Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 24, 1869, Image 2

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n Tb* 1:. 1 from the top € e with th. old and ton* t 1 HtllU*MM| I I connection, r jon go. A »t $600, I n Saved, htton. Mr. lud city ■Mr* i'SSfSMfW. orira 1 bs m dtanrmsd »nJ Aa inquest >m b»ld and* verdict nndsrad •bore foot*. ■OHM Ram Sterna. The Sttprooto Court bat taken a reef till the (Mb ofJanaarj The waethar at Omaha i« eery cold, with three iaabes of aaov. S. M Guilford, a prominent Chicagoan, died of apoplexy on the 20th. The ahock of an earthquake was felt at Mempbia an the 90Lh. Colonel Bristow, Attorney Oenerel for the District of Kentsaky, baa resigned. Kata Kenner attempted la build a flro with coal oil, at Dayton, with tbe oaaal result. The obaool of the Sweedeoborgian society at Waltham, Massachusetts, was destroyed by fire on Sunday. The ootmcil of Indianapolis bee peeeed a resolution‘adding to tbe oily e suburban pop ulation of one thousand. Her. Dr. Thurston, of the Central Congre gation oboreb, of Fall Riser, Massachusetts, died oo Sunday nigh). Tbe Bible and Common Prayer-Book So ciety, of New fork, celebrated its aixty-fint anniversary on Sunday night ■■ Tbe town of Vincennes baa granted the right of way through its streets to the Indiana poles and Vincennes railroad. Tbsre are rumors of a new Fenian sipodi- Uoo, haring Mew Orleans, Mobil, and Key Wort aa points of departure. John Wheeler, conductor on the Chicago end northwestern railroad, was ran over and killed at Oenava, on Saturday. Jamaa Waiters, brakeman on tha Grand Bonn and Ferryaburg railroad, Michigan, #na run over end kill on Saturday. # Tom Allen haa aocepted doe Coburn’s challenge, and will fight him within ninety days, six hundred miles west of Omaha A lad named laird fell down the onbin stairs of the steamer W. F. Curtis, near Wheeling, on Saturday, and broke hta neok. In n drunken row nt Memphis, oo Saturday night, doe Basher was fatally stabbed by dim raes a or<il«rurt already r _i North Atlnntio Fleet, was ot- tfae Bay of Samana. which la now oo 1 by the dotted States, t Bevel, 8. C„ will probabla l>e need as tdeivona tor the North AUantio Bqard- ~Fu*ntue Mohook, Dees tuber S3—The I fleet hi oonitug into the Roads, Geo. Abbott, leader of the party having for its rad tbe destruction of the Spanish gun baste, hen sailed In pundit of them. The Trustees of Cooper Institute, closed their doom egainat George Preoota Train, Sunday night. Georgs dal me $2,600 damages. Brigham Voting, Jr., and Bishops Ham mood and Potts, of the Mormon Uhoroh, ad dressed a meeting et Brooklyn, New fork, on Sunday. Dr. W. H. Lewis, of Boston, has been ar rested in New York for kidnapping hie daugh ter from her mother, pending the decision of • divoroo salt Tha Chicago Free Trade League ha* organ- hud with Colonel J. W. Foster ae President, Franklin MoVaagb Secretary, and Clinton Briggs Treasurer. Jimmy Elliott, thief end pugilist, who rob bed a men a* Royal Oak, Michigan, and aa- capad to Canada, ha* bean brought back un der the extradition law. The Democratic Legislative Conueil of Mon teak hoe rejected Governor Ashley’* Bspabli can eppoistese for Auditor, Treasurer and Stt- perintradrat of Pttbll* Instrnction. Ohna. T. Shepherd A Co., flour dealer*, A Albany, New York, have felled. Their lidhtl- ities are rixtv thousand dollar* at Buffalo, and ldoilnre at Oswego. t i , agafnat certain citizcqa rl leonaiu, for lynching Wil n, last fall, wae qorabed, and the 1 from blame. On Saturday afternoon John E. Parkhun, while attempting to board a moving irain oo the Bempneld Railroad, nan Tridelphta, Peunaylvania, was knock ad down, ruu over nod Instantly killed. nee use at tha .'Jem phis I to a young tee Irani bo formed of th* value by n reference to th* amount of ootton and other ortiele* shipped from Savannah for the twelve month* ending July let, 18*9, via: 360,164 boles of 1 at $46,000,000. The total valt from tha city dosing the name wets $46,336,494. Four-fifth* of thie enor- bueloeaa found ita way to Savaanalt over th* Central Railroad, and from points beyond Maeon. This is the prixa that the new rood has entered the list to compete for, end It mains to be seen whether they ean so h monies their