Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 31, 1871, Image 2

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DAILY NEW KfcU. a<•** 1 1 ■ Wiiil «* '+**• * «.f NI N 41, t.M *'T, T#* I'm** »■#»* «*•» »**< <*»*««» «•>» »*lf «* —*»»•■ Rmr •«.»»». iTUlft, «ii tt m< mmut at, ion. A I— - »•' •nw'iftii' ■ - l-r... *— 'M« iMlilil Omni Hfcwn m 4 U«l<ii«» * f i Owl nit »M r.»» l»«i ttawU' Tli nral ml Uw oi| C I* V»il*fk4tf A»a«* Im »i« I ' —i mfi itJifniM. la o»f> fc. T\ nxuttrl O.t i. A.rli.ta «t Um IMimU mil ~T •* **> • ««»< ta* ks IVwiln-l WttUnflw •>•»< pm l>; kit Mlinn . A|ll wi H net t nu VMr M~im« «t«M jrmn I t On Jnkm. *r-d thr Altu-» f.a..t ita’li jm St) »w •>»» ur 1 . II ■ .Li t—svtty m wrlewly l>y tk» <'* _ Ukm iltartnw wiim It* Tf—«"'» M w .bo M*n»‘tf ’! lij*tt, »* ' ■ rotter* -it no*. *c*i r.*t oil ruountc o.lra.t.ttir** -■ •fit. Ho-aiol-ar WtkmlUit owt J ii. * *>»"• "tt— ' W*r*i*.. t pt»—)!• **t*| *•' ll*t rt*(aOitß ,* Mr AfeNmto ** AM <r»rj lliMUi* u n#O.U.i t • 4U|> ' fa* nri*» tb »%• efittrta to pa ah «*» tntoiro. la4>«t ff U#l wr« UhO Uto 1-MB.Ut ett U • Mpr*w. Ttenovaaut fK: AA#rwt*b. J#V* Will 1*1.• »JJ tot to toM r#wi--»• • * <i«b#rw,6.M Uta* ; Ik* tonavr WWV Ms mi Wag Us# U# ■*-%.»•< thro# <»*« j trail »f TW l jul f«'*i*i# f Ut* A*Ua A»4 r • fnin'.* f -a# ro! «nt*» t!,*t t. «o t»*j r» tltl w» Ml oeU't but yit TL#fa> bill hr W» ai**l«' ■Mast t • ■*- ■ Ht-'nt - . *’ * ■”*at<v* •* ''%ro#■ . 3?:L Auotlit r story, iu connwoUou with Its* r** ' igwalion of Mr Akerman. out a* »«■!! !>e contradicted It I*, that M: Akrrtuaa wither Lad applied I >t. r iriUoJed rc*ktc*; »[ p i ‘ Won for. tl. wiUoo n w %-t aocrpUU} by Judge Lraki&e. Thu is simply a lu> out of «bt <« cloth. Tbtr never **« the khgbtesl founda’ion fir the dander. and the parties wLj ait err l »t and mbtiero knew it m j the tin**. ** Oar \arlhcr« Frlrb4». ' Trn« to th« low in.’jncU ■ f ** the N >rti. rz | Ihnu^rs-jr.” aj c*.iri. th# N«*« \*»fk W.>r.*l! OppAN tba Aohi I • now In'! <r*> l'. lookiu< to the >* ‘fi'-i J '’.i <;• of it *;r-At li •* r ftU 'T**-. r. . V • “ C»ti* \ y Ci. * - meot aiJ A,. »vt«r.'4 -. . ■ to tho t . Alra Uim of N r'.li <u IVcifio lluiv*; • N rti. •rn and > s :»»p M>n * * a if the i&Kfaat of tin*:'* tu.l o 1 rapt cKKBbiUA'a n« .Wi i' ***>'.. the World hat Ailtrocttr I aa 1 i* cr<’r tn% !▼ to *i. = m t Hut Wa la* |»<i;ha of tHi oUi aa.l »Vw»trrn Sute* A % k ( r a aaia »p- ' proprut i to. (or l.e c\ o »tr.of a* cAca> c.mttivSi. j; ti*«- pp* tr.ih , tho AiUr.'i. ao 1 lua* opwaiug to the mart«U M the w thw pmdAcUQQA A»d c m mere* «>f «Ma« throe . far SU?r* thi* . r;o i>f tli NorUiijt* V <r o,’ <t*. and -* IBNTI A>Dul ' him" AU*I •. • * i aAi! Qrn Iwatm lLal Ha- .*/ v a®** w! h N 'rthem DetBOCTAU btovo f ■ t. « m u that wLi h H<» BAnl lu 1 f r I v aa* to iUw cLeatnnta from hot toWt" ? WaalhtiM l In i w*a»%- »«n> Htrto l»t«- Q«.« Laat the UtOia > i A** a- art.. U» w%artaf tfi wr ixiikrni <Uu»* U* al t»*‘. >**♦*•»>. «rh - MT» hr a r*rr ‘way » » mi trr tw Utmtirt nrwai timn. • f»- twAnaimy fw Awn.)*. Vj Um dUAenMat T*i*\*r atittiet 4Anc< Um* war aal atatir* m a fn, tfiai A „ "W(«I tTMIhA Wk»»- Ale.l app ii fl f r •Ach tts4.-aub.t7 *t» 1 AdiWatf i tb*7 Aetrr vOtaci! ttM tA •■ tb* whffcA" w »yap»ttii*l wtu It: £1 »• fta»ipr*bb.l**y aTaufjlbrf t.'* «» t-i tain th« a) (»b fhaa tS - mom j*;er that ad tfcra- <*•’ * r»bj« to fT"*« f-ief .( air :;* ! f • their- 1‘ jdbJ«»aat» bt* I ;c -Ati*e«i i tur- »-i -■ • t ' ewe b- ’n-nt lb* lit «tl.t la«t'r t t-- I* wiiiJ ’uw beoa r*- * rrhalafd' iwal. «4 far tfc bora / th—* c-bti-r ahi*<f*i -d»a» ’■ *» m tar •- Ufc* W*r'bbift4 ‘ ' tto* war If tfcrw* » bay a» •laei'i a t tMH* tt.'n at ,1 b <oaeb •“ .. ! *«<-. »» r‘ ■ar—cnii . ntsM'tanj’i aa*t Inifcia» f m tie** err* tar* wto >. tow tto Ala «i a an ! a•f - r of •haws* ir» fl«AJta| -w tL- h. *at Wial - «ti * a The lt»t to which rwftft-o*** i* . ’ t l . It within the rvwch of All wh tsu\ «1> .L It w*a (mhltbhnl m ihm? of ti.. •* *4>mw two t*r thm week* «tt*c* IU(m« tWffbtrrh. Bclui r.L What i crowd ts v. hal towed AM>' an r.a cling to tLi* &a&ic ’ The y. luiiiiyaltW fiaa.xi /sf i>vs u at. i Lal Uk# ir««» in the m.nii* of hoatbrrt IVoj.ktaU, aa>< I IfartMcl. wh«c ItM Irik till thoj ItllMi **Ar»ld" bj I\.moot. JVlta' it MrntJ to cii-rcite an jmtbnoaa infiamc*. t> 4 over lL«- World ts*WAjAj-r oulv.bat » *. r Tai-uiai v itAblf. WoH, Belmont Sa- tnnic-i np H ! A|-pt'An a wt- Mayor !I*l!’a chi's rhan j;. o Hall, And Tweed Lho ** Boam’ arc y«»k« fol * a Tweed Ham lUL lla i r. n'aiu*. but U in (vmatAnt fijwrution of Arr««t. Ih4» ut.J who iwm« to aucceei! ts> Tweed a*. t« AbtUtog a* Diw*prj.en to W 'tk io L . 1 own And Hall i de(«n*> a- ex'- svajurAU will pnx^tn* H« U aqrece«l.n; A«imir«bly The B n*: fee 1 * A tinge c*f cno uragcniftit If IVlmont can rctAln hi* position aa one of tb«* l«-A»lera of U.e New York Democracy, and. at the earn* luuc, be the As*An* of salvation to Hall, then Tana many retire*. I; will etpect to c otnd tb« nominating i' t»tent»i*n. The only cor 'a tioo foe booeat men th*n will l-e that tb«- party iteeif U bopieny dead—that lU m».- cow ie not among the remote probaU itiea A tllbck AWeefs in JoaraalMm. Mr. Henry ••heteclin. editor of the N -if * Journal, ek'ptsl the othar day with a ebarru tog yooug lady .*( tbia c:»r, sod aai!« and f>r T.arvpe. leaving a wife and a;i childn r ! hind, whareufsco the Ualeigh North ian A*l4lic*« in the following diAr.iaraging NWMltl We know Henry Gbeteelin well. A c. »»• , neeooip’if.tsMl gentlemac wvrt lire*! to N r- i ftolk. Hef«>r* lie Iwwran ediung U»e loorsal h# wwe % coti. a factor in that ev▼ N rrr wonM W 4 ■ bl.ttnl it of kita Mr GhetaUn waa ’ owe of tu« ctiial A»ovusg a|*«nu that WtoogLt BjMlbiet Walker to the cctensai vul chair oX t Jtegiwut. But ke • timed r«Bt«'r • That • what k ndn. tim W, Bn ai<.r* ,ml aon bbiuAiJ »«RD &*f Ibbl «« ill*, lixhl ntUi** ÜBRlil I.) | m\M V***.* on tbiii *ii f.‘.);» mill <«t 1 j|« lU* CMIU. Hk.. Tin 18.1 *1 18, P**l )«.i ;..lai ■swill IT m-m.l !•< ihTI ra*ui.> f tint? «**"» "I *P'M *I‘W («t!.r *j t .mo*l 4Mb lUnrt... »p.l jlnmli».r. li.w .1,1 uAßpsak. Aatirr *m« Tl*ub*« k Tl). lut <•• m < .« i s . I . . m,l*o> tiirtuul l'i«i. i.** ■Hi Ai.rt*t*.» Jin... Toller *i».l kWAWMA '** 1 Tlrfr. hsn bH- Ewaiw*»v u* iu. > ~ xnt.ii i.: bb‘ i ’ -i ah* ■a va» waa* Ww*b Wane AM ■ i ibnn an j Jh - Is* im a«**k* A—. •> >b. «r ik* t*n> Ml • sssb* »»«• * ik» M-»A*d Jwmi*. t> n<W a* • A '.lm U*Bk k* la *. .w V n.n3 's... *SS> M* *• >**M <* Ik, imfmt ■* MS*t ■■■in. «s*»,vb-« Mm ib»w'SBW—'« «* i l«w# t. wn noth an a f HWihiwb' ten I earv-nanelb-cea »ngt*«ov% •■lb tt* and ca»i'b i»*‘ naib nae» nevvare bj tba •* j |-rwcMM Mamb bv fc*v •*» tb* f**a« mat *4 j !U e Went, and -Is A*da*w# »y«4 e swn.enl a# ? j y4wibcne»W) that Hut p »rh’», is wene fciwa oe : «<Mr tA contreapiAte-l by iM ■»«> wtty i« * * | uea >wn! Am+mhi* *rbla Htn tWt «mu 1 1 *°*‘ W **~ r ' M 1 | paW-c t«nf k nee end ra J valaal rtad.t awt nf fti am .»• h tb tb t&iai. that , M t»r*t t > U*-{a 1 atton. la iu nchU id rt l -•# t? e*r be!i* r ; *. ■ meat Det tty* •IU be for a acriboa - alj When an k if at !