Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 24, 1865, Image 2

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NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. SAVANNAH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 24th. Thank!. We desire to return our sincere thanks to the editor of the Savannah Herald for his .complimentary and truthful notices of the editor of the Savannah National Republican. The refined phraseology .of the polite card of thanks which graced the columns of the Hei'cdd yesterday morning, speaks volumes of praise for the magnanimity and courtesy of its editors. Go on in your good way, gen tlemen, but please excuse us from washing other people’s dirty linen before the public. The Theatre. The thrilling French play of “Eus tacheBaudin, the Condemned,” was pre sented last evening, with decided success, the new scenes and intricate machinery working admirably for the first represen tation of so difficult a piece. Sig. Arri- goni has every reason to feel proud of the magnificent effects produced by his artistic brush, while the musical portion of the entertainment was up to the usual standard for which Prof. Richter is cele brated. Wa have not sufficient space to give as extended a notice as we desire of the whole performance, but as the play is to be repeated this evening, we would ad vise our readers to pass three hours at the theatre and witness a very thrilling and deeply absorbing drama of the real old French dramatic school. Mr. Briggs must cease biting his finger nails at all times, and Mr. Bohn will please us better if he will cease stammer ing in every turn. We think a little more vigilance on the part of the Policemen stationed in the galleries would enhance the pleasure of a visit to the theatre. The boisterous and indecorous yells that were given last night should be prevented in future. A Disgrace to Our City. The attention of the Police is urgently and respectfully called to the vile negro den at the corner of Bay Lane and Bull street, immediately in the rear of the Post Office. Common decency demands that this nest of degraded prostitutes be broken up, and the besotted inmates sent to tfie work-house. Last night, about half-past ten o’clock, a low negro ball, which was in full sway on these premises, was suddenly broken up with the strum • pets yelling “murder,” “watch,” &c., at the top of their voices, while win dows and bottles were smashed, and a general disgraceful row ended the indecent, carousals. The guests of the Pnlaski House have long been annoyed, and their ears shocked by the shouts of profanity and ribaldry that resound from these disreputable dens, and we invoke the aid of the Police to break them up, and arrest the abandoned wretches who congregate there. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Arrival of Troop*. On Sunday afternoon the right wing of the 12th Maine Kegiment arrived in thia city, un der command of Lient. Sturgis, a most effi cient and popular officer. Companies A, D, G and K composed the right wing, and we have seldom seen a finer looking body of men than these bronzed and hardy veterans, who so nobly represent the “Old Hne Tree” State. The 12th Maine Regiment has been, stationed along the line of the Gnlf Railroad, perform ing guard dnty at Darien, Thomaaville, Doc tortown and Blacksheat, where, by their sol dierly conduct, they won the esteem of the citizens to snch an extent that the deepest re grets were expressed by the people residing in the various counties at the departure of the hardy sons of Maine. The 103d U. S. C, T., under command of Major Manning, were ordered on doty at the above points to relieve the 12th Maine. JKe have every reason to believe-that these tried troops of the 12th Maine, who have never been found wanting in the dark hoars of bloody conflict, will gain as excellent a reputation in Savanmfii as they have left behind them with oar friends in the interior. Brave men are always gallant, and the true soldier never forgets