Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 01, 1865, Image 4

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EOETBY Riding from Coleraine (Famed far lovely Kitty), •Came a Cockney bound Unto Derry city; Weary was bis soul, * Shivering and sad be Bumped along 'iie road LiLeadi to Limavady. Mountains stretsh’d Gloomy was tbeir tinting, And the horse’s hoofs Made a dismal cl ntmg, Wind upon tho heath HowliDg was and piping, On the heath and bog, • JB ack with many a snipe in, Mid the bogs of black, Sdrer pools were flashing, Crows upon their sides Picking .werrund splashing. Cockney on the car Closer folds bis plaidy, _ Grumbling at the read Leads to Limavaddy. Tbjtogh ^he crashing woods the State of Georgia: All persons in-this District employ freedmeu, ace respectfully re quested^ make known the fact at this office, together with their address, or pf agent nearest of access, and a Ml statement of the number and kind of persons wanted, tliakind of employment, and the compensation offered. .. Itwill be borne in mind that in many instances the freedmen have families for whffch to provide. Persons wanting laborers and having the meads of fur- nishimr shelter, &c., for families, and NORTH- SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, i /V V-A. NN All, <SMROJ»GLA. Liberal advances made on consignments of l otton, tank, N. Y. ; H. C. Thacher * Co, Boston; Israel Co en, Baltimore; Hall, Muses *Co.,ColhmlBiS; Wyman, loses At Co.. Montgomery. an 8 T Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, GEOHGMA. uts In New r>AN!BL (&L,OOO.OOW ) Is now ready to Insure against 114R0Y, BAT & 00.. 308 BAY g T R K K T., North Side. Between Bdmard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND RKNBRILtOMMISSiON MERCHANTS . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Causing Loss ( f Lite or Bodily fnjipy No. 73 Wiiliam 8t ffiW TOE; Autumn brawl’d and bluster’d, Tossing round about Leaves the hue of ipustard; Yunder lay Lough Foyle, Which a storm was whipping, Covering with mist Lake, and shores snd shipping. Up and down the hill (Nothing could be bolder), Horse went with a raw, Bleeding on the shoulder. ^ • Where are horses changed ?” Said I to the laddy Driving on the box: ‘ Sir, at Limavaddy.” • Limavaddy inn’s But a humble baithouse, Where you may^rocure Whiskey and potatoes; Landlord at the door Gives a smiling welcome-^- Tof the shiveriDg wights Who to his hotel come. Landlady within Sits and knits a stocking, With a wary foot, Baby's cradle looking. To the chimney nook. Having found admittance, There I watch a pup Playing with two kitteue; (Playing round the fire. Which of b'azing turf is, Roaring to ffie pot Which bubbles with the murphies); And ibe crailed babs Food the mother uursed it, Singing it a song As the lwists the worsted; HAY, COHN, OATS AND FEED, At lowest market prices. jy3 ©* Ml the different temper* snd grades, suitable for Cmr Wheels, v , Cylinders, Sen Metal, * * J • t ■rfek*.., '• -- j- -V V i*.- • ■■ ■> ■ ’*• Bells, STEAMBOAT A MlliL MACHINERY, MALLEABLE WORKS, &c. Of any use where a Superior Pig Metal is re quired by itself, or to impsove other kinds. WlEEI ANI E. COFFIN A CO. No. 103 State St., Boston. Refer, by Special W B.Davidson, SJjOg. K. Remington & Sod, TliooSnf 11 ' C! K.-Garrison *k Correspondents In SawnnS, bones, ruptured tendons, sprains, concussions, nrumaa, cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, bums and scalds, unpro voked assaults by burglars, robbers or murderers,bites or dogs, the action of lignthing, the effects of explo sions, drowning, or any other class of Accidents, whether they occur In Hireling by Railroad, steamboat or stage coach, walking in the afreet or at work in the shops, whether riding, boating, hunting, fishing, shoot ing. swimmug, surveying, engineering, sisd in every variety of circumstances in which men are ordinarily KOBT. T. VOEK, U. E. WILLIAMS, PAPER AND RAti WAREHOUSE. Union Place Hotel AUCTION AND COMMISSION mbbchamts, JB»y Street Savannah; Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References Savannah Wholesale Dealers In All Kinds ef Connie and Fine Payers, Enve- . lopes, Twines, and Paper Bays. * Sole Agents 1st this, city tor the Bath Paper MiUn. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octlO 310 Bay Etreet, Savannah. Got. Broadway a~d 14th Sts , Opposite Washington Statue, If iC W YORK CITY. gep<2T tf H. C. FLING & CO., Proprietors. The Americiiu House, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England, gepo; LEWIS KICK, Proprietor. Gevral Accident Policy The payment of Tea Dollars under this policy, secures Ten Dollars per week compensation while disabled, for a period not exceeding six months, from any one accident or TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by accident. Gaden A Unckles, Erwin £ Hardee. Hunter & Gammell, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell <fc (Jo. New York—S. T. Knapp & Bio., D. H. Baldwin A PACKERS & GENERAL New York—S. T. Knapp & Bio. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays, CHARLES L. COLBY k CO., SHIPPING, ' COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES* BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN ST8., SAVANNAH, G-A. liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by l mules L Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL AY, Resident Partner. Refeuehces.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, Butter, Pork, Cheese, Hams, Bacon, ^ Tongue, • Shoulders, gg^ Fulton market Bed. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE Southern Produce received ro aatgm octfr—(m . . To be organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, WITH A CAPITAL qTOCK OF Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, “The payment of' Fifteen Dollars secures Fifteen Dollars weekly compensation or THREE THOUSAND ‘DOLLARS in case of death. COMMISSION Forwarding Merchant, 03 BAY STREET, SAVAarnrAnc, gdeghgia. 0Ctl4—tf Any other sums up to Ten Thousand Dollars, at proportion ate rates. Yon can insure in this Company for any length of time froln ' ONE DAY TO FIVE YEARS and policies will be renewed at expiration. Fourth Street, 3T. LOUIS, ICO. LAVKILLK, WARNER * CO., Proprietors. A first class fiunily Hotel; unsurpassed for locality - • • tf sepia a. x* ounningiiam; i>. o. pubbk. CONI.HiflAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchant*, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Habersham & Sons, Hunter A Gammell Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Erwin A Hardee, Claghom A Cunningham. Bep6-3m THOMSON’S comfort and convenience, Up and down the stair Two more young ones patter (Twins were never seen Dirtier nor fatter); Both have mottled legs, Both have snubby noses, Both have—Here the host Kindly interposes; ‘ Sire you must be.froze, With the sleet and hail, sir, So will you have some punch, Or will you have some ale sir No Medico} Examination . is Required - and Hereditary Diseases are no 'Impediment to Obtaining a Policy. * * CARY A SMITH, Agents, 30 andjS Union Street, fop stairs.; octtl • KEIN & GO. Late Brawn’s. WASHINGTON, D, C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order for the reception and accom modation of its old patrons. 3m eeptu Thomson’s French lhi( SPRINGS; _ The latest invention of the latent amkte MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! GILMOR UJUSE, Monument Square, BALTIMORE, Maryland AMLr'A. THIS first class Hstel has been newly famished throughout. Presently a maid Enters with the liquor, (Haifa pint oi ale Frothing in a beaker). Gads ! I didn’t know What my beating heart meant, ' Hebe’s self I-thought Entered the apartment. As she came she smiled, And the smile bewitchiog. On my word and honor. Lighted all the kitchen! Wvtb a curtsey neat, Greeting the new-comer, Lovely smiling Peg Offers me the rummer; But my trembling hand Up the beaker tilted, And the glass of ale Every drop I spilt it: Spilt it every drop (Dames, who read my volumes. Pardon eucb a word), On my what-d’ye-cali-’ems 1 Witnessing the sight Of that dire disaster, Out began to laugh M;sets, maid, and master; .Such a merry peal ’Specialty Miss Peg's was; (As the glass of.ale Trickling down my legs was,) That the joyful sound COTTON, EL AX k JBTK MV MISERY Manchester, England. Ladles’ Crinoline in the World, Get the Best. W. 8. THOMSON, LAJiCDON 1ft, «ep2S 831 Broadwaj, Nw Is ALES, WINES 4.NB LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. % HARTFORD, CONN. THE undersigned having been appointed agent for 1 the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. Iuly3 tf E. MOLINA, Prices and other information will be given on appli cation as above, or by Mr. 8. J. WKTHKBLL, Wan, Mats. D. H. BALDWIN & CC COMMISSION MERURm 17 Pearl Strehi NEW YORK. >—*- , ,j Bacon, Clardy&Oo, Cotton and, TokaeeoFadtr f. M. JHYRULL, Steamboat Agent, COB- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS (Under Screven House,; lMPORTEB AVI) WHOLES ALE DEALER IK insurance Agency OOBAN, RiVfeR, FIRE, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris' Boilding, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.'s. Rele s tq Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, John son & Graybill, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead, .Miller, Thomas & U0-, and M. A.