Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 07, 1869, Image 4

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i w a i fl THE PEOPlf peered in a dty parer, and I detenu lined to giv# ft a trial, rdid ao, and kaaa no reason to regret One bottle reetored me completely, and elnce that time I have aeen nearly a hundred oases In which It Acted with equally happy reeulte, and would oertainty re commend It aa preferable to any other tonic before the public. JAMR8 MARTIN, Engineer, Louisville, ly.. Jane 16, IMS. TWO MOUTH* r n on ! »* nnn > Th. N«l Papular Xt|Ul« li GREAT BARGAINS SYPHILIS 111 e ALL ITS FORMS, MTothltw Sootlou jU . KTotllill« SootMrlau THE LITTLE CORPORAL. Entirely Original and Firat-Olasa. All new enbeeHbere for THE LITTLE CORPORAL bee* of Apprtlte, lick HMdaehe, Ur« romplalnt, Pain in Ua« Back, Im pendence In Life, Orareli UMe tne met ornewemoer, wwrncenotpn noveeaoer and December Noe. of It#9 TREE. THE LITTLE CORPORAL baa a larger circulation than any other Juvenile Magazine in the world, and to better worth, the pri^p than any other nagantae pub- WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. Pobllehcre, Chclago, lillaole. HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR 1870. Sent FREE on receipt of 2-oent stamp for posti ADAMS k CO.. 26 Broomfleld street, Boston, Mai UOSAOAhU eradfcnfoe every kind of hwi bad taint, and restores the entire eyetein to a condition. _ __ ^ m t It ie perfectly harmless, never producing the alight- eat injury. It la not a eecret Qqack Remedy. The artistes o Which it la made are publiehed around each bottle. SadM Latk*, Plum, let rlgrht Urlllg, MaeWtltte' 1 thor- given ‘OMEN of New York; or THE mDRILWORLD OF THE ii KK AT C1T Y .—The elna of every elaaa of eocletv exposed. Avoid the Railroad to Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is what it la I believe It the moat wonderful mac public. Nothing under the heavens to aay eo without proof of the slroi ■ ■ k. T.l.atl, ree presses ail the time to ■ ■ print fast enough. One agent took 178 ordure In 10 days. 740 pages, 46 illustra tions. Price, $3 50. Ascents want- mi. L *.r »' M Addreee N. Y. BOOK CO., 148 Neesxu etreet, N. Y, *gr For {eetJnioitUle of remarkable cures, are M Ro- sadaMa Almanac” for this year. Prepared only by Dre. dements, Rive* k Co., Mao- ufacturing Charytete. formerly J. J. Lawrence k O*., Baltimore, Md. For aal^by .Druggists everywhere. Jr IS- , - > JZ *: ,V ; ■■ 1.——. kind; therefore I apeak willinglyaudpositively on the baa been afflicted with akin disease and stiffness of the Joints for several years. 1 em; ployed thf principal physicians of the ally end they ocuid not cure her. I gavo her your Sarsaparilla not expecting It would do ranch good, but to my great as- CITY BREWERY O scar In the West, 1870. An 8-page Univer se# st family weekly, giving current secular news.