Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 17, 1869, Image 3

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■■BHI wmm Eminin^i pud e vtoit vretontoy to tto Man o* Mr. Oeo. Stup. **“**. ;, *V ,if ' Me bee Jo* pot to tow torfs ond elegtnt »lto* MM ud £m them Utodvttb bescUfxl new eod elegant holiday pnwle HU stock of nSuaoXto the tow* «o ton •»« *»■> to. ffetbec at o*k Oo ooe trfty we ooonted sixty* wen beohtitol oloetor eod eoltelre tin end rtoac, vetoed * eevn thousend doUeeo. to eacSber oeee wee over one bandied btttatUal gold eod Oliver wetobee, et ell prices, from forty to two hundred dollars. Hie etook of Ur. Sharp that be can aall *1 of thia elegant eod flue etook * la* prioae then any one elm to thie State oau buy them, I* alone the proflta they make. „ Bun Tubs.—In a ball colamo of nonpareil otr friend " the General" loforme Ibe public yesterday morning Ibet he bee actually been to t* Beaune—We here reoetred J. W. Sltnerooe. of tide oily, e rataloe, which ta a aampte of a be Pi of. J. 0. Sttuinoue. of the Ibodiet Collrge, Cellforofa. The and flavor ie ouite eqoel to the relama, which to far better than I i_..uaan a/iilMannltli Ilf flffl. | aweddiog. CU V BlIHIlfiY. ,_J. refereooe to the li* of ap- oubhahed aleewhere, It will be (V F. *■ Klnba'l, late Paetor of ^ Ktoito* a to hie Sleeter'e vineyard ara more better beloved than ha He ha* Blende in thia ally, where he hae ted for two yearn part. Imn. — We oell epeotol attention to tho advertieement of It. K. Kenney iu Ibe lu thie morning. BULK MEATS, Any quantity—nuy kind, for eale by W tunica, Lutowron A Cuna, deolT-St am—Our thanks are doa In oar ■nd, fnline L. Brown, eon of Chtef own. for a Catalogue of tho office re Die of Harvard Ontvenity, for the ear 1869-70. Mr. Brews to e oradn- Uuireraity of Georgia, eod, he ego, admitted to the practice ot D flooMe .kt diet* If* a 'J1 GLASM JB Bnpwiior to any other In Ufe-eon*tracted fh iccor- dsnee with the saienoo And philosophy of nature, In the peculiar form of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, Admirably ldtoptod to the organs of eight, and perfect- MARK. Mt. — Speaking of 'Newcomb* the Aagusta Constitutionalist of f mh: ‘^Notwithstanding tbs ua- Itate of the weather, la*t night, tol disciples of the burnt cork pro- | greeted with qtiile & Urge audi- If oongs, dances, jests, mnsio and m. elicited the hearty applaoao of ioe, and aostained their reputation i among: wlniatrel troupes. To see ta Newcombs is to get np a healthy nd pat yoorseif in a good humor kpenae. Another performance to- iy natural to tba eye, affording altogether the beat art! fielal help to the hoasan riaUui ever invented, Used caiyhy MORRIS BERNHARDT. Bpeotaole & Optical Manufacturer. benefit has A Sir art Bor Wantrd.-To one who ia wil ling to work, steady employment will be given. Apply at onoe at this offloe. tf. m, have' the.honor to tender Mf benefit If it meets with Mould'name Friday nigh Bud suggest “Daughter of ftor to subscribe ourselves, f respectfully, toeland, Wm. M. Williama, L. R. E. Lawhon, Saq., 6. B. Orsw, A. K. Wataou, la, Amos Fox, F. B. Palmer, B. J. Godfrey, E. 8. Bay, 1. Chaa Pinckney, Bs» Juo. T. Glenn, K Jaa. W. Morrow, pC Taylor. InrEie, December 15, 1860. bw qio to thank you for the ave tendered me. The even- be perfectly satisfactory to the piece you haye named — .Regiment.” To make the rthy offoorWoinaOR, I Will Fifty oar loads of Corn, Flour, Hay, Chesa peake Guano, Balt, bacon, Bulk Meats, Ac., for sale cheap by A. K. Skaoo, dec!5 4t Merchant BOOK BINDER WANTED. A good workman can obtain a steady equa tion and good wages. Apply immediately. decl4-tf Wm. K. Hanlkxtx*. