Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 15, 1865, Image 1

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■- r* *y_ *r' VOL. I —NO. 22. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15. 1865. j. K. HATES, Editor and Proprietor. ADVERTISING. i sjuarc of TKN line* Nonparicl type or space oc- ‘ ,d by the same number of lines, $2 first insertion, each continuation. j .:! square-$1 for first insertion; 50 cents for each ,.,*qcent insertion. cRMS -$3 50 per hundred; subscription fby mail , arriorj $10 per annum; single copies, 5 cents, j; advertisements must be paid for at the Counting .„ 0 previous to insertion, and if handed in by 8 p. , w iii appear ip the morning edition. ,—. • • r pel any marauding force that might disturb I Contracts shall not be binding on the ser- I the frontier. The dopes who take part in such rant unless they are in writing, and have been [ Georgia items. PRICE 5 CENjSv SAVA^fTWAH s |lU;i»ESDAY MORNING, NOV. 15Ut. READING MATTES OlT EVEEY PAGE. TiiPflRTiNT FROM MANAMA. lj)|»retiensions of a Fenian Can- l»aijfii There this Winter. ■.Vii Appeal to Orangemen Arm at Once to Kirn ( ALL T* PREPARE FOR THE WORST. F-XUTKTIESX ABOUT S09ETHIAS. Cold Comfort from A Loyal Organ ivlzurr of British Shipping Oat of the || qurdlon —The River Soon to Be Frozen lip. A W ariimg. Jthe People to Rise tip Eu Masse Drive Out Use Invaderi. | The following appears iu the Toronto Globe of »'urday ; ■' Members of the Loyal Orange Associa- ■ ilv Dear IIbktheen—Nothing but a high |*nse of duty c, uld induce me to step from the * ath of private life, and to address you publioly In thi. time. I have reason to bolieve that danger is at oar our, ’-that the enemies of Great Britain are "tting her overthrow, and that Ireland is not be mo first point of attaok. As I am inform I, the object of the Irish agitation ia merely to reparo the disaffected for tnture action, and to :om the fears of the “home authorities,” and prevent any move troops being sent here be re the close of the navigation. When the cold her sale in, our source of supply from Britain be cut off—(heir’s from Amerioa will be open. ' " ,r u intended to be struck, end should it -successful at the outset, it is the general f, both of the “Fenians” and their sympatbi S'- that nn army would bejsent out in the spring “ ; ,,e “l‘t the reconquest ot the country. I British America once in possession of the pmy, a h aae would be secured, frorp which to I t timber aggressions for the disetnberment of tfinn^ire. r i : am not aware of the steps—if any—which f l' rescnt Government of Canada hare taken, ! «hat course they pretend to pursue, upon this Fleet, s° v ital to all our interests, if not our. p- N f l V ber 1 »* liberty to diacloM the j trees oi the information which I hare received, I 1 w hich leads me to the conclusion that not a R nieot should be lost in arming the loyal and pi'triag (or the worst. Where there exists miiiUa volunteer B f • r ^uiarlj organiied, armed and drilled, ^Euiandtid by proper officers and with trusty h i i ■ woa,d recommend every 1 true man” mini lus name, and adopt such a course, in unction with his commanding officer, and t the sanction of the brigade major of the di- us may afford greater confidence and se- T tor the protection of his famiiv and the de- re ot his country. • * ' Where circumstances are such as to pre- I ^ r °lunteer militiaenrolmeot and arming, K' "taP" should be taken, if oossible, by each naualOrangeman (and indeed by every loyal to arm himself with a good ride and bayonet, W • with, at least, fifty rounds of ball amunition. ■ W here the individual with a loyal ■I, 1 “ ut " lth “ n empty pocket, may be unable H "cure the arms and ammunition necessary for ■ ifieuce, steps should be at once taken by the ■!* trot the l.odge to which the individual be- ■ is, to see that the arins, Ac, may be supplied ®. with as little delay as possible. Kit' en enterprise would be sure to suiter severely —-if they got any considerable distance §om the frontier they would never get back. Manifeglythc coantry cannot i'* any irregular force for its defence^ b Wo _ . look to the Government of tho country to dis charge this duty, and not to any private asso ciation. AVe do not know what steps the Gov ernment is taking to prepare against; a possible raid, bnt the less noise made about it the bet ter. Anything like a winter campaign, in this climate, is a matter of great difficulty. It has often been discussed whether a winter cam paign be possible, in Canada, or not. As suredly there are nights of which the cold is so intense that it would make great havoc among a regular army under tents, and' an irregular marauding force would be iu far greater dan ger. It is equally undesirable that the mittee should be lulled into false geeputy, "*i that there should be undue excitement on the subject of possible Fenian raids. A Fenian invasion of the country is a chimera, impossi ble of execution. Suppose fifty or sj»ty thou-, sand Fenians could be collected into an army of invasion, where would they get money and supplies to maintain them? An enormous sum would be ireqitired for that purpose. V may be told they would subsist on the plundi__ they would obtain, but this implies a degree of suecess which they would havebut little chance of obtaining. They could not’live on the gifts of a sympathizing population, on the Ameri can side, if such a population there were.