Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 06, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANI’A DAILY NKW ERA. Vou me VII., no. Bft. BTTKINEBB DIRgQTORY *“•** r " •** ■>•••* * i>mi LAW t A fall*, mwi* o.mti. > i roi m»T l-»» anaat. 1 m * !mw 1,. K. Mn <uaK IMMU MM * i>..„ i+m * *jzi * »mn‘ V T J '*-**. AT *■**• Ote» ftn« •< - Mfete 0» »m »w to< tm VKVV AI>VKItTIABMKNTH. CUMDCiANGOt I ,-mr, 3Vlte4.aU, c*.i«toi.u. fell u... „ a “ * * fe»4 —aaamt. U» »IMW n» tb*l ' *• 1 •• l-To .-pC. ate] t.rlte3( liuittm oo<i ’WSI. L t ':.ZL..^. b ZXTJC. 52 *««.. *•'•4 toe . teeatoor. t -- ■i .. • i > -.. .tee tee... k | Moiit... hoi.. . .» ll>* te4lfc ,e Os • Toton. ■• ora I. i ur illn.itMt IVit» II efeto 11 M ti , . * v ’" f H'* l tblrtf ym.r* *ro »t,<j u* »r«r. u l.ul .ntirte, ta <ta( rfelio ” V*.’ ’“L- "•* »«>"*•• tel, <rf *.*, ,*,.*■ r ''“.■ **"’*'! r*"‘ T'"* a \,p^ r. t Mil * **“ l1 * *** •** eftstess, tar r* D ArPurrt >* 4 or* “WIDE AWAKE * *Y < - „*■*•*►• j I*;, 1 OU Ckreeteto_teil»«3to Li.* V . fe aundaaal urldMl Ou Puiiu. I f \ . v * 1 **' r * • al ** rnt ** r fa ' ' . L, ' r *'J' l-U.4u.aa, Wm*|7 X.aaLte.r Or. UK* 1.000 Tom. ", i u -t.tba, 03301 W 6T3 m u fe,,. oteKboe m lB ‘ ‘ '’<*•* • l«o»» iaj. »«1 m*u| a-iuoll, ' M w-l »IB I. »« te» <U, Id. *“ '■»■! M-M »t:) KXOWfeteje •• J u.iak ~.’ *‘ bu-u '*** ’ caanaaan .nr oOmd Horn I 1 n.t iuj... ..—r l-tTi Iriur Ihon Ur book > ' i . h.thli i n**! *rn mai* H 0... MH*L IUKIII HAITKU. li t. ' 1 Min ■■! MM vutwi mrr»lw. If • ■ }*.- '-mijrt, » O'! nr y »nr rm'viar ini YJT ,‘J ■ l * ,, * l> *<»•»» *»f‘ *»• T<»* II l,r •< l.ti »-»•• n lw. HU >w M.'laon wooes i.‘:^a'yfsg»E=?i« • *r.' -r «/ ll.rrj « Mu»«ajb. iL« T- >»Jo r ' - •»» 'V mkUhU L/ IU * At. 4 ir i u.fel.Yjr. j fef i !.". ; 7*V r ‘ ‘“ U ** P*^ l ' for l' : _ ' * t * l *'' V «ttL Jar. I_T_ :_ t • it.. Add™— 8. and wood, M, V tTI \\ VNTICO FOR Ili< Year of* Battles. 1 “ 1 * ; f "» r Tr%ac+ OirniA 1 *'* 4 * I‘ati« uuii»r U.e u auMitf 1&> * ,' ’ _ . 1: • H-Joa Ilk). S<'oou <w ;iMAI ' } * ■ 1 f '7 1 w.t\. c juaJa ' 1 ’ Mil i j- .rmo cr*; •«• p«r m'mlh now lo v ' • ■'■• T. ■ » Oatfll u -V.V\‘*,T l s <H>ot,ii, rs:l> * «>.. y? pat» t li. «. .\ T T4.Lt, . I VII| , BtMkini I’lU! t u*t. «ilb foil ,tir*e J*“« »•* M.U4I. trr^». A lvmainNMMQllllpacM, MWIHUbt! lb* NEW t KSSI'H bj 'vUQIMAB'I »U Urg** nil ft*. 14i> cu«r*v- I <.• r 111 Ulilife HuHOHintt, i*Ubt i*«* till r ui** f r ■ ><*iuii) 4 J-AiftOt*. iiuitfel <w r«ir«i|4 « f M m>U. 'I'H K iiARMfUHCEt* FAMILY COKMHMRLIJCM t< > ' I VHtillKtDUlo Afell ihmr Fa nily (on.*A. tUr«. ltft-t .iiM >4 tti«* ktod ItolU At titfkt f*r> At* *'<• Fwc iirnilm. fcMr«i MNYURtt. I>.«*ur«r, Lock Itoi >. MArTtoburf. Fa Bloomington Nursery. TIT i)ATO tKABI «o ACRICM U HtUUOi U-'IHEM u' ' I*TKMt AMurtAiMl ttOOtllutk. Lo« |lfloO« I r>-e< Nhrub*. PU*U. kkuib*. (Wd*. 81-» k*. i.rAfU. K I.V p—. kltuaUAiMl I ...ut. H4H-4 ('AUlnguuA. AU lor )0 MAU WK4*«.« W b»*, *+«f4 lot IkQM Won \>ny\A4 *i**- •t. T*. F K FHOUtlk. lUo*Mmui#to tk. 1)1. liRRBU t*H lit i'TI HK. p * .'.TBTTTO.rif’lia'.r.l IWUTt THr I \ • **D> Ike u» th- Ui ArcrTCTnoTEul 2|rln|^ ToTrr?CsTfffs^»urAi>» lv H'elruA Hi** from All Who use a. lt.-.v»niro*«. P*') •Itru. kJn** HlngU Ttuaa ItoAhloTnM, ('• pkßi * iocioAiTin >«*i. pr»tnv *7 fill*.! I ir.... IKI IR 1 ..... 1 t*n*<. Atb*Q«. G**»rgiA. V.! MSWIMH k.'r uta ru*A* MM *1 lt«;ht AO4 pcrmoiH- :i t lVti<nilArt bu. tk HI IN SON A . > Fit* \rt » r Blieru. 1* »r4lA®a. Mam fllAr ' M'VTH: 1) rA* t kipcM-i IT It , mrw Attru-t. Wr 1 ' .\ . % i* t\4 u-i • u* <!• lullty. premstare dci-A/. et«? . I;|V ru !-.■ 1 in r»4n •*-ry A*»Ttl**<l ret#. If. h*a ill*- irn-rUtuupki m«A>i« <>f Aeif <*t»FA. Which h* will .. „| i Li. << ■: w ouff ixr*. A lir**» J U HEEYI A. -4 Nft«* i >Um)t. V T. GASTHAUBZUR BTADT MAINZ iirvrr.n street, DiliriK 431D THOMIIOSf STaJLKTM ll\ WILLIAM BENDKR, ATLANTA, .... OKOKGIA. Ml THE THEOLOGICAL, inn SOME Tin ni'ic WORK* or KM i\rr.L STVKPENBOIIO, AA<l LI lb. ('nllblrml A ’ft* at tb* NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, Urn k pt *r Min by. ao4 run be j-wnrH from lb* rrili.wiiNo hour*f; the de:»«r»t OouTwntin* of th« N» V> J Kill SAI.KJt IX TIIKI.S. 4.) l mh' ia>*«. *»«• 1 ork CUjr. L.. 1 fur a i.lirj ob *ri llcAllrm. i . I.lMb E 11. .WISSKT. I'OK M » i’i >MI • > bf-kbLK TlllkliX COTTkrtl. /.i . r of rrw. r a-. I h».h*ra*oA Mr**U U4LF \s)*. woUr. Ac- 4 w'J *« W A I-A IK. o», »MI K«al KuUU Agent NOTICIS. -ni *.* vai.:j;v o.rro* r*i-Tt>KV ook i mi. m run win »•« /'■*» V ...piirUrt. fr.n nr •o«*' 0 ~l ,r ..«nlr,. to .KAMI' IP i»P« nppfertb. lb Hi at “ -"* %7YLVi,urr l Sr' AUpntP. ,ta~. H.r.blwt A. lA'l. oor l» 4lm THE - CHRISTIAN CRUCIBLE, A «lte»-*«>l»TIIIO Ll I.IUIOI Swxi UTIBART JOtR>AU M AOON. O A. L > IC. A.SPKKH'S. tM» W fU. Twi llilbri Prr Ann««, l» kitumt*. Tr« hr IIS 08. . f.him ip p urg JOI SHAI. .protp. IP «kP pppml -1 lion Mi l Apfbbop at IbP IMdptbP at IkP ruUnkiKKl ot ».oJ, «»J Ur UrwtfcwlwM «f *«. H~.m M i. u. nML H'>u»m« p»4 i.4 bU m* • 4» ih* nnm* tfcw i ugiou u'll b* »rt*4 m*-< •*» AiUHmi "■•"•■ 4 •• u« -v Tk.rr- r *T^«u*k —» l« *~CP r»»» «»♦»• 4uMi *Mrht hflbufN T*m mt » i IfW-fc—W’t—P- mmy-rn ] PM PMRsPPPP* Tm<* wpolm i m i p ‘ tat tatta Y**m Ru** *•« » hel*»k | M l •* , » VmpT* >i, "* ,<ll «s wii- tim ni— m... *«ir p >r *. » fNt* f*>— ••<**» yY.Yrl twp pPbbPtp. Aorti bplbbbpb 4l ikl l**M bf*r Tm* wkr« IU . B T**th t ! tat fe»... 1 nu. ,n.n . f l . * fe»U felb. A ,11““ fep..«Abbibn«4b i ..m, ip,. IH»T44. AMHIVkI.a. BiwHli >!•••• CvtHMltal 4(«. A B Bell. Ald j m . Urk Oft i do _ 4u B a<*b; 4. R k, 4o J it ■ Am JA Tb' Ua*« Ok * * R-4UJ? ♦<*. J wpip.l J! r . j.Lu... ,w I » Iblm rbil. * Tprior 4o febb Aiiro. Tnp v... . a WfcoApr. «p. r A Rurppbnn. up. b |,. u . * r JM Ooblb A p, and , J W Applrr Up £ol ferrpl. 4o H l> lUomIpU. A. T t rttPl do p H 1 1,0. A M HpripbtP A» C < rppP po . ■ BrtPpn. do b IP Uppp ,u. p I A*4«rM< SC. R 11 fur** 4» Z f ■‘“■e- '•* « » »<r“. “ *la* 40 11 HilTfe 4 Bfepllb, 4. J II holt, do- +»omo am*ub, a„ B -W M .rvoj (Ip U ipodtand. Ir » » “P« i tlUbupilp O • Hplar*. do J T llUtbln.l Op. / H hmrt, do. W A Turner, do W » o*. V T 4o. J O hrutlk k, lip Wiii ima *.