Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 11, 1869, Image 2

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ss^i Fernoj's Mlognph sold Ih. oUaat du lot to* Mlo Tornoy alanys * ••***•■ tta*e fort tar. An nsobauss epaoka of » risal nUjr an bata* •• otm frithr *1 to ita local tnda ot total ptae Tba UabiMioa of the Stole of Tenon into, Moordioc to tee Nuhnlla Chtoo, ere tarty million uoUere. The Mioootiri Mote Afirioeitunl Hoard, by a vote of 4 to 3, ndoptM a ooriM of free trade <1rwS»»«M»e« SSS&tXSXi “ “ ~ »in Chicago- Gen. Bfcttiflaa ucoid W have written on* of hi* ohnrunt*ri*tec report* oa th* Indian*. for whom b* ho* bwi lUUa tot*. OoL Walter 8. Franklin, of the 2L*t Infon try, has Ucu aMttfnedM Military ProteMor at Miami, Ohio, rteo Carlton, f*ltev*d. The Km proas of Enuu gats a hall for tha benefit ol the poor children of 8k Pteerahorg. look a told tboroaft. and will o*vor rooover. Tha Prince** do MeUernich claim* to hare raatorad ow fifty fall*® women lo Oita tkcai- hoc and r«ap«otability. It do, ah* wet* n Prinom* without h*r ooranoL ^ Mary Harria, who shot Burroughs, th* Treasury Clerk at Washington. has b**u di* chorea* from tha iooon* retroot. aud la a clerk in tha Philadelphia Poatoftoa A Cbatouqna county, New York, man has invented a metallic clasp to iaeloae a ballot, by th* ua* of which, ba contends, two cannot b* oast together without detection. Captain Boot! Siddons, of London, oalled upon General Sheruian to convey official no tice that he had been elected a member of the London Army and Navy Club. General Sherman, in polite terms, expressed Ms oeptaace of membership. ^ The Onondaga giant ia now alleged to hare been made by /oho Smith, for the at ment of hi* Indian bride, Pocahontas. She wanted to know how large the white men were over ia England, and being unable to tell her because he did not apeak Indian very well, be made this figure as an illustration. A woman in Wisconsin, after baring mar ried and buried a second husband, ia an ap plicant for a divorce in order to marry the third, she having jnst learned that her first husband, who was reported murdered in Cal ifornia eleved years ago, is still in the flesh and living with another wife in San Fraaoisoo. A Chicago paper stales that W. J. Fowler, a young mac employed in the accounting de partment of the Cbioago & North-western Bail road, in that city, has decamped, after borrowing vanoos sums from acquaintances and pretending to secure them by bogus checks on the Traders' Bank. The 8t. Paul (Minnesota) Press describee tha Irish priest “ who furnishes brains to the insurrectionary movement at Bed River,” as a young man named O’Donohue, a student or novitiate attached to Bishop Tache’s estab lishment at St. Boniface, about twenty-two years of age, fine looking, a man of ability, education and great determination. A Washington correspondent says that "Sen ator Sherman ha* in process of generation a bill for the funding ot the national debt, which, it is said, however, will not differ very materially from the one introduced by him at the last session, except that he contemplates s lower rate of interest than he then proposed.” The Cleveland Herald says that by a deed, filed for record in the Recorder's office there on the S4th instant, Maggie McMahon conveys to John Stanton, by warranty deed, the undi vided half of a certain lot of land, "in consid eration of the payment by the fluid John Stan ton of five dollars, and his marriage to tho grantor, this day immediately after this doed is made.” A little boy named Willie Moore, of Chi cago, got up in hi* aleep ou Wednesday night, at tti'j house of a friend where he hid been left to spend the night, gathered up bis clothes, lot himself out tho front door, walked a mile and a half home, rang the bell, was ad mitted, went up stairs to bis room, undressed and pot himself to bed, all without awaken ing. Who can beat that? The story is vouched for by (he Chicago Post as strictly authentic. Report of the Secretory of the Movy. The Secretary thinks that our naval foroe in foreign waters is wholly inadequate to the demands of the commerce. STEAM AX© SAILS. It is urged that disadvantages attend the posaession of *o many vessels dependent npon steam for power, making them liable to be easily disabled by reason of complicated machinery. Steamers be thinks poor schools of seamanship for officers and men. The good revolt arising from the allianoe of the two motive powern are seen in the vessels lately repaired by the department and put into commission. For example, the Severn, Swatara, Juniata and Lancaster have, since they were repaired, attained a high rate of speed under aail. The cost of repairing theee vessels and of placing the navy on a more efficient footing has. we loarr, been large, but the expense baa been kept below the sum expended by the department during the same period last year. Our iron-clads, in general, are not fit for other than home service. Our monitors, while udmirably adapted to homo defense, cannot be depended upon tor long cruises. — They require too many convoys, and if their machinery becomes disarranged they are ren dered perfectly helpless. The Secretary re fers in a eulogistic manner to the torpedo#, and urge* attention to this branch ot naval' warfare. Additional navy yards, the Secretary thinks desirable; those we have require repaha and enlargement Our timber lands demand bet ter proteolion than they have rooeived for •ome years past. The Naval Academy is spoken well of. Referring to the personnel of the navy, Secretary Robeson thinka that the character and training of petty oAosta and seamen should reoeive oloeer attention. The Secretary urges the construction of a canal across tbe Isthmus of Darien. The important question of the relative ranks of naval officers the Secretary declines to give an opinion about at present. Posthastes General'* Report.