— Provisions of all kinds are exceedingly scarce and dear in the States. Whatever dagger there is - to be apprehended from the Fenians is, we suspect, m the shape of small numbers ot desperate men crossing the frontier, committing some atrocity, and escap ing back before there was time to pursue and overtake them. But in this there is nothing in the shape ot invasion or a regular armed force fighting in a regular way. The Fenians could have only one possible object in troubling the Canadian border; they may be moved by the hope of plunder—that of conquest can have no place even in their excited braius. We shall probably require a frontier police to guard against their possible depredations; and that force would probably have’to be composed of volunteers. It is quite certain that do large body of men could move to the frontier, with a view of crossing into Canada, without our getting timely warning of what wus going on,and baving ample opportunity to prepare to receive them,in the very improbable case of the American Government allowing such a force to cross the frontier into the territory of a neighboring and friendly power. It FeniauUpi look to tuvasion, it would inevitably break down for W8nt of funds; for tte fantastic resouicesoi Irish Republic Bonds would not save its exche quer from beggary. The Fenians bave probably put faith in such silly pretences as that Canadians would not turn out to repel a marauding inva sion. But it so, they are grossly mistaken. It is well that-there should be no mistake on this point. The .population would rise en masse to drive out the invaders. There may be a few Fe nians in Canada—no doubt there are—but they are only a drop in the bucket, and they would scarcely be noticable in case of trouh'e, But we repeat there ia no reason to expect serious diffi culty; though some petty and irritating annoy- auces may be encountered, and cost the Province something in vigilance and in money. presented for approval wuhin the time afore said. Fof any neglect of the duty to make a con tract as herein directed, or the evasion of that duty by the employment of persons of color, Smai,!. Pox.—This loathsome disease still seems to be on the increase in onr city. We lunderstand that there are not less than three hundred easts now in the city. It is - priori from day to day, on his premises, the party of-1 P a,l 7 confined to the negroes, and it is not wj- faaJSnw k. —rtf a V I P.OIflmrt.l tri BOO tKlll oloCC t it' f>P fStllH loi.llninn fending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be liable, on conviction, to pay a sum not ex celling fifty dollars, and not less than fire dollars, (or each person so employed, For the approval of a contract, the following fee* shall be paid down to the district Jndge or the Magistrate, as the case may be : For a contract of one.month or less, lor each servant, 50 cents. For a contract not exceeding three months and more than one month, for each servant, f 1.00. For a contract not exceeding six months and re than three months, for each servant, 2.00. V. For a contract of one year or any time more than six months, for each servant, $3.00. For a contract of more than one year, for each year or part of a year over one year, for each servant, $3.00. Three-fourths of which fees shall be paid try the master and one-fourth by the servant. [ Columbia Plurals, News From Jamaica. Details of the Negro Insurrection at St. Thom as— The Last Indiscriminate Massacre of the White Men, Women and Children—Horrible Butcheries and Brulalies—Eighty-one of the Insurgents Captured and Sentenced to Death —Martial Laic Proclaimed, &c. common to see this class ,of persons -lounging about the Streets atld alleys with unmistakable evidence of this disease upon their perilous. If some stringent and effective piecautionary miasure is not speedily adnp'cd by the proper authorises to prevent the spread of the disease, we fear the results of its ravages upon our city during the coming winter. We think it is, and know it shonld be, a punishable crime to spread this or any other contagious disease.—Macon Jour. A Mess. Fibst National Bank or Macoh.—This institution has been regularly organized, by the election of the necessary officers, and will commence burinesa in the course of two or three weeks. The officers whose election is announced in our advertising columns, are some of our most reliable and trustworthy citi zens ; and when the institution is fairly in working order, it is calculated to be of more benefit to our trading men and people gener ally, ao far as our financial affairs are con cerned, than anything that could be instituted in our midst.—Ibid. Bpsinkss.