Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 07, 1865, Image 4

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LITTLE GRAVES. They are but montids of clay, Heap’d up above tbe dead But ah ! wbat hopes bave passed away, What happy visions tied! How many homes have lost their light, When laughing baby-eyes Have faded from the longing sight, To sparkle in the skies! A tattered dress, on empty shoe, A littlo vacant chair, Sad memories of the past renew, And wake the slumbering tear. The litte flowers that closely pressed Their leaflets ’gainst our hearts, Now wither on the earth’s cold breast; Their fragrance all departs. The little hands that fondly bound Our lives within their own Are cold and stiff' beneath the ground, Where grass has overgrown. The little feet, whose lighted tread Woke echoes in the breast. All weary of the world, are fled, And take their silent rest. The little hearts, whose springs of life Where fed by God’s own hand, Are hushed and weary of earth’s Strife- Have sought the distant land. And yet, as e'en the flowrets’ bloom, Though short, is not in vain; Altho jgh their forms lie in the tomb, Their voices yet remain. They float upon the evening air, When all the world is still: They hover near when thoughts of prayer Our troubled bosoms fill. When noble longings move the mind, When music chatnis the ear, They whisper in the rustling wind, And sparkle in the tear. Oh ! little graves, though dark with gloom, A task to you is given— To show the light beyond the tomb, And point the way to Heaven. ONE TEAR AGO. BY HON. C. C. COX. Union Place Hotel. Cor. Broadway a.d 14th Sts, Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK CITY sep27 tf H. C. FLING A CO., Proprietors. The American Home, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is tlie Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. sep27 1 .BWIS RICE, Proprietor. Thu mmm im, Fourth Street, ST. 3LOTJXS, IMIO. LAVE1LLE, WARNER A CO., Proprietor. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. ImOPOLITM PTEL, Late Brown's, WASHINGTON, D. O. minis leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, l is now in perfect order for the reception and accom- Nation Of ito old patrons^ 3m sep!9 A. 1. I1BADT, WM. D. SMITH, BRADY, SMITH & GO. Oom mission AND • Forwarding Merchants, AND Mrtnufrtcturers’ Agents NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, & AVAiVNaH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made »u wmdglMKmtSof l ottou, SL’SSSfif ill A Co.. Montgomery. a "gT . M4R0Y, DAY & C0« «OS BAY STREET. North Side. Bel ween Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND GGNKRILt'OMMISSION MERCHANTS AND FEED, lys BOUT. r. YORK, K. WILLIAMS, drugs, medicines, 9 AND " O H EMI OALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, Ac., just landed from New York. Apothecaries, Planters and traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A la r ge quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. All the PATENT MEDICINE* extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB'S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH, Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Hall, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. M. WALSH. M. O., Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden 8eed*. tf (el5 YORK. IMS, MilTlSI k H, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHAHTI, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. Reference*: Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin A Co., Gaden A Unckies, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Uammell, Isaac D. La Roche, Hiram Roberts, W. Wood bridge, L. C. Norvell A Co. New York—S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays.sep6 [The following pathetic lines, from a recent number of Harper’s Magazine, are from the pen of the present Lieutenant-Governor of Maryland, who is not only a writer of singular grace and power, but an accomplished speak er- Few men have rendered such valuable ser vice as he in placing Maryland in the proud position she