Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 23, 1865, Image 3

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SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBJACAN, MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 23, igeg. LOCAL MATTERS. Arrival of New Steamers.’. ’ Three now steamers arrived at this port yea- 1 > ._ 0 ne side wheeler, the Ella, and two ,e ' Ul \vheelers, the Orient and the Clarion. ,u '™ Lila, Captain Rowland, is a fine steam- over 300 "ins. She is 152 feet long, 22 C! 'breadth of beam, and 8 feet depth of hold. ,1 owned by C. H. Mallory & Co., and was ,, s ,j C) Me. of the best material. Her fed >iu- » huih j matt hincrv conssits of two inclined engines of „ h cylinder and 3 1-2 feet stroke, and ac- ' yuions for about 40 passengers. She l0K .. nc d to J. H. Whilden, and is here in is oods'd „, ar ch of business. " ■rhe Orient, Captain Goldthwaite, is a stem ' elcro fthe first class. She was built at * , 3I1 j jie., is 12S feet long, 22 feet breadth 1 ' am and 7 feet depth of hold. The Orient furnished with two high pressure engines of ■, c be6 diameter and 5 feet stroke; two feed I’d of iid ■.mi'* of -J inch plunge and 60 inch stroke. I, ar e worked by the main engine; one high . ure boiler, 17 feet long and 61-2 feetdiam 1 The engine and boiler was built at Port- ui,J!c*of the very best meterial. The • e nt lias fine state room accommdoations for angers, and good freight capacity. She is ( jcl by Ross, Sturdevant & Co., of this city , „ [ e ft on Saturday afternoon for Darien ( which trade we believe she is inten jl. j'bc Clarion, Captain Morse, is a stern ( j, c ci steamer, of good carrying capacity, ml;*t ll'iscasset, Me., and owned by Ross, Is jrdevant & Co., 97 1-2 tons burthen, has lone high pressure boiler 12 1-2 feet long, 5 ifect diameter, made at Bangor Me., two high Inrtssure engines 14 inches diameter and 4 feet (stroke, 1 teed putnp of 2 inch plunge and 48 laches stroke. She is well calculated for the ■trade, and will leave for Augusta on Tuesday lae.'it. Messrs. C. L. Colby & Co. are the |Agents in this city. From Augusta. Xbo steamer Laura, Capt. Garnett, arrived from Augusta on Saturday night. She left Au gufU on Thursday evening. On Friday passed I, team er Petir, aground at Canoe Gut Bar; pro peller h. linos, aground below Twigg’s Bar; iteamer Caldwell, ou Hungry Swamp Bar. Pass. L] steamers Potter, Gen. Berry, Oak and R. H May, all bound up. Passed at Stony Bluff the miniature steamers Rebel and Great Eastern, and fiat Pitch, the steamer Volunteer, bound up The steamer Helen, Capt Reilly, arrived at his place yesterday from Augusta. The Helen arrived at Augusta on the ISth inst. with a heavy cargo, which was discharge/, and a load taken on board, with which she left on the afternoon of the Hath, thus maintaining her reputation ss the faste t boat on the line. We are indebted to her effi -ers for late Augusta papers. The Helen reports having passed seven flats rank ia the river between this place and Augus ta, and ibo river as very low and fast falling. There is not three feet of water on Sand Bar Terry or liugg’s Bar ; the water at Hershman’s jike is very low and falling, and steamers that iavo passed that point may succeed in reaching Augusta but all this side will not get up unless a rise in the river takes place. Rain had fallen np the country, on Fri<% last, but it has had no cfleet on the river. Passed on the 21st steamer R. II. May, at Hirst Landing : steamer Potter, at Obstructions; stcanrer Pen. Berry, at Laxom Landing; steamer k, at Miller’s Lake; all bound up. 22d, pass etl steamer Voiuntoor, at Bold Maker, bound up. Departure of Steamship*, y itc an interesting scene was witnessed under the bluff on Saturday—the departure of lour steamships, three for New York and one lor Philadelphia, and the arrival about the same time of three steamers from Charleston. The steamship Zodiac, Capt. Bulkley, for New fork, and the Cumbria, Capt. French ior Philadelphia, left at nine o’clock, followed lvthe Nevada, Capt. Carpenter, and the Gen. Sedgwick, Capt. Starkey, both for New York, ; half-past nine o’clock. The Nevada took out the gallant 173d New otk \ oluutcers, Col. Peck,commanding, who 8 'heir way home to ba mustered out of ervice. Tue steamship Perit, Capt. Delanoy, sailed rNew fork on Sunday morning at 8 o’clock. Marine Disaster. The steamer Annie, Capt. Clark, while on the Wage from Darien to this port, struck a sunk, a mg neat Darien, on Friday afternoon, which ■°“ d lhe “'earner to leak badly. A sail was im- ■ediateiy run under her bottom, for the purpose “> stopping the leak, which, with all ' r ■’““P 8 at work, enabled her to reach this ■"on Saturday morning. She has been run .•round on Fig Island, where she is now under- ?