Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 08, 1869, Image 4

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Six GmlvReuiedi«8 WATCHES UU6 «HG—* Hurley’* Ague If• Ar**a*le—No Merctary. Tonio. • Broumt to Aud having porches*! DUUCJ AT net cash Won Able, wi, Ua<| ToaeUee »»»•.») nftn m TO BENEFIT Doors, u4 minds. At* |«rtle« as well sa myself. It Is n«4b** ■ to t« Uj wtuw so every WSH > I "toe* nsisitrI owofnsr si MfcOoMacist. By this bock Profit* may sndSS Ornusa Everybody buys It. *0* hundred sold In 4 Isw too (Mu, Hundreds la s single towaehip. Agsuta o month, fiend for dreuUr. Address XEIGLKR, N CURDY 4 OO,, philedsipkts, Ps., Olndnnali, Ohio, North, Houth, ootfl-ly AOBITS-OIK muw X*ftetoi*ial Family Dlhle, Tin* Mast ConUioa mors than l,«M large sad w- Papular thsotis illustrations; *0,000 rslsronoss. •ad direction* lor tbs profitable reeding ot ProlUwblc thsficriptnres. chronologiosl snd gscea- of all logical tables, tables of measure*. Book*, weights, coin*. «to., a heavUlnl family record amt family album, etc., etc. Hi* pronounce* by competent Judges to be superior to all other edi tions ot the Holy Bible, for lbs use of lamtllM, minis ters, atudeatshlid others. Our agents are having an unprecedented harvest. For circulars and paniculsrs, address JOHN B. POTTKIl Si t'O,, pabtlsk- sn, AI4 St AI7 Sunsoui .street, riiiludrl- memory, dimlaiehtnjr eeusibUity, aict stomao pepeta, no raUah for food, lose of flash, luerase* taring of the heart, swsuuura os tu iut, Is body, and <« oaalotiaJ splulng of bfeu4. The al eflurteauer* uvanntn muathimo, almost sc ttos. The skin Is Banby and a "doughy fbei.‘ will give fotfaU below Preference by perwUsioa). Geo. §. Winslow A Go., Boston 81 for circular. Addie BALL. 26 Hawley struct, Boston. I. T. BANKS, WE ARE COMING 1al. I did so. and haee no riasou to regret. One otlle restored me oompletely, and since that time I eve seen nearly a hundred esses in which it ected 1th equally hvppy results, and would certainly re- omnirnd It as preferable to any other tonic belore the uhlio. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Louisville, Ky., June 16, into. Old Establishment ot {> i the era orncK TWO MONTH* X* II 30 B t r XV. 10 B I Tlae Moat Popular Juvewlle MsgsHnr in America. BTotlilnf Hectioiutl, KTotliiiift Sootarism THE LITTLE CORPORAL. Entirely Original and First-Glass All new subscribers for THE LITTLE CORPORA! for the new year, whose names and money ere sent in before the last of November, will receive the NoTsmbei end Dacamber Noe. of 1*6* FREE. THE LITTLE CORPORAL bee a larger circulation than any othor Juvenile Magazine la the world, and is better worth Ute price than any other magazine pub lished, Because of ite immense circulation, wears enabled to fornleh it at the low prloe of ONE DOLLAR a year; single number 13 cents; or free to nay one who will try to raise a olub. Beotiful premiums for ulubs. Sub scribe NOW. Back numbors can always be sent. Ad dress ALFRED L. SEWELL AOO., GOODS, and will nb. a Watch. Silk GREAT BARGAINS AUGUSTA ATLANTA and 8*tid for culoftj, ot good. «nd urnpl.— to auy address free. j. s. hawes a co., 1,8 and 130 Federal lu„(, Uoetod, 8,0. IP. O.BOX0. N. B. .Simple, jtrMi on ippUcUloo tor o»Ulo,n.