—We are pleased to see that there baa been a very perceptive enlargement of the stocks of goods of many of onr mer chants, and an improvement in the general ap pearance of trade, during our brief absence from the city. Columbus has labored under disadvantages, during the summer and fall, caused by the destruction of her railroad com munications and the extrordinary shallowness of the river.- The cheaper freight schedules recently adopted on the Western railroad lines have already gone far towards the recovery of the advantages once enjoyed by this city and the opening of river navigation, which cannot possibly be delayed many days longer, will give us facilities unsurpassed by any interior Southern city, Every action of Georgia or Alabama tbat formerly found Columbus its most accessible and advantageous point to trade at or ship produce to, will find it to its interest to continue its commercial intercourse with us.— Columbus Enquirer. Amende Honorable.—We have been fur nished with sufficient proof by Col. Archer, 13"th Reg. U. S. C. T.> which clearly shorn a statement made in this paper a day or two ago, relative to the conduct of negro guards in the vicinity of the M. & B. R. B. depot to be erroneous. Our reporter received his informa tion from Col. Cummings, but may have mis understood the facts as related. The guards, it appears, hare been done injustice, and we cheerfully make the amende- honorable. [Macon Telegraph, 10(/< inst. The Steamers Eapleyel la (lu . era Vmgw ~ We hare the aasurane. of persons competent - to speak on the subject, that half the steam ves sels now employed in the Southern trade are the meanest and most worthless sort of craft—uteri) unseaworthy and unfit for use. The vastaess ot the trade whioh has grow* op between (be North ern and Southern ports since the close of the war has a sufficient temptation for a class of shippers to press into the service every species of vessel tbet-coold safely eross the Hoboken Ferry. And I to this evil overloading-is said to he practiced to an alarming degree. Passe- gars shonld at bast be warned what they may expeot ia risking their lives on the ordinary coasting steamers.—If. Y. Timet. !■ A m» Importers and Dealers in •W I N E S , Liquors, Cigars, lie. 14:7 BAY STREET, SAVJMJYJYJIH. GEORGIA. South Carolina New Laws. The preliminary bill, induced by the emancip*. proviaions is as tion of the slaves, follows One ot its E st assured, my dear friend* and brethren, _ enemy meditates the overdraw of British ™ r: “id nothing but the ' ,, dread of defeat will 1 t the attempt from being made here during r; "PProaching winter. ' “ T°u desire to resist the intended at- p’ “ r the wicked, be prepared ! * DDr* 10 llTe peaceably, and to prevent . tv I f be,D 6 Dlilde > he prepared ! L; prepared ^ ° De ’ 1 8 * 7 10 all l be re ^T. steady : "*?(ton r n 0l » d Gr “a Master for twenty year*, “VtoacTng periT*^ ^ in ° f b Ud *«- Toronto, 1st Nov^. 60 '''^’ All free negroes, mulaitoes and mestizoes, *11 freedmen and tree-women, and all descendants through either sex, ot any of these persons, shall be known as persona of color, except that every descendant who may have of Caucasian blood seven-eights or more shall be deemed a white person. i t ^ Another section provides as ful'pws: The statutes and regulations concerning slaves, are now inapplicable to persous of color ; and al though such persons are not entitled to social or political equality with white persons, they shall have the tight to acquire, awn and dispose of property ; to make coo irscts ; to enjoy the fruits Of their labors ; to sue and be sued ; and to re ceive protection under the law in their persons and 'ptpperty. The relatious between husband and wife srar amply provided tor, making recognition of tbe ^parties sufficient evidence. With regard to tbe apprenticing of tbe children ot freedmen, the following sections are recom mended ; A child of colored parents, or of parents ot whom one shall be a person of color, over the age of two years, may be bound by tbe father, if he be living in the District, or in case of hi* death or absenceIrom the District, by tbe mother, as an apprentice to any respectable white or colored person, who is competent to make a contract—a male, until he shall attain tbe age of twenty-one Tears, and a female until she shall attain tbe age of eighteen years. Illegitimate children, within the age above specified, may be laund by the mother. .