Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 26, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NEW ERA. VOLUME VII., NO. 74. BUSINESS DIRECTORY tfcta id If l ’-•.lj t>. AijlUf UM um ;mi . 4ui • i( if •'( it •*-!» 4*il#fro f*»f aoiitba **• it> liars f<*r cror K «#!»!• in ktnbc» MW ( A Kits. JARED IRWIN Him ikv.ii. * rroßXf.r at uw. ituiu. u> o*..* win! \ I . i..< 11l (A. ... nl i outklw. u 4 frtnl I MllHfcA .ill t*r*4** Htl.Lu. I .1- .IU l.ullh. I. ...|» m , i I- Ilian. Ufl Whitobali HML »•■ juhx a, wimpy. 4 ll' li.l'f Av I _l H HUB. Curaar aaj /V M.IU-U1 .U..U A!l»m». O. will fWctioa I. -*| Hi- I’*-irt. .ill -A ia an Ik. fcui<«rtiir * -I tuna, erweal * | .Mil., NKW ADVKUTISEMG9ITB. CUNDUEANOO! I> I ! Itol ACOS min EYTHACT. U»* I > Roo lerful rfiu- J) f»t Cancer. 8/ut Us. Ikrofula. • '• »r«. Pulmonary ruiapialDta. Bait lU><-'i*i »n<l ail • r- • JUo.-l lr,». *»*.«. la |>rr jjrtr.l from tb» i«dq * ivlinu.*o lUrk. froiu to-Ja. Kruod-.r. m* ur..l L| • • »»-.«:aii'-i us istbonuri ol tbu ruuotrj It i» | , m:pt.ui4 «*rWa kilmtra -I i ur,rwr kn >*:. h iJ Ly All druMlsta tn pint ii : • t av.HK on t iMii oor mia*. irvJr mark, and 1 pi ia. NruJ for a cirvular. i »ttl« c and 14ii»nl<> r; . Si. (UOiUf *U* ri. b.\. ■\ I Oil ION 110 l »k. a New knullwfb Nevsl, 1 !•> tbe author of ' V.U-ns A> Iron * Vro. p* l r ' »r Ulnslratl t. Pri*ro sl. $1 So. II is a *' flb ' fv»uth. Uitriy y«*ar. *gu. and lOr a.«o» ta Uol i.urrly IU Urol Ili • )«ui *■ wUiut •«. w| r .. is « Ivly of North Car k. * ban. . b*-r imuiil vflurt. impruial uj-.u tUr r.; h ,t frrr by inj. I iti) addr***. ui< iua ra- j.rur. I’ AFP I I.TOS A. IN> . Publishers. Nrw Y«»rk ‘ WIDEAWAKE - : - 1{ • rl- Kraorti (Ml Ch rorooa au».J<*rta JJFR hi/ far au#o#s at nrigiual Uii l^aititiOK* lIKMII VVAJHU m:i'( IIKK*S Weakly Kr«u«|M>r ' i.t« Latin* fT«*t sue- »-aa Oba took I.iaa* uauro* • a m - uliA an- (her ITna U day* aD.-U» r 1 1« in k iif I" is. "Ur day. aii.l n.aii> otbvra vHiuaily kaki i fr >in f-1 aud |lO to S4O prr day. iakaa ft Ar. oM a. nt wb - IKWOWH. aaya •• I think i I . : u a. i aoorror.-" I*lT. teller than' any ImraJ A Ktl:’ CIIANCE To MUK MONEY I.«K a AOKSTI WANTtI> y. ■! riali . i.| irrrlttwy. aarol >«rlT lor c rrular ami k'oul* a CO . :T I‘rj k Haw. N. » y. .k t It.atoii Mau. j#ti V.. -t u. .• i. •?r..rNfoarf>rUt I A i a . , i . .r.- 11. ra.- tlmwlrp , Jam.-. »‘ar ’ M Q*> u;i .vl V\a!u.jA»n. «t ,'~ar •l r r i- •.*. it «iff«-ra tfcrvw Aral claaa p»nodUala for i • • • **f fli«m A varuty ol pn iuiuroa ou a! t-fi.i. It t» au oriKHrol. ftr»i claaa „ wro- \ Ifkiu. v .tb «' au f7~ fUrK * T ~ r ttib.XT* \V A\r CU K«IM I ho Year of Battles. i t'i- War t rtw.Tti Y rant -and Oernro • . Cans n . r tb** Coonuunc !>' kC ■ a. |.f• rojuaaal l hr o .!> -oi ■ ta work. Noth .UK a jual* • ; • par m nili n m l». t -a t o. ;ai*n I*-rma unr-|trol(<l (Hitflt lark l UMrl !Ui*aik li.w. S y Tvtu.|y PMabtlA t . I. • . i o obtain. itaintU* 1 1« «. \ • i 4 iimaof Ilf pH’f*. r«»bta. ii.bK N'liW i»uU*aaa.l all lari." ol''’’ 1«” rnjrtv u.. «• 4»f m««irouumi iowhbU. »*au-ui row* and ruin* In '.AiiiitiK paU'nia. luailal oa mdpt wf io toula. —a,*— MAHIUHBIhO FAMILY COIINKH hI.I.LU <Si 1 want aui-nt* to acil tb<-ir Faunty Cortrob-llrra -t im nti >u of the kiml Holla at frodta fwi aJ.lruaa LLuLNL S.NII/Lli. .1 aanrrr. !>>ck Ib.» il. Marriabur*. Pa. Bloomington Nursory. IU. w)i v TII YEAE! WUO'ACEJW' 1J QUMXM HOPSKI'. _IF Irorifiat aAioftUiriit ltoat Stia k !>ow |rtt.r* ■-*+, xr.nm». front* Kultro Hro-U. urafta. illuatraUhi ratal oaur. IU oabU. hull -1 Mant, Hr- i natal'•sfurs. ail f« rio cofita wh»la«a> 1 ri.r liat fnw. HA Ud for Uiroa bol -ro btiy-n* rl«»- wbora. > K. I'MtKNU. lilix*tnlt»|ft'-i’ 111. >ll .ii m v on in »_* Kh ™ # with th«» U.r lU*4 rtvra tbr hldhoat pruow fniui all who tiar H U. . umati «i au* KuH^dw^AUvna Hi, ,-ls Tmaa f rv-uM«Trua« tan pa«la 1 •* a.i • A than* aaorirta tll.Vr W M LI» Vv uta maFa »oro u» »nay at work I «r n* that) at anythin* alar ttuamaaa lik-lit ati l I** I'artiniara fraa. t». ETINHON /"r.i l ive \rt I *',« ra. Cortland. Maior ai/tr A MONTH ! ll vrwa fnralahad i Kti-»*aa* 04f1.b » ' » u b. HttAW. Alfrod. Mr. \kt*M k VMb« 0 4 aarly MAH * ux nr4 .ua and bihty. prrmatura danay. oh' r. i *s.r avrry a l»-rtiao.1 n mady. ha* d»*- ■ , , n.’wna «.f arlf rura. abk-k hr will . ~ t i * iff r«*r* Ad Irwaa -I U RKKYtt. •.. . ’ :. N Y. 0 jYHAUSZURSTADT MAINZ in \ti:h sthkkt, .. •« ■ m mu, i.. lt\ WII.UUI BEiVDEK, A I’l.A’v I'A, - - - - (i KOK* HA I’; T iD THEOLOGICAL, AM» MOMK or THC * M I :.n l’l l’I( ’ WO ItKH •! iVn-.L SWKDKNBOKG, . . ;i l . Collhl- ral Work* of thr JERUSALEM CHURCH, ,r. I ft jrtmftt. Him »S» |l|Jt "» »** I’CUI.UIiIINO HOUWE Oi O* uaaaml o«iT«ut.on i d lh* \r.v> .IK. 11l > V I.EM IN THEt.H. N . 1 4 r.ojirr l ut.i». 4". ■*»’•* < *'»'• | ftlt a*a*- Y rl •j'ptb vttOtl. I UHWINNIY.Manat.ror. WMlIlTlil) ( ku kehs, j> ■ - I i:\t i.I.M MKVI. *» l IIK4IKKII « UAt KitllS. * x. tin- . * ivi •<' I >TtHla«lt»>aOmrkrr Ka u»ry. u LF.wiit a I'D. I’Olt HVI.K, ii .>unißTk>Lt of*** awn cornua -it.f nf Yrv*r *•« a*4rtw. IW» H*‘-r v i.: ;.JTi mm ...I, r«R ■»*”• *«• *rr>f *■’ U W ktiklß. im w.l. >mi NtmOE. »|YUK »«»x YAI.LTT ODTTON FACIN»EY OOM I v 1 s *. «W I art Valley HowaAoa roaaty. aaa a«kw ,in manta a- oa* i>atia*a Aron* any annAMw* .1 - thi, L» <•»*««« in tn ad o 4 1 r, „i ..ilou I roluvlny rofitHlaa tn hr . ,atton, |d a*#'-nil <*a roe a* tha Onaaptwli it . t »■ * tla Mlirtn< th» —«*>» *f tha Usia lt itl«L IL ihMtrm* Witt i* hi . Nfwrrtnttar •. I»t|. a*v ISiln TRANHPOETATIOII Vuiftv A*t» STUjrTK katl*4h, Art.aVTa. Oa.. Sowaka* if. tCTI a ITUY l*il iuatant. IN* lit r ■■ I+m yt \ 1>«. win k. .nk.™*- r ■' *» a* T*» .I.IMIM win HI. 4*. »-»- « >'.* ink., ki.wawH.MM> Tnww w4U Mw. .■■ill »iU r« »rrl*Ml» IlkMl M-4** ■_ M li *m Mb tiUR. R * Tra* alara' Uaia* rn* waatran *au iTUrm toa «*it| a*iAJM»au. >•<l.l h«*ifi|*t Tnunarrlvaa l tit n | Ji«dht hiif fw i rarh Ua*»a , »• •• V » l»ay CaaaaUK** Tra>n arrivva I.W V *“ bay Caaaai.gar TraiU laava* . 6 Utl ala r**t Liua I*. lurk roataa al Mty u A.'r -mn . oa amraa Id *t •»- H4K* ant» wßataan avUAoro. h 1« ht raaaaUfer Trala arr.