—The ordi nary revenue* for the fisoal year ending June noth, i860, were *18,*44,510; expenditures, *23,608.131; deficiency, *6,369,021, which Mr. Creswell says is due to three caosos—de preciation of paper currency, unpaid pottage on printed matter, and the franking privilege. The firet, an a temporary evil, cannot now be remedied; the xecoud can be regulated by Mlringont law. the peaeage of which he recom mend*, and the third should be abolished. This will m»ke the deportment ae!f-su| ing. The practical operations of the meet during the year were satisfactory neae increase* materially. All that remalna of the overland mail, by reason ot the comple tion ot the Pacific Railroad, ia a route of 102 miles from Cheyenne Oily to Denver, to be su perseded in a few months by railroad facilities. A careful revision and readjustment of pay on railroad routes is urged. The fore'gn mall service shows an Icorsaea In letters sent and received, and a deoroasa In the postage re ceipts, by reason of reduced postage. The neawuity of legislation to encourage the re- cetabliahment of American lines' of tians-et- Untie steamers, is urged, as "it is humiliating to our national pride to find not only that our vast commerce with Europe is monopolised by foreign steamship Itocs, but that oven the mails we send abroad bave to be transported under th*- protection of foreign governments.” Daring the rear the money orders increased to 1,408, and tbe receipts to *178,247, or a surplus over expenditures of *66,663. A fur- ther extension of th* system Is recommended. June 30th, 1M0, ther* were 27,106 poet-offlees in operation. A number of Mormons from Salt Lake have settled in Jackson oounty, Kansas, where they formerlv resided, and propom to erect a bouse "<*•**? on tha old Temple groapd. They fpt dlnta— 1 T of ihaplaoa E2L**“ halhv Th* itnn Mid aoratm ia to cMraoUrMio that Ilia not at ail nooeaanrj that n Mala U ia frooe tha Bawiaab SUpabikaa. It Baton so sUoagly of tha genius of U»t journal that lta identity ha Mistakes nadar aa, Va aadaialand the author of tha Ilaaa it praoUatag oa a jawobarp, and will shortly aat him.elf up aa aa Apollo, with all IriproTeaeaU. Ha will un donbtodljr ba a anmaai. oppoaad to tha Priaat/a ■ Ho m,i ana oiaia Uia tataeUgo* of tha “id**- wmmm luto foreign land, to »«rjp libel; to dad **n laaaon of Ua M* baa appueatt; not baaa loot upon tho young Doha who wa* to haw baaa aafcad lo aaoaaad Isabella. tout »f tb* • toll. .(Ilnrila Joaara E. Blown, Ohlaf Joatioe. H. K. MoOar, HlUU W.BNEH, Th. pFMM.ll lit OalgnM—Tb. W«rh M tha Saaatoa. meet, tha oonntry in a lima of profound paaea. Tha akiaa ara 1h« from a •tael* cloud. Tha Pnaidaet haa dona hia doty. It haa b*aa aa area, raty Adminietra- tiou, without oetautelloo or sensation, only boneat, auldnoaa work. Thera hare baaa many temptationa to “rigor" and "etateetaen- ship." and il la to tba honor of the Preeident that he has reaieted them. We eennot toy that he haa made hie Aduiaiatrailon la all reapeat* "popular" la the broad aaoaa of that roiechlev- ooa word, and yat no Praaidaat arar had no many opportunity for daagaroua popularity. We might have had a war with England on tbe Alabama question, which would hare been aapported by erery demagogne ia tbe land— with all the tempting rhetoric of Iriah wrong and Haaon tyranny. We might hare drifted into a petty, teasing war with Spain; for we want On be, and Spain ia eo email aud weak, and there ia anoh dismal ehaos in her own af fair., that eoma of « think it would ba a pleasant Snmmer’e job to whip bar oat of the Antilles. There bee been erery sort of "pub- lio opinion" end patriotic inreotire .boat lib erty for On be end drlring the Spaniard oat of America. An ambitious Preeident might hare thrown away a hundred million, of dollars and a few thousand liras, and mat Congrats in a blase of glory. Tbe President has pat away these rnlgar temptations, and baa derated himself to paying tha debt and keeping the peaco. There ia probably no more proey proceeding than paying debta, and the honor which ooeaee U not that ,nrfaoe frothy oommenda- ation of trading politician, and intemperate journalist*, bnt tha oalm, earnest, undemon at retire support of tbe people, who wear, and spin and dig. This support gate the Adminia. trail on the rotes of the great Middle States, and it will enable the Preeident to mret Con gress with oontdenoe. The Bepreeentatires will be disposed to listen with reepeet to what ever he may recommend, and the oonntry is anaiona to know what policy bit tint year of office will iodnee him to snggeet The orenhadowing question ia finance. The oonntry is slowly but gradually coming to specie payment*, not by any ordained method- bat by the course of trade end development, which to communities ia aa tha operation of nature to the body. Congress will be called npon lo resist this, and the Preeident will probably haven way of hia own to rccom. mend. There are grave considerations, what ever view we may take. We heve the large mercantile class, which cannot look upon any sudden shrinkage of values without alarm. We have the still larger laboring and consum ing class, to whom five or tea per cent in the value of bread and raiment ia an essential ele ment in their comfort Tho balance must be held with an eren Laud, not forgetting that the consuming class haa bean, for years, un. der a taxation which should be lightened, and as far as possible, removed. Tho President has done more to reach specie payment by hit steady, honest payment of debt, with money in hand, lhau by any other course that could have been parraed. Oongrers should aid him, by facilitating the funding the debt. We are paying loo mneb for money in time of peace—rate, twioo aa mnch aa are being paid by Eugland and France, with a credit that should be no bet ter than oura. It is e question whether we can borrow money for lour or five per oent, Well, there