Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 10, 1869, Image 2

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Room (im jul bad another frebjouable wad dint, aad tba Polly gtvo* U a column pair. VFa lonrti from tb« (Mnabii Kan that th* K«gl* * Fnecnil Compoav received direct Iroiu Europo, *35.000 wortW mAdlln«/<<w tk*lf unlla, Mid that is split of, tkn *11,000 is *sld reqalnd «o p*J thn rtnttr». ii w|U sort loan thus tha sums nirtlsiq woatd cost Is tbs North. Tbs A lb sal WslshmM nlim: Wa l«ni tbst Mr. tnrasm Mnrwj. of Wutklua«Un, «ss robbsd ls« fmUj n^ht of suUssi LnhdmJ d>llai« to money and a oheok on Saw Ton for a email amount. The robbery ru fffebi- ed in bU oan bed obambar, between the boar at whtob be retired aad daylight anal moraiag. It i* believed to have been done by a servant The HiUedgevtlii Recorder *ar»: An at- lonipi waa mode oa the night of to* 6th 5net. to fire McOorab'a old bote). Turpentine bud been poured on Urn floor and file applied, but it waa uiaeoveted in time to prevent much • Umage. It the party who attempted snob an murage could bo totyuil 0,, h be should spend the beat part of hJU day* u* tba IVmiUoUary, The ObronoU A Beutiuol says tb« Georgia Railroad, under it* present inauagcateot, doing a splendid bnatneew. The following « bibit wiU compare favorably with that of any road of equal aimeavnm* in thu country ; Grom earning tor Nov., 1868 $94,000 Groan taming* for No*.. 1801k .$117,000 lncra&e in *60 over ’68 $43,000 The receipt* $>r Hcptcraev, October nod No- ▼ember, 1869, in excesn of the kaiuc mouths in 1868, are $130.000. The editor of the Greensboro* Herald re- i vntly matte a vi«K to the Btate Lunatic Agy* lum at MUlcdgevIlle, and suy* of it that there “are at present 382 patients under treatment, and between sixty aud aaveoty-five applicant* now waiting for accommodations. It Is sur prising to see such a large institution con ducted with such systematic order and de cency. The putieuls appear to be properly provided and oared for. W* were informed that nine-tenths of the patients sent there for treatment within one year alter becoming in sane were restored to soundness pf mind and dismissed. What a bieasing to humanity!" The Newnau Defender saya: “We are pained to announce the death of our old and respected citizens, Maj. Y. J. Long and Judge J. T. Brown. The former bad been in deKente health for many months, though able to be up until a few days previous to his death, which occurred on Friday morning. The latter died very suddenly on Monday while in the act of rising from his bed and without any premonitory symptoms of dis ease He wa* actively engaged in bosiuess on Saturday and we little dreamed then that he would so soon and suddenly be removed form our midst. Queen Isabella is writing & novel, ltaskin is writing lectures on the “Materials of Art.'* Adalina Patti says she thinks a husband’s arms the best necklace a woman can have. The latest about the Cardiff giant is that it fit to be set op in New York Central Park. Connecticut already reports 300 divorces this year, with soveral coauties to hear from, Throe Englishmen bavo lately declined jieerages, including Dr. Grote, the historian of Greece. Henri Taine, the French critic, is dissatis fied w:tb the excessive morality of English literature. | ' They have got nftcr Mark Lemon iu Eng land and fined tmu five i.ollara for playing F.Vi 'bdf without a license. A South Carolina editor wiiLs his editorials on perfumed note paper, and has the copt saved, U> deposit among the “Archives” of th< family. Gail Hamilton has been engaged by the Harpers to write tor the Weekly and the lift zar. It is rninured that this house will ture bo ths publiahms of her books. Nilsson was lately paid $2,1100 in gold to sing at one concert in Brighton, England. This is profmiily tnuAMiiau one singer ever before received for one performance. \Vh*xi a baby is Lora in the Oneida Ci munity, the news is sent by telegmph to the Wallingford Community, aud congratulations are exchanged by Urn two communities. Gene ral George W. 0 >!e, who killed L. Hariis Hiscock, for aoduciug his wife, has been ..ppuinted a clerk in the General Post* office ut Washington, ut n salary of $2,500 per annum*.. Jninet ! isk. Jr., rucuntly said tbal ha had paid one of his Erie lawyers lor services this yi ir, : iH for $140,060. Kfie i* a magnificent thing for every one exoapt I bo shareholders. Trnnpiu'tu, the Puntin murderer, is trying a new trick by endeavoring to bewilder the Parishiii authorities by making the most ex traordinary Mid irrcconcilnbif confession* of KUilh Twenty new operas will bo produced this winter at the various (bowler* of Italy, and it is said that the lovo of music is even more 1 than ever in the “land of sunshine and song.” Henry Whipple, the oldest book-seller and publisher iu Salem, and one of the oldest in Massachusetts, died at his residence iu Salem on the 1st inst, at the advanced age of more than eighty yaara. Readers of the voluminous “Diplomatic Correspondence" heretofore issued by the Secretary of State will bo sorry to hear that Secretary Fish proposes to economise by omit ting to print it Itsiinfltr.^ ~~ A book entitled “EJcce Fomina,” in opposi tion lo the wonuut'n lights movement, will-be publihbed about thn mid tie of this mouth. The author ia Mr. Carlos White, of Hanover, -New Hampshire. Wm. Hurd got drunk at Sonouia, Cal., last week, nud spoke to his friend, Wm. Hudson, thus: •! wish. Will., you would cat my throat.” Will, immediately borrowed a knife and HCcotnmodiib'd his frit ud. who waa buried the next day. The twenty five fcludcnta of “journalism” to bo admitted to General Leo’s college are to be nomuiaUd by Typographical Unions and edi torial reooromoudntion. Thu twenty-five leel th-ir own studies, aud are under no ex- (reuse, except for board. A breach of promise rasu in Detroit turns upon the question whether the defendant in- luU'ird, by inclosing a leaf of rono geranium to thu I idjr, to use the language of flowers, ii which e.ise tho innocent leaf would hate said, “Thou art my ohoiee.'' Mis. Abbio Naan McFarland Richardson, according to the New York Commonwealth, Is to hav« a fund mined for her by subscription, and, it if add, nlm>. that she is to hnve an ed itorial poeitioa on the New York Tribune, aud a sinecure in the Hnb-Tt asury at Golliam. ColoiuJ D*vi i Page, of Fort Kent, Me., who died a few day* since, was one of tho first American aellb rr. in that place. lie several tim*» represented t$> M irjawsuka plauhitious in llu gtnlatutr, nud l<rr h.ium- yt-srs hnd the oversight of the schools on the American sble of the HI. Johor, by ap(s>intinmt of the Gov ernor. A H ii t/ord correspondent of the New York Mail writes : “Hartford gnM* with tl)f strong- roind< d. It comes in cr.