Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 07, 1865, Image 3

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t.OCAL matters SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7. 1866. Election. PUBLIC MIIKTING. SAVANNAH, Not. 7,1865. Tbe citizens o( Chatham county an Ef''®*',,,,mealed to meet at the Court Housr Z^n<y "< •’’avann.h, THrs 0AY - 12 10 q for the purpose of appointing Dele- , -to ibe'Convention to be held on the 8th 3 ' coroinate a Senator from the Firat Sena n.t.. 1 tu rial I>i»t* it:t - lohn Aodarson, Win U Cu ' cr ’ q- ; (’bi^bcilir!, ,Vb H Bulloch, H-B > i ft S'* U ^ 6 . V ’ n. A Mercer, IVO D Harden, r (io«, wian lUrtridge, j^eph Ruckert, Ueadmao, Jc*: h r in«r, ^>5 Hart, t Goodwin, T'\ Miller, W Wvlly, j iama, •,-iveil, ' t j S demons, *C Boiler, ,y^r Whelan, ]C Ceoklin, Somas Pepper, J E John Williamson, T Holcombe, H Brigham, Philip M. Russell, D A O'Byrne. Charles J White, Andrew Flatley, L C Harley. Wm J Clement, Lawrence Connell, E Shefrall, Henry Tow, Wm Swoll, James Stewart, R T Hinson, L J B Fairchild, T Nugent, Jr., T J Bulloch, R A Wayne, Joseph Lippman, L J Guilmartin, Jno H Deppisb, E J Purse, R Gover, J C McNulty, G an dry. From Augusta, l,e steamer Amazon, Capt. Johnson, from ngestu, arrived at this port yesterday, bring- n(! j very heavy freight, consisting of 1140 bales cotton, 12 large boxes leaf tobacco, and unifies. We are indebted to her officers lor late Augusta papers and the following river news: Nov. A—Passed steamers Zee and Great Eastern, at Silver Bluff, with two barges in low, bound down; steamer Oak, at Dog Ferry, I o’clock p. tn., bound up. Nov. 5—Passed creamer Helen at upper mouth of King Creek, bound up; K. H. May, at Dick’s Lookout, bound up. but broken down; Win. G. Gib bon-. at McCoy’s Bluff', bound up. Nov. C— 1’atsed at S a. m., steam tug, atTacksy King, bound up; steamer Savannah, at Flat Ditch, magged and sunk. The steamer Clarion, Captain Morse, from Augusta, also arrived yesterday morning. She reports that she left Augusta on Saturday after noon On Saturday night, two miles below Augusta, passed steamer Oak, bound up; earner L. linos, same evening, tied up at Blue House Bar. On Saturday, at it p. tu., |,as-td at Old Point Comfort, steamer Laura, bound up. On Sunday morning, at Griffin’s handing, passed steamers Great Eastern and Rebel tied up. On Sunday, !0a. m., passed at ob.-truetions, bound np, steamer Helen ; 12 m , passed steamer Amazon, at Hager Slager, bound down; 2 p. m., passed steamer Wm. G. iiiibuns, bound up, at l’oor liobin. During tbe passage down passed about Iwen'y Hals laden with cotton, bound down, line was sunk at Hershman’s Lake, name un known. . . Departure of SteuuUfi u4 Steamer*. roa NEW YORK. 8 tea in ship Ariadne, Wednesday. Novembers, at X* o'clock, m. . steamship Chase, Thursday, Novemoer 9, at o clock. FOR BALTIMORE. Steomshlp Fannie, f aturday, November tl, at “ steamship North Toint. Saturday, November IS, at — o’clock. FOB PALATKA, FLA. Steamer Helen Getty every aturday morning at 10 rteumer Fountain, every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock } Steamer Fannie, Thursday, November 9, at li o'clock, am. * - FOR AUGUSTA. Ft earner Caldwell, Tuesday, November T, at — o’clock Steamer Falcon, Tuesday November 7, at $ o'clock, a m. FOR DOCTORTOW2C, KTC. Steamer Scorpio, every Saturday. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. Election notice. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SA VANN AII, NO VEMBER 5. arkivkd. * teamer Amazon, Johnson, Augusta, Erwin Ilardec. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Augusta, C L Colby Co. Steamer ‘ corpio, Rogers, Augusta, Kean A Co. Steamer Emilie, Bender, liilton Head. Kean & < o’e flat, from ugusta. Flat No 3, from Augusta. Cranston's flat, from Augusta. CLEARED. Steamer Resolute, Caunon, Hilton Head. Panengeri Per steamship North Point, for Baltimore—R H Tatem and lady, Mr Russell, wife and 2 children, Mrs Fuller, Miss Fuller, A T Lichteand son, J Lancaster and steerage. Per steamer Scorpio, from Attgusta—Mrs Geo Kear ney, Mr Atwood, and steerage. Per steamer Amazon, from Augusta—Mrs M A Bonnett, v\ m Lake, J Ryan, Miss Fannie Lake, and t> negroes. Consignees Per s’eame Amazon from Augusta—Warren A Platuer, Jno L Villatouga, E F Metcalf A 6", Erwin A Hardee, Jno W Anderson A Bon, 0.