/»- *. -n i« had *rd dimvro kc ««we ad want Uu» ur ai .id , imi i*. t: at tLe rmlitofa Os lh- Mate n<re%4 have 11. ap irthen bi It; t x.* n ( cr* lit .%t *id will •after an l with 'h*« ad kaaiu w ialere*t» U e ha r i tl. i a f OWQ aK ttl ti.i* I toad l- ■ , *UT i ar whli’u although we a. * • i ■ « f*. tv other than • w,.i Ue AaUsU’ivlied by the c. con n-cicii with the intent r %' a a-it procce^l* 1' : tfc:* we I*at# Lad no . mmeu** to offer Tbv - • a 1.1 n.- txt qaichea* by ! lair tAV4«U_ xli a All t trath U What i» n*edrd jo»t now IM * tL< ref r r tl. Nr a \ ear WilL fi rtiraji. kc.l m * * <»B rafpoß* ip c rr<- ra ; *£--•.«, * * *my ir* tmt-t. »-*t enk a filvd j arpoeb 1.. :• -BUrUia pf»po*itn»na for Kej ndvitj - v J. uiHbit.i t«j 1.. • > It.- r.ii.*, >v, Tke c '.*i. ; »-4 th -sate ’ • hur ChMB brr 0 »r- • f ' C a: « of Ni« \ »» • t is-t, tut, one 'organ i Nn \JiV* o*Jy Tb* World if r.’nv- k. *«.* wxtii the faction in this. .... . • ! cr . A . ... 1 .... watt tv Lal V’..* W rid La* tn-en r: r . . 1 • &»aAvi*lly with tL- Ta i-.s ~ ■ . v'.ea k& wa a# tl- r.-. x«-.t .» It i* tt.. *- r •■'• dl> t*e a sirtk V.i srfcj *S Tr.l..;«* ;v\ .- t.. f- 'it t sr*i tttiou the I ' La S L.i ■ •. . l lmiu-a» : :• . ■ ' t-. & as. liu N * \ * tV.y and now we hare ad.>*.. 'I '' t; t- ;; I'em '••■rat, cow # :r*• mtl IV *i v UI It u tLia That Mr. tins: ntir aft r t. . election of i l i: a. ;T • •' ‘ ' ‘ 1 aci-Jm-t |> •* -re waoU 1 M hii.i r.ov <*«. aud V.t t* ‘ ! tlikt he a u*d ,* t i,vU « j „ Aid if *ry • n ther^nfWr the \u, na a priori; :« S4tw*>pt«ct to Uua. Mr (.it *Uy * j ‘.i :;? u, u..aal. a, l-y some Sccbtttu - -Ve h•» e, ts r Al parties who what * , r . . it |«, Usal the Tribune in i.i t Bui w*r cpiO 'every man * at I' m ippTioUit !to l i ,i « i.- . • .rt Sea V rk j Cat ai! .! X. • »’.' W..* the MnMb-4 of a 'v .i: « *ul p ai ra ' ’ for A.; ofSt a. ■.. 1-. i. • t«- xrae .tiij li-n a pmnaptaa of c ; ; . a. .. ** Lb* r . Utn Uk- he wt <• matter cat f the hand* of lu* l‘rw,iiut. A.d t e fact that thia j r *;> « i u ChamUr c'.'iatoi.t- Irw Uto be c txij- <d ivf Seuatora atita)p>aLe tical to tb« Li - “ a rtUi-a, gsvee it au ap- , pcarat; . a u p .. *1 m»- ;vrc and m the inters * V. <>*'• 'N <• - Urtn 1 pr.ncij t*l I W* regr t Hat t . ,Dr* > ’ ut! fn. r •*. -uld have vuiiuiu. i Mr. (.. -i It U- rusoed I the political j.Mej*cvtv < f other an l abler aieo 'than the Tn! nv* an! that it Laa a.reaiJy it. r« !Mr tin i * i-C..'. *« a i p'nrna -t - -jute apparect to h*e ?neo-K | *t««i«tr tMU .b ansf .lWe !**... The coniawltee of j 'itic.a'.* 'r m New - who waited nj-oa Sotlur Wilwoo. of Ma**ach i*.#i's *m. woki, a&4 Ui4l J - : r.M**- 1 ' . t».- *♦ .tr, ! .rd iH- rer of tb- Admin em:; *o •*! %♦-»*» j * tym 1 < «?2. awr*. t ? Lav.- met w.tb el l c r.f'it lb- s--.*‘,4 i. r ;Mfted aa ». auch a mp«QM a* tffecta a. s (vT-iU • ) » 1 fart Lax ; rtomiv and rwhich w. m prvbat-xlity. taaka tLe m*J ' eouUnte more .-»rr.iw.*’«*ot iu the fatore 1 Mr \V *q* 1. • . 1 *.-i *ru 10 part of Lie reiigi ia II- u - - of th+ f 'atnUre of i th# y ll* i\ :.» ! v. ... it triam- 1 phant. lie haa liv#.l to see it* enrSmal 1 pnac.p.o iLCt.i xri, »u! » I.• Fao-U 1 mrnta! lav cf th * !\r.l H« .« u . t, there- I » In view cf tbi» hlt> trarea -tt >«.l y the New Ia • '' • • 1 »- • it* failure it i* c* ral that Mr NN ida- •»* s re cent r*j.««»v a* of, ln.ii ,t ftb Ad miuibtraik »n. aloukl call forth the auatLexaa* of the World o« pa;« Va- and iUfeabier ecboM in ©:her Sutea. a: i\ rtt. ronTMi*. Nark Twain tariaus 111, Eip„| mtm . m Mark Twain get* off th 'lvvsc.- I reported on that n» rr.iog newapaj,, f tL. ee ymr* an ! it t*. pfAtty lari wort l! a t I •njoyed lie Attract! rtsog i» ihe aci. --I iq the world Li k • * kttuwi«,lg # r.f Lu AkAn I bitty, bniuan kallW, tt4 kayb*is e«y«. ‘ A me*, g-o liana it r* porter I ruak- uo rebreocv »« well treated by ev«ryho>ty Just think of the wide range <-I L<# aei|natntacee- ! •hip. hie etiMf kbfteb •»/ life and ninety * So ©xh»r occupation bneg* a man iato mm-L I a w-.*ide reitfi n* with *ll grade* and , eiaa*e« « f pwopU. The l*bt Uttag at asgLt I MiduigLt begot* l r-iw •• g aro«t><l after itr u;« i am--eg ysotire and tail birds, ia th# lock-op . qataTiuttioa the pmottera. and making Uit i ln K fr.eodahijn «ilk boo* of the wotwt (ieo|-!e lia the world (InngLtrr ] And the v*rr ttei? evetnog hi get* Ltmaeif up regardkew of' • T pen at pc:* ou ail th# gr*Kl rloUvea hie I fnonde have y« (laogatwv >, gaeo and tahew j dinner with tin (1- tern- r, c t tl »• r -rntr.%n,ier ■ la chief of Ik# dutrie*. the Uaited Statna ! SeCMbi* r and some AW of iLv. epjwr of aottity. H# w <-n p»d «rtiu# wtih all of them, and te fwaorr.t at pel's. ».»«I#e taf. and baa oa»v arce*a t«> every varserfy r 4 yople Why. 1 brew* Blkt ft i IB.—I „.TJ MonaiK Will Ik* k»> —rsu. Si*«t -l i, ll>« iWlTTBrnr tr,4 «W-j.» m Ik* .I*l ft. * t fc««* ILbmWi.l k nptrrim baa to be a liub. al near**. *« 1 tboy »uald diaabary ba. lUt te the cnJy A». wWa «e Ob* f* TW la why i feoP «•. ifbttiidipw ) Ih» mbn ■ii ’ W* fUidP* Tb*** a btfW. amd y(»- iMdlw I v4nhfi W* ■or*"» KT l tta* tta W f «mw\ ! I>et of ' fbydi i tafcwe-^rtoa. ww ks b P»f •»> M— *be ott I“H la bad b'<N •* *OAf bad l*w» i«db#bft«a* »* <b * * «"■*» tm wa ik#a b mmomm* I th**a tkai he a waa u> toll a tta tb* b# -wa t aab a*rvt> *4 tv tl te wenetg [!«<>() ) a a tiairooiti itoaia jna* at a t ■ ■Asset tMbM t bk»* .s Nm lets* INrv* HMm# V ■ #>il * AIMW« A • Wi-»i 1 --HI- *« TMW. • Wey-eajj )Wai*tt »* A**w*«tt foe tha 'MTbokiy of t«*ti«*g b*ewaa sad la Ike v«*j-*r* If * ibe V w l.vfe Lrk • ’ w’-t i-styab I pM - u<w #f I >• *«ai tea t* a ia«uie of aaU-oaww ttO t. b* • A Lama tj a4 •c btarien they ccawtttfs* #v#»v rvyewlA br the I «wHL and mkK«l af ibe kwwa The s#kUU*e and drainage are et«wiUw»t I..»♦»» eta*; baa a fab* bar throw*k * b »<■ fc *’. rwfaav }ww il« a ash doe* of c* iweai. wWeice it i* carrvad mtc th« Arwcra Tb* and *-*r ott which the brw *iaud* ia jertiCtlj lev*L avHW.httji Ik# atraiiiu** «and ID tradi'kv of IN# legs cooANKito#a»t ! •taadtag on an ;b lis#4 aarfarw Tb* mJn of the la r.» arw *d MAfdh |aumU, *ih k pee went ao k hi l,e the b rwr ts *e»r wi,j, 7.7# Ueiiv a.i t U.ov in i, in# tog ihe hat da of t itit.g and -'erddnsj; ’ The partitiotta arw fam.d high etkowgb t » | r»ernt tba bww ft* m aaacyxag ie h other, th# dr. « • - • k - , • . . around (he bauldmg. • u a tauMrk walk tor #terQS«r-g tu'e b«w#c ia U* l w-ath«t. k*« ry appkiancw that rv-uid paeUy redact lat<or and unprv %e the eooditi n os the h rw,a , La# lw-( a a*l | ltd The ftr»* bor*e th# vnutor m-jn • # hn >• IN list. UQ.iiMiUally the ktgbe»i l_xje id the \a»n an trotter It# i# a brown h t*. with ‘ whit * i. grn. atawkU l*u baud* high, and i« 13 xcans oil Hi* Load and neck ar* fin* !y K*rm •tl, hie #>*• t»»; .ian(, hi* ah->«! l, i* well placed. Lie b*K» A“d fret firnx. at: ! h.® Uok and lctt» jv werfa! I’ *r * hoeve f Lie •«*-, Iu (lugha axe uua.-'U* It is aim *1 cuiftec*?