conflicting Interact* as to avoid a ruinous competition. The buatnova of Savan nah has suffered considerably for the want of adequate transportation facilities to do the immense business that seeks an outlet at its harbor. This connection, to a considerable •xtrat, supplies the want, and will Urially in developing a section of the Stele of great wealth, bat innoeeeetble heretofore for want of an outlet to thn.e"««4;- “iSotEerTtraTod considerable moment is numerous complaints made, of the high lies of freight hitherto ohargad. Tha old adage “competition is the life of tmde," will here have an excellent ohanee to exemplify itself, and w* hope these lines will find it to their true Interest* to inaugurate • more rea sonable charge. The enormous trafflo before mentioned, and which, of oonne, In tha nat ural order of events will steadily increase, will ensure a paying basins** to both lints from the start; but thu natural ambition of two competing lines, situated ta these are, will tend towards the absorption of the larger amount of the traffls, and tha magnet to tract this, la a aatiafaotory tariff of rat**.— We already feel much interest in thee* proof* of enterprise throughout the Booth, sad shall watch with great interest the farther develop ment of these new undertakings.—If. T. BA- Mia. Front the Oliveiaall Herald, Decent bar 16 township va tha Paud* **Uway, A singularly romantio affair was brongbi to a felicitous termination in this city on Bator- day. A brief interview with tbs happy hus band developed the following oiroumetnnoe* : -Borne eight years ago a gentleman named Fat ten, with'Ilia with and daaghtar, «h# lattSr being about thirteen yean of ago, removed to California from HaraAohtuetta. He was an industrious, enterprising man, of limited means, end Bought the golden shores of the Pacific in the hope of bettering his fortmta*. He went to Sacramento City, where he found ready employment at hta trade, that ofa build er. By ajudicious investment of the little mesne he took with him, in a few years be became the possessor of a nloe little property valeed at $10,000 or $13,000. Bat adversity came, and a Ora swept away more than ball of bis wealth without a dollar of tnauranoe.— Soon after this he wee killed by en aooident while at work, and, by n singular fatality, hi* wife followed him to the grave In a few months. Meanwhile the daughter had grown into a comely damsel of twenty-one. Thai lack of admirer*, but aha found no snltor to anit her. Left alone among strangers, she longed for the home and friends ot her obild- bood, but, dreading tbe perils ■ voyage, she waited until the Paomo ran roan should be completed. Converting into money what remained of the property of her father, amounting to some $6,000, aho procured a through tioket to Maw York* and started on her long trip, ooamgeonely nndertaklni journey alone. Soon after leaving f memo, however, she met by chance, th* ostial way on railroad car*, oar informant, n young gentlemen of prepossessing appearance, whose features l*ore she impress of rirtne and charac ter. Hie home is in New Jersey. He bed been to California on basins** connected with the property of s deceased relative, and happened to fall In with Mias Patton epon tha train. An acquaintance sprang up, usual at fint, but whieb soon ripened into friend ship; and ah* consented to accept him aa pro tector ai d oeoort. Cupid enema to have been bent on making mischief from the hoar of their masting, end with fresh-filled quiver kepi o|> a persistent targef-pmettos at (hair h—iir. Day idler day, as th* train rolled on throngh tha ttunntain fastnesses nod over the great plains if the w«m_ the liltlAamiwv god never for a obi find If NIGHT DISPATCHES. SMSfWo*, Deo, 33.- Revenue to-day, otweil and Robteno spend the holiday* n’t receive visitors daring the holidays. Custom* for the week ending 18lb, 38,600,- <100. The Tribune nay*: We trapt that the Preai- dent will see th* propriety of speedily with drawing his name and snbatitating therefor that of acme thoroughly oapable and Ihor- oortlyhtnstwortbyw.voted for ta&nfition In Georgia, have givoti esanranoee that n convention of the people of Georgia, pledging the adoption of the 15th amendment, and restating tbe no- groan will secure the immediate repeal of the set Senator Morton eay* the whole object oi the legislation is to secure the adoption of the 15<h amondinrat. Cnasnowxsviu* Dee. 23.