- tavus Cohen, R Habersham A co, Brigbam, Baldwin A co, Jno G Rowland, Crane, Johnson & Graybill, Rogers A Cann, G B A G W Lamar, ICerliu A Burke, E C Wade Aco, Express Co and others. Per teamer C’arioD, from Augua’a—Kcin A co, C L Colby A co, and others. Per steamer Scorpio, from Augusta—Kean A co, E C Wade. Exports. Per steamship North Point, for Baltimore—256 bales upland cotton, 5 do wool, 1 case wares, Ac. Receipts. (IPer steamer Amazon, fr in Augusta 1,140 bales cotton, 12 large boxes leaf tobacco, 50 empty barr Is and sundries Per steamer Union, from * ugusta—257 bales upland cotton 11 do yarn, and sundry pkgs mdz. Per steamer < lnrion. from Augusta—S3 bales upland cotton, 2 boxes dried fruit, Ac. Per steamer . corpio, from Augusta—260 bales up land cotton. Per Kean A co’s flat, from A ugusta—256 bales cotton to Kean A co. Per flat No 3, from Augusta—‘.07 bales upland cot ton, to Richardson A Barnard. Per Cranston flat, from Augusta—516 bales upland cotton to H F Cranston. WANTS. SITUATION W vNTED. B Y a competent young gentleman as Clerk or Palegman. The l»est ol recommendation given for ability and integrity. Address •‘G. A.", Savannah National Republican Office. oct27—tf ADMISSION FREE TO SEE the ele- gaut STOCK of GOODS now on exhibi- 11ion at A. HKSCHER & CO’S. For Auguila. The Amazon is up for Augusta again. Ou r I metchants will be glad to hear this, as the op- Iportunm to get off'their accumulated freight mm- offered them. Freight received this |tiav, and up to within a short time of her de- Iparture. No fear of having your freight sent uck to you, as her capacity is unlimited.— I'-ht' sill have despatch. Jack Frost. This hoary beaded and welcome visitor made Ihti first appearance in our streets and the Iboosetops yesterday morning glistened brilliant- while the. atmosphere was cool ard bracing, fusing every body to walk and look buoyant. There is every indication that the present atei will be a severe one, and unless some pro- jion is made for the poor of our city much I’ant and suffering will be the consequence. To Ilk" Preedmeu we would again urge strict econo- lot and constant industry for the impoverished IncditTon of our people will not admit of thedis- I ot much generosity. The Court of Ordinary icsterday morning the C ,urt of Ordinary of laathain County met at It) o’clock, aud transao- r the usual business brought before it. This is tbs first meeting of the Court since tbe re-e"- |rilisament of civil law. iFnt suffer with the COLD when Bankets, and new winter HESS GOODS at 50 CENTS, and a Fge assortment of FLANNELS, can be hglit so low at A. RESCHER & CO’S 3 BARN ARD STREET. WANTED MIDDLINQ COTTON AND NICE, 1 N exchange for $15 to $20,000 of very desirable I Summer Dress (>oods, «fcc., comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest frabies—No Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, To North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWitt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—M. L. llalloweli & Co., or Wood. Marsh & Haywood. oct30 House Wanted. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, suitable for xjL a private residence, situated in a good location, is wanted to rent immediately. Rent from four to six hundred dollars. Apply by letter, addressed “Leo," at this office. tf novC CO I IN tWlIlil WANTED. Clly Court. I He City Court, Judge Chisholm presiding, Fjesterday morning. Affer the transaction FDime unimportant business, tbe ccurt was ad- I Burned to Thursday morning next, at 9 Meek. The \ew York Steamer*. lucre was a rumor current in the city last J'-’ing that three New York steamers, over due I* this port, aro lying at quarantine, as a pre- l‘>it ona r y measure. IVe give it as a rumor only. THE FENIANS. Canada—Government to Garri- m,!, '"" t! . er wU,t 40,000 Men—Commit- " n I 'I't Sanders Kidnappers. j;, Toronto, October 31. F?= , -“ l r" iit , Cri ' 1 3r 8 an A’Union Rationale, kure.'h *“® oon,e tnplated Fenian invasion, If Itr'c In 8 0r , ernment is organiziog an army lttir«, . nsac “ men, to be stationed along tbe frri? ntle n iine of Q uebee an< * Toronto, and J ' ruon all frontier towns. L& U ' r8 ? re withdrawing their funds from j- N' aa <I punio prevails. Ituci, renca cadets who left for Mexico have Lvh“ Pc,n tb « other 3ide of the lake, where rihe7 U s Dpa,ke4 ^i tasn4 a ®*tled down, a jail ^ r kidna PP era have been committed pr-i ,“ e 5 Priog term. The jury were cen- F»''‘.^“Utgod by ihe judge for not giving L 'Ginn after being eight days looked up. * ' 'oftro - insmrrectlwn in Jamaica. / ""( .r/i I fur Vessels Desjm tched Jrom ' Xn ' t \t , Negroes Down, &e. iThe >„ M, >RK!tExi> City, Oct. 28, 1865. t W.Wiog re,,o h «:_* ,eam8hiP Eag!<3 “* keS [^"0“ Jamaica^* br ° ken ° Bt an, ° ng ,h ® r'rilm thin 00 ” 8 ? 