Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 09, 1865, Image 4

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— L. < 1 . S ’’ '■* ' i» via. POETRY th£ cluing scene. BI T. B. REAB. The following is pronounced by the Westmins- ter Review to be unquestionably the nnesi American poem ever written : Wiibio the sober realms ot leafless trees, The russet year inhaled the dreamy air ; Like some tanned reaper in hia hour of «•*«> When all the fields are lying brown and bare. The grav barns looking from Ibeir hazy hills, O’er thedun waters widening in the vales, Sent down the air a greeting to the mills, On the dull thunder of alternate flails. All sights were mellowed, and all sounds sub- The bifia’seemed further and the stream sang As in adream the distant woodman hewed H?a »Sog, with many a muffled blow. The embattled forests, erewhile armed with Their°banners bright wiih every martial hue, Now stood like some sad, beaten host of old, Withdrawn afar in T me’s remotest b,ne. On sombre wings the vulture tried his fl'^ht; The dove scarce heard his sighing mate s com plaint ; And. like a star slow drowntDg in the light, The village church vane seemed to pale and laint. The sentine',cock upon the h ! ll-side crew— Crow thrice—and all was stiller than before ; Silent, till some replying warder blew a, and t hotels. Union Place Hotel. Cor. Broadway a;d 14th Sts , Opposit^Washington Statue. ’ » NEW T O »K O I TY • eep2~ tf P. C. FLING JtCQ., Proprietors. BUSINESS CAROS. . - A. J. USlIiYi MOBBi. BRADY, SMITH & CO. " - sion His alten horn, l then was heard no more. The American Home, HANOVER STREET 1 , BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in Ne^r England. sep2T LEWIS RICE. Proprietor. TiUi mmm iiorh'j, Fourth Street, ST. LOU IS, MO. LAVE1LLE, WARNER * CO* Proprietor*. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. ltliiTROPOLITlN HOTEL, Fate Brcwn’i, WASHINGTON, D. C. T UI, leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, i* now in perfect order fur the receotion and accom- modation of its old patrons. 3m___gep_jt>_ Where erst the jay within the elm’s tall crest. Made garrulous trouble round her unfledged young ; And where the oriole hung her swaying nest, By every light wind like a censer swung; Where sang the noisy martins of the eaves, The busy swallows circling ever near Foreboding, as the rustic mind believes, An egyly harvest and a plenteous year ; Where every bird that waked the vernal let*’, Shook the sweet slumber from its wings at morn; To warn the reaper of tbe rosy lust ; Ail now was sunless, empty and forlorn. Alone, from cat the stubbie, piped the quail; And croaked the crow thiough all the dreary gloom ; Alone, the pheasant, drumming in tbe vale, Made echo in the distant cottage loom. There was no bud, no bloom upon the bowers ; The spiders moved their thin shrouds night by night. Tb» th’stle-down, the onlv ghost of flowers, Bailed slowly by—passed noiseless out ol sight. Amid all this—in this most dreary air. And where the woodbine shed upon the porch I ts crimson leaves, as if the year stood there, Firing the floor with its inverted torch. Amid all this—the centre of the scene. The white haired matron with monotonous tread, Plied the swift wheel, and with her joyless mien Sst like a fate, and watched the flying thread. She had known sorrow. He had walked with her. Ott supped, and broke with her the ashen crust, And in tbe dead lenves still she heard the stir Of his thick, mantle trailing tn the dust. While yet her cheek was bright with summer bloom. Her country summoned and she gave her all ; And twice war bowed to her bis sable plume— Re-gave the sword to rust upoa the wall. Re gave tbe sword, but rot the hand that drew And struck for liberty the dying blow ; Nor him who, to his sire and country true, Fell ’mid the ranks of the invading foe. Long but not loud, the drooping wheel went on, Like the low mui mur of a hive at noon ; Long hut not loud, the memory of the gone Breathed through her lips a sad and tremulous tone: At last the thread was snapped—her head was bowed, Life dropped tbe distaff through her bauds sereue ; And loving neighbors smoothed her careful shroud ; Whi’e death and winter closed the autumn scene. DRUGS. MEDICINES. 