^ ■lUTIRf DIM K«T,)111 Repairing Watches Price Si 50 per Bottle. *r feu t,, amiiw, Nww. UuolhmUL AUlto U. Tull Ooam&uding Department ot U>o Rnath. PBMOMAL STAFF. grstd Lieutenant Oolonsl E. -W. HmitU. Cepuin U. 8. Army. Aid-il*C«ip. Brevet Cepleio 1- G. Telford, let Lieut,u not V. 8. Army, Ald-d»-Ciuup. DinmoiNT mn Brevet Colonel J. H. Tnvlor, AuiiUnt Ad- jntnat Oenenl, C. S. Army, Aeeiaient Ad- BrMeSjjJofaJiert A H«a«. cjki&t 8. Army, AaSing Aeueunl Adjalent Oeo- •nL BreTct Lieutenant Colonel JL McK. Hudson, Major U. 8. Army. Acting AeAirtaAt In»*p««- tor General OflptAin 0. W. HoUtiupiUei. l>. 8. Army, on doty in office at Acting AssUaflt Ilttpet- tor QsMrt! ^ Major Henry Goodfalloi 8. Army, Ju' Oapt. John T. to Judg* Ad Brevet Brigs THOMAS G. 81 F oil LADIES' PRIVATE CIRCULAR ot THERE most useful and Indispensable artidaa *v« l** ranted, address MADAM DUVAL. P. O. box 2.4to, N. T.CIty. — SARSiPARILL! WILMINGTON, WELDON, RICHMOND, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. R. WHITTIER. # Wylis 84., Pittsburgh. F* . M®.. of Ufilon-wide repatollon, treats all riweal die- . l_.l (MnntulN* HtS., UM TO- jpunpbl.! J54SOT WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. I of Atlanta, ist recvlvcd LfENlTUKl !>rer before effered la the 8outb, ronsieting of F the evils of SELP-EENERVATION, help for tbs erring and unfortunate. 8s letter envelopss, free of charge. Addre ASSOCIATION, Rot P. Philadelptola, Pa. PARLOR BED-ROOM. ROSADAL1S DINING-ROOM SETS. THE EATING HOUSE* on this onghly overhauled and refitted, for meals, snd at regular hours. BatfM UHm, Plum, IbttC rl*lit Drill,, MuhhUi’T ill DfeerlfUem. ’OMEN of New York; or Ami everything pertaining to tbs Fumitnre Trade; and ha«lng bought them directly of the Msnnfactnren, at NET CASH PBICE8,) am determined to sell them Lower than Any House in the Sonth. I have always on hand a very flue assortment of PARLOR MIRRORS! TUB I'RDSILWOELD OF THE UHKATCITV.-The slue of every class THE )G HEAT Aauiittaut CONDUCTORS o us to passengers. W of society exposed. Avoid the Railroad to ruin. Bignais of dinger are up. Mora money m It for live agonia than any other bqpk. Takes three presses all the time to print fast enough. One agent took ITS orders In lO davs. 740 pages, 46 illustra tions. Price. #3 3U. Agents want ed . Address N. Y. DOOM CO., 1*6 Naesru street, N. T. BLOOD PURIFIER A 180, mannlaetors sad sail VceAw rj of every descrlpdon, ul Mi* ebU Engine' and Boilers, BstadwR. Leather and Rubber Ueittng, *M ifl in roach ine or rsll.oad repair nhass. Office 1M snd 128 CHmbws at, Fn' G£CAG*VUa john r.. cm j el 9-If CHAR f. KAIB Hurley’* Sarsaparilla is what It Is represents*!, snd I bsliev* It the most wonderful medicine before the public. Netting trader tbs heavens could induoe me to aay so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore.! speak willingly and positively on the eutdent. My daughter has been afflicted with skin disease and stiffueas of the joints lor several years. I eea* ployed tbs principal physician* of the city ami they eoutd tx>» ears her. I gave her your Barsaperilla uot NO CHANCE OF CARS BETWEEN Weft Point, Oil, aud Wllmln^lon, N. (’. Curas Scrofula iu all its various forms, such ss UtJUHTER’6 dl'lDK.'WThu REAL "origi- o nal.” W.000 sold. Telle how to hunt, trap, and CATCH ALL animals from mink to bear. $10 tanning aecrete. 64 pages, wall bound.