Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 19, 1869, Image 3

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Wt fee ft«* Atftati, * Atlanta. t$r \ ~' TIONALSTOVE WORKS King is now lb Brida ft Oo's this went Do you w.ut • use- Ail osd beautiful Present tot yonr Wife ? Oonoio MoBmiDi ft (JoV Wa will base in oioro the coming w«ok win e« load* ot Furniture. Time and money cob bo sawftby gibing so t oolL tmuo ft 0a. WiP.H. SaookftOa. Ho. NDecolor St., Atlanta, So. deelMi * A Omtonrey Pnranrr *0* Too* Win.-Wo do not know of a mow welowbie of » won acceptable present a ou oonld make bw wife, than o Iiif* Policy Ju tha Georgia, Uutaal Lift Inaonwoe, Company. It costs bst little, and B ooa doao sot JtTe to welcome tho holidays again he sen die knowing that i », a D ; J. W. Watkins, J. J> ; J. G. frlir. I nre Paxxilca—Ytbf. 3Fi6i>fi, of’tbe |iw Era, a gaanioo peat and phiioao- far as wo are iaformsd ot adsieod, of MO CHANiBB OF OARS moruBt 1f«« Point, 8a., aad Wilmington, S, t .uouja ApfirniiK QUICK TIRE aad SBBf CONFECTIONS, JOHN KEEiX So Mwopafora hr to pay ‘always in ro we And^Bi tho Mucon Talsgrsph ay. The editor of that paper so ts the gnsation, which if. “Was the bold at Macon a auooaaar We '"Sir ' ' | uHVOT**** tmMm «*— nonmaad bia kind onaa wiH ban wbamwttb to yat- ohaao tba "Yulelng" and a ohriatmaa dinner. Thia moat Mediant ooaspauj presents all the ■few featorecin Uto donranee. Ita rataa are .ifyipitwfl anoW tfifuii knMtGTrVLIT sills lbs attmbowef tkspwbU. ttoMBO made 'on raw,dene., trawl or ocen- patton. Its Board of Directors is composed of Maophup. ydio am men. of undoubted ■Wa adstse dor friends to call da R. J. Masaay, Gsnsnl Agent for Uia department of Georgia, Florida and Alabama, at bit offloo in the oily, who will .lake pleasure la *x- FAME AS M»W BT AVGUSTA A3 ANY OTJiCR (TOtftE. FUIXMATf PALACE SLBIPINO CABS V 09 ALT, huht train* leamre atlahta SY IMS ROUTE, o , , from grades for sale by \ . // Wtchtam, Iuwowrow ft Cbinb. dseim PRINCETONFACTOMTHRKAp. ‘ Good stook on hand, and Ait sale by '• ’■ Wirxiaws, Laiwerow ft Ocane. dpiw n., ton BacaiTan, Twenty Barrels of Xan drath's Onion Set If. Rshlrom ft Fox. decld «t •t'.'’* -» • .• nsefcm best that baa risited onr city for i objections which areosoally nrgad, BIbcYand Brown stiUVtt* Jftdlek’CUlAs (all m*d& Tanner ft Sisaox, at W. W. Gbapman'a, Ko. TO Whitehall street, bars oa hand a large and wall sainted stock of Dry Goode, which they ere selling at low figona. , * dacl9-2l Wasrm* ft Amttmo Birmtoan. -Tho tm- ptoyoaa of this Road, aad indeed thoaa of all the Hoads terminating in Atlanta, hare about kt>»« tn tba waoinsio* that It iaef Ifiefrnroil 10*4 Blankets, BeaaUfal Q»*my, (exceedingly chop- Wwkgr Of ® o«kAl ioAtruiueatH *m eot»ider*bio AfitAiemeut, a^emyiiy. from the sp^iejlce. Ws SPPIri p of hones until we heard Daw ■* -'Meshanioal Donkey,"os a w. for Jo«t was well carried oat, and Importance to examine McBride ft Ce-'s goods, and haw their ptipewhoftme baying any