* 1 •ary lo aiiude to Li* breeding 11# van W traced U* imported M#a**#,gwr ;i tl. -nr*- uie, auJ lo iai|Ksrl«Hl lh >tu*d (tke w:nn«*r ‘ the first Koyjliah lVrl-y oa the dam * »J# lit vi« first trained t>y li.raru N'.Hdniff. and it ;e n t a bttiw siagwar luax in Mr l» tiurr'v Ua ' which Hiram Woodruff made the beet lime ihe tv*r cuadc ;a hi* life. Jnexr.g t! * former iiu hart.r«M and ihe latter t-> wag : ,u J 2. { w"dr r* i;* !t 4 r* IN r** , ■I v. pi Ur deve. rd. th ••T.-U Lv h\d ajr. ,U t. ’. but even tl *■ - 1*» 1 w ln< h L- i > ! •* u l u akak-* uud' r th-* aad l - u li. h- 1 .■» ■ . aaUd p*- i m. Ibttrr * r \ t * heat k tii a. the h 'me wa* not al 1 eed to ,Vm that reoorvL It h net A*~<ri«d. h »e*« r. that he l* voutied t*' the record cf 2 In a« a wtuntog ro r f lit that ta;u*lj hi* du x* t: ro. t! of a patsUe jsc.rfortaar. - Hu l l iX hi* ha* *tated thax he sir v- Lmu tn j Mi iu pnvat#. while m a pql'li • race te : dr *« Ii a ia 2 IT;, and a ha.f oui.ja 1 • ' <r*d ja*tge*» beiiex* that by far L.e groateat ! *fl:»via*ut »»* tb# day when Mr Hn-nerj tlr ve him ca the l'roepieet Hark (Vtutwe, ! w . . and •' »er dl { • ■ i ill—a |K*rf :a*A- wL.i'h, n »i Ur.-.g r*.,- wwigV.t -■ irrtcsi and the »Ute of the tra- * ••** J U It ia and « f>or year* au»c, Mr Ik.r.u#r gave L.* ch»** k for f U -**» i r iVtlir. and w.lLdrew the Lot*e fr :a the las and there u little 4o«U that DeiWr* »p#w.l i# gT>at«r Dow thafi it wm when b* trotted in* • IT; in 1> iff*: m the hande v |i jd 1 Ik !*«• u tea Mr b Tiftrr 5 ircLa.vil box . wa* van! that he w--aid l*w valaeWa, a* he c* u*d n t te 1 driven with ■ofety ou the mad Hal ktadueew j an 1 jfCMvi ciaoagv-nu*-';? pr duel their leg inok»(* raanit# ao 1 M; U uo«e ilrxv## y-- rwfttlarly n the rna-! and the u. . ( • ■ r*i lark Iu tLe next #tall atau D th* ray nxaxc H* < r '*»» a danghu*r f Anaerican S:ar. and a \l«*tt •eogar ntare Like Ibiter. the w** l red in that unrwry lor fa<u h ra**, * rrang* county, j and like him. al%-' wa* ntaralwl 1 y Hi.*wui W Woodraff, who drove h«r ia pab.i -a Ailie ( •4 m wagoa iu J.’. a pars r.» *ue# w„ich sly IbiNr ha- #urpa*«*<t I'«-#rt«**# has j rev. and a fai arw aa a brood auare. Imi: lea :»« rite r abler wit*. Mr. It'coer. who ftett drive* h«i- d.-abie w.xh U.e veteran IrfU.;erß, the iw > majttcg a fiu* and fa«l team. LkCterti c-otoea nciL, and it t» cniy Ihe carve cf the ha*k that -hows hi* age. 1 r hi* eye i* ; aa l«ng v 4 and Id* Lev aa clean a* ■?i th# *lay | wbeu he trottw-1 h;* f*ni*'aa double tram malcfi agatrvat Ktben Allen and mat# f -nttceo year* ago. Although tweaty-ioar years old, b* t* still f*®t. and tuakea an cicelicnt c ru paoion f r lWrloe, f w Wing at- t pirn them or. the road. Ia lh* ent -ted vUtidv the Col:f>r&i» bum, I'nncoaa. th ■ r,* fan.-u* Opponent and Flora li-cnj bt «• vrae porcha-ed aa a l-nwf mar. to b# mated - with LI ward LvereU. the air* *d Joe L , -u, J.xdg# KaUcrtutt, and Sadie Startle, and ha* loog tc«a <pJite lame tut U v* vnti ijsaud < that *he wxli ava recover From her uni *:i with •prang Happy Mediant The Ooat Mack cvWt in th# a»!yming box u Membrxn - Bertie. Mr Honn*r« lalewt p>;r «!ja#c Bred by Dr II rr. cf Lexington, hen tncky. fhte c Wt a*L>Du>b#d ev«TylK>*ly by tr l Ung • mil# laat ta. 1. wb*n a t « - year old. ■ ver Ihe Idiscinaatx half an benr afterwarxl. in i4d • 110 ha* *tnee trott*»l in ‘i , hot, t; t »-*ir. ; th r oofhly awlittifrd, Mr Booner Jon. n t p*-*. {voee barrviog him ll# t« a hand* ni- resit, woniterfally --r a three year It,’ and will aasureslly nii<- a fa*t trotter in tin- ■ l'he bay hnrwe ta the next b x rank« highcl in Mr. ikmoer a ealren Thi* 1* the f nr year oi l coi t, Sturtic. by LJwanl Kvereit, which wa* purrhaaed fr ta Georg* Allay, U*t fall, f r fJtt.Om.<!ut#fv aft.-r w the three yror ’. 1 •take-, distancing h.v r\ p - " r a ha* nsAwuvc, SiQvn ar qoarur*. tn li. atiogtt.c jxiaaeaa vi> of iniro. net- power l‘*rbap« no coil ever mad* siurh rapid progmwi m trolling «}«#-! aa th-* home. f--r when t’arl Burr pur chaaa.) him, m June laat year, ha con Id c-.t beat 3 20. and in the following >k ptaiuf-et b« w n ki* firvt r*ce in Vii l***t m- oth Mr IL.cner drove b:ui a mil* cn the Fleetw- I*ark r.tnrw, on a *1 w track, to - ar and had the day and c -crw# Wwu favorah-... h# c*»ald have re»Jnce*d the liai# considerably A* Startle ie only f *nr year* old. h* has plenty ( .f lira* for maturing and improving and ex pertenmsd :dg*w beheva that, when DesttV* time of 2 16 t« earisaaae*!. Startle v* the hof*4 de*(me*l to vkv ii. Th# Imy g*l ting J.w Kmou u#»t ab ->**4 trotted a beat over the Srwaecsv <V>un S' J . In I#®, in i 34. Lie aama then \\ v ant Holt. Mr Ik>nn«r pail flO iaX) for him. and placed, huu with * ari Barr f-*v tnaii-mg A lew uioath* ag * he ma tea an !# ou th*. I i-**i wood (oatM in *i lHj Hrun>* rxwapiee th# nett box, *&J never waa in a*. H M(«ib c» n dition than now S«nc* Mr dt*>vio#« l-sught him of Mr Fbyfe be ha* grwaCy iru| rov*®l in • Asa f* nr-ys-wr **1«1 he uiade lh* b . record in a public rwc*. trotting * mil* id 'i - ■ 1;o a gale of wind With hu a*»ter, Brun*tt* he rttada also Lhs faetrat douMe-teaiu tni* having trotted a gxile iu i i--| last no tb# het *tan le r the Waoitfal daaghter of lh** faruoua nacih,: mare of th* aatx.f cam* and F.ttoan Alien A mare of ibom perfect symmetry and Iseuuty wa* never foaled h« r active when tn moth n i* tb* perfection of! IrvHliDg. combining eaee. rl*. ..r e. and •(-*#.! m an •xtraordiaai v r has Irottad ou!y oc# rac# m*. ,JoK. #!v. agaibvt lilackatona Ik-11*. at 1»- which •he wi.»n raai y It i* «aid au ■rr a larger than that naid for was paid ' r her That Mr. BOttAei sot uuatakeo. appwarw fn*m th* ( t 1 f.«.x #)., kae mare trotted a mile trad* saddle. r dd»n by John llarphy. in t 1-, ' - . , lent team mare, and then* nee in t b< mo- h enrprtae ts nvit se**»o *L« and Hr tin- make th« beet nose ever mad* t y a doubt* teen. Tarawa Bat A*. In Great Britain the Tarki.b Wih Uae ia ■any tsttaacw barn tcuodoced ix uues asy ' laaMi and workh* u#ee with highly MiUa'acUrry ' iweuUa. It Is epeken of aa |urUccla/Iy eA narioM>* a rwwradial agent 10 tb* cur# ,rs ra eaatty. while ta ewry max y pbraical <?!•#«•*# its owe hue proved ealalary Dr rittgvrald yf (he Ilttwvl lenatlr Arvleaj. after a trial #ttending through wewwa yeara aaye that it ' ha# »s**u of tb* greater benefit a- a curative agvut ta aeut* mania, aad that h* ha# seta it eteeeo#* a moat rowthtag rfirot ta many very rtrtted Caere ia tt* am bae «- ttee Aroewd of th* whgMroi Vnywry and tb* yfigfi al wayi mm «tt «o)oy the Uea of gotag htt a rv si# art ** 1 •*> brow v*. Be* Oms Ugw | hu* «•» wvsam t* B* fihw# ha m We4ytM •» a (*• wkiss- tl* * uitw la*oi*kf» dk* tv* I* 4#*•» -*■ arf *Uiiiß| She act -d .#*>■*> •Mi be mu «h»« we will gw htaa sw*h a. 1,. . *}-.* **«# tt*av rogttue B e iwi h**d|| bupe W U and awt seme* ' I*- Ii 4» MM knot his t*e»|wsr- M. at hs« ossali .van hu *• u ts whleh Twttll aufih *a| he- UwtWM bk*»y t* b* *f h.mat It * |wr *u*l au4 purohus advwro that ea*h aaav ro.ii *»-d that must be gtvww I * wwwe #ee wh* t hlMvww the c V-, wnaetaasroe ~f the naal Au* piwiti Hill ttffdi aH* fa al< ytMitg ‘ up'**’" # *u numhiug uuy arower a i t Tl-e *a .4 «a# i «xpu *W |>#ari>«* of? I- ‘,#.k Iks Mhr- » >.