Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 13, 1865, Image 3

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t AUCTION sales. railroad notice#. O H aod after Mondlt 8 will leave lor Agrit .with a line of Hacks ra Damaged on board schi pot into this port in distress, and sold under Inspection of Port Wardens. _norl*—ft ' . ■TBtVKJcnETER. Clasiag Out 0# Fine Furniture wtth> * Ul be sold TO-MOKBOW, l4th Inst, at ll o'clock, A. M„ at the residence of Mr. Soeenfeld, in Charl ton street, near Barnard street One 7 -octane Plano and Stool. 1 Marble Top Rose wood Centre Table, 1 French Mirror, 1 Mahogany hob, s Mahogany Tete-a-tetee, 6 cushioned Chain, I Mahogany Ann < hair, 1 Mahogany Sideboard, I Mar- iORTII POINT, Captain Smith, o e on her regular trip for ‘ S- 11th November, returning will nrday. IStb inst, at — o'clock. '« lwljl lObk. Ml “ tr vJU —, KrT, BRYAN A CO., Agents, Savannah. CENTRAL Savannah, October loth, 18*6., This Company is now, in connection with W. J. IX'kerson * « o.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta, Macon, Atlanta, <fce., daily from Twenty to Thirty 'I honsaud Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad Freight can bo paid here «r at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. GEO. W. ADAMS, : P HAM#* SHIP STORKS asp CHANDLERY ; HORATIO PITCHER’S, Foot of Uncdhl street, under the Bluff. Tpor Liverpool THE a 1 ship MOUNT BLANC, Donnell, Master, now up for freight or ■HP charter. Apply to Laroche, a a den a ungklrs, Agt.. novti corner Hay and Barnard streets. r ‘ '" ■" r For Liverpool, ”* : -''AeA ^ new lirst class dipper ehip VlH«pnA, Weeks, Commander, Is now rapidly loadingat Lower Press, and, having TinOSliiRY and pjrtobl'i Cotton Woods erth, Dkniel '”' Gray *- Wood's Planing M “mcSW Tenoning, Molding and Bash Machines. Single Machines, all kinds erf Iron and Working Machinery and Soppiles Rubber tad Leather Belting, StC ' Steam Goages and Boiler Feeders. ' RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay street, opp. Mariners’ Church. NKW YORK l By of New York, under the Arm of J. b'CO. and are prepared to afford fair OHNH. BROWBR. VILLI Of H. SELLERS, IKNJAMIN H. pressly for oar city trade, which they stable terns, for Gold, Silver, or Insurance Agency, Security InsuraBce C^ny, 'Capital and Surplus *1,60oJRo. Phauix Insurance Company C^dtal and Surplus, +1,500,000. * International Insurance CoMnnv Capital and Burplns, *1,*00,000. 3 * Manhattan Inswance Company, Capital and Surplus, $900,000. Risks taken In the above highly responsible Com- MATS prime Old Java. 30 bags Rio. SOlmgsSt. Domm». B $M.C€T fFfhif 1 HE undersigned hawmgrente^ the school build- ty street, 8«vannab >0 100 boxes “H. A R." State ore and far sale by HILTOf Wirt*-* panles on Bnildlngs and Met dons at the lowest rates. SAVANNAH NATIONAL- REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBERuHsfiT LOCAL MATTERS Arrival •* tbs Warbwaaoti. [ho Htoamship Weybosaett, Captain I'.nslt, from Now York, arrived at her ,vii iff yesterday afternoon, with a heavy freight, and a number of paesenfeers. ilu‘ Weybossett, in coming np the nvpr „t an early hour yesterday morning, ou the obstructions just before riay- J . ti The lights on the obstructions K ; r0 out at the time, and the Pilot of the flVrbossett, mistook, the lights on the „, -unship Leo, which lay at anchor a .!) irt distance above, for those on the ob- ij-nctions. If the lights had been on the ti,steamer would have cleared them ^.[ arrived at her wharf at an early hour ,'erday morning. We understand that ,. u tii's are employed to keep light* on .i,, 3 e obstructions, and they should be e l i [ t, 0 a strict accountability for their , to do so. The Weybossett, came 'fuisterday afternoon, without sustain- jj'any iujury, and arrived in the city at ;ioll t half past 5 o’clock. Captain Parish desires us to return , sincere thanks to the officers of the .nm cutter Nansemond, for their timely (U ,l valuable assistance rendered the Wey- bossett, without which the steamer would | ia vc been greatly delayed. HINKIPAL ELECTION. \ln. Ki.itob : Permit us through the medium pfvour journal to suggest the following named eeotletnen of tried experience, as our City [inhere, at the approaching election, and oblige Mast Votebs. For Mayor. J. P. W. READ. For Aldermen. I ( Aoderson, Geo. W. Wyliy, (' ([Jones, Jacob Waldburg, 1 A HouUard, John McMahon, Thus. Holcombe, John F. Wheaton, Thus. Parse, Joa. Lippman, Roht. Lacblison, A. P. Wetter. 