Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 14, 1865, Image 4

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C. P. ME*DENHU.L A CO. Cotton, Tobacco, Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. jnneiil 6m # ^, iveoeral Commission Merchants, 158 Pratt Street V|kar|, sep28 BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE. T HIS ok] establishment, with increased facilities, continues to execute, promptly, order* fur Steam and other machinery. Boiler*, Casting;*. Ac. A large water frost on the Hkr- bor, with m powerful crane, give* them great advan tages in Siting out and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines or various size* kept on hand. Iron tar bridges furnished. HAZLEHURST & CO. octal—Cm rilHE BALTinORE T A. WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, bteam and Water Pipe Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton,. slaughter A Co.. 40 Broad, street, New York, oct«—tf A FACT WORTH KNOWING COMMISSION MERCHANT} HENSl BttYAH Broker and io la mission Ageit, For Sale andParchase of Stocks, Ban T HAT by baying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling children with shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can afford to ouy any other. Mlliione of dollars are an nually saved by this useful invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest of the shoe is worn oat. The feet are kept dry, thus bene- fltting the health and saving money. For sale by all Shoe dealers. 3m anglT Notes, Produce, &o.. and for For warding Cotton, ktl** Bryan Street, next to Merchants* i Planters’ Bank Building. i may now bid defiance to the tempt- Zone's antidote for strong drink fe GARDNER, DEXTER * * v " COMMISSION MERCHANTS KOB TH* SAL* Of COTTON:. No 1GB Pearl St., I Ne. .K^dsr* American Kxcge Bank. I Ntbonil w*®* cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for rink, and can be administered without the r nf tbrigatraf* iyP itive drSKars sent to any nddress. For sale *pectahle druggists in the United States'and AUGUSTA CARDS- J.O.MATHEWSON *1 perbox, or packages of lafl on receipt of the mone l. KROME&, Wholesale l «rt» Chesnut *t.. Phiiadelr Corner ef St. Jnllen and Jefferson Streets. COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING SJBRQHANT, jsssssrss&s^fsts, Ssss'WiSSv •«“'“STSSot * oo. tagjgi, C. A DKXTBR, Agt m .Colwni>» tC is exhibited in the form at No. 280 Bread street, Angutte, G (At the Old Stand of the late lima of T. P. Stoi I o., 6lo v all^Mc|jiu^jn4kCo^ and G. H. Will give his prompt and personal attention U purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic'Goods, » Bacon. Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagging, and chandize generally. fik Having the Agency of several first class Ci up entirely of substances that have a speci- RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s church, AGENTS {FOR Wm. Jessup A Son’s > ,'P^UshCtest Steel, Circular Saws, Ammonia ted Pacific GuaMs^*’ Patent Docking and Heeftaf « wnsBing*— - eg. -- NEW YOK^ its of Goods oods. Tkebenof*B®!i2£l2^; Eyes, Ears L'ps, 81dm with Ml "Ski*» 04 HBNOI.®OICAEJ®g!S«e to RttanOogy. rthw ’ PsTCholoa*, and®,»«,, s any direction. hlv tested by fir. CHILTON, ef Garrett,of Philadal- CUAS. b. COLBY & CO. cor. Unhand Abercorn atp. Pardon of a Naval Engi, f ALdLAl.v WaMuistp^ D. U., Chief Engineer Freeman, late of t orate Priva'asr Alabama, has bee i pi the recommendation o( C ipt Wiatiow. South Car oil na JLeffisla Steam Guages and Boiler Feeders. r Send for a Circular. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR EAT AND JEFFERSON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer taUay, Fodder, Grata, Floor, Wool, IlUes, No. 154 Bay Ms< IJST KECE1VEO, a large turf beautiful ment of FANCY GOODS, :cted expressly lor this market. Call and s OH. C. M. HILLSMAN, ngH cor. Bull oct IT—lm £©eri<#» W. n. Stark. Bones, Brown A Co. and Broughton streets. Wright & Co., COMMISSION M&RCI INTS. Geoer*! and C<>mnbs<oa i«< announce to the citizens of tors NnnMan'rstsokaJlk* Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bepresented by our Agent, JOHN 8. WEIGH! No. 69 WaJlStreet, New York. lOO Styles of ~ 1 TBOOKS 1 SATCHfa K?