the dignifiad position be occupies, and the honor of the uniform be has donned, which demands gen tlemanly deportment more than mere animal courage to make him the true soldier. COURTS. Arrival of a New Revenue Gutter. The revenue cutter Nansemond, Capt. Colee- berry commanding, left Baltimore on the 16th instant and arrived at this port early yester day morning, via Beaufort, S. C. The Nan semond wag ordered to this port by the Secre tary of the Treasury for the protection of the U. S. revenue, and will report to Hon. Wylly Woodbridge, Collector. We give below a list of the officers of the Nansemond, together with a fall description of the steamer: TheU. S. Revenue steam cutter “Nansemond,” is a side-wheel steamer of great speed, and wag built at New York,in 1862, by Lawrence, Folks A Co., for an outside dispatch and towboat, and purchased bv the Government for a dispatch boat. Her length over all is one hundred and forty-nine feet, length of keel one hundred and thirty-two feet, and her tonnage is three hundred and forty (840) tons. The following is a list of her officers : Samuel C. Colesberry, Captain. John E. Wilson, 1st Lieutenant. Thomas R. Marshall, 8d Lieutenant. Eric Gabrielsen, 3d Lieutenant. Edward Aspalj, 1st Assistant Engineer. George M. Robinson, Acting 2d Assistant En gineer. -y The Nansemond is now under supervision of vbe Hon. Wylly Woodbridge, Collectoroi Cus toms at this port, and will depart in a day or two on a short cruise. The Nansemond is one of the most substantial and elegant “Cotters” that has ever cleaved the turbid waters of our river, being supplied with every modern convenience, finely equipped and constructed throughout in every respect as a first olass side-wheel steam craft, staunch and swift and admirably adapted for the mission on whieh she is about to enter. The Nansemond has a fine and powerful arma ment, consisting of two heavy rifled gans and a Urge quantity .of improved fire arms, Ao. The regular station of the Nansemond will be Savan nah Harbor, bat she will also be constantly cruis ing along the Has Urn ooast of Georgia and Flor ida, to enforce the Revenue Laws, and prevent fraudulent trading. Our oitiiens will find the offieers of the Nsnse- mond accomplished gentlemen, and their inter course with the mereantile community, we are sure, will always be characterised by eoortesy and magnanimity. We welcome the officer* of the Nansemond to the “Forest City,” and may their stay among u. be a prolonged one, to be broken only by the most pleasant reminisoenoet. We omitted to state that the full complement of men for the Nansemond is forty. S’ a,"sag 5“ ’ ? — z Oct- 24. Before Capt. Clark H. litmick, Provost Mar shal, District of Savannah. The United States vs. Geo. Simmone (colored.) Having in hia possession a United States mus ket. Defendant plead guilty, and stated his ig norance of existing orders, whereupon he was discharged from custody, and the musket turned over to the Ordnance Department. The United States vs. William Gammon (colored.) Larceny. Found guilty and sentenced to jail lor fifteen days. The United States vs. Francis McDowell, (colored) and Mary Dinkins, (colored.) Larceny from the person. It was proved that Mary Dinkins committed the offence, and ordered that Francis McDowell be disebarded, and that Marv D.nkin be fined in the sum of |30 and costs,-and in default of payment she be committed to jail until the amount of fine and costs be paid. J. R. Sanssy, Esq., for U. S. The United States vs. Michael Keely. Assault and battery aDd Larceny. No prosecutor ap pearing, and the defendant being a soldier in the U. S. Army he was discharged from custody and ordered to return to his command. The United States vs. Charles (colored.) Va grancy. Defendand was sent to the Police Bar racks for confinement at hard labor for the space of thirty days. The United States vs. Jane Ann Lawrence, (colored) and Rachel Gordon, (colored ) Fight ing and using bad and obscene language. De fendants fined $15 each, with