Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 02, 1865, Image 4

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.cubs JL POETRY TUB Btli£ COAT. Tlic following ballad is from the pen of Bishop TIIP IOIlow lint uwix;. •—— --■*.P 1 - r Burgee, m Maine, and was contributed, by mm to the book pnbiished and sold at the Sanitary fair, held in Baltimore : THK BLC* COAT OF TH* SOWDIkK. You asked me, little one, why I bowed, ? Though never I passed the man before Because my heart was fufl and proud When L saw the old blue coat he wore; The blue great coat, the eky-blue coat, Tne old blue coat the soldier wore. 1 knew not, I, what weapon heobose, What c&ief he followed, what badge he bore, Enough that in the front of toes His country’s blue great coat be wore; The blue great coat, the Rky bine coat, The o!d blue coat the soldier wore. OFFICE ACT. SUB. AGT. COM. , Bureau Refugees, F. and A. Isands, District of Savannah, Gft., ■ Savannah, Ga., Qct. 17, 1865. CIRCULAR1 No. 1. ( . ' Perhaps b» was born in a forest but, Perhaps he had danced* on a palace floor; To want nr wealth my eves weie shut, I oulv marked the cost he were; - the blue great coat, tbe sky-blue coat, The old bine coat the soldier wore. It mattered not much if he drew his line Fiom Shorn or Ham in the days of yore; For surely he was a brother ot mine Who, for my sake, the war-coat wore; The blue great coat, the sky-blue coat The old bme coat the soldier wore. In compliance with par. 3, of Circular No. 2, from Office Act. Agt. Com., for the State of Georgia : All persons ip this District desiring to employ freedmen, are respectfully re quested to make known the fact at this office, together with their address, or name of agent nearest of access, and a full statement of the number and kind of persons wanted, the kind of employment, and the compensation offered. Itwill be borne in mind that in many instances the freedmen nave families for which to provide. Persons wanting laborers and having the means of fur nishing shelter, &c., for families, and willing to do it,* are particularly re quested to state the fact. In famishing laborers preference will be given to the parties offering the most liberal compen sation . HENRY L. STOWS, Capt. 103d U. 8. O. Inf., Act. Asst. Com. Dist of Savannah. He might have no skill ?o read or write, Or he might be rich in learned lore; Bui I knew he could make his mark in fight, And nob'er gown no scholar wore Than the bine great coat, the sky-blue coat The old blue coat the soldier wore. 11 may be he could plunder and prowl And perhaps in his mood be scoffed and swore; I woulduot Bgt 1 woulifhot guess a spot so toul Ou tbe honored coat he bravely wore; The blue great coat, the sky-blue coat, - The old blue coat the soldier wore. He had worn it long and borue it far, And perhaps on the red Virginian shore From midnight chill till the morniog star That warm great coat the sentry wore; The blue great coat, the rky-blue coat, ~ ‘ biui The old blue coat tbe soldier wore. When hardy Butler reiued his steed Through the str>etgA proud, proud Baltimore, Perhaps behind him as his need Marched he who yonder blue coat wore; • The blue great coat, the sky-blue coat, Tbe old blue coat the soldier wore. Perhaps it was seen in Burnside's ranks, When Rappahannock ran daik with gore, Perhaps on the mo; ntain side with Banks, In tbe burning sun no more lie wore The blue great coat, the sky-blue coat, The old b ue coat the soldier wore. Perhaps in the swamps was a bed for^iis form, From tbe seven days’ batying and marching sore. Or with Kearnev and Pope, 'mid the steely storm, As tbe night c osed in that coat be wore; The blue great coat the sky-blue coat, The old b'ue coat the soldier wore. Or when right over us Jaokson dashed, That collar or cape some bullet tore, Or wheo, far ahead, Antietain flashed, He flung