say b Atlanta, «•., W# have examined Prot I extensive collection of ghm paired vision, and bslisvsta suds for which they ar# inti