Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 11, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY - v [ For tb8 Favar nah NatjpnalRepnblican.] XVIIO ART TliOtJ \ .✓ * Inscribed to Nina Addisine. BY R. C. J. Who art thou, Fairy Sprite, Kutrancing souls with melody ? When eomes thy fancied flight And thy power ef ecstacy ?. Thou 1 orest! May X ask To whom thy dear heart is given ? Would that it ware my task To awake in thee Love’s heaveD. Would thou couldst dream of mp,. Would I had power to wake the strain Of love and harmony^ Like thee, trom love, I’d ne’er refrain. ' * ~ : v * VI Al* ‘•Love me." Who would not love A being bright of Jjove aud ong ? Liice tones of c-oing dove. To U've alone thy la-rs belong. [From the New York Ledger.] „ “-VET.” V—e—t. Vet. What does it mean, Upon yob soldier’s faded coat; His hand is hard and rough and brown, I see a scar along his throat, Bis eyes seem looking far off still, llis"close shut mouth is.grim. Voiher, what means that little, word, Upon a sleeve so worn aud dim '! It means, my child that rugged hand Has wielded mrsket long and well; Uhs sent lh«r iron thunder home, Aud tuned the song of screeching shell. It mean a, "that steady, staunch and time, He fairly » on that ragged tear, Wbileyoo and I sat safe at home And read the news about the war. .o' v ■ What wonder if the mouth is gHu> „ That said so many swift 1 Lite’s common words are idle breaths Beside thuse earnest bait.e cries . What wonder if the gaze is dun, And yonder stranger lingers yet; The eye that has looked stra’ght at death His image may nots ft on forget. And that is what i* means to earn The title “Veteran” on a coat: To march through flood aad field, or lie Where rebel rifles sweep the moat , To serve the guns in pile pits; To steep Deneatb tl ; 6 silent skyj To dream of home and wake to war, To see a comrade drop and die. To hear aud heed the fearfal song Which whistling Miaie bullets sing ; To taint and fall and longing lie For one c'-ol draught from rocky spring. And thn>, my child, is what it says, That little word of lette-s three ; Go clasp his hand and give him thanks, For battles fought tor you and me. THE OLD HOUSE. Nlv little birds With backs as brown As sand, and throats as white as frost, I’ve scat ched the summer up and down And think the other birds have lost The tunes you song so sweet, so low, About the old house long ago. Mt little flowers, that wdh your bloom So hid the grass you grew upon, A child's foot scarce had any room jj e t v eon you.—you are dead and gone : I’ve searched ihro f fields and gardens rare, Nor found your likeness any wheie. My little hearts that beat so high With love ko God; and trust in men, Oh, come to me and say it I Butdream, or was 1 dreaming then, What time we sat within the glow Of the old house hearth long ago. My little hearts, so fond and true, I've seaicbed the world all far and wide, And never touud Ihel'keof you; God grant we meet the other side The darkness ’twix' us now thar stands, iu the new house not made with hands! A CONCEIT. . There's not on all the rock-ribbed earth A de -eti p!ac J or plain, Fo waste and parched, but in its death There’s fulness lor some tiny cup— The thirsty drops the Sun drinks up Will fall iu dew or rain. There’s not a heart so seared and sore, So patched by torrid pain, Bu> when griefs dread simoon ’* o’er Wi 1 find some balm yet in the cup— The tears that go in sorrow up May fall in joys again War I’octry. The Richmond Times, speaking cf the war ‘■poetry,” says : Not only is the aforesaid “ poetry” rich in all that is grim and terrible in war, bot it is profuse in the usual amount of stuff about “love,” “beautiful maidens,” “ pearly teeth,” “taven tresses,” interspersed with original al lusions to “ stars,” “ setting rays,” “ the gor geous canopy oflleaven,” &.C., &c. The following catalogue will embrace pretty much all the material employed by these modern bards of the school of Hoker and T. Buchanan Keed, to wit: 200 loud mouthed cannon. 