>[., J« T 1 Lyom 4 Udj. Hi J if Mm. and D Vim. «m. JT Is«tM. P Y. * R I4»W, h* RC Rillm 1,1. G J M KuumiL tin. WJ Mltrbril. <*% b w ibMr. 4c rri«*K(k W r> ctlfluy, Ao. Tk JC«tfW*UH». do. O 111 E4**y, do M oefbudu*. a C, H T <t*r»nr. d<>. J HurretA. M. J 8 Pj»ftur (m A b do F A l-Void. A (' HeOkii*. U* i 4 Ixm* it i* K Thucuu*. d*> l> A Hpfe*r and J T Hftudrr* i.. and <’ A Heur-I. 4 HlD.rtfln.Ai I» A V*nb n» A wf, M J HI. Hr»b«tou tku w r WrWftil. <m C btMftronfc. do HI fth « U n h H.'H-o.ri a nd V taat. 4o J Wulkrr do H BTrupp. Es L 0 Fouker. do (» W lUw*. do H W UuA.lon WmL. WIM Ufrra, .ML J D Klitittiut' . do* Ktkractaft.d B H ha.Mll, B Y 1 H i.u mrry. True « F Milford, do B ioQtu, dp. J U Hcotl. do. B*mr«n lloum-EpE. A('t. J Bou*. 0* F. ('hriMiun. U*. i J K Hrrt.-tl. d* i K Chnnun do J U Cktrl i*. Tr*i H T «UU do 1 E l> Mudtl"S. V*. T Edwurdu. do. Jn H iMiu.r do. C A K in* it*. ftHßw.c« WWBluik and« HU AH«rfon, -to. J M Wtlkm* V*. J U l*Uri«t, do Wi'rclr a. r U HtßliMvrr. and . T luwtuu, hy A M itedi. Mftg'it *Clr. KJKikcr. «tu W 0 Till. n. i*u. <) J Jon**, do J D T*«* «to. W W Jordon do W C Imgnild. Twn W K Buukm. u* J H Hurt. i-ii. do. ji Alk > u*ou. do T <Huo* >i* !1 B AUidkw. M*l «ft« W H 8«l*r? City It. r J H T.>«u W Cumptull a* f CHum. tf*. J L Winter. City X k bium* do. W J Ford. N A .S R 11 HU M./«rr, . do. J Furrrli. Him Jaw Jobßmn. On. Jud«* Furrott. (It P A Durund. Oty. J W ki-mn\ » ily. UKUUUi A. lulrrotUg 'n»i r.«MM all Paris us th. Staid. By Mail to tfau Es* Kfaita. -The kigtitu f*f Jenobo in Ibis com munity now number over fort) mntulvri. “ftllA Want* u ti lepraph offlos. Bpt T KtincE. The Urnoswtek of the 1 m J* A* rusTjv of cor rra It-r* are aware, the Traste«*n of Glynn »J<miy La<l a rtaikcu U> s targe munhrr r>( 1,,u. aUo rUiuxxi Ly the ltruuean k I*luJ l'oo),«ax.y an.l L* Dull, tsr Ths I'raitsea baeo »«vn proper to com prom tee their claim to thoso Inta in conat lera tion of lb<> m*i. )*Ttueat ot S4O per lot, paid lliaoj )•» Mwl ndUtaing therofr mi rU ut Sd,?oß. Tha »4iuti itaper La* Iha followiug Som* wretch fire*Vinto the r train os the ltninewK-k and Albany Kailrwul tiaar the <uty im it was coming iu on We<tnwl«y night h\*t. Fort'toktely n<) one was ..truck, though mo am iaforaienl \ couple of ladtae bad a narrow aacape. The wretch, if caught, khouhi Lhj aaumanly dealt witii We aro to toKUA'l MCTt ral sttnilar alrocioa* acts hare oc eurrwd wul.ut the (huh Uw waeka, which caila for ouuaoal watchioluaud ou the part of our nfflcula. Thu Appeal nf »hi ?♦ uaya- Tb* r-TKKtIoT the oomplainaotM to the application on the |>art of tb« Gorernor and other* for an iojUDe raimm* the lien eraditors ..f th- H .k A. liailnad from sailing the U on. on We.lue-Uy last aakwl U> aakeud lheir bill by inserting aliegutiona that a number of tha claims upon which lien *ir«tiuoiM had Lawn issued were for work dona for If. L Kimball A Cos., and not for tha Ilnan* wtek and Albany Hailn>ad <«»iupany. and that the road had nerer bean del it ered into the (toaaaaaion of tha cosnpany, and the of a Master in Cbanoery to invealtgate the claim* and report thereon to the Court, at some future ilav to which the hearing should be continued. Viewers. Hood. baaiDger, Hinas, and John L. Harris were beard iu facor of the application, and Messrs H. F. Harris, lledford, and Smith, contra. Hts Honor Judge Sessions granted th.* application and appointed Colonel John D Kampb. Mas ter in CbnoosTT, and the a<HV)od Monday in January next lor the huenng. CoLnw»re>—The new Ice Manutactaring Ortnpwny has already secured $7,000 stock. President McDougald, of the North and Sooth Railroad, has issued an order to saapend work temporarily upon ths upper and of tba second section of ten miles, and move the forces back lo finish up the work on the first ten. miles, that it may be made oootinaous, as *.«on as possible. The order doae not apply the forces lo on ths lith mile, as they will fluiah thetr work by the slb »u*t kLu»x-Tbe (’iivxen of the fith eaj» Wo are fitnufted to laaru that Mr PhUlip FiUgeral l, of our city, who w*s some weak* ago found guilty of an alleged violation of the Uevenoe laws, and who has, in accordance with the findings of the court, been confined in jail at this place, was yesterday pardoned by the President A personal acquaintance with Mr. Fit Agar* Id, estdodiog through many yeara, joatifies us in the belief that no crime was intended on Ids part, and therafore, the action of the President I# lo be commended. Uunng his iucaiccraltoo, Mr. FiUgerald has bad lhc sympethies of our entire community, every member of which bill rejoice to know i that he has again recovered his liberty Longfellow has written anew dramatic po«fu. It is entitled •• The Ihnne Tragedj, ' the subject of it beiug the life and death of Cbnvf It opene wiiK a d»ah»gua between the aaf«i nf the Lud ami the prophet Habakkar, in which the angel reveals to the eecr a vision of the coming of the Redeemer TP eo comes the preaching of John the lUptisi, Vnmmooing the world l*> repentance. M<»et of the import ant luctdenU in the career of the Savour are r*h« arsed. amooß them the story of Mary klagdslen The interviews with ami the woman of Samaria, the suicide of Judas, and the crucifixion sown* am given much prominence Prince Alexis has engaged anew palace ear o 9 the tnveni w. Mr l'allman, ,n*»w>a Phila deiphla). and lot red* U» eee it b»r a prolonged lour through the United Htalea He bae gaged it Int silly days, but will peobal It need it for several month* He will Urn in the car, and no geaemlly and Mr. roUfluan ts shout sending an agent to 1 Unsafe aad other pnretmMmnU fur the purpose Os Uitredhseinff bin »%lsepen s " o»-l be ooald haws mo batur ndvml—>eat than tbs rmm§ Masco vile IMnce ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNLhDA V MORNING, IHXJKMRKK 0, 1871. wm9>» mn ••*« » | ** "*«*•' r*r; r*" *-« fiasnw n*i {!«, i sari. 4n*n* u. «-n ,‘i* 1 lf7l j Jh%e» t/ kyemw ar«««e 1 eased* B*'P»U* P Uil IP fe pp Lfe4 Lb AH I. *• h*t •• hnrtar* tb* pail i*s nf Ums , *» ifcp B— p» ian> im bp4 i**i ,ot «,'.p..(.pufe4 i 111*,'*! utl U, yp.pfel (I— ,-|lbr : u Z ’Lt ~“** *‘ u ‘ m “ T * n *’ '** "T (,H»«4ip»i i. U.. fe: ... a. .feu ifc<l.n.p iwi ,ii. , u ta, nM; Is r-pfei j»» *U. ILp UU. al bfeA IP m p,| lb t*U I *» milißtll ,Ul ILp lud) oi IL. UilJ 4#pppm ILp fepi, (Apt it ppi . plj ferL* Ip . "V“ *44 *PI W ILp utlp n (PT*. t.*( \ e—4 •**!. lurtLor ml tb|.