«l tigfc th* I gt” in |v v.l of het. 4**wbt|ww ,te ie Itf#, tt 1 •*H v til root (I, o*e who hsveaoivowg j ti m*y tw, -'-'>ri*»aat talent foe it N*» * u * ■* any art uoul he naa prw i.o# tb# ofru - s*t rrweefist pwitnig. It t« even n. :« , art ♦iu -v* -.n I'aretits aw t f*s b • k . . I BiUrvn te oar*sU. t* 1 vs-r** f'» ni ry t* ling and first rouwr * aa*s 'ti ar* ■ -ventially vs the anna* I.stare ni j ill . «--.i Dunking oa xu»# • fig t» m v* Great crwttvtsM **ay tie |-r#{afv,l • » il»viiii)B a I etu«(v sot alone in th*«r .* "\ r— rm. Hu»h as kiiv-g T.~T Uvr *KI utl prwexarwth'n of orattoo* which • u- t«* 4 a i trocn age t file } -tt,,sro »•! Aum riown life a# ? ■ r• *. t ' vprok well with. ut UU*- t. . j i*r*t .n- t language, and xbu can 1 ! and : . wtsru *sn# can cvuti&aiid hr# tl * t® »n th# tiro of an sodi*«»c* Th* ttt■ 1 tt g I. • u» gr*attyh#dj-d by aarfv and j#r - t jewcli •* Aaptraou for ,-raton * 1 • » H neghttiung the *#v#M pro- j p*mt * tt- »ttnly KM Byteisl ccraktiOM, 1 1 . t -j i rtuaity of off ti#;. • i '* » i-. 1.1 not l»e dowa«'aat al fell- O'. - I » at* n far Wttef f r the , •tn-Diit that) eocrewe*. He who pm to ■ » 1 1 * mtetakei will alwave bavs- a givod « 1 kit. ■ aod w. .u*l W iik ’.y t*» l*#< '*;u* -a. t t \ t .. ..ti tt.i-re ia a great viral r.%. % u,» : . a!t« r viiuuer apeechee. and r.-.-w .» - \ rial. n«. al! t'f which are meant yN | ’il-iu' ■Mkikgi ■>«» »ta net r »'j*ei t, t* a»' attempt l«v ca»n «- a.<‘ ■ ivi, rt* and important #n ] by the nae of r*#' ii and j , ■:•>: r. When a man ms k* hi* t • r • t a baainrettC.suveroataoß be know* .1 w at t want* and h* aeUlro with him ms 1 v what mcUu-d be will get it. Tbia is 1 t. . v, ry c* 1 -s 1f a b. and preparation for a • }-, t ki w J, f. :uiely what you wi»h to, k *a:si f an an !-*nce. ac 1 lh# raeana by which ’ • ui. <lll to , tin 11 AU ttoc oratory is prac in at psych* !ogy i km.:. n.a t •i‘*ak deliberately or eves. « \ I-.! no t *i» ‘uzi socCeevl who •l*«aks •- - • • -wh * i » * Luck 011 a rooteoce ar t 1 # * h *.z > 'h a aj***4-h is like a . r* t kii . mule. Al all luu •tr } ■#|• w t 1 iat learn to po#h ou • k . a ,rr«: tll »mg (root bcgflaiutog to • i I; - tr-'K- If x 1 dnp a stitch -lot > Ub Inp If y. n vtniobl* in a w rd. to I 1, nitt’.’ r w hapjwsfis. to the ewd. Mo- , ... Lt . • • f t.i r- val ie than rrrtsal accura- * s .T’** iL»* Ik-»i »peach ia that which 1- f ... I »ui*iuuce, •xptwuuii by ihe , ! it * . *v■ , and fluently ottefTod But j wi is tt-antitog. Le (Liru • f I tr 11 •».! np Iy a w rl, or the waul of *s' J pii run ever the tui»iaka. L.k, It w . I time tuougb the J xt ' 1 ; the rxpgpxeuce of j If **l sa f th >Ufibt, dull of lerling. j v t-. #i.l *.. relive iu nature, without. » ; »l.vcu**a which t*o*b» lo pro- i :• s. i. | ujsou an-rthrr’#, or if one tie in.. n*.iive. » • that a tutalake gaabew » , rt iv n* x - k.'ii :).at h«-wilt suc >» j »i*i -in 1 ri» unai ri.iß.i-i —iui.i- ' . • < ... -.s - • fur IsU. t»i stisiribaiiou, j ,m • itHwl'ntM |M* a-4 all iWill—4 t ifclf M r the XXaat- rn tl«>3i.#pb#r*, ie now pub- L • 1a ,4 rea.iy tordehvwrr. iu th# Lag leh. Oerwaa. rtf \ fwwfxae. «>U. M wee tub. B»Uaa4. Bnlie mmu • i-l Mpwr utL ka|*ai#«, an 4 all wh wv«lt te a»- 4*vwt*.. . i# true pJhik*. lif Vroitk alaowU froi aa4 psMHfar U* valuable ew**c*i.-*ui it -- lif La ad*iit4on fa> an fatmtratole aroh al treaties oa tbe i*e«H \ vraUeu. aa4 cur# of 1 freal van*tj f4S 'uss tt »n r#-#« a iarr* a#*'"int ot taronaatteu ta farsst r ' •• a. 'Chant U« mu Baa*, the Ui-asr, ih* f* r j .*sit«-r. and pn»?#s# ual man. and th' 4 1 • ** s raa-l* f.r h mend an# 1 » •*.» *l ' uah!# t r a orreet and , • ■ Si; # * s t».ur T »-« ml Mtrvrl.Mfi •*-... ury « fl.. to f M • tti»ma-# Hit her*. lh# atopt# ten..- a»4 tUn ft# vihau ta# < w.*Ll. arv i 4 .. I * . *r# »,# Bl#rt|<*rwil ; • U -nMi lta 1 farm h :®\ n# anecdote*, rot iHh*r ti «trttkt.> * lat b r*s . matter, crtgtaal ais-l i srl.-- k#-t Vn t*' th# annual* to a|>twwr with Um . etwb.m; -if t.*«* jrwi tn.a v jlm ad# <* th# most ass- ' rui. an 1 n.• .ad " r tl » a*# TL# pr> J U'Mtt H -iMi-r # Ss*. th. hM*h*r|b. Ca . ew*s‘fw r l-l ai* ' suiu, will f'-r-wmcl • ofj l»j r-%*: 1 a rts i«rvuh #!»'•> rana<4 i-’«eUfW «ae In hi# j a*i*hV-. r' -1 TN# p.U*v« ar# astt.l is #v#ry city, j t nr at . « * Itr « . * -rt th# ewtir*#4 , w-<«4 d#i IWtiljaal ■ -■ - h /< //> Aj/ 3HR OLD MsrAAURJtf D ' h'inu' 3jt(\nio} { (Hem* J Oh AMERICA. THE ' y 'A A iJ/o:// H /{ ■ SOUTH ERS if 'Ji ■ v ,\ S .\. (luirks Street, HAITIUOKF MO. j' m y nm /« (loiillr ' J‘f«{ tffrn fn ie\ fi rmißovva twill - r% W TOM S‘ I'TULA'S STATES A### . K* i/i:' +t rd.f tSSTTTVTIOy. w 4*» • -I • ttu +mU /# ra/s# s#w> *m '** /##* , A AA * > AI'V.V AVJ Hk i \AS , i /A# < /**.'• r * IT/ A 1 VACATIONS MmJrli ,+m ?■ *>4•,* I ~ ,pr /»« ■■■#■/ a mm*4 ts zxrzz #' ’» . / i—«.i-/ A a .«* fwm r+tlogv Uomf, tt. h e 4 r»i rm. rv#*s N#a*4*rs Pmttmttt ( 'mitgrn, BALTIMORE. MIX act l|>|>ll<-altßa f»r LrMrr> ml V Jmini-li »U»b. (, b>»m.ii. m»u« i (mm t« tt! f ■■Bu-mn- Sl—Bi » i> r Huu «r WM for Mv*f» #r eiaiai-rUi# «w U« - Ue* ■ vt Wary le«U# let# Aw. comma. d##wased. TXrte ta. troeW-sr# fa> rtv# a*4 st> rovsis aU aod MnflrwUv tfa# kt*4r#4 Mi <vHrt"s« of MM Awvroi fas to a*4 Sf> r*f *1 my oOm Witnta tfa# u*as peroetto4 fay lew m 4 ro # raa*. if any (toy wa. why fastera ms *4 ■ laMtratM ifawg » -i to greeted tv • rod arotteawt Wum* tto Iroeart# Al» W.—to. QrSiimry ot eaM 11 rot» tkw toveto I. irri 4s# A-w-SM A P tOOW. o#4i«mry. u •* U*ttl> WSO II"V THUS Al BIN OB Ml » m tto ms aju bro 4 mu A#a hues mmtrn ##>■•#• (>» TTII «!MJU..*TTi S MM G E R Nil ] I, I' H I I SI l» II A N I . ns# isssws r*a#i-# k#An it TNt au«» ma. 11 ITLIVTI I Sill J ;« "> -y m -gr T XT' i >iiii **<m*i, r.r IS* .1 I IbHh U V * **" l Ibvl Fautstt ItrbHr, U X A MIN Tl <3 TT 11 M A O U I N n ii . r > I 1 W LET, watsrrM bt U tooth .Wv-iw. a*4 IXmiJa li. r HMII.I.IK. Umsal Agent, roll «f A Hast* | u ATLANTA STOVE EMPORIUM! - - —• Hollow H.uv, sliiic M.inlcls. ‘Jraiev, lions,- Kiiriiisliini; Hoods, Tin Hare. Ij. 11. I.KII(!..|(I. No. Ol V-V' Mlroot. AG> * .im i» im nii.,.iiu> uoxiixm ami iimit r Kit oik rrovc* t.'-i Ixu Tta t ’alfa rtt-< « l?< it I’liks l • i . »•< a. I ai*.l Ilnunnta War#. I*wm|«. eU .al XV TI O Is H H A. L. L AMD RETAIL. I ;T#r iii *(:..*( si-si. .... Mat •al to I M VINU dH niTl< > M|s#.toJ aUectloa 14 eaitol I I* -I a.u . ’ .!-f milliN - 4 luisHVIIN'. « ill and hi AMINE uct i* 4*iu UNSECTICN/L, t • XU -?ULmC.V. SChOOL-BOOKB. The fre%Jtr%t »frn * *-f Tr rt-J'.itnJ.* ftthl i mhnf roN/utnl ny fftc latcM n*uf/s *// r y unti mo n/iyir rwavinA. oQiilolly adopted bj the Virginia ami Stale Board* of F.ducation, MVIJRT HOIJTHEnM BTiLTS, Aud i;i ir .u vfl theio Mat** Jhr ‘dtniveniitn t!‘o.. . roro lbs roreral S»vuihrri Staf-'* fi**i «**« 1 • I- r a #ikh of SV-llUhw' h «*.. l.i h.* er - ‘ . ar- t Nxt a. I- . i fa'h aik and e»ln aton named ialow wtoh ano the lhr itpert. and SIoAt * JXeoutifut S<hooi- J looks N’» j . v! The •• Uttlxmlty S- rw* ' embraces Maury’S Geographical Series, By romm<sd.sns M F Mirur./t - \ ’ -.x M. , - I- • A K-rma <f bnokt which mark an era in !f. •;;! fr*■» *»- and w!,*« ii. • ib •>- r.