Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 12, 1869, Image 2

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OFFICIAL ADVKRTISKMKNT8 civil disorders, and It la thnrwtar* all the mote import Unt that *T«y good dttxea should feel It his tedivlda- al duty to become a peao* offlosr, sod to aid im MOV* ln« to every inhabitant that psrfoot protection guaran teed bj the Constitution and without which wo can never enjoy either civil or material proeporlty. Outrage*, such a* hare heritoton, and. are now again disgracing our State, cannot ha totoratod or ex cused without involving the whole oommunlty. of Dr. Benjamin Ayer (white), a Republican Represen tative from the co*nty of Jefferson. rage committed upon the person of William Hardlman (white), of the county f* Oglethorpe when, on or about the Slat day of Oetober last, ha waa tied to a tree and brutally whipped, the outrage haring been committed alleged, than that Hardiiban waa charged with being aonviUe, ae the propel ooet fl tk In favor of th of oald county va.m>f Also, the farm and I Applicative: EOKQIA, HABAlfagO ' Orth Application *■ 1 KOItGIA, HARAIAOK j* »Ssf iwbtt, nantM** dec 8 ASSIGNS*’* 1 r, eobou. o«w*S < g2 rllhln Ul« bpl ^*^23 Thai n“«l **>■ tfffSwa SSSSggi aasE*; jo».“r*iSSUt?E? ippllnatloa far Dimlrolon. ri ■nouTkAadimi oooirr».-wi«n«. *■. yt ip. odafalrtnur <tf a. MkM Jim T"**" *> »>• Ookrt la hia cretuon. ■air Clad and nM M reoord. that lu> kM 6,1], n. alaMared Waldrop'. Mtata. Thu u thanfbr., to ala all preoon. ooorerc.4 .In I re<l and creditor* in ah.iw mhi. ... I ‘ _ A. D. WOODS/ Ordinary. HHHH > MTATK NBWH. Th. AlNmy Nreraouro: W. fau» tart D«* Maplw .hot u>.l killad * nu b/ Ik. m N.WOOM, oa TwWy fart, rt Caailfa. Ufa width baT. bkrt Th. report fa abij wtiUta, aud n i aaadtl to Uw pabUo hit . oarafol uJ OHMfal iPraight Agent on th. Wwfans A At- fasti, BaUroad. fa oka of th. moat AtUntfre ud rthafaal gdStUww fa hfa lla* on record. Uk. oar Mud B. W. Wreon. h» fa alotya at hfa poat, and oar awehaafaaad bo.laaa.maD My hi U .molly th. right mas la tha right place. If wu did Dot fatly baHt.a it, thfa pant- graph would not ha printed iu tha Kaa. Mr. Pop. fau oar boat alike* for prounl and fu- lure pnwparity. I bug. Mlirai. c : yh« darntriai A Bowortyasy quote— Albert Pike t* in Washington prarticing kv. The Kin* of 8w*Jsn lma bad a stroke of Miranda, the tenor, it tinging in Gape Town, Africa. Bon. E. O. Baker, of Meeeaohaeetta. b taken up hU reddeooe in Darlington, 8. a The leading crop on Donald G. MitobelT* farm tkiayuar ie the photograph* be bad taken of It Mr*. Jeewe Fremont it at the new Arlington llonee, in Washington. An Indiana editor rail* hi* cotemporary * llanael-eyed. Gail Hamilton write* sxdmrivsiy for the Harper*’ weaklier. ■ Father Hyacinthe kjt be waa much better treated in Boston than in Now York. Miehot, the tenor at the New Orleau* Open House, is agid to be *% lore of a man.” Brigham Young, Jr., waa at the Alabama Stale Fair* pHMppBp||pBHI Georg© Pannoefort haa turned op at Waite- burg, Oregon, where be haa been giving dra matic reading*. Maggie Mitobell will be the next etar at MoVieker’s in Chioago. Baron De Riviere's property has been sold off at auction. John Buaeeli Young goo* to Europe aa a railway agent Rev. W. 0 Van Meter bus again taken charge of the Howard Mission, New York, which for j«ar* be eaperintended with marked auoceee. The wife of Samuel N. Pike, Esq., is said to bars won $50,000 worth of diamonds at a recent bop in New York. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland were married by Theodore Parker, and all of the witnesses to the ceremony are now living. A Mr*. White died very suddenly at Toledo on Sunday laat. But a few minutes before her death the waa singing “I would not live always.” Mr. Peabody's brother, nephews and nieces, residing at Zanesville, Ohio, have left for the East, to attend the faoersi of their distin guished relative. Thorlow Weed’s daughter is sorting four thousand letters to help her father in writing his autobiography. He will spend the winter in Florida. Delamater'a bill for building the Spanish gunboats ix $3,000,000, and he can’t get his money nutij they ore out of the dutches of oar government Ben. Wood has been sent to Washing! nee if Che $36,000 tax on the New York lottery shops could not be abated, but his errand was nnsuccesafn). Mr. Robert Rogers, one of theaarly settlers Of Iowa, died iu Dubuque, lows, a few days >e of sixty-two. lluchanan Road. A Member of Congress from Wisconsin pays $50j a month at Washington for three rooms nnd board for himself and on* daughter, or $G 60 a day for each person President Woolsey, of Yale College (good authority), assarts that for the last thirty years eleven per cent, of the marriage# in Connecti cut have resulted in divorce. Bello Bo)<l, who has been confined in the California In-une Asylum, at Stockton, for some time oust, gave birth to a child last week, and almost rally recovered her reason, immediately after the occurrence. The rutnor that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is engaged to be married to a German Noble man, and the reflections upon her in some of the opposition papers, say* a correspondent, are as cruel as they are unfounded. Mrs. Lincoln is living in great retirement at Frank