£A2*iR§? <■>/*** *ili bare- . P OE'IKY: | FtiMhe fiavanush National JiepnblicAB.] . tVOliE® THOl, WBdiwiTH ME. BY nlU. ADDI8IHE. . ——-'-‘J"- ’. '■ I would thou wnrt with ms to-night, love, As the twilight comes dreamily down, And the bright eyes of heaven’above Are silrerihg the ether around. Would thou wert here, my own darling one * In vain are the zephyr's soft pluviog, Or the insects their evening soBg learn While thou art afar flrem me straying. M I SC ELL * NEOUS. SFF THE NATIONAL AM<RlCA.iM. PUBUOATIOK SOON ^0 BE MfWvkD. cpHE undersigned takes pleasure A Its old pitronaand the-public that arrangements have been nearly .P* r “*t6d by which 'the '’•National AMtcicM" will be revived, in a new and. attractive form, and under very favorable auspices, Id the City of SMS ras »««.* patronage and popularity greatly auperlor to anv of its city ootempottwa np to January, 186f, when it w;ib diacontinned in consequenceof the secession of Geoig a die Union. It will be remembered aa a bold and from t No beauty of earth, star or heaven; No tones of the soft whiapering breeze ; No voices that nature hath given, Utter thoughts that my spirit relieves. Oh, thy absence doth sadden my soul— As memory asserts her sweet power— ’Tis in twilight life's pages unroll, And its clouds more darkly doth lower. t ‘ '-v - * * 'Tis then.that thine absence doth move me,. 'Tis then that I miss thy loved tones, And my spirit wanders to greet thee, While so sadly thy absence it moans. Oh, would thou wert with me to-night, love; Swpet comfort my spiribwould give thee. All blessings I would call from above, To unite thee still closer to me. Come to the heart that is pining for thee; Come to the spirit wand’ring alone : In dreams let thy soul hover ’round me, Or let mine, to thy visions be borne. Come tome now, my own darling love; •' Come and' nestle my heart close to thine ; Life's pleasures alone now are wove In the thought that thy love is e’er mine. Then come to me in this stilly hour, While all nature doth calmly repose ; Now only my soul hath the power Its fathomless love to disclose. Nov. 10th. consistent National Jonrnju— zealously opposing Se cession and Disunion, and as warmly advocating the development of the vast and varied Resources of the Month—particularly of QeorgN; the adoption of a liberal system of PnbHc Mcboqls and General Education; an enlightened system Of Agriculture ; the promotion and elevation of ilie Mechanic Arts; the establishment of Mamifin t ories, and the encourage ment of every industrial imr-ult calculated to improve sociates to sustain, tu all its lending fea'urca; the well- earned good name, independence and consistency of ke it, if possible, gvcu more ac- the paper, aud lo make . . ^ ceptable and popular than In its hitherto palmiest days. The paper will in no wise belie its past proud record. It will continue'Union, yet thoroughly Southern in its tone and character—proscribing no man whonidhis duty tu the troublous past and fearlessly, yet courte- Over tbs River. [This beautiful poem, by an American wri ter, Miss Priest, has commanded the admira tion of all readers during the many rounds ;it has made of the newspaper snd magazine press the last ten years.] OVer the River they beckon to me, • Loved ones who’ve passed to the other Bide; The gleam of their snowy robes I see. But their voices are lost in the dashiDg tide. There’s one with ringlets of sunny gold, And eyes the reflection of Heaven’s own blue; He crossed ia the twilight gray and cold, And the pale mist hid him from mortal view. IFe saw cot the angels who met him there, The gureg of The City we could cot see; Over the River, over the River, My brother stands ready to welcome me. Over the River the Boatman pale, Carried another—the household pel; Her bright curls waved in the gentle gale— Darling Minnie, I see her yet! .She crpssed on her bosom her dimpled hand*, And fearlessly entered the phantom bark; He watched it slide from the silver sands. And all our sunshine grew strangely dark. iKo know she is safe on the other side, FV'here all the ransomed and angels be: Over the River, the mystic River, My childhood’s idols are waiting for me. For nond return from those quiet shores iVho cross with the Boatman cold and pale; JKe hear the dip of the golden oars, !Fe catch a gleam of the snowy sail, And !o, they have passed from our heart: They cross the stream and are gone for aye! We cannot sunder the veil apart, ’ That hides from our vision the gates of day; Wa only know that their barks no more Shall sail with ours on life’s stormy sea; Yet somehow I hope on the unseen shore’ ously, opposing every measure, par ^or clique whose tends may be deemed iuimicitl to the peace and pros- perity.of the country at lurge. 