* ~| a well and ac curapliahoi S-iut'.-rn “ arv M*r\- •« and -a V ••• ••• < I arrai._-. m. nx an- Mmols frushnwa* of f(y L sskiv li - .»t . n-k-r th-tn st»n- • «•»»!- »t* .-j nnd wiiUh will h* u%fat (>y all who wudi4u tc#. U •» a* a»* s« metlihlg u* h.ake pip.* thnJt % and But merely a* an cnuuura.. . v f.i« ta Holmes’ Road era end Spoilers, BrOsox » F tlcLKtv IL !> I> *— ir. f ll'.-- -r I C.-n./,! T i'er -n- i:. th. Till vmili I Virgi’ii.x A » « « .i. d• - >; • #vs. . \.. '■■ and trptt> graphtcal !#*au;\ T « . i ... . V tt r -i. l.i and tr*-%h iu their selections of prow and vrv and i a»tr..iiiA‘ i*f nil • **' * n*« imld- nt», sud Inelonr Vonablo's Arithmetical Sorlcs, Bv Cnaßirs S Viuhii T.L T> . I . f M . t -ius ; m i r*»»y of Virginia TV*,- h».kur r■• ! > •' r- h. ,•. - <-i t-- ••»'. • Lijhrsi •aiWartiou. 44 iroug wv*H al'nirx’. ili.->! ( r nva'i! •!■ «• *11! a* !■ rI.-i . Momcm taw Fheif sarthodii. rule*, an l ? « - . i-v i r '.uyi. a! I•• n.j-u-!«rn*ive, and the »* rarvfu i j grad 4 ii - , Holmes' Hislo-y of tho Ur. I tod Bl.Lb, Bv Gaonoa F Houra*, I.LD . «»V • !'..'»• —i M\ .• . It o .■••*. t. of thu adtmrwld* work, inicn. tri»: *- »..F«w* pure *> I in tty is. that it i* the.-'w/jr H •• • }| Icuoms ckwm to the prvwrtit dal A-» Do Vore’* French Cramm.-ir, etc., Clldeiwloovo's Latin Series, Carter’s Elemonto of Conernl History, Holmos’ English Crammars, LoContc s Sciontlfl, .c-rir-s, Johnston’s Enul-f*!' Cl.)r»sica, Dunti-" n Writliif -3coks, etc,, otc. fawt fcTMrasw ILI.rsTHATT I) I>l - M|,’fV i \TAI.<h,IT •i,irh«ill t» mailed frrw h» at»/ tear hr ror ,«!#•.-!. ~t > 4t- - dv.;« •( i‘ « l«-V- and oontami *]wrimen (upi'S cf Vs h. Address UNIVERHITY V . l-IblilNH COMPANY l * • and I-*.' ( rw#i*y M. ••••!, Vw \ork. XX . V. SI, VX XI VKKR. Cicii.-rnl Atr.-nt, ATI. A XT'.I. (ir.0111.l A. Hriiwcr Iff. ( 11!<« : Guild Xlaiitlln and IVnrhtm# Ayer’s Sarsaparilla > i a No, * x known & CVI ■yA /jl / i9W|uub(H^ UUtlwii. «V|i UR intrinsh* virluc*. and «t:»tain. •! by is* n - cure* So mil I ft* i-> N • tic . *1 beeH IHWaI to children, anti xvt i > smtrclung a* to i (Tl ißiltr pßTjsf out the cn at c*n - nj|Hioa« of the!, am-h a* th wroftlhiu* and ay |Juliii. csvntaminati.»n ImpurHfa**, or disr.XM-a that h.vx« ! ir»< and l!i - h fi* year*. mumi tta Id to l!n» | «>" «*rfvil anti dote, and disappear 11%-snv i * wonderful ctsrcs, mam of which arv* publwlx known, <*f S< roliila, an ! aJ! •rroluhvua d!«cn>. I lffrx, l'ril|ition«s viw! eniplive tli* onlem i.f lh skin, TlllllurK Uloicliow, lloil . I*impl. I’ s Anthony*» Fire, Ituw or l*r>wlpc- Inw, Teller, Hixit Hlitnin. S<*nhl llojttl, Itlngxvonn. and nits rnal I I ct*rittionw of tbcT tonui Sfomacii, and Id ver. It Tf™* nm-* txthcr ttun pUmts t*» win. h i* woti! ! not fstiu i»|«cl* ally adapted. ha# Drvxftox. uht. Fit*, \>tirixlgia. Heart F'rninh' AWakttc**, llrtdllfy, dm LcUCOrrIhiNL ** lirn ihry arc nvxmli vf.x ii»Kt* of tl»c scrofulou# poimi A II i* an excellent n fnrv r of hoaUh ami •irrnjjth in lh<' Sjsrir: Dr renewing the appetite an l •>( th* oi;tnx it «lHU*txa:r« live ih- 4 srv#*i-in and U«tlc»* lan guor of the uruiin Krrn where ni»i!i«nh!rr appear*, (sesoyslr hvd lirttcr. un»l live longer, iisc s !cajx.«ing th#‘ ldu«»l TW **nstwni inwves on with renewed x ami a ngw kuse of Lie. rREtAnr. n nr Or.J.C. AYER & Co.>Lowell, Mass., rrsrtfawl «mJ AmmlpiUmi Mk**i*<» SOU) BT AU MHAittIST, k'KUV!VUtkJL AHIATIC FOXVLN A IPRCIALTT. \f t or ami MUXS jan - •# him* is ,'l ivMsyaaU lam fa* y*#f*»* <fa tl) *faw f * fern >Om <*i| mtto# Be •> " »*» imusmsi sbL. Tto sfaevs sto#4 •«* rxro hviuus Umsum tto srsssiJrftiSshkrtMßUttkSAJDß Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair ita natural Vitality and Color. A iln-sum which ■ ngrecaMp, Bt' and 3Hrs \|»RNi 1 •« 'ir to itt original ■’'- color, i ritK the < no t freehncst of tfouth. Thin nair i« flnV kcncd, falling hair chcck«*d, and haUlnrM often, though not always, • cnre.l l>y it* n«<\ Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are dc >*rovcd, or the gland* atrophied and decayed ; hut such os remain can he -aved hr this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a near I growth of hair i* produced. Instead ot fouling the half with a pasty sedi iii c it will keep it clean and vigorous. Il» rv ,■ jooiial 11*0 will prevent the hair fi i turning gra> or falling off, and in , uitiy prevent baldness. The ii -- . i ion of vitality it gives to the j *•■ dp »rrv*t* and prevents the forma |i*ii • t dandruff, which i* often so un . .udy and ollciihivc Kree from those deletenon* sulmtauces which make | *•'.no pn I Iratious dangerous and tnju ! t > th hair, tho Vigor can only ■ ••»* tit hut not harm it If wanted , menu I lor a It AIK DRESSING, i noth o c|... can be found so desirable, i Containing neither oil nor dye, it does .! *,,il white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Cos., 1-raeUeal »»S A aaljttMl LOWKL.L, MAIM, -- ! _ Appllratlsa far IHsmisstss. i < ram. mwn« ivrsrr wwma. iJL, ( I rmu US Jar4m IM«n. sSimlsMeSiwS M n iHf AlhtT, m* -gs Wi INVM^jfeMlfMLA*' > *«M I- aw* kry Iksu HMSIMir ..rHr-iaBBSBMP #‘* **. W ae-t myj-rnr I r' s~ tswws stna. mourn, otmm. i A*Mil Till'd Mlinvuti.s 1 "I • si Ik* IH>* nsi.w.ia g Ik* #U| •UMtMgra* I’ltlM I. A N .t I It) Ms •*’«y m t* S» iwsiiiu. am■ mm Ay ifc, /v.._Jwg g Uw I'mM w* .. ~■ AneiW,. a i a.«lA«siius flUk** U • ksed ►-* «•* !/»#•* (W U'Uik—< • >#m**** -4 «*» ** *W»«tM« Mh* Usttlri fu* - , Mss • |W* *t : * ft i*M rtf the. lldtsd MMm • fen* •r*» «*—«• tk# *»»•* *«Mtaih Ik* I’nJjiAiaiti and Aif irtw rw.MM I«s4mA k»d ■!■*< M I iftA-n b* Il«lt NMiAi* |HI wteklwrtet. m Ik* IkiniMM HI id *•* t»i iW # •*»•* to I IT' h«l < lid ..Iksd Itui-i -t All Hint ktd • »w*« ht if* kltdllw aM. Wtkf ds«i «* w r«c«. e*# Iks ttUaeeahlp *f < llmsM *4 Use |l W u-l fft-j rtf 4i*»n .*kolt»'* ! «* Vfce **V r«u If * Ike V«T»*d fflklM A**.**./* I*l It* lb tt»k!. <\ > ■iktitM. Hid <4 IbilMk mu\>ym-*+ ebc kkra *nsigra»rO I .* Iks tea* mu****# rr*«m Iks itmiak OemtuH** t« j* k <»•i'»kuuk fa tinl pt<yv4». en-< k«*s S-uu—t | m linit risi. IliM MI- «k} Ike Ife*. I vU«I ul the l Ailed iMfttrt* *f WvhW kAskk.r> 4 kl-OeyK** <*.**•. I **» i »-• t •e->r*tii«rf kkd MHi vets* ! rtf Ur Ituhsi **lei*» of Am-»*• t» krr Itten *• dldritutlok kl Mlket of tie r««\*sm4s«• el ; . - ta.y uft-.11. Ul? lufttlMhlfll Wlll n.HU>| afttik • ttl .ei—yre Ihs U»|. rr «|U ii « Will ikd tkfwe >1 A rtfiki" if * . Mt »UI fc.H* U>e error. If list* b* owe, la the rnkintM |<r«*nbMi with regard kt r»« MketiHl re- *d*esl Ir**eu m lisltiwl pell fkw Us will I Ilf t. til UJ th* t■*irrr«i|'*uiUtbd rwtum HU, t.n«>i m\*m j t *l**U.n ttw.i ur uthnretra m»4 »UI tw«i ii ta .4brw Mktliac A/At. is XIII UnieWmi i- Um iMteitef at e>U*»r of •<B<- »WaU 1 the eaute iu*ro. tmm ‘iker f, * -r* I letter* WlflkWly —fi inf fI eu.b ! Arif ia IIV Tft# rvwlrtnkftSon f»*s. fie* emits khail k*\rue to tl*a I nlkr4 N «*!<-• halift a Iwportaeiil »|MM> All rnffteAer***l h .