fort, goes into no society, and rarely sees any visitors Soathrrn Flew*. A bridge is to be built across Ashley river at Charlestop. Brooms are extensively manufactured in Montgomery, Ala. Carter Langford, of West Point, caught four beavera last week, weighing 63 pound*. The grand jury at Charleston has indicted four negroes for inciting the base-ball riot last rammer. It is stated that Mr. A. T. Stewart, of New iork, is in trw Fredericksburg, An •• old Virginian,” eighty-foor years of age, was begging at the Alabama capital the other day. He raised $1 JtQ. A gtDfknmn of Elbert eonnty, G*., has in vented a calculating machine, the result of twenty years’ thought It will add, multiply, etc., by turning a crank Small pox is prevalent in New Orleans, and tbs Board of Health makes an urgent de mand upon the City Council for power to en force the needed sanitary measures. At the late sitting of the District Court of Gillespie county, Texas, Judge Walker pre siding, Moebus, one of the men indicted for murdering men during the War, was convicted and sentenced to twenty year* in the peni Uatiary. The Hon. John Townsend, of Edisto, South Carolina, cxnects to receive from twenty to twenty flve Chinese laborers during the pre sent month, and a planter on the Savannah . river has provided for a Chinese colony of from two to three hoodred. Mrs. Elisabeth Herrington, born in Barn well dietrict. South Carolina, A. D. 1747, died in Pierce county, Ga., on the 90th nit She eqjoyed good health, and walked without any help to within a few days of her death. She lived 229 years, 10 mouths and 8 day*. On the 14th ultimo, near Hloonteville, Ala., Cbarlec Morph v was killed by Lease Turner. Mr. Champ Hensley was thrown from his horse and killed one da* iaet week, one of bis nephews was killed by unknown person* tbs same dey. and Muotb0t we* thrown from hi* hors* end eleo killed. Charleston collected, during last month, $1,086 from flues assented agstnet commercial traveler*. This is exclusive of the per centage that fail* to the share of the captors. The war against the** itinerant tradesmen ha*been conducted with rigor A* they were always in a position to cash up promptly, the amount soon attained the proportion* mention*! Mr. Delano is looking after the balance due on the direot land tax in Virginia, Ae. Borne of the land* were sold for thee* Uses. These lends, amounting, a* is eoppoeed, to several hundred thousand dollars, were being left sight of, and th<* original owners have in many oases taken p<MMa«*ion of th# earn*. This In itiatory movement to ascertain what property belongs to tb* United State*, derived from this eonree. ie resulting in e development of facte which were hardly anticipated. Abraham Dewy, the old etrset preacher, who for years ha* wandered about the city of Wheeling, Va., with a Bible under bis arm, discern rein g bn the eoraers and by the way. - — day afternoon, about two ty jail. More then e cjoer- . joe he beoame demented on religion, sod his load and dU- ■p na. Cmurt at tk. atau af Qa-mla Jour* K Baowa, Cbfaf Jartioe. H■ K. MoOax, I a ..( JutUc. Hium Wuni, Dw.ak.r Tern. tMO. Ofdar of Circuit, with nambar of can. from •£ Moollicrn Cirenil ...... f> w* HoathwMMra Clreait— S3 “ Pitaafa Oironll 33 “ UhalUhoochro Giroall. Maoon Cironit Ptiat Cironit TalfapooM Cironit .... o'alook, Ur of a Atlanta Cironit. Bonn Crooit 8 - Ohorokoo Cironit 33 -■ Bin. Kidge Cironit 13 " WeaUm Circuit .....8 " Horlliern Cironit 8 ** Uiddfa Oircoit 11 " Oemnlgo. Otronit 10 “ Eartorn Cironit t " It rani wick Cironit 0 " sult nocassntoa. Daohuui 11, 1863. Tk. Court mot paronut to adjoaroinont. Thomai P. Lojrd, Eaq., of Monte.amo, waa admitted to tha bar. So, 16, Uoathwoitorn Cironit—J«o. T. Flow- ell.u n. O. L. Volaon tl. tour—Equity and appointment of a Boooiror, from Doaghert/— woo withdrawn. No. 16. Sonthwootorn Oiroult—0. A. Cam field eL at an Curio & Shaw—Equity, from Dougherty—waa withdrawn.' By roquoat of W. A. Hawkins, and by eon- lent of the Bar. oaae No. 33. Bonthwortern Cironit—Bobinton ,a. Boo. dt Bon—motion to dimolvo au injunction—woo next called Thfa e*w .u argued by Moaora. J. O. Wright A Fred. H. West for plaintiff in error, and by Maura E. A. Nisbet and W. A. Hawkins for defendants in error. The Coart adjourned till 10. a. K., of Tues day next. West and northwest. Hog oholoro proToifa axtenaiToly ia Illinois. 'Gsn. Kirby Smith is shooting ducks nl English fake, Ind. Five hundred and ninety-fbar aces of land in Morgan oounty, Illinois, recently sold for 134,000, cash. There is a sow in Olmstead aonnty, Minn that within 37 months made 700 ponndo of butter by aotuel weight. Hope College at Holland, Michigan, has jnst reooired a Japanese stodont who re joice. in the celestial cognomen of Bio Eo Tngsi The sales of land by Ibe Illinois Central to teats. The bill th* ofltetafa that tb on oooonnl of roe* or eolor. Th. rtatemaafa of Oonmoni Wrtfa and Ttslkar. war. ordered to be printed. A mb committee m appointed to proper, th. .UtemanU of tin alleged .lection fraada. bat did not print it. .. The solo. Of th. Commlttte fa Mriously again.t ectortaining th. qOMtion regarding tha fairaam of th. Mutton. In tbs Hante, the motion to fable Jnger- Mll'* forty-four million nddiUontl onrrenoy bill, <u defeated, but w roiwrod to the Com mittee on Backlog and Cnrronoy, luatead of Waye and Mews, wbieh fa ngarded aa unira- l>nt to its ultimate defeat, at the Banking Onrrenoy Committee fa understood to be has- til* to its oroviaion*. Pams, Deoember 11 The oBeial Yellow Book poblished iu relation to Franoe with oihet powers, aad the relations with each olher regarding tbe Ecnmenieal Oonnall, ttys it fa beyond tbs pals of the politioal power ; so the Emperor is reeoind not to use hfa In contestable right th intervene in Its dslibera- taosie. All the UatbtAie powers approve of thfa on mm A morenunt in tbe Corps to impeach tbe Minieler of th. I.urior, crested* n«v.r before wilneawd. Tb, Mttlng ad- joarnod amid greit rxcitement. Boiix, Deoember 11.