Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 14, 1869, Image 4

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Hurley’^' A£uo Tonid: of Flower* and Vegetables. AOBHTI-A'L'H >BW lui Fanair »n>io, t Ooatelu toot* than I.WO Urg# »* ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, WE AREJ50MIKC milE mu o-Alital Duttar Feta ot WtT ul FAHC IfecKKr 1 ' FREE OF COST. 2VotHl»s Sootlouitl, Noti»liieSeotarl«n THE LITTLE CORPORAL. Entirely Original and Firet-Olaa All Daw «Db#rrlb#r#tor TRS UTTUB OOSfORAL for Ui# no »##r, wbeao e»4 »»n«T #J# —**'* before Ui# tax of No.embar, -«1 reoolvo tfc# Xm«ta #nd ItacomDor Wo«. of low FB£K. THE UTTUB OOBPOBAL ha# A targor ^rotation WILMINGTON, WELDON, RICHMOND, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. LADUST PBITATE (MUI of TUBED Mt mafal e«4 tndtarwnaablo ertldoo •'« ta- tildr### UADAM DOVAL. V. O. Bor l.UU, H. siismuui Y.Oity. WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. tea and «n(ortn»h. 8«ttn .7fr«« of charge. Address Jl( Box P. Philadelphia, PA firyelpolls, Female Ir is. Flatala, all Skin lilwev Coaptaiat, Lima, PUM, Paloxo- Dlireies, Rerofa- r Klu'i ttvll, ■yphnu.; HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR 1870. INTAINING a Fairy Story for Christmas, Plaj«, Pussies and Wonder*. 16 large pages, fllurtratod. FREE oa receipt of O-cent stamp for portage.— MS k OO..25 Broom held street, Boeton, Haas. letter envelo ASBOOIATIC 'OMEN of New York; or QUICK TIME And SURE CONNECTIONS, TU Osortla Tl«11ro«d. Br#,et Brigadier 0#».r«l T. 1. H»in«, Oommimrj of Bubeiatanco C. 8. Army, Eddy, Major and Qmt- t*rm##tcr D. 8. Army, Chief Quart#rmMtor. 1st Umftaosnt Eugene B. Gibb#, U. 8. Army, on doty in "-j— ai Chief QautMmaaUr. Biot at BrigBdhr OeneisI W. i. Stan. 8ur*«m U. & Army, Heduml Direefor. Breret Brigadier Oenenl John J. Milhao, Sur- gton V. 8. Army, Attending Sorgeon. BnTet IAeutenant Colonel Dflrid T» gart. PnymneterU. 8. Army, Chief Paymaster, of- .A nk..lnntnn si..nth fWollnu Lower than Any House in the South., I have atwaya on hand a Tery fine assortment of PARLOR MIRRORS! ■ V book. Takes three presses all the time to ■ ■ print fast enough. One agent took ITS orders In lo dare. 740 pages, 4f Uloetra. tton*. Price, |9 50. Agents want- Address R* J. HOOK Cp. 4 ,ltegWU * total 3# H sate lugluet ard Holler*, Patent wAArefia Leather mad Babber Baltin*. and a in machii** or railroad rtpdr ihoM. Office 126 sad 128 Chamber* ft. lew M OEOKOE PUCK, hmi John h. CHiem a Jsl9-tf CHAA P. HABDVKS, I Psaaan^ara oaa iwrchaaa THBOOOB TECKKTH and Baggage Checked Through >^TJ'YJSiTjBK’» GU1DH."—The REAL ‘*erigi. JtX nal ,r Y2,flOff sold. Telli how to hunt, trap, end CATCH ALL aniaxale from mink to bear. $10 tanning secrete. M pages, well bound.- Every boy needs it. IT WILL PAY. Money refunded If not satisfied. Only 25 cent*, post-paid. Ad# Arses HUNTER k CO., Publishers, Hinsdale. N. H. QUMCTIIIMfll TIE STt* »0H BTEBBODY. O *«xr In the West, 187Q. An 8-page UulTer- eallat family weekly, cvfrat secular news.