Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 09, 1869, Image 3

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1, Obtonloi. A SmUiMl , mm re 00are retail -la oar ntalo. oMka .-»• aara plaaaad to bare a oaU aaooa Ana Mr. D. 1 teMre.ll, Ure IndilurepoM* > kaa baaa lunking a run 11* now making bin «»j fa Mcktatd, ■ to "Daliaoiiiw” Ve**>, iaa»<rv, for a aaparb ipoel- fe waa of that apacire of tbo bo- I aa tka Ohaaapoako Btoa, ami ' thad in Aa- laiarfoua a tka ana* aam- da* mu howahb * 00" , Ejm.— Thiauaw amtapl.ju.tid K in bow on ui plat ad, aud , 1 o tba public to-night—- r piac* for healthful and in- aaat. Thoao a bo wiab to (ootlanicn upon ib* popular ja do no to-night. Our jrooog I Garrett, baa obarge of tba skat* t-o K.J tbit ba waa raptorooaly ban alaaya thought that th* reputation mfttSMacasgJJS Uoo of a poat of tba aga of Troatadoara^aod r “sit Heruandra tanflbt n» another opinion. He not onlv make* moaio, but be aaaio upon that instrument, and reoetved flaitariag mark* of appreciation from tba M ne^OciMlo|iMUi N i« tba beat burlesque upon inusio we ever *aw or heer.l. It beat* « icwsharp ”all hollow." It in incomparably droll, and fairly brought down tba houaa. Tba Jap# out japped any orignal Jap*. They aplendidly oarieatnred tba fuu-makera of the MUtado, and before the end of one act were immensely popular with the audience. They are trump#. k ha a whole the troupe more thau ■oetaiuB I reputation, and will do a Rood baaineaa in Atlanta. Snooaae to it uh. ta* and Mat-re tba pored c/troa, hatred of but ttreure aid dbere, ctr. oalMdaf «uid» aad brtMa QdMoui suffer. bio fnau woald pot b« preul igdoat lb. rtciMitodre of ottmat*. it a ta, tt bukorerre rrer, au, re re lurttfj ik. had treaauat of marUUtr xalut tha taolarerecjr at tkt irerea. A, vk ■traaftareapatflav niaikl tail tka prep.rate; uadUdaa required, and motif mt- mtm Siify of tbit cbtiuot OG.LUMN DR. JOHN BULL’S Groat Remedies. DR. JOHN BULL Mtaalbataw tod Tula at tha CMt SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, MBHBOOUO* AGUE AND FEVER, ■4MI 1 CHlliliH AND FEVER. Th* areptMor at IbU rebbnfe* aredkda. jush> '? h; jack JD. A D -WWH iRi nr Aire -Mechanic# Fire Coni’ i celebrate it* euuivtraary to l will be a parade of the Com- i day, and at night there will I the engine Wiac, to which a be invited. No. 3 always .caaions especially thia occasion will t Bmmflwxo* Kux*»oaz>. —The i of yeaterdav says: eediug jjy the oompl nuswiok Railroad, and tbat v i freight train arrived here ''Bran*wick. Jfust to 10 i and motive power arrive, I a few da)«g the first through i will rou over (be road, and k and Brunswick will then and fish tog el I by huk Clolu. —To read the ! the Constitution veaterdaj * 1 be led to auppoae (unless at the olerks in the Atlauta lees set of fellow# Two in that paper in whioh were up for violation of i to be acquainted with Bee, and we believe abiding, clever and efficient and as there are none “Edward Wilson” ’ we are peranaded that paragraphs was lost in a that the printer oonsttned i of oolor) to mean Postof- ct—Judge Dunning, on niitg, very kindly showed us nts whioh are being fitted , and explained to us the ’ oi the building. When • the most commodious and dee iu the State, uud will rand bis clerk* to greatly nbution aud dulivery of the »comfortable and oonvenient die aud to those who have the i mail* A large amount of > through I he Atlauta Poetofflce a the public ha* any idea of— Art men ts are needed, or the