—Tk. Fop. delivered an sUoenllon before th. owamblml bishops to day. He mid that false banian science .ml impiety were never before eo strong u at the prueot .day, for they war. well organised, and bid themselrw behind pretended asptre- tiou. for liberty, bat wu nothing to fmr, beoanu th. Ohuroh wu stronger than the b sevens Tim. woaid remedy the prstent nils. Lomdon, December 11.—Burlingame has information that th. Chines. Gorernment hu retified the Amerimn treaty. Nonjw, Dumnbar 11.—The soli. Pepsi Council hu assembled. Two hundred Italian and twenty other delegate, were present. Picccrdl fa President. Letters were read from Viotor Hugo, Garibaldi and others. Much enthusiasm. NIGHT DISPATCHER Ma-Sm aboot 30 balsa, and cloud f any tmahocUont in gold, qeotaliont fa slight. We r^°t^.r Daughter of the Regiment OH, TMX 800 VtATHEMB. . JAMXI A. OATH. I opened brisk at 334, 1 quiet at 33j to 33 J. Apples. - An advenes in apples. We quote at *4 60 to 8 00 per barrel, and Western u high u 37 00. (MMDwt.- Tbe prleu vary aooordiug to the mines from whieh It fa taken. Villa Hi —Baying at 31 00 to 113 par d.t -ary aooordiug to tbe mines from aken. Villa Bios is worth 31 18 >*r dwt., and Lampkin eonnty mines vary horn $1 00 to 1 16 par dwt. Hnckvrhent Ffatr-Iu boies-alx six ponnd next to tk* box, 33 76 to 3 00. Butter—Market dell in Goahen and Ww- tern Beams. Tennessee and Virginia quoted at 36 to 86o per lb. Tb. quality varies greatly. “ ‘ mtry blitter utle readily at 33 to 40o. -Not much doing in baoon. Wa note a. sides at Site; e. r. aldea and shoal- Isrs, 17. Balk Ernfa—The market fa well supplied with balk mute. We quote a decline of J. at 181 to 18io, o. r. sides THE BOSTON PEACE JUBILEE. la whfah Hsraaade. aad tts^arttea cemyaar wtU .»• |$0L0V SHIITBLE; ' Or. -Who fitoto My Darrol of *nb> fare" In rahronsl-Vcnaesa, Prolfas uf Psah *«■. he. dee 13X1 CHRISTMAS IS COM0O. UNI1 v MOHKI9 BTS from $* to $*o. at T. n. lUHKYf. OPTICIAN, KsssauassasBa- L absi*b, iuilrod laitimi. chjlm- DAIslleHf, Ac., al . T. R. RIPLEY'S. sides ore quotod t ildon at 144 to 15c. Bagging—Htook equal to the demand.— Quoted at 36 to 30o. Bnl* Hope—Quoted at 71 to 9c.. Corn—Tne supply of oorn ie light, good. Prioea anehanged. Ws quote prime white 31 36 to 1 40, new *1 30 to 1 36. (’one Meal—Demand dull. There fa a good mpply on hand. We quote that 31 40 to 1 46 Cheese—Stock fair. Demand good. Qno- We quote Jam 35 T. R. RIPLEY'S. lameiAD aad CHINA VASES, PIS I'HBI, HUTTO IDS! aad T. R. RIPLEY'S. MAKING and TOIUBT NETS, die., at doo 13-iw T. R. RIPLEY'S. Eis. „ , i a n n dfgtaggp FKTTI T Xa A Wl},e rtm. to>«is Bwhli.. Shrub*. VUu* f ICvertr^^ u ao MUblUhment wher* tk* SuId.lSdth*lal^mfoca^j order. shoaldtHUSDl Ie or lsf> with dee »-lm tad at tl to 23|o. C#ffee—Demand * Wabbinotoh, Dee. 11.— Revenae to-day, $362,000. Robert Clarke has been appointed Assessor of the 2d Georgia district It ia stated that Judge Grier has resigned, to take effect .first February. Th* Star says: “The Senate Judioiory Com mittee had another session yesterday on the Georgia bill agreed upon for carrying out the suggestion* of tbe President’* message. Gov. Birilook, of Georgia, waa before the oommit- tee, and made statements relative to the oon- dition of affair* in that Stato, which he repre sented to be little better than it waa daring the war, that ia, so far as the Union men are concerned.” ▲ bill will be reported next week. The attorneys for the Tehuantepec Ship Canal Company and the Mexican Peoifie Rail road Company, filed claims before tbe Mexi can Commission aggregating $322,000,000. Bouhb—The Committee on Ways and Means are instructed to enquire into the ex pediency of rolieving the provision trade from taxation. Five members of the Banking and Curren Atlanta. Oa., Dtewibw 13, 1M0.) i**vy bism of freight over thi* road, sod 11 i depot e*f*eUj, 0omp*l* os to uollfy e _ that all freight not r*nov*d in U hoar* after arrival, will b« stored at ownin' ixpaua. E. B. WALKER, d«o 12-121 Master Transportetlon. FIFTY CAR LOADS OF Cora, Floor, Hay, CheMpMke Guano, Salt, Baoon, Bilk Meats, Ac., ) cheap by A. K-flKAGO. it Manhaol FXJRMTFimZI SAIjM. r WILL ihdrerti** tljae, place, and artkJe*. of a C.tton Ynn»—Demand fair at S3 Dried Frnit—Peaehea, rough 54 to 60. Pealed IS to 16c. Ene—Searoe and higb. We quote at 35 to 4oo per doe. Wear—The Stock of flour fa very fine and embraoeu a gnat variety of grade, and prioea. Demand omall. We quote anon 36 00 to 6 60 par bbL Extra 37 00. Family 37 36 to 8 00, and Foney 38 00 to 8 75. No mate- rial ohange. Hogs—The market for hogs