«re aetil fT' nt tha PaltArt M*iaa w> VkkteAeer * leUnd e*r ftrlUali I'otumMa. Ahf • * A like UMUUier Ike m«tairAUnei t*m of flee rwati ah»ll e*iit»Wt!.s l>«paxtzßcct of Vißfuutir i laUisd a&4 linhah CoteiiutH* u»*«'m a» re«>«*emt Ivt i..ra kenl Vwi.viim i le*AAd end krit.alt CVeluiw i> .A t. (A* I'nlWsl Mat* • Ante* he TU# tern t!*f«rtmenta tuay, by lUAhtal found !>*•'• ewi r*rry «‘Ot the .4>|e- ta . f tbia ton ka ihc «Aik’*:s«*ea ..r u,s. e Bit; r**'|uirw Mich 1 Ari Vw, 1* nev ,t. .n af.A.l K ■' tht-• «-*par» I Hi II Use Tat Ilf duly. 11 nike t*e At Dlilies) kt l ti c fesir of • the* I*| irtßtil a • » m nthufl \ r* jeety i pritu j>«| re** r* twy of melt- f- r fuMgu kflein, wh«e, kfler I kelim cotnttuni.-olesd to ea. h • ther Useir ' reepts IM* f*ll i»uud k' 1* In *«•*! a»t<l due font!, l.i" r-..lit u ar.a seuit ti.r fiii.ving •dielrt. A ATI* 1 I 11 ta* t.e of ite I’nltad Htetefl of AMtarira vtt>> ki>ebs me or alt• I l# *«ni#, kiul Arm t.etnml tks4 Aor. r-1 lu ia« within the klriuah skwninio«M a* Hntuh an aLaII. lul.wl Id the pr* eieama of •}<e*'t4 Atid f.•: Asi Iturp*-#*-* ItnltAh aubjes'la, au-1 aha.l l* trmtesl AB auch by the t 'uiUs! MUI. • KnrtprtKAiiy. itrtuah aeibyarta who ha*» b#H>i*me. or •NaII baortutr. Ail i Are- BAtur%l.i<4 i or.lmg t• * law within th# failed hleUs -f Ann ri- a a • or #• tie If.-er s f ahail. aubyecl let t!>« |<r. eiai t e ..f Artl. le 11., lie bold by ureal britati. Ui le in ad re«if «ta ar if. r a ! Ireaud u aueft by lireat Itritam »-w*.we II H.tch rtUiMis rtf the I’nUe.t Kuue aa efr-eai 1 ~~li~~ bet* beo*iue and AT* tlAluralte* .1 eillhiu the douimlona of h* r Hntni.u Ma . .tr as Urinal. atibjew-U. ibkll be at lit**rty ts« renvUMre their uattiralji aatl hi and W> i«*eunie th-tr i.ati.-nality a* citie.-ua i< the I ntled Ntan# proviited that aii- h re turn, latum lie publicly tie* lareisl With la two Js axa after the ckvLAU*--' of th* rwtlfiv-AUona -f tha preaent o^arruii^u hush llrituh subjrtstA aa af> twaald ah«» fta«» beoome an lam nal'irahaed aa rttiaena within the l uitesl Ntatea. a hail be at liberty to renounce their natural! t a • I. ■ at.-I t »• »■ Ml ti’ Ah Ml us t| DTI • •I, that *u*-h re.nun* jii-ou ba publicLjt daclaiva m thin tw.> yeara after the .lav of May. Tbetsauior in which th-.a renunciation may l># rnada Aftd pabllrty dr, uupew) MeftD l*e affTeed tt|** n by th-goerrun., uie «*f tim rrapw. t*y« countrtea. Aan.L! 111 If at v such citlMn of th- I ntU.l NtateA aa aforeasist. uat'nrwUae.l within the dominiona I of her Krtuuiiis Ma*. •! t ahoukl rwUew bla neitlriuv In the l uite.l Htatea. th- ( nited Htotea mnu nl I may. on hl« •* u appUoatirtM aid on au. h •x»o*hti.>ii» 1 a.* that foeerni. -ot may think fit to tuijsOAc, reasltutl j itiru w. the . bar». i. as. 1 |>ri etb-ero# of a . itiaen of Ui« > l ulled hra. a, and linat ilntadn shall not. m that raae. I claim him a# a tinttwh anbj.. ton asvout.t of hie former uatunMuatioti. I In the aaute manner. If an aoeh I'rttiah aabjeet aa I a.' roskhl iiAturatjaw l m the l'Wiled HUt« # absmbt r** j new Lia realdei, e within tho viotutUkous of her Uni* [ anolr Majesty, har Majewty '• (roeeriitnoi** ruay. on his "tu application an<l on su* h oundlthma aa that for enaßtUit tuay think Qt t*» iro}*.— revtuiit n.tu . - the «Itaracier and pneilejrwa of a lirttlah subject, an.t U. I uitesl htatea shall n- t, lu that .we, claim him a- a . itt<en of the l'*ut* st Htatea ««o acsouut of hia former ;V. TJU. ; shall b- ratifle.l by the I’rasislrnt of Lhs. hulled Hlatea, I y and wt*li th at% «• an i. • t.ari.i f|| • ftaatafta tharaaf* an i i-y h#r bntaantc Maj-mt and the ratiflcall t a ahall U* #i . handed at London aa • -<r. or may be within twaive months from the .tat* <ft#r t In witness wham t tH* rv*#i»eetl*e |d-nipe»trnt!artea ha* r Signed the baius, and have alluad the ret. iholr reapes Utr Mai* IkiDv p LsHidoa, the thirteenth day of Mar. (ti the year at our l*»rd «*• thowaand right hundred and sav* 1 JOHN IsOTHKOP MUTUY. [»au * i UUDVMMI Aiul alttn*#, the said r*H<««itttoa has b-en duly ratifte.i ott b*dh |*arte. and the re#i*.iw,. raltfl.-atlona of the aatiiw were er han*;- and at Ixiudou i*u %..« UHh ul* tUBO how. ther. h>re le it known (hat 1. rtyaaeaK Oyftnt. Preai.leut of the rutted Hlals-a of America, havetaneed the aai>l convention to be uia*i.t puldic. to the cod that the sain.-and rtrry s lauae an! jart thereof Kay be observed an ! fill filled with so- .1 faith by the Culled Stales and the rtiun* there-»f In viuisw wbere*»f, I have hereunto a*“t oiy hand and cauar.l the aral f the Cntted State to l» Aitli- sl Done at the of M aah.ngb>u, this BltUebti) .Us of September, tn th* . <*ar -f t, r ,»rd one thou aiki aand eight* I an.t - *-nty, and of the Indcpen.lrnce of the Ciubd Sutra ~f Atuerl.a th- ninety fifth l S UUASIT By the t*ree»dent 1UHII.T«!« I'iaii. Hecrretary of State. //V / rtxidntof tU ( Slain of /traer^m Annei b> tin* ».| !:i;-nal Couvi-uti. n l»etw<en tha I'nltrdstau-a • ti ri . » iicl iir*il ilntalu i-r th* ■■MM hfrtca * Mjft«4 il ftaabiiHt' u on the third .lay of June. l.*?o. InatrwcUona (or the abtpe <*f the Cntted States and British Navies etupi.-yrd bi prrviut the Atrtoau slave trait-. A at! K K. Th- s-omma'.d.-r of any ehlp »H*lon«lrig b* the Ciiib'.l states ..r Itrttkah na*), whu-h shall tw* turtuahe l willi ttieee triwAiiMSoHia. ahell here a right a- a*ar>d» and detain any l ; uib-d NUtra .*r Unuah t»»rr rtiant veeiwl whit h shall t*e ». ititfTly st. or »u* J lie flttesl oat 1 r lb- MTMM tli-Te.if. .'r to ha*- bat ft en«acrsMti at;, ti trade the voyage ttt which ah.- ni.-v t • i.tetby "ti h ahtj* -'f tb- r'ti.t***l Ntatoa nr l rltUli na* * and atkrh c*-minan.ler shall thereupon I rvnff at -eu.l such njrrvl.*nt itwael , aave In the ■**•* pro vide*! for in Arti. le V of thnsa tru*lnarUona| a# •vaio ae poaBtUU fur )'i<t«me«t. In th- manner pro«ide.T by Artl.le 111 of th addlUoaal coavwnUoa of Uu« date, that ta to aay In th- ca— of art AmrHcan veaael searched and de taut-d aa afoMAaid by a Itrttiah arutaer. site shall ba Sent to New Y-sik or Rey West, whlrhewter shall l*e of pro;*erty save.l. also fur those eipemaaa which, un der stm'lar riro*unatan.-ee. vessels liel->ntflu«( to Uie c-iuntrj Wh re ths wre* k happen* would havs to la in case of a doubt eotareruina the tationalttv of tha wreck*, lhs hwai anthortti-s shall havw esrlwsively the mana*:**ment and elocution if the proviatuus laid dew a tn the prwaent Mttcir The Inch contracting parties also agree that all marvftabdlas and , *.*da f***< d-atine.l for eoirnnarptiou lu ths cs»uutry In which lhs wreck takes place shall be free of all .lube* Consuls k'-uertkl. c*ub» s. vie# eons*.!#, and on nan. lar agent*, also onsular pM(*#4a, rhan.wll»re. aud cw sn)ar oAcere #hail enjoy tn the two countries all ths liberties. r -oguklvre. In*ottiniUaa, and privileges granted lu fUi boQftries Os th# same rdasa of tha moat kvurwd Bailor In rase f»! s death n t a rltlaen nf the rutted fttaiee in the \i Han Hungarian attmarrhy. or of -a flft Anetrtan Hnti«arlan monarchy la the United Mates, with owl havlna any known heirs or b*e tameulary ote. ul.irs bv him app>*tntad. the tent tonal authorlUee«WaU Inform the r*mania nr .'