«was to hear lady lec ture r«; it Applauds ths couvunrten advocating fem-th'Hitffrage; it is raiiiisMit for ‘womans right ; it« vmsnstsins Mrs. Ktowu against toe defenders of flyrou. and .is sure her fartW- eomiug book wiU demolish oppoHition.” # A onriofa rase o # lo»« of speech oeourn-d reOently iu niulweis, Moldavia. A young man divamua that he waa attacked <br robbers, one ot whom whs about to murder him. Ht tried lo cry on* for btl», biff hfs virfw faffsd him, aud when be awoke, he found that hs could not utter a word. Ho waa advised (0 go to Vi tuna for treatmout, aud has there for- tnnab ly ncorcrod his speech. He lias uow roturuod to Ids native place Tlioro is a aeeret naNokinttoo • of women In JoneMvdIc, Michigan, whosu object Is to t of tskm gertdU agaiust ths liquor are about to be literally fulfilled, ths Demo cratic papers iq this BUts are flingiug bitter aapersious at this journal and charging it with having filtered •' plots” and “ ooMpiradw'* agaiu»t the ioteraats of tbs Btata. ** |t«»olvuU down to (he principles of truth, Its matter stands -thus : The Em foresaw what would be tha ultimate result of ejeoting the colored members of the General Aa- semlily, and the refusal to ratify the Fifteenth Courttitutioiuii Amvodmeiit. Doth sots were violations of the good faith with which Con n cut«ml tutoihe com pact which restored the Slats to its place in the Uniou. It waa au insult to Congress which we knew that IrnJy bad the power to rebuke, end we felt that it would do so, and so warned our peo- plt) of tha impending (langer. Congress, as if to etaootMMgs rigti* setion on the par* ol oar people, adjourned Us last ssssiou withont imsHing any stringeut aol bear- lug opoa Georgia. Apparently it wished to osuvass ths Henlituent of tho people and uudutHtaad how far they could be trusted to comply with the ivguireim-ute of tho National Legu»(stare. During the time that has elapsed shits tho adjournment of Cougrcss, the peojds have f e«ly spoken their aentimenta through the Democratic press of the State. — Them paiiers, aa the organs of the Democra cy, have given Congress no groonds to hope for any thing from the Georgia Legisla ture. Tho President has been abused. Congress has been abused, tho Fifteenth Amendment has been bitterly denounced, and the utmost euro has been tskeu to imprees upon the minds of the people the hallucina tion that the deoision of the Supreme Court of Georgia does not re-seat those members of the Legislature who were expelled on account of (heir color. The tone of the fool-hardy Democratic press of Georgia has certainly given Cougresa no encouragement in the be lief that tho State “accepts the situation,” or that nhu will submit lo measures which tffie has already ugreod in form to acquiosco iu. Wu knew well that Cougresa was indulging iu no child’s ph»y. Not a reconstruction meas ure was imposed upon the seceded States whioh waa not in earnest and positive in it* nature. It meant that the Southern States oonld cornu back into the Union on conditions which wuru plainly laid down ; bat it did not mean that, after a formal admioaiou of n State, those solemn conditions could be violated Withont fear of consequences. We thought we understood the spirit and disposition of Congress iu tho matter. Wo thought that wo were able then to foreauo the oud to which tho umd and suicidal folly of the extreme Democrats would pluuge the State, and we earnestly and persistently warned our people of what thu result would be—that Con gress would not suffer snob ail open und fla grant breach of the compact which restored Georgia; that out people eonld not thus idly violate the faith which was placed iu them. Hot the end draws near. The people begin to see that oar prophecies were trne. They now foul that oar warnings should have been heedrd. Yet, instead of admitting the facts, they upbraid os for having “conspired" against them; for having entered’“plots" against their interests. Wu are willing that «»nr record linul-l (.rove our consistency. Our files will prove that we have told them (bat these things wouU come upon them, unless they submitted to thu will of Congress—and we told them (rue. Everything that has transpired since thu assembling of Congress goes to prove that oar warnings were not withont occasion; that they were needed, und, hud they been heeded, it would have been all the better for .ho peo ple of this Commonwealth. In conclusion, while we have no bill of in dictment against a minority of the people of Georgia, we simply counsel a quiet and can did *nbun-niou to tha will of tho President and Congress, whatever that may bo. The State, unrepresented, is like a child in its swaddling clothes; aud Ibut class of men who would kick against the will ol Congress at this time, are madmen aud not fit lo coausal the people. Those i\re our views, aud we iuteud to stand by them until the last plank Is gone from under ns. _../$« Bouthwestern Circuit ,...93 PauulaCirouit 23 Ohattahooehee Circuit 91 Macon Circuit.. Flint Cirouit. Tallapoosa Cirouit ... Atlanta OHeoit Rome Orcnit Cherokee Cirouit .... liluo Ridge Cirouit... Wo*Urn Circuit Northern Circuit Middle Circuit ... Ocmulgso Circuit ... Eastern Circuit. Brunswick Circuit.... UAiLV yjtooiusnuiaa. Dkckmbxk 9, 1869. Tha Court iu«t pursuant to adjournment. Argument in the case No. 9, Bonthwesteru Circuit - Duruas vs. Robson aud Muuroe, motion to open fi la. from Calhoun county, was resumed aud concluded. Messrs. D. A. Vaaoo A U F. Lyon for plaintiff In error, and Meaere, Katnoel Irwin k W. A, flawkina r defendants in error. No. 10, SouthwewteruOirouit—Roe and Hir rii; vs. Doe ex dmn E. a Granutss ti aL— Eject- ut, from Lee Comity—waa dismissed on motion of F. T. Knead, E*q , as having been prematurely brought to this Court, no final judgment iu this case having been rendered in the Court below. No. 11. So mb w* stern