*aa Iw hiwii<w Trot* laavaa 1 If pro bay faaaarotfar Tr»»o am *ra 1 uu p m bay J*aaaau«ar Tratßlaßvaa T M a ro bay r>«Mßf«r Train arrvvaa at 1 *u p la troy I a*a*=aa* * Tram kaava* Ma ro h' H an VlKbt Paaaaufar Train arriraa at Ma-on « S3 p in Night hMMb<tr Train laava# Ma iiuvii a*D wcar rroinr aaurooab. Night Panaangar Traun rrrl»as t C In Night Panaaugar Tralu taa**a . * *• p ■ liay Pnaaaagvw Train arrtva* S UU p in lay haa*B(«r Trtin harro .. T ina n an .ax/a uo u:inum> a in-lari naiutoao. lUgalar Train amaaa. .... 4 M pro Hagular Hroarni. r Train laava* :»t.u tub uaunuia (aw«l'rt*i iaatnat rr—ms /rowy. had*yi »*t*ylrJ Night Caaacf.jxr-r Traiu amvaa lUt n Night Panaauirar Train lanvr* Slip w troy hrorugrr Train arrive* . a *> p m l*ay Paaaairo-r Train laava* ’ U> a m. tHonn Mntmtaia »mror>4a*l Hi arrtvaa * ns a ro •toi»» MouuUib A . .nniuodatlob Ua>( Vp a Hat v I Arrivals Th# fubayiiig arr ito am tala al Ik* U I kiathai Ifoua*. t'rttt.-u-lan k Cos , Proprrot.*rß.> up to 10 30 laal night Y D btarouk. . .a W p jibith, Ala J Ibwl’-r, Ohio. Mm Hlfillh. do K Hauaoni. M C. W (' t'aklwail. Ay. W II Woodkxx'k XV fl Phvlpa. N V A H baWitt. list J M Call*war Ala * > Muar.a u. «h. Mra t alUway. do <« W Andcreob Ua II M law. Oa. li M Baaup. do II M Hoanton. and i. U A Bolts. NY ru HI an. Halt. J Markin*, do « i* P Hvidl. N Y JlNnuMai.w 1.-mh. i rudwUitaaib. 1 ..iI K B MartkU. do. A Pope. N C. L B Taylor. d.> M Ursimna. Phil. M W liaruar. lud Y A Pag*. Tauu. JWMloaa.Ua. II U Uilt. Atheu*. E CaatiaWry. lta! II C Tuuilin. (it DMoarTaob. and W It K.hiisibßi.. X T ti Hoimrow ril., X Y. HH barolay, Ual J W Th.xup*ou AU (i W Yo«iLa. and O W burdvtt, T*aa M ('wnetegbaßi. Tvnn Mia* MiKtuory. a- V A Kr-al. Ua Mia* burst, ua J W Paavaa. do J J Moult M’ H A Arthur, ty W O barkor. do Hb Mouabto. do K William*. AU 11 J da JBTvmrf.d" W i . U II b~*dr. 4*a. » s, a-.u. Movt n t> Joi.c, My CISCO It tilk. j lMtrrvatt*»s >»»• front nil Part* of Ihr by Mail to thr Fat CaLn<it - Au l'-i isf pal Church will l>« built lu tbia |.laC4\ rvt an ear It dtj. Ilnv. Mr I’lukrrtidi.itt prntkiTig for it. (iko u- l l.« vtriUMi of tbn Grif fin U* tiiak* Goii« K** on WeUticmiay OTt-niß|{ la*t, al this Colic#* Cba|«r., vrrrn of h charac ti r highl) iul« renting au 1 i>le*uin^ Sr.MNAN Mr J4»bn Hunter, an ohl citizi-u of thi« county, ia 4l«*n<l. Ihe fnauvU of !’. F. Sinith, U*-| , want him vl«H?it*«l S. cr» tary of Stale f'ii pin in Gatewnoil vie mblHHi at the Ury nohl- Iloune, the other night, of *MI 25. A« *»» *ta. Work upon the Catholid |'araon ago is prognroxiug, atul the building will n«»on U» fiuishi-d. It is of J-rtck. two atoritni in height, and of haud*<>f& deaigu. The houao u large and very conveniently arrangeiL Whi-ti rtnuh* -l it w ill Im an i*rnament U» the city. LtOatNoß. The Superior Court, Ju.lge William F. Wright preaiding, i* now in am miou The lor*al en<l Went Font Iroi Are j rea ■ut in full furre. t*olou» l N. J. llatnmotn) |g 4 H Cos Os Allanln. lion. II 11. II,:: A thin-, and 11 Oliver of Franklin, are iu at tendauce. Judge Wright ha* det^t«leil that the h»w rrqnTrr’t him to hold the jnnm 4lruwn for the prtroedt week, for the whole t»*rtu. AiJuxt. Mr. John F. fTargtle u dead Mr WilJii if. Uiisaell, formerly of the Boin ! ndg- Argu*; i-r. p wn to *L«ri a u»-w p-iper ho thin city, on «>r about the first of January, t«» be called “The ('entral City Captaiu W. S l ivyigHl.»n <4 room at the Banuro Ilouxe, tva* etibrrcd by a thiei on San day moruiQ'4 U*«. not) he »« miuut a pocket lK>4ik containing valutlda papers an-1 the (wofita on a h <r»e or two Osmm .Lata festi Ftnisdsi aii*ruoou the boiler aitaobed Io the machinery .U|rort rn»*nl -of the 1 ~| i • ('<»iujrony r ••»tabli*b ment, ou njUM-r Oglelh -rpe nireet. eiploilevl with ttemeOih'Uv r*r«3c. but, fortunalaly, done no damage to the balance of the machinery, nor was any one seriouaiy injured, though two person* were slightly burl. The baihltng* rc ceive.l bat jiltle tujory. th- b *il*.r being out ■ids of the main building, uuder a mhtnl JoMßMiioito. The ('layion Times of the 23d any* Mr. Witt. E. Tucker of this place, has in bin ponaesßion a walking oane which ha* been iu the Tucker family for one handr« and an-1 fif ty years. It wiu brought from Englai»4l to this country over a eenlorjr ago. Thin is prrhapn the oldest walking caai< that ban remnine-1 id the name family for *o many years, to be found tu the country. It must be the stick that old Den Tucker u»* and to carry with him, when be went to town. Mr T prisss this oane very highly, on account of its age and family asso i'la lions. Savannah. -The Ailvertiaer of the 24th aays The grand ball given by the eitiuni of Savannah to honor of the inaugural ssponitioo of th# Industrial Arou»cuttioti rime of! last evening in the freight ware bottne of the I’rt tral Railroad, aud pn>v»sl the ruoal brilliant affair of the kind that has been giveu tn this city for many yearn. Nothing to equal it is rMailed by tbs “oldast inhabitants." aniens it ba the ball givaa al th# aim# place in honor of the delegation which visited tbs aity on the occasion of lb# inauguration of the Mem (thin and Chart# aton Railroa*l Gbixhbvil!.* The Air lane Frogle says: Wc wn«W»tand that in an affray tu Robert s TNafirlct, in this county, during the last week, T>e! Martin was *. vcrHy cut by Jee Bannis ter. Martin ts in a critical cotwiition. Otiu*. whisky. There have !«ocu several h**avy froats during the week Judge O'N’ill arrive,! in the city c»n Motultr evening, arcompatiiad by hi* family. Rome. Thu ('ominerchtl calls njioo every citiseu to ccmc oat promptly ati4l be pre|iared to vote for oity ollioem. John W. lloopar U«* consenL-il to run lor Mayor. Squirrels are hawkisl about the *irv-et by the bushel. an-1 are offered nt ten cents each. Xaptaiu Trout has been appointed Fair Agent. Templeton a comptny Ua« l>een playinj to c rowdrd h<»ttsca The boys act badly at the |*oe4 offleu Dr M. F. Rtephennoo is at Ntoue Mountain making some acieutiffe investigations reganl lug the relic* of antiquity in that rogiou. Dalton. The ('itikeu of the 23d says We are inf »rmi*J that Mr Levi Nil of Mur ray conuty. died ou Tuesday the 14th, with lock >aw lie *u lakao probably on Hatur vtay or tieuday with aeundgia. and the nain was so isloWnN* as to give him lock Uw. from the eflecU of which he vary sooo died Mr. N was a man of some prominence in the •ownty and was ths opprotag candidal# of Mr VlerHs for (be Le>fiaUtare in IH6N WUmftwftms (N. C > Rtor is nfitaied at the prsroii nt % monied maa Nssnroyg Peeaidnnt of the United ftlatea “ Tbs ufoe Saaj msm," U nyt, ‘had Mi bsiide the eow»- f H i#w 4ow Maa, when atonev will owr Govsrnom and WsM Isi h aad rail iUft 0® ha Iks teal —wwwifw nI the reunify ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1871. VtOMAN • TKA (ONrm. A lev*| Kal*i|Ml*« A New Pb*M af Th# v% aaroaa 1 Miss Kla|. Ik* ft* a I anal* Brek«r, Tnrros Stavearoroi Tk* Wmmb Ntta l* Help Tk*wMlv«i t*4 >••• “< • Saalkvrs l.a.