— ■fitted by Rev. Dr. WuUamsmi and J. H. Cantwell. $2 SO per year lo advance. Premium to new snbeerl- bars. Send for specimen. Address WILLIAMSON A O ANT WELL. ^aaetauaU, OMo. by many of the best housekeepers in the city, and pro# nouaoed by then to be very superior. L. H. HK ADKIEl.D, DruKBlMt, Atlanta, Oa. lota Airal far OanM. Hay'. Sure Cure for Intemperance. marlt-eefilj DlWereat Rosies via Angsila, L and Wilmington; via Columbia. Char- weigh; via Columbia, Danville and famofid; via Atlanta, Augusta. Wilmington and Bay Line. , \U‘- ufll.rt .ttfhite, ImiI VAHK A8 LOW OT AUGUST A « S AS AMY OTHER ROUTE. PULLMAN'S PiUOS 8UIPIN0 CARS ‘ * ” » w nw rtt COMMON SENSE!!! okimr n Komruil, UUWTI»| liter, n.i i —- lMily. rostorkiff th«ir iiTepmUr action t«» hoalUi, and bv corcecling, wherever they exist, nuun UCXUMgO- uients Aa arr^tlic first origin or dbeaac. Minnie iliro-tioMk wo given In the \ the box, for U.e (pihiwliig coiupIwnU, 1 SJfciSyipriliTa or ludigrwOloiX, LIhIIpm- Mot. I-atnuttor an»l M#<mm of Appetite,Ihrr alv»>Ud be umd iikmIc: atcly to eHiaffiMfl the gUmt- Id as<t n-'tore iu Sic liiii.v l-mc :»i»*l aclion. V.,.. I I..# ('•laaartlulnt .-1011 if# TUriOlli SVtMIA- * " OWttJ. NIGHT TRAINS LEAVING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. UlCAO Meaers. James Huddle k Co.—Gentlemen—It give* ms great pleasure to my, after using all the other worm remedies known to me, with but partial Muocess to mg children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley's, and also* natng tt my children ha*a become quite well and healthy. The children would eat It all the time. It la one of the heat, safest remedies known, and as such, recommend it to one and all. JAS. W.TRAVI8. Louisville, June 18,1888. 64nxAti arANotinn banrsit* •tm O waves, better than ever. Rich. Bare, and Racy. Ledger etae, 40 columns. Wit, Humor, Fun, Hum bugs exposed. Elegant fS steel plate "Evangeline" gratia to every esberrilu r. Only 75 cents for a whole FAMILY MEDICINES THE CHARLESTON UTRAKSHIJH offik every In du remeat to paasengeTa, with tsM. a swppHed wfth every luxury the Northern and Charleston markets can afford, and fot Anfely, Rpred, and Comfort, HURLEY’S STEWART COOK STOVE VONBldTINO OT BI8 If \i\ r \' r T <1 UN ft IV AT .LED ON THIJ OOAS'P. STOMACH HITTERS, Xlio Bout In tlie Wo Ovnr 10,000 l« U WllldontK work with Uh ahiaa m •f furl than any other Stove ever made* NEW YORK YU CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. J. A. ROBERT, General Ticket Agent, Georgia Railroad. DehlJlty, Loss of Appeiilr, Weakness, li digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of action of the Liver or Disordered Htomacl FULLER, WARREN A CO EXCLU8IYE MANUFACTURERS, TROY, If. T., ■WDeacriptive pamphlrt sent free. ■ tewort’a fClour, and has always been popular. Other millers ere now using the l M s. Dealers will know the genuine Stewart flour by the above 1 BADE MARK. For sale by P. k G. T. DODD k *oct 8figm Vitrt art no itttft tkd m otaoart uitt Ihr* in removing thefi* distressing rompulnte. For safe or can be had at any drag store In the United State*. JAMES RUDDLE k CO* * t , PrepHctusa, Lordmii*, tj. THE POPULAR PA88ENGER KOTJTE IhJaa. Ruddle k Oo., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen ThU is to cert fly that I have been for years a sufferer and tried all the kralcs I have heard of or seen adrer Used, with ltWe or no relief fretn any of them I beanl Hurley's Hitters highly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith toT before I eom*e»o«l. and 1 “ i V» 1 S* batata. OyMHttry Cordial, FtmaU Tonic WINBKHS or THE PARIS EXPOSITION |MEDAL, WHO HAVE UNIFORMLY BEEN AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS, AT INOl'ITHIAL KYIIUUTIOVS j ' in This country, So that their work la the acknowledged stan dard or excellence in its department, reepootfully anBtwmce that, with untended and perfect toffUlttea, end with the exclusive use of recent improvements, they tee bow producing yet more perfect organs tl»b» rtrer before, lu great variety as lo style and price, adapted to all pabho, - - f - - Eng Rooms, Libraries, Mua_ Lodge*, rhnrcbea, Schools, Ac., in plaiu and elegant oases, all of which they are studded by their uaequaled tacilttfea for znaoulscUrs U> tell at prices fif inferior wart. The recent improvements In these organs have so increased their ueefulnnss and popularity that they tee anrjuesteooshly thh meet dssl rafale tastrutoenta ot>. taisable for famUy use, as well as Churohes, 8chooU. Ac., white the prioea at which they saa be afforded ($50 to $1,000 each), adapt them-to the means and re- qntremente of all daaaes. They are equally adapted to secular and see red music, are elegant ss furniture, oc E lltUe specs, are not liable to get out of order, tu»lfigoB#t,tehere aptonorotte Is tuned ‘“J? *?J FMILA.DKLFH1 A, WASHIN(.'T, N, 1 and firmly believe thi msssQ aonactenUonely reeutowended: the heat BlUars known, and J ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley's an i cau qso thto at you thiuk prop no oth er. YOU cau oso this aa yc will benefit others. Yours truly, Louisville, December 1A, i BLOOD PURIFIER VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS, ■J heretofore, ami will attend to all butenes* in' bis i that caese to bit dHce, fill presrtlfVe be patteuta when consulted, end ex# Ine any that cod e to bis office et any Urn**, (Sun# 52kMita<lrat«l-an#a Mall Main Pp-kratu a. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. is pembhlet, sent to any ad (Of case* treated annually tot askWsrH&s fver before, Tu great variety as to style and '—*■“ and private uses, for Draw - — #«aaio Uooma, Concert Halls, Chmrhea, Bchoola, Ac., in plaiu and etegaat 1 of which they are enabled by their uaequaled Oouaumptlen in its easlleet stages, Enlargement and ITIn»#M« n tk# D 17 I# Ulceration of the GUudes, Joiote, Bouse, Kidm Uterus, Chronic Rbemnatiatei -Ctetpitens < (he 8kln. Chronic lor* Ejrea, ha; also, DR. SBABBOOK’S SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. Daa 1n 111. falura uolir 8*iUROO*-», ■ crnnklnation qulta up witai tha advanaantatt of thna#.. Plaaaaat to PromptlAtteHtionlGiven to alKOrders. upon than the pUnoforte. • - H- Organ Oo., are now selling FOUR OO- TAVE OKtOANri for $50 each; FIVE OCTAVE OIL QAN8 FIVE STOPS, with two seta of VIBRATORS for $1»», sod other sty tee