- Co’ored children between tbe ages mentioned, who bave neither lather nor mother, living in the District in which they are found, or whose parents are paupers, or uuable to afford th«m a comfortable maintenance,, or whose parent* are not teaching them habits of industry and honesty, or are persons of notoriously bad character,or are vagrants, or have been convicted of infamous of fences, and colored children in all cases where they are in daDger of moral contamination, may be bound as apprentices by the District Judge,or one of the Magistrates, for ibe aforesaid terms. Males of tbe age of twelve years and females of the age of ten years shall sign * ’ ol [From the N. Y. Herald, 1st. | The bark Reunion, Capt. Tracy, from Port Antonio, Jamaica, with dates to October 16, ar rived here yedterday, bringing soma details of the insurrection in the island of Jamaica. The most fearful excesses were oommitted by the negroes, and the insurrection raged in all its fury. The rebells were in full possession of Port Msrant, and had killed several of tbe officials and citi- sens, including Baron Kettleholti, the custos or chief officer of the city. The following Utter from the Collector of Coe loms at Port Morant, gives tbe fullest detiils of the destruction ol life and property at that p aoe. Letter from the Collector of fort Morant. On Board her Majesty’s Ship-op-War ) Wolverine, Port Antonio, Oct. 16, 1865. j The above will inform you tbat I am not in tbe old quarters at Port Morant, but am uuder the proteotion of a ship-of-war. We have had a fearful rebellion in S . Thomas, the Eat’, and at the time I am writing there is not a single white inhabitant in tbe parish. The i _ .. rebelion broke out at Morant Bay, on Wednes T Tb I ‘ a,l * ns and Mr * D,tI “ day last, when the following persons were killed: J - ,ast oaturday afternoon an Italian commit- Baron Ket'k-holli. the custos. ,ee j composed of Prof. Achilie Magni, Henry The Rev. Vie'or Herschill, of Bath. Fardelia, tvho formerly distinguished himself Mr. Walton, proprietor of the Retreat Estate. 18 a General in the Union army, and Mr. Two sons of Rector Cooke and about twenty Theodore Manara, all residents of New York other persons belonging to Morant gained an introduction to President Johnson’ Ah. f .h 8 ’ H *" ,Dd Reid ’ in order 10 present f o His Excellency a peti- ^rrtf Amity HaU E^ata .who“w« M ifbfo |SmS* T H th ‘ house id the presence of Mr. Creighton and Dr L" an ' This gentleman, after introducing R 8. Crowdy, the latter ot whom was lying sick h ,' 8 hol »orable colleague, explained to the Pret end whose life was saved by bis taking an oath ident the object of their interview as follows Dot to dress the wound ofaoy white man. I Mr. President: The public opinion in Italy, Shortbridge, Hurrisou sod Chisbolm bad a nsr- such as it may be represented by the former row escape; so bad their wives and children. Mrs. ministry of the Government. B. Hicasoli and "z a* r w, o«,„. and nights, but were rescued by tbe military and f 1 * ^* r ' 110ia ; a . number of Senators, by one tekeu to Kingston in a guuboat. 1 I hundred and sixty-onc Representatives, and I am here with only the suit ot clothes on my h y the most distinguished men and association* baek. I went up into the woods until the milita of that country, is in favor of supporting the ry came. My servant boy Thomas behaved well humane idea ot ouy great statesman, Cesar* Ki'S&S'.M Ul ;r ,ely 10011 ”? 0 7 r t0 *• e, > t0 have capital punishment fn° r ^”TshV ot-wm. ,er |“r m v«fong d ^ ‘hi. enterprise toward progress house bas been taken away. I aild Christian civilization the Italians have The brutality ia beyond anything you ever alread y 8*>ned the approbation and support of beard ol. Baron Kettlebolis’ head was cut off tbe & re fit es ‘ and most liberal minded men in and hi* body cut up from trunk to heel; so was Kurope, such as Victor Hugo, Louis Blanc, Walton and Hucbins; and a black man ' ' » >— ™ *’ ■ - - -- HI Heavy Export*. Tho return* of export clearances from the Cus tom House, for the week ending on Tuesday evening, made up the extraordinarily heavy ag gregateof $6,608,461 in oarranoy, or a boat one I hundred per cent, more than the total for tbe cor responding week of last year. Included in the week’s exports have been 14,621 bales of oottou, valued at $3,523,735 in lawtni money. Of this amount 12,450 bales (f the currency va'ne of $3,» 001,449, were shipped i<> Liverpool; 1.741 bales, valued at $430,898, to Cork, doubtless “for or- j derv,” as the frei ht brokers phrase it; and 430 j bales, valued at $91,308, to Havre. These enor mous shipments of domestic produce must favor ably affect our foreign trade balances, increase I the supply of exchange, lessen the demand for gold, and vastly ail the chief financial agent of the Government in his oomoien able efforts to | restore tho National finances to a specie basis. Veir York fm-t. We Invite the attention of the Trade and the Public generally to large asaortmeut of WIRES, LiqiORS, ' ■ ««ROUlLB, i* ^ CONSERVES, CIGARS, Ac,, At., which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the 8tates. We are sole proprietors of JDLNBAK’S CELEBRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, I Wholesale BODTSAND SHOES. the reputation of which’ Is fully established in this and Foreign countries. Donbaris well known STOMACH BITTERS, Iran teed superior to any article of the kind, de fied expressly for Hwtel and Family Use. DUNBAR’S SCHE10AM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, Fellner & Poliak, 157 Broughton street. Savannah Ga., 4 RE enabled, thron^li their permanent House in Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers in thi* City as