the maila caunot be done 1 expeditiously. This build- will be all that is needed. if you Puiril-The At- ’ompeuy, following the track , cares Ion* about pleasing the its support ia derived, t giving its exchequer a ple- frecnbftck*. The odious quality it ia now* furnishing is nan- ; and it there is uotsomo I for its purification (he pub- I abandon ita use and retnrn to » primitive tallow candle. Oar P combustion of this miserable Ity filled with uoxions scents, I only annoying to men who have that light for elx at eight hoars ot we believe are unhealthy. If , remedied, it will soon become , and we will be compelled, in adopt some other means of upoaition and press rooms. Bab—Jodg* Euskimk—Thk i of ni U«m» St atm.—A of the Bench and Bar of I held iu the Supreme Court room nmediaiely after the adjourn norniug aesaloq. . without respect E. Brown was calta k of Geo. Hillyer, Esq , West, nted Secretary. X the request of the Chairman, i object ot the meeting wan to lion of opinion in reference ot of Judge Brskine to the i of the United States, i of L. E Bleckley, a oommiUee p pc in tod to prepare reeolations B of the meeting, nitfeee constated of Messrs, n, Hawkins, Hillyer and Burke, then adjourned until one he members of the Bench and nnd tba Committee reported l preamble aad reaolaUone w hioh taiy adopted: Dud?r the recent statute passed " »or the United Slatea, ft Vill s duty of the r by and with Becate. to appoint a Justice of rt of tbo united States to fill iunvd by the death of the Ftyue, ot this State, who so long Tied the Supreme Bench ; and ^ Ron John Erskiue, the prs- m District Judge for the Dm . has been mentioned by hia table person to fill said vacancy ; i tha Bench and Bar of Geor- have full confidence in the 1 judtafai cepeeita of Judge by, therefor#, without aistinclion lent hie name for the position, nlly, but earnestly, petition the United States, if oooalstent of duty, I the ph Justice W, uomioato Judge laov left vacant by (he Tajuo. I a copy of these resolutions |to the President of the United an of this meetiog. the above, the meeting ad- fTinm-Tsi Oates Bui- 1*atic Tfioum - The second The Field of the Cloth of fi a larger audience and quite • first, 'rhera » nothing in M dramatic merit, but it fi* of scenes and ailoalions • advantage foe admirable tal- W f antral figure of the troupe, U united a majority of the 1 and popular actor, Bh* graceful, sprightly and • shrewd sense of the » never fails to turn to ad 1 »s all with an ease aud larroing. There is ndtb- | about it It ta a« smooth i a brook, and as foli of I In spHog lime. Her well etiltivaUd. i.U* a faasiwer 1 Dorulay " eouffi b# fitly. CITY MIlftMsK'r. Col. G. W. Adair’s sale to-day—one 5 room cottage, aad two unimproved lots in Bout tr end, at 4 o’clock. Carriagoa leave at Si o’olock. Pick, d> Baulks A Co. —Are daily receiving additions to their slock, and they now present to the trade a moat eomplste assortment of DRY GOODS which they propose Buluko, so oome and make your own bargain*. Yoq will find in tdelr store— Batina, Black aad Colonel Bilks. Frenah and Irish Poplins, Empieas, Merinos, Alpacas, Every Descriptions of White Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Hoods, Ac. dec7-3t Boakdino.