Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 03, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DALLY NEW ERA. V»)I,I MK VII., NO. HI. BUaiNEtia DIRBOTORY ar'M>ri«iw.4km<Ma MIM lfw« ** •'•teUMMK jktiklttmMlla (n ****■" fc* —■* Krilli t. il w l.iU CAkU.V WHITAKCM. t Ttururr at lav iiun, Aawau vui ' l, ia. u.nlOM(lkhMldn. *>“* .„ _ Wlruud »,i| w,„ . m-, . • -•»* Mutiny IUAAIMM. aM» Ji»HA A. Mllrl. A lIUIUCAI A* LAV. UV.: CM. V.«A toA ■» ■•‘..'UAi.miiun Ur, TO mmAih ia n m. r nrto uuuMi la AUaAta. all tAa “y ir t NK U 41) V K KTISK M f»TH. C L T XDUHANGO! Hum. t»an a ova rtciii rrrm.-r. u» ...aK.n.l lato»MV«, ArplUa. AcofaU. >**'*• • toaviaMAa. rail AAaaaa. M aU g«aau. LlaaA I»l la Waraarl trra, to. |»a !tt» UuJ'Kumu L*rt. from U 4. fccuodre- to* tompUhc* Ufa •uUvruSTwi tW cwiaUX I»7. , ,a ’•* uUnuti auj mi | arlflnr ku-iwn H. id l.y *ll 4nu|tM« Ui m*i i *44i* •- term* an ttetu *>4*r hbia. trad* mart, ud Onerth** *sd !.*»« (Srrolar. Utomio ry. Krt.tofvUr *trret N Y ItOt'**. • tor* touibeiu Nur»l . by lb* author of • V»l*nr Ativrr g*o !(• |*r. iUMMUon* Prtre ft : cloth 91 •# 14 tea •t ry «»f Ui# South, thirty y«ar* ac • ai. J tU# |.«im a* ;* and «>t truly is ti airamia. ** ' Tfa* *uU»or*|c who i* • lady of North Chrto lin». fau. lu h*e *•<**»> 1 • ITurt, Imiirnr.! upon the hr*l Habt (W» 111 |Ai>.l to %U| laUrMA AAU till Tm tho arf.w >’ IPItO'AIUi rviiliak.ra. N.w Tori “WIDEAWAKE «“■< Miarthmrt (to toa(.>m I.rrr i: i( ...toto aa aailna aritoato (*, l^iatiara ui\tN AW A ¥ l.» ..#ry aubacnbar to 11 fVII \ AA \ Id) |||,H*S l.raat Ularaiy. U.!l«loua, Waakiy a,. W i I aala» iml •o—m. Ora toot l.n« to I itodlba, an.lh.r AT. la MAaya; auokAar lit lu 'to.totoAi uaattmar. da., M.ltoau, ~1U.,. r,ylly • tol. luakto.' ir ,U 4»A au.l tia i„ |n ~, 4., lym ■ *ri alffii laiHa.uil.hißk.iwi tori f toluk !> U*; b - '■«*r .... torry I Jul luA.Us. . Tal. LaMar Ikau a> r tua k a.. u . ( kaiii’ i Hanoi: to makf vosth LAW Al. ALkk Ik AVAATKH I *•*. '‘C ' ' “..ft an.l woiu.l waula.l irrrj.k.n II y» »(-!. . J Mail ry. an.l .a... tor totoalar a» I * ' I :;L A I'll .>7 Frrk Ha.. N.» toak II *' ’ ■: 1 .li - t. IL..U.a hlau , JaA Hral Ma iaui, ■»toto. l> rmytt. Ilk SfflfMVt "“ifAMoLA kAAHA/INK la uffwrl ft UUu a lr~ duna. Um rutolUK T ~, u rnr , HM I toj a IL* at . i.",|.ui~.1 / Ilura. a WTai ■ Aalura Par •p 1 " .11 * ti'a.-t; :l rli. A. 4, .1 , ’-r. ikra.. t'al «ta~ A~' ,« fur ' 1 ’**'•' *■ l.riua It 1. an ..ntiua! krai laa. j t£ tt•l .\ t % \% \ NTK l> Foil Tlio Vwar of Batth^. h .11 -I*. I**r,v ml., th* (V in in u an. ?ii • MifMM. ~n to |J6O. Vi.a.i ,-«»»•« 1 ‘ "*' 1 •" ‘*X ■ '• <*• w«rh. Nothing v.jonlv 1 Sl * k '- I '.'a* pi<« p* r nioitih no* In **'i*’* " mA ‘ ** "’'• inttflt H. * N * J H “" , ’ l * , ' Kßn A ‘ y »- WtNTSI i»,.i t., mi ns k tX) . FTlark Km, to f iNrraty ».A ) a • AiM ri. n.«A. I'-aD|*L4. - c haUluli |f I**4 mi I I •*■. *i| i ft«ll a! !■*<•• « >• atoi«rtnMiuhi iwHntt Kr*«- N ' *V i l v.vuis* »f lift )«**•, « .i l*lu.ii*i Ih* NK%4 1 I.NHI'.H by oo«itUf« MKt all larg* • Ito eii h rm‘- 1 nf in'<chaiitra. MoTomffiiU. pat.<nt law* and »al»*« f " "buintng i»at*'nta. tuailrd on r*>«>ipt ~( ji «*u<* 'J'.U. iUitiUSill'lUi k'AMII.Y iXJHtonMiaXNU 6* 1 want attoinU 1l» toll Uaear Family l'orD*to ll«r« !’• *» toA. nthiu of tb« kiO'l Hall# at aigbt I'roDt* l»rg» Fait oiri-ular*. aildrot KUttCNK hNTUtfc. I r- H irer, Ixick Box 9, Uarrtaburg, Fa Bloomington Nursery. 111. \TU Y*AR 1 Srt.i ACRES I it (iRKfIN Ifol'NKN ! a— ' * lar«M*t aaaortnieint Boat vtork ]a>v |hi«m Uh ilka Bt ■.* ->i i*. tiralta. , * - IOC) i>a*<c tflnatTmt**<l calalbsu*-, 10 ccnU. Loll . \ l'lant. prii« list Itro HcnJ fur thaa* befora btiTinf ala* Wbotw. r K PIItEMIX. Ul.Aomlngt n 111 HI Kto| 4 OH l« » PTIKh. t» h tiik 111 •“* lha tV^^Ui^h^pr, *un UacwlTMtha all who haa tt ItarominmiWnyTSHuTTiyan an» K i‘l Jira» tiotH. Try ooa you Hingla Truaa |5. l i» Truaa. t*o i»a.l* lara laclop., »«ti. promy ly flUr<l Atl.lrra* I. S.'IUB Athana, Uaurrla *\ work lor u* than at anfthtac al*a. BualaaM light ait-l j. .sane t l arti ulara fraa. <l. BTINNJN Tt Cos . I'l Vrt i*» », Forthatod, Mam# Ai nr I. aliatil Eitunaaa 1* < H H KHAW. Alfrad. M* VY'*iu gt: 4«! M -A au u«a •« asrty inttia-ratios. < *■.»•;Hr* u-rv >u* and. hlllty. yraraatura droay. ate., havtnr nv-1 m vats avary ahrartlaad rahto»dy, haa <Ua PDA <ewl «*r iptoaM*n< i»f aaCf onr*. which h* wtU v-n 1t > l.i* l M«nf mra A-blreaa J H RKFVKI. TA Nt«4il *trcct. N Y. GASTHAUSZURBTADT MAINZ ST It K KT, ItKTWttbN fI>IIAYTII AMD TIIOMKON HTUCKTT IIV IVII.I.UM BENDER, ati.anta, .... oicoHaiA. oot I-'. .UII THE THEOLOGICAL. AND HOME Or TUK tosC IKiN riFIO WoII K« ur pnAM'KL NWKI9ENBOIW, A» 1 all th* Collateral Work* of tha NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, Ara kept .or aa> by. andean ha procured from tha FIJULIMiIING HOUMIC U( th* (i- uar-U Cou»auU »o o( tha M.W .1 Kit I SVUU IN Til E t\ S. \o. *49 < o«»j»rr t »»»«»*. Am \ orlt < tty. Mat fur lahtod «u appMchMoa S*f »* thill k- H. IIWINNXY. Mhnag.r cmaokruh, J>l» n*' < v*K'--iaJr for family ne* r»« \< u r.u nr. \i. and II HOICK* (UACKhRI, CathM-ant'i » * haa lan.l b raalaal thaCrm h*r Fartory + , t U.u g. UWIH I UD. KOH HAImK, l OOMTOIITASLi UK)* COTTAOV. corner of Frai<*r and Hi harJMto alraaU HALF im* T/yr wn r.iH., water, he. An*<y h> (I. w ADAIR. rAI9-tf Real Khtata Ajreot. N< VITOEL Tic rix r.urr omtoi CAfToct ouv. nnr. of Fort vtoto/ R««M aoraß, MM ntortv IMhl'-mtort. I" .