costs, and in de fault of payment they be confined in jail for the term of thirty days. The other parties arrested at the same time were discharged. The United States vs. Joseph Tripp, (colored.) Larceny of cotton from steamer W. G. Gibbons. Defendant found guilty, and sent to jail at hard labor for the term of two months. The United States vs. Gillespie, (colored.) Lar ceny from the house. Proved not guilty, and discharged. J. R. Sanssy, Esq., for United States; P. M. Russell, Esq., for defendant. The United States vs. Thomas Fuller, (coi’d.) Assault. Defendant proved guilty of an aggra vated case of assault, and fined $15 and costa, or be sent to jail at bard labor the term of thirty days. M. J. Ford, Esq., for United States. The United States vs. John Clancy. Assault and battery. Defendant proved not guilty and discharged, and the prosecutor, John Donovsn, ordered to pay all costs of suit. J. O. Ferrill, Esq., for United States; P. M. Russell, Esq , for defendant. The United States, by Detective Bunnell, vs. Frederick Cook. Having stolen goods in his possession. Upon Abe request of the prosecutor noile proseque is entered up against the defend ant, upon paying the costs of suit, after which he will be discharged from custody. P.'M. Rus sell, and Geo. A. Mercer, Esqrs., for defendant. Peter Bragg (colored), vs. John Sbnman (col. ored). Recovery of debt. Claim $12. judg ment for plaintiff in the sum of $12, with costs, and defendant ordered to pay the aame into Court this day, or be arrested aud confined until the same be paid. J. R. Saussy, Esq., for plaintiff. Fl'KERAL INVITATION. The friends and acquaintance of Mr. John O'Donnell and family, are respectfully invited to attend the funer al of hia eon, JOHN, from his residence on 8L Gaul street, at 11 o’clock ThiB Morning, List of Letters Remaining in the Savannah Post Office, October 24tb, 1865. Persons calling for these letters, will please say advertised, and come prepared with the necessary change, (2 cents), ana ptesent a certificate that they have taken the Amnesty Oath of Allegiance. LADISS’ LIST. A. Austin, mrs William " Anderson, mra Mary S Adams, miss Elizabeth Artson, mra Martha B. Bell, mra T S Brown, mra Jane 2 Bala, mrs Sarah Brandle, mia Jannie Bland, mra Rebecca Bourguoine, miss E | Bates, mrs Mary Florence Bracly, miss Mary JaneBrisber. mrs Elizebeth Bird, mrs M J Boifewillet, mrs E Bresman.mrs Margaret J Brown, mis Elizabeth E Bailey, miss Nate Bright, mrs Charlott Bowen mrsLocinda Basaiter, mrs Ann Brown, mrs Julia Buckner, miss Mattie A C. Cohen, mrs Charlotte Cook, Cathrine Carae, miss Clara Champion, mrs E A Cayne, Bridget ~ ilv " ' ' Cassidy, Mary Coben, Mary Jane \; Cole, Mary E Cleyhorn, mrs R S Cohen, miss Fanny T _ D Clemence, mrs Georgia Cslvette, miss Bella a mrs Ennis v, miss Chariot Castellaw, mrs MAS Dixon, Annie Daniels, Laura Dorsay, Margaret Ennis, Rosa Edmonson, Mary Fulton, Rebecca Flay 11, Rose Forde, Margaret Footman, Maria Folker, Maria J 2 Fickting, Stanner Feldar, Fanny Guerard, Bessie Gibbons, mrs R A Cooper, miss Emma Conway, mrs L H B. Dixon, Mary Dawson, Margaret Dillon, miss (J E 2 E. Evans, mrs Isabella F. Ford, Ellen Fitzsimmons, mrs Flannigan, Annie M Ferriley, Louisa Fawlkner, Mary Fisher, Mary G. Gordon, Ellen Gilbert, mrs Ella Faugbnan, Huuh Ford, G Fulton, E 8 Fitzgerald, E Gilliland, William J Griffing, Wm P Goldsmith, Wm K Gartner, Solomon 8£&2a» H Glasse,R J tfr&htm, Nickolia Gomm, A Geiger, M G Hicks. Wm 2 Hamilton, Thomas Hines, Thomas R Herman, S Henninger, Solomon J Howell, R W Hawkins, Read Hirsbhfield R Hickey, Patrick Harvey, Oliver Hamilton, M Hodaon, Rev Telfair Hoaston, Lucias Hinckley, J H Hirschback, Joseph Hunter, James Foote A Jandon Peilnor A Poliak Fmo, Michael Gordon, Laurens . Geonsrdy, John Green, John Grimes, Jno Grayson, Edward Gove, Edward P Gallagher, Dobter Goldberg, B and L Gerber, August H Hann, Joseph Hawkins, Israel S Hutten, JS Hammon, Joseph Hawley, H D Henry, Isaac Hirsh, Herman * - Houston, John