—Persons deairing Rooms aud Board, or those desiring Tabls Board only, be sooomioodated by enquiring at the oorner of Cone and Walton streets. dec7-5t ^T- GOLD AND^BILVER I have just received by exprees direct from the factory, manufactured exprees for my fine trade, the most elegant stock of solid sterling silver ware ever seen in the city; thirty five different kinds of spoous aud forks, and every thing in the line, suitable for bridal or Christ mas presents. I desire an examination of this stook. Snob beautiful wore has never been here before. Gbo. Shabp, Jjl dec5-2w. Lire Jeweler. Ik order to reduce our stock as much as pos sible between now and the 1st of January, we are selling at reduced prices, decl-tf McBbidk Jt Co. Tbs largest and most varied stock of ttpUndid Nickel Silver Ware in the South can be found at MoBride A Co.’a. Ears, Beautiful, and Enduring. —The An niversary Bridal and Holliday presents at McBride k Co’s. Th* Lauomt and cheapest lot of furs ever offered in Atlanta, has just been received by John M. Holbrook, Whitehall street. nov23-tf Elgin Watchks, Elgin, III.—I have been selling (his make of watch for the last four teen months. Bo far they bare given elegant* satisfaction as a Railroad Watch. I will sell them from Ibis date at the follow ing prices, with the same guarantee that any one else will give: 1st Name B. W. Raymond, fall jew eled, Expansion Balance $50 00 Name Culver, full joweled. Steel Balanoe 30 00 3d. Nome H. Z. Culver, fall jeweled. Expansion Balanoe 35 00 4th. Name J. T. Ryerson, seven jewels 8teel Balanoe 15 00 5th. Name G. M. Wheeler, eleven jew els, Expansion Balance 23 50 Cth. Name Mat Liflen, seven jewels, Expansion Balanoe 20 00 18 Kt. Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly engraved, from 360 to 100 00 16 Kt. Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly engraved, from $50 to 86 00 14 Kt Gold Hunting Oases, elegantly engraved, from $45 to 70 00 10 Kt Gold Hunting Cases, elegantly angmvod, from $38 to 50 00 Stirling Silver limit log Caeca, from $9 to 15 00 These are the manufacturer'e prices. I will sell any of the above named Watches at these prioeft. Gao bob Sharp*. Jr. nov7-d30 Live Jewelry Store, Atlanta. Maoasinxs, Music, Law Books, Blank Books. *tc., bound or re bound by Haz&lei- r. novl4-tf. Subscribx for Hanleiter’s Atlanta Directory note, and have your name in bold typ*. novl4-tf. Vuaa.—A large assortment of Lady’s and Misses Fuis at prices to suit every one. st nov7-3m Mbs. Franks’ Mkmobanda Casks, with name, $1 00. All kinds Ruling and Binding. Wm. R. Hanlxitks, not 28-tf Granits Block. Broad Street Oaxx and see those beautiful Scotch Plafcls sad Arabs, at Mbs. Frank’s. nov7-3m My Fall and Winter Stock, selected by my self is now complete, and I invite all my lady friondl and others to oaU and inspect my goods. They will find the latest styles at nominally low prices. Mbs. Frank, Deoatur street, Opposite City Park. nov7-3m John henderson, dealik id all kinds or Tors, CONFECTIONERIES, FIRE-WORKS, Ao4 Whotaaala red lUtaU CONFECTIONER. *'**'*'" >re>re* xart.l OAXiZi Airs re-MSA »« 11 riAOHTBn snxn. opposite national hotel. WM. WOOD & ATOSIAjCH B1TTBM stamp svfmwn. la a fsl career of oesrtys quarter of sosntury, the prepa- ratton has never been equalled or spprcataad, sales are aew larger than these of say half does* ties, purporting to belong to the a ever hern advertised to this soa and preventive of Diarinu, aad all its complication# II «mj be eald to hSv« uvan nows oompbtition and to be the standard specific of the Western Hemis phere. A course of this genial restorative el the etnent of winter U the enreat eafegnerd eg » complaints which are ceased or aggravated by exposure to cold. dec 8-lw Partly we. Pol sew.