>ngrepairs. New Appointment. are glad to learn that Mr. Thomas :arrison > son of Gen. Harrison, former s'! officer in the State militia, has re- "otl an appointment as Sergeant of the : >y Police,superceding Edward Gordon. '*0 consider the appointment a good Dc ’ inasmuch as the new appointee nii Ss to the position an unblemished fnracter, while his intimate acquaintance • l 1 our citizens will enable him to dis- his duties in a thorough manner. Provost Marshal. Sh Ur .^ H^hngs, of the 12th Regiment »me\ 0 L Infantry, assumes command as Pro- ■'r: 1 ^ '^ le ‘Toll-district of the Ogeechee , ' Cj1 - Holbrook relieved to join his reg- K ’. * e h this city on Saturday for ork ’ to be mustered out of service. Tl bs old ; rile Medical College. hnoos u natltUtion which has been used by L ri sades as a military hospital since the - ‘ 0n 01 our c 'ty by Gen. Sherman’s forces, ; !I10r 'iy to be j n ° U8 lormer r°H now vacated and the budding turned owner, the small nnmber of men 10 °“ r Clty no lon 8 er requiring the - ai "-- of a military hospital in the anoient fi’Ptepi , j h ,' 818 g00d news which will be truly | ‘ e hy the medical faculty. I TbelT* h Car °l»na Legiilature. Nislitt ° Wlng Parties have been elected to the :ch „. Ure 01 Sout h Carolina, from Hilton Head f‘ the * COURTS. Oct-21. Be/ore Capt. Clarlc H. Remick, Provost Mar shal, District of Savannah. The United States vs. Stephen Wilson and Jm, Pol'ard.fboth colored.) Larceny. The prosecutor, Policrmun Otto having failed to make out his case, the prisoners are discharged from custody for want of evidence on the part of the United States. The United States vs. VcBrantley, (colored.) Larceny. Found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 425 and costs, and in default of payment be be confined in jail until the same be paid, Dot exceeding one month. The United States by Policeman H. Often, vs. Plato Johnson, (colored.) Pedling Jewelry in the market without license. It having not been proved that the defendand sold any of the jewel ry found in his possession, but it having been es tablished that it was the property of his employ er, it is ordered that the jewelry be returned to its owner,,and that defendant be discharged from custody upon the payment of costs. Chief of Police vs. Policemen H Smith, R. Humphries andF. S. McCracken. Neglect of duty. The charges against the above officers of the police having been proved, it is ordered that Smith and Humphreys be fined in the snm of $3 each, and t McCracken in the snm of #5, which said sums of money the Chief of Police will stop against Ibeir monthly pay and pay into the regis try of this office. . ..> Chief of Police vs. Policeman Sapp. Neglect of ditty and absence from his ward. The charge against the policeman having been fully .estab lished, this defendant Is discharged from the po lice force. 0 M. Shannon vs. Richard Rives, (colored.) Re covery of rent, claim 423. Ordered that the de fendant pay into the registry of this office, on or before 12 M. on Saturday, the 29th inst., the snm of #23 principal and #3 costs, and in default there of, he he arrested and confined until the whole amount of his indebtedness is paid. Lucinda Jordan (colored) vs. John Brady. Re 8PECIAL NOTICES. Notice. . Capt WM. T. 17ASTON, Tax Collec tor, has Ms office In the Exchange Bnild ing, foot of Boll street. Honrs, from 9 a. m. till 214 p. m. aog°9 INOTiCH, SPECIAL NOTICES* SHIPPING. RAILROAD NOTICES. mswOTKiTtL UffTSSErit WM* mush, XHeaDCMBHTD, VXBGXXXA. AVGUST, 1885. »•. It having been reported that the SPOTS- WOOD HOTEL had been confiscated and closed, the Proprietors deem it proper to assure the Ts hereby given that neither the Owners I pu hlic that such is not the case. The Honse is open _ or Agents of the steamers Amazon, Gib-1 f or *b* accommodation of visitors, as it has been from bona and Laura, will be responsible fo anyd cbt, bill I opening dav in September, I960, or contract made by any of the Officers or Crew of said I House has been remodeled, renovated, refur- VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. I MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON-\ VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE well known steamer, for merly the St.. Johns, bat now the I DAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, for the above Laud- steamers, unless made by written permission of ERWIN A HARDER, for Agents and Owners. JNO. L. ROUMILLAT, Agtion Wharf, oct 10—tf “VJDOLPHO WOUFE,” 22 Beaver Street, New Hark, Offers for sale of his own importations, in bond and dnty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, Ac., of any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Hennessey, Pinct Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter and eighth casks; also Otard and Rouyer, Laferriere and Fils Bran dy, in cases of one dozen each. “GIN.” Udolpho Wolfe’s Schiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aro matic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. “WHISKY AND BUM,” Scotch and Irish Whiskey in hhds. and cases of one nlshed, and pnt in perfect order throughout, and the traveling public may rest assured of finding as com fortable accommodations with ns as can be fonnd in j any first class Hotel North or South. Our friends, patrons, and the traveling pnblic gen erally, viating Richmond, are cordially invited to make I their home with us, and no pains will be spared to make them comfortable, as we arc pledged to sustain j the well known reputation of the Honse. OOSKHBY * MILLWARD, Proprietors. oct!6—Tt ^fHrtton with-W. I, n freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. 