to the ground the coat be wore, The blue great coat, tie sky-blue coat, The old blue coat the soldier wore. Or stood at Gettysburg, where the graves Rang deep to Howard’s cannon roar, Or 'aw, with Grant, the unchained waves, Whfere conquering hosts the blue coat wore: The blue great coat, the sky-blue coat, The old blue coat the sold er wore. That garb of honor tells enough, i hough I its story guess no more, The heart it covers is made of such stuff That the coat is mail taat soldier wore; The blue great coat, the sky-blue cost, The old blue coat the soldier wore. He may hapg it up when the Peace shall come, And the moths may Sod it behind the door, But his children will point, when they hear drum, To 'he proud old coat their father wore; The blue great coat, the sky-blue coat, The old blue coat the soldier wore. And so, my child, will you and I. For whose fair home their blood they pour, .Sufi bow the head as one goes by Who wears that coat the soldier wore; The blue great coa*, the sky-blue coat, blu< ‘ r > 9 W ue coat tbe soldier wore. THE RUSH AT 13 BARNARD 8T, STILL Kon—Tin—Yous An itt is one- dur-full Howe cheep evry articul is off- Herd. Grate Bali-ganes awl-weighs giv- vun hear tew per-chasers. Thee fyrm R duing A Big rushin bizuess, foul' kash. large Sails & smawl prophets is there mot-olh • > marriage g-tjiixhj.— HP 1 —.young’s Great Physiological Work, or Every one his own Doctor—Being a Private Instructor for Married Persons or those about to Marry, hot# Male and Femate, in every thing concerning the phy siology and relations of our Sexual System, and the Production or Prevention of Offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English 1 inguage, by WM YOUNG, M D This is realty a valuable and interesting work. ‘It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of one hupdred engravings All young mar ried people, or those contemplating marriga, and hi ing tne least impediment to married life, should rc this hook. It discloses secrete that every one should be acquainted with. Stiff it is a hook that must he locked np, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of fifty cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce st., above Fourth, Phil adelphia. 4awtim sep21 uo-partnership Notice, T lWE UNDERSIGNED having associated themselves together under .the firm name ot LaKoche, Gadcn 4 Unckles for the purpose of transacting a General Grocery and Commission 'Business, and having secured the large and commodious Store, corner of Bay and Baraard stroet* are now prepared to receive any, and aft consignments made to them — They also have extra Rooms, suitable for storing Dry Goods and Fancy Articles, to which we caff the atten tion of Owners and Agents, as the best in the City. From a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the nusiness, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. ' “ 1 am Liberal dvanoes made on Cotton, Lumber, Ac., consigned to them for sale in Savannah, or for ship ment to their friends in New York. Boston or Balti- more. - UR iCHK, GADKN & UNCKLES. Isaac D. LaUoghs, i ’. Renj. G Gadkn, v David S. Unokles. I | oct 10—lm J ust Received: LUBRICATING OILS, To which I would caff the attention of Railroad and Cottdn Press men. Engineers, Machinists and everv body want of a Lubricator every SPINDLE OIL, need in place of Sperm Off os a lubricator, and gives universal satisfaction. ENGINE OIL, used for Cars on Railroads, Irofl and Wood Works. lo. 3 Lubricalinip Oil, used for all heavy work—save 30 rer cent, by buying — HORATIO PITCHER, OCt20 the above. HORATIO PITCHE —, Manufacturers’ Agent, foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff. fv { \ kit* No. 1 Mackerel, V/ 60 kits No. 2 Mackerel, S^We.Hlot Bread, 30 bblg. VV hite Beans, In store and for sale /HORATIO PITCHER, oc t26 loot of Lincoln sL, under