Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 13, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY. [For the S»r«!Beh National Bfepubliean.] the VIOLET. ^ (replv to “who art thou?”) Where fairies wove their spell And danced beneath the moon, A violet in that leafy dell Shed far its sweet perfume. No foot of mortal man bad trod That charming woodland dell— No ruthless hand-disturb’d the sod Where fairies lov’d to dwell. It was a scetie'of calm delight And cool from morn ’till eve j Glow-worms gave their lambent light, Night’s shadows to relieve. But soon the woodman’s axe was heard Not far from that sweet dell; Hush’d was the song of wild wood bird, And gone the fairies’ spelL Ere loDg a stately mansion rose In all the pride of art, And busy sounds of life arose To bid the fays depart. A garden, too, with care was made; Exotic plants were there; While India’s fruits were thickly laid To bloom ’ncath colder air. Bat sickly buds of foreign clime Were not as sweet as those That nature planted in her time When air perfum’d arose. The lordly owner wander’d forth One day to that sweet dell, And saw with envy nature’s growth Where fairies wove their spell. At last he breath’d the sweet perfume Of that blue violet near; As he spied it, he said “ ’twill bloom Within my garden fair.” His ruthless hand disturb’d the sod And bore tbe prize away.*- But he forgot to take the clod In which it grew alway. For tho’ he planted it with care Aud water’d it each eve, The flower faded—no more ’twould rear Its head and fragrance breathe. At last there came a gleesome child To cull a sweet boquet, And in his playful sport so wild He gather’d flowers gay. And soon the last pale bud he spied That on the violet grew, To place it in his bunch he hied And broke its stem in two. At this he pettish grew and said “Whence came this worthless flower ?— No sooner mine than it is dead— ’Tis not fit far lady’s bower.’’ Then far the dying bud he flung, Unheeding its perfume; He car’d not that its fragrance hung O’er its fast fading bloom. The plant, of every bud bereft, Bespoke the fairies’ aid, That it might die and not be left To pine alone and fade. The fairies kindly heard its prayer And snapp’d its life in twain ; The morning found it dead and sear— It ne’er will bloom again. Thus, like that violet of the doll, la a poet’s tender heart; With warbling melody ’twill swell Unknown to man and art. If you bring it from its quiet nook To please the pride of man, Like the violet, of peace forsook, It lives a little span. Then let the poets, in rural glen, Give forth their warbling song ; ’Tis there alone they wield their pen— To nature they belong. Nor seek not now to know my name, Tho’ thanks I give for praise, I write from love and not for fame— Unknown my song I raise. Nina Addisin*. [For the Savannah National Republican.] OI K LOVED AND LOST. One by one our ties are broken— One by one our hopes decay— Words of love are now unspoken, That once cheered us on life's way; Memory now still fondly lingers O’er the shadowy, dreamy past; Fancy, too, with busy fingers Traces hues too bright to last. Retrospection brings but sadness ; Why should we mourn for joys now fled 3 Why should we sigh for fleeting gladness ? Who would recall our loved ones dead ? No, rather let us strive to meet them In that blessed spirit land— There with sinless souls to greet them, .And roam through ‘‘Eden’’ hand in band. Alas 1 earth’s pleasures all are fleeting y There’s but one joy that lasts for aye— "'The happy, blissful hope of meeting Those who loved us in life’s day. Then bear with patience earthly sorrow All below must pass away— Hope for a brighter, happier morrow ; The darkest hpur is just before day. “Nora.” T M 1C W ASH INGTON IRONWORKS Have on hand for sale their improved Portable Steam Ehi... Portable Circular Saw SUlla, (51!