-miMMI*. ftov Mttur of onr.o«nlr,.t.i'B|»4«M m.u.rok«rtr» I. tol of IL* *tot «MU>II pr •>] ~ lu, -ounHM lo Oooff Ik Fto ru« •kf.a-.u.H.iii pto... mil on ■» « »w (kmpLtol |..nk of um, ,lu~ ton. Uto m.ur of to. Lrftk ton,,- A(>ll *. uxirriV Altoal*. <lk. Mi inultof M. I*U. w »«■ TIONnmCCATWC o«my. Wkkiun u. nun* Cm»a, iiuaiu «Ai M HlrMr If. at . nu mu> mm. Aim M >. ». imto Ttolu mu k. .ttodrunu huMro Nr m» YofV «k likUnn. win Uk. IL. ma. a Ttoto. Mka ia .i a 1.1 — TMf* ma Vaaa Mam 1:0 » m. AntHauAtMma MVamia, .»T TiTT ■ • mun * ». Trsvalara* i ntdi ■ »»f bl hs wvfar Tnu *ft«a* Itta «. Mifht th—agar Trata hatae Ikhy a Day Fnaaeafai Ini* aru»*a I Ry a toy hnnfw Traia ham Ml* a lit* te Maw ym% lam a* >Uy* irw-snifina *rrt»*e ItHas. tuaum as* vawiass a* itawr Ifkl fwacago Train hana \ R * m Dny Faaaiagir Tram arrt*a* tW p aa. Day Pamaf* Tm* hem . . t.M a m Day Pmhn* TfMirn.N el itn-ao. 1 «• p. m Day 9*a— aa*ar Tnia ham Mauua tu * a Rlfbl F>——g ir Train am >aaal M»«i« in *s Mtfhl Faaaangvr Tnia naves Mat»a • p s iffhaSSr Tr**a T •» p « flay hsiatw Dwa imm thy a Day FaaaatAgvr Tnala U**m IMa a trtikli a»p sarskrnrn ita-uva r*ils>>*l betfsJar hsiig* Irma *>nm ihpa Rafniar Faaaesgwr Train laa*** : >, a u. t«r oßusatn (* vsovrai Ran arms TTsia* DaMp. Rha«spi ry fid Nlfbt Faaavngar Train amvaa . IMa S Rifbl FaaaaiAfar Traia !**«** | ||p s Day Faaavtxgvr Traia arrive* e fly a Day Fanaager Train leave* .... 7 fts a. at htoa* Moustata 4(ousini»NlttM*i arrives »Ma ■ Mtoaa Moustaih Ammawhiita taavm l aky s Hot.l Arrival* Tha folloaisf ar* tha arrival* at th* H I. list bail Ho«*a*. 'Crtttasdaa A La.. Fraprletar* . uy to i* *0 laat high! B AWRiu. «is W MsUv. M 1 ■nv l McA'allough. Iy. W F tkansura. M l J F Rmith Malta. < W Baldwin*. MJ Miaa H Lake M 0 WE Davenport. On E Ooodwta. Mnxfu u Juana, city ts W AUiaa. and. AS Matters. Ha R A Epringv. t < R*v W K tppnrw On JHOpnahatis it*. • T AaaahUl. (*a 0 B Hamah. MY W a Mas, IMka»u. R W Hubert. Malta U Oovlee. do M Mmvim. tAa. AM Ohaaahar. (A*. C J Tnppa. (ia. O J Laag. FbUa B T Jaqaaa. FhlU. (I R Barber. N Y B U irraati. A». Mies L Lava. Malio L Orevea NT R BtadW. Balt" W M ■*<Vanb* tia. C N Y w R BAraoa*. CAa J A VlUtiaami. Balto A M BrtlhJa IN !»■■.* J a Ighro totoii.. ■ Croar, do. ti H Johanns, (ia. iiKOHUIA. lal«rvatlM| Hews fram all Partn mt th* By Mail to the L*a Awjuil—TU John* troapa para the Firr liv|Mtrlnieot a ht u* fit. laat Raturday niffht. j Captain Wo*, liachrli* and Herfranl Mika ! Hall, of the Police* force, bare had a ahootiag scrape. N"bodjr hurt. £ Mr Chdrlea the tragedian, will °P*R *» u rngagt inctit here in a abort time ( oLCMii'a John M. Itrowu, Luj , ban been admitted to the Imr. Imouigrantn trum Alnace are arriving. The Good Templar* are floariehiog finely. K J Monea, Jr . a lawyer of this city, had a cvpooaotar with Jeaae J. Bradford, the Hher iff, on ThnnuUy laat. It is tboogbt that Brad j t«*rd n aenooaly injured. , The Superior Court wai in acaaion ontil l i j o'olock. m , on Thanksgiving liny, i Natrwa* Prof. Gntrdnar. formerly of lb« I University of Koiitprify, propoaaa to eatabimh a male college at this place. Albany. The Neva of the let nay* •• We learn, verbally, that argument wav beard in Brunswick, ou Wednesday, hy Judge He* atonn, on tlie liability of the rued and rolling atork of the Itruoawtrk and Albany Kali nwkl to contmoliira and laborers for debtn doe. It ee< m* that all the nuiU were consoli dated, aii,l that upou llio hearing bin li<>nor decided that all the property of the Company U linble; bnt in adjneting the npiiliea, nn au ditor VMApfM mled at).l Mlt pY atjMmfd forty days for a final estimate of indebtedness. Rod to art »rd ample opj»ortuni(y to the new organ txation to pay t ff and proceed with the work raabr. The Ferry Journal aiatew that on laat a difficulty occurred near Byron, Houston county, between Joseph W. Harris and Gooige lflsacnbrM, in -which the latter wai ' stabbed in tbo l <tux. ir. the rbjgh, and In the •boulder, from which wounds bt died Monday morning Harris ha« not yet been appre hend* and, bat it la believed that he will return home and deliver htiuvelf up to the authorities Various minors are nfioat cobierniug the causes of the uufoituoate affair, none of which we conaidi r entirely reliable It is gen«'rally believed, however, that whiskey woe at the bottom of the matter. Maoon At the annual n orting of the Saint Andrew’s Society, held at their hall Novemlicr 30. tbs following officer* were etooted for the ensuing jear: Hugh M President, l>*vid I). Craig. Vice Presnlent; George Begyr*. M H. Tbomsou, and John A. fkVBII, OiiMUm, Airti MrtjnWii, S»*» rest and Andruw Pattereou. Treasurer The no ciety we nnderstaod is In a very prov|wron« oondiDon HavaxsAM lamroix-e Farley Was severely cat the other (ley by Hobart Smith A nanor wee tha weapon used. The grand ball proved a etkocess iu every particular After settling nil cbna.-t. the com diittee reported a balance of S7OO, and at the meeting Monday evening voted to return to the city the SOOO that bad been given them by Cooneil, and to donate the reoteiuing SIOO to charitable purpoem. « —, TKXXEIABI tkWI. By Mail Vo the Kra.l The Banner nays the number of bog* that hav* been slaughtered in Nashville, thro* houses, in operation si net- the opening of the pvneent pecking season, aggregates about H,- 900 hand. The weight of th* balk of the** hog* avenged from two hundred and ftriy to thrae hundred pound* In the Qoqm of Reprnmoutive* at Nash ville Innt week, a bill was introduced pro Tid ing that “ attorneys shall net bo allowed to •barge ia aocovdanoe with amounts involved in Mils, bat be governed by service* render ed. We nattshd the robbery iu London county, on the Het last . of Colonel Jeeee Kerr of ■on* in gold and treasury note*. Hub *e{M»i event* point to two of ht« grandson* as the guilty parties, who have left that we tton of eonatry, and are supposed to have gone Fast Th* Bolivar Bulletin says Ho far a« beard from th* subscription lo the Memphis and Knoxville Air Line Kaiirued, iu Fayette aad liardemsn coaolies amounts to $1 SO,OOO, of which anm P. G. Jones, eu been bee SII,OOO. Posh on the good work, and let us botld the rand as soon as possible. A writer iu the British Journal of Photo graphy predicta that, owiug to the perfection of micro-photography brought about by the necessities of the Parisian siege, we will soon have our daily papers handed to us tks site of a postage stamp, and carry our favorite poets in our vest button- We will me "anew *ffi. lion of Macaulay compMe in three shirt studs.