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT, If you wish any article in the lint of Watehoa or Jewelry, Sterling or Coin, 8ilver Table Cut lery or Silver plated Goods, Gold Pena or ex tra fine Pencil and Pen Holders, Gold Tooth- pioks, etc.. Sewing Boxes, Glove and Hand kerchief Boxes, Cigar and Toilet Satanda, oaU on Lawshr k Hayrrb’, At the Old Jewelry Store of Er Lewshe, deel2-2w No. W Whitehall street. The Old Reliable Passenger Route TOaJX Northern, ltortciw ud Wcetera CUlee, oaxrkixo nut noorsuH nnaa otthr of »cu« Wtoo* I will faeorfto cooed;. Ttomklng l remain yonrs respectfully. Mrs. Jans A. Oazn. nit our people are toolicad to ignttol testimony of their ap- taleDlM of lira, Oatee. Wo many characters and peraon- « stop In the city, and, from « bean led to regard her es t talented and scoompUehetl pm- gold and silver -•* I bar# jo* received by express direct from the factory, taaaofaotnred expreee for my fine trade, the mo* elegant ntook of aolid sterling silver ware ever eeen in the city; thirty five different kind, of spoon, and forks, and every* thing In the line, enitobla for bridal or Christ mas presents. I dartre an examination of thia THE ONLY ROUTE from ATLANTA Rumrina t bavvtotted Atlanta. We hare seen -n tke stage, add it to fro* that hot we desire to peas judgment ul and easy aa an soirees, ie reeaflvhatoy tic. stags figure, mreoMl beauty, to theee aodom- tbc add, a soond mind, that haa in anoh a manner a. to adorn the city. An a vooetiet aha to charm got flare her ee a prime donna, for Be scarcely of a style to give her retireetion. But ebe singe most Rt the popular eougt of Ibe day. ■DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAIN. ProTDollng r portDlblllty ot tweatx-four (U) hours* Uo- toy. Incident f “ ~ ** i lines hsvluf bat on* dally train. TUB DRXTBD STATES MAIL Between Atlanta and New York to rented exslaairety hr thie Una Throagk Fuiwgtr Train Laare AUaita 8.U A. U—5.50 V 11. asking dost connections * Kingston for Rome, Belma, Meridjan, and New iOrleans. AtOhsttenoegs. with tbs Is* Tennessee A (Hargis I* order lo redone oar etock as mcch as pore sibla bUweon now end the let of deanery, w» ere aelluig at reduced prioae. dccl-tf MoBnipn A Co. Tie largest and moat varied atoek of splendid “ - - k can be found at Vlefcel SUotr Wort in As South McBride A Oo.'a Kity ; grotesque wltkont boffocn- ff^ritbcai being broad cr tough Bn to doue with a erect, and els* fU almost tolmitabla. There Is (ah or notidr abont her. Her Motions are all attuned to a bar* b to nnoliaosing. Her uUerano. ie umprona. She drtesee in siqoieite ippeere in no rob fbt which ebe roughly prepared Thie we ooe- tbe cheraoier M the tody to whom btary boueflt baa been tendered, n the people anil reeks tho oepa* to- — IT* I. — /, — * 44 lit. . ” Rarr, Bkautetcl, arp Enduxino.—Tha An niversary Bridal and Holliday preaante at MoBrida k Go'*. North & East by Lynchburg. The Memphis k Okorfeetoa, for Canton, Afemphia A New Orleans, Tu Lean nr end oheepeat lot ot fon over offered to Aliente, has ja* been reoeivad by John U. Holbrook, Whitehall street, aortfl-tf Msoaxran, Monro, Lew Boone. Burr coxa, no., booed or ra*bonnd by Harriet* . ’ novltotf. ASSIGNEE’S SALE. G eorou, ownotirrr oomrrr.