ia no barm in trying it- and wo feel that another year or two of peaco end economy, end reduced taxation, and pay. ment of debts, will enable ua to defJ ia the money markets of the world npor as good terms as England or France. Wbet we want from Congress is not s tinkering, irritating policy, hut a straight, simple, generous scheme for atrengtbeniog public credit, and reducing our bonda to easier rates of interest, together with a revision and reduotion of tax ation, whioh shall bring substantial relief to straggling trade and industry. The Civil Service requires attention. The recent frauda in onr customs show that the whole system is honeycomed and mildewed with corruption. Thera ia no esprit du corps in cur Civil Service. We pay such smell sal aries that we naturally hire inferior men. We permit political activity aud parly necessity — zeal ia the bar-room, and convention, and oanena—to dictate who ahall collect tha etu- toma end taxes. So man in office has any sense oi se 'nrity. He may work for forty yeen, until his hair is gray, to be finally thrown into tbe world to starve and di*.— There lit no uoiformity of compensation.— Some office-holders rscaive enormous in comes, others scarcely enongb to live. If they would live, they most either steel or make their duties secondary to tha interests of private citisena who choose to pay them.— We want a thorough, radical, comprehensive reform. The rewards fur ssrvlca most ba sufficient; appointments and promotions mast follow merit; men who serve the Government most have the seres Be entity against injustice or wanton removal, the same roads to advancement, that they would bave in private employment. Onr pre. •eat aerviee is, in nine cases ont of ten, a pre mium npon ruffianism and incapacity. Con gress should immediately apply itself to this growl reform. Tbe work will be dellcnle and self-denying; but if Uia only well done, mil lions will bs saved lo tbs Treasury, and tbs good name of tbe service will be atreugtbened. These are tone legislative necessities. Other matters, of minor Importance, bnt of mneb general interest, will demand attention. Tbe delta*t« adjustment of tbe bull of representa tion te Involved in the provision that it fa to be made for the eeastu of 1*70. Tbe Georgia imbroglio cannot be trified with mnob longer. Amendments ere needed to perfoot tbe work ing of the Internal reveane ayatase. Tba franking privilege has become an abuse toe lagraat to be perpetuated. The claims of reconstructed Virginia, Kiasiarfppl sod Tires to be restored to tbo foil fellowship of tbe Union iboald bave early and generoa. atten tion. We shall bear mneb of Caban questions, and to treaties from extreme ambitions demagogues formers “ vigor," and A tabes al esc] tenants and all kinds of paaafoaal “ Blatsemsoahlp." We have bed enough of them. This century ba* bad Ua share of fovars end anxieties and wan. We want aa new complications or *tn- Deeeseher Teem IMS. Order of Circuit* with number of oi HouthernClrcnit fir Southwestern Circuit.... Pataola Clrcnit Chattahoochee Circuit...... Macon Cironit ... Flint Circuit ...... 'PaUapooMCircuit Atlanta Circuit Korns Creuit Cherokee Cironit Bine Ridge Cireuit ...33 33 ....31 ....18 ....18 ..~10 ....33 .... « ....S3 „ JH 13 Western Cireuit fi Northern Cironit 8 Middle Otrnnit 11 Qouinlgee Cironit 10 Eastern Oironit 4 Brunswick Oironit 0 Berios- —es4n S 13 . ipse to-day srere medium— •boot W bate*. Market opened brisk at 231, and oloeed quiet st 22i to 23|. A Mica-—An advenes in apples. We quota at 44 60 lo t 00 per barrel, and Western tit |t ea 47 00. old Out.—Baying at *100 to 113 per dwt wTSmSSSTZT?. T. AIM mt FA?0&ITJfi» n THJB OOfiXA jaggy* 0 * TAX ORIOnfAL FOBTt THIEVES, <teo 11*11 BOHT0H MUCH JCMLIO, *0. Dkjekbxx 10th. The Court met parsnant to adjournment. On motion of W. A. Hawkinc, a rule was granted against tbe Clerk of tho Superior Court of Schley counly, requiring him to show oaom before this Court oa th* 2a Monday ia Janaary next, why he should not be punished for non-compliance with an order passed by this Court at tbe last term. John W. Arnold, Esq., of Monroe, Walton oounty, was admitted to th# Bar. No. 14, Southwestern Circuit—Trowbridge, •right A Co., d al, vs. Annie X. Rawson, administratrix. Argument to this ease was resumed and concluded. Messrs. D. A. Vo* sou aud B. H. Clark tor plaintiffs in error, and Gen. J. G. Wright for Defendant in error. Pending argument in No. 16, Southwestern roait, the Court adjourned till 10 a. u., to morrow. BY TELEGRAPH. ASSOCIATED FMESS D1STATCHES. NOON DISPATCHES. Washington, December 10.—In the House the protest sgsrnst the admission of Booker, from tbe 4tk Virginia Dutrict is referred to the Election Committee. The straggle between tbe Banking, and Currency, and Ways and Means Committees, regarding tbe reference of financial bills, is growing. Tbe census bill is resumed. No session of tbe Senate. The Supreme Court dismissed tbe appeal of Brown, of Louisiana, in tha none of Naw Or leans ▼«. the New York Steamship Company. Saw Feawceboo, December 10.—The Gov ernor's message recommends State aid to fa cilitate immigration from Europe, and tbe Eastern States. He says the Legislature has tbs power to prohibit Chinese immigration.— Ho favors tbs removal of ail carriers to Chi nese testimony, not only ss an sot of justice, bat of aoaad policy. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Wjlbhinotow, Dec. 11.—Revenue to-day, a quarter ot a million dollars. The awards made by tbe Court of Claims for cotton captured by the military aggregate seven hundred and thirty-four thousand dol lars. There were twenty-nine coses, and tbe Government appealed them all. Commodore John Rodgers succeeds Admiral Rowan iu command of the Atlantic squad ron. House.