Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 24, 1871, Image 1

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ATLAN r PA DAILYNKW ERA. Voi.l ME VII., NO. 72. INI IS DIRECTORY W tr)<«(aia umaa m kmtm awdw thaa fca*g ia a*n*-i . „ d.diaaa Ibt »fee yaat ftftaaa 4d * * ” * * ’ Via doMarg for them aa>tk» In UUr* i.« on* moaU. la tlna* I IM WIN WNirwiM • i 1% rr AT Law Arc*nAft t-kuaui. Wik ftV I *•* M ‘ * *«r#a Mam and r*dat*i B KSXJSZR ** : WbiMfcaU nrwi MrWtTE Jt»l4N A. WIMI’V 4 T 1 . 1. \ A | J.a vr > >£b,ft Oaarnor Brawl and V, *' *t- Atiftota. tea. WOi frartM ia %M » “» Attaaia. ail the k#gatn .7 * * *•' ‘ *nl 1 .<ft4M,g b.nuK>«H *** 11 ' " UMKHTISKMK^m I N DU RAN GO! | ’ ■ ***** * rU ib inn, , a, 1 » * 'J'>l r»«s~l> (vcrax*, Hrt>HU i* Hr-- •«-'—» < —«« »L.» ‘ um gram ‘ Irem U,,« b<W» srararrei., I . ifcwiUHodfciiwMifj It m 1 ‘ • *‘iA. ftf» I‘ • riffit m kioru , w <J ."" t -'- J - •.g Ibetid «sr ;.■«*,* inZTT mark, »<} - \I V'* 1 "*•( • '•• Meeei. I- I -r -i a (itct |li dulli liJk, II !• » “ ” ** •!> Til >mra •« . sad tin „ laid entirely la Hutl*.! oll I >* Tv> ' I euisorese .who M • lady oi !« „1a care. uu« Lit ft« >id • a-*rt. aixm tL« nr.l, Sr,. IM) Ly mail. » u , addr.a*. u 7, of lUt |>nor. K iPPIJCIMS It CO.. hrUnl,.i« *.» York "WIDEAWAKE " J fg * !'*" „f ...peri, Preo.-l, IHI IT,™™ .«»■)«<. lifl J nftiu. fa. ftiiullMft nf uriaifaal ou liiv » N A Way lunar) luWenWr u> IIKMtV WARD ItKKCiIKK'S* md-obm ()m U 1 i«w qqium —V.TJm MiUn UK ihur 111 in • **#• * • in «*•.• tin/, **».! umui> uuiwi a«j r*"! > W * H D.ftk u# fr in sAft.T,| |io it, ffto j^. r da '* * * •''» Au-4'M ». fc . :.f vbo KMoWH, Iftti • J Uiji.fc Jt U. r 1.4 ~ b;iftn,ft«n f r i-.iiw«ri • *•*# i 014 iiDl cuwft. r > 11. r j>* T ANARUS» Uaur I Lac a** I • A MAi.J , ii-iVL lo Mftkh HUNKY I*4K \I. AUKUI WANTED IntelUreLt an I *nim n wanted +vcry vhi>r* If Ydu *i*b tff»»d term ,ry. ft*u<l *sr./ tor eirvular arid trrn.. J u KuKD t«).. j: lark Saw 11 HrornOfM •! . i |: B t i, Um W>at M * .an • lr~t. iu. Wnnmq W«H MAOAZmr . u#.rrd I wl UU U O I. am ilia cum JUK trfti u. *«.r * { • * ' ■ tb. »»n4~ i u[w 4 i>. t. ira.» <.raa)»y, Jamct far 1 I • 1 * ci, fj, In • lubb.i ,• l r* lbrc»* fimt rlau “l* •** *»' « a ranrty . f pr.-mnima „B . «: * ■ . T"fbrtf , Allrio H j* VVJJD.^TT rr-r-r? 11 AbK M A MAVI KO FOH t in* Year of Battles. i U . r, ,Um» .r kM»M» riua lU ...m,. ’ , ! no t. r th« I'ontmut 110 * •■.«, Mi pft| pru-a |l3«. M.OUO r.iplM aj 't 1 * "* l i '* " ,,r * NwAblug ..(oai. ’ * ,s * • • jwr m oth uo« In * * I ‘ i-Mi l.rru. Outftl » . i l.Outmi KEI) kCO. ST l>ark ffUIH VV'V; l.k o >■ Af. eipan. u.«. 1 AiupUi. t» t'.iit.iuiiM/ InW iU Lnw«. »,tu Iw,. Oi«h 1, r.« h*wr to -Ttitalii pairnt* rrc* A l-'UitTh T umi-of lh omtaium# lb* NLW 1 I ' s "'l ■'b-» ■ -itilt.• tul ft! I Urg* rtticft. 140 Mi ft' r*. f ru ; i*n. .1 mot- nii nu, )<at>-ui U». ai.-l rule* loi • Mail - 1.4 |>ftiruU mallet 00 rcortpi Os 2A cc-uta 'i’ ll iiAuui-m u r (kushhhj.kM . I wai.t ».. ;.u t . acii tlu-ir k amil) < . rnati^iirr« 1 fit., kind HclU at altfht ITnflu '*r K ». t - milara. a-MiN*. tt'OENt. HNTDKH, 1 r«aaurrr. 1-a k U u. J. If arr-ftbarg. Ii Bloomington Nnrsery. 111. iii.rintm • •• \* uls 1 is <>um:n hocskm: M I ' U ' • »' |Uit tUk U)W I luiU. hull**. H. da. (Muck*. OraiU. • * 1 I ~ i-atalugu*. 10 caul*. Hulb. - k . t r it. ffuu W holaaaic I «■ 1 t»t . : f r tl.rft* Us **• trying fl*. I K. Y litEN iX. tt):<on.mgtuu. .111. . lit OH It « PT IKK. is jnu 1 , * rilll the t^TrrTC* ll ST™p*r*im -t prm—a from all who u«» it *n tan • Full -lire ti.»n« T** c '"'\ Try o»*- you *)i^^|)T«*l. C ft ... ■ — ll. pronn- lr flllad 'T° 1.. sch rvYST?I"T!rT"., Athena, Oaorgi*. \».k \IH WASTED A«*m« mak* Ban boom at work for on than at anything «!■* Bugnu* huht nnd permanent. Farticnlar* fr«a <l. BTIXHON A CO , Ft i* Art Pnbllahcm. I* -rtland. Main* AJ AT A HuNTU! Uuraa fnrnUbM ! Kipaoa-• Ot4o l» > H I*'' twua o. ftariy indi* r*c« 1. rauaing ocrr-*iia dcbiluy. prematura decay. . (taring tried tu a Ire rtlaed baa dia coacnwl a almple innana of aalf car*, übich be will —nd to bU feO'.w an IF rara Addra m J. H UICVKI TO Naaaau atraat. N T. GASTHAUS2UR STADT MAINZ 11l .VTEH STUKKT, lirrtv . N FOItSTTH AND STUEFTO IIV WIM.IAM BKNDF.R, ATI.AWTA, ... - OF.OROIA. W A m i:i>. rp *»>•*.fit ACT r> H STRAW Aj.plj to A. LUOKNZINukB, \, 1 Ifnakar atraat. near Whitehall. TUE THEOLOGICAL, AND HOME OF THI. W( ir.NTIFIO WOU KM or KM \NUEL SWEDEN BOKO, An l all the t’olUural Work* of Ute NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, Are k., i • *x aalu by. and can lx* prwcttmd from tb# i»rm.isiiiN(« houhb n tbe »»ener*l t’ourenUoa of the \ ; .) I’.RI’S \ I.RM 1> Till'. 1 .s. A I. WO t AOpar A elaa, New 1 #rk illy* I let fir iabnl on application. tf.lh E H. •WIN!I*T. Manag.r TRA NIMPORTATION OmCI. VirttM *n> ATUjm-' Ratutoan. iruvf*. Oa.. Morembar \', 1171. * I till IMth ,natant. tb# t. 4» » I‘a*erng*r Y Fra'u will ha -itlidrawo PlMlßgara fur New \ >rk Via Dalton will take the Id »» » H. Train I>» 1 n A.s>wua»-tattoa Train will laaea Atlanta S Ik * vi ftrftrra la AUauto HMW ft * . K.fw K. B WiUtH V T XHSORTKI* < KACKKHn j >i . up eiprcaa’y for fbnifly nee 1 It At U Kit MIUI. «a4 lIUOKn t It At IA Kilt. ~ . . 1a:.1 f*r aale at th* Orarkat Factory U LBWIA A INS’ l-’OU SAUK, . c MrouTiBLY r»l*r« ».»’» txrrriuft. ./ Ir«. —l HU*-*.!-** »1W A , I j/ v. I fipcet. ita**d •*W f . Apply to O. W AIAAIR. .*e-v iliuanau. i* «»■*» •**•■»■■** 1 iMk •*« i« h»M ft~** reaee|p.p>MU*a. tll ••wraaa *n * rum- r*n >ana*i >igb« Pa■■■igai Tmtaanrtaaa Ilia a N>g fc> FoßßataiM Trata laaMa U* »r m lwt F* ■ a Wig It Tram wmw 1 M p m Lay Nwaagn Trata Ua-a* » firt LA«*a A- »#• Tori laa»w at ft *A p a MfttWß i*» rarti • Mtao* 1 a* ! ■ —agm*Tkata aanaaa 1 M p m Day Hmaaryw T rai* *«*•* Man vjjt- iaaa. JT* Tkala Mara* War-a t 4 |! I •man a art r-mr - - *i at 1 n Nigbi Pnomagar Tim am*** t av a m NlC%t PWaaet.