Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 21, 1865, Image 3

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mmm local matters. "" r IVTIM Tt MB CltllBH*. l „„l l nut lor *»..«■ jewftlry P«<lnn Wo luivo rooeivod ptuitiro in (or urn t ion Hat tliiOT nro n«\tin our oily # guug oi " 0,6s and liurglura, who ' "' riooutly nrrirod from Now York, ju>. WP'S WANTS. w»nod to hummus* i ( OTroKlllt Bici: PLANTATION, KmWnrln* olMMIt 1 OOOilcrea, wltbln . "hnrt distance or Havantmh. A Cotton plantation protom-d. An drew K. K. M., elating location »ud prim Hcjmbll- cun oilier-. 01 «Hln I'upl. WM: T. DAhTON, Tux lolloc- tor, lias his office In tlio Kxdiuugo Build lni(, foot of Bull street. Hours, rrotu U a. m. Ull i.'i p. ang^E ifeasioniU tliio !u'l! tlio iuUintion of prosecuting their nefarious (vocations upon our uusuapoet- jnR citisons. These vagabonds ply their mhucas under all sorts of iugonious raises ami we cantion onr citisons to be thoir guard. The latest ruse is the .mxuiranoe of a band of bogus jewelry ,xxllars, w ho call at your residenoe to ox- lihit their brass trash, demanding a good rice, and after urging tlio purchase, de- jnrt abruptly. The protended pod- while offering their spurious take a careful survoy of the nmiues, and if possible, reconnoitre the location of each avenue favorable to tlieir predatory dosigns.. Already quite number of people have been imposed aiwu by tlioso iuiterant swindlers, having Miwlmsed their Alteboro’ productions for pH jewelry. The Irish and eolorod population have mado sevoral eorn- ',lints to us about these swindling opera nt,. Our advice is to thoso who arc in rant of jewelry to visit Mr. Hamil ton' or Iordan's jewelry establish ments on Congress street, where they can purchase genuine jewelry at low prices, and depend upon the representa tions that are mado by the courteous derks at those stores. We shall publish the names of these adroit thieves, togetli- f i with a mimito persons! description, a sort of pen photograph, in Monday’s KtjwM'Cci't, if they do not take passage this morning for more congenial regions, ffe know just who they are' und where they are. SttEiiwooD A- Co., under 8t. Andrew’s Hall, Corner Broughton and Jefferson sts. have just received a new lot of thoso Sue Pm Hams—Try them, Waiiranted to serr. Also, flue Enolish Bukakfast Bacon. Wanted. A IIKAI.THV WET fHIKHK. Bnqalni at Uillco of 1‘ul utkl lluiiao. (ict IT •! Wanted, \ T ,Wr low. Tallow, Grecse, Iron MeUfc HnUlM. Done* Mom. Ac.. Ac. oct 7 D. OI.1VKR A CO., Forest City Mill*, Navainiah. NOTE*. , fhereby given that neither tho Owners j H,,t; h 1» tho cine, or Agent* of th« steamers Aiunr-un, Glh- " —-j-*> bone und Laura, will Ihj responsibly fo uuyd old, bill or contract mado by any of the Officers or Crew of mild steamers, uulemt mado by written |*eriuls'lon of KHWIN A HARDEE, for Agent* aud Owners. JNO. Ia. ROUMILLAT, Agt.on Wharf, oct 10—tf i Wanted. A FEW THOUSAND DOL la A IIS of the Mechanics’ Hunk of Augusta and Kastcrn Bank of Alabama. oct3 K. F. M ETCALFE&CO. Wanted Immediately for CmhIi ! A , ^X'‘ wU ' d , tho city. sepia 810 Bay street. A DAY 1 Agcuts wanted to sell a now and wonderful HEWING MA<'liINK, tho only cheap one *llceuscd. Address 8HAW A CLARK, Biddolord, Maine. Be ptft 8m $90 A NONT1I! Agents wanted for fix entirely new artiiU•*, just out. Address O. T. GAKKV, City Building, Bldduford, Maine. 3m seplfi FOR 8ALE. 1 > For Sale. TONS BNGU8K SHEET COP PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness anti weight. Size of sheets an follows : 60\24, 60x28, 00x17, 0(1x9, 00x7, 86x - 2 Inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. I*. BRADFORD. 34S Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN K. COWLE8, Corner Bull and Bay street*, oct IS—lino Is. C. NORVELL A CO. COURTS. Oct. ‘JO. Orders No. 202, dated headquarters 1st Di- mioo, Department of Georgia, District of Savannah, Lieut. Col. M. T. Holbrook, l!ro- rost Marshal District of Savannah, was re lieved from doty, and Capt Clark H. Rernick assumed the duties of Provost Marshal. The following cases were being tried, viz : The United States ts. J. Taylor (colored.)— Abusive and threatening language. Susan Taylor (colored,) prosecutor. The prosecu tion in the above case having failed to appear, tbe c&>o is dismissed for want of evidence. The United States vs. Francis McDowell icolored.) W. H. Turner, prosecutor. Tho prisoner, upon the examination of witnesses, vai remanded to the city guard-house until the attendance of a material witness for tho prosecution can be obtained. The United States vs. Owen O’Brien.