the Blutf. HOTELS. Union PJadttiHotel Coc. Broadway a ,d 14th Sts , - » Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK CITY. sep27 tf H. O. FLING fe CO., Proprietors The American Houoe, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, BUSINESS CARDS, A. J.BUDT, WM. M. SMITH, n. J. BRADY, SMITH & CO. Commissi 011 AND Forwarding Merchants, . - AND MHiiiifJM’turers’ Agente NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Bet weed Whitaker and Barnard, S/WANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, to their friends in New York and Boetou. References—Wm. K. Kitchen. Prcst National Park Bank, N. Y.; H. C.Thacker &Co., Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore: Hall, Mose6*Co.,tolhmbu3; Wvman, Most* fe Co.. Montgomery. angf BUSINESS CARDS. Wm. M. Davidson WHOUBiU DE1L0 W fcirtceries, WtaeSj LlqiiWt Teas, Segart, Ala an* Cider- o 1 — — 160 Bay Street Savannah, octs* * tf * : . JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Ootton Factor, JHUOY, DAI & CO. « O 8* B .A. Y 8 T R E HI T . North Side. Between Bartulrd and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND 6ENKR4LI ©EMISSION MERMAHT8 AND HAY, CORN, OATH AND FEED, At lowest market pricey J J* *OBT. P. YORK, M. E. WILLIAMS, 3f. R. LTNTUiK, P. H. WARP. Yll, V11UAHS. SUM k Cl. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCIIAYTN, Bay Street Savannah, ^3-a. Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. sep2I LEWIS RICE. Proprietor. THU mmm HUM, Fourth Street, ST. X.OXJXS. 3SAO. LAVBILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietor*. A tirsWdass family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf ge P* J METROPOLITAN HOTEL, SAVANNAH, GA, Liberal cash advances made on consignments lo Ibe firm represented in New York by ( haries L Colby, Esq., or to oar friends in Boston. ALEX. U. HOL AY*, Resident Partner. Rxvv.r.CNe.Kn.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan fe Co., New .York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Tijq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edinand* Boston. ang!6 ■ tf Late Brown;*, WASHINGTON, D. C. rpMIS leading Hotel, Renovated andJRefnrnished, ltsu " ' * “ J “ now in perfect order for the reception and accom modation of its old pathJns. 3m sep!9 GILMOK HJUSE, •Monument Square, BALTIMORE, Maryland oct 6—lm THIS first cla«e Hotel has been newly famished throughout, and is now open for the reception of guests. KIRKLAND fe 00. DSUGS, MEDICINES AND C H EMI CALS. CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES- * » CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, Ac., Just landed from Now York. iptribecaries, Planters and traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of K0ROPBAN LEECHES, finest quality. All the PATENT MEDICINES extant onhand. 100 coses JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORBEL, all of which will be sold low for CASH, Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Hull, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. is, WALSH, B. D., PrefrieWr. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seed* tf Ids Consignments of Cotton fuid Lumber solicited. Reference* > _ Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin & Ctx, Gaden A Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Gammell, Isaac D. La Roche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. NOTYUll & CQ. New York—S. T. Kuapp 6 B»•#., D. H. Baldwin & Co. Sale days. Tuesdays and Fridays. _ • sepS CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION. AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ” JONES’ BLOCK, CORN EH BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., KELN & GO. 114 DAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, CMMI5S10S & F RWARDW6 MEK cn ANTS. J^IBERAL cash advances made on consig -ign- ments of i otton and approved Merchandize made lo their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C c. A* II. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, rL Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. aog26 V. in. MYKKLL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris’ Building, 2d Door West cf A. Low A Co.’S. Refers lo Messrs. Hunte- & Gammell, Crane, John son A Graybiff, Belt Wylly A Christian, Bothwcli A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq.'tf sep2i) E. F. MEI’CALi-’E & CO., GENERAL. FORWARDING FRESH TURNIP SEED. RUT A BAGA FLAT DUTCH, (AND Red Top Turnip Seed*, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OF 1866. Just received from D. Landreth, and for sale by W. WT UN OLN, JylO ~ “ ‘ cor Bull and v ts. FOR SALE! • A CHOICE LOT OF TEA! ALSO, 100 Bbls. LEwreicertlle C*’s feneat, . Will behold Low to Close Consignment. Apply to seplt CHAS. L COLBY Sc CO., tf cor. Bay and A hereofn sta. CTMA.N KlNSI.Kr, EI>OAR I.. KINSLKT. LYMAN KINSLEY & CO-, M ANt’FACTUh K RS Or Patent Forge Hammers, COLLINS' PATENT QUARTZ CRUSHERS, AND PULVERIZING MILLS, Patent, Half Patent, and Common W»fon Axles, Windlass Nocks, Truss Shapes CAR AND ENGINE AXLES, CAR WHEELS, CASTINGS AND FORGINGS. CanM-Mfepsrt, lass. octU NEW GOODS TllST RECEIVED, a'-argeand beant «I meat of FANCY GOODS, cor. Ball and Bronghtoe streets. by D ALLEY’S MAGIO PAIR EXTEAOTOE The South hae been deprived of thie great Salve for the part three year* it in now open to your eupplie* at once. It cure* Burn., Corn. ph„ Khenmutiem, Sor«s An. Ac. A sample^ c°ipt of 81 cents. Address H. DALLEY. 43 uw. street. New York. lawlm f*** FLOCR-20 bbls. landing '^WOformleby C. L. GILBERT. Wright & Co., COMMISSION MBttCHJNTS, Rio de Janeiro, BraziL Represented, by oar Na *• " uneSS siiW'K'Sr'*-' Cm Varnish. i lot of ant A Manufact angW jmUit^Vamfrl -VareUb for rate by tbe SMITH A OO. wg ., . . atgiuwr. COMJVXISSIONT MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, 'Georgia. • References.—lien ing, Flint* Pearce, New Yorki E. M. Bruce & Co. Augusta, Ga.; R. G. Robson, Esq.,At- lanta, Ga.; Knott & Howes, Macon, Ga.; R. M Brace, Morgan A Go., Apalachicola. Fla ; Watts, Crane A - 0., New York; Geo. C. Pearce & Co.. SL Louis, Mo ; H. C. Brace A Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Qa.; John W. O’-onnor, Macon, Ga. sep21 tf H GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 19B HAY 8TREK1’, (Anderson’s Wharf,) (IAVANNAII, GEORGIA oct2 3m FRANKS, HE&SEL<iNE, COUNSELLOR at L.A.W, NO. 147 BAV STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE J SAVANNAH, GA. oct 21 A- E. LOPEZ & CO., CuDsmiihs and Locksmiths, Corner of St- Jnlien and Jefferson Streets. oct IS -tf SAMUEL P- HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot & Richmond,) I>BALKS IN Watches, silver Ware. Jewelry, Cane*, Cntlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,St. Julien and Congress Sts, SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometer* rated by transit Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. Jy» tf . RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church, AGENTS [FOR WUVV1A * T Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 RAT STREET, SJMV\M.Y.YJMU* GEORGIA. oct‘20 6m COOrKI, OLCOTTS & FiaRKLLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership JL under the name and style of OOoPER, OLCOT'I - *■ wRKLLit for the transection of a Wholesale and B*«K ud Stattonery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper * Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and -SL Johan •fleets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM II OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. ocl»3 STEPHEN FjRRBLLY. PAPkK AND KAti WAKBitOUSK. WARREN & PLATNER Wholesale Dealer* in All Kind* at Coarse and Flne Taper*, En»«. lope*. Twine*, and Paper * Bag*. Sole Agent* in thl* rity fer the Bath Paper mil*. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. f . . . octio 2 to Ray Street, baranwah. A. m. HARTRIDOE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 93 B A.Y STREET, ISTAEC, GK0B.GIA. octl A. T. OUNMNOUAM, D. O. euasc. CIX.\L\UHAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, ......Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Habersham A Sons, Hunter A GammelL Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Erwin A Hardee, Claghoen A Cunningham. sep6-3m KIRLIN, BRO, & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS dor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane, jnneSl ,^r.. »f r. Molina, COE. BULL ABB OOKOBESS 8TEEETS, (U Oder Serevch Hooee,^ w IMPORTER AMD WHOLESALE DEALER IX Havana Segan, Leaf AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoki Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Ront, and all other of Fancy Pipes. 3m sep3Q NT. A. HJJBDEE 4t CO., Shipping, OcmmissioD, AND KORWIRDIM* MKR( HINTS, SAVANNAH, G- A . Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton, t laughter A Co., 40 Broad street. New York. oct *—tf HEIRY BRYANT, Broker u4 I'OHMtsslea Ageit, For Sale and Purchase of Stocks, Bank wm. uvuw —— — — -V- — - — J Notes, Produce, &c., and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to merchants’ and Planters’ Ranh Building. iiui:l- r > 3m AUGUSTA CARDS. J.O. MATHEWSOH GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Aarnsta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A Co., Stove I c Laoghl in A_ Co,, and G. H. Will generally. Having the Agency of Mvsral first class Cotton Mills, 1 am prepared at all times to supply orders for Ysrns, Sheetings, - hlrtings, Osnsbnigs, Drills, Tier- seys, Jeans, Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehonses, can famish secure storage, and give prompt attention tojnerchun- dize and prodooe consigned to me for forwarding in any dlrec-ion. to ang»4 W. A HAMaj!iY & uO., GENERAL Commission Merchunt# AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Wnn. Jessup (fcSon’» *ngli»h Cast Steel, Circular Saws, .Cotton Gin** .* Ammoniated Pacific Goans, Patent Kecking and Roofing. . octl4—tf ALEXANDER HdRDEE BTO RAGE GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BSY AND JEFPKRSON 8TRKET8, - SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in U^, Fodder, Grain, Floor, Wool, Hides, Bran, short*.. scp22 PIONEER SAW MILL E most respecUhlly^annonncc^to the citizens of Savannah r and others requiring Lumber that of Zobly at our’new taw Miff at the foot of Zubly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, is competed. We er* now prepared to saw and Ihreiah Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and reapoctraDy solicit a share of unblic patronage. We will olao pur chase Lumber salt arrives in this market. jjft R08B A ARKWRIGHT, M arking ink.- ManuCsctured and for sale by H. GALLO' DAVID H. GALLOWAY, . . 38 Drayton street. Savannah, GA., 1° SSS^i^WtoUgMIona 16 cents pa gallon: by retail, no cent* pa gallon am angM CHOICE BLTTBK AitB CHEE1E.- VV IfthMI choice Goshen Batter; 15 tx-xes choice and for sale by Robert Habersham A eons. Savannah. W. H. Stark, da Bones, Brown A Co., Angasta. fid. Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, President National Park Bank, N. T. • BANKING. AND INSURANCE. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT. THE ACCIDENT Insurance Company OF COLUMBUS, OHIO, win a oarRXL o# One Million Dollars! (#1,000,000) Is now ready to Insure against A OCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Causing Loss d Life or Bodily Injiry. arising from any accident bones, ruptured tendons, sprains, cnncusaions. Drawee cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, born* and scalds, unpro voked assaults by burglars, robbers or murderers,bttes of dogs, the action of lignthing, tbe effects of explo- sions. drowning, or any other class of. Accident*, whether they occur in traveling by Railroad, steamboat or Mage coach, walking in the street, hr at work in the shops, whether riding, boating, hunting, fishing, shoot ing, swimming, surveying, engineering, »nd in every variety of circumstances m which men are ordinarily placeZ Gei'ra! Arcfdtnt P* The payment of Ton Dollar* under this policy, t Tkm Dollaks per week compensation while secures Txn Dollaks per week compensation disabled, for a period not exceeding six months, from any one accident or TWOTHOU8AND DOLLARS in the event of.death by accident. .. payment s Fifteen Dollars weekly compensation or THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in case of death. Any other sums np to Ten Thousand Dollars, at proportionate rates. You can Insure in this Company for any length of time from . . ONE DAY TO FIVE YEARS and policies will be renewed at expiration. No Medical Examination is .Required, and Hereditary Diseases are no Impediment to Obtaining a Policy. OCtll CARY Sc SMITH, Agents, 30 and 3$ Union Street, (op stairs.) MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY BOStON ADVERtrSEWlFN *NTS. ITT Southern Jobbers. WHO BUY RUBBER GOODS, WILL FIND FULL LINKS AT. MAN (f FACTUM Bits 1 BEST PRICKS. AT 37 Milk Street. 21am, Bmm*. Cwrncr Hoi HENRY W BURR, MANUFACTURES OT Rubber < itohirg & Drapgisth’ Ariit 1- s And dealer in erery description of mSMBdOOMi. octio ' mitirkirk CHARCOAL PIG IRON Of all the different tempers and grades, suitable for Wheels, .i. > Cylinffers, Gan Metal, BwU*, . . f . STEAMBOAT A HILL MACHINERY, MALLEABLE WORKS, frc. Of any use where* Snperiar Pig Metal Is re. qulred by Itaeir. or to improve ether kinds. WILLIAM E. COFFIN A CO„ Na. lOS State SG* oct!4 ... t«B. AMERICAN STEAM CAB COMPANY. To be organized under (he Laws of Massachusetts, . WITH A CAPITAL STOCK OP Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. :«« -tv This is a safe and profitable investment. Sltoreo, One Hafidred Dellara Back. Parties con subscribe from one to fifty Shares, as their means will allow. Books for subscription ale now open at , LOMBARD A GORE’S, No. 99 State street, where further information can be obtained, octl 2 TO HANUFACTCREBS OF COTTON, FLAX AND JLTB. Wm. Higgins & Sons ■asoraervaass or HARTFORD, CONN. to ff’HE undersigned having been appointed agent for J the above well known Company, Is prepared ‘ take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. JnlyS tf Insurance Agency OCEAN, R.VfeR, FIRE. f|IHE undersigned hold commissions from the lead ing Insurance corporations ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIV3 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS are preparedto issue policies to cover Filly Thon- dolfars on one application upon Fire Risks atfiavannah and Inland Ttwm, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of Losses, nqyP L. C. NORVELLJcCO., Bull street, opposile Post Office. USURANOB AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,00# Improved Turbine Water Wheels CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. A BE prepared to take Marine Risk* to any am. Domes)icor Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n this city iisthe following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO. Capital, *8,080,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *8,000,000. COMMERCE EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ’ Capital, *300,000, Office In Janes* Black, corner Boy and Abercorn streeta. Branch Office, A FACT WORTH KNOWING T HAT by baying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling children with shoes may be saved. No one. for every-day wear, can one for every-day afford lo nay any other. Millions of dollar* are an o tray air mullT saved by this useful invention. The toes of metal tipped shoos remain perfect until ttu rest of the shoe is worn out. The feet are kept dry, thus ben fitting the health and saving money ' For sate by all shoe dealers. 