|>- % Htw*4r arogg valve. #l<*«ial • xT—f Lit •« i» * Airoau L<a j N«w You, TU, Ix7l The teit of this letter le the • New Da’ whii h veems aU*ut to U lusugurated for s cless « f ntiiMi- who are iguora-1 by the in terpreters of the FiAeenth Amendment, whom it were not gallant to clevs »ith panj*-fH lunatios, and felons, Whose “4p*juality" *reiu* vary unequally ranged ait*l a hoe# “right l Ufa, liberty, and lb# ponait ni i.afrp«a«»t, i* eeriomJy tafringed by t!*e uiq-ar-uvo t aOßtain the first, which, hard toil at ; poor pay, reudera th«* Ust Ever slnee lha «*r endeel, ilories oi di' *. miefortune aud distriro* heroically boru*-. hav«- been but too frequent, and * -:uru are l*>** j often the (rodent, brave beartrol bcroiutro of these rot I roiuanc< « lediro nurtured in t-a*e anl luiory, ate now, with hou»e« burned. planlattoni deatroj* 1. (>r >|R.rty coufia«*«ted, huMtronil*, fathers un-l brothein killed Or disablril by the cruel fortunes of aar, thrown hel|»le«s. fnendlets, «l«w4itHte, upon the world, au-1 their owu rtwonren* It is a dreary, almost a hop. lees lot fttr her who has only her need’s to de|«t><id upon, sli tbo lucrative trades of dree* making and milli nery requiring year* of applen Lev ship, row ing machine* cloaing the door against tL<* plain wamatress. riu! only tl»« “•Lo. ahoua. with their starvation wages, open to hon-ir*- bit- women who, without a trade, must yit raiu their livelihood by th« to- tlb F.ven iu an Ag* of uidduthing sb«»»l,lyutli, , tiier# are women of the uld noble slock who, j smog the diatrea* of their sinti r*. luii tbo hearts to allciiate it, an-! are Liu to correct the raui|ront wrong iu the world, by l i.ding all tiit-ir force to augment the right. I think lu every truly good and noble , „U'*» the auu has mr shone on, women were at Uo; fore, especially if it throve Th* work which I would bring to tbo notice of yoar riroder# is really “anew thing uinkr the »uu," au-1 hat been undertaken at gr»rot **;•• use by a Lum ber of uiont-yrol la-lies in this city, a* a n.•«#»>* of provi.lir.g anew au»! free flt-hl for th»- b*u- - tfit of women all over tbo United States, who have, from whatro»ev« r can**-, am• 1 of j-r »6t- I abls and honorahlo work Some two years ago, when the m-wia**ly l*l <leeply felt, and the idea wws first tno»»ted of starting some eitensive boßiue## fitting and women t*» engage io, a company via f-.rn\l here by ladies of poßilion, wealth, and tur imtincss qualificatioos to engage suo ressfnUy in any suitable enterpri-** Tb*y ro viewed many promising varieties of boMiiea*, and finally **lsct«xl the tiro trade as Iroiug io e**ry w*y beat qualified »«r Ih. ir -cLcxs. Not intendiug that their good work should savor of an aristocratic charity, Ihe IstlieN who ■ have vested their money iu the c •ucern ri-tain i au active iutereat iu it. an<! a* th»*y guide tt and control its affair* wholly, allowing only women an ml- rerot tu its slock, au-1 j*aUi >o a* omplt4ye»es, they appropriately name their eu ter(*ri*c “Ttie* Wuiuaii's Tea Company The I*run*4lent of this is M me. Ikmnrqt. who* name is with ly known in crmweciieWi * with her Mouthly Magazine, hii-I her “l.tup-i mini of Fuahlons' ou Broadway. The treasurer «»f the company. Mi** Snvaii A King, is a Udy well known in this city for her heavy transactions in rsal estate, whereby ( «h« Rccnmnlate-1 s Urge fortune it*4* **l, U I<»r*. u,» war, MlsS'Kiirg ' had etlvnaive acquaintance all through tl- S4*itb. where *tie dnl a very prosperous baainea*. an4l a. (juwi -1 a bo*! of frieo-U. The Woman’s T> a fV'mpaDy, and -chhin l * ruk no (allure through baste, au-1 to tbormigly ki * « v-ry in’h if their gr--uu 1 nth- r Ibti to hold o«t dclnuv- Fpri to the w mwo it wii* their aim to serve, elected that one of thoir . 4 D personally inveatigate* the niArket* and . compute' the pnhlbUitfa •• 0 i MMOS m Miss King, as au tratal«r, wtx-. chosen, and in order to assume her new -lu ties, retired from he r real estate operation*, j her last sale being a plot of ninety-two lot* ; ou Hi. Nicholas Avenue, north ol lha (Yutral I Bark, to the Tranter* of the l*r«»t*-*«Utnt The- j ological Institute for $250,000. She sailed fi r ] J a(»*n Rpending several there, and i iraeiug toa tkd-U, whale air purpoata to o ! perimeot In ths cnltsrw of tbo shrub. Iu Übtna she traveled far into the interior, si- | pkinug the lea districts, and m-vkiug hcrorlf thoroagbly conversant with ths method of ennug t*ros, also with thoae sU(H»nor«L that arc never Imported to thu market. After a y#ar and a half of lifts among the Asiatics, Mia* King i» just returned, and I learn through her ami MaiLim- Deifior##! that the oompany are niaki ug the ft nal preparations to embark tu the bostneea To wnterprißing women all ov«r tbo country, they eitroud au invitatii>s to Art as ageuta fur the o6m)ronr and iu this way it is thru bopo And confident eipcctetton to provide lacratm* ctopfoyment fur large nuntlt-rs of Udi«w who otherwise would have only tl*e meagre income their needles might ewrn lor their support -a pit lrouc« that in return forcxbausLog work ji«dd» | at beat only alow starvation anil heart-break L arm UK only yirolerday the a#d » 'atory 4*l | a Bootbern laily bmnght ftoni the eminence of ■ wealth and loiery to lb*' vergw at droUitution. ] with only bar neroile U* d4.pcnil upon for few j in her rank learn even their arc.