..n sukar agents of the Htate to which the dr erased be longed of the .'tri umwtewm , In order that the neces sary information u*WT he for ward e.l to th r part tee latefwahr.t Thepraaer t eon vent ion shall remain in f.*rre for the specs of ten year* from th* Wile of the eirhan* of th- raUAcaUoae, whhh «hail be taa«l# tn o.ufanßl ty with the reepecSlTe const tuition* of the two coun tries, and si changed at Wsehlnglon «UhUt Use period often \l4kt m.'nthe, «»r sooner If ixwstbie. lu case neither of the contracting parties give* no tice before the eapiration »f th- aatd term of Its In tention not t» renew tine costvrnuou. it shall remain sent and delivered at the earliest possible moment to th- proper court before which the vessel would Other wise have been sent (Tpnai the produottow of the aatd . erttdoakr. the *#*vrt may proceed to adjudjewie upon the detention of th- vessel ta the mm- nwwiia/ if most seessailife, ut; ba hande.l over t<» *• Htatea cruiser If owe ehnsOd N available to th- n. igl, Ixirbond of tbs rapture In th- case of a Hrtlieh veeer.l —art I,* .1 sad de i—no and aa aforesaid by; an I nited W*t#* orntarr. she ah ail beaeut to th- nea*rst or most accessible lirlUah eohmy, or shall H- liao-l-d over to a nr*t,eh cmisar. if with ths detained veesel, lobe pi-.m.v.1 aa evidence la tba projier - -wrl Hs shall deliver to the master of th- detwined vessel a signed aud cert’fled of th- papers fmtad «ni hoard Ihs ram- as well as a certificate of the mimi-er of asgvns- or oth-r pervmne d-ettne*] for slavery who sti months from ths date hereof, eg narUer If poeai hie. la flkith whereof, wrw, the reenectlra plentp*d-rtta rtea have signe-1 this treety and have hereout< si* fltsd nur seal*. 1 lone at Washington, tha th»rd day of June, ta ths j ysar of our Lord <ma thotlaaud eight hundred and s-vsaty isbai, j floin.Toii riMi IML ' «I»WD THORN T< »N And wk#ere# tk# said mldlUoual I-V>ti y*dki.» bee bees dnly ratified on both porta, and tha re-p-ctiv* rwUflcatirtwe of the aamwe were eichaaged at Latoa urn the inch ntuaso Row. thuiiskars, be It known that 1. rtraseo ft 'trass. Prialilot of lhs t utted Mates *f Amestao Mkth ta th# end that the same, and swwrv rtaaa* and Baa stand*, may ha iftoarvyi and folk ft a A with g<-*d Mi hy n * rnttwl Melee and ths rttlßSOMi Mierwol • Ami where g | have harvustß eat my hand ftalffiSl tha asol rtf the In tied HtMaa la hasftlaad r Wd the stty ■* Waebirgwm this ststaenUi .lay [ ff ftepfttanbag. >% u»« yea# of Lewd ooefte e ttrn Ilfcßd -i«bt be ul#*4 and savsMf, amft af the l"v jkiMlflftM lof thel>—Ml Mas flsasrtae ftf igt in «. «h MiflftT. Ry RmßMAamt io«np* %'ic^i'rxo?Ni Mr***« rdi ntm mri «# .aian . Tilt RUM RLIt ml Ml AM At. t A . EXTRADITION. liaMtiwm I*oAtewgwd fASte M. Ml. fMbaa«i flap! sabs. t« ftm I *V f meinii y fha I SM m*k§ y imwiea i * rfttjt i awataur kriwii Ah* t wised Naku **f Aassrtaamkd Ms* h» . -♦ BuwmgMe des -e lsmd wt iftliM At Me eogww by (heir tee lll** f* m* m iduaktaHaM. on the Wft flu 77m#, ll** w4b% cbb* safttaa ke *0 ft the Iftfhak ASkd sminii 1 i .—*- r t# word for i W'Od Ok hdtows ' EaWwdHsam l aswaliu. twtwwem th* tftOSad tNahw of AhOPt aM the ftapwlilai ul RksUgM. The United ftSste# of AsaawMm and tha ftapwbHa el h Kweagwa having Jaflpef a »a|—itkesh with « new ks tbe better admtniotfwtton ,g jnaAAcs. and ke psorsS*. UrtA rtf Timas Withm their reaps, ttw BemkerMw Mad | mriedis iAo*. ikad perstma nowv<Mad sf. or rikarw. f . -life U>» crtn.-e 1 erefanrsag memtnwaft, Ml lift 1 Pi* u»«if , u*i justice, ahowldL wader nitWlft oWaflttm | abatva be rvctprocally dahearwd up, ba*# rig ills Ila I .v-nrtud- s ca.vwßttoa hw thw pe p «e. and hove tk lMNvta4Mtk#ir Her.ip.d# i-Uarw. ths Btaflhloail Jf | .tie I A *vd Btatee « borko » Mllkti. ft dllSta and ft .Ulster flew Wot id the 1/Waked MMfft Ift Hftafthriftm tbs PvwobWn of the fteynaldAc of NtfftMlh JHftW l ft ur.Wr .* u-preberuling aeeeoa^Mflah* IntwitiG##, and |Hue«lk|. * The enures us rape, atwsm. piracy, ill kawiftiy am h**a*d a ship, whr never the crew. « port IMmf by freed or vbUenoe agninat the w awodW, boro fttru 1- eeasstub of the veaeal 3 Ihr .rime of ton glory, d*-fined p> ha the phot of breaking aed ruler lug by m«..t into the bofßn of an tber wish the tutcat to -*mmit felony, aud the ortine of nhlen, deknad to be the aotfcm of Mlosd ouelv and UoUj tnMug from the p-reun of another goods ur money, hi vudctAoa or putung him ta f-ar mu.. 1 f forgery, by * UT*ft lauaderoUmri the utters...« uxgvd papeja, the -*>«u>lari#iUng of pub lic, sovereign, ur goverwatemt nr to. A- The hlflcltluD or dntilßti-li of ccmnterfell money, either cutw «r paper, of i-rbli. bonds, hawk aoSaa and .*b|igatb ua and ta general .and alt tildes of In'truoi*bis of s-Wdlt. the ot saaie. dies. •4am pa, and marks of Htei- and pabltc admtnietra iirtoa and th- i. Iterantw thereof «• The eiubculeraeut of public mooeti. mm Bi liked • within the jurtedi.-tum of either jmrty, by pwULc offt cere or depoautore 7 Kiubeart-iueei by any person or persons hired or salaried, b-ths .iGniurkt of their astykgws, when Uiree ci lines are subjected %u lnfmuvu* pumebioent Awrvc* • Ul. The provtst- na of this treaty ahall n«d Apply lu any crime or ••n.oe.- a political > J aracter. and tha per son «>r pers*ma dellv*i<d up fur the rrtmee -nnmeraic i IB the preceding article, shall In no <mse be tried fur soy i-nliuary crime, committed prevloualy to that f.-r wbich hie or their surrender Is ask.;.-!. a an cm iv. If the r»r» r, whoa- surreodvr may bs cieiaked p«r. 1 •uaut I** the stipulalious of the present treaty, aha.! bave b—e arr* #u and fur the coui m i set ->u of ufinuses in the country where he kaf wongbt an eylutn. ot shall have been oonvkcked thereof, his estrs«Dtion mar be deferred unbl he shall have been acquitted, or have served lhs terta of impnaonmeitt to which he may Abucu V Fa. Ii OnvcronicKt aliall pay tt* o»y agent sad pr*v vute.lur the proper reinaiieraU.>n of the counsel eau I*l ‘ed by it end of the arlutMlor by tt. and f r the etpenaa of pre(>anug .ud submlUmg its <-ee<* t*» the tribuiml Ail «*tbcr * ij« i-». # •-ouuectad with arUiraliMs abell be ffeflevr-t bv IK* ive Jh>v»#* tuenie in etjusl luoietieA. The Brtittratcrs tttll keep au ai'eursle record of the r proceediiv# au-t may ai<p*>i«.t aud employ the LoxcSeary .*«!.'» »e to Assist them, lu case Ihe tribunal find* that Great llrllaln ha failed Ao fulfill any duty or duties as aforeaald. and | d.wsoot award a sut-.i in groan, the high contra, tin, parties agree that a board of aesvaaors shall be ap ’ p*>mud b. a* i-rtAin and itctnrmiue whst claims ar.< 1 valid, and what ani<rttnt or amounts shall l*e paid by *.rvat Urt'ain tu th# l tilled Htatea • n arr<*unl of the Uabaliiy anarig fr**iu such failure, a- to each voaael. Artoordlug to the e»u ni of sucji liability aa decided by the arbitrators Tb- board of ae—esor* ahall v - cousliluted aa f«*. low# line Ul.miser thereof shall he named by the President of the I idled hutee. one m. ud*er thereof I shall l>c i an.e*l bv .her Hr.ttain- kla-esi) . and one 1 member thereof ahall be named by ttie Hcprvertriß , live at Washintdou of his Rri#ei* «h# ftlng of Italy . and in .