Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 09, 1869, Image 2

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-—- ■ Official Journal of J THOMDaY MOHKtXG, ] i tad a ■ bleb 1 STATIC NKWa POftfi comwAy aoMpA&j to ptojio* 1» *► Jotantbtam'itinu totaUtotom>f«« Tb. UtonkM Mr A-ootoUoo bw d^tawd a <1IyI<Wb* of Inal/ p« *•** , Tb. A«...i-«. (UpoUioBB »j.t "Omi **" IbtbbU» s*uib. V< •*. 00 low ud «bw»-bMTo«r.? Thaw thine* tor* wJJr *wtor*«W *ay l»pn.*w.wt •!•*• that* Th« Bow* Oohftor wy*: “II tow lafwllw bbIboUbbo. that ih* Ocmhnue* ot th* U K. Gh*nh. BobII*. mot* ninrtr* i»u«jiu» a uf BtICX lUHlai r«m. im vtolMtott of th* Mvw, *196 169 80. ^ »koy M jo-4 raiifisd, as N«n*ef of cm. cuteore w Uu4 dtrkg tUs m Koprems Oourt of U>« M$Tfafi»naHn* £m SO, ' received u tax thsroou «l paafrltlda, fixed by 1*W, of ixiuIUm »uJ forfeitur**, fraht Catholic assembly. tfc t>-ui»uk*l Oouudl. msrta in Rom-, ltolj And Um Oooru r might k.*« strong H* coin entente by afietinff UmI lb- ynopis °# 11 >m* dined on ths mm day. Th« Braes Doily of Tot-day s* >• : " W. loom that on *oot<feat occarrad on th* tWInio. Rnmr nod Dalton Knilroid, it«tf Promlico'** Tank, om mils beyond (k»« Spring*, ou Snnd-y svsumg. Ths train *tiq>tm) to toko wrier. »ml while thsro aen come nonplod. end tbo teat not bring nottosd. tbr train ram- on to Cnve Spring, wbtlo them two nor* bora brook loura, nml mu buck, it boing do- u • boa*; grade, -ud collided with np on rar »ud (iMn-giug ftororal No ono but. Tb- Atlantic 4 Gulf lUilroad Company will raonvt nnd forward freight* from Snwu- neb to nil station! on tbs Mason A Brona- wick Bail road, including HewkiMVillo, for Mftoon and for stations ou tbs Maoon 4 Wsa* Urn Road, for A lantn and points bsyond. at ratsa tbs saans as now ebargsd by tbs Osntial Road. Notion is also given that on tbs 16th instant a general rsduotion will bs made. Bo tbs mash ftbsstd snd much talked about Macon 4 Brunswick Bond is aft last aa aooom- pUabsd foot, and Savannah has two rival liaas lor Macon and Atlanta. Tbs latest Mississippi returns Indio »t« the election of Aloorn by about 10,000 majority It is said that at least 900 arUolss will bs added to tbs free lirt in tbs new tariff bill. It is estimated that whsa lbs free list is sumpistsd the Tariff Committee bill will make a redaction of twenty million*. in the tariff in come. Chicago burglars robbed a 8an Francisco broker's office of 9700 in gold, and one with hia booty was caught going to the oars. Judge Pierrepont has been served with pa pert, bringing suit for the discharge of the Spanish gunboat fleet from custody. The sales of government property at Har par's Ferry, so mr, amounts in the aggregate to $280,000. On the 2d met., there wan an explosion of Are damp iu the £oipirs mine in Wilksbarre. Seven or eight men wore severely injured. Tbs amount of bnllion on haod In the bank of France has decreased 1,300,000 francs sinoe last Thursday. The Governments of Franoe and Great Bn tain are making great effort- to settle matters at issue bctwsru the sabfimo Port and the Viceroy of Egypt It u rumored that the Danish question is again under discus-ion. Several important dispatches on the subject have passed between Berlin aud Vienna Tbe New York Board of Education has adopted a resolution that hereafter non-resi dent pupils and tho*o temporarily residing in New York, whose parent- reside elsewhere, shoatd not he admitted to the public schools. The Judiciary Committee of tbs House is now savaged in e »n<ddt-riug the evidence in Judge Buhteed’s impeachment case, prepara tory to making their report. lla»teed an- nounc- * he bos adjourned bis court until y nq lo Washington. * miles ol snow sheds onA toad were completed tni ny ei|M*ct to ftnieh seven t-Y bronzy, covering all the -mg tbo road out of all Iron* drifting anow. sued ior tbs wretch New Jersey Rail- “ Irom the oars a bridge that line fell tbrou A u * drowned. Parker pnblishos a card saying tdfit IJ* ?Md n ® 1 know that tha train waa on a brblgwyvt tbe time. ' Mr. Whitson. Indian agent at Dakotah, a formidable aliumue has been ooncluded obe. tweeu ihe Northern Sioux aud the Crows for a war gainst tbe settlers in Eastern Montana and Wyoming. The Iudiamt are instigated to this by nu outlawed half-breed named Ken- abaw. Tbia alliance threatens the extermina< Uon of the whites. Secretary Boulwtll says that his refusal to -ell gold on TusmInv. was on aooonnt of the low price ofiered. Mr. Colgate, of tbs Arm of Trsvor 4 Colgate, New York city, called on him Wednesday and demanded (hat ths gold for which the firm bad bid sbonld be deliver ed, hut Mr. llootwell held that be had the right in bis own discretion to refuse to sell if the price did not suit. The Legislature of Waahiugtou Territory recently adopted a resolution asking that tbe beadqu-rlera of tbe Dei artment of Colombia be removed from Portland to Van Co avers, W. T., Governor Plunders, of that Territory, has vetoed over ono hundred act. of tbe Legis lature, including the wboie of a new oode of laws prepared by a commission and suacted by a imam moon vote of both bouses Tbs gunized, and the action of tbe Go veruor is supposed to be a political movement. At a Convention of Bed Biver Insurgents, assembled at Fort Garry, November 10th, to device a government of tbe Colony tbe follow ing propositions were offered: Compromise with Gov. McDoogall ; so independent Re public ; annexation to tbe United 8tatee; a Colony under British rule, or retorn lo tb- Hudson Buy Company’s protection. A special dispsieb from HI Paul says an arrival from Pembina brings a proclamation from Gov, McTaviah, warning lbs Rebels against revo- lutionary proceedings against tbe satohrity of her Majesty’s Government John C. Fremont bus obtained a loan for bis proposed Southern Pacific Railroad. | A sour old maid diallksd Mark Twain's leo- ture, sod called Us author a ••coarse and disa greeable Boffaloafer*” A Mr. Bourne, who began life as a carrier for the Pvovidt ae* Journal, now returns ths second largest Income in California Thai isa'I tbe Bourne from which there Is no re turn. Judge C. If. Brambaii aud Geusral VV ham, who were appointed on tbe ltepublioan Statr* Central Committe of Virginia by mem- ben who remainatl !u tbe C'OnveMtioo, have declined the appointments. Richardson willed to Mrs McFarland all bis property, consisting of four Tiiboue shares, i be last of which be purchased