Cirouit—Lindsay, former tfheriff. vs. Cock ft Thompson Rule, anawrr and demurrer, from Lett County—wo* argued by Messrs. Fred. H. Waa* aud K U. (Murk for plaintiff in error, and by Jndge It. F. Lyon for defendant in error. No. IS was next in order. No. 12 hnvlaa been csl ed up out of its order and dumisaed i the 7th iuat. No. 13, Honthwoatern Circuit, is Mitoheli, vs. Mitoholl ft Willis, and is a motion to dissolve an injunction lrom Worth couuty. This case was arfeued by Jodge D. A. Voaou, for plaintiff in error, and by Jadge R. H. Clark, tor defendant iu error. On motion ol W. A. Hawkins, a rula ni ai was granted against the Clerk of the Superior Court of Sehley County, to ahow eause Why he had failed to certify and send oertain records to this Court. Puuding argument iu No. 14, the Court ad journed Hi) 10, a. m., lo morrow. is BY TELEGRAPH. “That Money”—(iovernor Unllaek. It is broadly rumOvvd that Gov. Bollock took with him a large sum of mouey to use in ibdaenchjg the action ot Congress. Aud it is further said that the money came from the State It oud Treasury.- OonatUuiUm, Dth. v are requested, by a high offioiai of the rn.ul, to state that the above is utterly without foundation. Wa comply with that request as an act of jastioo to tha parties involved. Gl-rs HIm a Ba4|*. If somebody would tie a bit of blue ribbon in the batton-bole of the editor of the MU- ledgeville Federal Union, be would strnt him self to death in a day. A Miter from lion, dames Jtavaaaagb, DM* egate from Montana Territory, says : »*I have bean In New York several times relative to the North Pooifio Railroad, and have con versed with the managors. The auoeeas ol the road is a fixed fact. Congressional aid or hot, the road wtll be built I predict that in leas than five years you can pass hy rad lrom Lake Baps nor to Fagst Bound through Min nesota, Dakota, Montana and Washington Territory. Work will be commenced early in the coming sprlog, and will be proaeontod to a speedy oniupleUon. Tha neighing of the •iron horse' will awaken the eeboet of tha val ley* and mountains of Montau* sooner than the poople dream of.” Port Huron, Michigan, is having a Bible ex cite meat. Objeation was made to it by one of A HBOC! A TMI) PRXSa DISPATCH ta. NOON DISPATCHES. Washisotok, Dec. 9.—In the Hones, after an ineffectual effort to iuveetigate the receut gold horror, the census was resumed. In the Senate nothing doing. The Reconstruction Committee board a do zen speakers regarding Virginia, and adjonrn- ©d till Satorduy. When others argue they must do so in wiiting. The disability bill uow before the President, Is House bill No. 331. London, December 9.—The News in ccm- monting on Grant’s message, says: America wants indemnity for their feelings on the Ala bama question, rather than their trades or pockets. Romk, December 9.—The Ecumenical Ooun cil was opened by ths Pope. Seven hundred Bishops followed the Pope in the prooeeeioh. NIGHT DISPATCHER Washington, December 9.—Bwvenue to-day nearly half a milium dollars, Curttoms for the week ending December 4th, aver two nnd a quarter million. The Pretold*ot nominated John F. l>illon Circuit Judge tor the 8th Circuit. This closes the Circait Judges. Bsnatx— Mr. Kellogg introduced a hill to incorporate the Mississippi Valley Levee Cent pony, according to tho plan proposed by the Louisville Convention. Tho District Committee was directed to enquire iuto tho propriety of repealing the Charter Medical Bociety for the rejection of negro doctors. Mr. Trumbull reported, with amendments from the Committue on the Judieiary, a bill relating to appellate jnriediotion of the Su preme Court. The bill, %a amended, declares that the judi cial power of tho United States gives no power to the courts to decide on political questions, and that it rests with Cougresa to decide what government is the established one in any State. It prohibits the Supreme Oourt (torn enter- turning jurisdiction of any case growing out of the execution of the reconstruction acts till the governments of the late rebellions States are reoognized by Congress as valid. It re peals all acts authorizing appeals to the Su preme Court in habeas corpus proceedings The President is directed to hold and pro ce*-d with nil prisoners held in said States by military authority, without regard to auy civil proceeding or authority whatsoever. The Semite adjourned to Monday. House.— Mr. Shanks introduced a bill to complete reconstruction in Georgia. Mr. Van Trump prevented tha joint reaolu tion of tba Ohio Legislature, withdrawing the ratification of the 15th amendment. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Montoomjcky, Dac. 9.— In the Senate to-day, there was a stormy debate over the bill to break up the present city government of Mo bile aud turn it over to a triumvirate, consist ing of the Lien tenant Governor, the Speaker of the House and the Attorney General. Mr. Bromberg, the Mobile Bene tor, opposed it Coon, of Dallas, and others, favored it. It was so amended os to give the power of appointment to the Governor, and tho bill wns then recommitted. Bills were introduced to allow State endorse ments to bonds of the Chattanooga ft Alabama Railroad to tho amount of $3,060,000, to the Mobile ft Montgomery Railroad to the amount of $2,000,000, and to tha Booth ft North Ala bama Railroad to the amount of $3,000,000. In the House by a vote of 42 to 29, Mr. Brown Democrat, of Chsmbera, was declared not entitled lo his seat. A motion was made to reconsider the vote to-morrow. Over 400 masons are in (he oity attending the Grand Lodge. Nashville, December 9. —The Senate puaa- od to the first reading a bill forbidding in dictment for aots cuiumittud by soldiers da ring the late war. London, December 9.—The prioo of con federate bonds considerably advanced in the new proposed settlement of the Alubaiua claims. Roue, December 9.—The Ecumenical core- moiiies yesterday lasted six hours. Thu city i* tranquil. Livempool, December 9 ^-Vessels ai riving from (be South Atlantic r ported vast num bers of iueburga. tq»jgLariai'i j5b»1u> clew w»\ —Tnui. onnllntU lirliA. Or* o«riM •» la f*od detuml a t*i»m «><» tlx. dr? good, market *t wholertJe !• »o*»e. MMUm—khrket well npti- J geseniljr. Glut -Some neitemut *u creeled till, morning bj tba UUgraph reporting gold in SSSassaiF DO flog. H«lUag. EffclK Cotton.