®*’ Saw mills,Flour and Corn Jltu”* And manufacture to order all kinds of steam Bn gines, Marine, Stationary, and Propeller, Railroad t are and Turn Tables, Iron Steam Vessels and Bargee- also, General Machinery, Iron and Brass Oust! mgs, large andsmall Forgings, Ac., Ac. Address GKO. M. CLAPP, Treasurer, Newbaig, N. 7. Or L. C; WARD, Agent, 55 Liberty street, Room 8, New York. oct26—ly MISCELL. NEOVS. the > VIIU.VSL; A»4trUASL j rll OfMW WI -I ITS PUBLICATION SOON TO BE REVIVED. T HE undersigned takes pleasure In announcing tb its old patrons and the public that arrange-" ents have been nearly perfected by which the "Natiosal America*" will be revived, In a new and attractive form, and under very favorable auspices, In the. City of Atlanta, Georgia early In the ensuing year.l Tbe paper wa* established In 1850, and enjoyed a patron nee and popularity greatly superior to snr of its dty ootemporarles up to January, 1861, when K was disco" tinned in consequence of the secession of Georg a from the Union. It will be remembered as a bold and consistent National Journal-zealously opposing Se cession and Disunion, and as wmrm'y advocating the development of the wist and varied Resources of the Snath—particularly of Genrgi., : the adoption of a liberal system of Public schools and General Education; tut enlightened M-rtein of Agriculture ; ine promotion and elevation of the Mechanic Arts: tne establishment of Manufactories, and tto «»[“«»- foent of every industrial-r uit calculated to improve tbe Minds and Morals of our people " prosperous and happy in the “Union of our fa It will be tuc aim of i!r projector and hj P we j|. sodaies to sustain, in all its leading f<;» ~ j , cy of earned good name“Z moreal the paper, and to make it, 11 ^ oeptsble and popular than in « M0**o <£*«• ?» he , rtSmwthoroughly Southern in its It will continue nrcwcriWu*? no man who bid his tone cbn™'etcr I - ,u,a fearlessly, yet oourte- duty U1 the trouo■ “*^ agure( pa r y or clique whose Safe's m i?W deem?ri in in. .cal to the peace aud pros- ^'j’he'h 1 torestof tooSubecribur as well as those of the Advertiser will be protected, and every effort made to make the American a Live and Reliable l<ew8, Political* Commercial and Family Journal. The National American will be published Daily •ind Weekly in the City of Atlanta, and tarnished to j>ubfcribers, if by mail, at $10, or by carrier in tbe city, at $12 per annum, for the Daily, and $4 for the Weekly strictly in advance. C. R. HANLEITKK. nov9 . COTION AND WOOL HAND CARDS. genuine WIIITTEMORE. IABOEA.HTT & CO., Successors to John Whittemore A Co., New York, aDd John H. Whitremore A Co., HABDWAEE & CARD MAtfUFAOTUB’S, Nw. 70 Beekman-it , N. V. Sole successors to the WHITTEMORE “PATENT SET," and only manufacturers of the Genuine Whittemore Cotton Cards. Dealers are cautioned against worthless imitations, oct 28 law6mq PUMPS» PUMPS! PUMPS! Steam, Fore**, Suction and Lining Y PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; STO.ff Gets riJPZ.S, Pipe and Steam Fittings, AND KVRRY DFSORIPTION OF PLUMBERS 9 , GAS, AND Steam Fitters’ Goods, For sale at the lowest ra‘cs by JOHN B. FULLER, 8 DS.Y STREET, novS—codly NEW YORK. Strasburger & Nuhn, TypeFoundry & Pr inters’ Emporium. ! Established 1818.] HAGAR Sc CO, No 3B Gold street, New York City 9£tia?!&j£fc3S| Presses of all manu&ctureT 1 de * cri P Uoi b deluding Orders may be addressed to ***** cjaw”* *nme SESMAU, IMPORTERSOF FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA&FANCY GOODS BEDS, MASKS, ACCORDEONS, Ac. 05 MAiDWN LANK, Corner William Street, NK W I (J Invite tho attention of buyers, offering th m the largest assortment of Goods at the most reasonable prices. novlO— eodhn NEW YORK STEM l;M\G “ MANUFACTURCRH OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES AND BOILERS, AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. nr Manufactories: Coot of Twenty-Third St., K. It., N. Y., and Worcester, Musa. Office FOOT * *K TWENTY