Hopkins, Capt Farley Hansen, F Hogan, Danl Herron, Charles R Howard, 9r J O Howard, Lt J 8 Hall Dr B W Hoaston, J C I and J. James, T T Jones, John H Johnson, Dr W Jones, John P Jackson. Wm Jackson, Gen H R Jones, Philip Jordon, F D Johnson,John or RussellJones, Brown A Co. Gilliams, mrs Margaret Gilbert, mrs Dora Geary, mrs H £ Green, Ellen 2 Gillbat, mra Eller 2 Genobly, mrs B Garreit, mrs Alex H. Herb, Maggie Hamilton, mrs Mary H Homes, miss Mary Houston, mrs R Hudson, mfss Tamms Hopkins mrs John Haffala, miss Barbara Hinns, Catherin Hamilton, miss Nelly Holden, mrs E B Howard, miss JosepbineHarris, mra Mary B Hutton, mrs J S Hunter, mrs Marie Hills, miss Hattie Jackson, mrs Molly Judd, miss 8 A Johnston, mrs Jane A James, mrs F Kent, mrs M King, miss Ella Klumb, mrs Fanny Livingston, Mary Lasey, Margaret Hawkins, mrs Elizebeth Hicks, mra Johannah V Jones, mrs Flora C Jackson, mrs Diana Jones, mis Carrie L 2 Kerney, miss Bridget Ken neary, mrs D. Lewis, 8arah Ann Msds, miss Rebecca Mackay, Sarah Mayer, mra J A Murphy, Hanorah Marshall, mrs George SMcCarthy, miss Mol OT. Murphy, miss Nellie Millen, Mollie J McDowel, miss Martbey McDonald, missMargt Jones, J Pembroke Jesse', John D Irving, Alex Kennedy, Edward J Kenny, Micbeel Kibbee A Bro, Tbos H Kinchley, H Kean, Edward Kilpatrick, J T Lake, Wm Lay per, W W Law, William Lane, Timothy Larcombe, K A Lawrena, Peter 2 Lonet, Jacob M | Lehman, M F McCormack, C E Mather, J C Maneley, C H Murdock, E 0 2 Mustin, Eli Marsh, E W Markins, G | Munford, R D Mabon, John | Middleton, Isaac I Morrison, J J Murthen, J J McNally, John I Milieu, M B Monahan, James McMahoD, James M tDonnell, James Meyer, Isaac I Mack, Jeremiah Mackdowall, James Marshall, Jerry McAlpin, J W Messick, M O Malcovech, Nicohlas McCabe, Richard McCarthy, Limothy Middleton, J Motee Johnson, George Judd, LA Kiunebiew. Joseph Ksny, ChasH Killer, Capt B F King, Rev B F Kidston, A G Moon, mrs Edward McCarnick, mrs Mary M Mayer, mrs Elizabeth Minns, miss Mary S McEligetb, mrs Edward Manucy, mrs Mary Muller, mrs E Maxwe|l, mrs Margaret Macva, miss Anna McAuliff, mrs McQuade, mrs Ann Macswil, miss Marv McAlister, Leah Maxwell,miss Rannah Masters, miss Kate Montmollin, mrs R H Massett, mrs T McGIone, miss Mary N. Nungazer, mrs Emma VNavia, miss Mary F Nelson, mrs J H Norwood, mrs W G Neason, miss Mary A O. Oliver, miss Willie O’Donald, mrs Catherine Olcott, miss Viary E 8 O’Brien, miss Bridget O’Haria, miss Minnie O’Donaboe. miss Mary O’Brien, mra Owens, mrs Maria OhereD, mrs James P. PoweI,miss Rachel Ann2Pardue, mrs Martha 2 Patrick, miss Rose Pittman, mrs Sarah Posted, mrs 8 B Paterson, mrs Jas T Parry, mrs Kate A Parse, miss Mary Roalin, miss Annie Richardson, mrs H Rogers, miss Sarah Ringhill, mrs Rath Rousseau, mrs Mary Reilly, mrs M P Reilly, mrs Ellen Smith, mrs Walter W Smith, mra J B Smith, mrs Archibald •Pepper, mrs James Pspy, miss Fernanda Papy, miss F N Purse, miss Dora Phillips, miss Matilda R Ro, ers, miss Charity »y irson, miss Char lotte Ronan, miss Bridget Roabn, miss Annie Riley, miss Lizzie S. Sarah, mrs Mittie Savay, mrs Mary Scribner, miss Georgia Norwood, W G Norton, Richard L NaughlOD, Patrick Neill, John Nemnec, Jos Nungazer, D E O'Connor, Timothy Porter, F M Perry, Oscar E 2 Purse, Ned L Perry, Eld D M Pollard, TJ Pringle, JohnG Patterson, James T Querlin, James (Juantock, A S I Rust, William A Rober, T Reynolds, Paul I Rogers, Parker C Reilly, Major M J Reilly, Timothy Robertson, M Master Richardson, John Rogers, John S R diey, James D Rich, M J Raines, John W Ridley, James D Leigh, John D Lowe, Jordan Loftns, Jas Lichte, H F Lathrop, H W Lester, E B Long, C H Locke, Foly M. McKarady, Thomas Malone, T R Muller, Henry M Maloney, Walter Muzzey, William Mehan, Rev W B Morrell, Ben Murchison, John Maraton, H P Mitchell Henry Miscally, Wm J McCarthy, W A Millen, M B Maxwell, Wm P Mobley, Rev Hardy McGlashir, A R Maxwell A Co, A L Maxwell, A G Miller, Abram Morrell, Wm J Muller, T McDonald, Tbos McCord, Jesse Melox, Rev W Mollin