-sr rtrtoe * an order bore tk. Watted male. District Oonrt, lor ths Northero District of Oeorgta tseusd by *. O. Foe* Ur, XsaleUr In Bukrnrtey. wBi bs sold beTors the court Hons, door, in Lswrsnserllle, is sslg oourg, oe tb. first Tu.wtsy (ths 4U> dsy) of Jsanery, lrtk wtinje ths tsfsl boars ot sets, ths Ibtlowloa gseortbed rest sad nersonel cropsrtj belonging to Ibe eateu of Thomas J. Wstern s bsoknipt, to wlti That trect ot tae l (snmbsrs enkaown), oontalnlng sight beegreg sores, reers or tore, known re ths Oeo. M. Waters Manual on In reldconnti, bonndsd ee M-- lower On tbs wart by tbs Ohettakooobsa river, on the south bj lends of Ilowsll sad olbsra. on the tan by Mods ofr. Xt Wsrdlnw, and oaths nortb by lands of an III SfaHlui avid alkarg also, tb* trsot of land oaspossd ot ports of tbres lots (nnnsbnre nnknown), ta tbs lth sad ttb DUtriota of astg conaty, lying ea the Peachtree road, ud bookred u fSiowiV Do the wees h, l of hrere fknsQUai for Uentoitar's Atlanta Direotory now, and hero yottr name In aout Tira. -The Macon Telegraph of yes- • following aa the last lyuue of ncy at iti fervent editor. We IK entire: ■ of Atlanta, want up in the bul* I, December 10th, and bare jut Ftraa.—A large areortnwnt of Lady's and Miaare Ftns * prices to wit every one. at nov7*8m Mas. Feswxs'. MxMOMXDa Cssna, with name, tl 00. All kinds Rnllug end Binding. Wm. B. Hs.irc.xrrax,, oct iH-tf Granite Block. Broad Street. Pullman'* TrattMng Palate* or iu wioht TxarrtR. The Bret Eating nwrare la the Ceantry. No Midnight Changes. Finely Finished Cars Well Heated Upltod OtoMto lor dn Vorthmnx IHi John MlUodf*, Sm., *Uoni«y ot tl Keyi.nd-,t six IQ ilea north of Gamma D**lu, twaoty-aix. oiilas a.* Tba records of tba exoamion t tba Atlanta paper* ot tba 15th. oalaaUal expedition was to through the sky and tee if tbera uittea reported that above Atlau- vm to ba seen, by reason of an rand unnaturalWlltanoy balow, Call and aaa tboa® beautiful ftootch Plaids nd Arabs, et Mn». Taemto nov7*dta . - tondVsntiltolpA SricK ns* cm MOtsesimimtuN. Tickets fcrulcht all Ticket Odere far an pdata raaobrd by tbh IhtaT Mr Fell end Wtolev Stock, eeleoted by my self to now complete, had 1 Invito nil my lady friends eed others to sail end loops* my goods. They trill find Uia latest styles * i nnnaaelly low prises. Max Fnua, i Deflator street, Oppdrtte Oity Fork. r obgoufiti the aid of Baggage Chocked Through, orvios o» liver pool and London and Globe Fin Insurance Company. laMeifttarcmStffc I*. B. DAVIS, otasiui. u^eakioc tAKXt. warramu, gy. ereeam.«... Betareher lata. ires. TTlARMEnO, Pl'-atsr* and owners ot Cettoa AppUoatfon far Eiamptian. 3U, HAE A LAOS COURT f.-T. As BmtoS States hotel UNITED Y MmP ROBB re hestred troubKi Ware tad Ho*r. t*. sorHonK* caBdnfiSh»D book MORRIS BERNHARDT *r COOK It follows ereinptoU sad soNsMato 41m United l Uts v«7 Urge and sapertor in •BUm lea toerefore, OMMEsbaafttb, ot Vworj Prodnetlca. ATTsANYA, belfortog ft and FRIEND MUTUAL tima Jknown the Haring recommending moa4 f**A<*Q*ftffeaT*VJ ii^IbH^rkat. taka SSOTSTk article. tHend* who may wkh to patolmao Vioffiff, HILL eartM rTsSaSi Mitt soi aaiyassed lathe sapeitortty Lyo» VAN COIDTSNOVEN 4m FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR, large etock, either with or without FT. All grades fbr eels by WiLusMs, LartoaToN t Caen. d«17-SL PRINCE rOH FACTORY THREAD. Good etock on bend, and for eels by J Willis we, Lsnowrox & Caere. decl7-3l '. •* ' BUTTER AMD LARD. Large lot of Lard In cane, which u offered low to the trade. Twenty Ella Western Bal ter. For rale by WlLLUMS, Langston to Casio. - dec!7*3t 900 SACKS CORN. New corn—new Gnnnlca, for sole, to arrive, by Williams, Langston to Crarb. decl7-9t Just BaoarvxD, Twenty Barreto of Leo