8. fi.mii A Co. . Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. rreightpayable by shippers. sept prepared to receive and atw&'s forward to Ai Twenty to T ___ go through hi from three tu six dam* mgS**"* •*** -**■ w* iv GEO. W. ADAMS, octIO Qrereml Superintendent MML RAILROAD. Notice. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, Unitto States Istibkal Rzvknce, tSavaunah, Oct. 13,1865. Having nearly completed the organize- I tion of the District, I hereby notify the pnblic that I am instructed to make an immediate as sessment for the year 1S64 fas the tax is now past dnej at Confederate prices, npotr incomes of every descrip tion. The tax from six hnndred to five thousand dollars will be 5 per cent, above that amou nt indefinitely 10 per dozen each. Bourbon Whiskqg in barrels and cases of per cent, upon all gross receipts. The payments will be made in United States Curren- I cy at what it was worth in Confederate money at that | time. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. fast- ner, will leave for the above places e 7 e !7 JTUESDAY MORNING, I \ I (Sundays excepted) will leave tor Augusta at 5.00 „ .... at 10 o'clock. I ^ m connecting with a line of Hacks running be- r&°,L^ ■» Padcl - w,JW * gw> ’’ Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the | Snperintendent’n Office, \ Savannah, Ga, Oct. 2d, 1865./ ^N and after Monday, the Id instant, a daily train AUCTION 8ALE8. BY EDWIN ]#HEBTZ. Will be sold, without reserve, on TUESDAY, *4U» inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of store, the fol lowing articles: . 4r ’ < ?** assorted Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Book * Dd ,.*L hoe ®’ new stock lust received and of the best quality. 20 sacks Ljverpool Balt. , , 60 boxes Layer Raisins, new crop 4 cases Climax Smoking Tobacco 10 cases Condensed Milk r, gross do. Table do.‘ £0 c -scs : L J alien Claret 20 cases J, Mereun A Co. Bordeaux Claret 5 cases Deederenelmer Wine. 6 cases Neosteiner do. 1 cask Jamaica Run, genuine. I do. San'i Croix Hum. genuine. 1 puncheon pore Irish Whisky. 6 cases pure Old Bourbon Whisky, • 1 bbl. purest Bourbon do. 2 pipes Gui. . , 6 cases Comet Gin, very fine, intended for Mefle. anal purposes. 6 cases J. T. Fine Santeroe. oct23 > i ■ i • -ijo •>- ■ one dozen each. RUM. “Jamaica” and “St. Croix Bum” in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. MADEIRA, SHERRY, AND PORT .WINES. More than twenty different grades, in halves, quar ters and eighth casks, also in cases of one dozen each, Any information the citizens may desire will lie cheerfully given, and I will, of course, be as indulgent as the law and the interest of the Government will allow me to be. C. H. HOPKINS, °ct!4 Assessor 1st District covery of rent Judgment in favor of defendant, “HOCK, CHAMPAGNE, MOSELLE, and plain tin to pay coats of suit. I and r.l.AiiFT m Daniel Butler (colored) vs. Stephen Brazell. AND CLARET WINES,» Recovery of rent Judgment lor defendant and ^ rom Beter Arnold Mumm in Cologne, proprietor of plaintiff to pay costs. I Johannisberg estate; J. H. D. Becker & Fils; Eschen- It appearing to the court that Mrs. C. Hussey auer, Benecke & Co., Bordeaux; Bartou A Guestin, , . ‘ s 'egai owner of three counters, two of j Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Ger-1 Messrs, Herring fr Co. one' < in the poswss^ofM ts° WaUs?°the l»«rt maDy and FranCC ' Giww-M-Ttaygh the destruction of the A inert ordered that the above named parties deliver the Oils, Cordials, Sardines. Bitters Mnstard I ^ ^ i> roved a ononis loes to myself and said property to officer Wm. Swoll, who will re- | ’ Qlives, Brandy, Preserves,' &C. I ^. P “ bU ™ 1 am happ3 ' to venf 7 1116 old BURNING OF THE MUSEUM LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. NEW YORK, July 14,1S05. ford’s wharf; near White’s Central Prose, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent Freight will be received every day daring the week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BRUEN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will furnsh weight and measurement of goods. tf ang24 JTor Augusta. STEAMER •EXPRESS CAPTAIN J. H. MORGAN, Will have quick despatch as above. This steamer entirely new. Exceedingly LIGHT DRAFT, Of increased capacity, and was built expressly for this trade. Being of such i-ight Draft, is able. to navi gate the river at its lowest stage. Shippers ‘will find it to their advantage to patronise. For Freight engagements apply to F. M. HYRELL, oct 20—tf Harris’Building, next morning after leaving t-avannah, in time to get I breakfast, and connect with the Georgia Railroad train ;er tr^must be prepaid and j to g lWkDAMS, GgeraDhtgerinOmdent^ for Atlanta. Freight to delivered at sep4 passenger geo: FORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO, At Private Bala. Bacon Shoulders Bacon Sides * • ) m Canvaased Hams g Choice Batter I Spu?pS 1,Homln7 Soap, Barley Ground Coffee Helmbold’s . The ex- 13 Barnard St 131 FLUID EXTRACT BUSHU. DRY GOODS, HOUSE [ PljftNIHi GOODS, &C, For Weakness arising from Indiscretion hausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be fonnd, Indispoeitron to Exertion, Loes of Memory Horror of Disease or Forebodings of Evil; In ficti Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter int* the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once effected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, whicbHembold’<Extract Bnchn invariably does. If no treatment Is sab- I mitted to, Consumption or insanity ensues. Agent, Bay street. turn them to the proper owner, Mrs. Hussey. Tire Rogues’ Gallery. Editor National Republican : Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most re- ...... spectable dealers, should be sufficient guarantee that One would think that the “Empire State of the every articlu offered by the advurtiaer for ^ la North were sending its surplus “knuch?' and and genuine. “cracksment” to the “Empire State ’ of the South. | Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices obtain- Among the latest arrivals we notice “John .!»■ derson,” “Cracksman,'’ a person about five feet six inches in height, light complexion, small moustache, scar on left cheek near corner of mouth; wears a oap and dark speckled suit, En glish sporting coat. Anderson is assisted by an expert accomplice by the name of “/>»«,” who is five feet seven or eight inches high, little stoop in shoulders, dark hair, smooth, round, full face, light hat and light frock coat, and looks like an 'Hinylishmari'. “Cartland,” “gentleman cracks man,’’ is five feet ten or eleven inches in height, black hair and moustache, slight built, wears black frock coat. t There are also connected with this "mob" two ed, by addressing the above. 3m aug9 GLASGOW FERTILIZER COMPANY’S SOLUBLE Phosphatic and Ammoniated GUANO, Barrels, 259 lbs. each. GLASGOW FERTILIZER COMPANY’S iMraovzo Super-Phosphate of JLime. Address, GRIPPING BROTHER A CO., No. 60 Cortlandt st., New iork. (Bbls. 250 lbs, each.)3m jy2S “It's an ill wind that blows nobody good,” and couse- j quently, congratulate you that your well-known safes have again demonstrated their superior fire-proof ] qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. The safe you made for ine some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of | the building, and in the hottest of the fire. After twenty-four hoars of trial it was fonnd among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded up its contents in very good Older—books, papers, poli cies of insurance, bank bills, all in coudition/or imme diate use, and a noble commentary on the trustworthi- neas of Herring’s Fire-Proof Bafes. Truly yonrs, P. T. BARNUM. sepl2—tf TOWAGE. THE undersigned, Agents for the Savannah Tow Boat Company, are now ready to receive applica tions for Towage of vessels of all descriptions. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay st., opp. Mariners’ Chnreh. HERRING'S PATENT For Baltimore. “ Prendergast's Line. The fast sailing, regular packet, scaooner “ De Soto." Crook, mas ter, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For balance of freight apply to LaROCHK, GADEN & UNCKLES, Comer Bay & Barnard streets, gents in Baltimore: oct IS PKENDEKGAST, FENWICK Ss CO. Comprising a large assortment of every description of | I Foreign and Domestic Dry Linens, Towellings, Table Clotlas, Napkins, Mar seilles Quilts, Ac. Ladies will find it to their advantage in calling at | A. Readier Is Co’s, BARNARD ST, CORNER C INGRESS Sf! LANE. I Where goods will be exhibited with pleasure, and | every courtesy shown those visiting our store. A Large assortment of White Goods, CLOAKS & SHAWLS- N. B.