now occupies. llr. Cox is the author of mafiy valuable poems. We hope to see them gathered into a volume.] What stars have faded from our sky ! What hopes unfolded but to die 1 What dreams so fondly pondered o’er Forever lost tbe hues they wore ! How like a death-knell, sad and slow, Tolls through the sou!, “one year ago!” Where is the face we loved to greet, The form that graced the fireside seat, The gentle smile, the winning way, That blessed our life-path day by day ? Where fled those accents, soft and low, That thrilled our hearts “one year ago ?' ‘ Ah! vaeaDt is the fireside chair, The smile that won, no longer there; From door and hall, from porch and lawD, The echo of the voice is gone; And we who linger only know How much was lost “one year ago!” Beside her grave the marble white Keeps silent guard by day and night; Serene she sleep*, nor heeds the tread Of footsteps o’er her lowly bed; Her pulseless breast no more may know The pangs ot life “one year ago!” But why repine ? A few more years, A few more broken sighs and tears, And we, enlisted with the dead, Shall follow where her steps bave led; To that far world rejoicing go To which she passed “one year ago !** OCTOREH. GOT 1UJN GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And ail kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. SASHES AND BLINDS, Of every description and pattern, can be obtained at the lowest Manufacturer.- Prices, by applying to GkO. O. MaKCY, oct31—1m 20S Bay street. V Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this office. G.PABSOJS, MANUFACTURER lladfielii’s linen Fire Works, Importer of Chinese Fire Crackers Rockets, he., he. Manufacturer of LANTKRNS, JT'L.A.Gi-S, ScC. Also » large assortment of his own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John St., near Broadway* N. ¥. oct 25—12m .j. v. Wln'Jtu. Willis Gaylord Clark thus discourses of October Solemn, yet beahtiful to view, Month of my heart, thou dawnest here, With sere and faded leaves to strew The summer’s melancholy bier: The moaning of the winds I hear, ’ * As the red sunset dies afar, And bars of purple cloud appear, Obscuring every western star. Thou solemn month ! I hear thy voice. It tells my soul of other days. When but to live was to rejoice, When earth was lovely to my gaze. O, visions bright ! O, blessed hours; Where are those living raptures now ? 1 ask my spirit’s wearied powers, I ask my pale and fevered brow. Alas J for Time, and Death, and Care, What gloom about our way they fling, Like clouds in autumn’s gusty ear, The burial pageant of the spring. Tbe dreams that each succeeding year, Seemed bathed in hues of living pride, At last, like withered leaves appear, And sleep in darkness, side by side. EPIGRAM. ROBERT nCDSLET. J.G. WINThii WINTER & OT., Commission Merchants, 40 Breadtray, Hew York. Will attend pronfutly to fbe sale of Cotton anil other consignments. Orders for Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sale of Southern Securities, Ronds, Hjaaak U*d Southern Lands solicited* pircuisr Saw Milts, of the most Improved construction, warranted to cat f 0,uou feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust with every thing com plete, including Belting for $3,50(1. Send for ctreu. far. lm ort 19 iTb- Exin.ETuFi win:mm J ENDLETO.Y & JOUETr. (Formerly of St. Louis,) COMMISSION KItCHAN T» AND COTTON FACTORS, So. 58 Water street, Sew Yerk. Orders are solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, Western Produce, Naval store?, Bagging. Rope, Ac., Ac., which will re ceive our best personal attention. lm hot 1 J FRfcXH TURNIP SEED. RUTABAGA FLAI DUTCH | AND Red Top Turnip Seeds Warranted to be of the &BOWTW 1805. Just received from D. Laudrdj}, fSfi JyW cor Bull Slid Congress Street?. Cries Sylvia to a reverend dean, “Wbat reason can be given, Since marriage is a holy thing, That there is none in Heaven ?” “There are no women,” he replied; She quick returns the jest— “Women there are, but I’m afraid They cannot find a priest." Teas, vtbouuuihhb “ Groceries, Wises, Lifters, Segars, A»e art CWer, 150 Bay Street Savannah. octSB JNO. L. VHLALONGA, Cotton Factor, NO. 94 BAY STREET, s.inf.r.r.i/f, Georgia. octffS 6m COOPER, OLtOTTS & FAKRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. HAY, CORN, OATS AND At lowest market prices. J. B. MTNTUUE. r. H. WARD. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COOPER, OLCOTT • A FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail B*«k and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and St. J alien street?. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. 0Cti3 STEPHEN F > RRELLY. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by l harles L Colby, Esq., or to onr friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL AY, Resident Partner. Rr.rEKZNOEs.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, anglfi tf KELN & CO., 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, CIMMISSIOH & FORWARDING ]YI e r c h ants. L iberal ca,h advances made on consign ments of • otton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith <fc Dunning, New York; C n . A H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, rt. Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans.augiC C. JR. MYiiELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savanuali, Gi,, Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.'s. Befe s to Messrs Hunte- & Gammell, Crane, John son A UraybllL, Bell, Wylly * Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Coben, Esq. tf sep29 E. F. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Aliercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Ileniug, Flint & Pearce, New York; E M. Brace & Co . Augusta, Ma ; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott & tlowes, Macon, Ga.; U. M Bruce, Morgan $ Co , Apalachicola, Fla ; Watts, Crane A • o., New York; Geo, C. Pearce A Co., St. Louts, Mo ; H. C. Brace A Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. C.onnor, Macon, Ga. sepzl tf H GOWDY, Ocmmifsion Merchant, l(ib BA.Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA oct2 3m FRAN K S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NJSXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OPPICE,) SzVV-AJSTIs^VH, q A.. oct 21 Death of Acgcstfs P. Bi rr —It is onr melan choly task to announce the death ol Mr. A. P. Burr, who has tor several mouths past been sn associate editor of this papar and its principal writer. Bis death hasbeea very sudden and un expected. He had, for a tew days past, been slightly ill. Gn Sunday he was attacked, appa rently by apoplexy or a congestion of tbe brain, became unconscious, irom which he never ral lied, aud expired about eleven o'clock yesterday His age was about forty-eight jea ; s, having been born July 29tb, 1817. 01 bis ability as a writer, tbe public has ever borne favorable tes timony. He was of an ardent temperament in dependent in all bis sentiments, and wrote rather from the dictation of his owe feelings than stud ied policy to tuit the emergencies of the times we have beeu passing through-but seldom Jail ed to touch the popular feelmg of the community and elicit its commendation. He leaves a large and interesting family, and many friends, to mourn bis untimely death. Tbe writer has known him long and well—he having beeu au apprentice in thi* office in the years 1P35,’86 and r 37, during which time be served a tour in tbe Seminole war, under our for mer associate, Col. I. G. Seymour. After leav ing this office, his life was much varied He was, after beiog editor and proprietor of one or two papers, foreman of this office for some time. Then editor iu Griffin, Atlanta, Marietta and Al bany. Then served in the late war until severe ly wounded, and compelled to retire to a ruial liio as a quiet farmer in the vicinity of Griffin Here misfortune overtook him. His crops were destroyed by ra ds, and he constrained to retnrn for support to bis old vocation in this office—and cere (and “ ’tie a fearful thirg, in any light, < r any mood to see s human soul take wing,”) we saw him depart * to that bourne from whence uo traveler returns.”