A Henkdon Morse, Harvey N. Northrop, Chas W Norlinger A Co Nonclan, P Nesmith A Sons Newman, Jas H O. Scott, mrs Robert Ram-Skinner, miss Fannie sey Stager, mrs R Sananen, miss S Stafford, Mary Acn Tailer, mrs Mary Ann Troomply, Margaret Tupper, miss Mary Slumberger, Ellen Sorrell, miss Agnes Savage, mrs Eatell Spears, mrs William T. Theus, mrs Elizabeth Tbyine, misa Cathrine Trndigar, miss Anny Departure of and Steamers. FOB Helen PALATKA, FLA. Getty every Thursday morning at Steamer 10 o’clock. t-teamer Fountain, every Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. FOR DOCTORTOWX, BTC. Steamer Scorpio, every Saturday. , , ,,,, FOE AUGUSTA. fteamer Clarion, Tuesday, Oct. 24th, at 11 o’clock, a m. steamer Helen, Wednesday, Oct. 25th, at T oclock, am. - Wright, mrs Wm A Webb, mrB L G Welch, mrs J G Willett, miss Nellie Warren; misa Minnie White, miss Anna Wright, Liger Ann Welch, miss Maggie Welman, misa MM AVayne, miss P Winkler, miss Rosa 2 Washington, mrs Sofa Williams, misa Chariot Willimsn, misa Susan Webb, mrs Georgs T Whitehead, miss Valeria Wilson, mrs Jane gintleha.n’s list. A. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. amps. . New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool-load- mg at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A R Wilder' 1 ’" 11 (BrJArcus ’ loading for Liverpool-J BRIG*. Monticello, Moore-loadlng for Darlen-Hichardson ob Jjarnaro. Brig Clara Pickens, discharging. HCHOONEKS. Pioneer, Tucker, Jacksonville, in ballast. —Master May, Kelly, 330, from New York-dMmrri^ rt Albert (Br) Riordan, 105, from Nassau—discharging sMVhan foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly * chrif John O Whipple, Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf, west of Barnard street —Rogers & Cano Julia a Crawford, Bnlkley, loading at Iron Steam boat Company's wharf; for New York—L J Unilmar tin A Co. Wilton, Smith, Smyrna, Schooner Lizzie ItsdieW charging. Bachelder, Hunter A Gammell, dis> Axson, Randolph AseDdort, Johns Alvord, Rev J W Baker, Stephen J Beale A Harlan Batlnr A Frierson Archer, Harry Ash, George H Atwell, George E B. Braisted, John M Brown. John Bliss, mr Bamber, A, Asst Snrg UBishop, mr Norman 8 A Baum, A K Bonanse, Mon Auguste Barrie, M A Bonlineau, Augustas Brennan, Andrew Bunch, Dianah Burke, Edward Btenbrien, Edward A Blnn George Brown, George H Bastard, Henry Beyler, J K Brown, Jas A Black, P H Brady, Patrick Balfore, R Bogart, Richard Bradley, Richard Bond, 8 P Baum, H Johannes Brennen, Thos Bond, Thomas P Brnikman Theodore Bennett, W Barnett, W Brown, W P Bandy, Wm Smith Lawrence Starks, R C 2 j Stackman, Wm Scranson, Weland j Sweat, Sam B Shelburn, Smart Snow, Stephen 2 Shea, Marty Stone, J T 2 Sherwood, James Saussy, JR 2 Scan lan, John Scongers, James B I Shivers, John S | Sullivan, James Snider, J I A Co Schultz, Jacob Sinclair, George H Scranton, H H | Salinas, F E Tucker, William J Tinker, W C Taylor, H Willis Thens, John J Ta.-se, John W | Ugbey, J King VanVoret, W O I Winton A Bankston Winkler, ZN Wash, W W Walden. WL Wells, Washington Webster, William Whitworth A Weber Wadfield, Wm Wakefield, Thomas Winter Thomas M Waddell, T B | Wedal, Rev Wood, Renben P White, Otbo Weber, Louis J Wilson, irr Photog’er Wells, Washington Welton, mr P. Prescott, Mr Pacetiy, Edward C Palmer, H A Potter, Henry S Phillips, Calvius Packard, Charles L Pool, Wm Henry <$• Quinby, Maj Wm R. Ripley, Joseph B Ritchison, John Reays, James Rosenheld and Bro 2 Reinhart, WJ Richmond, Capt H Killay, Hugh Reilly, Daniel Rush, Columbus G Reuson, Billy Rephart, Aron Rodgers, A J Rafferty, William S. Scruton, F L Strobhart F F Scruton, Frank S Shoemaker, E M Smith, E Slick, EH 2 Sheehan. D Shea, Dennis Scranton, D T Hchnider, Conrad Shadock, Chancey Suskind, Alex Seydel, A A Bro bberidan, Charles Schultz A Taylor Sylvester A Corey Scribner A Whitman Sagars, George D Scott, R R Stone, Young A Co T. Tynn, John Thomas, Gac H Thomas, John Huguen Tison, David Thing, B F V. *• VonGlahn, Heinrich