—'There Is as wach fference between PHALOK’8 VITaLIA OK 8ALTA- TICK FOB THE HUB aud the filth-charged hair- era, aa between the Pool of Betheede, that an en- gei stirred, end a fever-breeding mad pond. The VI TALIA is e crystalline fluid, without a single imparity or noxlone property, end the nelnrelneee of the shades it imparts to grey hair is uuequaled. dec 7-eodSt BE BEAUTIFUL—If yea desire feeaaty you should aee*Heg»n'« HegnoUa Bela. It gives s soft, refined, eatin-like texture to Ute plexion, removes roughness, redness, blotoheo, barn, tan, he., end adds s tinge of peerly bloom to the plainest features. It brings the bloom of yonth to the iadiojr cheek and ohangee the rostio country girl a fsahionsble city belle. Ia the use of the Magnolia Bela Use the true secret of beauty. Mo lady need oomplala of her complexion who will invest TO oents in this delightful article. Lyou's Kathairoa is tne beet hair dreeaiog in a oJuuj. lor 11 * uiwrlorltr o «1 re tk. pabtla ferllre refa. oretoUi. rereAy »»d *•' mrere! cure at Agaa rei Xrer. ot Ofolla red wkatkaraf abort or low reudlac. >• relare to Ur retire Wretara red fokraM 0000L7 to bare him Mattson, 10 til. tretA at Ika rererUoa that la no ore. atnmaoi ItfaU to ann. Iftd. dtreattmu areatrtat- TUd ant. In a treat man, orere . hi reSidret far a enre, and wboL and ita ly followed aad * **' SSSLSteJtta xat ham ffcct wtwittns prudent, and it e l if its mors certain to core, if bee Is oontiMed In Moaller doses for e week or two tar the disease has been oheeked, more especially in diMeoll and hmg-eUndlng esses. Usually this medi- eise will set reqaire any aid to keep the bowels in good order: shottld the patient however require » *- thartic medicine, after having taken three or four doe- ee of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL’S ’'VORTABL* FAMILY PILLB will be euSotact. RHr. JOHN BULL’S Frlndpal^fBee: No. 40 Fifth Cr«M Streets laoulavUle. Kentuoh.7 ■" • Aisrx> Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CEHT8 PER POUND. | AU. rerefal rearettre aa tretr mi re T> v or WHJT. lkam>< re credre.|Onr rereh| *, FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW CLASS Is Unoqualed in the South. LOCHRAifi & CLARK, Atterweys.-Of- floe on Broad street, over RohoU’ Seed Store. Practice anywhere in tha State, United Btetoe Supreme Court, end Superior Courts. Jy afi-dly tooth. Fulton Lodge, Mo. M, meets every First aad Third Thursday night in each month. Mt. Zion Royal Arch Chapter, Mo. 16. meets every Second Monday in each month. W. H. TULLKK. H. P. A. Bosbvfbld. Secretary. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. WESTERN!ATLANTIC RAILWAY. The Old Reliable Passenger Route TO ALL Northern, Eastern anti Western Cltiea, OARBHINQ GREAT SOUTHERN EXPBI88. THE ONLY ROUTE from ATLANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAIN. Preventings possibility of twenty-four (34) hours’ de lay, incident to lines hsrlng bat one daily train. THE UNITED STATES MAIL Between Atlanta and New York Is carried exclusively by this line. Through Pareetiffor Train* Lenre Atlanta 8:15 A. M.