11 Gen e™l at Havana has I put th n „ -' a P tain _ General of Cuba for aid r fe »5els n a eBr i. 68 4 ° wn > an< I four Spanish I nave been despatched for that pur- W ANTED to hire a Small Cotton Plan* ta.ti on * embracing from 300 to Sou Acrta*, Addreps J. A R., Savann>ih National Republican Office, stilting Terms and Location, novl Atlanta .tied'cal < ot leg c. An election will be held at tbe Court The Course of Lectures in this l„,titu- House in tbe rliv of Savannah, on V. d- • *«Upu wUI commence on Uie first Monday needay, 15tb of November, inst., for a Governor of the in next, and continue four moothe-the tote ot Georgia, for a Senator of the Fine. Scn .toiial | tac,,H y having changed Ihe time for the session from District, composed ol the counties of f h tham, Bryan I ,um:iler h> the winter mouths, and EfffDgbsm, and for two Iteprescntalivee from Chatham county in the General As-wmbty of Georgia; I °d* c ’ JOHN G. WBSTMOREL \ND, Dean, lm also, for a member of the Honse of R< pi eeentatives of the Congress of the United Btites, to represent tbe First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by the State ■ onvenlion. To entitle a citizen to vote he must be qualified as present ed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia in force immediately before the 19th of Jnnnary, A. D. 1S6L (the date of the Ordinance of Secession, j and also he must have taken and sulweribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President’s Proclamation of May 29th, A. D. 1S65. Polls will be opened at seven o’clock, a. ul, and be closed at six o’clock, p. in. The Sheriff of the county, or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who have complied with the Pro clamation of the President aforesaid, are required to attend said election and preserve order. WM. U. CUYLER, j. i. c. o. c. GEO. F. HARRISON, j. i. c. c. c. JOHN SCREVEN, j. i. c. c. c. JOHN WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. c. c. nov6 td “IDOLPHO WOUFJB,” 22 Beaver Street, New York, Offers for sale of his own importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, &c., of any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otaril, Hennessey, Pinct Castillon, Martel. Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter and eighth casks; also Otard and Kouyer, Laferriere and FUs Bran dy, in cases of one dozen each. “GIN.” Udolpho Wolfe’s Schiedam iu pipes. Schiedam Aro matic Schnapps, in bond aud duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. “WHISKY AND BIM,” Scotch and Irish Whiskey in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey iu barrels and cases of one dozen each. RUM. ‘’Jamaica” and “XL Croix Hum n in hhds, aud cases of one dozen each. MADEIRA, SHERRY, AND PORT WINES. More than twenty different grades, in halves, quar ters and eighth casks, also iu cases of one dozen each. “HOCK, CHAMPAGNE, MOSELLE, AND CLARET WINES,” From Peter Arnold Mumm in Cologne, proprietor of Johannisberg estate; J. U. D. Becker & Fils; Eschen- auer, Benecke & Co., Bordeaux; Bartou & Gnestin, Boideaux, aud from other well known houses in Ger many and France. Oils, Cordials, Sardines, Bitters, Mustard, Olives, Brandy, Preserves, &c. Twenty-live years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most re spectable dealers, should be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser for sale is pure and genuine. Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices obtain ed, by addressing the above. 3m aug9 BjKNINC OF THE MimUM, LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. NEW YORK, July 14, 1865. Messrs. Herrin,/ <V Co. : Gentcfmen—Though the destruction of the Ameri can Museum has proved a serious loss lo myself and the public, I am happy to verify the old adage, that, “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good,” and conse quently, congratulate you that your welkkuown sates have again demonstrated their superior fire-proof qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. The safe you made for me some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of the building, and in the hottest of tbe fire. After twenty-four hours of trial it was found among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded np its contents in very good order-books, papers, poli cies of insurance, bank bills, all in conditionjfor imme diate use, aud a noble commentary on the trustworthi ness of Herring’s Fire-Proof Safes. Truly yours, P. T. BARNUM. , T THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES, * Rags, Waste Paper, Books, Hope,Cotton, Hides, Moss, Tallow, Greese, Iron Metals, Bottles, Bones, &c.. Ac. D. OLIVER * CO., oct 7 Forest City Mills, Savannah. Wanted. A FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS of the Mc'-hanics’ Bunk of Augusta and Eastern Bank of Alabama oct3 lm E. F. METCALFE & CO. A PAY I Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SfcLAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sep’,6 3m A MONTH ! Agents wanted for six entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. G1REY, City Bailding, Biddeford, Maine. 