9 AND G H EMI GALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES* CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDP CINE8, TRUSSES, Ac., juat landed from New York. Apothecaries, Planters an* 't raders Prom the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pare. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. "* . All the PATENT MEDICINE * extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CA8H, Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Hall, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, XT. M. WALSH, JL Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seed*. tf lelS COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. SASHES -AJSTO BLINDS', Of every description and pattern, can be obtained at the lowest Manufacturers' Price*, by applying to GhO. U. MaRCY, oct31—lm 208 Pay street. *.* Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this office. OoiTimi* anU • -w Forwarding Merchants, and Ajfenti NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, ^ yY A NT N A II , G FI O K GIA. i ikhth! advances made on consignments nf l otton, t-r tot heir friends in New York and Boston. inferences—Wm. Ii. Kitchen. Pres’t National Park Bank. N. Y.; H. U. Timelier & Oo., Boston; Israel Co- ben, Baltimore; Hall,Moses*Co.,Colhmbus; Wyman, Moees * Co.. Montgomery. augT BUSINESS CAROS. WM. R. SYMONS, Geueitl Commission Muohuit, No. 3 Wal««m Hange, On the Bay, in the balding occupied by Meters. Oucrrurd t’a-rilL. ^ GENT for the New England Plrc Insurance Alao^Agencior Hewitt’S Patent Screw Wrench. References In Savann.h—H«pry Brigham, Esq., A. Porter, Esq., A. Champion, Esq., w. C. uvnscoll, 1 ^Nw*Yort^SamneiL. Mitchell, EeqcCharles A. Jarvis, Esq.. D. H. B-Id win, Esq., W in. tfockee, Esq , at Rank North America. Coiioignmenta solicited, l , novo BANKING AND tUgUR^. E. B. OMAN, (Successor to Geo. O. Maicy.) 3 O 8 BAY S T Ii HI T., North Side. Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN ,,.j t AND GENERAL t’OMMISSlOlS MERI’BANTS AND HAY, Wm. M. Davidson w wholesale dealer in Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tens, Segars, Ale and Cider, 150 Bay Street...., ...Savannah. OCt25 tf CORN, OATS AND FEED, At lowest market prices. jy3 JNO. L, VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 04 BAY STHEET, S.JIVI.nV.f//, GEORGIA. OCt25 Cm ROUT, P. YORK, M. K. WILLIAMS, J. B. MTNTIBr, P. II. WARD. YORE. MUMS. H UTI1I & CO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION RfiRCHAXTi, Bay Street Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin & Co., Gaden * Unckles, Erwin * Hardee. Hunter & Gammcll, Isaac D. LnRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell * Go. . New York—S. T. Knapp & Bro., D. H. Baldwin * Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. »ep5 CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN’ STS., SAVANNAH, G-A. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the Arm represented in New York by < harles L Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. I10L ' AY’, Resident Partner. R*rKBKHora.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis blade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, angle tf KEIM & CO. Cl. PARSONS, MANUFACTURER Hadiielii’s Unen Fire Works, Importer of Chinese Fire Crackers Rockets, kc., ke. Manufacturer of LANTERN?, FLAGS, &C. Also* large assortment of his own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John St., near Broadway, N. Y. oct 25—12m doing to Sleep. I. The liebt is fading down the sky, The shadows grow and multiply ; f hear the thrushe’s evening song ; But 1 have borne with toil and wrong So long, so lODg ! / Dim dreams my drowsy senses drown— So, darling, kiss my eyelids down ! • II. „ My life’s brief spring went wasted by— My summer ended fruitlessly ; I learned