'the iuterest of the Subscriber as well as those of the Advertiser will be protected, and every effort made to make the akebioan s Live and Rdlable News, Political, Commercial and Family Journal. The National Akebioan will be published Daily and Weekly In the Lily of Atlanta, and furnished to Subscribers, if by mall, at $1#, or by carrier in the city, at $12 per annum, for the Daily, and $4 for the Weekly -sstrictly in advance. C. K. HANLEITEK. nov9 SOUTHS UN LAND EMIGRATION PRODUCT COMPANY, Y^J Ji tA/ V *A* 4v-"' 4*'** 4* ’ 71 Broadway, near Wall Street, Jew York W .11. QUINCY,idate of South Carolina), SECttET A RT .. -A. . purpose of introdnein Skill, E O RGANIZED for the Capital, ^Mechanical . l _ . Emigration an3 Lalior-Saviug Machinery Into the Southern States. stationary and Portable Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Cotton Gins and Prease-,Turpentine and Whisky Distilleries, Agricultural I in piemen’s, and Labor-saving Machineryof all kinds furnished at manufacturers' prices. Consignments of Cotton, Turpentine, and afi other Southern Products, solicited. White Labor, ((Herman, Ac.) supplied. Southern Lands sold, leased and exchanged. Particular attention paid to the sale oF -State and Railroad Bonds and other southern Securities. Ad dress W. H. UUINCY, Secretary, T1 Broadway, New York. REFERENCES: G. W. Riggs, Esq,. Washington. D. C. Messrs. Wilson, Gibson A Go., Bankers, N. Y Bdward Haight, Esq., President Bank Common wealth, N. Y. Henry Stokes, Esq, President Manhattan Life In surance Company, New York. Messrs. W. T. Watters A Oo, Baltimore, Md. Messrs. Thomas <fc Co, Bankers, Baltimore. Md. Col. Wm. Johnson, President Charlotte and Colons, bla Railroad. Gen. John B rattan, Winns boro'. South Carolina. Rnfas Johnson, JBq., President Exchange Bank, Columbia, ». C. oct23—eodlm Union Place Hotel. Oor. Broadway a.d 14th Sts , ■ BRADY, surra & CO. 2T “YE «qptT - tf The* -American Hou e, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, la the Largest and Beat Arranged Hotel BUSINC8S CARDS. == A.r.BBADt, ' -;,W AND •Opposite Washington Statue, w y o it k a i t y Forwarding Merchants H. C. FLING A CO., Proprietors. ^ sep^T in New England. J.lSwis RTCR, Troprietor. m ilJiim ilDTii'i Fourth Street, X-OtJXS, ST. LOUIS, LdlO. IaAYRILLE, WARNER «& CO., Propiietore. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sep!9 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Late Brown’s, WASHINGTON, D. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order-for the reception modation of its old patrons.3m AND CHEMICALS. Achf CINES, ' CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENTMEDI' TRUSSES, &c,, just landed from New York, ApvthBcaries. Planters snd traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. X can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEE' quality. All the PATENT MEDICINE-: extant on hand 100 cases JACOB'S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH, .EKUHKS, finest Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Htill, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. HI. WALSH, HI. D., Proprietor. jel» N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And ail kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. SASHES AND BLINDS, :ry description ant the lowest Manufacturer! Of every description and pattern, cau be obtained at ers'Pi Oariiart. Whitford & Uo MANUFACTURERS lAHD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN liccs, by applying to GtO. O. MaRCY, oct31—1m 20S Bay rtreet. V Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this cilice. cTpUwois; MAM'FAOTUBER RRM-M1DE (ILOTRING, {331 S 333 Broadway, Hadlielii’s I n < n Fire Works, Corner Worth Street, NEW YORK. T. r. OAJtJlART, wm. ii. wnmroBD, H3NKY SITAFKR, J. B. VAN WAGKKBN, A. T. HAMILTON Office of Payne A Carhart in liquidation. act88—eodfim Cotton Gins! Cotton tins! Cotton Gins! Imixjrter of Chinese Fire Crackers Rockets, &c., &e. Manufacturer of LANTERN? 