at peopnttionute rates. Blood, Liver, Kidney^land’Bladder, tt la ■ perfiset rinorotor. musical profession gene rail; prominrat mUstcan* In the < Inenre iu r uronsL having gl the Mason k 3*MkU Ornate A circular corrtulnin« this sent tree to anv one deeiriny cular, coalaming full wartloi atramenta, with oonvetdrat and lowest prices, which an dress THE MASON k H VrwpitiU'H lilver^ateAU-lue* r in full win be dvecrlptlve clr* Insdiffcrt-nt styles »d Invariable. Ad# ORGAN OO., HONAR4I4I ad tain^ and resit bsdUintt And restores the entire system to • healthy It is perfectly haruje**, hsver produdug the sHgkh set injury.. 7 » |i It to not u secret Quack Remedy. The artieles o whkh it ta made are published around each bottle. :S ASTRAL Olt !k NO niAWGI OF LAMPS mmmt lyplk«UM Sr At ERGENZINGER rrsounsrs, Atad Doulsr in Furaituraiand MANUFACTURES OF BEDDING Appli<*tl« Iw tu 01*. DJ.WKMT OOCWT. James Ruddle & Oo. A. A. aADUMdat. akdd. 1.CJ Louisville, Ky, . 1 ssuiwl tiTi jTziszjx THE era'imVlCK ■ n T— MU konjuto o* *n»*M* w MILITARY MMMOTOMY. Burn MiniOamu Aijrmm H. T»»mY— OiiMMatailiit D*p"rtm"nl of U» Soath. i—iimit tun. Bf.™* IA..UMA* Cotooal R W Siuith, Captain U. 8. Anny. A*4nl<»-C"iBp. Daramm* *t*ft. m.iat Colonat 1. H. Taylor. Aaaiaiant Aii- |j^.w (taamJ. U. & Army, A—tatml Ad* mad*lUorKobort P. Hoghao. Captain C. S AtoSIIaoUo* Aaaiatanl railroads. Ckang* «f Ichteulo am the Oestgla Hats- read. Gcouou Railuoap. Arocura, April B, 18CB. On and after Sunday. April 11. I860, and until further motto*, the Passenger Trains will run as fcffiowa DAT nan, (Sundays excepted.) Leave Augusta.". •?**> k LsaveAthmth.^. Arrive at Augusta. triS > Arrive at AUanta I um. AXE T - v < ■rf- - •UTmo lo YOU OOt LOk® AIUi ^ ‘«! h >ta, l THE PEOPLE w I' »a a Bvf *r. "atliafl ant tatal • Rtotl B*.'t a# ik. It *____ lurr'ri'iESfJunuItaa'um"t’u!!* roim siial |. T. BANKS, l Hw Ms. 04 Wfcltetenlt Strata GREAT BARGAIN8 FURNITURE!! * f m FURNITUREH W t? FURR WOULD respectfully inform the eittseaa of Atlanta and the pabttc generally, that I have tote received SIT" PARLOR, BED-ROOM,| AMD 0 DINING-ROOM SETS W^l. OOtaDON. I ,. M. WILUJ. | I. #. UlAut GORDON, WILLIS ft CO UAYKKK8 ui COLLATERAL BROKERS, COTTON FACTORN ARD REAL ESTATE AGENTf. L O*m N»«ottatad. Intarcit AUowai mi Da Special attention given to Collections. . . the former office of Georgia Loan and Trust Company, Broad street, Atlanta, Georgia, HJEPEREN-CEB: Georgia National Bank. Atlanta Rational Bank, and .iff f < FFF yiv & 9 SDis. I ♦ ftTUADU Mams.) T HK tetter P, PP, and PPP, as a mark to distin guish various grades of flour, »u first Jy.troduced by J. A. STEWART in the city of Atlanta in 1KW. Thi* Arrive Arrive Arrtvhte 1 Oocparting now* naWTUAlk. Leave Macon W u. te. Arrive at Savannah * MBM P- Arrive at Augusta .M* It i“ Connecting wHh train that leaves Augusta at t:40 a UP wioht nanr. Leave Savannah 7:20 p. i Arrive et Msoon — *A» a. ra. Arrive at Augusta 8:1$ a. m. Connecting with train that leaves Auguste stOffiS p. ■ DOWN monT TSAIS. Leave Macon .....^#..*.#. t'$5p. »• Arrive at■nvunnah .......