Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 30, 1865, Image 4

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A. v § SAVAMVAH NATIONAL POETRY WITH THE VEAH. BV EMILY C. HUNTINGDON. Without—the young moon, pale as shroud, Ciimou through tb» fringes ut the cloud, That silvers m its light; And underneath the purple shy, The s-ound 0 f small waves creeping by whispering through the night. Within—a brooding sense of ill Hangs o’er the room so strangely still, Like shadows o’er a tomb Where heavy curtains, fold on fold, Shut in the silence weird ardcold, And two hearts in the gloom. Two heart#, but one hath found release, One face hath caught the look of peace They wear beneath the pall : A nd on«, with heavy throbs of dread, Keeps watch above the shrouded dead, And prays, “God keep us all.” Two waxen limbR in quiet rest, Two meek hands folded on the breast, As if they clasped a prayer, Ah, better thus, than day by day, Along a weary sunless way, A heavy cross to bear. White brow ! too calm for earthly bliss, Dumb lips! too cold for love to kiss, Young heart! of weallh untold, Sweet eyes ! that shone with changeless ray, How can we hide you all away Beneath the staining mould. IVur sleeper ! when the daises biow In the old cburchvaid, will you know My footsteps if I come? „ Will you not feel the sunbeams creep Across your grave through all your sleep, And bear the wild bees hum ? Aod when the toilsome day is flown, If I shall sit and sing alone The song we loved so much, Will not your fingers, light as air, Glide as of old adown my hair, With soft caressing touch I • Oh Life! Oil Death ! in vain I seek, To read the mystery that ye speak, It meaning lies too deep; So through my tears I look to Heaven, And say, ‘ Our-Father’s hand hath given Pi is well beioved sleep ” THE BRIDGE OF CLOl’D, LONGFELLOW. Burn, 0 evening hearth, and waken .Pleasant vis : ons. as of old ! Though the house by winds be shaken, Safe I keep this room of gold! Ah, uo loBger wizard Fancy Builds its castles iu the air, Luring me by necromanv Up the never-ending stair'. But, instead, it builds me bridges Over many a dark ravine, Where beneath the gusty ridges Cataracts dash and roar unseen. And I cross them, little heeding Blast ot wind or torient’s roar, As I follow the receding Footsteps that have gone befjre. Naught avails the imploring gesture, Naught avails tbecyof pain. When I touch the flying vesture, ’Tis the gray robe of the tain. Baffled I return, and leaning O'^r the parapets of cloud, Watch the mist that intervening Wraps the valley in its shroud. And the sounds of life ascending, Faintly, vaguely, meet the ear, Murmur ot bells and voices blending With the rush of waters near. Well I know that there lie hidden Every tower, and town, and farm, And again the land forbidden Ke-assumes its vanished charm. Well I know the secret places, And the nests in head and tree : At what doors are friendly faces, At what hearts a thought of me. Through the mist and darkness inking, Blown by wind and beat by shower, Down l fling the thoughi I'm thinking, Down 1 toss this Alpine flower. News from Hie Confederates in Mexico Maximilian Not a Very Strong Sympatizi i— He Encourages Emu/ ration—The Liberal Cause Again Hopeless. New-Orleans, Saturday, Oct. 18, 18G5. A letter from Gen. Magruder, dated last Au gust at the City of Mexico, says he would re main there till December. Gens. Price, Wil cox, Stevens, Leadbeater, ex-Gov. Allen, Judge Perkins and ex-Gov. Hall of Tennessee, were getting along pretty well. Maximilian had refused positively to do any thing for the “Confederates” more than for other emigrants, but favors emigration and will soon issue a favorable decree on the subject. A gentleman lately arrived from Brownsville, says the cause of Juarez is considered hopeless thete. Cortinas is his only energetic leader there, but he injures their cause by his bad character. — DAiLir JiMMi k MBS® BK, iPITBLISlIED EVERY MORNING ANI» EVENING M V C O Si , CrfiOHOlA, Comer of Cherry and Third Streets. Largest Circulation in Middle and South- West ern Georgia. The old “.Tonrnal & Messenger," firet established in 1809, and regularly published ever since, has the