for $8,000 from John Koeaeil Young, when be left the estebliehiueut A Madame Garnqoe te at prwaeot a favorite aetrafis in Ias Mans, France. The name is sufficiently uncommon to hare suggested in England (be speoal-Uon whether she be longs lo tbe same family aa tbe great David Gsrriek, who it is known was of Hugnnot Treafuver Spin net s annual report gives a cheering account of our finances, and says If things go on aa at present the whole national debt will be paid off in thirteen years. Du ring the eight years and more in which Treas urer Hpinner has bad ©barge of the Trcateiry. forty-four billion dollars have passed through bi« hands and tbs haofa of the emplnvrs of tbe Treasury, and not a cent baa been lost by tbe mlemesiegoniaoi or f-nlt of btmeelf or hia employes Tbe offisisU of tbo Memphis and Little Bock Railroad, wbo were nrreated at Util* Bock. Ark . for contempt, have boon rsleawd. and tbe queeUtwt at lease between the rival of Director* will be settled by the Hu oreae Court of j Tbo acerlet fever te fserfally prevalent iu fiariou. 111. rendered till June, aud many mouths after the Legislature bad attynnroed." Tbe President a-ra, in speak ing of Georgia : Ooeetitattee, wbteh tUm dotided by the Bkprtme Flute, they noaret hI tbe m lered members of Ihe Legislature, and admitted to seat* some stem bore wbo are disqualified by Ihe third eteusoof the XIV. ameedmeut, aa art tele whiah they tbemaelve- had eon tribe ted to ratify." The negroes were eipelted in Bepteaubsr IBM, sad we advtes onr venerable grandmother to put on her "specs" before she a»tnurds to oors-ct liiotery. The Utergle Iwbreflle. The Maeon Telegraph prints a very incor root ariiclr, headed as above, II wo remember rotly. The editor of this journal is alluded te te term- which we oenrider beneath tempt oohnequently a e* rioue answer on onr part te by no mean- ncc-H-nry. W* Jn ig< ■ bat OoL CMeby is not writing f»r t'.e Tete- gr-ph at this time, and that tbe | -per Is Iu d« olliie, which msy abruptly t-nuiimn p-.pul irity uud, ft at; l-s iu exiatenea. Bur*!j the ai.onmt ghwy of the Telegraph iw test punting -w-y. TUB OCOMUIA PtttHOUhlO. letter fi»m Uw—raer BeltMl-Sveila. llesisftlu (Mat-Central CeiamiUee, Totke KUih rofU* A re York 7fmat: Having read your admirable article In tbr l imes ot Ihe lalinat., nudev ihe htwidiug "Ihe Georgia Imlwoglio," I feel oo net rained to iuffict up>m yon tbia letter, for the purpose of expressing in my owu behalf and that the Republicans of our State, thauka for tbe correct and forcible preeentatiou of our to tbe eonutry. I he questions involved in tbe Georgia met* ter are of vital tntere»t to tbe country at large in ooonettion with tbe stability of tbe measures adopted by Congress for ths purpose of restor ing tbs late rebel States to loyal rslatioos with the Union, and, as yon aptly say, "the time baa oomu when Congress most go backward or forward.” Tha Congress of the United Suue or tbe rebate of Georgia, ted on by Toombs, Mill, etc., most triamph. There is no element In the Republican party of onr State of a proscriptive character, or of that otesa termed "bitter-enders,” none wbo desire harsh terms imposed upon our opponents, nor do ws draire military government. In tbe Couatltutiou submitted to and adopted by a large majority of the people there are no proscriptive or disfran chising clauses or test oath qualification whatever, and onr treatment of, am proposition* to, our politioal opponent- have been of the moat libera! character. But by tbe mistaken lenity of tbs military commander at the time tbs Legislature waa organized under the Reconstruction acts, opposition members— who were dearly disqualified by tbe lUoou strnction laws arid by the bill providing for tbe admission of the Slate, whioh en acted the diaqualifyiug clause of the Four teeutb Amendment — were permitted to become active participant- in the legislative orgaui ration, and they thna obtained tbo power by which they have been able, practically, to nullify tbo whole reconstruction policy. All we oak or desire is (hat Congress ahull provide for the enforcement o! its laws heretofore euacted. We desire no now legislation, no additional terms, bettering (hat tbe proper eufwrosmeot of the act* already adopted will enable ua to unuuUiu oar*elv«M before oar owu p«a>ple. With any aemblance of a fair and free election, »nd nn honest count of the ballot, a majority of Hhe voting population of our Hu to ia Republi can. I inclose a copy of III© p eattible and r tiouR adopted ny the Ex^-uiive Committee of our party <»u (he 24tii nit , which -el for very clearly onr condition ami onr desires. Thanking you again for your article, I ai very re p« ctmlly, Uupns il.-UuLJ.ocx. Waxlmi'jton. I h urn I try, Bee. id, !8f>H ^ • 4,144 i not fUc*l year ending June 90. ] ear 1&9 Amount i 166,004 M; .liwuid HutolM 444,1*0 «; to Um at !»., potu 1.011. DMoTlwr Th. EImiIo* far r»[.NuM, of ou. hcadNd *nd t» .nlJl.r, u>d _ i*Mr prop«tt/ .qatlljr bom t.ulion. . .WW lhtai#4o«l u joint 1470. 144; .moant r*c»lT«I m Ui Unm mmI«Uo* .boltohiiifl th. t«K, with th* I7U.227 39, inm » *»*-* »».-.4~. -.-i- *-* »W.«U 22; lo »•« Ol'|X«.UIm *ud (arfutntM, 4M.41T 08; uuuilwr uf aotopremto, Ofiaiou. lo, Uorok t to B^pUmber *0, 1M9. ThOM am .ffeu l oror th* .utlr. oo*utr> •ud iurolr* u .udlm* .mount ol llUfmlnu ; Ih. pr.|«.r.llon tor, .ud coaduot of whtoh, on tha |H>rt ol tha (luraramwit, awamirily oob- rulu• largi, ibara of th* tiara *Bd Btlauliou ol tba IBtaruit) rurauila oRlolal. Tha mimhar of auita brought in fadantl ,l,iriu« tha ttwl jra»r *udmg Jana 'JO, MM), w.iM Ol lk**a tha unuibar of lu- dloWMIlt* foood, J.ohJ ; uoruhar of othar |>r„ aaadtng* In ptrnntm, 1.I8SI; namhar of Jndg- ‘uruu r.cnvarad Id piooaadlcg, for forfoilura*. 71* i littiubar of roualotioua ou iudiotmant^ ioma iuoladiug mor* than ono paraon, 1,020 ; uaiuliar or aaquilUla. 207 ; »hoh> unmUar of **H* iha'i'lml IU f.Vor of tha Uiiltad Mutaa. 