—In the case of Ayers, charged with the killing of Dr. A. B. Oliver, Mias Ellen Ayera and Dr. Brown, the family physici*., testified lo th* effect that Mira Ayres vu aboot to become a mo ther, and that thu deceased bad seduosd her. Ayrea was bailed la twenty-five thousand dol lars to answer the indictment. Foararas Moxnox, Dec. 23.-The Spanish fleet hta gone to an again. Brrrno, December 33.—A Southwest gait and anew storm prevail*. The water is higher than It hau been lor thirty years. Nsw You*, Deoembsi 23.—LoriUard’a yaloh a» m,iiTT*g» around tha world was lost in tho MeotSmswra am. The orew was fo 17 P«t I | $1 10 per dwt TSe prides vary eooordlog to the mine* from which It is taken. Villa Rion la worth (l 16 pet dwt, and Lumpkin oouuty mines vary from $1 60 to 110 par dwt. Batter—Market dull In Qoshw and Wes tern Reserve. Tennessee and Virginia quoted at 26 to 36o per lb The quality varies greatly. Good ooaniry butter sells resallyet 33 to 40n, Bicon-Nst mnoh doing in bsoon. We note e. tides st 2Us; o. r. aids* and shoal- quote e. dsn. 17. -Tbe market is well aupplied id st »<. saved. , Whxxuhq, December 33.—The mail train going east and the express train going west oollided near Burton, tho engines were smashed. No passengers hurt. Pahis, December 33.—Tho Corps Legislsttff will probably adjourn to-morrow. Points or Marat. A snowball killed a juvenile New Yorker. A ear manufactory is soon to bo started in Arlington, Vermont. Portland, Maine, has no longer a ship afloat. The last was sold a few days ago. Dougherty will be tried at Kokomo, Indiana, in January, tor the killing of Van Horn. T. 0. fttookton, an old oitixen of Mt. Ver non, Ohio, died last Monday, aged eighty tjvo. T reduced to about Sevan hundred Nearly half of the potatoes raised In the northern part of Maine will be destroyed by dry rot Iceboats for pleasure purposes are to be placed on the Belfast (Maine) ponds this win- ' r. Over thirty-two million feet of black walnut lumber were shipped from Toledo during the pset season. Cleveland wants to he a port of entry, nod bar board of trade passed resolutions to that effect, last Thursday. The wife of a respectable oitixen of Alton*, Illinois, wes recently detected steeling apples from the cellar of a neighbor. 8be wea dressed in male apptrel when oaught A herd of nearly two hundred goats, com prising varieties from the conjmon Mexican to the fine Cashmere, was on exhibition last weak in the streets of Independence, Miaaouri. Near Weyanwega, Wisconsin, a few days, ago, a boy, about fourteen years of age by the name of Templeton, while leading a cow to water, fell, and the cow stepped on his etomaoh, causing death in k few Mr. Motley has made a proposition, which the British Government haa accepted, to transfer tha negotiations on tha Alabama claims to Washington. Tha question of the neutrality of the high era* has bean inclt * in tbe negotiations. On Wednesday last, 8amuei Whietlay, Handcnon oouuty, Tennessee, while laboring ondcrafitof insanity threw two of bis chil dren in a wall, and then jumped in himself. The children were drowned. Whiteley was rescued, but la not expected to recover. Fifty miles of tbe California and Oregon railroad have been completed, and it is Do- lievod tbe treok will reeeh MiUcroek, one hun dred and twelve miles distant from Sacra mento, by March next. 8umy4|are being made for a line throngh the Bon Joaquin Valley countries to tha Southern boundary of the State, which will rater Ban Franoleoo oo the traox of tbe Western Fsoific Railroad via Oakland. Near Oorydon, Indians, on Thursday wsek, Jacob Honainger got s torkey boo* ago**, wise in his throat and could not get it np or down. Next day he went to town where a pbysioian pushed it down with a podded whalebone. Lexington, Kentucky, is to have a new monthly, vis : "The Frophetio Key," devoted to tho atpodttoD of the prophetie scriptures, especially thoso that foretell the second coming of Christ and the wonders associated therewith. The first nnutbef will be issued G. Watson and A. F. Baker, when aubseribera. invoiced with hulk meats. 