1 , S, &C. Also a large assortment ol hi« own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 Jolin St., near Broadway, N. Y. oct 8f>—12m NORTH SIDE OF RAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Bernard, sayamna-S, Georgia Liberal advances made on consignments of (. otton, <fcc„ to their friends In New York aid Boston. References—Wm. E. Kitchen, Pres't .National-Park Bank, N. Y.; H. C. Thar her A Co., Boston, brad Co hen, Baltimore- Hall, Moses A Co.,Oolhmbn»; Wymaa, i Gn,, F i ~ MteMtoira^^ra^^ra " Moses A Co., Montgomery. augl e. b;^chipman, (Succe sWto Ge<>. O. Matey,) Ki r r.. BUSINESS CAROS. Horses & Carriage* JmiMim DANIEI _ ^ respdetfti ty inform the i ia now prepared to. I 'shortest notice. R would ic that be ish, at the a K Y* HOUSES AND Jt.AUUttOES. JSSSSt Mating an aggregate cwhcapitalof oyer . hye miiioHs op jdolues First class Carriages run to the various Steamboat Wharves and to -The Railroad jQepo* at the lodtst None hot careful and competent Drivers DA noalO—tf - t competent DANIEL cor. Wbrisker and Wm. M. Davidson wiiolmbai.b dealer in Grocerlrt, Wiws, Liqaors, Tea*, ' ?egaw, Akt and lider T ISO Bay Street Savannah. oct25 ROUT. P. YORK, X. X. WILLIAMS, 1. R. M'INTIRR. P. H. WARD, mnuuMiiiiTBui AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEBCHAATi, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton snd Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gadcn _ Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Gammell, Isaac D. La Roche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C, NorvellACo. New York—S. Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. sene . T. Knapp A Bro., D. II. Baldwin A CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS. SAVANNAH, GA. liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX H. UOL AY, Resident Partner. Rrfzkinoiw.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, tf Esq., Boston; Hon.. ang!6 KELN & CO. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL cash advances made on meats of (otton and approved Merchi made to their friends in New Y ork, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C C. &, H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, t-t. Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans.aug26 V. Jtt. JHYBELL, Steamboat Agent, J. G. WlNTfcli .J. if. WINTER. Taylor, Brown, Eagle, Southern, I W NTER &, O Emory & Craven, McCliarty and Excelsior Commission Merchants, 40 Broadway, ,\ew York. They watch and beckon and wait for me. And I sit and think when the sunset’s gold is flashing river and hill and shore: I shall one day stand byt be water cold. And list to the sound of the Boatman’s oar: 1 shall watch Tor the gleam of the flapping sail, I shall hear the boat as it gains the strand, I shall pass from sight with the Boatman pale To the better shore of the Spirit Land ! I shall know the loved who have gone before, And joyfully sweet will the meeting be iUhen over the River, tha peaccful River, The Angel of Death shall carry me ! A LITTLE RAILEBY. BY PfiBHEOS c. KERB. Kiss me, Dollie, dearest one, Lay your head upon my shoulder j Will yoa go and bs a nnn, When your lover’s hand is colder ? Will his mangled, last remains ' Win from you a tear of pjfy ? Oh, that other things than trains, Took us to a neighboring city. Wildly gazed she in my face, Crying, as she clung about mo, ‘ f Robbie, in the name of grace Oo away shan’t without me 1 “Why, I thought you oBly meant, Just a bus’ness trip to make it; Yet you seem on death intent: — Hive yon stole thy heart to break it ? “Wherefore speak of death at all : Am’tyou coming back to-morrow'( Ldt me some physician call; What has-crazed you, joy or sorrow ?” “Dollie, darling”—low I spoke— Don’t you know by rail I’m going? Every train there’s something broke, By the daily papers’ showing. Tis sore as sure can be, That some accident will happen ; Likely tha first bridge wa see, * Will give way and let ns slap in. Or, a train of freight we’ll strike, ^ Or another train run into • Count on life, with death so like a — Well you know ’twoaid be sin to. yadly droop’d her pretty head, Like a hly rudely shaken ; “If for life you care a red, Stky at home and save’yonr bac on.” COTTON" Q-I2STS, With Engines, Horse Powers, and every thing com plete for running, in rtore, and ready for immediate | shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, No. 8 Doy Street, New