8m aagll rfUBK Inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempt- X Ing cup. Dr. Zone* antidote for strong drink k a certain care for drunkenness. It creates a dislike fix without the J.J. BOBfiBTMOA A CO. generAl Commission Merchants, A.XJO-TJSXA. GrA. Will give strict attention to tbe purchase and ship ment of Cattam, Domestic* and Y*rm*. Also solicit consignments of Merchandise of II kinds, especially Bagging. Rope, Refined Sugars and Coffee; and will remlt in every instance as soon as sale is made. r Refer to Wm. K. Kitchen, President National Ark Bank, New York; A. Porter, Bsq., President Bank State of Georgia, Savannah: Jno. Davison, Esq.,Presl dent Branch Bank State of Georgia, Angasta. w* N. B.—Ws do exclusively a aufiO drink, and can be dge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable dreggiMs in the United States and Canadas. Pries, fl perbox, or packages of six for *5. Sent Ire mall on reoefnt of the man JNO. J. KBOM8B, Wholesale mav2»—ly 408 Cbomnt st.. the money, by holssale Agent, Philadelphia. Px. B. CJLHULI*, Geunl u4 Cvmmiss'on Merck ant, AUGUSTA, GA. Holders of Merchandize wishing to rmlize imn attly, will consult their interests by -Consigning Strict bnsiness attention will he given all consign ment* and prompt returns mod* at the most reasona ble rates. Refer to Messrs. Hunter A GammeJL' C. L. Goitre A 2?£S5^nSd on, lnSurelst Brendo* Red. English New Bad, ^Turpentine, Furniture Vsr- White Lead. Bine Paint, Prussian Blue,Sand ‘ ' Gro- nish. Dry White Lead. Blue Paint, Prussian Blu*S Paper, etc, which w* keep, hesidss other Point* < ceris* liquor* tad Wines always on hand. A KCKTHCKB A 00, tor, Bsj and WWootr st T HE oldest and most reliable medicDe for tbe cure of Sperms torhm* Seminal Wsoknes* Losaof Pew er, fee. This medicine has stood the test of over thir ty years and has always proved a success. DR. RAND’S SPECIFIC Is exhibited in the form of pill* made up entirely of substances that have a speci fic effect upon the generatfru organ* Most persons associate the ides ofoperutioQs upon the bowels from taking ant kind of pills. The Srsoino of Dr. Rnud h not Intended as an svacoaxmo skdkjsk. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the Impaired regenerative organ* The pills are not unpleasant ta tbe taste, and many persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them; which plan we woo If always reoemmeod, as iStarilng the speediest war « nt toe effect of the remedy. Price, flpef boat, or six boxes for *S. Said by drug gists everywhere, or sent' JHO.J. * Hair »J«. NTS A AO OMNI Boxes larger thaw three thet Bril to $»• Netereli bom* larger ^ Thlsarti- ^itfroe from Ml, the most dsBcsts hsht Bold by DraggWU and. Fancy ***• er %o!AKHOMER, Sole ■ mseasas msntkmsl From one to three haore wfff COTTON, FLAX t JVTE H I’BtKEB Y Manchester, England. - Prices and other information will be given on appli cation as above, or by Mr. 8. J. WETHKBLL, Was* Mars. MR. JAMES HIGGINS (one of the firm is) at pres ent in the United State* and would be glad to com municate with *ny parties requiring Machinery of the above description. Address, MR. JAMES HIGGINS, Revere Mouse, Boston oct!3 WOODFORD & Rrfctt ATTORNEYS *** AND COUNSELLORS at t Aw «o. if, broadwaf, (TrlmltT Buil«i Bn , D.ANrgL E. GAHrISBjT & barren, several courts _ *ep38 u B. F. VOOBHEES, VOORREES COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 73 William 8t, nsr aw tor^; Refer, by Sp«c ltLl P«ra,i„ ion g-fiSftfcL fKvSTfi, Ocean National Bank. New Yto'**'‘ W - y - Mer^anPs Kxchange Nattona) Bank, ff Y <k CorrespondenU In Savannah, Memra