Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 26, 1865, Image 2

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* A NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. THE ROtIVE’S 8ALLERT IV*, SAVANNAH: THUWVAY WOBW1SS) OCT. 26th. Our t«l<«nim from MilledgeTille. We ley before our readers this mom ing the first news from the Convention now assembled at MiUedgeville, received by telegraph from our attentive corres pendent at that place. We have been at great expense to place our readers in possession of full intelligence from this important body, and believe we have been able to place ourselves ahead of all competition, and hope our phtrons will appreciate our efforts in this direction. We shall furnish full and accurate reports pf all the important matters of this Con vention. Removal of the Fifth Treasury Agen cy to Savannah. The central office of the Fifth Treas- sory Agenoy has been removed from Port Royal to Savannah, and established in the Treasury building on the corner of Drayton and Bryan streets. The Fifth Agency includes South and East Florida, and Georgia, south and west of the Ogee- chee. During the absence of Hon. A. G. Browne, the Supervising Agent of the 5th Agency, who has been compelled to go North by sickness, having been pros trated by malarial fever contracted in Florida, his duties will be performed, under special appointment of the Secre tary of the Treasury,by his son, Col. A. G. Browne, Jr., well known during the -war as the able and efficient Military Secreta ry of Governor Andrew, of Massachu setts, and who will be remembered in this ctukjn unity as having bequ associated witff Oovernor Andrew, in 1860. as coun sel for Col. C. A. L. Lamar, in the fa mous “Wanderer” cases at Boston. The allegation having at that time been made that it was as difficult for a South ern man on legal cases touching the question of slavery, to be represented by able counsel in New England, as it was for a Northern man, in similar cases in South Carolina, Gov. Andrew and Col. Browne, having been offered a retainer by Col. Lamar, disproved that allegation certainly so tar as Boston was concerned, by accepting it ; and, as the well-known record of the case shows, acquitted them selves with the highest ability and fidelity t<* their client, without compromising in any manner their pronounced anti- slavery position, which was, and always has been, in the front rank of the radical anti-slavery party of the North. Another Good Han Gone. A highly respected and much esteemed citi zen of Savannah, was yesterday borne from his late residence on Lincoln street, to his last resting place. Mr. Joseph V. Gammon came to this city from Nova Scotia, more than forty years ago. As a carpenter and builder, he has been well and favorably known to tho citi zens of this place. Simple and unassuming in his manners, and regular in his habits, his industry bad secured him what he considered a competence several years before the war, and his only ambition seemed to be to withdraw from active life, and quietly spend the remainder of his days in the bosonk of bis family. During the past four years he continually lamented the state of our national affairs, and prayed for the time to come when man should no more shed the blood of bis brother, aDd peace reign once more over all the land- This state of affairs so preyed on his mind, that it undermined his health,and Editor Savannah National Republican: It is quite evident that the “Forest City” will have more than its share of dis reputable characters, unless some remedy is speedily adopted to check the influx of New York “roughs” ^ho^Krive by nearly every steamer. / tVufi your ph#^Jphjr^8ome ojho Vpuljjfcfl dis tinguished proffcB&jonlff 'vmt) iSe tem pering sojourn#^in our midst, evidently with the desire of escaping the wintry blasts of the cold North wbioh are now 1 would advml'tHat ork gambler who has been favoring our city with a visit for the past ten day*, to be a little more cautious io his movements, or he may be brought up with a round turn, and called to confront justice, Perhaps a personal description of this pet .Till not be uninteresting to the uninitiated as well as to your readers. No. I- is about five feet six inches in height, thick ajt, face strongly pitted, black curly hair, small black moustache, wears a white, broad