«r«r Train laa*aa 1 0* t, u. lbs NatHMliaa k mm ibl a Pkßaaagiii fmio kaaeaa f it * M ftTtftwri anti a»> ■asri'tp t iiuu *.n *..,,. M f | lar Ikaugw T*a»a wr »a «kb a m h «WWIb- hadaeaftW Train Ua*a* : ait a m aßtmata iaßwvai* Mi la- * a T’rmmt ft#Wy. Miiayi p 1.4 htgb* Paaaatiger Tram arr.**a A a m Hwbi faaaettgar Train U«**a lwr fnaaenger Trata arnvae * f i, m I**y l*aaae*.«rr 1 rain Ua*** TIS a. m HUH** ks .i.tao. ft -- <O.ll. >lati >0 arr >•« *Ma * Rm. N. uaiM *- • .aimaMioa Iwtn aSO p m Hotel Arrival* The sos (owing ara the arnraU a! the M 1 ft R M.a*. « rtttendan It *.> pr-,orw t <r» up » :• •- Uat night K M kaniM r Him bof. Cip ta OW « i«Jhwft. xi. and * kin. hurra *l. do i F Mu. Chau J h *ir.flu. unii. / C ( ownwr. ita L B Aoderwni. •*% t* M Hang NY < EUrrd A »f da. r. A M J bum- ■- rt t • k Iramuur A wf. 1 . If Huai*, du oH ferry. N Y iM' tMWaid 0« || ri*J4 mr fYithber- W K ruwb. du. o W UUaam. (ia. O Figuraa Ala Sain Hard On t (J.x«dbto*. NY W F Dunham. Ball m ** rt l* Hmitb. Oa ti D Wright. w MAliai. WiW Scott, Oa W It lUrarba M M A ( ooper do K H lluweH. I hit* h Mallon. (Str 0 and Mali. NY JO X \ V k and. hash Tcar A C H-juA. Oa I» w Howard. 7eur» W 7 FUraiag A *•«! 1 . | Mias a> utU R-xur O Hwwit «C I» A Boyle. N ) rJ I -*iU.*tt. .and. Mr bu< keuan ua tlHHar v-k (.a Mtea Barkenar. 1 I W E n *mar, y. do. t i t« ft: t* ft 1. 1 1. lalrreftltag ton fraiu all |»art« «*f Ike Hy Ua.. to the Eft* J MjELSIKikTiLXE. Mr. Abraiu 1 an olj citireo of tbit eonnty, 1 about si jmm, j ‘lh*<s ( HJ iaat llinra lay ni(?bt at Lit rrat-ieoce lin tb.t couutr ll.a r*-uiftiu# wire brought to tbi# city ou Saiur-lvv aud after the fuoeml a«rvioc«. coudurtml by the Ray. Mr. Blip*, were baric ! in the ciiy cemetery. S*\ annau The Ib-bb an 1 fioold cwacb will be tricj in a few day a. The (•ftb.biCioQ of the Induatrul Awaociw tion waa wall aU«utic«J hurt 1 acailuj Wratog, tba walk fat. waft |»(r»«t*t. Tba Templeton Tr .ajw a»„l the Worrell Butter* am here. Af'-»r*rri The Conatitotionaliftt of tba ZltJ ktro " We undemtan ! that a cob pow 1 of about aii’y of the di»afTcct<Ht *m held Tiiwad »y night, the object be eg to et prvw<« dsaapproTal t*f and- op|Mrailion to the regalar Democratic ti. ki t. W# hardly think, though, that any a* riou* oppoaitiuu is int«Aul«Hl as it would only ten ! to produce a »plift io the Dftiit' i r* i- ranks and 1»« |*rodacf.’Y« of no K‘*hY klr. t'har’.cs 11-twa is the Democratic nomi ne* for Mayor. The citiicna Ui 1 tl ■ orgai-Uiti-.ti of a de- U ctiva f.*iv »- AtBYIIH. - Tb. flr.t VII,I"* »"« of **• S •tant. On Sat v day .t*\ Ml Wiu. W. I»wnialg Sr« 101; Machine agaut, met with a aarioa* ac Ci dr ti l Ik \» »-c .ujiug fr-ru tl»« raor -a l de pot. with two machine* in a spring wagon, driving a very ger.tlw bora# Meeting two oo gr. « h ou the bn Ige. one t»( whom h.\d a gun. the hor*«T couituencWkl backing, and there tx-ing no railing ou one odd ot the high etuhabkaremt which f* 1 uii the approach to the bridge, the wag m and borwe went down th« precipice. Mr Daniel*, eectng the danger, sprang from h;« erat bud attriapted to jump out, but Lie foot got euiaugl«ftd iu the front wheel. au*i he wag igrrud down with tL« home and wagon. lU* leg wa, br< -ken «1- it- the ankle, the wagon ■ rnasb- and t ' picc**ft. t»oth mar Lines broken and the borne *ou-e«h*t injured. Hr 1 1 h* mi |***|’t ( hllSrca, Auouti the moat interesting aighU to br seen at Salt I jilte City is the army of Yoangw, the proph«i • prou-Dj w!.” Kcner»lly o«apy lb* beDChva ilong oo« .i l. of tb. p.r>i uptt. Hot. »u.I ~-irlk, touch icpo »u<l young coiiien appcr.ntlj vitboct number, moguift to yecr. from urn lo tweulj. pUj ked «|>or« with rwob other like to men. kitt»o«. Floor or hoollb lor opeeimen. of buummlT yoo cenoot find .nv.bero. Tbo mole portion ore olrong, bewllbv. onil roboot. the lomoloo Tory womonly looking, with clear eompluiooo end bright eye*. They have oil epl.ndid teeth oad bees llful heodi ol heir The girio oro eery rogui.b end ore not at ell eeerae to levelling ibeir opera gUaaao upon any handoome, noted -Pantile ebo may be preeeni. They eeem to appireeiete retorn glenoee, end then laugh and giggle over Ibe fan like e lot of echool gtrlo OeUiege lull view of the family of tb* Proph et, and diometing them mentally, morally and pbyueally. the unprejudiced thinker cannot .gree with tbuae pbilueopbera who amort that the offspring of polygamic marriage, are week and pony creaturea. That .och may ba the c«ae in aomo inatanoca. may h. true, but in no aeuae ran it apply lo the Young tanuly. rAKLVUI t. DUfttVIV. Man ar lUaka, l-OH,I. aa a WM * rr.ah aw* Waa* Ttna, .f early 1.-.. Trareling North danng the pool anrnmrr in a car. oomfortablj. wi«b anetoeratic traT.liog ci.mpannma, oonrereatron to met upon Dor- Win and hi. theory. The ladrre argued the pr.w aad oooa in a womanly manner, looking to Mr. Carlyle *r approval. He gave every f—n lob,* the ue kiodly nod and emiie, no doubt rem.mtiering Joan Cillinga aaying "Wooman'a tnflooeuee ia powerful -eepeebila when aba wanU aeny tbiog" One of the party, after abe bad given out. mid - Vt bat do you thiuk. klr CallylaT ilia cool reply wam "farboa, you bate left nothing to be enid. •■Oh, yea but what ia yoor opinion t yon have not giveu na that— Carlyle war too ter north to be eold. Hie pithy reply waa. ••for myself, l aiu disposed to lake the worde of the l'ealiniat, iliu wae made a lUUt lower then the angels.’