0UTlv-l Let a full house greet Mr. and Mrs. AV. H. CKISP to night. For Mayor : K. C. Anderson. For Aldermen : j. L. VillaloDgR. W Wyliy, [ A. Soullard, ,1. Lippman, J. O'Byrne, C C .Jones, J. V. Wheaton, It. Lacblison, J. Walborg, M. Cumming, J. Cunningham, W. G. Bulloch. if I .lanr. Phase present the above tick et for the consideration of Vox Poruu. Weekly Tine to Augusta. By reference to the advertisement of Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, in another column of our pa per. it will be seen that these gemlernen have placed the steamer Wm. G. Gibbons on the line to Augusta, and that she will make her trips regularly every week, leaving Savannah every Saturday morning, and Augusta every Wed nesday, The owners of this line pledge them selves that it shall be a regular accommodation line lor the merchants of Augusta and Savan nah, and the planters along the river ; and there is little doubt, from the known reprnta- h'iti of the gentlemen connected with it, that ihctr pledge will be fully redeemed. No effort on the port of the owners, agents or officers will he spared to render the most perfect satis- faction 10 their patrons, and we bespeak for thorn the confidence of our merchants and others having business on the river or with Augusta. le t the Lovers and Patrons of the le gitimate drama attend the rich dramatic least at the Theatre to night, and see Macbeth produced in excellent style. Tlie Steamer Savannah. f apt. s. Spicer, the commander of the steamer Savannah, lately sunk in the Savan nah river, about fifty miles from the city, left on Saturday, with fiats and a number of bands, lor the scene of the disaster, with the purpose of removing the cargo and raising the steamer, which, it possible, will be accomplished by him, as he is well known for his energy and perseverance. The Savannah lies in the im- mi iliate channel of the river, and is a seiious impediment to the progress of steamers and flats hound up and down the stream. WANTS. WANTED. .. T> A HOUSE for a small finally—will Uk« 1 ___ diutely, or any tinH- Between this and the flrst of January. [Apply to r .n(*vft£-4tt SPf(DIAL NOTICE*. JNO. GILLILAND * cut, • 190 Congress street WANTED x>i middling cotton and rice, I H 'exchange for $16 to $20,000 of very desirable Summer Dress lltods, Ac., comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest ft-abics—N Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNO, Non " Philadelphia Wood, Marsh &■ Haywood. oct30 orffi Fourth street, Philadelphia. * Co., or 7e i I | Reference—Do Witt * Morgan, Bavaunah. Reference—JC L. Halloweli House Wanted. A OOnrORTABLE HOME, or part of a house, suitable for a private residence, situated in a good location, is wanted to rent immediately. Apply by letter, addressed “Leo,” at this office. novts-tf Cotton Plantation 4V WANTED. WANTED to hire a Small CattonPlun'- Yv tation, embracing froth 300 to 90o Acres. Address J. & K.. Savannah National Republican Office, stating Terms and Location, novl A 1>A¥ ! Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sep15 ! ' Sni A MOUTH ! Agents wanted for 'is entirely neto articles, just out. Address O. T. GiREY, Shty Building, Biddeford, Maine. 