3m sepl5 FOR SALE, For Sale A HANDSOME Grey Stud Horse, six years old. well broken to saddle, and very gentle. Warranted sound. Will be sold cheap if applied for 6oon. Address -J. B.« at this office. tf aov6 For Sale ^ ^ TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP* PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 60x23, 60x17, 60x9, 60x7, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G, P. BR \DFORP, • »34S Broadway, N, Y, Or JOHN E, COWLE?, Corner Bull and Bay streets, oct Is—2mo L, C. HORVELL M CO. Augusta Nfsrket. . . August* Nov. 2. i 0 * > ctioa, vy®* d u ; et - 8o»s inquiry, but few S. We quote 45 to bQ cti. "he *i- ‘SattjSwuSStf** «»i», » a. no non, U hereby given ’fiat neither the Owners or Agents of the steamers Amazon, Gib bons, and Laura, will be iesponsfble for apy tlehf, b|jl or contract made by any of the Officers or Crew of said steamers, udIcss made by written permission of ERWIN A HARDEE, for Agents and Owneif. Jr j9- L. BOUSIILLAT, Agt. on Wharf, OCtlO —tl To Rent. novl—6t mEACIfEH’S NOTICE,—A Lady, X to teach Music'on the Yiauo, and the " I iboj, SO sod wiling at 38 c t», HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. Tn, twist It,IMoh Protection from Fire now Known. Herring A Co.’s Patent Bankers’ Safes, with Herring & Floyd’s Patent Crystalized Iron, the best security i,gainst a burglar’s drill ever manufacture f. HERRING & CO,, No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray rL, New York. FAKKKL, HERRING A CO,, Philadelphia. oct!3—5w HERRING & CO., Chicago. FOR SHERIFF OF CHATHAM CMISTY. The undersigned announce to his friends and tbe voters of Chatham connty, that be is a candidate for the office of Sheriff of the County at the next election, and respectfully solicits their suffrages in his behalf. nov6 tf BENJ. L. COLE. STATE AND COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. The subscriber is a Candid ttc for re- election, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens of Chatham County. SEABORN GOODALL. oct 30 Notice. Capt. WM. T. EASTON, Tax Collec tor, has his office in the Exchange Build ing, foot of Bull street. Hours, from 9 a. m. till %y t p. m. aug29 NOTICE. UOL. A. W. feTQNE, Attorney at Law. will attend to all business entrusted to me during my absence. novl—2w J. E. BENEDICT, BATCIIELUK’S HAIU HIE. The Original and Beet in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.— Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is marked William A. Batchelor. Also, Begenerating Extract of Miilefleurs, for Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. auglS CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York, ENCOURAGE Dome Enterprise, AUGUSTA MERCIIJMY LIB Lightest Draught Boats ou the Kiver. MAKING REGULAR TRIPS AT THE LOWEST STAGE OF WATER, ALL GOODS CONSIGNED TO THE AGENTS AT SAVANNAH WILL BE FORWARDED WITHOUT DELAY, AT CURRENT RATES OF FREIGHT. The new A No. Steamers 1 Light Draught Augusta Built UNION AND R. HE. MAY. Leave ' ugusta and -avnnnah regularly every week. As these Boats were built for the Savannah Kiver, shippers may rely upon having their Goods go through without delay, at the very lowest stage of the river, aud at low rates. Merchants and Shippers will have their Goods con signed to F, M. MYRELL, Agent -teamer Union, or J If KINCULEY, Agent Steamer B. H. May, Savannah, Ga„ or O. T. JACKSON A CO., Agents Steamer R. H. May, ■CHURCHILL A JOHNSTON,’ Agents Steamer Union, Augusta, Ga. ocl.10—2w Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND ! SHIPPING. Steam Communicatioi BETWEEN Savumah & Baltimore milE commodious and fast sailing steamship FAN- L N1E. Capt Gaggin. will leave this port for Bal timore ou SATURDAY next Uth instant at — o'clock. The FANNIE has elegant state-room accommo dations for passengers. For freight or passage, apply to WEST, BRYAN & CO., Jones’ Block. N. B.—Passengers by Ibis route for New York will save two hundred miles of Sea Travel, and will receive through Tickets, via Philadelphia, at the same rates as now charged by the New York lines. Freight will also be checked through to New York as low as by any other route.nov6 BALTIMORE 1 SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LI> E i’v-^ T HE steamship NORTH POINT, Captain Smith, will leave Baltimo e ou her regular trip for .-a- vanuah on Saturday. 11th November, returning will leave araimah on t aturday. ISth inst.., at — o’clock. WEaT, BRYAN & CO., novO Agents, Savannah. CHANGE OF HAY. UNITED STATES MAIL LIKE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERN A N DINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PI COLA TA. THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, bnt now the Helen Getty, captain O. li. In* graham, will leave the Wlmrf foot of West Kroud street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, A. M., precisely, for the al»ove Landing*. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BKNNBTT, Agent, cor. West. Hroad aud Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville. J. s. Samis & Co. Palatka, H. R. Teas^ale. Freight iwiyable by shippers. oct25 Forwarded by Light Draft Steamers. Co-partnership Notice, T HE UNDERSIGNED having associated themselves together under .the firm name ol La Riche, Gadea & Unckles for the purpose of transacting a General Grocery and Commission 'Business, and having secured the large and commodious f corner of Bay and Barnard streets, are now pro; to receive any, and all consignments made to them. They also have extra Rooms, suitable for storing Dry Goods and Fancy Articles, to which we call the atten tion of owners and Agents, as the best in the city. From a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. Liberal anvances made on Cotton, Lumber, Ac., consigned to them for sale in savannah, or for ship ment to their friends In New Y’ork. Boston or Haiti- more. LaK CHE, GADhN A UNCKLES. Isaac D. LaRocue, i Bknj. G Galen, , Davdj S. Unckles. j patio—Is West, Bryan & Co. rrHE undersign, d have formed a Copartnership for X the transaction of Commission, Shipping and Forwarding Business, under tbe name of WEST, BRYAY k CO, Strict atfeo flop gjyeu to consignments. This firm desire to confine themselves' to Commis sion Business alone. As Agents for Baltimore and Havannah Steamship Company, we solicit freight for same, and request or ders for Baltimore and Western produce. J aS. B. WEST, ot Baltimore. HENRY BRYAN, ALFRED L. HARliSSr* novl—1 w of Savannah. Dissolution of Partnership. rfUfE firm of DUNBAR A FRANZ] is this day dis- X solved by mutnul con-ent, by the wi hdrawal of Mr. Thomas J. Dunbar. 'Ihe business will hereafter b’ continued by PETER DUNBAR and JOHN FRANZ, under the name and style of DUNBAR A FRANZ, at their old place ot business, who will col lect and pay all demands qf fhe late firm of DUNBAR A FRANZ. HfftoD Head. Nov. 1, 1865. noy4—tf W E arc prepared to receive Goods in our ware house, frpp pf storage aud covered by insurance, to be forwarded by tbe light dra’t steamers Derryand Falcon, and Others about to he put on the line. C. L COLBY & CO. Apply to the Agents, eep2l tf D?g Lost A EIGHT brindle PUP. five months old; an swers to the name of “Robs;!! was lost or stolen two weeks since. A liberal reward will be given fbr information which will lead to the recovery of the dog. Address this office. 2 nov6 A BLACR leather Trunk, marked H. Cross. It xk. was shipped ou the steamer Raleigh, from New tori*. A banfisome reward will be paid for its re- covery. Apply at. this office. 3 nov 6 INDIAN STREET FOUNDRY of Mlllwrighting, Engineeriuj smith Work done at short despatch. nov2 Steam Boat and blark- .. with promptness aud ROSE, ARKWRIGHT A CO. WM. R. SYMONS, General Commission Merchant, N«. 3 Wsldbqrg’a Range, On the Ziuy, in the building occupied bg Messrs. Querrard J- Eerritf. A ©ENT for the New England lire Insurance Company. Also, Agent for Hewlttie Patent Screw Wrench. References In Savannah—Heliry Brigham, Esq, 4 KVSii; ‘‘- 1 ' w - af Ifyuk Norfta America. ^ M * Consignments sol idled,c nov C FOK J AC KtOBVlLLIS Fla VIA DARIEN, URUNS WICK, ST. MARYS, GA., AND FEIl- NANDINA, ELA. STEAMER FANNIE, CA1TAIN W. T. McNELTY, Will leave as above next Thursday, 0th inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. This boat has been thoroughly overhauled, newly furnished throughout, and fiiied up especially f -r this route. Having fine state room accommodations, and commanded by a gentleman of experience (and one who is favorably known on tbe routes offers superior inducements to the traveling public. For freight or passage apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, Harris' Buildings, Bav street. Freight received daily, an i stored in tire-proof ware houses free of expense. 4 nov6 For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, EE UNA N DINA. JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. < ust- ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply ou board at Padel- ford's wharf, near White's Central Press, or to M. A. COREN, Agent. Freight will be received every day during the week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BRUKN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will fumsh id measu weight and measurement of goods. aug24 RAILROAD NOTICE8. CENTRAL RAILROAD. It" - Ji,a 2*/* ■ .. «c« . ..a • aw s °P«rtB!e Savannah, Ga, Oct. 27th, 1865. ndrnt's Office, 1 J Central Railroad, and Wayn^boVo’ " and Savannah Railroad. 