** or "the tiny sditioo of Dickens" com piste in two alsere but lone. A tor, («. *iU tfeto tort* k »irrokC.p. kk w. row Jo k p~k* k»Kk. TMnyi to Mwlto Wto (MM! M N •MHk Ml (Asn I* no praptot of Improto totol kt lit* pmi WTO RtoryltoJ, Mh to talk iat •*•* M wtf*oQ lo *•,, ooj k tha pnmton and pnsttme of the pm THyMi kMUfikt ga-Ban ATLANTA. GEORGIA, .SUNDAY MORNING, DEC EM BEK :t, IH7I. not ISIM4 BRASS ■f Me** U» Uoe te. | j Ths (Bat* Fair st New Orleans was a sue- Ths AlaLema Legislature is hard at work Tber* is much euflerlog In Keleigh in *ng ths poor Jack Mississippi, has five thousand ia hahitacts and *e two teen whisky aho|is Fora Honthero (own, the inhahitents are to# far > ahead The last ratios the 4'heasfxah* and Ohio t Beilnisd. belewo HuaUegtou a«*«l 4 -hnrlsa ' too, West > irgmia, was laid Tu«*dsv nigbL Ths cars will commence runniog next M n | J *7 BAILEUAD ITKMA j u, M_J to Um fck».j It is untrue that uearly aii ths Logluh rail way lines have oousohdaled The story was a shrewd forgery The people of Mississippi along the pro posed route are urging Memphis lo boild a railroad fmm Grenada to Mendtao, ofering in argument that if she doe* not. the North western Hail road will carry to Mobile a Urge proportion of the trade which Memphis ought to have Tha New York Central HeUruad Mm offered four million doßnaw for the Trey and ffinrrn field (Maes > Hail road and th* Hoosac tuanet The Fltchborg >md Vermont and Maeeachu eetta railroad corporation* are eonprutoa rwiwLATiMer oEcnetA. mtr*. | j Iwrai)-Ki|ku Bey'i Fr«K*«Al*gt. h*u RDaY, Dtoamber 2. lHll i The Senate mat at 10 aM , President TKam * mrll in the cheir. Prayei by Rev. Mr W*rrjex Th* roll was sailed I’rvwet. Mosera. An derson, Black. Brock. Bruton. Burns, Came ron. Campbell. (.Mark. Goiman, Coue, Crayton, Devsanx. Kates. Erwin, Griffin. Heard, luck*. ' Hillycr, Hinton, llnyl«, Jervi*. Jones, Jordan, Kirkland, Kibbce. Leetcr, MetheWH, Nichole, , Nnunally, Paddy. Hichardeon. Himm me. Steaxlman. Wallace. Wellborn, anil Welch 3b. j iATive of absence waa granU'd to Mr. It*****- on account »t dlneee in his family, also. t > Mr McWhorter The journal was read and upproved The bill to crastti a County Cunrt In each county in ths Ekatc being uunnished boein«a)« j was then taken Up Ths conaideraitou of the *• vural seohou, . wa* resumed. ■ Mr. Wklcr moved to amsud section occo»d , | so ax to rexjnire said Court, to be held at the 1 county site. Adopted Use 11 on third was amended to the earn* ' effect, other slight aineedro»-nU wrr© made j Mr Erwir moved In lay the bill on the te- ! 1 bl*. I/wL . The bill as amended was loeu pestnl Mr. Uimtom Chairman of the Committee !on Lunatic .Asylum, offered a bill, which *a* ! 1 referred to Finance committee without being ■ | road. Mr Barrow : A bill lor the relief of M*rUu I i Chester Bills wars Mead the sncoml time | On motion of Mr Krwir, the rul*« were | ' eaepende«l lo take np a bill to amend an aot | incorporating the Memphis Branch KadroaJ I C<>tu|wny, on thir«l reading, which ■»« |>aes«nl , lUII U< change ths line between Giliene sal Morgan counties. Passed Mr Hii.i tru introtluecd a bill to iocor[Ki- 1 , rate the Atlanta Car Manufacturing Companf House bill to alter sud atueud secU *u if** of Irwin's (a>ds relating to the jay of mein Bnows moved to lay the bill on tb.« la ! bis, on nccouut of the neewssnry absence of j Mr. Heeso, who ejMK-tallj desir«xl to be j»rua- j sot l«»»et. Mr Ni Rnsllv moved to refer the bill to the ' Judiciary Committee. Carried hy the follow- I log vote Arse - Maser* As<l«rsun. Blark. Bratoa. Campbell, ' OmE. I' dmaa CraxLia. I’+'-a u fcr.eia. or:ffin, Hick*. HttiUm. Jorden kirklend. Kil>b«M<. Nich 4* Nanaallr. Ra hex te Sm.Ui Welisce, sa l Weicb It Rat* M*eer« He**l. Brows. Burs*. Cere, r « Oowe. Eetee. Milljer. H -jk*. J»mt, J«i#*-«, lawier. j MeUtew* tvddjr Wbis<>i>*. ei.U WpllUws IS Ou motion of Mr. hißMoies, the Jodinary Committee was requested to i«j>ott on Mm day mnrmng Ths Finance Committee, to whom »m rv- ; ferred a raaolution dirreung a be tween John Jones. Kwj , laU* 1 r«asar< r, and j the pr«went Traneuror, reported a ranolnUou , that the last Ijegislalure bad folly invest*- gated the books, accoant*. and vouchers J of Mr Jones, by joint special com rattle*, that said romantD*c reported that Mr. Jones had produced and exhibited t« them his Umke. vuuohere. and acoonntx show- j ing a proper dMjmailion of the fund* of the Htate that had eorae into his bands after hU hurt iPiroxt •Utanientfa October. ri.«t! said committee by resolution dirveted Mr Jonas to tarn over all hta official books, \c . to th* prewent Prvaflnrer That in acoordsncx* ; therewith Mr Jonas hail ma le three applies | turns at the Treaenry to be raUeved from hie bond and get the proper receipt thevwlor, sod | was eaeh time refused. In view of vktoL the committee diract the account closed Tk* re port was adopted. A bill requiring ths Governor to withhold hie indorsement oa railroad bonds nntil an amount ahaM have been contributed by private persona equal to the amount of the indorse ment applied for. Passed Hill to eooaiisr tax return* in tbix Htate disc oast on the hoar of adjourn , mcul having arrived the beonte un til 10 a. m Monday. ■IOVtK or RKFREIEVT4TIVEI Tw«sir-Blfklh Day*’* Pr*r**Alsf«. Battwyay, December t, ls7l. The Item# waa sailed to onlv hi the usual hour by the Hpwabsr. Prayer by Rev Mr Hrmr Journal of yeaterdny read sod ax>pfored Mr. Goodu&m moved lo reconsider so rnoch of yesterday s prooeedlnge se relates U> the paasags of a bill to change Vlic hoc betweeu the ooantiea of Doaglaaxaml Carroll. Mr. Cuhiaoßto. who waa at the last term of the legislators ('hairman of the Conuitlw on New Coaatlee and County Lines, staled the circumstances under which the bill to create the county of Douglas* was