3m seplS FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOW, TO Wiiidlfp An Estate. VALUABLE FARM, 51-2 Miles from Augusta, C ONTAINING fISOj One Hundred and Eighty Acres, more or less. About (100J One Hnnared acres of it in valuable wed; a good Dwelling with fij seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and Cl) seven Farm Buildings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within 50 minutes’ drive oft ugiista, the above place offers superior inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. nov7 cor. Ahercom am\ Bay streets. ror\yoveinor: CHARLES f. JJSJyjUAFS, Of Kichno>1 ill Comity. 4 FDR CON GRES Kr DISTr . Han. SOLOMON COHEN, *1 ChalluM FOR SEN .TOR, UEOBGE S. UWESS, E»«. FOR REPRESENTATIVES ; - : Hon. FHIUF M. HI SS LL, Gen. GKO. P. HARRISON. Theabovc Ticket will be supported by BOVlO-Ut MANY CITIZENS OF SAVANNAH. l J oor ^Xan's Xicket. L HfHTER FOR SALE.—A mtaanch well bailt Flat, 1% feet long, 17 feet beam, 3)£ feet deep; sides built of solid length!*, capable of carrying 40 corde wood. Apply at Mr. Day’8 Wood Yard, next to R. Habersham’d Rice Mill, novll—2t P. H. STANTON. For Sal8 HANDSOME Grey Stnd Horp’r, six years old, well broken to saddle, and very eentlo. Warranted sound. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. Address “J. R." at this office. tf aov6 A For Sale. 2 j - TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP* t PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Siae of sheets as follows i 60x24, G0x2S, 60x17, 6ux!», 60x7, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BR ' DFORD. 34S Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLE't, Corner Bull and Bay streets, oct 13—2mo L. C. NORVKLL & CO. GOLD & SILVER FOR SALE BY M. »T. DOYLE, No. 110 Bryan Street. 1 will piy the highest mai ket price for Gold and Silver. M. J. DOYLE, novlQ— lw No. 110 Bryan street. Stoic n. llHfl.U Gen. Harrison’s Plantation, ou the night of M. ' the 2d iust., Two Rny mules—one may be identified by a letter ''J." and a figure S on the right shoulder, and the other by a saddle mark ou the point of the left shoulder. Fifty Dollars Reward for either, or One Hundred Dollars for both, will be paid upon their delivery to P. J. MALONfc, nov4 cor. West Broad and Gaston streets. Another New York Steamer. The fine steamer Euterpe, CaptEldridge the Atlantic Steam Company’s Line, arriv ed at this port yesterday from New York. The Euterpe comes consigned to J. R. Wilder, and is well able to sustain the reputation of this favorite line. Owing to the crowded state of our oolomns and the vohimonius correspondence from ■Milledgcville, we are compelled to omit a more detailed description of this steam ship, but will .endeavor to publish it in bur issue of tomorrow. Robbery. " e learn that the store of Mr. Wm, M. Davidson, situated on Bay street, was entered on Friday night last, and robbed ® f e°ods to the value of 31,000. No clue ■ns as yet been had to the perpatrator of this robbery, but we hope the Police will * wn be °n their tracks and bring them * u speedy justice. Thanks. - > ; . ore under obligations to Mr. Lester, pur- ier of tbe steamship jsuterpe, and Mr. Parish P '7 W of the steamship Weybossett, for full files’ 01 'ate New York papers. w 0 are also indebted to the obliging agent of 'faon Express Company for favors received. n»lriy-Flfth Senatorial District. 06 Hon. James F. Johnson, of Clnyton, has a Dominated as a candidate for the Senate c mni 6 . !h Sen,toriaI D >«‘riot, oomposed of the lc “° Cobb ’ Pnlt0 » » nd Clayton, and has Pte1 the nomination. Msthodiit Conference •Macon'on th' a if! th ° di,t Con,8renoe wiU meet at ac m on the 15th of this month. V..'-- ^ ^ C ^^ 1 * ^ Shakspeare’s Sub- me TRAGEDY of MACBETH, To Night. departure of Steantskins The .teatwhipa America, Cpt. Lffikt; An- for N.;?:?*^’ ^ La °’ °** Merrill, Boon 1 Y kl Uft tti * P° rt f® Saturday after- Non PAPER BAGS. J EST received i«r steamship Ariadne, a large as- eottmentof Paper I3ag\s. WARREN & PLATNKR, novll .. •~ 210 Bay street. BOARD. A PRIVATE family can accommodate a few gentlemen with Rooms and Hoard. Terms Ten Dollars per week. Enquire at this Office. novlO—3t ,.. jt. HAGS assorted sizes Drop Shot for Bale orted sizes Drop shot lor i HILTON & RANDEU, 193 Bay street. 