artiola for tbs parlor, dining room or ohamber .seek fflVjlw*. Etc. A large lot of Ureas Goods, cents » yard*—worth 90. m ' w • ri A Wall* Assorted Stook of Oaraimeres, Eto. Bonsaan ft 0a, laU P. H. Snook ft Co., No. It Deoat nr Street. BOtrasD a eo. er'a Rewage," carried with it ha indorsed by isght the enter- McBams’a. ariety of fan, mmgs, aide, well worth wiP niwg nightauef their tba snocasa the first Holbhoo*. -J. M. Holbrook, pn Whiuhali •treat, lias tbs Onest Block of Ladies 1 and MANUFACTORY I wiling them cheap, especially IbrChrlatutu and New Year preaenta. Nothing ooald be more acceptable to wife or sweetheart than a handsome set of Fare, and as Ho!)brook sells them for eery Itttle money; they are perfectly awilable. He iurtVa the poblic to oome acoaodto aeewkatkehM oa h-ad. He oan YJIMA1 h 'TsiiLBx A Sifutam sro in receipt of sia( ant«SoPB g°ljH SVl’llRW, firing piftlaaad thon ngl dtr»«tloD« fcr Culture of Flowers and Vegetables. fa. whiisWfrrtW-Wwt expense entirely with* FURNITURE DEALERS All ISM . vww. JA tZ&$Zr. Itwlstipi) *41 aefTSM wtil b. Lead of lnrateset. asrrlse lo bapro*- laatba ooeditloa of tbe rttal lota aad seslly sltawM 2TES BROAD 8TRECT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Tke Saotii aid New Twit t**" then they frwa ewslwdorahf |R1 stnoe the ■ war, aad baa by far tba largest stook swnrid- Wred in tbs oily. He Ihfitss all thCfseoplS to eaU and aae him at omen Ha la prepend far , aroat.; ' It «• ■«♦»' — - • ' l^wyiwfLfrmkitlyfr band I the celebrated “BnEahT breads of Nfrok Al paca, ackuowlodgad to be the my heat. SUriMudc 14 Marble ud RAILWAYS. ALL HAUL MUTE. - Hot Kada a'ol-WiC^. fro, ■ite.-sabtraa. Too should tali cn him at ones, ondsoo tor yosrastfthagrand pw- paralion be baa Maihi for bis friends (hr the bottdsy eeaeou, wheh be will supply sank end all with awry MpU «(delicacy hear tba An sal Ptcfwb Oodfadtionery to a good nbetatrthd JOHN HfiNDKBdOIf, j ;. p**vMini‘ttA.wTO«a» TOVSe^F'^V/* K, CONFECTIONCMipiKi I..,..,:. ruil'WMKi. lad WhStsasle ids Xetail * » * .99^09 sssa OAfr.3U.Xa M. 1 **** H£iR.MlK, no it pxAciiTWO nvRBBT, Otmm UrTT'RfCT'kWAmi. 14 ►unk, i#od«r m eWoh*fce »«d Jakt^r. (No m>1« U»lh«r Nmd h*r^.> H « ——**«--.— Ussokio.—A regular uoafresalicn ef Israa >*; Rwr OonnoHt Jfo ^ wiH he hsMen liewfoy K awning, the iOtk fnsL, for tha aleotion ot oft- ‘ Floe tot Parlor Minora, at _ daolU-tt ^ . Tauter ft Smo. Nc .usat. fa the «n& pfraa la At 8GHOOL, Through ATJLANTA &1QO 'Petr f ttrAffrifii MfRlp ► tb, PfhUc k. sal* In tba city, ontybrg. t* ■ t fall of snow A. Haight, bnainsra • otroi.s, Id now is now on its He is now tbe menu Bitter*;* which at s has no superior. He sagas* of pare Easaos , tobtoco, whlek for tccsmoklBcgaaliUes haw nuan,taciorin this inarkaa. Knraty fro. cots,prising man, fall of batintes end eetlrely engages In whatewr mossinairts land to pro mota pnblio interest and welfare He to a Bvs man. Thia s wry body knows who knows Ksnay. Hla adwrtlrament is alaawhera In _ tmfriae sMth. and will