favorably reported on by that Committee, sod said that som* evi •lenc* afterwards appeared which might have changed th* nature of the report. Mr F* in elated the n rroui stance* *-d with the aehos of the commutes on U>* jMvacnt bill, and stated the reason* which j*ompl*d the unfavorable report. Mr Hxad. in a good eouud argument, con tended that the bill should pass sud that tbe cttisone who were cat off from Carroll wilhoal their ooaasst ought U> be pat back in their old county The motkOß to isoonaider did not prevail Mr. FalM moved to rs erase id sr the jffioi of this Ilonse oa yesterday ia mdetertaly poet poning the bill te reptai the unary laws Mr. Fais made an eloqnont and earnest apeech in support of hit motion. Mr. Pirns nailed tha previa* <pte*tion ; th< call was sustained. Tha main qnawUon w-a vote.l down and the motion te rsroneidev wwat over trader tha ruUa until to-morrow Mi- Jomhrom of Clay: Moved to raeonaidwr ths lorn of a hill te maka panal tha breach of contracts by ampioyvr or employee. Tbi* tno lion did not prevail. The ftpeakar annoaaced tha follow in com ■likes* on the part of the Ilona* To investigate tha official conduct of R. B Bulloek Measta Hour. M. Nxxl, aad Pam Ta ißV—tigih the ■■Rsgfswiawl and xilmfme nation of the Ml astern and Attestor Uxihead -Meassn ffnnap. Ptaurs and Goumdcytr. To iuvmkifuks ths hire was or ua fairs «aa of tha State Bead lease Mmara Her. Nether land, and Hudson To investigate tha seed ear of the eommie donara $s audH ehdma kgahiM tha Htate lai -Hum W«Sord of Bortov. H*~l. ood VeademL Mr IssmdQdixiH ■•uf kaaaapend I to iMnponu (to j o** >WH mMh to Ito hi* Toot* to Mr McMn i*■ also fhvoewd th« motion Lo ' «snand Ti e motion was lost. Hill io prohtNt anl make |>eaat th* tmrchaaa and ml* of agriealtural eftes dark waa ned third Ua* Mr lUvu moved to eueept Effingham ronnfy Loot Mr fttanteuo of Ball m red to exoept ih* eonniy of MaU. LsmA. Mr Jccnra mevsdte eswmpt theaonniies of DoagLrrtv and Camden. Lust Mr. Dam of CMik* moved to exempt ( tethn eonaty Lost Mr. GmxrrtF of Honston oppoaad the Uil ae a measure oaloslatex! to work a hardship upon aertnra snt»una. and lo injurs ths agn cultural intscsat of ths nmntry. Mr Joiaea ocyuasd th* Uil as a bad bmi tea wkuah would dteargantes labor Mi Utmatra sard the bill wee ixut. led lo prevent petit lartems*. he wax ia favor, ho* •vat. oi moomtalLing tha bill la order that it may ha perfected Mmara Raonaanaos and Puno oppoasd tbs bill aad jjroemded to diacnae th* menu of it Mr Ptaaoß mnde the p> int us order thet a section te rawommM would not aathonze th* diecuaaioa of fee manta of s qu*wUoa Tbi* point was rated ae well taken. Mr. Pi anna sailed the previous question on a molten to recommit, ths osil was sustained, an<i the till was rsoomnmted B«U to ameud the eharter of the city of Ms eon. te prescribe and wbors oteetems tor Mayor aad Aldermen. Ac., of mid city aha. be hel'l Fsesed. Bmolntton by Mr. M< Mili-aji providing for printing <me tbooaand copies of Dr. Wills RtU to repeal aa act to amead section 91 Cl of the Cod*. Passed Bill to rsneel first and secood acctioLa, ami to arnead tbs third xecu ,u of aa set lo pre arribe ths m*sis of granting *u l bearing in. junctions, Ac , approved in IN7O, was read th* Udffd Ums. Mr. UsaiUM sxnlainsd the old law aad , nature of ths act it aongbt U> amend, and wa* oppoaed te the passage of the taw Mr. Mi;itter was ( ppnasd to ths act wbn-h is sought n be m<*dxir«l as an innovation npon ths old law H* was iu fsvor of the fmeeag'- of the bill. The bill was passed Ihll te ohawns th" line the ooasLes iof McDuffi* and (oleuibia. f*-i —\ ' BUI te slier and amend sschuii 447fi» ia rc latiou to vsgmsfx, w u indefinitely pos%»oot>d HR! •*> soforcs contrasts of immirrsnte and laborers. Indcfinitrly josipooed. Ib.l to oiler the law in rvUßeotu ey.supeons Hon ter Uktng and .wu tsatimonr in cams of frlxny. Passed. Bill te create anew judicial circuit Lost Bill to amend the road law* of this State, an for as they relate to liumpkin county. Passed 1 On motion ol Mr. Hour, the rule* were so* {tended and the Senate btlf to change the law to tsDUou to the wnt of quo warrant'', tic , i woe rood fir*! Ulna Bill to incorporate lL« Fif Seng* Bank of Maooa was jnssrd A vu« *awgo from the Go verm r was rwceivsd. ssyiiqr that the following ante had been ap | jwovnd snd signed, to wn | Ac art to change the charter of the State TTnivoraltv ao as to add four additional True- I tees to t*e elected by the Alumni Society Also an act to anthonae ths l ornnii* ' siodstm of Pike county to nadit claims for ex I trn n-rvicsa. ete. | Also an at to compensate jamrnin IVKalb aiH Pulton county, etc. Also an act to comjmtuxaie iarort in Polk , county. Bill for ths relief of \Y H Bullock snd i heirs of B L Cols, of 4'naiham county, wa* paaeed, and ou n»oUon of Mr RcassLL vu i j ordered transmitted forthwith to the Menat* Bill to solhurias the Ux collector of kfe 1. j eon coonty to receive jury certificates Iu pay t ment of tax. I’vm l. Bdl h» incorporate the Grand Bey Paper Manufacturing Company. Passed. Bill to establish a Board of 1 '"•mniimi rSTn I I l.»t Mertwsiher coo sly iaseed. lull Lo aaLhariXto the Lax collector of M*?n ( wether cunty to keep hi* office at the co art ! b' UM P**M and. Bill te incorry»r'*c the t?wu of Hotlcdgr Payee. 1. Bill to prevent the **le of apiritnoux liqsorx wilhiu one mile of Clement Institute wa* read Mr Vl< Mri.iaN ruural to disagrr- with th- , r»*p«.