-Cohen, AND SMOKING TOBACCO; • Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Sm Tobacco, Meerschaum, Bri& Root, and all other CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDP X lng Insurance corporations of New York, repre senting an aggregate cash Capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared & issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Bisks mt Savannah and Inland Towns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE 11 AUGUSTA AND MAC01 fsOOCESaOasTOC. W. UEOWJf,) Manufacturers and dealers in FRENCH BURE MILLSTONES ; ' ^D MILL GEERING, Of all DsMripliMi, Manufacturers of BROWN’S improved Portable Floariis iit Crist Mills, Screen and Bolt Reels, Mil! Spindles, Bushes, Picks, Hoisting Screws ana Bails, Ac. Dealers in 1 ‘DTJT0H AJTKEB” BOLTING 0LOTHS flour Packers, 8mnt Machine and Separators, Bran. Dusters, Com and Cob Crackers, bereen Wire, . Belting, and Mill Furnishing of every Description. Improved Turbine Water Wheels ^j^^Piana and SpeciflcatiOM for Mills furnished 9 A It Haverhill and 2 Beverly St».. BOSTON. 0ctl4 CINES, TRUSSES, &C., just landed from Now York. Aptibecaries, Planters anil inters From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article os being pure- A large quantity of EURGPBAN LEECHES, finest quality. - All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on nand. -100 cases JACOBS DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of E. F. MlilUALf'E & CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Aliercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Hening, Flint* Pearce, New York; E, M. Bruce * Co, Augusta, Ga ; K. C. Kubeon, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott * iiowes, Macon, Ga.; B. M Bruce, Morgan*Co, Apalachicola, Fla; Watts, Crane * i o., New York; Geo. C. Pearce * Co., St. Louis, Mo ; H. C. Bruce A Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O’Connor, Macon, Ga. NEW YORK, Represented in Savannah bf Henry FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Gr A . WIU make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends. Norton, t-laughter * Co, 40 Broad street. New fork. oct«—tf ON THE W E do entirely a Commimon Bosnra ourselves to get the outside nartcl for our patrons. Liberal advances made m Savannah, and partial advances on CotMi shipment at Augusta, Atlanta and Macon. Planters' Orders filled. Broker u4 Commission Age*l, For Sale and Parchase of Stocks, Bank Notes, Produce, &c. f and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank Building. Of that mingling laughter Echoed iu my ears Many a long day alter. Such a silver peal! In the meadows listemjag, You who’we heard the mils Ringing to a christening; You who ever, heard - Caradosi pretty, Smiling like an angel. Singing “Giovinetti;” SGHULTZE & Till • 1MPOBTEHSOF Wines, Brandies^ NO. 62 OEDAB STREET, MEW YORK H GOWDY, Oommission Merchant, 190 B A. Y STREET. - (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct3 3m RUTA BAGA. F I. A T BUT CH | AND Eed Top Turnip Seeds Warranted toJie of the GROWTH OF 18615, Jnst received from D. lylo cor^ull and Congress streets. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,190,060 CHAS. L. COLBT & CO. AUGUSTA CARDS Fancy Peggy’s laugh, Sweet, and clear, sad cheerful At my pantaloons With half a pint ot beer full ! When the laugh was done, Peg, the pretty hussy, MoVed about the rqpm Wonderfully busy; Now she looks to see . If the kettle keep hot; Now she rubs the spoons, Now she cleans the iea-pot; Now she sets the cups Trimly and secure; Now she scours a pot, And so it was I drew her. Thus it was I drew her Scouring of a kettle, (Faith ! byjher blushing cheeks Redden'd on the metal !) Ab 1 but ’tis (p vain That I try to fketch it; The pot perhaps Is like, Hut Peggy’s face is wretched. No, the best of lead, And of Indian rubber, Never could depict That sweet kettle-scrubber! See ier as she moves ! Scarce the ground she touches, Air as a fay, Graceful as a duchess; Bare her rounded sfm, Bare her little leg is, Yestris never show’d Ankles like to Peggy’s, n th is city in theiollowing named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates ; COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $Aooo,ooo. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, pOO,000. COMMERCE FERE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $900(000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ’ Capital, $900,000. Office In jronea’ Block, comer Bay and Abercoy streets. MU HEmL IJNE, GENERAL COMMISSION,.PRODUCE BROKER AND > FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad 8t*et, Aufuals, Gat., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall * Co., Stovall. McLaughlin * Co., and G. H. McLaughlin A Co..; Will give bis prompt and personal attention to' the purchase and sue or Cotton, Domestic Goods, 8ugar, (establishid bt n. bokt w 1347.) 36 DEVONSHIRE ST^BOSTON Manufacturers of the Best Oak Tanned Leather Belting of all widths, double and single. * . DROP BELTS forTtifle Manufacturers. RAILWAY BELTS, Double and single, of perfect-and uniform thickness. COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. ldfElr STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICER SAVANNAH, <3- A. oct 21 Of ILL kihi# or I FOREIGN ANI) DOMESTIC PEE® ^ PB Y»,iW«hW»«^J OPPOSITE 143 WEST iTU Bulkhead, Between BarcUja*)'* 1 A CHOICE LOT OF ALSO, 100 BMs. Lawrenceville Ce 5 s Cement, Will be sold Low tp Close Consignment. Apply to . . • CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., sep!4 tf » cor. Bay and Abcrcom sto. Belting, of Mlxet Patent Solid Cotton Corner of St» Jnlien and Jefferson Streets. pu^oWttSC 1 ^ promptly attended to. - Refers to A L. Brails?, 4 “ Walsh, J. H. Farsoas- JV- BARVOTT & SCBft FIBB*F b °° 1 Storage 388 Wn»hi B f ,on 'l' oct 18—tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot * Richmond,) DBALKE IN Welches, Silver Ware. Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery. Ac. Cor. Whitaker, St. Julien and Congress Sts, .SAVANNAH, GA. 'Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. jy28 tf . iiedwitb extra qualitv .Late i Burrs, Beit Cement, Hy- - Packing, Belt Hooks, Belt aVKSN SiNSLSY, XDOiS L. KINS LET. LYMAN KIN&LEY & CO-, MANUFACTDRJBR8 OF. Patent Forge Hammers, CGLUNS- PATENT 41CARTZ CRUSHERS, AND PUL V re RIZING NT ILLS, Patent, Half Patent, and Common T HE inebriate may now bid defiance to t ing cup. Dr. Zane*s Antidote tor strong a certain cure for drunkenness. - It creates a strong drink, and can be administered uri knowledge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddress. by all respectable druggists in the United ! Canadas. Price, $1 per nix, or packages of for $6. Sent by mall on receipt of thqjaone JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale i mav23—ly 403 Qhesnnt st.. Philadelj AUCTIONERRS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. KEFEB TO Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. Hr Stark, da Bones, Brown A Co., Augusts. Ed. Thomms do. Ship Broker snd Braided is her hair, Soft her look and modest, Slim her little waist, Cooilortably boddiced. This I do declare, Happy is the laddy Who the heart oan share Of Peg of Limavaddy; Married if she were, Blest would be the daddy 1 kn rak .1 rl van AGENTS |FOR ( . Wm. Jessup * Son’s tngllah Cast Steel, Circular Saws, ' *• . Cotton Gins. Aiumoniated Pacific tisane, Patent Decking and Roofing. oct!4—tf THE oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure JL of Spermatorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow er, Ac. This medicine has stood the test of over thir ty years and has always proved a success. Dk. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited In the form oi Windlass Necks, Truss Shapes, CAR AND ENGINE AXLEI, CAR WHEELS, CASTING8 AND FORGINGS. CunbrMgepert, Mass. octl4 ' . nnmh.. XAlrCSS . I Of the cfaildreu fair Of Peg of-Limavaddy. Beauty is not rare In the land of Paddy, Fair beyond compare Is Peg of Limavaddy. Citizen or Squire, Tory, Whig or Radi es! would all desire Peg of Limavaddy, Had I Homer’s Are. Or that ot Serjeant Ta< Meetly I’d admire Peg oi Limavaddy. And till I expire, GBNKRAL UOM HlSSiON MERCHANT COR. BAY AND JEFFERSON 8TREETS, * " SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, aborts, Ac. • tf sep29 Wright & Co„ MISSION MMtHiNTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. W E most respectfully announce to the citUens of Savannah, and others requiring Lumber that our new raw Mill at the foot of Zubly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechec Canal, Is completed. We are « a .a _ .1 A '■« .wl .»V. T lm. S to realize immadl- by consigning the uow prepared to saw Md ftumt^ Lumber to —noli quuutities to suit pnrchaecns, and raa{ soUdti share of public patronage. We will a chase Lumber as if arrives tatUs m“keA „ sole by ALLOWAY, 1 When did they aniVe ?