ha* fairly open ed. and the paoking bnsineeo commenced. We qnote at 11 groa* 134 net. Hay—k fair demand and good supply. It ia quoted at $36 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim Melanies and Nyrnpe—Stocks equal to the demand. Qualities veryvariona. We qoote its figure* ranging from 57 to 90c, though some re held as high aa $1 16 Oatl—A good demaoi Supply light They are quoted at 80 to 86c. Onions—Onions readily bring from $4 SO to 6 00 per bbL Offal-Bran is worth $1 50; ship stuff $1 76 to 2 00. It ie in good demand. Potatoes—Good Irish potatoes are in de* Pork,—A good demand exists. We quote IIJMBER YARD, gross at 11c, and netat 13 to 13*c. W If! U 11\ I M LA 9 maud at $3 00 to 3 60. Kye—Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo ted at $1 40 to 1 50. Sugar—Brings from 13 to 19c aooording to quality. We quote refined A18 to 184; do. B 171 to 18; do. 0 164 to 17; yellow 16 to 16*. Wheat—We find a wide range in wheat. TRADE MARK- GLASS SPECTACLES, Bapwtor to »ay other In *ae—conmnwtod in * 4*no* with th* seteno* and philosophy of natar*. In (he peculiar form of A CONCAVE C0HVEX ELLIPSIS, Admirably Adapted to Hto organ, of D*hi, and periwot- 1/ natural to Ike ^aaNordtue iMcgrtbar UrnlmaA ar^ Octal h»lp to th» human virion iv*r lnvaatod. Dmd ooirby MORRIS BERNHARDT, Splendid Lot of Furniture, Speotaole & Optical Manufacturer, LANOBBBBG’N (Opposite Os., R. B. Depot. Atlanta, Oa.) railroad for the nine months ending Septei round numbers, 7M 1,000 her 30, 186^ were, acre*, average price $11. Mr. Canfield ia building a dry dook at the mouth of Manistee river. His plan is to raise the vessel completely out of the water be tween two piers, by means of portable swivel screws, the only set of the kind on Lake Michigan. Tbe Mineral Point (Wis.) Tribune say* “We know a farmer who two yean ago re- fused $2 10 for his wheat, and has held it in store ever since until this fall, when ho sold the same wheat for 70 cents. Wisconsin has the “oldest inhabitant, Winnebago Indian named Jenomernee (Never Die). For the past 130 yean, he has inhabi ted a small island m Lake Mendota. and was old enoagh to die when he went there. A man died recently at Keokuk, was pre pared for burial, and everything was ready for the funeral, when the former crediton of the dead man came in, stopped the pro ceedings, and refused to let tbe funeral go till their bill had been paid in in if. Evansvillo, Iod., sends a committee, head ed by the Hon. John Law, to Washington to use their influence to make that city a port of entry, to secure a local board of steamboat in- specters, n branch ot the fedenl court and s harbor improvement appropriation. RatlroMi. Detroit will vote, January 10, on granting $300,000 to the Detroit and Howell railroad. There are now only two trestles on the main Hue of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. The accidents they are having oa the Pacific railroads are said to cause a diminution in the number of applications for free passes for trips to California. Twenty-two miles of the track of the Ohio and Miasihsippi branob railroad have been laid between Jeffersonville and North Ysr non, Indiana, leaving 30 miles yet to be pnt down. Tbe Fort 8cott Monitor states that the Mis souri River and Gnlf Railroad Company are building five hundred oattle cars to accommo date the demand for shipping cattle over tbe road. Work on the Dixon, Peoria and Hannibal railroad is being poshed forward as rapidly as possible. The oars arOrnnuing about ten miles out from Bods, to Bradford, and the track is being laid at the rate of a half mile a day. Extensive temporary buildings for depot purposes have been commenced by the Union and Central companies at Ogden. Permanent structures will be built soon Promontory is nearly deserted, and the merchants ara transferring their goods to Corinne and Ogden. The! Northwestern Railroad company have a resolution A hat no officer or employee on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad, shall have or hold any interest in any other railroad, express, or transportation company, manu facturing, coal mine, steel or iron works, fornaee company, nnlsas by the unanimous permission of the Board of Directors. What would be the effect if the other groat railroad companies of tha ooantry were to adopt suoh a resolution ? • Clearly, the result would be that the dividend* of the stookbolders would be Increased. The sake of tbe Ciootnnati, Wilmington and Zanearilie railroad took pliras a day or two go, at tbe Gorton Honse in Cincinnati. It brought $1,004,000. The purchaser was Thomas L. Jewett, President of the Pan- Handle, and evidently agent for the Penn sylvania Central road. He obtained by hi* purchase 131 mile* of road, from Morrow to Zanesville, 16 locomotives, 16|pas*soger, 17 box and oattle, and 72 eoal oars, together with $200,000 worth of rsal estate. The road ba* $1,700,000 unpaid stock out Charlas Moran wa* at the sals as the representative of European holders Of $1,300,000 bonds of the rood, for the payment of which, with two yuurs’ interest at 7 per oent, the sale was made. President King, of the Baltimore and Ohio road, was sxpacted to be present as a bidder, bat did not arrive. George L. Dunlap, General Superintendent of the Chicago and Northwestern; John