W. Wilson, Maj Gen J H Warhock, J G M Willink John H Walsh, James Wayne, Gen Henry C Wade HJ Wing, Ira D Ward, H G Willett, Rev S M Weil, E A" 8 Wordley, Daniel Warner, Charles Waver, A H Waddell, Rev A Welsh A Saffelers White A Fellner 6 Walsh, Michael Wittingb, Joe DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Establlsliefr 1832. T® ? anbecriber begs leave to Inform his natrons Ta oXS’of r ^P 1 ‘ i8h ^ dnStae £t manne r d ^ ed ago, arerequeehrffo'Su ^ ,e# " cleansed o7dJW'msy be required, ao as not to be jnneW law3m ALLOWAY. * Drayton street, Savannah, Go. S. £ATO]f, COMMISSION MERCHANT BOSTON, HASS., For the Pnrohue and Sale of All Xindsaf inranw a yntpre Refers to Joseph 8. Fay, Sard, Eac NaftoaS Caldwell, A E Campbell, Alexander Cote, £ T Clark, Charles Coit, C Christon, Chaa Camel I, Rev Edmond Conner, C H Claten, Wm Connelly John Corteaaay, Simeon Cook. J N Caugbey, Robt J Courtenay, R J Collens, Peter Cody, Patrick Chastenet, Mobs Cunningham, L D C. Cavannangh, John H Crawly, John Colman, James M Cervean, Wm F Cornell, Joseph Camming, W J Cooney, Jno M Crawford, John S E J Cerpase, Jen wen Coleman, Harry Conn, G W Cooper, John Calleo, Geo S Causae, George Conn, G M Cotter, Edmond Clark, Lient and AAQM Young, H Yulee, E Y. 2 Yonge, Dr Easton A. L. Harris, Special Agent Post Office Dept. Davis, Benjamin D Drew, Edgar Doe, Edward P Day, Daniel Dickinson, Capt Doltey, G R Dodd, Homer 2 Donovan, Cen 2. Devine, M J Demand, Jas H Dempsey, John Doyle, M L GeorgeDarlington, R E Dickson, 81) 2 Dowd, Thomas Dasher, William MARRIAGE GUIDE — Young's Great Physiological Work, of Everyone his own Doctor—Being a Private Instructor for Married Persona or those about to Marry, both Male and Female, in every thing concerning the phy siology and relations of oar Sexual System, and the Production or Prevention of Offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the Enellah language, by WM YOUNG, K D. Thi* la really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in pf«t" language for the general reader, and isJUnatrated with upwards of one hundred engravings. All young mar ried people, or thoee contemplating mairlg., and hav- By Telegraph. Later from Europe. Ar iril of the Hiberniaa. Further Advance r in Cotton. ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE THOUSAND BALES SOLD DUR ING THE WEEK. Fkathbr Point, Oct. 28,1865. The steamship Hibernian, from Liverpool via Londonderry, with dates to the 13th instant, i rived here to-day. The Cotton market at the commencement of the week opened with an upward tendency, hot toward the end became fiat, closing with an ad vance of half pence on American. The sales of the week amounted to one hundred and twelve thousand bales, of which speculators and ex porters took sixty-one thousand bales. The sales on Friday were twenty thousand bales. Middling Orleans was quoted at 24%d per lb. The. market for breadstuff's was quiet, but steady. Provisions steady and firm. United States seven-twenty bonds are quoted at 68a69. Consols 88%. The bullion in the Bank of England had de creased four hundred and forty-seven thousand pounds. FROM KENTUCKY. Generals Thomas and Palmer. Looisvlllx, Ky.. Oct. 22, 1865. The President has approved the action of Gen. Thomas, in the matter relating to Gen. Palmer. The Secretary of War approves the coarse of Gen. Palmer, in the matter of granting passes to the colored people of Kentndu. to cross the lines in search of employnrenti which has given great dissatisfaction to the people of Kentucky and Ohio. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Savannah Theatr e TUESDAY, OCT. *4, 1865. PS bau PC' PC BAUD EU8TACHK BAUDIN EU8TACHB BAUDIN EU8TACHK BAUDIN KU8TACHK BAUDIN BU8TACHE BAUDIN gUgTACHE BAUDIN EU8TAGHS BAUDIN KU8TACHE BAUDIN ipSTACHE BAUDIN 1USTAOHB BAUDIN BU8TACHB BAUDIN EU8TACHB BAUDIN THE CONDEMNED THE CONDEMNED THE CONDEMNED THE CONDEMNED THE CONDEMNED To conclude with the Faroe of eUDDHN THOUGHTS. miscellaneous wanted. riEOBeu Railroad Stock, VF^Cltjr of: avannah Coupons. HENRY BRYAN. OCt24—2t To Bent. A «'2KSSP" >BED »•«*•.s-w oct 24—lt Gas Fixtures for Sale Brackets. (SideLights). FoTsakU G '° be *’ “ a, , fio °0 N ALD & MONAHAN, W^ig -A C. L GILBERT. T O MERCHANTS. FROM NEW YORK Establish*eit of a Mexican Agney in New fork Cf y. Mexican Loan •r $30,000,000 01 the Market. New York, Oct. 22. 