7ne * bow - °» ,he AngusU jysssMi’Sa! gg.VFjg.t: connect with the Georgia Railroad train tor Atlm?m *° Returning, arrive in Savannuh at 4 gy p jJ AU:ulU — Freight to go by passenger u aiu must i>e i^enaid and delivered at the Depot the night before ' pre P a,d and geo. w. < dams, sep83 General Superintima^t CENTRAL RAILROAD. 3 ftnumii? J superintendent’s Office, \ Savannah, October loth, 1365./ This Company is now, in connection with W. J. Di-kerson A , o.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Angn,ta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily from Twenty to Thirty 1 housand Founds of Freight, and go through la from three to six days. ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by shippers. Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. GEO. W. ADAMS, octlO General Superintendent — = AUCTION SALES. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIKE * CO. Will sell THIS DAY, at auction, in front of store, at IX o’clock! 2B cues flue old Scotch Whisky. In bond. 5°- 'ham-ague, Cognac Brandy, in bond. 10 do. Port Wine. 10 do. Sherry. '0/'o- < Jare!, 8t. Julien. lfrdoz. Old Hourbon Whiskv, SO boxes Cheese. 40 kits Mackerel, No. 1. & bags Black Pepper. 5 bbls. Vinegar. 10 bbls. English Walnuts. 1 bbl. Soda Crackers. 1 bbl. Butter Crackers. An assortment of Undet Shirts, Drawers, Stock ings, Socks, Ac. 10 M a c sorted Cigars. 40 crates Cabbages. 10 cases Mum’s Chan^xtgne. 10 cases Clicquot novl Helmbold’s FLUID EXTRACT BUSHU. For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The ex hausted powers of Natare which arc accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found, ludisposiuon to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Horror of Disease or Forebodings of Evil; in fact, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter igto tbe enjoyments of s ejety. Tbe Constitution, once sftected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, whidiHetnboId’siEx tract K uchu invariably does. If no treatment is sub mitted to, consumption or insanity ensues. Heimb&ld’s Fluid Extract fiuebu In affeciions peculiar to “Fbmxlis,” is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Rainfulness, or suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state of the Uterus ; and oil com plaints incident to the sex. whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Buchu Improved Rose Wash Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation at little exp<nse, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or expe- snre; completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury in all these diseases. USE; HELMBOLD’S FLUll) £\nucr BUCHU, In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing In “Male’ nr •’Female,” from whatever cause originating and no matter how long standing It is pleasant in taste and odor, “immediate” in action, and more strengthening than any ot the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Con stitutions, procure theiemedyat once. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to affect his Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happi ness. All the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic. Helinbold’a Extract Buchi Is Uie Great Diuretic.’ n'or Augusta. THE steamer EXPRESS, Captain J. " . Morgan, will have quick des patch as above. This b ait is entirely new. Being of immense capacity, ship pers need not fear havin 1 their orders left over. Par- ties having goods consign'ol to them lroin the North and elsewhere, for Augusta aud points beyoad, c n collect forwarding charges ou same by sending freight to this line. All bills paid promptly. Freight received and stored in lire-profifwr— J novfi f wurehnifses. F. M. MYRELL, Agent. For Augusta. TH K steamer FALCON will leave I her wharf, foot of A hercorn street, for the above iiort on 'I uesday, Nov. 7th. »at 10 otploci, a mV Fqr freight or passage' apply to CHAS. I. COLBY & CO„ liovfl 2 comer Abercorn and Bay streets. WYM’N. BYtiD A CJ„ COMMISSION MERCHANT i, FOR TffE|8i\7.g Of fJOT'J'ON, COTTON TARNS, SHEETINGS. SHIKTINGS, JEANS, AC TS Chambers-street, New York, Gojrge' A®"--} Ute ° f Md. Wm. Gregg. Jr., late of Graniterille, S. C. James'’.cmith, of New York. lm nov6 ITCH I ITQH! ITCH! Scratch! Soratoh! Scratch! WHEATON’S OIN'l'MENUj Will cure tbe Itch in 48 Hours. Also, cures bait Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price, Po cents. For sale by al By selling' 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mall free of postage, to any part ot the United States. 