— Edited by Hev. Dr. Williamson and J. 8. Cantwell. S2 80 par year in advance. Premium to new subscri bers. Send for specimen. Addreee WILLIAMSON k CANTWELL, Cincinnati, Ohio. Any person statement, wtl and Wsluntaa “Which ts bound to take the pltei tf i ly vegetable PKU (sugar eoated) itl efficacy for Costivsness, Indlgetooe. I aebee. Nervous Debility, liver Cons! LMttmJ Positively ths best FtO tn th Thousands of Bom new u All Druggist In ATLABTA e •‘That Cough will kill you," Try “CoetarV’Cei “Colds and Hoareeneas lead to fcetk. Try “Ceetarie" C*e SEND IN YOUR ORDERS, KO COMPETITION NOW—ffcgf* HtOM. nov T-lm WANTED-AOJCNT8-$250 per month to sell only GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAl LY SEWING MACHINE. Price only. $18. Gr inducements to agents. This ia the most popular & ing Machine of the day—makes the famous "Elai Lock Stitch’’—will do any kind o# work that can done on any machine—100,000 sold and the dami constantly increasing. Mow Is the time to take ajenoy. Reud for circulars. syB«w»r« of infr gers.-MR Addree* 8SCOMB k IX).. Boat u. Mat Pittsburgh, Pa., or 8t. Louis, Mo. A. ERGENZINGER /. ,v tk it,. ti, Meserx. James Huddle It Co.—Gentlemen—It gives mo great pleasure to say, after ualrg all tlio otb« worm remedies known to me. with but partial succea to tny children. I was advleed to try T. A. liurley’i and ainoo using it my children have becomo quit well and healthy. The ohlldron would eat It all th time. It is one of the host, safeat remedies kuowr and aa suoh, recommend it to one and all. JA8. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, June 19, 1868. Anil .Dealer in ITuruitureiand MANUFACTURER OF BEDDING tknTAIt KPANULKD BANNBh.”—It O vravee, better than ever. Rich, llayo, ud Ledger Kiss, 40 eolamae. Wit. HrnnoiV TuH, 1 bugn exposed, hlogant $3 a'evl plate "Kvange gratia to every subscriber. Only 75 cents for a i year—steel plate FREE. Speoimena 6 cents, dre as BANNER, HinvOlTi, N. H. CONSHTlXf to Baltimore, Philadelphia, THE CHARLR8TON 8TRAM8HIPS offer every in- with Ublo. .applied with BUCKTHORN 8Ai «'« iK‘i»*ii* e«.aiMverara. 1 l iuiu use. in evert .'*uru*ynnil among nit ef*t<na» iu this uitia U\ i w- ifellto ae4 ft/(UinB aide-;- Attodint' Pain Kill it, Debility, Loss of Appetite, 'Weakness, ln> digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of action of the Liver or Disordered Komaeb- U NRl V AI ,L,MI > ON THE COAST. “Coeras,"Me W.Oedyd w Jons F, Ha**t (gweeeaerto Demas Barnes A Oe^BS*** ■' X- T1TUH.X l otk.r InwIiU 1» Atlanta There are no hitters that can In removing these distressing c erow bn had at any drag store 1 gy Descriptive pamphlet emit free. ***t, know th.iLtMmruecMnwr And 4rtoa.1v nuitall■ kuow liut Wh it Jt akms yuqa d iloci uU.iy*' It fio^r lulls ttiiKkiijti :my fafiHof he«h. tbf *»<■—fgHliilL Wri huvo thtincMNld tipob thou- <•/curlUk ales of U»cir ro:a irknblo euros of the 1 mo known in publish thorn. jpti-cnmufctt; iloruci or any deteiorioue drug, villi safely by anyboily, 'Oieir voi* Uicii; ever flesh and makes befu^ purely vegetable ■* a their use m any quantity, i.'ir powrerittl influonco on tho . Iniiy the blood and eUmulnh “ JAMES RUDDLE k 00., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the AMERI CAN KNITTING MAOittNR, the ogly precUcgl Family MBW YORK VIA CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. tie A* ROBERT, . ^, Georgia Railroad. K» !