Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 16, 1869, Image 4

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TO BENEFIT Kt' AOKATA- OUK NEW t|il Fiinllj' Bible, ) CouUUtajaor. tbu l.M» Urge tod in. Prlce 9160 per Settle. >B LIDtSS' F&IVATE CiaCOLAS of THEE* AfMUou of tk> Been, Uekllnl Ceetli ■ere, BeMIHy, DUcara. at the Killer' lelphix Pa. iJ :w t l; ? vJi.teJt |* g ih • obri : i *, tbit- .1 i * .•» • 311*1 I t* »•»* lie. Nothing under tbe heaven* could induce me a *> without proof of Ujo ntrongett and moil I; therefore I apuak willingly and poeitlvcly on tbe ju-ici h. k-t ..I »..ii .i *• i-i.ii not, ku..\r til it n liter im-!; iV.-* « «*f ‘«?» and .lit know w.wl Jt .Lx-w.*, j it ,'\r — lint Unovui- till* 1 » nv f ul ^ ° r h* v<un|to>ili. i, Wf in* - .UioH-mwl-* upoa I hhi- -•i*vliof corliil *UV7 oOUc*. .vnni ksUiIe eimwot Uio i .1 rnu»i»iil.U.O'.U *i. Ii .Hire4 are know u m piy Hct.dt!. md wo not i uotimWWiItem. liitcil to .01 ax HI i .vpn V'" ••’ 1 in -nil olMwato*.; uiiimtnotthe.’ raM u IvrnnY rMrtirirefsejni?, 1.. . . i M o’ He t ikrni «itt. fVry-l.. n r.V"b- TUc-ir m«.iir conthi* wu^. rv I!: -ns ov.f U • * and i.rakca t'i> u i.Jen-oiut to tnkr «Wlf briu? pu.oly vt ^oUbln 1.. . Haim c,mi ui o fr >oi nay^ . (,i«- it» t»v j^ v.-rfViT liitlneii‘C O.t tha inUWifal tkf I to **ir»% ihc Mood und n'i mutate! t i »n» Ji* *ii«v T vi^H-rvuortO.c ob-lrurU.UHof Uio liver, jthI other .»mn* of Hie le.prr. ri- -Uiriax their «r«nwtir aciitMi U> hedth, :m«l h\ .' oms ung, wluN-cter they exist, *uh dcnwi^c- lucni* .-ii arc U*o flr^t onglrt »>rtth&ufc. Minute Hire'lion* are ffiven in Umj orrajnicr on the Hox, l‘or U.a i«jf complaint*, which !ht*<8 Pitts runMly ctirer— ... K.irdlkjrepopeiv* ur,l«4lye»tioa. I.N!e.«- Bcit, Languor anil Lott of -Ipprtitf, they nhonl-l be la Ken itioderwtriy to Mtiumhito Ok* sto:u- a i» ami restore it» healthy lone and .action. F«v Lhrr <’oihjilalat and »t« vnrimM Hymp- toin.t, lltlios* Meiaitacbr; *'.ck Hradacbr, Jjiinilut* or (ar.'CH Mirknrtt, Billon* C olic ami Bilioa« Wci vrw, they should he ju diciously taken for to correct the (Uso.i *ed action or mfiove the obrtrurtinns which cause It. Kot Dysentery or MierrhiM, lmk ©no mild t i»i ion ef the It curt, l*u»n in the «Mr, Hack nml IHev sinmlil be coutinuouaiy -•t ikon, a* require*! to v-intre Uic di»eiMe«l action of the system. ^Wkh inn change thoee complalnte (llsam.ear. ^ Fur l>ro|.».T nu<kg»rO]Mic«»l ftwolHnye they should be laken iu Lirge :yul frequent doses to pro* dace the effect of a d rustic purge. Vmr tuppronimi * tnrye do** sh*nld he taken as it produces the de^irc-l effect bv sympathy. D’s. but 1 p** ao jnst i (Bupisd.) LU1K REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth snd honesty of the slatemeitt, will find ms at my r«*ld*nce, oorner Ninth and WslantstreeU, LonisriHe. O Ht»r In the West. 1870. An aali«tfamili — -- - Edited — ■ % i 50 f sou and 8.. CantwcU. Prenlifm to iwP* auhecri< Address WILLIAMSON h COMMON SENSE!!! WA!fT*f>-Aa*!»r8-*liO P« mo*0» W^MM the only GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMI LY SEWING MACHINE. Prlc* esly $1«. Gnat inducements to agent*. This is the most popular Sew- P. CLEMENT. M. D. Lock SUteb**—wth do any kind of work that eh* be done on any machine— llX),oo« hoM and tbe demand constantly increasing. Now Is the time to take an agency. Bend for circularh. g^Beware of infrin- *er«.