—Bsoeipte to-day war* good—about 160 bale*. Market opened brisk at 22-and cloaod quiet At 22 j to 22|. Apple*. An advmnoe in apples. Wo quote at $4 SO lo 6 00 per toerrel, and Western as high as $7 00. GoldDMU’-RoyiliNat $1 00 to 1 12 perdwt Tb« Prices vary according to the mines from which it is taken. Yills Rica it worth $1 10 pea dwt.. and Lumpkin county mines vury from $1 00 to 1 10 per dwt. Buck Wheat Floar—In boxes- nix six pound sacks to th« box, $2 75 to 3 00. Butter -Market dull ig Goshen and Wes tern Reserve. Tennessee and Virginia quoted ai 25 to 86o per lb. The quality varies greatly. Good oottniry batter sells readily at 33 to 40c. Bacon Not much doing iu bacon. We quote' c. sides at o. r, sides and shoul ders. 204 to 21o. Bulk Mfftto -Tho market is well supplied with bulk meats. Wa quote a decline of 4- 0. aides are quoted at 184 to 18(0, c. r. siden 18 and shoulders at 14j Co 15c. Boggfag—Btouk equal to the demand.— Quoted at 26 (o 30c. Bafo R*pe—Quoted ul 74 to 9o.. Cam—^The supply of corn is light Demand good- Prices uncbungHd. W« quote prime white $1 35 to 1 40. new $1 30 lo 1 36. Cam Ma$l—There U a good demand lor meal. We quote it fiim at $1 40 to l 45. Cheaae— Stock fair. Demand good. Quo ted at 21 to 23 jo. Caffae-Demand good. Wu quote Java 35 to 37ic; Rio 20 to 26io, according to quality. Cattail Yarns—Demaud lair at $2 00. Dried Fruit—Peaches, rough 0 to 5|o. Pealed 12 to 10c. Ergs—Scarce and high. We quote At 35 to 4tw per doz. FtoluS-Tbe Stock of flour is very flue and embraous a great variety of grades and prioee. Demand small. We quote super $6 00 to 6 60 per bbl. Extra $700. Family $7 25 to 8 00, and Fancy $8 00 to 8 75. No mate rial change. Hags —The market for hogs has fairly open ed, and tho packing business commenced. We quote ai 104 gross and 13 to 13( net. Hiy-A fair demand and good supply. It is quoted at $35 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim othy. Matoasas and Kymps—blocks equal to the demand. Qualities very various. We quote its figures ranging from 57 to 90c, though Home are held aa high as tl 15 per gallon. Oats—A good demand for oats exists.— Supply light. They are quoted t(l 80 to 85c. Onions—Onions readily bring from $4 50 to 5 00 per bbi. Offal—Bran is wotth $1 50; ship stuff $1 75 to 2 00. It is in good demand. Potatoes—Good Irish potatoes are in do Park,—A good demaud exists. We quote gross at 11c, and net at 13 to 13&c. inand at $3 00 to 3 50. 1* ye— Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo ted at $1 40 to 1 50. Sugar—Brings lrom 13 to 19c according to quality. We quoto refined A18 to 1S$; do. B 17| to 18; do. C 16j to 17; yellow 16 to lCj. Wheat- We find a wide range in wheat We quoto it at $1 45 to 1 70 for prime red to prime white. Stock light. Small demand. Prime white soils readily at $1 60. Tob&CCO —^Unsound pounds 55c Common sound pounds 60 to 65o Medium pounds 70 to 76c Fino pounds 80 to $1 Extra fine pounds $1 25 Liquors Market active. Dealers arc sell iug largely and hardly nblo to fill their orders. Prices keep up well. Brandy, Fr $7 00 to 12 00 American..... 1 60 to 2 00 Peach 3 00 to 4 00 Apple 3 00 to 4 00 Gil), Holland 4 00 to 0 00 American 1 60 to 2 00 -•aaSssewS flirt. P.u*-!-. Wmli*SmiaaBrt.n , ‘taH?ift bhlrtjjfw. of th» wontlM of Indwul. Edward Katobnm's release from Bing Sing waa acoorapanted by a pardon, whioh restore* all his olvifaud political rights. Robert Dale Owen left New Harmony, Indiana, for New York Mat Friday. He wril remain in the latter oity during tbs winter. Thirty Danes have lauded in Okoiona, Mis* •issippi. Thaw are the vanguard ot 130 eon- Iraoted for by parties in Chickasaw county. Some of the Brooklynite* think it a little strange that the wbiaiy distillers call regu larly after apple-ooree, potato-parings, fto. Clara Barton is making the tonr of Switzer land and vUItiui the family of a young Swiss soldier whom aha had noraed during the war. The New Orleans Tinea has been sued for libel by J. M. Case, who lsyu bis damages at $100,000. Case waa charged with embezzle ment. Three aud a half miles of snow sheds have been completed on tha Union Pacific. It is expeoted that all the deep outs will be covered by the 1st of February. The Winnipeg iusnrgonts, at last accounts, had their main body encamped at “Stinking River," and their advance at “Scratching River." The Watertown (Wisconsin) Republican nays if wheat is low, sbtne other articles of iarm produce ate well op in price. Dressed hogs are bringing higher prices in our mar ket than ever before, bringing from $10 50 to $13 00 per hundred. The farmers who fed wheat to their hogs hit the mark, we think. UNITED OfflM, MOT( AKDT. tfe* *oiWt c iMMNmuu, in Bonn. Plant. 4. mi vm. "jl' ww -as at **c w 14 w Th. 0U1H SniMniM .r. ill fir Ik* ■ all 111. |.o4iuk artlalM of Uummj tntm ttaMto», regard a utnUM. inn nHaU.1, tfc, Bu:iM >». Uw««y large ud .VPeilor 11 1 nniT OPTICIAN, R kOKNTLT of New York, offer* those who *ro faring from weak aad defective sif ht, his LAND, 1 V l/ift«Su/SUJ<OV» Rum, Jamaica. American Whisky—< >orn—Goqntry. Rectified, do Rye, do Robertson, do Bourbon, do Wine—Mftderia Sherry Port N. E. Hum 4 00 to 8 00 1 50 10 2 00 1 60 to 2 00 1 15 to 1 40 1 25 to 5 00 1 60 to 1 25 to 6 00 2 75 to 4 50 2 60 to 6 00 2 50 to 0 00 1 76 to 2 25 ting plow. Certainly it is a taking sellers. This association to calUd th« pfc*. labx, and has in-tii»»t-d s number of units against the liquor dealers doting tb« Lei i.ln« month*. In these suits they have been m far •uoeeasfol that two saloon keeper* aad a 4 >e~ tor who sold whisky on ihnaly have been ootn- pallad to cion - op and leave the town. There are several left ot the same sort, however, sod the “Phalanx" have a good dost of np hill wogx before them yet citeuiKDt. unjeoiion was mad# to it by on# of tho scholars, and tbe subject was laid before the school board. That body replied with a madution requiring tbe leaehees to read it fffery day on opening tbe sohool. The dis- oueeion has already OOCopted much space ia the journals there, and bids fair to be the pre- caraor of tbe agitation, now impending, upon tide nohjeet A Saginaw, Micblgao, ioveellgaUug oom raittee appointed to look into tbe oircutusUn- ora connected with tbe severe ebaetieeraeot of a popil ia ewe of tbe public schools, returned the verdiei “ttort the