Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 18, 1869, Image 3

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ILL, CEIL -Indioaitow of rein pr* BULK MZAIVi Aoy qnaaiity—uj kind, tor r* 1 * bjr WulmiO, fMam* ft Oua deol7-St _ FDQUB, FLOUR, FLOUR, D*rg« Hook. eitker with ur without FF. All grade* tor «1* by tflUIUU. IiUKWTOM ft COXO. MT* *. VAN COIDTSNOVEN, HartttvHml OPTICIAN Acnt, fttloala, da. We are the Bole Ageuta, ia Atlanta, tor BEHOLD I WE COME ! I And keep constantly on band a complete aaeortmest of their COOKING AND HEATING ST0YE8, Which w. will call wboleaala and ratal] at Factory prloee; and, alao, a foil tloak of PRINCETON FACTORY THREAD. Good atoak on band, and tor eala by , Wtuun, Iuaoorov ft Onem. daol7St Eextonel popuArlty all th. member* of the trull p* an BUTTER AND LARD. Large lot of Lard ia cane, which ia offend iw to the trade Twenty Kite Weatarn Bn., at. For eala by Wtuun, Luomoa A Cun. dac!7 St HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. on the track srith renewed epeed, and the largest stock before arrired. ectaoN'e Lpcnaa —Tha lector* re OiviHxotion,- by Copt. Henry be giren Uu evening at the City poiug et bell peel eareu o'clock. HUKSTIS & HOPE. Markham’c Empire Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ga. ear il -eai tattoo, to lnrteorele the vital ergeatienoa et fee earn- metuwment of winter. Fortiflsd by warm clothes without. and Hostetler’* Bitten within, tee trail end dalle*te may bran with Impunity no amount of ex- ponr* and haMahly which, under other dream- etu«M, would prostrate them on • bed of sickness — WUTNIOT COUNT Of TNI u WHA T ffif,8&S! t 300 SACKS CORN. Nhw com- nee Qonniet, for Mia, to arrive, T Wnxum, Lutoaron ft Ouaa. decl7-7t davu> unarru. rgJEO HOPE. heatul — Work prog reware *d- te new theater. The plstteren >rk and ihe Ural ooat 11 nearly be carpenter work ia Car ad- rill soon fee oompletbd The lown. Tha »t»ge earbeniere are 1«iUi ifcau portion of th« work. TRADE MARK. OLASU SPECTACLE*, tetpeelor to Any other is use -contracted In aceor deno« with th« scieucs sod philoeophy of nature. It Ihe peculiar term of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, Admirably adapted to the organa of eight, and perfect It natural to the eye, affording altogether the beet artl- 6dal hftlp to the human Tiaton ever invested. Heed only by MORRIS RERNHARDT, Spectacle & Optical Manufacturer, ion Raouvas, Twenty BamU of 7—- dretb'a Onion Setts. Rudwmm ft Fox. dtelSIt FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Is Unequaled in the South. Ftarrx ear loede of Corn, Finer, Hay, Oheaa- P**ke Guano, Sait, Baooa, Balk Heat., Ac., for tale cheap by A. K. Suuo, declSAt Merchant. lilding i« very floe and we are twill give enure satiefeoiion to nud actors. Mr. De Give de- Idu for tbe manner and the ex- Boh he ie getting tbi* iheatrr bring the present sea ou BOOK BINDER WANTED. A good workmaa eaa obtain a eteady situa- tioa and good wage.. Apply ImmediaUly. deel4-if Wa R. Buuina the fellowtHf aimed .oede, whloh ere MIMOKKaBbY CHBJlPi Black aad Browa (Kagllak) Watorpraof Clothe. AH Colon In Ladles’ Clotke (all wmU - Every Color la “BHbrrt’e” Open Flaaaek. 