-iBB Addres BEflOMH \ CO., Host n. lfaes., Pittsborgb, Pat, «r Rt Louis, Mo. Is still manufscturttig al of bis celebrated ikOTAR BrATfOLKD RAN!VRKIt’ i O erases. b««t*r than erar. Hloij, Bar*, and Ledger slae, 40 colmnns. Wft, Hnttaor. Fon, 1 bugs exposed. Elegaut $8 steel plat* 4, Evsnge gratis to every subscriber. Ouly 75 cents for a \ year—sterl plate FKRK. Specimens C cents, dress BANNER, Hinadale, N. H. bowels into healthy agbtui. ce*tprca the appetite, and iiwi#)mlS* U»* sysMete ibnfe IHk often ad- Y.mtageous where no serious ileranyenicut exists. 0*e who feels tolerably wall, often flu.Is that a doe* of those Pills makes him Teel decidedly licttcr.lVom their cleansing and renovating effect on tbe diges tive apparatus. DM. J. C. AYER A CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MAMS., U. M. A. Sold by tUdvlne kFox. 1. 8. Wlllm. ODdlU lb avr- b » *“ Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, In digestion, orDyapepsi*, W ant of Action *fUa« Llv«r or Dlaonlered Stomach- a Ml Sfun for Use Oaptsin’s F«1U. 3.000 stitches per mtr TING MACHINE OO., To fas. Buddie k Co., LbulsvUJe, Ky.: Gautlamcn bU U to oertfly that I have been lor years a sufferer ud triad all tbe tonics I have beard of or asen adrsr asd, with little or no rsliaf from any af them I e*rd Hurley’s BitUra highly spoken of, and tried a ottls, with little faith la It before I commenced, and > m/ surprise sod Joy, bsfbre I finished one bottle. ROSADALIS, OytfNfrrff Cordial, Female Tonic YttKKEBS OF THE PARIS EXPOSITION (MEDAL, WHO HAVE UNIFORMLY BFEN AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS, ’AT IROUNTRlAb B1HIBITIONI , IN THIB COUNTRY, 8o that tbrii Work It the kckn<rwlsd|fe«t at*n- *l»rd of excellence iu ita doparluient, respectfully announce that, with extended and perfect faculties, and with the exoloMra us* of recent improvements, they are flow pddluMrf r«* "**r* perfect erf •»* ttiaw ever bofWre, in greet variety as to style sod price, adapted to all public sad private usee, for Dra»- THK JGBEAT eomUaiiif to sestet nature. I have more faith la voer BareapariUa than in anything else. I wish that that Is genuine. Please express me half a dos*n bottles, and P. I.—The following was written April 80, 1865, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Dm. Bull—Dear Sir: My husband. Dr. 0. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Contra New York, where be died leaving the above 0. P. John MWnresra At thirteen years of age. he had a chronic diarrhea* and scrofula, for which I gave him roor Sarsaparilla. It CUT*© in. I have lor t*a rears recommended It to many in New York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fever sores them always to ask for D*. T. A. Hurley's and ha Mother. Yoa ca* use this as yoa think proper, if will benefit others. Yours truly, sic.. •. „ JOHN W. DIXS0N. Louisville, Ky., December 10,1868. BLOOD PURIFIER, As heretofore, and wlU attend to all business iu bia line that cornea to bis office. Will prescribe for patients when consulted, snd ex amine any that come to bis office at any time, (Sun days excepted.) Will treat secret disease* of