brim hat and generally w snuff colored suit, English sporting ooat, and spends money very freely, being always ready to treat any innocent “Cracker” who may appear to have plenty of money. His headquarters are at a saloon not far from the corner of Bryan and Drayton streets. We will notice his female confederate next week should the pair rfefuse to emi grate North. Among the arrivals by the ‘Ariadne” though by'the advice of his physician he took a Calicoes—at Kascher’s trip North in hope of benefitting him, he re turned only to find no permanent relief bad been obtained. Agopd citizen, a kind husband and father, anfl*a firm friend, his memory will live long in the hearts of many to whom his quiet, unos tentatious charities were not unknown. The Theatre. Last night the thrilling drama of the Colleen Bawnwa. repeated by request, and passed off rest by order of Gen. Canbv with great suceeee. This evening the Streets of G en. Bratia<z took the oatl New York will be repeated for the last time, and at advice all who have not imd it to go early and i earn a good seat. The Future of the South. We invite the attention of oar readers to the able letter of J D. B. DeBow, editor of DeBow’s Review, to B F. Perry, Provisional Governor of Sooth Carolina. The letter will be found, full of interest, and will repay perusui. Confoaaioa of a Kentucky Dttellist Many of our readers will remember the fatal duel in 1838 between two members of Congress, Messrs. Graves, of Kentucky, and Cilley, of Maine, in which the latter was kill- ed. In a letter to a friend, in 1844;- Mr Graves said : “I will add, with the most unaf fected sincerity, that, in a community where public sentiment sanctions this practice (duel ling.) it requires a much higher order of' courage to re/Swe U> Jiyht Hum to jight ; and if I have one ardent wish which is greater than any oth er on this subject, it is that, if 1 shall ever be so situated again, I may find myself possessed of that higher order of courage.” Who, then, is the truly brave man?—Cincinnati Times. Respectfully dedicated to the commander of the forty thieves who lev-ied a challenge on the editor of the Savannah National Jlejiubli- <* >' > „ 'S/V ! - f last Tuesday, we notice several * ‘knucks” “cracksmen” and “gamblers.” One ‘ ‘cracksman” we saw at the “Theatre” Tuesday] evening, enjoying himself hugely at the eccentricities of Mr. Raymond. This No. 2 is about five feet eight or nine inches in height, -light hair and Moustache, and, frequently wears a light drab sporting suit, wjth large white hat. If the mysterious and confidential young man who wears a light vest and punts with dark coat, whose stature is about five feet ten or eleven inches, with a smooth face and oily tongue, and who represented himself as a “Detective” at a recent select ball given in this city, does not mend his ways and try to earn an honest living, he must not be surprised if we publish his name. I noticed him yesterday morning, on Bull street, flour ishing a large handful of “greenbacks" in ‘ ‘ye” real “Wall street style. ” A Good Jtiildattce. It seems our notice in last Monday’s issue of the Savannah National Republi can had the d&sired effect in relieving the town of seve^B dangerous “ craksmen.” We forgot toriitate in last report that An derson was, r d(u,ing the war, a “substitute broker” on the Bowery in New York and that he has bit recently been released from a New York jail Perhaps ‘ ‘the two discharged soldiers” we spoke of in our last, can tell us the price of coffee, and why the chisel and segak box were left in Schuster & Hein sius’ store on Tuesday night, and why they did not succeed in opening the safe. Now Davenport, mould it not be better to lead an honest life V If you do not leave town in a very short time, the “Provost Mar shal” may generously volunteer to assist you. This is no idle threat but a simple suggestion which you liad better speedily and wisely consider.q Among the cases on the police docket we notice one : where a negro has been cutting wood on l«nd not his own; and we are glad to see the summary manner in'which cur worthy Provost Judge set tled the matter, and hope this may be a solemn warning to others who trespass on other people’s wood pile, (finery ?) Dodger. COURTS. Oct- 35. Bejore Ca/>t Clark II. Remick, Provost Mar shal, District of' Savannah. The United Stated