0. sides are quoted e. r. rides 174 and shoulders nt 14 to 16a,. for steal 60 days in aolt Meal* 36 to 30 days in salt, for shoulder* 14c; c. r. side* 171*; o. •iddn 18c. Bagging—Vary souse.—4)not»d st 364 to SO*. Bale Bw—Quoted st 7AJo 9a.. Corn—Hoarea. Demand good. Prioes ad- vxnoad slightly. Wa quote prime white now nt 1 30 and HO: no old la market Cora Meal—Demand doll. Then ia a good supply on band. We quote it at $1 80 to 1 36. fjitoese—Block fair. Demand good. Quo- tad at 19 to 3140. Coffee —Damaud good, Wa quota Java 38 to 374o; Bio 90 to file, according to quality. Cotton Yarn*—Demand fair at $3 00. Dried Frinlt—Feaohaa, rough 64 to 6o. Pealed 13 to 16o. Eggs—Soaroe and high. Wa quota at 50o per dox. |t$r Til Stock of floor is very flue and embraces x great variety of grades and prices Demand fair. We quota super $6 00 to 6 60 per bbl. Extra 3? 00. Family $7 26 to 8 00. and Fancy $8 00 to (9 00. Begs—Wa quota at 114 gross 134 not. Mty—A fair demand and good supply. It 1* quoted at *35 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim thy. ♦ MoUsses and S/nips—Stooka exmol to the email d. Qualities wry vwr&aa, We quote its figures ranging from 60 to We, though lome are held as high as *1 16 per gallon. Oata-—A good demand for oate exiifcs. Supply light. They are quoted at 80 to 85o» Oniona—Onions readily bring from $4 60 to 6 00 per bbL Offal—Bran ia worth 61 60; ship atuff $1 75 to 2 00. It ir in good demand. PatetoOB—Good Irieh potatoes are in de mand at $3 00 to 8 60. Bye—Bui little demand. Stock moderate. Quoted at 81 40 to 1 60. !■■■ Sugar—Brings from 13 to 19o aooording to D uality. We quote refined A18 to 184; do. B 7j to 18; d< Wheat—We find a wide range in wheat We quote it at %l 40 to 1 70 for prime red to “* * ” *“ '’.mall demand.— prime white. Block light. Si Prime white sella readily at fl 60. Tobacco—Unsound pounds...... 55o Common sound pounds 60 to 66c Medium pounds...... * 70to76o Fine pounds 80 to $1 Extra fine pounds $1 85 Liquors—Market acute. Dealers are sell* BeltraaoUiby the fienata aad How ot 1 >f the ffnlM Meta* ot Amertoa ia 0« That tha Ouvorsor of Ui* State of Georgia he, tad hereby in, authorised aa* dlreoUd forthwith by proclamation to oeauaon aH fereous etertril to the Qmerai Assmtyof m14 m»U as appatn bf the proolamaUoa of Oaorfa 0. Maada, tha General Com. mending the Military District indudia* the »«a«a of aoorgia, (tated Joao gMH* if*, to eppaaa ofl aomo day certain, to ba named la add prodat AU lent*, m add B4tf* aad IhaMupon tha add General Assembly o# aald ShaU prooaad to parfoct lie or- gaaiaaUoa lo cooformity with tha OoaaUtatlaa and iMiwaof lb* batted BUtaa aosorfllaf to tha prowteteaa of this Aot. Sso.3. Ard be It farthar anoefod. That whan the membfnw so daotad to mid Sauata and Hoasa of ftop- FoMuu&lraa dull ba aocTonod aa alotaaaid, aaab and evary membtr and each and every poraoh daladag to ba elected aa a member of aald ileeato ar Bocae of Bepr<saatetivea shall, in addition to taking the oath or oatha raqnirad by tho OoMtttoOon of Georgia, also taka and rapaerlba, and tile la the offoa oi tha Ifooratery of Slate, of the State of Georgia, ot?o of the foDowiag oatha or nfPrjoatlona, namely s *1 do aotemnly swaar—or aOrm aa the earn that I hero nararhdd the ottae or mmrdoo tioa of a Donator or Bopraoantetito In Congress, nor member pf tbe Legislators of any State of tha Mates, nor bald any etrU offloe oraatod by tew Cor tha admlateterlag of any general tew of a State, or for the admlatetratlom of joetioe In any State or under thetewi of the TJnltod States, nor hdd any ofBee tn the military or nard aervica of tha United Statee, and thereafter engaged In lnanrrectktn or rabeUlon against the United States, or gsra aid or comfort to Its one- antes, or rendered, except In consequence of direct pbyaical feroa, any aepport or aid to any inaarreotion or rebellion against tha United States, nor office under or given any euppoit to any Government of any kind organised or acting In hostility to the United States, or levying war against the United State#, ao help me God—or on the pains or pendtiee of perju ry ea the ones may be-t’or the following oath or at 1 do solemnly *wear- m the caee may be-that I have been relieved by an ate of the