all klnda. Special alien- NOTICE TO MOTHERS. Arrive at. i'*** * • ■'—v*™ «> —i>uui'i wiu uriTMo um, lorursa- _ ... ... _ . , . ing Rooms. Llbrariea. Mualo Booms. Concert Halle, Couau.nptio* U Ue eMlh«*t eUg«a. Enlargwnent and I^d K es. Chtitvbee, BAoole, ho., in plain and elegant Ulcora^lou of the Olaj^ea. Jwuta. Bonee. KidneyA cmss, all of which they are reshlol by their unequaled Uteres. Chronio KhennuttUo*. Eruptions of (scuttles for manufacture to soil at pricos of Inferior ih * Hki ». «b«>aio Bore Eyes, he. y also. Tbs recent improvements in (b*u organa bare so SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS DR. SEABROOS’S NURMAI^M DIHhAMKS, ! a apurioua article, wound* were tsr- Prompt lAttention Given to all Orders yplis: struuwou. with omrreotdrawtnksof the <Uflereh l *ty Vropum* Liver Medkiat* * ", at alq**t ait, lij.r pre,..raUoa .1 Sti"t22ir***e-iii.Vn.aibm,o# bM-nU) to. K .' .1 "nn. <u, of lh«, — ••.b WM to u>, hxtol'r in AnwTlen, nt,f or MtnnMr. m ftn"!nntW.onr or fnnu. nl ^toMFMtoun IbU a torn. bate, nn . nth ' 1* iKit too wtonf f,w fbUdran, nr In- »#nk tor u>« Mrobu.1. (, uni, WMkDllUI eradlnnto. rrrr, klu.1 of b taint, an4 mlnna (bn mllra >, »lnn to i MaMUto. !l 1. prrfldl, harnUo.-, n-rrr [.nnluc—f i 508 Broadway. •® 221 MS DR. SEABROOK’S kfnOUl id. on receipt • ; (author of M( AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. Elixir of Pyropho«phat« of Iron a^id 7 CaliaAja. |, •ant II. JtbMialn* tocnlit, U baa bad » nra Ittolf. at an, point $!Ll James Ruddle & Oq Liter aud Digortive Power* ' PBOWUETOBS, IMralprv^S.g, HuiUtl Louisville, Ky, •* BULL’S ....... ♦•sir r , zu*m SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, Hurley’s rzvr:, THIS ERA pmCE ■ nm uiat imw* on wuu MILITARY DIM MOTOR Y . Burn Xun4iiiRU AMR H. Tpabt— Commanding Department of tba South. nHRai ntir. Bnnt LiauUnant Colonal X W. Smith. Captain U. A Arm,. Aid-d*rCainp. Brant Captain J. O. Telford, lot Lienton- ant U. A Army. AhM-0a«np. ummfii" erarr. Brant Colonel l. H. Taylor, A—iatant Ad- jtttani Oeneral, 0. S. Army, A-istant Ad jutant QenaraL * Brant Major Robert F. Hnghee, Captain C. & Army, Acting Anuatant Adjutant Oen- mL Breret Lieotonunt Colonel E. McK. Hudson, Major U. 8. Arm J. Acting Afidutanft Inspec tor General. Captain 0. W. HotaanpUlet, 0. B. Army, on dnty in oBoe of AoUng Annuitant Inapeo- Major Hanry GoodfeUow, Judge Adroeeta D. A Army, Jndge Adrooate. Oapt. Jaha T. Mackey, tt A Army. Aaeutaat to Judge Adroeeta.- Brent Brigadier General T. J. Hainea, Oommiaaary of Snbaiatenoe U. A Army, Chief Oommiasary. Brant Oatenaj A U. Eddy, Major and Quor- termaeter U. & Airay. Chief Qaartermaalcr. 1st Lieutenant Eugene B. Gibbe. 17. A Army, on doty in office of Chief Gnartwinaaien Breret Brigadier General W.J. Oloen, Borgeon ri **tora“ocie—aerialank (Walea# asSsssassFiSs SSwSSS~2S3k *- I>el» W» Wt Lrearnt. u 0 — -utawST, al I«Um wai, —Ita Iraaof Are Me, mtaat a $aod aevt or Haw. U ibaebtap- taeaad^etanalIwKaf St *--'^Vn T 7?