punUhra. at was no* •«- toated by malice,'but waa ocaaakmed by an node# appreciation of the (btoluee* of tbe boy*s paotaloosik” Philadelphia etftl depends greatly on hand fire engines. I, Western Items. Linn county, Iowa, has ten blind person*— more than aoy other county in (he Miate. Thirteen years ago at this tlrno the h^viust snow storm ever experienced in N*b»a»k* occurred. Winter wmuher began to earacet at St. Paul on the 30tb. At no time during lb« day did the met enry rise higher than 12 decrees above xsro. The Omaha City Prison baa been newly flttod up. Th* Republican aays it to now a rvryluvltii OOft The Berlin (Wisconsin) Con rant estimates the shipment* of wheat from thataectlon In October at nearly 80,000 bushola. There ware 707,000 pouode of freights received. Tho Dubuque Times says that Chari*** W. Hndwui, of that city, has mysteriously din- appeiirej. Wbr*i Lst seen he was taking snmngmid* ttltomrd thu steamer Antelope for Ht. Lnitl*. He was a man of good habits, and hto <)is*|m«M!'*tic« to in* Jt|dtoahlc, rxe<*|<t i the ground of foul play. The Loks City (Minnesota) Leadvr says a man, standing uear the tasrkui to that place a few days since, saw a Conner bring a dressed bog in nnd sell it. A few mi nates after another farmer came in and bought it a* a alight *d vane*, and earned it straight iHtck Into ftht eountry again Tha M-wo* Hsntinel nave that (he Milwau kee nnd Bt. P ttil Railroad Company Ms to- neatly completed the immense oalvsrt over Btohfaad Creek, about three utiles east of Mooroe Thi* work was aommeoced more than a year Ago, and has ooet tba oompaoy a large sum of mooey. Tlteetoo* was pfceurrd 1 ‘ work in tbs Bute, TeiegrraphiCt Market Reports. New York, Dec. 9.—Cotton firmer ; sales 29,000 bale* at 254- Flour dull and declining; superfine State, $4 70 to 4 75; common to fair extra Southern, $5 60 to 2 604. Wheat a cent lower. Corn a ceut bettor. Pork steady. Lard unchanged. Whisky lower, at $10 3. Groceries dull. Money easy at G to 7. Gold closed weaker, at 23g. Sterliug 84 to 8j. Governments active and higher. 62s, I5j. Southern steady. Nrw Ohl*an8, December 9,—Cotton buoy ant at24to24jc; sales 8,700 baits; receipts 3,217 boles; ciujorts to Liverpool 1,116 bales. Hay, primo Western $30; New York $25. Pork, uew $32 50. Huger and molasses active and firm. Whisky anil and nDsettled at $1 05 to 1 10. Coffee steady at 15 to 154c; prime 164 to 174o; others unchanged. Gold 1244. Sterling 33*. New York Sight 4 discount Baltimouk, December 9.—Cotton quiet aud firm. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat dull. Corn dull; white 88 to 90o;yellow 89 to 92o Oats steady ut 56 to 58c. Rye $1 to 1 08. Pork quiet ut $33; shoulder* 154 to 154o. Lard quiet at 19c. Whisky $1 034 to 1 04&. Mobile, Dec. 9.—Cotton market good, with general demand; market firm. Sales 2,300 bales middling at 234 to 234. Receipts 933. Exporta 40 bales. tir. Louis, Deo. 9.-Corn dulL Whisky Arm at $1. Provisions unchanged. Liv ebpool, Deo 9.-Cottonsteadv; upland* 111; Orleans 12. Bales 12 bale*. Export and speculation 2,000. (W9t Feankfobt, Dec. 9. — Bonds opeued firm at 90 j to 904 Cincinnati, December 9 —Oom unchanged. Whtoky dull at 98o to $1. Pork firm at $30 50 to $31; bacon in moderate demand; shoulders 14 to 14ja; dear aides 174 to 18c. Lard firm at 184o. ( haelehton, December 0.— Cotton notive and advanced 4c; sole* 700 bales; middling* 234 to 23|c; reosipt* 1.768 balw; exports coaMtwtoe 1,323 bales. Savannah, December 9.—Cotton—receipts 3,310 bales; exports 1,625 bales; sales 600 bail**; middling* 234c market Arm. Avqunta, Deoembtr 9. — Colton market Aolivo und firmer; sale* 915 bales; receiptn 1,118 bales; middlings 23 to 234c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. riYQR STREET THEATER! Friday Evening, December 10th. Joseph Jefferson's Grsat Specialty, Rip V'an'Winkle. Hip Wan'Winkle. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, IN. O. Rt. ltsv. THOMAS ATKINSON, D. D Visitor. Rev. JLLDEBT SUEDES, D. D Itsotor. Rev. BENNETT 9MKDB3, A. M Assistant. ffaxiiiary IGMx, 1870, and continns nnlil the 7tb of June. Tbe charge for Board and English Tuition is $120 Per Term. For a Circular, apply to the Sector. INCORPORATED 1859. CAPITAL $350,000 J. F. BOZEMAN, President. D. F. WILLGOX, Secretary. CONTINUES to furnish perfect security Hgalust loss or damage by fire on all kinds of Insurable properly at adequate rates. Agents can bo fouud at every prominent point IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, to whom applications for insurance may be made. JOHN C. WHITNER, AGENT, BANK BLOCK, No. 8 Alrtbam. Stroot, ASSIGNEE’S SALE. the Northern Dtstrle* of Georgia. Issued by A. o7Fos ter, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold before the Court House door, In Lawrencevllle, in said courty, on the first Tuesday (tha 4th dsy) of Jtnusry, 1870, within the legal hours of sale, the following described real and personal property belonging to the estaU of Thomas J. Waters, a bankrupt, to-tit: That tract of land (numbers. unknown), obtaining eight hundred acres, more or lees, known as the Goo. M. Waters plantation In said county, bounded aa fol lows: On the west by the Chattahoochee river, on the south by lands of Howell si lands of r. M. Wardlaw, an sold Wardlaw and other*. Also, that (root of land composed of parte of three lots (numbers unknown), in the «U» end Tth Districts of sold county, lying on tbe Peachtree rood, and bouuded os follows: On ths west by lands of Jams* Harrington and lands formerly owned by Wm. Knox, on the south by lands of tbe late Evan Howell and Me- Kinley, on the west hy lands of sold Howell aud Ward- law. and on the north by lands of W. Cole and Isaac StrtoMasd. Said lands to be sold subject to tbe claim, by sold bankrupt, of a homestead exemption of fifty acre*. Also, two dark brown mules, cno bay mare, three cows and yearlings, two bulls, twe sows and pigs, two old Ihrm wagoue, plow stooks, plows, gaar, axes, mat tocks, hoes, orodlea and scythes, corn shelter, house hold and kltohen furniture, Aa., Ac. AUBO, 100 Bushels, more or less, of Red Wheat. 60 Bushels, more or leas, of White Wheat. 