to hunger, strive and wait— I found you, love—oh ! happy late 1 So late, so late 1 Now, all my fields are turning brown— So, darling, kiss my eyelids down ! III. Ob ! blessed sleep I oh 1 perfect rest ! Thus pillowed an your faithful breast, Nor life nor death is wholly drear, O tender heart, since yon are here, So dear, so dear ! Sweet love, my soul’s sufficient crown ! Now, darling, kiss my eyelids down ! The Baby. Another little wave Upon the sea of life ; Another soul to save, Amid its toil and strife. Two more little feet ’ To walk the dusty road ; '• ‘ e To choose where two paths meet, The narrow and the broad. Two more little hands To work for good or ill ; Two more little eyes : Another little will. Another little taerrt to love, Reviving love again ; And so the baby come, A thing of joy and pain. Frightful Disaster. A STEAM TUG BLOWN TO ATOMS. All on Hoard Killed. Fortress Moxioe, Oct. 28. The steam lug Coinjock exploded at Norfolk yesterday at four o’clock in the afte.rnoon. It was a terrific affair. The boat was blown to atoms, and all on board insta.ntly killed, con sisting of the following persons : Captain McCarrick ; Wm. Patton, of Balti more, agent of tbe Boston line of steamers; the engineer, fireman, and one deck hand. Tbe fragments of the boat were scattered over three hundred yalrds distant from where the explosion took plaee. The Uoin.jock was a new boat, and the cause of the disaster is unknown. J. G. WINTER J- E WINTER,. WINTER & OO., Commission Merchants, 40 Broadway, New York. Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other consignments. Orders for Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sale ot Southern Securities, Bonds, Bank Notes and Southern Lands solicited. Circular SawHills, of tbe most improved construction, warranted to cut 10,000 feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust with every thing com plete, including Belting for $3,500. Send lor circu lar lm oct 19 KB. ENDLKToN. WM. It JOl'hTT. l ENDLETOiS A JOUEIT. (Formerly of St Louis.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, So. 58 Water street, New York. Orders are solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot- ton. Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea?, Western Produce, Naval btoree, Bagging, hope, &c., Ac., which will re ceive our beat personal attention. lm oct 19 Cooking Stoves WHITAKER STREET, COR. BROUGHTON LAJSTE. Cooking Stoves, Enameled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Bound Pots. Ovens, &e. sep4 2aw J. G. THOMPSON A CO- fmm TURNIP SUM. RUTA BAGA. FLAT BUTCH, |AND Red Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OF 1805, Just received from D. Landreth, and tor sale by W. W. UNWLN, jyln cor Bull ana Onugrass rtreeto. FOB SALE! A CHOICE LOT OF ! 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., jTlg hlerchailt, COTTON FACTORS. qs bay stkbkt, GEORGIA. CaM^ISSiQ^ & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL ca^h advances inadt# on con?ijjn- raenta of * otton .and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Itefer to Messrs. Smith & Dunning, New York; C f!. & II. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot & Senter, fct. Louie; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. ang26 tf. SI. IS VEIL Li., Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Buy Street, Snvaanah, <»a., llama’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.’f. Refe s to Messrs. Uunte■* & Gammell, Crane, John son & Gray bill, Bell, Wylly & Christian, Both well A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas & Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf sep29 E. F. MEl'CALYE & CO.. GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Heuing, Flint* Pearce, New York; E M. Brace & Co . Augusts, '-a ; B. C. Kohson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott & Howes, Macon, Ga.; E. M Brace, Morgan & Co, Apalachicola, Fla; Watts, Crane & < o„ New York; Geo. C. Pearce * Co., St. Louis, Mo ; II. C. Brace * Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O’ onnor, Macon, Ga. sepil tf H GOWDY, Ocmmiesion Merchant, 19U B A. Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVA PIN AII, GEORGIA OCt2 3m FRATvK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 14T BAY STREET, (NEXT HOUR TO THR REPUBLICAN OFFICE,! SAVANNAH, Gr A. oct 21 A- E- LOPEZ & CO., Gups riihs and Lo*ismiths. Cgrner of |)t. Julien and JelTcrson Streets. COOPEB, OLt'OTTS & FiRRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNA II, GEOBGI A.. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COuPER, uLCOTT A FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail - , Book and Stationer)’ Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co, Northwest comer of Whitaker and St. Julien streets. JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM H OLGOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. oct23 STEPHEN F RRKLLY. ACCIDENT THB .kCClXIKJeX Insuravice Company UF COLUMBUS, OHIO,. J : . WITH A CAPITAL OR One Million Dollars! (#1,000,000 ) Is now ready to insure against A CCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Causing Loss tf Life or Bodily Injury. »OSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. insure against Southern Jobbers. PAPtK ANir HAJJ WAltKHtlU.SK. WARREN &PLATNER Wholesale Dernier* in All Kindi of Coarse And Fine Papers, Enve lope*, Twine*, and Paper Bag*. Sole Agent* in thi* city for the Bath Paper Mill*, The highest cash prices paid tor Rags, Old Rope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 810 Bay Street, Savannah. A. 8. COMMISSION AND rv^ffis mo^e of Insurance is perferable to I ife In- 1 loanee, for the reason that it la much che*p«j and gives a Weekly compensation In case of alsamllty arising from any accident whatever, such aa broken bones, ruptured tendons, sprains, concussion", bruises, cats, stabs, gunshot wounds, burn* and scalds, unpro voked assaults by burglars, robbers or murderers,bites of dogs, the action of liguthing, the effects of explo sions, drowning, or any other class of Accidents, whether they occur in traveling by Railroad, steamboat or stage coach, walking in the street, or at work in the shops, whether riding,boating, hunting, fishing, ehoot- ing, swimming, surveying, engineering, »nd hi every variety of circumstances In which men are ordinarily Gon ra! Accident P hey The payment of Tern Dalian under this policy secures Tbn Dollars per week compensation while disabled, for a period not exceeding six months, from any one accident or TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by tccident. payment of Fifteen Dollar* secures Fifteen Dollars weekly compensation or THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in case of £eath. Any other sums up to Ten Thousand Dollar*, at proportionate rates. Yon can Insure in this Company for any length of time from ONE DAY TO FIVE YEARS and policies will be renewed at expiration. r MfHO BTTY RUBBER GOODS, WILL FIND FULL LINKS AT HA&EEECTIHt EH S’ BEST PRICES AT 37 Milk Street. Corner Nlortoa Place, Boslan. - HENRY W BURR, UANOPACTHUZ* OS Rubber tiloihlrg &4)rdpgisW Articles And dealer in every description of BI BBER GOODS. octin WOODFORD & Rttcb •VTTO R*YE Ys *** * AND ^ COUNSELLORS A T NO. in I* A.ty, fT*l|»Hy Bnll4, arji I 0 ® practice or tu. several conns in New r«kaTu°& ^ & tf CHARLE8 BUUN , MITIRKIRK CHARCOAL. PIC IRON Of all the different tempers and grades, suitable for Car Wheel*, Cylinders, I-’ Gun INetal, Rolls, STEAHBOAT A NIIEK. MACHINERY, MALLEABLE WORKS, j c. Of any use where a Superior Pig Metal is re quired by itself, or to improve other kinds. WIlXlAM B. COFFIN A CO.. No. lOKDtate SL, oct!4 . . . mrona III AKD KZAI.IK 1.1 Musical lQ8lramentp, Sidues. ^ ROBERT NUNKs 1 fLate kbn^s & cLAcxq PIANO FORTas SAtTAsrarAEc, OCtl4—tf 1. T. OUMNJNGIIAJI, U. «. FU18E. CIWIXGIIAJI & PUBS®, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Habersham & Sons, Hunter A Gammell. Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Co, Erwin & Hardee, Claghorn * Cnnnlngham. scp5-3m KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALBS, WINES 4.ND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Ba/ Lane. jnne21 if R. MOLINA, OOE- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven House.) IMFORTKR AND WIIOLESALB DEALER IN HttYnna Segura, Leaf AMD SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kind* of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Hoot, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. Sm sepSO U. A. HARDEE A CO., Shipping, OcmmissioB, AND tftfRWAUDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH , ; GF A . Will make liberal cash advance*, on consignments to their friends, Norton, r laughter & Co, 40 Broad street.. New York. -■ , oct a—tf HENRY BRIAN, Broker and (omotssloa Agent, For Sale and Purchase of Stocks, Bank Notes, Produce, &o., and for For warding Ootton, Bryan Street, next to Merchant*’ Planter*’ Bank Building. AUGUSTA CAROS- ALSO, 100 Bbls. LawreneeYille Ce’s Cenent, Will be sold Low to Close Consignment. Apply to sep!4 CHAD. L. COLBY Sc CO., tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. "We would call the 'attention. of oar Merchants and Business Men to our fine stock of Bill Head Paper, ruled to suit the varjous sizes of Bills and accounts. We are now prepared with an entensive assortment of modern faced Type, anil fine Inks, various colors, adapted to printing Bill Heads, Cards, <tc., in thS highest style of the art. BRING IN YOUR ORDERS. served, ‘ ‘First come, first 9*«1 , Mackerel and Herrin^,, hauling an NEW GOODS J UST RECEIVED, *lvgeand beautiful a ment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly tor this market. CaJl and *eo them. C. M. HILLSMAN. angle .oor. Bull and BroUgbtnn streets. Wright & €e„ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. or I WCHELS. 8'£f“iEU"* ”*“*« saa** *etu _oct IS -tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot & Richmond,! DEALER IN Wktebrs, silver Ware. Jewelry, Cane*, Cutlery, See. Cor. Whitaker, St. Julien and Congress Sts, .‘5AVANNAH, QA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. U*8 - tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Uhurch, AGENTS |FOR Wm. Jessup & Son’* FRKlisk Cost Steel, Circular Saws, Cotton Gina, Ammonluted Facific Guano, Patent Decking and Hoofing. octl4—tf HaRDRB STORAGE GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COtt. BAY AND JEFFeUMON 8TBEETS SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, rhorts, < PIONEER SAW Mill W E most respectfully announce to the citizens of Savannah and others requiring Lumber that our new haw Mill at tbe foot of Zubly street, near the Savannah andOgeechee Canal, la completed. We are now prepared to saw and furnish Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur chase Lumber as it arrive* in this market. jj29 RQSK & ARK If ARKINti INK.— iYl Manufactured nnd tor sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAV,- . 35 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga.. . In barrels of from 40 .to 44 gallons, 25 cent* per gallon; by retail, nn cmn per gallon. am “ P BCTTBK ***** choice Goshen Batter; 15 snd for sale by C. L. GILBERT, J. 0. MATHIWSOH GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND A T, <: FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 885 Broad Street, Angnita, Go., id of the lat* flaps ot T. P. Stovall 4k H 5 s£5 nal attention to Ot* f At the Will give hte. lurchase and anle of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, tacon. Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. b; • - • Having the Agency of several first dues Cotton Mills, I am prepared stall times to supply orders for Yarns, Sheetings, -hirtings, Osoahunpa Drill*, Ker seys, Jeans, Ac., Ac. with extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me far forwzfcding in any direction. tm angS4 W. ▲ KAMSBiY a GENERAL AU. 308 Broad Street, Augusta* Ga. ■x* - *«*«nr*o -'Vi ’ Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stork, do. Bones, Brown A Co., Ai Y. JA8. B. C w AUGU8T-A, GA. General and Con Holders of Merchandize wishing to realize immedi ately, will consult their interests bv consigning ’ same. s Ptrict hudnsim attentlou wlB he gtfek ments, and prompt returns made, at the most ble rates. rt ST RECEIVED—,aty. I Haw and Boiled Linseed Oil, inharrels: Brandon P»yr, etc., whlch we ksek tmtdls ethsr Pslntg eerie*, Uquas sod. Wines always on hand. B. KOKTHCKB A 00. «*, Bay and Whltagm st No Medical Examination is Required, and Hereditary Diseaaes are no Impediment to Obtaining a Policy. CARY Sc SMITH, Agents, 36 and 38 Union Street, fnp stair*.! octll • MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY ! HARTFORD, CONN. 1 HE undersigned having been appointed agent for the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorab U BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July3 tf Insurance Agency OCEAN, R.V'B, FfHE. T HE undersigned hold commissions from the lead ing Insurance corporations ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over . FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Risk* at Savannah and Inland Town*, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGDSTA AND MACON RIVEKS, OCKANRISKS Gl-JGN|CIi^VX J r.Y. Prompt Settlement of’ Losses, Sj. C. NOHYELl <fcCD.,‘ tnnyts Bull street, opposite Poet Office. INSURANCE AU1H0RIZGD CAPITAL, $19,400,000 GHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Marine Risk* to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risk* n th is city in the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates : COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, • Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capitol, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $900,000. Office in Jones’ Block, - corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office* atnyrr -»~/l cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. suglfetf A FACT T HAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling — 1 shoes may tie saved, ft attordlo buy any other. I vad bj this 1 , J . - .r—- one, for every-day wear, can Mil]Iona of dollars are an nually saved by'this useful invention. The toes of Ml shce* remain perfea until the rest i i*.V “on?- The feSare kept dry, thus For aril by all money aeglT ! inebriate may now bid deffaacetothe tempt- cud. Dr. ZaneVi antidote for strong drink b Dsscriptfye drculsrs sent to any nd frees For by all reepectaWe druggists In the Untted l Canadas. Price, $1 per box, or package* of for $5. s, $1 per Bent bjymzlfon ■x boxes oldest and mostrdlable ■ mWWi er,Ac.' ThismedidnehasMOadthe tastof ova* thlr- yyesre and has always proved a anccees. DR. BANIVS aPKCIFIC U exhtbtied in tbs ism of Ills, made up entirely of substances that have a sped- Ic effect upon the generative organs. Meet perrons asodsto the idea of operation* open tbe bowels from kind of pills. The Spzoino of Dr. Rand is wdAbfassff? _ , I regenerative organs. The pill* are not Wsi! {the s for $ff. Sold’by drug- Hiilr rn a box. Booth and Gi It free from all DurehK de baa been tboi New York, and AMERICAN STEAM CAR COMPANY. xi \. 1 kJA. J - ■■ , . To be organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, . VITH A CAPITAL STOCK OF Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. This is a safe and profitable investment. Shoves, esc Hundred Dollar* Each. Parties subscribe from one to fifty Shares, os their means will allow. Books for subscription are now open at LOMBARD A GORE'S, No. 99 State street, Boston, where further Information can be obtained. octlB . TO MAIWFACTfJRERS OF COTTON, FLAX AND JUTE. • , Wm. Higgins & Sons ajp.v.v-M , MANUtfAUTtmB OK COTTON, FLU A JVTK SI l< HIXEMT Manchester, England. Prices and other information will be given on appli cation aa above, or by Mr. 8. J. WBTKKKLL, W ajta, Mats. c. F. Mnrtln’n O X T Al\g 581 BROADWAY, [Up (OPrjSITE THH MKHOPOUIAX HOTLL j new York, N. B. -Brass Instruments, Clarionets, Flutes, i, • Bauds made to order and warrauw, (Wholesale.) r „ , novl-lm fRetsIli HAWKINS & CO PACKERS & GENERA L PROYIsim Dealers, 341 Front St., JYnr l’ or * Beef ’ Bott * r ' VepuJ Pork. v Cheese, Hams, Bacon, pj, Lard, Tongues, Frail,, Shoulders, Eggs, t Fulton Market Beef AU orders carefully executed at the SHORTE8T NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart 4 i n r Ehrlich, Kso, B. G. Tilden. Esq. 1 Southern Produce received on couBigamem, octh—tm , THOMSON’S MB. JAMES HIGGINS (one of the firm Is! at pres- ent In the United States, and woald be glad to com municate with any parties reqniring Machinery of the above description. * ddress, MB. JAMES HIGGINS, Revere House, Boetou. ottlS Holmes & Blanchard, - - 1 - {WOCMSORS TO O. W. BIOWN,) » Manufacturers and Dealers In FRENCH BUR! MILLSTdNiS AND MILL <3-EEIIIN Gr, Of all Deiicripaon*, Manufacturers of BROWN'S unproved Portibl* F.ourlng and Grist Mills, Screen and Bolt Reels, MUI Spindles, Bushes. Picks, Hoisting Screw® and Bails. Ac. Dealers in ' t DUTOHAITCEE n BOLTING OLOTHS Flour Packers, Smut Machuics and Separators, Bran. Dusters, Corn and Cob Crackers, fccreen Wire, Belting, and MU) f urnishing of every De*cr!ptiou. Improved Turbine Water Wheels Plans and Spccificaticns for Mills furnished when desired. 9 Sc 11 Haverhill and 2 Beverly St*. BOSTON. oct!4 NEW yg SKIRT ^A0iilAl4^ Thomson's French Elastii SPRINGS. The latest invention of the largest mamf ictorer 4 Ladles' Crinoline in the World, Get the Best. W. 8. THOMSON, LANGM4C, sep2S 391 Broadway, New Tort D. H- BALDWIN & CO, COMMISSION MERilHNTS, 17 Pearl street NEW YORK. YiZSSSES;}*”**- dm o»h IUJST, LYON A CO. (ESIABI - - USD EV X. HUNT IN 154I-) IRE 8T..BO8T0N . ri ■. * • Manufacturers of the Best Oak Tanned Leather Belting of all widths, double and single. PROP BELTS for Rifle Manufacturers. < ■ RAILWAY BELTS* Double and single, of perfect and uniform thickness. Tab* Belting, Bound and Flat Regulator Belts, Ac. Belting, of Mixed Oak and Hemlock Tannage r Patent solid Cotton Belting. i' HTTBBEH BKLTHSTtt Steam Packing and Engine Hose.. Aha conatanuv supplied with extra quality .Lace a, Brit Rivet* and Burrs, Brit Cfemeut, Hy- : Press and Flax- Pa eking. Belt Hooks, Belt to order and warranted. Baltimore car|*8. * ^^T’Bnjtijnore, Maryland, a^jMnrAOTuBUA [ S^&taonjiry Staun Engines and Boilers, JSS* Single Sow Ah Mining i Portable Grist Mills, Fluor MUI M*ehinoi7, Cpttop Screws, BMrrr J Cars, Car Wheel* «n4 Axlee, ■ Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Mould*, Gas Works Apparatus of sU kinds, galting, PulleyssndHangers. Vi con' Gi wdy & Ho, Cottoti and Tobacco Facton NEW YORK. Represented in Savannah by Henry Biyii W E do entirely a Coimninion ourselye# to get the nulsiile |nadirt ij* for our patrons. Lifienil advances “>•*j®" V, J . 'j Savannah, and partial admires mitriw ^ shipment at Augusta, Atlanta aud Kao®- , Planters' Orders filled.:—- WYMIN. 8YBD * tV COMMISSION MBBCHAJTi FOR THK'iSAbE OF COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JlAbV't. 78 Chaml/ers-strtet, -Vem ,Sauinel G. WymaA l Ute of BdlmMC-’ X<1 George H. Byrd, ) s t. James ■ % r mtth, of New xors- —-— GARDNER. 0EXT j“ * COMMISSION MERCHANTS VOA THE SAL» or COTT Q£u rim HO Pearl St., N*- NKW YORK. mJffsS 0 B « a U > N *^Sk. for cl*ns r. mendsuhai-l, % ji. V. DUtLKY NICHOLE, Baltimore* C. r. MEsOCNHtU A CO , cotton, Tobacco, I t-.y ^ t- 49eacral €onmi88ioi Verekute, ^ «re»ro.- S »a»jg* CT . VtJLCAN WORKS; SALTIMORE. rl’HlS old establishment, with iecteai A continues to execute, promptly, Steam and odder Machinery, SKBRf* I it, with tocreased facilities, - orders for . , Millers, water front on the .Hac Ives them greet Ad««B- American Extfgc ■ StofSemselves strictly to » Without operating on their own accou oem—3m — HAKYOTT A St’HILL-NG, '•The ftumanTh^^ui, \\at- PnTSKMHHHtz.. Kyre-,.^,%,m or c ' u ' u fSSSTKShttST5tr»H —— “-tr-sss&rsJ JUST BEC^JJ PerSismn*?** Rhine Wines 1 Amply Him number. Address octl# Wines V Hwckheinser, Wl« Ljj^l And a variety of the finest Liquors, s*. $2*’ of “JXI nra^ACTTUBBCO. on tbe moRt ftvwrabte tehM. im, Baliimort, Md.