2.180 ; .gatiiat, 433 ; wolttad or diauiuawt, 1,359 ; auita |MUldlog July J. M89, 4.007 1 auiouul ol ju.lguianu „«0Tar*.t in anita in pernonarn, 4994,631 48 ; amount coll .cud lor anoh auita and 'Mid tulooourl, (114,791 01; jroooail. of tor 1.1,ur. a |,uul lot-, court, (18.1,- t’li" uaiuliar of Halt* tuitl proano-tinga ha- kn„ in tha ITaitod Htalaadurlug th* ttrat qaor .1 th,- fi-e.,1 yuar ruUiug JuoadO, 1879. a» ,«•"! l.y tha (Juilad State. Diatrial Atlot- •“ 'no, J76; ia peraooout, 490, Uupran runrt mi K»tt,li mf Marcia Johiipm K. Ihunra, Chief .lartioe. . H. K Mctlar, Hfla.M Wuinii, - Anaocialo Jilatio. a. December Tern INttO. Order of Circuits with number nr rose* from each: .Sootheru Circuit u ctmes Houtbwei>tern Circuit $3 •• Put mi It Circuit 23 •' ChattAhoochec Circuit 31 •• Macon Circuit 13 *• Flint Circuit ..18 *• Tallapoosa Circuit 10 •• Atlanta Circuit 2i •• Roms Crcuit 0 •• Cherokee Circuit .22 •• Blue Ridge Circuit 12 " Western Circuit 6 •• Northern Circuit.. 8 •• Middle Circuit 11 *• Oemulgse Cireait 10 •« Eastern Circuit 4 •' IlrutiKwick Circuit ,..,0 *• DAILY VKOCKKDIXOS. Dxoxmbs- 8, 1869. The Court met nursaaut to a^journoieut. On motion of Judge D. A Vanon, copies of ths records in tbe oaos of MoAfee va. Mulky. Irom Ijss County, and iu Toggle va. Gill, also from Leo County, were eatabluhed in lieu of lost originate, and both caa-s, by order of the Cowit, enured on the docket fot a bearing st tbia term. No. 3, Southwestern Circuit—Johnson va. Sti-wart, guardian—application for injunction and appointment of a Receiver—from Lee County—was dismissed, became the case had beau prematurely brought to this Conrt, the injunction having been granted and tba Re ceiver appointed on an tu parte application, snd no motion for a dissolution of die Injunc tion and revocation of the order having been made and beard. No. 4, Southwestern Cirouit—Gillion, ten ant, va Favor, st at- Ejectment, from Dough- •riy—waft dismissed for want of prmeeatioc. No. 6, Southwestern Circuit—Gillion va Massey-Distress warrant, from Dougherty- waa dismissed for non-oomplianee by coon- sal for plaintiff in eizor with the )0th rote ol this Cowl No. 4 Bon tb western Circuit-HU I va FI# m- ing—Bule against assiguto iu Bankruptcy, from Dougherty couaty—was araasd by Jadgs R H. Clark, for plaintiff in error, and by Judge D. A. Vasan, for defendant in error. Nn. 7 and No. H, baring bean dismis-sd on No. 9—Do mas, Admisistratcr, vs. rssterday, lobson 4 from Calhoun, was nsxt callsd, Pending argument in Ike oase, tba ConH adjonraad till Iff o clock, a w , to-morrow. A Dr. Barn ter, In Paris, te bleach lug noses to which the treacherous influence of liquor has imparted a ruddy glow. He dost It by moans of elsstrtelti. He has rsstorad a lady of tha bighast rank to helptessnsss, changinfi bar noaa, a blooming rasa, into a delioata lily, and this oaaa te censing a great sensation in Iks scientific world. Dr. Hornier is having bis method patented. Tbs splendid ost-work of railroads sir- rounding Brussels gave proof of its carrying capacity tha other day, when a grand review of tha Belgian troops was to ba bald near tba oapitel. la four days tba different roads ssr- Mtd drift, $70 pssssngsrs to Brosselte. This is of great Huportana- to Rare pa, as Balgtea would probably become tba theatre of war in c«a« a gsoeral ohoui.J break out. Josh Billings says : hasn't got seed snot » k* dollars ia mel "Any hnsinera fli w ilmt euougb iu lis craw iv v-xpsffd makiutf ii- h-rinrar known lo __ . . _ OT trht fo pack up and go paddling peanuts ' 7»4i Thsnnmbarof abatameut claims aotod JaiJug tbo year, 82,1 Uri and the amouitt -baled ws- $4,270,88$ 08. Tb- number of the first quarter of 1870 was 89,123. ami the amonut -bated daring that pern*! wa* $i, 077,216 97. Number of rsfonding elaima dt-poaid of during the fiuoal year ending Jane 30, 1869, 3,173; amount refunded same limo $961,343 18; amount rejected, $990,166 03. Number of ref trading elaims disponed of daring tbe first quarter of year ending June 30, 1870, 548; amount refuudad during oauio time $53,597 09 amount irjsoted, $81,096 93. Valae of tobaooo stamps received during tbe first quarter of 1870. $15,790,289 73; value of the same ioauad during the year, $10,906,- 123 SL Value ot stamps for distilled spirit* oa hand and receivedlduring the first quarter of the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1870, $17,- 232,925; value of do. issued during tbe same period, $6,392,750; number of distilleries registered at thia date, November 90. 1869, 884. The number of offioers connected with the internal revenue service, wbo report to the Commiraiooer, directly or indirectly, is about six thousand. To the EJlt>r of ths Courier JouruoL Roller Skat log. It waa well and truly said long ago by one wbo understood the art of pleasing, that he carries every point who. in bia efforts to amuse tbe public mind, mingles the useful with the sweet Difficult as is this feat, it has been most happily executed by tbe inventor of roller skatee. He Una rendered perpetual an amusement whioh was before only oooasioual and with na bat uncertain, which promise- health to those wb«» pnrKue„it, while it affords the highest enjoyment, whioh is as ionocenr as it is faaciuaUug. Hs has gratified st last tb« wish so often expressed in vein, that we could have skating in warm weather and in e leasaut rooms. The doctors, who are the igheat authority on the subject, agree for oiioj in thm. that roller skating i* prnmotive of health, and tbe amusement has secured the approbation of tha preachers. Exercise la admitted by all to be essential to health. There te, indeed, no high health, no perfect development of ih- physical frame, without it. But bow that most inter-sting part ot our youthful population, how tbo girl* iu our large cities were to command it. bn* been long oue of the most difficult of -II oar sanitary problems This is now solved. Skatiug afford* tb- requisite exercine. It iiringsioto action **ll the munotesol the body, iuvigorate* the limbs, expands the luugs, qnir.kens th- circulation, strengthens diges tion, gives color to the cheek* -nd luster to the ey**. Ih not the author of snob un inven tion quite as worthy of publio gratitude hs hr who make* two blade* of grass grow where only one grew before ? 'Ibis is especially ihe utilitarian view of roller skatlvg, but there Is another vj»w fii which it is scarcely leas important* It is emi nently social. It brings .