6m Language according to fhe best method, desires a _ ation Jp a Seminary or Private Family. Terms, Thm Hundred Dollars per annum. Address “X. Y. Z,» r this Office octl2—tf B ECK WHEAT landing tad tor sale Ire nov5 C. L GILBERT, JENKINS’ LATENT COMPOSITE WOV RAILING FORMERLY sold by Uutchiuson A Wicker- i* no* hJf sale by the Manufacturers’ Agency. HUTCHINSON, DAVIES A CO., novl—l«i No. 4»T Broome it, New York. D uns a shown, SHIPPING MA«TFRS, Having opened an office at No. 35 Bay street bo. twe<*n Habersham and Price streets, we are prepared to tarnish crews at the shortest notice. 0(fil3—lip Wines, Liquors. O tr cases "Crown” 8herry, miO 5u cases “Old Tom” Gin, 60 da “Star" Whisky, *5 do. “licking Valle}" Bourbon Whiskv 50 baskets “Chss. Heidseick" Champagne 80 esses Usret “8t. Julien*. For ralf by HILTON A RAXDELL; aiwl - tt 193 Bay street TOWAGE. ™. E fiPfersignefi, Agents for tbe Savannah Tow Boat company, are now ready to receive applica tions for Towage of vessels of all descriptions RICHARDSON A BERNARD, eepl2—tf Bay st., opp. Marinars 1 Church. For Liverpo^! T»«K A 1 ship MOUNT BtANC, Donnell, Alas ter, now up for freight or charter. Apply to Laroche, gadex a unckles, Agt*. °*»v6 corner Bay and Barnard streets. Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated UOIIPOOND FI.UIIJ IEXT1UUI -SAIISAPAIULLA, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic consti tutional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, and the ojfiy re iableand effectual known reme dy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head. Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples or. the Face, Tet ter, Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin. AX’D BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of lbs wore', disorders that affect mankind arise Inna the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Ol all the discoveries that have been made to purge it aut, none can equal in effect ilKl.lIllUl.Ii's COMPOUND tXTUAUT Of SaIKAPAKUU It cleanses and renovates uie blood, instills me vigor of health in to the system, and purges out the humors which make disease, it stimulaleg the healthy functions of the body, and expells the disorders that grow and rankle iu the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on. has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which 1 hey cap depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show its effects, but l^e trial of a single bottle will show thi sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablesaoonfnls cf the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is eqval to t^e Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is tally yq^al to a gallon of the yrup of Sarsaoirifii, or the decoction as usually made. ar These Extracts have been Admit* ted to Use in (be United Stales Army, and are also in very general use iu all tbe state Hos pitals aud and Pnb'ic IfinRsry Institu tions throughout the land, as well as in private pra ticeg, and.are considered as Invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu, FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATJS. See Professor Dewees valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic See remarks made by the late Celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. See remarks foade by Dr. Ephraim M’DowelL a cele brated Physician and Member of the Royal college of Surgeons, Ireland, and published iu the Transactions of the King and Queen's Journal See Medico • birurgical Review, pubiishod by Benja min Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, tee most of the late Standard Works of Medicine, EXTRACT BUCIIU, PRINCIPAL DEPOT-- HELMBOLD’S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, , , m BROADW^ . octlO—lm Underwriters’ Sale. BY BELL WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will bo sold, for account of underwriters aud all con cerned: 1 case, containing— 15 pieces DeLai lies. 19 do. Prints. 1 case asruned Dry Goods and Stationer} . Damaged ou board steamers Raleigh and Leo on their passage from New York ,0 1 his Port, android n ixlt ' r “I’lwtion of the Port Wardens. cov7 BY- BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN .~j Va'-aMe City Property at Auction. uext > 8th iuat » at 11 o’clock, win oesoia iu front of store, comer Bay and Whitaker streets: Lot Ko* 8, (Wanton Ward, ettoatedbetween Jefferson and Montgomery streob- 6U feet front on Gaston street aud 160 feet deep. On the Lot, there are five,Tenements, which are now rented at $60o per annum. The lot is Ice simple Terms cash. novl—2t HY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Heal Estate at Auction. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY next, 3th Instant, at 11 o'clock, iu front of store corner of Bay and Whitaker streets, West half of lot No. 99, Washington Ward, on Broughton street, between Price and Houston streets. The improvements consist of a dwelling house with four ro. nis. ALSO, South half of lot No. 14, Berrien Ward, on Berrien street, aud extending through from Tattnud to Jeffer son street, 40 by 70 feet. Improvements consist of a two story house with four large rooms and four largo clorets, with a store attached, and good kitchen. The above is well located for a business stand. ALiO, A valuable lot and improvements, consisting ofiwo tenements of wod. "lie and a hall stories, ou Duffy street, between Whitaker and Barnard streets, Ug.e- thorpe town On feet irmn by ion feet deep. The lot is tee simple, and titles warranted. ALSO, Two corner tenement house, iu the tear of Rose A Arkwright’s Foundry, aud iron ring e>n Indian street, fhe dwellings contain each four rooms with back piazza, aud have large yards evitu ruiuib c outhouse*, eacn well dapted for a resiu uce fora . mull family. 1 he lease of property expires on the loth fa., of June, 1869, when tlie tin,rovcnieuis will re.eil to tue owners of the land. Any mrtner iufor uuti >u respecting this pr perlyjcsn be had on application to Beit, vt'ylly jfc e ini turn, or to Rose A Arkwright, at Pioneer -uw at ill. Sale positive. novO a BY BELL, WYLLY Ac CHRISTIAN. i.tvVV h.i>.\ hSLAV next at 12 o'clock. One veiy substantial and light buggy, but little used, with Lartt »s; also, one barouche, adapt'd for one or two hot-es. 3 110V6 .YluJcs i link's !! Rules!!! BY" BELL, W l’LLY A CHRISTIAN. Will be - old in front of rtoru, ou WEDN ISD.f i next, silt inst., at 12 o’clock, M.: Ten Prime Mules. Seven Timber Carriages, Lock! li dlls Uarneses, and sixty -.tub aud Liroad Axes. Term- casu, nov2- 6t An Immense Jacob uiiRxdorf&Uo Have just received per sttamer filadrte from thei r .1 a ■ ” ’ ” ■- ' ■ .biu, as w,Il a s meats, an im* old and well-known House in Philadelphia, as w< 11 a s r v _... York and Baltimore Establish! from New menee addition to their usual For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Weeks. Commander, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, havin’” lareelengagetneuta, will have qnick despatch. For freight or passage, (caken at lowest rates), ap ply to CHARLE L. COLBY A CO.. cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. oet«3—tf Wood for Sale. OAK, FINE, AND lightwood FOR SALE AT FERRY WHARF BY oct30—lw r. OT . MYRELL- Stolen ssS3vsssr* n “-^ r "“ S-® p J novl cor. We»t Broad and Gaston streets. Just Received, JjlASHIONAIILE Cassimere for Gent's Suits, Gents' English Socks, good quality, French Merinos. Shawls and Cloaks. Scotch Diapers and Doylies. Crape Collar* and Umbrellas. Cotton and linen Sheetings. For suieby WITT .MORGAN. Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases ; LUBRICATING OILS; BLACK VARNISH; PITCH ; oakum; MANILLA; CORDAGE; OARS; BEEF TONGUES; FAMILY BEEF; KXTRA MESS BEEF ; PORK; LARD; SUGAR CURED HAMS; SHIP STORES asd CHANDLERY ; —AT— HOBATIO PITCHER’S, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff. nov6 H fire insurance. THE PHJENIX INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, »000000, . A ., <) MIi000 000 1° ^ skJve Company on Buildings ° fOTwy at fair rataT^ ttovS—tm H, BRIGHAM. Agent Sight 6 ON In Herald copy. El “"5TS35.&..00, AND CHEESE-50 kegs and T, 150 boxes Choose, landing and foe XjaTg'e StocK. .,^9 have n„ w on hand the largest assortment of vrooas iu the South, consisting in part of ® E ^3 At R S , fboth Foreign A Domestic.) TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, of every style and finish, making our new stock on a of the largest inlthe UNITED STATES Wc propose to offer these Fresh Importfltions to Dealers at prices which will DEFl COIIPETITIOX with any market ill the South. Merchants desirious of purchasing (foods in our line, wi I find it to their ad vantage to call and examine before purchasing else where. Our Catalogue embraces— 8 One .Trillion Asserted Brands *f Segars. 25 boxes Navy Tobacco, 25 boxes Light Twist Tobacco, 25 boxes Black Twist do. 20 boxes Black Sweet do, 20 boxes Fine Virginia do, 500 lbs. Maccaboy Snuff, in Jura, Scotch Snuff, in Bladders and Pocks, 1 ^ assortment of fine aud common.'Rtnelt “*1 Tebaeco, also a few dozen packages genuine Turkish Smoking Tobacco, with endless variety of genuine INenckaum Pipes, 8star Tnbes and Bowls. We have a large assortment of Tobacco Poaches and Briar, Rosewood, Powhatan and Clay Pipes. Soliciting a continnan' e of the patronage which has been so liberally bestowed upon us heretofore, we hope to be able’to offer such'superior inducements as will pie ise and Increase oar customers. J t COB LANGSDOKF * CO . ITl Bay street, between Whitaker.and Barnard, octM-lm , _^avanMhL_ S^LfOT PMHF SaHO^L Fmate School in said huiidh^n the tbemkSksrf m to* I^bls P % 3 ?^* er ^majy do. dap-' .$21 00 is 00 15 no JAMSS & COZBY. I*<3? *»'***«•**«*’ »» Q.U