- Htirprr s Ifejuiw- mn HI'IUTKRI. snail w. a serve Thee, te Uvelk. We agree with l)r. I’nra. in the that It a shameful thing for oo*ttTT*»lh>ne to starve their pasture by paying them nig gardly salaries The Doctor telle ol one Five hyterian clergyman who did a few months ago for want of sufficient food. Fear of pot erty had mada him aa Idiotic miser. (l is not impomible that nervous sanely about in oome damages tba health es prwaehera The matter, ecoording to Dr. Prime ought to be laid epon the cooeeieoce es the lad In dee I members of the church, for. md to relate. In the opinion ol lbi» Jiitingaiehd perwr*. who ought to know, "the ('butch collwmvaly has nw -T I ' Thu u a Mate of things de manding Immdiate attention, for religiose folks can holler do without heads than hearts^ clergymen We nearly monopolise all their lime, ail their beaus, all their phyeiael strength, bwt U they make a IMUa * *** «P a time money hy evtia pr.fmmoaal work or enuwpnea. the. ewest get rery risk mded woi tc have the pnhlte them ffilaata fhefr rwfttwattW* vwwa—V T TV*wea ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1871. LKttIML4T( Hi. 01’ UlOßtili. aieiTg twe.mia Uepi Pre.rUle,. Tu aein. November 0 U7l Th. ttenate ru«i a! IS e u . Praidecl eiu m the Cba r i •**»lX» by #*• Si Ery-u W Ibe roil »n c e. , and Ibr Joeraal read and apewova! Mr W axa fcjt* itfttwi H»t doubt UJ Uts ’ viprwa# i w ImtUmm (U Dg rffioar Lad a * 1 ripl iu vet* riewpt 10 raft# oi a Ur. tLavwf >t* | to ftfru* «1 IL* »#u*a --I U*« Kauai* on lira uqmUol. La aiuvati lo c-Tract ao Mock ol tb* Juuroai m rtifttM to tL< of tba E »< - ' (vow Bill oa yaalarda) Mr Bi im ihwatftd wfwwi tha Prwtdvflt • mrLi Ao toil , aad r*ad a } rw.w Url iL«aui r ft «i lha Journal• of lit NiuaU (4 1 Wo*f TLa rtaftiiiivt tolatl (hat the C*hair Lvl a 4 n*tLt to vola in or<S«r t» m*ka tha i two iLir-ta cn th# |***wa K '* of the Utl, sr.-l out isiurJ hu rtilmf l»j roaiiutf fro«u CfttUft; ! au-J a!*r> It**. <1 tb* miu* <m !L* cotiftUttitioQai , I right ot the district re|»ruaautaftl by the l'resi i | < lr-nl io vota. wLicb o*> rule coulj rwtms. klr \N rii.isiftM aid that a |*r*f*d*til vdoLI ; 1 ba aatabiiahef) by thia aclioti, aDtl in order to j fettle the mutter deflniletv l-V deci*l .u CS tba ' SaU*!* t.e ftj.j.ea!'-1 !i 7.1 i»,«? decial r, • f Uia ' ‘ klr Bl|«i hojted tb# tbrimon wriuld beau* 1 Uined. Mr ('AMF»RiJ. spoka a/siiiat tha rati or .m : tuagrooad lhat it wa* aot cnapeUtil f«»r the 1 I‘rwidrut to change ibe character of the re : null from negaUia it affirmative tv vot<v a (id that as ao>ju aa the uegatir# character of the rtfiall wa* determine*! by tha want of tha r«- qniaita majoriij the vote Lad c ! •**.♦l, and te 4, | f ruin (/oahiug klr Him |iiace*i the rn-ht of the Prewtdmit ! t*» rula in ftucL oa*c on higher authority tliau | (.'oahing, Meil. or Jwffcrnoa. for ander it •• | ( ou.utuLou. lh. Keprraebtativa of the 4;i i . dulrict had a nght to Vute 10 ary poaitk-tj 1 he might r*ocn|iy, and cite-i a prec*d*nt from I ’h# im|»rwcbment Inal of Prrwidnit Johnuaoti ' * T r, rn —rne offi- *r th - ) and omed and rxarctaad tha nght lo caat a vote . I which daiermmetl the <|Uaail«ot wbathef h< |a ho Bid b« I’reMdam ot tha l’ n (led Staia* j Alvu a Cf'Whr*i< and caau in the l utlcd .MaU« I tVugrewaou Uie frccwtion of »(•* ad **J»r>t» of a ! conatitattom! atnendment ia INrt, »b*ra a coiaHtituiioKia! majority bwiag re*juir*«l tL« vote •l• k! »v»*a KJ. nay# 12. th* Kp«*aker • ! Ibr 11. .05e, Ur kleclin. claimed Ibe ngbt to vota, and it w*% by that vote tha ain nod merit was adopted. [I 'uhhiug 122, note ] The drcuion of the Chau w*# au*l*iut 1 by the followin, vote Am—Me**™ lU*. k. Broil. Brawn. Dratiw. Burma, i fUßaroa. ( amutwii. » aigJU r. dark*. (’*»»#. E*a#i. | Irwm. HraM. Ilukft. Hial -ti !!<')(*. Hrvli J o**ft J r.laD Kirklaa 1 Kib(>#e. I.#** r Ma«b«Wa. McWbortevr. Nkrbullft. NuncaJly. WJj. Rmp (Ucb a.rtl*-Q. Huuu. -itft. bieadjuan. a*-l WrUU-ni U Nftta— Meaara. Aa«Wra»u. (uupMl, 1 -ioeaa. Oa? 100. aad Nailasw-A The conatderation of a Li 11 lo provi lea r« u>e Jjr by akiuh im>oay or property atoleu or laOuued from the State or the West* ru aad Allan tic Bailroad. may ha recovered, and an amendment thereto, being onfluuhed boai neaft of jaaterday, was then takeu op. The auiendmeut change-! the mode 0/ j»roa eCßtion of p«rm>ua charged with having vio la tad the proviaious of the bill, and di*i>enaßft with bond and aecuritjr, requirwl by the bill, except byr order of Court oa the rctaru of a rW« «ui iaaued at the instance us the eab orner. Mr Unrrox forcibly advocated the an.* nil men I. 00 the gr«xiud that tho nqoitiUoo id th# bond would be an impediment in tbu way of proaft'catuiu Mr Nt vs * lev op(Mkecd tb* amendment lie defended the lull *« reported, and aaitl the C4>mxuitte« did nut deaire to shield wrung doer a, hut to ahietd the cornu Iron* y ■ tills instituted bjr all rlaasen of |M>r»ons trail any sort of moti«e. and the »nuooe»t , Mr Hotui favored the amendment, ami dc sired to eacourmge informer* iu every way. ! sn<l without unrt'aaouabie rwalncUon. Mr Kat>w.*( *(>oke in oppoaiUou n tl.- amendment. He tboaght there would Iv* ho ' difficulty iu An ding solvent perenr.a security on the bond in soy menionoas pros* caLon. Mr. Hilxtkk insiftted that the practical es- . feet of tha bill aa it elands is to reetnet suit* : •o as to prevent the recovery of property j 11 from the State. He reviewed the history of the Uli, and said his hie« of its ncc<waity he had obtained from Lia a* caiu miftaioner to aodit accounts against the Wt<* tern and AllanUc Railroad, and be found out 1 th< re what general interest was felt in lha mat ter and the widely diaexmnatnd knot ledge concerning Mr. liaoww aatd there was one instance her** m the etty of Atlanta which the bill wroal-1 reach a here the proj»erty c**uld not getaway, and as tar as that matter is concerned, on be half of those interested in the purchase of the klitobeil property he invitaa inveeUfaiAon by a -rum it tee or otherwise. Mr. averred that the hid had Last; drawn with no reference to the Mitchell property, and that that had not lawn though* of until the btil had been commuted that , some of the purchasers wvre among his best \ fnenda, but that could have no lafl lence upon Lis action, gpd they