a Gealt, Assistant General Superintendent; Captain Turner, one of the leading directors, and tbe eariisst proprietor of the Qreat North- western lines; Mr. Thayer. Pnrshasing Agent, and Mr. Howe, Superintendent of the Iowa Division, arrived in Omaha yesterdsy morn ing, to confer with Ool. Hammond upon im portant bostnees connected wUb,th*ae roads. This work is going on at tbs Wert end under the personal supervision of Mr. Howe, espe cially in tha Miseouri and Boyer valleys, where fib much trouble from floods has beau experienced. Tbs grades are being raised and widened ail along thfa portion of tha iinseo Tha Board of Directors of the Chicago and have adopted ae to remove all causes for apprehension of IWisnlHii in the future. Mere than eighty miles of iron bus been replaerd on lbs Iowa division tbe gneent season, and tha old will he steadily soppfeated by new. track ta H early h,.nng ba I feral % Dsc 3. million in addition to the currency referred, voted to lay it on the table. A bill was introduced dispensing with the spies from the revenae service. The censns was considered up to adjourn ment. Wards'ell, Superintendent of the Virginia S mitentiary, stated beforo the Reoonatrootion ommittee, that that institution contained 493 negroes, 44 whites who had servad hi the Fed eral army, 25 who had been iu Federal em S loyment, and 16 or 20 who had been in the onfederate service. Total number of prison era 621, Chicaoo, Deo. 11.—The*jury gave Mary Walton $3,800 in a libel suit against the Chi cago Times. A new trial wa* granted without argument. Paris, Dec. 21.—The French Qoremmsnt ho* made known to the Ecumenical Council that infallibility 1h an inopportune question, from a religious view, end politically places Franoe otherwise than ascending to tha eon- corodat, and release* her from tbe obligations there accepted. London, Dec. 11.—The Time* condemns tho Orange lodges as, only perpetuating the idea of two raoe*. Rome, Dec. It.—The Ecumenical Conuoil adjourned over Apiphany. The Pope uaid he wasaure of the co-operation-of the American bishops. 8t. Louis, December 11.—The steamer W. B. Arthur, hence to New Orleans sank near Burnett’* island. Valnable cargo loss including three hundred and forty life stock. Halifax, December 1L—Tbe Chronicle says Grant's Message breaks all hopes of a reci procity treaty, and renders annextation more desirable, bnt believes independence will be come the popular cry yet. Nxw York, December 11.—Father Hyacinthe has sailed for Franoe. Newa from Cube, from Spanish sources, in the New York Tribune, reports tbe insurgent in the country adjoining Trinidad, and bun iug estates. A number of plantations have been fired, and a greater number reduced to ashes. Oar losing cane ought to prodnoe 1,100 hogsheads. A general destruction wo* feared. More than one-half tha oane crop has been destroyed. Bt. Pxtersburo, December 11.—Navigation of the BalUo is closed. London, December 11 .—Parliament meets on tbe 8th of February. Madrid, December U.—The Cortes re jected the bill for indemnifying oxiles under a monarchy. Havana, Deoember 11.—A sharp skirmish took place yesterday near Triudad, the result ankfiowd. Cleopatra arrived to-day from Vera Crnz, also a steamer with 1,000 troops from Cadi*. We quota it at $1 46 to 1 70 for prime red to prime white. Stock light. Small demand.— Prime white sells readily at $1 60. .Tobacco—Unsound pounds 65o Common sound ponnd* 60 to 65o Medium pounds 70 to 75o Fine pounds. 80 to $1 Extra fine ponnd* $1 26 Liquors—Market active. Dealers are sell- * ely and hardly able to fill their orders. Infill, Moors, and Blinds Made Upon Short Notioe. SKlt 1 ? " LUMBER SAWED TO ORDER. Brandy, Fr..' $7 00 to 12 00 00 to 12 00 American 1 50 to 2 00 Peach 3 00 to 4 00 3 00 to 4 00 Holland American Rum, Jamaioa American Whisky—Corn—Country Rectified, do Rye, do Robertson, do Bourbon, do - Wine—Maderia Bherry Port i. • N. E. Rum 4 00 to 6 00 1 50 to 2 00 4 00 to 8 00 1 60 to 2 00 1 60 to 2 00 1 15 to 1 40 1 25 to 6 00 1 50to 1 '25 to 6 00 2 75 to 4 50 2 60 to6 00 2 50 to 6 00 1 75 to 2 25 TcUcrraphU' Market Hcports. New Yore. Dec. 12.—Cotton quiet and un changed; sale* of 1,000 bales at 254. Flour heavy at a decline. Wheat ditto. Corn un changed. Whisky $1 02 to 1 03. Pork an changed. Beef quiet. Lard heavy; kettle, 194 to 20. Naval store* quiet. Groceries dntl. Freights a shade firmer. Diepatohea from the West report com steady. Whisky dull. Pro visions and Lard qniet, but firm. Money steady. Tbe bank statement shows a decrease of half million in loans; the de crease in specie is nearly half a million; circu lation decrease a trifle; deposits decrease half a million; legal tenders increaso 900,000. Sterling dull at 8i to 8J. Gold 234 to 23J. Governments quiet, bnt steady. State bonds firm. New Orleans, December 11.—Cotton firm at 24|o; sales 4.8T0 bales; reoeipts 3,286 bales; exports to Lirorpool 3,700 bales H Bremen 1,775 bales; coastwise 2,003 bales. Flour, light supply at $4 75; double $5 75. treble $5 90 to $6. Corn, oates and bacon scarce and firm. Hay dull at $29; new mess pork $32 60; old 50c higher; baoon quiet at 16c to 21o; new sugar cured bams eoarce at 27o. Lard firm; tierce 194 to 19fo; keg 21 to 22c. Bngar quiet at 124 to 12Jo. Whisky doll; western rectified $1 05 to $1 10. Coffee Sterling 334. New York Sight DRESSED and FRAMING LUMBER. deoia-o oct 8-ly In Bankruptcy. U. & MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Atlanta, Oa., Decsmbsr 11. 