200 novlO—6t Prime Com. Prime Com. fNOR sale, in quantities to suit, by JT e. V. HUTCHINS, novlfl -2t * too, a fine office for rent. 156 Bay street. Apply ns above. TOBACCO. v A "■ 5f' . ,. -| /' V/'Y B0AES Chewing Tobacco, 4’s, for sale JL U Y / on consignment by BRAUY, SMITH * CO . North ride Bay st, between Whitaker Jfc Bull. novl0-3t 12 . For Mayor: Dr. R. ». ARNOLD. For Aldermen : Geo. YV. Wyliy, Henry Brigham, Edward C. Wade, John F. O’Byrne, Robert Lacblison, Joseph Lippman, Joo. L. V'lilalonga, novlO—3t Hiram Roberts, Christopher C. Casey, Francis L. Gue, George L. Cope, John Cunningham. FOR SENATOR : GEORGE S. OWENS, Esq. FOR REPRESENTATIVES : Hon. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Gen. GEORGE P. HARRISON. Mb. Boitok:— Please publish the above Ticket, as the foregoing gentlemen are candidates, and will be supported at the eneulng election, on the 15th inst., by the CITIZENS OF CHATHAM COUNT Y. nov9—td HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, ale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay st, opp Mariners' Church. JU8T received, and for Sale novll—tf ULUE, SAND PAPER,WHITE LEAD yOR sale by novll—tf Election Motice. An election will he held at the Court House in the city of Savannah, on Wed nesday, 15th of November, iuet, for a Governor of the State ot Georgia, for a Senator of the hirst Senatorial District, conqioscd ol the comities of Chatham, Bryan and Kffiugham, and for two Representatives from Chatham county in the General Assembly of Georgia; also, for a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to represent the First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by the State < onvention. To entitle a citizen to vote he must he qualified as prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia in force immediately before the 19th of January, A. D. 1S61, fthe date of the Ordinance of Secession,; and also he must have taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's Proclamation of May 29th, A. D. 1665. Polls will be opened at seven o'clock, a. m, and be closed at six o'clock, p. m. The Sheriff of the county, or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who have complied with the Pro clamation of the President aforesaid, are required to attend said election and preserve order. WM. H. CUYLEK, j. i. c. o. u. GEO. P. HARRISON, j. i. c. c. c„ JOHN SCREVEN, j. i. c. t. c. JOHN WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. c. c. Uov6 td JManta t flcdicnl College. The Course of Lectures in this lnsUtn- tution will commence ou the first Monday in November next, and coutinue four months—the Faculty having changed the time for the session from summer to the winter months. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. ocl25 lm BATCHELOR’S HAIR DIE. The Original and Best in the World! The only trne and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.— Remedies the ill effects of bad dye*. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is marked William A. Batchelor. Also, Regenerating Extract of Miilefleurs, for Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. ang!5 CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York, BuRNlNC OF THE MUSiUM - LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. NEW YORK, July 14, 1865. Messrs. Herring Co. : Gentlemen—Though the destruction of the Ameri can Museum has proved a scrions loss to myself and the public, I am hai>py to verify the old adage, that, “ItfB-an ill wind that Wows nobody good," and conse quently, congratulate you that your well-known sales have again demonstrated their superior fire-proof qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. The safe you made for me some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of the building, and in the hottest of the fire. After twenty-four hours of trial it was fouud iMUQng the debris, and on opening it tips day has yielded up its contents in very guod order —books, papers, poli cies of insurance, bank bills, all in couditiou/or imme diate use, and a noble commentary on the trustworthi ness of Herring’s Fire-Proof Safes. - Truly yours, P. T. BARNUM. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. The most VroUxtimifrom. Fire now Kmnen. Herring * Co.’s Patent Bankers’ Safes, with Herring & Floyd's Patent Crystallzed Iron, the beet security against a burglar's drill ever manufacture!. HERRING & CO., No. 251 Broadway, cnr. Murray et.. New York. FARKEL, HERRING * < O., Philadelphia, oct 13—5w HERRING & CO., Chicago. RESCUER & CO., corner Barnard street and Con gress street lute, have again opened another choice lot of those fine and elegant PREMIUM HOOP SKIRTS, which have given so much satisfac tion to all who have purchased them. They have also received another invoice FINE SILKS, and a large assortment of WOOLEN GOODS and BLANKETS. Their stock of RICH DRESS GOODS are still selling at 50 CENTS PER YARD, and they will continue to offer them at the above low price. These goods are ALLOWED by all to be unsurpassed hy any in the city. They are receiving goods now direct from Europe, and j *P£CIAL MOtlCES. j 1‘OR SHERIFF OF CHATHAM ISlilTY. j m The undersigned annwmoe to his j . frfciy'a and the voters of 1 hatham conuly, that he is a candidate for the office of sheriff,.f the County at the next clecti m, ami res;!cctfolly solicits their suffrages in his behalf. n>,v6 tf BKNJ. L. STATE AAD Ctim TAX CSIAECTMtT jf The gobscrilicr is a Candidate for re- election, and respectfully asks the suffrsge of the citizens of Chatham County. SEABORN GOODALL. OCt30 SHIPPING. Notice. Capt. WM. T. EASTON, Tax Conce rn the Exchange Build* from 9 a. m. till 2)^ p. Augi9 i OL. A. W. STONE, Attorney at Law. will attend to all business entrusted to me during nyr absence- novl—2w J. E. BENEDICT. Wholesale BOOTS AND SHOES, Fellner & Poliak, 157 Broughton street, Savannah 6a., A RE enabled, through their permanent House in Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers in this City as well aa those iu the Country, with more advan tages and conveniences in the Boot, anti Shoe Trade. than any Bouse In said line. or.t26—6m T. J. DUNBAR* CO., Importers And Dealers in ■WINES, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. 147 BAY STREET, SJiPJ.Y.r.f//, GEORGIA. We invite the attention of the Trade and the Public generally to mr large assortment of LiqtiORS, CORDIALS, CONSERVES, CIGARS, A'., Re., which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the State*. We arc sole proprietors of OUNBAR’S CELEBRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which ia fully established in this and Foreign countries. Dunbar’s well known STOMACH BITTERS. guaranteed superior to aDy article of the kind, de signed expresslv for Hotel and Family Use. DUNBAR’S SCREIDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, warranted of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our House, of which we are sole proprietors and importers. Wole Agents for Rolrert Smith's celebrated Phil adelphia Ale in cases and barrels ; English, r cotch and American Ale and Porter ; Brandy, scotch. Bourbon Whisky and Arrack Punches, well known throughout the United States, put up by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. & CO. are aole agents for H. A H. W. C.atherwood’s Pure Rye Whiskies, X, XX, and XXX. Brands guaranteed; uusurpassul in quality nDd excel lence. onstantlynu hand a large and well ridected stock of Bourbon and Wheat Whiskies, worthy the at tention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of (figars of the finest grades, manufactur ed and imported expressly for this House, which we offer at the lowest net cash p- ices. Brandies, Gins, Wines, Champagnes and every de scription and grade of Foreign Liquors, imported di rectly by this House, and for sale iu Bond or Duty- paid at lowest market rates. novl John B. Fuller, Mciiufactm r and Dealer, •VV». 