10-4 Blaaketa, BeanUhl quality, (exceedingly cheep.) Laaeeeter end ■enelUr* Qnlltn. a OBOIOX LOT 09 Irish Linens, Diapers, Towels, Table Linens, Napkins, D'Ojlies, Etc., Etc. A large lot of Dress Goods, 60 cents a yard—worth 90. Balmoral Skirts $1 25 to $1 50, Excellent Quality, Oheoked and Figured Flannels, in Great Variety, A Well-Assorted Stookof Oassimeres, Etc, IN SHORT, everything required to oonstitnte s complete, and well-assorted a took, sn inspection of which 1 earnestly desired. JOBOJ KSLEHjIT, uov 14—8m Ceraer WhlUhall and tinnier Streets. TO MAKS A LONG STORY SHORT, If ywa Wiab any article la the lima of Welchee or Jewelry, Sterling or Coin, Silver Table Gal lery or Silver plated Good., Gold Pene or ex tra floe i’encil aad Pen Holder*. Gold Tooth pick., ate.. Sewing Boxes, Glove and Haud- kerabief Boxes, Cigar and Toilet Setanda, cell on Lewana ft Henris', At the Old Jewelry Store of Er Lewehe, doelil kw No. 60 Whltebell street. aroaud tbe rink. It ie a d healthful rooreatioo, aud «he peopie taking eoob a la yooog men Irani place. T.A. CHASTAIN. Thutxa -Fo'xmosA.-- la the Oatee' Troupe In this Ia order to radnoa oar stock Mmnob Mpca- aibla betwoen now and tbe let of Jaonary, we are aelliog at reduced price*, deel-tf WHOLESALE AND BET AIL Itany hn* been here a fortnight tha tinfst satisfaction Ia its Kit hex four tuuaU. Whatever well done. It ban tendered U a number of the popular 1 comedies to the entire satis- [ (heater-ta’oers. To night the enaatioo— ‘‘Foraiogb"—will he ea excellent caste. The en- the company will be brought sning promiites to I* ono of pt of the season. Those who Bortanitv to hear the popular » the brilliant acting of Mrs. ■ go this evening. CONFECTIONER. ^*KLL8 all goods In his tine at the lowest market IO price. O^XsXs iLKTD SMB. NO. 11 PEACHTREE STREET, 0PP08ITE NATIONAL HOTEL McBbidx A Co. The largest and most varied stock of splendid Nickel Silver Ware in the South oan be found at MoBride & Oo.’b. Bask, Ukiutitul, and Endubino. -The An- niverearj Bridal aud Holliday present* at MoBride A Go’s. BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ATLANTA SEGAR MANUFACTORY ! To* Lamest and cheapest lot of fore ever offered in Atlanta, has jast been rsoeivefl by John M. Holbrook. Whitehall «trMt. | mtSLU HR To the Cirt Fathers —It He that both sides of Miuitttu Wad to the fifes* Hone*. ■ with well-flagged sidewalks ■re will be in session in a few KRtoffioe wtH bo removed to tbe I and tbe new Theater will be in (will torn a great amount of travel part of tbe oity, henoe it Becomes Nt the sidewalks be well flagged. Irani ts Block. <** Broad street, to let, and up Marietta to the State itreet is almost impassable during her. Tbe rainy season has fairly y. bnt if the ownere of the prop- rred op a little, the flatting can \t* the streets get very Wd. Tbe to be done At once, and Council the matter forward. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Magazines, Music, Law Boors. Blank ooxls, etc., bound or re-bonnd by Hanlei- ir. xkovl4-tf. Sideboards 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oaee*, Wardrobes, Hat Backs, Washstands, Eta, Plain and Marble Top, Ike Le| el Chelr, li.t wee aver la Ike ally el ne gw. eg af wklek we -«||-Il Wholesale Factory Prices In Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. Mow to year ttux te buy ehssp tuff faaS bsrsates. Wa are d#tsrm*»s4 Is s«U foods loww than e** k* are but oateatated ter the uglsUnrs of Impftrtect Hfht. I. Ms Barahardt, to atgnal|a« MmitH from Urn boat of pretenders in his profession, with pride submits for Inspection, coplea of teetimonlals be bas reoftired from medical gentlemen of tbe moat un qoeftUonable iwspectabillty and talent in America; also, a number of oerttfleatee from well known gen tie- men of distinction who bare used his speotecles—the originals of sit which he will' be happy te show te Qtose who may request It The nee b( any of ihe fol lowing names or oertlfloated hereunto affixed, without •a actual possession of the same, would be a forgery, aaapltel offence, punishable by State imprisonment The Old Reliable Passenger Route TO ALL Northern, Eastern and Western ClUex, OABB1UKO OBIAT OOUTHUK XX PS Ben. Husaeani for Hanl.itor’a Atlanta Diraotory noa. aud hava your namt in sold xrri. novli-tf. IQ ox Skatxo.