^- r^-ac^^' jggsggSrJp T. banks, l ipfipiis ASDlSnM. AUUK AND FEVER, *" _0»_ - CMlXiliS AND VEVEU, alSuCttlnnitora!', S~rif«2Elfl5«r«£' •a at tkejnaitofce the aria, aaaRR, need, and pa o.aa.t ifaeaf anna and »wee,« Oaui. and rare •Mtatd-an eetow otadrie*. Ha Mtofa to ta •nttrawaaton and SnmwaRm ooentry to hat hi. , to the am at (ha aaatoHaa that la aa om '-til H toU to nan. If—a dpeMtoea «• •— * carried ana. U a (raM uaa, eaaaa to-n anRatoat toe a eera, and -bale janaaiedb, a dapto hattta. with a par. «Si~£r~Sr^ri tar tn.dli.Mi am ban eaaehad, men aapaolaU, la dldtnU and toar—din, pane. OauaB, tbl. m«U- alna win arirnalra ear aid to kaap lb. bento In mod efttori ahnuld tha patient bowew ragalre e ee. toarila madtolna, ate bana« tote ttea ar toar doa raitt%^Jpe;a5S’ M ' 8 Dr. JOHN BOLL * FrinetpatJOOee; Mr. 40 Fifth t roaa Street, :ontuclny FBanOTLY BBUtIUC. IVOR THY Or A TTENTION To Dr. Thomas k. Ikaraby oei with tha agu« iv*rai popular a r sacking hoi If posaibK who ins iu large day, N * * culted WATCHES Al r»«m mine, ^ j - • AY NET CASH tve ay. Abu. Wlm. <K To Mb M n^ra, gjn. MoYlh, South, PUu Ws have bstL-r fatsUKlsa for the M f+Ttolt rkhiscM w" mktb Wat n «*y other Uoum tfouti, hm ."*■ cnrt ~*" “»bteTJ* GREAT BARGAINS WE ARE_COMINC and .».i)4dnrpertitnto«tu(b« Fn and ba.log bonnbt them dined, of tha ] at NET CASH FKIOBS, 1 am determine. TJ. A Army, Madieal Director. Brent - - * ‘ ’ Milhau, Bar- rent Brigadier Geoaml John J. Milha* gam U. B. Amy. Attending flargoon. Breret Lientenant Colonel Dnrid Tn.-gart, FaymaaterU. A Army. Chief Paymaster, of- fioe at Charleston, South Carolina. Major T. A Allison, Paymaster U. A Army. 1st Lieutenant William M. Wallace, D. Amy, Acting Signal Officer. IIAILJIOALMS Vha»c* of Schedule Che Gtergla Rall- Geoboia Railboa n, AuoUR*. April 9,18C9. On and after Sunday. April 11. I860, and uuttl further otice, tbe Passenger Trains will ruu aa foUowa: cat TRXtn. <!Janday» rxgaiteA) Leave Auguste 7K» a. in. L«*ve Atlanta 5:00 as m. Arrive at Anfuate. *A» p. m. Arrive at Athnta ..AM p. m. (niOBT THAW. rtRIHTUm!! * FURNITURE!! ^FURNITURE! T WOULD re*MoU«lly tmforte the dtia*** of AUanta, ever before effered ta tb* South, cooatettag of PARL0B, HEU-HOOM,! AND DINING-ROOM SETS. Ante* to the Furniture Trade; - ctly of the Manufacturers, determined to sell than Lower than Any House in the South* I hatp always on hand a vary Ana assortment of PARLOR MIRRORS ! Call and examine my stock. No. 68 Whitehall street. > u “"- nor AULE8 BOHNEFELD. W* L. fiOBDOK. | J. U. WILLIS. | t. T. UUDL1 GORDON, WILLIS & CO., BAKE BUS and ( HBiKBXS, COTTON FACTORS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. T OANB Negotiated, Interest Allowed on Deposits.- REFEFIENCES: PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. THE LITTLE CORPORAL. U8E IHLITS SA&SAFARILU nsulnil here wtUMeed tbe meet« >7 i(Mi of jour Fameto dictator In tbl. n^bbber. nod. W¥. H. TZHCHCN. BuU’s Worm Destroyer, TV tag Uuiisd 8*aU**nd W**l WUU BmUrs. I have reoaired many testimonial* from prof* and msdtebl men as my slmanses and variou* ■ have shewn, all of which ate gsauim tag letter from a highly educated and j r us* of ike a WITH IODID* Off FOTAJWL nlator, and hare In ery ««, met with complete *i >Klt, equal to t I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use >y of the best hosaekeepee* tn the etty, and pro m>uneed by them to be very superior. U II. BKADEIKL.D, DrogKlHtt Atlanta, Ga. Sol. Abont for Oeo. M. Ha'. Sure Cure for IntcmperHiice. marli-sodly . • ^ \/ JelMI-- DR. 0. 