$• JOMflBOll, Slinoriutendeat, Augusta. »• T. AlVDfUKSON, Agent, AUante iwli.iiviai,complaints, but 6noli cmy.TirrMjh-frtn)Od 1 .iaa \ve net AdafitceVln nil eg«e a*>N hduiHtk i niitaimaj; nelWter v»l * " *• tiiuy iftay In; taken wl sugar cnatln; preanrv them plea.vant te rnk« n<» harm can arise fro They operate hv Ut? internal vldcora to |>ili mtohcaJUyr n-itimi — i; 1 doling t ’mir ia^qr'iimr ^Vb^UMMh' aw'd ^ — *’•'*—*— — “ * Uorangc- Wrap»»er on To Jae. huddle A Co., Louisville, Ky.: GenUemea This is to eettfir^Batl hevc been tor years a sufferer and tried all thetcnioal have heard of or Men adier. Used, vithlittieornoraltef from any of tbeaa I hearo Hurley’s Bitters highly spoken «r, and trted a MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. ' ■ ■ WINNERS OF THE PARIS EXPOSITION [MEDAL, WHO HAVE UNIFORMLY BEEN AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS, Dysentery < orUtsti, f emale Tonic leer, I Arrival bottle, with little faith initbafore In r&T&rssa&iai two Dccadone it Was the means of eavti them always to ask for Dr. T. A- Hod no other. Yon can use this as you thin Witt benefit others. Yours truly, ate., J0H N Louisville, Ef., December 10,1808. THE POPULAR PA88ENGER Be Q U T E ArfAvatMmdgefBirriVk ff.. •» P- »• flonr by the ebove 1RADE MARK. Arrive at Rateaton...... P- v or hv P. A G. T. dodd A on. mi mu m Arrive at latoaton Connecting with train that; T. DODD A 00. Minute d1nvH>u*» nro gtnln Th’thu tvrr u., Oril^eiuy enmtilmni.% u h lMmy*i*wpeia or fwdigretlon, Lu:l c *e- •»*'*». Inswgmor amt Lew off t npviir r. h v Ahoold be taken moderately to stimulate thu ■tom- AT UfDVSTRUL EXBIBITIONI IN THIS COUNTRY, Ro that their work is the arkssowlcdgert sti t nnursjiii warn FORE STJ U E E N. It is the only preparation yet discovered that affl produce hair on the bald head. The South and New York p<uubu.t>Mn, wXHhi.ier. v, dard of excellence in He department, respectfully im&m mi EjgsBu they are now producing yet more perfect organs than ewer before, in great variety as to styla and Will prescribe for patients when consulted, and ex amine any that come to his office at any time, (Sun days excepted ) Will treat secret diseases of all kinde. Special atten tion given to. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. r ra Tl— si, Chnrchee, Schools, Ac., in plain ar aU of which they veeoaAled hy thehr toed hair and whiskers on a gentlemsii r 80 years of age. scabs, ecurfa. and dandrikiff from thr DR. REABROOK’S FEMALK DINF.AHMWJ a wi Knteati »■ q t# MW ni* r < VIRGINIA A TENNESSEE RAILWAYS, INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP, X22ai»»H|5afiKB m not mw, uU oat aFu<Ur, (nwi.