«i* nlllppldpri ! dMife bpo. Use CompmM* p*4 Up. ! pp»-i»! tel cr<..i*p|, r, KUtp Intel.! Uip fell ip fippily nfei' ifest Ip prtirl. Up*, j toot. u fi ,t, rUpp. two !Of te. Conplllntwn ~< U.I. Stete Plu.l ! uia ILmc «»4 *• Sur aWt ,147 Ub ot at diiteacp p*aa wblcti rpfpra u> iput. I L. f , on. pc-bjp* i**ifer. <w pnafeibP PPbßpr -~jm y*-A‘ rr tiu tu:rxKf*T^r~ H*4C4»o4, this bill, wi.tU it purports only to F«f»eeJ ao act |r> winch !t refer a. in reality ex acU from the people of this State a poll tax for the year 1*T»0. which ha* n 4 been hereto fore legally aaswei 1 No law levying a poll ui for Ua year IW7U ha* aver been euscUd. and no joll tat lor that year ha* ever bwu legally mquired to b* pa*d TW« being no Ux Uw passed for Lb* y«ar 1870, the Uw for th* year IHF*> after TT La-1 eijMfed By iu own Limi tation and become a dead letter upon the statute book, was revived by a joint reeoiu liou, approved May 4 1S?0. which ao far ae it to this Mistier is as follows " MM*»»x.v*ri, That for the same resoct tbs tax act of IBC9 be. and it is hereby contin ued iu full force and effect nntil »44erifi*« or fared by Iht (ieaervh d*an */Wy.' By Uie jsuksags of tbs act now soegbt to be refisalad. it <cu “otherwise ordered by tLe ' teneral Assembly, " ao far as it reUt*d to the poll Ux of 1870, an l that Ux declared to be ■llsfiwl, and the further collection thereof pre vented. To revere# this action of tb# General Assembly and at this lat« day order the col lection of a poll tax for 187 U on the eve, a* it were, of an election, in my judgment, work a great hardship to many of our ciuxana, and deprive them of the right of suffrage in an cum nsuuiucosi and extraordinary a*aun> r. It*, sj a mis Coni-nv, Governor. LM.ISLATI liK OF (JLOIUiIA. NIRATE. Tklrtltlk Day's l‘ruft«<li nn- Ti•**!'*TANARUS, December 5. 1871. Tbi' S. nst.* met, Frn*idenl Tuammeix ia th* Chair Prayer by Ucv Mr Krr-ura On tnttliou pf*H call *i» dtspenmwf with. The Journal was read aud approved Mr Nicb >La m.>ved t-> rt-'ornn ier a bill to e<iualixe U rati on, providtoc: fir the appoint meiit by the ordinary <»f a board of three Ux ewwasora for each county, j assed on yestenlay. ; Camed Mr. Cows moved to reconsider a bill to crest*- the Ucoow Judicial l irouU oat of the oountirs ooiupoaini; the Houtheru, Macon, and and Middle Circuit The motiou w\n List by sye* 12; uxya 19. Tha retw%rt of I) 11 W.odruff, arcbiiect sp poiuteil by the Committee m ?*nhb«- Hwiht- Inga tn taspect tha Slate House, with various reoiNmiicniiaUone atUobcd thereto, was read The re(a>rt cooUiucd a thorough aualjrsis of tha construction of the bulldirg, and recom rneiide4l the rrinovai of the State Library as produriog an undue aud dangerous pmrtnr* upon that portion. A OieNsagt? from the iloverni r transmitting the report of the It >ar<l of Visilnra L» the At lanta ITotvrrsity. anl recommend lag a ICwral appm|ination therefor; also a maenads trsna milting the report of Trustees, huperiutao deot, au.| ITiyaiciaq of the Lunafe Asylum, wore lead and referred. Mr Kawrx off. i«d a resoluti n that tb* Governor be requested lo beve rvruove*! a portion of the library book* lo other rouitii in the Capitol. Adooled. On motion of Mr. Ni< uoLa the rul«w w* re su«p«nded to Uke up a bill to ino*irpora!e the Ijaud Grant Board, and for other purpose** Mr Nicmols offered a substitute appointing the LxocnUve Board cf the Agncnitural S-»- cicty to receive the Agricultural Collace Scrip douate*l to the Sute, to K>caU- the land* under Gee same, **«4 report to the Brft trrtrcrrl As nembly. Mr Joym* offer'd a substitute to craale » Board of Trustees to receive said ecip au 1 locate said lands, composed of the G*>vrrn«»r. I‘resident of tl»e Senate, Speaker of the House, Chairman of tha joint Committee on Agnout lure aud Msnofiecturva, the Pre-aidant ot the Agricultural Society, or their surceaeor* in affile, and to Rive the one loarth ol said donatio* to tho colored populaLou. Lost by aye* IC, naya 2b. Mi BarTitw offered an amendment to th** aubstitute of Mr Nichols that the t*eucfit of one-third of said lauds when eecured ahall be allowed 1*• tha Allauta Uoiveraity. Mr Hxktom hoped that the amendment would not be adopts*!, nor any amendment which looks to tho distilbuiiou of thu land nntil it is secured I'pon the policy *»f secur ing Utc land all arc agreed, and after that has received due attention the distribution can be satisfactorily effected. Messrs Haown aud Ncvmaixt were opposed to the ameudmenl, because they considered no provision of that eort ncos**rj until the fund is secured. Mr Junto* was willing to allow that portion to the colored population, bat not to the At lanta Uuivenuty exclusively. By permission Mr Bai'ron colored j»*>ople fbr Atlanta Gnivcrnily. The amendment was lost by the fallowing vote Area-kissers Xnderam. Hrork. llmtoo. Junes, Jor dan. Hmm. Haiti, ana U*sadm*a Nat*—Msesrs lUa * HrouS. brown. Bares, ('emp hsl). 'Vark. ('Wnaso. AVias. tVosai bto krwm. (trilln. Hell Hilljrer. HinUto. H<*vlr. Jsms. Eirk lamb ktbbse lMt«r, Mathews. Ni. hoU Kuaaallf. Kichanlsoa. Amotoea. Wallace. WrilU-ra, aa.l Waici. » The xuhentute proposed by Mr. Nm*x>ui was a«l»pted, by ayes i t. nays 14. Bills on third reading Ball to incorporate the I>ahloaega and (raineeville Railroad Comjmny Faae«-.l Bill to inoorjioraU the MerchanU* Mutual I nsnr%nce Company Fussed. Hall to incorporate the towo of Austin, Thomu county. Passed. Bill to esc are counsel tees in cerium case* T Varied UiU to fix the compensstion of clerk* ami ordinaries on application* for selling apart of bo*n*wtea*U and ex*-u»ptiou ol |wrm»ualty. Px*ml Bill to provide for fanning oat convicts, and for other parpoaea Mr NcwwaLXT moved to make the bill the apecial order far Thursday, and that fifty copian be pnnte*T Mr Candudi ap«k* iu favor of the motion, and of the Mil lie coaxithnd It one of the uio»l important nirasuroa that had cone be fore the Senate, aud all necessary time should be devoted to its oomuderation. S«»me suita ble prnvietca mn*t be made, and it behoowee the Legvslatare to treat it with the importance ll demands. Mr. Ham moms moved that alien the Senate adjourn it shall adjourn to me«t at S r. n Carried Maasra Dvnns and Wxi4jK>nn opposed the motion, oa the ground that the session was too near it* eke* for the «Wmy, and nothing can be aocompiMhed by it .The