should be made inrt aid to the law as all other persona Mr. Caimutn a*ked if it w*m po**ebic that no objection had bren loads t * tlw bill uoiil this d»aruiMi«*ii had developed tbs f*et that in ! Ita exeenh *n it might involve fnaods and citi | sena. and h*> hojiad it woahi be conatdered without any bias r prejudice for or agnithl anv one Mr Kkholl* called the pin ions qncetion. Tha call was snstaiutKi an-1 the m >tiou L> strike out section nine wo* kst by the follow ing note Alt* Hvroa, (tiurr-u 1 au-i-r. C -a#, Ortgla. j H#arvl. Uaka U,U»*r. lLai-*t . U >U. J -aaa. Jordan KlrUha-V. kiEiwa. IjwUi. IUlL«». U.MUoc a*. \i*k uUa. ac-I HiiMSu-Xh* - In Nftva Au-WnK-u biai. Lr*t. Brown. llrut.M. Oaraplx-lt. Uan. Ootaiaa. CtWfttoa. iKuaauv. tala*. Frwin. Jrr*la. Nuauslty. Poilv. BaLarvU and. Hiiulti, ft la* le<aa. Ralkaes Writbom, ftt*4 W«4cb- /!. ; Mr. leCKTT-a atatra that th*' diacusaiun of th** ; bill had taken a course at which h«* was m<»»ti fled, f»*r it Lad bceu aoiumed by Senators tliat the bill had U'u iulr«Kluc«-d wsm U' enable ita movers to shit !d thema<.lvea in the execu tion behind some Irrewpondblc insolvent. wbereai the hill h*J been Introduoed a-leiy for the purjhuae l|s<-|fi<ftt 10 it. and Dot to ntrl anv particular ca**\ Mr HnrroN offered an amendment lo th.*' bill.providing that when the luforim i u urtaLD ; to give bond an provnled io aection math, hs ahsll be allow**! to file hi« atAUnt and pro seed a# though bond had been giveu. Adopt - 1 ed by ayes 19. nay# Id. Mr Sin tu *>fT«re*t *u ameudrerut tint th bill aball rvlate to the future, and pro rule fur tlie rrcovery of j roperty which may hereafter be ao detained or stolen Adopted Mr. Brnws u>ui»d lo atnk« out live word# "coun*eJ fees. * Adopted by jsaa 23. nay* 14 The bill was pasae.l 111ila OO Amt reading Mr Button A bill and ia tip ra * the t *n of Cairo, Thomas county. Alan a Uil to am* u«l (>aragrapU S, ae«'tfou of ths Code, relating to rteamb-wit hnea On mourn the Senate then adjourned until 10 A. M. tO QIOITOW HOUR UF ItRFRRIRITATITti. TerstlHli Uft)*i Prere—ktrag*. Taiuiut, November ad. 1671. The lit'use met nnnroant to adjournment. ] Speaker Smith iu tb* Chair. Prayer by Rev Mr. aV»x The Journal of yeeterdwy was read aid sp prove*! Mr Closu *>f Monroe »t*veNl L> re«.u aider so much of y satenley • pr<»ga aa re late to tlie peeeagv ol the elect! u bill »*vcr the Oovaraor'i »•!“. Mr Li wo made (he point of or«ker that the bill had Uwu or Isred trnnamiUe<i to the bm aU by a two thirds vou aad was there*)* oat of tbs power of tha Hone* The Hrrhixa ruled the point well taken A resolution providing that haresAer this Honae will man at J Vre lock r m , for the pwipuee of readies Howes hills a aee wf lime was adopted Mr. I‘hftMU of Lsbariy thCvird a reaulaLun ia—rwrung the Jad.ciarv iVwnmltiM la raport whether or not aav hirth*» iegi.iattow te neons ■ary to provide fully lor an eiecUo* fog Got* smnr In kkaaeaahei if I Mr. IMhiui •» -»! te SSSSM] hy Is stem Mac ths swstltte is inqstre whsihsT ot set s Is* la yrfsreass to Cilia, aaaayi'sd toms aaa toa as (rates! as at ms tha prea-si «M aa «.(• as Intare csss, shirk a.ay ,Hsa las saisti Jtestii sac a« ss,<sJ. as! (ha reao , !elite >u efofrfed The Spaid*eg copr.ty -L a* *4 > J«L n see • »« next taken ftp Mr Hall wf iie> _a»-tL.* j r »-*»*..4 a car ifi *#• frtww a asyiug that Mr I>mo i*4 A / bason the preeeb* tncaabeul of the seat, h* dtuger vwdy nek in Gf'flc Mr FI ail a»>4 tLat L*-.f9hr*d iU eeeLAcate ■inrpijr Wo ale w why Mr D A J *ht**wW is not -r« hi* sfteat this morning A majority c 4 the Jod.etarv (uuaMiw re l—rb-d that tb# evidence aubmated to the C mmtrtee on Privileges aud EUcti< cs I an. ihe e»ftd#uoe ui the grand ,ar v whuh stau. ined tha be Hole, was admiai-wuU*. Mr M< MiUsan thought the endenha eat mitte-i waa not adunseibla. aad read frwcu the t'ode ta support of ids poauon Fla was ,n favor of declaring that thara ha-1 b#«u nr« aioc turn. Mr. hiNMoae af (Jwisucit aalJ that a oa jonty ol ibt Jadirutrv (' held (hat th>* aertioQ of the Cole rwguiatiuir the tuan «*x cf Ufthoa tiseiiißWjy iu r tidier witL the Constitution, whi* h say* that each branch of the <»enerai Aneuilly i« the jmige if th# (jnahd wUon sod ftciiofi retaro* of its own Hv tDoftvght rJberwiae, and Waa of opinion that the e«id*uoe t-ibmmwd to th# ('(itnin litc ’ U I’riVLicgr* and LtocUou* . was inadauaaiLl*. aad that to hoid tho ouu trmnr would eataLliah a -iangerout preoadett Mr Ift aaILL reviewed the facts ol Use one# Slid contended that the avctioß of tho CxmL va» never intended tu limit the Legisialßf* in Ms efforts to develop fraud and lh# casting of, iliegU votes in the election of its member* lo this case it w*e riearly proven that ff? illo -1 g*l r*»iee were ca.-»t, au l all of them were l<r the present incucubcut txccpi two Ihrusiug out Ibrve illegal VOt>* the eoeLeLsbt tie Ia cm. *aaj*-eity -- Wbeiuer i fla .a ba Dewiorrat °r llepaMh an Le dose not waul to mi* Lim 0]»oa ihk* £ e,r r.-prtraenuisg • -.Uty, *f he «*« •!«( ta4 by ; illegal Votes Mr. M- Mum «as all »w«-l t j conclude hi> wLi h * rut tV->ri Ly «ipirstion of' a lotted Lime Ha continued Lis in * relation to ths law of # the case, urging that the end* ooe other than that taken in the regular aud usual aay. ought not to hav# ad inittcd, CM|i#cialij if the incumbent had n*»t had lb< rr j un t not* v Mr l‘oi «a* jf*poaid t the sd«»ptK>w tb* dvclsnug that tb# present uw-uiulwul is so titlifl to retain his Mrwt. As lo the notica, even if not givro. the pr-- jput locumbent «s.