^lum toshitmm. »h.r« ,pUna(arUi 1. ^OsnltsS^rirenttHc^hef^fcm 6 m0r * *T ,0 TJ. M X HJhoM 0.;, m now Mitt*, WOtTS OO. T*« (TB84IW ,M Mdt; FITS OCTAVE OB. >»UW W»E STOW, with two mU of VIBRATORS tot EIES. MU) wBw. Use In the futtire only HKADUOOK'S, a comblnatl. quite up with the advancement of the ege. Pleasant take, harmless in !te action, efficient and reliable in i cases. Invaluable In tha following diseases: * *• Gives health to the child and mf to tM« moAer. ■Vtompi AUmtron-RiTBB to nffOrdora I the cetmttT, wlfti many oj ng given public (e.aximony rgane excel aU otaera. Vrophltt'a l.lvor tUdlrlnc' tolr clMn.fng Mil nwov.Un^ «R>ct a tivo npimratue. tin. .r. a. ATnn o co., jpnunemi iSRJftBscr11 Aretege at AGaote ^ f «»4|er.jr»*G4Me.*Jf —— GASXIU a Fluid Kitract—re*') for use at all ttmee, <U| uteM.rn^amte-earrieAteeny loraUty In Amer a inter or amciwar, ee it wtu wetther sour of irrcai w. . -> I.vr» not t«a, strong tor children, or i ihiiet. There is u<> trouble abc W H ILL be acid before tlic Court Houselbs town of Bu ok sc an. Bqrqteop «wtM« ike Bret DR. HEAR ROOK’S to unatep Ms. Sim**.>»., Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hours 15 Minutes pm-nt ORSAT HAIL Mmen Atlanta and lists Torts it earritd eadnsieety hy this Liner Xlccptar CmcIw. on all lllcht Train*. Through Tickets OOOU UNTIL. ( BET), j in Baggage Checked Through; TO ALL IMPORTANT POINT*. m. W. WNKNS, General Tleket Agent.* Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Ifbft an'< oil k -NO ( HANOI or LAMM AppllreUoa r,r Leave U Sell Uad*. James Ruddle. 8c Co. vneamfbrtablc 4 CURE torMxe RUf Liver and Hgestiye Powers Louisville, )Cy, so ,tui |v» ,v»vnv vi.isimvirw — THS. and JJiW WMOVtNJ SprlRV’* Aso. I V IJ 3 HT j TO BENEFl 3«OT8 mm ; Hash, IH leova, and RUnAs. U ’ DATS’ NOtlcr. i era i t«Bn*an.r hujabm:. NET CAR <V. arc AbU, a„ V» »«« WHwa etterliSS Norlb, South, AMpsrttie «a well aa myeelf. It Ie wfcat am my loleurteuH |uti . mu. tee y«n the tow ret price. TWO who hiv. Mel th. u.tul rw»Hi LUMBER SAWED TO ORDER. octs-yy WORTHY Or ATTENTION Tu Dr. Ttamtu A. EaA*,r Ih«r»brwrUftrthuMuMmlM .tteok. with Ot. in. whlUt in Vl3htmj». MM.. mA iu. ROSADALIS.i W. h... tuitar MUM THE W GREAT SOUTHERN THR JGRIAT BLOOD PURIFIER. TWENTY Curse HeniMt Jo all He various foams, Old Establishment ♦ggsyr aer.airKCSLag TUB ERA OFFICE EtUTtET I1IRKOTOI.Y. BEEVET U.Jul GlUthMh. lUTEEB ^ T«»I— rouuoMtSIlll Department of th. Booth. — imrvnir-- " Brent Li.otM.nt Colonel E. W. Bmitb, UvpUui II. a Aral. Aui-d^tVmp, Bunt (Aomin I. a. Tolforl, lWU«k» nnt D. R Army, Aid^t-Cmnp Dirummrr riser. fURNffURE!, ^—1 , t FURNITURE!) iFURNITUlE! Brevet Colonel J. H. Tnjlor, j intanl tliwntl, U. a Army, An.isl.nt Ad- ujant General. •gjaarianssr« Brent Li.uten.nt Colonel E. McK. Hudson, Major 0. 8. Army, Anting Assistant Iuepee- tor G«ner*l. . . . Hotnonpillei, TJ. S. Army, ChpUiu 0. W. r— - . . .. oo duty in office of Acting Assistant Inspec- a Army, Jud«o Advocntn. Copt. John T. Mackey, D. 8. Army, Assistant to JodBe Advocate. . Brevet Brigadier Q.ber.1 T. J. Heines, Commies.ry of Bobrtatenoe U. 8. Army, Chief Commlsdhry. ' “ ' Brevet Colonel A. li. Eddy. Msjor Mid Qom- terniMter D. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. 1st Lieutenant Eugene B. Gibbs, 0. 8. Army, on duty in offloe of Chief Qasrtermsster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon D. S. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhau. Sur geon D. S. Army. Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Dash} To gart. Paymaster D. 8. Army. Chief Paymaster, of fice at Charleston, Sooth Carolina Major T. 8. Allison, PaymaaterU. 8. Army. vgWPrWOYoW* *pd everything pertaining to the Furniture TVade; having bought them directly of the Manufacturers, in CASH PRICES, 1 am determined to eellptem Lower than Any House iu the South. I have always on hand a very fine assortment of PARLOR MIRRORS! Call and examine my stock. No. 68 Whitehall etreei Ist’LieqtjMrt igfeaffy&f' W *^*1*’- Army, Acting t RAILROADS. . Uailkoxo, AV'iDCTA, April f, 18fl». spared 8n and after Sunday, April U. SWk and until fartbei loticc, the Pataenger Trafna will rnu aa folio' jepted.) a.7ri» a. m. Am a. *. 3:45 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta.. Arrive atAdlauU. kx&ztlta ruanr. Leave Augusta. Pause age re for MUIedgevtlle, Washington and AtheTia, 3a., must take day raaecnger Train from AuguaU and uta. aaeengere 1 i and New Ga., must take day Paaecngvr Train from AuguaU Atlanta. Passengers for West point, Montgomery, Selma, Mo- (unction Memphis, Louievllto and 8t. I/mla can take either traiu and make close connections. uJtrfvES - * ^ *• Pullman’s Palace Steeping Cars " “*" u * |Wfo - ‘TYL. Auietent Superintendent. taut Superlnteudenl r Mastke or TaAmroRTAmoM, IEX*H33t3U <W| arid ofW- Buaffiy, n n the Georgia Central Railroad will rvT.r'**^“ 7?00 a. Arrive at Havanuah laioUa Ur WtelWT T*J»TW. Iaeeve Savannah Arrive el Macon »• »n. Arrive at Augusta *:tS a. ro. ConnaoMnf wtUy train » » »• > MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. 1 UO ‘ . . - PARLOR, BED-ROOM, C. WHITE EE. HT.TE Of OEOEOIa* Taoorv Oormrr. CHARLES BOHNEFELD. -nrijg. GORDON, WILLIS & CO,. BANKERS and COLLATERAL BROKERS, COTTON FACTORS AHD REAL ESTATE AGENTSf the former office of Georgia Loan and Trust ComnUiy, Droad stroet, Atlanta. Georgia* HEPBRENOES: Georgia Loan and 7 GATTLDIMW, Attorney at Law, AND U. S. CLAIM AOkNT, r AYJLNG wade, thM IIAYJLNG )aii1i.thii—lilhitiNP—tednl—aon, Ga, XX arraugemeaU With an cxeerienct.l and reliable firm in Washington City, will to the collection a# all United Sfoteeioldiere’ clatme, WHITE or COL ORED, for back fky and Ixinnty. Also, penalona .for , with Waahlngton-Oity, will nited Htateeeoldirra' c ', for tmok pay and iM.nnty. coloredsoldiera, widowa or children, qnartcrmaatdr’a stores, Ac., Ac. Whitehall street, opposite the Iu( FFF ♦/\* J? GA. & asibs. ^ , PASSENGER AND B 6 U T JB ! WHOLE!AL* DRUGGIST, iJMJilt' Atlanta, Georgia Jrietlii im awn. Xipr—- . J.’BxiuntLD. Dear for: I taU pleasure l .Uttne thateoaw Urns prevteotto the late Hr 11 ^ J*. utetoet auooeee, on a servant gt wttn tne utmost auooeee, on a servant girl, your Fli fe ALK REGULATOR, prepared then A UmdSak^ Drag Stoie, West Point. Ga. She had bean aufferine * aaenetrnotton, and this MteL She te. te-day, |4v- u-p , E.tknfcrt, ot aihwu, Oo. ThU ^SsmHrsteieVs prepuaUon for th. »up«M. ter which you reoom msndlL YmiraMg cla« ot gnat merit Id th.treatm.nt of aU Ut. dlMOM. of f.malM tor which he rceommwt4«1t. Thll Dsccm- bor Jl, 1808. VfM. P. BEA8LEV, M. D Da. J lunmua-Dm Sir: I hovc hnuh alMai. In mvlng I hav. .Itn.ared the mat dacldad ud hip. PT •Deris of your Venial. Regalator In thU nibhber- ‘ W*. H. vracHith. Dn. J. BKLDriKii*—Deer in my fhmily, your Female _ net with complete auoceee. Moottviij.