*rt of thooaundtre which vu advor** V> \ the bill. Mr M< Mil au'y motion prevailed After considerable diecuisiou th* U.i wa* psssci! L**.ivc of id>4.inr* wu grants] to M*«a«rx la*(nkin, JuiMw of Tririit, Colhy, and Me- Whorter Senate* t ill to protect the j>eople of Georgia in the illegal *u l frsndaisnt ra-ue of Bonds way raad third tuns and paavad Hill to amend the charter of Hpart* Pam ed. 4 Bill to require all jyrraons who own land in Miller county to pay tsx iu said soonty, w*n r«s*l third lime. Mr. Brea moved to disagree to ths report of the c .month*. . which waa adverse to the bill. The rsjiort w.i» agreed te. and the bill wa* lost Mr. iiiDso* introdsewd a rnsolulion an nouncing the doalh of Hoa. VYnght Bradr, and dcclartug that thix Hoaw will adjourn iu rrajH'ct to ht« memory until Monday next, at 10 a. w Also ordering ths chair of ths da oaaaed draped in monrning, and directing the Clerk to transmit a copy of the reeoiali-Mi to the bereaved family. This resolation waa anauiiuoaoly adopted Tb * hour of a.ljoarnineot having arrived, th* H oar was declared adjourned until 10 a. m . Monday. Cteergl* U4IA Ho«d. Wo bod an interview yesterday with an iß teiiftgaut ciumn of ttoovgia, just returned from Kuropc, who »tales that the six per cent g.ild bond* of Gtyirgia are being hawked about in financial circles in London and Pana, seek lug purchasers. They hav* no market pnea. Lot are tin vod off on the best term* practicable upon tbs unwary and are bought si low figures by those who know what they are abont, but are willing to taka ths nak for ths chsnoss of a large profit. Our informant hays hs does not donbt he e<onld hav* booght any quantity of theui at 30a to 40c. in the dollar. Bat believing them to !•* frandu!'«iily. or, at Isaat, illegally insaed, he declined to touch them at say pnee He brard of no |>srticQUr*, but as be heard 11. L Ktmljall wu in Korop**, tua kuxptci»M were on th* alert, au*l he kept clear of them. He came over uu the Scotia, and learned from three pa«seng*r* oa board that they had dipjwd in and were considerably holders of these bonds They were, c: affected Uf'be, qu.te startled at the sajrceation that they ought be repudiated by the LegtHlatnre as iQegalTy loosed, and aot bioding s|*ou ths Htate Thsy should have remsmbsred th* oanuon that a coospicu >usiy low pries suggest* •• It's too cheap te be good. " — Au-j tLMIu t XmMitul toTOOi*.«f, 2-L IH»W TO IITTECD. wa.iblf AAvln ream a ( wltege PmM«at. PreMtleul PorUMr, ot Vais Col lego, rre—tly gave to hia atndeoU a ootapesdiim o* advisa, which ha■ rarefy bean surpsaasd for cocaprs hsnsivs brevity Us said To«nff mss, yos sis ths architect* of yoar m ItirMM. Maly upon yoar own strength of body and ssah Take fag yosr star, aaff rsßanca. faith, honesty. a»d todostry Is ssnbs or yosr basset - Lsek is a foot Flack !* a bare," Dos'! lake too much advice, heap at yosr halm aad steer yosr own ship, and remember that th* grsat art of commanding Is taka a few share of ths work. Dos t practice 100 mush hsaaasity Think wall of ysarastt Htnks ora f—si yoar own pamikoa. Fat po«a teas is yosr ostt seat a rnsgh rsA sad small ones go to the hoteam. Ease shoes lbs an vi sas sad j sates* Flm shows tha msik you iafeirl I* Bi Fnmgy. Isnsxtkh isfermlss tton. with a right isefewa, are tha Mwsrs that ■ova ths world I teat Alias Don’t show. Don’t amoks. Don’t sowar Don’t derates. Don’t marry saUl too oas ■ons xrl « wife. B» in mrasst, Be sail rat ns I Ms ginmo—. Be civil Read ths papers. AAosrtfes earn hna- Isosr Maka mossy snd An good wttfc R Lots yonr Gad and fetten m*n Love troth and virtsa. Lwvu vont 9imnhj and ohwy its hm a M this aAufasfetmphnsly felfawwd by Ifes TELEGRAPHIC. BatoUu A'tert lu go tu Nrw OrUanv A Co*J Ntrlkr Antiripitrd. IxioUUbb Unnorralk want to < oa tlaap tlie Orxmiilutlon. Ku-klox Trial<t In -outh ( aroliiia. Tk*- (ioM-rnor of MIs.K.IppI luau k'urali J V Report of Reienne Comraitsloner. He Heeuiiiniendii Varioa* Matter*. Mrs. Wkartou (;ocs tu Annapolis for Trial. Alexis i. Presented with a Pirture of Farra.-ut. NOON DISPATCHES 4 o» late 1 Prvaa w* NEW YORK. Nrw Yore, D cumber‘.i Persons *t Wile d* Psn* hsve be«-ri '1 tart# 1 in to The Roaisn fl> Vavr« f-*r N*w 'st ! •- rarly dsy. where ii will wail th- c uduai :» I of the Duka's Dter. then prurerd t.» Chins [ Ins Boodoot. Iw.'iswsi, ;r: 1 ttrr^ — ; is ctoeed At Hi Cslher.nes ihs ire iu •Lc c»:.xl i* three inches thick EagLl N-->rtLcrn trxta;H,rta. j»r>- poUcrs. and other v—*•»;* are ,u lb • caual A Scranton s;»ecial ray* iLat lh« low p.icc cf cusl caaere moch < x it- meat If l-.wer prices are obtained iu IWoh r there- will 1 undoubtedly be a stria- tu January Th** Tiicre say* that the American ( ub Hosmi has i*ran altar ha* 1 in lh* intsrc»t of ' parties iu Connsclicnt GEORGIA. | Ka\avj»*h, December 2 Ths shij> Wing field KcoU, which has b n agroao 1 at bt | Helena, u now on Ilors« Sh. ,<• 11su with seven , i feel of water in her hold, wuich will have to b* | pampcl oat st the dock. LOUISIANA. I New Obulako, Iterember 2 The < entrai ■ LtetiiJcrsUo Committee issued an odirea* in ' | favor of ooutiouing the party organization, and o|>{*o»iug an alhanre with either wing of the liejrahlirau pxrty of the Stele SOUTH CAROLINA. Coli nun December 2 The Grand anJ , Petit 2urn* formed in the United States Cir coit Court have indicted aevsrsl panic* a« be longing to the Kq klax MISSISSIPPI. | Js» Dcccml»«r J Pfwrrs hxi tw*ca 1 inaugormtcd Governor. A.'corn haa gone to Waalongtou C K Marshall dwUvsn the aunoal djr *. st the State Fair next Thursday SPAIN. Mi: am, I>< tuUr 2 It in i .n. red that I Great Bntam *af the Unit* and Htate* threaten immediate mUnention iu the care of Cobs Ths Cahiwet hsh) n protracted «cMimi yratev day The King wa* iu u *V.L the Minister* »j> tea late hour ENCLAND. IjOrdom, Itensmber 2, I bc« »ffi iai Bulletin at *J a. m , aaid the Prince of Wales had a quiet Right- The fever U severs, bat the care is progressing satisfactorily EVENING DISPATCHES. ias.lsM Frese Dlepoi* k~ WASHINGTON. Wsian ROTOR, IVremUr 2 Thcrs sill be next, upon the ejection of new officer-* The Secretary of th** Treasury order* jmpers issaed to the Schooner Hortun. rec ently seixed St Gloucester. Michael Strohmou, imjdiroted sith Stokss in tbs Ten nearer b>nnty fraud*, ho* arrived aad is in jail. Ths report of ths Commissioner of Internal Rrvwnwe ia published. Toe aggregate reewtp ta far tbs fiscal year amount* to one hundred and furty-foor millions Tbs esi*4.sato*l reesapu for ths current year are one hundred so l tsrenty-fir* mildona. Ths usmber of disuderira registered is one thousand and forty-thrtw. j r'dacing forty-five half million taxable gallons Fruit distilla tion aggregates |*r > and on'.