—5.50 P. M. Making dose connections at Kingston for Rome, Selma, Meridian, and New Orleans. At Chattanooga, with the East Tennessee k Ooorgls Rsilroad lor all paints North & East by Lynchburg. The Memphis k Charleston, for Canton, Memphis & New Orleans, AMD POINTS WEST. The Nashville k Chattanooga, for Nuhrllle and all Points North, East land West Tin LonlsrlUe. CO., rASSENOKBS HATE CHOICE OF TWENTY-SIX DIFFERENT ROUTES FROM ATLANTA TO NEW YORK. Traveling Tat acta ON ALL NIGHT TWAINS. The Best Eating Honses In the <’, untry. No Midnight Changes. Finely Finished] Oars Well Heated and Ventilated. qUICKTIXE AND SURE CONHECTIOHS. Tickets for sole at all Tteket Offlres for all points retched by this line. FARE SAME as by OTHER R0UTE8 Baggage Checked Through. •jESj E. Sir* MO* W Marshal’s Notioe of Seizure. Wharves, Os the JMh day of fleplember, Hot, informatioue wore fl ed In the Dtatrtet Oosrt of the Uni tod fltetoe for the Non hem Dtotrict of Oeonris, by Job* MUledge, Isa., sttonssy of tbs United Ktstaefor •sidDtatrtoTtaMUksfthsmld Untaed fitalso. ee« of eSdd Information* being egstnet Fourteen Boxes of gogsio, fouBdla Mh* pseoestaoo of A. L. Fewtar; i •r'againstThree Barrels of Whisky marked Laud, is Use Uth District of Iheld flection of Ohero- rSaa UNDERTAKERS AS* UPMUTIBB, Trr«*~ reretj. fare audreS »4 fas. ren tv* • Irere’jarelrtrelO -yTre t *„ i« j y«»"'‘» J Ou*rt hre Iretinl IU w*rre*M ■.wUrereaUrelMMU prererej: Aad ■ •mMid iwrreu. All p. CORNER OF ALABAMA AND WHITEHALL. STREETS, ATLANTA GEORGIA, JOHN KEELT, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Seates and World Wide Reader*. I have reeotvsd many testimonials from professional and medical men. as my almanacs and various public cations have shown, all of which are genuine. The following letter from a highly educated and popular l IBrrcTTULLT ret* tk. utmtioa o, Ufa preMlo to Ue (ret lh«t h. hre uo« on hand. • wall Ml*ct*d «to*». Li which has been purchased staos the recent dedtae, AND WILL BE OFFERED EXCEEDINGLY LOW. _ f gold. H the Doctor Mys of BULL’S WOBM DE8TBOT ViUaANOW, Walker Co., Oa., June Da. Jona Bull—Dear Sir: I have recent your “Worm Destroyer” several trials, and Am dcrfolly efficacious. It has not foiled in a si stance to have the wlshed-for effect. I am pretty large oountry praotioe, and have daily ' “tolund. Iam ‘ e article of the k i free to o that is so oertain aad speedy ia ita effect#, oontrary, they are uncertain in the extreme, jeet la writing you ia to find out upon what get the medicine direct from you. If I oai upon easy terms, I shall uee a great d ' * • article* is of 11 aware that the nee of snob article* 1* contrary teachings and praotioe of a great majority ot tt lar line M. D’s, but I see no just cause or good ilsaerdiag a remedy which we know to be simply because we may be ignorant of its comt Tjt my part, I shall make It a rule to nee all i means to alsriato suffering hnmanlty which I able to oommand—not hesitating because K more ingenious than myself may have learned facts first, and secured the sole right to sect knowledge. However, I am by no laesni an advocate tar of the thousands of worth! the oountry, that purport to i wee to which *■ *“ i, aud Inform: sir, moat respectfully, JTTLIU8 P. OLXMXNT, M. D. Black and Brown (English) Waterproof Cloths. All Colon In Ladles’ Cloths (til wool.) Ercrj Color in “Gilbert**” Opera Flannel*. 