— Disorderly conduct in the streets. Found guilty, hut it being his first offence, and prom- WDg that the offence shall not be repeated, he is dismissed with a reprimand. Mrs. Minis vs. Sampson Whitfield (colored.) Kecovcry of rent. Claim, $10. The defen dant acknowledged his indebtedness, but asked for further time. It was ordered that judg ment he entered up against the dofendant in the sum of $10, principal, and $3 costs, and t.i&t the amount of judgment and costs be paid at this office on or before the 5th day of November next, at 10 o’clock A. M., and in default thereof the defendant be arrested and coolined in tho city guard-house until the ame he paid. Sol. Cohen, Esq., for plaintiff. John Frederick (colored) vs. Jho. Schwenck. Recovery of personal property. Plaintiff' hav ing failed to show a title to the property in dispute, the horse will remain in the posses sion of the defendant. John Gibbs (colored) vs. Mr. Geary. Ke- 'overy of debt. Claim, $20. Ui»on the ap- ;licaiion of the plaintiff, the above case is withdrawn from the docket, upon payment of of suit. FOR SALK S ECON D HAND Article* Tor sale at attorn one halt tho price of new, Including : — 5 000 empty barrels. 10,000 Bags and Sucks, canvass. Iron and Steel curings, Machinery,Cbnlus,Boilers, Stills, Bottles, Ac., «xc. Wanted, for cash, all kinds of tho above articles. 1). OLIVER A CO., oct7 Forest City Mills, Savannah, For Sale, BUSHELS Blackout* 200 kit* No. 1 Mackerel 50 qr bbls No. 1 Mackerel 25 bales Gunny Cloth. acp29 N. A. 1IARDKE A CO., No.» Stoddard's Range. For Sale, 300 COILS KlCHAllDSON’S ROPE, 160 TONS COAL. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. cor. Abercoru and Bay streets. For Sale. HKEECOWS. Apply to STUART A CO., cor. Bull and Broughton streets. T SCp29 LAMA HALL TO L K T . fllHE h1k>vu well known Hall, situated on Libert, A street between Lincoln and Altcrcorn street* be rented to respectable parties, Apply to BENJ.W. ROBERTS, Or to IT1. S. Leal, at Ribero'a old lec House, on Congress btrect Lane. oct 2U—Iw AT10NAL REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY gUJstf.g~r=r' • 4“ r ” : ■' vr&xsfUi tTIAPfl COCA SPECIAL NOTICE8. Notice. IJDOI PHO WOLFE," 22 Beaver Street, New York, Offers for sale of his own Importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, Ac., of any other house in tills country, comprising in part of Otard, Hennessey, IMnct CusUllon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Uochollo Brandies In half, quarter and eighth casks; also Otard and Itouyer, Luferrloru and Fils Bran dy, lu cases of one dozen each. “GIN.” Udolpho Wolfe's Hchlodam In pipe*. .Schiedam Aro matic bchuapits, In bond aud duty puld, iu cases of one dozen quarts aud two dozen pints. “WHISKY AND HCffl,” Scotch and Irish Whiskey In hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey iu barrels aud cases of onedozcu each. RUM- Vam«u(t" and “.Vf. Croix Hum” in hhds. aud case* of one dozcti each. ItlADEIHA, 8IIEHKY, AND PORT 4 WINES. More than twenty different grades, iu halves, quar ters aud eighth caskb, also iu cases of one dozon each. “HOCK* CHAfflPAUNE, MOSELLE, AND CLARET WINES,” From I’eter Arnold Mumui in Cologne, proprietor of Johauulstiorg estates J. U. 1). Rucker A Fils; Eschen- auer, Beucckc A Co., Bordeaux; Burton A Guestiu, lloidenux, and from other well kuown houses in Ger many and France. Oils, Cordials. Sardines, Bitters, Mustard, Olives, Brandy, Preserves, &c. Twenty-live years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the lurgiwt and most re spectable dealers, should Is? sufficient guarantee that every urtlclc offered by the advertiser for sale is pure aud genuine. Samples can lie seen, and catalogue of prices obtaiu- ed, by addressing the above. 8ra augO SPECIAL NOTICES. spmw to HiTSL V'XnUXXXA. ACCENT, I HUS. It having been reported that the 8POT8- W(H)1» HGT'HL had b<s?n confiscated and closed, the? Propilctora deem It |»n>|K’r to arsure tho 1'he House Is o|?cii for the accommodation of visitors, as It has been from Its opening day In Hcptcmher, Hflu. The House has been remodeled, renovated, refur nished, and put In peifict order throughout, aud the traveling public may rest assured of finding as com fortable accomuiodatlona with us as can be found In any first class Hotel North or South. Our friends, patrons, and the traveling public gen erally, visiting Richmond, are cordially Invited to make their home with ns. and no pains will lx? spared to mako them comfortable, aa wu are pledged to sustain well know n repututlon of the House. COSICBIIY A MILL WARD, Proprietors. octlO-Tt MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1865. shipping. UNITED STATES RftAML LINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DA MEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. AlAltYS. FERN A NO IN A, JACKSON VILLE AND PI COL AT A. THE well known steamer, for- morly the Ht. dohus, hut now the NJV licit ' ‘ ~ DAY MORNING To Helen Getty, Cautaln O. R. .Ingraham, master, will leavo the (>la btoainlxiat Yard every THUIW- at 10 o'clock, for the above Land- ’or freight or passago, apply on l?oard or U) L. 8. HKNNKTT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay street*. AGENTS--Darien, A. A, IK'Lonne. , .litcksnnvillc, J. 8. Ramis A Co. Palutkn, II. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. aep4 APHK’fSOR'H OFFIUB, 1 Unitko Statss Internal RKVfNiiE, l Mavauuah, Oct. 18, iscr.. \ Having nearly completed the organiza- tlonofthe District, I hereby notify tho public that I am instructed to make an Immediate as- tceumcuL for tbe year 1864 fits tho tux Is now past ducj Confederate prices, npon Incomes of every descrip tion. The tax from six hundred to five theusand dollars wlllbe 5 per cent*, ubovc that amount Indefinitely lo |ht per cent. ii(?on all gross receipt*. The payment;? will lie made in United States Curreu- at what it was worth In Confederate money at that time. Any information tho citizens may desire will ho chcerfiilly given, and I will, of course, bo as indulgent the law and the Interest of the Government will allow me to bo. U. H. HOPKIN8, OCtl4 Assessor 1st District. GLASGOW FERTILIZER COMPANY’S SOLUBLE FbaspUatic and Ammoniated GUANO. Barrels, 250 lbs. each. GLASGOW FERTILIZER COMPANY’S IMPKOVBO Super-Phosphate of Lime. Address, GRIPPING BROTHER A CO., No. CO Cortlaudt st., New York. (Bbls. 260 lbs, each.) »m jy28 URNINGOF THE MUSEUM LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. NEW YORK, July 14, 1S05. Messrs. Herrin;/ Co. : Gkstlbmrn—Though the destruction of the Ameri can Museum has proved a serious loss to myself and tbe public, I am happy to verify the old adage, that, ’It's an ill wind that blows nobody good," and conse quently, congratulate you that your wcll-knowu sates I have agaiu demonstrated their superior flre-proof qualities iu an ordeal of unusual severity. The safe you mado for mo some time ago was lu the I office of the Museum, on tho second floor, back part of j tho building, and In the hottest of tbe lire. After twenty-four hours of trial it was found uinong I the debris, aud on opculng it this day has yielded up | it* contents lu very good order - books, papers, poli cies of lusnrance, bank bills, all iu condltion 4 for imine- | diatc use, nud a noble commentary on the trustworthi ness of Herring's Fire-Proof 8nfes. Truly yours, P. T. BARNUM. L . S . HOYT’S AMMONIATKD liANIC a uper-Phospnate of Lime Of the most approved quality, a substitute for Peruvian Guano. N OFFICE, NO. 194 WA TER STREET, Adjoining United States Hotel, NEW YORK. . My sup. jr-phosphatc of Lime is not un experiment. Ten years trial ot it iiimui all kinds of crops aud soils hns proved it* value each year, and that it is of uniform qunlitv. Packed in barrels in good order, uniform weight, 250 lbs. each. 3ra jy38 HATCH El,Oil’s ll.UK DIE. The Original and Best In the World ! The only true aud perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable aud Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Browu, without Injuring tbe hair or ekiu. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Hold by all Drug gist*. Tho genuine is marked William A. Batchelor, Also, Regenerating Extract of Milleflours, for Restoring aud Beautifying the Hair. nuglB CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. The mod Helialtle Protection from Fire now Known. Herring A: Co.’* Patent Bankers' Naff on, with .Herring A Floyd’s Patent Crystalized Iron, the best security against a burglar's drill ever manufactured. HERRING A CO., No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray t?L, New York. FARREL, HERRING A CO., Philadelphia. octlU—5w HERRING A CO.. Chicago. JJOOLE A J Dissolution. B Y mutual content, Mr. J \MR8 W. HANDKLL this day withdraws from our Firm. HILTON A RANDELL. Savannah, Oct. 16th, 1865. Referring to the above notice, the undersigned would state that he will continue the Wholesale Grocery Business, under the firm name of HANDKLL At CO., and Iia* taken the commodious building on the South-wont cor. of Bay A Barnard at*. Iu a few days lie will be prcitarcd to offer a large and well selected stock of Groceries, to which the attention of tlie Trade will lie solicited. JAMES W. RANDELL. bench of Judge Forward, of Florida. JaJge Forward, of Palatka, Fla., who arrived itre «oine ten days since on his way to tho ''orth in search of health, died at the Pulaski Hvaie on Thursday night. He had been unwell for some time previous, occasioned by a severo duck ot bilious fever. Judge Forward was about H jeers of age, resided at Pilatka, Fla., and was tne of tho Judges on the Supreme Bonoh of Flori da He was a man of fine talents, eminently pious, and a leading member of the Presbyterian Church. Jle leaves a wife and two sons in Florida, tad e married daughter at the North. His funeral *ill take pUoe from the Pnlaski House this after noon at 3 o’olook. Believed. burgeon Baldwin, of the 173d regiment New York Volunteers, who has been acting os Medi al Director of the Sub-District of Ogechce, lias been relieved from that duty and will rc- lurn North with his regiment this day. IIo *‘H bo succeeded by Assistant Surgeon Towles 01 9io 1-th Maino regiment. Soldier Drowned, Horatio J. Kendall, a private belonging to Company C, 12th Maine regiment, fcli over- huaril at Bouaventure Point, at 7 o’clock yes terday morning and was drowned. Tbe offi cers of the Gibbons made every effort to rescue him, but he sank from view before they wore *l»lc to reach him. Correction.. 