>mj>fWhmeat* j io a w*y to compote with the ncienl:fic prades- ; Rors of music, ilrwwmg. end painting- -M oc corred to ut# that these might be •’good tidings" for thouaAUil* who arw'tn kcr case, and that it ware a worthy errand t*» hear tudk uews of a ”rcß< ni’* to Iho dcaoiateil hearth* aad the aching hcrotls thcr* may he atill in ihe Hnnny Houth. J- R- D ktallrro#*! aa*«l ( *raiu*rtl*l. By Urol to tL* La 4.) A corps 01 engineer-4 ts owt awrrcymg the proposed Eafauia. Abl* tills and Golf Rail road They starter! at Abbeville, and arc now tn the neighborly **l of Cos iam La*. The lelcgra(dt line has been completed ftom Houston to Brownsville, rta ladianapolis. | Corpus ( hriaL. and Hook pud ilonshm is i now iu telegraphic communication with the j City of Mexico. Thro L a vast advance in the j progress of Teiaa. and the conn try gauerally. { fthreveport has autroenbed ssuu,(MMi to th*- Memphis and Shreveport Railroad, anil engt nears are Io he eeot out Immediately to make a preliminary survey of tbe line to P!ue Blnff Shreveport promiase L> insure Memphis 3fiU,- * 000 bales of ootlou. 1.000,000 bead of Cattle, aad a proporUeaete trad* ia dry goods end groeeriee. aa 1 if it •aheanbe $1,U00,0(X) to the road, that it will be more than paid beck in \ tbe prod** of tbe Aral year s bromoroa. Ra- - ihaatamn like that will bol(* le build tb# srod spsedtfy Under ihe mikrvrod oowneliiatiim aoi. p*msd by lbs OsMsrni ImsmUy had sppsweod by tbs Oiwiew, Mro Msmpbte Ataiaasbo oesgrala- lotos itself that under tlo provisions ths man agement (if the Memphis end ( harUelnn Rail road Company ** wul at oor« csrry oot a pro ,e«t of sitouding a branch thcuugh Muftdls Tannatase to the Kentucky Stale liar Tbe , .ewgm of this branch ro owe kfrolred ami •evenly indr*. a part ol which is already j built, ba’ thF wh..:* w.t! be >iu(-ist# tiu oo« > r-ror The ol«)ectir« poeut ro. of course, the \ reiioej ay*t#«n of the Upf*r ohi<> River, giv ing to Mi-mptne another route to tbe North and tbe seaboard For feune***’* it Le s raioabls highway, tapping ths coal. iron, and (rotrolenifi of th# Cumberland M nuUina |o#lkers Neve* Us Wait W IJn fro* 1 Captain J. C. Grataxu. p rhap* the largest J cotton buyer to the Hoetli, rec* ived a cable I order from Mam heater, England, to boy tut handrrd bale* us cotton in Scbns. Alabama. | It ro stal'd Hint Mr D»4an.-lt». el. h..-* lately U«o to England to » uiuim u tv Ul tra* boundaries of Virginia, i« confiJ ut that 1 \ trginiA owns tb* whole of the l'otomac nver. W'e Irarn from a# eye witneea that Mr Cocbran, who i». a lusuiber elect of the Lower Hon*) iu tL« State of Muourouppi, ha-1 a qnar rcl a few <lsys ago with Major Thomas Meany growing «*wt of political difl«>r«i.ce* The da) alter the quarrel Meany met ('oebran in the streets, am! M«rony renewed th# difficulty at tempting to assault Cochran, who wa* armed u Lib- Meany ha-1 n.» weap*»c (Vichran lire-!, won&ding bis a«lv*r*ary in th# ab l -men, a -it is thought ha cannot rrruiur l'wpultr sympathy ro ia l’-» rob ran a fosos. Tbe convention oi th# sdvorate* o( total ab *Lncnc« in th«‘ Honthern Nt .be met last wrek. aad **a iargaly alUttded by Ji U-gaL* from Virginia. N -rth Car-dtoa, .s< uth Carolina. - Georgia, AUlroma. Louißiana, Tennearoro, and : Kentucky, representing the Son* of Ttmper wnce, Tempi# of Honor, the Fn«-iut* of Tom ' I*rwac«, an-1 the Goo ! Tau.pL.ri- A perma i uent orgioizAtiori wav « ff.ct« 1 by tbe id IL’V J A J. f!*-r» >u, i-f Virginia, Urcai- 1 - dcL.t. L>r T. M Augrl, <d New Orleans, an.l J ' | J Hickuian. of Keutncky. as Vice l*r»-aidenU, 1 and W. Eufho, of Haarcy. Georgia, a* Seer©- t j Ury. The nett anuca) eiMnion of the Supreme j Council will be hel l Jnly 4, L>okout - ot Mountain * of Judge Greahanj a n#w colony id j North Carolina, the A*hviU«( ibz*n aay« ' »>n J yesterday wc »tr* plearod to meet, an i Lnu | the acquaintance ot Gresham, of Ijouis- ’ ville, Ky. Th© Judge ia a tneaib*-r of th#Urg# land sgeocy of Gresham, Kasingtou A Cos., I I»m*tille, Ky . whose ohyect at thu tin,# is to j Lung from the North and the Oi l World, a colony of honest and indiutrious proople.'snd I locale them ia the moontaii.i of Western North (’arolina. The J udg# has bean Bent forward to j eiarnin*- th© country, iu fitne**. Ac., for tbe 1 pnrpoa.- in view He ha* jast r»torue4l fr4»n> the conulie* w» *t ol thu, an4i state* to o* that j i he I* delighted, and say* altogether it is the ( 1 I*wt country he #vi*r u« 11-' ha* no Joubt j : i-f hi* »-•• -'K* in m tiling tLr ci>4 ii). that ! it will I.# 1 tn the imtnigratioii of iii->u*and* ta this roctiou Ujs undertaking meets with ths h- .rty sp| - Ugh ft of our p ■ p»«- We wul welcome U; our section bon# and indat * tries* prvrjvi#, lei them come fr»*n» auy country under tbo auu. W# have th u**n D upon tnoasaiid* ot laud, which may be bought for' it!moat a tntj, wtim r"nrpar#rl with prirm of laud* in other neclion- Whatever may be i mi-1 of other rootiou* us the South, no ino ! wool! hazard the a-> -rtion that there i* not ] porf«* t peac- aud quiet m the m- Bring along your ooluoy. Judge, wo wi.l be id t them comm,:, no will al I ou r people |We will I»av- more to any alv-nt tb-* c- lony I when * i i.uv rpacc." LKIUSLATriIK OF OKOIO.I V. IBIATK. Tro r#l y - Wee «to 4 Ds)’* l*r«*#v r«t 1 ug •. btTLSDai. November 2>, IS7I. Thu St oat# met at 10 a. m , Mr. Virj I‘rvti ilml Hiwton m th# Chair. I k ray*r by lUv Mr Waaiucv The roll wa* c .lied, and the Journ*. :u loud approved. A ilouiro rerodotu-n iirotrucling tl. Ji id (>*mmitt## on Finance to ctemio# certain U>n<D issued lN»ceinb*r 11, to inquire for what purple they war# iaaucd. *n«l r<q»ort iu regard to a rrocotomeroiali->u of thu .xtau Hoard of Education that tb# inter***! on th# same shall be applied to educational pnrpoe##. **t tabled Bill* were read the second lime 1 A meajvige was received from th# Governor bating the approval of an Act to remove lha [ county ait# of (lark cownty from WatkitsvUle v to Alhcna Mr Bn roN offrix! a rtroolution providing ! for a joint corumiUee to take into c -uai.Ura- Uon the advantage us granting further a:d to | tha At'.anLc an4l Gulf Rail road, in which the State ow ns !