(toads and neigh bors together who wffnld not often meet bat (or hotun- CttclTattract ion, sod thus it culti- vale* the amenities of life, and heightens tbe eh-rm* of society. Young men, lied down to business during tha day, have bore delightful evening* Co which they cuu hok forward, where *11 tb- influsucs- incline to virtue ami l-vor refinement of last- sud man ners. Tn-n, hm "a thing of beauty," ibe rink is worthy of all admiratiou. Thu set ue at Glover's 11*11, lighted np splendidly at night, with its bright akswnblage of happy people, is * spectacle so ffsy, so novel, *o pictureeque, so beautiful, so inspiring, that onco seen it dwells in ths memory “a joy forever. ” Tbe heart most be indaod a dull one that beats not quicker at tbo right ot tbe youthful throng oi »katers, in a very tau»p-st uf plvax- urabte -xcitemoui. hurrying through th- light ed hall aa if “mad with joy.” Nothing in hu man shape and gesture tuoro surpassingly beautiful than this soene oofild possibly be conceived of. There is but one word in our language that expresses it—it te onebantiug. As tbe graceful furibs come floating by yon iu rapid Mucoeaaion. moved by power hardly re cognised. their beauty seems preternatural.— Your eye is oanght by ons gliding by lightly as tbe gossamer U|hiii tbe quiet summer air, and yon exclaim, this te one "made up of love liness alone"—surely abe ia "naturen para gon." Bat while you are gaxing and wonder lug at lbs sight, another ooases floating ma jestically by, "like a white swan sailing down n placid stream," and seems to you more love ly than the one before. Then another, "with queenly grace aud gentle pride," cornea sail ing Along, a perfect "phantom of delight."— Behind her yon behold another flitting serous tbe hall, "fair os a star whan ouly one ia (thinning in ths sky." And after her oomes wheeling into view one "divinely tall and most divinely fair." You are spoil-bound by (be long proo-s*ioo —long *ud beautiful.— Foal as ••Waves that own uo curbing kind" beauty follows benuty till yen are enolianted, bewildered, und can easily fancy all that iv passing txrioru you to be "a fairy visiou of *oine ggy cr—lures of tb- dement, th «t hi the ooi- ore ot tbe rainbow live, and play In the plight ed clouds." This is ths speoteclv upon whioh ths people of LouimviII- now lm<k every «sek, and ths spectators at« hardy tea* driigh'cd than tbe skaters thsinsfltu*. It take* w.;h people of all ages, of ever} i**ut »nd o'ery I'MdtWhiou. Those who are old look on aa ndmiringly ns ths yonng, and fuel n* a n thio igh their chil dren and their grand ontidrau ths glow of that brighter, happter -unshine that once gladden* •d their own youthful bruit*. Is not, then, the iuveutioua beneficent one, and entitlwd to rank nmotig the great tmprovemente of onr ingenious and inventive agef Is not tbe in* venter a public benefactor? K. L. pungent remark that tbs time of their neefal. uesi had passed Ths President was raked regarding tha rograea of tha Onban revolution. Wm. B. Woods, of Alabuma, is appointed Circuit Judge of the 6th Circuit of Georgia* A. Panne, rf Maryland, of tho 4th Clrenit. Pams. Dec. 8.—Tbs Ministry has resigned. Olais Be coin has bean elected Deputy of the Fourth Parte Dietriot, by seventeen thous and majority. Emile Olivier, with thirty liberal adherents, is foriniiig a uew party, from which tbe forote* taiuof P-riinmaoUry Ministry is possible. Letter* from Madrid report Prim ns leaning towards the Republicans. Flo* kmc a, December 8. — A ministerial ori- sle is peuding. Tba King anthorisee General (Mm to form a new miutetrv. The correa|>oud-ut of the London Times has been oxoluded from Romo. Vienna, December 8. —Anslralia dsmatida tho sanction of the Raropean powers to cross Tarkteli territory* for tlm prompt suppression of (he Dalmatian I user root ton. NIG HT DIBPATCH K8. Wamhinotom, Deoemlmr 8. —Revenue to-day a Quarter of n miliiou. The tteuale confirmed Belknap, as Bcore- Ury of War, and Robeeon m Bccretary of the Navy. A number of nominations were re ferred to the various Committees, including Geo. F. Hhepley, of Maine, for (he first, Lewis B. Woodruff, of New York, for ths second, Wm McKennan, of Pennsylvania, for the third, Geo. A. Penrre. for tbe fonrlh. Win. JJ. Woods, of Alabama, for tho fifth, George A. Yeoman, of Kentnoky, for the sixth, Thos. Drmnmoud, ot Delaware, for the seventh, and Lorenzo Sawyer, of California, for the ninth District No nomination for tbe eighth. Alao, Charles Clinton, for assistant Treasurer at New Orleans. The Senate caoeos committee nominations were adopted. Williams introduced a resolution that State *bell be allowed to withdraw the ratifl- ration of the eoustitutioo. I A bill relieving some five hundred from po litical disabilities, which paaeed the House last session, passed the Senate and goe^to tbe President. Among the relieved are Blan ton Dancan, of Keutucky; Jadgo Ackerman, of Georgia. Tbe Judioiary Committee was directed to foqnlre whether, wttbin tbe borders of the United States, rights secured by treaty siipu- latioas, or ths 14th amendment, were denied to any person. Tbo House was engaged on the Census bill. There baa been no appointment >et for tbe vacancy on tbe Snpreme Court Benoh. The choice nndoobtedlv lien between Attorney Genera) Hoar aud Judge Erskine, of Georgia. William Wood, fr»m Ohio, was an officer un der Geo. Tbaver and wras supported bv Sena ter Warner, Gen. Sherman, and the Ohio in fluence. Spencer favored Humphreys Wood has been one of Ibe Alabama Chancellor*. The Spanish Minister to-day gave satietec- tory assurances to tbe State Department that the gunboats now at New York should not be used against Pern, and as a eonseqoeDce tha Pet avian Minister te satisfied and uo longer instets on their detention. The Secretary of State has therefore directed Attorney Pierre- post to enter a nolle proatqvi in bis conrt to morrow, tbe. r.holt of which will be the n- lease of the Spanish gunboats. The Virginia Legislative Committee had uu interview to-day with Gen. Butler, Chairman of the Committee on Reconstrnotion, with a view to. immediate admission, which will be successful, l»ot it is said the Admission will be accompanied by n required pledge that tbe Constitution shall be luitbfully o irried out Montoomuy, Dee. 8.—Iu the Bonate, only local billa were acted on. In tho House, a lively time was had over the report of the Eiectiou Committee to eject Mr Brown, member from Chambers. It whs nol disposed of at adjournment. ' ?e Busteed is he- Bankrupt court. The following resolutions were adopted b’ the Hunt-mile Bar at tho late session, am oaiMus much comment here : . r Rcnobcd, That the UMnffefeCci Bustsed, by the dignjlJb impartiality aud ability wit!y-*rfnch he has dispatched the borint*^ of tbia term, baa won ths respect and cMtconi of tb* bar aud autittlcd himself aud the Court over which he presides to pablic confidence. Whkkuno, December 8.