10-4 Blanket*, Beantlfnl Qnairty, (erceedln»ljr cheap.) Lanes*ter and Mnnellle* Quilt*. A CHOICE LOT OF Irish Linens, Diapers, Towels, Table Linens, Napkins, D’Oylies, Etc., Etc. A large lot of Dress Goods, 60 cento a yard—worth 90. Balmoral Skirts $1 25 to $1 50, Excellent Quality, Oheoked and Figured Flannels, in Great Variety, A Well-Assorted Stook of Oassimeres, Etc. o oouatitute a complete, and well-assorted stock, an Inspection of whioh 1 JOTT1NJ TK~~Xn HI I «Y r CorasrWkltohall and HsnUrltrssU. THE LIVE DRUG STORE Still on the track with renewed speed, and the largest stook of goods ever beforelarrived. REDWINE : 8c FOX We are offeringjlnducemeuto to dsalsra, in our I 3ST T f REDWINE & POX, Comer of WhitohaU and AUbauu Btrseta. T.A. CHASTAIN. CHASTAIN & W. K. FOX FOX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS, (NO. 4. GRANITE BLOCK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Uood.Keuonlfor the'Captain’* Faith. Bbnton Babbaox’s, Mo., April SO, I8M. Da. Jon* Buix—Dear Sir: Knowing th* efficiency f your Bsrtaparilla and th* healing and bsaefldal qualiUe* it possess*#, I send you ths following stato- rasntof my I was wounded two year* *eo—' ad ooaflned tor slxtoen month*. Being moved so of- is, my wounds have not healed yet. I have not sit up moment nlnoe 1 was wounded. I am shot through My general health is impaired, and I need Sarsaparilla thi genuine. Plsaas express n son to mv care, j chronic dlarrhoie and ecrofula, for Whtoh~I' gave him] 8arsaparilla. It otjbxd him. I have en years recommended it to many in Mew York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fever soree and general debility. Perfect euooess has at tended it The cures offseted J* sons ease* of scrofula aad fever sono were almost mlraouloua. Iam very anxious for a> eon to again have rsoours* tayour OariapariPa. Hs is fearful or getting a epnrioua article, hence hie writing to you for it His wounds were ter rible, nut I believe bo will recover. Respectfully, J KM Ml K JOHN8CH. ATLANTA SEGAR MANUFACTORY ! 1HE SUBSCRIBER moot respeotfuUy informs the eiUssne of Atlanta, and surrounding oountry, that he will, FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, Sell out his entire stook at a reduoed price, "by |ths WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Oouslettng|of 200,000 SeKtra, pi le* *22 00 ta »S0 00 per Theniand, Tebncoo Fnnrtke Roll*, Bripht N»*j, Stonewall Twlit, W. Brown’* Bright Pound, 150 doicn Pipes, Aon *1 per hundred ta <4 a piece. OaU soon, or you will low a bargain. All oaah orders promptly attended to by JOHN ncxcN. oot x8-d2m No. 11 PcaelatreoBirset, opposite Natlomal Hotel. IFLEASE READ THE NAMES ATTACHED TO THISI TESTIMONIAL. W National Stove> recommend them to a BILL’S CIB1DI BiTTlRS. AUTHENTIC B4JCUMENT8. .(KK.f.r.M* HEJR0 FRO.It. Tentlneny ef SedteU *en. inure roma. wure Ore. Aik., Ibr re, me Ireurabnur, I ni la udlnMfarei. at Tama "ISTSuv. kre nrenu ha kreMi. fatal dwa red he eltr* Improved. Dr. Oedbe/who has bsao in bad health for several yearn too ass eh aod fiv*». *ie*ts<l ike Improved vary mack by ths nto of your Bitters, fodeod, ths (Mtou ass«ar« , .2SB!55:aE 0. a W1LXSL Ia, h. BRADFIELD, OBUGOIST, WHITEHALL HTEERT, ATLAUTA, QA ATLANTA, GA. Sfaptember Lat, 1800. ed, are using tbo “ MUTUAL FRIKMD " Cooking Stove, manufactured by the “ The orke,” of Mew York, and believing it to be the beet Ooofctag Stove in the market, cordially whe desire to yurobaee a first class article: OEM. A. H. COLQUITT. Vie* President Southern Life Insurance Company. MAT. J. B. MORGAN, Hpectal Agent JEtue laeurenee Compimy. W. T. PHILLIPS, Phillips It Crew. ‘ OMUlQM. MeMm Menght, Ormond k Co. t, Oa. . Alton ta, Oa. 0APT. J. MORE J. O. BRUCKNKK, AUeata, 0«. MR& B. S. OVERBY. C . COL. R. F. MADDOX, Tobacco Maretest. Adeata. Oa. J. M. BORN, m. Coal Merchant. Attoata, Oa. JOHM H. FLYNN. HtaU R. R. Shop. Atlauta Ga. NELSON