«>d it mbtn Le ftpjHsr-l an-! put ia a |4re Mol the Law | reautu s that the in cumbent win «u k vora i. n< legalir ! elected, and the onus of proving tb* reverse was uj#»u the r o«e*t .n*. si. I L*» ought U have shown that the n*run wi > vote*! thoa* lilegal baiiota voted them uiegiftily or rcn*4a oat us tb# county, and lb*«e facts, io lh« opia nm of Mr Pot , were not fully proven Mr. M< Maun offt-rwd. as a huLelitule f r the report of the committee, a reeoluUoo and« daring that there had Le«a no election in Spalding county Mr. ssi 1 that, at first, he was disponed to oppoae the claims ot the con las taut, bat upon more rtdectiou and an #x*rxnuaD"o of the law. he became convmcad that hu clsdßis • ert well sou ude L l ode r the statute Lake ain connection with the t’onstitulion, there aaa !>« no doubt but that the evidence takrn was clearly admissible. Mr NrroutLAXD that, even after a m«-int>«r had received a cerUticat** from the Governor, thu IT-uac ia not aetopped from fw- OfK-r.iug lha whole case, and fully invest ail facts connected with the election of awrL mrmt>ar, and tb;* may L* dona by a choice c f the mean* an 1 n inner of making so. h in veatigation. Mr Ft ta* 1 said that the t’orntnilUe oa Pfivileg'-s and 1 • . r mp .i . f u.cri ahTm »a*!y aft.r il'ff* It cer tain y iv true that otic or the other of (beer partu - ua* r’ectcd, an! th*re wss n tvi d-nc«- If • tl.-- r -iumitteft! to warrant the! (J*cUratitui l thift House that there had, Uiii n > (!•-:■ , If the cm.ience* of fraud 01 sutlitM-i.; the couLt-iUaL ought to be seated, and if it 1 ■ u L th- n tho tuci.mbeol ought t*> ‘ be let aloria. Ih* proof w*a suffici«Mtt to show that iilrgil v t«a we re cast aud the in* | cumbent admit* it l v not rebutting proof, lie rt v., «, and the evidence and csumal that Inc trani <1 atealing the bsuot bui was chargeable t - tL* -n umbi-at'e party an J that . after th«« O'* - r -*r*-al w** Mr Hnws called the previoa* qurati-*o. ■ the call wa# suvUiawd. Mr McMillan • resvdot. n. dccUriog a va- j , cancy. was Iwt The m.)Uoo to adop- th** r#|*ort 1 the c-'tn mittt-f- declaring D*vxl» li J hnn. n. me con testant. entitled to tho *eat to put The y**ae au*l nsyft wore put iLt f i- »- result Yeas‘.'T, naj* 3d • Mr Hogx g*va notice that he would mo is ft reconaidetmtiun to-morrow Mr M<-Wwobtcb Shi-! tb%t th# ll«ma- had decided that Mr David II John#-n wan* member, and tliat ac*i“o ( -mid aot be go*# behind Mr J wa* then swum in Tho substitute reported by the Finsnce i t'.imoiittee lor the bill to change the per diem of oih»«xs and mernU rs of the General As sembly waa taken up This anhetitato fixe* th# pay of President i>f the Senate en-1 , Hpeakec of the HoaM at 9IU per dnv. and of hsidln m and Senators at f7 i**r diy. with | j foi evt-ry twenty m:W as mileage Oa turn sabatitute the House waul into C tn | nuttft c cf the Who!*. Mr McMillan lathe , chair. ; The committee toea and tcporL.d that nc j c.mclusi -u had !•* n cornu to. A lurti. u to go into Cft uaui:u> Ibn* Iw* Mr Snxai' m«d# tha |>oiat of order tnat t. > ' memlH-r cau vote on this -jneetiod because ot i their 111 terra! in iL This j*oint wa* not ruled I on. lw*ceaß!» it would dup«#e of * bill »hich th*' House was ountideriag. Iceave of was grant* and t * i! -»r». Sail era. Hooks, i'o.Una, and Harvey. I A meea vge from the (Tivrnior vu rvceivad 1 but wot read. lVadtog discuaaftou of the btil to reduce jvr I diem, tho II use #i» declared adjourned uuul | 3 1 M Itot NF. OF f(KPRRSKITATI\ K*. A fir r aarvoM We*.tow. House met al 3 r. w A number of House.hil'.s wcr> read tho sec ond time. I>*arc of ahuaucu was cranied to Vlre-r*. LL'undtree. Johnson o# A lay, Bruton ol !>♦- cuter, and Griffin of f* gg* Alfto h' Moeiu. PaUlk>, Uouka. Richer U. and tto-Hlmaa. a imK-comißiUee on the lii.nd Asylum, to visit Mi.iedgeville ou l*ua»- Hooae then a tjourovd uati. .'|.oVk>» k tkK morning U*a*ral Tvwa. Lt Uad to AL# Eas 1 Io (he Ovrmcn Pcriiameol Uic propreitten | to pey aUliu lo tectuhcrc c( thc< Wklt w*c - .lc(o«tv>l reo< o(!t by a Urge vo*c. A l.cfcten (an*Of cf LcvtonJ unci Uribb’c, pot licly accocc* the Queen ».(b ta loiioitioß. He hes boon nn.>cccattel f.'f *i*n- . <Svr by Ibe aathorltlca of nis loan. Amt'nfi ibr Mugbcd oaoecc ot incani(y in : l-clirnlc nv-vired at the Tcaalon iYlvca.l La o.tK* llocpitml .Inrinß vishtren year*, cpirtto- • cliarn i« giveu ia hlty-inre. aeeee. riniirmrut in on, bcnirol *nd Ulyco. u» of tobacco in iii; light ro*.ling -agncattarcl Jopartrarot reporte. rvobcbly In t»o, and in 1< u|viucc ta eaten hundred end three. A eprciel Ji«p»leb from Rea Frnncieoo lo a Iteitimyre paper ray. Tb« iierne. Meiaee wi.i enateat aaatiaaaa to attreet treat attaatioa The teetetor preo ileaHy dbnnbentod bu nlte aad Aiugbtcr ia •ever eAtedy of Ibe Mt. Eden I'nlveruty. and they aoateel aa the groaad ot hie taaeaift. The teatitnouy aboera u>nt the taatator vac ter yean t teoaotenalae on the eahyeat of tenteey end fare «tte. terete, her of the aa-tet la I* re one rritete aad ettompts lo potenn him without the aUfhtael reaeea He an.pared h-areOf aath Jaane Chotat. and tea. eeM the greateat hiaeftitem a* the fa areas i rate. Tba ,eeer*l optaioa U that the wfll | Tfllba braftan tl.llll fa— *— Urate [>■. tee. It., relate la a.te 1.. k * €teln tear I— ■ecrasa kalkwiftaw f r * fk# Namnßa raves aw* Aaa* «aa Ntw Y j«*, November 11. 2 t w FoLape t*a ft-/ ■>##*# .w*n has Ren».i**v i*mi- »o exuw dad with a holiday draaaad aa«e of p+ >iA» ia at lhi« a#r-u.eni Tb#r# ar# about 10‘Ml fr } # iu l.n# BtrwlcL.Eig frtoO* th# h*:;«r* twy mum f BAOftWfti Tk* dies-lay m 9#natnly ,♦ );rm ooea##u.* to to, beat # r , rijarn* g Tl# ÜbOaaau-J- of lav pr/i'* v q lir-ralway ar» Ailed with ffait* The faced## a«. \ win<k.w. of many btiildiug# are d#- ir*toi w. L Am#n <#o stni ktihhua by'A F.v#ry ava.iaLt# oat lf»ok oa th# #ftrv*si u r> errr-vi I t ite- .- ‘ lt , both ati#« The Grand Dak# landed at I -K and efts; eostaglftiteU# cttvunoi.y, ku.ift.l a i «r of ctti SOB. UUfXftlJli AROCTBOF WBJ> vi and thorn, n# toot a seat in a barooch#. ■ktrWaa 1 I;, lha hftagfU fi •ft '. t UtUklClU of a gene nl « ffie#r * f th# Ita# iL *rn. r f{ , *taff AsMnraa an t i.oani tn admirsU and ~tL*-r official# fuiiowing in tjaroQcl** >. the ir » **%i u atartf.L A* the prince up lir «a<lvit h# i# WKT (lULUU. by tha pwop • ai #v*ry *urp. the Uftiistary which . lined Broadway preaenUßg arms, ajui -lipping i Oolora, the Lands playing, baodkereno f# wsving from th.