—The Wheeling and Parkersburg Packet Rebecca struck a pier and in a total loan. Five persons lost Madrid, Decomber 8.—The Republicans have appointed a Committeo to investigate the eases of the Republicans held for insurrec tion. Paris, December 8.—The Prince of Mon tenegro protest* against the Austrian oct-u petion. Prussia sastains Montenegro. " Nnn AliVKKTiaKiwKO-fef. .3 V»ry Wirt. > wbol***l* a . very active. Mouullra Of »U kiiul. V« Ugh- wllh good d«m.iict. : » I I U*M - Tb* BdmmI.I mark.; light, ttuuoj M*B* k*nl to get *t *07 »BW of inter***. W« g'JoU i - Bu,tn*. torn**. OttjrChMfea * 0*t, Von** m Usorsis H A bum* i 06 CoitOH*—Raoaipte to-day war* good-aboat 140 bates. Market opened weak *t$ft-ond closed quiet at 22ic. A uplra. - An advsnos iu applra. Ws qooU $4 50 lo 6 00 par barrel, and Western as high as $7 00. (J*ld Ihiitt. -UujriBg *1 tl 00 U> 1 l'i P*f£-' The pnoes vary aeoordiug to tbe mines from whioh it te taken Villa Rica te worth $1 10 per dwt., and Lutnpkiu county mines vary from $1 00 to 1 10 pier dwt. Burk irfettot Fkwr-Ia bow* - »l* «» po«^ sacks to th« box. ffft 75 te 3 00. But Dr -Market doll iu Goshen aud Wes tern UiM»-rve. Teuneasse and Virginia quoted *t 95 4ii 35c per !b Tbe quality varies groatly. Good eoiintry batter sells readily at 30 to 40o. Baron Not much doing iu bacon. W« quote & shies at 21 jo; 0 r. sides aud sboul- dsrs. 201 to 21c. Hulk Mentn—Tho market te wall supplied with bulk tncate, urn) tbe demand Is good. C. sides are quoted at 18| to 18|^k r sides 184o nnd shoulders at 14$ to 15c Uagglng-Stock equal to the deinsiid. — Quoted at 2C to 30o. Bale Mope—Quoted *t 74 to 9c . Pam- l bs supply of corn is light. Demand good. Prices unchanged. Wo quota prime white $l 35 to 1 40, new $1 30 to 1 30. Corn M«ll—There te a good consumptive demand for meal. We quote it firm at fil 40. Cheese—Stock fair. Demand good. Qao ted at 21 to 2340- Coffee—Demand good. We quoto Java 35 lo 874c; Bio 20 to 254c, aeoordiug to quality. Cotton Yarns-Demand fair at $9 00 Dried Fruit—Peaches, rough 5 to 64e. Pealed 19 to 16c. Ejm—8carce and high. We quote at 35 to 40o per doz. Floir—Tbe Stock of flour te very fine and embraces a great variety of grades and prices. Demand small. We quote super $6 00 to 6 50 par bbL Extra $700. Family $7 25 to 8 00. and Fancy $8 00 to 8 75. No mate rial change. Hogg -The market for bogs has fairly open ed, aud I bo paoking busroeeo eommenosd. We quote at 10$ gross and 13 to 194 net. Hay—A fair demand and good snpply. It te quoted at $35 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim- Moloraes and Syrops—Stocks equal to demand. Qualities very various. We quote its figures ranging from 57 to 90c, though some are held as high aa $1 16 per gallon. Oats—A good demand for oat* exiate.— Supply light. They are quoted at 80 to 85c. Oniotis—Onions readily bring from $4 60 to 6 00 per bbL Offal—Bran te worth $1 60; ship stuff $1 75 to 9 00. It ir in good demand. PoUDrea-Good Irish potatoes are in de mand at $3 00 to 3 50. Is ye—Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo ted at $1 40 to 1 50 Sugar—Brings from 13 to 19c acoording to quality. We quote refined A18 to 184; do. B 17$ to 18; do. 0 164 to 17; yellow 16 to 164- Wheat-We find a wide range in wheat. We quote it at $1 45 to 1 70 for prime rod lo prime white. Stock light. Small demand.—- Prime whilo sells readily at $1 60. Tobacco—Unsound pouudn— Common sound pounds 00 to 65c Medium poaud* 70 to 76c Fine pound* 80 to $1 Extra fine pouuds $1 25 Liquors - Market active. Dealers are sell ing largely aud hardly able to fill their orders. Brandy, Fr "* “ ,a " American Peach Apple Gin, Holland American Hutu, Jamaica American Whisky—tloru—Country Rectified, do Rye, do Robertson, do ... UNITS! MIN’ M otn.00, Wo. ySORRIS BERNHARDT. OPTICIAN, R nonTTLY o# T*rt. o0r* tfc*** *lj* Mr. •«< Itomwnk** 0.r~>U" hta *• - •Alt sggaagsg-. S *ke tnuufKrrutioo of u*M w»: H » X ** ** a. 11.,-., w,. mi. oy. r H P I T I, A .. MrU.UI.hiB.ut wBrntb. moM eo»pll«na wht l»m* BlMMtoBrraltudOraMMaUlTrMBMlMUlMKaknln. ■m. In fomm crrW. M nc a«gt.taallr.w*W «BM*yyi“ Uum « mm •«*•. 1*« •• «• ■* «b»0**4 I* •« nfriMVWV« ST ’ W*WlriMBlll iMMBtt*** h* »UB 1 ■ e tt-lm B ‘ V Aftc?iSjgI»*0V I *7 00 lo 14 00 1 50 lo 2 00 S 00 to 4 00 3 00 to 4 00 4 00 to 6 00 1 50 to 2 00 4 00 to S 00 1 50 to 2 00 1 50 to 2 00 1 15 to 1 40 1 25 to 6 00 1 50 to 1 26 lo 6 00 **40E Mt*** TWCU.K. OfftC* »« m«8W P, NN B VLVANlA. Aire TRADE MARK. GLASS SPECTACLES, HupMlor to .ot other In ni*-oonitrootoA in neonf* ' ,nc wMh th. Khmo. coiA ptllo^phj of nalnio, In le poonltar form of A CCNCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, Admirably adopted to the organs ofslfbt. and psrfeet- lv natural te the eye, affording altogether the bsttfUj fleial help te ths human vteton eter Invented. Used only by MORRIS BERNHARDT, Spectaole 4; Optioal Mannfeoturer. THK ADVANTAGES of th.M BpfcfmAm ortr »U others are: 1. They can be worn with perfect ease for any length of tine at on# eiUiiig, giving aetonlah. tag cleoraeee of ristoa, by oaadle or any other artlh- clal light, comfort to th* epoolacle-wearer hitherto no- known. ». How f select (itnaeee. It requires profeerioaol guidance even when a good article te of fered. Dr. Bernhardt not only has the beat that ean be found lu the market, but oarefully exam ines ths eyes, and gives indispensable advice as to ths proper selection of them. 3. When the eyree ache or pala through the action of a bright light, suoh aa 1s reflected from ihe enow, eunny weether, white paper, and In reading, writing or sewing, or vivid colored bodies; these les** a, by eoftentog the rays, effect a most agreeable SCO notion and give greet relief. 