motion was l «i Mr. Kuos* moved to Uho op the htU by MVIKNH Cam ad I The lei sswtkon of the UU authorise* the Governor lo Ursa out far a term not axoead (Of two yearn, the —nib. far a »ns> not lo be lens than ffifi per aaptla auunnlty Mtoudpntm ta. red to «Mho oat nt *od in ' T> r tjLi* * b**4eg| nfleleod. m«m en of nor sa«i«T*Tfv»* ronv*•• n n»i** fi ■■ •■*«>|» Tffttal I sees edit ft, IfTl i The l -e« met el $ a m , end ve sellsd In «ed»e by fawie Manse J rayer ts fu« Mr ffkim J et*fc *4 f esee rdi .y mod end syyw ta Hie arTOne of tar || «mm j r ti; la pa ■ ■■■ * Ka*i»seMnTaZf!la f th* MarteiAa aad North j |Ud#wu4 ComfMK j ehaoh has shandy Use* thortered n*d hiteWed ki li l Jtimhad. who was a •evro to Has wall as U the ooootiy The Al hut* and l annsaare UnilnmA wtfi ewer prelly mnrh th* mma I n* add there an* cenoioly b* n<> uw Mr both Mr Miwwons us OwinoeU, opprjeml the m'tixoe L*" wee lo favor of alkosrtng a charter to any road jopowd ta be bud I with private eehef nt4«t>a M r J u**tw alee epe<jeod the motion u> re eonaidar. recnarktng tha* the charter tad tor *uf will ouea|.T»de a ebjun es j through Kentocky. Tseiwuesi i. and ireotßM.j be was eii.iu * U> *Lari«r any read which pn um propeee f > huiid viii. thdr own j •one, Mr iv- tbtic wxx te reneon why fair oou»|*LUou between raiirunds should b >t ta allowed, and was in favor of granting tha charter a*krd for Moreover, flfP-ee tboo *a*d dollars ’ per mile B Late aid had been gTmntrd to the r -ad from Manetla. nod yet not a lick Lxa t»eco rtruck ou it an 1 refusing this chart* r might dcfaat a r-<4d through that •uiUtNi of the couiilry. The (notion to rvc/>oaider was lust Mr. Mms *i of Had <u* v <| iu reeocur.U- r 1 1 - |4>*i|f« 4 a Ltt V» amend Iwe > mtwt -of (fsirvsvil,.., Ao». with a view toatnking ou* the 14(l aration ol the bill which legalizes the subscription of Oumsnile to the (ieinsviile an 1 Daliionrga Railroad. He sai l that the people of Gaiueeville arc almost unatiU>' o*ly opposed to that feature uj Ump Ui. This mo tion tn reconsider prevailed. Mr. HrvTE* moved to- resoata-r a UU to create anew judicial dr art la order to sUtotr a tannUi bid thurel >r. Tha motion pr^vTdic.! Mr. M- Mo I*** M oved to ra>onaidrr the loss id a bill to daUblish a system of public mstrut Uon for Lumpk.n ootmty. Thi* motion prevailed. Mr. II Miijxh moved to reconsider the action of this iiouae lo laying the report of tb* doom.litre, lu the case of lioeston v* Blu op the table. Mr. Fiinxtrfl, Chairman of the CoMtniUc* on l’nviiogea and Elections, antd that there ess only ooe quesUon in the cnee, lo wit: Whethrr or not the voice of persons who had B'*t t*ih! their poll tax were legal or lie diftonssed the legal point* involved aud argued that oei r the f'<w>*titatk>u ths votes mu*t be bald itlegn! Mr. Bnue*e •* was opposed to reeoumdera tion. and said that alth -ugf* the Constitution require* that person* ahall pay all legal taxes bes ir© they are entitled In vote, yet the Legvs- Uture (Wiared, iu l*»7o, that no jsml tax should be eoilwcied, and tax collectors were insLrtioicd not to reoeiv# it, and if the non payment were xofficirnt a great many Demo crate wonM go out. He had as great a con tempt lor Rrpubiioana aud th«tr pnncipUw as any man. but he *u prepared to do jastice t>a tfie IBOtioQ to reccaxidcr, the yens nod nays wv-ra called f -r with the fallowing raeult ke*a, 31 on we, 111 Mr moved to lah“ up the Mi to Bocoru to educational purpose* the laird now due t** the EdacnUonsl Ib?partm-nL He said that ha lU iuhl ho could sagK'wt xn amount to iQo-irt tTi tho blank which would meet gen eral approval. The motion prevailed. Hr propaned to made* S3J7.UM. the amount of pc>il Ux collected, and the liquor tax col- Ic-cto*!, *ilc* 18f>*< Mr. Fi'rwwT aai-1 that a much larger mn ihea the asaoua* pronoaea was doc te the Edhratmual Fend, and that tha interest ou weald not meet the demands, and pay the teacher* for nervioea already rend err* 1 The puaaarc cf the bill in the prop*aud shape would amount to repudiation, and render the • law utrices Mr Jaucson also movud to amend the bill by ertlaring the destruction of all bonds is sued by the Legislators in 1870. This motiou ! prevailed The motion t » fid the 1-iaiik with $327,084 ’ prevailed. Mi DELL Moved to further amend by ! InbuiDi* any further teens ©f boud* for educa i ti-ioal purpoaea ati-ler pre-existing law** This ■ I amcnduirnt prwvaile-i, and the bill, n% - I amended, was passed. Mr. I’ixxi k offered the following reaoia tion. i Whuuw Tb<-grew-nI State BcAool -wiiMinMr • * straoirer l-> •• .r axfel s> litUr a 4 ua.i:i. J I vitti oar *»*u ai.i that uaUsr X.* nant^- um-bi tLft ol p.iMi iD«nMax« ia now. aaJ wU2 i aiwaja br. * falurw Thae* ftaw. Wtt Hrtmimr.i Thai h* bs reja*«tr-.l tu re L<a si MM the •fiftee h** new hnMs. On t.*i i. tion to adopt the yeas and nay* wore called, with the folioeiug result Yeas 1 If*, nays 2L. Mr. llcoE offered a reaolotioo tendering the u**' of this Hall Ui the Democratic Convention which assembles in this etty to-morrow, and nrovtding for the adjournment of this Hous* from to-day orer until 9a. it on Thursday. Mr. HacoM off**re*l a substitute providing L>r Ukiug a rveesa from half past eleveu o’clock a. w to-morrow until seven r. w Th*- sut*slitut*> ti* a<l-*pUst. The bill to make penal the sale of agricul tural products between the hour* oC*uua«'t and sunnee was read a third time M«Msr*. Gum* of Houston and Davu of Clarko opp-wed IL Various amendments were offered. Mr Joiixao* of Spalding moved to lay the whole malUr on the table On this motion the aye# and nays were called yeas ?m, nays 60. Tho Committee ou Fnvileges and Elmliodi re| xrtad on the case of Mr. Tarver ot Baker, declaring thxt from the law and cvidroce it ii the opinion of said committee tha: Mr. Tar ver is a cttixen ol Baker county On motion of Mr. Fuh_iji*« the report to taken up. and on motion of Mr Stwwoxs ot iltmni t! it wa« laid on the table. A report of D It. W*x>druff, an architect, on th- safety of the capitol building. >*- read. This report nay* that the building is aafo un-L-r ordinary circomsianoea. and recooi tucn-led some ruch as the removal of the library to a low* r floor end the removal cf the water tank from its preneat position. Bill to incorporate tb# Merchants an.l M** cLanin# - Saving-* Bank of Goiamboa Faaeod lhil to pm ni >te the of shad fiab in tlie HAvanuah river was reed. Mr. lLwui moved lo Mnke out Monday from the clause of the bill which prevent* falling on Honday and Monday Mr Uawla' amendment was let The bill was then passed. Bill to incorporate the Macon aud Chatta hoochee Railroad Company pause I A m«*a*ge was receired from the Governor announcing the approval of the act to change the line between the counties of Mclntosh aud Litarty. Tbs Hones adjourned until 3 o'clock r. w. afternoon **«>!