— F.vsry boy needs it. IT WILL PAY. Money refunded if not satisfied. Only 26 oont*. post-paid. Ad dress HUNTER A CO., Publishers, Hinsdale. N. H. 2d door below J. H. Jamas* Nsw Building. Rsmem- ber the olaoe—08 Whitehall street. CHARLES BOHNEFELD. nov 7-3m QUICKTIME anil SURE CONNECTIONS, VIA G-eorflit Railroftcl. I also prepare end have for sale a YEAflT TOW- DEK, equal to the best, and for much less price. Htr 1 also prepare s LIQUID BLUING, now in uaa by many of tha best housekeepers In the city, aud pro- uouiieed by them to be very supsarlor. L. II. RRADEIELD, I) r, 'Klfl»l. Atlnnta.Ga. Sols Agent for Geo. M. Hay’s Sure Cure forlntemperance. mar14-eodly Consumption iu ite eerlieat stages, Enlargement Ulceration of the Glandee. JoU.U, Donee. Kldnej Utern*. Chronic Klisuinstfsm, Eruptions of the Hkln, Uhronto Sore Ryes, Ac,-.also, SYPHILIS IN i ALL ITS FOBMS. S OMMTHINU IN THE 8TAII FOR EVERDODY. Stsar In llu West. 1870. *~ saliat family wsekly, giving cu Edited Hy Hsv. Dr. Williamson $2 bO per year In advance, tier*. Ecid for — CAST WELL. Cincinnati, Ohio. Passenger* sen purebaaa THROUGH TICK UTS and have their Baggage Checked Through From New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Columbus. 8-page Univer- Recular news.— rit~■ r-r tt —» J. B. Cantwell. per y?ar in advance. Premium to new anbscri- Send for specimen. Address WILLIAMSON A BANKERS «utl (OLLATEKAL BROKERS, COTTON FACTOHN AND HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. L OANS Negotiated, Interest Allowed on Deposits.~ Special sitcutlou given to CaUertloua, Office at tlio farmer office of Georgia Loan aud Trust Company, Broad street, Atlanta, Georgia, REFERENCES: Georgia National Bank. Atlanta National Bank, and Gevogia Loan aud Trust Company. hoy 20 lm RAILROADS. and Atlanta, to Richmond, Haiti*ore. Wash- , ingtoo, Philadelphia, and Nsw York, Uy Four Dlffibrent Routes via Augusts, Via Kingsville, and Wilmington; vln Columbia, Chs lotta, snd Raleigh; vis Columbia, Danville and Richmond; via Atlanta, Attenuta. Wilmington and Hay Line. Loss or Appetite, Sick Headache, Liter ('omplalnt. Pain in the Back, I ni pt n(trace la Life, Gravel, COMMON SENSE!!! Change of lehedate an the Orergt • Itutl- — _ road. GUOUOIA lUlUkOAI*. ADOCKTS, April #, lik». On snd after Sunday. April 11,186*. and until fnrthei notice, the passenger Trains will run ss follows: dat nunr. (Sunday* excepted.) rED—AGENTS—$260 per month to sail the NUINK IMPROVED COMMON SEN8E FAMI- 1NG MACHINE. Price only $1S. Great lenti to agent*. This la the moat popular 8ew- hine of the day—makes the famous "Elastic Itch"—will do any kind of work that can be any tnaohine—100,000 sold aud the demand tly increasing Now^s the time to Uke an Heud for clrcuisrs. fl^-Beware of infrin- General bad health, aud|all diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and [Bladder, It is a perfect renovator. ATLANTA, CEOftCIA, FA It K AS LOW BY AUlll AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. FFF Is still manufacturing all of bis celebrated PULLMAN’S PALAOB SLNBPINQ CARS on iu. NIGHT TRAINS I,RAVING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. A GA %> e* asibs. ■q- I.ouiavillo, Juno 1U, ltiM. Arrive at Angusta. HURLEY’S TUB OELEHRATKI) 8T1TVART COOK STOVE ! .•dkrp. in. Paasengera for MUlnlgoville, Washington and Athrr CONflldTING OF HI8 i wishing to go North by Sea will find of 8TKAMSH1P8 from Charleston, 8. C , Fkiladalphla, Bouton, and New York KeuotuiueiHltHi by the MedU many thonuwt* of our 1 Tl.o ll('hl in tlie W«i-l<l Ovor 10,000 in TTate; Will do more work wltk the same sinoum of fuel than muy other Store ewer made. STOMACH HITTERS. Passenger* for Wert Point. Montgomery, gslata. Mu- Idle aud New Orleans mnat k-sve Auguata on night Pasteuger to make clone concoctions. Fasaeageni for Nashville. Corinth. Grand Junction. Memphis, Louisville snd Ht. I»uis<-An take cither train and make afoot oecnerUoua. Throngh Tifflfota and Baggage chcrdced through to the above plscut. Pullman's Palat e Bleeping Cars on all night Passen ger Trains. No *•«?