dreth'a Onion Betts Rurwnta to Fox. deolt 6t OPTICIAN, JOHN HENDERSON, DEALER IX ALL KINDS OT Tors, CONFECTIONERIES, . FIRE-WORKS, Sad Wbolsrele snd'RetAll CONFECTIONER. S KIaUB toll goods In hla lln« M ths U»we*t mftrlut prlcD. ULXjZa AND MJBMa HO. 11 PlAGHTBSE BTJAJtKT, OPPOSITE NATIONAL B0TEL W. era the Hols Agent., to Attanto, lor “THE NATIONAL STOVE WORKS,’ And keep eoestawtly on band a complete assortment of thato COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Which we will sell wholesale end retail at FeoUSry prices; and, aMo. » etook of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. HUF.STIS & HOPE. - 1 Markham’s Empire Bloolt, > Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ga. PAV1D 1I1JKUT1K. ___ JOHN HEELY, DEALSBgm FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. R B)»FO»DLET oslls the stlsutlon ot the (Sh4e to tb. fs* tb* he h« sew eu hswd, a Which htoto bo«ii purchtotoed sinoe the reoent dtoclln*, A1NIJ WILL HE OFFERED EXCEEDINGLV 1X>W. THK AUTANTAOXS of thoos OptooUelM over toll oMwMOSto: I. Thty «aa In wans with pufMi rm« for tony length of time st on® toltUng, giving astonish ing cietornast ot vUdoo, by oondU or tony othtor »rtifl- dlftl Ught, coin fort to the speotMl«>w«toiwr hkh*rto «* known. S. Haw to oaloet ttl»ti*i. It ngalrwi profeoslonal goidaaoto ®v®n when n good article la of fered. Dc. B®rnhtordt not only h«® tha b®»i Glntoaato that oan b® found In the mark®*, bat ccnsfully exam- in «■ the «ye®. and give® indlspenitoble advice a® to the proper aelectlon of thorn. 3. When th® eye* ache or pain through the action of a bright Hgkt, sueh asfs reflected from die anow, annny weather, white paper, and In reading, writing or sewing, or vivid colored bodies; theee lenten, by a®fleeing the raja, effect a most agreeable aenaaUon and gtva great rfllfef. 4. .Theee ffpeetaeleeare Bcientlftealljr ad justed to every cnee of defective eight with nnerring accuracy, whether arising from age, strain, over work, «r promahwe decay, by Herrin Bernhardt uo a new and exact principle, entirely his own, which haa seldom fMled to be correct. 3. After several pears eT pvtblle praetfee, adjanting spectacles to pattente under every aspect of Affective vision, as well as experience in an extensive, long-established bastneu In his Optloat Btoree, both here and In Europe, M. Bernhardt considers It a suft- dent guarantee of hit ability to supply each glasses an are beet calculated for tt*e aaMtfaooe “ Hg| ST. MARY'S SCHOOL. RALEIGH, N, O Ki. are. aTKIOTOH .d ItBTeMXDia. D.D are. MKwrrr mawA-it.. rpaawrrrama ,«V nmutorr 1S4H, 1870, *• - ©120 Per Term. For » Oiroulw, apply to tho fiflotor jjfigttnE' A. Hu Berahardi, to elgaallne himself from the host of pretenders In his profession, with pride submits tor Inspection, copies of terfhRoohla he has received from medical gentlemen of the most nn questionable respectability aud talent in America; also, a number of cerllflcetve from well known gentle men of distinction who have used his spectacle#—the originals of aMYThteh he will be hippy to shew to these who may request it. The use of up ef the fol lowing names or eertlflcetea hereunto efllxed, without an actual possession of the same, would be a forgery, a oapital offence, punishable by State Imprisonment. TNUaaeny ef rtceanaendatleai ttom Modieal gekiUemen, Brofeseora of the highest OpthaL mlo talent In Atlanta, Ga., and In the Union: * Atlanta, Os., November M, IM«. re svemtesd eerefeJly, and with mneh latereet, a eeUeedonefghoeaaforth#reUef of Impaired vlstea. <tto Fsrtlcttler sMeetfon ts eollellsg toward. Black aa4 Rrawa (Kngltokj Waterproof Cloths. All Colon hi Latllre' Cloths (oil wool.) Xtotj Color la “GSbert’t” Op«r* Flaaaeto. 