Larg est Circulation of any paper in this section. We are offering liberal terms to advertisers, and merchants, and others, desirous of having their bnsi ness generally known, will do well to advertise in ou columns. . " S OFFICE ACT. SUB. AGT, COM., Bureau Refugees, F. and A. Lands, District of Savannah, Go., Savannah, Ga., Oct. 17, 1865. CIRCULAR I No. 1. f - k In compliance with par. 3, of Circular No. 2, from Office Act. Agt. Com., for the State 'of Georgia ; * All persons in this District desiring to employ freedmeu, are respectfully re quested to make known the fact at this office, together with their address, or name of agent nearest of access, and a full statement of the number and kiud of persons wanted, the kind of employment, and the compensation offered. Itwill be borne in mind that in many instances the freedmen have families for which provide. Persons wanting laborers and having the means of fur nishing shelter, Ac., for families, and willing to do it, are particularly re quested to state the fact. In furnishing laborers preference will be given to the parties offering the most liberal compen sation . HENRY L. STOWS, Capt. 103d U. ‘S. C. Inf., Act. Asst. Com'. Dist. of Savannah. Oar Weekly Contains tho legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and is circulated throughout the Southern and Northern Spites generally. Parties sending their advertisements with the money will be Insured satislaction. Address s. BOSE & CO. SlMRl ROSF, Seneca B. Bcru, / Proprietors. scpll WM. S. J3A.TOW, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BOSTON, MASS., for the Purchase and Sale of All Kinds of MERCHANDIZE. Refers to Joseph S. Fay, Esq., Boston: Nath'l God dard, Esq., Boston; John A. Blanchard, Esq., Boston: National Bank of N. America, Boston. eodGm may26 Bill Heads. We would call the attention of our Merchants and Business Men to our fine stock of Bill Head Paper, ruled to suit the various sizes of Bills and accounts. We are now prepared with an entensive assortment of modern faced Type, and line Inks, various colors, adapted to printing Bill Heads, Cards, &c., in the highest style of the art. BRING IN YOUR ORDERS. “First come, first served.” HO TELS. Union Place Hotel Cor. Broadway a d 14th Sts , Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK CITY sep2T tf H. C. FUNG & CO., Proprietors. The American 5ou«e, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. eep'2i Hi LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. til l) Fourth Street, LOTTIS, ST. TOXJIS, !MIO LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A lirst class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality comfort and convenience. tf sepl9 MmOPOLlTAN HOTEL, Gate Brown’s, WASHINGTON, JJ. C. rjIHIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order for the reception and accom modation of its old patrons. 3m sep!9 G1LM0R HOUSE, Monument Square, BALTIMORE, Maryland THIS first class Holfl been newly furnished throughout, and is now open lor the reception of guests. KIRKLAND Sc CO. DUDES; MEDIGINESj AND 0 H EMI CALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES- CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, &c., just landed from New York. Apothecaries. Planters and traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB'S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH, Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Hall, N. B CornOr Broughton and Barnard streets, repriei tf jelB W. M. WAI.SII, M. D., Proprietor. I.—Fresh Gard- den Seeds. FRESH TURNIP SEED. RUTA BAGA FLAT D U T C [AND Red Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH • OF 1865, Just received from D. Landreth, and for sale by W. W. LIN' OLN, jylO cor Bull and Congress streets. BUSINESS CARDS. A. J. BRADY, . WM. M. SMITH, E. J. MOSKfl. BRADY, SMITH & CO. Commission - • AND V Forwarding Merchants, AND Manufacturers’ Ag ents NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, tfAVANNAH, GKOKGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of l otton, ic„ to their friends in New Y'ork imd Boston. References— Wm. K. Kitchen, Prest National Park Bank, N Y.; H. C. Tbacher * Co., Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses*Co.,Colhmbus; Wyman, Most-8 A Co., Montgomery. angT MARCY, DAY & 00, a o 8 BAY S T R K JC T.. Nortb Bide. Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND GKIVEfi.t 1,f O.UMISSION MERCHANTS AND STOHAOB. HAT, COHN, OATS AND FEED, At lowest market prices. iy3 bout. p. YOBK, M. E. WILLIAMS, J. B. M'INTIBB. P. U. WABD. YOKE. WILLIAMS, H’UTiEI k 1, AUCTION AND COMMISSION HEBCHAHTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin & Co., Gaden PIONEER SAW MILL W E most respectfully announce to the citizens of Savannah and others requiring Lumber that f Zublyst our new saw Mill at the foot of Zubly street, near the Savannah and Ogcechce Canal, Is completed. We are now prepared, to saw and furnish Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur chase Lumber as it arrives in this market. Iy29 ROSE Sc ARKWRIGHT. PHIENIX ASSURANCE CO. OF LONDON, T NSUKES buildings and goods against fire. The 1. undersigned will also cover first class Brick Risks in the interior cities of this State. HOIST. HABERSHAM & 80NS, Agents, augt2 eod3m Bay street. Savannah. Marine Insurance. ritHE undersigned will cover Goods, bv good boats, J. from Augusta here, thence to New York FOR SALE. Pine timber and cypress shingle are now being ent Pine _ here for market. For terms tepSO-Sawlm ROBT. (ly to AM * SONS. LV1CAN KINSLEY, ETH3AB L. KINSLEY. LYMAN KINSLEY & CO-, MANUrACTUBBas OP Patent Forge Hammers, COLLINS’ PATENT QUARTZ CRUSHERS, AND PULVERIZING MILLS, Patent, Half Patent, and Common Wagon Axles, Windlass Necks, Truss Shapes, CAR AND ENGINE AXLES, CAR WHEELS, CASTINGS AND FORGINGS. Cambridgeport. lags. octU NEW GOODS J UST RECEIVED, a large and beautiful ment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for this market Calland ... them. C. M. HuEbSan! •** ang!4 cor. Bull and Broughton streets. Wright Sc COMMISSION ME Rio de Janeiro, Co. Represented by our joness it, JOHN 8. WRIGHT, Esq. Stre^NiW York. ^ Unckles, Erwin & Hardee. Hunter & Gammell, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell* Co. New York—S. T. Knapp & Bro., D. H. Baldwin & Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays.sep5 CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORN Ell BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., S AVANNAH, Gr-A.. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by < harles L Colby, Esa., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. U. HOL AY, Resident Partner. Rkfebenoes.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan <fe Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq . New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston. auglO tf KELN & CO., 114 BAN STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, GMmmM & FORWARD!^ M HI RC'HANTS. L IBERAL caeIi advances made on consign ments of « otton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith & Dunning, New Y’ork; C O. & II. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot & Senter, tt. Lottie; W. II. Taylor, New Orleans. autfJC V. III. flYIlKLL, Steamboat Agent, * GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, C>a Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, John son «fc Gr&ybill, Bell, Wylly *fc Christian, Bothwell & Whitehead, Miller, Thomas & Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf ” sep29 K. h\ jnmCALiTE & co GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION- MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Ucning, Flint* Pearce, New York; E. M. Bruce & Co . Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At- 1 n n t n fd.i . L* n/\tf f. \f fin D if TV — Ian La, Ga.; Knott & tiowes, Macon, Ga.; K. M Bruce, Morgan & Co., Apalachicola, Fla ; Watts, Crane & * «., New York; Geo. C. Pearce & Co., £>t. Louis, Mo ; II. C. Bruce & Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O’.onnor, Macou, Ga. scp21 tf M. FER*T & CO., NO. 150 CONGRESS STREET Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Champigne, Liquors aud Segars, Would also call the attention of the Trade and pub lic generally, to our large stock of Candles, Syr up awl Pickiest. Dealers will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. aug29 2m H