2500 whistling bullets. 150 pounds glist mipg steel. 2 tons of battle field smoke. 500 prancing and neighing steeds. 300 beautiful maidens, assorted. 250 gallant youths. 10 broken hearts. 75 raven tresses, various lengths. 50 auburn tresses, various hngths. 175 stars, twinkling and blinking. 120 blue eyes, finest quality. 100 black eyes, of uncommon brightness. 1 hogshead of tears. 1000 sighs, deep and affecting. 10 dozen gleaming swords. 110 waving flags and streaming banners. 1 idea, supposed to be new. 1 grain common sense. THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THIS COUNTRY. re organized for a ERilVD SOUTPM TOUR For the Season 1865 and 1866! WILL EXHIBIT AT S A V A N N*A H OR A SHORT TIME ONLY, COMMENCING Thursday, Xov. 9th, AFTERXOOJ A5D EVESIXfi. TIIE MANAGERS would respectfully state that in organizing their Circus Company for a Grand South ern tour, they have spared neither time, labor nor money to make their present combination the most brilliant and attractive ever presented to the patronage of the public, . , . — This grand alliance of talent is organized on a scale of unprecedented magnificence, and the extraordinary and varied performances of the great array of FOREIGN AND NATIVE ARTISTS ! will inaugurate a new era in amusements. THIS COLOSSAL CO.HBIXATIOX OF Star Performers Among whom arc DEN STONE, JOHN MURRAY. FRANK ROSSTON, Lb JENNE BURT. THE DENZOR BROTHERS. CHARLES, VALENTINE and RUDOLPH. LEE POWELL, THE SAGRINRE FAMILY. Mens. PENELLE, Mdclk. SOPHIA, FERDINAND and HENRI, CHARLES LOW- REY, and Prof. G. P. Hutching-on and li is TRAINED DOC'. Each performance will commence with a Grand Cavalcade and conclude with the laughable perform ances of DEM STONE’S COMIC MULES, GAPE AN» KATE. Public attention is called to the * FREE EXHIBITION or TBK Gymnastic Miracle or ARONJtUTIC-OSCILLATIOII! OR, FLYING IN THE AIR! By the intrepid Pancratiif SIGNOR FERDINAND, • Tbo “ Wonder of the World.” This extraordinary gratuitous display of Sensational Gymnastic Feats will afford lovers of the marvel ous a treat EXTRAVAGANTLY SUPERB and INEFFABLY BEAUTIFUL Jbe peerless Gymnaat I q the execution of this Electrifying Act Has attained the highest sublimities of his vocation, and hi. UNEXAMPLED DARING and SKILL form a Picturesque Spectacle—the moat magnificent over given to tho human eye to contemplate. Ken. Sherman’* Opinion bead*. Gbv. Jhdson Kilpatrick: Dear Sir :—I have observed your political coLflictiu New Jersey, ly provoking, hardly worthy ol a serious thought, but rather »,t satire and ridicule, the squirming of the politicians tailed Copperheads, who oppos ed the wer from every conceivable motive Some from sheer cowardice, others to oppose a political party. Some because they thought we couldn't whip the South, and, now that it$is reduced to a! I® - .U rasas. STONE A ROSSTON designed this „ __ i remarkable Free Exhibition of ^Erial Flights P ( r . for a GRAND FEATURE of their Interior Enter- of Cop j pamtncnU; hut the erection of the pillars and platform occupied so much valuable time, and| required ao with interest k rcat * spaco, that it was found very inconvenient and ,, ■ . i quite impossible to give it to their patrons without a n n- rt si- j interruption of the brilliant Arenio Perform ances, and notwithstanding the enormous ewpense at tending the production of this Gymnastic Marvel, Messrs. Sroira A Eosbtox prefer to present it as a FREE OFFERING, rather than the Public shonldbn deprived of witnessing tile most gigantic and absolutely startling demonstrations of physical vigor and agility ever displayed by man. ^ r ..... >o »i m- The .exciting nature of these prodigious and demonstration, have nard work to explain n „ V cI Fligh ts absorbed the attention and amazed th* conduct, even to themselves. I buve Do