• * “ °? gi* ud THE CH VKLBfiTON 8TUaM8H1P8 offer every in- duoettentto paueeugere, with tables sappliud with sveu/ luxury the Nortbaru and Oharleaton markets oan afford, end tor Safety, Speed, and Cotnfot't, ABE UNIUYAUL.KD ON TMK COASl’J BUCKTH0R5 8, tTUADfl WAUS.) gg T HE letter F, FF, and FFF, as a mark] gniHh ration* grade* of flonr, wa* first in by J. A. MTJCWAlil m U>« city of Atlsnu tn 11 tirsud has bean known as | 0towart’« Flour, and has always been popular. Other.millers hr# now using the F’s. Dealers will know thW genuine Stewart flour by the above 1 HADE MARK. For sale by P. 4 O. T. DODD k CO. oot 8d3m 3 dialin- 59. This Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, 11 digestion, or Dynpapils, Want of art twee of the Liver or Disordered Nlomue FULLER, WARREN & CO EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS. TitOY, If. V., JET Descriptive pamphlet ssutfrea. •‘Costa*, *B®- MOW** \ HMMll (BtKUfoMfM i Barnes k On. tbj J. A TiTLO*t ""ATLANTA A. ERGENZINGER billers that oan comt uitfi these .» —— For sale ig store iu the Unitod flestea JAMES RUDDLE k OO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. Through Tickets on Bale at Moatgomery, West Point, aad Atlanti vo chajioi or cajis urrwxjui savaxvav, auuCk ITS WANTED everywhere to esll the AM Kill- IITTING MACHINE, the only prsottoel Family f Ma ine ever invented. “ nm m ‘" And Dealer in Furnltureland MANUFACTURER OF BEDDIN Nnnter street; three doors from Whitehall, ATLANTA .GEORGIi Price $26. Will knit • minute. Address AMERICAN KNIT- 00., Boston, Mess.,or Bt Louie, Mo. NEW YORK JU CRAKLB8T0N BTEAMSHlPfl. t A,. ROBERT, kst Agent, Georgia Railroad. $• JOHNSON, finperintsndent, Augusts. O. T. ANDfoftflON, Agent, Atlsuta sap 11-km Omci or Mastv* or Tvawoiw^io*. 1 rxrtaur- Ean WAV, Bavavnav, Aug. 14. MM \ On snd after Sunday, 16th Inet, Paesonger Tram* on the Georgia Central Railroad will run sa follow*: TeJss. Ruddlek Co., Louisville, Ky.: Oentlemou Thts Is to oertHy that I hsv* Loan lor Tear* a suffsrer and tried all the tonic* I have heard of or eeen adrer Used, with little or no relief from any of thnm I heard Hurley's Bitters highly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and to my surprise snd joy, before I finished one bottle, I felt a great daal better and firmly believe that one or two occasions It was the means *f saving and prolong- lng my Mlo. I conscientiously recommended them to all eutforer* as the best Bitter* know*, sod advise them alwaystoaskfor Dr.T, A. Hurley'* and have ao otter. Yofc can o*e this a* you think proper, if it win benefit others. Yowr* truly, eto., JOHN W. DTX80N. Louisville, Ky., December 10,186k. THE MASON & HAMLIN 0R8AN CO. WINNERS OF THE PARIS EXPOSITION MEDAL, WHO HAVE UNIFORMLY BEEN AWABDED HIGHEST HONORS, It Is the only preparation yet discovered that >U1 produos hair on the bald bead. I« was discover** fa Atlswa. ft has been tested in Atlanta. Us references are in Atlanta. It bus produced hair and whiskers on a gentleman in Atlanta oter 60 years of age. It removes scabs, scurfs, and dshdrpff from the ** U*removos ffii Itching awd heat of Mir scalp. It keeps the aeslp clean and health? 