- window# by U-iie# The wwße was do# of th# 0.-*t msgßific#c.t and ißapArtog A# the Grand Duk# [«•**• I, each ban 1 to >k up in turn the Rutaian nai. real aath#m, Le ginning at left of lm %ui c mUiiaing to the extreme rigtiL The Ilieof th# Prloce from tha BatUry L> Union fkjoara. was ne e-»nt a ued ovati /u ('hear r*« uje/.i cheer, ar. i ft «Est «-F RAUptE*. HTEFft fitter#! from delicate fag rt. The shout tUi was taken up th« Uetury waa rolled id Ld L**e v l,: . i . (he . »,#»/ 1 n. an ] »b* r#»wated tno# .Os the Prie #l*l b.« smiling lac» showed that he keet.. , eppr*ci*to! the H*feat L /own showered uj/Jt» h.m A# the [ Grand Dag# passed the I. . *s‘ bnieding a ; -4 a La’.-*sr y feemuy p.ft-'teni ~*rf :i,. .n- " , trance was unvei.ed. tub TuiurrT tHiiru bufso to nog in hi# honor as -.he carriage c-.n Uiniug him came in sight. Tba Aster Uooa* Wftjt perfectly #unV« with Isdie* and genuejam wLi wtevej haadkrrchief* and trade A UOOOLT BROW OF Hft.VLfth, a# th# Dnoai ramsge paa#e.J. Thu vai J at ewery h »tal aloog the route tmen the City Hi*!i t - I'moa tojuarv Th# Ui : comes of th. Giaud Caotrel. Mctrop-liun tie# KL Nisboli, aul Others were thronged vita {-sopie wL-n’ #h->uta of L *rty w#Jc >ui* never #«*riae«l U» c#wee Th regimants to cmrae in for tr sh\re of *n 1 memUtioi t'.* x.s cerhsiniy received aaca an oa#li<’U a* x > u a * ON EU.TM ITU au« Bjru> L' re from New Vorkera. t*»-tw«ea th# liat t'*f . * t Fasoo Square As lb# procew* >n ar nv l xt th# ‘••■aii i Stand on Uaioo .S-jiarc, la le -* in 1 g«Bd«m#Q roaa # . -%x*i* and gave Ai* xi* a perfect %u»rTa of appiauae To this Le r«efft»Lded with genuine feelings and in Lis (ftfrisiA TIN B OFF KLB « u*FX.ft , sn.l L wed nght and Mt Ibe hea-1 of the procewaion aoon rvnehed the t utrendoo H «tei. ; and spar# ha»jog been made f t the Dua Le I atlgtlad and entered. A few rn >(Befit# I h* c»\. ~t ; opoo the balcocy. arc-ompanieJ by L suff UKTirWRD THE Tk • It. mnrohiwg f*#! by emßpahicft. aacb r, K -unent j j T,-#eoUti*; *ra*i a, it cftuja au.U-r th- L*. dt , 1 L*. ‘.‘.h tv-gIOMUt. jLd by t-art bergnurm. w , *-r#os i* the t k« r vßd in of th • • aren i»n H -!el Ti>-m »(T3W iuj*'V..e»re. - WftahiugLia to pay hi* Euerui-r# r> the riLUotTr |rf tL ! nited Mates The N w ]L ’ roa*l Ccmpaay lia»c two ep.eadi 1 dra#.u x ' rojsu Oats in to ;ir d#p>t vatrii they wil. ten der *«tbe Itok- sod aott I »r t..a t::.- THE LftTEBT Aiei.s att#nd#l the H i*- v i Chsr'h *? ’o'clock, aul at *- dined with M.on* r C-ata j c hiy ami his-staff. with whom L s;v-ai .nf the evvmiQg in c «nv#rgit. u After s-rena!e at 11 r w : mcl l\ak 1 ’ #a» pvfsMßh-l to th# Gran ! bob aad ffsr« 1 him the fruai Ml Os ft ■MI f- • - \m#rioau contiorut The grant bah i* Axed tor \T 1.g1.v V.vcmbvr -JO.h heatteern I»W*. lly Vtl to U# East Ntfwbero. N. C, is to ha'e a great to rrnv ment on New Yt-ar s .Gy • » Tbc Bcgroe* Ikavc at last iwen aUowtd to j ride on the iaaiie o I lhe lUiUiaorc street oara. Famalf* pickpockets Lav* made their appear ance in (. narlmton A brace of them ware arre*ked a day or two ago for bold expt nts in that lioe. atd shipped by the railroad to othar theater* of enterprise. The FNoriiiao, cf last Tae.-day, anncance» the death of Dand C Wikaon, Kr a promi nent citixen of Taiiahis*~ee. aud w» Uly inowr. abroad He died of pci mi nary eousuißptioa. al the a*r« > of aitty-aeveu. Mr. Wilson waa a native of Virginia, and a mac of m>d exem piary aroval and religious character. N<wtk Carolina l' buildirg up Ssistbe . Wilmington Star 1 OLe of the m“v*.t hopeful signs of progrea# ia North Carolina is the rapid growth < f the lit tie provincial towna ‘ Thaee lowa* arc all finale 1 on the rai’.roada. and are not confined to any p .rucuiar section. Among th# ui» re pr <mu«Ll c-f the aew towns jual into existence, and m which , the progrweaive spint aeean to have ha.! full est aw*T. we name Hickory Tavtra, Cory Davham. Ridgeway. Battleb**po, Rocky MoanL lUeck Creek. Fremont. FateoaX Lau ral Hi!!, and sappoae there are others in the Mat# overlooked. The Maryland Oyster Navy has resumed tts patrol of U>« Cheaapcake, and, as n»oal. ap pwr# to exerot*e the etneteet vigilsn'e to pre vent the Havre de Grace duchcrs from (Uaying their vocwti-'D. t>o Friday a gunboat made : its appearance at the latter place, and created , .{Oita a stamped* among the docker#. The dock law seems to be felt as a grievous burden by the people of Havre do Once, who have actually look ad forward to a return of the docking season to increase buaineas at that potuL The boat left on Saturday, and npon her depertnr* some of the most renturvaomo docker# set out th«U decoy* and proceeded to Ftnaiuaea K(Fr* I af t oIU m Irea s#d lir«l. For many yuan it has been almost an annum among civil engineers that great eold tended | to produce a brittle condition of iron and ateel. and that by this hypothesis might be explained the alleged lucrwaa* in the per cent age of railway accidents by the breaking of tires and ax Ice during the cold ae com pared with the warm A recent comtuuntea Uoa before tha Literary and Fhiioaophioal : Society of Manchester, hy Mr. Brock bank. maintained the view )oat stated . but in , the iksCTuaop which followed several eminent engineers entered lh«tr protest against it, and sluscei faete, which tend loan entirely opposite eoufjtemoo Aci-onlmg L> Dr Joule, numerous experiments by himaclf and other# proved that, ao tar from iron and ■teal being weakened by cr>ld. they are actual ly made positively stronger rvaieting shocks and etraina befor# which they yielded wh#o » brought to a higher teai|»eraiurv While not denying the fact of tha growler trvquaocy of ffenotniwe dnrfng tha sold wwaiher, Lh Joule fieri them te tha in cream i hardn#aa of tb# ground by Ruauiog. by which tha iron ta auto (anted to u grealax •train or shock than nmlar erdfenary wanm rtso ## Mirpr t M&ymim. TjELECRAPHIC. I’rrj»*r«lion. for ihinn'i Kißrrcl. Opftlh of • Di.llncuUbcft OHS IV|. low. Sumutr uol f ormitii »u mill-(/r»nt P«rtj\ Al'-xi-t in W a,hiD<tuu . Hts Hcrcption at the White Hmik-J Itevription of the Oremonlen. , T> e Fair at Ntrannab. To tw K\ten lied to »xt lleduei*- day. Fifteen I houvand Visitor*. Intere*tlns I'oreini ftewv NOON DISPATCHES WASHINGTON. Wftisnuim. N *vember XT Tha Honor ] #L.