York. oct2i—eodly Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other consignments. Orders for Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sale of s ou tiler Kecnrltics, Bonds. Bank Notes and southern Land* solicited. Circular Sawltlills. ot the most, improved construction, warranted to ent l*,0on feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dnet with every thing com plete, Including belting for $3,&U0 lm Send lar circa oct W Cooking Stoves WHITAKER STREET, CO It. BROUGHTON LANE. ; V CpOkiHg Enameled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Bound Pots, «>vens, &c. sep* Saw J, O. THOMPSON 4k CO. O. ENbl.ETu.W WM. It. JOUETT. PENDLKTO.X & JOLIET I (Formerly of St. Louie.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, li». 58 Water street, Sew York. Orders are solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, 'i’cas, Western Produce, Naval Store..-, Bagging. Kope, Ac., Ac., which will re ceive our best personal attention. — lm oct 19 Oily. Zucliarie *Co., a I O DO WERY , X E w YOB K . KXULUHIVE MANUPAOTLEEKb or TOILET SOAP3 and Perfu m ery. tir Catalogues sent free. ^ lvll ,|)lilki KBAF V & HILL, Manufacturers atld Jobbers of STRAW AkD MiLLEsEKY 30SDS Nos. 281 and 283 Broadway, (opposite A. T. htewart’s,) NEW YORK. THE WASH INGrTON i IRONWORKS Have on band for sale their tses, A full supply of Goode, suitable for this market, al ways on hand. Your p atronage is respectfully solicited. oct25—dm EUTA BAGA FLAT D V TC Improved Portable steam Esrluei, Portable Circular Saw Hill*. Gang Sawmills, Flour and Corn Mills, 9 And maiiufscture to order all Rods of cream En sdnes, Marine, Stationary, and propeller, Railroad i „ , _ . „ ' ars and Turn Tables,Iron Steam Vessels and Barges; Hftfl Toi) TllTlin Qpearler also, General Machinery. Iron and Brass C5st- | A UJJ I UlHI^ JtitJUH, Warranted to be of the AND -iincrr, Ji ings, large and small FOretavs. Act,'Ac. Address GKO. M. CLAPP, Treasurer, NcWhnrg, N. Y, Or L. C. WARD, Agent, 85 Liberty street, Room 8, New York. oct26—ly GROWTH OF 18^5* JUBt received from D. Lapdrcth, and for sale by ~ J. - W. W. IAS OLN, jylO cor Ball and onijreenfltrftet*; Machinery. I FOR SALE! a “ d Portible 6tc * m ^ inas Hoisting Engines, Fire Rndnpa T □ . pi.-.— GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Low A Co.’s. Refe’S to Messrs Hunter A Gammell, Crane John son A Graybill, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A ’ ’ Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. eep’29 E. P. A1E I’CALFE A CU.. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range on Bay street, between Lincoln andAberoorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Hening, Flint A Pearce, New York; E M. Brace A Co. Augusts, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott A tlowee Macon, Gal; K. M Brace Morgan A Co, Ajialachicole Fla ; . WathV Crane A t o., New York; Geo. C. Peart* A CD., St Loifii, Mo ; H. C. Brnee A Co., Cincinnati, G.; Mr. n. J. Cook, Alhany, Ga.; John W. Ovonnor, Macon, Ga. * aep21 u H G0WDY, Commission Merchant, 106 B AY STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) , SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct? p - 3m JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Ootton Factor, Forwar. mg and ConunissioB Nwebant NO. 94 BAT STREET, fid IM.V.V.JII, <i EOUGlJi. oct20 Sm C03PtiS,OL€0Trs & FUiHLLLl Booksellers and Stationers, S FA V ANNA IL, GEORGIA. RIT cover rmy-nra. Firs U*k» «J Suvunuuh and > ■ Vswns, COTTON AUDI '' - iraii "a and macon rithis, OCRAN RISKS A T»T iY Prompt Settlement of Losses. ^ - I,.' C. NORVEEL Ac GO , - Bull street, oppuglt e Pout osi^. mayte INSURANCE! AND The law. It :«erel repts s tr^ 1 0. AU1BORIZGD CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A BE prepared to take marine Risks to an/ & ^ Md ;ru« Risk. n this city in the following named first class New York Companiee at the lowest rates : under the name and style of COoPER. uLCOT T A FARBELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and St Jalien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. OCW3 STEPHEN F . RBKLLY. PAFUt A VI) IMG H AKKHUiSt. WARUfcTN &PLATNEK Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Raffs. Sole Affents in this city for the Bath Paper mills. -- The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 210 Bay street. Savannah. S. HAJRTRIDGE, COMMISSION AND Fox warding Merchant, 03 B A.Y STREET, 6B03S.6XA. SAVAarnrAEC, OCt.14—tf a. T. ODNM1NOUAM, D. O. PUKSJ*, K. J. LAECOMBU, ( l \.