(>.»■*) ahartro, for the purporo- of I rxtendmg the =aaw from Rainbr.dga to M>- j Lile, thereby making it a part of the Pacific j route, which wav not aclrol on A bill t«> alter and explaining acction jti of 1 tbe Code relating to attorney* at law. aud per uiittiog ths Clerk of the City Court of Savau uah to praciic# in other Courts, was jroaa 1. Ou u..»li‘»n the Sooate then adj *urn«sl not sac UF HKFHKSCYtITIt feta. TANARUS« rat) -t*i an-1 Uaj'i PiacrrStaf.. SaTVUIUT, November 2 * j H(xak«w Smith called the Hon*e to order at II A M Prayer by Rev. Mr Col Journal o( y osier day » |»rv>o«*vliug« was rea-1 and approved Mr. na*x»N move-! to reeootnlcr ranch of yesterday's proceeding* as relsies to the action ol this llornro in r©htlion to (ror diem He aanl that he rustle this motion to re# >usi.k: in onicr to invert $3 in*tea-1 of s<• Mr. Mi Muxax said that it woald (Nrol tbo State as much ass reduction of one dollar tror diem would amount to Io droeo** this matter on© hour, but that if ha thought Mr Bacon was ta earnest he would support th© ■totion to rv*onai4er for tiro purpose n.iiur-l Mr. Baix>n eai-l that he in enrncat. and was decrolroily im favor of fixing the |#-r dieut at $3. which smoont would pay the ©raeouabl© expense# of the member* t>f tbe Geoeral Assembly Mr. pMiuurw w#a in favor of retrenchment. 1 but urged that a rroroonai»ls eompsaaaUou should be allowed to mamberw. He was in (avor of rvro-nsi-leraLou, in order that the lull I may t>e completed boss to embraoc al! recrotving pay Mr. WooDWixu called th© previous qnes lion. (MU tostainroL The y#as and nays 1 were ©allrol for on the motion to recona*der. Yeas 11; nays 52. Mr SixxTT moved to aoapcod the rules t«> 1 Uks op the bill jost reoousnlerrol. On the motion to suspend the roles the vena and nave were oallrol. to find ont if thr re was a quorum present. Owe hundred and aleveti j m. iub« is war# present, and answered to their names. Tha rules ware snspeed#.l Mr JamoM nrovro! to insert th*ee dollars i per day for usambara, sod five doUarw (ror day • lor rllieer* Mr Howbli moved to insert eight dollar* l<r ufficars, anl five doUarw lor orom- • Mr. H<MM4>wa of Gwtnnoift move-! that the House go in (V»aam liana of th# M hot# aud pro feet th# MU. Tha maliow pnawHsfi Mr iKMiuuti aaoved to rapovt hook the bill rwaoMrowdad by lha tnemiMro Mr Hwwaua mU ha vwfofi yam mil it for fif* par day. med M in fiivur af that UUIL Mr JacKeou liv«# In AUanfck envoys tha hoaa# Hr « A#4 and hna no aihhllsanl aupamam, aa that ha qroy tro able to afford to hi# for $ I I .r *v#ry boor w##te 1 m debate ©oat* ovar I’yn, sod eom« of tb'.ro wb want sock low pro di m waata roor# than tb# differ#nr* in dieetndng thro ami other measure* Mr I’Mflun more! Io Hi the |#y of uft>r< at 110 par day. an lof members *1 17 Mr favored n-dnrtjon to the actual ; expi-ne## ci members Hr said that the wb -Is 1 pawide detoandrol it Mr U> Um** f«*v-<r*-d ti# plan fixing th* 1 pai of officer* at |I an-i iu»uib*r<i at I*- Mi Caxrrtvnsw aaid tu#t tbe Finance Coin mu lee i artfully inveettga i tbi« mattar. an-i a#-l* a report wiueh b* re«l to ail- pu The mot. u ■ wtnke ont six and insert »«v*n asp 4 r 4iietn of memirora. [’r#v#Aiad. lha inotiou to strike out f>3 foe a very twenty nut©* and insert $ Pr«iuw<l IL* couar.u**• rone auJ i*(vrt*d bark th»* j bid a* antem!*'' Mr Uoux ti. » i to the repr>rt oi the COUC.IUec. The bill, a* amt ode I. fix** Ihe pay of officer* at AIL; luvmUr* at *7. au-1 I r every mile, traveled. Mr Jtri>.,)j moved again to alnke - ut $lO j »nd raaert s>, atrik- oat $7 ao l itv#rt $3. •inks out s.* in ruii«-ag»* an-1 insert id. Mr Himmows of Gwinnrtt. roovt-1 to strikr ' om $lO and invert s*■: strike out $7 and in *ert ♦*». Mr Hnrorr* railed the previous -(tiewtion HwUiofd. Tb*- ruoti.«n ta adoj* Mr Size s am*u-i m«-nt wa* l«/*t Mr Jacnnoro * moiu-n wt* *a<- » **t. Ou the ui'/ti* n tn poa* ID I ul re|*»r'r 1 by U»« Fid an e Cont&ititc, the yeas an-1 nay» were call#*! with the following r - - alt Yea* W-*• rm iCn*!. Via I* Alfe>a*ofi la-'Mi >4 rl« li*..»R«tr lortßi* - tarr-t., h#rot:.*n lrotor. btu«kj. b* ~ l>rr- a lU-r. bu-AL. iK*/ .1 hr»«l iU ' f i UrtiU* >f L*—*- tor Hri!.. ltrysr,. luma. Lett. tutu, i #ril *». It’. O'li*iicr j, • a*.'Rii.. 4 or* el Kuliuuiml. OutL,n. («ltv i jbiero. Cot 1 Crmrodfi-. Ia vt. -f N*»u»n. Murh Ic-tTR n. »aruror f Fl) nt Frw.t..n, it.-irmr. TV.ID •♦oo**.MiWk. ’Vr» h#ui. urmj. fi#«#T7 riuyvifi. Ilac: T Mirvnwr, ttsi; at Vyvtj. HtkJ. -S. Urol lUiij# U*©* How#*!. HciW-ti H it’to. Jeltß’D. J :.i«r c o(Ot) On* • f t. JjtiA.Ru of «*©aM.n % - J ’>i 1-« mof Hart. Jotro* **v r L—*ro -r tri ll. t«ne> Jt. Üb< R.*ro S»LI. Mart.n. Matt -t. McO/ta-i;, M’ >'* MWt r ter. M--r*lsn't M- rrtß M<m# Mnrv i y o? H*rr-e N*U4-xroi.l Nutt- i#. Oliver. IrouJi. FatXoa. hajt»r. *•*. ).!## i-RDtsiott.*. to>-1. toitlrur. H-.uti. g-ttorfur i. HootO NiiiiOi- 'b* >f «j« lai.rti r a.u.ou» f Hal , HJc.iaot* >f H#ast*>n KUtor. M'oith r C"w«t#. »;rr..r Ittr-vail. IHiriina*-r* n Trso, am W.Riu-r* V) t #i, th»u ** ro W "r . f ' " vgarU r Dari • Iward. • Wynn -Ut. To.- Uro < Wr., r Ds*ru Os < l#rtr 4frtf&B of UouA>« UtßCOtfe, loTOi*. M K leiaa. Fala-er. and iuir} —. The bill as y»aa#©.! hie* tLe \ ty of at slo. of member* at $7. anl s’• fjr every twruty mile» travelvm On ijj -iiuu the ru.*-*» wer« t :*)>endwd aa-1 Ui” f.