■■. Tha Senate mot at 3 r. n., Fromdeol Team nrxi. In tha ehair The caneideratiiou of the bill to provide for farming out eonvietn wee resumed by sections. The Ist section provide* that the minimum price at which convicts shall be farmed out shall be $35 per capita The amendment of Mr Jcrvt* proposed to •trike out sfift sod insert SSO. Mr Krona staked that she rote «m the re sult of eoretal tatnelnlia n. as an average role iu view of the tasfilotin ry of most of theesn wu, and their total taohflity tor n rounder able time after hesag brought out of jtal. The amendment of Mr. dervw n* lost Mr. Kinau offered an orovrtawent, allow ing the ifavernor to farm oel the convicts ta each nambers as he deemed ben*. Mr NrviiUi mid the nama aßegvd far making th* number dlnccmnunry with the Goromof 10-wit the lameoe* of revenue thereby—wsa tha very one whieh infiaeaeed him ia ohjeeting to the prevtoton, far it wonkd re* l* having the aonetota farmed oat enotahag to their übtlity tor work to a large and indefinite number es osqtractors, and •fa* rort he farmed enam mmy rea* wen U bd tatawa #fM ths n*eSe and reqeSve as ta hd emd fusrdel. end tahereiee invedve groef IT I4 Hu Ifaata flfa fieewe MoOtawl the poflrj of farmitg nod the im earn* M —■ fI avian dsnisii) Lta u«a far taf Wntad tavng r*WML end wm. 4 taijßj »- tatam s<a*-d name k*o*Mv ©nta Mr tan rolled (Im pwtro ,1011 « TU tun lunto* *4 Mi KiUta* nae mLqroJ sane s le* *m then ad»p*e>i fed# |c fee* a.Mtel lha jn». u» jfi«aL«*U* I tha |amp *<f the Nil 7be <*» »w aue | total and the tail jnaal hie ©n tai l r«nd toi A UU W’ ataav I an net to j r >.*•* Um pao|4« ;of this tab ta ths ani< a 4 A*tommum OtL Ptaanl and tab to enx- ml an er( t. provide far fer* Btahins fnr.s sos jervan Cm aerttac, cnaaa Ptaned A UAL ta provide (or pariug If the pabhr debt of li»« iftato. 10 pimii the axro-u there far **l tar <ithr perpenae pr**vvlibg lor peytofr tta tarxtal 4»M of tb r mete fr--m th* •nrc u*r* u dta Vl«uh aaJ Aui.:.< Itaii ren4 f Ql a'tadnf Mr Bv as* the tail e*a mad* Ihe ape- *al oeder 1 *r to is -rr »v lhil U- ol< » to* <H4»f*arj of Fulaaki raui; 11 togk* bonds to betid a r »ur*. h >UM Fanned Mlti Td *m-nd an t 1 c-'orf■orals th* AllsitU and Blue RiJ>g* liei rnd ( Viapscj. sad far j«h#i ssy w■ IV>ml BIU to the tim* of bolding the fixl! term of ro*w Ho pen or <V>art I‘eased BUI to (gfartd* for the (Nxymcnt of in nolveet cxuGKo the county cffLrere of Lpene ©oonty rAw-d Bui loumii i an 18 to amen 1 and extend the ebartarfif the AIXbU a»<l lho*w«ai Ron roa-l t W : Bid to rbtanc*' the Ume of Luiding tha Hape- WorGourt <g J**(*« r couoty. F*ee« 1. JiUu-, arxitaaethonae the Racing of attach m» nt agaitoff th* purchaser of property not paid far, I'4 lbe purchase oi >c*«y of u>« saxna. Fees**! ht.l to taak u petal tha sale of t*crv oal property abject to mortgage. lWd Bill to pflt vent iaelceauros and lor other pury ca (Jn ualign the Se. adjourned ueui 10 a- u. lottoerrow um »E op (lErHKtEmTiir.ft. A/trrso«s OeaeloM. House met lilr.t Bills og third rrodiog resumed Bill to author lx « tha oouatrucUou of a rail road from fflbcrtoa. Ga., to inters*ct the New York and New Orleans Air Line Railroad 1 Fas vi 1 Fill to afftbnnx* the corporate authorities cf' Dalton to purebav and donate lands to the 1 Helms, ltomc, aud Dalton iWtn sd Ixxnnany 4 Bill to change the time of bolding Worth . Hop* 1 -r Court. Faseerl Bill fa more Hfectaaiiy protect rtiigious ] wonikip. Fasaed Blit to incorporate tha town of Tuton. ( Passed. B*ll to agUiorixe the election of cartain off! ! cere in Ihomaavtlis. Loan 1 BiU to establish a system for working r ad*, i Lost. Bill to incorporate the (teorgia ludustrusi 1 Agency. Lost Bill fa feature the Tax Collector of Ware county ta rvcaave roamty scrip far taitu. Faeeed. Bill lo prevent the hounding ami killing of ' deer in the rvrontie* of TalU#t. Marion. Tay- j lor, and Laurens, in certain mouths. Faaet-d A 10 usage (rutu the bov*rnor was approval, saving tiyxl the act to exem|B fireurn fn»u. • jury duty, and a resolution providing for th. | of Certain jartiee. Lad beeu receive»l and viiiued. A HuiMUtute for the bill to extend the jane . dieu ti of the City Coortof Angasta. I‘asaed . Bill fa authorize the Ordinary of Randolph . ' oounty to Msue bonds to build a court boos* ! ' I’M*'- L Bill to aoihocii* the osU of personal prep- 1 1 arty at awv pUcc within the limits of Mtiton I j county. Faeaed. Bill to authorize Cal.: way Campbell, of Mar- J ‘ ray county, to erect a and dam across Conno ' «s'ir# river Faeaed. BiU to allow person* to mate tax rrturni to ' | clerk* oi tho superior Court, ln'twrtsio ] 1 I‘so*-. I Bill to alter Section 2Sst> R -ria*d Cod#. ; i>w*t I B»il I.* regulate tho - f farming oct j penitentiary convicts, bu the Ut.r j Bill to amend Section 889 Code. Lost. Bit! to rc*|UAie ail declarations and defense* , in aase* at ooflaison law t--* be complete at the 1 first term, was read. Mr. M*. Miui.ft.» moved to auegree to the re port of tha ootaru.Us.