1865. It is announced that to-morrow the Repub lican Government of Mexico will establish an Agency in this city, and that a Loan of thirty million of dollars will be placed on the market, the interest of which will be paid ssmi-annual- j ly, in gold. FROM NEW ORLEANS. Evans, Harris A Co Elliott, Bluford Eldridge, H C Baton, Geo H 4 Footman, Robert Fitzgerald, M Phillip Foley, Michael J Fslfon.JMQ JTotey, Jams* E. Evans, Richard Elliott. Dr Wm H Eberhart A Fischer F. Fox, B F Fries*, Adam Fellner, Albert 3 Fame, A C Fetteer, A ing the least impediment to married life, should read | this book. It disclose* secret* that every one should be acquainted with. Still it la a book that most be I locked np, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of fifty cents. AddmsDr WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce st, abtrleIfoS^nSk adelphia. lawAm aepSl [DAILEY’S MAGIC PADT EXTRACTOR^ The South has been deprived of this great Salve for I the past three years; it is now open to every one; order your supplies at once. It cores Boms, (fores, PJlee, Rheumatism, Sores, Ac., Ac. A sample sent on re- [ ceipt of « cents. Address H. DALLEY, 43 Liberty Uwl » octfi street, New York. Marine Insurance. sn(81—codfot BOBT, HsBERSHAM A SORB. Death of General Kirby Smith. Nkw Orleans, Oct. 21, 1865. Col. Kirby, a prominent citizen of Texas, I says that Gen. Kirby Smith was killed by the employees of the Railroad at Hampstead, Texas. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SAVANNAH, OCTOBER 23. ARRIVED. Brig Clara Pickens, Rodgers, New York, to Wm Starr. Steamer Cosmopolitan, Crooker, Hilton Head. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, Fla, Ac. to L 8 Bennett. . Revenue steam cutter Nansemond, Coletberry, Balti more via Beaufort, s C. c teamer Savannah, Eldridge, Hilton Head. Tug A Getty, Mershon, Hilton Head. Tng Shep&r i, Bliss, Hilton Head. Tern L Bachelder, Gammell. THE STOCK OF Dry Goods, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Crock-,ry and Glass Ware. (LateL.. C.JYorvell A Co-,) Comer Bull and Bay Streets N Must be Sold, and for the next few days will be offered to the Trade at NEW YORK COST FOR CASH |Or «.od Paper OCt 18 mini NEW JOB TYPE! Latest Design From northern foundries, 100 F<K\I* - . NEW STYLE TYPE Per Steamer Leo! CALL AT “THE JiEPOBUOAT JOB nilTIIG Kid AND Examine Specimens, $50 Reward. L OST, on 8teamshlp Raleigh, between New York and savannah, 1 Trank stud Cau-pet Bag, marked “R. H. B.," containing a Wardrobe.- The above Reward will be paid for their delivery at the ravannsh Theatre. , English, Boston, to Hunter CLEARED. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Fort Pulaski. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. * LAMA HALL LET. Passengers Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Ac.—Col Owens, D M Ingersoll, J D Matheaon, E E Adamson, W Wageuer, J Rosen field. Dr Waldo, A Martin, Col Wallen, a J Maxwell, James Penfield, Benj Pen- Seld, Owen Jones, Wm Baya, P W White, Geo W Gift, Job Cardy, B F Van Frayl, ■» H Kirby, 8 E Foote, A A Baker, Mrs Baker, Mrs Gilchrist, Col Stewart, Col Atkinson, and 23 deck. Per steamer Cosmopolitan, from Hilton Head—Bvt T O T HE above well known Hall, situated on Liberty street between Lincoln and Aberoorn streets, will j be rented to respectable parties, Apply to , BENJ. W. ROBERTS, Or to IS, S. Leal, at Ribera's old Ice House, on Congress street Lane. oct SO—lw Consignees. Per Brig Clara Pickens, from New York—A Jk G R R, C R R, G H Arledge, Ball Wylly A ! Christian, Brody, Smith Sc, Co, Brigham, Bald win A Co, Claghorn A Cunningham, Grans. Johnson A Grey bill, Doyl* A