* eighth tndlioo gallons The total receipt* from tobacco u thirty three and a half miUiona. racreare of one quarter million. Total yield of L bacco, nearly one hon drel and six million pound*, whereof ten and a half millions were *xparted \ umber of cigar* cheroots. Ac.. sp*>n which ti;■* tax has bran col lected. waa one thonain I three hundred and thirty-two millions Conti nance of the prea ant system of slan.p-* is recommended. A antform tax ol thirty two cents per pound u rscomtnsod .1 A- a -jv* s, tsg{on pwdAiss* of fifteen, twenty five, sad fifty dollars, in creasing with the number of animals used by the peddler. A special tax of five houdrad dollars is recommended, op >n persons who sell raw or leaf tobooro to others than those •wh | have pR| 1 the *pccisl UX. OT who shall sail leaf or raw tobacc*.i in quantities less than tvsoty five pounds. Thu would protect the manufacturer and increase the revenue. The abolition of the present system of export from b*>uded warehouses. mgy-rslT i in tbs mtsrsel of mauafactarera sad (Government drawbacks uto be allowed upon proof that the gooxle had landed abroad, Iran at sea aleo entitling th * shipps; to drew- back. Tfc« Oovscnmsut hmn tUrv* Uk>i mukl mm hualied aiul atgbtT-two. *a ! lost kmr httD.lrrsJ tad ifly-aix r«m>n« »uii* Tbs setxurs of propsrty f «r vtakUoa of tbs rsveaoa Ltn aggnsTAts tuns ban.tml sud ftf- Usn IbnMind. Tbs early diapoaai of laoda —fnirrf by ArwoE taxes is rsoocnueaU^l NEW YORK. Nit You. D*e*mt»r 1- Tko folio ».n< u a* hash ■*»!■■ i.t Laua tMnMMI url; tt.ow.aul Bp« .. i>ci».i *i,its.ouo. Upl Wilin iucnmarj $ lio.OOi DrpouU Ilium *4.1*0.000 TW Hatton nm r« «!gwJ ax Ur aoath u Ittnk Ommllj i ox*edmmum u a busx. N«Mof Tawd * twwi !■■>> a bass vtUuirawa Tbs It lbs frr.Bu tanll |«oi far lbs weak bars tacwMMl oar kpplfalttoa haa ba* mad* U. have to*, n-diy . hail radarwd (leeeral Dlx. on bshMf of the siiLoses pew Retried Fsrragut • picture to Ateiio. vko ae raptsd it on kehslf of las fatt *> mying (Lai It w itild takv a pises among th* cbotas I tiona of Kuasia. MARYLAND. HuiiMoM, Dsoevber 1 Mrs W tow ton has been restored to Ar.sprdu. wfcsrs L«r Inal , | will commence Monday LOUISIANA. Nrw Oiuuh December X - Th* ai ■ Wi’.lism aad John B->yd. far ths mardsr of Hamuol Itoiney, book keeper of th i First I National bank, on ths 6th of Jaly last, was ' concluded this morning Tb* jury returned | a verdict of not guilty The Metetne rare* of the first day was post poned to Tasedsy Ths weather is eloady aad sold. G«*wgs B VoMiig. for nearly thirty-sight »*■«.*• ctyCi-raOe-i sriLh Ntw i htssas pnra oax r. ut. has retirwd. and u suerradsd by Mr J. C Dennis MISSOURI. bx Lncxa, Itecetnber 2 Th* et»art house of Reynolds county, with the rscorda. has te t. destroy*d by fire QUEBEC. 4g> <.o*i .; A The nvsr hwtuw hers t* choked op with ice. end many veassis hues i fro*.-a c<-indite*b. ITALY. L>Mt December 2 -Ibe 4 ajagrees us rvpre re i. La u res J Kaiupcan telegraph companies convened hers yratordsy. PRUSSIA. Lexus l>rc«mber 2. - The Local Pi Jitr * rax*-tie drclofoi that nothing tees than an aped -gy In regard to indemnity to ths isjurad from Brazil will satisfy Germany for the claimed outrage committed at the instigation of tb«* French upon Prussian Bailor. SPAIN. MiWtn;, December 1 King Amadeus, pres ent at yesterday a Cabinet, showed deep con cern for the condition of the Caban pwopte. and expressed a desire to proceed to Havana himself and direct erasures for pacification. X EAST INDIES. CiUTTTi. livramber K - An rxpkenon of s f*owdcr and cartndgv factory at Port Agra, killed thirty six. including two comm:so-.-nod ofletn IRELAND. IH #ux, TVcember X - Agrarian ullages arc r«-purted ia Drogheda. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHER 4 TO ■ »»] fee DlSfOk bM ; WASHINGTON. WsanrMiTo*. Dcc.mbrc 2 (ranmiraoasrj I» 'Uv.’ a«s eouciudes Lis paragraph rugariing the uniform tobacco Ux thus “My own opin ion t* that with the tax at 24 rente, taking in to acc- uot the testers 1 increase of ths re vena* S* shews U tween the Cotieebons of i accvwdiag tears snd with the ad ran lag* of sows* legisla tioo tl« rrafler rec mm re ted. w* ohaii be able to krep th* collections on fabarao up to thowv under the prueent rates This rrcomm-niaiioa. however, is mad* wilhoal regard to it* relation to future total revwaas rraoito. If it oboaid bs ths optnioo of Con grew* that the vis'd of revenue from internal taxes should not be materially ds-rs—A. then to accomplish the desirable results expected from s cumsohdaUon of the tax on tobacco, and lo compensate m }«art. the revenue, ths expected large loss from the *xpiration of the income tax daring the current fiscal year, and the further mate nal loss from a Use tea and occupations former- I Ij taxed, but bow exempt, a rapidly decreas ing item, of eo«ras, I would advise s consol i lation of ths tobacco tax at thirty two certs jwr pound " The Uomtaisaiooct makes no surgeslioos regarding the whisky tax Hr urges legislation for ths disposal of damaged tobarao, which will not realise ths taxes, sod , for relief in ca«ra where stamps are lost from packages by accident Tbs account* of thirty ex-tax collector* skill remain uimsttteii. where of fifteen have bran placed in ths hands of at torneys Stxoral*. Tbs area of ths highest barom eter. which was central in West Tens*—■ an Friday afternoon, bra moved eastward, ex tending over North Carolina. Ths pressure has n*sn m New England, and rteor weather has gwnerkly prevails! to-dsy. in the Ilian tic States; the winds hare, however, backed to ths northeast sad soothrart is ths sowih AI laa tic and Gulf Ska tea. with rmpsd'y tncreaMog cloudiness and threatening weather Ao area of low barometer with rain haa passed east from California aad Oregon into ths upper Miweoun vaitey. and ths proa*are has fallen decidedly, xf-rtd southwest winds from Lake Erie to Trxa* snd north west PaoasßiUTicv Tb* barometer will proba bly continue to Call an Sunday east of the MivsisKippi River, the lowest pressure being central in I >wa Sandsv morning, with mcreas ing eouthwMt wind* sod rain from ths lakss soulhwarJ to the Gulf coast, and aoathsast winds and cloody weather aa the South At lantic coast. CUBA. HayaXa. Deostber i.