THIRD, E. R., N. Y. Every Machine built bv us is started and thoroughly tested m shop before being shipped. nov8—eodlim J. t-HAFFE*, Commission Dealer IK ALL KINDS Or FOREIGN AND DOMEOTICTRUITS AND PRODUCE. West Washington market, OPPOSITE 143 WEST STREET, Bulkhead, Between Barclay and Vesey sts,, NEW YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand a on put up for the southern market. All consignments promptly attended to. Refers to A. L. Bradley. A. Haywood, T. 3. Walsh, J. H. Parsons. twly fnlylfl WM. S. EATOl, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BOSTON, MA88., For the Purchase and Sale of AD Kinds of merchandize. Refers to Joseph S. Fay, ' Boston; John A. cof N. America . Boston; Nath’l God mebard,- Esq, Boston; w ^ u. eodflm mayj.i . J. Beck & Co , No. 9 Pine Street, New York, Jlanafuttaring SUUtnn, Job Printers and Lithographers. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in First Class OFFICE FIXTURES. /CONSTANTLY on hood a splendid assortment V J of Foreign and Domestic Letter and Note Paper, Enveloues of every size and quality. Certi flatten of Stocks, Bonds. Checks Notes, Drafts, Buis ot Kxchange, Bill Head*, Cards, Ac., tastefully executed. • novt-eodiy b. J. BECK. ’ Marine Insurance. UO TELS Cor. Broadway ai d l4th.Sts , Opposite WashiB^ton Statue, NEW CITY. sop*T tf H. r. MJMG A CO., Proprietors. The Linienc iii Hou e, mSOVEB STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Beat Arranged Hotel in New England. sep2T LEWIS RICK, Proprietor. Till SOU HUM HIM, Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first elites family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sepl9 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Late Brown’ll, WASHINGTON, D. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order for the reception and accom modation of ita old patrons. 3m sep!9 1; iJSdnl AND C H EMI C ALB. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, Ac.. just landed from New York, Apothecaries. Planters ?.nd traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as bei tig pare. A la>ge quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASU, Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Hall, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. M, WAI.SH. HI. Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf jelfi COTTON UiNB, STEAM ENGINES FOR KOBT. H . SEK8HAM * SONS. • .""UK aogSl—eodSm SAW MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. SASHES ANI) BLINDS, Of every description and pattern, cun be obtained at the lowest Manufacturers' Prices, by applying to (iLO. O. MaRCY, OC131—lm 208 Kay rtrect. V Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this office. BUSINESS CARDS. A. 1. DBADT, WM. M. SMITH, U. BEADY, SMITH & CO. Oozurolsslon ; * ~ AND Forwarding Morchants. AND Kannfttciurers' Agent# NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREKT, Between Whitaker and Barnard, 3 /W A. N N A. m, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of < otton, *c» to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen. Pres t National Park Bank, N Y • H. C.Thacber &Co-, Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses*Co.,Colhmbus; Wymaa, Mouee * Co.. Montgomery. »hg‘ E. B. CHIPMAN, (Succeasorto G*o. O. Marcy,) S3 O 8 B A. Y S T R K JCJ 1., North Side, Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, wood; coal and grain AND GB\fiR ILCOHMISSION MERCHANTS ' ? AND ’ ¥as HAT, CORN, OATS AND FEED, At lowest market pricea,#3 ROBT. p. YORK, M. K. WILLIAMS, J. R. M'INTIUJE. P. H. WARI». • v. iuui. mi a ^ YOI. WttUAMS, HTIT1R! & 1, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHASTS, Bay Street. Savannah, GS-a. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin * Co., Uaden * Unckles, Erwin * Hardee. Hunter * Gammcll, Isaac D. La Roche, Hiram Roberts, W. WoodWidge, L. C. Norvell * Co. New York—S. T. Knnpp * Bro., D. H. Baldwin * Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. sepB CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, G-JY. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to tbe firm represented in New York by Charles L Colby, Esq., or to onr friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL • AY, Resident Partner. Reveciwcks.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis blade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, angle tf o. PAIS SOX S, MANUFACTURER Hadiiclii’s In n Fire Works, I importer of Ctalncec Fire Crackers Rockets, he., Sc Manufacturer of LANTERN8, FLAGS, &C. Also a large assortment of bis own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John *t., near Broadway, N. Y. oct 20—12m J. (j WINTER w XTr j. v. wmm. EE & U Commission. Merchants, 40 Broadway, lew York. Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other consignments. Orders for Merchand'ze will receive attention and dispatch. The sale ot Southsrn Securities, Bonds, Bank Nolen and southern I,and* solicited. Circular SawKlills, of ihe most improved construction, warranted to cut lb,ooo feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust, with every thing com plete, including belting lor $0,500. Send tor circu lar. lm oct 19 L I!. EMjI.LT-jN. WIi.'R. Jill'ETT. FKNDLSSTON A, JOUEl l’. (Formerly of st. Louis,) COMMISSION MEI4C M A.IN TS AND COTTON FACTORS, Vo. 58 Water street, Vew York. Orders ire solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Sugar. Moia»si:s, Coffee, 1'ca-s Wextern Prodace, Naval stores, Hanging, lit pe, Ac., «Jfcc., which will re- ceive our pergonal attention. l»n oct 19 KRAFT & HI^L, Manufacturers and Jobbers of STRAW & gRY mu Nos. 281 and 283 Broadway, (opposite A. T. Stewart's,) NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, suitable for this market, al ways on hand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. oct-25—«m *2f 8 m SEED. RUTABAGA FLAT DU TC AND H, Ked Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OF 18«5. Just received from D. Landretb, and "for sale by W. W. LIN OLN, jylO cor Bull and ' ongress streets. FOE SALE! A CHOICE LOT OF ^ .^L. ! ALSO, , , top Bbls. Lawrcnccvillc Co’s < fincnt, Will 1)0 sold Low to Close Consigument. Apply to sopU CII AS. E. COLBY A CO., tf oor. Kay aud Ahcrcorn sts. NEW yOiiQS J EST RECEIVED, a large and beautiful as- ment of FAWGY GOODS, eted expressly for this market. Call and see them. c. M. HILLSMAN, anglJ cor. 'lull and Broughton streets. Wright & €o„ Pil it Rro de Janeiro, Brazil Represented by oar^^eu^JOHN 8. WiyGHT, Esq. hne2S No,«» 6m New loo styles of wKtTBODKs i m&m. KEIN & C0„ 114 BAY 8TREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, . C3MMISSI3M & F3RWARDIN8 MERCHANTS. J-^IBEKAE cash advances made on ments of < oi.ton and approved Merchani made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith * Dunning, New Yorh; C C. * H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabol & Scoter, rL Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans.aug26 V. Jtt. JHYKELL, Steamboat Agent. GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of a. Low & Co.’s. Hefc s to Messrs. Hunte- & Gammcll, Crane, John son * Graybill, Bell, Wyily * Christian, Bothweli * Whitehe;uL Miller, Thomas * Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf “ E. F. MKrCALFE & CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Aliercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Hcning, Flint & Pearce, New York; E M. Bruce * Co . Angust., Ga; R. C. Robson, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott * liowes, Macon, Os.; K. M Krucc, Morgan * Co, Apalachicola, Ha ; Watts, Crane * i o„ New York; Geo. C. Pearce * Co., St Louis, Mo ; H. C. Bruce * Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. II. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O’.onuor, Macon, Ga. ' Si sepv tf H GOWDY, Gommi»sion Merchant, 1 9 13 B A. Y STREET, (Anderson’S Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. octs 3m FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 14? BAT STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,) SAV4NNAH, GA. met 21 ______ A. E. LOPEZ & CO., Guosnmhs and Lo Ksmiths earner tf St- Jnllea and Jefferson Streets. oct 18—tf .. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot * Richmond.) e • * OBAUn M Wafthfs, Silvfr Waire. Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,St. Jutienand Congress Sts, .SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Stiver. Jy*8 tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s uhurcti. V s . AGENTS |FOR Li . • . BUSINESS CARtlS. Horses & Carriages 1 i HORSES A5D C\?tRlH,ES. Fhst class Carriage^ run to the various Steamboat Whanes and 4o HSo Rfjilrcmd Depot at ttfc lowest rates. . J,- -. rifi ^it ri None but careful am) competent^Wveni^emjJoycd. noAin—tf cor. Whitaker and Y'ork streets. Wm. M. Davidson WUOUE8ALX DEALKU IN Groceries, Wfties, Liqnors, Teas, v egars, Ale and Hitler, ISO Bay 8treet .-...Savannah. oetso tf , r OCSAN, KYVKR, FIRE. undesigned hold commlaeions from the lead- *-.} a r Insurance corporations ot New York, repre- ^ aggregate cash capful at over P .. - MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Fire Risk* at Savannah COTTON AND NKRCHANDIZK IN TRANSIT ON THK * AUGUSTA^# 3UC0N RIVERS, OCEANRISKS GKgjnBl*AT. TfY Prompt Settlement of Bosses. C* NORVELL <te CO. y Bun rtreet, opporitePogt Oftce. JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factcr, Forwarding and Commissioa chant NO. 84 BAY STREET, s,ir.f.rAviir, geo kg ea. oct25 ' * 6m i;0l»PKK, OLI’OFi S & FABRBLLY, Booksellers aud Stationers, S A V A N N A IT, GKORGIA. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name aud style of COuPER, oLCOTT & FARKKLLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Bcok and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and St Julicn streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, oct23 STEPHEN F-RRKLLY. PiFisK A VI) H AULHi lNL. WARREN &PLATNER Wholesale Dealers In All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve« lopes, Twines, and Paper Bags. Sole Agents in this city (or the Bath Paper Hills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octlO 210 Bay Street. Savannah. JL. S. HARIRIDOE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 93 13 A.Y STREET, SAY" AlffJSr AjBC, &R0R.6XA. OCtl4—tf A. T. ODNSINOIIAM, 1>. O. PUBS*. CLLWL’YGIiAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND , Commission Merchants, Bay Street, ..Savannah, Ga, References—Robt. Habersham & Sons, Hunter A Ganimcll. Octavns Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Co, Erwin & Uardee, t laghorn * Cunningham. scpMm KIRLTN,^BRO. & BURltE, WHOLESALE DEALER# IN ALES, WINES 4ND LIQUORS -v Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. juneSl tf • * I iSTTRANOE' AU1H0RIZED CAPIPAL, $10,400,006 CHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take marine Rieku to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n th is dty in the following named first dans New York Companies, at the lowest rates : COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, *5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,060. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, comer Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, , cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. angltHf yiRL INSURANCE. PHJENIX INSURANCE CO- OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, 8600 OOO ... Asse• s,* 1,000,000. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every discriptlon at fair rates. hov3—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. rt -HE undersigned having been appointed agent for 1 the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. julyi tf C BALTIMORE CARD8. POOLE & HUNT, A tf z, Baltimore, Maryland, . UANrvArrrcKrHS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, FI jnr Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraplic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco M%Ids, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Sailing, Pulleys and Hangers. aug8 to R. MOLINA, COE- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven Ilonse. J in PORTE a AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana Segrars, Leaf a*D SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing *nd Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Ro”t, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. Sm sep30 \. A. HARDER * CO., Shipping, OcmmissioD, AND FORWlflDmG 1REHHHT8, SAVANNAH, G- A . Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton, f laughter A Co., 4C Broad street, New York. „ oct 6—tf HfeMRY BRYAN, Broker And i'enaissien Agfit, For Sale and Purchase of Stocks, Bank Notes, Produce, Ac., and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to merchants* and Ftanter*’ Rank Building. auglS 3m i AUGUSTA CARDS. J.Q. HflATHtW^ON GENERAL. C0M31ISSI0N, PKODUOE BROKER AND Steel, renlur Saws, Cotton Gins, Annosiatsd Paslf 1 Patent Decking and Roof oct!4—tf C O’. tiny ALEXANDER HARDEE 8TO RAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION SIEBCHAM COH. BAY AND JKPFBRSON STREETS, SAVANNAH, «A. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, .-horts, FQRWARBI^G MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Stlmotv AURUSta^Ga.,‘ (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A i a, Stovall. McLaughlin A Co., and G. H. McLaughlin A Co..) ' Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and-sule of i otton. Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency x>f several first class f otton Mills, I am prepared nt all tithes to supply orders for Yams, Sheetings, hirtlngs, Osnaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, Ac , Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can famish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwnMlng’ ia any direction. 6m . _. amr24 GENERAL _ Commi/istoiiHercliantis Q^S, d . 308 Broad Street, Augusta, .Ga.- l * . umn Robert Habersham A cons, Savannah. W. U. Stark, * do. Bones, Brown A Co., Angnata. Ed. Thomas, V- a, Alt W. K. Kitchen, Presiaent National Park Bank, S. Y. *. ‘ PIONEER SAW MILL gT5»jMftegyffiUrsa5 chase Lumbar as It arrfvosin thismartat “ • ™ ROIKA ARKWHIGRT.’ iy*> CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, Greensboro*, N. C. DULLKY NICHOLS, Baltimore, 0. P. MEi-DtNH LL & CO, Cot’on, Tobacco, AMD General fonntaion Merchants, 156 Pratt Street Wharf, aeptt BAI.TIMORE. VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. T HIS old establishment, with increased facilities, C’Utinnes to execute, prqnptly,. orders for Steam and other machinery. Boilers, Castings, Ac. A large water front on the Har bor, with a powerfnl crane. gives them great advan tages in fitting out and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines of various sizes kept on hand. Iron for furnished, it—6m UAZLEHUHST A CO. mHE HA IiTUHOEE L WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepure^io supply Gas, h'tosm and Water Pipe and Fittings, on the moat favorable terms. All pipe warranted. P, ftfa 1360. Baltimore. Md. sep2S—3m A FACT WORTH KN0WIN6 fl'HAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- A thirds the ostia! expense of snppllng children with shoes-may be saved. No oue, for every-day wear, can afford Lo my any other. Millions of dollare by tWs useful invention. Th emain perfect nntil the rest The feet are kept dry, thus beue- fitting the health and saving money For s»le by all shoe dealers. to Wgtl Rnmkeiiness Cured. rflHE inebriate may now bid defiance lo tbe tempt- A Ingcop. Dr. Zanefs antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong ■ drink, and can be administered without tbe knowledge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddreas. For sale by all respectable druggists in use United States and tiaaadas. Price, $l per tv)i, or packages of six box« a mail on receii ’ ' i. J. KBOME1 . 