—A bill was introduced prohibiting the sale of coin by th* Treasury. The Committee on Foreigu Affairs was di rected to inquire into the oiroumsionoes at tending the landing of tbe French cutter. A biu was introduced for the removal of ob structions in Bayou Teehe, La ; also, for re pairing and furnishing tho New Orleans Cus tom House. The census bill was discussed all day. Two efforts were made to consider Cuba bnt both failed. The House adjourned. The New York Tribune dispatehe* from Cuba confirm the defeat of the Spaniards at San Jose, also an aocount of the severe pun ishment of the negroes st Legna. The cum ber of stripes were from two to eight hun dred. the Searo De La Marina says: Th* Span ish District of Holquin is unable to move for the want of reinforcements. Three thousand troops are necessary. The troops are suffer ing from severe sickness. Official statistics published at Havana show that from th* oommenoement of the war the Spanish loss haa been 8,000 killed in battle, 6,000 by disease, 2,000 deserted to the Cubans, and 3,000 now sick. Thirty-five prominent Cubans were arrested at Havana, supposed to be in sympathy with tbe Cubans. Seven sugar estates were destroyed in tbe Remedios District, five in Trinidad, and three m Cienfugos. Col. Camara, with six hundred men and five pieces of artillery, attacked tbe Cubans at Vega* Del Castellans. Tbe fight lasted four honrs, and tbe Spaniards were repulsed with |reot loss. Forty-seven dead were left on tbe Mowtoomebt, Ala., Deoember 10.—In the House to-day, Brown, of Chambers, Demo crat, was voted out of his seat and was re fused the privilege of spreading hia protest on the Journal. A motion to seat Ward, hia con testant. was voted down. MoKinatry, Republican from Mobile, was voted a seat to-day in the place of Magee, Democrat, who was recently ejected on tbe grofind of ineligibility for having been a road Commissioner before the war. The n McKioatry was fu tbe liat of persons whose disabilities were removed this week by Con gress. London, Dec. 11,—The ateamship Brazil- in, built expressly for the Suez Canal traffic, had to discharge half her oai^o before getting through. The Duke of Saxe Coburg is dying. Prince Alfred, ot KugUnd, ia his heir. Louisville, Deoember 10.—Congressman Golladay, a prominent candidate for the Sen ate from Kentucky, favors repudiation on moral* and legal points, oittng precedents in suppojt of repudiation lu onr own and for- hkb os $7 00. Hr is taken. Vtitafuc* is worth 31 18 par dwt., and Lumpkin oounty mlnra Tory from II 00 to 1 16,par dwt. Buckwheat Flour—In boxes—six Ux pound took* to th, box, 13 76 to 8 00. BaU(r—Market doll In Qoahau and Wes- torn Batons. Tanuaaato and Virginia quoted at SS to 86a per tt>. Th, quality Tarito greatly. Good ooantry buttar tolls readily at 83 to 40o. Boom—Not maok doing in bneon. W# 3 uoto o. sidea at 31 jo; o. r. aids* and ahonl. era. IT. Balk Meats—Th« market is wall supplied with bulk meat*, Wa quota a dooline of j. G. aide, are quoted at 184 to 18io, a. r. aides 18 aud shoulders at 14| to 16o. Bagging -Stock equal to tbe demand.— Quoted at 30 to 30e. Bale Baae—Quoted at 7| to So.. (torn—Th, supply of oorn is light. Demend good. Prices unchanged. We quote p-‘~— white 41 36 to 1 40, new 41 80 to 1 30. Cora Meal—Demand dull. There is a _ supply on band. We quota it at 81 40 to i 46. Caeeuo-stook (air. Demand good. Quo ted at 21 to 23 in. Coffee—Demand good. Wa quota Jata 35 to 87jo; Bio 30 to Win, aooording to quality, (tottoll Tarn*—Demand tair *t »SOO. Dried Fruit—Peachee, rongh 61 to 6o. Pealed 18 to 16o. Eggu—tioaroe and high. Wo quote at 35 to 40o par dot. Fluor—The Stock of Hour ia very Sue and embraces a great variety of grades and prieea. Demand small We quote sapor MOO to 6 60 per bbL Extra *700. Family $7 35 to 8 00, and Fancy 88 00 to 8 75. No mate- rial ohauga. H*g»—Tbe market for hogs haa fairly open* ed, and the packing bosineao commenced. W« quote at 101 gross and 13 to 13J nat May—A fair demand and good supply, is quoted at *35 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim- ° Molaaim and Syrnpa—Stocks equal to tbe demand. Qualities very various. We quote its figures ranging from 67 to 90c, though some are held as high as *1 16 per gallon. Gate—A good demand for oats exists.— Supply light. They are quoted at 80 to 86c. Onions-Onions readily bring from *4 60 to 5 00 per bbl. Offkl—Bran i« worth *1 60; ship stuff *1 76 to 2 00. It if in good demand. Potatoes—Good Dish potatoes are in de- Pork,—A good demand exists. We quote gross at 11c, and net at 13 to 18&0- mand at *3 00 to 3 60. Bye—Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo ted at *1 40 to 1 60. Sugar—Brings from 13 to 19c according to quality. We quote refined A18 to 181; d°- B 174 to 18; do. C 164 to 17; yellow 16 to 164 Wheat—We find a wide range in wheat —• - -** - .rime red to demand. Tobacco—Unsound pounds 56c Common sound pounds 60 to 65c Medium pounds 70 to 75c Fine pounds. 80 to *1 Extra fine pounds *1 26 Liquors—Market active. Dealers are sell ing largely and hardly able to fill their ordera. Prices keep up well. Brandy, Fr *7 00 to 12 00 American * 1 50 to 2 00 Peach 3 00 to 4 00 Apple,..,.... 3 00 to 4 00 Qu, Holland 4 00 to 6 00 American 1 60 to 2 00 Rum, Jamaica 4 00 to 8 00 American 1 60 to 2 00 Whisky-Corn—Country 1 50 to 2 00 Rectified, do 1 16 to 1 40 Rye, do 125 to 6 00 Robertson, do 1 50 to 3t'0 Bourbon, do... 1 25 to 5 00 Wine—Maderia 2 75 to 4 60 Sherry 2 50 to 6 00 port. 2 50 to 6 00 N. E. Ham 1 75 to 2 25 TeiefraphUiJtlarket Reports. NewYobx, Deoember 10.—Cotton jc bet ter; sales 2,600 bales at 254o. Flour dull; su perfine State *4 60 to 4 90; common to fair extra Southern *5 60 to 6 20. Wheat dull; winter red western *2 30 to 2 75. Corn quiet and firm; mixed Western $1 10 to 112.— Pork heavy at $32 to 32 75. Lard a shade firmer; kettle 194 to 20o- Whisky *1 01. Grooeries quiet Turpentine 434 to 44c. Rosin *2 08. Gold more aotive at 123*. Governments dosed strong; 62’s 154; Southerns generally firm. New O&lbams, December 10.