well as those in the Country, with more advan tages and conveniences in the Bool and Shoe Trade. than any Bouse in said line, o-t26—Cm J. eHAFFEH, Commission Healer lit ALL KINDS Or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND PRODUCE, West Washington Market, OPPOSITE 143 WEST STREFT, Bulkhead, Between Barclay and Veeey ets,, NEW YOSK. warranted of the utmost parity, and pot n] for our House, of which we are sole proprietors sod importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s celebrated Phil adelphia Ale In ernes and barrels ; English, tcotch and American Ale and Porter; Brandy, fccotph. Bourbon W bisky and Arrack Punches, well known throughout the United States, put up by us jn cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. & tO. are sole agents for H. & H. W. Catherwood’s Pure Rye Whiskies, X, XX, and XXX. Brands guaranteed; unsurpassed in quality and excel lenee. onstantly oil hand a large and well Selected stock of Bourbon and Wheat vt hiskies, worthy the at tention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assort ment of cigars of the finest grafoa, marnif. dar ed and Imported expressly for this House, which we offer at the lowest net cash p ices. Brandies, Gins, Wines, CJhunpagnes, sod every de scription and grade of Foreign Liquors, imported di rectly by this House, and for sale' ia Bond or Duty paid at lowest market rates. J aovl COTTON WAREHOUSE Csrner Lincnln aid Bay Streets, - SAVANNAH, GjL O FALLON 8 CO.. factors; FORWARDING.! AIM) Commission Merchants, Respectfully the invite attention to four faculties for PURGHA8E OR MOVEMtff OF SOUTHEBNPRODUCTS and will give prompt attention to all business entrus ted to our care. Intending to establish permanently* house in Savannah, expect, by Strict Business Prinei pies, to merit and receive a portion of tb* Trade. Having a commodious W4RBW FOB COTTON, Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand ana put up for the southern market. AU consignments promptly attended to. 1 Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J Walsh, J. H Parsons. twty jnlylO John B. Fuller, ifcnofactir* r and Dealer, JYo. 8 Ihy Street, JY. IT. WM. 8. EATON, Has in store and ready for immediate shipment, and it mannfactming to order, COMMISSION MERCHANT. | Portable and Stationary Steam En gines and Boilers, BOSTON, MASS., For the Purchase and Sale of All Kinds of MEB0HA2TDIZE. Refers to Joseph 8. Fay, Esq., Boston; dard, Esq., Boetou; John A. Bland — ' nalBai “ National Bank of N. America, Boston. Nath’l God- Boston; mays* 2 to 250 horse power; Hrenisr and Upright s,w Nil's of the most approved con-tructiou, of all sizes, ent- tin-70uta 15ou feet Of lumber peg hour; Or st Mill*, Mil! Irons, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Ma chinery; Sugar Mills, Paper and Mining Machinery Tools, Tanks. Ac., for Oil and Salt Works; Cotton and* Woolen Machinery, Ac. TyiieFounilrv k I’rintprs' Emporium. L Established 1S18.J HAGAR Sc CO., Nq 38 Gold Street, New York City. member of the local Legislature and an educated man and much respected; his belly was cjt open and tbe eu'rail* taken out while he was alive, and this was done by women. Dr. Viajor had a very narrow escape, and ao had hia friend Warming ton; the attar, however, is dreadfully cut up. Martial law is proclaimed. The Governor is here in person and so is the General. We have a large military force. Many prise any prisoners are taken. Eighty-one are ■ already sentenced to death, and a large portion of them have been executed already. All our lady friends at Fort Morant were ta ken to Kingston by a gunboat. All the stores in Manchioneil are cleaned out, including our friend Kirkland. Mr. Jackson, the magistrate, was severely wounded at Golden Grove, but he is not dead. Yours, in sad distress, Geo. A. Hague. Consul at Kings- ■ brniags and Admonitions. - r om the Toronto Leader, Saturday.] ] i’ ‘^ a<1 Centre of the Fenians, at New la T-m ormed the correspondent of the Lon- au m ? tllat Cana ^ a was the firat object of that shipping was fo be obtained in I thi- ’ and WItb that shipping, we presume, ", J,* 15 n ot distinctly stated, the Atlantic ■ari e cr08sad - How hopeless such an en- T ? Ust be, a moment’s reflection will ■ i urin nere M e no Mo-going vessels in Cana- ■ j f ‘be winter; and if there were, they B-Phinv nf r?°u OU ‘ of the ice * Nor conld U>e ■ aitc Quebec 156 eeued in rammer; it E cmIi Under the ^‘H 40110,1,19 8 ttn * ^VurhiCT possible that some nid may be ■ •3!i er . h,f,-,® WIDter >. 