sep; - HAWKINS & CO PACKERS A LEXER ! L PROVlSIfl Dealers, 341 Front St., JYcu, y 0l Beet Butter, ,, Fork, Cheese, Ham* Bacon, Jf 1 L * rd ’ Tongue* ^ Shoulder* Egg* Fulton Market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. jsciswitt.'sr »■» • Southern Produce received on consignment. octft—6m THOMSON’S ' s \kL NEW SKIRT ^DERf&'k Thomson's French Rmiit SPRINGS; The latest invention of the largest manaiactarcr j Ladies’ Crinoline in the World. Get the Best. W. 8. THOMSON, LANGDOXiC, »ep28 391 Broadway, New Tort Holmes & Blanchard (sc TOC. W. IlIOWH,) Manufacturers and Dealers in FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES AND MILL GEERING, Of all Descriptions, Manufacturers of BROWN’S improved Portable Fioaris^ 1*4 Lrist Mills, Screen and Bolt Reel* Miff. Spindle* Bashes, Pick* Hoisting Straws find Bail* fee. Dealers in “DUTCH AHKES” BOLTIHQ- CLOTHS Flour Packer* Smut Machines and Separah Duster* Corn and Cob Cracker* hcreen Belting, and - , Mill Funai*blng > Of every Description. if- tw Plans and Specifications for Miffs furnished when desired. 9 A It Haverhill and t Beverly Sts. BOSTON. 0ctl4 Htl.Xl , LYON k Wl. (BSTABL1HHBD ST K. HIT»T IN 1847.) »6 DEVONSHIRE 8T..B08T0N Manufacturers of tbe Best Oak Tanned Leather Belting of all width* double and single. DROP BKLT8 for Rifle Manufacturers. RAILWAY BELTS, Double and slngl* of perfect and uniform thickness. Tube Belting, Round sud Flat Regulator Belt* fee. Belting, of Mixed Oak and Hemlock Tannage ; Patent Solid Cotton Belting. XLTTBBEB. BKLTISTG Otesm Packing and Knvioe Hose. Also, constantly supplied with extra qnaUty Lace Leather, Belt Rivets and Burr* Belt Cement, Hy draulic Press and Flax-Packing, Belt Hook* Belt Pancbe* fee. BALTIMORE CARD8. poo >LE Sc HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, Portable and Stationary Steam Engines end Boiler* Steam Fire Engine* Portable Saw Mill* Gang and Single Saw Mill* Mining Machinery. Portable Grist Miff* Fluor MU Machinery, Cotton Screw* Raffrond Car* Car Wheels and Axle* Hydraulic Presses for Off and Tobacco, Tobacco Mould* Gas Works Apparatus of aU kind* a.sing. Pulleys and Hangers. D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION* MERlHUTs’, 1*7 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. } *-nah. 3m oil Bacons Clardy & Co, Cotton and Tobacco Factor», NEW YORK. Eepresented in Savannah by Henry Bryan, W E do entiiely a Commission Bosincw, ciertiaj ourselves to iret the outside rnurket aaotitwi* IT ourselves to get the outside nuuta quoubt for onr iiatrons. Liberal advances made on Cotm d Savannah, and partial advances ou CuUou ready tt shipment at August* Atlanta and Macon. Plan! ■lets’ Orders filled. odli-U SCHULTZE &• TAILEfl, IMPORTERS OP Wines, Brandies, &c HO. 62 OEDAB STEEET, NEW YORK. CB’S HEIDSIEC& CHIMPS ly«3 COTTON AND WOOL HAR 11111, GENUINE WHITTBl^ SAJaGBAWT*";;^ Successors to John f Icekman-tt ^ *;’ -jr 70 Beekman-ai-- -. ^ Sole successors to SET,” and only manufacturers « c>r )i Genuine WhIIMW*'* ^ Dealers are cautioned ^ HARNOTT A SCHILLING’ FIBE'F®*®^ Storage W'areboW* ] “■ W - W *S^V Conslgnmmitsof goodsre»^^^j5- urehase of Good*. Tbehertoi om- CTEUS r. ■nynnsHai*’ (Greensboro’, N. C. DllllLIT MCHQLS, Baltimore. ••The Womoa F«^« PmrHioG»OMT. Eyeo. I Hands, Feet, Skin, with aU S** 8 ^ i|1HE PHRSNOLO^l^o I Devotsd to ’ , isjnMf. j±gz£& octia m t. f. ME«DENHIU fe M, Ootton, Tobacco, . RECflf fimnl CoamfosAoi Merchants, 1*6 Pratt Street Wharf, BALTIMORE. JUST* PerSt ?“^i“ eI l Win 0 * 1 Smith * Curlett, HAnuficnuM or MAPI AND TALLOW CANDK.ES, Corner of Holliday and Pleasant street* septt • Rhine Wines Hackbeiuaer, Slsreliner, Llobfraaaailk. I And a variety of Liquor LTIMORE —UTIRON Ga* 8 team i _ favorable ten AUntoa warranted. P. (UBog] I Wafer 1 Lrah Snved <• Winohsster’a soap and A* ^Vc-5-i Mhjv ■ A - ■—- . s-itu. ■-