—Cotton re ceipts to-day 8,733. Exports to Liverpool 953. Havre 3,350. Coastwise 1,081. Week’s sales 3,100. Receipts net 32,116; gross 34,- 771. Exports to Great Britain 7,433. Con tinent 14,797; other foreign ports 140. Coast wise 2,929. Stock 114,205. Cotton firm at 24 to 24*o; sales 3,000 bales. Oorn firmer; white *1 16; yellow *1 18. Ba con scarce at 16 to 164c for shoulders aud 204 to 204c for sides; new hams 27c. Prime su gar 124 tc 134o. Prime molasses 65 to 66a— Whisky dull at *1 10 to 1 12. India bagging 23 cents. Gold 1234; sterling 33; New York sight 4o discount. , Baluxoee, Deo. 11 —Cotton firm and nominal. Flonr—family active. Wheat steady. Com active; white, 85 to 90o.; yel low, 88 to 92o. Oats aotive at 65 to 58a Rye dull. Pork quiet at *32 to *83. Bacon quiet Whisky, fair business *1 34. Virginia bonds, old, 444 i 67s, 49*.. North Carolina Os, nsw, 26 bid. B Mobile, December 10.— Receipts of ootton r the week 16,191 bales; exports to Great* Britain 3,262 boles; other foreign ports 1,686 bales; coastwise 1,947 bales; stock on bond 60,965 bales, ot which 17.458 bales are on shipboard; sales for tbe week 13,860 bales; to-day 1,800 bales; middling 234 to 23|o and tbe market firm; roceipts 2,974 bales; exports 3,416 boles. Cincinnati, Deoember 10.— Corn firmer and higher; o«w 75c; old 90 to 92c. Whisky dull. Pork firmer end *31 50 asked. Bacon firm with a moderate demand; shonlders 144c; cterr sides 184c. Lard higher; kettle I8I0, and held higher at the close. Wilmington, Deoember 10.—Ootton firm at 284to83|c. Turpentine steady at 40c.— Rosin dell; strained *1 65. Crude turpentine unchanged Tar unchanged. Ohaeleston, Dea 11.—Cotton in good de mand, with an advance of 4 to 4c.; sales 600 bales middlings at 24a; receipts 1,712 bales; exports to Great Britain, 2,375; continent, 210. lfi 0. W. ADAIR, Anotioneer. MITCHELL STBEET PROPERTY O n WEDNESDAY asxt, tbe Uth last, at A o'eloofc. I wtllsstlas tbe premiss*, lots Use. i sad 5, of tb* Msaftun Block, south sbis of MUobsll street. Vo. X frosts 90 (Set oa lUyaes street, au4 rant book west teO feet. Vo. S frosts IT* fret oa seats side of ICltobsU street, end rue book Ml fret Also, ea* lot of tb* Ueugam Bleak, north side *f Mitofc*Uftr**t «#|*M fret- This lot Mis <m th* sooth sld* *f Banter ctr**t. 0*11 end get e plet, *n4 Mi*. art. G. W. ADAM dec li lt itoel Estate sad Ineurooee Age G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Pryor, Blchxrdxo* ud Pulliam Street* Lot*. 0N ThankUj nat, to. lath Into.. I will nil on th. 18 Building Lota In the Jackson Block, site, and ras heak to the branch, bavin* ground for 8trswb*Me* sad sC garden Fruits and Vegetables. This property is In a retj superior neighborhood.— All a*d get * plet, examine the property, end attend th* sets, whl*h will be absolute with unquestionable tlttee. Conveyances leave my offloe it a), o’clock— Terms X cosh—remainder In 6 and la months, with interest G. W. ADAIR Reel Estate and Insurants* Agent, Va M Alabama street next door to Express Offloe. dec 11-lt G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. MEDLEY SALE THIS MORNING, under the new Pryor Utreat Theater, e large Hew and Elegant Bar-Boom Fixtures, foe. r bowi, v uar Bowies, 1 nix* unon Stand, 9 Buckets, 1 Waite Looking $ioes, 7 Demijohn*, 1, a Beer Pitcher*, 1 Screen, 3 m ^ . . . 1 Counter and Fixtures, a Beer Pitcher*, 1 Screen, 3 sets Go* Fixture*, 3 Chair#, 1 Partition, 1 Urn, 1 Ticket Office, Liquors, Ac. handsome, medium-fixed SADDLE no fault. a. W. ADAIR, deo 11-lt No. 88 Alabama street 8T. MARYS SCHOOL, RALEIGH, IV. 0. Rt. Rev. THOMAS ATKINSON, D. D Visitor. Rev. ALDERT BMRDE8, D. D Rector. Rev. BENNETT SUEDES, A. M. Am rpHR FIFTY-SIXTH TERM of this School will com- O’jtxiufrry lGtb, 1070* and continue until the 7th of June. The oharge for Board and English Tuition is $120 Per Term For a Circular, apply to the Rector. REFERENCES: RL Rev. Dr. Beckwith, Dr. Sam. Bard, Mr. william Solomon. Mr. E. E. Rawson. doc 10-lm INCORPORATED 1859 MORItt* BKRNMARDT. OPTICIAN, STBS W Ih- xbore Munwfto -rt by i. •U Um Iwdtu irtlclrt at Uuroffr . m xx si V *» j'lRsfeSfJtJ5-2^: XP Xt'XT X otT #ng&ggsgsB tttnpsssnss trade mark. GLASS SPECTACLES, Uapwloc lo toy other In uM-roMtnlctto In dan00 with the sotenoe and philosophy of nature, la the peculiar form of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, AdmlnblrKUptaUta<**»M«»totoi*. •todptofcoj- 1, n.tur.1 to tbe ey*, xffordlnj «lto«.Ui.r th. htot to; Hotel help to th* human vision ever invented. Used only by MORRIS BERNHARDT, Speotaole & Optioal Manu&oturer, CAPITAL $350,000 J. F. BOZEMAN, President D. F. WILLC0X, Seoretary. CONTINUES to fnrni.h p-rfect Meurltj uqainat loss or datnago bj lire on all kinds •r Insurable proper!) at adequate rates. Agentu can be found at eery prominent point IN THE 80UTHERN STATES, to whom applications for inaarenoe may ba made. JOHN C. WHITNER, ACENT, BANK BLOOK, No, B SJitliauxxit fotroot, AS8ICNEE’S SALE. th. Korthwn IH.trtot ot Otorglh, lanto by A. ».>o- •, BtolaUr In Bwkruploy. will bo told htoro tho urt House door, lu LewrenoeviUe, in said oounty. eiigi countries. ■ Johns, N. B., Deoember 10.—Laet night being vary cold, tba craw of the aohoonar Ketchens built a fire in tb* stove and oloaed tha hatches. Four are dead. New Yobe, Deoember 10.—The Hneol gun-boete were releaeed to-day and will pro- oeed to aaa immediately. 8t. hoots, Deoember 10.—JThe bank at Gal- tstio wa* robbed and the cashier killed. Tbe rfibheiE gat only five dollar*. .uousta, Deo. 11.— Ootton firmer; sale* * “ 134; "Rio* for the stock ou band, 644; receipts 919; middlings234; sale# for the weak, 4,266; receipt* 5,76u; lfipMXk 8avamnsh,|| December 10.