- which wss advaraa to ! the pastas* of the bill. He argued that the 1 present practice of allowing int-iilmruU was j calculated to delay the administration of jus tice Mr. Fikucb «xid that the MU proposed to place ths law where it atiKfei at c >mmon law Mr Ho ia. Chairman of the Judiciary Com mi tics, said, that Le had never been t ctfax tat-. t-fie i with any report ot his committee, and hoped the report wonld be adopted. fi|l he report Was adopted, and the {' ill wa* lost. li<gl for the relief * f Mary \ Ela ndat m. LoaL BiU to r&fund to ('haxlee 14#tuner ccrta.u ern»ueon*ly eolleotad tax Ixet BiU to lay out anew county from the coon tiro of Coweta, Meriwether. Bpaldirv, and Kay site, to t«e called Waddell.was laid on the table. Bill to amend the usury law no mto nukt it lawful for jwrson* to charge and collect ten )ier cent per anuom. and to fix the rate at waxen per cent, when no rate is mentioned. was read. Mr Hmu moved U* ilivgnr*** with tha report *>f the 00 mantle*' erhich wn* adver**- to the bill Mr. Uooz said that he thought the report wa* adtt-ro*- ou accooot Os the pending Jv*c ate hill to repeal the usury la«\ out atnee the latter bill had been thdefioiU y jmatiiooed he believe*l k the majority of the c-mimittee would fav r the bill, Mr. Hunu-r'a prevailed. Mr. Faxx ©ailed ihe proiuos question, whmh was sustained On the |iaswage of the bill the yro* and nay* were rolled. Yea# fio; nay* 49. Mr. Simm )** of Gwinnott tn ivc.l to trans mit ths ball immediately to th. Senate. Let Ilotxse then adjoorno! until 7 r. m. light Iwrtiia. Bill* on thin! reading reeumc-l Bill to the act eoae.>li.latir»ir office , of tax oollector and Ux rooeivsr far l>ad.' coo oty. Famed. Ala* a bill far the relief of B. Chancery of Early county. Also a bill to incorporate the town of Dublin Bff! to key oat anew county from th# county of Jsffersitu Laid on the table. Senate bill* were reed first time. BIU to compensate jurors in Crawford. Fanned. lUll to chamre the hoc between the coun ties of Catooea and Walker I'oa-wnL Bill to rsgoiato tho pay of juror* m the ooanty of Newton. Fam«.<L Bill to preerribe who shall he juror* Ln cer tain cases tu Baldwin cooaty. lawH. Bill to regelate labor ta Baldwin ooontv Loot Bill to provide more afif-*c txally tor the pay ment «f taxes due by employ*-*#. laml Bill to require tax rroeivcr* to tak<* with the xaa rein roe the number of acres of laud oultirated in cereal* l*aas*-d Bill to re*luoa the bond of the Sheriff of Banks county. Fasaed. Bill to repoel the bastardy laws ol this Slate was read a third Uma Mr. Bax an moved to disagree to the report of the soot mi Uee, Which was ia Uvur of th bill. Those who w#fv» In favor of the hill nrgvd that the law is used pntuipaliy for levying black raaiL / On ths niotfon to dimgca** to the report of the oooauUdi tbs yeas and nay* wars ©ailed Teas 53, nays 69. Ths bill wan Ifaro imnsr*! BiU to change ths Una betwuen the counties of Warren and McDuffie Fanned Bill to alter the road laws a> far aa they re take ta IM>b oounty lWs.l Tbs Monos thoa adjourned until 9 a. m ta taowow. TELEGRAPHIC. A (tal* li Im York, TA* Rltrr* I rmiif for Ifcft W intrr V • tpaprr ( ouboU)'« lUII lo br KftSarft*. ■ rt. (iaiß-* IjOkrt krr .Halt. Hftntfc I amlina ku klax Trial*. I‘oKxuar Hucr Fmeilia. ( Trum-aiuKik Arrirultural ('onrrr*w In Hftlma. Intm-alinc Korrin Hftwa. NOON DISPATCHES A StelaSod Trmmm tuPpalrUoa ) WASHINGTON. Wauninavon, Derember 5. -I* the besiis Blair* la-jairy. oovsnng a detailed report of the Executive coder the Ka Kiox ball, was defeated by a strict party vote, except Ttptoa. The Ilooee proceedi*»ga are uairaportaoL NEW YONK. Nrs Yeas, I Member 5 —A heavy gale has been blowing ail night, and con tin nee from itfm >*—ai.v t lax-far hard tor the winter Thi papers coneider the canaia closed for tha winter. Three Landred boat* were caught out. th* cargoes of most ootne by rail Tb# (taben Gearrai* Ryan and Jordan ara pressing the Government far trial for their alleged violation of the international law*. The Times ediljOfiaiiy ixnuuaocs that Flab will soon w.u..lraw fr-m tha Stale Depart ment. It applauds tha message, but ooowtd *-ra tLe Secretary of the Treasury’s repwt 1 !:<•#; potntmftcr The Herald eharactenzee Boutweli • mg e-*ti d* far reducing the laxm as those of a small pedlar. The In ben* oppoare Graal'a poUcy of pos tal telegraph, but finds more to commend than opp me in the meaaaga. The World s new* of the m enrage is that It 1 is so electioneering document. The Sua thinks the mroeag# le bungling and boggling, and worthier of respect than ( onv previous s meonage. Mayor Hail decline# to inaugurate the newly ejected Aldermen, and A as* stout Aidermeti, but refers them to the courts rvmnollj’a bail will probably be reduced to I half a million dnftars. KENTUCKY. L-ravimt, Deevwnber 5 -Doroey a stal lion. ttoid Dual, is dead. lie was valued si ftSO.OUO. The Kentucky Legislators has convened. No orgnnuaUo*. MICHIGAN. Driiten, PscsrabiT i-Mwa Roseniald'i tobacco-factory has Uaa bunsed. Loss forty ; thoasand dollars. NEBRASKA. I Omaha. I>eremb*r 3 -The eastward trains I are now bound at Llm Creek. Twc ensioew have Iwo sent to the train* awisteixv. They are either off the track or disabled. The; I snow ta severe all along th* entire track. [ The mercury u sixteen degree# below yester day mo rang LOUISIANA. Nrw OiLXivt, Decccuber The Second IHstnctC on decides that Mr*, (iraiaes is no* the legitimate heir ©f David ('lark nor hte tea, and revokes Probate Clark's • ill of 1113. probated l*4i. a* invalid. Mrs 1 trainee relied mainly on this will to suLstao- I liite ter claim#. SOUTH CAROLINA. t'witiorms, 1 torrmSee 5. ln the Ku-Kiax trial at Ccdambta Lvday, Mr. StaAheiTy. far lha defense, moved to quash the iodHri ment agoinsf Croeby and others, epoa these, among other gr>uoda, that the name of the persons injured are not mentioned ta the indictment. that the grand jury had not decided as to the law, instead of the facts. | that the indictment was defective, in stating i tbe depriration of the right to rots as taking 1 place at a future data as the f nited States < <>nstilotion and iaw does not secure to any the right lo ▼ te an t that tbe fitate, Uni court*, most redress tech (•enonal grievance as those complained of. > tan berry argued two hours in support of his I objection. Oovbyn. for the (favarament. asked fi>r tune, and replies to-morrow. - EVENING DISPATCHER. aaa*doiej Fries Lnmtartsoa. WASHINGTON. Waaaxxor x. December S.—There is heavy ice in the Potomac, and navigation lo Arquia creek is difficult The removal of white# from UteOfe*. NOT ration ha* been ordered. There are six hun dred famtlMia. or thirty-five thousand persona, on the reservation, wbns* removal at this sea son will cause much suffering The northern train is an hour behind time. It will probably miss connections out Ths Attorney Geoeral writes to the Secre tary of War that a railroad aided by a dona -1 tion of public lands is a public highway ' throughout its length, and the Ini tad States , .v not subject to charge for transportation ver its own property. This opamon refers : *jvs3ially to the road from t'hicago to Mobile. Tbe administration sustained its first dsfeat of the session on th# postal telegraph subject. In the Senate, Kellogg introduced a bill to provida for mail eervioe between Orleans and th# aeverai Mexican port* Aleo to reorgan Ixo tbe District Courts in Louisiana A rs#olot»*»n calling for A* Oataeasy ror rcapondenoa was adopts*!. Senator Cameron V*p poking. The Senate adjoaroad. la the House a sharp discuaaion between Wood and Ifawes r.