^..e«BdO a m. Arrive te Auguste. V:I8 a m. Leave MlUedgerine 4:*> p. m. f>mnerttog with tir»l na thetteeva^ >jgf te 1 afc»i»j.g PA. M. Trains Warn Havana ab and Mteu. ebd Trains from Macon, connect with MlltedgevfUe Trai at Gordon daffy. Sunday* excepted. P. M. Train from Savannah rou&ect* with through Mail Train <m South Carollua B.R,sndP. M. Train from Savannah and Aagutea with Trains on douirt- weatern and Mnsongee Railroads. MACON 8c WESTERN WAJt f°» p - f. Laavaa Atlanta - Arrives at Macon It Leaves Memo ..Yd* a. as. Arrives at Atlanta lilO 1 Mid ITT tiff—g—. Leaves AtleeU a Arrives at Macon 8:28 a. M. Leave* Meenn ,......* P. It. Arrive* et Attante ..AM a, at H. W. BRORSOR. Master Transportation. October Id. lfifiO. ort»- JF 0 R E-TTJJ U E E N . (H^uMiteTra dJ ^ aTWj ** %m It was discovered In AUeata. It has bean tested in Atlanta, fte sefisrancae ere In AtiaaM.. It has produced heir and whiskers on a gentleman to Atlanta over 90 years of age. ,>■*** fd,. tm Mmnr«». p mmavm —n u.Kin. ^nd beat o* "ta — — 1 and heel is hair frc. 1 an^sye brows to grow Itixu any man of mature age. Prepared only bv DR. R.a. POMEROY. No, 17 Alnbama; httroot, Up Hliilm. A.TUASTTA., OA.. n OH manta nuu uinar in mriTunm, ita>awnnu>ArtiM«M, A ar.ta iSlnitataio a. T. 1 naua at u», aouoooa ttnm* raa oooar iWa MfiiriHH; TO THR WO* KINO CLASS.—Wa are now prepared - ia/nm ».* "tank It wbuiavar ion na, waal H. Tt baa ..taa" *ny Ibth r*ip«tatami In *..r, WaltlrR baa ha" a fair and honorable chance to proxe I tee if. at any petal Leave Lynchburg Leave Alexandria BOOTH. Leave New York... Leave Alexandria. * Leave Lynchburg Leave Bristol Leave Knoxville Laora batten Arrive at Atlanta. Tima Between Atlanta and New York 58 Honn 15 Minstea **- TU OUEAT HAIL bdwt.o Atlanta nod JVtie Tack in medal nrdadttl)i , ’'t 'hit LI lie eim>plHK Otairlm tail nil Mirlil IihIiih. Through Tickets GOOD (1NT1L. t’SBl), **D ^ . Baggage Cheeked llirongh TO ALL IMPORTANT MDITK. ttabet A,«it. : ,ui7vr7iT inr r I3ST AMERICA. a ad la .IU. a pvIMbtaa. i W Liver and Digeative Power* rtan^tatafU dn*. .Vfawtae tefc*. »o«h -4 FTita(rtf.n. o. S. PROPHITT, aSr£tle < r!S^iiy' 1 ^ rr *Y n toHtiea of the bowels. Olvea health to the child and rate to Oo nteker. Niisvuxi, Txmm., Feb. 12, 1858. Jt*. ltuddle A Oa, Louisville, Ky.—When living in your city I usedeeverul bottles of Dr. Beabrook’s In# tent Soothing Byrap, and found It to do my child more good audit would rest better after using it than any other remedy I aver tried. I can say with oonfidenoe, it la the bast medicine for children at present known. I with you would got the druggists here to heap It. If any ona does, please let me know; 11 not send roe onu dose* by expr*w<. i.nd I will pay for It at the office here. U tile me when you send it, end oblige HUS. SARAH L. RANDOLPH. Dlt. SEAMtOOK’S Elixir of fyTopboiphate of Iren and TYta «ta«tat aM*taattatt ptatatfM aoi ta. i ►""-r?- “4 tarn, with—it th. 41. 