vs. Harriet Ansell, (colored) Keeping a disorderly borne. Found guilty and sentenced to pay a fino of $25 and costs. The United States vs. Jennie Herd, (colored.) Larceny from the home. Sufficient evidence not produced on the trial to convict the party, and 1 she was discharged. The United State* v». Nero Wilson, (oolored.) Carrying concealed #eapons. Tbe defendant plead ignorance of orders, and was disoharged from custody. The pistol was taken charge of by the po ice. The United States vs Caroline Walker, (color ed*) Using threatening language. Sufficient evidence was not produced to conviot the defen dant, and she was discharged upon payment of costs, V M, Bussell, Esq., for defendant The United States vs. James Henry, (colored.) Drank and dikorderly in the streets. Found guilty and fined $5, or to be imprisoned in jail for one month. The United States vs. W. Soott, (oolored.)— Resisting aD offioer in the discharge of his duty. Found guilty, and sent to City Guard House for fifteen days at hard labor. • The United States vs. Reuben Wilson, (color ed.) Vagrancy. Plead guilty, and sent to Guard House for 15 days at hard tabor. The United States vs. Alex. Smith, (colored.) Larceny. Found guilty and sent to jail for 15 days at hard labor. Tbe Vnitod States, by Police Sergt. Leonard, vs. Jacob Cohen. Abasing a policeman in the discharge of his duty, from the evidence of Po liceman W. II. Morgan, submitted in this cares the defendant is found guilty, and will pay a fine of $20, and $3 costs, and be thereafter disoharged from custody. The United States, by Detective Brunneli, vs- William Tyson, (colored.) Larceny. The pris oner was proved gnilty, and sent t> jail for one month. _ The United States, by Policeman Laraoy vs. Thomas Jole, (colored.) Arson, at corner Bay and Barnard streets. There being no proof against the defendant be was discharged. M. D. MoCarthy vs. Harriett Johnson, (color ed.) Recovery of rent. Claim $S. On motion of counsel the case was settled, defendant paying oosts. P. M. Russell, Esq., for defendant Patsey White (colored,) vs. Diana Rowls (eol* ored. Recovery of wages. Claim $2 50 Judg ment in favor of plaintiff for $1 50, to be paid in- stanter, and costs of suit in the sum of $2 50 to be paid on tbe 26ih ina(. Very Recherche, lidded. I >h»uld Nay So. Those Eltfiai White Goods Just Opening by A. Reseller & to-, 13 Barnard St. Destructive Conflagration. THE WOKEN Of OCR TIME. .—- i - . (For the Savannsii National Republican.) When history’# brilliant page shall toll ■ Got ppemrjr* kale of glory, By Telegraph. l — LrC-VK* of arms and hardship* homo the writer’s itotj ? w grandeur cluster awb -Si And shall our children birtyj Of valor and of might, In this unequal struggle for Onr honor, homes and right ? And shall the record only point. ■ j t i <«■> •To some bodying name, '• 1 By youthful hearts in splendor wrought Upon the scroll of fame ? No 1 while they tell of wounds and scan And hard contested fields, Another theme than that of Mood Time’s just tradition yields : A softer, milder influence will Their earnest thoughts engage, And woman’s name shall glittter too, On our historic page. Tbe sage and poet shall portray, With eloquence and rhyme. The labors and devotion of The women of our time. Thefr blessed names and noble deeds The household Gods shall be, Where virtue, troth and valor dwell, The birth-right of tbe free. Important Milledgeville Miwmnim m “sftttBH. Hon. If. I*. Johnson Elected President, kK )HOHt) TT4,/; 5fAVi Forthcoming e. Gov. Johnson’s And not alone shall earthly pen Tell all their acts of love, For saintly hands the record keeps In God’s great book above; A white-robed seraph smiling stands Before its sacred fold, And ’mid the praises of the Just, Each name and deed enrolls. Metropolitan. "Savannah, Oct.