G0WDY, Commission Merchant, 106 B/YY STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) GEORGIA 3m SAVANNAH, oct2 FR4NK o. HEbSEL riNE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAV STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) SAVANNAH, <3- YY. oct 21 A- E- LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmiths and Locksmiths Cornet.of St. Julicn and Jefferson Streets. C£0 oct13 —tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot & Richmond,) HEALER IN Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker, St. Jidien and Congress Sts, .SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and .Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. jy2S tf BUSINESS CARDS. Wm. M- Davidson Teas, WUOIJ^U* 1 DEALER in Groceries, Wises, Liqters, Segars, Ale and Cider, 150 Bay Street Savannah. oct25 tf JN0. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAT STREET, S.JIAI.Y.V.J//, UEORGMJl. Oct25 Cm <;OOP«R,OLCOTrS & fakrklly, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. nnHE undersigned have formed a Copartnership 1 under the name and style of COuPER, ULCOTT . * FAKRKLLY. for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book aod Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper & Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker and St Julien streets. JOHN At. COOPER, WILUAMH OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. oct23 STEPHEN F - KRELLY. PAPKK AND RAG WAREHOUSE. BANKING AND INSURANCE-1 BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. L? INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT. Southern Jobbers. * WHO J8TTY RUBBER COOD9. *:'■ WILL FIND TOLL LINES AT THE ACCIDENT Insurance Company f MYMf'AfTuaEHS’ best prices. WOODFORD ¥1^1 • ITTO tl.Vp j, v AND COUNSELLORS AT NO. lit OF COLUMBUS, OHIO, AT WITH A CAPITAL OP 37 Milk Street. One million Dollars! Corner Merton Place, Boston. **°AD W fT»«teity several oeurts tn New York^VwT' ^ ^1 HENRY W. BURR, MANUFACTURER OP A CCIDENT S]' Rubber . , ^og & Druggist Artk^s B. F. VOORHEES, ($1,000,000 ) Is now ready to insnre against VOOPHEES h n.AR3jiiilt OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Uausicg Loss cf Life or Bodily Injury. And dealer in every description of RUBBER LKK>Di. octlo MUIBKIRK T HIS mode of Insnnmce is perferable to Life In- I _ ■ , . — snrance, for the reason that it is much cheaper, MARCO A PIC IRON and gives a weekly compensation in case of disability | arising from any accident whatever, such as broken bones, ruptured tendons, sprains, concussions, bruises, nds, I cuts, stabs, pnnshot wounds, burns and scalds, unpto- ,bites WARREN &PLATNER Wholesale Dealers In All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Bags. Sole Aeon** in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. Tho highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octlo 210 Bay Street, Savannah. A. §. HABTBIDGE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 03 BAY STREET, GaeoD&GiA. SAY'AKrarABC, 0Ctl4—tf d. o. runsE. A. T. GUNN 1NOIIAM, CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FOKWARDING AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, GJ-a, References—Robt. Habersham & Sons, Hnnter & Gammell. Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Co., Erwin & Hardee, Clagborn * Cunningham. sep5-3m KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES 4ND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. jnneil tf R. MOLINA, OOB- BULL AND OONGBESS STREETS, (Under Screven House.) IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana Segrars, leaf AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smokir Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Root, and all other kbit of Fancy Pipes. 