4. These Spectacles are scientifically nd. Justed to every oeao of defective right wtth unerring accuracy, whether arising from age, strain, over work, tihorry Port. *.,... i. . — - N. K. Uutu I 75 to 2 25 llrj t4o*4n. The market i„»ciiw with bot little chaos* in the price, ol leading articles. or premature decay, by Morris Bernhardt and exact prinoiplc, anti rely his own, which has seldom 2 75 to 4 50 felled to be oonreco 2 50 to 6 00 2 50 to 6 00 PRYOR STREET THEATER! Thursday Evening, Deoember 9th. By leanest of many citizens, The Field of the doth of Qold. TO.RTIOHT. POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME. INAUGURATION OF Fashionable Skating Assemblies, AT GLENN fc WRIGHT’S NEW HALL, THIS (THURSDAY) KVKMINO, DECEMBER 9TH, 1869. Ex titbit,on of Fancy Hksting by members of Southern Roller Skating Association. A hill Band will be In attemlgiiee. Per' BBM In Um BBdlmee cbn |wwear* HkaUw If thej drtdre. dee 9-lt Firslga. Th* roult of tb* Now Foundland *lootioo* I* Ui* *l**tlnn of twenly^M Anli t;out*d*r- *t*e Mt.1 nine CoBfadonte*. Tb* Oof It Enuniner **j* tb*l " lb* game Uw* ut England Bf* hocitutiig a innr. fralt/at eoaror natrag* tb* laud lawn in In ina,1." Hnbgar nn.l leMnij prrnil ia til. Intoriur •I Gat,* to • ftdbM ext,at (a one bill, n«tr Palma. Horiann, eight poraoiu w.ra Inuud tlaad Iron, etarvntion. ArobbUbop Call** ban uabliabod * pastoral latter agaloat PaalaaiM, la wblob ha aayatho alllaae* ol lb* Orangatnon and the Undagema pr*t*nta uaafal lagulation. A meeting of aiannfaotBr*r* of atlk aloff,. bald at Lyou*. paUttoaad tb* Pr*-I taut nl tba Obatabar ot Poaemem of Mnanoe to one ail ble loflaaooa to maintain tb* Prvaeb e mi. mmial treaty with England. Tb* Loudon Tima* deplore* In regam m tb* Utah gun-lion, Sat a jnai laud reform ht’l tauet ba pamad by Pariiamaat. and that Ira- laad mnet not bo altnwad to *lnb to tb* lorel of Or**o« or Slolly. Hoo. liable Xing d*lty«r*d th* aloaing nrgn- mtnt for tb* pletnliff in tb* School Bible oaao in Cincinnati. Tb* Coart took lb.> aaea au- d*r adeia*ment. ROLLER SKATING. rpHE HEATING BINE will open Thursday and Sat- X unlay evenings from 7 to 10 o’uloc*, Monday, WedBoaday and Friday afternoons from 9 te 6 o'clock. Every forenoon from 9 to 13 o'clock, for ladies and children. Teachers will be In attendauc* during th • day se ttles. to teech gratuitously those wish lug to learn. Admission free lor tedlee and children, to morning and afternoon assemble*. Hall ever rtleun k Wright'*, corner Forayth rireet ao l Bailfoad. Adaateffra.. (.•*. M eonto. ohtidreu » crate. Uoeef Ifeate* U crate. "ftwhite tor sets at PbHItpe k Crew's Hook Htore. end at the principal botete. d«c 9-tr BUILDING LOTS IN TJEXHJ OTB f tor Sals in s rew asys. u. w. AD A IB, dee t-II No. M Alabama street. ATTENTION FllteMSN.^j| »'HAdIf) FIRE OOMPANY, NO 3. will celebrate all fee Thtrte safe Anatv i Uo!H. .T**n “S* a. w.. te lull antform, tbr annual parade and elec (Ion of oAcer*. Our gneete teUie supper will please meet haR at 1 P. n. By oedrr ol Ui* Frreldem iKt-U Haralson Sheriff Sales. INFILL fee sold hetora tl>* Ooact Bowes dear, ‘a the tewaol Becheoan. m the fori Tuesday la Joi| nrt^uU, «Uinta* msecra. 4wMm Omirt'/TTIXid fmm* ", vare-^'AftSSaT* 1 •' h, “ - W. Bally, secudiy, This November Telegraphic Market Reports. New Yoke, December 8.--Cotton Htrody; Mies 3,300 bale* at 254- Flour heavy aud stroogly favor* bayere; ituperfiiie 8tnt« $4 75; comruon to fair extra 8onthcrn $5 60 (o 5 75. Wheat a cent lower; winter red, western, $1 33 to 1 36. Corn heavy; mixed vr«Niern $1 08. Pork quiet aad steady. Lird dull; ketlto 19 to 19$. Whisky declining; $1 04. Grora- rie* quick Money, after much notiviiy, closed compar atively easy, with a mote liberal Hupplv at •©veu per rack Sterling heavy at 8| to 84.— G Id 27|. Government* dull aad steady.— 8 milium weaker. New Orleans, December 8.—Cotton very aotive and firm at 23$ to 24; sales 6,100; re ceipts 3,767; exports to Liverpool 2,617.— Flour $4 75 to 6 75 and 6 00. Corn firm 11 $115. Ora 64o. Bran $1 10. Hay $30- New mesa pork $33; old $33 75; bacoo 16$; clear rib rides 20|; clear aides 21; new baa s scarce at 27o. Lard 19 to 21c. Hogar active and firm; prsn 12| to 12$o. MolagioA uctna aud firmer; prime 64 to 68. Whisky doll at $1 05. Coffee unchanged. Gold 24|. 8t*i ling 34. Sight 4 premium. Savannah, Decembers.— liooeipU of o> Uon 3,296; export* 67; sales 700 bales; middlings 23$; market irregular. Baltimore, Dec. 8.— Cotton quiet ; low middling 24. Flour fairly active and firm. Wheat dull ; prime to choice red, $1 35 to 1 38. Corn 84 to 90. Provisions unchanged. Whinky $1 04 to J 044. Virginia bonds, old, 44; bond* of 1867. 49 ; new, 63 bid. • Louisville. Doc. 8. —Corn 66 to 7<X Pnrk $31 25. Bhouldera 15$. Clear rides 18$. Lard 184. Whisky $1. Liverpool, Dec. 8.—Cotton steady and un changed ; aale* 10 bales ; export 2. Augusta, Dec. 8.—Cotton marks!aotive and firm; sales 790 bales { receipt* 1890; mid dlings 23. Wilmihoton, Dec. 8.— Spirits torpentino quiet at 40 oenls. Rosin quiet and dnll at $1.55 to 1 634 ; erode turpentine from $1 76 to 2 90. Tar firm at $2 05 Cotton steady at 23$ to 23$. Cincinnati, December 8..—Corn ante! and unchanged. Whisky firm at $1. Provision* firmer and unchanged—demand light Pork $30. St. Louts, Deoember 8. Whisky $1. Pork $31; new bacon shoulder* 16c; clear aides 19| to 19$c. Mobile, Deoember 8.—Cotton aotive and wa* in goed demand throughout the day, and closed Arm; sales 4,400 bales; middling* 23$ to 234c; reocipts 660 bales; exports 213 bales. Charleston, December 8.—Cotton firm at 4o batter; sale* 400 bale*; middlings 23|c; re ceipts 1,528 bales. v 9. Aft<>‘ MverSI years of public practice, rajustlog spectacles to patients nuder every aspect ot defective virion, as well as experience In an extensive, long-eitabllehed baalnera in ble Optioal htore*, both here and iu Europe, If. Bernhardt consider* it a suffi cient guarantee of his ability t> supply anch glasses ae are best calculated for tbe oeetstonoo of Imperfect right. O. Id. llernhaidt, to ttlgsallie himself froln tho host of protendera iu hie profession, with pride submit* for inspection, copies of testimonial* he bos received from medical gentlemen of Ihe inoet questionable respectability aud talent in Amor, also, a un miter of certificate* (ram well known gentle men of distinction who have used bis spocteclee—the originate of all which be will be happy to ohow to thuee wbo may request It. The ase of any of the fol lowing uaiwea or oertilfaates hereunto affixed, without an actual possession of the seme, would be a forgery, a capital offrnce, punishable by State imprisonment. Testimony of recommend*Hows ton Atlanta, On., November Ed, lMtt. gout workmanship, they are very superior and de- earvlng the patronage of whomsoever may unfortu nately require their nee. H. V. M. MILLER, M. D. We’fall) concur iu the ebovo opinion of Dr. MiUer. JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. JAN. F. ALEXANDER, M. D. Atlanta, On*, November Sd, IRttt, It affords me pleasure to state that I have carefully ixoAilned Prof Bernhardt's collection of glasses for the eyo, end from his explanation of the manner in which he adapts them to Imperfect eyes, I am satisfied that ho thoroughly oomprebeods ths m of Optioa, and that hs is practical!