Wra ■ city and pby here about the fifth January. This show was hare «o, and draw an immense crawl VM*>. figure A graeom el No, TO Whitebeitstfaet, haw fa store a Urge lot of Blankets, whiofa they are oBering at atry tow flguree. lEflN , «fa. Hewing i kwchief Boxer:. Olgui« bp .JUD^Ef-'E. 5 At the tNd Jewelrg Elor* c tip St"JL i v>. TU In order to rednee bar .Monk as muoh as pos sible between new end tba let of January, we raMOUfaifitxdwfid Prioea. ■xjiMtfgSte^ofXd ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, HUM BUvtr Wart (a As fkmth can be found at McBrida ft Oo.‘a, Rata. Baioimit, am Rwnaora.—Tha Au nt senary Bridal and Holliday preeeots at MsBrtd* A Oo'a. Tm Laaoxat and obaapwt lot of fora anr odhrad In Atlanta, baa Joel been reactwd by John K. Holbrook, Wbltehall etreet. - no?23-tf CHARLKBTON. COLUMBIA, OlaMrlotto, HftUlgli, WtUBUfSTON, RBI,DOS, RICHHOBB, Wanbiagttft, Baltimore, Pliiladelphla and New York. J JUS MHpL .ltt$ cook book, TBSBimw as, »fi ‘rir :e ■'fid5HA '-».'.»<»>> Anuixe. Gi., Dseeahartth. lAd9. Mr* 1 " “mutual -A h^si^ it te h. the mpat parfeet COOKING BTOVE fa tba Market, bake gtnat ptoannra ' “ t6 swlh of my frlcadi who may wiah to ptrtobraa t AraUlara ertiola. T - „ /';•* ;:>!£*;;. J T£:'t Mae, A. P.GNU.S Fumaraostfiwn* Parlor Lamp* at . ',1a «d*Wc | > - ' DUTtBR AMDAARD, ^5; Lugs Mef Imed ha eaaa, whfabiaeRkred w to Ura trade Twtfriy Xua Waatm fju!- «r*w The Wn-nuna, Iuiowrox A tbaaaa. •> ■ T n A w smS aSSE ordara aamm*. m. v dee O-lm BEHOLD! WE THE LIVE DRUG STORE “ THE NATIONAL And keep constantly on band anwhplsts srawrlmgat ot their COOKIKG and heating stoves, Which wa rrilLdfrU, gdMtorafa jraApitoll et Fwtnry priese; and, atoe, a IWHArt HOXJSE FtJfe.NlSHING GOODS. fra V>r fires i: xiTKaxrT, WINE & vofWLitohaUasdi & FO SRB on dm trisk with ren«w«d tpeed, anl the lw^oet (took of ^ before firrired t uatn FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Is Unequftled in the South. KEROSENE #1’ AfiAl rox mot to 'em jpjsow pnspanxD to orysa to m TRAD* a F] 1 snd Umbs«t QMRllty of i. M. J0N9T *' . NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OH, PVT dotmirrmo* to tsUfironahfrfri *••>••*» or strirasstbaa say toMsesswth ef Baldun. i alro kssfi e took atsek ot Lunps, Buraers, Cbicmeye, Wioke, Shade*, in fiwt ernyttLing pertsinin*- te dfaJbcm* »E7»x»ra«fr»A».i st to fra etfr Sir fist Rraiwk'a Tsesi narasr—cnpssler te sfr yetefrfsd to the yew, Sq/SpShmskioNwatTSW eet atstwa ssasamica. *m be lakra kaek y.*.. rarayeifsinipwa etwemra W. K, FOl FOX, T SIXTY f>AVS, 3Pi9WI*jssSfi* a redared prto*,>y |te* ^T3:<>IrB&Ai,K W KfiJTAlL, Kft*MSBldSBRddf«r TtoraM, Tohaccwtmraakbl^lIrlgMBayywefaMKkHTwW, w. RTWDft WttfTPfidAfram «1 per hnndredu *4 a piece. .ySSitfrg«BSfejMa; 1*^^, , r«« Btreet, spyssltf IttlsHl IlraUl- g m a.S..;».f3.u^ WWmric P«ri«y PHI*. I. Kratneky, *ta Plain and Marble Top. rm ■ o O T © -A. 1ST ID 3HO ‘•out UtATHCR. CAUF SKINS, »NOS _ EMPIRE BLOCI, WRITFRALL 30 ROHANt» tap» to wxmiae my stook, sa lt is ,