8m sep30 voted assaults by burglars, robbers or murderers,! of dogs, the action of lignthing, the effects of explo sions. drowning, or any other class of Accidents, whether they occur in traveling by Railroad, steamboat or stage coach, walking in the street, or at work in the shops, whether riding, boating, hnoting, fishing, shoot ing, swimming, surveying, engineering, «nd fit every variety of circumstances in which men are ordinarily placed. Ge.n ral Arcidunt P’ licy The pay secures . disabled, for a period not exceeding bix months, from any one accident or payment of Ten Dollars under this policy, ! Ten Dollars per week compensation while Of all the different tempers and grades, suitable for Car Wheels, Cylinders, Gun metal. Rolls, STEANBOAT A MILL MACHINERY, MALLEABLE WORKS, 3fe. Of any use where a Superior Pig metal is re quired by itself, or to improve other kinds. WILLlAm E. COFFIN & CO., No. 103 State St., Boston. MERCHANTS No. 73 William Refer, by Special Permlsq.^ Savannah M«on, «ro. Augusta, «eo. National Bank, K. A. Wilcox/ W B. Davidson. StaSjSf** oJuJSttgjli r-.u, 0Ctl4 T'WO THOUSAND in the event of death by accident. DOLLARS AMERICAN STEAM CAR COMPANY. *41 r,„,u HAWKINS&CO PACKERS ACEtERat l'ROTIs|,| Dealers, The payment of Fifteen Dollars secures Fifteen Dollars weekly compensation or THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in case of death. To be organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, WITH A CAPITAL STOCK OF SL) JVcic Vori Butter, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. Anv other sums up to Ten Thousand Dollars, at proportionate rates. You can insure in this Company for any length of time from This is a safe and profitable investment. Shares, One Hundred Dollars Ea ich. ONE DAY TO FIVE YEARS and policies will be renewed at expiration. No Medical Examination is Required, and Hereditary Diseases are no Impediment to Obtaining a Policy. Parties can subscribe from one to fifty Shares, as }heir means will allow. Books for subscription are now open at LOMBARD A GORE'S, No. 99 State street, Boston, where farther information can be obtained. octl3 Beet Fork, Cheese, Hams, Bacon, If ^ Tongues, tf Shoulders, Eggs, J ‘ 1,! Fnlton market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. NSTrarte S"- -»* 1 HOQlllWn Pr-aiK. M w „, inwi , oct5—8m THOMSON’S TO MANUFACTUBERS OF octll CARY Sc SmiTH, Agents, 36 and 3S Union Street, (up stairs.) COTTON, FLAX HIM Wm. Higgins & Sons NEW MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! MAMJPAOTCSSBS OF HARTFORD, CONN. 1’HE undersigned having lwen appointed agent for COTTOX, FLAX & JUTE M V* HINES Y Manchester, England. the above well known Company, is prepared to j ‘ '- •’ ' * 'ile terms. Thomson'sZFrench Elmlit SPRINGS; . Get the Best. W. S. THOMSON, lANGDOXAf I 391 Broadway, New 1'od. sepfiS take risks against fire on the most favorab H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. jnly3 tf Prices and other information will be given on appli cation as above, or by Mr. S. J. WETHKBLL, Wake, Mats. D. H- BALDWIN 8t CO. Insurance Agency X. A. HARDEE ft CO., Shipping, Commission, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Gr A Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton, slaughter Sc Co., 40 Broad wY. ' street, New York. oct 6—tf HEAR! BRYAX, Broker and Commission Agent, For Sale and Purchase of Stocks, Eank Notes, Produce, See., and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to merchants’ and Planters’ Bank Building. AUGUSTA CARDS. J.O. MATHEWSON GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A Co., Stovall, McLaughlin Sc Co., and G. H. McLaughlin Sc Co..) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the mrchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, lacon, Lard,' Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yarns, Sheetings, rhirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, «fec., See. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure Btorage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. *m augz4 W. A KAMajSiY & i>0., GENERAL Commission Mer ebants AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. KKFEB TO Robert Habersham Sc tons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, do. Bones, Brown & Co., Augusta. Ed. Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, Prcsiacnt National Park Bank, N. 9 RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church. AGENTS [FOR Wm. p &Son’w English Cum Steel, Circular Saws, C (ton Gina, Aninioninted Pacific Guano, Patent Decking and Roofing. octl4—tf ALEXANDER HARDEE feTO R-A-GKE GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COIl BAY AND JEFFERSON 8TREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, shorts, &c. tf sep22 ]VTARKIN6 INK. XU. Ma Manufactured and for sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAY, . . ... 