94 poWton -the Qh-i a , 1118 not ^kely that any project -rtainetl ,, con ^ aoa ‘ of ‘he country ran be f themes are Fenian *> wUd M * H i A| neric»n r" We cann ®‘ *e?po«e that U it, bera forget-- ^ A to “TtbV 10 *Uowor- ifX er ci^ 8tai u the «per^cfbf ■ ’he frontier** 80 i“ e n H sch «rf toight be done thia poseibilitTv* * WF ® Ui ^* W|ily ra . Reports from Our tori. Washington, Nov. 7, 18f>5. - The United States Consul stationed at Ha vana, under dote of October 31, informs the the* fndenture ®' ate Department that tbe Captain General qf apprenticeahip] and be houcJ thereby. ■ '• i the Island of Cuba has tendered tq the British When the apprentice is under these ages, ‘Consul General troops and war vessels to go and in all cases of compulsory apprenticesfii p an ^ **sist. the authorities. The wgr vesads where tlie infant refuses assent, bis signature , wer e accepted; and two of them sailed on the e^all not be necessary to the validity of the < i a ‘ e of h*t deapatch from St. Jago de Cuba, apprenticeship, and the master’s qbligatioq of TJte Consul at Havana enclosed to the State apprenticeship shall pc executed in the pres- I Department a despatch from our Consul at eqce of the district Judge, or one of tho Mag- ; Kingston, in which he states that his predeces- istrates, certified by him, and tiled in the of- *or, who bas bad some 'four years’ experience fice of the Clerk of the District Court. [ with the islanders, expresses fears that it will The indenture of voldntaty apprenticeship require several mouths to suppress the insur- shall be under seal, and signed by tbe master, rection effectually. He expresses the hope the parent and the apprentice, and attested by th *t an American war steamer may be at once two creditable wiinassea, and approved by tbe despatched to that port, and states tbat there District Judge, or one ot the Magistrates. ■ are on the Island of Jamaica about four hun- 'And now come* the most important pievi-! dr *d thousand inhabitants, of which only ten ►ions to the great majority of onr readers, viz: thousand are whites, about seventy-five thou- the contracts for service. Wo annex the moet 8aDd mulatto®*, *nd the remainder, threehun- important provisions : j dre< ^ an ^ fifteen thousand, are blacks. The All persons of color, who make contract* present outbreak evidently hss been long con- fur service or labor in husbandry, shall be toetplated, and is intehded to be a war of ex- Michelet, Jnlea Favre, Holtzehdorff, Mitter- meyer, Cobden, John Bright, and the like.— The Executive Committee organized in Milau, in order to carry into practice this idea, among other measures, thought also of seodiugyonr Excellency a petition, signed bv hundreds ot their distinguished citizens, by Philosopher Ni- colo, Tomaseo, and by Gen. G. Garibaldi, beg ging tbat in tbe name of humanity, without of fending the susceptibility of anybody, they might be permitted to beseech you to join in their views, and mainly in behalf of Jefferson Davis, t- ere the President, with an accent of surprise, interrupted the speaker, saying, ‘ They plead lor Jefferson Davis?” “Te*, continued Proleeaor Magni, “they delegated ns to present to your Ex cel leaoy their original petition, and they hope that, br vouchsafing their would crown thia glorious coantry with the laurel of peace, and give to aii natioua an unparalleled ex ample of magnanimity acd.wisdom, whioh will abioe io all totore generations, and bring bless- ■eg* upon yon forever.” The petition waa then presented, of which the ioi I owing is an extract: The death of President Lincoln plunged us into mourning, but tbe execution of Davis would make us bluah. We cannot comprehend through what necessity thejustice of a great and victori ous people could imitate the vengeance of an as* s^sin, detested «re» b. T VQUr vanquished as io- famohs. Yfe cannot understand why tb* Ameri can Uoion ahoulfi be lets sure either ot its great ness or its integrity,' if to ao much bloodshed dur. tag the war, 'bis one drop more cold.y spilled in peace, should be added. Davis from hia scaffold would 8*v: ’’Then I make you tremble.” with known aa servants, and thoae with whom they tetminition by the-blacks against the while*, contract shall be known as masters. • and the 8 reat disparity of numbers gives the Contracts between m«a»yr and. servants for former * ifreat advantage. They have more- more than one week, shall be in writing, and owr . chosen » time when there are but few attested by one white witness, and shall oe apk English troops at that station, and but one proved by the Judge of the District Coort or 8ma11 English war steamer (the Wolverine) at by one of the Magistrates. j tim island. Tbe_ periodic* service shall be expressed in * t * ’ " ‘ in. _»L_U Be*«k oC Cemnsedere Win. F. foyac^ . Commodore William F. Lynch, formerly of tbe United States Navy, bat more recently in the service *f the Confederate the contract; but if it be not 1 expr'esaed, UbiLh be until tbe-twenty-fifth day of December of tne year id which it is made. United States Navy, nut more re If the rate of wages be not stipulated bv the “r* 1 ®* Cooiederate States, died qn the parlies to the contract it ahall be fixed bv tho 271,1 n,t ” at hl * residene# in Baltimore, in the strata, on .™u sixty-fourth year of bis age. Commodore Lynch waa born in Norfolk, Virginia, bnt was for many ilof Maryland. Ip 1819 hernter- vf.„ JisY —— States serviceata Midshipman, w*e ^ 11 *?