1M». T HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE.—That on the 8th day of No f am bar, A. T>. 18C9, a Warrant In Bank was isaaed against the estate of ZIMMERMAN k VEBDERY, INCORPORATED 1859, cry active, hot 930 bales; re- llaaaor. | Buy—When yon g* " an editor’s room, walk right ont It is healthy exercise—particularly for the editor. A self-evident fact—Whatever else tha Span iards may want, they ought not to want food, for have they not a provisional government ? A fancyA little girl wanted to say ehe had a fun, but had forgotten the name; so che de scribed it ne “a thing to brush the warm off yon with.” In Cork, the crier of the Court, anxious to disperse the crowd around the 1>*L exclaimed: "All ye blackguard* that aint Uwyer* quit the Look oat for people who go about professing to be bettor than alt the rest of maukind. If your parse isn’t in any particular danger, yoor character may be. An Irish gentleman having a email picture room, several parsons desired to sea it at the *ame time. “Faith, gentleman,” said he, “if yon all go In it wfll not bold half of yon.” gA Spaniard in the first pages of bia English grammar, desiring one ev«niug to be helped to some boiled tongue, said: “I will thank yon, Mies, to past me the language.” The Spaniards are not commonly supposed to be a progressive people, and yet It is cer tain that at this moment Spain ie the most rising country In Europe, not exeepting even Irelaad. A man t*Ut$g about a wonderful parrot hanging in a engo from tbe wiudow of a Loose A laxy tad, who did not go to Church until the congregation were oomingont, asked, “Is it all donef” “ No, M was the reply, “hot It is all said ; 1 think it will be some time be fore it’* all done." A dentist, trying in vpin to extract a de cayed tooth frflm a lady’a moqlh, gave tip the task with this apology : •» The fact is, madam, II ifl- impoaalbla for anything bad to oome from youy moath.” A young gentleman, fear years old, re- oeotly threw hie maternal relative Ihto a fit of admiration by tha following apeech : " I Ilka moat all kinds of oake- pound cake, jelly fake and sponge oake—bat I don’t Ilka Gold 124. 4 discount Augusta, Deo. 11.— Cotton ver dosed qniet end easier; sales 93 oeipts 898; middlings 234 to 234. CHAmxjurrox, December 11.—Cotton firm; aalae 400 bales; middlings 24o; receipts 1,310; exports coastwise 1,807 bale*. •** Mobil*, Deoember 11.—Sales 1,100 bales; middling 23| to 23J. The market cloaed qniet at inuide quotations. Receipts 8,609 bales; exporte 6,lti6. Savannah, Deoember 11.—Cotton receipts 3,178 balsa; exporte 3,768 bales; sales 1, bales; middling 234c; market active. New England. Tbe owners of the Namaeka Mills, at Man chester, N. If., are erecting a n«w woollen The Kennebec River is now closed by ioe, and all navigation has ceased until spring. Frank Jones, of Portsmouth, N. H., receiv ed 19,000 boskets of barloy a few days since, the largest lot aver brought into tha city. A boy of Bristol, U. I., aged 13 years, was killed by a bail hitting him on tha forehead while at play daring recess at sobool a few days since. Tho Hope Iron Works at Providenco shipp ed 12 tons of machinery last week to the new works of tha Sioger Sewing Machine Co., in Glasgow, Scotland. Hartford pays annually $100,000 for pubMo entertainments. The taealiy of Yale College have forbidden tha Yale Glee Club to give concerts daring term time. Seeletjr •■S|FnhlM. Hair nets in gold wire are new and pretty. They ara becoming to both blonde ana bru nette. New fashioned visiting cards contain tha names of both mother qna unmarried daugh ter. Economical and suggestive. OvetooaU lined and faced with sealskins, are affected by soma vary nobby yonng gen tlemen about town. At a forthcoming wedding at Bt. Georgali church, New York, there will be twelve bridesmaids, eight uahers and three clergy- men. One of tha latest fashions for ladles ia a •mall leather belt worn about tha waist, to which is attached a small shopping bag. Sealskin waiatooat* ara vary much aoogbt after this winter, and ia oonseqoenoe tha price of fur skin haa advanced more than twenty-five per eaoh Tha “ Alexandra limp” la tha latest aaean- tricity of fashion. It Is prod*aad by wearing a vary high healed boot on one foot, and a flat heeled hart on tha other. Tha yonng lady waddles abbot like a goose. CAPITAL $350,000. J. F. BOZEMAN, President. D. F. WILLOOX, Seoretary. CONTINUES to furnish perfect security against loss or damage by fire on all kind* of immrablo properly at adequate rates. Agents can be fonod at every prominent poiut IN THE 80UTHERN8TATE8, to whom applications for insnranoe may be made. JOHN C. WHITNER, ACENT, • HANK BLOCK, No. 8 Alcafaiama Street, «>•*- THE ADVANTAGES ol there Sprolaalrt QT.t all othnaaro: I. They can be worn with parfeot «ii fur aoy length of ttaae at on. attUn*, (Win, aahralah in, oleomas of Tlaloa. by oondl, or onr otb«r artifi cial light, comfort to the ipretocl.