« Rcverdy J hnaon and #t Attorney Gene- j ral Stan berry T* parted for Coinmbia. Sonth , ' oroaaa, as connwh fur the defendants in th# hu-Kiux case#. Cereooni'ai at the Whits II /o*a Lava just commenced The number# of ths - prmcr.: amTah. ik# * the Trine* id full r*#raiia. Ro«a>an i>^xiUnn ai%c followed. louiTiana. Ne# t mjftiv November 23.—Elaborate prepare!* u* are made lor Lieutenant j Govern r Dunn a iQoaruc. The ciiy cue net 1 and courts adjotraul, an-! 1 took h .id#y to-day. on aeconst of ths fair. - Bc»tnta* eloaae at 11 o cioek. vircTnia. R; HUM. N Vein bar 23 Prentice, Lha. Grand Ma*-t#r of ths Odd Fellow* of Virginia, j L» dead NEW YORK. Ne# \ aa Xu ram bur 2J. —The Heraid has per# as! from iho Butter, Henry W»1 B>0 , and Tharfow Weed. They know nothing of th# formation of ao aau-x rraat party W ; bon alao Acsbelier*-# that Scmner j coDU-iLp stca any aocb mov#m*ot Tt- He raid propones to have rsliabte iafor- ! matron that tha Grand Duk# Alexia is charged 1 with th# mission from the Car to o>i« conn try. a prv>poual for an off*neiva aad <§n fcn«vc* nUaaues !*etw»«cfi Beetia and the Uutted State# Dr Winder, of Lirooe yn, reports th# nar row f pc of LitnacT and faai.y from eating herring#, sviientiy tainted with irwmr It is bsdeved tl* voucher thieves viii turn them to bam ths j-ajer# stolen. The National Mr.Bp Bask winds up short- ' ly. bat [**i « dcpoaitor#. MISSOURI. L u, NuvtiLber 23 - Anna Burrelt died j fr rr. an overdose of elexir of opiam CONNECTICUT. , N -v r—w and #* Ttrai of the ciaw were tost * n ths at*sm<r City of New London. Tba boat was .n*ured for llOO.iktt. Ba.V.«r, ths aegtuerr, • had saved •*vrfal lire* !>afore ioaiag hi# own NOVA SCOTIA. Hmrii, November it—Tbere h*j been liirw (cui chokrc c*ce» ia * Tillage Bc»r lbi« : citv. ENCLAND. Ljvdos, November i3. lmUcpocJtioii ot the Prince ol Wclre rootle ere Hu phrei etctu stele th*: it b svmptomc o* tjphoid fever 11, (teterel * rethcr unottetovULlc nifrfat EVENING DISPATCHES. It# - i*im Fr#as I'hsraftca— WASHINGTON. WftffiHmorox, November 23.—ki too ociock cumagi# (ft'Dtaising ths Duke and suite sr nvc-1 st, and entered the Exec tire Mansion, the assemblage on the portico giving a cheer as tha Pnnc* alighted, which ba acknowl edged by raising his eh a pass, end bowing. The I Hike, M niftier Cateeniy. and Admiral INra&tet, were the first to actar. than followed his Excellency. W. Y Machin, Coenaalior of Male. A'onnt Shoe vaioff. troaeml GorteC Fhr. i'o«!new. Lieutenant Tudeur. and Mr Shark off. of the Duke • suite Tbs Duke wore s aaiforts of blue cloth, a short frock oonf. with goal epaulets, #src«rd aad pate blua sash over his shoulder Ha removed his chapmn .mmeviiatofy upon entering tha door Minte Ur Cataomy wore hu court uniform, heavily trimmed with pokl lace. Tbs mam ban and tha Duke • ftuiLa all wore full uniforuss, #iab«rwAa- ly trimmed iixl decorated according to thssr reapccrive rank Ths lYamdent and mem ber* ot Ccbiuct wrre in tall dree •ml*. Mr* Delink »*, .1 rrere.l in breek velvet, bleak tec* -trail *ii.l pink ribbon heed dree, Mr* Akerreeu vu drrered ia Week eilk with tr»le end bon nr t vilh merooa trvmmin** Mia. Great n, ueieted tv Mtes NelUe, Mr* Sharp* aad Mira lWreee Sharpe aad Ddwe before meoiiiiDM Mr* Great aad lee voaa* lediea end her and Mice Sharpe acre dreeeeit in deni i y toilet te Week eilk. with point leo.' colter, end »tlb eleevee hn(ht colored nbbone Mr* Hh*rpe wore* pelefreret eilk with train. k« coon ee the I>ake aad hie raite reached th. Bio. Ferlov hu highnare took e poet Uoa betweea the ottoman ta th* center ot the room end the door farelm* to th* tied Parlor with hi, tec. toward* tb* door On entering the Blee l*»rior from th* halt Minuter Cntacei/ atood el hu ude nnd Ad mire! Toeaiet near him on the other ad* TU* member, ot the coil* took paettwn* In rear of the Dnke The Dreeajeot. eccoepa mod by hu Cabinet nnd Serretarre. then ca tered tb* parlor by the door leadi eg from th* trail Minuter Catacary then preaaatad th* Great Dak a to tb* From tt tab who eddreeact each other in Eagtteh. each eipreaeang hie pleaaere et meateag th* other bat no formal epeaefa wee Bead* by either The Dak* thea pr. ere led Mr. Bote of hm rete* ead the Ft aaa tea I ta tare prarealed the membare of hm CkHah; tha aeaal haaft ahaking efteadal the iatrwdoetioa* Tha Iftaai.ier.i (fare recortad ih* Dnke to th* a—- pertor wher, (h, ladie, w.r. eaeembied. pre venting L,ru first to Mr« Grunt, tbae to tha o«h#>r lad.«# Ssetwtaxy TiaL toltowed prousntiog «ucL B*#iiab«r of th# »a:i# of hi# li gbL.-s to tts la*f.a# A cou*#n#tK,n wu# th#u entsrad spun, sni a!# mir mluclod# b# th# in«mbs'# U ths Cabinet #n l ib# •urta A tt.