180 Barrels, more or lees, of Corn. 6000 Bundles of Fodder, more or less. t> Begs, more or km, ot Cotton. A Quantity of shelled and sheaf Oats, Shucks, Ao., Ac. Sold property, both real and personal, to be sold, freed from all inenmbrenoea, fbr the benefit of the creditors of sold bankrupt. Terms oash. This *th dsy of December, (IN, G. T. UAKK8TKAW, dee 10-Ids Assignee, Court, for Hews and Gossip. Tho New Jdmi Mayor of London to r prin- Tbere are 1>23 insane ihtroum in North Gsrc- A to tho first loiter i tho Egyptian. Work on thu »«wr Memphis oounuguucd <m Monday l:t*t. all langniigcM incept • •filo.- wits ltosecraut arrived in St. Lotti*, Wed-, usailsy, (rout California. Usury Ward ltuociicr is opposed to rending the Bible in publio vohooto. Tho lsrgnet thaatei iu tha world to mow build- iug st OuudalajitM, Mexico. Viotor Kinauu.l drivua in a bill* chariot drawu by two oho-umt horaoa. A uew church iu Boston, dedicated tost 8uu- day, ties a '*rt|M«rt*rV p*w." Immigration from Honth Curollua to ths West D becoming alarmingly prsvalaut What publisher remind* ouo of it fallen obrtujpiou of Israel ? Sampson Low. A ciri of cightuuu to about tubs bubuadatl si Goerlltz. J'russis, tor murdering bar porwk ft, H Bsruey, Frosldcnt ol th* Wells- Fargo Express Company, has a salary of tea thousand dollar- a year. ft Hartford man reoeut y broke bis hack by ■ftrloH down in s chatr wh*o ther* wasn't aoy chair there- Vincent Oollyer says that Iff* isluuds of Bt. Paul aad B*. Gaorg* alona or* worth th« prioo paid to» Aleak*. OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT* A PROCLAMATION. UKOHGIV uur of said ENTERED AOCORDtNO TO AOT OF CONGHEBS IN THE YEAR I88BBY OB.M.BERNHARDT IN TNCCLESKS OfFlCl OFTKS asff PENNSYLVANIA- AND CRYSTAL THAOS MARK. GLASS SPECTACLES, Superior to *ay other In use-constructed in a dance wftb the science sod philosophy of nitnre, Jn the peculiar form of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, Admirably adapted to tbo organa of right, and perfect ly natural to the eye, affording altogether the bast Arti ficial help to tho human virion evar Invented. * only by MORRIS BERNHARDT, Spectacle & Optical Manufacturer. i geutloraan J FORE 8Tj U E E N. It Is the only uropAratlon yot discovered that all! produce hair on the baldbood. It waa dlooovcred in Atlanta. It has been tested In Atlanta. IU rrTerences are la Atlanta. It baa produoed hair and whiaker* on to Atlanta over 40 yeara of age. It retnnvea scab*, senrto, and dandruff from the scalp. ft removes >11 itching and heat of tha ooalp. It keep* ths scalp clean and haalthy. It immediately stops the hair front falling ant. It forces hair, whlaksrs and aye brows to grew 1 riintly. It kerns ths hair from changing color from ago. It produces s foil sot of whiskers and mustsohe an aoy man of mature ago. Prepared only by OR. R. 8. POMEROY. No. 17 Al<ibunH>8trMt| Up Stairs, ATIjANTA, <»▲. THE ADVANTAGES ol IllMO Spfot«>lo» others are: 1. They can he vrorn with perfect, case for any length of time st one sitting, giving astonish ing clearness of vision, by oandle or any other artifi cial light, comfort to tho speclaclo-wearer hitherto un known. *. How to select Glasses. It requires professional guidance even when a good article Is of fered. Dr. Bernhardt not only has the best Glasses that oau bo found In the market, but carefully exam ines the eyes, and girts indispensable advice aa to the proper aeloction of them. 3. When the eyes ache or pain through the action of a bright light, such a* is reflected from tho snow, sonny weather, white paper, and iu reading, writing or sewing, or vivid colored bodies; these loners, by softening the rays, effect a moat agreeable sensation and give great relief, 4. These Spectacles are scientifically ad- juited to every cose of defective sight with unerring accuracy, whether arising from age, strain, over work, or premature docay, by Morria Bernhardt on and exact principle, entirely hi* own, which has seldom foiled lo be correct 5. After several year* of public practice adjusting spectacles to patients under every aspect defective vision, as woll as experience in an extensive, long-establlahf d business In his Optical Stores, both here and in Europe, M. Bernhardt considers It a suffi cient guarantee of his ability t> supply such gh are best calculated for tho assistance of imperfect “Ight. O. AI. Ilcrnhavdt, lo signalize himself from tbe boat of pretenders in his profession, with pride submits for inspection, copies of testimonials he has received from medical gentlemen of the moat nn questionable respectability and talent in Amarica; also, a number of certificates from well known gentle men of distinction who have used his apectacb originals of all which be will be happy to show to thoso who may request It. The use of any of the fol lowing names or certificate* hereunto affixed, without sn actual possession of the urns, would bo a forgery, a capital offence, punishable by State imprisonment. Testimony *f recommendations from Medical gentlemen, Professors of the bigheet Opthel- mlc talent in Atlanta, Go., and in the Union: Atlanta, Ga., November M, 1M9. I have examined carefoUy, and with much interest, oollaetion of glasses for the relief of Iropeire * * ‘ submitted to mo by Prof. Bernhardt, an Optl Ia adaptation to the end proposed, as well ee in ele gout workmanship, they are vary superior aud de serving the patronage of whomsoever may unfortu nately require their use. Si. V. M. DULLER, >1. p, Wu’fullj oononr ill the abovo oplnluu of Dr. Miller JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. JAM. V. ALKIANDEH, M. D. Atlanta, On., November 3d, 1MO, It affords me pleasure to state that I havo carefully examined Prof Bernhardt's collection of glasses for the eye, and from hie explanation of the manner in wbieta he adepts them to imperfect eyee, I am fully satisfied that he thoroughly comprehends the science of Optios, and that ho la practically eminently skillful In the adoption of instruments lor the relit f of all forma of Imperfect vision withlu the scopo of rollef withont an operation. I am confirmed In my own opinion, of tho Profes sor's merit by the testimony of the most reliable and prominent medloel men in various cities in the United "10100. I mo* < h serf ally commend him to all with whom ly opinion may havo auy weight. J. P. LOGAN, M. D. Atlanta, Ua., November 3d, 186V. We have examined Prof. Bernhardt's beautiful end extenriveoolleoaon<rf glasses lor the relief of in>. paired vision, aud believe