8. PROPHITT, sSssaSSS-s ■ ■■■ ■ ay reply M4U, and Infonu mr of your b*.t l sst reapectfulSy, dab, a Wsfcb, FREE QF COST Itond tor oetalocee of teed, rad to any addme fires. J. 8. HAWES A CO., IKS and ISO Federal Street, Haelaa, Mara. Entirely Original tad Finrt-Glaas. N. R^ffamptm given or apptesUote fc* l*Hf I new subscribers for THB LITTLE OOBFOBAL the aew year, #boa* names asd mossy are M» in ire the te* of Novemberreeatre the Morember imber Kos. of 1889 FREE. JK OOBPOBAL has A — r Jnvenlte Msgsrlne in tha world, snd la be prise than any utter magerin* ua* of its lmmenre rirculadoo, wear* en to ftjrnteb It at the low price of ONE DOLLAR a ogle number 19eente;ar frss to any on* who viO try raise a dab. beutiful premiums for efuba. Sub scribe NOW. Back number* can atwsye be sfent. Ad- ILFIVD L. BBWDjL A OO. t Puhllaheta, Cboiago, jOlnete. HOLUIAY JOOTRAL FOB 18J0. .tArrinffii! — i Bnzxles asd itWBsir ADAMS k CO., 35B room (laid a treat. 1 T0MEN of Yew York; or 1 THE I NOKH-V IRKATCKTYf- f society FTphsod. ntn. tfgnale of dfl * “ for live ra-r— a three presaes ail tbe time to print fast enough. One agent took 17R ag.vs. T40 ^ 44 Uiustra- *, $3 & Addreral(TV. KOOK 00., H3 Nra.,n .trrrt, H. Y. TWENTY-OS In Uir J.dry Bltainrar herefretodtoTiT* Old EBtablishment of £, WY HATE BETTEb Abl THAU AST HODf ^ Q ; rot Rejelring Watche* md , 4M—dSm LAWlHEAg THOMAS G. SIMMS, once at the (Clothing gto„ * , lt AtltiiU, fUeergta. mnsniii Manuhctenriof Engine Lath., I'lanrrs, Belt ( right Drill., ViU'lilubiD’Ttobd all DiwripUeat. FFF 4:16 p. m. 7 -00 a. m. 8:45 a. ni. ..6^0 p. xr. 8r»ua ^ w P- aa Passenger*for MffledgeviUe, Washington and Athene, Ox. must take day Passenger Train from Augusta aud At pais«igere for West Point, Y ontgomery, Sekna, Mo- »-*>- -~i New Orleans mnst leave Augusta os night Train, to make close connection*, urs for Nashville, Corinth, Grand June LosteriUe and 8t. Louis can teko either train Tickets and Baggage checked through to ^TRtece Seeping Care on all night Paasen- E 1 row. Ho ohange of ear* on night Pasaengei * Trains bstwesa Auguste and West Point CHANGE (IF SCHEDULE. NO CHAMOK or CARS EXTWCBS kAVjJOIAII, ACOCVT4 ARP MOXTOOMXMT, AL*. Onus or Mum or TnAStroRASTOu, 1 Cbrtral Bailroau, Savarah, Aug. 14,1869. f Ou and alter Sunday, lOh ineC, Passsomr Train* on the Georgia Central Railroad will run aa follow*: vr PAT TSAIS. Leave Savannah fo “»• Arrive al Macon ... .8<48 p. m. Arrive at Auffttstx ...6^6 p.m. Arrive *4smedgrriOt «:« p m. Arrive at Etaonton .lliO* p. tn. Connecting with train that leaves Augnrta at 8*5 x m. nows DAT TSAIS. , *4? V ♦ i GA. I USIbs, ^ [TBADS MASK.] T HE letter P, PP, and PFP. asa mark to dii gut ah variou a grades of flour, was first introduced by J. A. STEWART in the city of Atlanta in 1869. This ATLANTA, CEORCIA, FAMILY MEDICINES .oomunmoYini LIVE U MEDICINE, HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. Lrara Mraon Arrive at Savannah Arrive at Auguste. | Connecting with tral train that leaves Auguste at ti VT SIGHT TSAIS. .7*0 X m. 5:90 p. ta. 15:88 p. m *6 x V> taRrai MAOOIT & WESTERN RAILROAD. Dawion Sheriff) Fteperad only by DR. R. a. POMEROY, No. 17 Alebemn|g|yeet, Up Btuim, YUK CEliEUKATKI) STEWARf G00K STQYJBI The Ilcnt iti tlie World Over 10,000 Ixi. U«o A’llt «lomore work with tliessu or fuel than any other St ewer mates. FULLER, WARREN A CO., EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS, TROY, W. ¥., flarDeecriptlve psmphfot sent free. KNIT—KNIT—KN IT. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to seU Iks CAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only practice fteilfr meat. Ithbkle* isnUitaes this hi, sspsslat 1 rad tonbcerOle. bklyto.,, ****Y»ii if my. aa wtutu AH tb. raera we^lwlei rata by L. H. BRADFtELD.j DBUGGirr, -'i WHETUgAU. STRKBT, ATLAHTA, «A Loss *T Appetite, Sick Heariaeke, Liver complaint, Pat* tn the Back, *m- prudear e in Life, Gravel, Geasrai bad health, sad all diseases *f the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, r iandliBl»dder, It is a perfect renovator. est injury. It 1- IM which it vrr pnMluctag the *Ushl- M-crrt Qnatk Remedy. 1131 Not ‘Bramdretb’e—not ‘Ayera'-s*; BUT CBSTAfi’S” 8ISS1I1 “Which Is bound to take the place of d* ly vegetable Pi til (sugar coated) tad cf a efficacy for CoeUveure*. Indigerika, D aches, Nervuut DobiUty, Liver Conah [MfiiietlJt— Positively the best PiB k the V Thoueands of Boxee uowind. All Pruggiat in ATLANTA tel fl •That Cough will kilt you," Try “CostarV’CssgkS “Ooidi and Hoaraeneaa bad to Aeatk," Try ri^eurV Cssgk | "For Cronjw—WhonplDfOoB^n, **Costar aay a it 1* the best in tka vttc a* He aaya eo—it’s True—If • Tree-1 t'l TnrmlVj Try It—Try U—Try it." f“ ' " All Druggists in ATLAl “CO sTaR ’8'1 Standard Prepa ARK HD j BE AUT1FIEI THE * BUCKTHORN SAIT "Otar'a” K.t, H..< »,d», *>«• -Crarar'.” B-d Un, •■Crarar’." lonly pnril fntocbF kOOnm . . . .eMuii" No lb (tody to. Eft Or Jon» F. Hr.., Hwxranlo) Draw Bunn b Oa.ll tart ln,.r WForlWrby J. A. TATbOKU • KEDW1HC b FOX. ■yrata.AIOra, Ob , DH. IUOHAI GOLDEN HER A<k for uo other, take no otter, tel time, health and money. AA.9U0 REWARD for any cem ef which they fail to cure. , Dr. Kicsac'v Gold * Ulcerated 8ore Threai ona or HUa Eruption*, > ■ ~ nsae of the Scalp. Scrofula, rater, Alterative and Blood P«W* an diasase from tk e ayatem. and h odlriiijgnc Uen»edire ro prire of*eRher Nc Ue, or two bottle* for $9.09. Dr. RicRAO'a Goldd ant and radical cure! companlrd with fUlid Dr. RacsAU”* GoiW— m tor Earroua or Osneral DebfflJbJH On reosipi of prtos Ismrdlte teJJ place. Prompt Noueganulneu OOI.dVn MtMKDlia. p. HI. rtor blown in tUra Of bolB» j B o.»*«TBltoJ Offloo boor, from , a «. to * HERE THEY 1 Twi^S^t^* 100,000 Strawberry f Call and get what you ^ | Pfjjer in da*® IDtbd.Utpoa.tor Mb. by nuwuixk roi ATLANTA. OA r**r rare rad dbw to ALL llrt-nmim'iienl bv tbe MHleal FaeiiHj anil innny thnnHunil. of mrr beet riUvriw. br tor traumontotooftraurerai-canto ran "Ac nwrrari Mto b^TwoErarara. Mira AOm. «r»- airatarlhb obwntatto towiWy J. 7, tarmn A Oo., Or rata by Drnoilrto bracyritorto il»— . EROENZINGER vrmo ESTER BR, Anti Ural., in *'nrniturd*«n<l MANUFACTiraEB OF KEDDDIO Hnntorwrato Ibrra doom bom Wbltabnll, ATLANTA - ..»»< Administrator’a Sain. -dd ra «v> ton»T»radto In inoraryn-b 1 A. OAIH-OIAU. Ationtay *ND B. 8. OLAIH H AVINiI n -■S-feSR o*JI0nl«d8Uta«»““JJ AA« ssaSd^a^^* * •^5.^-^wtoAw* 1 “IS2S.ato.Nov— «*' Haraiacm 8heriffS w“*usssaa»^3 w"«N. ™J5SS*S nor ^ Lett«n*ti ***A.rov*o« mm wR-aKSri^- “(Rrarann,**"*•**