/ emlsscUy si in the adoption of Instruments tor th* relief of all forma of Imperfect vision within the scope of relief OFFICIAL IUVKHTI8EJHKNTH A PROCLAMATION. URORfilA. Uovernor of said To the reoplefef GeorxU t The reseat renewal of estiva hostilities against ths persou and property sf colored aiMssas sad white Bo- publicans, by the organiaed bends of secsst eseeerios, In esrteis portion* of ths Mate, seems to Indicate a concert of action and a parpoee oa th* part si said irganisetioaa to pea dat la defying ths civil law. It therefore behooves jhe good people of this Mete o see to It that tha Commonwealth bs not farther in- Jared snd defemed by the nets of persons who, U la believed, are wholly without interest In, or regard for, ths welfare of th# State. It te ths duty of rrary eonnty, town, or mnnlripsl corporate authority to tenam pattern protection for Ufe nnd property te every resident within ti»rir bor ders; Aud wueress. In many cases, ths local officials fell te exercise efficient means lo aacnra this remit, the good citterns within each limits-thoee having a materiel Internet at stoke or tho best Interest of the dtete at heart—ebonld sea to U that prompt measure# ora st onoe taken under tils civil tew to arrest and bring to punishment the members of those organisa tion# of secret robber* and asessstp*. tfcdor ths stat utes at present In force, tho Executive la prevented from taking aotive measures for the suppression of olvlj disorders, sad It te therefor* eU tbs mor* impes- tent that every good etttera ahoald feel It hia indlvtda- al duty to become a pesos officer, and to aid In assur ing to every inhabitant tha* perfect protection guaran teed by tbe Oonetitntlon nnd without which wo can never enjoy either civil or material prosperity. Outrages, suoh as have heretofore, and, are now again disgracing our fitete. cannot bs tolerated or en cased without involving ths whole oommucity. The time hoe arrived whan these outrages must cease or the good people of th* whole Mate will be held responsible ter their oontlauonos. To th* rad, that no motive may be won Hag" to stim ulate the people to action in bringing to punishment the violator* ol ths tew, I hereby offer s reward of Five Thousand Dollars raoh for the arrant (with svidenae to eonvlet). of the person or persona engaged in ths murder of Hoo. Joseph Adkins (white), a Republican Senator from the lflth District. And of the person or persons engaged lo tha murder of JDr. Benjamin Ayer (whits), s Republican Represen tative from tbe oounty of Jefferson. And of the person or persona engaged in ths oat- rags oommitted upon ths parson of William Sardimna (white), of the oounty of Oglethorpe when, on or the Met day of October teat, hs woe tied to s tree and brutally whipped, the oatnge having been oommitted by e body of disguised men for no other reason, ns I alleged, than that Hardlnun was charged with being radical. And of the person or persons engaged in tha outrage committed upon tha person of Don. Abraham Oolby (colored), Represeatative from the oounty of Oi who, on or about tho 30th day of October lest, was taken from hte bed at night end oruelly beaten, the outrage having beta oommitted by a body of twenty- five or thirty disguised men for the reasons, aa te al leged, that he, the said Oolby visited Atlanta nnd re quested of the military authorities protection for the fresdmen’s school located in the town of Greensboro' In th* county of Greene. And of the person or persona engaged in tbe depre dation upon the office of the Assessor of Internal Rev enue for the United State# Government In the town of Washington, oounty of Wilkes, on or about the night of the lUth intent, when, as ia alleged, the office broken open and books, pipers. Ac., scattered and ds- •troyed, and notion led warning the Assessor to leave the District And of the person or persons engaged In the assault u)*on tho house of (ho Hon. Eli Barnes (oolorod). Re publican Representative from the county of Hancock, when, as Is alleged, a body of masked men at or about th* hour of one o'clock on the night of the 10th teat, surrounded hte residence, and by threat* of personal violence forced him to leave the oounty. Aud of the person or persons who* at or nei hoar of ten o'clock, on the night of the lftth test, Arad ton or (waive guuohoM Into a camp of oolorod laborers oa the tins of Uw Maeon A Brunswick Raff- road, in the county of TaHkir, whereby one man waa killed aud another a* re roly wounded. And of tho person or persons who. on Thu night of oourt work, October Term, about midnight, sold to bo a body cf eixty men lo disguise, surrounded the residence of the Sheriff of the county of Has demanded and obtained from him Hm key* of the Jnil and released from the Jail one James Oxford (whits), a notorious enttew awaiting his trial for the most* John Taylor, a respectable eitlsen of said oounty. Given under my hand and the greet seal of the 8Ute at the Capitol, in the etiy of Atlanta, this twenty- ninth day of November, to tbe year of our Lord One Thoueond Eight Bundled eed Sixty Nias, ••d of the independence of ths United Mate* America, the Ninety-Fourth. BUTUi B. BULLOCK, O. w. An AIK, niunubAA, “ , ” u ‘ 1 aCottacofi U».«a 1MU1. .1, O-Sft J* Ini. m, - * Rm! l'.nie M ,B In I U. W. AIJAIH, A, A Handnoiuu L*f AppiLcatio, f*r | S.skSS 5 '- upon the earn* ot lb o'clock * December. 18W, st my offim* dee J ITNAUGHT, ORMOND * inform, <» HARDWARE AND CU IKON AND hi DEALEBg H Gnus, Rifles, Axes, Hoei,Chain,! a, ^,4 llrinlj’n CBireraal IWk * standard Scat**. Do H«t', | tnd UlMti«rPM,d* r , ( ntinlte Htlk, TJ ESPECTFUI.LT aoD the atteatim complete assortment of BuUdSh ehsntos* Toole. Anvils. Tices, Bsfon.1 Rhoea, Cotton snd Wool Garda, Clrmlwi Irather and Rubber Beitteg, Hon l stone*. Hollow Wars, BeSToert material of all kioda, u j FsRose end Bhafta, Zhn sndLocntil CJlsths. Oil Oaroet, Ac.. Ac., ke. All of which they offer at the loved i and In quenUttee to suit purckaaert. at * •9 Whitehall Btreet, Atlanta, oT^ nov SO-dl4tw4w DR. HUNTER /^iONTINUEH to treat all nrlrate |>i*iriT irNicaiN. suiting from e*lf-a1 vou* aebilltv, Irrl ■ions, aad dually thus*, produoiug amnanUi.