them the beet adapted to tbe ends for which they are Intended, than say wo have over seen: and further believo that the Profoeeor ia au accomplished optician. O. CS. O’KREPK, M. D. JAN. M. IIAUBKK, AI. D. Atlanta, Ga., November 3d, I86U. Pi of. M. Bernhardt has furnished me with a nair of Ooucevo Lena which suite my case exactly from personal experience I can cordially advise all persona whose natural vision requires the supplements of art to arell themselves of |he ProfeworV skill. He ho, exhibited to me rrcommondaUonefaom eminent phvel- cions and ministers with many of whom 1 am n*r- "easily acquainted. He is rvldentjy an Optician who uuderiitand* bis business. W, T. D1UNTLKY, Allnieter fid nejitlst tJiureli. To the People ot Georgia : The reoeut renewal of active hostilities against the person and property of colored eltiaens end wblfo Re publicans, by the organized bands of secret assassins, in certain portions of the fltats, seems to ludleate a concert of action and a purpose on the part ol said organ lxatiopt to per dot in defying the civil law. ths good people ot this Mato to see to it that the Commonwealth be not further in jured and defamed by the sots of persons who. It to believed, are wholly without Interest is, or regard for, the welfare of the State. It la the duty of orrery county, town, or manietpel oarporoie authority to Insure perfect protection for llfeand property to every resident within their bor ders; Awl waerees, in many oaAes, the loeal officials foil to exercise efficient means to secure this result, the good citizens within such Umils-thoee having * material tatereot at stake or the beat interest of the State at heart—should see to It that prompt measures are at ones takes under the flivil law to arrest and bring to punishment the members of these organiza tions of secret robbers and atsasoin*. Undar the stat utes at present in force, the Executive is prevented from taking active measures for the suppression of civil disorders, and it to therefore oB the more impor tant that every good citizen should feel it his iadtoido- ol duty to become a pesos officer, and to aid in secur ing to every inhabitant that perfect protection guaxan- teed by thoConstihition and without whioh wo cue never enjoy either civil or material prosperity. Outrages, ouch ee have heretofore, and, are now again disgracing <mr State, cannot be tolerated or ex cused without involving tbe wholo commubity. The time has arrived when these outrages must cease or the good people of the whole State will ho held responsible for their conttnuanoe. To tho end, that no motive may be wauling to stim ulate the people to action in bringing to pneishment tbe vlototoro of the taw, I hereby offer a reward of Five Thousand Dollars each for tha arrest (with evidence to convict), of tho person or persons engaged in th# murder of Hon. Joseph Adkins (white), * Republican Senator from the 10th District. And of the person or persona on gaged In the murder of Dr. Benjamin Ayer (whits), a Repnblloon Represen tative from the cosuty of Jefferson. And of the person or persons engaged In tha out rage committed upon Ike person of William Hard 1 man (white), of the county of Oglethorpe when, on or about the Slat day of October last, he was tied to a tree and brutally whipped, the outrage having been committed by a body of disguised men for no other reason, as is alleged, than that llardiman was charged with being a radical. Aud oi the pore on or peraous engaged iu the outrage committed upon tho person of lion. Abraham Colby (colored). It preventative from the county of Groeno, who, oa or about tiio 30th day of October loot, was taken from bis bod at night and cruelly beaten, the outrage having been committed by a body of twenty- five or thirty disguised men for the reasons, as Is al leged. that he, the mid Colby visited Atlanta and re quested of the military authorities proteoilon for th* fre-edmen's school located in the town of Greensboro*, in the county of Greene. And of the person or persons engaged In the depre dation upon the office of the Assessor of Internal Rev enue fur the UnlteA Stefas Government in the town of Washington, connty of Wilkes, on or about the night of the 13th Instant, when, as is alleged, the office broken open and hooks, papers, Ao., scattered and de stroyed, aad notices left warning the Assessor to leave the District. And of the person or person* engaged in the ui>on the house of the Hon. Eli Barnes (colored), Re publican Representative from the county of Btnww^ when, as is alleged, a body of masked men at or about the hour of one o’clock ou the ntght of the 10th lnet, surrounded his residence, aud by threats Of personal violence forced hiiu to leave the county. And of the person cw persons who, at or near th« hour of tea o’clock, on the night of tbe lfith Inst., nred teu or twelve gunshots Into a camp of colored laborers ou the lint of the Maoon A Brunswick Rail road. in the connty of Telfair, whereby one man was killed aud another severely wounded. Aud of the person or persons who, on Thursday night of oourt weak, October Term, about midnight, said to be a body of sixty men iu disguise, surrounded the residence of the Sheriff of the county of Hancock, demanded and obtained from him ths keys of tbo Jail and released from the jail one James Oxford (white), a notorious outlaw awaiting his trial for the murder of John Taylor, a respectable citizen of said oounty. Given under my band and tha great teal of the Rate at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this tweoty- nlnih day of November, in the year of our Lord One Thoumnd Right Handled and Sixty-Nine, ami of the independent* ot the United Stefas , America, the Ninety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, _ . „ Governor. By the Governor: David Q. Corrixo. Hecreterj of State. nov SO-dl4tw4w FOR SALE. 250 Acres Land Five MileB from At lanta. M OKK half in the woods. Would soaks BNUG FARM for Cotton. Grain, Greases, V<*< ■ end Grapes. Improvements: House with 3 rooms, garden, oi chard.fic. WU1 sell in parcel* of ao TO lOO AOXUDS. PRICE, TEN DOLLARS PER ACRE. ROLLER SKAT T“L? IATI * a K»I «n ow., Twrtwr. will be In . “!