8 Bey Street, .V. I*. Has In store and ready for immediate shipment, and to manufacturing to order, Portable and Stationary Steam En gines and Boilers, 2 to 250 horse power; «ircular and Uprtelit Saw Mills of the most approved construction, of all sizes, ent- ting 700 to 15oo feet of lumber per hour; Gr st Mills, Mill Irons, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Ma chinery ; Sugar Mills, Paper and Mining Machinery ; Tools, Tanks. Ac., for Oil and Salt Works; Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Ac. Woodworth Planing Ma chines, Gray & cod's Planing Ma> hines, Daniels' Planing Machines, Moulding Machines, Sash Machines, Tenoning Machines, Tower Morticing Machines, Foot Morticing Machines, Boring Machines, Blind 1st Tenoning Ma chines, Shafting Pulleys and Han-t ircnlar Saw Benches, gers, Wright's patent Scroll Saws Rubber and Leather Belt-Patent Belt Scroll Saws, toga; Clrenhir Reserving Mills, Leather aud Rubber llose,Upwright heservi"g Mills, Plumbing and Gas Fi'-kotvy and Mir ing Pomps, lugs. Every description of Ma- Steam and Gas Pipes, chinery arid Railway Sup- Steam and Water Ganges, plies. COTTON SINS. COTTON GINS. Taylor. Eagle, Brown, Southern, .Graven, Excelsior and McCarthy Cotton Gins, with engines or horse powers, and everything required for the same, in store, and for sale at the lowest price. Your orders are re spectfully solicited. novl— ly Vertical Planers, Iron Planers, Engine Lathes. Drill 1-athes, Boring Machines, Slutting Machines, Upright Drills, steam Pumps, Force Pnmpe, Lifting Pumps, Suction Pnmpi". Hydraulic Jacks, Screw Jacks, IMTEW STATES STEEL PEN WORKS FACTORY, CAMDEN, N. J. Ns. 403 ASCII st . Phtli N*. 4» Jshn st., N. Mark. ESTERBROOK & CO STEEL FRIT MAMJFACTtiRERN. WAREHOUSES } Samples andprices on application. Lots made to oedss of any pattern oy stamp required. CA1 TU<N.—These Sens are genuine American manufacture, aud equal in finish elasticity and fine ness ot point to the best imported. They are, there fore, sure to gain the confidence of the American pub lic. The ficsimfie of our. signature ia sufficient sc curity against foreign imitation. R. BSTEROTOOKACO 17V And for sale at Retail by all Stationers in the United States. nnvlo—eodOm COPARTNERSHIP. 7TTJ, the undersigned, have formed a copartnership W for the tesnsaettsu of a General C'omroisrion BALTIMORE 1 SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. THE steamship NORTH POINT, 1 v will leave Baltimo e varnish on Saturday, leave aranuah on nov6 CiTANGrE OF DAY. UNITED STATES HAIL LINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA l)ARIES x IIRUNS WICK, ST. MARYS. FERN AN OfNA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, bat now the Helen Vctty, Captain O. H. In graham, will lenve the VVhnrr foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A. M„ precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. 6T. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. S. Samis A Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight |>ayablc by shippers. oct25 For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PI COL A TA. Connecting with steamer "Flora Temple" at St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on the St. viary’s River. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. < ast- ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford'a wharf, near White's Cent ral Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every day during the week, at the warehouse, by WM. K. H. BKUKN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will furnsb weight aud measurement of goods. tf ang24 J’or Augusta. T1IE steamer EXPRESS, Captain J. W. Morgan, will have qairk des patch as above. This b'iat is entirely •new. Pcing of immense capacity, ship pers need not fear havin r their orders left over. Par ties haring goods consigned t*» them irom the North aud elsewhere, for Augusta and points beyond, c-sn collect forwarding charges on same by sending freight to this line. All hills pakl promptly. Freight received and stored in fire-proof warehouses. nov6 F. M. MYRfiLL, Agent. For Doctortown, AND STATIONS ON ATI.ANTIC it GULF RAILROAD. " The eteamer ORIENT will leave her Wharf, foot of Abcrcorn street, on TUESDAY, Nov. 11th, at 9 A. M., taking freight for Statione on the line of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. For freight or passage, having snperior accommoda tion*, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., novll corner Bay aud Abercornets. oCtlO ENCOURAGE Hone ^ mum MBBCHim’dm Lightest Ur aught! BoatsTon the - “ iv ' r * .,«*.