1 . It immediately stops the hair from falling oflt. It forces hair, whiskers snd eye bruwa to unyw luxu riantly. It keeps the hair from changing color from age. It produces a full sst of whlyki-rs aud mustache on any man of mat fir* *•*. Prepared only by DR. R. 8. POMEROY*. No. 17 Alabamit Htreet, Dp Stains, THE POPULAR PAS8EN6ER ROUTE Fqp Ul th* MoJ: cine. of « IjaxaHv* AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS IN THIS COUNTRY, Ro that their work is the seknowlwlgnl »lan* cli.u la >q |(uiv.'. •ptoral Lv avarybe..; A >'4ltUitU,Mr *it« i t: n boAiro an univei ly adopts:,1 into u-e ovgry country and nui train that leaves Augusts at 8: VT VIORT THAIII. ispecffully facilities, with the exclusive of recent improvements, •ouu.8 to Lis Offloe. ■scithe tor pstienU when consulted, and as- ' that come to his office at any time, (Bum rted.) it secret fita***rs of all kinds. Special atisn- t*\ NOTICE TO MOTHERS PHILiDKLPlClA, WASHINGTON, .ill i^Asaue, as tills *i::i)d but efficient lnirirnrire ■ 14.. —I..,:,. price, adapted to all public snd private uses, for Draw ing Rooms, Libraries, Music Rooms, Concert Halls, Lodges, Churches, Schools, Ao., in plain and elegant case*, all of which they era anabied by tholr unaqnaled fodtlltfo* for manufacture to eell at prices or Inferior work. the recent improvements in theae organa hevs ao increased their usefulness and popularity that they are unquestionably the moat desirable instruments ob tainable for family use, ss Well as Churches, Schools, he., while the prices at which they can bo afforded ($60 fo fl 1,000 each), adapt them to the mean* and re quirements of an classes. They are equally adapted to secular and sacred music, are elegant sa fumitnre, oc cupy little apace, ere not Mrble to get out of eMfor, (not requiring tuning onoe, where * pianoforte i* tuned twenty rimes), are vary durable, and more easy to learn toulny upon than the pianoforte. The M. k H. Organ Co., sra now selling FOUR 0C-, TAVE ORGANS for *50 each; FIVE OCTAVE OR GANS FIVE UTOKS with two seta of VIBRATORS tor BIAS, add other et>lea at proportionate rates. Iter testimony to the superiority of their organs, the Mason * Hamlin Organ Oo. respectfully refer to the musical profssaion generally; a majority of tha moat prominent musleans in the country, with many of era- saM‘n* 1 !?s» ,h *' A circular oontaining this tesriinony in full will be sent free to any on* desiring It, alas a descriptive cir cular, containing foil particulars respecting thrse In- *tmni*nto. with <orreotdrawingsolIbedifcfient stefoa ahdiowoat prices, which are fixed aud invariable. Ad dress THE MAHON It UAMI.IN ORGAN tX)., 666 Broadway, N. Y.; 164 Trerodnt 8t, Bouton. Us. or two bo tries Dr. RicuaO’* Gotopull sat snd radtori mr« fW rompsnlad with foilkUW"' igui IW Kottm, or ®?2i]2Baa* * 0- netIp* Ot prtw J**J5 «<£ WM .torbl..n '» >*“ ' jJg W. o«c hour, * I- **■ — - *n JtKU, herethd Ij T”,^snp®* 100,000 8trawb«nj« Call sad fri whsl "jflggyjj DsslMl»« ,, * f | DK. SEABROOK’S triad it, know tlutt It cuvrd tUom: tho«e wli» li w-o not. know that it cpfa* thoir noiyiibora nud fooude, nnd nil know th it wfc.