* 25,1865. [Special Dispatch to Savannah National Repub lican.] Millidqkvilli, G*., Oct. 25,1865. The Convention met to-day at 12 o’clock. Hon. Herschel Y. Johnson was nnanimonsly elected President. On taking the Chair amid load ap plause from tbe Canvention, Mr. Johnson deliv ered a very brief bat sensible address, fall of pointed advice and conservatism. The remarks j of the President elicited great applanae, am its concla&ion, considerable enthusiasm pre vailed. Hon.Chas. J. Jenkins is now on the floOr de livering a stirring speech. I understand that the forthcoming message of Gov. Johnson contains some leartul disclosures in relation to tbe tinanoial condition of onr Htato, I sbail forward fall verbatim reports of the T. W, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. «Iust Received, lubricating oils, To whirii I would call the attention of Railroad and SS^wStor^bSSr 8 ’ Ml0fci,li8U aDd SP and gives Kfk <#m*r‘oiL, used for Cars oir Railroads, Iron and Wood Works. Mo. 2 Lubricating Oil, urprift Aflwit. Cnvid od t A— — *— -. Btaff. used for all hem the above. _ _ ETA kits No. 1 Mackerel, DKJ 60 kits No. S Mackerel, by oot!8 SObbls. Pilot Bread, Bobbie. White Beaus, in store and for sale HORATIO PITCHER, loot of Lincoln et., tinder the Bluff. To the Freedmen. Abb yon in want of tine printing tastily exe cuted with the latest style of typb just intro duced in Savannah ? Call at the REPUBLICAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE. aBOstJmpotten^speeche^j^ail^ TO MERCHANTS. THU STOCK OF Departure of Steamship* and Steamers. Dry Goods, cx-othustg, FOB NEW TORE. I Steamship Ariadne, Thursday, October 28th, at 12 o'clock m. FOB CHARLESTON. Steamer H M Cool, Friday, October 2TthatI o'clock, a m. FOR PALATEA, FLA. .1 f teamer Helen Getty every ainrday morning at 10 o'clock. r teamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. A fine display of tbe iatest style#of French LATER FROM NEW ORLEANS, Gen. Bragg Takes the Oath-Steamer Sunk—fflrsterlous Tragedy, etc. The steamer Niagara, from New Qrjeqps, arrived at Cairo on the 16th inst., with dates to the 10th. Daniel Dennett, editor of the Planters' (Franklin) Banner, has been released from ar- Gen. Braggg took tbe oath of allegiance on the fith, preparatory .to applying to President Johnson for pardon. -R Ijfli’R The steamer Banda, from Shreveport with 350 bales of cotton, sunk on the 3d inst., eight miles above Grand Bayou. The steamer Uua laid by her all night, taking off her cotton and picking it out of the river. The boat is a total loss. The cargo is saved in a damaged condition. WLat is the trouble at the corner of Barnard street and Congress street Lane ? I can’t peruse a line of this pa per but what I am suddenly told to go thebe, to look there, to stop there, to are the bargains offered in dry goods that no establishment in town can compete with them. The prices are extraordinary low, and the goods are as fine in quality as BtyJish in design, a fact which, with the courteous clerks in attendance, is caus ing an immense rush at the popular cor ner. This then is the simple solution of the trouble at 19 Barnard street, Extensive Cotton Fire in Bridge-sl.—Ix>ss Es timated at Over Haifa Million Dollars. (From the New York Tribune 17th.] At a late hour last night a lire broke out on the first floor of warehouse No 3 Bridge-st., oc cupied as a cotton storehouse by Harris A Os- bray. The tire rapidly extended to building No. 5 and to all tbe floors. Both buildings were till ed with cotton throughout except the basements, which were stored with whisky. Up to twelve o’clock the fire raged fiercely, but the flames be gan then to subside. The losses and insurances, of coarse, could not be ascertained last night but toe damage will not, probably fall short of $500,000, and some est mated it even higher.— The origin ol the tire is not knowo. Fire-Mar shal Baker was on hand to investigate the mat ter. Sections of police from the First, Second and Twenty-seventh Precints were also present, under command ot Capt. Warlow. Building No. S, it will be recollected, fell down two years ago, doing considerable damage. Tbe walls stood well last nigbt, however, up to the hour of go ing to press. The Liverpool Col ton market. The report of tbe Liverpool Cotton Market, received by the Nova Scotian, though strictly correct in its details, was, as published yeajer- day, liable to misconstruction. While the price of New Orleans Middling was quoted at 24 l-4d., a quarter of a penny lower than the price on tbe 30th ult., as reported by tbe Chi na, an advivnee of 2a2 l-2d was noted in American cotton. This is explainable by the fact that the report was the regular weekly one from -the Broker’s Circular, and gave the ad vance to Thnrsday night as compared with the previous Thursday night. The advance on Friday and Saturday, the 29th and 30 th ult., reported in the China’s news last week, is the same as is reported by the Nova Scotian.