patience | inhabitants of tho principal cities of Europe, and the with that class ot men, and believe the people cf j Press of that country teemed with laudatory eulo- tho S nth have mor» respe. t for us who belab. r- ! * lams uf the unequaled feats accomplished by 8!g. F^ ed them soundly, more than the Copperheads, who, nominally their triends, led them deeper and deeper into trouble. W. T. Sherman, Major General. Tlanonic Honors to General Berry. Rockland, Mb., Nov. 1, 1865. The statue of Major General Hiram G. Berry was erected to-day by tba Masonic fra ternity- The weath'er was auspicious and the < cr monies imposing. The fire companies of the city and several thousand citizens, headed by hands of music, turned out to honor the occasion. An eloquent address was made by liev. Nathaniel Kurier, of Camden. movement* of Cotton. Cairo, Nov; 2, 1865. This splendid GRATUITOUS EXHIBITION will be given sdjsoent to the J STONE & ROSSTON CIRCUS PAVILION,' At One o’clock, F. M. Upon a lingo Platform placed on elevated pillars, en* Jhjing every spectator to obtain * complete view of this triumph of modern gymnastics. The Public esn gain only a very faint idea from the various Pictorial Bceno, of this stupendous display of its immense at- r,„T* 5 iru ' hazardous nature. Itis the colmi- nervnnUarm tOn'IY C E—Ladles and persons naturally that in case S1G. FERDINANDShS^dLl giddy eminence novel arrangements wo mitabvthJ ttso of India-rubber mattresses and nprlnira in the nlai One thousand and seven’y-five bales of cot- . form to save him from serious injury. But biffen£ ton passed here to-duy for St. Louis, six bun- K“f .“SKjh MhtovS^S^?. lustr,ra »»klU drud and seventy-five bales for Cincinnati, two amazing, causing the fascinated populacetoapplanft hundred and ninety hales for Evansville, and with enthusiastic frenzy and colossal ahonta of ad- two hundred bales for Cairo. i miration, so intensely captivating are the singular aad majestic performances or LatteuReceipt* iu IBontgomory. We learn from the Montgomery Mail, of the 4th insL, that the receipts of cotton in that city from 9-bont tbe 1st of May until the pres ® The Champion of Athletes Prices of Admission First Class Scats : $1.00 Second Class Scats TO Children... NATIONAL HOTELS. - Union Place Hotel. Cor. Broadway a<'d 14th Sts , . Opposite Washington Statue, YORK CITY- FLING * GO., Proprietors. MB— - - -t-Jl _ ,Y MORNING. NOVEMBER-11.1865. NT K scpJT VV tf H. U. The American Hou^e, UANOVEB SXIIEEX* BO^TON$ Is the Largest aud Best Arranged Hotel sep27 in New England. IEWIS RICE. Proprietor. m Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. TJkVEII.LE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf ee P' 9 lafTlti Late llrown't, WASHINGTON, D. C. tjj|S leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, _ is now in perfect order for the reception and accora. modation of its old patrons. 3m ecp!9 AND O H EMI GALS. A CHOICE selection of DROGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, &o., just landed from New lork, ipnthecaries. Planters ?nd Iraders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A la-gc quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest ^Ainhe PATENT MEDICINE - extant on hand. llH) JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH, Wholesale and Eetail, Apotliecarle§’ Hall, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. M. WALSH, M. Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds : tf IeH* COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOR SAW MILTjS, And all kinds of Machinery can lie procured through the undersigned. SASHES AND BLINDS, Of every description and pattern, can be obtained at Ihc lowest Manufacturers’ Prices, by applying to GivU. u. MaKCY, oct.ft—1m 208 Bay street. »,• Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send hill to this office. ’) PAimonei, manufacturer HadlieM’s Un * n Fire Works Importer of Chinese Fire Crackers Kockels, it*., fce. Mannfactnrer of LANTERNP’I,zVGrS, AC. Also* large assortment ol his own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 21 j oil u St., near Rroadway, N. ¥. oct 25—12m J.G. WLNTr.R J- F. WINTER. WINTER & OL, Commission Merchants, 40 Broadway, Xcw York Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton consignment-. Orders for Merchandize will receive attention asd dispat/h. The sale o< southern securities. Bonds Banlt Note* and. southern Laud, solicited- Cllrcillar Saw Mill*, ot the most, improved construction, warranted to ent 10,Oitu f«’t of lumber per diem, hav in'' no feed except saw dust with every thing com- ‘ " g Belting tor .$3,r>oo. Send for circu- bU>INE3S CARDS. A. J. URADT, WM. M. SMITBU B. I. plctc, including lin oct 19 I nr. E R. ENliI.ETuN, WM- K- JOUETT. I ENDLETON & JOUETT. fFormcrlv of SU.Ix>ni8,j COMMISSION MEHCILANT8 AND COTTON FACTORS, Xo. 58 Water street, Xcw Y«rk. Orders are solicited for the pnrcba«c or sale of Cot- ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, 'I’eaa, Western Prodace, Naval stores, i»aL r gjiig. liojx*, &c., &c., which will re ceive our beet personal attention lin oct 19 Cooking Stoves. WHITAKElt STREET, COR. BROUGHTON LANE. Cooking Stoves, Enameled $nd Tinned Hollow Ware, Bound Pots. Ovens, Ac. sept 2uw J. C. THOIBPSOM A CO. TUBNiP RUT A BAG A. Fill HUTCH, AND Red Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OB’ 1805, Just received from D. Landreth, and for sale by W. W. LIN OLN, cor Bull and <~ongress streets. jyin FOR A CHOICE LOT OF T E A!i AL80,’ 100 Bills. Lawrenceville la’s dement, Will be sold Low to Close Consignment. / a pply to EIIAS. septt tf E. COEIIV ic CO., cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. NEW GOOD J UST RECEIVED, a large and beanUful . meat of FAMCY GOODS, selected expressly lor this market,. Call and see them. c. M. HILLS MAM, augll cor - I'Ull and Broughton streets. Wright & Co., tOMUSSiON \liiRCIHNTfJ, Hio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent. JOHN K . WUlGHT. Esq. No. fi» Wall street New Vork. • 6in ♦ BRADY, SMITH & CO. Forwarding Morchants, AND Manufuctiircrs’ Agents NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GKORGIA. Liberal advance* made on consignments of Cotton, Ac., to their friend* in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, PkeeT Natfooal Park Bank, N. Y.; H. C.Thacher ACo. Boston; Israel UO- hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses A OOMffolluhbna -Wyman, Mo*es A Co.. Montgomery. >U S 7 E. B. CHIPMAE, (Successor to Geo. 0. Ma’cy.) yg 3 0 8 B A Y S T R K 4CJT.. - Nartla .S|dm V ;;i4; f , ; , | Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN ttKSEa < l i^isMi^ionraiKECiiAATS AND storagr IIAVt CORN) OATS AND FEED, At lowest market prices. jy3 EOIIT. P. YORK, M. K. WILLIAMS, J. B. M ’INTIRE, P. H. WARD. W; WILLIAMS, M’HTUi & BL, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MER€HAYT§, Bay Street,..., -Savannah, Ga. Consignment* of Cotton and Lumber solicited. Reference*: Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin A Co. Gaden A Unckles, Krwin A Hardee. HnntcrA Gammell, Isaac D. LaKoche, Hiram Robert*, W. Woodbridge, U C. Norvcll A Co. ') New York—S, T. Knapp A Bro., D. n. Baldwin A Co. Sale days. Tuesdays aad Fridays. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING-, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., S /VV ANN A.KT, G-JV. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to tbe firm represented in New York by t harlcs L Colby, £sq„ or to oqr Irieuds in Boston. ALEX. H. UOL AY, Resident Partner.*oE8.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Kaq.. Now York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. 