Oongrese of the United State* from disabili ty as provided for fey Scottoo S of tha 14th Amend- it to the Conrtitatlon of the United Btatee, ao help me God—or on the pains or penalties of perjury aa the case may be'—whtoh oath or afllrotation, whan oo Sled, ehaU be entered of reoord by tbe Secretary of of the State of Georgia, and aald oath or afftrma- tlon, or a copy of the reoord thereof, duly eertifted by aald Seerdary of State, shall be evidence la all oourte and place#, and every person otelmlng to be so elected, who shall refuse, or decline, or neglect, or to take one ef said oaths, or affirmations above pro vided, ebdl not be admitted toaaaatln aald Senate or House of Bepreeen tail vat, or to a participation in the proceedings thereof, but shall be deemed ineligible to aoh seats. Bxo. 8. And be it further enacted. That if any per son claiming to be elected to said Senate or House ef Representative* m aforesaid, shall fhlsely take either ef sold oatha or affirmations aa above provided, ha shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall setter the pains and penalties thereof, and may he tried, eon victsdand pnntebed therefor by the Circuit Court ot the United States for the Diatrlot of Georgia, In which District udd crime was committed, and the jurisdic tion of aald Ooort shall be sole and exclusive for the their new era boo* IgOT, Saturday Evening at 21- 2 O'clock, War the expvera *mouraed*Ue* of lertra i H Adanastoti 80 cento; children 35 -trh. HO! FOR CHRISTMAS ! THE BAILBOIF ALE HOUSE H A vim been refitted and clocked *i>b the beet brands of UQUOM, WIN tH, rad OtA ABM, FOSSICK and DOMESTIC AUB and FOSTER, All kinds of hot drinks,'each aa Dublin and Gteagow Fnnchee, of pure eld POTXXX: AlfiO. Tom and Jerry, the best in the State. ins lergelv and piles* keep up veiL Brandy, ft. .7 $7 00 to It 00 An.ricu 1 60 to 2 00 Pweh 3 00 to 4 00 Apple. 8 00 to 4 00 Gi£ Holland 400to600 American 1 50 to 2 00 Ram, Jamaica 4 00 to 8 00 American ,,,,,,,, ,,,, 1 60 lo 3 00 WMoky—Corn--Country 1 60 lo 3 00 Rectified, do 1 15 to 1 40 are, do 1 36 to 6 00 Robertson, do...., 1 60to 3 V0 fiS^Sbfcra Sherry * 2 60 to 6 00 Port.. 2 60 to 6 00 N E. Rum 17£Lto2 25 B*o. 4. And be it further enacted, That the peraone •tooted aa aforesaid, and entitled to onmpoee raid Leg islature, and who shall oomply with the provisions of thU aot by taking one of the oaths or affirmations above prescribed, shall thereupon proceed In acid Sen ate and Houae of Represantstives to which they have been elected reepectlvely, to reorganise said Senate and House of Representatives respectively, by the etoetion and qualification si toe proper officers what ahortw .pace ***k c* 10 wooer* ; bat both fled, end they determined to take a Ule tl tow,tber. TWokfog it would be* non! pro* to friend*, and having that rahlim* Telegraphic Market Heparte. Nxw You, December 33.—Cotton qnl and steady; tale* 1,300 bales et 364c. Floi anchanged. Wheat heart at la lowar; win tor, red aud waatern $1304, Corn—new firm er; old declining. Pork—new $30 60. Lard heavy; kettle 184 to 184a. Whisky 93c to tl Groceries quiet end steady. Turpentine 434 44c. Borin *2 08. Money eray at 8 to 7 par oral Gold 120], Government* aloud lowar; 63'* 134. Booth nit strong. Stock* doll rad unsettled. Nxw Onxun, Deoembra S3. —Cotton native and firmer at 23| to 24a; ulea 6,400 balsa; oelpte 3,466 balee; export* 1,626 bale*. Floor $6 75 to 6 60. Corn doll and lower *t fl, Oat* firmer <6 to 70o. Bran $1 16. Hay doll and lower; prime weriern $24. Mae, pork $31 80. Bacon 154 to 19|o. Lard, liarce 19 to 194c; kog 22o. Sugar easier, prime 12 to 194c. Molasses, prime 67 to 68c. Whiaky 31 06 to 1 10. Coffee nnebani Sterling 301. Gold 130]. New York S 4 dieoount. BaLTnconn, December 33—Ootton doll with deoliniog tendency. Floor steady and on ehangod. Oorn and oat* doll By* 31 to 105. Froririon* quiet mod weak. Whliky UOO. Hatxx, Draember 33.—Cotton opened qui et; low middling ottont 136. Lonnvnxn, December 33.—Oorn unchang ed. Fork 330 60. Shoaldara 16c; clew aide* 184e. Lord 184a Whiaky heavy »t 96a CtirciMxarr, Deoember 33.—Corn e*eier only local damand; naw 73 to 74o; old 86a — Whiaky 34 to 96a Lard nominally lowar. 