—W« av yvatvr- ibraoiog (ha namax of Mvoniy- • of A Usuis, sack sn. of Um ling over two hundiwd powndo. d that this crowd will mooopo- ling rink on. aflarnoon dnrrag ud try tkoir .kill npon rollon, f the aitixau of Atlanta ara ao- I hand to support tha Asian, tnd sight to eaa an Urge a nun- and handaoma ganlletnan (oor U list) gliding aroaud th. Hok pallows akim tha Water. It ia K with ihi. erowd in tha rink, Bora, than will be at least ■nnd pound* of hnuauity. It Ming. aura. Thar, will Im an I of the aflarnoon whan thaaa ik.tort will occupy th. rink. It they will .how oor. uility chown ,iooa A. rink ha. biwn UawSaAXsA Casio, with name, $1 00. A kinds Baling and Binding. Wk, R. HaxLarraa, ont tt-tf Granite Block, Broad Strut. RDOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TBAIX. Preventing a paaeihUltr at tweuty-<eu (to) koara' 4*. lay, iaatdaol to iloaa luring Mt one Sally bain. th* oxrroD er.TM hail Between Atlanta and New York la carried axalafivWy by tkla Uu*. Call tnd eee thow beautiful Sootoh Plaid. J id Anbg to Has. FaAXx'a. Hx Fall and Winter Stock. MltoUd by uay- aolf is now ooiaplata, and I invltw all my lady fnaads aad others to call and inspect my goods. They toll Had tbs la tut styles at annaualiy low priou. Has. PaAJtx, Decatur street, Oppoaita City Park. nov7-3m I SCBSCBIBCK moat reepectfahy taform, IS* dtlarnu of AUtnta. aud lurraundla. country, that ha will. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS M. V.M.lllLLKR, M.D. cur in tha above opinion of Dr. Mlltai JOHN M.JUIINHON, M.D. JAd. F. Alftiuods, X. n. Rome, Selma, Meridian, and New lOrleana At Chattanooga, with the Seat Tanaeww* A Oaocgla Railroad for all pothte • \ North & East by Lynchhnrg. Tha Hem phi, A Chariaaton, lor Canton, McmffMs A New Orleanv, asm POUTS WtHT.t The NaehvUU k Chattanooga, tor MN \aahrlll. sad all Potato North, Boat ;»nd IT tot Tin Loni,villa. DEALBB IN It agUrda at* pieeaura to ,tat* Uut I hare oaratnlly •xamlnrd Prof B«rubar<H*e oelleottou of glasme for (be eye. asd from bis explanatton of the ruanuer la which be adapt* tham to lmperfect eyea, I am fully mtJabe4tb»l Se WmeoujUy ooRumbaodR tbe fteteuoq of Optaea. sad that be ta pracUmfly eminently akXitel in tbe adoption of lnetrumauu tor tbe relief of all terms of imperfect vtalon within the eoope of rollef without aa operation. I am oo&irmqd In my own opinion, of the Profee- ear's merit by the testimony of the most reliable and jgrominsnt uedieol men te voateaBofUeelR tbe United I mo* «heerfully oommend him to all with whom my opto ton may have any — 8T. NARY’S SCHOOL, ConaUtlag of tOwns. —Hi. now .vidtoit t ufflo* will be nwdy for ooau- at of January. Th* work ia d it now prove, to oor people fora stated, that It will ha the i offloa in th. Sooth. Other commodious xpartm.uU for t but w. hat# Has non. that fenteeliy aa tkn wa Erary- i with elegant toata, and la tod. The astir, front of tbe i left opmi. The floor, 0> tor ■n poMHrly rtohh, i, laid With Htotilwof whit, aud black. . floor to laid of walnut and y, kaadaomely poliahad and • other appointment* are h the. The large drawer. I. letter box*, will aooa be f ftoxtn era provided with the look. The front of each box I frame