35 Drayton street. Savannah, Ga., to barrels of from 40 to 44 gallons. 26 cents per gallon; by retail BO cent, per gallon. 3m aug24 BI TTSB and cheese.- cbolc *Butter; 15boxes choice vnecse, landing and for sale by W* 10 C, U GILBERT. J.J.BOBERTSOXftCO. GENERAL Oommission Merchants, ATJOTTSipA, GA. Will give strict attention to the purchase and ship 11 dpi _ ment or Cotton, Domeatics and Yarns. Also solicit consignments of Merchandise of U kinds, especially Bagging. Rope, Refined Sugars and Coffee; and will remit in every instance as soon ss gale is made. i Refer to Wm. K. Kitchen, President National Pa; Bank, New York: A. Porter, Esq., Pres " State of Georgia, Savannah; Jno. Davison, dent Branch Bank State of Georgia, Augusta. N. B.—We do exclusively a commission business. augS 3m >t [..Presl JAi. B. CAHILL, General and Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA Gr-A. Holders of Verchandlze wishing to realize immedi- ately, will consult their interests by consigning the Strict business aUentlon win be given all consign ments, and prompt returns made, at the most reasona ble rates. Refer to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, C. L Colbv A Co., Hilton Sc Kandell, A. U. Lomelins, Halsey Wat son A Co,, and Stuart SC Co. auglO OCEAN, RiVfeR, FIRE. MR. JAMES HIGG’NS (one of the firm is) at pres- I ent in the United States, aud would be glad to com municate with any parties requiring Machinery of the | above description. Address, MB JAMES HIGGINS, Revere House, Boston. oct!3 COMMISSION HINTS, 17 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. fFIH C undersigned hold commissions from the lead- JL ing Insurance corporations of New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And arc prepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland Towns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIYERS, OCEANRISK8 GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of Losses. JL. C. NORVELL Sc CO., Ball street, opiwaito Post Office. may29 INSURANCE! Holmes & Blanchard, (SCOCESSOBS TO C. W. BROWN,) Manufacturers and Dealers in FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES AND MILL (JEERING, Of all Descriptions, . Manufacturers of BROWN'S improved Poruble Flooring and Grist Mills, Screen and Bolt Reels, Mill Spindles, Bushes, Picks, Hoisting Screws and Bails, See. Dealers in "DUTCH ANXES” BOLTING CLOTHS Flour Puckers, Smut Machines and Separators, Bran. Dusters, Com and Cob Crackers, fccreen Wire, Belting, and Hill Furnishing of every Description. D. H. BALDWIN, J. F.. GUMMING, J New York. ’} Savannah. 3m ir'J Bacon, Clardy & Co, Cotton and, TobarcoFactm I NEW YORK, Represented in Savannali by Henry Bijt W E do entirely a Commission Business nut:.' ourselves to get the ontside market quutatio* for our patrons. Liberal advances made ou lotto, '• Savannah, anil partial advances on Cotton nan, ll | shipment at Augusta, Atlanta and Macon. Plant Planters' Orders tilled. octli-b AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 J Improved Turbine Water Wheels Mills furnished CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take marine Risks to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n tb is city In the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIA^ MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $5,000,090. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. f, STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, >i> ^»r^DraytonandBryan8taeeta iingl<Hf tW~ Plans and Specifications for when desired. 9,4k 11 Haverhill and 2 Beverly 8t«.. B OSTON. octM HUNT, LYON & €0. ( (establishzd BT It. HUNT IX 1347.) 