1. Wiley fidinands, Boston. ang!6 tf KEIN & CO., 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. t COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL ca<h advances made on consign ment* of i ot.ton anil approved Merchandize made to their friends in New \ ork, Boston or Liver- pool. ‘ Refer to Messrs. Smith A Dnnning, New Y'ork; C U. A II. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, s-t. Louis; W. 11. Taylor, New Orleans.aug26 V. JH. JIIYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission aud Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, 6a., Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.’s. Refc s to Messrs. Hnntc' A Gammell, Crane, John son A Graybill, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A WhiteheaiC Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cobcn, Esq. tf sep29 K. F. MKI’CALKE & CO . OENKBAL FORWARDING * , VIP COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln ami Aberconi, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Heniug, Flint* Pearce, New York; E M. Bruce * Co . August', «a ; U. C. Robson, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott* lliiwes, Mai;on, Gs.; 1C. M Brace, Morgan & Co , Apalachicola, Fla ; Watts, Crane & ■ o„ New York; Geo. C. Pearce & Co., St. Louis, Mo ; H. C. Bruce * Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. U. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. OVonnor, Macon, Ga. «epM tf H GOWDY, OommDsion Merchant, 190 BAY STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 0Ct2 3m PHA.KJC S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW> NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OPFICE.J SAVANNAH, GA. ^ oct 21 __ A; E LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmiihs and Lo'Ksniiths, Corner of St, inlien and Jefferson Streets, oct18 —tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot A Richmond, j , , . JJKALKB IN Watch* 1 s, 8ilYrr Ware. Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker, St. Jidien and (%ngress Sts, .’SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometer* rated by transit Cash paid for old <fold and {Silver. ij*8 J ff _.^.. RIOHARDBON &HARN4-BD, Bay St., opposite Mariner’s Church, AGKNTs |FOR Wm. Jesonp *Son’« English Cast Steel, Circular Saws, Cotton Gins, Ammonlated Pacific Guano, Patent Decking and Roofing. octll—tf nne2S lOO Styles of Pti.KtT SP3K3 I SATCHUS. E xamine samples, order* win b* re- received for the manufacturer*, by BRADY, 8 WITH * Dell angT IlftT *t- — donr* from 1 _ _ 00.. I A Chrirtbtn xleXaoweh Hardee STO RA.GFE GENER4L COMMISSION MERGHAl'ST COR. BAT AND JRFPIJISON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Hay, Fodder, Grata, Flour, Wool, Tildes, Ac. tf Bran, ehorte,. sepM PIONEER SAW MILL 11TB most respectfully announce YY Savannah and other* reqnlrf oar new raw Mill ot the foot of Zuhfy ptreet near' the barnnnah and Ogeechee Canal, h completed. W’e are now prepared to saw and furnish Lumber In Urge or email quantities to soil purchaser*, and respeetfhllr solicit a share of pubfic^atronage. We will also pur- dmse Lutnhur as it arrive* In this market il** ROSK A ARKWRIGHT. BUSINESS CARPS* WI; a. SYMONS, * i*. - . . ‘ >; General * Commission Merchant, No. 3 Waldhurr* Banffe, On the Bay, in the building occupied by Messrs. lluerrard EerrilL v ' ? ., A GENT for the New England Fire Insnrauce Company Also, Agent for Uewltiv Patent Screw Wrench. Referencesin t-'avaiinuli -Henry Brigham. IC?q., A. Porter, E*q., A. nhampion, Esq,, W. C. D’JriscoH, Esq., W. Duncan. Esq. . .. In New York—Samuel L. Mitchell, Ewi, Charles A. Jarvis, Esq.. D.‘ H’.'BiWwin, Esq., Wm. ftockce, Esq, at Bank North America. Consignments solicited. 