-ri if. diiee «n«* it <to«* al wa v* — that it never fails tiirough nny ftuilt or negtoi-tof iu contitosiUon. We have thousands upou tlu»u- antxls of certifk-ntos ot Utbir remarkable cures of Iho Ibllotvlnif conipjamt*. but such cures Are known iu erfiry nolgtibomoWR, and wo need not publish them. Adapted to nil agee and conditions ht all climates; coubitnlof neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they mayd>e taken with safety by nn) IxtiljT Their sugar coating preaorrex them over fi-estt and ui.ikca them pleasant to Uke,\rliile being purely regvtabla no harm can rfnaffTmpt their uselu any quantity. lltey operate by thalr powerful tuflucaco on tha jntornal yiscora lajmrtfV iho blootl and stimulate it into healthy acttnfi —temovb tho obstmotiona oftho stomt 'h, bowoVa, livery and other organs ef tho body, restoring |h*lr irregujaf notion to liealih, aad by correeiing, wherever Htvy exist, strrh decango- meals as are Die first origin of disease. Minute directions Are glVon hi tho wrapitcr on tha box, ibr the following complaints, whloh these I'fl/e rapidly cure: — Korinyapapnia or Isiliyertlea, LiatlruM morn*. Laaguer ami Lea* c.t Appiitlls, they should be taken mmloratnly to stiinulat* tb<' stoni- msr 7-tildcc26 VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. rivTfcrffi* It to TNflitt anvurrj ■rrr or ram* c*s* to Use In the future only fiEADROOK'8, s combination quite up with the advancement of tha age. Pleasant to take, harmless tn Its action, afflcisnt snd rahabla in all esaes. Iu valuable in the following diseases: Hummer Complaint, Irregularities of tho bowels, ReeMveneae, Teething, Ao. Gives health to the child and reel !• Ike maUw. WILT.t\M ROGERS, Actio* Master of Transportation. iQ:)ipt A't ut onCjvnntoalUOrders. MACON 4c WESTERN [ , h 7 *' RAILROAD. ^ ' ■to Nasuvii.i.*. Tknm., Fsb. 12, 18k6. Jas. Ruddle A Oo., Louisville, Ny.—'Whan living in your city I used several bottles of Pt Seahrook’s In font Boothia* Simp, snd found It to do mjohlki more K»«d an.i tt would rest better after using It then ant other remedy I ever tried. I can say With confide*©*. It is the hert medicine for ehildreu s* present known. 1 wish you woold gel the druggists hero to keep It. U say one does, pUaae |«* m « know; It not send me on* docen by exprase, and I will pay for tt at the offios hare. Write ms when yon send it. snd oblige MRS. 8AEAH L. RANDOLPH. PropUUt'N ftVyer Medicine* SOUTH. r. H Is to the form ot st ad times, day or locality to America, mm, nitiowv Headache, fiitk IfcadarAc, eweiUtr nr Gfl'f* tMekarw, Dillon* nllr and lUll.Mie * ever*, limy should l»0 ju- ici.msiy taken for «ari« rams, to sorntt tho disoaxrd I'Don or ivmur* tt»c obntructbm* which can jo It. For Ikyeentnrr or D>urrh<c>», but oue mild ha* teM»er*ity For II h cum a it* in, bust, ravel. ISklpi- *»!*■ tof fleet Iflewri, I*nIm tn the Aide, ImcIi and l.otne, Uttv ahouhl lm continuously >kea, as required, tafouhg* the diefowed mfltofl of raqulr- robust. 'There |* '"hi* ttioiit taktag It, only DR. SEAR ROOK’S Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hours 15 Minntes. % astral oil 8- NO CHASGB or uuu* Elixir oi Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisaya. flee snd all orer tbs eouotry. Oonsnluttmj fr**, per ** ■ ■ ■»- .... jut-V,s HR EAT HAIL Mtorrn Atlanta a tut Ifeut fork i* carried eutuxirety by this typo. Hlefiplflf ('kNtclif* tfu All Nlgki Trilufl. Through Tickets MOOD UftTII. USED, AND Bagt ugc Clwckbd Through TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. M. W. WIV K W W, General Ttekrt AflwbL R. ■. W A LIE Kit, Master TraflsporieUoR B. HWLIBRT, tupt. W. A 4. R. R. Appllo.U.n fcr La STJgtel 11 f rt Wh U mtiszssus^tssisj: Knw T mailt tt fa lit months, eret aud sample nmtM free, A. J. James Ruddle 6c Co., ^ V. I’BOl’lUETOIlH, laboratory JTo. 41, litllliU turret Louisville, Ky, ■, IU .w,. wod. W v Oto \.,in>1h* ■ . Vo, Liver and Digertiws Powers S. PROFHITT,