36 DEVONSHIRE ST,BOSTON Manufacturers of the Best Oak Tanned SCHULTZE & TAIliS. IMPORTERS OF Wines, Brandies,&c NO. 62 OEDAE STEEDT, MEW YORK. CH’8 Iy22 LeaUier Belling A FACT WORTH KNOWING two- 1 dren with fT>HAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, A thirds the usual expense of suppling childrec shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can afford to nuymny other. Millions of dollars are an nually saved by this useful invention. The toee of , , „ Ilr „ of all widths, doable and single. DROP BELT8 for Rifle Manufacturers. RAILWAY BELTS, Double and single, of perfect and uniform thickness. Tube Beltiug, Round and Flat Regulator Belts, See. Belting, ot Mixed Oak and Hemlock Tannage ; Patent bolid Cotton Belting. aeLUBBEB. BEI/riBrG- Steam Packing aud Engine Hose. Also, constantly supplied with extra quality .Lace Leather, Belt Rivets and Bnrrs, Belt Cement, Hj- J. SHAFFEK, Commission Dr»k r IN ALL KIND* OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND PRO^r * , West Washington Market. OPPOSITE 143 WEST SlpH< Bulkhead, Between Barclay and \esj »- NEW YORK Potatoes, Apples and Onions cmetsujjr^;, put up for the southern market. hand 14 promptly attended to. , . Refers to A. L. Bradley, Walsh, J. H. Parsons. Drunkenness Cured. OCtl4 BALTIMORE CARDS. witfaont the drink, and can knowledge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddress. For sale pectable druggists in the United States and Price, $1 per box, or packages of six boxes Sent by mail on receipt of the money, by JNO. J. KRONER, Wholesale may2S—ly 403 Chesnut at.. PI all tad for $5. Dr. Band’s Specific. T HE oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Dow er, See. This medicine has stood the test of over thir- and has always proved a success. ilFtOisexhr ty years t DR. RAND'S SPEC! :c is exhibited in the form oi made op entirely of substances that have a speci- efiectupon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from faking any kind of pUls. The Spec is to of Dr. R»nd is not intended as an zvAouaTme kimono. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the Impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to tin taste, and many persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them; which plan we would always recommend, as affording the speediest way to P OOLE Sc HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, ■anoTaoTuana Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, gafUngt PulleysandHangers. CTRCS P. uaXDIXHAIX, (Greensboro', N. C. DUbLKT NICHOLS, Baltimore. c. may93—ly r $5. Sold by drug-j . Wholesale Agent, 400 Chesnut st . PhUadelpfla. Pa. P. ME*0£NH4LL k CO. Cotton, Tobacco, vn> • Hair D?e.j 50 CENTS A BOX. es that sell for $1. Natural, Boxes larger than Dyes that sen for fl. Na.ui Durable, Beautiful. Warranted t° de has been thoroughly tested by tk. CHILTON, New York, and General Comnlsslon Merchants 150 Pratt Street Wkarf, BALTIMORE This artP | Garrett, of Philadel- Smlttk ft Curlett, Goods dealers MAXUFACTUEZBS Or SOAPS AND TALLOW CANDLES, Comer of Holliday and Pleasant streets, «ep25■ Baltiaswre. lm 400 J UST BEOEJVED— Raw mid Boiled Linaeed OR In barrels; Brandon Red, English New Red, Turpentine, Furniture Var nish, Dry White Lead. Blue Paint, Prussian Blue, Sand Paper, etc., which we keep, besides other Paints, Gro ceries, Liquors sad Wines always on hand. K. KOETHCKB A CO. oct? cor. Bay and Wbltaanr It m T 8 ® JKALThhobe » Cheennt rt.. PMtadelpMa. Pe. £ WROUGHT IRON i-wAie.” isnaa PIPE AND TUBE CO. __ . 8 team and Water Pipe favorable terms. the vest , , y, will keep In all climates, and is a sure core for I Seeases mentioned. From one to three bones will rform a cure. Price, $1 per box, or three bones for i 60. Stold by Ml Druggists, or sent by man to any i by ToHHI.; and Fittings, on the •flWasggiwiu. Winchester’s Soap and TUST received on J the Agents, '^**in assorted lot by BRADY, SMITH S, CO HARNOTT & SUHlLLK-M* fibe-fboof Storage War eft0 368 Washington Streep Consignments of Goods nrchase of Goods. The bestarf««fEi!Sii-— KNAP?’ Heicb>A HEHRI F. Ship Broker and Commission NO. 48 BROAD STBKEU NEW Consignments solicited. —trrTS* 1 1*18- Dip* CflARA^ i ‘Signs < “The Human PiiYsroQNOMT. "Byeea Ear Hands, Feet, Skin, with all - ^ BtSStiZ3S»#gi»Z‘& octXO * ^ i I s a h in ver y Per Steamer Am^' A fine iseortinent of Wines* Rhine Wines Hockkeimer, fflerstiner, LiabfraamUk. laquors* st. Croi* BjjJ, junch Served at Also, . a I 11 O’clock a* 1 " 1 ~yW—tf St. »OTA1 aadApple* at 1