J. DOOLITTLE, Conduotor t)UU R. R. JOHN A. DOAME, Atlanta, Oa. R. J. DAWSON, Atlanta, Qa. REV. JULIUS T. CURTISS, Atlanta. Q% J. H. GOLDSMITH. AUanta Intelllgenoer. ^WflaMfodsatofigwta In AUeata for «Tbe NeMoaeJ Stave Werfcs, M and heap < COOKING- AND HEATING STOVES, which wx nu, wnoLauu aho WTin, AA FACTO IlK PUICKM, Aa4Vre|> fon Mrek retHmre rnre*fanf Wta HUESTI8 A HOPE. Markham 1 * Umpire Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Oa. DiTtaaemna raatHOW. refUAre competition, ceashting of Parlor, Bedroom, and OAos Furniture La. suites or aingU. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oases, Wardrobes, Hat Backs, Washstauds, Etc., Plain and Marble Top. The Largest Lot ol ( halts that was ever in the city'sit one time, all of which we offer’at Wholesale Factory Prices in Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. Mew ta your Ume to buy eheap and good bargains. Ws are determined to sell goods lower than can be bought here. Dealer* will do wall to examine oar stock before going North, as they will save oost of transpor tation. Ladle* especially are Invited to call and examine this stock. Don’t forget the ptaoe. M. O. MARKHAM. (DEAI.ERIN IE3 O O T KT ID SHOES I80LE LEATHER, CALF SKIN*, SHOE FINDINC8, *C., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA OEORGIA- COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it toitbeir advantage to eiamiue my stook, as it is ■ BIiXOVBZ) WITH OnilAT OA.H.1 Aad pnrehnied *»cln»lr,ly tar CASH, From the Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. ang l-6m M. O. MARKHAM. I. Zj . FALK & CO. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! NEW STORE 1 NEW GOODS ’ NEW SYSTEM ! r T>HK nnderatgned take great pleasar* in informing the citisens of Atlanta, aad aarronading eoantry, that they 1 have opened ia the targe *nd oommodtoas store, formerly occupied by J. H. White k Oo. next door to vteedor A Bros., WhLUhall street, where we tnteud to keep permanently one of the largest stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING, entire stook, which comprises all ktuds goods for CASH ONLY. This will insure . rt* peas* ideated for the Southern market, aad the many faculties and advantages wa enjoy in Mew York city, where, exclusively, we maaoteetare our goods, we are enabled to offer you M fog| of superior goods at vary low price*. W# shell have but OlWTB PniOB ««d will a*U •Ur dealing to all. Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. N« Y., Iters la Nersanak, «*., Me. 1441 Ceagrsit St., and “ “ F Meettai •«<» ROJ Kta* fltreo*. '■ L - PETRO OIL. JOHN KEROSENE OIL- T. HAGAN m MOW PRKP ARID TO Off FIR TO TH* TRAD! AMY QUANTITY OF Til CELEBRATED PETRO OIL fata re. brel ,reWT at 1.1. MW ■fa.Ofatal- NON-EXPLD8IVE KEROSENE OIL. ( DKFT OOMPRTTnON ta LAMP OOi bstng m aheap or cheaper than aay heuea south o<r»rtl—itb J alao keap a good atoak et Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, Shades, in hot everything pertaining to am-1 am exelari v* agent ia thl* <aty for Dr. Derrah’a Vaala Buna caqairtog no eblmeey. aad emits not a particle of Masks. • <r Aay jbe tamp Una, boeghtef me, aad the seme aoi 1-4 ~ l Tbe‘wtaka cf the Vaata and Present tor The Poire Oil I KNOW ta aot explosive, aad wtU give got to auy oae who wflH « u* .Mae principle that say vessel may be eaalagad or bwatad wttk staaai from wader. Oountry meiwhaota a»s very reapeatfolty Invtiad to eeadthatr ordeea far srihar ejj ^reltaHre tare, am M retfare