6 nov6 Wm. M. Davidson WUOLFSALZ OF.AI.Kn IK Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Scgars, Ale and (Mer, XoO Bay Street Savannah. oct25 tf JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, ; Forward leg and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, S.I IVI.V.VJtf, G £ oil G MM. octi r > dm IlllftE undersigned hold commission* from the lead— X tag Insurance cteporation* of Now York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of ovor ITVE MILLIONS OF DOLLABS And are prepared to Issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollar* on one application upon Fire Bilk* at Savannah and Inland ,J*sV . T » w »fv COTTON AND MERCHANDEB IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, _ ■ n ’> .ttfrmnt >‘. Am d | OC KAN RISKS GBNKRAT.t.v Prompt Settlement of Bosses. L. c. nortell & oo„ may^ HnH street, opposite Post Office. COOPER, OLCOT IS & FA SHELLY, Booksellers aud Stationers, SjVVAKNAH, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned Jiave formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COuI’ER. oLCOTT » & FARRELL Y, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper * Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker and St. J alien street*. JOHN M. COOPER, OCt 23 WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL g. oLcorr. STEPHEN F RRELLY. PAPER A All) HAG H AREHillSK. WARRuN & PLATNER Wholesale Dealer* In All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Paper*, Enve lopes, Twine*, and Paper B»gs. Sole Agent* in this city for the Bath Paper Mills, The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octiQ 210 Bay street. Savannah. A. 8. HABTRIDUE, COMMISSION AND Fox warding Merchant, 93 BAY STKKBT, sava HrjxrAaa:, (iaeen&cnA. octu-tr . T. CUNN1NUHAM, n. <i. rUBSK. CIJ\.YI\GIIASI & PURSE, FACTO RS, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, ..-. Savannah, Ga, Rclterences—Hobt. Habcrshnm * Sons, Hunter * Gammell Octav us Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Co, Erwin X Hardee, Claghorn * Cunningham. eep6-3m KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLR8ALB DBALSR8 IN ALES, WINES 4JS T D LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Baj Lane, jnne21 If v j * % R. MOLINA, OOR. BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven Honse,) IMrORTKR AND WHOLESALE DEALER |N Havnua SejfaiN, Leal AKD SMOKING- TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing snd -Smoking WP. IM8UBANCC- i OCEAN, RIVKR, FIRK. |W00DF0BD & irca AND counsellors at Law "O. ill broad Wat 1 (Trinity Ram, I.iSURANOE AVinOftIZGi) (APIIAL. $10,400,000 1 - ■ ■ i i — - i CHA8. L. COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Marine Risks to ifriy Domcw ic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n th is city In the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $300,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $300,000. Office in Jonez’ Block, comer Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, Cri ' cor. Drayton and Bryan street*. angle-lf FIRE INSURANCE TH K' PH1ENIX INSURANCE CO- OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $600 OOO.... Assets,$>,OOO t OOO« Fire risks taken in the above Company un Buildings and Merchandize of every description at fair rate*. nov3 -lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY ! HARTFORD, CONN. f| ’HE nndersigned having been appointed agent for i the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July3 U several courts to Ne* l “ P2S - “ CHARLES BRUN 0. tfo-OBua x,r amii uzxua m Musical InsIriimeutR, Strings, k, ROBERT NUNNS' (late MCXNS * CT.ARS-, PI O.?- O FOBTiis, AM> C. F. 9Eartin'| G- C I T A 581 BROADWAY, [Up su^ (OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN’ HOTHj NEW York N. B.