—Country Merchants will be sold goods at a small advance from New York prices, oct 18—tf Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Buchu I In affections peculiar to “Fuialis," is nneqoaled by any other preparation, as In Chlorosis or Retention, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, I Ulcerated or Schirrns state of the Uterus; and all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or chance in life. The most Beliahte Protection from Fire now Xnincn, Herring & Ca.’s Patent Bankers’ S. HOYT’S AMMONIATED B«NK discharged soldiers, whose names we deler pub- I SUp6r*PfaOSpflAT.ft Of f «1 TYift 1 '”^h Herring <fc Floyds Patent Crystalized s ’ v 1 ^ ' Iron, the best security against a burglar’s drill ever manufactured. CHAMPION SAFES. Freight to Augusta BOR SALE! 7Ttr in/vtt Tfrlisihie> frontti ins- m/mm t'« 'CIZ- — [ lishing, hoping this may warn them to shun such evil company. These men are also assisted by what is known in the police vernacular as molis, who act the part of female confederates in pick ing pockets. We have also noticed the arrival of two ‘knucks within the past week, both of whom left for Hil ton Head. Savannah does not iurnish a good field for this class of the “clyfakiny fraternity’’ i a good crowd is a rare thing in our orderly and well conducted city. “Dodgkb.” Pickpockets are termed “knucks” and barglars cracksmen” by the Police.—Ed. National Re publican. Of the most approved quality, a substitute for Pe AND POINTS BEYOND ! A CHOICE LOT OF ’emvian Guano. OFFICE, NO. 194 WATER STREET, Adjoining United States Hotel, NEW YORK. My finper-phos phOte of Lime is not an experiment. Ten years trial of it upon all kinds of crops and soils has proved its value each year, and that it is of uniform quality. Packed in barrels in good order, uniform weight, 250 lbs. each. 3m jy28 HERRING Ss CO, No. 261 Broadway, cor. Mnrray st, New York. FARREL, HERRING A CO., Philadelphia. octl3-5w HERRING & CO, Chicago. Co-partnership Notice, P HE UNDERSIGNED having associated themselves together under the firm name of LaRiche, Gaden 4 Unckles Forwarded by Light Draft Steamers. WANTS. W ANTED.—A Situation in some Whole sale Bouse, by a young man who has had several irs’ experience in book-keeping. Best of reference ea. Address “.ituation,” Republican office. WtNiEO TO PURCHiSt ^ COTTON OR RICE PLANTATION, Embracing aliout 1,000 acres, within a short distance I of Savannah. & Cotton plantation preferred. Ad- 9 ' ore< ', Light Hair darkened, Weak Hair streugthen- drcssF. F. M„ stating location and price, Republi- ed, and Bushy Hair beautified, can office. Gt oct J» I aijq. Pimpled Faces cured, purified, aud made soft, smooth, clear, and beautiful bytheuseof Chap* V | Man’s Celebrated Recipe*. Mailed free to BATCHELOR’S HAIR DIE. The Original and Best in the World! The only tree [ and perfect Hair Dye Harmless, Reliable and Ins tan- for the pnr P°“ of transacting a taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or General Grocery and Commission ^-Business, natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.— j , ’ Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug- gists. The genuine is marked William A. Batchelor. I t0 receive any, and all consignments made to them.— Also, I also have extra Rooms, suitable for storing Dry •D /.’ Ti , . „ _ Goods and Fancy Articles, to which we call the atteu- Xtegeneratmg Lxtract of Mlllefleurs, I tion of Owners and Ageuts, as the l>est in thecitv for Restoring and Beautifying the' Hair. wiffiffie b£ffiS?3SE£to ?23fe anglS CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. to a . n making consignments to them. '|> II L< ft >> v | i| , jTv , , »r Liberal advances made on Cotton, Lumber, Ac, ixlili LUiVlJrLiJcjAlUJN con " ilme j'Sale in i-avannah, or for ship-, , Am .. . rt . mcnl K> their friends in New York. Boston or Balti- Ai\D HAIK. ~ “ Bald Heads and Bare Faces covered, Gray Hair re-I A T THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, (those wishing to give them an honest trial, a Rags, Waste laper. Books, RopcCotton, Hides, | Ttege ^ Ue obtaincd wlthont bj . Rags, Waste Paper, Books, Rope,Cotton, Hides, Moss, Tallow, Greese, Iron Metate, Bottles, Bones, Ac, Ac. D. OUVER A CO, oct 7 Forest’ City Mills, Savannah. Wanted. a FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS of the a Mechanics’ Bunk of Angusta and Eastern Bank of Alabama. oct3 E. F. METCALFE A CO. Wanted Immediately for Cttsli! ^LL the Rags, Old Bagging and Waste_P*per in | the city. seplS WARREN A PL-.TNEK, 210 Bay street. mor V‘- r. T LaK JUHK, GADKN A UNCKLES. Isaac D. LaRocbc, Bknj. G. Gadin, David S. Umokles. oct 10—lm ITCH! ITCH! ITCH Scratch! Scratch! Soratch! WHEATON’8 OINTMENT Will cure the Itch In 48 Hours. Also, cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all i E ,( ap '« >n aofthe Skin. Price, Ro cents. For sale by | all Druggists. A By f 6 ,, 1 ^ 60 . ^ 10 WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170Washington street, Boston, Mass, it will of 1166 ot postage, to any part of the United btales. 