*, l>«8. . 8W I alw.» a LIQUID BLUINa. now In urn 89-I alio prepare a LIQUID BLUrna, now la are by muy of tho but hoarekrepres In tho otty, and pro- naunced by Utrat to b. v.ry rapretor. L. H. HRADE1F.LB, DrugiyUt, Atlanta, On. Me Afret too Ore. H. Bay' Sure Cure for Intemperance. oearl4-eodl7 ot. o. s. raoramr ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Is attll manufacturing »U of his oriebrated FAMILY MEDICINES LIVER MBDICINK ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, CHARLESTON. COLUMBIA, Obarlotte, Ralol(li, WILUN0T0N, WELBOJT, RH’HMOND, Washington, Baltimors, Philadelphia and New York. ‘Q0MNKCT10NR by Ibte tor meals, and at regular honrs. CONDUCTORS on this line are affable end court© NO CHANCE OF CARS BITWEBN Wn*t Point, O*., mud Wilmin^lon, c\ TIXE and SURE CONNECTIONS, VIA Or oorflii Railroad. Passengers xave their ean purchase THROUGH - TICKHTB and Baggage Checked Through From New Orleans, Mobile, Mootgouaery, Columbus, sad Atlanta, to Richmond, HaHlmore, Wash ington, Philadelphie, and New York, Byr Peer DIAreet ltoates wta An|u«Ib, Via Kingsville, and Wilmington; via Columbia, Char lotte, and Italetob; via Columbia, Canvtlle at Richmond; via Atlanta, Augusta, Wilmington aud Bay Line. t’AHE AS IA>W BY ADUUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. PtJIiUtAH’8 PALACB UBBFUO OARS OX ALL NIGHT TRAINS LEAVING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. Ohorlreton, 8. C, t i, and X.w York. sorely, MyttO, mnd Comfort, Vknrefk TtataU an Sale at Nost*.H.ry, Wut Point, and Atlanta, PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. HBfiLSTS SAlSiPARILlI Altetleas of tke Bobm, Hahltaal Ceatlve* ess, Debility^Diseases of tke Ktdaeya, Dyspepsia, Kryslpclle, Female Ir- rejrmarttlea. Ftstsla, all Rklfe Diseases, Llwer Complaint. * dlaeetIon, Files, Palis nary. Diseases, Hereto' (a, or King’s Kwii, lypkfile.' HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. Gwerel bad hrelth. audjrtl dlarereatif th. Blood, Liver, Kidney*, and IBladder, It Is a ptrfeet renovator. TUB ( KI.KUIt tTKD STL WART COOK STOVE Tho Boat in tho Wovltl Ovdr 10,000 In TTmr, vr-r.:: Pua;, «# •.» M04 6t n Im*ati*a •ALE OF Confederate Slate* Lthi ■nw t-rep.rarity GEORGIA STATS T In*wren th. lawfnl hren " ” Rrst Tuesday 1n Non * Trans 0A8H. arts pto»n f ponenwnt. Havonuh. Oa.. Qrtrfnr ltth. xm. TtxcrwA »n. xw.^— ■JOLDKN XtKN dttiao oUre, Ok) re rthto • “rissifijssb—- swa^sssss rakteir WR HATK ni l'll THAN AST HOQCJ fl| R ■ ' fat -a. Repairing Watoheaa ret JO-dln Law, THOMAS a OtBo. at th. [Clotkin, Hhre . t | itlaala, StargR. imnunui kfanaketerenaf COSTA Standard Pre AKK HW BEAUTIFI