***, tier- 'liability, srnpuoas, seminal *ml>- ■ions, aad Anally tin potency, parman*ntly cored.- i r«raoae afflicted wllh dsltoria, futrloate, and ‘ looc- sor'a merit by the testimony of the most reliable and prominent medical men in various cities in the United J. P. LOGAN, M. D. Alleala, Uw., November Ed, 1UM. We bare exemlnsd Prof. Bernhardt** beautiful end eitenelre oollection of glasses for the relief of im- paired vision, and believe them the beet adapted to the —- ' hich they ora Intended, than any we ban and farther believe that tbe Professor is ai accomplished Optician. II. V. O'KREPK, M. D. JAN. M. HARBKil, JU. D. Allasle, Os., November 94, IMS. Pi of. E. Bernhardt bee lurnlehcd fee with a pail of Concave Lens which suits my cess exactly. From personal experience 1 ean cord tally advise ell persons whose natural vtriou requires the enpplvmvnte of art to avail Uemsolvee of ths Professor s skllL He bee me reoonunendaUeaafrom eminent phyte* FOR SALE, 260 Acrea Land Five Miles from At lanta. M OB* then half in the woods. Would make a RNUO FARE for Oof ton. Grain, Grasses, Vege table* and Grapes. Improvements: Honss with I rooms, garden, or* chard. Ac. WDl sell in parcels of so to xoo Aonns. PRICE, TEN DOLLARS PER ACRE. bbu. a Huntocx. hml Estate avi-nis Office noxt door to James' Bank, 144 - Whitehall street. ctene and minister* wtth many of whom 1 am per sonally acquainted. He te evidently on Optician wl understands his busUiesm W. T. BRANTLEY, MlnUtor Nd Hnptlst Lharch. FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. T HE First Edition of On* Iiuudrod and Twenty Thousand CoiMte of Vick’s Illustrated Cal. alommeoff Meeds aad Floral tiaidt, te unb- 1 Uteri sod ready te sand out. H te eteganfiy nstotad on fine tinted paper, with about *i0 fine wood Bagrov- logs uf Flowers aad VsgsUbisa, aad a brantifn) Col ored Plate- ooneteting of seven varieties ot Phlox ~ umoodii. making s flue BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. It 1. ... tnoM tMBUtlt.ll. u mil .. U. mol (M. pal.ll.lKtl, ilvtn, pUBBBd tborcapti A GENTLEMAN ASDLilT, f\T long experience tetsa \J eituatlon as principal* of •my. or to hear of a good loostloa fur l_ 1, whn* ths Lada, dn*kV BACK-BONES, MEAT, at rresonable prices. Daw80n Sheriff Bales. town ol DawmuviUe, Dateos < im Tneedsy in January, eightem kenJ tr, between the legal hours of mfe Un I erty, to-wit: Lot of tend Mo. four hundred sad fl in the tih District and let ' tbe propsriy of Jastv* 1 Oourt fl (• in favor of John C. I ley, and ons in fevor of Riforiul I Kjtltey. Defendant in pa**rains Also,st the ami time aad el*ea,fe snd >7. In ths Soatirast dlrlrioa of A ssavffie, as th* property of J. J.Tbf cost ft fa iu fevor of ths offiotn flf fee of said oouaty vs. rad Findley. E*9 mm. ■ntnurtwun >*ui W. H. Ujvm, PototodoctbjD.F. 1 T£>«Sk Mmtnll *•** SmUob oi Mid oenty, toMlWy.BlII a K'BB.BB.toBj|!|»«»L provsaicnt* whereon O. M. UStm^ sold son sty, known a* th* Teed fori osntiy sa the McKarUn jdaoaNfotiJ Edwards as his property to -**>•**? Ron apriffv* vs. aokl Bdwmfo inseession. November 81 UN dee I-tdspnfi*»l 00 per fevy oam Hall, repramte to the Cosit filed aad entered oa record. Ihelbfe terod the kUU estate, This 1# therefore, to c dred end creditor#, to ■ why **id administrator hi* adniisiitratton. and on th*- flrrt Monday ia AppltottiM G eorgia, towne oouirrr- admintetrstor of L*»- the Court, m hia petition record, that he ha* fully * tm ertate. ■ _ This Is, therefore, to dte •> dred snd creditor*, to BWSJESrftS*: on th* fort Monday la or October, \ms. mUMOibW. JffUeiliM hr LetW»• , 1 P ttaoix. TOWNS OOtOTT^’ next of kia of L p. ’ office, within thsj If say they eea, r* not bs granted to J. 1 vnuMKf my hand and offidsl • kh. im lei 1-kUdprafeeM » dlrvctl <n* forth# W. D. LUCE IE JR, consultation, which coat* nothing. Exneri. *ucr, to* beet of teacher*, boa enabled him to parfert remodfe* At once efficient, safe, permanent, and which In most ooeeaoaa be used without hindrance to buei- neee. Medteiaee prepared In the estobltehmrat. afelcb •tubracee ottos, reception tad waiting room*, aloe, l)oardlng end steeping apartmento for pettaiite requir ing dally personal attention, aad vapor and chefuirol b*th*. time eonosntratlng the tented mineral springs Both enxee, married or elagte. euffering from tedlmro Uen*. isdalgeartee. er expoewre. may apply aad N cmrad. No matter whs hero felted, state year *m. Heed what lie aayatn hiapombhtet, arat to any ad •irroe free. Thenaandeof eases treated ana unity I oi floe oitd alt over the eosatry. Onasaltatio* fWe, per •onally or by mail. Otero, Me. IM Third terort. he tween Oreea and Walnut, near ike frartateee. Lout* rill#, Ey otese hoars A, M. ,ts I u M.i ftendays 1 a. m.. to 18 m. lyt—dip Q4ULDIIU, Attorney at Uw, ANN U. ■. CLAIM AGENT, fee ia Woohlngten OKy. wfti attend toths eattsuMra of all United Mates eoidisra* rtaltns, WNTTC or OOL* Atlanta, (is., S«vrmUr 8*1, led*. I fully concur in (be opinion of Rev. J, B. Wilson. D. ).. in lb* above ccrtiflcat*. W. E CRBHLT, I-M<«r Ti l«lty M. K Oku,, Boa,I, Atlanta. November id, 1 idR To the above testimonial* I cheerfully odd my nai R. W. rtJLLKH, Fatter 1st Baptist Ofemrsh, •Buita. Uoiomkm «k IM*. * """ R>ik.ll7<, April lllk, 1M1 TB. MUM Mwh, Or. BrnMuHII U4 m Uo- IldMwta. MuMtaflD »J 1-^r.llo.. IBM .Mi. (hey prstsnd to uo>re then they know, fee kaswe me oi hte bn*itie*e than he professes. W. K. NOWLIN**, IN. O. Tr-etimunlale elmllnrtw tbs nbsvs ney osw u eora at M. Ilsmhsrdt's oteee, from ths most raltebie and woU known geoUeaen of tho Uhlted te®®?. Culture of Flowers aud Vegetables. Tb. rbml 1IOI4. u pnMirtM iw U. bomou ot m. u .horn u u wntfr.. wtbo.1 .ni.n.r k>rwrl«l WaU«h.M*lr *T tor km ikuIMfBiaM. iMt will b. U. E Marshal’! hale. U MIXED BTAT m- T T NDER and by virtue of a writ of fieri forte* is- U vied rat off the Eonorabte. tho Dtetrist Oosri of Um United mates for toe Northern District of Geovpte in fever ot the pklnUE Charles E Brumby, is tho following cos*, to-wit ; Chortee K. Brumby ro. T. H. WUsra h Bra*. Robert Yerhr. Everett Xerhy, snd EUrntr L. Nswtim. 1 hehthe same at pnbHc to* aifr of Athens. oo< ApplIcUw f* r > G^kwaiM-i *w ?S5te. •*-*»«! IBM. IM*. MSWMSiJ 73, *"•*“" date fiteu E5sw ra»s*«araK. K-f-rr *MAw*w Mr