-Bras* Instruments, Clarionets, Fla'rs i- Bands made to order and wammtai. ’ * (RcUil, (Wholesale.) novl—lm s&co PACKERS & GENERAL PROVISION Dealers, 241 Front St., JYcu> Jv* Beef. Batter, Pork. Cheese, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Tongues, Vegetable Flyh, Fall. Frail,; 4c., A. Shoulders, Bggs, Fallon Market Beef. A11 orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. We respectfolly refer to Mcsjre. Stuart 4 i n [ Ehrlich, Esq., B. G. Tildcn, Esq. ’' Southern Produce received on consigumeiit. octft—«m BALTIMORE CARDS. P OOLE A HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, MANUrAOTOUBS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Fljor Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds. Sailing, Pnlley* and Hangers, qugl*m CYRUS P. HVNnSNHALL, Greensboro’, N. C. nui Lzr NICHOLS, Baltimore. C. P. ME’DENH'LL & GO, Cotton, Tobacco, AND General fomm’sslon Merchants, 156 Pratt Street Wharf* sep23 BALTIMORE. VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. rpHIS old establishment, with increased facilities. I continues to exi-cfite, promptly, order* for A1“U, tail nlHU“ U1 Y 11L,1XI1<$ \'UA. vv 1111; «I1U Ilt’JtV 111Y vow i_ r w* _ a ■ Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Ro.-.t, and aH other kinds ” nd . " th< i r wfe’ „?Thi iSl! of Fancy Pip<y. 3m sep30 . If. A. HARDEE dr CO., Shipping, OcmmissioD, AND FORWARDING MKR'IIINTS. SAVANNAH, » A . Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton, t laughter * Co., 40 Broad street, New York. oct *—tf HEIVRY BB YAI, Broker snd Commission Agent, For Sale and Purchase of Stocks, Bank Notes, Produce, &c., and for For warding ^Jotton, Bryan Street, next to Merchant*’ and Planters’ Bank Building. ang15 3m Casting's, Ac. A large water front on the Har bor, with a powerfnl crane, gives them great advan tages in fliting out and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines of various sizes kept on hand. Iron for bridges furnished. HAZLEHURST * CO. oct31—Cm rpHE BALTIMORE JL WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBS CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, on tbe most fitvorablc term*. AU pipe warranted. P. O. Box „ THOMSON’S NEW mm Thomson's French EMU SPRINGS. The latest invention of the largest mamif icturct o Ladies' Crinoline in the World. Get the Rest. W. s. THOMSON, LANGIiOX 4 C\ *cp28 891 Broadway, Sew York. D. H. BALDWIN & C0| COIUIISSIOV iUEKi HUT.’, JlS7 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. ?:?> B U A K}^York. H. BRIGHAM, \ C. M. HOLST. P™™- 3m w!4 Fecon Clirdy&Co, Cotton and Tobacco Factory NEW YORK, Represented in Savannah by Errao, Hartridge k Co. W E do entirely a Commission Cnsipcss, rjrrtlsg ourselves to get the outride market qnolaUoa. for oar patrons. Liberal advances made on Uituic«- octU -In : 18C9. Baltimore, Md. scp25—3m A FACT WORTH KNOWING | ri’HAT by baying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- | A thirds the usnal expense of suppling children with ; shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can l afford lo »py any other. Millions of dollars are an- i nnallv saved by this asefal invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest of the shoe Is worn oat. The feet are kept dry, thus bene- fftting tbe health and saving money For sale by all shoe dealers.3m anglT AUGUSTA CARDS. hyrtaaB DAVID H fo GALLcjwAY, street, r ‘ enitito*, Want in found nunber., to 35,000 K 'tSWST* lxoCR iu. Sftwag?* halt*- i Door* open«3 and half-part«p, w, » nova ( POD \ W* 1 ® C"Wf.flEag41g, for sale by p. JL. OILBBBT. J.O. MATHEW^OH 'GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ,*i ^ * N*. 285 Broad Street, Aufuita, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall * Co., StovalL Mcl-angblio * Co., and G. H. McLanghHn * Co..) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of -fotton. Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon. Lard, Grain, Flour, Hope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. ? Having the Agency of several first class <~otlon 15r, l am prepared at all timss to anpply orders for ftyns, Slterfings, hirings, psuabnrgs, Drills, Ker- aevs, Jeans, *c , *c. ' - 1 With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can fornish accnre storage, and give prompt attention to meichan- diza and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any dtrecJon. » *m augS4 W. A A KdO., GENERAL Commission Herclmnts AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. urn to I^l^t I^tborshnm * .