* MAKING REGULAR TRIPS AT THE LOWEST STAGE OP' WATER, ALLGOOD8 CONSIGNED TO THE AGENTS AT SAVANNAH WILL BE FOB WARDED WITHOUT DELAY, AT CURRENT RATES OF FREIGHT. » The new A No. Steamers 1 Light Draught Augusta Built UNION AND „ J R. H. MAY. Leave 4 ngusta aud "avannah regularly every week. As these Boats were built for the Savannah River, •bippers may rely upon having their Goods go through without delay, at the very lowest stage of the river, and at low rate*. * Merchants and Shippers will have their Goods con signed to. . F. M. MYHELL, Agent -teamer Union, or J. M. KINCHLEY, * Agent Steamer B. H. May, ? -i t . . Sjvanngh. Gs., or ocUtl—2w G. T. JAOK.SOS Agents Steamer R. H. May, • CHURCHILL A JOHN8TON. Agents Steamer Union, Augusta, Ga. j. For Augusta. The etaunch steamer OAK will have quick despatch as above. For freight, apply to J. B. PRE3DEE. Agent. 109 Broughton street. F.-M. MYRKLI- ‘ novll tf Harris' Building, Bay street Freight to Augusta AND * j POINTS BEYOND ! Vf. B X « I X - - rn\4 TJ JJ" ' ‘ “X_ ForwtrUed by L'ght Dm ft E are prepared to receive Gooda_ in pur ware house. free of ston and covered bv insures 81 Serrr* novll For New York. THE A 1 clipper schr Jon. \V. Wcbnter, Bdsworth Mnsler, 45 tons burthen- trill have quick despatch for the above port. Freight taken at the lowest rates. t engagements, apply to <JUA . I* COLBY A r O.. cor. Bay and Abercorn ate. For Riceboro. THE compact and fast Huffing sloop Fleet. Capt. Charles Thompson, will have despatch for the above place. Ship pers will famish weight, and measurement ot (4oods. Freight payable on Wharf, tor pai ticulars, apply to the Captain onboard, at Lower Bice Mih, 01 to the gent, M. J. DOYLE, novll-lw >*o 110 lirvan street. il— bt For I aiA erpool. THE tirgr class British ba quo Thona» W bitney, J. Ke ly, raagter, warts 300 bales cotton to com plete cargo. Applv early to BELL, Vl YLl.Y A CHRISTIAN. 1 For New York. THE A No. t schooner Yapur, Boeert. Master, will be ready to receive freight MONDAY MORNING, the 13th inri. __ For height, apply to DaROCHK, GAPES & UNCKLES Agents. .rage and covered by insurance, to be forwarded by the light dra't steamers Berry and Falcon, and others about to be put on the line. Apply to the Agents, smet. ... tf. C.J- COlJiY & Cft .» f, INDIAN STREET FOUNDRY. H AVING re-opened oar Foundry and Machine Shop, we are now prepared to ftarntoh all Hilda of Iron and Hra- s Castingaas also to build Steam Engines, Sugar Mill, Circuiur aud Gang Saw .Milla; aud allldnds of Millwrighting, Kngineerink, Steam Boat and Black smith Work done at short notice, with promptness and despatch. ROSE, ARKWRIGHT A CO. novl -j JENKINS’ PATENT Agency, novl—lm COMPOSITE IftOg RAILING sold by Hutchinson A Wlcker- for sale by ihe Manufacturers' HUTCHINSON, DAVIES A CO. UOBMEBLY f sham. Is now No. 467 Broome et.. New York. a D unn * brown. SHIPPING MASTERS, Having opened an office at No. 35 Bay street, bm tween Habersham and Price streets, we are prepared to furnish crews at the shortest notioe. „ t* oct!3—lm ; Kerosene Ol), Io barrels and cases; vemiaHUMi! *'* BLACK VARNISH; "a-FITCH j .1389*19 ifftArOAD Si# <V* REGULAR LINE. For Boston. Schr Witch Qnecn now loading at Exchange 'Shari. RICUARDSON jt BaWaRR Bay st, opp. Marine!'a 1 hurcb. ■ MANILLA; CORDAGE; PARS; BEEF TONGUES; FAMILY BEEF; EXTRA MESS-BEEF ; PfiRK; BY BLUN * MEYER. TH }®. d AY, at to O'clock, In front of men, will be sold •or account of underwriter* and all oonoemed; - 3^asas Brogans, Gab era and Balmorals. on board of the steamship