6m sep21 A.'W'A.Y WITH 8PEC- the manafactnre of their various styles of Family I E y ea Made New, without Prices current forwarded by mail on application. COLGATE Sc CO., No*. 53 and 55 John nt., New York. jy 28 ,yn)i 3m return mail by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perfumer, oct5 4w 831 Broadway. New York. W E arc prepared to receive Goods in onr ware* house, free of storage and covered by insurance, I to be forwarded liy the light draft steamers Herryand Falcon, and others about to be put on the line. Apply to the Agents, tf C. L. COLBY & CO. ARD OIL, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. ROILED LINSEGD OIL, at HORATIO PITCHER’S, FAMILY BEEF,in half bbls, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. BEEF TONGUES, in half bbls, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. MESS B BHF, in bbls and half bbls, at HORATIO PITCHER’S- MESS PORK, in bbls aud half bbls, nt HORATIO PITCHER’S. CORDAGE, from 14 inch to 5 inches, at HORATIO PITCHER’S. SHIP STORES and CHANDLERY, at HORATIO PITCHER'S. HORATIO PITCHER KEEPS AT THE Foot of Lincoln street,undcr (he Bluff oct IT—tf ALSO, 100 Bbls. Lawrencerille (Vs Cement, WiU be sold Low to Close Consignment. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY Sc CO., seplt tf cor. Bay and Abereom sts. It. j. dunbar&co. Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Buchu ▲2TD Improved Bose Wash Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation at little expanse, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or expo* sure; completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury in all these diseases. USE HELMBOLB’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing in “Male* or “Female,” from whatever cause originating and no matter how long standing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, “immediate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Con stitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader most be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it ia certain to affect bis Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happi ness. All the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic. Heimbold’s Extract Buchu Is the Great Diuretic.! Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID (EXTRACT -'SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic consti tutional diseases, arising from an impnre state of the blood, and the only reliable and eflectual known reme dy for the core of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum. Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tet ter, .Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin. AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION, Not a few of the worst disorders that affect mankind WHOLESALE Wine, Cigars and Liqnor [ ula ,r '<jt'aifibtHil’itiTu.’JSit I andrenovates the blood, instills the vigor of health ia- 147 BAY STREET, SsflXIVr.ilf, GEOKG1JI. (Next door above Republican Office.) J ^ - —- ■— Dealers, A FINE LOT We have the largest assortmen of Whiskies, Wines, Gins, Brandies, Bitters, &o., &c, in the Sooth, to which we invite the attention of the trade. Call and compare onr goods and prices. oct5-Im COLGATE Sc CO. I Beg to infoim their customers that they still continue OB’ OCtl6—12t E. B. FOOTE, M. D„ No. 1130 Broadway. New York. | J. G. WINTER .J. F. WINTER. WINTER & OO, cassimeresI C0MM,SSI0N merchants B’OIi SOUTHERN PIE LUMBER. A DAY! Agents.wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SUAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. seplS 3m A MONTH ! Agents wanted I for six entirety new articles, just | out. Address O. T. GiREY, City Bnilding, Biddeford, Maine. 3 m seplS G CO, it (SO On.. I subscribers solicit consignment, of Southern H A Pine Lumber on which they will make advances, and which they will sell afloat or from yard. They be I 1PVP thou novo i hit IflMMaf —1 X .1 WT .. , ... . 303 [Established 1859,] BROADWAY, NEW YORK, FOR 8ALE. For Sale. 2 5 Tofis ENGLISH SHEET COP- O F F E R the following splendid list of I Watches, Chains, Gold Pena, Sil verware and Jewelry, worth over $750, uno, at One Dollar Koch. Not paid until yon know what yon will receive. Bach, 150 Gold llnnting-cased Watches.. .$50 00 to $200 Oo 200 Ladies' (fold-cased Watches 35 oo to 100 oo 300 8olid Silver-cased Watches IS 00 to 45 00 175 Soltaire Diamond Rings 40 00 to 1500 Neck and <-luard Chains 5 00 to 2500 Vest and Chatelaine Chains.... 4 ooto 3000 Gold and Onyx Brooches 4 00 to present* Colnmbia during the Utter part Resent month, r “nesday i ast . |Cr E<Wd Perry - Cr Cotler > | J M , G , Thompson. * I Bar Saln». ‘ e ’P’vodid stockfo 1 * att *n tl °“ ° f ° Ur reader ® 40 d »‘>i K. Hertz t b mlBC ' ll » neo '« goods which 611 « auction ’ * popular auctioneer, oilers to ..