— There was, however, an advance of l-2d. on Friday, the 6th, over the quotations of the previous day, bringing New Orleans Middling np to 24 6-4<L, and other grades in proportion. N. Y. Tribune, 17tin FOB DOCTOBTOWB, BTC. Steamer Orient, Friday, October 21th, at 7 o'clock, a Steamer Scorpio, Every Saturday. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Tin SA VANN Alt, OCTOBER 25. ARRIVED. : Starlight, / nderaon, Fort Pulaski. steamer Resolute, Caunon. Hilton Head. .Steamer Gen chepley, Milliken, Darien, to C L Colby & Co/ r Co. teamer Orient, Golihvaip?, D ricn, to C L Colby & Boots and Crockery and Glass Ware. (Late L. C. Morrell & Co-,) Corner Bull and Bay Streets, Must be Sold, and for the next few days will be ottered to the Trade at Steamer Canonieus,’ Tilton, Hilton Ilead. Geo T Jackson's flat, from Augusta. Furgusou's 4 flats from Augusta. Davis' flat, t ugusta. CLEARED. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Fort Pnlsski. teamer Helen, Keily, Augusta, Kein A Co. Steamer May Flower, Young, Parachucla. Went to Sej—B L Sherman, for Morquaez, P Ii, with cargo oflnmber. Consignees. Per Kurguson's 4 flats, trom Augusta—J W Ander son, Hunter & Gammclt, J K Wilder. Davis’ flat, from Augusta-Hunter A Gammell, E F Metcalf. Per Geo T Jackson's flat, from Augusta—Hunter & Gammell, J R Wilder, J M Kinchlcy. NEW YORK* COST O r oct 18 FOR CASH Good Paper. CMPPlLi, BRUCH 4 00. Receipt*. Per Gen. Sh pley, from Darien —150 bbls rosin, 140 bales cotton to O Cohen. — Per steamer Orient, from Darien—160 bales cotton, to O Cohen. Per Furguson's 4 flats, from Augusta—278 bales up land cotton. Davises' flat, from Augusta—344 bales upland cot ton. Per Geo T Jackson's flat, from Augusta—407 bales cotton, 65 bales domestics. LIST OF VESSELS IN T)fE PORT OF SAVANNAH. nr* Barney William* Robbed. (From the Philadelphia Ledger. I Yesterday afternoon, while Mrs. Williams was temporarily absent from one room in the next, at the Continental aotel in this city, some sly thief slipped in and took from a bureau drawer about •l,5u0 worth of jewelry,' among which was a splendid watch, necklace, ear-rings, <tc., together with a pocket-book containing some $70 in green backs. In the immediate vicinity, iti one of the drawers, wss a box containing ail the lady’s dia monds, amounting in value to about $10,000. The detectives ot this city, and those of New York, at present in town, are on the alert. Cor. Congress St. Lane and Barnard St. FININI'IIL ARID MLttMBRCHL. The Iberville South, of the 7th instant, has the following : On Saturday morning last the single- masted schooner tbe Three Brothers was moored at this place. On Sunday morning she resumed her trip up the river. Two men were aboard apparently Italians. Tbe boat, however at tracted no pa.-ticular attention until opposite Magnolia plaDC&o, the residence of VC Lytle, Ksq., about eix miles above. She was hsre bailed and ran in shore and was boarded by the I’rovost V arsbal, who remained on board some time and examined her papers and license of fresdHts. Tnfte* she; agein proceeded on 'her trip. Nothing unusual was remarked . about the boat or men in ehtf&e. * Her freight consisted in part of flour, assorted groceries, dry goods, whiskey, Ac. Nothing more weq heard of her until Tuesday morning ivheu the-Provost Mar shal was notified that some boat bid drifted' ashore, and it was requested that the authorities should take charge of her. Ths Provost Marshal at once directed that the boat be brought to tins blood ied from the attTfiolTto’ th^oV thf be side o rid*ntly. been With blood was a’so found BE time. Tbe difficulty is Hut go graa p.rtj ... discovered. ...ill. SttTaaH Was the IS^jaaLUANTS _ b the remark made Wvbqvyof eharm- iug‘(Savannah damsels/as tliey.lafijurely sauntered up Bull street yesterday.atari noon, to indulge in oneof thd pleasant promenades Wiioli this delightful hfil leather affords. I wonder where she bought id, At A? Reacher A Go’s., 13 BARNARD STREET. Cincinnati Markets. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. : The provision market during the first half of the pasPweek was quite animated, and prices seemed to tend upwards, but during the latter half it relapsed into a state of lethargy and prices of all articled are lower, with but little dis position to operate on the part of bnyers. Tbe stocks in tbe west are light but the high prices check eonsumptiou. Hous.