>lb>wing bills were read fir*’. uu,e Mr. Junks us Terrell A bill to locorj-orate the city cf Daw rtsn. Mr Si MMEKiiii. A bib U* tedttOa the bond of (he al- riff of Hoar and. Mr WofT4.'tn of Bartow A reroolation di recting c muiillc© t.) euqu.ire why disabled • >lUers have not U-ea farnmhr*l with artificial ; hmlis onder an act jro««* and for that purjoaa. Mr Ha#--* K bill to am* nd the charter of th Siwnan and Amenrns lUilroa I Company. ! Also, a bill to provide for payment of two 1 judgment* ob’aturd agaii st tbe Mate by B J 1 Mrad. i i!r Vorroi.n of Bartow A bui t » amend i th* charter cf Kingston. Mr Catlu A resolution to appoint a com | mi tie** to receive certain traa#cri(>ts of land. ; tfc- value tbarn-f Mr Worrown of Urortow A lull to^ I porate the tteorgia and Alal*ama Coal, Iron •Alining an-1 Manuia taring Coiujrony Mr C: N'-uoss A bill to rcviv«- an art t cr« ate a l nimnal Court, A.: , iu *o tor as it . rtlato# Ui Chattooga County. Mr J unity K i ..; t Mftfc to a|>(iuiul conßtabin# in certa.n cases Aiwi a bill to auithd tbe »,rod i#w in U-rth county. Ala-* a bill toc uipel i. oresidents to j*ay a I %sl »reru tax on nbeeji in *ai 1 county. Mr. Ijirory A Uil to j rovid© for ll»« eol i*>.u ol mocL ««&1 Citala Mr. Fatsk A I*i 11 to amend th* 4 xrt. r (-t (be Atlanta Lor>kmt M on tain Railroad Company Mr ('. A till to iue rp rste tbe GraiVd Iroy F*pe-f VUfitifii l Mr Ckau.: A bill to aro*nd th- Lw* Mr Been A bill to provide f*i division* of homewt«*ad« Mb Mi limit- ■ f Bmi* A I ill i• w : • the par of the ('lerk of the* Sopreme < ourt Ylr. M Mill AN A bill to organize a Boar-1 -»f Commiasioner* of IhrotU an-1 for llsl*er>ham cuant) Mr Glmvsi A bill to autdi. nzt' Ui4j Gov , - rnor to order an ei«*:Uon ;u ?>uuit*-r county Bill* ou third reading Bill to repeal an act to alter and m*c uon 4J4.'> of the Code in rvlaUon to the chain gang Uaa#ed. Dili to repeal District C- .it L 4. I>''•**- 1 Bill to alter section 3472 r< laticg t - con tin nan-#a in civil case*. I ‘rowed Bill to rej»eal an ect to a«ar»- ( r fit*, Ac . ■ anting from bumeuti-a-l. l’a.-#* L Bill to order election for Governor. I-a*J on the table. Bill to inccrytcntU the and Bank ing Company. Uasw-1 Bill forth-- relief of Tax ('©l ector <f Clay 1 Passed A moßwg* the Go* re >r. tratismitung tbe report of th© coinnsitte spp«Mnte*! t<> re vise the Cod©, was referret! to tbe Judiciary , Committee. Another message, transmitting tb# report of the Tra*ton. of the Academy of the Blind. was ref«m*d4o a committee An tber meaaag- tranamitLng ‘.he n; rl : tbe HecreUry of Suto. certifying to th# vie uoa of Mr SrmfTKLni,. from Hron! county, was laid on th* labia. Bills on third re# litg returned Bill to amend section ‘2-’ 1 of ihe Code in relations to liens cf Undl. rda l»at. Bill to repwal tha: secti « ot the Rev irod God* which provide# I- r oaiconty can di da tea. Foseed Bill to chanije the line between the coanti-ro of Upson and Fike. I ‘eased Bill to legalize action* of clerk f Wilcox county as ordinary. Ac. Beamed Bill to change the boundary line* bf!v«va . Glynn, Wayne, and Camden connUr* I «#t Bill to aalh<vnse the c-roner of i hat bam coantv to bohi inqoeais iu certain casern. Faward. Bill to punish peraonv *ot #lcete»! an-1 quali fied by law who presume l*' act as cvnstable-t --in Chatham <x>unty. l*a*stsL Bill %a repeal the act consolidating the offi croa of Tax Rece.vcr and Tax Collector of Charlt-vn eoncty Fass^L Bill to aothonz*' agents and attorneys of de fendants to swear to plea.« iu all civil cates 1 Da*#ed. Houec then adjourned until 10 © clock on Monday. Warming «« Patatriro. Exponeace has taught that the *0 railed toad paralysis, couim-'a amoog painters in tha firm of a lows of motion of the wnst joints, is cbi4ifly produced by the habit of waehing the han-U in turpentiue. It is probable that it 1* • not the turpentine alone which Modoo* this lata I revolt, but chiefly the particle# of lead or zinc paint on the hau-K which, by the tur pentine, are brought in condition to (vnetrat© the skin more readily and to bo stroorl*e-1. titarefore painter* should avoid, at much as poeaibie, the a»e of tor(*'nLne for washing the ben-I*. The Wauo Register of lha Texas IVouv ©tats, that it is impracucaLl© tor them to keep np a live, vigorous branch in Texas, after the body oy trank is dead. They can no n*»r© ilo !% than Kirby Saetth could maintain his ground after Lee had surrendered. l>et them discvtad aad a loaf step towards lh- vra ot good feeling“ will then really hsvs twroc taken. Two hunilrvd ootored easigrants toss Fort re#* Monroe on the lib instant lor Liberia. They ware from the interior of the Slate of Ytr !#■# Tln Tm,lmm 01-Mtm bw U-re-il Ui,t J C tMurtoa «IM *• Oo»-T»->r ljn.Wj » to* irnjt ill- ia Suatcoaarr;. uJ ihU 4U» Uotmuut iadlgaM4l7 dßl—-il lb. 4»n< UI kin Ran. aaA 11R1 1 4a nan bim TELECRAPHIC. SUli-maiit of Ihe South < ar«fl«a Debt. Dt-gili 4»f an rx-NaTal OlSerr. Tbo Moimoun »ill not L-tottr I Uk. A l.irutruuut Uoirruorof l»ui,laiia to bn- Lli-rUsI. tempi roller t onnoliv Arre,tnl. Hoary Snow Storm In I Uh. Suddrn Cold in Kagland. And Seven- Sufferiw? in C4m»e4|uesfe. Effort Made to Ha- -• <-od Ke«'4icui/ed in th<- Constitstino. Inten-stinK Koreigu Sew-4. Hank Statement. More of tbe Park”* Tragedy. Helen Mall'lleld-I lor -HI tbe Stand. KOON DISPATCHES NEW YORK. Saw Yoaa, Noveml*ro fifi —-Tb© Irak# ax- 1 rived laal night and pr <■«ttoti q-u«-t]v to the ( laren-l >u HoteL Tbe Herald s sproial tr tun tb© o»ty of Men c-» •lated th© 12th, rosy* that th© governaaeot trot']* und«*r Fsltmtina. have be« n r f i«tol by the-rt volnttoaists m Dantng SOUTH CAROLINA. ( hati-ZsT )*, Nuvembro 2d. The State 1 T nro*ur»r pubixsbee tbe (oliowing staUmcnt of the debt of South Carolita Bonds printed, twrouty and a half millions dollars, whereof six millions are still with the American Bank Note Company, three nnlliotu in the State treasury, on© million canocllrod 1 end destroyed, and three millions issued by th# Rtat# tr*-aaury for th© ronvermon of former j iiabihLe©, having nine and a half millions -a ' the hands of the ivtaL * financial agent st New 1 York The old debt a u-arly six and a half mil lion#. Tbe nrw U>ud«d debt is over five and a half | cahions. Th© total debt ts nearly twelve miiiiooa. The steto aclhonticro, to save the bonds now 1 undrr Lypolht-cation frfim sale, propoae em plo}ing some rerojx'naibi© lank and diacootin u< the prmeut agency. UTAH. Salt Lttz. Novt-mber ito. Th© offictal or- asj that the Mormon# 4to not in‘.cod to abandon Utah on ac.ouu: of religion. CONNECTICUT. HirTrvtr. Suwcmbcr 1' 4 ttormaa. whose m-’tht-r oroow-1 Lis marriage, cut hxs m-Mlirt'i throat, last uxghL OHIO. (iv is\»rt, November id. There ts a movv ment sfl iat again to urge aa anM.n-im<at to iho C-4 ueiitwtion recognizing God. LOUISIANA. Nfw Oxlxaxr, November 2d.