1» our notico of Lt. Spellman and his con flection with tho jail, we placed him on the LJtb New York Volunteers. This is a mis khc. Lt. Spellman is a member of the 173d ew York Volunteers, which loaves for New Hrk to-day. Referring to the above notice, the undersigued would state thut they will coutiuue the Wholenttlc Grocery Business, under the firm nutuu of HILTON *Sc RANDELL, ut the old stand, No. lO.’l Bay street. oct 16—lw EDWARD G. HILTON, F. M. llANDBLL. HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, MANUKAOTUUEIIH Portable aud Stationary Steam Engines aud Boilers, 8team Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Guug and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mill*, FI jur Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses lor Oil aud Tobiyxo, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of ull kiuds, Halting, Pulley* aud Ilaugcrs. aug3 6m COLGATE A CO. Beg to infosm their customers that they still continue the manufacture of their various styles of Family and Toilet Soaps, Starch, and Cam die*. Prices current forwarded by muil on application. COLGATE A CO., Non. 53 aud 55 Jolin st., New York. jy28 3m Holmes & Blanchard, fHUOCKSSOlIS TO O. W. IIKOWN,) Manufacturer* and Dealer* in FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES AND MILL G-EERIN G-, Of ull DeNcrlptions, Manufacturer* of BROWN'S Improved Partible Flouring aud Crist mills, Screen and Bolt Reels, Mill Spindles, Bushes, Picks, Hoisting Screws and Balls, Ac. Dealers in “DUTCH ANKER” BOLTING CLOTHS Flour Packer*, Smut Machines and Separators, Bran. Dusters, Uom n «d Cols UJcaokers, Screen Wire, Belling, aud mill Fiirniwhlny of every PeNcrlpfion. Improved Turbine Water Wheels NiiiiitwooD & Co., under St. Andrew’ AUj ' c °rRer Broughton and Jefferwon Meet*, huvo ju«t received anew lot of those fine Pio Hams—Try them, War- Ram Ed xo suit, Alo, fine Englihu ■UhkAKPABT Bacon. kiJ. h 't, Illiring brothers, the great London ban .... , ^' iVe Nads arwngemepte for a! Maasaohn- , Ut ® loan of five to ten million dollars Tho ^ unities for investments have been stxeh tnat 1 loan could be negotiated on better and I Su^r 611 ** 001 t#rmB ff0 ® Massachn* Hits qHImqi MdnpttoUfU. 1 _ w Plans and Specification when desired. for Mills furnished 9 A 11 Haverhill and 2 Beverly Nt» , BOSTON. octl4 Co-partnership Notice, rilHi; UNDERSIGNED having associate 1, themselves together under tbe firm nume of LaR< che, Gaden ifc Unckles for the purpose of transacting a General Grocery and Commission'Business, and liavlng secured the large and commodious Store, corner of Bay and Uaruard street*, arc now prepared to receive any, and ull consignment* inode to them.— They also have extru Rooms, suitable for storing Dry Goods and Fancy Articles, to which wo cull the atten tion of Owner* and Agent*, ns the best lu the city. From a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, tlioy hope to give eutlrc Batisfacllon to all making consignmuut* to them. Lib«:rul advances madu on Cotton, Lumber, Ac. couslguod to them for salo in Savauuab, or for ship meut to their friends In Now York. Boston or Paltl- more. LaK jC!HK, GADEN A UNCKLES. D. LaHookk, J UfcNJ. G. Gaukn, V David 8. Uwoklm. | OCt 10—im Geo, Demerit & Co. i Established 1859,] 303 11 HO AD WAY, NEW YORK, O F F E K the following splendid list of Wafr.liea, Chain*, Gold Pena. Sil verware und Jetvoiryi worth over $750,n00, at One Dollar Each. Not ]>aiu until you kuow what you will receive. , Each. 0 j.. .$50 00 f 2(K) Ladies' Gold-cased Watches. ano Solid Silver-cased Watches is no to 175 8oltalro Diamond Rings 40 (lu to 1500 Neck and Guard Chains 25no Vest and Chatelaine Chains.. 8000 Gold and Onyx Brooches 4 on to 3000 Pearl, Coral, Ac., Brooches.. ‘ ' •1000 Gold, Pearl &e., Far Drops.. 2600 Gents’ Scarf and Breast Pins. 4500 Gold < based Bracelet* 4 00 to 7500 Oval Band Bracelet* 4 (Hi to loot! Gold Watch Keys and Slides.. 2ooo Gold Sleeve Buttons, &c 3000 Miniature Lockets, double .... 8000 Miniature Locket*, Dial Face.. 15«0Gold Thimbles, Armlet*. Ac... 1500 Masonic Pins and Emblems. 8000 Plain and Chased Gold Rings... 4tKHi Stone Set and Signet Rings 8 00 to 2000 I adlns'Buckles, Chu ms, Ac... ~ 7500 Sett* Gold, Pearl. Ac., Jewelry 800*1 Sett* Garnet, Oayx, Jet,Ac..Jew elry 4 00 to 9000 California Diamond RingB, Ac... " — 15lK> Gold T00tbpick*. Crosses, Ac. 2500 Gold Pcus, Pencils, Ac 7000 Gold Pens, Case and Pencil... 5000 Gold Pons, Ebony Holders.... 