# Pruro# and tha Frvsi iant a Ster. rot srtae Tha Duks. Admiral Poauiat. Gso«rut Gor toff. nnd ot*# cr two others of tha visitors, spok# tha Bog!: *.1 fluent!y. sad eosreresd in that tongue- Ths o-nrora»UoD with some of ! ths visitors who did nut «p«uk is Eog!iah. 4 ##• cum ad on io French After a pleasant conversation of shout fifteen rninct#*, lb# Duka buds fke President adieu, nod thwo tb# tedlias sad nmUrt c 4 the Cabinet aad Oft. bsru of hi# suite followed, sad tbs distinguish# ', visitors withdrew Cpon entering their car nages they return# ! immMmtsly to Minister Cntecn*y , « house. The Duka leaves her# to-morrow morning ia a speetsi train for Anoapolis to visit th# naval echool there, so i goes from there to New York by rail to morrow sveeicg Ths Grand Duk- is rather preposssesing in his appearance U 1 and erect, of rot oat boilJ. and quick step; be i« of light complexion, wear# quits a nobby little mcnterhe acd *i b: wbiakar# bis hair is cut after lb# taahiou of Rasaiaas Ossl Walker sssanie# oootrr/l of the Indian Bureau ou Monday PENNSYLVANIA. P«; LAi/Ei-FSLft, Novemtecr 23 The writ of against the property of Mcrc#r tha defkulticg trsasarer, *n ! an order f r h:ft arrewt has !##n issue ! The FeknsylvanU Tteiiroad wiH Lake of th* N v Jer-»ey rou Is the Srxt of Decsmt-er The contract baa be* u conclude ! between the Pennsylvania Central an Jtb International SinatnaLip Comjsmy for a I;n« from PLi’.a! phis to Antwerp. NEW YORK. N*w You, SGvembsr 23. -Tho oia.l boua# of l'elar Laetentyoa X Sons, waa burned. Lost. to the bcudiug, i::.UUU. stock, fi*v), oiJ'. ma chinery, They will conUnns the | Lnsin Joshua D Minor, lh# areag#d cuunterisiU; was bailed ia fiJO.UUU. DetecUva VA uate.j , ssys ha was offered SXO.<XJO to th- I peons ce u n- Ten enaoa of in*.; pox wets rspoxtwl wuc# yesterday aad thirty case# aincs v Ths picture*, contributed by New York . artist# for their anffanog brtlhr« a in Chicsgj. ; rssuized v v#r IJ.OUU. ILLINOIS. Clbi#). So veto ber 33 --The heavy ujos> in the W set and Northwest arv in many cnees slopping travel. CEOR CIA. Ravaneaß, November t> The crowd at th* > Fair to-day was >mmen«# Tb# receipts at th. show 15,<rnn visitors. Ths sx Lite tier ter articles n*»w on the wav the Ikisrd of D. rector# have conclude*! t*> extend ths Fair t* next Wednesday Tbs Fair is s complete suecess MISSOURI. Sr Lorm, November 23 -A company ha been orjamiel with ooe million dollars cap; tnl to erect anew chamber of commerce Forty-five thonssmk dollars :n Stats bond bnfonging to tha Life fsscrssro t esnpnwv o America were veiled for taxes, which the ssso ctebon refuse to pey ou th# ground that th« bonis were exempt from taxation. TURKEY. Cos aaTftETT#-) rut, November ?3 TbeVYeeth ex ia on fa v rai ls. The cholera i« mcrcaaito- CONNECTICUT. Noawica. Sovran fare 13 - Seven m on mmk .n| nine bodioß rscvversd from tha wrsci of ths N#w London. NOVA SCOTIA. Hiutii. Nevembi* 14.—Tfarera oat of ill five cure o( rfaolera. brought by the eUramc; Vrmaktia. pvovral f*ml el tba CbreacilKOk I rUce Ttrereaune ENCLAND. Lox:«». November S3. —A baUefcn lh. evening, signed by the phymema*. my* U Pnao* is enflenag from ea eUaek of typhoid levee, bat hu symptoms *r* not atarnuag Th* winter le aauewaUy early. Tarei eh sun were drowned at Ksreocu. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Ueot-Isled bra PeffaUs ■ WASHINGTON. BTssareoTow, N .-ranbra 33 F_»rG thu evening Minuter CaUoaiy. ecvompeoied by Admire i Foiesiet. railed et tb* \rliagtoo Booee to ee* Secretary Fish, bat thu gentle men having shortly odder th* precaution et Executive Mission, returned to the Dwpjl meot of Stele, they left their card* CeUrelj aad the Admiral next nailed on Admirel Por *er, tad oa asvarel mec-bere of ih* Ifaplomstic Oar;.* Soheeqaenity ail the Oread Dukes emte dined together with him at the credence at Catacaxy. At 9 o'clock to-morrow morning the Orend Dak* will leave Wsetungton oa e epeeUl Ireia , (or Aaaepolt* Tb* party will be accompanied by Secretary Bobeeon. eeveral navel officer* and General Horace Porter. The party wi’l re *i Aaoapoiia a boat three boar* when the DnA, will vi*t lb* Seval -Vosdemy and oa reraraiag to tVaehiagWn be will with t bU anti* leave in the specul tram (or X*» York. The Dnke. when asked keday eoeoetamg » | fatnra vtat to Washington, aUted that nothing . hnd bees deftnilniy arvaaged on that subject bat tbst be ebonld be glad to com. here daring the time.a of Oongree* The U«awa Minuter end Reraian Commo dore Uft card* tor Frah toJay. Fuh »“ °“ l Tb. graural imprrera.--that ( te, Uu Wan dered ia aii owing fau pereraui pfapi* to over ride Vettei'r piecepu of neuoaal ooortaey- WasTwaa ftiworeta The barnaster bae nrara rar, grereaby dar.te “» MM Os Virgin**, lh* higbent premnnw being now centre! erer Sew Jrawey Tb. otnnd and m o. J W.daeedey fas vug cleared away rery g-urelly Ura aigbi m ate bftwl Ay saoahee alarm, tha eealer of loweai preaaare of which ia aowr ta Album a with me* Mom lia‘--*T *® loraa. brash aoalh w trade plan Si i WHOLE NO. 1066. °* ,h * t mmli TW h» rummim boa fcU*a ** U« JV.fc- o«« m 4 at U.«n!%So «ttk r 1 —»<i 7\o mrmm of k>wwt pn« •nr* »UI pr '%bf T .Um* by Wkkj NO! l»lo itmiimm* »iU. «. * or nun v«j |mbaUj **•* «sf th* IWpb' tnuo ohihi. tJbo on Um ArlaAlu euaat «-rooAi»g k> kmafc b> i r4mj AT* pro4«U j fro« I a** Enm to Bvporior iL* S><uU* AUmlm c*tiL Wuiua| “grin mtm or<i«r*i Cka womry at|r»*l* or* ordml t > oigiit f->r Chicago, Milwaukee, an<l Ormod O. W. ADAZfI. Auc*r. IWIUL wU im frool or ■/ «4U* lUtmmUj man <i|. «| laataaL *1 II o'dod. U* Pood Wry I rn <rf ltacroa. two tr io. ft-ma Ct>« Oar »bad. mmikr ' (M*|u lallrs* 1. ooU u*rloo*4. I room boom, bora. 1 Mofct*. W *oo* for cow. all #f* oad nlo* %enwn. ;bo Ut ium ui jbw U. W *IUI». mot U X A«*et TWO U)T«. 1 WILL wfloaU* prom mo Friday j Mat. at 4 o cbork. TWO RTAIPESC* LOT*, orb ( vrt«t cm Wb**aball. bj S4 fe*i oo Orao#a •tro.t. TUM parlact. O. W. AD4IB. o » i= M Kaaaia i|Ml I. r. A a PERKINS’ HAt'CK | .-THE OILT «OOD l»If« " 1. !. i■■■ ’■ l “* ’ [a. AaT^ror' I «-«. I-*l * WO»»nti. to ! “■ ““ioHjvr »>»’ •• •°* •• i ’•* Tw * F* O H SALE. TWO UNIMPROVED LOTS 0\ MtD')\OVVU STRUT. ott r» iM r*rr rawr bt m rm dot frloo. *6OO. m- *• « rirr rmorr *r •• ran n**r Frloa. MOO. rKU MH l: AN V. [ is i'Mt kUej UtR rwS bttt UK. APPLY AT ¥his orrice. »| s-dt- ASIATIC FOWLS A SPECIALTY, ii i «roo« or oiwm amd ooonai m AraatJtwa srisgs I AV3srJ»saeft£rr i