—An extra ■rosai >n of the senate has boon called to atoct a Speaker. wto» whail be ex-officio lavoteaaal Uerenor. Th© announce* that a has bem efl«*stad bTOwccu Chart©* Morgan, the prt pnrtor of th# < q*eJoo#as Railroad, and th© Mt'Ulr, New Urtoan* and Texas Railroad, which wifi insure th# ©arty complex nos both road.« to Trisa. ENGLAND. L*'xr»ux, November 2S.—The yaron kn returned to Windsor Castle, from Balmoral. The Official Medical Bulletin save tbe symptom* of the France of Wales hav# as sumed a more fsrorabto appearance, but the lever has increased Tb© Friuce paroed s r trot less m^h- BELGIUM. BarxatLS, November 2Y. Th© Chamlrox of Re(vrv#rntativ©a finally adjounxrol until Taaa day next A mob #«l«aequ©*»Uy assembled beiore the reaidence of M Nothhomh. a m«wn her of th© Right, who mad© himself particu larly obnoxious in supporting the appoint meet cf ItoDeeket, and became very disor derly. and their actions culminated in smash ing the wmdoww of the hou#e. So violent were the mom testa lions of tbe mob that an alarm was sounded, and the Civic Guard was mustered m strong for©#. There ar© fear* of a serious disturbance. FRANCE. Pa us. November ¥* There were <Wn»oa stxatioti*- yostarday ia honor of Nspolco® Ths (vo he© did not interfere. EGYPT. Eoxrr. N *v©«iber ia—A steamer with pil grim* en route to Mecca, sunk from a eoUiatoa. S©venty five pilgrim* were drow*#4l EVENING DISPATCHES. asrowSAirj pr*#s ln#p##tia— NEW YORK. Nrw knax. November 15 d\»mpiroiler Connolly has been arrwatad and hskl to bail io cne million dollar*. Th» Duk» ll»« A»iUm m»I lortt to-day. Ai „xY. Nownb.! ■&>- TVe olBfi,! figart. f*l tb• Ula el#rUon rtt«nu, Riw Hcitbo«r 357.1-T. iui.l Utllrr 3C8.214 Tt>U» PENNSYLVNIA. PuiuuiLriu, H-i-Mib. 111. - Tb. MX Al* t-riM -mptmra-l by lb. h«M »nJ «nt to (k|«H O. » r»r» ud MTIW4 Im*. fn mi lkiumrt. b.*- h*l imonw*! Rl—t Ui«tn by Mayor I'm that 4b.y «iN aolbo m.l b*rk. MASSACHUSETTS. lbm>>Mß> tt-’b *•«*! **»* •XJ ,«J0 at tb. b *" h*“ '***“ "f J. A liana. tb« atbar»l I-nP- *• • mm-tm la* at «. Itarb. wt— bMlu*w»«.l - !-■“» MISSOURI. £t Loi ;#, Novsmhef A7 An are I pear ) roupUts tor rebaiKLug ihe I. ndeu ho ] t 1 It will r.rot tt.OTJO (X*i UTAH. baA.i lati, Nwv«mber 2d. Thai* he# Uron a fail -d fiv* or six fr#t of mow. accoaxpatai* - with hail, s-rot. lightning, and a torrific Wtad VIRGINIA. Hn attoxn, November -4 apt#in R. I) Minor, Chief Engineer of ths Jabm River improvement, diol snddeuJj last night CapL Minor was formerly a laeutooant Comm-mder 1 in tbe United States Navy, and was also a di« , tingniahf 1 rdficer in lh© Conifederate Navy FRANCE. I'alU, November id.—Th© publication of ths Rappel has been iw^ndai Th© (toencairoioner of Pardons has n j©ct©d th© appeals of Tens itoao-J. and other leading Communist*. Vikxsa. November 2-7. TL© newly ap (xnntod axembers of th© Ctsiielhafi » ainoct wtw© qualifie.l to-day. The Itotchsrath will convene on Dccea.ber •2l#C ENCLAND. Lowno*, November 16.—Tbs snd-ton -v, r weather her© has caused great suffering an. :.g the poor. Seventeen death* have r«- portexi as resulting immediately from tbe cold. The ccfbrry near Bracwi-k ktiicd «*ght (*«-r*om». anil another n<-ar Hsvoraf and wooq tod twwnty bat none w we Allied Tne Scotch expr©*.* tr* u that was wreHied on the northweatern rail wav iw-riously injirvd j ««\eotten people A ajircial fnm F*r.« reasx.rt* the appoint ment of Jolex Ferry a* Minister to W'viLing- J ton. _ PRUSSIA. Luui. November iY Tb'r© m«o-of war are fitting out at Kit 1 for Brazilian water*. It u» uruler*towd that the ol ject i* to demand ■atisfaction for the ill treatment of a German naval offi rr and two cadets in a street fight in Rio Janeiro. Bar aaJELA, Nv/vember 2d - Rioting has tieen supprvesrd. but freah outbreaks are appre hended Additional troops ar© am vine MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. As»ici#t#i I’rross IKspatcOM WASHINGTON. W AsantoTox. November zd A letter from Kit Carson, Colorado, reports the Lurmng of oo© square of that pises, including ths Usury 11-hum end th© Pirob’ffice Lvm fiOO.OtxX So insurance. 'A-• A W #ateru dia.roUu rnUr»tro that Lorffcg. a Boston joamoiut, was auicmg those killed by lh© Apaohcro ra the Wuthk| Stxj.'Fsi*. -The Us pr©aar*sbkb prevailed ia .Southern Canada on Un-lay bv» moved northwubiward, and the area of the high baromroer ha* #*4vrot«'ed le•<» th* t)h*o | Valley eastward to Uk mid-Us Atlantic coast, with nrong barom- ter and portly cloudy and -iter wee tor r to;* aftcnn- >n from North Coro- I ..u- to l WSi sad Ui In« umperatara has J risen at to© northwestern station and ths bor- \ oaicU* ha# foaian very generally daring th© 1 lay frtiu t«. Ink© Em- and north an-1 1 westward the tow hercmAter with rain ukuefc prevailed on Fnday afternoon m Idaho and Oregon, ha* apparently now reach©* 1 Docotaii in it# east sarvl coorv. in'raasiag aouthsrly winds prevail from Tixos to th© upper lake* too northerly winds have veered to th© ©eat ob the south Atlantic coast PaaiiiLiTiix The l«arometar will probe- : bly continue to rise until Sanday morning, ra New England, with ( isasanl wesathcr and fall ing tempers lore, bat falling barometer and ra rrsan ng cloud;utro© will prevail from New York to th© Southern Stelae, and westward. An area of tow barometer will develop weal of Wisconaic. advancing to tbs east and south east. with rain, or poaaiLly snow an*! extending by Sun via y noon to Lake lioronand Arkansas. Increasing but not dangerous southeast winds to-night on tbe apper Likes. (NEW YORK. New Yoax, November 21. -Connolly is now ra charge of the deputy marshal who accom panies him ra search of bail. The Bank Statement mok * the increased loans two and one-eighth millions, specie de crease a trifle, deposit* decrees© small, legal tenders decrease nearly one million and a hali. It ts stated that the whole Board of Auditors, twenty-five ra number, including Mayor Hall, will b« arrested on Monday on the charge of complicity in fraud*. The upper Genu*ns accept the arbitrator ship between England and th# United Statee. upon th# San Joan boundary. Bancroft presents his argument in behalf of th« United State© The examraation in tho libel snit of Miai Helen Joa#ph;n* Mansfield, against Janie# Fisk. Jr was opened to-day in the Yorkrill# Police Court Mia-* Mansfield was place*! on