Lagan, Erwin A Hardee, H Gowdy, N A Hardee A eo, G M Heidt, G B Lamar, W W Linooln, W and R Melntfra A eo. Millen A Wadtey, Milter, Tbomaa A eo, J O’Byrne, W H Starke, Tison A Gordon, C Van Horn, R D Walker A eo, A M Coben A eo, R Habersham A Son, E Koetheke A eo, G W Lnth- r °Pi J R Wilder, Hunter A Gammell Sehaster I A Heinsins. Per sdir lizzie, Bachelder, from New York—Bell, Wylly A ChriaUan, Brady, Smith A eo, Claghorn A Cnnni^fbam, Geo L Cope, O Coben, T G Dunbar A co, D Falvery, C L Gilbert, Hilton A RandelL H V Maraton, 8 8 Milky- M Newmark, H Pitcher, Jas K Betlly,J°hn L Villalonga, MAD Wadley, J B COOPKI, OL1OITS & FAKKKLLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. flYHE undersigned have formed a Copartnership X under the name and style of COuPER, OLCOTT ' A FAR KELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Bttk Aim Stationery at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co„ Northwest comet of Whitaker and 8t Julies street*. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. QCtt3 STEPHEN FiRRltT.l.v Receipts. PerJTern L Bachelder from Boston,—lae to Haywood, ifr. Co g * m Per brig Clara Pickens, (from New York-495 tons railroad iron to Central Railroad, and hay to Wm. Starr. FR4NK S. HEbSELflNE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. J4T RAY STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICER SAVANNAH, G-X. oct 91 IRISH DRUGS, MEDICINES AND FANCY ARTICLES. JUST RECEIVED FROM New schr MariaS measareadn. The schrs 8 T Baker, Davis, and F Nickerson. York** Mark* Oct 17, loading cotton for Jacksonville, Bis, Oct IT.—Arrived, Davis, Perling, New York. Oct 12-Cleared, wihrs Bather, Murray, New York; 14th, schr Snsan E Brown, Place; do; 16th. schr Weno- n > ^’.^Tb re f’L d !u. 1 u hbrif! H & e “ 8 ’ UaU > fleers. Brown, do; Varmane, Varmane, do. Kate Mttrnl ’ F0Ur Kriend *’ Snvey ’ “ d fo^Nw Ymfc Ved * bark 06 ‘*°‘ 81,3 loa<to 8 cotton e^A^S& WkW “ hU ^ Bnteher Nk *- Oct 17—Cleared, schr H Brewster, for New York. rdt §ts. at Lowest Market RANDELL & CO, j Sattthwest cor. Bar A RE now prepared to offer . Prices: 900 bbls Ex Ohio Floor, 100 half bbla Family Floor, 100 bbla No. 4 Hominy, 50 half bbla Hominy, 50 bbla Seda Crackers, 30 bbls Sugar Crackers. 100 boxes Cracker*, Fancy, Lemon Egg and “ 160 caddie* Black and Green Teag Oolong, Breakfast Imperial, 100bags CaSfce, re^Domtago and Rio, 50 mate O G Java. 50 mate rlnga. Coffee, 900 boxes and quarters layer Raleina, new t —. tfo bone Ad Candlee, fee; 100 boxes Mould Can- 100 boxv 1 .all aad 1 boxes Colgate* Almonds, Walnut*, Buckets, Brooms, berts, Wi et To which the attention of the Trade 1* called, oct a—lw J. 8HAFFEB, mission Sealer Com FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND PRODUCE. West Washingten Hburket, OPPOSITE 148 WEST STREET, Bulkhead, Between Barclay and Veecy «U„ NEW YORK. ' OB! put up tor Oooking Stoves. STREET, I COR, BROUGHTON T.awtb. Cooking Stoves, Enameled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Bound Pots. Ovens, Ac. J. S. TH5XP80N A OO. SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET, THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OPENED IN THE CITY: CONSISTING OF fiifraiif, Choice Toilet Soaps A LARGS ASSORTMENT OF OOMBS, BRUSHES, &c. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OF Spices, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, Pepper, Mustard, Sweet Oil, &c., 4c. ALSO SHEEN AND BUCK TEA*. OF (THE FINEST QUALITY, ATJ W. W. LINCOLN’S, D.RUG STORE, Cor. Boll and Congress-Sts. may 8—tf AUGUSTA Sheetings AND miETIIGS, FOR SALE BY JNO. C. MAKER & CO. oetS 139 CO-VGRESSBTRBS' PHOENIX ASSURANCE CO, OS’ XjOKLDON'. tre. ™ pish _ southern marknA promptly attended to. wSST* B A^ L- Brwflcy, A. ^teywood, bSs* 1 FOR SALE. of pine tend in Burke county, contain- am aad lying oo th« Savannah river. cypsem sWgie are now befog cat . goes iaHawwjsss’affc* in the lntoior dtiee ofthl* State. „ foreat*. Hats! Hats 11 QFALL For sale bv 9Ct«M STYLE* and « uAirrtsft S-N-COLDlR^,