*> *bd U oommiaeioned a Lieutenant in 1838, w** appoint- not an appraUtioe, may make a valid contract ed a commander in 1849, and received bis Cap- pr onp year s labqr or s§ryiQf|. ' i tain'a oouimiaaiqn in lstifi. He ia bast keoya to • -*■ *— ' 'thegeneral oublio bv hi* auMessfnl Dta^rict Judge; or a Magistrate, on .rflJ vu r Contracts between masters and servants may t6e paeral public by be set aside tor fraud or unfairness, notwith- , *“• coarse of the river Jordan and the shores standing they have been approved. Contracts between masters and servants shall be presented, for approval witiptf twenty 4ijr» after thoiy egecqtJqq, T ( ■ of the Dead expedition has purad^btaMb lUttf which wl» pobli»h*d^n 1R53. which be performed in the tha aanotion of the Govern- ng narrative df this famous editions,the R. I. P. Milohell’s Parting Interview Jeff Davk. ,/s. Before wholly dismissing Mitchell, I will brief ly mention his parting interview yesterday with Jeff. Davis, and in fact the story is only a brief one. I only learned ot tbe interview to-day liom a gentleman who received tbe facta trom Mr. Mit chell himself,, Ca the contrary, when I wrote my letter of yesterday, I was given to understand moat positively tost he was hot allowed before leaking tbe fort to see either Jeff'. Davia or y.r. Ctay. “1 have come to bid you good by,” said Mr. Mitchell to Jeff. Davie, extending hia band to the latter, who grasped tt warmly and firmly, held m_it hia daring the brief interview between them. “Ths pleasing news of your restoration to liber ty bas already been told me,” replied Me. Davia “and I congratulate yaq, now that you are a free eitizen of the world agaib.’, **I hope I shall short have tbe p^asnre of sim ilarly congratulating you,” responded Mr. v it ch ell. “I bide my time eheerfolly and hopefully,' op Mr. Davis ‘ Have you aqy commands lor me?” asked Mr. Mitchell: "any service that 1 can do far you.” “I onlv ask tq continue you on my list of friend* who are doing all they can for mo.” “Be^ as eared ot my ootaiiiag co-operation in “I ask nothing more.” -It might be a pleasure to her, although you kuow 1 am flowed pretty extended freedom how “Ot,”' YMiwnwb « r - ,r ^ “Good by.” The two noslasped hands and parted. Mr. Mitchell waa minat* to my inforuiant. un dertaking to give the exact conrersarioc. in turn,! o“” • - - tha' ’spoke in torn, I bare given as minutely as received from T HIS old established Fonndry, having a large as sortment of _t!ook. Newspaper, Job and urna- mental Type, the Proprietors are prepared with ample facilities to promptlr execute all orders lor same and Materials oi Vertical Planers, Iron Planers, Engine Lathee, Drill lathee, Boring Machines, Slutting Machines, Upright Drills, steam Pomps, Force Pampe, Lifting Pumps, Suction Pumps, Hydraulic -Jacks, Screw Jacks. Mu- Planing Planing Woodworth Chines, Gray & ood's Ma' hines, Daniels' Planing Machine*, Mopldlna Machines, Sash Machines, E Machines, ■ . ,, [’Machines, Printing Materials of every description, including resses of nil manafaclnrcs. Orders may be addressed to A. J. BURKE, our Agent novl—eodCm at Charleston, 8. c. Marine In&uranca T HE undersigned will cover Good* bv good boats, | from Augusta here, thence to New York. foot Morticing Machines, Boring Machines, Blind 1st Tenoning Ms. chines, Shafting Pulleys and Han-Circular faw Benches, *, Wright'6 patent Scroll Saws and Leather Belt-Patent Belt Scroll Saws, tags, . Circular Reserving Mills, Leather and Robber Hose, Upwright Reserving Mills. Plumbing and Gas Fi’ Rota-y and Mining Pumps, togs. Every description of Ma- Stcmn and Gas Pipes, chinery and Railway Sap. Steam and Water Gauges, plies. aug31—eodSm ROBT. H > BERSHAM A SONS. ITTON BINS. C1TT9N BINS. Notice. JHEREBY give notice that three months after | Taylor, EafAe, Brown, Southern, Craven, Excelslo 1 and McCarthy Cotton Gins, with engines or hors’ powers, and everything required for the same, in store and for sale at the lowest price. Your orders are re* j spectfully solicited. novl—ly date I will apply to the ‘ ity Coancil of Savannah, Georgia, for renewal of the following ( ertificate of Stock, taken from me by Gen. Sherman's army in February last, viz: City of Savannah Stock for Internal Improvement, Subscription to the Savannah and Albany Railroad Compaur, Bonds 3S5 and 386, for $500 each, issued Dec. 1, 1853. payable Dec. 1, 1»83. PAUL TRAPIKF. Camden, Anguet», 1865. ' lamSm sepS New Goods! S T A TE Of¥e«R(;IA, Bryan County. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, A. U. unary for Letters Bale Dr of Administration on the estate of Jessie Davis, lata of Bryan County, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make objection (if any they have} on or before tbe first Monday in December next, otherwise said lcttei e will be granted. Witness. W, H, Dayman. Ordinary for Bryan coun- ty. this 30th day of October, 1865. novl W. H. HAYMAN. o. n o. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Bryan County. To all whom it ma* corcern : W hereas, Mr'. M. A, Cobb will apply at the Court of Ordiuary of Bryan countv^fqr Letters of Administration on the estate of SHEPHERD PLAIDS, PLALD POPLINS, . .. . STRIPED POPtlNS, * WORSTED A WOOLEN SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, ENGLISH PRINTS, BLANKETS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S HATS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, and a large assortment of FANCY GOODS ANQ TdlMMINSS. JOHire, maker a co.. are prepared to c o y or Bseslvs on consignment to ourfriftidsin Net* York or Europe, and will make advance? on same—picking rettfllng or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving tb* enoc moos expense incurred in Northern cltlos by this pro cess. We solicit a portion of the business of the Peo ple of Georgia and adjoining States. OFFICE, KTODDARD’8 RANGE. - Cor. Bor and Lincoln Street*. „ Poflt Office .Address, Lock Box 85. OCt7 Urr .i. »'■ tf . %. An Immense t Jacob Langsdorf k C» Have j net received per steamer Ariadne from thfei* old and well-known House iu Philadelphia, as well a* from New York And Baltimore Establishments, an Im mense addition to their ostial HiStirg-e Stock.. We have now on hand the larges# assortment of Goods in the South, consisting to, put of B. Cobh, late of said County, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite, all and singular, (be kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file there ob jections (if any they have; with sa'd Court, on before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. . . BriaL ta (^t^t^27Ui n « n ^ts^^ of |CNITEBSTATESSTEELPEN WORKS w.H. *ov T 139 Congress street OCt2S H ATMANS, o, ii. o OF GEORGIA, BryanCountr/l : Whereas *'* ^FACTORY, CAMDEN, N. 9. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Win. il. Strickland will apply to the Conrt of Ordinary, of Bryau County for Le'tcrs of Unardianshit) on the per sons and property of Alfred and Horace ftriekland, minora of Wm. Strickland, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Coort, to make objection (if any they navel on or before the 1st Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witne 8ECAR8,a«><i>r M KtBo m ,,'. t TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, of every style and finish, making onr new stock on* of tbe largest in tbe UNITED STATES Wo propose to offer these Freah Importations to Dealers at prices which will DEFY with an; COMPETITION market to the South. Goods iu our line, Merchants deeirioas of ne, wiil find it to their ad- i— k..#— , —*. vantage to call and examine before purchasing ohu, where. Our Catalogue embraces— R. E 8T ERBROOK Sc CO., OKEI PER UliiHfTlIBaS, ' WAREHOUSE 8 , mis. f N». 4# Jsbn »t , N. Isrk. itness, Wm H. Raymonds, Esq, Ordinary for , County, this Tth day of October, 1S65. oct *8 W. H. HAYMAN', o. u. o. _TATE OF GEORGIA, Liberty Conn- Ilk- The hrebnlls •To ail whom It may concern : Whereae, A. | cnrlty against foreign imil Samples and prices on application. Lots made to order of any pattern or stamp required. CAUTION,—These Pens are genuine Araeroran manufacture, and eqnslta finish elasticity and fine- nesaot point to the best imported. They are, there fore, sure to gain the confidence of "the American pub. Be. The htafcnils of onr signature is sufficient se- C. Dunham will apply at the Court oi Ordinary Letters of admiuisj-ation on the estate of Genron Dunham. *' IF* And for sate at Retail by United Suites. K ACO SUtiouers in tlie novlo — eodGm These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all Vrhorn I i n Phi ^ ' F. Titmw * Co# firat Monday in December aim ill be granted, • jP- P'rardeau, IJsq., Ordinary for Liber- r next, otherwise said lettare ty conhtf, this 25th October, 18«i.’ J»ovl W, P. GIRARDKAU, o. t-0- CSTATE Or GEORGIAi 1 ' ™ County, —All persons interested, at Bixtj “ - - - - -*—■ notified that sixty Days after date, we stall , plication to the honorable Cpnrt of Ordinary ^ County for leave to sell the whole of tne Kesi Betate of Thomas J. Bird, late of said County, deceased. JBANBJt. BIRD, Admtoijtrat'ix. JOHN H. KDENFIHLD, Atojntatrator oct26 of Thomas J. Bird, deosssedr SAL SODA,. ITo. 34QJS»ewrJ 8f., New York, M 1 ® ts. White Lead, In articles in this TUUUJieMlVBLK Bt.UK,for “CALIFORNIA ram m - ■ mm - fJIHA oldret Literary mid 1 VKRMUiUBHj. Pale ami Dap. ik am. I be en- One Million Assorted Brands tf Began. 25 boxes Navy Tobacco, 25 boxes Light Twist Tobacco, 25 boxes Black Twist do. - 20 boxes Black Sweet ' do. 20 boxes Fine Virginia do. t 500 lbe. Macoaboy Snufi^ in Jaw, Scotch Snuff, is Bladders and Packs. A compVete.sMortment of fine and eommonjimiulz •Uff Tobuccu, also * few dozen packages genuine Tsrklah hmaking Tobacco, with endless rerietf of genuine Herscbaiun Pipe*. Segar Tube* and Bowls • We havAs large assortment of.Tobacco Poaches rad Briar, Roeewaod, Powhatan asfl Clay Pipes. ■ SoliciUng a continuance of tbe patronage which has been raBberally bestowed upon ns beretejfore; we hops to be ante* to offer such 'superior Inducements a*. m Bay street, between Whitakfr.and, Barnard. o«25—lm Savannah. Mitchell & Allen, IMPORTERS OF WINES. BRANDIES, GINS, tfi., AND DBALERS Hf 4 A. • OL* 1*IM«IBU k BOURBON WHIISJEfl "»•*«SbtaU*From Street, P- IIL AD E L P HIA. oct f-K. - ^35-