8t. Lours, Deoember 23 —Oorn doll; whit* racked 86 to 96a Whisky 934 to 94c. Pro- vielon* declining; nomlea AuouvTi, December 33. —Ootton opened with fair demand bat oloaed weak et 234 to 23o; **lo* 643 bale*; raeripta 1,062. Monru, Deo. 98.— Ootton firm, and damand for middling ; rale*. 1,600; middling, 381; raeripta, 131; export*, 793. CnaraxsTOK, Deoember S3.—Ootton doll rad sorter; naira 3,000 bale*; middling* 33] raoript* 3,802 balsa Deoember 33.—Ootton raoeipta 800 .e*o. 6. lad be It further *n*eted, That If any parra* •hall by force, rtolwra cr fraud, wfllfitlly binder or scribed by this act, or from participating In the pro ceedings of said Sana to or House • of Bepreea after haring taken one of aald oaths or affirmations, and otherwise compiled with this act, he ahall be fieemed guilty of a felony, and may be tried, conrioted an d punished therefor by tha Circuit or Diatrlot Oonr t of tha United States for tbs Diatrlot ot Georgia, in which Diatrlot mid offence shall be eoasmltted, and shill be punished therefor by imprisonment at hard labor for not leas than two nor more ten yean the discretion of the Court, and the jurisdiction said Courts shall be sole and exclusive for the pur pose aforesaid. 8*0. ft. And be It further enacted, That It to hero* r by deolarvd that the exclusion of any parson or per sons elgfod as aforseafi^nd bsiag otkonrtooqmoUBoO from participation In the proceedings of raid Senate or Hoose of Representatives upon the rreuad of race* ootor or prerions condition of servitude, would be ille gal and revolutionary, and is hereby prohibited. 8*o. T. And be it further enacted. That upon the application of tbs GovartMir of Georgia, the P of the United Statee shall employ such military or na val forces of the United States as may be neoe route the preceding provisions of this net. 8*c. I. And be it farther enacted, That the L*«iaU- latere shell ratify the 15th the Constitution of the United 8tates before Senators and Representatives from Georgia tie admitted to rants in Congress.” I hereby issue this, my proclamation, to summon all persons, elected to the General Assembly of the BUte of Georgia as appear# by the proclamation Georgia. M«ute, the General Commanding the MIR* tery District including the BUte of Georgia, dated Jons tfth, IMS, who are qualified, to appear at Atlan ta, In said Mate, on Monday, the tenth (10th) day Janury next, whereupon such of the raid pereona era qualified to hold offloe In aooordanoe with the pro- visions of the sots of Oongmra In such and provided, will be organised in the Senate and Bouse of Reprceettetlvee respectively, a# the Provi sional Legislature of the BUte of Georgia for the pur* poee of promoting the reoonatruotioa of aril Govern* •uni in said State In aooordanoe with the town of the United States. RUVUi & BULLOCK. a: ' The i alaaM' wrik ottbsi GREAT «rrrn CAESniXG GftttAT g (THE OWL Y ROUTE! U. IV. AOAIH, Auctioneer. WILL sell this morning, (Mth), at 10 o'clock, on _ the premfraa, that broutitol Oeataal 80*80 fete let, oo Forsyth street, opposite the rate dene# of Thoms# G. ittmms. It most be aeld this mtirnlng for oroh.— Title* perfect G. W. ADAIR, deett-lt SCHOOL NOTICC. JJB. MoGAKULtM' SCHOOL Will be opteted JAKTUABLY VZZtST* leriy oecnpted by B. D. Smith, on the and Pryor Streets. dec 34 ~ FURNITURE F FURNITURE ( FURNITURE! PABLOR, BED-BOOM, AMD DINING-ROOM SETS. And rrerytiting pertaining to toe Furniture Trade; •ad haring bought theca directly ef fhe Wroafeotaiwr* te M*T CA8H PKCM, 1 am determined to eclltheio Lower than Any Homo in the South. 41 k*v, rtw*7* on bud * wj fin* wmtanl of PARLOR MIRRORS! ARLESBOHNEFELD. oorner ot Wheat a RENTING, RENTING, REHTIHG. hourly n •apply tbe demand. O Mo. 88 Alabama street, one door e nta, and cannot r . ADAIR, of tha hxpreM ORANGES. HO! FOR THE CHHISTMAC. F°l iR sale, and to arrive, at the Arcade Stand, Amer ican Metal, seventy-dve barrel# OMoIod Orajtigofii, axpresaly for the Holiday*. PXKXBXI OA3MD1 G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Important Adminutrator’B Sales, AT THE OITY HALL, F0K FIRST TUESDAY IS JAffCARY. 