^»S3S2ri and afternoou aseeiui.)M - ifoll over Gleau k Wrhdit'i and Railroad. ' 80r %h Children.... Ueo of Hales..., . Mts+suir**' ATTENTION riltejj *»«>■*• Koni« u s o'clockiVJL UIOU^ PWlde Mid otaMlo,, M i *«ioi njtml.TiKUl. fciduM: taM W '*'* Haralson | usry next, ths followlm ** 1» Seventh* i] u.r kMdbpnfc,,, n J08 g*S; ueti.n*- O. W. A DA IK, A Handsome Lot ou O K Frida,, tho loth leu.!, ,io^ , on tho proud*., nnm, ddiol Iga'WI w*». Hr PopUn'.and Mr. tor t - tulf carii ~rMn*adrr , - A|i|ilicHtion for Kxrmptjoi, nBOBaiA. HARALSOS 000m,-T. k. 1 vr ha. applied forrjempOon o( tin, .part and r*iutlon ot homt^Atofl ££ •pon the aame at 10 o'clock,iTTc ITioI”'* Drc.-mbor 1RCT, «t m f oBrc. l.UwSt M‘NAUGHT, ORMOND 41 IMPOBTEHB Of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, IKON ANDMTfiEL. KEAUX8 m Guns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes, Chaim, I Also agents fbr the Mle of Briolj’s L’uirersa! Flouate, Standard Scales, Du Pont 1 , ] and Muting Powder. 0M minion Kalb, varied stock, unbracing, in «ddittos to tbe ri oompUte eesortment of Btuktoee’ r chonics* Tools, Anvils, Vices, B< Shoes, Gotten end Wool 0erds.0irreltf asdl Leather and Rubber Belting, Set - “ ntonee. Hollow Ware, Bugay, 0«r materiel of all kind*, suck os Felloe* and HbafU, Elm rod Locust Hufa,h_ Spring Bare, Eliptic and Mde SpriM, I* dip*. Bolt*. Patent and Enameled Leather, | Cloths, Oil Oorpet, kc., fie., kc. AU of whit* they offer at tbe knrwt i aud in quantities to suit purobw*en,»ttb*ii 60 Whitehall 8treet, Atlanta, Oa. oct34—dSm Dawson Sheriff Sato. in the 4th District sod 1st Set tion of a tbe property of Jouee Kelley, to nOfyi Court fi fo in fovorof John C EichonSeo* u. a ley, and one In flavor of Richardson A 1 Kelley. Defendant in pees—lee. Also,at the same time and piece, t*»L. and 77, in the Roathceet divtrios of Dm ton 4 . aonvlUe, as the property of J. J. Tlaiiej, to sto cost fl fa in fovor of the offleert of tka lapri* 0 ot said county vs. laid Findley. So oeno* * r "ton. Also, Uie form and improvemonb oaopW i Anderson, No*, not known, it>" Superior Oourt fl la in fovor ol the oflomff 0 W. H. Lyon. Pointed out by D. P. Mor“ Superior Oourt Also, lota Nos. 801 end 802, in tbetifcDI Section of raid county, to satisfy a tax 11 Dudley. Also, et the same lime and pises, ft* to» provements whereon O. M. Idfi$b w* said oounty, known as tbe Tood ptos, *■ 1 oently a* the McFarlan place, Edwards as his property to satisfy * • $■ Zion Hpriggs vs. said Edwards, dis possession. November 27, I860. dec l-tdsprsfce$2 SO per levy I G eorgia, haralson coum- Graves Eves, administrator oftto* Mm Hall, represents fa tbe Court, tolfo filed and entered on record .that fat*" fared the Hall estate. Tlue to therefore, to cite all p dred and creditors, to show o* why s«M administretor should srt ti his admlatetraticii, end reoeiro toy on the flint Monday in January, dth, IMS. ©ot 17 —mdmprefee $4 M BEI.L k HAMMOCK, heal Estate Agents. OfBcu uoxt door to James' Bank Whitehall lire ^mr oa* nxvnro ox^nsa auaSMsT tu cmthhiaux wiu. rum rt to Taan AnvarrAos to oairo a stats- ■■■» Off Taxis OAsa.TQ) g, i, nuw, iwVMLLon AT utw. souaxoa aavuaz gam oocar or claims, *a, 478 n stssot, wi aav 1$ lm 1 moet conUjUy coucur iu the nmueroua leetimo. nlata 1 liavesMW touching the excelleuoy of l>r. Bern hardt as au Optician, and moat freely commend thore wh*aro In need of aid In hie lib*, to apply to him — 1 do this iu a >mo measure from my own ezporienre (regard 1)’*. Bernhardta-< au AA-oompliahedthHiuian aud man de-erving netvouaL’e. JOHN ft. W lUtlN, U. U , l*Ubf«r lei 1'rraliy it rla n ('hnrcli. Atiauta, Os., November 2d, lww. u, 1 tolL'XS '* »• »• a -a... « S-ftJSSTSSk AtMnts. November id. I CO. Iloutlx. To the above testimonial* Iobeerfolly add my ——- „ . ,.H;W.FbLUcrf, l'wator Lit llH|»tlat thsreh, Atlanta, November tth, 1IG0. AUwmtw, Nash wills, April 9T$li, (Ml, u ‘ b ”* _ W. IA. BOWldKQ, M. n Teetfuaenials alwallartw ilie afavimav Vioii’lsl FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. rilHK First Edition of One Hundred and Twenty A Thousand Copies of VI©*-* - -»■ ———■ *•— •aloaae of Needs unit K Uehed and ready fo scud out. It It elegantly printed n 4n« timed paper, with about »K) fin* wood Eagrev- r* of Flowers and Vegetables, and a beautiful * „.*d Plate— oonalsting of enven varletlea of Fl Drumondll, making a fine BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. la the luoet bei Floral Guide p directions for the Culture of Flowers and Vegetables. Miiefit of my * — c--- -- bat will »>« forwee I«1 tosh wKn apply by mall, for ten cents which Is not half tbe rent. T 7 Address. JAMKsVKK, This Is, therefore, fo cite t dred end aredilore, to show re*** “ p why said administrator ehodd **•••« hie administration, and receive warn < on the first Monday in Jenuaiy •f October, 1808. oot 19-mAnpnifret M _ ippUaUlan for LetUraof i4 O.K»ou. tow»* conKrr-r U coo earn.-VoliQ W. l, appltod to in. tor u, oo on tha Mlotc ol 1- Thia la to tit. all tod . uakl ol kin of L. D. Rogrio, to to > OBM, within tha time aUooad ■ llaor lhaj call. whrr'noaaM'-^, Doth, frwotod to J. W. Hotai— <• *• WlthM. my handand offlcW 18th, 1M>. dan l-»dprato«$3 00 V. H. Manhul'i Sale. TT MP1K aud by virtue of a writ M tort (aalaa to. V Ohio! UaHotowabta, Iho Dtatotot Ooort ol th<i Oullad toataa far tha Moriharn Dtokriot oTOaomta Ip favor ot tha ptatmlft, Chariot n. Braaih*. In tha followlua vmire, among whom are: 9". •» dtoVarpor of hoalh Carolina; Horatio . X Employ no P, • eeT-1* favi*>d nnoii. i * certain lot or panwl of __ ih® eornornt* Bmlta of the low* of of Clarke, and State of Ueotgla, coutalc ree, mtwe or tore, t«ni*lher with ail improve- rtonaow rwafitSeek^ pUc# wt * ar * tbe M * ul ® Uur will soil tbe some etpnblle ooction at ihs fy Irtl Tweadny In Jeassry Neat, Application for IH-d* 1 **"- fl EOKOlA. HhBkLSONCOOSTT^-* (jr r. WoWrop, edmhurtrtfar of If. Waldrop, rapnaanta “ to to< * dnlr lllrd aud .nterrd o. r—to, l mloUtornd W^drov'. „ Thl. 1.tbrntoia, toOltoallpwaoto» dml ud orodttora, to why ^1 ad“*»to«tor totold atoto" hla adtolnlatoatlon, K? | ou th. ttiat lfooday In JannW. *•* „ ‘^fuJ&prrttold » HhAkt-ono^; ^Sf-towetfS! draaand <*adltorato why arid adminlttrator tooaldnto^, . hta ulmlniatratton. and rwtotr. « on tha drat Monday lo oototo. — Jaly, 1888. * P *****■ TAT* orOttOBOIk-OA-^^ «SBswcaffJ iJSJS Hire- torn, to «ttaa« !«-»«• - AUk-aat th. 3.1*» lIT nito nraltol« CHAPS VO R AACUlkUtr •nd d’d” tola at LOW MOCK*". r-sss-<