8 " nabiml4 b.ub.fl In all mm. wbmta ,ntl. toala In. liTsSliSi* \r r E hers ub base , M jMsml aleak fg "atchm amd utw IUlv • .Urou,U( to ' , " r ****« Wbttt um, , *1 ? V-jriB OA8H PurriPc r““-wssciar^M North, Kouili, u, M Wa ha.. balUf fcolutua tot tba , Than say other Uou.e Our only otonntn • ... TIVES 7 V-ONE III the Jwelry Business in AlUata b.,t tudM « Old Establishment of Et i-,^ WE 2IA VI BETTEli AHUtSbUJ— " THAN ANY HOUSE DJ / P-aS Repairing Watches and notJA -4bn bAWtllB* BiT| THOMAS Q. 8Iin|^ Offic: at the {Clothing Hlors «f W.R KxlcraMy to Ktiinnlnle the t iu ii. siiiiv fame uimI AClimt. ai’nt and Its vnrkma *yfoi>- toma. union* lK«»ailacn<*.Rlclt llrudaetar. jasadirs or Gr^ea Nirknrm, lMlloun Colic niul Itilloua Fever*. U»ey xlmuM Ite Jn- dinioutlv ukeu for each case, lo correct the diseased acliuu or rmuovetlio obstruction* which cause It. For Jtysenter.v or Ibsrrlirea, but ono mild ffn.te ia gcnarelly n*«juim<l. For RbcuMHtUiu, Goal, Gravel, Palpi- iHtlftn of the lAeart, l*aia la the MMe, VlarU liml Loin*. OWy should be continuously token, ,i* required, to < tom go the diseased notion of the BystC!!i.*bWith such change, those coutplRinte ili?n|»|»ekr. ^ For Dro|»«y nn<l Ikropwteal fiwelliap sliould be token iu lnrKG and IVequent dodualo pro duce tiso effect of n drastic purge. For ttaspjtremrfsMa n largo dot* short hi lie taken aa tt |iro<lubes tho desire«l effect by sympathy. At a Dinner Dill, take ono or two P<//* to pro mote digestion and relieve the *tornate*. An occasional dose atirsuUlc* the atomacli and Imn-els Into healthy notion, rrtetorun ti»e apfreftto, and tnvigugalea the ay stem. Hence it U often ad vantageous wnero no serious derangement cxiata. One who fools iolernbhr well, often finds thatartoee of these ASH* make* huh fool dec.hle*lly belter, from their cleansing ami renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. • DM. /. O. AYER A CO., DrmctU-ml ChemU$9, LOWELL. MAAS., V, f. A. Sold by Itedwtne A Fox. J. 8. Willson, and all th Druggists In Msoon. Also, by all Druggist* tud Dea- SMSSerywhera. *ep»-di ■—:• ta.l Atlanta, '.Uearik, Fi raw SIM Eta pint Lfltlia, Planm, IMt (Vden, C right Drill., Maritltlita'Ttahat all llrwriptlan. LSO, manufketnra and *efi Wusd-vortm ROSADALIS, « Brand r< 'COSTllY limp!! ••Which U bound to take the placeaf allte to vegetable Pi til (sugar ooatsd) tea* afficeey for Costivensae, In-‘— aches. Nervous DebiUty. to Poaltivrly the be —' Thousand* of Boxe* o«v sate. AH Druggist to ATLAHTA Ml fi “That Cough will kill you,’* Try ‘HJostar’*” Cough l ••Cold* and Hoarseness ImA to doth," Try “CMUr’i" Cough I ‘•For Oroapo—^Whooping Cuosha, 4a, Try ••Coetar 1 **’ Cengh I “Ooster reys it la the bsteinftewM* an He says #o—u**Tro«-if*Tru6-^r* Trasj* Try it—Try lt-Try 1L" (Jfsrteas It) AH Druggist* in ATLANTA mU tt. " C 0 sT A R ’! Standard Prepa ARK HIM BEAUTIFIEI. THI BUCKTHORN SALT ‘"OflWia," Ha 10, Omtay A, A !■ Or Jomr F. Hint (Onw—r to) Dniu Barooa fl Co.,11 Part*..1 **-For«ataby J. A. TAVLOB, L. (. I an4 other DrafBtiU tu . ATLAHTA. G*. B^DWIMI k FOX. meuto. AHuta, tA X)R. HICKAU* j 'JOLP/WN HEM* jjk for no other, take no otter, ate I time, health and a . — - .Ho. ▼•h*. Office hour# from 2 a. m. to •*. **• HA4ly r HERE THEY A«- pHH Aatartcao K-t a«4 V<V* L Wtoa Olotboa liaaa, Ilo— F 100,000 Strawberry Ptoto ' tanto «hta r« v k, DmterliOttea«,i