1. Estate of John Kile, Deceased. CMVE Business Lots on Loyd street, opposite th J: Central Park, in 200 feet of the Psweanger Depot a# par phU at my office. Term# oath. 2. Estate of Roy. Lewi* Lkwifao, Dee’S. nt APT. BASS is now nuking a survey and subdlri- U #lon of that very dasirabla tract of FORTY ACRIQN, In the weetorn pert of the otto, where Mr. Lawihe formerly resided. It haabeUttinlbuiUtoijsltee,oocd New Discovery !. Phaloi V ITALIA; ox, !on for the Hair. springs, clear branches, the old flneptooM for vegetable gardsaa, straw- si have printed And dletribntod a plat of the property. Parties era then examine the lota and at tend toe rate at thsOlty Ha ~ The aM bemastead place •old laa large tot. Terms < G. W. ADAIR, Real Ketatamad Ineurancs Agent, dee 24-3t Vo. 88 Alabama street. A W. OZaATTOW, b. v. wmm, Late of Tran. CLAYTON & WEBB, WHOLESALE GB00EBS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Drain*!* FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Jb.TL,AJ$XA, GEORGIA. JJAV* rvmora* Ibrir ttsck to NO. 20 ALABAMA STREET, Between toe United Stole# Hotel rad Atlanta Rational Bank, where we will be pleased to tee our old custom ers rad ae many new as may favor us wtth a call. CHANGED 8IDE8, Snbrm doing, l bon obUlnod * vtnra room 1* A NO A. Th Wvo, oo to, Jan ovar'lh* w*y from mj form., looatlon.' whioh I h*v* flUri with Boom, Shora. Lrataw at hho* na*- 1*0*, of the brat qnallty. I hops, h, thl. nmtnl, raoiffsronoo to tbs opinions of oihsrt wbicb I, nil ilMinctlvs psonliaritj of ths American ol.araotsr, trie, d*oid*d to *tnp at Cl.vclaod «,id bavs ths h,msnlsl knot tisd at onoai Thar arrlvrd bj ihs afternoon train on Motor, day. and having but faw praltiumarie* to *r* rang*, within a oouple of boor, lbs iwain bad boon declared on* In tbs most orthodox man. net by one of oar *qnira*. Tbe night sipira* mat bar* tb* nappy sonpl* on tb*ii w»y. tv* btv* briefly given tbs facts ** relslsd to o% and oar nadrra will *gra* with a. tttnt lb* affair dsrarvs* lo ink* rant «* no* of tb* prat. Ural romance* of tk« d*y. Tbsrs wa* a romantio mealing on * railway train ta lows, a law day* rimes, At a .top. ping plane a middle-aged v ■Ml'.-MHim If ra—a r$61,< discs VST sd snsng .psclusns are allowed to pas* froe of duly, bat Indian cnriorttle* are not, and 111* wbol* lnvoioc ta likely to be oonfiscatsd. Tbomo* J. Stafford, who vn found dead in hi* offloe at N*« Haven, Oonuectlcat, on Fri day week, i* now l,«li«v*d ta bnva met bia death by font mo.n«. 1I« «*• aeen a* late *• 10 o'olock Tannd.y night, cud at * ht*r bonr wa* bMrd anoamliag U.» riaira in tb* bnlld* ing with »ooio one tdae wljo wore boots, Mr. Btofford having on rubbar* at tbs lim*. Still later in tbe nlgbt otbar psrtisa were beard g< { lug np the stair*. Tba bank of Fradericktowu, Knox county, failed on Hatardav weak. Tbe Mount Vernon Banner aaya: ”Tbt capital stock was 361,000 -all paid in. By off*rlng »ud paying intaraat at rales ranging from rtx w twenty per osnt., they bad secured a deposit, for whioh asrtlB are now outstanding, amounting ' *3,r* ' ■ -' ' ’ ' WHAT H0U8EKEEPER8 SAY ABOUT OUH NEW morning, t _ smooth a* a billiard ball. • I ray, OsorgsT" •narltd ba, ‘part my hairtvanly.' 'There Isn't mnoh left to part,' atwa; George, ' You have ■ dd lbs verbose 'ay* arid that, and yet i on have finished by parttag », eomabow, and gusaa yon osn now/ ‘No n*« to try. rtr; bnt I toll you wb»t I’ll do; i’ll make a tins with a plsos of rad chalk.’" A young lady wot outraged by two urgroi l, near Mayfield, Xantocky, a law day* ainro, The negro** warn arrested and lodged in jail, from which they wen taken by fores, carried Into lbs woods, nod riddled wit' ' “ sheet 343,000; sod tba deposit apou aseoant, unpaid, amounts to about $37,000. The** amount* (79 000), togathsr with all ths capital Ml.OOp). in all. $180,000, bars dlsap. THE CARROLL FARM. a a HAMMOCK, Auctioneer, W HA rail, at the Otty BaX. In Afloat*. On. at 11 s’vtaeh.a.w.. fieri Twaatoy, th. ritorWb.. nary, JrtO, rib* HtJXDlLSD AXfiFlm .Onto OX w& “Tboir Tfilws c>uet b« wtimatsd.” “Each saefiefiding y«*r add* to their pop- Mfirtty.” “Be eeooomle*] H»waekecp«r eta afbrd t* bo without thorn.’’ “They ought to b« to every houae in tbit eoatttrj." “They can bo chearfaUj ud ooueicntl. owsly rneomtoMdhd by ovary perron who TO BENEFIT All parttra aa wall u myself, tl to aaadlaaa to Ml yoa ,r ~“- THE PE'OfLE hr* Xadlnj out tkat a fiae* Bast ar tows la smusssss s’fjtn.'sr: ss. T. BANKS, Salvi CLEAR AjkfofATER 1 WITHOT^SEXHMENT I! [TIE LIGHT! 