-see of a vacancy heppe mug from any cauee. tt ahall be AUeU lu th- same maun«r tu «tiich tbe urtgi nal appotniment eras made As a***>u as (xiastble after aucb nomlnattons the l <«nl wf aeeceaiws ahall be orgaulAc*! in Wa-hingt n. v ith |-»wer to hold their sittings there, or In New York, or In linstou- The well)bei# Uter*- I ahall aev < rally snlMi'rlbe a eolcinn decdaralluu that they wtl impartially and carefully eiamine and decide, to the Iwst of their judgment aud according to juettoe and equity, ail mailers submitted to them, sn-1 shall fnaib with procead, under such rules and regulations as they tuay ore#'ribs, to the Investigation of the chums | -M.h ■ball bepree-ated to them by ths iHwarßment of ti. I luted Mtate«. aed shall eiaiuine sad decide upon them In such order and manner as they may think prop'r. but upon such -nd-uce or information tilyas ahai b- (iirnlshel by or on behalf of the u.ivemments of tb- fulled Htai-e and of (treat Brit ain. r-apectivaly. They ahull be ytt ee* h seiwrat- claim, if r—juirv-T, owe person on I—hiw' ■>f eeedi Governmeot, ssr.Hina-l or agent. A majority •if th- see. #e> i ■ lu ca* b case shall H' aufllci-rtt for a i deciatoai. Th-d«M'talon of the aaseaaom shall l*e given upon -a. b claim lu writing, and shall b« signed hf them rveperttvety an.t datso. Kvery claim shall !•#• pr*-a-nt»sl to the assessors with• m #Vi mouths frs-ui th- -lay of their Aral tnoriing. bur theyViay. for »• •*■ **t cause aiiown. * tlgud the Lm- lot tb.< pn-eentfttion <>f any cbkitn to A furtb-r rwrt.Kl n. t • iceeritn# three months. His sly* *•■ >r shall n |»*rt to each (i 'wniumil at ..r ’-.•fore the-tpiraUs'U of owe year fmm tk# dab- of thetr flrwi fu—ting the amount of clam a de«-ide«! by them up\th« dale of such report, if further claims then rerahin nn.l-* i.le*t U»-y shall make a fttrther re port at ofkhefore the -lpiratiou ..f two years from tbe , slate of such first mwlist; and In case any cialms re loaiti undetermined at that Urn*-, they shall leak a final report within a further twrlod of apt months 1 The r-i»ort or r#i>orta shall t*a made tu <!u|4uwm.< I am! one copy th-rv- f Aball Im» delivered to the HflcTr lary «•# tttat- »»f the United States, and one copy there ■•( to the Hep rear n tali ve of her Prittsnir Maj-*ty at ' Washington All sums of n onsy which may » awarded nod-r • this article shall be payat'k- at Wa-liiugtoa. ta coin, i within twelve months after tho delivery of tsuk r«- 1 p«»rt. 1 ha hoard of aea.we.'ra may employ auch clerk* as 1 H»cy ahall think u-c-eeary. L The-tyveusee of th*- Herd of a-eoseor* ahall l*e i Htrna equally by the two GovemmeiiUi. and paid from to time, a- may l#e found expedient, oat the pro Idm tioa of ecounits certified by th- board. The te- I munrrwthui us the aeeaaaore ahali also be paid by the two Govrrumsnts lu evual mottles |n a similar mm -1 Tbe high . outrerting parties aagag- to consider the t result of th- pr.xwadtags of the Tribunal of Arfttra IV* r# gad of tho board of aeaewaora. should apeh bgwrd b appoiatad. aa a full, perfect, aftd Anal settlement of -All the claim a heretuWforw referred bv aao lartlitr linage that every auch claim. wh«th-r tbe same aaay Jur tuay not have h—n nreaant-d to the D-Rl v of | tn-xlr. prrf-rrrd. fcsVl th- tribunal or boar*i j ahall. from and after the comduslou of the proceed mgs of th- tribunal or board, be- onaidered and treat ae finally settled. Htrrvd. and thrncefbrth tnadmie The high •■on trading parties'agree that all <daliua.>u ih-i*art of (xvrporatlon*. compaulra, or private indi viduals. dtisens of th- United Ntat-#. upou the flN»v --j -rnmeut of L-r Hrutaul Majesty, aiiathg owt ot acts | committed against the person* or property flf dUlcna j of the Tutted (Hates during the period between the thirteenth I.f April, eighteen hundred and elxty owe. ! and th- ninth Af April, eighteen hundred aad ality five, inclusive, not being claims gr"*lng out of tlie , a* la of the vessel# referred to in Article I of this tree ty. and all cUuna. with like exception, on th- pan . ..f con*oratl»ua, coiuyanle*. or private individual# . subjects of her Itrittsmc M*j-ety. upon tha Oottftt tu-nt of the UntYrd Riat-a. arising oat of acts commit* le*t agniast the person or prop! lff ot subjeele af her itrlttaiißic MaJaaty during the Sam* P-rted. shkh may have been presented to either (V'vertrmeut for Its 1 with ths other, anil which yet remain unsettled aa well aa any other such claims whfeh may t- presumed wt*hin the time specified in article XIV .«f th a treaty, ahall be referred to tk* three commie si 'Tiers, to be appointed ta the following manner, that is to say ; Owe co ram last oner shall be named by th- President of ths Untied Ntat#*. 'ifif bv her Britan ate Mefeety, am! a tbft t bg the BmUml of th- U idled State* and her BriuriMhi Mflj**ty conjointly *od in mk th* third r.w iikftMg ahall not havr leeu an named wtthtn a | itlsfl mt tint months from i the .late of th- svchange of tt nlftftMoai of this ' treaty, then tha third iontuaMataMbr ahftil ha named by tb- UcpreaentaUT* at WaflHtngkM.ftf Mfl Mm#-* I the Xing of Npaln In case of tggliAfll, «MMMa# or in.-apeoity of any c-fttsmiiucr. of m HRdrr*ft( At Afiy ’-•nuaiaataner omttstag or canev shall be filled tn the BBgUßer h-j-taMlfeMti pf#> vtded for luaklwg the original appointment} Rkfl Mflt od of three month# in caa- -f hock snbgtttutKitt hsttag calculated fruin th- (late of the happening of tM Iw'tß oancy. " Tbe commiseioncrs so named ahall meet at Wash *<n» ton at Ui- earliest eonvcnmait period, after they have been reepertfally named ; aad shall, before pn> reeding t%anr business mane and subscribe • BoMaai. de. laraUoX that they will impnrtmlly and oars fully aa* Amine ami 4wft#, to the beat of their judgment and according to justice and equity, all Rtch claims *a shall I-* MU befosa them on the part of tha (Mweru menu af tha United Malm and of her Erl tea ale Va jeety, rgap*-vtiv*gy. and such deolaraaiau shall ba an ftn A on the rsenni of thetr proceedimta. I‘hiaronveutfoti shall cootlane Ir iftve .luring Av- JAI years Liam tha day of axohaugs of ratiftruliows. t ut if neither party shall have gtvea to the other ait (f 1 moßths previous notice of its iwtewtAna to terwn oats the same, the rotiventiou shall remain in tore*- five (A) years I->ugar, aad so on. The present oonv-nUan shall I*# rullfle.l end the ratiflcahous -\rhanged at the napiUl cf Nneragna. or aay other place temporarily occupied by the Ntem* gaan government, w.Uiln twelve ill) months, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof the rdapecUve Ilenlpntahflartr# have signed th* present convention la duplicate, and have thereunto afftiad thetr agals Irons at the etty es Managua, capital af the Repnte lie of Nimragua. th* twvntydmh day *f funs, on* thousand sight hundred ami seventy, oftha I»d*P*-" dence of th- Unite*! Mates the ninety fourth, and us labal ! TOMAN ATOM. And whereas said onwnturn an amended haw bean dal/ ratified on both parte, and the rxp*rdtve M**; ti«j«»# of lie same war* eacbanged M MhnagUe. an th* -rt",^hi■ ■ o( th* «'• ’♦ kt !h* (*ty f f. iX?,’