ia wbioh n giata ia act, para eat! ton whether or oot I lu their box*, without going lonlnuklog them, ttm* earing fteke. There will ho about [box**, baatdae flfly large twill be no giaas bora*. BOOTS -A. 1ST ID 9HOBS 'SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINC8, SC., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, -ATLANTA GEOBGIvl 800,000 Hdffarfy ^rlee $88 00 to $80 00 per Thousand, T*Imoco Psaraie Mis, Bright Nary, Stonewall Twlft, W. Brown’* Bright Pound, 160 ddxoa Pipes, from $1 per hundred to $4 a pioce. LUGAX.M.O. ■iber M, 1800. -- — — .wAfdt's beautiful aud axtexurive collection of glasses for the relief of Im paired rule*, sad ballthem tea beet adapted to the soda fox which they are intended. Uwn any w* have •nr eefta; aud fnrtb«r b«ltev« that tha PtoZmSof is as aocompltabed OpUeteu. D O.O«RBPEaM. D. JAM. M, »AR»>Ck, ML D. . AUaala, 8a„ Xsnater N, lNb Pi of. M. Bernhardt has lurtUshed me with a pair of OoueaveLeoe which suite my oaee exactly, from personal e*p«rieooe I can oordlaJly pdvlaa all persons whose sotural vision requires tbe supplements of art to avail them eel ves ofth« Professor 7 # •kin. He ha« ASSIGNEE’S SALE. G eorgia, gwinnett oountT.—By virtue of as order from tbe United Mates District Oourt, lor the Northern District of Georgia, issued by A. O. Fos ter, Barister Is Bankruptcy, will bo sold before tee Goort Bouse door, In Lawrenoevllle. in said county, an tea ftnt Tuesday (the ite day) Of January, IfftO, within the legal hours of sale, tha following described reel and personal property belonging to the estate of Thornes J. Waters, a bankrupt, te wit: That tract of btni (numbers unknown), containing eight hundred serve, more or lees, known as the Oeo. r A98ENGXMS HATE CHOICE OF TWENTT-SIXII DIFFERENT ROUTES nu>M ATLANTA TO NEW YORK. Marshal's Notice of Seizure. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 1 Atlanta, Os.. December AUi. ISM. J The United Stales vs. Three Barrels et Whisky, Three Lota of Lead Neo. 1X0. 8M and 807, U tee Uth District of Cherokss, aad Foorteou beieo of Segare. Wberraa, On tbe 1Mb day of September. ISM, three Informations wore A sd te lb* District Oo«H et te* United Motes ter tee Northern District of Ooergta, by miQO Per Term. For a Circular, apply to the Rector COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my (took, aa it ia sax,a oTmx> wxtx orsat oari i>< Farekatofl *x el naively fir GiSB, From the Best Manufacturers. CHRISTMAS IS COMING. The Beit 14ting InM la the Oonatrj. No Midnight Changes. Finely Finiahed! Oan Well ’Seated Qxuavu atoTafrane* telto, it T. R. RIPLEY’S. 0CIXTT. -At a mtoling of p. B. C. Yencey, and foer t Ool. Barrow. Col. 0ap«r>. indg. H'hlej, m whom, ox P l >« power of appoiutiug Willee tor 1870, the follow- R«v m,1»: and Ventilated. quid time Aim sums ooRirecnoss. Tlrktox f#T ula at all Ticket ORaw r-v all polata reaekefl hy thia Um. c ”“- T. R. RIPLEY’S. Ladies* Cents’ and Childrens’ FINK GOODS Specialty. M. O. MARKHAIW , ofeboi Peiter 1st Freebytcrli KEROSENE OIL ,T. HAGAN FARE SAME tally OTHER ROUTES. '-Xenlnn. »'!>h -CaiMtort. ««*«, utxv. t-BuUer. “Orangfc i-Colombo*. Baggage Checked Through, CELEBRATED PETTRO Oil, kind th* beet ,aem, to UmTSSM* NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL. Ieh-toxs-tof ktototoM toWtototoa | Lamps Burnera, Chimney a, Wioka, Shade*, in bat everything pertsininr to liverpool and London and GHobc Fire Inaoranoe Company. ApptkMSfon Put Exemption. aiA, KABAUON OOUNTT.—▼. A. eaaMr. toreumfMto ef Mwneehx asSSttlTsrxS ar. l«* *4 my office. A. D. VO