>,*arding ronUnuanee of tbe ('ommittec on l nsurrecUooarv State#, which Vied maintain**! was a trick to eon tmu# the R-*c»'n»trooti(>n C om mil tee. Ifawus mormi to refer to a eel set committee so muches the President » message as iwoom ni coded the abeorptioa of the telegraph sys tem into the postal eervioe of the the country. This wa* opposed by Randall. Farnsworth, Ni black. Reek, and Banka, who contended that the subject should not be taken from a standing committee and referred to a select committee, which would neoeosanlr. under tho parliamentary rale, have a majority in favor of the project. After an am stated diecmasioo. in which ihe •cheme was denounce*! aa one which would blew*! the treasury to the amount ot seventy milUoa dollars and add twenty-five thousand employees to the civil eervioe of th* (govern ment, the motion for a eeleed committee was defeats* 1. and the whole subject referred to the Committee on Appropriation*, which is con sidered tantamount $0 a rejection of the pro _ t m MISSOURI. Hj. Lofirs 5. Tbe river is filled np with Ice below this point. Tbe fames hers have stopped. MARYLAND. Al4<4.ruua. Dr«Mßbw 4. j«rjr la Mr, Wborlon', ou* tna ooaptefed to-do; NtWYORK. Now lou. Dmmbo S.-A lo itOmoa norfea* poltoo ofetfeo no htum to dwk teal u*fe Tko )auam my feo4 u 1 4loella* fa toe aath wxuee fee lasi *m fara gav-fad Tb* mm m m Asgia Is qaeaaeteag vus th* ■mid pn SOUTH CAROLINA. I I'uounoa, t>oo..h«r A io te. Ko Alai teteJo* <«loo>feo Mun Chonfeoteto 000 out. -lat-.iala raytam to Olooferr; • “n»«l at tote*;, U>» ou p>oot at book feolin 10.140 teo* te. 1041x404.01 .. (I*o»o io te. 4U4. ,o,fe al te. I owrm ■oaol atotete. out oos tw*.x. ,Mwl ft., ordy 1 >fc aaaa aoii fevo tko .fetec, aniatjaal tor tea liloo, oo teo imw te <{amk. ot 10 o'oioek lonomr. CNCLAND. lo«» > Uaeotetter A- TV. oeqoatebuo 4 ktr.aaM duoaood toil try Knfttefel bx Uta •ooapteted by aooUort Tb. rmtl toduig. —te. rirfe bat tenant atr-noa daotrojod 03 orb prnpartr osd aoma hr<«. Tba Pnoea of Woiao' ijsptoloa .bow tto« bo* ateo.l j lofaataoaDt. Tba pobho fe 1X0440 boa tuaooaroblT aatfe.Ul FRANCE. Proto, Dooootbnr i.—A fell uteonxt&g u mnrwaiiiit oreoJoUoo of tea Book of Franca “rjzu* (bat I (aka ia Aaaaola 00.1 tea Prteoa .ta JokortUs bora ioUmoted to Tbiara thaw i0ta014440 to toko nli in tea Drpataaa. to obteb te-T bora baa*, atectod. ALABAMA. *■ ■*. Daoatebar A —Tba Aftnooltoroi Coacrau teal to tela mtj 10-d*j ifea nmtoa (men Aantnrkj. Soate Combno. K rte Coraiino. Oooqno. Taonaaoxa and Aloloma wara prroroL llalaoaxaa or. aUU omrufe. Ao impnrtool to ooUcipotod. Tfe feayatelity of tea city sea horn ax(.44.1.1 GoooroJ loir ton. of S.,ote Carol, a*. vtU ol irate teo Cooyrtoi ol 11 o'clock to-ourroa ITALV^ Kon. Daoom bar S.— Tba Promaltfottoo of u an-yctteol tetter from lb- Pop- aaro.nat tea to aloitetaoo of tfe Itolioo I'orltooiM.l m ftotoa to rxpaetod 0000. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. WASHINGTON. w AUfIWTM, December fa—Tbe fallowing is the weather synopms: The area of the low sot barometer has moved since Monday after noon northeastward over Nova Scotia be yond oar stations. Bnak and high north west winds eoofiaoe from Lake Lne to New Jevasy and Mains, with snow on the lower fakes, but elear weather on tbe Atlantic coast TVs winds have subsided on tbe upper fakaa and sooth of Fsaasvlvanta. and have veered to the south from Texas to lake Superior. 1 The highfio* barometer is oontrai in Tennessee and |Mississippi An area of low premure with cloudy weather and rising temperature has advanced seat ward into Nebraska and Itakotah Kara continues in Oregon. Clear weather in California. FoonaJuumL Tbe barometer will proba bty nee oo Wednesday in the Middle and Fi Mot Mum, and to a lam exteat ta the booth Atlantic Stales. A falling barometer through the Mississippi valley, with an in wreass of * Fatherly winds, threatening wsatber and possibly rain on ths bioiorai and Texas coasta There will be cloudy wvalher from Arkansas to Lake Michigan and westward. Northwest winds are back to southwest with s ns*eg temperature, and on ths lower lake* with eioody and clearing wsauier. Warning signals are ordered, and oouu.mary continue this evening at Cap* May, New Lon don. Boston, Oswego, Rochester. Buffalo, Cleveland and Toledo CURA. Hiuyl December fa -Moreno, ths sue ceasor of Roberta, has seen mod go vermorshrp of Havana. An ufiftraal telegram from Madral denies the report of the removal of V aim seed a Beveral prominent insurgents have surren dered. Among them Gen. Garneßo Pam>. V areas and the two Rinas Others have leaned manifestos at Fnerto, Principe and other places, to the«r coautrymcu, saying that the revolution is finished, and calling on all to fay down their arm# It is reported that Crjoim also surrendered This is considered important, as he nan th# ear resent of the noted rebel leader Pane fa Vega, who was incapacitated for eervioe. TVs public confidence of the city is being restored, and the people are pisses ! that Vai masnia is lo remain as Captain General. FRANCE. Fajus, December fa- The National Assem bly effected au organisation by re-elecUng President Greevy. an,Lobe Yioe 'Presidents of the last, as ths leg* acted repreoentaUves of the people The Matas of the Orleans Princes promises to be onv of the leading questions before the Assembly. The FTaaide&t, with his well known can Bonuses, hesitates to commit himoelf on sub jects so productive of La Hepabhque LVanoame, a radical organ, my* ths Left will not take the initiative in moving the return of the Assembly and Gov ernment to Fans, bat there is no reason to doubt that the removal will be effected during this session. NEW YORK. Aloavt, December fa -Judge Learned W. Chambers to-day heard the argument on a motion to reduce the bail required of Tweed. Uoa Jno. H. Reynold* and Mr. Htaughton appeared for the praeecauon, and Hoc. fa J. Til den in opposition. FOB hal,e, TWO UNIMPROVED LOTS O.V McDOSOCUU BTRXXT. on u im rut rmojrr bt tta nr kbit. Prloe. »080. Tb. otbw x » nn rbust tj tat nn vtxr Prloo. MOO. TEHMM EAHY. IS Fart Altej la Ur rr«r »f both Loti. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE- U| Uk LE A A PERRINS’ SAV V E Pmooenora ©7 *x>on >iasvur* •■ 1 li K ORLY GOOD IADCI. M It Lmprows oppettw mnd SfveOoe. mad tt Is aatt ni«>t fa its flexor. W» ar* dirvtad hy Mem Lita A PKBBISS to proMcvu oU pftrUM aosAine or ***4iac ooeatorfMts. jum mtrtva no**. art ItakMa X«vats. X*v Yar* ASSIUNKEV SALK. By vtfte# oi as error tamed bv the koeaeoWe fa* L’atfted Melee Coart. fur Ike Xertiwa Uslrtct es (keorsta will be sold AT PITH Lie; OUTCRY, ox Tdxnir. n.o.mb»r 10. IB7l * ooawaaoixo at w o'clock. mat oomaaalm, tram Jv •» .((fe tete kote. r -0..U7 «<H *7 talmama k kteteferr. te iLartwr oppeMM the ■ lei belt Boeee, m htlaata. ita. the ea yre M*«ch o i fouds ta la part at Hate. Caps Tmmi», f«r», I'tebrrllte, IwU, Mm, Ac. rntm m amltmm tram fey to te» mfl «B te fete* to Btel ■ to. i""»—T at teitote. tek l>»te»teg. teeftk WHOLE NO. IM6. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ r *W b 11 i*. »Sy Hym&m ■ "*y <iM * ■ 111 ■ a* nuuoimm aid atlavta WINK AND LKJI OB CO., Xo. 3 l.mnMr HtocW. \iramjSAij DB.AI m n* rru wira on*. IT hSLAhuLMM »od viuiia 4m a< 0. W. AD.lltt, Auctioneer. |MO Rpßtdenoe LotH ! IWTU. Mil oa Ok. paamm.. m TlnMtr. tk. fM M I riM t. Ik. Itkinil. ntinr , * " »».!■» LM. MMil am Ik. Ml Ml °* Hv I MUM MMM. . IMI Mlk o« U C. Valla' , pboo TW« Ite te sail. ud or* vuhia U— thon •or yw-Sa of 14* Utm( fcutruud brl W will b- Mid »V*4 tte pnrtlac* of lh« ate* I tew uud >tei<te4»piaite>»Miai«lnii I —J* «o oa bad An *IU. It Ban —a»r lAm, MMt IsuA oat lor >arpm Torroo— Half Mh . Mamie throo ax—tte. w\th “*»«• O. W. aDaIB. tec A-71 ■—* imu ■« G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Q» TUESDAY. Um IMA faint. I will —0 thaw 19 •1 ktedtd Vm ted lidwirt Lou 04 tte UM to ho Mn«« Railway, M ** btf pootcrm. on lo&g tint*. Ort • |M Md cxtetae to«m Who. tec i| O. W ADAIB. CA. W. AX3AIH. Auo'r. J WILL SELL, thio anniQf at W oaiocA. ta front Oi my te. tow aplomtut yaaa« MULES and a MW WAOOB aad HARNESS—*2! ta ftrat rab eoadlfcoa— Wiiif tte uaa and Dr tte oaflaoor -otpo of tte •Aoorjlo V«to» teairoad. Q V. ADAUL tec Alt 7 PUBLIC M HOOLS. fTNHW o—taoH tor Toaatero la too Pabtto X Mltei will bo hold ta too HaU of too b«Ud»n«. w«ter of Whitehall aad Haatar atrooto, fte A tetealloo' Dry •tenteDtorw, third tear, and tat •! too Iry torooi Moot. no aroteabj adrortted. Ooadldatoo oro wpoeted to ho prwMl at • Vetoed, thoa t Woitoiwday) ■oratap By ardor of tte Baord. B MALLOW. NOTICE. teaoiTiß, That too Into Ttaaatfai of too Weatora •ad Atbattr Bailroad. aad otter oSteora oa4 a«octa of •tod mad. pay !■ ml lately ooar to tte Trawrar of too Dtoto of (toorfto too halnaaaa la thoir teate botoaatau to too ated lata of Ooorgta. teta« ite—rmtegato too Wniari aad Attante teilroad white ta p—ia to —*l Mato. Raaarvo mama. Thai otod hte TV—lar. aad tohor oteai aad fall to otod Waters aad If Matte Btotooad. ohaU not pay to aay to too |te toteor* of ted read, or to noy to tte y i—aa sow cteaatac to bo adteoca to ted rood, or to aay ; irawaa ipy hated by Btoao B Bathwh. hte Oorwnor. aa Oautelten to kwh tato tte atoatr* to aatd road, or tui'cAir parses rfcfMno. aay part or porttoai to tte ted faaxna rearms*. That too Troooarwr to tola State. oaß opoa tte lalo Tr—onr-r aad otter nAoora and apaata of tte Wooaoea aad Aibath Railroad ba steaty, aad fa—sad to tote tooln bn —of aooaoj oo dao to too tote oa oterro aot forth. Paenx>si>, That aothtag ta too fbtwfoiaf rasotu tea ho ana lira 11 ao ospraoata* too mom of thta aad agoato wo tte iwal hateaoM dao IAMBS M. SMITH. Bprater to too Hoaoo to teproo—liroo J D. waddkll. Clark of too Hon—of Eopr—oabtiTn. L W T&AMMZLL. hwhatof too Baata T. W J. SILL, teenrtary of too Soate. Anrwrad. B iro—bar 17, ltTl. BENJAMIN CORLEY. Governor EXBCTTTVB DEBABTMBXT. Hum, (li . Wnwaaabor 9. HOt L S H. ALkir.ooa. lirr—fT of too ExocsUro Dd ti art—aa Ado h—by corufy. toot too lufagaai oad wuhia. to a trwo aad comet ropy of a rooolatwa pa—od by tte Aoooroi Ao—aa Ely ot lioprcaaat oateoa. •b 4 ipprwol by tha tojoaranr. B. H. ATBIWSON. Soeroiary EsoeaW— I Sparta lit STATE TRJLASrBEB'S OITICI. iTum. Go., WoToaater ». ISTI. so ibr Lota opcm aod d#aata da drroart «rO* te Sna la nnwphaaw with too tarafoiac roouiauoao. Min Iby both H—oa a. aad ahprorod by too Oory aor. tt teeoaa— aay duty to do—an.l to yoa too pay aoat to too TV—ror to too Btte of Goorgto. too holaano raaaafntat ta ywar haado hak—la» to tte 9teo to Ooorfhk bataa too to too Waters o—te Aad l sow dooaoad of aoch oad all of yoa. tte aotal ndbnini aad a#*nta ao in arroara too tianaodlato payuaoet mto too Sate TVaaoary tte fall ho bn no of X. I. ABOtUL 8— TVs—arar. AHIATIC FOWLS Jl specialty. \f T fITOCI or BBAVMAS AWD OOCMTWS IS for trot cb— —rty haarbod opocuaono. either for •«- at r 80. i Sooth ldth Stroot. Phibdalphb, Ph Tte aheoo teah woro shat Pra—hte obwn at tte Do—ter. ufrSk Bihlhibna ta Sow Tart, aad Firrt for 1— ywted teh at tte bat PhißuMpbla Exhibi ts*. nad rtr— Prawtuai at QubAharya Park. Oeaoter ML ini J. i MOLMBB. Asoai.^ NEW gOUT E ■•Mir, Hrw l)rl«i»v Tk-kOarf, ul TeUL BLUE MOUNTAIN ROUTE TU .■I . i noil mmd DA LTD* RiIUIOAD akp m com TiriM nutnuui ksrttf in* »r «k* • a. u. ImTi V .-Mr. MUMKMImA MltM . Am. M»- «• mmtnt AainkM »«k Flit EXPIUDik TkAUI at fckl. kMk. mt DU. ..~l WTITIBk M kl.l D • U r ■ Mil Mll«| r i,k* kmkUi vtlk kU at Atmlbamm (kul rn rami.amnmt M MU. 1a- K. l.rikM., HA* . . )«>■: U, Mil l ik.ll«l». .nurtk MM tt RMA U Ml All kill I MkU MHU M iry. 1 U r. v. ■, Anil T at .. v.) OrliM. IV .. V. Tte |U kM kMk mMU .uHf.A uA «U UUk* mM WMf Ik M. Ul> Mr ■mi* mA kM« tt to*. ridlTr ton «k "axTuLOW uky u; mUWITE. l-ir n~ MM «—■ U Inin) IkM Mk.llVl I. IlMUfllrU. xmv ». MCI k. o. unir oiv.Ml MU' i i-i MO ItoM TV TU MVmcT OOCBT <» TKV OVtTVD 1 RATS PUB TU lUJ9TUMMM DIVTmiCT (£ lbktrva *. Ad Abasia. Ro— ter S, WIJ. TkM t. M g>M MM M » »«U. MJlto 2ii‘asr jcss. rrrijs. k 2 Jr cWCiSSSVS £!£-"• BOdi E fOflM. IteSSM biMIWO MrwaS fdroot. AilaatajO— t|l».