th© stand, and detailed her several love trans action* in S-*n Francisco, rtber P KENTUCKY. i .'it'i.Yi i., uatam»t in CUrke coontj, Indian*, on a« W>ant of tti« I‘ark tragtKlj It U now «a»- pwtooad that white. llae maiden. Tl>« affair u and*r>;oin« aoent imaaUgalion. Xambrra ol nrgron *n l«*Ting th* coon try. Tka wife ol the »--Kro Tajlor, wko u ao*- pedfd ol bun* Ike on* who .track tbo fien-l iab blow., baa gone to Chica*o. The Grand Jury wdl meet December 1. when it ia probable that aonie ol tbe Ijnehera ot tbe ne*roee eo*a*ed m the bloodj affair will be indicted. PIIII.AOKI.rIII 4 a»l) »Ttl«T4 YVINE AND LIQUOR CO., U. kw the ceWeaMJ Vo. :» larmttr ttloola. WHitJitLl imiUH Iff FTffff Wlff*«. Offf*. WHOLE NO. A M I XKMIjLX'IX DeGIVt’S OPKBA HOUSE. - * mam alack oiviiro Olr»r|«r. Illtftoli Karuee LIS«RR|>. rja iwq mgrnuin omul An# Tbm4R), Iff. *J A«d 18. hMMi iPPUAAKI 9t 9m hicAhr r»f>w m» d*ju». mtaU, aad *<xwL»4 UkJ r.-eat ona*»al LPT All JIIEA. ; MK \VM. HOft ACT LINU ARD. mini 4Ufl m sintt m«ptn lb 1 lb* rw t my of C —i»Ay emit Opera A f «jfg>nu>4 n4 la Kn*r •w*« uwl |«« lork. fxraiatr <»u* »f ft* unat mw.-da*# nraakiaa the |mUk iMbj ttfuiuic, bimker 27, 1171. Thu pa»t.fNM"> wdl »raa«or* u a with liar Asm jW Luel.ab loowaj. m |*o mu, «nuitr.l NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS! Mix Mir; r, wuh aaa^. hum click Dasna. t Linear 1 ) Vrt Codoonl P-*ntifn HIM Blanch Qakaon L*4M<aui kia«abju Ml I'rau hvaaa tdjniraJ K.o«atr>u . Mr l<Aa M»U*wi Mr B. P. Duaait.* 1 « RWt Mr. D. Duncan Bw S h HwUom locnadj au by th* Th* law York Hrral.!. April 11. afi - Narmi la m«a«au uom irfiM urj laa Miadaa we hu*« mu, and piny.-d by Ur L.c .>»rds u> *,:«o.Ud atyl*. Auer tSa first pi. w. WILLIAM HUR.U K UNUIHI) vi II ptMl hMtaa.iwiMrkM. tnrlad 1 * portraiture of lAe bb L. k_ Lee, repaired * tfcroipt' rt rts* vuun* wftk TT»-" vrtSaxt ; unne of 4*hf hk TaoarkAviUi the aav naonai I cusmlmlU. robin and MAititi.u;*: at aw Fftun^ Kit* .Vra.rli4iHtrt«>lu.a»ir MUB* DICKIE LOldillD. Mat-Ida wuA aoti*. M»n* Ahc* lnnwuf i aad company | Door* open at 7 13. Parris*** n**T *»• ftff IB 46 blaw '« 11. Ibuoad wu ILR3. UaUary 7* I t iilwM • *%Ury it, rauu • KwmdWU Ptaren may be eecorud at PkUlip* •#“ T-rad*) r * en■rsr 1 noe M-li *. E. kIDDRK Bu»— Muarrr OFFICIAL AUVIUTISKMFMS. A PROCLAMATION. u »: o k c t l BY UK'NJAVIN f OYI.ET. G«Tprnor of *aiU SUl*. WHEEEAS. Ofß.ial inform*ti..n ha. been rrcwtwd at thu BaprtMtt tmi on the ni«ht >f the *U hast.. »:*».* OurxxiaD a cttiaau of Campbell county. Era escape Iran tba cumlncm >ui of Fateoo coaalj and Whcreue. h*i- Wn in*b luted in th* Courts of tb.a MaU a*ala*t the said GEtrxAKP. chart ■ .04 him v.lh th# *tima of rap# I K»rw. Uk#r*tsre. I hues A««M proper to iaour thi* oay prn liBUIM hereby uCrrtat a rawvJ of Til) j AMD Kim DOLLhM tor U» appr. , mom* oiml dMi arrj of Um aa»l tfntsou QmrT«aai> to the She nil of ymitam county, in order that ha may l- trial fjr Ur offeaar ulth which ha ataa.l* charted. «i,im aadarfoy Hand and the Orawt H—l of the AtaL a* the ChpitoL -a aMauta. tAia twruvy -fourth day of Kaaamlmr. «a the year of «u Lard XigLtom* UaaUrad acid hrvf-oty-oat . and of tha ladrp«ad«»i»or of th** Uniti 1 ‘’if lr* .tinrr.i tUu Jflorty-Bxth. BRfJAXnr OOXI.IT Be lha fiownpir: D*nz> t*. Oonoa. Awratary of atalr. lar aal -m*arl w *W«M Vi j*af* of aa*-- - * ■in. baa hl«h. wn|hi about 136 pounds, aa.l u of h«bt r xapkiMjo. no* M-d3twlt SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i3uh Saw Toma Aaajrim-—<»a»x P luvnx A 00.. 40. Pisa 8. V hmowu A Cos.. PI Paaa Bi»w ova Bairtuoua bum -uurrti h Homu*. Ko. « BoCTH STUSaT >OTI O E . CHEAT AUCTION SALE. 5 0,000 IK)LLuVRS XJNT V-AJL»XJE Or DIAMONDS, ns* GOLD JmLIT, OOLD AND mi.V'EB VATOKBB. tULVKK WAME. BOOKIE CLTLEAX. Be., A*-, hata* a bankrupt aah* .»f a V«w York Bra4«v H»maa at pwhUe au-Uoa at the Live iMtaa Hue* af T. C MaYSOB J U luimrrT laaoANr Goode oo eahibtttuu Moods) and Tnrwday Balsa nviawina Till*fay vruolag. The Larfrat amd Plant Staah af Ciooda ewer al ni at Puhll* Bale XIST TIIE SOUTH. WR »*■* IM PAIITt mo (t,dd an i .*** i u!r < anM < water > rto«uiraa and i’lustera la seta. Bruu h au. Biota. Bracelet*. Be. P»ae Gold Jewwfry. In art* aad mania ptanaa. of awaty aaruriy and atyle B4l«er Worm fabU. Daaert and Tea Pork* and Spoooa. Bnt krr Bateaa. 80. tuthry Bu«ura B Buo’s Aaa Yhbb aad Pocket Cutlery. Ac.. Be. . . . S B Thta Immense atork will he .ffrred for pah- It. my ni aad aaorp arurte wtO ha warranted ut auL.ty as described. a#“ Dealer* are eapeetsKy iarlted Term# rash aad aa«, peremptory B°* X* -6 * PUBLIC SCHOOLS. & S KXAMDCATUMI af appllrooU *w paaMkme as A Tea.-her* in tha Public Aahoola of Atlanta will t hnid aa Madnaaßay aad Thuiaday. 4th aad 7th of |>e oambar. at the bail. Lop known aa tha ley BUeet A b>»! oa try atraat. near Ham*. The Teacker* required are as follows: BALAEV 1 Principal of Ht«h A hool SI.M» »» I Ai.iatani af M.«b Mahout l.Mu uu 1 Assistant .if Huh BaWI I JB9U U> S pno-tvaleof Grammar l.»* '*• 3 matiiu tMalai Grammar Bhoota mrj on » Assistants Kvmslc’ Grammar Bchoola 100 •** I « <• •• «ao uu s-- Mu au Is •• - - *»"» I • “ *■ ** "**' Tha aianautno ad Ptaiili Taachara wtd mpriaa the fvdiowia* sohiocm NpaUiof. hodtac. Ganaraphy. ArifhmSfi.-. and u<a> «■■». me.i ratMte, w tk. TWt h. kMi.« w.Lk ipyioHoM win he emmmadl oo tha prim t • mt Ik. Ml «,» **<»** "***'• **rnriTT Don. IWm. It. 1«». kla^n limhlp L«io *:>*! lo^lk.r » nfe p —■ -■ . Mtibatt of IMk, ul Bkod "‘nTHLtk.ft'W. «Itk lk< finpHoi of BokdUw. vtk ko k, vr«M !.■«"*■ „ o. but at Iko luakk, C.okklltto. - r “and -U1 k. «kro~! ~ i‘'".llo.lo.tton. -11 l ormpT ka-l ' Tkot—AkJ - |i- iko *uk)orla kola, dlTkUd lit— Iko «—> J»I". tpptuMM.aor ko m*t*. fortkor MnMi .. 2JJJ-— .n^n— !«■. -r-AST*" (Nspanataadeat o< Ihahßa BMkooU. J * BROWN. PraaKlaok Atlanta, hwvamhar B, I*ll. now S*-4ao4ftllde>' Hraaat nvreet. AUnnin. »<■«»* TIIK Ki'.Al. ESTATE TRUST COMPANY la. BIT ■Broadway’, Bate Tar*. Afriti aa* TnulMi far tk. li.Btwm it Im>7 la Seal ar Prnaaal riqirt; ! iwatawifc-ioiT— ■»r^!rcTr3s" DUUKTOMS: |V. * BT*r*.WBOM. *-+**l :s «Si usr %£* w xrn=LZ SSisrr/taJttasiWf'cx I-• ““ *■ "detune . t.t I a- '*ll Im