—Cotton firm; Bales 800 boles; middling 244o; receipts 3,688. £xpori* 943. Hr. Louis, Dec. 11—Corn declinh white, Racked, 85 to 36; old, 90 to 92. Whisky steady. Pork quiet at *31. Baoon, nothing Within the logoi hours of sole, tha following That treat of land (number* unknown), containing eight hundred aoree, more or lee*. known ae the Geo! M. Waters plantation te eat4 oounty, bounded aa fbJ- 1*7*1: On the weet by the Chattahoochee river, on the south by lands of Howell and others, on tbe east by lauds of F. M. Wordlow, and on the north by lands ot sold Wordlow and others. Also, that tract of land oomnosed of parte of three lots (numbers unknoVn), In the 6th and 7th Distriots of said county, lying on the Peachtree rood, ahd bounded os follows: On the weet by lands of James Harrington and landa formerly owned by Wm. Knox, ou the ooath by land* of the Ute Evan Howell end lie. Kinley, ou the west by lands of said Howell end Word- law, and on the north by lends ot W. Colo and Isaao Strickland. Said lands to be aold anbjeot to the claim, by said bankrupt, of a homestead exemption of fifty acres. Also, two dark brown mules, one bey mare, three ^wagJa^pio*- 0 -*—* nd ^ Uo THE ADVANTAGES of these Speotaole* over all others are: 1. They own be worn with perfect ei for any length of time at ont* sitting, giving astonish ing clearness of vision, by candle or any other artifi cial light, comfort to the spectacle-wearer hitherto an- known. I. How to select. Glasses. It rcquli professional guidance even when a good article la of fered. Dr. Bernhardt not only has the beat Glasses that can be found In the market, but carefully exam ines the eyes, and gives indispensable advice as to the propeifreleotion of them. 3. When the byes ache or pain through the action of a bright light, snob as is reflected from the snow, sunny weathor, white paper, and in reading, writing or sawing, or vivid colored bodies; thes< looses, by softening the rays, effect e moat agreeable sensation and give great relief. 4* These Spectacles are scientifically ad. Justed tc every case of defective sight with unerring ooourocy, whether arising from age, strain, over work, or premature decay, by Morris Bernhardt on and exact principle, entirely his own, whioh has seldom failed to be oorred ». Alter several years of public practice adjusting spectacles to patients under every aspect defective vision, as well as experience in an extensive, long-establiahed business In hia Optical btorea, both here and In Europe, M. Bernhardt con Older* it a suffi cient guarantee of hit ability to supply such glasses are best calculated tor tbe atolsUnce 6t imperfect •Ught. G. M. Bernhardt, to ilgnallie himself from the host of pretenders in hia profoaalon, with pride submits for Inspection, copies of testimonials he the received from medical gentlemen of the most questionable respectability and talent in America; also, a number of certificates from well known gentle men of distinction who have used hia spectacles—the originals of all whioh he will be happy to show those who may request It The use of any of tha fol lowing names or certificates hereunto affixed, without an actual possession of tbe same, would be a forgery, a oapttal olsnoe, punishable by State imprisonment. Testimony of recommendation* from Medieel gentlemen, Professors of the highest Opthal- mic talent in Atlanta, Go., and In the Union: 'Atlanta, On., November Ed, 1809. I have examined carefully, and with much interest, collection of glasses for the relief of impaired visioc submitted to me by Prof. Bernhardt, an Optician. " ~ ‘ iptotion to th* sod proposed, as well as in ele rkmanthlp, they are vary superior and de ll. V. M. MII.LBR, M. D. Wo'full) oonour in the above opinion of Dr. Miller. JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. JAM. F. ALEXANDER, M. D, Atlanta, Oa., November 3d, ItteV. It affords me pleasure to state that I have carefully examined Prof Itembardt’a collection of glasses for the eye, and from his explanation of the manner in whioh be adapts them to Imperfect eyes, 1 am folly •atlafied that he thoroughly comprehends tha tcienoe of Optica, and that ha la practically eminently skillful in the adoption of instruments (or the relief of all forma of Imperfect vision within the scope of relief without an operation. I am confirmed In my own opinion, of tha Protes tor's merit by the testimony of the most reliable aud prominent medical men in various cities in the United States. I moe (beerfally commend him to all with whom my opinion may have any weight. J. P. LOGAN, M. D. Atlanta, Ua., November 3d, 1800. We have examined Prof. Bernhard fa beautiful sod extensive collection of glnaaea for the relief of Im paired vision, and believe them the best adapted to the ends for whioh they are intended, than any we ha aen s and further believe that the Professor is: ipltshed Optician. Atlanta, Qa., November 3d, 1809. Pi of. IL Bernhardt haa tarnished me with of Oonoave Laos which suits r personal experience I can oorii5y"e<!rt!etfl whose ns*—* —* —“ ; I ve 1, of trt tt H. b M ' phycl. his business. rt t BH.NTLB, old nrm rtooM. plow,, ftoj- HM. look* koto, omdlto ud «ri*M, torn .bailor, houM. bolt tod kltchan furniture, be., be. Louuvuxii, 70. PlOTUlOU IMbd;, Vhtakjr 08. IN NnU, Bon or Un, of Oorn. of WhlU Wbtol. MlwrilMWl. M.mpbta hu eUiven audidbtaa fo, tb. ol- Am of Mbjor. Work on th. Ellcnboth lb ip cbnbl, In New JbrMjr, will b« began in tha apriag. A "gold min." to 8onth Cnrollnn, 88C non., hujnatbMn told for 11,780; *o tho OhujM. ton New. Kporta. Cmolnutl Lb, not anljr nboltahtd whoo! blblM, bat Onlbln, that pabllo Mhool bon, If thto want toting bt all, mart ring "Hhoo P!y,” nod kindmd mriodtab, lutand of Wnttri hj»nb. ■nebb in a Btobmoad, Vb , ooart >ld tho Jadgoto "bttiih hib month, M ho soalda't talk to two mm at one*." Ho had an opportunity to r.fleet npon hit rod*- Wtaoonrin Dbtoooniilo paper donbu whether lta party would hay. l-een enooeegfn! | If one of th* bpobtlen bad been nominated for Ooyemof. tad th* Sermon on tb* Meant LirunwL, Deoember 10. —Ootton—nplnnda Ilf