-»earor hitherto no. known. Hew to aeleet CHmm*. It requires professional guidance evsn when a good article la of fered. Dr. Bernhardt not only has the best Glasses be found In the market, but carefrflly exam- tees tbe eyes, aad gives indispensable advice as to the proper selection of them. 3. When the ejrcs ache or palm through the action of a blight light, such as Is reflected from the enow, sunny weather, white paper, and in reading, writing er sewing, or vivid colored bodies; these lsaies, by softening the rays, effect n most agreeable senaation and give great relief. 4. These Spectacles are sefteatlScally ad justed to every oaae of defective sight with unerring accuracy, whether arising from age, etralo, over work, or premature deoay, by Morris Damkardt on a new and exact prlnelplo, entirely hie own, which has seldom failed to be oorreot. 5. After several years of publie practice adjusting spectacles to patients nndsr every aspect of defective vision, as well aa experience in an extensive, long-established business in his Optical htores, both hero and in Europe, M. Bernhardt considers It a aaffl- clont guarantee of his ability to supply such glasses are best calculated for the assistance of imperfect right. O. Bt. Bermhardt, to slgaallnc himself from the host of pretenders in his profession, with pride submits for Inspection, oopies of testimonials he haa received from medical gentlemen of the most nn questionable respectability and talent In America; also, a number of certificates from well known gentle men of distinction who have used hie spectacles—the originals of all whtoh he will be happy to show to thorn who may request it. ine use of any of the fol lowing names or certificates hereunto affixed, without an actual possession of the same, would be a forgery, a capital offence, punishable by State imprisonment Testimony of recommendation* from Medical gentlemen, Professors of the highest Opthak mlc talent In Atlanta, Ga., and la the Union: Atlanta, «3n,» November Md, 1SAU. 1 have examined carefully, and with mnch interest, oolleotion of glasses for the relief of impaired viator submitted to me by Prof. Bernhardt, an Optician. In adaptation -to the end proposed, as wall ms in els gant workmanship, they are very superior and de- servlug the patronage of whomsoever may unfortu nately require their uae. H. V. M. MILLER, ML D. We'fullj concur in the above opinion of Dr. Miner. JOHN M. JO III* MOM, M. D. JAM. V. ALEXANDER, BL D. Atlanta, Ga., IfoVember 3d, 186$* It affords ms pleasure to state that I hove carefully examined Prof Bernhardt's collection of glasses for the eye, and from his explanation of tha manner iu which be adapts them to imperfect eyee, I am fully satisfied that he thoroughly comprehends the at * of Optioe, end that be is practically eminently el in the adoption of instruments for the relief forms of Imperfect virion within the scope of relief I am confirmed in my own opinion, of the Profes sor's merit by the testimony of the most reliable end prominent medical men in various cities in the United (heerfttily commend him to ail with whom weight J.P. LOGAN, M.IL roller IATTNCI SINE « rzHMyo from t Teachers Will he In . Hail over ffteon and Railroad. Frfrsges ef Iff Pedate BfiSK—i Use of Skates Tickets for sate at Phi Haralion i W UXb.rete^, And ot the person or persons engaged in the outrage oommKted upon theqriraon of Hon. Abraham Oolby (colored), Representative from the oounty of Greene, who, on or about the 30th day of October last, was taken from his bed; at night and cruelly beaten, the outrage having been committed by a body of twenty- five or thirty disguised men for tha reasons, as is al leged, that he, the said Oolby visited Atlanta and re quested of the military authorities protection for the freedmen‘s sobool located in the town of Greensboro', in the oounty of Greene. And of the person or persons engaged in the depre dation upon the offloe of the Assessor of Internal Rev enue for the United State* Government in the town of Washington, oounty of Wilkes, on or about the night of tbe 13th instant, when, a* is alleged, the offloe was broken open and hooks, papers, Ao., scattered and de stroyed, end notices left warning tbe Assessor to leave the District. And of the person or persons sngaged in the assault upon tbe house of the Hon. Eli Barnes (oolorsd), Be- publican Representative from the oounty of Hanooob. when, as ia alleged, a body of masked men at or about the hour of one o'eteck on the night of the 10th Inst, surrounded his residence, and by threats of personal violence foroed him to leave the oounty. And of the person or persona who, at or near heer cf !es c'risii, or the night of the lath tart., fired ten or twelve gunshots into a camp of colored laborers on the line of the Macon A Brunswick Bail- road, In the oounty of Telfkix, whereby one ma killed and another severely wounded. And of the person OT person* who, on Thursday night of Court weak, October Term, about midnight, ■aid to be a body of sixty mon ia disguise, turret the residence of the BherifiTof the oounty of Hancock, demanded and obtained from him the keys of tbe jaU and released from the jail ene James Oxford (white), a notorious outlaw awaiting hi* trial for the murder of John Taylor, a respectable citizen of arid oounty. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State at the Capitol, la the rity of Atlanta, this twenty- ulnth day of November, la the year of oar Lord One Thousand Right Bandied and HUty-Nins, and of the independence of the United 8Utos of America, the Ninety •‘Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLCOK, By the Governor: Davxd O. Cornua, Secretary of State. nov SO-dliiwi my opinion may have a FOR SALE. 250 Acres Land Five Miles from At lanta. X f ORE than half In the woods. Would make a tables— for Ootton ’ Qrml °' Grasses. AppliciiUos for Dlfimtalon. G EORGIA. TOWNS OOUNTT.-Wbereee, K administrator of Laaoedord Oantrel, repi th# Court, in kia petition duly filed aad entered on raoord. that he has fully administered Laaoeford Cen tral’■ estate. This ie, therefore, to rite all parsons concerned, kin- drsd end oredUort, to show onnee, if any they can. why said administrator aho«ld not be dteeharged from hie administration, aad reeelve totters rtdtamtBrioa oa Us first Msaday in January nett. This Ith day of October, IMS. JAM V! WHITE, ^ oet l*-m*»prafssf 80 no Atlanta, Ga., November 3d, 19S9. We have examined Prod Bernhardt's beautiful aad extensive oollection of glasses for the relief of Im paired vision, aad believe them Ue beet adapted to the ends for whieh they ara intended, than any ws have X^SoSX*£ , " llt " tut PrJ ~ or u “ D. O. O'KEEFE, N. D. jam. m. rarber, m. d. Atlanta, Ga.. Vfovembe# 3d, 1800. Ptof. If. Bernhardt has furnished ms with a pair r Concave Lens which suits my case exactly. From personal experience I con cordially advise all parsons whose natural vision requires the supplements of art vesofths Professor's skill. Be has Iboomfoundations from eminent phyah clans and ministers with many of whom 1 am per. aonally acquainted. Be Ja evidently an Optician who nderstends his business. W. T. BRANTLEY, Minister gd Baptist Church. I most cordially eonoar In th* nsusrous testimo nials t have seen touching Ue excellency of Dr. Bern- hardt aa an Optician, and most freely ooamend those who are In need of aid In hi* tine, to apply to him. - I do this in mom measure from my own experience I regard Dr. Bernhardt as an accomplished Optician id a gentleman deserving patronage. JOHNTViLibiv, D. D., Pastor 1st Preebytcrlaa Charch. Atlanta, Ga, November M. lfiflB. AU ** ta * wu “' ”• rwrta, Trtaltr fa. l Umk birtk. Atlanta Mmnto A 11«. To tk. abort tartlmonlalaT ohrerfttn^.dd mrrj ro.t., lit Raptl.t IharrV .... - Allaata. Atlanta, Xormbw Ilk. 1MU. Na.kTlIlr, April Mlk, MOT. Tka OIMmio. Mm Or. BreobaTOt and amt op. olua la, acoordlk, to mj otmrratkm. that vkO. tk«, pr.lred to omra thao tho, know, U know, toto ot hU bMlMto link ko prof.MM. w fa. Booruma, m. n. T«tl«Mlal. dullaru th. atonu, now b. mm at M. BmkardlModhu, taut Ik, mom ~ u *~ - Jomm L. Or,. uU.TWMr o< bmtk Oanllaa i Kortoto tUjuowr, adnwui «r>.W In,k; B. U. Fat too. Smtiraw* AUkMDa i Jawaikait Worth, oi-ooraniik * ?»*egwlfa»i *>■.»■/**»«-« *•» Treki T Mortow. uuooruLot * “fanrootoi j» of KlkaMotoi BjqImm 0 p. m. Oore i S*U In panels of OO TO loo AOXUM. PRICE, TEN DOLLARS PER ACRE. BDJ. k HAMMOCK. Beal A rents. Offloe next door toJsmsa' Bank, J TICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. First Edition of One Hundred and Twenty Tkouoaod Copies of V!ck*s Illustrated Cat* ie of Meeds aad Floral OmMe, is pub- nd ready to send out. It Is elegantly —“ on fine tinted paper, with about 100 fine wood Inga of Flowers end Vegetables, and a beautiful Col ored Plata— consisting of seven varieties of Phlox Drumondii, making a fine BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. directions tor tk. Culture of Flowers and Vegetables. The Floral Guide Ia publish*! for the benefit of my m M ia eeatfrie without SMUoetioa. gta s»»ft srafttertra 1 half the ooet. JAME* VICK,^ 0. a ManJial’i Sal*. TED STATES M Anuti, Oa., I ANS( rHAUGHT, HARDWARE IKON AND Pit iag Guns, Rifles, Axes, ] Alto If'ctalorkirtif Brinlr’s Cnlreml 1 Standard I and Bit TCM. WOOD UNDERTAKERS HID K EEP on hand all qaabifasM Cases; also, all kinds of 1 tend to Funerals st say I class Hearse furnished or far kl be furnished. All kinds of C. Furniture repaired, rarnlrild. J Offloe in new building os Brea Ena office. All orders will ben julyndla- . . town of Dawson villa, Dsvsu a first Tuesday in January. rigfttaaMI tv, between tha legal hours of sals, th M arty, to-wit: Lot of land No. four bnndndriill in the 4th District and 1st fissf the property of James Kelk Court fl fh in tsvorof JoI~ ** ley, and sue tn tarot ot Kelley. Defendant in j Also,at the same Urns and 37, Inti “ lerson. Nos. i .. Superior Oourt fl fa In finer rifrsri W. N T.von. PointedoribyB.f. * Superior Court. ■Bra Also, lota Nos. I Section of said oounty. I ^AtaJ'al the mm# Ua>«i $ provepitou whersca 4 EJM* said oounty, known aefoxtrt I recti, M tk. McrtrfMlfatoj FA ward, u hi. propreUkrefal Zion Hprl,,. re. Mid Wtoto ■ pOMOMlOlt. NoTMlto. tl Ifa drel»d«>relre»i»|M»ro ippUcdtfan fur e EOBOU. TOTH«g)qSd cooown.—Jokk «• lore, rostral onoctA.~Mt.-yl. Thi.«•““I? cut of kin ol 1.1) I ofare, rtthlc th. UM UmwUi., reo.wk/P Mi b. preatod to J. - witness my handsel dre I SOdprafMAl 0, 4 Utoto af Ureauto, ooaialatof Aft, tore. taErtkre wflk Ml UMjfro- MkthMMU. WMIk. pku. wkre.tka Mid kkaor „5rS3rfar£ ■Mkto.fatft.rtlT of AfaMta. oout, fa OartA aad ttoto of Ctoocpfa re Um Mint Trerta, Id J.n«T ZcXh*** ok. tort* hretkrepa of ito“MM- 01*^ two dalk fa*j §ia%