— Tbs Mtm it or Terror baa imTtd Tbs Nswppapsr. (.oastaaorn. d«*j»r*caicA tbs rsoeat aososs of nolsocs. sod ssaks to tfaa jailtxe tbs p«bl»c mod lu tone gtrss frssl offeacs to tbs rolantesr elsmsot, bat t&odsrals iaeo applaud tbs orUciss as opportmas NSW TOM. New You. Dscwotbar l Advtoea trot isaaia report tbs wsatbsr tnlsraliag Moot of tbs vessels ars working tbair way slowly through tbs tea Tbs Oraod Jury of Brooklyn bas uaitsEad two I >#®ooraLc and Its Eapsbiieu inspect on of tlschosa MASSACHUSETTS. B«k». limib. L-Tk* Hi 4. uii v liwum Ui.fy, huknftoJ bj Ux CkMigo ftn, Ui bm pUm<l ■■ th. kMi• at ot rMTimt On th. lit* at WM. Dr UU«, at SiU, ikM , amti a aaa pita*. 11 *m «(U la Will—ary Is a Mar ml Ika M'all IV naV at anuna* aaa Vm la 117 A.M I HUII E^iTfelJ ONE Day ONL w ! RETURN OF THE FAVORITES. IIAIUIIT .v 10.-H I Ct'.a,, Uj(.«b. llrKucri. ~J H^lU—a 11 jL| ITUJTI. TH I RsllAT, DCCUUR <l. t'ITfiAOBDTOAEY A WOTICUItJ f ? TO* Ij Vmrraa T** Itoroa lute W • i'a aiL .1 i M M C AJLEoLJL, La NdU 4.M MI £ tk« ,-K ■ L.l - *■ TO C( Mm., ail, toy w< Fuouelt* %*. 1 H- KlSw and Afe* gSnrirm. r aiou«i*i < io*a C. L-£K FUWIJUI-' •'•■•Sir vi«a aii uro *1... 404 rtUtem Sow* Arm haia. VteHrwr*. Euaroorua#. 4c Mr uXUtoE WaMBOU> *od fc • tr-Hip. rrf (wrfewiax * **»’• Ortßd Otstait i* Btoto Md Fro* lin Amen* »*• O*-terv 4.ldiu»ra .* • k Trn am Six/TH. aad mmmj cairor ram 4bd MecalSratit naanro* tr m th* animal world, farm i**S 4 uraad Orgri i at tit ivmi to 4 Bir-U TWO» 4 MM.» TH F 4 VIU I »> 1 ,fnv tb. Xmw* TVSto adaumas im~ i ->r t. br<k TWO ai 7 *>terfc F M Dour* oaaa as Soar pevv.,^. Aknuma n cam ta C*4it4rv« o»-ter IS »**rt » 0a W W W ill U. iteseru Agrot Dolt ala. Dromb*? 14. Rom#. Oa, DroaUr l* •etrr*» ue. Dee ID iaarohoe, Dm Xi Ua a. tt i*. 1. IS. 17. tt. JO. 21 NK(T ADVE RTIBKMKNTS. crew M*w Tooi 4 >i*r* —Old, F Xo*iu 4 Cos.. 40. Foo* fa»w S M rrm»iiu 4 Cos .*7 F.oa fa>w Ocs ScLTTwaas isxm —Oairrt* * u vnu* Xo * Sowts Wrmsrr THE BENT niiMU HJ OF MB I»l\. nrtHi oukT x>,u-*h qi axd I Mac4* ->d • Kdiaborfh Mb* to.- •. r«*mtU>l by 44* *rv«l Fwb.aia&4 • ompsav I*o Fait-*. •*ero*. lev York, ai ofcoat in* price ot Uro i ,ri£iaai* TO* £d:ib*rch He view The Lraton voarterfy lu *Ww. TO* VtaamSM hrvtew. TO* Bcflai l/warterly faro.ew pS 'toSwl uwarmrij Jaaaarr Apni. Jutj Oc i-t»f -aad Rial* ->! . Edinbcr*- Uacac r,- A Ccc Usill* at ths orifiaa. FntdMked MnakSiy mm or aesaa^rso* Fo* 4*7 am* farvrow |4 OS per 4AQ4S r * 087 two to-.r«< TO* teas 7 lOrro l»n»*i IS *o - Fee oar tamr farirw* 12 *u Per Btekwaad i Macro.t- « ** Fee Bteeftwood aad om keeiew 7 to For tUmAwud omd two U « Fur .tmkwurd mod tOrei Eerww* 1* TO F-e aad the f JUf IS ® h’*W\ l*i i aiab»r l Le prepaid bj lA« I owVr 44 the oSr* ot tmi.tarj cursa A 1-erocßt of treaty per rest wll be ol wed ir cJeta at tear *r nun jet*** TOaa four •*>*** ot tirocAwood or at om* lUnev v* to moat in oa* ad Are** for SISS» loer cwpre* at tto tear Irrwvi aad I amr* w- and Ur Saa. and to aa. I To dob* ot tea ar more •* akiiUoa fa the ahovo hm«at a c~+y fratui wid te lo the ceWer up at ta* (tab rtnimii Jew **b*rr.b*re f r th* ymr in mar h*»*. wiih oat choree, the somber* I t th« laat qsorter at I*7l at mack pwi-dxala to Uro? may roba-nh* ter Or iteni 4 La* afa re. tow wterter* to asy two. three, or faar at Uro shore prrvdeak m«* to*- jm promt* Si am *f the 'T**T ID *>4 * £l* vfl . to - *m**r* fa ail See may tore two at the -Foar te r»w* for I*7 L Jteiher* fa rebaenter* oar dimail to elate oa te a7i-rawd su.-»e the awry i* remitted 4* rrot te m* rsfchoh > ' premium* cm* te f>v«a te Saha T* mar* pe*mm ioi tt •ih tea binary te mate •any appii *uua. as the atoU armtete* tot thte par- Puro te limited (Irehn with rarttec porucolsr* mar te hod ..* II “m ~i Jh-ix a ait *X)TT Pt BLIhIUJv. OO . 14* Folios stmt. Jew Id TO* Lrooerd tea*t Pwbtehis< da aleo pahteh th* Farmer * <>«to* fa hrws&l- aad Pm-tfaoi Asnraltar* Bj Hun Stephraa. ¥ £ !» Rdiahoreb aa 1 th* UM J F Xartet. Praterom at fcNOSA; AgTteaiSar* ia Tote CrSUg*. Jew EUrwa Twe vote. tUryoi iNWaro 14(10 ;oc-e and c«m*rwoa Fr*cw. |7. hy mm.. pet-paiA. |* IMfISKPt SALE. BI rrrtw* at am ordrr lerol by th* faaante th* raved l'oart. far th* X «rthera LneLnct ot Ooorypo. wtU te mdd AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, UJ TT7WDAT. DooombOr 10. 1071, lUHMKSCUa AT IS VCLa*:*.. 1 and coatwaiaf tea Say fa hy. at (he ate** hwa** iw- Jecarar Ural oppoau the ILimhall H aro la ALUoao. tia the ro ure ar| at ymU ta sofa More coa mmnq Is part of Hat*, fsps Trwwks Firs, lakreUhs Beets, Shoe*, Ar. la* fa raabm* from day fa day übl all u clarod oat Sofa a* (he property 4 iWbooi and Akita U. bool rope* Two* crofa TOt* the M Say ot too cam • Iter 1S?1. luiii E. roWLIA. Am fa* Asm fare AUCTION «A. Ti H or 00-nacnaoT nornn. ■ >rTK-« r««T yc iinuiim. I. PHIMOI UUUi'U Arurtji, Oa.. s«iw stisr XX, IH. Vl MU he kU el tas Bauoaal OtaiNi? Marietta. ▼> .morg*a. «»sr«iß< MW® —cfc. a- * . SMS ismsny so. urn A.oai foss. aaare or has. ta AH tad i*. Act Imc« ter—riy surTwsadiag the «se i*ry o*o a H >TT LnwaiOl VSKh laAantry. dec } 41 Army 1* THE DfirnUi'T COCBT OF THE rSTTHD rriTEa rut m xoithuvS i*urmiiT of GSOniHA -Is BauhrupAry Is the matter at Sahaoas h Uuste. haakrwr * Utsats. •/•«rf»A Thin * w give e tarn. »ar» • week fs» tkree fMts that 1 ham Mas AppoiaAed ms«dm V the mill ta Balmoas S .i— who bars beta adjadgm! baclrtzpAe spou the peaooa 'T their rrodULwm t>y the I'vMrtrt l oin of aid DMrvi HO AM a roWLDt * C at—Sir plsase copy. kmc I UvSw PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A X EXaVTH Alios ta eppti.aats f« yoStMMM .