to U|d; Orltani 11 to 17|di enloa 1,3000 ' Am. Export* 8,000. In tho Supreme Court of tb* Dietrlet of Co. lumbta, objtotlon wa* mod* that tb* intarlia*- alloc in an Indictment we* writtao in blae ink. Jodga Carter eeld: "Now, In thia period of the nbolition of ell dlalinetion on eooonnt of oolor, It eppeera that thla erlUoiam ia by- peroritioeL" Tbe extreme# of climate In California are illuatmtad by n foot worthy tha notlo* of Mark Twain. An orange tree in Loe Angclea bee nearly aeren thouaand ripe omngea on the aontb aide, while on the hyperborean ride tha bloeeoma are jnst opening. A young man who bad com* Iota poneulou f a large property by tbe death of hte brother we* eakad how he wm getting along. "Oh," said be, "I eat baring e dreadful time; wbet g ont letters of administration, end t ptobeta court, and settling olelme, eewlab he hadn’t died r x quantity of ritellad sad shaaroeta, Sbnoka ba, to, fotajroytol, hot* mat aa* pereoeri, to ba tola, fr.ed from ril luonmbMnoM, tor tbe MaiSt of tbo or Ml ton of toUl benbrnM. Term.oeab. TblsStb*eyo 0oo 10-Ida ™ nfoSMMl HH. a. t. nxxarnuw, AppUoetlon far £xempttaa. DiltllL fOWUffi, a a, oaoLoiaa, twame, ait taw, am) tj, a own aoxirr, o Optician who ... . . nnlNTLlT, Mlaiofor M Uepllat charrb I mo.t oaidiuir ooeonr In tbe nomernne ImiIbo nlela t bar. toon touching tbo .aooUuoy of Or. Born- hardt u to OptioUn, and moot freely commend thoaa —beere in need of rid In kla Una, to apply to him.- I do thla In aoma anaaeora from my own arporl.n, I ramrd Dr. Bernkerdt ea an Koompllahod OPUM end aganlleuito dotorrtng patrenago. 1 JOHN B. WILSON, D. o, Pe.ter lat Wrtohytorl.w oawreh, bUentaO... a d,,». A “ ,,,, “- °* t folly oononr In tba opinion of Bay. y. S. Wfladn L D„ In tba abora crrubceta. Paetet- Trinity fo. E Chareta'Skaxi AUante. Itorombor M. 1II*. To tha abora taathaonlala I ohearfoUy add my ..... fo. w. rtfuni Paator lat Uapttat obanh, Atlanta, Koromkaraih. tifo, Afoaata. Naakwlllt, April NTtfo, US*. Tba between Dr. Naavhaadt and moot Op. NotaaiK aotocdtngto my obOtoTSINm. tbri wrii. b» kaowa m. Taaetnaealata SEES'SFS& asrssssfifwisarr s fn Macon, (U —jad aaa tollable fl te the oclleotto® i. WHITE or OOL, Iso, laasieaa ter quartermaster's » a, to « a. tea* , ZSk&.’ZZ. \ploy no Peddler*. 4m Mn omctAia ADVKKTMHMENTS A PROCLAMATION. uEonait. By K.fAl B. Ballaeb. O-yera-r wf .eld Meta, To the People of (Jeergla t Tba rtoaut renewal of aottra boatlliUea agelnat Uia paraon and property of oolorad olllatoatod wbiu Be- pnbUceea, by the orgeeUed baeda of aroret aaaaaalga, In oartrin poltlona of tha Bate, aaama to indict, e contort of cotton and e perpeaa on tba part ol arid organlaatlona to yaaalat in defying Iba etrit lew. It therefore bohoorea tba good ptopU of tbta State to Me to It that the Commonwealth ba not further to' fend end defamed by tbe acM of peroene who, it Is believed, are wholly without Internet In, or regrnd tor, the welfare of tbe ftate. It le the doty of erery county, town, nr municipal corporate authority to taeara perfect protection for Ufo and property ta erery rerid.nt wittda thrir wboroae, In many eeato the loori ofoolria laU to exemlae oBrient merits to aacara thla remit, tbo good oUUeui within anoh Uerite-thoM haring m.terlri lntaraat at stake or tbe beat Interest of the Seta at heert-aheold sea to U that prompt are at onoa taken under the ctril law to safari and bring to pnnlahmoat tha tnmnbers of these organUa- tlona of aocrot robbara and laaaaalna. Under tbe rUt- ntoe et present In tore, the Exeeotlre la prerented from taking eotlro meeenree for the at otril diaordera, and It la th orator, all tb. trill that every good ottlaen aboeld fed It hia todtrirta. at duty to become a peaoe offloer, and to aid In lug to erery Inhabitant that perttot proteeUoa geerto- teed by tbe Oonatltntloci end without which we mn never enjoy either elril or material prosperity. Outrage*, each m bare barrioforo. and, am now again dlagraolng onr State, cannot be tolerated cured without Involving the whole community. Tbo tune hu arriipd when theee outrage! moat oeeae or tho good people of the whole State wlU be held responsible for their conttmtanto. To the end, that no motive may bo wonting to ohm- nlate tho people to action In bringing to punishment the violator! ol tha law, I hereby o®r a reward of Fire Thonaand Dollars each tor Iba arrest (with eridsmoe to oonrict), of tba person or person, engaged la the murder of Hoa. Joseph Adkins (while), e BepnDUcen Brifotor front the Mth Wetrtot And of the person or pereona engaged tn the murder of Dr. Bonjuuln Ayer {white), e BapnbUcan tritro from the ooenty of Jefferson. And of tha paraon or person, engaged In the oat- rage committed upon the person of Wmitol Hardlmen (white), of the ooonty of Oglethorpe when, on or about tho Slat day ol October lut, be wee Med to e tree and brotrily whipped, tbe outrage baring been committed by a body of disguised men for no other roeeon. u is rilejed, than that Hardlman waa charged with being radical. And of tha person or persons engaged in the outrage committed npon the person of Hon. Abraham Oolby (oolored). Representative from the county of Greene, who, on or about the 30th day of October teat, wa* taken from his bed at night and cruelly beaten, the outrage having been committed by a body ol twanty- flve or thirty di«ruto*d ■**« to* u»* *««•<**•■. as >■ «L ieged, that he, the sold Oolby vUitod Atlanta and re- quested of the military authoritlea protection for tha freedmen'a school located in the town of Greensboro' in the oounty of Greene. And of the person or persona engaged in the depre dation npon the office of the Assessor of Internal Rev enue for the United States Government In the town of Washington, oounty of Wilkea, on or about the night of the 13th Instant, whan, as la alleged, the office broken open and books, papers, do., Mattered tad do* stroked, tnd notices left warning