^ononTuestlay.infrontol hi, store" Ner, t 0 “PPOriunity ie offered pur- L se, «‘bM claw good, at B0 d«at, The eleotioD came off on Tft PE R, manufactured expressly for the 8outhcm mar- *55 I? 0 ™ 1 ' & c -. Brooches 4 00 to 1 4000 Gold, Pearl .V Far Drops - 3 00 to 2500 Gents'Scarf and Breast Pins.... 2 00 to 4500 Gold (based Bracelets 4 00 to 7500 Oval Band Bracelets 4 00to looo Gold Watch Keys and Slides.... 2 oo to 2000 Gold Sleeve Buttons, &c 2 00to 3000 Miniature Lockets, double 2 50 to 8000 Miniature Lockets, Dial Face.... 15oO Gold Thimbles, Armlete, Ac... 1 SCO Masonic Pins and Emblems.. 3000 Plain and Chased Gold Rings 4000 Stone Set and Signet Rings .... 2000 l adies’Buckles, cha ma, Ac.... 7500 Setts Gold, PearL Ac., Jewelry. 8060 Setts Garnet, Onyx, Jet, Ac., Jew elry 2000 California Diamond Rings, Ac... 1500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac... 2500 Gold Pens, Pencils, Ac 7000 (fold Pens, Case and Pencil 3 00 to 6000 Gold Pens, Ebony Holders 2 00 to 1000 Silver Ice Pitchers, Ac 20 ooto 1500 Silver Castors, Stands, Ac 12 ooto 1500 Silver Card and Cake Baskets... 12 00 to 4000 Silver Caps and Mags 4 00 to 6000 Tea and Dessert Spoons 7 00 to MOO Table and Dessert Forks . 10 00 to 5009 Sliver Fruit and Pie Knives 3 00 to _ . . - - 3 OOtO ket, of usual thickness aud weight. Size of sheets as follows : 00x24, 60x2S, 60x17, 60x9, 60x7, 36x2 inches. WiU be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 348 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Corner BnU and «y streets, oct 18—lmo L. C. NORVELL A CO. s FOR SALE ECOND HAND Articles for sale at about one- half the price of new, including :— 5.000 empty barrels. N 10,000 Bags and Sacks, canvass. ,,,,„ lr ° n and Steel springs. Machinery,ChainsJBoilers, suits, Hotties, Ac., Ac. Wanted, for cash, all kinds of the above articles. 3 onto 4 ooto 3 ooto 3 onto 3 00 to 2 00 to 5 Oo to 4 onto 3 ooto 1 5o to no to - tT „ D. OLIVER & CO., — oct ‘ Forest City Mills, Savannah. | 4000 Pairs Rings, Salt Spoons, Ac... For Sale. BUSHELS Black Oats *00 kits No. 1 Mackerel 50 qr bbls No. 1 Mackerel 25 bales Gunny Cloth. .p» V I 8000 Silver Tea Call Bella. Ac 2 00 to 4000 Oyster aud Pickle Forks, Ac.... 2 00 to Each and every article in the above list is rep-esent- lieve they have the largest yard in the United States, and unequalled facilities for the sale of Lumber WILLSON, WATROUS A ML, cor. 1st Avenue and 39th st., and 84 Wall st., CLARK, SUMNER too!, '* fork * „ Alabany. N. Y. srences—Broad way Bank New York. Mechanics' & Farmers’ Bank, Alabany, New York. Northern lumber, Of every kind, for sale by WILF«ON, WATROUS A CO., 1st Avenue and 39th st, and 84 Wall st., New York. CLARK, SUMNER A CO., oc.5_ Albany, N.Y. N. B. KNAPP, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN Saddles, Bridles, Harness s, Harness, Bridle, Band, Sole and' Patent Leather, Saddlery Wore, Carriage Trimmings, Leather and 7 00 I Rubber Belting and Packing, French and American 8 00 I 7 00 ! Calf Skins, Ac., at the sign of the Golden Sad- 6 90 | 50 on die. West Fnd Gibbons' Building, Market Square, 40 00 35 00 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 1» 00 18 00 I W A large assortment always on hand, and for 20 00 I 8 00 ®ale at tue Lowest Prices. oct 2o_3 8 00 [ ”SI SELECT FiMALOCHUvr 15 00 45 (JO ; 60 00 15 00 20 00 IS Oo IS 00 15 00 18 00 j 6 00 10 00 9 00 I 8 00 7 00 j 6 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 | 25 00 20 00 8 00 Gents 1 and Boys 1 Wear, JUS T RKCK1VKD Per fStenmer America, BY JOHN C. MAKER A CO. oct 17 139 Congress street COM FOUND INTERtST N01ES WANTED, AT A PREMIUM, BY 49 Brudviy, Jew York. Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other I consignments. Orders tor Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sale of Hen them Secnritiea, Banda, Bank Notea and Snnthern Lauda aolicited. Circular Saw Mllla, of the most improved construction, warranted to cut 10,000 feet of lumber per diem, hav- to the system, and purges out the humors which disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expeUs the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first »™«. the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show its effects, bat the trial of a single bottle will show the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have | ever taken. Two tablesaoonfols of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is eqval to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is folly equal to a- gallon of the ympof Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as,osnally made. W These Extracts have been Aaaslt- ted to Use in the United Staten Army, and are also in very general nse in all the State Hos pitals and and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, as well as in private practices, and.arc considered as invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu, FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATES.- See Professor Dewee’s valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim M’DoweU, a cele brated Physician and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transactions of the King aud (jneen’s Journal See Medico < birurgical Review, published by Benja. min Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Mwrite!ne, EXTRACT BUCHU, '•SARSAPARILLA." Sold by all Druggists. PRINCIPAL DEP0T- HELMBOLD’g K°™ X nS!Tg d r (SV^nd^ Si Drug and Chemical Warehouse, l lar - lm oct 19 I 594 BROADWAY. E. B. PENDI.ET0 , WM.R. J. Ol’ETX PENDLETON & JODETT.- (Formerlv of St. Louis,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, Mb. 58 Water street, Sew Yerk. I Orders are solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, Western Produce, Naval Stores, Bagging. Rope, Ac., Ac-, which will re ceive our best personal attention. lm oct 19 octtO—lm READE & CHASE, Idaniel f. tiemann & co BANKERS AND BROKERS, NO- 17 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, RATES, SEPT. 15-rn, 1865. June, 1864 5 per cent. •Inly, 1884 . .3 Dec., 1S64 Ang, 1S64...2?! per cent. Oct., 1864... .114 Parties remitting bv Express may draw on same day, or proceeds will be deposited as directed. High- est prices paid for Gold, Silver, and Government -e- cnntles of all descriptions. lm oct3 Machinery. S TATIONARY and Portable Steam Edfcinefl and Boiler*. Cotton Gina, Grist Mills, Kice Mills. SAW MILLS. Daniels, Gray A Wood’s Planing Woodworth, Machines, iMorti^g, Tcnonin; o and Raah Machines. kinds of Iron and Working and^Lesther Belting, rare. For Sale, 300 COILS RICHARDSON’S ROPE, 150 TONS COAL. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. oetW cor. Abercorn and Bay street*. | ed by a Certificate. These are placed in similar en-1 TUBE undersigned having rented the school build- ■ velopes and sealed. Any person obtaining a Certifi- Aw™ u “°? rner of Uhariton and Drayton streets, „ ’ hingle Machines, all kinds cate, to be had at onr office, or sent by mail to any w<xUd respectfully announce to the public that he, as- Machinery and Supplies, Rubber address, will know what they may have for One Dot- ?• Burroughs, will open a Select etc - I lar. I Female School in said building on the first Monday in I Steam Guagcs and Boiler Feeders. We charge for sending Certificates, paying postage, 1 0 ^j£5S r ’ __ , „ Send for a Circular. and doing the business, 25 cents each. Five will be I Tnl S™ Term of Three Months, one half payable COMSTOCK A KINSEY, sent lor |l; Eleven tor $2; Thirty for $5; Sixty-Five tor toe ofeach quarter, as follows: ^1 No. 154 Bay st., Savannah, G*. | $10; and One Hundred for $16. I centor Department, per quatter $21 00 oct 17—lm An, person receiving a Certificate tor an article the, | ™y ;;;;;;;; | RICH ARDSON & BARNARD, “P* 3 JAME8 S! COZBY. I may not desire can exchange for any other article in onr List of. the some value By this- method we are enabled to tarnish the public with selections from a muoieo u> rarmsntne public with selections from a I TYUNN A nan rich and varied stock of goods, at a nominal price, I I # * Sjpp.^'v, J^eall have a chance of securing articles of the very I iisvimr MASTERS, ^l^jsrri^r^erfsrMe aa represent- {t*SSSlS32MS£ — Bay St, opposite Martaert Ototb, AGENTS [FOR Wm. Jn*»P A Son’s anilfyh Cast Steel, Circular No. 240 Pearl St, New York. Mf ANUFACTURERS ef PAINTS, M WHITE LEJLD, COLORS, VAR NISHES, and dealers in all articles in this line.— Iso, Tieiaana’a Salable ■■P Blue for wasb- mg, and ^California" Vermillion, Pale and Deep. Bboald be glad to see onr old friends In the trade, or bear from them any time by mail, oct 18—3m Whipple File Manuf’g Co. WHIPPLE FILE mmm co. Manufacturers of all descriptions of CAST STEEL AND ITT X ■A-% slgOPlJZs Gunsmiths and Locksmiths, • • * Corner ef St. Jnlien and Jefferson Street*. . ;T * oct 18—tf Blankets, i ’ i White and Opera Flannels, ' - Black French CSoths, do - <lo>. Muslin de Lainea, Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Black French Merinos. Heavy Canton Flannels. - Shirt Fronts • Ladies’Cloak aoths, oct 90—6 DxWITT A MORGAN. 34, 36, 38 A 40 Kilby at Roaten. 53 Beckman at New Yerk. 51i Commerce at...... .Philadelphia. 83 Sc 85 Sawtk Ckarles at .Baltimore, x. Keith, jr, 4 son. ®® Walaut at... .. . . .Cinclnaatl. 7- DONALDSON * DUNBAR, Agents. I Lake at...., Ckicmge. OT Orders seat to an, of the^bove houses will rs- cMve prompt attention. tf_ oct« Champagne, gQ BARRETS Chas, Heldseick A Cots quarts, 90 do For sale b, oct 21-« HILTON A RANiJKLL; 193 Bay street. Gunny Cloth. -c- AmmeaiateA Pacific Patent DeUUnfaa* Reefiar Hats I Hats!! 'ALL STYLES qualities, AFAL1 For ask h, *• *• as, Nu 153 Cw$re*a Wreck 1, bfc wr ortH—tf Ba, st., opposite Mariners’ Chnreh. SHOT. 300 BAGS, asajrtedrizeMlrop Shot, In store and tor sale by . HILTON A RANDALL, oct 21—6 196 Bay street. rapsa asss