\ Tarim aa tas PsNm AcSeoU of AUmS Ml km kmU mm W»1« *mkmj sad Thoreday Mh aad Tth ta Da miNr. as tas buGdiag t*>n ae ths ley Street •rhooL. Ml try Wwt mrnmr Him* The Tischira r»s*tr*d an as toUows nun I Fnaopal of Ms«h ftcasoi |l.«v •*) 1 I SHMSSI V BtpS kkmoL a IM« 1 AssMSast V H\«k WWool | •« «> » rrmetpaM mi Oimsmt kchmmm l XX X S A— mmmtm HUM* Or——r Ifciwti **»J St ■ S saWtHMEs iVssaaJsi GrsaHHt Mnam* « | - - - SSS 00 -1 - - - •«• •• « - V - tNd The nsMastMi sf F—AH Teacasrs Sta fMSApns. tas ftdwetM Hatens f) uMVTtpky. sad ie*TVsary —d T«AcSm«. Hdl II ,1 »W be es—used ea *h« pruv i "r— j,,h ■-- WEsSsrir. AjrtXh—Ur. *%Gr% .HASP Lams wed PStssai OenprmpAy. pm sa lEssan.ti of IsacMias sad asMsst fereA^ee^Tsa— laassdsf II Mriiaps, e—sssasAa« si • sad dMH|d I -AMNlpdi aesap die— 4 Ms H* Wssk ** * J _ Mr * H MALLOW. i B. EWOWH rt kkmmA WJIOI.E NO. 10H3. NOTICE. tas as— mt (SssepM tas tad— f-_ M Htadt • oust ta p> lasasus <d sssd S%— hSMaias —i was. That ass “iti Tiama -I saatt mm par w sa y and Us MSS Slim and I sstd read at la «ay and ta# passa— as* arts ij ta l read, ta ta SMF psSWspSSfWsaaM If Eafas B Ha Used. taAe Qiestasi. as JassaMMßsasrs te lata lata ta# afltari ta aM raad. ta ta say tab** i mil e ta—aetata, say perl et I tad Ml ta tLa add ‘‘ta*!— reai si slag ta tani Saads naa>t*Eo n trait Thai the Trsias ta tats *ata. ta apaa tae tata a*d dthta wsdtßSiily *a4 A—sad ta th— the I* dares ta tasasy •u See W P, acele as abres eta Ctalh Faueiaca. That a«Ah.a« U the f t **»nap raaola Lsas be nea«,f as npretHaj the mmmm ta this ■uoss that the \*Ua«*e edaiitlad by the tab! others aad ifroU are tbe r,» dae iiEH M IMITB. T . Hpsahar ta the Mosae ta B.preeeatati res* I- 6. lilitOtU Cbrt ta the Komi ta It rprMielel res L. H. TIAEXUL FTesSdsaS ta the Keaate T. W. i. tULI.. liiTiary ta the Beasts. Apprcnd. Hoe— bar IT. 1171 BKXJAHRI COBLhT Oarsraor bIALTTIYI DKFAMTMLBT. Ar la si*. Oa. Bor ember A. UTTI. I. K B Alhiasos. Becrelary of the EttaUvs De- do hereby oertt/y. that the ' aad etthia. is s trw*. aad correct copy ta a resrtaUos ps— t by the Oeaeral ArasatUy M Its present ssetaon. Shd H«pri*veJby the iM«wset U H ATEIXMOS. Ksereties Uepartmeat. NT ATE TKIABIKKBfI OFFICE. dTTAirr*. Qa, Bor—bar V. I*7l. f* lb Late aad ipaSi ie irresn trvU lA< WaSera aad Adaeta Mminmmd Barn la ei—piiaaoe the fursfsuf resolaUoas. >*aaed by buU ■oasaa. aad approred by the Oorer nor. it beeoaies ay daty u> demen t of yos the par west to the Treasonr ta the Htaie of tleorfls. ths frsA—•• r—slainr ta yoar hands beioa*uw h» the taatsta Georgia, beta* th* ear*.age ta ths WieMrti sad Athaur Mai Woad vbUta in possesstos ta ths ta— had 1 aoe drmsad ta saeh aad aU of ytm. the said tahnin aad ageots so tn ariehta. the im—rtlais paysseat lato ths Xt— Treasury the fell baleace of mammy mo das ths Btatr SOT m-tt B. L ABOIEB. M— Treasurer ASIATIC FOWLS A SPECIALTY. My rroex or b*jaiia »mo oocans u snsssrpessi 1 1 do* prepared to Ell orders f r End el— early bsArhsd span mans, either for si tlbttos or breeding, ta stastU rein- Stata «*en p lor prv* Hot D W HE BBT IXL X I Houth 10th Street. PbiMdelphia. Pm. Ths shoe* eUn a were Fuel Premium wiaaersal the receabsr, lE7O. Eihibitlon in Bee Yort aad Tint for laapertad f »*i*. ml the 1— Pbiiadefphia IxhiU boa. aad First rremTuju al Ualsthorpe Prk. October ». itri J S am Jin. a**ou •ta Btf A Han to Gear«ia. Dawson Sheriff's Sale. GBaiJUjLa. LAWIbJB C\>CBTT.-WIU be a— be the Coen House door is the tovm of Dae - see rule btaeiea the eeeal boars ta a—, the follow >a* ptoy-y V* w.t Lots ta lead aam here eight teadred mad eighty sad SBli eight baadred aad •tghty a—, ta the Eith idth i dtotrWA. aad Sret ertoa ta Daweaa ooaaty Letaad oa as the property of Bea saia s to—*sfy s E h. lat—d from U awauu He porter Osart ta feeor ta Georg* IX Ba«« sad H P Btal t. llssjatsls G— Property pstatod out by da feadsnt ( vXober IT. IF?1. ect TT-wtd HoBATTO TATCII Sheriff BI T THE GENUINE 1 w |wn*Hyss( Standard Scales, ■•rp than •£0 Wfrrrnt lifilfitiMt. asiwts also ton; twa sarr *uw tom turn FAIRBANKS A CO, KIIRBINKS BROW!! k C0 M 111 ■tin Itmt Bsolas _ IB THE DCBTEXCT OOCBT OF THE rXTTID FT A TBS FOB THE BOHTHBJLS DOTTHICT OF «.BOBGLA. la— wltt* ta Owvsa Staflord. la |mi—T— a tut, tor three wih that I heret-a jipp Satsd I the rotate f besa t|js— Ia taaaßrwpl. spoa his credMote poll boa. by ths PfMl t Court of —d DtarrV t BOAM B. FOWLS*. AsMgass. arrll-lsw«* NEW JOUTE Mb, Sit Orlren, Tlr*»btrjr, *ad Tcua BLUE MOUNTAIN ROUTE TLA (ELBA. BONE a— DtLTOI RAILROAD an m connexion. TvtmraitM —nag tllaati by Its Ia K X trvi ta WasgarW aad IfMaMi laßritil. Antes at Cuas Ma. W. Mslisg si— ui—.talias with FAST IlPtn THAIS ta **—k Rs— aad Ohltou Hi Ib-sad. amriag ta hat— tail* r. a., aad making ta— c—aactk— with grata ta Isa bam* CSatial Hail- si Marlitsa. m. ± Jmtkmom. 11 iu nt iWlhb wuh tjstas ta gaalh aad Barth kimimmm BsGrsai. smetas ta Mswlg —try. T 10 r. m. . Mobtls. TW aw; B— Or—an. « tar ml Ths —ta has besa —tty tfwtpsi 1. aad th* eguipsatai ts ata sarpissid by say ta ths Beaty for ito 1 >w*h ssta beaaty ta tahth. PtJhasaT Pats 1* Chrs rwa Wirough frocj B— via FIRE m LOW mbj my OTHKK ROUTE. Parch— tttak— eta ElaseSo* at Geaeral TuWet ta». •» ta ths H. L KttahaJ ■*—>■ yoinc b. pb i. Oesstul P—>egir AguaL B. O. BABBIT Geaerm. SupertaAsodeat 1. T. lOfIMUI. L—f Agsah Ba. « Bimbati Boose. Wlßta* FO K HALE, TWO UNIMPROVED LOTS 0\ McDOSOCUU STREET ojck u ie rur raurr »i » rnrt cur. I»rloe. seoo. rk, oib., u m rtrr rwnrr k» » rrrr Dirr Prloe. HOO. tekmh easy. 1H r»H AUrr la tie rear W toll UU. APPLY AT TUIA orriCE. amt UC LEA A PEBHIHS’HAUCE ..Tea «•*< 0»o» i*««i." * 11 *