Hunter < " York to this port, and sold m ol Port Wardens noTl*—; Underwriters’ Sale. BY BELL, WYLLY * CHRISTIAN, On WEDNESDAY, 15th Inst., at 11 o'clock A M it the Lmidlng m thechy ot ii^ rtUteeZuitK account of underwriters and aU concerned; A portion of the cargo ot the schr. Island Quean, formating of a general assortment of tiroewii Dr* Goods, JtCn Ac. - . * Bagging, boots and c hoes. Bole Rope, Clothing, Wooden Ware, Corn and Salt. Nalls and Hardware. Molasses, Sugar, Aa, Ac, Ac. Damaged on board said schr. on her passage from New York to this port, and put into the port of Dartre In (Ustrass. J. M. UPPING, Consignee. N. B.—A steamer will loave this city on Tuesday morning, 14U> insL, end will accommodate purchasers and all concerned. nov* -St editor (Freni DfeperiS&tory ot the CalM Ststei.) DIOSMA ORENATA. BUOHU LEAVES. PROPERTIES. ... V- » Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aro matic, their tastes bitterish, and analogous to mint. Medical Properties aud tseth Bucbu leaves are gently stimulant, with s peculiar tendency to the Urinary- Organs, prod a ' diuresis, and like other aim Par medicines, exd_ di .phoresis, when circumstances favor this mode action. 'J bey are given In complaints of the Urinary Organs, snch as Gravel Chronic Catarrh of the Madder, Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate and Retention or Incontinence of Urine, from a Ipsa of tone in the parts concerned In lla eva cuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism Cutaneous aflho- tlous, and Dropsy. Heliubold’s Extract Buchu Is need by persons fromtbe ages of 13 to 25, and from 36 to 55, or in the decline or change of life ; after Con finement or Labor Pains; Bed-wetting in children. Iu Affections Peculiar to Females, The Extract Bucbu is uDeqnaled byany other remedy, as iu Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful- ness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcera ted or Schlrras state ot the Uterus. Lencorrhee or W hites. *" ’ • ” DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROI’SICAL SWELLINGS. This m-oicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites me bsorbeura into healthy action, bv which tb ■ Watery or Calcare. ns depoeidona, md all Unna tural Enlargements are reduced as well us Pain and Inflammation. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu Has cnrwl every case of Diabetel in which it ha* becngir.n. Irritation of the .\ick ol the tiludd. r and Inflammation ot the kidneys; Ulceration of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Ur ine. Diseases of the Proslr.’.te Gland stone in the Bladder, Calculus,Gravel, Brick Uu-t Deposit and Mucns or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled aed Delicate Constitutions, of both Sexes, a’tended with the following symptoms: -In disposition to Exertion. Loss Of Power, Lorn of fern* ory, D fflcuKy of Breathing, WeakNervee, TremVing, Horror of Disease, Wakemlness, Dimness Of Vison. Pain in the Back, Dot Hands, Flushing of the JSody, Dryness of the kin, Eruption on the Face, l’alfid < omit nance, Universal Lassitude of the Mu System, A. , HclmbsM’s Extract Buchu is Diuretic aud Blood-Purifying, ABd cures all Disease* arising from Habits of Dissipa tion, Excesses and Imprudences in Life Impurities of the Bl> od, Ac., superseding < opalba in afl'co Hons for which it is used, such as Gonor rhoea, Gleets, of long standing, and ByphiUtic Affections with Helm- beld'i Roue Waste. SOLD AT HEX. NI ROAD’S Drug aod Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY. And by Druggists everywberm ASK FOR HELMBOLD’S takkkoothbr. IJoxvare or Cotinterfeita. »! novll—lm ’ . New Goods! SHEPHERD PLAIDS, $ PLAID POPLINS, STRIPED POPLINS, WORSTED A WOOLEN SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, —» ENGLISH PRINTS, BLANKETS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, gpdalurge assortment of FANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. JOHNS®. MAKER A CO., novl M 13» Congress street