—For the new season are also offered lower, and the faith io short crops is fast disap pearing, our best and strongest packers prefe r to wait the result of prices on the opening season than to go ia now. The animal is now offered at $11 gross for November and 1st. half December and tor all December $10,75, or uett $14 a $13,50 for November aod December, showing a want o^ confidence jn^late.r deliveries. Mss-s Hoek —Has declined to435 and is dull at this price; large orders could probably be tilled at a shade less say 34,75 or prehaps 31,50 for choice city. Pbins Mess.—Can be had at 30 to 31. Bumps.—In very light supply and are held at J8 to 25, aa in quality . Liin.—The old stock is about exhausted, and t. the few sales made are at 28c; new is offered at t 25c. for November and 23c. for December de- Gbbbn. M*ats.—Are offered at 15,17 a 18%e. delivered first ball November,but there seems to ‘ ApitioV to operate until the time j. Bulk Meats—Are quiet at 18 a 18 l-2c. lor ghoulds and sides loose. burnt ed Meats.—Are also lower, and shoulders, tides aud clear sides are offered at 1«)^,211-2, aqd.ff4 1-2, packed, bat buyers ot round lots Con* tend for lower figures, which Jjfvq been acceded to in some cases; a large number of smsjl orders | ^ v* being filled *t these prices. \ ^Wetogty-firm at 2,28. ’ steamships. •' riadne, Crery, discharging, John R Wilder, sum. New England, Hodges, Lloo, for Liverpool—load ing it Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A Co. Wisconsin [Br] Arcus, 950— loading for Liverpool—J R Wilder. Republic, IBremt Smith, SlQ, discharging' at lower Eastern wharves, Weber Bros Weeks, 1044, discharging at Dry Dock Virginia, \ wharf, C L Colby A Co. DABKS. Thos Fletcher, renOlctoh, T38, loading for Liver pool, J It W ilder. T Whitney, Kelly, waiting, Bell, Wylly 4 Christian. BBIOS. Monticclln, Moore—loaditg for Darien—Richardson A Barnard. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for New York, W Starr. t . Ida MeLeod, Cook, 400, waiting, Unnter A Gam mell, SCBOONCKS. Pioneer, Tucker, Jacksonville, ia ballast, —Master. John O Whipple, Simpson, SO, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf, west of Barnard street —Roger* A Cann. . Schooner Lizzie Bacheldcr, Hunter A Gammell, dis charging. Francis Sutterly, Alden, 310, waiting, Rogers A Cann. Honest * lie, Connery, 100, loading for New York, Rogers ,t Cann. Podia, Crook, 150, waiting, Hue. Whitney A Co. R U Mayo, Curtis, 70, , Brigham, Baldwin A Co. Importer and Jobbers of Dry Goods, No. 145 West Fourth Street, fBETWEEN RACE AND ELM) Cincinnati, Ohio Every Description of DRY GOODS, AND EVERY ARTICLE Necessary to Make 8 Complete Outfit = Notioe. I HE REPX give notice that three months after date I will apply to the • ity Council of S; ' ~ ' ' I folio _ _ _ outlet! of Savannah, Georgia, for renewal of the following Certificate of Stock, taken from me by Gen. Sherman's army in February last, viz: City of Savannah Stock for Internal improvement. Subscription to the Savannah and Albany Railroad Companv, Bonds 385 and 386, for $500 each, issued Dec. 1, 1S53, payable Dec. 1, 1888. PAUL TRAP1KR. Camden, August 3, 1865.lam3m sepS Notice. ^ fofo persons haying demands against the estate of Mrs. Emeline 8. Roberts, deceased, of Chatham county, arc respectfully requested to hand them in, propel lyauthcnticated; aud all persons indebted to said esmtearereqnretedtO^imu^Ueggn^tU, sep7 law2m Executor. NOTICE. ORGIA.l interested are S TATE OF GEORGIA.TmtUMll C inn- *T.—All persons interested are hereby notified — BMhMI that two months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Coart of Ordinary or said county for leave to sell the real rotate of A J. Hearn, deceaa- ed, late of said county. ■ „ , 8. J. BRBWTON, AdmT beptember 4th, 1865. ■ lawSm mtfl land will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bryan connty, on the first Monday ia Norafibef next, for Letters of Administration on the estate of a and, late of aaid county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admaokh, all and singular, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceaeed. to file their objections with said Court Of any thevhavei i Witness, Wm. H. Haym&ns, Esq.. Ordinary <d Bryan county, this *8th September, l3o. ^ 7 topM WH, H. HAYMANS, Q, B, C, FOR A City or CoHitry Store GENERAL HOWARD, Chief of tbe Freedmen’s Bureau, will address the Freedmen of Savannah and tbe neighborhood at the Second Baptist (African) Church, THIS DAY, SOth Inst, at 1 o'clock, P; M, SEN. SAXTON ia also expected to address the as- (embloge. For Darien AND D 0 0 T ORTOWJy. The fine Dew steamer ORIENT Will leave lor the above ports on FRIDAY, Oct. 27th, at 9 A. M. For freight or passage, having snperior State Room sccommodationa, apply to oct26—St CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., cor. Abcrcorn and Bay streets. For Caarleatoa. THE new steamer H. M. Cool, Cape Samuel Taylor, will have despatch for the above place, leaving on FRIDAY, Oct. 27th. at 7o’clock, A.M. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padelford's Wharf, near White's Central Cotton Press. oct28—2t CS TATE OF GEORGIA, Emanuel ~ County.—AJI persons interested, are hereby notified that olxty Days after date, we shall make ap plication to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the whole of tfie Real Estate of Thomas J. Bird, late of said County, deceased. JKANE B. BIRD, Administratrix. JOHN H. KDBNFIELD, Administrator oct£6 of Thomas J. Bird, deceased. NEW ADVERTns^p^ Savannah Theatro RAYMOND A ^HAMILTON,. Les « %a THURSDAY EVENING, OCT For one nfghk^nore the great •trees* of * e »X'“ To conclude with the irishi^T^Ti OCt 26 LIMERICK, BOY, Jacob Langsdorf&c Have just received per steamer Ariadne from iv- oid and well-known House in Philadelphia, - unuadelpl from New York aud Baltimore Estsblishi msnse addition to their nsoal il as iments, m j a . I_iarirg*e Stools.. For Sale. — EVEBAL Teams of tine Mules. Enquire at the » 7 tables of Henry. Wayoa, on West Broad street, oral the office of MR. A. F. HARTRIDGE, oct26—2t No. 92 Buy street. 1 Wholesale BOOTS AND SHOES, 157 Fellner & Poliak, Broughton street, Savannah 6a., A RE enabled, through their permanent House in Boston, to Tarnish Jobbers and Dealers in this City as well as those in the Country, with more advan tages and conveniences in the Boot and >Shoe Trade. Wc have now on hand the lareeat aseorLmn, J Goods in the South, coiujistin^ in part of SECARS j fbotli Foreign A Domain TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, of every style and finish, making our new stock one of the largest in the UNITED STATES We propose to offer these Fresh Importations to Dealers at prices which will DEFT COMPETITION with any market in the South. Merchants desinom o: purchasing Goods in onr line, will lind it to their ad vantage to call and examine before porchasiig eUc- where. Our Catalogue embraces— than any Bouse in said line. oet2C—6m Notice—New Firm. mHE nndersigned have this day formed a copar - JL nersbip for tbe transaction of a general fturiniM and Brokerage Business, under tbe style of Bryan, Uartrtdgre & Co. We respectfully solicit the favors of our friends and the public, strict attention will be given to sales or puschasc of Cot on. Timber, Groceries, Heal Estate, stocks and Securities of all kinds. We trust that onr aried experience will enable us to give satisfaction. HENRY BRYAN, (Successor to J, Bryan A Mon.) ALFRED 1- HARTRIDGE, (late of Bank of Commerce J E. W. B. NEFF, (late with W. Clifford, Cincinnati.) oct*6—lw LLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS OF Fairbanks Seales AND ERRING’!! FIRS PROOF S .A. IT Jli S, Orders for all Patterns and Sizes received by BELL, WILLY Ac CHRISTIAN. oct*-lot THE WASHING-TON IRON WORKS Have on hand for sale their liayreved Portable Steam Engines, Portable Circular Saw mills. Gang Saw Hill*,Flour and Corn Mill* CAN BE OBTAINED AT I cl) THIS ESTABLISHMENT 1 indicate prices of any bill purchased to Wc are determined to make It to the in- We will dn New York. V t terest of the Southern Mates to purchase their stock *f ns this frill. One of oar partners resides to New York, and consequently has great advantages, which we propose to extend to onr customers. We can sup ply every article kept In a country Dry Goods store. Chappell, Brace & Co., CINCINNATI, OHIO. oetlo Cooking Stoves. f WHITAKER STREET, COR. BROUGHTON LANE. Cooking Stoves y Enameled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Bound Pots. Ovens, Ac. ■» — sei>4 2aw J. G. THOMPSON