403 Cbesnnt at. for $6. mavM—ly sflflc. Dr. Rirnd s id Lost reliable medicine for the core A of Spermatorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow er, Ac. This medldne has stood the fast of over thir ty yean and hss always proved a success. DR. BAND’S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form ol falls, made up entirely of-substancee that have Sc effect upon the generative organs. Most associate the Me* of operations tfM fm »we taking any kina of falls. The bshoino of Dr. Rand k not intended as an ivaouaTrau nmnmuz. Its medici nal virtue* arc expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are mt unpleasant to tbe taste, and many persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them; which plan we would always recommend, aa affording the speediest way to get the effect ol the remedy. Price; $1 per box, ot six l»xes for $6. Sold by drug gists everywhere, or sent by mall by . PlSXft- er’s Hair Dye. 50 CENTS A BOX. that sen for $1. N»taral eetad to faesse. This arti- ATEWEIjyjz Y ^ AND COUNSELLORS AT no. m AY, CHARCS^RjJx®a mpoarira ok aso u**i« ftfeical In8tramente, Strings, ROBERT N UNIS’S' k (Late nunns & ct.ark's PI 4 NO PORT LS, C. F. Martin's G- U I T A ^ s j 581 BROADWAY, [,.- (OPPOSITE THE AETROPOUTiX HOTEL) new York, N. B - Instruments, Clarionets, Fha*. fc „ (wka,^, m r eu,onierin4w ~ ^ novl—lm 'Kciaii HAWffiTcr PACKERS & GENERAL PROJim’,, Dealers, »41 Front St., JYcu> Yori Butter, Cheese, Bacon, Tonga;*, Beef. Pork, Hams, Lard, Shoulders, Fulton market Beef. * All orders carefully executed at the 8HORTE8T NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart * Ehrlich, Esq., B. G. Tflden. Esq 4 Southern Produce received ou consignment, octft—6m Vegaik^ Fish, halt Fruiu, *e,4r. f'0,,1 Holmes & Palterioi, *•. 35 Water Street, Sew Turk, Receivers of Flour, WESTER*, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE, Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Flonr, Wheal, Corn and h* filled at lowest market rates, and directly ta first bands, thus saving extra profits. Receiver? of the well known Brand of Floe, “Kcarsags mills,” which will be supplied nl in lots to suit. Full information famished by LaBOCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES, OCt25—2m cor. Bay and Barnard rtrettf D. H- BALDWIN & CO; COMMISSION MER! HINTS, X7 Pearl street NEW YORK, £*con Olirdy&Jo, Cotton and TobarroFndon NEW YORK. Represented in Savannali by Brjit Hartridge & Co. W 1 E do entirely a Commission Business, nuBj hives to get the outside market for our patrons. I.iSerai advances maile on Cotton u Savannah, and partial advanew on Cotton ready * shipment at Augusta, Atlanta and Macon, Planters* Orders filled. uXd WYMMi BHD i, 8’, COMMISSION MEBCHAMi FOB THBuSALE 0F COTTON, COTTON Y ARNS’ SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS, t: 78 Cha^bers-street, iV<* Tori. Samuel- G. Wyman,! kg* of Baltimore, Nd- Jamei « f \ tmith, of New ior&. GARDNER, DEXTER A c9 ■’ COMMISSION MERCHANTS POD THK BALK 0T COTTON:, No 116 Pearl St, I Nw. 2t JrSroJ NRW YORK, - .KofCouffld* Refer to National I bat oua BaM0‘ k American Exc’ge Bank. I National Briers B* for advancra a M** HaviDg ample means 0Ct2T—3m BARV0TT & SCBiLLiNti FIRE-PR®° F . . Btoraffe ^fareD®# 8 *’ Boxes DuraMc, de has been ’smutted to tbe most Goode da delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy "The Human i i PnvsioosouT. Eyes, Ears Ufa, * ‘ cua“ r °' Hands, Feet, Skint with » il S,0! " 1 ^ fflHE PHRENOtoeiCAj; j Devoted tg»«rSnh.t ; Man. Amj number. octlC (■aar^j General an4 -foRlflils on MerciiR*! k #« , orrwiti.he^ren.aH. Strict bnsineas attention will r> asg v anre. and stuart * Co. Mfl* StSfrSZS S^, which — , Uqnorai