the Assessor to leave tha District. And of tbe pereon or persons engaged In the assault upon the house of the Hon. EU Barnes (oolored). Re publican Representative from the oounty of Hancock, when, a* la alleged, a body of masked men at or about the hour of ona o'clock on the night of the 10th Inst., surrounded liia residence, and by threats of personal violence forced him to leave the oounty. And of the parson or penona who, at hoar of ten o’clook, on the night of the 16th lnaL fired ten or Iwelv* gunshots Into a camp of oolored laborer* on the Una of the Moon k Brunswick Rail road, in tbe oounty ot Telfrir, whereby on* killed end another severely wounded. And of the pereon or person* who. on Thursday night of court week, October Term, about midnight, said to be a body of sixty men in disguise, surrounded the residence of the Sheriff of th* county of Hancock, demanded and obtained from him th* key* of the Jail and released from the Jail one James Oxford (white), a notorious outlaw awaiting his trial for the murd John Taylor, a rsepeotable rtthmn of oald oounty. Given under my hand and the great seal of th* Btate at tha Capitol, Ut tha oily of Atlanta, this twanty- ninth day of Kovemtwr, In tba year of ooi Lord On* Thousand Eight Handled sad Sixty-Nine, and of the indopandano* of tho Unite* Mates of America, tho Nlnety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By Um Governor: David G. Oottiko, Secretary of State. nov SO-dUtwIw ■. v. ROLLER rruutaxATuia mux „ sszsr*™ 1 ”"*! Teachers will be in . MtebUes. to teach gretaite3T- [ °r ladle* mg Hall over Glenn k Wrkht’a au.1 Railroad. wr Wi, Packages of 11 Tfrfcete msgU Tickets HaRTteketo Uttof Mates -KripUm';- Harai*on I wssttssai ttarj seat, th. taltoilSJH! Itotof ItodXo.JMj arrollato Harrison » ttoaarlaca. laris* t Janies a Vlosn>y 'v«. mL W. Belly, security. ^ novas-tdfiprtieeiaw’ O. TV. ADAUR, A Hxndsame ut~S feet—half cash—remainder t “d «t aat Application far 1 G’SRWfSSMJMri * —4 valuation of ham** - M C NAU6HT, iitpormtor HARDWARE AND i IKON AND I DIALXU a Gong, Rifles, Arcs, Hoes," Also axaata Ibr Iba «n * Brinlj’s Universal Flank* Standard StaiM, D*K5 sod BltttiirFwdffl minion Ms, T> EBPBCTFULLT call tbesUsatloo A trade, and the pnbHc gMsnlhr (• varied stock, embraota^. in tedttes to fr complete assortment of Btilfrn' ' chanloe' Tool*, Anvils, Vtoea, M Shoes, Cottou and Wool Canto, ~ heather end Rabbsr Betttog, stones. Hollow Ware, Baggy, materia! of all kinds, tori _ Felloes and Shafts, Elm andLoemi Spring Ban, Kllptio sod Bide • Clips, Bolts, Patent and Enamotod Clothe, Oil Carpet, kc., ho., ka All of which they offw atttw lo and In qosntitles to wait parcheeac 09 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, 0a. WM. UNDEKTAKEB8 Aim lead to Fanerola at any hour, VI class Hearse forctabed or for tor*, ba furnished. aU kinds of Furniture repaired, vanished Dawsoa Sheriff fislae. - be aold before th. Otta FOR SALE. 250 Aores Land Five Miles from At lanta. M ORE than half in the woods. Would make * SMUG FARM for Ootton, Grain, Grasses, Yege- • and Grapes. bnprevemeata: House with 8 room*, garden, or* ard, he. Will sell lu parcels of 80 VO XOO AOZIZ2S. PRICE, TEN DOLLARS PER ACRE. BELL k HAMMOCK, Rttl Estate Agents. Office next door to Jams* 1 Bank, • 7-fit Whitehall street W^n of Dswsonvffls, first Tuesday in Janaary, tv, between erty, to-hit: Lot of land No. four bunted in the 4tb DUtrtot and Ut SSSKSA.'SStis ley, and one In favor of Ricks Kelley. Defendant in poeees Also, at the eame time esd — and 27, in the South root dlrteoe aonvillo. aa the property of J. J. ooat fl fr In favor of the oEfltt* of said county va. toid Findley, dan. Also, the form end l“P w *** l Anderson, Noe. not known, tote* Superior Court fl ia in fkvar«nk» W. H. Lyon. Pointed oat by D. *. ‘" Section of said oounty. to mtotj»“ ffiVr . Also, at the same tlweMf provemente whereon 0. »• ■old oounty, known as th« ^ oeotly as th* Mor ‘ Edwards a* his p Zion Sprigwa vs. —- ^ possession. November «. M* dec l-tdsprafee*2 HO pet W A ppliroU** Wt G eorgil HAR- G raves Eves, admlMmj—-^ nam Hall, reprasento to heOJV* flted and ttterad on racad, » tered the Hall estate. . Thu Is therefore, w ct* r dr*d and creditor*, to frow* why said s' * * d creditors, *o i administrator ekcuti»J recate - TICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. riUiB First Edition of One Hundred and Twenty .L Thousand Copies of Vick's Illustrated Oat. aoTowwe of fi«ads aad Floral Qatd*, 1* pub- bahed and reedy to send out. It is elegantly printed on fine tinted paper, with about flOO flu* wood Bagrav- ing* of Flowers and Vegetables, and a beautiful Col ored Plate- oonaiating of seven varieties of Phlox Drumondll, making a flue BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. Fl is th* most bet e Floral Quid* i> direction* for th* Culture of Flowers and Vegetable* Tb*Fterolfluid*UpnbHehedforth* hen*Alof my ruaiomoro, to whom if 1* Mnifrt* without oppilcation, but will bs forvar J*d to all who apply by mall, for Ion (wate. which ia not half th* *c*t Addle**, JAMBS VI dec MUwfiw Roohtttei II. B. Marshal’s Hale. U .n«l oot ofUl, Hbooctbri, tb. District Ooart ot tbqUaitoit Gtotaa far tb. Mortbarn Dtalriri otacorria lajbaocritb. flatatta Obaalaa fl. Brnaabr. la lb. Oboataa fl. NnMbra n. T. ■- Wtleaa * Bra, flabriS »•*,, flaaiatt *«br. at r '-V- Wltkt. tb. tortWri. tlmua of the •>« ri Atbw rosata of Cbrbo. and atari ot Qaocst*. MMMaf "oot mtoprcfcX a Applicotlo* GffiSKgg'- tbc Court, lu bla (»““*.? tccord. Ibri b# b. ISllJ - trol-t rital.- , ....n Tbla Is. tbcrriorc, to riN • d«d audcr-MWrt. g why sold administrator ^ , hte odmlnlitratioo. “4 o«Vth* flrat Monday i« J*naai7 * of October, 1*»- . oct i*-mfimptafr«l ApplIroUriTfer UHtlttl IJ. Thu la toclt. an J, U Wlta«ri W bairiaad - 1Kb. IMS . .. M , XAflAtaO*: Ttaaletbaari"**; J.q tot m trirttStStatW 11 CJTA1 STmorri-- ISWAOSOritriSl K—*