11 For Restoring to Gra Original Color\ Phalon’s “V rrjti^Wifi«rs ut terly from all Ujflmair coloring neretoforo used. It is laMjJId, sweet smelling, precWitates no muddy or slimy matRt,requires no shaking,im part nostain to the skin. Hold it tothe light and it is clear and cloulUess. It leaves no mark on the scMp; yet it reproduces in gray hsunfcenaturalcolor that time or siccftw3»may have bleached out of it/ t^Phalon’s Vitalii is for one sole purpose jfiat of reproducing,with absolute cer- ^tsypty.the. natuM^Ior of the hair. It is nopwffitended as a daily dressia^fnor for removing scurf or jBndruff; nor for cu ring 1 ting plishi fixed * Ion’s Iness; nor for stimula- jwth of the hair.— as may be accom- terthe color has been ith the Vitalia, by Pha- lical Hair Invi rator. The VitaS and unequaled the reproduction oi nal hue of gray hair, ing else. This is at— in from twototen according to the required. ~ htlW Invigo- a harmless ion for iplished ions, of shade druggists DOUBLE DAILY 1 THB OXITXD C Between Atlanta la eanfri .xrtojf?*!y ^ Throagh PaMMger Tr* 8*.t5 A. Wtotsfi florae Borne, Selma, Meridian, Orleans, Ai Chattanooga, wltbfou ba , ■ctiroad for til f Nort h & East by Ly TbaUampkla a ‘itarim. Canton, Memphis 4 Nei ANbroumi Tka XaahTilla A cautbawga, b K*ab rills and all Fslxtal West via EantnlUe,' FASaXNqEE* BAT* c YW1£NTY-8IX DIFFEKEHT • ntox ATLANTA TO^NEf Taltmanx Traveling ON ALL MIGHT TBiOffi The Bast Eating Howes is the ( No Midnight Finely Finished Oars Well; and dated. QUICK TIKE ASDSCREC Ticket* (or sole st all Tleket C point* reached by tkh I FARE SAME at byJOTHEE 1 Baggage Checked Wc do not cdvertlM o portmteti rad atientton do Uuk H IS. W. WPUElftt. GeemlH Vo. B. WALKKH, Master Tteaa. K. HULBEHT, Hurt. T ULL rNAUGHT, ORMOND Dtpoamsay HARDWARE AND CU IRON AND «m dkalem a Cone, Rifles, Axes, Hoef,( Aiao twaat. for tb. mlod Brialy’s Universal Plonrta, ft Staadxni Series. Ds P««» I s»d BlssUag Powder, CM 9 mSfoa 8 till,’ R CSnOTlNLLT all tka Mrihiif Ita a uaS*. aa* ta. pebllc iwwnttt. vartad aaook, aattaaotas. in wUSM « eomplaVa araorflarat ot BafiMV L MS’ Tool*. AaTiln Tlora, Sabas 1 Shorn, Ootton rad Wool CantoH Lratirar irad Bobber Btitteg. ■tesc#. Hollo# War#, B««t C material of an Mod*, auk I Ftilote ami Bhafte,dm andloeaatl doth*, OU vJarpri. *o.. Ac., Sc. All ot vkk* tb.j oOw fltk.3 aa* ta qaaattUra t* roll pentara « WUWufi Stcrat, Atlratt, 0* act M-dSm INCORPORATED •AINBRIDCE, CUTHBKRT COLUMBUS RAILROAD CO. OPTIC I OF OBOOf KNGIHKKR. Y’ y. th*«thte Jranary, *NPra MIHi elterliiff. Mad oroca fete# for the ##etio«u of tttia rood, btearron Btinbridg# and Cotoolti—twraqr railra In tongth. The rood will be divkted fo Mottooc «f rac mtlm croh. «od bid# will b« rrotirod foe »U or any of Profile# rad aprotiloation* may be mm at tote or rad after 1M January, 1870. The right 1# rtecrvcd to rajrot aU bid# IT noae ar# tottefoetoep. JOHN G. GLARU, dec 18-tnetefrittlJar.I Chief Hd«1dm JOHN HfcNDfiRSSNT MULmnt ALL SIXMO* . TOY#, COHFECTIONCRIIC, - FIRE-WORKS, Aa* Wkolaaal* and Katail CONFECTIONER. QffLLSaUgood#In hte line al too fowe#l markto OAatiXi JL3STX) MMW. HO. 11 PHAQHTim 8TBBHT, OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL 4m Mtidroll I. PRATTS • TltAZa’* OIL, CAPITAL $$ J. F. BOZEMAN,] D. F. WILLOOX, I CONTINUES to fnmieb | agaiast last wr flxmsgw by •f imanhle properly *•* Agent* o*o be found al art point IN THE SOUTHED! I to whom application* for W aads, JOHN C. WHITMEB. BANK Bl a*, aawi.tut.eii sttraat. LANDttBERO# LUMBER YARD, (Opposite (1 A.* to B. Dot i. 4Ite*to, CU.} (aakeAtrilyta toe SSA&A sat oral wawwwmt feaalae arttete, Pratt' nwjraSwauiav "* OU S9B4aW«S fo.«to22P^ r ^* 8T. MARY’S BALJaOH,] XL lav. THOXAfi AWISSOM. 1 ■av. AUWXI “Tksranghly reliable In *11 ritii*ti..u*, never tatltnfi t* operate ud give perfect Mtlsfbetioh." . * 14,067 sold In 9 months of 1869. N»»h, Brora, BlIaA* Made Upon Short Notion. ite Wtei a lamp •fottraFott to SjAiS uJI t>nt to# OU; iteroJ#byd#alro» tte*H by tot pro- mFutora riroAir'T. •a* We olroalar*, wtth Vraflatcolala aa* rtira Ha torn riawim he **w otto* "Aattai UtoC’ ROIJLKR SKATSfOr S120 Per For ftOiroukf, »pply< l OAK ST0VS8 LUMBER SAWED TO ORDER.