1000 Silver Ice Pitcher*, Ac 20 (hi to 1500 Sliver < , aators. Stands, Ac 12 (Hi to 15(H) Silver Card and Cake Baskets... 12 (Hi to 4000 811 ver Cup and Mugs 0000 Tea and Dessert Spoons... 8000 Table and Dessert Forks... 5000 Sliver Fruit and Pie Kulvcs 4oOO Pairs Rings, Suit Sj)oous, Ac... 8 (Hi to 8000 Silver Tea Call Bel!*. Ac 2 (HI to 4000 Oyster and Pickle Forks, Ac.... 2 00 to Each and every article in tho above list is rep-eaent- ed by a Certificate. These are placed in similar en velopes and sealed. Any person obtaining a Certifi cate, to be bad at our office, or sent by mail to aw address, will kuow what they may have for One " lar. We charge for sending Certificates, paying i»o»i aud dolug the business, 25 cent* each. Five will sent lor $1; Eleven for $9; Thirty for $5; Sixty-Five $10; and (Joe Hundred for $15. Any iierson receiving a Certificate for an article they may not desire can exchange for any other article iu our List of the same value By this method wo are enabled to furnish the public with selections from a rich and varied stock of goods, at a nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of the very highest valuo Wo warrant every article as represent ed or money refunded AGENTS—Liberal Commission aud valnablo Pre miums, consisting of Watches, Ac., given to Agent*. Address all orders to GEO. DEMERIT A CO., BP* lm BOB Broadway, Now itork, $50 00 to $200 00 . 35 00 to |(M) (Ml . IS 00 to 45 (Ml . 40 00 to 15 (Ml . 5 00 to 46 (Ml . 4 00 to 60 00 . 4 00 Ul 15 00 . 4 (Ml to 20 (HI . 3 00 to 18 Oo . 2 00 to 12 00 4 00 to 15 (HI . 4 00 to 18 00 2 off to 6 no . 2 on to 10 (Ml . a no to 9 00 . 8 00 to 8 00 . 4 (Ml to 7 00 . 3 0(1 to 6 (HI . 3 (HI to R 00 . 8 00 to 10 (Ml . 2 no to 12 (HI r. 5 (lo to 25 (Ml . 4 (HI to 20 00 .. 8 (Ml U) 8 (Ml .. 1 5(1 to 7 (Ml . i 50 to 8 00 .. 3 (Ml to 7 (Ml .. 2 (Ml to 0 (Ml . . 20 (Ml to 50 (Ml .. 12 (Ml to 40 (HI . . 12 (Ml to 35 (Ml . . 4 (Ml to 1° 00 . . 7 (Ml to 18 (Ml 10 'Ml to 20 00 . . 3 (Ml to 8 (XI . . 3 (Ml to H (Ml . . 9 (Ml to 10 (Ml .. 2 UO to 8 00 Notice. For Palatka, Fla VIA bARIES, llRUSfiWICK, ST. MA RYSEERSASJjfSA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE new. aud fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. cast- .nor, will leave for the above plorcs ’every ITU BSD AY MORNING, at 10 o’clock. For freight or imssuge, apply on board at Padcl- ford's wharf, near White’s Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will lie received every day during the week, t the warehouse, by WM. It. II. BltUKN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will furnsh weight unu measurement of goods. tf nng24 CENTRAL RAILROAD. m t> 11 p«?rintend*?nt’* Office, \ Savannah, Octiffwr loth, 1865. f This Company is now, In connection with W. J. Dickerson A Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augmt*. Macon, Atlanta, Ac., dally from Twenty to Thirty u honsand Pound* of Freight, aud go through In from three to six day*. ship Freight and other excuses must lie paid by Shipper*. Railroad Freight can he paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. GEO. W. ADAMS, octlO General Superintendent. AUCTION 8ALES. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN• T1K3 DAY, at 10 o'clock, iu front of store, will be ■old: The u«nal assortment of Groceries, Provision*, Dry Good*, Liquors, Clothing, Wooden Wnre,Brooma, Ac, Ac., Soap, Candles, Starch, Tea, Cheese, Ale, Flour, Liverpool Salt, Fancy Clocks, Boots and f-hocs, oct 21 CENTRAL RAILROAD. oi Nuperlutendent’a Office, \ Savannah. Ga, Oct. 2d, 1866./ N and after Monday, the 2d instant, a daily train _ (Sundays excepted) will loave for August* at 5.oo ... m., conuectlng with a line of Hacks running be tween station 4J<, Central Railroad, aud Waynesboro 1 , 1 the Augusta aud Savannah Hailroad. Passengers by this lino will arrive In Augusta the next morning alter leaving savannah, iu time to get breakfast, aud connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Freight to go by passenger train prepaid and delivered at tno Depot tho night before. GEO. W. aDAMS, sep4 General Superintendent. i^or Augusta, STEAM Ell .EXPRESS, CAPTAIN J. II. MORGAN, Will have quick despatch a* above. This steamer is entirely new. Exceedingly LIGHT O U AFT, Of increased capacity, aud was built expressly for this trade. Being of such night Draft, is aide . to navi gate the rivet at it* lowest tinge, Shippers ‘will find It to their ml vantage to patronise. For Freight engagements apply to F. M. MY HELL. Agent, Harris' Building, Bay street. HAWKINS & CO , PACKERS & GENERAL PROVISION Dealers, *epl2—tf TOWAGE. THE undersigned, Agents for the Savannah Tow Boat Comiinny, arc now ready to receive applica tions Tor Towage of vessels of all descriptions. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay at., opp. Mariners' Church. ‘il I Front St., Beef. Butter, Pork, Cheese, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Tongues, Shoulders, Eggs, Fulton Market Beef. AH orders carefully executed at the 8HOKTE8T NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart A (Jo., K. Ehrlich, Esq., B, G. Tilden, Esq. Southern Produce reccivod on consignment, octft—6m HERRING'S PATENT | For Baltimore. ‘ PrcnderguNt'N Line " The fast Hailing, regular packet, schooner “ Do Soto." (’rook, mas- .ter, liuving the greater portion of her ►cargo engaged, will have nulck dispatch. For balance of freight upply to LaROCIIK, GADEN A UNCKLES, Corner Bay & Barnard Afreets. Agents in Baltimore: oct IS PHKNDKHOAST, FENWICK A CO. FOR SALE! A CHOICE LOT OF TEA! ALSO, 100 Bbls. Lawrenceville Co’s Cement, Will be sold Low to Close Consignment. A pply to CHAS; L. COLBY A CO., *cpl4 tf cor. Bay and Abercorn st*. CHAMPION SAFES. Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND! Forwarded by Eight llran Steamers. THE COMPLEXION AND HAIR Bald Heads Hiid Bare Faces covered. Gray Hair re stored, Light Hair darkened, Weak Hair strengthen cd, and Buvhy Hair beautified. Also, Pimpled Face* cured, purified, and made soft, smooth, clear, and beautiful bytheuseof Cliu|t- wtiin’ft Celebrated Kecljics, Mailed free to those wishing to give them an honest trial. These Rcci]>c* can be obtained without charge by return mail by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perfumer, oct5 4w 831 Broadway, New York. ITCH ! I rCH ! ITCH! Soratch ! Scratch! Scratch! WHEATON’S OINTMENT Will cure the Itch iu 43 Hours. Also, cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Brunt ions of the Skin. Price, 5 0 cent*. For sale by all Druggist*. By sending 60 cent* to WEEKS A POTTER, Hole Agent*, 170 Washington etreet, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, Ircc of postage, to any part of tbe United States. 6m *cp21 r ^> A.WA.Y with TACLES. -Old Eyes Made New, without Spectacles, Doctor or Medicine. Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten ccuts. Address . K. B. FOOTE, M. D., No. 11.10 Broadway, New York. W E are prepared to receive Goods iu onr ware house, free of storage and covered by iiiNiirunce, to Iw* forwarded by the light drn't steamers Herryand Fu Icon. and others about to be put on the Hue. Apply to the Agents, ■qBl tf C. I, COI.HY & CO. J AUD OIL, at 110114110 PITCH HP3. BOILED LlNNEStD OIL, at HORATIO PITCH HUS, FAMILY BEEF, in half bbls, at HORATIO PITCH HR'S. BEEF TONlil'ES, in half bbls, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. MENS BEEF, in bbls andliull hhls, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. MENS POHK, in bbls aud half hhls, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. CORDAGE, Irom >j inch to 6 inches, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. SIII1* NTOllEN and CHANDLERY, at HORATIO PITCHER'S. HO H i l l O 1’I TCll E R KEEPS AT THE Foot ol Lincoln ntrcct.under the Hlnlf ct 17—tf . T. J. DLNBAR&CO. WHOLIHALK Wine, Cigars and Ijicjuor Dealers, l-t7 BAY STREET, ,VI 171 .V.V.I//, tiF.Qiltil.t, (Next door above Republican Office.) octlO—12t SOUTHERN riffi LIMBER. T HE subscribers Boliclt consignment* of Southern Plue Lumber on which they will make advances, aud which they will Nil afloat or from yard. They be lieve they have the largest yard in tho United States, aud unequalled facilities for the sale of Lumber. WILLSON, WATROUS A • O., cor. 1st Avenue and 89th st., und 84 Wall st. New York. CLARK, SUMNER A CO., . Alubany, N. Y. Inferences—Broadway Bank, New York. Meclmuics' A Fanner*’ Bank, Alubany, New York. A FINE LOT UF OASSIMEBES FOR Gents 1 and Bovs 1 Wear Northern Lumber, Of every kind, for sale by WILLSON, WATROUS A CO., let Avenue and 39th st, and 94 Wall st., New York. CLARK, SUMNER A CO., Albany, N. Y. oct 5 lm DM (iiM, fill, ML .J U B r r RJCC Ull VDID | .Per tttettmer America J1V JOHN C. MAKER A UO. .17 139 Congress street. The subscribers have just received a large invoice o* seasonable DRY GOODS, iu which aro Ladies’ Dress Goods, Durk Prints, latest styles, All Wool Delaines, “ Plaids, Linen floods, in lar^e Variety, Ribbons, Trimmings, &r, ALSO, 20 eases Assorted Shoes. The above, with a variety of other desirable Goods arc now open, und will be offered to the trade for a few days, by LaROCHE. GADEN A UNCKLES. oct 19 compound interest noies WANTED, AT A PREMIUM, DY READE & CHASE BANKERS AND BROKERS, 17 WALL STREET, NEW YORK RATES, SEPT. 10th, 1865, 1 Aug , 1864. ..‘2 V per cent. I Oct., 1804,...U4 . .5 per cent. .3 June, 1864... July, Hrtl Dec., 1304... Parties remitting bv Express may draw on same day, or proceed* will tic deposited 11* directed. High- | cat prices paid for Gold, Silver, and Government pc- curltleaof all descriptions. lm oct3 DISSOLUTION. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of T. M. RICE A CO., is tills (lav dissolved by mutual consent-Mr. Rice withdrawing from the firm. The accounts of the firm will be set- tied at their old place of business, corner ol St. Jnlieu and Barnard streets, by A. W. McConnell. T. B. RICE, a. w. McConnell. Savannah, October 10th, 1366. oct 18—8 RICHARDSON & BARNARD flay St., oppos te Mariner’s (Jhurcli AGENTS [FOR WIII. JoHaup &Noh’n x uglisli Cast Steel, Circular Niiwn, (Litton Gtnv» Aiiiinoniutcd Pacific Guuno, Patent Decking und Roofing. octl4—tf o auy 1 Dof. istagc, vill lie 0 for SELECT FEMALE SCHOOL T HE undersigned liovtug ranted tho rchool tmlld- lug on tho corner of Charlton und Drayton streets, would respeetffilly announce to the public that he, us- rlsted by Airs. Aletbaa S. Burroughs, will open a Select Female School In said building on the first Mon Octobor. Tuition per Terra of Three Months, ouc bulf payable tbe middle of each quarter, as follows: Senior Department, per quarter $21 (K) Junior do. do. 19 00 Prlmojy do. do. 10 U0 BCp28 JAMES S. C'QZBY. lliltoii & Raudcl o 103 BAY BTKKKT, FFER for sale lOO bit In. extra R. II. Genesee Flour. 50 Itulf bhla. do. do. do. 50 bblN. Soda Hlacillt, 50 do. Sugur do. 25 do. Butter do. 25 do. Oyator do. octlO—Ot BY BELL. WYLLY & CHRISTIAN THI v DAY. at lo o’clock, In front of store, A large Assortment of German Fancy Goods. Cut lery Ac., Table Knives and Forks, Hair Brushes, Pocket Knives, Cloilics Brushes, ■clssors, pi ne q ooth Broshes, Wallets, Pino Combs, Hair Pins, Mirrors, Paste aud Liquid Blacking Pack Pins, une vory fine Piano, Flax Thread. oct 21 YORK, WILLIAMS, MclNTIHE A CO. At Private Sale. Bacon Shouldera * Bacon Sides Canvassed Hams Choice Butter Corn Meal, Hominy Split Peas Soap, Barley Ground Coffee With a variety of other Groceries. oct 17—g JVcw York. Vegetables, Fish, 8alt, Frult,| Ac., Ac. Helmbold’s LUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. Tbe ex hausted powers of Nature which arc accompanied by no many alarming symptoms, among which will be found, Indisposition to Exertion, Lom of Memory, Horror of Disease or Forebodings of Evil; In fact. Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and Inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid or Medicine to etreagthen and iuvigoPitethesystem.whicliHenibold’isExtract Duchu Invariably does. If uo treatment .Is snb- mltted to, consumption or insanity ensnes. Helmbeld’s Fluid Extract Buchu In affections peculiar to ‘‘Femauss," Is unequaled by any other preparation, as tn Chlorosis or Retention, Palnfnlness, or Suppression of Customary Evocations, Ulcerated or Scbirrus state of the Uterus ; and all com plaints Incident to tbe sex. whether arising from habits ot dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. Wo have the largest assortmen of Whiskies, Wines, Gins. Brandies, Bitters, &e In the South, to which wc invite the attention of the trade. Call and compare our goods aud prices. oct6 -1 in 0. WINTER .J- P. WINTER. WJNTER & OO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 10 Broadway, New York. Will attend promptly to the salo of Cotton and other 'onsigument*. Ortler* for Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sule of Nou thorn Securities, Bonds. Bank Nolen and Southern Laudv solicited. Circular MuwMIIIn, or the most improved construction, warranted to cut 10,0(10 feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust with every tliiug com- dote, including Belting for $3,500. Send (or dreu- lm oct 19 E. B. l'KNDLKTO . W.M.R. J. OUKTT. PENDLUTOJN & JOUBTT. (Formerly of 8t. Louis,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, Xo. 58 Wafer street, New Y#rk, Orders are solicited for the purchase or salo of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, Western Produce, Naval Stores, Bagging. Rope, Ac., Ac., which will re ceive our best personal attention. lin oct 19 DANIEL F. TIEMANN & CO, No. 210 Pearl Ht., New York M anufacturers of paints WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VAR NISHES, and dealers in all articles iu this lino.- Iso. Tienmnn’N Soluble Blue for wash ing, aud ,4 Californiu" Vermillion, Pale and Deep. Sbonld be glad to see our old friends lu the trade, or hear from them any lime by mail, oct 18—3m A- E- LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmiths and Locksmiths Corner of St. Julien and Jefferson Streets. oct 18—tf Rice for Sale PRIME CAROLINA RICE ALSO, BAST INDIA ROVtT. HABERSHAM & SON8. OCt 18—8 Machinery Clothing, assorted. Painted Pail* and Tubs, Brooms, Letter Paper, Fancy ^oaps, Assorted Dry Goods, Rogers' Pen Knives, Flax Thread, Hooks and Eye*, Shoe Thread. Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Buchu Improved Rose Wash Will radically exterinlLate from tho system Diseases arisiug from Habits of Dissipation at little expense, little or uo change In diet, no Inconvenience or expo sure; completely superseding those unpleasant and dungcrous remedies, t'opaiva and Mcrcnry In all these disease*. USE HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXI'tDCr BlICIMI, In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing In “Mule' or “Female," from whatever canse originating aud no matter how long standing. It is pleasant In taute and odor, ‘immediate" In action, and mors strengthening than auy of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Con stitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the at>0ve diseases, it is certain to affect his Bodily llealtb.Meiital Powers, and Happi ness. % All the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic, Helmbold’s Extract Buchu la tlio Great Diuretic.' lleltnbold’N Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID IEXTRACT -SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic consti tutional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, and tho only reliable and effectual known reme dy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelliugs of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tet ter, .Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin. ANI) BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not 11 few of the worst disorders that affect mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge It nut, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD’S COtfrOBNIl EXTRACT of SaR8A1 , ARUJ,A itcleiuM and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health In to tbe syBtem, aud purges out the humors which make d'scAse. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and cxpclls tbe disorders that grow aud rankle in the blood. Suet) a remedy that could be relied on, bus loug been sought for, and now, for tho first lime, the public have one on which they can depend. Onr space here does not admit of certificates to show it* effect*, but the trial of a single bottle will show the sick thuUt has virtues eurpassiug anything they have ever taken. Two tablesaoonfuls of tho Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is eqval to the Lisbon Diet Drink, aud one bottle Is folly equal to a gallon of the yrup of Sarsap-irillo, or the decoction as,usually made. SJir* Thevc ExtrucUlmvc been Admit ted to Use in tlxc United States Army, and ure ulso in very general use in all the State Hos pitals and and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, aa well as in private practices, and,arc considered cs invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu, FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATE8. See Professor Dewee’s valuable works on the Prac tice of I’hysie See remarks made by the lute eelebratod Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim M’Dowell, a cele brated Physician and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published In the Transactions of the King aud (Queen's Journal See Medico « birnrgical Review, publisbod by Benja min Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, bee most of the lute Standard Works of Medicine. EXTRACT BUCHU, ’•SAIWAI'ARILLA.” Sold by all Druugista. PRINCIPAL DEP0T- IIELM HOLD’S Drug aud Chemical Warehouse, 5114 BROADWAY. octlO—lm Whipp'e File Manufg Co. WHIPPLE FILE MAIKACTUMl CO.. Manufacturers of all descriptions of OAST STEEL AND FI LE 8. 34, 30, 38 A 10 Kilby at Boston. 53 Bookman st Now York. 511 Commerce st Philadelphia. 23 Sc 25 South Charles st ..Baltimore. M. KEITH, JR, & SON. 00 Walnut st Cincinnati. DONALDSON A DUNBAR, Agents. O Lake st Chicago. HT* Orders sent to any of the above houses will re- celve prompt attention. tf oct 19 Gunny Cloth. D l UNU Sc BROWN. SHIPPING MASTERS, Having opened an office at No. 85 Bay streot, biv tween Habersham aud Price streets, wo are prepared to furnish crews at UlQ shortest uotlcc. 1 QCtU-UBi Hull’s Gandies & Soaps fif ( i BOXES extra Family Soap, 9 lb. Burs. U v/ 5(1 do. do. do. 1 1b. do. 200 Mould Caudles. For sale by HILTON A RANDELL, hole Agents, ortlfl-fit 193 Bay street. ■mmo—w <*#1 •fcT'o&.Biirr. oai S TATIONARY’ and Portable Steam Engines and Boiler*. ,_j . Hoisting Engines, Fire Engines, Lathes Planers, Drills, Ac., Pumps of every description. Hydraulic Presses and Jacks, Cotton Gins, Grist MUls, Rico Mills. SAW MILLS. Woodworth, -Daniels, Gray A Wood's Planiug Machines, Mortising, Tenoning, Molding and Sash Machines. t htngle Machines, all kinds of Iron aud Working Machinery and Supplies, Rubber andjLeaihcr Belling, etc. Steam Guages and Boiler Feeders. tar e end for a Circular." WtlT-H* COMSTOCK A KINSEY. No. 154 Bay at., savannah, G», In bbls., half bbls. und kit*, constantly on hand RICHARDSON A HAKNAHD, octl4—tl Bay st., opposite Marine re’ Cimrch. Stewart’s Candies 50 BOXES Mewartv^rn l»a B»j itrwu Vs nnpcrli HILTON Jk RAND] Butter and Cheese 2^ k«*. CHOICE BUTTER. 100 kax.a CHEESE, landing ul fotul. b. JKl 1 O. L GILBKRT. P OTATOES, Onion*. Root*. Tomls*. Umoo. Cabbag.. *nd Apple*, landing Rom •foame* Hun ter, for itdaby WU 0, !<. eiLBXBX.