1M Blankets, Boaatttal QnaUtj-, (oxceofllnffly cheap.) Lances tor aad Marseilles Quilt*. A CHOICE LOT OF Irish Linena, DUpers, Towel*, Table Linens, Napkins, D'Oyli®*, Etft, jEto. A large lot of Dress Goods, 50 cents a yard—worth 90. Balmoral Sfcirta $1 25 to $1 60,t Eioellent Quality, . Gheoked and Figured Flannel*, in Great V arlety, A Well-Aeeorted Stock of Oaseimeres, Etc. .jf. IN SHORT, everything required to constitute a complete, ami ^n^amorijkU^k.^lpege^fon^ofwbluh i ^vH-aT 6 ' 1 Earner Whitehall aad Honter Streets. ATLANTA SECAR MANUFACTORY ! *e ettixeu o( AUente, sad ettnceuOtog ocresiy. to* FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, sen oat Me Sartre etsek * s reduced pstre >T |toe WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Osusletingfof 200,000 Sefftrs, priee #32 00 ts *80 00 per Theasand, Tekaeeo Paacake Bolls, Bright Sarj, Stonewall Twist, W. Brown’s Bright Pennd, 1*0 it Men Pipes, front Rt per hundred to $4 a piece. Osn icon, or Jb«»W tods ebsrseto.-Alt reek amersprereptlj «<•»** FICKEN ot OT-dim l>. U Peachtree Otreet, oppaeUe Sallee* lleul. Marshal's Notice of Seizure. Uortirultarsi Aged, AUaata, (to. BEHOIaD ! WE COME !! ‘THE LIVE DRUG STORE” Still on tba track with renewed speed, and the largestfttook of good* ever bsfarsearrivsd. REDWINE A FOX ^ViLLreast* attire utb^ TTV-xrem^i.^ WHITS LKADSQ* ail graAasggbar stockf * FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Is UnequAled in the South. frPK ggyffCIAL IMPORTATION of Teeth Brughes, Combs, Mair Bnuhee, Toilet Qooda. HVrfamenta.t>t . i tedealerm. In our BPAHTMXIXJTp We are offaring|indaceiz WBOIiBNAXiM 3 id aak aa anamination of our stock before pnrnhedag • REDWINE & FOX, Owner of Whitehall aad Alabama Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. T.A. CHASTAIN. W. K. FOX CHASTAIN & EOX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS, NO. 4, GRANITE BLOCK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. W® bare now In afore the beet aeeorted stock of Furniture In the city, which we effor if deft V V oompetiUon, oonaiettDg of Parlor, Bedroom, and Ofkoe Furnltore Infant tee or f*nghi. ‘ Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards 1-4'Marble and Full Marble, Book-0«ee, Wardrobes, Eat Rack*, Waahatande, Eta, Plain and Marble Top. Tba Largegt Lot ef Chaixa that was ever fn the city at one time, all ef which we offeifst Wholesale Factory Prices In Louisville, Kentucky, Ete. MARKHAM. BOOTS .A. 1ST 3D SHOES 'SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS, AC., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATXjANTA GEORGIA* COUNT RSY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my etook, u it is mxiioras witk urbat oari 1*4 parvkxeed cxelurtvely tor Cltn, From the Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Cents' and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. «« !•*» M. O.MARKHtoM. PETRO OIL. . KEROSENE OIL JOHN T. HAGAN JS.NOW PRffPARKD TO OFFER TO TU TRADI ART QUANTITT OF TH* CELEBRATED PElTRO OIL fond the beat qoalfoy ef J* A JOSST ,a ff»4MQed M NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL. f DXTt oohmtitiux to L iw on. rereg re Aere a. reader tore rey kewi I etrekre, egeod rtoCk * Lamps, Burners, Chimney*, Wioke, Shade*, in hot everything perMniiurte TJTHI OIL AND 3UAJMOW ca* i«dem ageet ta Mi. ret oe tot*ray. an. erelte ■ ^ mrkci*-uto. teike remp m,.