-on*, Savannah. Bones, Brown * Co., Augnats. Bd. Thomas, 3o: 1 ^ W. K. Kitchen, Praalaent National Park Rank, N. ■^JAS7arciillLLF G«ner*l and (loramihS'pn Merck»nf, AUGUSTA, GA- Holders «f Verchindfaw wishing to realise irtm^ ately, will conaaU their Interests by Tr j Strict business attention wfil be $7*? ' menu, and prompt return* nvtoa, at ths-moet rcasona- U R^fi?to Messrs. Hunter * L^Slns. < Hatoev°'^^ Co., HiltonJUG. Lomeltaa Halsey, Wat- ■on ACo.. agdHtaartjACO— ^g£L mmr"' DdranOcenness Cared. fl’HE inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempt- J tog cnp. Dr. Zanrt antidote for strong drink Is a certain care for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddress. For sale by all respectable druggists In the Ofilted States and tianadas. Price, $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. Sent by mail on receipt of the money, by JNO. J. KRONER, Wholesale Agent, may$2—ly 403 Chemnt st- Philadelphia. Pa. Hr. Hand’s Specific. T HE oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorhcsa, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow er, Ac. This medicine has stood the test of over thir ty year* and has always proved a success. DR. HAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made ap entirely of substances that have a speci fic effect upon the generative organa. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Srzoirio of Dr. R»nd is not Intended as an cvaooztino zniiotzx Its medici nal virtues arc expended entirely upon the unpaired regenerative organ*. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and paany persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them; which plan we would always recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price. $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by drug- “““"’’te 3E m»y33—4y 403 Chesnutst., Philadelphia. Pa. Kromer’i Hair l»je, 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dye* that sell for $1. Natural, fiSwSsE&B 1 Ooode dealers roMBR, Sole Proprietor, mav’W ly «« Choreut st., Philadelphia, P». “XISHf-WAlr«.” T^SxaTta kwramer form, has no bod odor or ba§ tute. can be carried in the vest pocket with perfect gsfety, wtil keep tonflcUmatei, ana knanre cum for 4hauMea»aa mentioned. From <me to three bow* will •form a core.' Priest $1 per box, or throe home for BO. Sold by all Druggists, or sent tar mail to any JOHN J. KRQMBR, 40$ Chestnut «tmt, PUtadal* Ma. Savannah, and partial advances on shipment at Augusta, Atlanta and Mftcon. Planters* Orders filled. WYM1N BYRD £ S», COMMISSION MERCHANT; FOB THB-^AEE OF COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS, & 78 ChamberMtreet, Yew 5’ r( - Samuel G. Wyman.1 ^e of Baltimore Md. George H. Byrd, / . ... s c Wm. Gregg. Jr., l.fe of GiariUmHe, h-L• . Gregg, — _ James *r mith, of New York. lm nod GARDNER, l»EXT®» 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS fob th* SAT.B or a 0 07 TON:. Pearl St., | * ' m fboston. pefer tq^Nfoional I American Kxc’go Bank. I bahonzl Be’en> Having ample means for advacc’-*. j; qnaintance of 25 years with 'i,«jon Basiwa fining themselves strictly to a without operating on thurown acconut. m solicit * CCL A^'* G z C. B. DEXTER, Apt. in Coinm u* oct27—3 m HARVOTT & SfHILL AG’ FIRE-P«°° r Storage Wureftoii* 1 ♦•Tke Hairi*B F»«;* D i^5*i! t a l L 1 tee. Kft'B Iff*" nr CUiZ'V 1 IS* But' PuvsiouMOHv. Eyas, _ Honda, Feet, Skin, with all ‘Siew or ’Cbaz-w 1 * BNAIs addnaeby' mayt*—ty -A. 5-. V* N.-W *» p FINE, Rough and Dteaeed; Man. Amply illustrated. WK LtS, number. Hdress ^ JyST REC r IV^0 Per Steamer A flnie’iwortment« I Rhine Wi^ 1 Liquors- KJgLssr Wines no* Oak* Cherry, Cargora and sm^ lota toppl^. " And a variety of the fine* Aleu. Lunph aich we kwp, beside* ’ Uquon and Winesalwa ,ocUMI