\I\GHAM, PURSE k CO., FACTORS, FOK WARDING AND Commission JfMerchants, Bay-Street, Savannah, Ga, Keferenccs—Robt. Haberalimn A Sons, linn tor A Gammell Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Co , firwin A Uardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. sep5*3m BURKE, KIRLIN, BRO. & WHOLKSALK DIALERS IN ALES, WINES VND LIQUOKS R. MOLINA, OOE- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, fIJndef Screven House,; IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana 8egw§,~leaf COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, *6,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *6,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *200,000. * ' STANDARD PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *200,000. Office in denes’ Block, „ corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. augl«-tf FIJEiK INSURANCE. XHK . PHOENIX INSURANCE CO. OP HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, *600OOO ...Angela,*!,OOO.OOO. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Boildings and Merchandize of every discription at fair rates, novs—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY ! £ HARTFORD, CONN. HE undersigned having been appointed agent for the above well known ( J Company, is prepared to i risks against fire on the moet favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust do. Jnly3 tf BALTIMORE CARD8. DOOLE Ac HUNT, I - Baltimore, Maryland, KasmvaGTuscau Portable and Stationary Bteam Engines and Boilers, Steam Tire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, c Baiting, Pulleys ond-Hangers. aug« Sm MreM laslrmnenta, Stw ROBERT Nun,< s . pi a o FORT AND c. F. rtln , axj IT -A.’^ 581 BROADWAY, (Uphtah- TOPP08IIE THE SETBOrouiii- nrrrv, NEWYqr,; (Whslesale.) “ nnv; novt—lm HAWKIKSICO PACKERS & GENERAL PJloVbH, | Dealers, 341 Front **•> "Ww® lVi Butter, v ' I Flah, Halt. Prat.) *c,k Cheese, Beet Pork. Hams, Bacon, ^ Tongues, Shoulders, _ Egys, Fulton market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the shortest notice. Ehrlich?&% re te; M ^ ,n ’ 8Uun * tc l Southern Prodnce received on consignment octft—^m Holmes * Patter^ 85 Water Street, Iry Virk, Receivers of Flour WESTBBS, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE.| Solicited. CTEtlS P. M RNDBXHALL, > DUO LIT NICHOLS, Greensboro', N. C. Baltimore, SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Sl Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Rwt, and all-other Of Fancy Pipes. Sm gep80 O RDEKS f or Floor, Wheat, Cora uni 06a I filled at lowest market rates, and directly *>«, first hands, this saving extra profits. ' I Reoeivers of the well known Brand of Fjaf ] ‘‘Kearsage Mills,’’which will besapplriti In lots to soli- 1 Full information frirnished by LnROCHE, OADBN * UNCK1ES, 0Ct88—2m cor. Bay and Baratrd strews D. H- BALDWIN i Cv COi>IiMI88IOi\ MEK! HINTS 1*7 Pearl street, NEW YORK. i-'?^®/ NewYotk - | Savannah. H. BRIGHAM, C. M. HOLST. A. HARDER A CO Shipping, Ocmmis&ion, AND FORWARDING IlLR II V\T>, SAVANNAH, GhA FRAKK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAT STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THB REPUBLICAN OFFICE,} SAV 1NNAH, GL-A-. oct 21 A. E. LOPEZ & CO., CiiDsamhs and Lo'lsmiths, A CHOICE LOT OF W^te^evSte,^ PU ‘ nere ’ Hydraulic PreseeS and .lacks, *** Cotton Gina, Grist Mills, Hlce Mills. SAW MILJL.8. Khi«S* rth ’ D * nie1 ®’ Qr N r 4 Wood's Planing Machinery and SuppUee, Rubber and. Leather Betting, ALSO, 100 BUs. Lawrenceville Eo’s Epmeat, W1U be sold Low to Close Consignment. Fncon Cixrdy & Co, Cotton and TobocroFarlon \ NEW YORK, Represented in Savannah by Crrsa, | Hart ridge & Co. W E do entirely a Commission Eo»in«* “MS* I ouradvee to get the ontride m»rkK I Liberal for onr patrons. Liberal idvtnow made on Iww $ I Sfirannah, and partial tdrauces. oo Cotton m-y B I shipment at AngnsU, Atlanta and Macon. Planter** Orders filled, * * FOR THRoSALE OP COTTON, COTTON YAENS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, * | 76 Ckamberi-ttreet, Non Yorl. ( G. Wrman,} Briton Hi late of aranitevillc,^ C. James * rmith, of Sew Yorit- IIABBOTT A SrillLLfRSi - TIKB-PBOOf ffarefc®®**'