A CO. | owe ^ > ^“ p ^ry Pe *’ And manufacture to order all kinds of dtnun En gtoes, Marine, Stationary, and Propeller, Railroad tot and Tarn Tables,Iron Steam Vessels and Barges; also, General Machinery, Iron and Brass Cast ings, largo and small Forgings, Ac, Ac Address UBO. M. CLAPP, Treasurer, New burg, N. Y. Or L. C. WARD, Agent, 55 tlberty street, Room 3, New York, oct*—ly A RMY AND NAVV CAPS—For sale by 8. M. GOLDING, oct2G—3t ^No^43^ongesytreet^ One .Billion Assorted Brands of Sctran, 25 boxes Navy Tobacco, 25 boxes Light Twist Tobacco, 25 boxes Black Twist do. 20 boxes Black Sweet do. 20 boxes Fine Virginia do. 500 lbs. Maccaboy Snuff, in Jars, Scotch Snuff, in Bladders and Packs. A complete assortment of tine and common.'Smok- ing; Tobacco, also a few dozen packages genuine Turkish Smoking Tobacco with tndlw variety of genuine Merschaum Pipes, 5cgar Tube* and Bowl*. We have a large assortment of Toliscco Poaches and Briar, Rosewood, Powhatan and Clay Pipes. Soliciting a continuance of the patronage w hich ha been so liberally bestowed upon u» heretofore, we hope to be able* to offer such snperior inducements a will please and increase our customers. J t COB LANGSDOKF A CO.. 171 Bay street, between Whitaker and Pamiri. oot25—,1m Savannah. Seduction in Prices at the SOUTHERN PALACE DRV DOOM C. ORFF Will sell Prints at the following prices; Icrrtauc J5 Ceeheeot Prints at 35 Cents, American and Philip Allen’s Frinto at» Cents. Wamsntto at 30 Cents. fitod Prints at 25 Cents, oct25—tf Holmes & Prttt4*r*0H, No. 35 M ater Street, JefH* Receivers of Flour, WEiTEBAt AND CARD. M R. WIN. S. ROGART proposed returning to Savannah on the 15th inst, but has been de tained, in Virginia, by sickness. He is expected with in a few days, when he will at once resume tbe duties of Ms School. ocCXi—3t G eorgia, Bryan Catraty. — To all whom it may concern: whereas, “m. H. Strick land will apply at the Court ot Ordinary ot Bryan county for Letters of dmlnistration on the estate* of Jno. N. and James G. Strickland. Throe are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased; to fllethelr objections with said Court (If any they have) on or before tbe first Monday in November n#xfc Mr erwise said letters win be granted the applicant. Witness, W. H. Hymans, Ordinary foe Bryan coun ty, this 28th September, 1865. - mpH 6 “ |t , Per Ariadne. ! ‘ibO tubs extra New York Stole Batter, ^ 5 kegs extra Western Butter, 10O tube extra Leaf Lard, 125 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 50 bbls. and half bbls. New Mackerel, 200 boxes Codfish and Herring, T5 bbls. Corn Meal, etc, etc. For sale at the RINDELL AGO., *W H.gAYMAHHO.B.-C, S*4”o®*£b£2*amay concern^ William K Warndl applies ton# §r Letters iff Ad- ministration on the of John ft. Girardeau, ^Throe^a^therefore to cite and admonk*. all and singular! the kindred znd cretitOFS of raid deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the time pre. scribed by towiimd show cause Of any they haven why LatSmof Administration should not be issued to ths Liberty county,. tbs tor itr, o. u. c. South-west cor. Bay and Barnard sts. Grapes, Shrubs AND IiINT8. ! /"NF LiEBBATE DLinmean Nurseries, all kinds Miawfesjsiess s“k quality, at tow prices. . Catalogue prices of every department sent to appli cauls wbo remit one etinapfor each PRINCE A CO, Flashing. New York. Just Received. SOUTHERN PROOFS' Consignments Solicited- DERM for Flour, Wheat frm /•(Bnnii.i ior riour, w”* 31 - i”:r rcct iy \ /filled at lowest market rates, and di first bands, thus saving extra profits. . j-l.jor, Heoeivers of the well known “S'LLjed, aid Mills,” which w.U be ®PP"' "Keanage in lota to suit L ull information furnished by LaROl.HH, GADEN A ^TtresO- oct25—2m cor. Bay and B« nlira .— EE AFT & HULU v Mann&ctureis and Jobbers of STRAW AND MIllMBK 20^5 No*. 281 and 283 (opposite A. T. NEW A fall supply i hand. of Goods, suitable for this “ 4rl ‘ ^YourVtronage is respectfony soUcited. oct96—Cm G. PJlRSOS^ MAStTvacruare 1 Art Kit* extra No. 1 Mackerel, Xl/U 50 do. do. No. 2 do. I half bbls No. 1 * do- No. 8_ OttM-O, do. do. , For aaleby . randbll, 196 Bay street. Hadiield’s Union Fire Importer of Chineic Fire Crackers Eecket*. LillWctitfer of ol |fikqiilkcwnv* . rs Also* large ajsartment of hia own WV° ■ TOTS XwTfANCT O00f 24 Aeto* **« Bre»d’ r,y ’ ectK-4to> n |«0 |W