—Jlavou, Jour. Mauer^er. How. Alexander H. Stephens arrived at his hume in Crawfordville on Friday last. He is said to be in bis uinal health. FOR SALE! A CHOICE LOT OF T 53 A* 3 ALSO, 100 Bbls. Ltwresceville (Vs Ceneit, Will be sold Low to Close Consignment. I pply to CHAS. L. COLBY tc CO., sep!4 tf cor. Bay and Aliercorn ?t?, DANIEL F TISMANN A CO., No. 240 Pearl St., New York. M anufacturers ot paints, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VAB- NISHES, and dealers in all articles hi this line.— Iso, Tlemann’s Soluble Bine fur wash ing, aud “Calif•Mala” Vermillion, Pale and Deep. Should be glad to see onr old friends in the trade, or hear from them any time by mail. oct 18—3m A- E- LOPEZ & CO., Gils'sniihs and Lod;smiths, Corner of S|t. Julian and Jefferson Streets. pct)9-tf NEW GOODS J UST RECEIVED, a large and beautiful as- meut of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for this market. Call and see them. C. M. HILLSMAN, augl4 cor. Ball and Bronghtou streets. Wright & Co.* COMMISSION MfiRCHiKTS, llio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent, JOHN t». WRIGHT, Beq. No. 9# Wall street, New York. nne2S 6m rirunn me hakksuiise. INSURE ACC THE AGCIDKIvT Insurance Company OF COLUMBUS, OHIO, WITH A CAPITAL OP One Million Dollars! (#1,000,000) Is now ready to insure against A OCIPENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Causing Loss i f Life or My Inju y. T HIS mode of Insurance is perferabie to life In surance, for tbe reason that it is mnch WARR&N & PLATNER Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, andPnper Baps. Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Hills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octlO *10 Bay Street, Savannah. A. I. HABTBIDGE, COMMISSION and gives a weekly compensation in case of disability arising from any accident whatever, such as broken bones, ruptur'd tendons, sprains, concussions, braises, cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, burns and scalds, unpro voked assaults by burglars, robbers or murderers,bites of dogs, the action of lignthing, the effects of explo sions. drowning, or any other class of Accidents, whether they occur in traveling by Railroad, steamboat or stage coach, walking in thestreet, or at work in the shope, whether ridtng. boatimr, hunting, fishing, shoot ing, swimming, surveying, engineering, snd in every variety of circumstances in which men are ordinarily placed. Gen ra! Arckh nt P licy The payment of Ten Delian under this policy, secures Tkn Dollars per week compensation while disabled, for a period not exceeding six months, from any one accident or TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by accident. AND Forwarding Merchant;, »a BAY STREET, 8AV AIKTaXTAuBC, GE0S.GIA. oct.14—tf A. T. ODKNtaonAS, 0. «• TUBSC. CUXmGHAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND Commission •iflcrchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Uabershnm A Sons, Hunter A Gammell, Octavos Coben, Brigham, Baldwin A Co, Erwin A Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. sep5-3m KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Baj Lane. jnne21 tf R. MOLINA, GOB- BULL AM) CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven Honse.} IU PORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana Segars, Leaf AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, ail kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. 3m sep30 HL A. HARDEE A CO., Shipping, Commission, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Gr A . Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton, Maughter A Co., 40 broad street. New York. oct*—tf HENRY BRYAN, Broker art Coaalssioa Ageit, For Sale and Purchase of Stocks, Bank Notes, Produce, &o. p and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to merchants’ and Flutters’ Bank Building. AUGUSTA CARDS. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, jtSqcceaeor fto Wilmot & Richmond,) Watehts, Mirer Ware, Jewelry Uanes, Cutlery, &«. f Whitaker, St- JuUen and Congress Sts, .sa7_‘** ah ' qa ' Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chto- mCtCI * by transit. Cash paid for old Hold and Silver. Jr» tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Ohurch AGENTS |FOR Wm. Jessup & Son’s hngllsh Cast Steel, Circular Saws, C .tton Gins, Ammoniated Pacific Guano, Pnlent Decking and Hoofing;. oct!4—tf J.O. MATHEWSON ’ GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Bread Street. Augusta, Ga., w * Will give his prompt and personal attent ion to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, 8ngar, bacon. Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency or several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yams, Sheetings, hirtings, Osnabnrgs, Drills, Beys, Jeans, Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and gire prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. tm ALEXANDER HARDEE hTO RA-GoE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, charts, Ac. tf sep22 PIONEER SAW MILL JZBSl IOO Styles or POiKfcTBOOKS 3 SATCHELS. E XAHINE SAMPLES. Orders will be re- receivcdlarffiemsjfofr^^^^ »nz7 Ray #t* — Homy from Pdl A OhrfpHnn. ELF RAISING »LOUB—*0 bbto. bf S ' and lor sale by acUS C.T » bbls. l. ndin.4 . GILBERT, respectfully announce to the citizens of ■ id others requiring Lumber that nnr new raw M1U at the foot of Zubly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, is completed. We are now nremrc-J to saw and fornish Lumber in Uige or quantities to suit pnrehasers, and1 respectffilly goildt a share of public patronage. We wUl also pnr- Lnmher a.r«rives ^WRIGHT. M asking ink.- „ , . MaRUfaC DAVIDUG 8 tLl5'wAY, 36 Drayton street. Savannah, Ga., In barrels of from 40 to 44 gallons, 26 cents per gallon: by retail. 6* rent, per gallon. 9m ana** flHOlCE BITTER AND CHEESE. V7 16 keg? choice Goahen _ _ keg? choice , Cheese landing and for sale by 16 boxes C, L. W. A kaMm&Y PIEKAI. Contmisslon Merclmnts AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Robert Habersham A Sou, Savannah. W. H. Stark, «°. Bones, Brown A Co., Augusta. Ed. Thomas. do. V, K, Kitchen, President National Park Bank, V. • payme Fifteen Dollars weekly compensation or THBEE THOUSAND DOLLARS in case of death. Any other sums up to Ten Thousand Dollars, at proportionate rales. Yon can insure in this Company for any length of time from ONE DAY TO FIVE YEARS and policies will be renewed at expiration. No Medical Examination is Required, and Hereditary Diseases are no Impediment to Obtaining a Policy. CABY A SMITH, Agents, 36 and 38 Union Street, (up stairs.) octll jobbers. WHO BUY GOOD8. WILL FIND FULL LINKS AT MkftmfTONERS’ BEST PRICES. AT 37 Milk Street. Cnmer NanauFlace, YORK SDVERngj^S: WOODFoSnrilTCH attorjveys ’ HENRY W. BURR, MAHUfACTUKKl OP Robber tMlcg & DrupgisW Arikh s And dealer in every description of RUBBER GOODS. octlo MUIRKIRK CHARCOAL PIC IRON Of all the different tempers and grades, suitable for Car Wheels, Cylinders, Gnn Metal, Ralls, STEAMBOAT A HILL MACHINERY, MALLEABLE WORKS, i c. Of any use where a Superior Ply Metnl is re- qulred by itselfi or to improve other kinds. WILLIAM B. COFFIN A CO., Na. 103 State SL, Bastern. octl4 AMERICAN STEAM CAR COMPANY. To be organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, % 1TH A CAPITAL STOCK OF Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. This is a safe and profitable investment. Shares, One Hundred Dellars Each. Parties can subscribe from one to fifty Shares, as ffielr means will allow. Books for subscription are now open at LOMBARD A GORE'S, Na. 09 State street, Beaton, where further information can be obtained. octl3' MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HABTFORD, CONN. H 'HE undersigned having been appointed agent for 1 the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July3 tf Insurance Agency OOEAN, B.VsB, FIBS. THE undersigned hold commissions from the lead- X ing Insurance corporations oi New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Then, sand dollars on one application upon Fire Risks ut 8avanBah and Inland Towns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON TttS AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, OCEAN RISKS a-EJSTE:RAXjX.Y. Prompt Settlement of Losses. L. C. NORVELL Sc CO., may2» Ball street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. I,. COLBY & CO, A BE prepared to take Marine Bisks to any 3l Domes! ic or Foreign Fort, and Fire H inks n th is city in the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $6,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $8,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $900,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Of«pe to Jones’ Black, . comer Bay and Abercom streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. augl6-tf A FACT WORTH KN0WIN6 T HAT by baying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of sapffiing children with shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can afford to onv any other. Millions of dollars are an nmflv saved by this naefhl invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest of the shoe is worn out. The feet are kept dry, thus bene- fttting the health and saving money. Fpf sale by all eaoe dealers. 3m anglt 'HE ^1' 1 fozoup. a cortain oure for a drink, defiance to the for strong drink is It creates a dhHke for can be administered without the knowledge of the patient • Descriptive circulars sent to any nddreas. For aaic .. - ’ ‘tin tiie United States and or packages of six |yr$6. - — may»—ty by ail respectable druggists Canadas. Price. 41 Der nox, *** y 406 Cbeeant Pt„ PhUsdripblA * a J. J. BOBEBTSOBTACO. GENERAL Oommisjsion. Merclxsnts, AUGUSTA. GA. Will give strict attention to the purchase and ship ment of Cotton, Douaestlps xnd Yrirns. Also solicit consignments of Mancbsndigc of )1 kinds, espeetilly Bagging. Hope, Refined Sugars and ;andwffin " ‘ the test of over thir- Coffee; I remit in every instance os soon as sale in made ® Refer to Wm. K. Kitchen, VntUent National Park Bank, New York; A. Porter, Esq., President Bonk State of Georgia, Savannah: Jno. Davison, Esq., Free! dent Branch Bank State of Georgia, Augusta. N. B.—'We do exclusively a commission badness. ang8 Sm Dr. Band’s Specific. the oldest and most reliable medicine for the can X Of Spermatorhma, Seminal Weakness, laws of Pow ty’years and has alwa DR. RAND'S SPSCSFlC is pills, made ap entirdy of ac efiect upon tbe g^pen. assmasrWtnassRr * ponity before swalfowin^thsm; which plan we ^'^Ss&*ta$l Soidbydn»- rhere, or sent hr mail bv JNO. J. B maySS-Xjr 4M JAM. B. CAHILL, General art CdBRDs'oa flierchait, A.XJGPU STA, GA Holders of Merchandize wishing to realize immedi ately, will consult their interests by consigning the (general fom*!ssio» HerchaHtn, 150 Pntlt StiMt Wharf, BALTIMORE Strict business attention will be ^ven all . and prompt returns made, .. "SSSh Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, C. L. a? j!8£ l A l a».*(£ *“• hi barrels; Bed, English New Red, Turpentine, Fqrpitare uish, Dry White Lesd. Blue paper, «&., which we keep, berides other Paints, Gn>- cenas. Liquors and Wines always on band. E. KOETHCKE OCtS oor. Bay and WMUxsr it TO MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, FLAX AND JUTE, Wm. Higgins A Sons MANUFACTUME8 OF C0TT0X, FLAX t JUTE M A HIVEB1 Manchester, England. Prices and other information wlll ix^giv^nfon appli cation as above, or by Mr. 8. J. WKTI Wane, Ma-s. law. AND COUNSELLORS AT NO. in BROADHTjiy fTiinitr Bnlldii,^, Uw. is pt^TOf d to a takf 01 several courts hi New York a^Rt 'he B. F. VOORHKRS, DANIE LiTa\RRj^ VOORHEES & GARRISON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 73 William St, IT HjW YOR^ Refer, by Special Permission, t. Rational Bank. Savannah. W B. Daridson, C. K. Garrison, iatfonal Jarksonvilla, F; a tS Wiiliam et. 8 y New York. Ocean National Bank, Ivll Merchant’s Exchange NaUonal Bin'k \ v Correspondents in Savannah, Messrs. Envi i *- im * dee. H«. sep! HAWKINS & CO, PACKERS & GENERAL PROVISION Dealers, Vegetables, Fish, Fait, Fmltj Fulton Market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart & c„ c Ehrlich, Km., B. G. Tilden, Esq. U ” E ' Southern Produce received on coMignmeut. octfi dm 341 Front St. Beef. Batter, Ports, Cheese, Hams, Bacon, Laid, Tongues, Shonlders, Fggs, THOMSON’S SKIRT Thomson's French Elastic SPRINGS. The latest invention of the largest manufacturer a Ladies' Crinoline in tbe World. Get the Best. W. 8. THOMSON, LANGDON & C sep28 891 Broadway, New York. MB. JAMES HIGGINS tone of tbe firm is) at pres ent in the United States, and would be glad to com municate with any parties requiring Machinery of the above description, e ddress, MR. JAMES HIGGINS, Revere Bouse, Boston. oct!3 Holmes & Blanchard, CsoocresoasTOO. w. Blows,) Manufacturers and Dealers in FRENCH BURS MILLSTCNIS AND MILL GEERING, Of nil Descriptions, Manufacturers of BROWN’S improved PortiM* f ioariag art Grist Mills, Screen and Bolt Redo, Mill Spindles, Bushes, Picks, Uotatlug Screws and Bails. Ac. Dealers In “DUTCH ANKER" BOLTING CLOTHS Flour Packers. Smut Machines and Separators, Bran. Dusters, Corn and Cob Crackers, Screen Wire, Belting, and Mill Furnishing of every Description. Improved Turbine Water Wheels DT* Plane and Specifications for Mills furnished when desired. 0 A 11 Haverhill and 8 Beverly Sts. B O STON. octl4 D. H- BALDWIN & CO, COMMISSION NIERlHINTS, 17 Pearl street, NEW YORK. J.' R fftJMMINoI’} New York ' H.^RIGHAM, j Savaunah. 3m o» t4 Bacon, Cl irdy & Co, Cotton and Tobacco Factors, NKW YORK, Represented in Savannah by Henry Bryan, HUNT, LYON & C0. 4 (estabusbxd BT X. HURT IX 1847.) SO DEVONSHIRE ST,BOSTON Manufacturer? of the Best Oak Tanned Leather Belling of all widths, doQble and single. DROP BELTS for Rifle Manufacturers. RAILWAY BELTS, Doable and single, of perfect and uniform thickness. Tube Belting. Round and Flat Regulator Belts, Ac. Belting, of Mixed Oak and Hemlock Tannage ; Patent Mid Cotton Belting. 30LTTBBEH. BEXTISTG Steam Packing and Knoine Hose. Also, conitactly supplied with extra qualitr .Lace Leather, Belt Rivets and Burrs, Belt Cement, Hy draulic Press and Flax-Packing, Belt Hooks, B ” Punches, Ac. Belts made to order and warranted. oct!4 BALTIMORE CAR08. poo LE * HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, Portable and Stationary Steam Engine* and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Fl jor Mill Machinery. Cotton Screws, Railroad Care, Car Wheels and Axles, Bfdriuilic Presses for Off and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of ail kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Danger*. ««• 8l ° ». O, pup LIT XIOROM. 0, f. 4 CO Cotton, Tobaoeoi W E do entirely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to "et the outside market quotations for onr jiatron*. Liberal advance* made on Cotton nt Savannah, and partial advance? ou Cotton ready for shipment at August^ Atlanta and Blacou. nters* Orders tilled. oct 12-1 in SCHULTZE & TAILEH, IMPORTERS OF Wines, Brandies,&c NO. 62 CEDAR 8TBEET, NEW YORK. CH’S HE1DSIECK CHAMPAGNE. Jy« — GARDNER, DEXTER * Cffi, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOB TUX SAL1 Or COTTON: N» 116 Pearl St., NEW YORK, Refer to National American ExCge Bank. Ne 24 Franklin St , tbUSTOS. National BankoiCnMncrct National Revere Bank. Having ample means for advances, of 25 years with Easton ^taMra, fining themselves strictly to a Comtnirnonm™^ without operating on solicit consignments. C.K. oct27—3m ABBOT A CO., , DEXTER, Agt. in .Colambos, HARXOTT & SCUILLiSKt FIBE*PRO oF Storage warehouse* “The Hu—mu Fwre Dtvi-e.y^ PnTsioosouT, Eye*. Ears R'l*' cu*nc n *’ Hands, Feet, Skin, with all "No"’ v IfUIE PH«EMM«W*J,jL # S2w I Devoted to i theology. I’by | ' 10, f{; at „^[e9 to Physiognomy, P^thofogy, fo »l al s«tiu* «* the Intellectual. Social, Moral atri M Man. Amply iUostrated. nomber. Address F y WL , BK .. Ji \e» Tort ooUfi Na 389 Broad''’)’ >CV| * JUST BEC^IVED Per Steamer America. A fine assortment of • Rhine Wines * Wines Hackheimer, Nieratiaer, IdsUranmllk. Liquors- FDto? R r ® n<lir# . . it.. An«at brands of Lunch Fenred at 11 O’clock At A.STAfl^’*; 8t. Charles'. In Rear 01 —— Winchester's Soap 811 J Hto Agffltei RR ADY, __ Ietnot*